#while our other kitty was having backyard time
inserttemptitlehere · 5 months
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How a kitty sleeps after going on an unauthorized adventure outside.
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axlrosesrealwife · 1 month
-"I think I might want one"-
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It was 1989. March to be exact. Axl and I were attending one of my best friend's parties. She just turned 28, Axl and I being 27.
My friend has been married for at least 4 years now. And has two kids. Both girls. Grace, who was 3, and she just had another daughter less than 6 months ago, her name is Avery.
"You sure this is the right house, Gracie?" Axl, my boyfriend of 7 years, asked me, as we pulled up to my friends house. Oh yeah, Axl and I were childhood best friends, and, we caught feelings for each other when he started out in 85' with his band.
"Axl, this is her house. I've been here too many times to count." I said, laughing a bit, as I looked out the window at the 5 cars outside. 2 more cars also pulled up at the same time we did.
"Just making sure, don't wanna get the wrong address and just show up to some persons house." He said, also laughing, as he pulled the key out of the ignition, taking off his seatbelt.
"If it was the wrong house, they're wouldn't be people getting out of their cars with presents." I said, watching as people headed up to the front porch with a few presents. "You ready to head in?" I asked Axl, getting my seatbelt unbuckled.
"Yeah, I'm ready." He said, giving my thigh a gentle rub, before he spoke again. "Also, I know I said it earlier, but, you look beautiful today, baby." He said, still rubbing my thigh, as I turned to look at him.
"Thank you, baby. I'm just glad you agreed to come with me. I know you don't like getting the attention put on you when we're out, but, I seriously appreciate you coming with me to this party." I said, looking into Axl's grey-green eyes, which almost seemed to shimmer.
"I would do it, Gracie. Because I love you, I don't care if I get noticed, or getting the spotlight on me for a little." Axl said, now gripping my chin, kissing me quickly, but, being gentle at the same time.
With that, Axl and I got out of the car, getitng our two presents out, before making sure it was locked, before we headed up the cobblestone pathway to the front door.
A few hours had gone by, and Axl and I enjoyed ourselves at the party. I got to spend some time with the birthday girl herself. And yes, Axl got noticed, which usually happened, especially if we went out.
I was looking around in the backyard for Axl, but, he wasn't even outside with me and the rest of the party goers.
"Emily, have you seen Ax?" I asked my best friend, aka, the birthday girl, as she sat with her significant other.
"Inside, you should go see him." She said, with a smile, as she looked at me. I nodded, heading back inside.
I walked into the living room, only to find my boyfriend holding my friend's 6 month old daughter in his arms. While her 3 year old, Grace, was showing Axl all of her toys.
I stayed silent, just wanting to watch the three of them.
"This is pinky, my kitty!!" Grace said, showing Axl her stuffed pink cat plush.
"Is she friendly?" He asked, smiling at the toddler, watching as she jumped on the carpet.
"Soft and friendly...." Grace said, with a smile, making the stuffed animal kiss Axl, then her little baby sister.
"Aww, she is friendly...." He said, playing along, as he held Avery, gently rocking her in his arms.
I stayed silent, just watching them. Finding this adorable as can be. I knew Axl wanted to have kids one day. After all the shit he went through during his childhood, he wanted to be a father. And he was gonna make the best one some day.
Avery of course began to coo, as she looked up at Axl.
"Oh yes sweet girl, coo all you want to...you're so pretty..." Axl said, looking down at the 6 month old in his arms as he gently ran his finger along her small cheek
"I love my sissy" Grace said, as she giggled so happily. She planted herself on the couch, right next to Axl, stuffed kitty in her arms.
"I'm sure you do little one. She's precious....and so are you." My boyfriend spoke to the tot, as he looked at her.
Axl finally caught me just standing there, and so did Grace. She immediately climbed off the couch, running into my arms, after all, she was like a niece to me, so was Avery.
"How long have you been standing there for?" Axl asked me, as I picked Grace up, holding her on my hip.
"Not too long...." I said, with a smile, as I tickled Grace's tummy, which made her squeal. It also made Axl smile, as he chuckled again.
"You know, Gracie. I'm thinking I really want kids...maybe 2. Or 3." He said, staring at me, with the brightest smile possible.
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
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The house was empty with just you and Chris.
And you were a long way from having children with him.
So, you asked him something that wasn’t as demanding as children, but all the more loveable.
At first, he refused,“We already have enough pets in our backyard, (Y/N)!”
He means those wild animals...?,“Those aren’t pets, Chris... They don’t live with us and they can look after themselves.”
“Oh, so you want a feeble animal to depend on you like the sick freak you are?”
When he said it like that...
“Joooooking! It’s a joke, don’t be sad!” he pets your head,“Let’s go get ourselves a dog.”
A dog? But he’s already owned three in the past. Why not get a kitty instead?
“Eh. I’d prefer to get an animal that likes me.” what a flawed answer.
“Chris, cats do like their owners.” you explained, doodling the head of a cat on his hand with a marker,“Just because they’re reserved, it doesn’t mean they hate you.”
He begged to differ,“Mhm. Walking away whenever I try pet them is love, yeah? No thanks. Dogs don’t have a social battery, much like me, and they all love me. They don’t just sleep around all day, they want to spend time with me.”
Okay then.
You make it to the pet store with him, taking longer than you guys thought it would to actually look at the dogs.
After all, the store had tarantulas, snakes, fishes.
Things you saw most of the time on the island, but looking so different seeing them in a tank.
“Aw, Chris... Look at this Turkish Angora.” you cooed at the pretty kitty at one point, who stared up at you with captivating blue eyes.
He takes one look at the white furry face,“Meh.”
“You just wanna look at dog pens?”
“Duh.” he responds condescendingly, frown twitching at you being the one wasting time.
“Alright.” you scoff, going ahead,“Don’t look me like you weren’t gawking at that axolotl for fifteen minutes.”
“They’re cute!” he tried to justify, catching up to you.
You finally get to the dogs, this aisle naturally being the loudest part of the pet store with their barking and playing.
“There’s so many choices!” you exclaim, leaping from one stall to the other,“Shih tzus, western terriers, beagles, dachshunds! Ah! They have everything here! I wish I could take all of them home!”
“And have my house smelly and scruffy? No thanks.” Chris sneers, no compassionate thought spared towards any of the breeds you mentioned,“Let’s just find one already.”
One of them will melt him,“Look at the chihuahuas here!”
“Hmm...” he peers down at the bundle of the tinier dogs, yipping at him, haven’t touching his interest.
“What’s with that look? Chriiiis.” you knew what could be going through his head,“Chihuahuas aren’t as bad as the media makes them out to be!”
“It’s not that...” his voice creeps with uncertainty,“They’re just...well...permanently small, aren’t they?”
“You mean you wanna get a big dog?” you twist your head to the end of the corridor, seeing there were quite a number of pens you have yet to look at,“There should be some down there!”
And there were! “Now we’re talking!” Chris eventually approves, watching the batch of huskies.
“They’re very beautiful... Though I was hoping I could pick up the dog.” you had every right to estimate that. These dogs were probably taller than you if they stood on their hind legs.
“Tough luck, dogs aren’t made to be carried.” Chris scornfully responds to your dream, before sighing,“If it means that much to you, I suppose we can get one as a baby... Hm...”
He had difficulty picking. You were fine with any breed, so you proposed to him,“How about I go buy the dog essentials while you pick the one you want?”
“Really?” there was this paw of gratitude that glittered his eye for a second, before he bashed it away with an egoistical,“I mean yeah sure, whatever, I know the one I’ll pick is gonna be right anyway. See you in a bit.”
You internally grieve from the way these dogs you met earlier looked at you as you walked past them. How long will these precious animals need to wait for the perfect family to take them home? The one... Such a shame he stuck to his word this time.
Whether Chris wanted to or not, you were definitely going to personally put some more money towards animal shelters.
By the time you were done paying and had carrier bags of dog treats, bowls, a bed, and toys, you set off on your journey back to the dog aisle to reunite with Chris, just for it to be completed halfway through as he had thought the same, newly sporting something in his hand too: a lead attached to a picturesque polar bear like dog next to him, with its tongue hanging out in a smile.
“I decided to get the Samoyed.” he grinned,“I was stuck between that or the German shepherd, but then I thought, why not get something new?”
“Aw...!” you bend down to pet the dog’s fur, the Samoyed, who was very welcoming, even cocking its head to invite you into doing so. The vanilla strands of its body fluffed in mighty submission under your hand, feeling too heavenly to be tangible,“Such a pretty dog! Is it a male or female, and did you give it a name yet?” you didn’t hear your voice pitching higher.
“It’s a boy dog, and no, I haven’t figured out a name yet, which is weird, since I am fantastic at those.” his tone too mystified at his current lack of creativity.
A random suggestion popped into mind after looking into the eyes of the big dog, noticing his being very similar to Chris’,“How about Lavender?”
“Lavender? Seriously? I can’t imagine calling him that! He’s not even purple! It makes no sense!” Chris criticised immediately.
Sheesh, you didn’t think it that bad of a name,“Alright then, what were some that you had?” you asked, straightening your legs back up.
“Snow orrr Snowball.”
“...Lavender, it is.”
Perfectly timed, Lavender let out a howl, sugaring Chris’ lemon mouth into stroking him with adoration.
“Aw!” he was back in the shoes of his fans,“I love this dog!”
Who couldn’t? He hadn’t been with Chris for a whole day and his person had already changed. Dogs... Purer than man could ever be.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
How will the RoR characters if child!reader climbed a very tall tree to saves a cat? And they beg to keep them.
-You had been playing in the backyard, under the massive tree that always gave the best shade on hot days, when you heard the meow of a cat.
-You looked around, peeking under things, trying to find the cat and you frowned, scratching your head as you couldn’t find anything until you finally looked up, seeing a tiny black kitten up the tree, meowing out for help.
-You instantly gasped before your eyes narrowed in determination, knowing what you must do!!
 -Lu Bu- entered the backyard to get you for lunch and he froze, not seeing you immediately before he quickly looked around. He heard a meow and he approached the tree and looked up, seeing you on a high branch, holding the kitten in your arms, now stuck yourself. His eyes widened only for a moment before he easily leapt up, holding onto the trunk to reach you quickly but safely, not wanting to risk you hurting yourself. You beamed at him, “Lu Bu! Look at the kitty I rescued!” he chuckled, showing off his sharp teeth, “How were you going to rescue yourself, Y/N?” you didn’t answer before giving him a sheepish grin and he chuckled, grabbing you around your belly and leaping down, holding you both carefully before he sat you down. You instantly turned, eyes like stars, “Can we keep the kitty?” he felt himself flinch at your bright look, he couldn’t help but smile before he grinned, ruffling your hair, “Go ask Brunnhilde.” You instantly ran in, holding your kitten to your chest.
-Zeus and Hermes- came out to find you for snack time and they both instantly froze, seeing that you weren’t there. The two gods ran around, shouting out your name before you answered, “Hi!” they looked at each other before looking up, seeing you straddling a tree branch holding a kitten to your chest. Zeus was immediately panicking, “Y/N what are you doing up there?!” you just beamed brightly, like you weren’t in trouble yourself, “Saving this kitty!” Hermes, trying to remain calm, spoke up at you, “How do you plan on getting down?” you blinked before realizing the predicament you found yourself in and you let out a hum, “Good question, I dunno!” Zeus was left in charge, making sure you stayed put, while Hermes went and got the ladder and he scaled it, grabbing you and returned you back to the ground, safe and sound. You instantly started to give them both the puppy eyes, “Can I keep the kitty?” Zeus instantly laughed, ruffling your hair, finding it amusing you weren’t fazed in the slightest, “Sure thing! Now let’s get inside, our snacks are waiting!” you cheered and ran inside with your newest friend cradled in your arms.
-Loki- He walked outside, expecting to see you right where he left you, as he had been left in charge of watching you and he instantly froze, seeing that you had vanished. He was about to panic before he heard you laughing, “That tickles!” he was quick to run to the tree before looking up, hearing where your voice had come from, and his eyes widened, seeing you cuddling a kitten that was licking your cheek, covered in leaves, high up in the tree. Loki sighed in relief, holding his chest as one arm braced himself up on the tree before you beamed down at him, “Loki! I saved a kitty!” he floated up to you, his arms on the branch you were sitting on as he grinned, “Aww~ it’s so cute!” you beamed brightly at him before you spoke, “Can I keep it?” he snickered into his hand, “Sure, it’ll be fun to have a mini house panther!” your eyes were sparkling as he rose up a bit, gathering you and your new housemate into his arms before lowering back to the ground. Brunnhilde was outside, looking for you and she instantly shouted, “Loki?! Why was Y/N up the tree?!” you beamed, running over to show Brunnhilde the kitty while Loki was panicking, knowing he was in trouble for not watching you, trying to explain himself. Brunnhilde patted both you and the kitten on the head, telling you to head inside before she turned on Loki to scold him about not keeping an eye on you, which he had to take with a hung head.
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deathlygristly · 18 days
Cat Guide!
You asked for it. :)
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Luna, the oldest. We adopted her from the local used bookstore when she was a kitten. She is 15.
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Pixel the mommy kitty! :) And please do excuse my messy desktop, lol.
Pixel showed up in our backyard one morning in 2014. We noticed her when we were about to go out. We went out, spent the day doing stuff, came home, and she was still there. So we brought her in to live with us. Turned out she was pregnant. With:
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Quasar the pinky nose kitty, who is very extroverted and loves to be around others and she will touch your nose with her pink nose and push herself into your face.
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Rigel, the biggest orange dude. This is a very recent picture of him in the spousal person's lap. He's been getting brushed during wet food/treats time and after 10 years he's decided maybe it's okay to sit in human laps on occasion.
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Sirius, the other big orange dude. He is very silly and affectionate, and he will run around and chase his sisters and then sit in your lap and make the most adorable purr sounds.
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Titania the fluffy calico. When they were kittens the spousal person said he wasn't sure if maybe Pixel wasn't washing her enough, but then it turned out no, she'd just gotten the recessive fluff gene and she had lots of long fur. She knows she is extremely cute because everyone who's ever seen her has immediately exclaimed about how cute she is.
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Yes, okay, a house with this many cats will have boxes just lying around for cat use. ;)
Anyway, this is Ursa, the smallest. Although she was the first one to eat solid food when they were kittens so she was the biggest for a short amount of time. She likes to run around a lot and to jump and climb and to chase everyone else. She's also just recently started hanging out with the humans more.
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Vega, who is stripy and friendly and sweet. She gets tired of Sirius running around and jumps in between me and the spousal person for protection from him. She comes to bed with us at night and gets her pets and attention and then she settles down near our legs to sleep. Luna is always down there with her, and Quasar also comes to sleep with us.
That's everyone right now. We had Midnight and Oreo, sisters we adopted from PetSmart when they were kittens in 2002, a couple of months after we got married. And Nova we got in 2005 from a litter of cats who showed up at my mother's house, and we took her home. They lived long happy lives, and we still love them and I still say we have 11 cats.
And if you noticed, yes, their names are in alphabetical order, L to V. :) Oreo and Midnight were already named that when we adopted them, and we kept it going. It took the spousal person a while to find the right names for the kittens to keep the alphabet going.
Will tag @ihaveacatnow too. :)
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droewyn · 1 year
Okay, so context is important here.
This is Spriggan.
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This is Spriggan’s not-so-smol son, Captain Toebeans T. McGillicuddy Wildboi I.
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Yes, their names are immaculate.  Yes, Cap has thumbs.  Also yes, if you look into one ear, you can see clear through to the other side.
Spriggan was a roughly one-year-old adult feral cat when we trapped her in our backyard on Halloween night, 2019.  We’d caught Cap about a week prior, and he was about 16 weeks old.
Cap assimilated pretty well for a kitten who was too old to be adoptable.  He loves my husband, his mother, and Alisaie beyond life.  He likes me okay.  He’s terrified of my father-in-law.  Very few other humans have ever seen him.
Alisaie isn’t relevant to this story, but here she is anyway.  You know that meme that was going around that was like “which cat is the bby and which is the criminal”?  Yeah, we got one who can do both.
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So, socializing an adult feral cat is hard.  I’m not going to go into it here, because I have this handy link where I did go into it.  It includes more pictures, and also the most important video in human history.
The big takeaway that you need to know is that while Spriggan is part of the family, and likes being part of the family as far as we can tell, she Cannot Be Petted.  Also, that our cats look Very Similar In The Dark, particularly Cap and Spriggs.  He’s enormous but she’s very floofy, and they both can look solid black if they’re curled up or viewed from the wrong angle.
Here’s the oopsie.
It’s 1AM.  I need to use the bathroom.  I must pass through the living room to get to the bathroom, and Cap is on the loveseat.  I pet him and rub his ears.
I go to the bathroom.  I’m in there for like two minutes, max.
I come back out, and reach down to pet Cap again.
The good news is, I still have all my fingers and all my blood.  Spriggan didn’t even hiss; she just teleported across the room and GLARED at me.
She’s still glaring at me today.  I am In Trouble.
But this time last year she would have shredded my hand so yay progress.
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The Inky Kitty Committee having a rare meeting, feat. the baby looking spooky af.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
🍝 thinking of bradley bradshaw adopting a pet from a shelter that he’d name something creative goose… what do you think would happen? would he end up doing it or do you think you’d surprise him with baby goose who has an old soul and loves it when you guys put some of his parents’ favourite records on (okay i’m gonna shut up and leave it to you)
thank you for considering and i hope u have the best day or night <3
hi @bradshawed! yes, i love this idea! here are my thoughts on adopting a dog with bradley:
Adopting Pet(s) with Bradley Bradshaw
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it's after a few months-long of a deployment that bradley insists on revisiting the subject. sure, you've talked about it before, but it's after this particular deployment that he really gets serious. not only does he want you to have something to keep you company for next time, but he wants to put down roots, just more proof that he's ready to settle down with you.
for whatever reason, i absolutely see bradley bradshaw with a dog, at least at first. after all the hot welcome home sex, the follow saturday the two of you head to an adoption event where adoption fees are waived and pets can be brought home that day.
"yes, we can go but i really think we should take our time with our choice. this is permanent, baby, so let's make sure the dog's gonna be the right fit for... our little family," you explain to him.
the two of you walk through the rows of crates and playpens of enthusiastic dogs, ready for cuddles, and despite bradley's own set of adorable puppy eyes with each dog he holds, none of them feel right.
it's not till you're just about to leave that the two of you stumble upon a sleepy quiet dog, one that must not have gotten noticed because he isn't as outgoing as the others.
"he's six years old. and everyone wants a puppy," one of the vet techs explains. you look into his eyes and he has the oldest soul, the sweetest, gentlest, kindest eyes and you know that he's the one.
"i know that you think we should wait but-," bradley begins, having already fallen in love with your future son. "yes. yes, i think he's the one."
so the two of you build your dreams, and a family with the goodest boy in all of the world. picking a name comes easier than you thought. after a few days of living with you, he begins barking as soon as goose's old jerry lee lewis record makes it into your vinyl rotation.
"what's wrong, boy? what do you see?" bradley asks him. "babe, i think he likes the music," you giggle, totally in love with the new addition to your family. "so we call him 'goose.'" "we call him, goose."
how you and bradley get a cat: you spend six wonderful months as a solo pet owner, and goose as an only child, before a neighborhood stray starts coming around. you hadn't planned on taking him in, just feeding him every now and then, until you realize that bradley's been feeding him every day, which is why keeps coming back. he's so friendly and cuddly, and while hesitant at first, has met goose a few times in the backyard too.
bradley has a long weekend of on base training, and when he comes home sunday night, you're practically pushing him out onto the front porch to talk first. you've even buttered him up by making his favorite dinner so that he's more likely to say 'yes.'
"what's going on?" he asks you. "okay, don't kill me. but... i sort of... did something. don't freak out... but i kinda let the cat in. you know. your favorite neighborhood stray. and he won't leave. "are you serious?"
as bradley comes inside, your shared home smelling like his favorite meal, goose is curled up on the couch while the stray kitty sleeps curled in a ball on top of the back of the couch. while neither of you were planning on adding to your family so soon, he looks at the two of them, then back to you, and he doesn't have the heart to say no.
"so... we have a cat now." "yeah, i think we have a cat now."
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fbwzoo · 2 years
do you still have city? how's she doing?
We don't have her at the house anymore but she's still in the "family"! My roommate that lived in the basement when we got the house decided to move back to their mom's house last summer. Because City was so attached to them (& vice versa), and wasn't doing well with Frank in the basement, they took her with them.
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So she has the run of a new basement now, and is even being much bolder about going to the main floor over there! They have a dog and another cat that primarily stick to the main floor, and while the other kitty isn't happy about City, there aren't any actual fights & City hasn't been nearly as bothered by her.
So while we miss them both at our house, it is definitely less stressful cat-wise and we're all really happy that City is doing much better now!!
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She's apparently very good at helping with crochet.
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And she's a very playful menace & decided she didn't want to wait for these toys to be opened first. Plus dog meeting!
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And she has better access to windows as well, which she LOVES! She has a tree next to one of the ground level windows in the basement, which is a close second favorite spot to mom's lap, but they couldn't grab any good pics of that to show off. They're hoping to harness train her this spring for backyard time too!
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rockseizes · 1 year
i think the first time i realized my brother might not be.. “normal” was when we were in elementary.
there was this fifth grader who was bullying me, and since i didn’t know who else would listen to me, i told the only other fifth grader i knew. my big brother, jaiden.
he asked me to tell me about her. i told him that she would trip me during recess and pull me away from the playground. and how she threatened to get her cat on me if i went on ‘her playground’ ever again.
i couldn’t get through it all without crying — it was too frustrating.. he hugged me and said, “don’t worry, may. your big bro will take care of things.” i nodded to him, and we watched tv while doing homework for the rest of the day.
..about a week later, he didn’t come home from school with me. i heard that he took a different bus to hang out with a friend. i didn’t mind, as long as he came back. when he returned, he held a white cat in his arms. he had told me he had found a stray with his friend and wanted to play around with it.
“but isn’t that scary?” i asked.
“not really, but it’s sweet you’re worried about me.” he responded with a smile and headed to the backyard with the cat.
at around three am, i woke up out of nowhere. i think i had a nightmare. i went to jaiden’s room to talk about it, but he wasn’t there. i looked around everywhere in the house, but i couldn’t find him. not until he came in from the backyard door with a dirty shirt, and a dripping knife.
“what were you doing outside?”
“oh, great timing. i need some help throwing something away.“ “what is it?” “why don’t i just show you?”
i wish i didn’t go outside. i wish i had stayed asleep. because when i went out there, i found the stray cat, laying lifeless as its guts had been splayed out for all to see.
“..why did you do that?” i turned to look at him in complete horror. “i was curious. besides, it was only a stray.” he walked to the cat, crouched down, and started poking at its face.
“i mean, it was gonna die eventually. probably would've been a painful one too. i did it a favor.” my eyes widened in fear at his twisted logic.
“jaiden.. i.. i—“
“calm down.” he turned to look at me with his typical smile. before, it had comforted me, but now it drowned me in pure terror and confusion.
“it’s gonna be okay, alright? we’re gonna take a trip to the forest and find this kitty a nice place to rest. we’re fine.”
and so we did just that. he picked up the carcass, and led the way to the forest creek nearby our neighborhood. as he began to dig a hole with his bare hands, i trembled at the sight of the corpse in my arms. it took all my strength to not drop the cat, throw up, and cry all night.
the next day, i was walking around the neighborhood, as i saw my bully sobbing at the park. i didn’t want to talk to her, but then i noticed the missing posters of a white cat in one hand and a pretty red collar in the other.
i ran home before she could see me. she didn’t talk to me — or any of her other victims — for the rest of the year.
when i confronted my brother about it, he reminded me of her threats. how she would have used the same cat i held lifeless last night to attack and traumatize me if i were to break her useless set of rules. he told me that he was only protecting me, and by taking care of the cat, he prevented me from ever getting hurt by it.
“i’d rather hurt everything that tries to hurts you then let you get scarred even once. you’re my little sister; this is my job. trust me.” he cooed, pulling me into a warm hug.
at the ripe age of ten, i realized one thing about him. my brother was willing to resort to violence for me, and that by no circumstances could i let him take things too far. i knew what happened when you do too many bad things — i didn’t want him taken away from me. he was all i had.
..so i definitely fucked up by bringing tara to the cabin trip with me and him.
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jinhyun · 1 year
Are we sharing cat pictures?!, ok so they’re technically my boyfriend’s cats cause me and my mom are allergic so I have dogs BUT what’s his is mine and what’s mine is mine right? Lol
So, this is Jinx, she likes to chill in my tortilla blanket:
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She looks grumpy all the time, but she can’t help it, she’s a grumpy old lady cat but a baby at heart 💜
And this is Sylvia, so we thought she was a boy and we named her Sylvester Jr, cause she looks just like a cat my bf had and has since passed away, but then she had babies in my bf’s backyard and, we helped her with the kitties, helped getting them adopted and then kept her :3
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She likes this window the most 💜
And this is my buddy Norman, similar story, he was an outdoor kitty that my boyfriend’s mom started feeding and he slowly made it into the house and refused to get out again, he follows me around my bf’s house and goes with me to the bathroom EVERY TIME, he’s just making sure I’m not lonely… I think 😅
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Hope the kitty palette cleanse helps you feel better, sending lots of hugs 🤗 💜
yes we areeee and omg they are all so lovely, i'm in love :(
i love the name jinx wtf??? norman is just doing his duty by following you to the bathroom. he wants to make sure you're not getting kidnapped in there or something, don't question him 😤😤
and omg sylvia has pretty much the same story as one of my other cats, juno. she made it to our rooftop one night and i spent like an hour trying to get her down, then i pet her for a good while and begged my parents to let her spend the night in my room and then by the next morning she was gone but then came back in the afternoon and pretty much adopted herself jdñsksñs and then it turned out she was pregnant 🥲👍🏻
this kitty palette did indeed make me feel better, thank u very much for your contribution 🩷
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montanababe7 · 3 months
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What a difference a few years makes. Grateful 🥹 to you Jesus 💖🥲. Jesus restores and heals🥹💖💗thinking on Joel 2:24-25
Wrote this in 2021-Some days are just hard. I’m staring at the wall again. My kiddos are happy and healthy. But. The constant noise and yodeling sounds makes me at times to want to scream. Most moms have play dates. They have more than just five minutes to themselves. I don’t even get a second.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m so thankful to be a stay at home mom. I’m loving parenthood life and being a mommy. Just some days are hard and overwhelming.
I’m also missing my younger brother Josh Farnam who just passed away some 8-9 months ago from brain cancer.
Some days. I’m just tired. I hate being on birth control. I’m aware God has a perfect time and season for everything. I long for a beautiful house and a big backyard for my kids to play in. I want a dog and some kitties to be a part of our family. For now, I’m thankful we’re renting an apartment. At times I feel like I’m living in fishbowl. With cranky neighbors who live on either side of us and the constant feeling of walking on eggshells when my kids are playing too loudly and the neighbors kick the floor from the upstairs. These are the moments that I want to ugly cry 😢 in the bathroom.
Most of my closest friends & family are states away or also live in town. We all have so much going on. We’re adulting. More than anything, I want to give them a hug and laugh with them in person. Arg. When did life become so complicated. Adulting at times is hard. most days-my voice is so hoarse from correcting my kiddos and trying to referee I sound like an old lady who has smoked her entire life. I can’t even remember why I’m crying-all I know is that I’m exhausted. Life has
Definitely been a challenge at times and completely a journey. Mike and I, have come a long way in these eight years of marriage. We’ve moved seven times in 8 years. Most of our stuff is still in boxes. I’m just ready for our forever home. Ugh 😫. With all the strangeness of these past few years-I’m on one hand excited
How we’re living in these last end time days & on the other side of things-I’m freaking out over the plethora of things that don’t even seem real and feels like a bad movie turned into a featured film on a bestseller’s book and movie list. God, you see my heart. Would you hold this weary gal’s ❤️ heart and help me to remember what it means to laugh and find joy again.
Wrote this in 2019 or in 2020
Shattered and Exhausted
This is one of the many words for this season. My heart and soul is beyond tired. I don’t feel safe bringing my kids to the nearby park. There are meth heads right outside our window. We are currently owning one vehicle. The kitchen is downstairs and the bedrooms are upstairs. Yes, we do have a baby gate in place to guarantee our kiddos safety. But at the same time, when I see the vast amounts of laundry & dishes that I have to do; I want to scream. All of our families are either hours away or states away. Michael works long hours 5-6 days out of the week. Let me put it into perspective for you for a mere second, okay? Ok. His days are between 14-18 hour shifts. I am with our kiddos almost all day everyday. Zero village. Zero play dates. Books, movies, etc, is our kiddos main source of entertainment. We attend church on Saturdays for the moment. When he’s able to get off on time from work. Bella goes to kid’s church and I’m with Madison in the nursery. Thank Goodness for the coffee. I often put on Netflix, YouTube, or I play games on my phones, and I try to stay current on my social media all the while keeping an eye on Maddie. This is a season that I pray is almost over. I’m declaring and believing that our breakthrough is right around the corner.
Here’s what I’m believing for: God will reveal to us the town we will move to, the state we’ll live in, the house He’ll lead us to, the connections we will have. I’m longing for fellowship. I’m praying ladies bible studies and small group. Family near by to help us with our kids so we can get a break. I miss getting to date my spouse. God I just miss the honeymoon phase. I know there is a season for everything. I miss how things used to be. But at the same time, I know God will come through for us in the new. So here I sit and wait/pray amidst my tears. God you know all the longings and hidden inner desires that are in my heart. I want to laugh and smile again. To soon be in a season where there is far more than enough. Ephesians 3:20-21🙏😭💕. I miss being genuinely happy 😊. I miss being stress free. I miss getting compliments. There’s just so much. You know what my heart is crying out for that I cannot even put words into. It’s so much more in-depth than my heart can even convey. These walls that I had removed for awhile are all back up. If I open up my heart to most, it will get shattered again. The delicate flower I once was, that tender heart has been thrown to the ground and stomped on. This heart on the inside is unrecognizable. Some people, there are eggshells that I walk a round. I’ve learned to hold my tongue or I’ll be lectured by some of the people I love most. I cannot let people see the tender side of me in this town or in most other people. I’ve put my walls back up. Brick by brick 🧱. Layer by layer. I hate putting walls up. But, then again, it’s a trade I’ve learned to survive by almost my whole life. It’s been one of the ways I’ve stayed strong 💪. It’s one of the ways that I have two allowed myself to 😭. Most see a kind and gentle face. Many will never know the real truth of all of the hardships and ordeals that I’ve suffered over the years. The very moments that I once feared for my life. When I was a small child and into my early adulthood I prayed for death to come. Now, I know life is worth living for. But, I’ve also understood something. Some people will never appreciate your true value and worth. To some you are only expendable. Of little value. To others, I have been a role model and spiritual mother. I’ve learned over time to know the vast difference between those who merely tolerate me and those who celebrate me. I’ve learned the mega differences between quality and quantity. Some people will never appreciate or value my self worth. Others will call it out.
The last thing I will share on this one post is this: love others without regret. Hold nothing back. Others will always remember how you treated them 💕
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whenimgoodandready · 1 year
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To represent something is to show how you convey its importance to others. Marinette and Max represented their school for a video game tournament (“Gamer”), Scarabella represented Ladybug when she temporarily took her place (“Hack-San”) and Adrien represented the celebration for the 💯th collection of his fathers brand (“Ephemeral”). Also, for the whole show in general, the dynamic duo represent the hope and light for Paris. That’s how it is, to stand in for something and take this seriously. Whaddigya you expect? They put on a show!?😳Oh wait, that is what they did. You guys wanna see that? Here it is:
*Representation-Oh happy day! It’s the End-of-the-Year party for Françoise Dupont like it was foreshadowed! Everyone is singing, dancing, laughing and just havin’ a ball! Why wouldn’t they!? The biggest b*tch in Paris is gone! (though there’s sympathy for her), a beloved teacher might have a chance at being the new mayor and the dynamic duo have leveled up to use their powers limitlessly! Boo-yeah! Who would be upset about this joyous occasion!?
Oh! Right, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. (hisses through grind teeth😬) I didn’t mention this, buuuut you see, after the de-evilizing of Chloe, Gabe and Tomoe took their kids with ‘em to London like how it was also foreshadowed. Those aristocratic a**holes are still trying to present Adrigami as a ship when at this point it’s a “ghost ship”! It was heartbreaking for Adrienette to face and what lead to our long waited (and so long overdo😒) BIG F*CKING KISS! Now they are separated and there’s nothing they can do😔. F*CK THAT! Adrien decides to go back to Paris, as Astrocat, and finally tell Marinette he’s Cat Noir! Say! Is that him over there!? Marinette! Run after him!
Oh f*ck! No, it’s not him. That’s just Felix. Ugh! The ol’ switcheroo again! :P. What does he want now!? Wait! Kagami is there too!? WTF is all this about!? Guess we’ll find out in “story time!?” Uhhh, okay:
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Once upon a time (and I don’t mean the sentibeing), in the far away land of England, there was a “king and queen” who were expecting a child. To their surprise, “the queen” gave birth to “identical princesses”. The “eldest princess” was carefree and loved being out-and-about, the “youngest princess” was submissive and sheltered. When the “eldest princess” came of age, her parents sent her out into the world to experience life and in the city of love, she fell in love with a “humble tailor”. The “king and queen” weren’t accepting of their daughter’s decision to marry a commoner, so the “eldest princess” cut ties with them, gave up her birthright and settled comfortably with the “humble tailor”. The “youngest princess”, not wanting to disappoint her parents, allowed them to put her through an arranged marriage with a cruel “lord of war”. However, with both “identical princesses” married, they-
(record scratch)
I would like to interrupt this presentation for a very quick intermission here. You see, while this whole drama club thing was goin’ on, we have an akumatized villain out on the loose. Gabe and Tomoe found out their kids ran away, so Gabe/Monarch became the Nightormentor (yeah, he akumatized himself again). A villain, with the Horse Miraculous Power, who can induce nightmares onto people. His second akumatized form and it’s basically a “glow-in-the-dark” version of the Collector! Lame! :P. I loved the Collector best! My Season 2 fav and I prefer that over this unoriginal glow stick look! Bleh!🤮Cat had to deal with him alone and continuously called him out on what a horrible, despicable, vile, no-good, rotten f*cking father he was! You go Kitty!👏👏👏
We now return to our regularly scheduled “backyard production” (Ahem)
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However, with both “identical princesses” married, they realized they were both baron and thus could not produce heirs. Desperate for a family, the “eldest princess” and the “humble tailor” returned to her parents seeking remedies for fertility just as her sister was getting. Alas, there were still no results. Then “a miracle” happened. The “eldest princess” was expecting. The “lord of war” was jealous of their soon-to-be family and demanded from the “humble tailor” on how they did it. The “eldest princess” felt sorry for her sister and allowed her husband to give the “lord of war” the secret to their success, in exchange for his best “knight” for their son. It was through “the amulet” that it happened. Though skeptical, the “lord of war” accepted. As it was, the “youngest princess” was expecting a child, but w/ the magic of “the amulet” damaged, the “lord of war” fell ill and blamed it on his son, “the child”, whom he called a “monster” and destroyed everything “the child” loved. “The child” didn’t understand why his father hated him or why he obeyed his every command no matter how unfair. It wasn’t until the “lord of wars” passing that “the child” realized it was his fathers “ring” that controlled him and took it from him finally setting “the child” free. “The child” then set out to get “the amulet” from the “humble tailor”, who now became a “powerful prince”, and make sure all lives that came from “the amulet” would be secure and not in the wrong hands. The rest is ancient history *cough*ShadowMoth’sFinalAttackPart2:StrikeBack*cough*
The End(?)
….Okay, sooooooo let’s give a hand to Feligami for their (distracting Marinette/Ladybug from her heroic duties and time) representation of The Graham de Vanily Sisters? (confused applause). So now we know more about why Felix did what he had to do. Though it was anti-villainous, his intentions were for the good of him and his cousin, Adrien. There was still no apology for what Felix did giving Monarch immense power, but we’re to assume he realized his actions proved extremely consequential and thus through this presentation he apologized for it? I guess if Marinette is willing to forgive him and now understands his backstory, it’s cool that we do too? I guess? (shrugs). Hell! She didn’t even mind when she found out Kagami told Felix who she was! Somebody grab a pen cuz we’re adding Felix to the book of “Who Knows Ladybugs Identity” now. (whispers) Kagami knew from all the way back in “Perfection”. Clever as our heroine can be, she’s no match for child prodigy couple Feligami. Interesting, just from that ep Kagami found out and got akumatized, along with the other time (“Protection”), she kept her cool and Monarch never sensed she knew Ladybugs identity! Probably cuz she knew if she resisted he’d find out like how Luka almost got busted for (“Migration”). Damn! She is a genius! As nice as that gesture was, it sadly kept Marinette/Ladybug from battling/noticing Nightormentor and leaving it to Cat Noir (and the Resistance) to fight him. Despite the copyrighted look, Nightormentor was a literal nightmare when he affected not only our sappho couple, Julerose, but Cat as well with his worst nightmare! Think “Cat Blanc” only 10xs worse! It was through this that Adrien couldn’t tell Marinette his secret identity and went back to London. Adrienette and Feligami are still left separated with Feligami only hoping Ladybug can save everything. Next ones the Season 5 finale and it’s the bad guys Operation Perfect Alliance! Don! Don! Don! I’m spoiled, but you’ll hear my thoughts eventually.
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Heartwarming Story 1:  Bathtub Surprise!
A few days before my 10th birthday, it was business as usual. Though one day, my dog started barking and scratching at our bathtub. At first, we thought it might have been a lizard or something under the house. So, we paid it no mind, figuring it would crawl back out the way that it came in.
The next day, while I was at school, the dog kept barking and scratching. My dad went to go check and found 4 newborn kittens under our house. The mother had given birth under our bathtub a few days beforehand and had presumably gone off to hunt. He carefully passed my mom the kittens and she brought them into the house. Then, my dad set up a trap to catch the mom so she could be brought in safely to take care of her babies inside. He managed to capture her and took her inside. It turned out that she was a feral cat and incredibly fierce, but thankfully her maternal instincts were strong and she went to nurse her babies as soon as my parents left her alone in the spare room.
When I got home, I was told the news and quietly peeked into the room to look at the cats. Mama Cat shot under the daybed like a brown streak. The kittens were in a large cat bed sleeping. Within 2 seconds, I fell in love with all of them, including the mother. I cooed at them softly, but gave them space because I didn’t want to scare them. My parents said not to get too attached because they were only going to stay until they were big enough to be adopted. I was a bit disappointed, but happy that we at least had more animals for a little while.
Our dog, Muttley, was still curious, but we kept her away from the room to protect the cats. My mom’s old cat was also curious, but fairly calm. Kitty Kitty was a very relaxed calico cat. She had simply followed my mom home one day and stayed with her. So, Mom had adopted her. Muttley had come later as a Christmas present when I was 2 years old and she was a mixed-breed. We suspect that she had some terrier in her because she was very hyper and would occasionally hunt gophers in the backyard. We tried to discourage her and would place gopher repellent where we hoped that Muttley couldn’t reach while it could still keep gophers away, but she still had a way of finding the poor things. Despite that, she was a good girl and very protective of all of us. Being an almost 10 year old, I was excited about any animal and my heart had (and still has) plenty of room for more critters.
As the kittens grew, their unique features became more apparent. So, we decided to name them to differentiate between each of the little boys. One had a pink nose. So, we named him “Pinky”. Another was gray and very timid compared to his brothers. He was named “Mouse”. The third was named “Markie” because he had a black mark that looked like a skull on his forehead. Last, but not least, the runt was named “Smudge Pot” because he had a brown smudge across his nose and the region we lived in at the time was known for citrus production. A common tool used to thaw out orchards is called a “smudge pot”. Though now…we had named them and spent time with them.
Needless to say, we all got attached. So, putting them up for adoption was no longer an option. They were now OUR boys. As for the mother, she was still looking after them. We kept her too, but she was still wild. Mom named her “Mama”. She’s not too good with naming animals. Heh. Her bird was simply “Bird”, her cat was “Kitty Kitty”, you get the idea.
Eventually, the kittens were weaned and the animals all got used to each other. So, they were all allowed to freely roam the house. To give them fresh air even though all of the cats were indoor cats, we would occasionally let them wander around the patio because it was an enclosed patio surrounded by screen windows. We figured it was a good idea. Though Mama was smart. Far smarter than we had previously thought. For a few weeks, she was fine and we figured she had relaxed a bit around us. Then, one day she suddenly went wild on the patio, clawed her way through the screen door, and raced out. Smudge Pot, being curious, tried to follow, but Mom caught him. As for Mama, she escaped and never fell for any of the traps again. She seemed happier outside and would return periodically to glare at us while staying far out of reach. Meanwhile, we took care of and socialized her babies, adding them to our family
That’s how we ended up with 5 cats and a dog. Thank goodness we lived out in a rural area where we could get away with it. 😉 I have plenty of other stories about each of my animals and will share them accordingly.
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odddogblog · 3 years
August 23, 2021
Dog for adoption in South/Central Texas. Can transport to AUSTIN TX or San Antonio.
2months ago, a sweet, timid dog showed up at my house. She was thin, but clean, recently had some puppies. Our local shelter has a euthanasia rate of 75%, so instead of taking her to the shelter, I decided to foster her while searching for her owners. A well-behaved houstrained dog like this was so easy to foster. After two months searching, no owners have been located. I named her Sombra (which is Spanish for "shadow") bc she's is always right behind me like a shadow. She has this fantastic personality that is discreet & low-key but also happy-go-lucky. She's up for anything.
A 50lb bully mutt is not easy to re-home here in the Rio Grande Valley, so I'm very open to meeting an adopter in the Austin area. Please share to help find Sombra a companion home where she can flourish.
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More About Sombra:
Walks fabulously on the leash with a flat collar, she doesn't pull towards people or other dogs. Sombra will pull towards ducks and is learning to ignore them.
She doesn't bark at people or animals, Sombra is a very quiet dog. I've only heard her boof once to wake me up when someone walked through the backyard in the middle of the night. Sombra is not destructive in the home and has never had any accidents, she only goes potty outdoors.
She adapts to the activity level you want. Sombra happily lounges at home alone during my busy days. Sombra is equally happy hiking for miles. I have trained her to rollerblade with me, she runs next to me easily and has no problem passing other people and dogs on crowded trails. With conditioning, she would be great for distance jogging or rollerjoring.
Sombra is gentle and playful with dogs and cats. She's neutral upon introduction, once she familiarizes she is easygoing and happy to play or chill, she respects thier body language. Sombra is most at-ease & confident when there's another dog around who can set an example.
We are working on obedience and recall, so outdoors she does need to be on a leash unless in fenced area. If there's critters around, she chases but doesn't hyperfocus/hunt critters. Because she is so great with my housecats, I think she could be habituated to other small housepets.
Did I mention she’s fantastic with cats and dogs? It’s especially fun to watch her play with kitties, very cute.
Sombra is neutral with new people, she gives them space and happily observes them from a distance. If you let her observe you giving attention to another dog, she quickly understands you're a friend, and if you give her some treats, instantly she's your best friend. Sombra is very food motivated.
Sombra has been introduced to kids and babies with no issues, but she hasn't spent extended time with them.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Mahiru convinces Kuro to temporarily adopt a cat. (KuroMahi, Modern/Highschool AU)
Mahiru could only stare at the sight before him. Kuro, the infamous delinquent in his class, was smiling at a stray cat. He hadn’t noticed him yet since he was distracted by the animal before him. He decided to play a small prank on him and quietly crept closer to him. With him distracted, Mahiru didn’t expect to hear him say: “Do you need something, Mahiru?”
“How did you know it was me?” He pouted and moved to sit next to him. Mahiru looked down at the cat and it was apparent that someone had abandoned it. The cat pawed at the walls of the cardboard box to escape. Kuro reached down and lightly stroked his fingers over its little head. “I didn’t know you were an animal person. Are you going to take the cat home?”
“No,” His answer was short and he didn’t give him a particular reason. Kuro was a quiet person and Mahiru didn’t know what he was thinking sometimes. They were in the same class over the past few years and they would occasionally be partnered together for projects. He had developed a crush on Kuro. “I found this little guy a few days ago. I would check on him after school but no one adopted him yet.”
“A cute kitty like this? I would take him home immediately but my apartment doesn’t allow pets.” He lifted the cat out of the box and cradled it in his arms. Mahiru rubbed its stomach and his fingers brushed against the blue scarf wrapped around its neck. He noticed the letter “K” was embroidered on one end. Kuro didn’t say a word but Mahiru knew that he was the one who gave it to the cat. “If you’re going to take care of him every day like this, you should adopt him.”
As if the cat wanted to voice its agreement, it reached over and patted his knee with its little paw. Mahiru giggled at the warm sight. While Kuro gently scratched its head, he took his hand back and shook his head in the end. “I don’t know if I should. I’ve never had a pet before and my family can’t afford to adopt one. There’s a lot of us under one roof and money is tight.”
“I can talk to my friends and ask if one of them wants to adopt a cat. Until we find someone, can he stay with you? It’ll be for a few days and I’ll buy all the supplies. The only thing you’ll have to do is fill his food bowl. I’ll visit you after school to help you too.” Mahiru suggested. His plan was logical but he didn’t want to pressure Kuro to accept it. “It’s okay if you can’t, Kuro.”
“I guess I can watch him for a few days. I think we should limit it to only three days though. My little brother loves animals and I can already see them becoming attached. I don’t want Lily and the others to be sad when it leaves.” Kuro told him. His red eyes softened whenever he spoke of his family so Mahiru could see that they were important to him.
“Thank you, Kuro. We should exchange numbers so you can call me if anything happens. Can you text me your address too?” Mahiru asked and took out his phone. As they traded phones, they discussed how they would share the duties of owning a cat. “We need to take him to the vet before you bring him home. I’ll buy a bed for him and everything else he needs while you’re giving him a checkup.”
“What about a name for him?” Kuro asked. “It’ll be awkward to call him ‘cat’ all the time.”
“Neko or Tora are good names for names for a cat.” Mahiru suggested.
“Cat and Tiger? Those are cliché names but I guess a simple guy like you would choose them.” His words made Mahiru pout slightly and his expression caused Kuro to chuckle. He reached over and tousled his brown hair. “You’re simple but I think that’s a good thing. What do you think about the name Kohana? I did find this guy in the flower garden.”
“I love it.” Mahiru said and rose to his feet with the cat cradled in his arms. He held out his free hand to Kuro to help him stand. “Let’s go get everything Kohana needs.”
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The next day, Mahiru waited outside of the school’s gate for Kuro. He texted him the address to his home but he thought they could walk to his house together. Since he had a crush on Kuro, he felt excited and nervous to spend more time with him. He spotted him among the crowd and he waved to catch his attention. Kuro approached him and Mahiru saw him yawn briefly.
“How can you be sleepy, Kuro? You slept through most of class.” Mahiru’s light chastising was followed by a warm chuckle. His smile told him that he wasn’t truly angry or annoyed with him. “How is Kohana adjusting to his temporary home? We’ve been partners for a lot of school assignments but this is the first time I’m coming over to your house.”
“I put the cat bed in the living room but Kohana made himself at home on my bed.” Kuro told him. He thought of how Mahiru would always treat him with kindness and volunteer to be his school partner. Most of his classmates were distant with him due to his infamous father but Mahiru never asked him about his family. “My brother loves the cat already. He’s asking if we can keep him.”
“I’m sorry, he must’ve been disappointed when you told him that he’s only staying with you temporarily. Oh, how about I cook a dinner for your brother that will cheer him up? What’s his favourite food? Not to brag but I’m a good cook.” Mahiru had a proud grin as he listed foods and baked goods that he knew how to make. “I hope your parents won’t mind if I take over their kitchen for the night.”
After a moment of silence, Kuro spoke in a soft voice. “My mother left us after our father was arrested.”
“I’m sorry for bringing it up. That must’ve been difficult for you and your family.” Mahiru quickly apologized. He lost his mother when he was young so he could sympathize with his situation. He hoped that he didn’t make the moment awkward. While he had heard rumours about his father, he didn’t want to ask Kuro and make him uncomfortable.
“You didn’t know so you don’t need to apologize. We’ve all adjusted. I’m just glad that we were able to stay together after losing our parents.” Kuro said with a shrug. Most wouldn’t see the way he looked down at the ground to hide his eyes but Mahiru did. “Since we’re all busy, we don’t have time to cook for eight people and we’ll usually buy pizza or something. It’ll be nice to have a homemade dinner again.”
“Wait, eight? Including you? You have seven siblings?” He stopped walking in his shock. Most people were surprised when they learned how large his family was but his reaction was cute. Kuro playfully poked his forehead to pull him out of his shock. Mahiru smiled back at him and said, “I’ll make curry because it’s simple and I can make a lot of servings quickly. I’ll need carrots and…”
He listed ingredients they would need to cook. Then, Mahiru took his hand and pulled Kuro down the street. “Let’s go to the grocery store to buy the ingredients we need. I’ll pay for everything too.”
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“I think that was the best meal we’ve ever had. I’m so full and I think I’ll have a cat nap.” Kuro hummed and fell backwards onto his bed. He closed his eyes and felt something rough yet furry press against his cheek. He groaned slightly as he opened his eyes again. Sitting next to him was Kohana who repeatedly poked his face with its paw. Mahiru leaned over him and picked up the cat. “Thanks for saving me from the puffball, Mahiru. I’m sure I would’ve gotten a hairball if you didn’t.”
“Glad I could be your superhero.” Mahiru winked at him before he sat on the bed. The mattress shifted beneath them and it made Kuro turn towards him. He rose slightly and rested his head in his hand so he could look up at Mahiru. “Your family is nice. I grew up as an only child so I’m a little envious. I’ve always wondered what having a bunkbed would be like.”
Kuro shared his room with two of his siblings. They were playing in the backyard so he could speak with Mahiru alone in his room. His family could be overwhelming so he was glad Mahiru got along with them better than he expected. It was clear that they both lived different lives but Mahiru didn’t treat him differently. “Do you think your brother would mind if I sat on the top bunk?”
“I won’t tell him.” Kuro’s answer gave Mahiru a wide smile. He handed the cat to him before he climbed the ladder to the top bunk. Mahiru leaned over the side and grinned down at him. He held onto the edge and hung upside down. Kuro sat up and moved to be next to him in case he fell. “Your blood is going to rush to your head. You’re more reckless than my little brother.”
“Are you talking about Hyde or World End? They seem like the troublemakers of the family.” Mahiru asked and turned his head to face Kuro. They were closer than he expected and the realization made Mahiru blush. He already saw his blush but Mahiru tried to turn away to hide it. He pulled himself back onto the top bunk. Accidentally, he placed his hand on the blanket and the lack of friction caused him to fall. Kuro jumped to his feet and stretched out his arms to catch him.
They both fell to the ground but neither of them was hurt by the fall. Mahiru was on top of him and he sat up with an arm around his waist. He looked down at him to check if he was hurt. Their gaze met and Kuro thought his eyes were beautiful despite their simple colour. “Sorry, Kuro. Are you hurt?”
“I can still move so I don’t think anything’s broken.” He reassured him but Mahiru still ran his hands through his hair to search for a bump. He paused when he felt a small weight fall onto his shoulder. Kuro reached up to take down the cat that had jumped onto his head. “I guess this little guy wanted to join us.”
“That’s cute.” Mahiru chuckled and moved off Kuro’s lap. He petted the cat in his arms. “I talked with Licht and he said he’ll adopt the cat after he returns from his tour. This might sound strange, since I haven’t spent much time with Kohana, but I’ll miss playing with him like this. It was fun hanging out with you too, Kuro.”
“Sometimes, my family volunteers at the animal shelter.” Kuro told him. “Do you want to join us?”
“I would love to!” Mahiru didn’t hesitate to answer with a bright smile.
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emachinescat · 3 years
CW: Pet loss
I have been gone for a while.
Hopefully I'll be back soon, but I wanted wanted give a quick update, because I love my friends here and miss writing and posting here!
Biggest reason I've been gone is that we moved. We are now settled in our new house, which we love, but it was a ton of stress and work and time, and it was only with the help of a ton of lovely friends and family that we got packed, moved, painted, fixed up, and unpacked in the time we did.
I also made my first wedding cake literally the weekend before we had to be out of our old apartment. Didn't plan it that way, had the order for the cake BEFORE we bought the house, and then everything collided. Here's a picture of the cake:
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We also rescued a kitty right before we moved. This is was Cheese when she found us:
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Teeny tiny, about 10 months old, dehydrated and skin and bones. Of COURSE we had to rescue her! And she is the sweetest cat!
The next picture is another reason I've been MIA for a while... it's Cheese (full name Cheesy Gordida Crunch) a few weeks after we rescued her:
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This cat was not fixed like the vet assumed! (She is now, though!) So we found out right after moving into a new house that Cheese was pregnant!
On July 2, early in the morning, she had two babies, Cheddar (orange) and Brie (calico). That evening we had to rush her to the emergency vet because she was still in labor but not pushing. She had an emergency c-section and two more kittens were born, both orange tabbies, named Mac & Cheese and Pepperjack. Sadly, the runt, PJ, only lived for about 48 hours, despite our best efforts to keep him alive. I'm still broken hearted and miss him so much. 💔 He was so sweet and we buried him in the most beautiful spot in our backyard, surrounded by trees, ferns, and blackberry bushes. We bought a stone and will be engraving his name and planting flowers where he rests.
The other 3 kittens are doing well, and so is Mama Cheese. They are so sweet and adorable and growing like a weed. I honestly don't know if any of my mutuals care at all about any of this, but I really wanted to let yall know where I've been and also show off the new babies. (I am sure I'll be spamming you all with pics for weeks to come!)
So without further ado, kittens!
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More kitten pics soon!
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