#she managed to get out of the spare room and sneak outside
inserttemptitlehere · 5 months
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How a kitty sleeps after going on an unauthorized adventure outside.
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Hii idk if you take requests (if not you can totally ignore this ) but can we get a part two on mc and the familiar where she keeps it 💜💜💜💜
Yes of course! Just a little reminder for those who dont remember, Juniper is MC's little familiar! Hes deadly to demons because he's made of plants that are poisonous to demons Part 1<3
Just imagine Mc gets a deadly familiar while down in devildom
The brothers absolutely FREAK. OUT. Scrambling over each other to get away from you and the creature loving around your ankles. Everyone's in their demon form while they hide behind lucifer, despite being in his demon form is holding a chair.
It seems you brought home a very deadly devildom species, a creature that resembles a lion but is completely made out of vines, thorns, and deadly flowers that excrete deadly pores when breathed in. It seems like humans are immune to the flowers and pores because you are completely fine with little Juniper loving around your legs, the brothers however are completely vulnerable to the spores and flowers. Safe to say, they kicked the little flower cub out and quarantined you and the room Juniper was in.
Juniper didn't leave though, taking refuge in the gardens outside of the house of lamentation. Lucifer was not pleased in. the. slighted. He will immediately call over lord Diavolo to get rid of the little pest to make sure his family is safe, but the moment he sees you look so happy with the little creature, he will decide apon letting it live somewhere else
After having to let Juniper go, you were sad for a while and alittle bumed you didn't get to keep him. While sleeping one night, a beautiful series of juniper flowers started growing from your wall and out emerged little juniper, purring loudly and curling up against you while you laid in bed. The first thing you woke up to the next morning was Asmodeus screaming and slamming your door shut again, screaming about how Juniper is back and is contaminating your room
Lets just say Diavolo and Barbatos were called and were over there almost immediately. Barbatos was close to erasing the threat but you managed to convince them to spare Juniper (again). Diavolo put a protection spell around the large group of Juniper flowers and around little Juniper himself so he would excrete the lethal pores and flowers that would harm the demon brothers. This in itself was great but it opened up so many more problems
Little Juniper would just randomly appear and disappear when he wanted so no one knew when he was going just show up randomly. He loves to just show up and run around the house of lamentation and just cause trouble, grabbing something before sprinting back to your room before jumping back through his little flower portal. The brothers HATE when this happens and have genuinely tried to rip the flower portal apart, only to fail because of the protection spell on it. The only times they actually appreciate the little cub is when it follows you around when you go out alone for a walk. Other demons scream and run away from the little cub, completely unaware of the protection spell he has so they just avoid you like the plague at night. It keeps you safe, its the ONLY reason that they let him stay
After a while, they just get used to him and stop reacting, which causes little Juniper to calm down abit. Sometimes he just drops in at night and wonders the halls to try and find you, scaring the shit out of mammon and asmo one time when they were sneaking in. If he finds you cuddling with one of the brothers, he will pull such a cat move and just squeeze his body in-between you and (fav bro), his hind legs kicking and pushing the chosen brother away and curls up against your chest. Juniper has gotten kicked out of many rooms before because of this
This is so short and not the best but i dont really have any ideas right now. I think ive also been shadow banned lmao, i dont know if thats a thing on tumblr so im just uploading abit more today to make up for the past days
He is so cute, love little juniper. What scenario should i do next?
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youunravelme · 6 months
murphy's law sneak peek
author's note: this is just a look into what i've been working on the past few months (again, my b for being the most inconsistent writer ever). please let me know your thoughts! i'm hoping to finish this up VERY soon!! so here are the first two and a half pages of this fic! :))))))
mat barzal x beau's step-sister!reader (bc i'm not white and wanted to leave the reader racially neutral.)
summary:nothing good could come from sleeping with your (step) brother's best friend.
when anthony was traded to vancouver, you felt like the rug had been pulled out from under you. he was your rock since you were twelve when your mom and his dad got married. he was there when you finished your undergrad, and offered up the spare room in his apartment when you started your master's degree at columbia.
but with his new job back in your home country, you knew there was no way you could afford to stay in his apartment. after all, you were nowhere close to making the millions of dollars he did.
"don't worry about it," he said. "i have it taken care of."
what he didn't say was that the solution was staying in mat's extra room.
it wouldn't be that big of a deal, you knew mat just from the sheer amount of time he and anthony spent together. if it wasn't seeing him at games, it was out at bars, or in your shared apartment when you got home from class.
but despite all the interactions you had, almost none of them were meaningful. everything you knew about him started and ended with your connection to tito. and neither of you cared to remedy that.
it didn't mean you two were hostile, didn't even mean that you didn't like each other. it just meant that when tito wasn't around, you two didn't talk.
until you started living together.
the t-shirt incident
it wasn't intentional, you'd swear up and down that it wasn't. you recalled mat's text that he would be out that night and not to wait up for him (not that you ever did, but the sentiment was clearly communicated: stay out of the common areas).
you weren't even doing anything special that night, your boyfriend was out of town on a work trip and you hadn't met friends outside of the islander wags just yet (all of whom were busy that night). so you treated yourself to a shower and a face mask. you'd just finished washing it off when you heard the front door close.
truthfully, you almost stayed in your room until you realized your water cup was empty, and you might've let it go if it wasn't for the past few nights where you woke up craving a sip of water. but you'd like to think you were a considerate roommate, so you waited five minutes for mat to go to his room before you planned on going into the kitchen.
you didn't realize your mistake until you walked into the living room and caught mat and a girl, both shirtless.
to be honest, you weren't sure who screamed first, if it was you or the other girl. you managed to see her lunge for her shirt right as you covered your eyes with one hand and dropped your cup on the floor.
"oh my god," was all you could say.
but the other girl clearly wasn't rendered speechless like you were because she yelled "you didn't say you had a girlfriend, asshole!" before slamming the front door behind her.
you didn't move, couldn't move, too mortified to even acknowledge what you'd just interrupted. very slowly, like he couldn't see you, you bent down and fumbled around with one hand, blindly searching for the cup.
the couch creaked, followed by a heavy sigh from mat. "you can look, you know? nothing you probably haven't seen before."
you peeked between your fingers and saw mat pulling his shirt back on. you dropped your hand and stood up straight almost as soon as he was fully clothed.
cue the apology tour.
"oh my god, mat, i am so sorry! i totally wasn't thinking, i thought you were in your room by this point and i needed water. i didn't even think about what it would look like to your lady friend, if you'd like i can try to catch her before she gets in a cab and explain the situation?"
mat blinked at you. "lady friend?" he asked.
you shrugged. "well, she's a lady, and a friend."
he let out a dry laugh, though his lips didn't curl up in a smile. maybe it was more of a scoff? "friend is a bit of an overstatement. i don't even remember her name."
the room went silent before you caught mat staring at your chest. you glanced down and the urge to dig a hole and die in it crossed your mind.
the seattle thunderbirds logo was staring you in the face.
"oh god, our laundry must've gotten mixed up i'm sorry--"
"i was wondering where that shirt went."
you grabbed the bottom of the shirt before you remembered stripping in front of your new roommate was probably not the best thing to do.
"i can rewash it for you."
he nodded, but otherwise didn't offer anymore commentary.
so you scooped up the cup from the floor and sheepishly sidestepped your way into the kitchen.
and even though it took approximately four seconds to pour yourself a glass of water, you hid in the kitchen until you heard the telltale click of mat's bedroom door.
part of you thought it was best to stay out of his way the next morning, to let mat meander throughout the apartment before he went to his morning skate.
but then you thought about your childhood, and how you pissed anthony and francis off when you were fourteen so you baked them cookies after school and magically, everything was okay between the three of you by the end of the day.
so you woke up earlier than you normally would've to make mat breakfast. you'd made anthony breakfast before, surely mat's diet was about the same?
the eggs were nearly done when you heard his door open. it was only a matter of time before he joined you in the kitchen. you had his protein shaker bottle sitting on the island next to the plate of bacon you'd made. the toast had just popped out of the toaster.
"morning," mat said when he walked into the kitchen.
you whipped your head around to smile at him before focusing on the eggs in front of you. "hope you're hungry," you said. "i made breakfast."
you pulled the pan off the burner and placed them on a potholder. "wasn't sure how you liked your eggs, anthony likes his scrambled, so i just made them scrambled, hope that's okay."
he shrugged and mumbled a quiet thank you before helping himself to the meal you made and fixing his protein shake. you waited until he'd helped himself to the food and took a seat at the island before you said anything, just staring at his profile until he took a bite of the toast.
"i really am sorry about last night," you started. "it wasn't on purpose, i promise." you cleared your throat and made yourself busy by fixing your plate. "next time, i'll just go stay at someone else's place."
mat snorted into his protein shake. a sly smirk was on his lips when he pulled the drink away.
"what?" you asked, looking straight at him.
mat shook his head. "if you left every time i brought a girl over, you'd never be home."
you flushed and directed your eyes back to your plate. "oh."
you couldn't see mat run a hand down his face, but you could hear him sigh. "look," he said and you picked your head up to look into his eyes. "it's just going to be an adjustment. i'll make sure to text you when i'm coming home with a girl and i'll take her to my room as quickly as possible."
"and i'll make myself scarce until the morning."
mat shrugged. "i mean, you live here too, i'm not asking you to be holed up in your room, just maybe don't make an appearance in my shirt until i've at least told the girl about you?"
you nodded almost immediately. "i can do that. i swear, after today, i won't be a problem anymore! you can have literally all the girls over and you won't even know i'm here!"
if only that were true.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 months
Feels like I can't move
Leon Kennedy x Male Reader
Request- While leon is on a recon mission he stumbled upon a base and started looking around until he finds a photo of him and his husband, confused he starts searching harder and being so deep in the search he doesn't notice someone coming up behind him. The person then grabs Leon and pins him to the ground and saying how did he find this place Leon recognized the voice and called out readers name and reader stops what he's doing and let's Leon go.
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Leon managed to escape from a hurdle of zombies. He has a cut on his chest and arm but he didn't get bitten. It's getting dark soon and he doesn't have bullets left, or shelter to hide for the night. He runs towards the base and it's a steel fence, he sees a lock and it is opened. He opened the gate and then locked the gate, now zombies wouldn't get inside. He runs inside but he doesn't see anyone and the lights are dimmed. He keeps walking around then he sees an empty room, he walks inside. He starts to search for the first-aid kit while searching, he finds a photo on the ground. He picked it up and he was speechless and he is feeling confused. In the photograph, it's him and his husband and he has been separated from his husband.
He didn't notice someone sneaking up behind him. The lights are dim and you don’t notice it's Leon. You grabbed him and then pinned him to the ground, and you put the gun on his head, and your knee is on his back.
“Who are you!?” You yelled.
Leon recognized your voice.
“Y/N, it's me, Leon!” Leon yelled.
You put the gun away and get up, and then he turns around. You helped him stand up then he started to touch your face.
“It’s really you, Y/N,” Leon said.
“I missed you so much, Leon,” You said.
He hugs you tight and you are happy to see him. Then you felt his lips on yours and you started to kiss him back.
“I love you, Y/N,” Leon said.
“I love you too. What happened to you? Are you bitten?” You said.
“No, I’m not bitten. I got cut by the glass while trying to get away from the zombies. Are we safe here?” Leon said.
“It’s a long story. Follow me, I have a first-aid kit” You said.
“Are you here alone?” Leon asked.
“Yeah, the others left on their own paths. I stayed behind because I wasn't sure where to go so I could find you” You said.
“I was Carlos, Chris, and Claire but we got separated because The Umbrella Corp, found our location, and we separated from each other so they won't take us. Before coming here, a hurdle zombie saw me and now I'm here. They were going to help me look for you” Leon said.
“We are together now and we won't be apart again,” You said.
He kissed you again and he pulled you closer to him. You take your husband to the other room and he takes off his jacket and shirt. He sits on the bed and you grab the first aid kit, and then you start to clean his wounds and you put bandages on him.
“How did you end up here?” Leon asked.
“After we were separated, I found some people who I thought were trying to survive and help others, but they were the opposite. I did make a friend but they killed her but we managed to stop the others before killing us. We had to lure them into a trap to go outside and they got eaten. She got shot in the chest and I buried her in the back. This place has video cameras everywhere and silent alarms” You said.
“I’m sorry about your friend. I'm glad she helped you and I’m sorry I didn't find you sooner” Leon said.
“I’m not mad at you because you didn't find me sooner. I'm just happy that you are alive and here” You said.
“Me too,” Leon said.
You show him around the base. It's a massive building with many rooms and it has a weapon a room. You showed him the files of what they have been doing to other people. You give food to your husband and he starts to eat it fast.
“Slow down,” You said.
“I haven’t eaten in two days,” Leon said.
You giggled and he continued to eat fast. Leon was dirty and he was happy to take a hot shower, and you found spare clothes in his size.
✬ ✫ ✬ ✫
You and Leon are lying in bed together. You are lying on your back and he is lying on his side, and you are holding his hand.
“Remember the first day we met?” Leon asked.
“Yeah, I do. i will never forget that day” You said.
“I was surprised you said yes, Y/N. I just wish this didn't happen at all with zombies and the umbrella corp” Leon said.
“I know, but we can't change it. You pretend to be lost in the building even when you have the badge on” You smiled.
You met Leon at the station. He pretended to be lost in order to keep talking to you. He did ask you out and you said yes, dating for one year you and Leon got married. Many people said it wasn't a good idea because you haven't been dating him for long. But you and Leon didn't listen to anyone and just got married.
You kiss him on the lips and he has his hand on your cheek. He moves closer and he doesn't stop kissing you and he starts to smile.
“If we could stay here forever, I would be happy with that,” Leon said.
“Me too. We have everything here including weapons” You said.
He nods and he lays his head next to your shoulder.
“The weapons will help us fight the zombies even stronger zombies. But we have to find our friends” Leon said.
“I know. But this time we won't get separated from each other, there nights I couldn't sleep because i was thinking about you” You said.
“I couldn't sleep, either. Let's rest” Leon said.
“Yeah,” You said.
You fell asleep first and he stared at you. He doesn't say anything and he gently touches your chest and he kisses your forehead.
“Nothing will keep us apart, Y/N I promise” Leon whispered.
He closed his eyes And he went to sleep. In your sleep, you move closer to him and he has his arm around your body.
The next day… you and Leon woke up early. You and Leon started to get ready and ate some food. You start to pack some items inside the backpacks while Leon checks out the weapons.
“Babe, we can't take too many guns,” You said.
“I know, we have to travel light. I wish we could take it all but we definitely have to take the knives for backup” Leon said.
“Good idea. But where are we going?” You asked.
“Good question. We didn't get a chance to talk about where we would meet up or they went before finding me” Leon said.
“Do you have a plan?” You asked.
You and Leon stare at the map.
“I think we should go to the city. Chris, used to live there” Leon said.
“Let's go there then,” You said.
“Alright. Are you ready?” Leon said.
“No, but I’m with you now so I know we will be okay,” You said.
He grabbed your hand and you feel safe with him. You and Leon leave the base through the back where there are fewer zombies.
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smilingformoney · 1 year
Severus is testing a new potion, with unexpected side-effects. (aka: sex potion trope but make it Snephy)
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Snape x OC | smut
Warnings/content: masturbation, blowjob, slight dubcon if you squint, desk sex, dom!Snape (later service dom), orgasm denial, overstimulation, possessive Snape, cunnilingus, use of safe word
Read on Ao3 or below:
Now that the twins had started nursery, Persephone and Severus had a lot more time to themselves. Generally, this involved catching up on the sleep they’d lost since they were born, although for Severus it also meant throwing himself into his work without interruptions from feral children - something he had craved ever since he’d started working at Hogwarts over twenty years ago.
It wasn’t surprising to Persephone, then, that some mornings she took the girls to nursery on her own, as Severus was deep in concentration over his desk, or his cauldron, and she didn’t want to disturb him. One morning in particular, she returned home from dropping the girls off when she heard Severus’ voice in his study. He never spoke to himself - he could go without speaking as long as he was allowed to be cooped up in his cave. He and April were similar in that way, their non-verbal communication far beyond anything Persephone, Ariadne or Abbie had been able to achieve.
At first Persephone thought someone might be in there with him, but as she listened, she realised he wasn’t talking, but moaning. He almost sounded like he did in bed, on the now only too rare night that they weren’t too busy, or too tired to have sex.
She opened the door cautiously, knowing he didn’t like to be disturbed, and was surprised to discover exactly why he sounded like he did in bed - he was sat back in his chair, his eyes scrunched tight as he furiously pumped his fist around his cock.
“Sephy,” he mumbled to the air.
He hadn’t realised yet that she was there. Although the sight was arousing, Persephone was a little hurt - could he not have waited for her to get home? Did he now prefer his own touch over hers, leaving her role only to that of fantasy?
He needed a reminder, she decided. On her tip-toes so as to not make a sound, she crossed the room to him. Her sneaking skills must have been rusty, though, because he seemed to sense her presence when she approached and his eyes opened. Rather than being shocked or embarrassed that she’d caught him in a compromising position, his eyes only grew more lustful when he saw her. His right hand showed no signs of slowing; with his spare hand, he reached up and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him.
“Sev…” Persephone gasped; he only growled in response as she fell on his lap, and he pushed down on her shoulder to force her to her knees. He squeezed her chin to open her mouth, and suddenly his cock was down her throat.
She choked slightly, his cock having been shoved so suddenly and so forcefully into her dry mouth. If Severus noticed, he didn’t care, as he grabbed her by the hair and held her head still as he rutted furiously into her mouth. She knelt there, coat and shoes still on from having been outside, as her husband face-fucked her until he came down her throat. Only then did he finally release her hair from his hand, and Persephone was finally able to breathe when she was able to extract herself from his crotch.
A thousand questions were swimming in her head, but the one that came out was, “How the fuck are you still hard?”
Sure enough, despite having cum down her throat only moments ago, Severus’ cock was still standing to attention.
He groaned, knuckles turning white as he gripped the arms of his chair in frustration, seemingly trying to resist going right back down her throat. “Still… need to cum…” he managed to say, although it seemed to be a struggle for him to even speak.
Persephone got to her feet and looked down at him. He looked incredibly hot, his whole body quivering with lust as he physically restrained himself from moving. His eyes were closed, as if looking at her would be too much.
“I tested a new potion,” he said through gritted teeth. “The side effects are… unexpected.”
Persephone couldn’t help but laugh. “You tested a new potion on yourself, and the side effects make you uncontrollably horny?”
Severus opened his eyes, and as soon as he laid eyes on her body, his hands were on her hips, pulling her down to straddle his lap.
“Need you,” he growled, his hands clawing uselessly at her clothing. “Naked. Now.”
“Say please,” Persephone teased.
Severus groaned in frustration. “Get your clothes off, please, or else I might just die if I don’t fuck you.”
“Yes, sir.”
She began unbuttoning her coat, but even that was too slow for him. Severus pulled the coat apart with his own hands, sending buttons flying, but he didn’t seem to care. He moaned with relief to see she was wearing a low-cut t-shirt, and he buried his face in her breasts, nuzzling them like they were a pillow after a long day.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he moaned. “Mhm… Sephy…”
He pushed the fabric of her t-shirt and bra to the side to allow a breast to escape, and Persephone hissed slightly in pain as he took her nipple in his mouth and pinched it between his teeth.
She could feel his erection pressed between their bodies, and if she weren’t wearing trousers, she needed only to lower herself a few inches to fill herself up with him.
Severus seemed to be similarly frustrated, because he removed her breast from his mouth with a pop , picked his wand up from the desk, and with two quick waves their clothes had vanished. As his wand clattered to the floor, Severus pushed Persephone backwards to lay her on the desk. He ignored the parchment being crushed beneath her back, and paid no mind to the vial of liquid that crashed to the floor. She had no chance to ask what they’d just broken when she felt her husband’s cock filling her up, crawling up her walls as he fit so perfectly inside her. He wasted no time thrusting furiously into her, his depraved grunts filling the room as he fucked her so hard, so fast, that the desk began to creak beneath them.
At least he was enjoying himself; he’d spent no time getting her ready as he usually did, and so the feeling of his cock rubbing against her dry walls was painful and uncomfortable. She opened her mouth to say something, but whatever had been in the smashed vial wafted into her face, and she breathed in something that smelt a little like Amortentia, but mixed with the familiar smell of sweat and cum.
The gaseous potion filled her lungs, and her heart immediately began to race. The painful fucking suddenly became very pleasurable indeed as her cunt moistened itself around Severus’ cock, and all Persephone wanted was to cum while he was buried deep inside her. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered that she must have breathed in whatever substance Severus had drank to make himself uncontrollably horny, but that voice was small compared to the overwhelming need for her husband’s body.
She moved her hand towards her clit, desperate for extra stimulation, but Severus slapped her hand away.
“No cumming yet,” he growled. “Not until I say so.”
“Please,” Persephone begged. Maybe if she came, the torturous need coursing through her veins would be sated. She had never been so horny in her life, and she now understood what Severus said earlier; she, too, felt like she might die if their bodies ever disconnected. He was part of her, and she was part of him; why should they ever need to separate?
Severus grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head as he leant closer to her, their bodies pressed together as he grunted furiously into her ear, his face buried in her neck. Persephone let out a small yelp as he sunk his teeth into her flesh, latching on like a hungry babe to a breast, and a wet, cold sensation told her he had drawn blood. Somewhere in her mind she registered the pain, but the sensation of his mouth on her neck, his hands on her wrists, his chest on hers, his cock still pounding furiously in and out of her cunt - it was far more pleasurable than the small pinch of broken skin.
She so desperately needed to cum, to clamp her walls around his cock and milk him for all he had, but he’d given her an order and she was terrified, if she disobeyed, he’d never let her cum at all. So she tried to think of something else, anything else, to keep her peak at bay. Over Severus’ shoulder, she looked at the jars of slimy ingredients lining his shelves, all gross and gooey, wide-eyed dead creatures staring at her from their glass prisons, all lined up neatly and meticulously organised. She could just imagine Severus perusing the shelves, his elegant fingers gently skimming across each jar as he looked for the right ingredient… the same fingers that could find her sweet spot in seconds, the fingers that were now creeping down her arm to wrap around her throat, and she was snapped back to reality when he squeezed just above her clavicle. It was the smallest of squeezes, testing her response, and when she gasped in pleasure, Severus smirked as he lifted his head to look at her, watching her face contorting in blissful pleasure-pain as his grip on her tightened.
“I’m going to cum in your beautiful cunt,” he growled. “And you’re going to take every - last - drop.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Persephone moaned. “Give me your cum, please, I need you to fill me up, please, please, please…”
“Yes, take it, take my cum… my good girl, mine, mine… MINE!” Severus roared as he came, his cries of ecstasy echoing through the room, and if they’d had any neighbours, there would be no doubt they’d be heard. His hips stilled deep inside her, plugging her up as his cum shot inside her, and his grip on her throat tightened so much she almost couldn’t breathe.
Persephone inhaled deeply when his grip relaxed and Severus collapsed, spent, on her sweaty body, as if she’d taken not just his cum but all of his energy in one blissful moment.
Blissful for him, perhaps - her cunt was still on fire, desperate for the wave of bliss only he could so expertly pull from her. She grinded her hips against his, desperate for any kind of stimulation; his cock was softening, but she needed him desperately, if not his cock then his fingers, his tongue, anything…
“Severus…” Persephone moaned, and she realised she was crying. “Please, Severus, please…”
Severus was still trying to catch his breath, but his panting stopped when he heard her pleas. He looked up at her, eyes wide with shock, as if he was only just realising he’d completely forgotten her needs.
He pulled out of her and dropped to his knees in an instant, ignoring the cum dripping out of her as he buried his face between her legs. Persephone cried out with relief when his tongue ran over her clit, and she knew she wouldn’t last long. Severus slipped two of those beautiful fingers inside her wrecked pussy, elegantly caressing her inner sweet spot as his sharp tongue traced circles around her clit.
Thank fuck he wasn’t teasing. He usually ate her out so slowly and carefully at first, building up her pleasure before letting her cum. But now he wasted no time, finger-fucking her furiously as he sucked on her clit for dear life. Persephone clawed uselessly at the desk beneath her, and when she couldn’t find anything to hold onto, she sunk her fingers into her husband’s silky hair, nails digging into his scalp as with one, two, three perfect strokes of his fingers, she exploded with ecstasy, her walls clamping around his fingers as he kept stimulating her through her orgasm, only slowing to a stop when the last aftershock of her orgasm had left her body and she, too, felt her energy drain away instantly.
Persephone released her grip on him and he sat back into his chair, his hair a mess, his cheeks flushed red and his chin glistening with her sticky juices. Severus closed his eyes as he caught his breath, and only opened them when his wife crawled onto his lap, nuzzling his neck as she snuggled up to him.
His rock-hard chair might be suitable for him to work from, but it certainly wasn’t made for cuddling. He apparated them up to their bedroom, their naked bodies appearing on the edge of the bed, and together they slid under the blanket, holding each other as close as they could.
For a few moments they lay there, soaking in the blissful aftereffects of what had just happened, until Persephone spoke.
“What the fuck was that?” she mumbled sleepily.
“Not the intended effect of the potion,” Severus replied.
Persephone chuckled. “Clearly. What was it supposed to do?”
“It was only supposed to give me an erection. I may have to dial back some of the ingredients.”
“Why do you need a potion to give you an erection?” Persephone asked curiously, looking up at him as she rested her head on his chest.
“I don’t - not yet. But it’s a common issue among men my age - I’m hoping to create a potion to market. I may need it myself one day, but I assure you, the only assistance I need to get hard is thinking of you.”
Severus wrapped his arms tighter around her, holding her close and taking in her scent. “I’m sorry, I was very selfish just now. All I could think of was my own pleasure.”
“Thank Merlin the orgasm stopped the potion’s effects. I don’t think either of us would have the energy to go for much longer than we did.”
Severus hummed thoughtfully. “It seems it was only that last orgasm that worked. None of the previous ones did - I still felt desperately horny.”
“Previous ones? How many times did you cum in your own hand before I came home, Sev?”
He blushed, his eyes darting to the side to avoid hers. “Three times,” he admitted. “Each time, I maintained the erection and my desire throughout… it was only cumming inside you that worked.”
“Maybe it doesn’t just make you horny… when I breathed it in, I felt a need to cum, but mostly it was just a need for you. Perhaps it was less a need for pleasure, and more a need for connection, the intimacy of sex.”
“Perhaps. My mind was swimming with thoughts of you, but it wasn’t until I had you in front of me that I really felt sated. I suppose that’s logical - I based the recipe on that of Amortentia.”
“I thought that was what I smelt. It’s hard to tell when Amortentia smells like you, and I’ve already got you there. I can’t tell if I’m smelling you or the potion.”
“Your Amortentia smells like me?”
Persephone laughed. She propped her head up on her hand and smiled at him incredulously. “Of course it does, Sev. What else would it smell like?”
“Mine smells of you too,” he admitted. “When we were apart, I always hated teaching Amortentia, because the whole classroom just smelled like you. Your lavender shampoo, the firewhisky you always kept at your home… and a smell I couldn’t identify for years. It wasn’t until we had the girls that I realised it was the smell of baby powder. I must have smelt it that day I came to see you when Abbie was a baby.”
“I smell firewhisky too,” Persephone said with a laugh. “We must be a couple of drunks.”
Severus chuckled and brushed a stray hair from her face. “What else do you smell?” he asked.
“Cinnamon, of course. And a kind of damp wood smell - it’s what your old house smelt like after the rain.”
Severus smiled. Even after all this time, he still seemed to find it hard to believe she loved him as much as she did.
“I should probably reduce those elements,” he said thoughtfully. “My aim is arousal, not carnal lust.”
“And you should probably wait until I’m home to test it,” Persephone said, firmly but with a hint of a tease. “I can be your… control subject.”
“Mmm, I do like having you under my control,” Severus teased as his hand snaked down her body to squeeze at her arse. “And you’re certainly my favourite subject.”
Persephone laughed, then kissed his soft lips lovingly before he turned the kiss hungry, hands digging into her waist as he held her flush against him. He flipped her onto her back and moved his kisses to her neck, taking care across the bruise that was forming across her neck, before moving further down her body and taking her nipple into his mouth. Severus hummed with satisfaction, never releasing his latch onto her breast even as his hand travelled lower down her body.
“Is the potion still working?” Persephone asked, trying to contain a moan as her husband’s skilled fingers began teasing at her folds.
“No,” Severus replied as he released her nipple from his mouth and began kissing every inch of her breasts. “This is all you. All for you. Five orgasms for me this morning and only one for you?” He tutted with disapproval. “That won’t do. I’ll make sure you have another six, at least.”
“We’re not as young as we used to be, Sev,” Persephone reminded him. “I don’t know if - ah!” She gasped as his finger slipped inside her. “...if I can do that anymore.”
“Oh, you will,” Severus promised. He looked up at her, dark eyes alight with a fierce determination. “I’ll keep you in this bed all day if I have to. Oh, the things I’ll do to you, Sephy… I’ll have you cumming until you’re begging for mercy.” He pressed his thumb against her clit, and chuckled darkly when she twitched.
“So eager for me already. This is going to be so easy…”
She came within a minute, and just as he promised, by the time lunchtime came, she’d cum not just six, but seven more times before she was indeed begging him for mercy, insisting she had no orgasms left in her.
“One more,” Severus promised. Persephone had her arms tied above her head, the other end of the soft yet secure ribbons meeting the ceiling above the bed. The ribbons were just long enough to suspend her above the mattress, her bent knees not quite meeting the surface. Her arms ached as they held up her weight, unless she were able to sit on a pillow - but Severus, of course, had no intention of giving her any sort of pillow to rest on. Instead her weight rested on his face, and as his tongue explored her cunt and his nose rubbed against her clit just right, Severus moaned with lust, enjoying every moment of his wife’s dripping wet cunt trapping him beneath her.
When she came for what he promised was the last time, her thighs clenched around his head, and Severus knew that even the slightest of friction against his cock would have him cumming too. But he ignored his aching member - he’d taken his own pleasure enough, perhaps too much, that morning. He wanted to give his wife all the pleasure she deserved, and he was sorely tempted, when her orgasm subsided, to keep going, to lap up everything she had, to leave her trembling and unable to speak. He was just picking up the pace again to do exactly that when she spoke, and his movements froze.
On hearing her safe word, Severus gently withdrew his tongue from inside her and removed her hips from his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quickly, grabbing his wand from nearby to release her bonds, allowing her to finally drop onto the bed. He caught her as she fell and laid her down gently. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, just… too much. I can’t… I can’t cum again, Sev, I might pass out,” Persephone replied, catching her breath as a tear of frustration rolled down her cheek.
Even so, Severus insisted on checking her over, and although she was red and sweaty from exertion, and some handprints and fingernail marks adorned her body, there were no new marks past the bruise on her neck.
“Oh, darling, you’re exhausted,” he said soothingly, gently caressing her face. “I think you need a bath, hm? We’ll get you cleaned up, then we’ll have some late lunch.”
Persephone smiled and nodded, and soon enough they sunk into the hot, soapy bath together. She knew he was really going all out when he filled the bath with his favourite soap, a fancy concoction Lucius had gifted him last Christmas. A sigh of relief escaped her lungs when she felt the hot water on her sore skin and a relaxant in the soap left her melting into her husband’s arms.
“Better?” Severus mumbled in her ear as he held her carefully, as if worried he may break her.
“Mhm,” Persephone mumbled in response, her eyes already closed as she relaxed into his embrace.
“Is there anything more I can do for you, my love? Anything at all. I am yours to command.”
“There is one thing you could do,” Persephone replied, and her cheeky tone made him suspicious, but he was determined to stick to his promise.
“Oh? And what’s that?”
“Pick the girls up from nursery today.”
Severus chuckled warmly.
“Of course I will, darling. Of course I will.”
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
hi babe <3 for modern au could I please request r sitting on Steve’s lap while he plays Xbox or something and she’s falling asleep and then he carries her to bed
Honestly, Steve didn’t play his games often.
He preferred to spend his free time with you, or see his friends outside of work, out of a phone screen, in front of him instead of through a text message. But on the days that it rained, Indiana turning inky and navy with clouds and puddles, he liked to stay indoors, cotton sweats and warm hoodie on, headset over bed mussed hair and his controller in his hand.
You’d usually leave him be, smiling and rolling your eyes as he yelled at his losses and talked shit to Eddie and Dustin, scolding Mike and asking, ‘do you kiss El with that mouth, Wheeler?’
But when noon rolled into evening and dusk settled over the town and your apartment, you’d run out of episodes of Schitt’s Creek to rewatch and your affection metre was running low. It wasn’t like Steve kicked you out of the spare room that he kept his computer and gaming consoles in, there just wasn’t that much room for you to join him in it. His stupid chair took up much of the floor space, his desk holding a too big monitor and games lined the shelves he’d fixed to the walls.
So when you crept in mid battle royale, Steve let his eyes stray from the screen to linger over you, smiling at his old high school hoodie that hung from your frame, your leggings that you’d tucked into fluffy socks. He was all pinked cheek and messy haired, the annoyance of losing to Dustin for the fifth time getting him all worked up and he looked so pretty. And besides, there really wasn’t anywhere else to sit apart from on his lap.
You felt his grin pressed to your cheek as you clambered into him, legs on either side of his hips as you carefully manoeuvred your way under his arms, trying your best to not make him let go of the controller. Steve hummed in appreciation when you buried your face into the crook of his neck, whispering a sweet “hi, gorgeous,” to you as you settled against him.
You hummed right back, pressing a kiss to his neck and snorting when you heard Eddie’s tinny voice through the earpiece of his headset, a garbled cackle and a ‘flirt with me all you want, Harrington, I’m still kicking your ass.’
You didn’t have to look at Steve to know he was rolling his eyes, his arms tightening around you, muscles flexing as he jabbed at buttons in a pattern you didn’t know the significance of. He huffed at his friend, explaining to the group that you were here, like that’s all they needed to know.
The bets commenced soon after, a din of laughter and teasing, each boy insisting on the time that Steve would dip now they knew you were with him. Eddie told him he was whipped, Will booed loudly in the background and Lucas asked if Steve planned on winning a round to at least try to impress you.
Steve ignored all of them, smiling only ‘cause he felt yours against his neck, your soft laughter shaking your shoulders and he planted a row of kisses along your cheek in response, realising how much he’d missed you now that you were in his arms. He felt guilty, like he’d neglected you all day. And when he told you as such, you shook your head and managed to catch the corner of his mouth in a kiss.
“I know, you’re awful,” you told him, trying your best to sound serious. “I’ve been wasting away downstairs, all alone.”
“Poor girl,” he grinned, abandoning his controller in order to tug you closer, one warm hand sneaking up the back of your hoodie, fingers tracing over the bumps of your spine. “Should’ve come and told me off.”
“I’d rather manhandle you and demand attention,” you murmured, cheeks burning when you realised you were speaking too close to the microphone on Steve’s headset, a dulled chorus of gagging noises and ‘get a room,’ yelled back at you.
You huffed but grinned, when Steve told them all off, explosions on the screen garnering their attention once more. You wiggled, getting comfy, nosing along the line of Steve’s jaw, happy when he let out a stuttered sigh.
“Jus’ gonna finish this round, ‘kay?” He asked you quietly, and you knew he’d switch it off mid match if you asked him too.
But you nodded, happy to just be close, smiling at the yells of your friends that could be heard through the headset everytime Steve missed a target ‘cause he was too busy stroking lines over your bare skin to be bothered. And when he finally managed to catch up to Eddie’s character, taking down whatever monster/boss/alien thing it was they were fighting, you were letting sleep tug at you, Steve’s aftershave and the scent of your laundry detergent clinging to his clothes. You barely heard him say his goodbyes, the clamouring of voices that yelled ‘told you so, pay up a Munson,’ as he signed off.
You hummed, sleepy, unfocused as Steve kissed over your hair and cheeks, doing his best to coax you awake before he gave in entirely and stood, arms tucked under your butt to keep you close. You squeaked at the sudden movement, grumbling something that sounded like his name into his neck but you wrapped your legs around him all the same, still just happy to be close as he made his way to your shared bedroom, more than ready to give you all the attention you deserved from him.
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fancyfeathers · 7 days
I had a thought about Yandere Mycroft Holmes after watching the movie Amsterdam last night, a spy/government agent darling
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His darling is from another country, perhaps America or France, because in the Victorian Era those governments were not exactly on good terms with the British Empire, but for the sake of this let’s say she is from America. She is merely sent to keep tabs on the overpowering nation, do what is necessary and sent updates to her superiors. She lives there, picking up new jobs and identities when needed, and keeping her eyes and ears open. Then one day she gets a new assignment from her supervisor, she is to retrieve documents that are in the possession by British Military Intelligence that have confidential information on American Military Personnel which could potentially expose her and other projects.
She picks up a new identity, getting paired with one of her fellow agents, a young man, the two of them dressing up as a wealthy young couple who has relatives in an American firearms company, a possession that would be less suspicious when they begins to ask questions. Her partner has to attempt to obtain a membership to the Diogenes Club or obtain a meeting with member there in the Stranger’s Room so he could look there for the documents. Meanwhile she had the back up plan of becoming friends with the wives of the men who worked in Military Intelligence so they could be invited to a party so they could sneak around and find the documents that way.
It is a long shot but both of them succeed in their goals, he is accepted into the club and she is welcomed into the social circle of women. She is unable to find the documents herself and he has an inkling that the documents are in the office of the founder of the club, Mycroft Holmes, and it is no secret of who he is. It is risky to poke that far and they think about potentially leaving it to the diplomats but if they do it will give the British Government to investigate the documents and find out where and who they are and their jobs as agents will be done and dead, the best case is being sent back to America and receiving a reward for their efforts and other jobs, worst case is that they are arrested and kept across the sea, far away from home. So the two do what they have to in order to get the job done.
One day when she is writing an update report back to their supervisor, her partner returns home and she almost calls out to him and tells him exactly what she is doing but he manages to interrupt her first from the other room…
“Dear, we have company.”
She wastes no time shoving the papers away before making her way into the front entryway to see her partner along with the one they have suspected of having the documents, Mycroft Holmes. Apparently Mycroft had approached her partner just outside of the club and wondering if he could spare some time to talk about potential business opportunities with the so-called firearms company they had relatives in. Her partner asks Mycroft to wait in the drawing room while he speaks to his wife. He takes Mycroft’s darling to another room and tells her to go to the now closed Diogenes Club and sneak into Mycroft’s office to get the documents and she is slightly confused and…
“He knows about me at least, I do not know if he knows that I know he- just go, say you are going out to meet a friend, but go.”
She listens to him, rushing out the back door while her partner goes to deal with Mycroft. She goes through a broken window to get into the club under the cover of night and certainly picks a few locks to get into Mycroft’s office but when she is rummaging around she finds nothing, not just the documents, but there is literally nothing there…
Then it hits her…
He knew this would happen…
It was a trap!
It clicks in her head when she hears the clicking of a draw back of a gun. She looks up to see another man, no doubt who works for Mycroft, across the room with a gun pointed at her, but judging by his smile she knew he was not intending to pull the trigger. She is frozen and has no where to go-
“Ah it seems she got quicker than planned, thank you for holding her up, Albert.”
Mycroft does not do anything like arrest her but rather just asks her to sit down with him in his office. He acts as if nothing is wrong when he takes out the very documents she was looking for from his jacket and sits down across from her, addressing her by her real name which she has never told him so clearly they had figures out the documents and it was all exposed.
“I knew from the start, your partner’s discomfort with his wedding band signaled how you were not married for four years, he kept on fidgeting with it in the club.”
The way he kept on pretending was just humiliate them in the end and the meeting was really just to inform her of this and also…
“You will not be returning to America.”
“I negotiated a trade with the embassy last night, the promise and return of these documents and that we will never use them against your nation and in return we receive one of their top agents any of the knowledge they have on any potential threats to our nation.”
She really has no other choice but give Mycroft all of her old mission reports along with any oral knowledge she has. Her old partner was sent home and she asked him to tell her family what had happened while she works on transferring her life’s work over to another government. This could take weeks or even months of constant supervision and questioning and then when it is over and she has given what she has and wants to go home and asks her captor…
“No, the trade was made for you not just for your mind, besides they traded you over so willingly, clearly they go not care about you how you cared about them.”
She could not deny the fact that he was right.
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I gave myself a prompt from this list because I felt like writing some Yorkalina. This story is set somewhere in the timeline (that I haven't written yet) where York lives and they get their happily ever after.
Carolina paced slowly back and forth outside his door. Her entire body was tensed, on alert. She had to forcefully relax her hands from the fists they had formed into unconsciously. She refused to look defensive in front of him. She couldn't.
She'd been mustering the courage to talk to him for some time now. For days, really. Ever since they found him. Ever since he realized that she wasn't just another one of Director Church's twisted recreations of the people he once loved. Since he realized that she really was herself.
They'd been around each other plenty. He immediately took to the simulation troopers, and began helping Wash run them through combat drills. Caboose followed him around like a lost puppy and laughed too hard at every one of his jokes.
He was different from the last time she'd seen him... more wary. More closed. But at the same time he was the same. He had picked up smoking again somewhere down the line - she'd caught him on more than one occasion sneaking a cigarette out back where Wash wouldn't catch and reprimand him. His brown hair still managed to have that perfect unkempt style to it even after hours spent inside a helmet. He still looked at her the same, even though he tried not to.
Finally, she grew tired of all the dancing around each other. She had to talk to him. And that was how she ended up pacing outside his door in the middle of the night.
Her wristwatch read 0054 when she finally mustered the courage to knock on his door. She knocked quietly, sure that he was already asleep. Then she could skulk back to her own quarters and feel glad that she had at least made an effort.
Instead, his door slid open almost immediately. He stared down at her, his good eye unfocused and his hair mussed. It took several seconds for him to recognize her, but when he finally did his face softened in that way it did just for her.
"Carolina," he breathed, his voice raspy and dry. He hadn't been sleeping yet, she could tell that much. But he obviously hadn't spoken to anyone for quite a while. Her name sounded so right whispered from his lips that she nearly turned tail and ran then and there.
"I couldn't sleep," she said, the justification sounding weak even to her ears.
Still, the man across from her took it in stride. Adapted. He was always good at that. "Me neither," he admitted. "I... I haven't slept well for a while." He stepped back from the doorway, waving one hand in a silent invitation for her to enter.
Carolina seized the opportunity, quickly stepping into his room before she had the chance to chicken out and run away. "Me neither," she commented, trying to keep her voice neutral. "It's been a long time since I slept the night through. Not since..."
Since the last time we shared a cot on the Mother of Invention all those years ago.
She couldn't tell him that, for obvious reasons. So instead, she just let the statement hang there between them.
York nodded, stepping around her to lay down gingerly on his cot. She noted by his movements that he was still feeling some stiffness in his left side. The side where she had kicked him during their earlier duel. She spared a moment to feel somewhat guilty for his pain.
Then that moment passed, and she was suddenly painfully aware of the fact that he was deliberately only taking up half of the real estate on his bed. She did her best not to let herself hope that he was saving some room for her.
"Well, I..." she said slowly, stammering. "I just wanted to check in. And I have. So I guess I'll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing before I came." She turned and stiffly made her way to the door.
She hated the way that it took nothing more than her name to stop her in her tracks. But at the same time, she was just so ecstatic to have him near her again that she didn't much care.
"I, uh... I can't sleep." His voice was quiet, his tone awkward and unsure. She could tell without turning around that he was rubbing the back of his neck and staring at the floor in that endearingly bashful way of his. "Could you... could you stay here tonight?"
Carolina's breath hitched in her throat. She didn't dare move, worried that if she did the illusion might shatter. The room fell silent, and for a moment it seemed as if time itself had ceased its movement.
She heard the shuffle of movement behind her. "Sorry. I know that's a weird request. I'll -" whatever else he'd been planning to say vanished on the nonexistent breeze when Carolina wheeled around and marched quickly toward the bed. His eyes widened in concern, no doubt worried that he'd said something to upset her. His mouth opened to say something, but she reached out and pressed a finger to his lips.
"Yes," she breathed, her words barely loud enough for even her to hear over the pounding of her heart in her ears. "I'll stay with you."
Four simple words. A promise to spend the night with him. To try to find some rest in the company they had each missed for so long. But they were more than that... she was promising more than a single night's worth of company. The thought sent a nervous shiver down her spine. She'd never been great at committing to much of anything, but she was willing to change that. For him.
Resolving to put that thought off for later, Carolina wordlessly slipped into the bed beside him. There were a few moments of awkwardness between them... trying to find the right balance to explore the emotions that clearly raged within them in spite of the years that had passed. But then his arms slowly found their way around her, and she pressed her back against his chest, and suddenly it was all right again.
Sleep came for her quickly, accompanied by his steady breathing and the beat of his heart against her back. Just as her eyes drifted shut, Carolina whispered one more promise.
"I'm never leaving again, York."
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starrycassi · 1 year
This whole thing is settled in my Meditrina AU (that I poorly explain here)
Ballister walks into the tavern, with a pink snake draped all over his neck, his shoulders. Nimona likes this way of transportation better, and it adds to the whole "villain" look they're supposed to be going for in this new town.
Niccole — the bar keeper, owner and founder, grins at him, her silver tooth shining with the last sun rays of the day that managed to sneak their way in through the few windows of the place. She is one of those women, the ones that are as beautiful as the few stars that are starting to show up in the pink sky outside, and Ballister has learned to enjoy her company, even with her sour humour, her pranks and horrible habit of taking everything left unsupervised. Everyone in the town has a couple of bad habits, and he's no exception.
One of them is the tavern itself.
"Blackheart, baby! And my favorite menace!" Opening her arms to invite him in for a hug, she quickly started pouring his favorite drink into a cup, smiling ever so lively. "I was wondering when we we're gonna find your body, honey. Rumour had it, you were dead, or kidnapped. I knew, baby, I knew you wouldn't go down that easily. I even bet on it, believe me. I'm going to turn so rich in a couple of hours"
He gave in, hugging her. Nimona switched from his shoulders to hers, barely hissing to say hi. She's tired. They just came back from running an errand, after all.
One of Niccole's habits is betting, too. This one Ballister finds ridiculous. Anyone who's willing to bet against this woman is surely stupid.
"Well, we're a bit harder to take down than that, Nic. But I'm glad to know you believe in us"
He sits down, and takes a small sip of the glass in front of him, tasting it for some second, making sure that it feels okay. Niccole's mostly kind, but you can never really trust people.
"Oh, baby. Anyone who loses a limb and gets up from that is someone who doesn't go down easily" Laughing, she lifts up her skirt, beaming at the wolf whistles that some people give her, allowing everyone around them to take a peek at her prosthetic leg, a beautiful, glittery, pink, piece of art that Ballister made for her. Then, she turns around and starts chatting with Nimona in a language Ballister doesn't understand, spitting words quickly, pouring in some more orders.
The bar's not full, but the tables around them produce a never ending background noise of voices and laughs.
After pouring another glass for another customer, she wips her hands in her skirt, tying and untying her long, brown hair in a low, loose ponytail, and rests her elbows on the wood surface that divides them, finally ready to get down to what she really cares about: gossip. Nimona turns into a bird, and hides himself on Niccole's hair. They're awfully close to each other, both always happy to cause chaos.
"So, baby..." she started, licking her lips. "Tell me"
"About what, Nic?"
"Oh, don't play with me, boy. You disappear and close your doors for two whole weeks. Not even the girls managed to get a word out of you. What were you up to, you rascal? Any important situations going on with the shelter?"
She looks worried, for a second. Ballister squirms uncomfortably on his seat. There was a big, unbelievable situation, actually. A blonde, six feet tall situation.
Trying to get Ambrosius to actually speak to him with clarity, convincing Nimona to let him sleep in, taking care of Ambrosius's wounds, making sure that Nimona actually didn't kill him, cleaning out the spare room on the cabin and scrambling together to make it comfortable, adapting to the sight of fucking Ambrosius Goldenloin everyday... It all took two weeks, and the room is still too unpleasant, Nimona still seems to be on the edge of murder everytime Ambrosius's around her, and Ballister still isn't really sure of how he feels about this whole thing.
"I had a guest over" is all he can come up with, shrugging. It wasn't unheard of, for him to take in guests before they were delivered to the shelter.
"Oh, really?" Niccole arches an eyebrow, and screams for one of her employees to come out and cover her. She jumps over the bar, her long, colorful skirt, turning into a blur, and she sits down in the stool next to him with the agility of a cat. She's fully invested on this, now. "And why didn't you tell, baby? I would've gotten you some food. The others would've done something, too"
Ballister is aware, now, of the fact that he manages his emotions very poorly, but he wasn't that self aware a year and some months ago, when he crashed in this town. Alcohol seemed like a good coping mechanism, back when he moved in. He's generally doesn't get easily drunk, but when he does, he gets loud, talkative.
So, half the town has heard a lot of things about his past. And Ambrosius. A lot about Ambrosius, actually. A lot. Specially the arm chopping situation.
"He's not a shelter guest, Nic" he tries to explain, looking at the door to avoid her green eyes. He can't help but blush with embarrassment at the fact that he's been avoiding her for two weeks to take care of his arm chopping ex. "He's more of a... personal friend, I think. He's supposed to join me here, actually"
Her whole face lights up, and she shrieks, hugging him, giggling. When she lets go, she throws her arms up in the air. Nimona gets out of her hair and flies out of a window, probably too exhausted to keep dealing with people.
The errand was a specially tiring one. They went in a shopping spree with Ambrosius, because Ballister's heart couldn't handle seeing him wearing his clothes anymore.
Ballister fought bravely in the Institute. He was top of his class. He went days without rest, without sleep. He worked out untile he passed out. He ran miles until his legs gave up. He's still sure that there's not a single activity more energy consuming than going out on a Goldenloin shopping spree.
Niccole doesn't allow him to bask in memories, shaking him by the shoulders.
"Finally!" She exclaims, talking to the roof. "Thank you, goddesses! I knew it, baby! I'm so glad you're getting over that golden dick boy! You're moving on!"
He stutters, blushing even more, trying to explain to her that the golden boy and his new roommate are exactly the same person. She doesn't let him, cackling with childish glee.
"You're way too good for that asshole, love! Goddess, wasn't I interested in girls only, I would've asked you out myself so, so long ago" Gasping loudly, she starts fumbling with her hair, fixing her shirt. "Oh, my, he's coming, you say? Should've told me before! I look so bad, in these rags. I would've cooked something for your new lover, honey!"
"He's more of an unwanted and unexpected addition to my household, Nic..."
"Oh, I call my girl that, too. Don't worry about a thing, dear. I'm just happy that you're finally meeting new people. We should organize a party, tell me his name so I can- "
The door opens, and all of the sudden, the sounds in the tavern dies down. Meditrina is a small, secluded town, where everyone knows everyone. Foreigners are quite common, since they're really close to a big city, but they usually stick to the main trail and the few hotels around it.
So it's understandable, that everyone stares suspiciously at the cloaked figure that comes in the Arcoiris Tavern, a place not even the locals frequent, known for being a house to various criminals and outlaws. They stare at the golden hair peeking under the fabric, at he way the man covered by it is hunched over himself, aiding himself with a simple-looking cane. Ballister goes stiff as a plank.
"That's him" he whispers to Niccole, gulping. Ambrosius looks good, with his new clothes. Well, he always looks good, it's just refreshing to see him in something tht actually fits him for the first time in what feels like forever. "That's my guest"
She blinks once, twice, and awaits for the "mysterious man" to approach them. Ambrosius walks in quickly, making a beeline for Ballister once he spots him. It's dark outside now, and his face is light up only by the lanterns perched everywhere. He's still unbelievably handsome, unfortunately. And so stupidly stubborn. He's late only because he refused to go home without buying a new pair of golden earrings, and now there's a pretty pair of teardrops hanging from his ears, catching and reflecting the low lights around them.
"Oh, Bal, sorry, I'm late. I didn't really understand the directions you gave me..." He starts, looking actually apologetic. He's already forgiven. For everything. "I didn't mean to-"
"Don't worry about it, really" Ballister cuts in. Ambrosius apologizes a lot, lately. It's a but tiring. "Look, she's the friend I told you about. Owns the bar"
Ambrosius smiles at Niccole as soon as he's introduced to her. It's the practiced, charming one. She responds with her best grin. The one she gave Ballister when he started coming in, almost a year ago. He offers her a hand, and she shakes it excitedly. Everyone in the bar is staring, eager to get some new gossip.
"I'm so happy to meet you!" Says the woman, breaking the handshake to hug Ambrosius, as if they're long lost friends. "I'm Niccole, Niccole Oakes, by the way. Feel free to ask me for anything. Ballister's friends are mine, too"
Ballister can't stop the next words that are said after that. He can't stop catastrophe.
"Oh, well" chuckles Ambrosius, looking put out by the fact that they're still hugging, but managing to keep his nerves out of his voice. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Ambrosius, Ambrosius Goldenloin"
He can't stop the chaos that the tavern turns in after that, either.
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seasonal colds
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Summary : you had a date but your body got other plans, your next door neighbor misses your sweet greetings
Word Count : not that long
Warnings : 18+ Neighbor!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, use of y/n, reader and Eddie are both (21), Eddie kinda sneaked into reader's home but not in a creep way, I don't know how to put this but reader and Eddie are friends but not that close?, establishing a relationship, reader is really unwell (it's literally me on this fic lol- I'm sorry)
What to Expect : strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, set in the 80's, mostly, this is all fluffy goodness
Note To Reader : projecting myself here, please, let me have my indulgence 😭
Author Note : This year's Christmas season is interesting because, I got sick so bad that I had a fever, so, yeah, no worries- now, because after that atrocious event- THIS FIC IS BORN 🤩
"That's odd, Where is she?"
"What'd you say?" Dustin spoke over the phone's receiver
"Uh, it's- Y/N- I didn't saw her earlier and now- the sun's getting low still haven't seen her yet"
Eddie replies as he looks over at his window as he rest his back on the wall while holding the telephone
"Why don't you knock at her door to see her if she's okay?" Dustin suggests
"Dude, we're not that close"
"I mean- there's nothing wrong with checking- like come on- it's normal to care" Dustin scoffs
Eddie can picture his young friend rolling his eyes
"Yeah, yeah, I get it" he sighs
"She looked fine yesterday, I even helped to carry some of her stuff that she bought"
"From what I know is that she has a date"
"Well....maybe that's the reason why she isn't showing up, she got exhausted"
"Really? Exhausted from a date?"
"I'm just helping you out here, man"
"I'm a little worried- that's all"
"Look, if you really want to know of how she's been doing then just get out of there and see it for yourself"
Eddie went silence for a bit as he listens to his friend
"I know you, Eddie- you're like the epitome of endless worrying"
Dustin's right, like Eddie himself couldn't believe that he would agree on the kid
You're the best neighbor that he had on the building
If you had food, you will gladly offer him some, you always acknowledge him with the fullest and loving smiles ever
You even asked him everytime on how he's day went, Eddie can see the tiredness in your eyes but yet you still managed to be kind and thoughtful
Eddie on the other hand, after finding out that you had a date
He can't help but wonder
How it went?
Was it amazing?
Did you really go to that date?
"She left me a spare key to feed her cat, if she's going away for a couple of months"
"Use it"
"Isn't that like- trespassing?"
"But you knew each other"
"We don't knew each other that much, Henderson"
"Listen to me"
"I'm listening-"
"What if something else happened to her? Inside of her home?- What if she couldn't even bring help herself?"
"Woah, okay- you convince me enough"
Dustin chuckles "Okay, dude, take care"
"You too, bye"
He runs his hands through his face as he thinks his decision carefully
He groans as he picks up his jacket and grab your spare key
He went outside of his room and stop by at your door for a moment
He replays of what he just rehearsed inside of his head
"I'm only going to check on Y/N because it's so weird not seeing her often- I'm just making sure- that is all"
He nods to himself as he unlocks your door
"Hello? Y/N?"
He opens the door and when you didn't answer, he says
"Are you here? Are you home? I'm gonna bring myself inside"
He asks again "Where are you? Y/N? I just wanted to check you- if you're okay"
He closes the door as he puts your spare key on his pocket
He searches the whole place, your dishes are still in the sink, there a bit of trash in the dining table
He is now intrigued at the atmosphere of your home
He walks forward as he looks for you
He saw your bedroom door slightly open
He hesitates for a second, since it's your personal room
He shakes his head as he saw you there laying on your bed, he sighs of relief but you look different
You always looked effortless but something is off about you
He doesn't know if you're awake or just dozing off
He calls out your name again
He clears his throat "Y/N?"
You stirred and by the time you tried to move your body, your face grimaced
He noticed that "You okay?"
You finally started to open your eyes slowly
Your eyes are droopy and your forehead scrunches up
He doesn't even know what it means, is it because of annoyance or in pain?
You're still processing of what's going on
You just groaned and started shivering as you pulled the sheets on you quickly
"I feel cold" your voice is hoarsed
He gasped, his eyes goes wide, he finally realizes that you're sick
So, you didn't go on to that date
A part of him is relieved that you didn't come which is so wrong of him to feel that way because it's literally none of his business like yeah, you could do whatever you want but he hopes that he'll be the one or the first to take you out someday
He runs towards to you, he places his hand on your forehead
"You're burning up!"
You grunted when you complain about your joints hurting and you feel your whole body is on fire like it won't stop being in pain
Now, your ears are ringing and pounding in discomfort
You still haven't looked or even acknowledge the person that is in your room
Your fever is so high that you can't even get out of the bed easily
Your eyes are brimming with tears, you sniffle
Eddie knows what to do
He knows how to deal with this
"I'm gonna help you, Y/N, don't worry" he places his hand on top of yours as he let it linger for a while
He went at the nearest pharmacy and picked-up goodies in the convenience store
He's back at your place as he prepares a basin filled with water and a clean towel as he places the damp cloth on your forehead
He's so concentrated to making sure your fever won't go far enough as it was before, so, he keeps running the other damp cloth to your arms and neck all the important parts to make your fever go down
He shook his head in displeased look earlier when he check your temperature using the thermometer
He puts a cool fever on your forehead
In the middle of the night, sometimes, you sob in agony
"Make it stop, please- I don't want to feel this anymore"
"It's alright, Y/N, you're okay, I got you"
Eddie couldn't sleep properly knowing of how awfully you must've been feel all this time
You're still feel cold even you have loads of blanket that he lays on you
He finds your comforter and he immediately puts it on you
He smiles to himself a little when you get comfortable with your sickening situation
He even panicked when you're not responding, the time you get passed out
You just couldn't take it anymore
You swore to yourself that you really did blackout for a minute
When you moved a little bit, he muttered "oh- thank god"
He's shaking in fear that he thought he lost you
"You gotta fight it, Y/N- you have to"
You still haven't eaten anything yet besides only drinking water, not that you didn't want to- it's just- you're too afraid to eat anything without being specific on what meal because-
You might vomit of how worse you feel right now
Thankfully, you told him to order creamy chicken macaroni soup and burger with fries
He calls for delivery as soon as possible
and nope- you still have no idea of who's taking care of you
He joins you while eating very late dinner
"How you're feeling?"
Your body is in hell- you don't have to energy to even talk
"There's no improvements but finally I can eat"
He gives you a small smile on that as he continues to finish his food
After that you complained of how your head hurts and your chest clenches too much
Out of all the fatigue that you felt for the past couple of years before?
This is literally the worst of them than the New Year's 2022 sickness that you got
Your body literally saying "FUCK YOU"
You can tell the incoming migraine is coming right at your skull to hammer it aggressively
He's been staying here for the whole night, it's his first night at your room
Eddie is sitting right beside you for the first time tonight, he slept peacefully
You unintentionally hold onto his forearm that made him woke up from his slumber, his eyes went to concern automatically as he watches you
"everything it hurts, somebody help me" you cried out as you kept your hold on him
"I know, Y/N- it will be all over soon" he wraps his arms around you
He runs his fingers through your hair as he lulled you to sleep
He woke up and he took a mental note to change your clothes
He goes into your dresser, he picked an easy but comfortable pieces of clothing
You hum in response
"You need to change your clothes"
Your face turn crumpled and you let out a whine when you sit up
He gave you the clothes that he picked out for you, he said that he'll be back
Once, you get dressed and check yourself in the bathroom
You look fucking bad, you roll your eyes to yourself
He's back with a glass of water and a medicine on hand
"You have to drink this now, you'll be good since you've already eaten" he murmurs as he hands you the water
You nod in response as you drink the capsules
You went back to bed as you settle your comfortable
You're still struggle to make a decent sleep since you really just can't do it because of how everything feels sucks right now
The medicine and the cool wind from outside helped you to feel drowsy
You can feel your eyes closing on its own as you finally getting a good night's sleep
You woke up drenched in your own sweat and you feel a lot more better than before
But, still there's more ache left but it's more good than not having any progress of healing
The sound of the soft snores from another person caught your attention
You looked around and there you saw him sleeping in your couch with a blanket that is too short for him
Your mind finally registered the things that he has done for you
The basin, the damp towels, the wrappers from the food delivery, the glass and the medicine, everything
Despite, there's still pain left that you're feeling right now, you smile at Eddie
You watch him as you can feel yourself feeling sleepy again
"It's a Wonderful Life!" playing in your television as Eddie watches with a popcorn bowl on his hand
Eddie can hear the rustles from your comforter as saw your eyes fluttering open
"Oh, hey, Y/N! Did you sleep well?"
"Hi, Eddie, yeah- I did" you managed to say as your cheeks blushed
You're so embarrassed that he took care of you for a while, he really didn't have to do that
His eyes go big when he heard you say his name "You- you're okay! You just said my name!" He grins as he goes over to you assisting the pillow as you sit up
"Not really, 100% tho- I still feel like shit"
He tilts his head at you as he puts his hand on your forehead
"Yeah, you still a bit warm but I think you'll be fine sooner!" He claps both of his hands as he returns watching the film
You gasped out of nowhere as you realized something, you removed the comforter off of you as you sit on the edge of your bed
"Woah- woah you have to move easy, what's the sudden rush?" Eddie holds both of your shoulders to steady you as you stumble while standing up too fast
You click your tongue "I was supposed to attend this date, remember?"
He puts his hands inside of the pockets of his jacket "Ah, right- that one"
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you groan in frustration
"Fuck, that was yesterday"
"Yuuuuuup!" Eddie says with a "pop!" at the end
You stand awkwardly in front of him as you sigh, he watches you intently
"What am I going to do? I blew it up because of me getting sick" you shake your head to yourself as you sat back down on your bed
"Well...." He sat beside you as he thinks for a few minutes
His hands itches to touch you and hold you
Before he can say anything, you spoke first
"How long I've been sick?"
"One day"
You huffed as you bring your attention back on the TV and then you turn your head back at him as he already been staring at you
"Oh- gosh- I'm sorry that's so rude of me! I just wanna say Thank you, Eddie!" You rambled
A smile grows on his lips "It's nothing really, I mean- I insist and I want to help you" he ducks his head down, he suddenly became shy on your gaze
"I just missed seeing you and not knowing what is happening to you, scared me"
"Really?" Your eyes twinkle and he flustered
"Y-Yeah" He clears his throat, trying to cover up his nervousness
"Don't beat yourself up for not going on to that date, Y/N" he says softly
Your eyes softens as you let him hold your hand
Oh- you like Eddie- that's why the universe didn't let you go on to that date
"I wanna spend my Christmas with you, Eddie"
"You do?" He says in disbelief tone, his eyes shines as he watches you get up
"I'm gonna make hot chocolate with whipped cream- it's my favorite!" You giggled with excitement radiating on your aura
You tug his hand as you went into your kitchen for two mugs
Your heart flutters of how much he cares for you while you're working on the luscious drink, it's really sweet because he knows that you're still not okay, you're still recovering
You taught him how to use the can whipped cream and you mischievously make a dot onto his nose and you laugh
You accidentally smeared the cream on the sides of your lips and Eddie made it even more worse that he exclaimed that he didn't know there's still chocolate on his fingers
Both of your laughter's died down when something in the air has changed
It's started snowing outside, you swear your heart expands three times bigger of how long he stares at you
You feel safe and sound under his presence
Why'd you haven't taken a good look on this before? Sure, he looks attractive but you never thought you could feel something for him
Eddie is ready to take the leap or else he'll miss his chance
You both looked funny having sticky and sweet contents on both of your faces
He runs his thumb on your lips as his eyes darts back at you and down to your lips
You thought stopped breathing but it's only Eddie's lips onto yours
You kissed him back, he deepens it, he pulls you close to him by holding your waist as you cup both of his cheeks
You're shocked and screaming inside
Who would've thought that the one you loved is your next-door neighbor?
You never thought that this would happen
You both pulled back with giggles as he takes you back for another sweet kiss which you gladly accept
"How does it taste?"
You ask while you watch him as he turns on the radio and "The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole" starts playing, a fond smile is sitting on your lips
He literally went down to your mouth to kiss which you laugh because he misunderstood on what you mean but you can't help but to kiss him back
"No! Not that- I mean- the hot chocolate!" You lightly push him on the chest as he chuckles, he pulled you to his side closely
"It's magical" he always exaggerates his words
You're infuriated at him
"Eddie, come on- be serious"
"It's really spectacular, Y/N" he pecks your kiss once more removing your cute little frown on your face
"You know I'm really glad that I checked on you"
"I finally got my Christmas wish come true"
You both sipped the warm beverage as you continue to watch the classic Christmas film of all time with both loving hearts and smiles
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
Steve who goes to Max's house one day because she took his bat or something and told him to just sneak in using the spare key because Neil's taking 'them all' to dinner and get it back. Who's surprised to see to Camaro still on the driveway, but then remembers what Max said and breathes out because, obviously, they just went in Neil Hargrove's truck. No sense in taking two vehicles when one has enough space for all four of you, right?
Steve who thinks he hears something when he strides past the Camaro, stops, listens, but its quiet. So he shrugs, goes on ahead into the house. Max told him it was the second door on the left so in he goes, does his best to get-it-get-out because rummaging through a girl's room is not his ideal way to spend a Saturday afternoon, and he's creeping back towards the front door when the Camaro rocks on its wheels a little.
And, naturally, Steve's first thought flits to something Upside Down-y. He can't help it. The slightest flicker of lights or bad smell or too-dark shade of red makes him think of that place, and his second is to chastise himself because its broad fucking daylight, the Gates are gone, and its probably some neighborhood mutt or raccoon or something. Or a trick of his brain. Its been doing that a lot lately.
Except he pulls the door shut a bit too loudly and the Camaro wiggles again, the tiniest, most muffled noise coming from somewhere. And Steve looks around it. Under it. Behind it. Bangs his palm on the side-rear end in case some wild animal somehow got inside (and honestly he wishes he could be a fly on the wall when Billy comes home to discover some rabid raccoon took a dump in his precious car or something) and.
The noise is coming from the trunk...
i am going to yell!!!!!
and billys inside hearing footsteps and shuffling outside and assumes its neil and hes learned not to kick and scream and cry to be let out cuz it just makes his time in there last longer, but he still cant help the panicking so he's whimpering, trying to muffle any sound trying to escape his mouth. and his breathings going crazy and in this tight space its making the car move every time billy flinches.
so thats all steve hears. and of course he thinks its an animal (though his mind does start to wander but surely billy nots that psychotic. to keep a person in his trunk???) but the thoughts already planted itself in his head and he cant just leave a whole person in a trunk because what the fuck??? so he runs back in the house to find something to pick the lock with and billy is the absolute last person he expected to find in there. let alone a shaking crying panting billy who doesnt even look like he knows where he is let along whos in front of him hes so far gone.
and steve immediately just kind of forgets any beef they have and focuses instead on getting billy out (which takes some effort. he doesnt know how long billys been in there but its been enough time that his limbs have kind of cramped up on him and he needs steves help to move)
once billy calms down enough steve manages to get out of him that neil put him there and he makes the executive decision that billys not gonna be in that house when neil gets home. he doesnt know what to do with billy but he just knows to get him in steves car and they start driving. and before steve knows it theyre at joyces place, because shes the most responsible adult he knows apparently and some higher power or force or whatever just knew thats where to go.
and of course billy gets pissed when steve goes running his mouth, and joyce gets hopper involved (maybe he was already there) and billy makes a big fuss about how he doesnt want anything done to neil he doesnt want to make this a big deal, he'll be 18 soon enough and be able to fend for himself etc etc but joyce is putting her foot down like you are NOT going back to that man i'll kill him myself if i must...and billy believes her. she's small but mighty
maybe he stays with joyce. maybe he goes with hopper. maybe steve offers up his house cuz theres spare bedrooms that joyce and hopper dont have.
maybe neil tries confronting billy or joyce or hopper one day to get him back into the house but joyce is like "try anything i swear to god i will end your life"
and thats how billy gets adopted by better parents and also ends up with a boyfriend down the line the end!
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fillyboy19 · 7 months
Upward Falling
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Kaoru wants to slam the door. He doesn’t, but he wants to. Instead, he closes it quietly and flops down onto his bed. The last few rays of warm, golden sun are streaming over him, but it does little to ease his irritation. He knows that right now things are probably just getting into full swing at the local hang out and he’s missing all of it because of one jerk.
It isn’t fair.
It wasn’t his fault that some asshole who didn’t even know him was teasing him about giving boys blowjobs in the bathroom and calling him a slut just because he was gay. And maybe it was his fault that he’d punched the guy and broken his nose, but he deserved it.
Kaoru’s cheeks flame at the thought of doing something so dirty in a public bathroom. No. He’d never do anything like that, especially not where someone could see him. He hasn’t had sex with anyone. Or done that. He hasn’t even kissed anyone yet.
Not that there wasn’t someone he wanted to kiss.
He worries at his lip ring, trying to push the thought away. He focuses his gaze on the posters littering his wall. All of them are soft remixes of famous paintings or fliers for one gallery show or another that he’s attended. It’s an odd juxtaposition to the bright skateboarding ones hanging above his bed. Photos of men and women, all flying through the air, with boards he can’t even hope to one day afford if he doesn’t get the scholarship he needs.
Maybe his mother’s right. Maybe he had acted rashly. Maybe he had risked his scholarship over something as petty as the opinion of a boy he didn’t even care about. Still, that wasn’t a reason to ground him for the entire weekend.
He eyes the small calligraphy set on his desk. He should be practicing. That would be the responsible thing to do – make the best of this bad situation – but he doesn’t want to. He wants to pout. He wants to go and hang out with his friends. He wants to skateboard under the stars.
He’s tempted to pull it out, his own, meager deck. It’s little more than frayed wood with cheap wheels, and black and pink spray-painted lines on the underside. It stays tucked beneath the bed, hidden away from his mother’s prying eyes. If she ever found out that he was doing something as reckless as skateboarding, she’d do more than ground him. She’d–
Kaoru sits up, eyes drawing to the window and finding nothing but the night sky outside. He supposes that it was nothing more than a bird but his curiosity still spurs him to his feet. He crosses the room and lifts the glass. He sees nothing out of the ordinary until he looks down to find two bright, brown eyes staring up at him. He nearly screams at the surprise, hand flying to his mouth at the last second so as not to draw his mom’s attention.
“What–” Kaoru leans down, face only inches from Kojiro’s as he hisses, “How’d you even get up here?”
Kojiro chuckles and raps his knuckles against the sturdy tree branch he’s perched on. “I climbed, duh.”
“What are you doing here?” Kaoru glances back towards his bedroom door, ears keenly listening for the sound of his mother’s footsteps.
“Came to see you.” Kojiro stands, carefully balancing before swinging his leg over the ledge and sitting down, straddling Kaoru’s window. “You should come skate with me tonight.”
“You know I can’t.” Kaoru tries to walk away but finds Kojiro’s fingers wrapping around his and pulling him back. “I’m grounded.”
“It’s almost eleven. Your mom probably went to bed hours ago. She won’t even miss you.” Kojiro pulls Kaoru’s hand to his face and places a gentle kiss to his knuckles. “Besides, what are they going to do? Ground you for another weekend? I’ll just come sneak you out again.”
Kaoru blushes at the gesture, both hating and loving the stupid smile that turns up the corners of his lips as he listens to Kojiro. “You’re such a delinquent.”
He tries to walk away again, but Kojiro holds his hand firmly and gives him the best puppy dog eyes he can manage. Kaoru spares one last glance towards his door. It’s true that he hasn’t heard his mother moving around for a few hours and he almost never broke the rules. She’d have no reason to come into his room and check on him when she was certain that he’d simply gone to bed already.
When he looks back at Kojiro he finds that silly, pleading looks still plastered on his face and he caves. “Fine. One hour.”
Kaoru grabs his board from under his bed and then swings his leg out over the ledge. He hands his board to Kojiro and focuses on making sure he doesn’t fall as he climbs down the tree.
The moment his feet are on solid ground, Kojiro is shoving his board back into his hands. “Race you!”
Kojiro takes off, board clacking as he throws it down and jumps onto it. He pushes off, practically flying down the street. Kaoru runs to get momentum and drops his board. He catches up easily, laughing as he pokes Kojiro’s side and pulls ahead. They move fast through the small side streets until they reach the downtown area and then they slow to little more than a lazy glide.
They talk about school and their parents. Kojiro lets him lament about the lame summer camp his mom is forcing him to go to. It’s not that he doesn’t want to go to an art camp; he just wishes that she’d given him some sort of say in the matter.
They’re on the main drag, weaving in between people on the crowded sidewalk when a bright display catches Kaoru’s eye. It’s a bright neon billboard touting the merits of a computer programming summer camp. It shows kids his age flying drones and talking about the potential for AI driven cars and fully integrated home electronics systems. He’s not sure why he’s interested in it, but he snaps a photo of it with his phone anyway and then rushes to catch up with Kojiro.
He’s only just pulled alongside his friend when the taller boy elbows him playfully. “Try to keep up, Princess.”
Kojiro takes off like a shot, ducking and weaving and nearly toppling over a couple as he ducks beneath their interlocked hands. Kaoru finds himself following without even thinking, throwing a small apology back over his shoulder to the couple who are still standing and staring, flabbergasted at his friend’s antics.
He turns off the main street and Kaoru follows, watching as Kojiro steals a small package from a street vendor’s stand. The man turns from his stand to holler after Kojiro and Kaoru barely avoids colliding into him. His face grows warm and red at all the attention they’re attracting. Almost as if he can sense it though, Kojiro makes a sudden left turn, and they find themselves back in the darkened back streets.
“I cannot believe you just did that.” Kaoru throws Kojiro an angry look as he chastises him. “I’m already supposed to be grounded and now you’re trying to get me arrested!”
Kojiro just chuckles at him, not even attempting to defend himself as he opens the bag and holds out a chocolate covered pretzel. “If you’re gonna get arrested then you should at least share in the spoils.”
“Delinquent,” Kaoru scoffs, but still takes the treat. He hasn’t had a snack in a while and he takes his time, savoring the salty, sweet taste. He finds himself falling behind, just watching Kojiro’s back as he moves. Without his friend he never would have even left his room tonight.
He wouldn’t be feeling the wind in his hair or snacking on stolen food. He wouldn’t be contemplating how to ask his mom if he could go to the summer camp he’d seen instead of the boring one she always sent him to. He doesn’t realize that he’s staring until Kojiro turns back to face him, pinning him under a wide, cocky grin and handing him another pretzel stick.
Their fingers meet. It’s just a small touch, innocent and fleeting, but something in Kaoru’s chest starts to grow warm and tight at the contact. Another cheeky grin and Kojiro takes off again, leaving him behind to float in this odd feeling.
I love him…
The realization hits Kaoru hard and he nearly topples off his board. He drops his snack and bails hard to avoid drifting out into traffic. He’s lying on the cold, hard ground, staring up at the darkened sky and trying to figure out where the thought had come from.
Green hair and brown eyes are suddenly above him, staring down worriedly. “You okay?”
“I…” Kaoru blinks up at him slowly, taking in the question and that odd, concerned look on his friend’s face. It feels like he’s seeing Kojiro for the first time, the way one lip tilts up higher than the other at the edge, the way his bangs just reach his eyes.
Kojiro’s hand is in his hair, pushing it back off his face, fingers checking the back of his head for bumps or bleeding. Kaoru isn’t thinking when he reaches up and cups his friend’s face. His thumb grazes over Kojiro’s jaw as he leans up. Maybe he shouldn’t but…
Kaoru closes his eyes and presses their lips together. He’d thought it would feel like a spark, like lightning shooting through his body but, instead, it feels like warm water filling his veins. It feels like coming home.
The fingers in his hair tighten and then relax and Kojiro hums softly against his mouth as he pulls away. “About time, Princess. Thought I was gonna have to steal one from you.”
A smile quirks up his lips as he chuckles and leans up, to kiss Kojiro again. “Delinquent.”
Written for @wish4adventure (Twitter) for the @MatchaBlossomEx (Twitter)
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lateraniansweets · 1 year
nai and the weirdly shaped plant bulb
lowkey badly written crack. can also be read on ao3 weeeeee
Being an Independent Plant, Nai could do things his sisters can’t. Mainly, he, along with his brother Vash could communicate with humans through the use of oral and written language. 
(No Rem, his handwriting isn’t bad! It’s just beyond human comprehension!)
He was special.
Both he and Vash are. 
Rem told them just as much. 
She called them her little miracles! So they’re special!
Though, sometimes Nai wished he wasn’t special. 
Like, okay, sure he can survive outside the special bulbs his sisters lived in and he didn’t need the soup of mystery liquids that his sisters needed to live but it was boring!
Everyone on the ship was in cryosleep, save for him, Vash and Rem and while he loved spending time with the two it got boring! 
Rem needed to help maintain the ship so she couldn’t play with them all the time.
And unlike him, Vash needed to sleep and eat. Not as much as a regular human and even less so for a developing human child but he still needed to perform such activities nonetheless.
So it bums Nai big time when Rem has to do her job and Vash was eating or god forbid taking a nap!
It especially bums him when it was snack time or nap time.
He didn’t need to eat and he didn't need to sleep! But because Vash needed to, he gets roped in!
(Dinosaur nuggets are disgusting Rem!! He doesn’t want more and he didn’t take from Vash’s share!) 
Nai hated nap time especially.
No matter how much he tried to get himself to fall asleep it didn’t work, leaving him bored and staring at the ceiling for most of it. Vash also snores when he sleeps! So not only is Nai bored, he has to deal with Vash’s cartoonish snoring!
In those moments Nai wished he was a regular old Plant instead. It must be so nice being in the bulb, curled up and sleeping without Vash’s snoring.
And with that, an idea was born.
He would have his nap times in a bulb!
A genius idea!
Except there’s this one problem…
All the Plant bulbs in the ship were occupied by his sisters.
(Rem and Vash have caught him multiple times trying to insert himself in an occupied Plant bulb
Rem is concerned.
Vash also wanted to go in the bulb but Nai banned him from doing so because it’ll just ruin his (Nai’s) nap time.
His sisters (including Tesla) are very concerned for his mental well-being.)
But Nai is determined to put himself in a bulb!
They had to have a spare bulb somewhere on the ship!
And so Nai searched.
When Rem and Vash were asleep he would sneak out of bed and roam the ship to look for one. 
All the while, he would argue mentally with his sisters about needing to be in a bulb. He’d even come across a room that he was sure had a spare bulb. Sadly, he couldn’t access it as it was guarded by a rather mean sister named Tesla who kept insulting his hair and warned him that she would eat him alive and shave his eyebrows if he dared enter. 
The encounter left him crying.
(He totally wasn’t found by Rem in tears by the doorway, screaming at the locked door that his haircut wasn’t ugly.
And Vash definitely didn’t laugh at him.)
That incident with Tesla didn’t stop him, though. He still snuck around, managing to avoid Rem’s various child-proofing methods that included but are not limited to saran wrapping the hallways.
And finally, it paid off.
He had stumbled into a room and found it.
 The spare Plant bulbs he had been so desperately looking for!
They look kinda weird. 
Unlike the usual round glass bulbs his sisters lived in these were boxy and more metal than glass. It had a bunch of buttons and nobs at the top, probably to control the Plant’s energy output and keep track of their vitals. 
Were these older models?
But that didn’t make sense.
These bulbs were too small to properly fit his sisters.
These models were meant for him and Vash!
With an excited noise, a star-eyed Nai popped open the round glass entrance and went inside.
Curling up a bit, Nai breathes a fresh sigh of relief.
 Inside the bulb, it was quiet and dim. 
Best of all there was no Vash snoring beside him.
Nai lies there, pretending he was like his sisters, powering the fleet as they all go on this grand adventure in space. In the quiet he finds himself becoming sleepier and sleepier until he falls asleep.
“That’s weird,” Rem mumbles, setting down a laundry basket, “I’m pretty sure I turned off the lights earlier.”
Tying her hair up into a messy ponytail, she begins singing an old pop song that went viral in the early 21st century. 
"You can travel the wo-orld!" 
Nai's snaps open, heart racing in his chest as he hears Rem's singing voice. 
"But nothing comes close to the golden coast!" 
From the glass window, he could see Rem's legs. 
"Once you party with us!" 
He hears the telltale beeps of buttons being pressed. 
"You'll be falling in love!" 
Rem crouches, popping open the glass window. 
Nai is cut off as she throws a pile of clothes in and closed the window without even looking. 
"Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh!" 
The bulb quickly fills with soapy liquid. 
"CALIFORNIA GIRLS WE'RE UNFORGETTABLE!" Rem sings at the top of her lungs as she walks out of the room, bringing the empty basket with her. "DAISY DUKES BIKINIS ON TOP!" 
The automatic doors close behind her and Nai is left alone, the bulb slowly filling with water. 
He breathes a sigh of relief. 
He didn't get caught and he didn't have to bullshit an excuse out of trouble! 
The bulb starts spinning. 
It was a nice day on Ship Five.
The boys are having a nap in the rec room after watching an old Western movie, giving Rem a rare moment to herself and some time to do laundry.
Despite laundry being a time-consuming chore, Rem found it a welcome reprieve from caring for two energetic Plant children and the brain-numbing tasks her job as a SEEDS officer entailed. 
So Rem did her usual laundry routine:
Check the boys’ room, change their blankets and bed sheets and take their full laundry basket with her on her way out. 
Drop said laundry basket off in the laundry room. 
Sort out their clothes. 
Go to her room and get her laundry basket, then go back.
Laundry day goes on like that until:
“REM!!” Vash calls out from down the hall.
“WHAT IS IT?” She shouts back.
A hurried set of footsteps and the automatic doors pop open to reveal Vash. 
He stands at the doorway with bleary eyes and tousled hair that has a single blade of grass stuck in the golden strands. “Have you seen Nai?”
“Nai?” She raises a brow at his question, “No, I haven’t seen him. Why?” 
Did Nai stuff himself in the fridge again?
“When I woke up he wasn’t there.”
“Oh.” Yeah, that’s not good. Hopefully, the saran wraps around the ship managed to stop him. “Maybe, he just went off to play somewhere.” 
Vash visibly deflates at her words.
The twins have this thing where they always want what the other has. If they can’t have two things of the same thing then it has to be cut equally in half or else chaos will ensue.
She shudders.
The hallways of Ship Five will never forget the brownie incident.
Rem gestures to the unsorted pile of laundry, “Want to help me out with laundry?”
“Mmm…Okay!” Vash, the enthusiastic boy he is, nods and starts helping Rem. 
Thirty minutes and several Queen songs sung in a way that would make Freddy Mercury roll in his grave later
“Hm?” Rem turns to Vash, “What’s wrong?”
Vash points to the washing machine that had the boys’ bed sheets, one plain black and the other cowboy themed.
 “I found Nai,” he states, giving Rem the cuter version of the Kubrick stare. 
Or maybe it looked cuter because Nai wasn’t there? When the two are together it reminds Rem of the twins from that horror movie.
“N-Nai?” My sweet lovely child, what do you mean?
“Yep!” Vash turns to the glass window, water, sheets and someone swirling within. “He’s in there!”
He waves at the mop of blonde hair swirling inside the washing machine. “HI NAI!”
Panic and chaos ensue. 
Parts of Ship Five will later be flooded due to the actions of one panicked mother. 
The Plants (including Tesla) within the ship witness all of this and are very concerned about the mental state of all three. 
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
I Think I Smell A Rat (FNAF SB fanfic) C4 - Into The Void
In Summary:
Being a robotic repair rat who lives in the walls of the pizza-plex is a pretty great gig, all things considered! You fix the wires instead of chew them, and you get into tight spaces those silly humans can't reach and fix things up behind the scenes. You do your little tasks diligently, and all is well. That is, until one night when you realize all of your other repair rat friends have gone missing, and almost all of those animatronics outside the walls are acting strange... You aren't sure what it is that needs fixing, but by golly you'll fix it! You just might need a little help along the way...
Things To Know:
Not a lot of warnings for this one! There is some peril and danger, damage to robots, and damage to. Uh, whatever the heck Afton is at this point??
Reader insert! You're a little rat shaped robot a handful of inches long. Lots of borrower-related themes in here
Daycare attendant centered, though the other animatronics make brief appearances. You hang out with Sun in the first half of the story and Moon in the second half!
A little over 17000 words in total, just a lil guy! 5 chapters, they're all pretty short
I somehow managed not to swear once in the entire story, aw hell yeah! Wait-
Ao3 link: Here!
Start Here: Chapter 1
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
C4 - Into The Void
     After a brief detour to a spare parts storage room and one quick casing attachment later, Moon was fully repaired and the two of you were off.
     It was a surprisingly smooth ride for the most part. Moon moved just as gracefully as Sun. Although when the time came for you to fix the lights for the area ahead, Moon would snatch you up off his shoulder and plop you carelessly in front of the port. You found yourself taking your time with the light controls, not especially eager to return to his company.
     Moon didn't seem especially eager to get chummy with you either. The journey was mostly silent, until you ran into trouble about halfway there.
     Chica hadn't seen you and Moon yet. She seemed to be busy violently attacking some apparently offensive trash cans. She was unfortunately standing right in front of the hallway you and Moon needed to go down. Moon retraced his steps back around the corner and crouched down to conspire with you.
     "I think I can take her," Moon whispered.
     "No, that's a bad idea." You quickly shook your head. "You'll get damaged again."
     Moon scoffed. "You think I'd loose??"
     "I think it would be a bad idea to risk it. We don't have time to repair you again," you argued.
     "Do you have a better idea, then?"
     You nodded. "If you prop open that staff room door, I'll make a distraction and draw Chica's attention. When she goes into the room to investigate, you sneak past. When she looses interest, I'll sneak by and meet you at the end of the hall."
     Moon paused. "…That is actually a good idea," he grumbled.
     You would have smiled, if you could. Perhaps even gloated a bit, if you had the time. Alas, there was no time for such things. You only had about two hours left until 6AM, when the building would open to the unsuspecting human staff looking to get ready for the day.
     Moon carried you into the staff room. A break room, by the looks of it. A recharge station for humans, to your understanding. There were plenty of items up on a long counter across the room from the door, so you had Moon drop you off there. He left the room, leaving the door open behind him.
     You nudged a wide tin full of plastic silverware towards the edge of the counter, then paused. You realized you'd need a place to hide after you'd made your distraction. Not only that, but you'd have to get back down to the floor without Moon's help. You could worry about that after Chica had left the room, though. First, a hiding place…
     There were a few boxes and containers you weren't very confidant about here on the counter. There was also a coffee machine, and next to it… ah ha! A wicker basket full of sugar and powdered creamer packets. You could dive in there and be totally hidden.
     With a plan in mind, you confidently turned back to the tin of plastic silverware. You set your two front paws against it and pushed it over the edge of the counter. You were already running for the basket before it even hit the floor.
     The tin clattered loudly, and the silverware spilled out everywhere. You peeked through the little gaps in the side of the wicker basket just in time to see Chica stalk into the room to investigate.
     Chica swiveled her head around, studying the room. Through the open doorway behind her, you could see Moon creeping silently and slowly past. Chica straightened up. She seemed satisfied that nothing was amiss, and she was starting to turn back around…
     No no no, not yet! Moon was right behind her! You panicked and leapt out of the basket, packets of sugar and creamer flying across the counter. You were flashing your tail light, though the motion was already enough. Chica's gaze fixed right on you.
     The real panic set in as Chica started lurching towards you. You had no easy way off the counter, and you couldn't hide. You dashed across the counter, thinking you'd improvise along the way.
     Chica made a grab for you and missed, her faux feathered arm whooshing just behind you and swatting a box of crackers off the counter instead. You focused on one of the closest tables as you rapidly approached the end of the counter. There was no time to calculate if you could make the jump or not, Chica was swiping at you again. You reached the end of the line, and pushed off the edge of the counter as hard as your little joints would allow.
     For a moment, it really looked like you'd make it. The table was approaching… and then you were arcing downwards sooner than you'd hoped, and the edge of the table flew overhead, and you fell straight towards the hard tile floor at top speed.
     There was a hard metallic sound, and suddenly you were no longer falling. To your confusion, you hadn't hit the floor. You had just registered the metal fingers around you before the world was rushing by again, this time in the opposite direction as you were lifted quickly upwards.
     Moon smoothly ducked as Chica made a hard swipe for his head. With his free hand, Moon shoved Chica back. She was already off balance, and fell backwards onto a different table. It collapsed under her weight, splitting clean in half. Moon ran for it as Chica struggled to pull herself back up.
     Moon pulled the door closed behind him and sprinted down the hall, holding you tightly and close to his chest.
     "I told you I could take her," Moon said smugly.
     You poked your tail out from between his fingers to argue. "My plan would have worked! If only she'd taken a few moments longer to look around."
     Moon suddenly skidded to a halt as he reached a door. He stood to the side and cautiously hit the controls. The lights were on in the hall beyond; you'd been through this hall earlier with Sun.
     "Crap. Be quick," Moon said, already lowering you towards the ground.
     Without a word you leapt from his hand and dashed into the walls. You made it to the light controls in record time, undoing your work from earlier and returning the lights to their proper setting. Instead of leaving the walls, you went to the door controls next. When you didn't see signals shooting back and forth from either control panel, you took that as a good sign that Chica hadn't caught up to Moon, and made your way back out of the walls.
     Moon was already on the other side, his hand hovering over the controls in case Chica tried to follow him.
     "…Do you think she lost interest as soon as we were out of sight?" Moon asked cautiously.
     "The other bots did seem to forget about Sun pretty quickly anytime we got out of sight of them," you remembered. "I think we're probably okay now."
     Moon sighed and relaxed. He bent down to scoop you up, then cast one last look at the door before hurrying off down the hall.
     You felt Moon's hands shift under you, tilting you slightly. You looked up at Moon, realizing he was looking you over. Moon quickly snapped his face plate back up, focusing on where he was going instead.
     You swung your tail around, making sure Moon could still see the light. "Thanks for saving me back there, by the way."
     "Yeah, yeah. If you get decommissioned then there'll be no one left who can help Sun. That's all," Moon insisted.
     "Sure," you said.
     Moon made a grumbling noise. "I wasn't just going to leave you to face Chica by yourself! You're so puny, even if you had made that jump, she would have crushed you."
     "Shut up! Stop looking at me like that or I'm stuffing you in my pocket," Moon threatened.
     You were not dissuaded in the slightest. "I think you're not as rough and tough as you like to seem after all!"
     "In the pocket with you, tiny terror!" Moon huffed and made good on his threat of stuffing you in his pocket.
     You wiggled in the dark space for a moment until you were able to get your paws under you. You poked your head up out of the pocket, but with all the stomping Moon was doing, watching the world rush by was a little disorienting. You accepted your pocket fate, which actually wasn't too bad. It was dark and cozy in the pocket, like your charging nest. If only you could actually charge in here; your battery was starting to get a little too low for comfort.
     You got bored of the pocket after a while and finally climbed out. You grabbed hold of Moon's capelet, the pointed ends dangling just low enough for you to use to climb your way back up to his shoulder. You decided against teasing Moon any further, at least for now.
     "We're close to your pathway now," Moon said.
     You and Moon had made it to Rockstar Row. You hadn't been here with Sun, so the lights were already off. Moon strode past darkened display cases and old framed posters, artifacts from long closed locations. Moon briefly eyed a weathered old metal hook in a smaller case. You wondered if the older buildings also had rats like you and your friends looking after them.
     Moon came to a stop in front of a small stage near the end of the hall, past the rope lines leading into the animatronic's rooms. There was a sign set in front of the stage, reading 'Coming Soon; the iconic pair that started it all! Freddy Fazbear and Bonnie Bunny currently under renovations'.
     You could see your port, in the base of the wall at the back of the stage. You could not see any sort of door near it that Moon would be able to fit through.
     "Hmm." Moon ignored the sign and the lackluster rope fence in front of the stage and climbed up onto the wood platform. He investigated the curtains and tapped at the wall, then kicked at the floor. "Any ideas?"
     You brought up your mental map. You could see where the map ended right below Moon's feet. Your sparse self-mapped paths wound downwards, circling the exact circumference of the stage.
     "…Stomp on the floor," you told Moon.
     Moon did as you asked and stomped a foot on the wooden boards of the stage. The sound echoed, as if the space underneath was hollow. You and Moon reached the same conclusion at the same time.
     "There's nothing below the stage! I can get down through here," Moon said excitedly. He plucked you off of his shoulder and set you down on the stage. "Wait here." He jumped back down to the floor and dashed around the corner, out of sight.
     A moment later, you jumped at the sound of glass shattering. Moon returned with an old metal hook in hand and a mischievous pep in his step.
     You shook your head and resolved to make Moon put the hook back once this was all over. You watched him use the hook to pry between the boards and wrench them up far enough for him to wiggle his fingers under them and pry them up. He tossed the boards aside, and in a matter of moments had torn a decent sized hole in the stage.
     A damp, cold air wafted up from the darkness below. You shared a look with Moon.
     "Well. No turning back now, little rat." Moon offered a hand out to you.
     You glanced back at the hole. Your map told you the empty space below didn't exist, despite your eyes stating otherwise. You felt uncomfortable just looking at it. You realized this must be what humans felt like when they were faced with dark places. For you, the dark was usually friendly, safe. You were built to see and navigate in the dark. This darkness however, was much different. You couldn't see in this darkness. It was dauntingly unknowable, shapeless and unfamiliar. You wouldn't be able to figure out where you were going, and you wouldn't be able to easily escape.
     You thought about Sun, and all the other rats. Your hardworking friends, still missing somewhere, probably suffering from the virus like all the other bots. You could do this. You had to.
     You climbed up onto Moon's hand and gave him a nod.
     Moon crouched at the edge of the hole. "Right. Here we go."
     He jumped through the hole, holding you securely in his hands, and together the two of you plummeted down into the darkness.
     Moon landed smoothly on his feet and straightened up. You both took a look around.
     Trusting your eyes alone was strange and disconcerting. Your map was entirely useless, and your pathfinding wouldn't even send you warning pings. You couldn't make any sense of the paths you'd made previously, couldn't even be sure they were at all accurate.
     Trying to focus on the space was difficult, and it felt like something important was missing, or like you were malfunctioning. You thought about playing I-Spy with Sun, when you had studied the world around you from his hand, without your pathfinder program working properly. Using just your eyes, you started to process what you could.
     You and Moon were in a kitchen. It was by no means functional. There was rubble everywhere, missing equipment, and strange puddles and stains. The cracked checker tile floor was weathered and warped, and you thought that this place must have been down here for ages, well before the plex was built.
     "Who decided to build on top of this dump?" Moon mumbled. He picked his way carefully across the kitchen, eying the puddles disdainfully.
     "How's your pathfinding?" you asked.
     "There's a few snags. My map keeps trying to tell me this place doesn't exist, but the pathfinding seems to be working well enough."
     "My map won't even work anymore. I can't even tell what direction we're facing."
     "Hm." Moon gave your head a sympathetic pat with a finger. "My whole system probably works a lot differently than yours."
     The kitchen doors groaned miserably as Moon pushed them open. Here, you were too far from the faint light trailing down from the hole Moon had come through, now in total darkness. Red lights clicked on in Moon's eyes and swept over the room, casting just enough light for both of you to see by.
     The dining area was in a similar state of decay to the kitchen. Only a few tables and chairs remained, though the wood was rotting and heavily warped. There were a few doors set into the walls. Moon made his way to the nearest one.
     You checked your internal clock as Moon explored. There was about an hour left until 6. You were trying not to worry, but this place had you feeling all sorts of stressed.
     The old restaurant was quiet and musty. The only sound was Moon's shoes over the floor and the quiet clicking of his joints as he walked. You didn't move much yourself, choosing to focus more on the constant of Moon's hand below you.
     You had no idea where you'd come from or what direction you were going. You couldn't remember a turn even a moment after Moon had made one. The turn did not exist, because this whole place did not exist. Your map was resolute on that front. Dingy walls and sparse peeling wallpaper passed by in a blur beyond Moon's fingers.
     "Not too much left to explore down here. We haven't run into that computer console yet. If my map would behave, I could at least see what direction it's in," Moon grumbled.
     A few minutes later, Moon came to a stop in front of a door. There was a small plaque still clinging to the wood surface of the door, reading 'Main Office'. He tried the handle, but it appeared to be locked.
     "Uh oh. Maybe there's a key around here somewhere?" you wondered.
     "I have a key," Moon assured.
     You found his tone suspicious. Before you could say anything else, Moon gripped the doorknob and ripped it clean out of the wood of the door, sending chunks of wood scattering across the floor. Moon tossed the doorknob over his shoulder.
     "…Well. Not the most traditional key, but it did get the door open," you remarked.
     Moon chuckled and pushed the door open, stepping inside the office.
     You were both speechless at the scene you found yourselves in.
     At the other side of the room, beyond a few rusty foldout tables, was the computer console you'd been looking for. When you scanned it, the ID matched the one you'd found earlier in the update files. It was connected to something clearly not human, but the bot had no ID at all. It seemed to be missing quite a lot of parts and casing, instead full of an unidentifiable purple colored substance. The stuff looked leathery in some places, wet in others. The bot should not have by any means been active, but he looked up at you and Moon none the less. You thought he might have been a rabbit model, once.
     Your attention wasn't on the weird bot, though. You were looking down at the ground, because the floor was covered in rats. Nearly a hundred little repair rats, metal casing dingy and scuffed from navigating this place. Your friends were clearly having trouble, bumping into rubble and the walls and other rats. A few of them were carrying small parts, slowly but diligently making their way to the bot sitting on the other side of the room, made of old scraps and spare parts and the work of a hundred diligent little repair rats.
     "Ah. So that's where all your friends went," Moon said. "They've been repairing… that." He tried to step carefully, but the rats didn't seem to understand enough of what was going on to know to move out of the way. Before he could even take a full step, the bot spoke.
     "I don't know how you've found your way here," he snarled, his voice raspy and faintly doubled by a voice box struggling to push out static, "but I'd take a good look around. Because it's the last place you'll ever see."
     You could tell Moon was ready to retort with some snarky reply, but before he could get a word out, the bot across the room raised a finger, pointed right at Moon, and spoke one word as the heads of every single rat in the room other than you turned to focus on Moon.
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Pains Growing Part 0 Interference
*Her name is "Suzy." I feel like you two should be friends. *In life's grand scheme, she might be why you came here in the first place... This is a work for people who have read Growing Pains by @theveryconfusedartistsart-blog Events will not make sense unless you have read that. "Nobody knew her name. But she turned up just the same. There was a knock on the door. A thump on the floor and the party turned insane. As she called out her name."
This party sucked. There was no doubt about it. It was just awful. Suzy turned back to head out back to the underground. Leaving the party without a single goodbye. So here she was back outside. Arms in her jacket as she walks down the cavern. She didn't know why she bothered to come back here. There was nobody here she knew at all. A frown on her face as she kicked a couple rocks to take out her anger on. Suzy walked and walked. Not even sure where she would end up as she headed through the Underground. She had time on her side to wander around without a care in the world. She didn't know how far she walked until she had seen the MTT Hotel before her. Pushing the doors open as she made her way past the new people. Passing by every guest and vacationer to the Underground. Suzy grumbled at the sight of it all. Spotting a pile of luggage Suzy had an idea. Grinning to herself as she casually made her way there. Facing away from the luggage as she readied her kick. Casually knocking over a luggage case on the other side of the main room to draw attention away from the Core entrance. Making her way past to get inside. Suzy spotted something as she was in the Core. A figure hunched over as it walked through the halls of the Core. She hid from it's view as she felt unnerved by their presence. Hiding out here for the night was something to do. Something that was probably more fun than that dumb party. It wasn't something the average person would do that's for sure. Stepping out of sight she made her way in the Core. Hiding out from any passing workers or spectators alike. It was her own personal game to see how much she could sneak in before being caught and dragged out. It felt lucky tonight. She manages to stick to every empty hallway it felt like a roll she was on. Checking garbage cans for anything she could find to pocket off. Finding a few things such as spare G and food left out. When Suzy turned around to sneak out with her new goods. She noticed a wall right in front of where she just came from. Walking towards it she knocked on it to ensure it was real. Eventually hitting it as she slightly panicked. Suzy turned around. Everything was different. The walls bent and the path was leading her in loops that didn't make sense. She was lost. No other way to put it. The walls didn't match up. The corridors didn't make sense. She was running now. Unsure why she felt watched. As if the walls were closing in on her. The celling getting lower, and the floor felt less sturdy to be on. The darkness kept growing as Suzy ran through the halls. Worry fully blossoming as she felt cornered. Her body froze as she heard the sounds of footsteps. Divining to another corner of the Core to hide. The shadows cut deeper as she sank in them. Hiding out as she watched the figure. The same figure as before stepped in view of her. Hunched over as it dragged it's hand across the wall. Touching and turning a dial here and there. Staring at the readings as it passed by. Suzy slowly got up to look at what the figure was doing to the Core. She wasn't sure what they were up to, but she wouldn't let them just walk away if it wasn't good. The panel read "PHOTON READINGS NEGATIVE". Suzy stared at that with no clue what it meant. Feeling colder as she put her hands over her arms to keep herself warm. Suzy turned around and the figure was right behind them. She was startled as she stepped back. Panic in full effect as she tried to get in a defensive stance. The figure was almost hard to even look at. It felt wrong to even acknowledge them. The two studied each other. Suzy noticed how in some angles the figure looked to be a Boss Monster like the old King and Queen of the underground. In other angles the figure looked... human? Their eyes were the most difficult to look at. Suzy covered her own from the headache she felt looking at the figure. "✋︎❄︎ ✋︎💧︎ 🕈︎⚐︎☠︎👎︎☜︎☼︎☞︎🕆︎☹︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 💣︎☜︎☜︎❄︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ ✌︎☝︎✌︎✋︎☠︎📬︎." It spoke in a voice of many. It was hard to hear and even harder to understand. Suzy felt nauseous as she heard it.
A flower popped out from it's lab coat cloak. It's petals were a light gray. It's face was a white grey. Those eyes were still hard to look at.
"It's been a while since I've spoken to somebody other than me. Sorry about that." It winked at Suzy.
"What… the hell… are you…" Suzy stepped back from the figure.
"Oh, I was lots of things… and now I'm nothing!" The flower gleefully spoke. "Not like you… so close yet so far away." It waved it's head as it spoke to Susy.
"What do you want with me?" Suzy was ready for a fight. Rasing her fists at the figure.
"Oh nothing. Nothing at all. Just make a new friend or two." The flower moved closer to Suzy. It's vines peaking from the coat cloak of the figure.
"I don't think a freak like you can make any friends doing this." Suzy stated at the figure as she took another step back.
The flower laughs. "Defensive. You don't have any friends either do you. I'm offering you something rare here." The arms of the figure wave around trying to get across how important this was. "I'd prefer an offer to the exit of this dump." Suzy tried to stand tall to be menacing to the figure. The flower laughs again "Why didn't you say so? I know that as well." The figure offers it's hand to Suzy. She could see vines wrapped around their arm from what they saw of it. "I don't need to hold your hand." Suzy stayed calm as she stood there. "Just get on with it." She lowered her fists down. The figure swiftly turns around. The flower still staring at her as it heads in a direction. Suzy followed with nowhere else to go. Twist and turn and twist and turn and twist and turn. Upwards and downwards and downwards and upwards. Suzy felt like she was going mad as she followed them in the dark Core. "So... do you actually know the way around here or were you just lying?" Suzy asked ready to just start running the opposite way from them. "Of course, I know, of course. I helped with renovations after all." The flower reminisced over old times. Smiling at the thought. The flower turned around. "Ah! We've arrived." Suzy glanced over the figure. In front of them was what seemed to be a dead end that looked to be almost a cliff to the deeper depths of the Core. She was ready to run again until she noticed something. A flicker of something yellow and silver was in the middle of the room. The darkness surrounded them as the light of the flicker glows slightly in the middle of the room. An odd sense of warmth filled Suzy just staring at it from so far away. The figure ran to it. "Finally..." "☞︎♓︎■︎♋︎●︎●︎⍓︎📬︎📬︎📬︎" The figure and the flower both spoke in unison. "So... what is that." Suzy looked as the figure practically hunched over to hold the odd flicker. "My... ♋︎♍︎♍︎♏︎⬧︎⬧︎." The flower smiled as it looked to Suzy. "Thank you. Without you it wouldn't have recognized me." Suzy felt unnerved. "So... are you going to take me out of here now?" "In a sense..." The flower spoke as it touched the flicker. A vine slowly went in a pocket in the coat cloak and offered something to Suzy. Suzy received the _____!
"What the hell is this?" Suzy felt confused as she held the... whatever it was in her hand. "A way to find you after this. You won't remember it all that much. A real shame. I was starting to like being real again." The flower gleefully state as the figure stood. "But in the meantime. I'll just be the best nightmare you ever had." It spoke with a flatter tone every word it said. "It's been ages since I've had the chance to do this. Let's see if I still got it!" The flower winked as it reached a vine covered hand to the flicker. Suzy was ready to throw a punch to stop them.
When suddenly the world went dark darker... a n d s o m u c h d a r k e r...
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sm-writes-chaos · 1 year
HHMHH chapter one is re-written and I'm exhausted.
There are some parts of the conversation with Miss. Marmel that I really want to fit in but I'm not sure if it's going to work. Oh well it's a start.
warning: loooooong (it's like 2000 words)
The cold pierced her skin like sharp claws. She found herself wondering how her week went from buying bread in the local market, to trudging through a blizzard she’d indirectly caused. 
After the Fire dragon had been killed, winter could be held back no more. And the people of her village found themselves slaves to the Ice dragon.
If she could just find a way to fix everything, maybe they’d finally accept her.
Norah Gallagher wasn’t sure if she was going in the right direction, but she would rather die than give up on finding the wizard Alphiar. Her numb feet took another step forward, and she prayed to all the Gods that her compass still worked.
7 days earlier:
Norah woke up and she dreaded the sound of her fathers bottles hitting the floor. He always woke up in a hurry, though she was not sure what for. It wasn’t like he did anything anymore. Just drinking his days away, and practically forcing Norah to keep the household in almost working condition.
Her body ached as she searched for the end to her crumpled blanket. She didn’t want to head into the village today. Not when the village was decorating for a celebration that included the killing and removal of the Nova’s. The very being she half was, had become a celebration of when they killed her mother. And when the Nova’s stopped “tormenting” them forever.
Norah felt the grainy texture of her horns. One broken and beaten, the other grimy and dull. She didn’t dare wash them. She didn’t want to show off the very things that made her ridiculed. The things that gave her the hardest stares. The things that felt like hot fire on her head whenever she dared to go outside. They felt sore when she touched them, from whenever someone grabbed her by them, including her father.
She sneaked past the mirror, one of the last remnants of her mother. Besides Norah of course. It was the only furniture besides a dresser ornamented with a comb and satchel in her room. 
She decided to look in the mirror anyway. Her gray hair wrapped around her face and fell just below her shoulders. Her unwashed horns could almost blend in with how much dirt was on them. She adjusted her hair to cover her pointy ears. She’d heard that Nova’s also had long tails, but the conversation was always about how delicious they were cooked so she was glad she didn’t have one.
 Must have been her human genes. Her father was human and had a secret relationship with a Nova, when the village found out they immediately set out to kill them all. Her father managed to convince them to spare her, but she almost wished he hadn't. Just another reason to resent him, she thought. He’d lost all his status as a hunter and had taken up drinking as a result.
Norah took one last look, and headed to the kitchen. No surprise her father had fallen asleep in the living room again, surrounded by empty bottles as always. It wasn’t a large house, none of the houses here were, but he could at least pass out in his room. Where Norah didn’t have to look at him.
She rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, one slice of bread left in the bag.
“Now I’ll have to go to the market.” She glowered, looked like she’d be going outside after all.
“You should have predicted this, seeing as you eat everyday.” Her father huffed sarcastically.
She slammed the cabinet shut. “If you didn’t want another mouth to feed, why didn’t you just let them kill me.” She spat.
He tensed up,”you better watch your tongue or you’re gonna get us both in trouble.”
“Both of us? So only worried about yourself I see?”
He stood up and banged the current bottle in his hand on the living room table.
“Fix your attitude, you should be grateful for what I did.” He said sternly, putting an emphasis on ‘grateful.’
“Sure, I’m grateful I have to live in this hellhole and I’m grateful I get to only eat bread everyday, and I’m sure as hell grateful for the wonderful doting father you are.” She yelled back.
“You’ve always had a problem with your temper and if you don’t fix it soon I’ll show you what hell looks like.”
Norah froze. He got angry but this was a different kind. The one that was almost reminiscent of his past hunter self, cold and cunning. 
Norah didn’t fight back anymore, he’s threatened things that the other villagers might do but never him. He may have become lazy, but he was still just as strong from his hunting days.
“Fine.” Norah said in a calm, small voice.”I’ll be back soon.”
She quickly gathered her small collection of things and was careful not to slam the front door.
She adjusted her satchel round her waist, and put the hood up on her cloak. She always hoped the cloak would disguise her, but they always recognized her anyway.
She took a deep breath outside her front door. The sun was just rising, putting a soft glow on the wooden houses. 
Everyone was already up preparing for the day. Farmers were heading out to the fields, carpenters were cutting wood, and the hunters were prepping their guns.
Their town was set close to the mountains, with many fields of dirt and grass around them. They were a sizable distance away from the Violent Wood Forest, but you could still see a green blob from here. You could see it better from the watchtowers, designed to protect from any invaders. 
Among the chattering of everyone, Norah could also hear the river. A long winding river that ran through the mountains, and connected to the ocean nearby.
 It was nearly the perfect place to set up a village, but the people weren’t settled here by choice.
On the very other side of the Violent Wood Forest is a city called Westwend. They’d lived there 15 years ago until Westwend kicked them out. The people in Westwend are said to be lazy fools who want to mess with nature. They started experimenting with dangerous dark magic that could destroy everything. So when people started to speak out against it, Westwend retaliated by leaving them to survive in the Violent Wood Forest. 
They eventually made it to the other side of the forest and created their own village, called “Libertas.” So as to be free from people such as the Westwend’s.
Now 15 years later it’s the anniversary once again, and the dual celebration of the “Removal of the Nova’s.”
Norah wasn’t sure what to think of the story, it seemed believable enough. But she prayed everyday that it wasn’t as bad as the people here said it was. It was the only place she could dream to live, anything had to be better than this place.
Norah walked down the dirt path in front of her house, getting stares as usual, but most were distracted by the upcoming holiday. The big banner had already been set up in the front of the village, they really liked to be prepared early.
She finally made it to her favorite place in the world, Miss. Marmel’s house.
Miss. Marmel had moved into the village three years ago from Westwend. She didn’t seem to hold the same beliefs as the people here so everyone was wary of her and gossiped about her behind her back. Norah welled with anger every time someone dared to call her an outcast. But the traders loved her homemade jam so they tolerated her at the least. 
Norah knocked on her door, it was decorated with a colorful rug and vase of flowers. She liked color, unlike the rest of these drab houses.
Miss. Marmel immediately opened it knowing who to expect.
“Norah my dear! What took you so long?” She ushered Norah in and gave her a tight hug. The inside of her house was ever better than the outside. Shelves of jam with colors Norah had never seen, colorful rugs Miss. Marmel had brought from Westwend, all sorts of knicknacks, and Norah’s favorite: her crystal ball.
The crystal ball was spared no decoration, it was covered in bows and sparkly gems Norah didn’t know the names of.
Miss. Marmel said she was only an amatuer fortune teller, but Norah believed she could do anything. The people here didn’t take kindly of her fortune telling skills, lumping it together with dark magic.
“We had another fight.” Norah said in response to her lengthy time.
“Oh honey.” Miss. Marmel led Norah to a chair at the crystal ball table. She grabbed Norah’s hands.
“You okay?” Miss. Marmel was the only person who was kind to Norah. The only one who seemed to care. Norah knew they weren't all bad, but the many who didn’t go out of their way to hate on her, didn’t go out of their way to help her either. 
“Yeah, he didn’t grab my horns at least.”
“Did you get some good jabs in?”
Norah laughed,”yep, I’m the master at comebacks.”
“Good, he deserves it.” Miss. Marmel squeezed her hands and stood up.
“I’ve got some good jam ready for eatin’” Miss. Marmel said while gesturing to one of her many shelves.
“Oh I couldn’t-”
“Nonsense!” Miss. Marmel cut in,”I always have some spare jam for my favorite girl.” She winked, and slid a blackberry and raspberry mix into her satchel.
“Want to see what the crystal say’s today? It’s been begging me to look in it all morning!”
“Ooh yes!” Norah said excitedly.
Miss. Marmel sat back down and waved her hands around it.
“Hmm, this is interesting.” Miss. Marmel frowned.
“What is it?” Norah said worriedly. 
While there were bad days the crystal ball always had mostly positive things to say. She’d never seen Miss. Marmel this concerned. She suddenly looked at Norah and clasped her hands again.
“Norah dear, I’ve never seen anything like this. I want you to stay calm, and listen closely.”
“Okay..” Norah’s stomach was turning in knots.
“You have been destined for something great since the moment you were born, and now may be the time.”
Norah destined for something great? It was the most ridiculous thought. 
If anyone here was destined for something great, it would be Rufus West. 
He was the son of the village's hero, Antonio West. He single handedly brought the town together after a devastating storm. He always gave Norah a sick feeling though, whenever she saw him he would stare at her until she was out of his sight. 
Nevertheless, he became the town hero, and his son became the town prodigy. Strong, winning every ax tournament. Smart, passing every school test. Norah doesn’t know how much of an accomplishment that is though, since she's never been to school. Miss. Marmel will sometimes teach her something when she can. And probably the most important to Norah, he has perfectly coiffed brown hair that curls around his head like a crown, and brown eyes that remind her of the chocolate she never gets to taste. He seemed to not know she existed, but if he did she hoped he’d whisk her away from this place. 
She realized Marmel was still staring at her and brought her attention back to her.
“Why are you saying that with such a sad face?” 
“Well, according to my crystal ball a great disaster is going to happen to this village.”
“What?! That's crazy.”
“Norah I need you to take this seriously.”
“Sorry. Does it say what kind of disaster?”
“It doesn’t say, just that it’s going to happen in seven days.”
“Wait so, on “Liberty Rise” day?”
Norah looked at the crystal ball but it just appeared clear to her. Her mind swirled with the possibilities for disasters. A dragon could eat them all, forest beasts could attack, the mountains could crumble down on top of them, and all of them ended up with them all dead. Norah felt like she wanted to throw up.
“Norah!” Miss. Marmel yelled to get her attention.
“Sorry. What does this have to do with my “destiny” though?”
“It says you're going to save everyone, you’re going to be a hero Norah!”
Norah definitely wanted to throw up.
“How about I just show you.”
Miss. Marmel directed Norah to look into the crystal ball.
“I don’t see anything.”
“Look harder.”
She squinted at an area between a pink bow and a yellow jem. A small dark cloud was forming, it grew bigger until it burst into a sharp green color. There was a flash of lightning that surprised Norah. The cloud returned looking lighter than before. Norah couldn’t tell why, but she could feel that the cloud was happy.
“What is it exactly?” Norah said.
“It’s your future my dear.”
“I still don’t get it.”
“You probably won’t for a while. But I need you to do something for me.”
“Anything.” Norah said without hesitation.
“I need you to believe in yourself. Have hope that everything will turn out alright, it is our greatest strength after all.”
“I thought strength was our greatest strength.”
“It may be believed so by more…dense minded people. But we know the truth, and the truth says that hope can get us through anything.”
“Even through mountains?” Norah said playfully.
“Over oceans?”
“Most definitely.”
“Far away from this place?”
Miss. Marmel gave her a warm smile,”yes, even to better places. You’ll get there Norah, just hang on.” Miss. Marmel took a deep breath.
“This may seem very sudden to you Norah, but I’ve been sensing something coming for a while now. I prayed so hard that I was wrong, but it looks like I wasn’t. I hate to put this on a child, but you’re going to be a hero to us all.”
“There you go calling me a hero again.” Norah grew annoyed, but felt guilty because Miss. Marmel seemed genuinely sad about it.
Norah wanted this to stop, she could feel anger growing. She’d never been angry at Miss. Marmel before. 
“You’re not making any sense. Me, a hero?” She felt tears, but the anger kept coming.
“It’s true Norah, you’re destined to save us all.”
“That’s ridiculous! I can barely read and I have to save everyone?!”
“It has nothing to do with that Norah. Your spirit is strong.”
Norah couldn’t hear this anymore.
“I’m leaving.”
“Norah honey-”
She stomped out like a little kid, and let out a frustrated groan when she was out the door. She started walking, not sure where. She kicked stray pebbles on the ground and kept her head down.  She tried to shake off that weird conversation, but the words kept reverberating in her head. 
Hero…..strong spirit…. save everyone….great disaster…
She was so wrapped in it she wasn’t looking where she was going, and slammed right into Rufus West.
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