#while she did play on his feelings & obsession with her it doesn't make sense to me for umbrella's security
yngai · 1 year
today's the anniversary of john's last letter to ada written knowing he is already infected & begging her to go public with everything they uncovered together at arklay, turn on the lab's self destruct & to put him down if she ever saw him turned. she never read his last words, they were many on a list of letters sent to her & burned after her transfer to NEST where she was light on her feet beginning to befriend annette birkin (a relationship that eventually led to an affair), she forgot about john as quickly as he fell in love with her, happy july 8th everyone
#* file // : OOC — ( 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐄 . )#i get why this little connection was omitted from RE2R since there's no reason for ada to tie herself to umbrella#especially to someone she just met (leon)#but it is an important part of her role in raccoon city#i have talked about him before & obviously there's a few mentions of him scattered about my replies#& as far as my interpretation is concerned i do think they met at arklay rather than ada pursuing john outside the lab#considering he was made head of research @ arklay around '95 & i don't really see the need for ada's investigation into umbrella#to have lasted longer than a year#while she did play on his feelings & obsession with her it doesn't make sense to me for umbrella's security#to allow someone's girlfriend to visit the premises of their secret research facility unless she is a fellow researcher#& the letter is addressed as if ada is familiar with the facility + john's awareness of her intellect / aptitude at solving puzzles#which was probably a CV requirement for working in spencer's wacky funhouse#i do wish we got a few more hints into their relationship beyond the letter + ada carrying a photo of them with her +#her either faking or being genuinely distraught to hear of his death#because it's one time ada ever makes use of seduction#beyond it her flirtation with leon is kind of always mocking#it's routine for them - muscle memory almost#& much like leon & as i've mentioned previously i do think there was some bond forming between them#wesker's report mentions how john is known as a risk because of his temperament being unsuited for the tyrant project#number one voted most likely to leak umbrella's secrets#with how umbrella treats dissent i'm sure both him & ada were under similar levels of stress#& what makes ada so insidious & ingenious to me is that despite her folly being getting a little too (emotionally) invested in her missions#as i think RE4/RE6 illustrate wonderfully by her breaking character to show concern for people & sympathy for carla#(almost always leon but i take what i can get)#she has no qualms in using people she does genuinely care for#with leon especially it's a case of trust in his survival abilities despite her putting him in harms way to serve as a distraction#& to unknowingly help in her own goals by making her mission easier + taking care of the threat#am i just repeating myself? yea it's what i do
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nmakii · 3 months
How about yandere! Alastor (human) with a reader who ran away from him... Reader and Alastor are married out of obligation (because of the decade), but what no one counted on was that Alastor really fell in love and was obsessed with his wife, but the reader didn't ...because of work and his secret (that he killed people and devoured them) Alastor hardly spent time with the reader.. Reader then began to fall in love and have a secret relationship, without Alastor knowing.. . So even though reader didn't want to hurt Alastor, since she saw him as a friend (more than her husband), reader ran away with her lover and passion... Leaving behind a very angry Alastor... (reader doesn't know what Alastor It's true)... What would happen?
— the feeling of a fresh love— oh, how wonderful. you only wished that man would have been alastor, just so that he wouldn’t have hunt your true love.
— hey pals 🔥🔥!! i took manipulation tactics from my social studies class and mother gothel, did i do well? HAHAHA :]
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being married to alastor, the radio show host is quite the sensation in your town. you grew to be quite a local celebrity, many women even attempting to befriend you to get closer with your husband.
although, because of your marriage, many assumed you were a woman of many talents and high intelligence. but, unfortunately… it appears as if you have the perfect life; beautiful home, wonderful husband, a comfortable life— and, while most of it is true, it is still very far from the truth. the sad truth of it all was that this was a marriage of convenience
it was the only thing that made sense. you and alastor were close in age, you were both still single, you refused to marry a man as old as your father, alastor simply wished to rid himself of the many women throwing themselves at him, and you were already quite close to him since your parents were close, it was the best-case scenario.
when both of your parents had learned of the news, that alastor proposed to you, they were more than delighted. alastor’s mom immediately welcomed you into the family as one of her own, and alastor had grown to be fond of your father.
in front of cameras and watching eyes, alastor played the role of a loving husband well; keeping you safe with an arm wrapped around your waist, giving you his coat in cold weather, and speaking nothing but lovely worship in your name.
you played the ‘doting wife’ role surprisingly well too. the only thing that was different was alastor didn’t stop the act when you were behind closed doors.
‘what if someone is spying on us, hm? they may reveal our little secret to the media!’ that was his excuse. and your reason to let him kiss you, hold you against his chest, and even join you as you bathe occasionally. it always felt weird though. to you, alastor was nothing more than a friend, even something like a brother. doing all these intimate and romantic things with him, it felt wrong.
and even despite all the intimacy, you still felt lonely. here in your large house, you felt lonely; cooking a dinner for two, eating as one, and always having to leave the pot simmering over the stove, so that it’s still warm for your husband. warm for him up until midnight, when he’d usually come home— sometimes even returning home later…
and, on these late nights, you’d remain sleepless. what could he be doing? his radio broadcast only lasts up until 9 in the night. could he possibly be engaging with a mistress of sorts? doing all kinds of scandalous things before returning to your bed, bringing your back close to his chest and resting his face on the nape of your neck.
although it was unlikely… considering how you always wake up to a love letter from alastor in place of where he should be in your bed, but nonetheless, it didn’t stop those thoughts.
eventually, life began to grow boring… chores day and night before going to sleep again— it was just a boring cycle that filled your life with despair and simply just making you miserable.
that is, until you met eugene. quite the handsome man, he may even be a model! you ran into him when he was in a luxury shop, inspecting various items for purchase.
his fuzzy eyebrows, his big brown eyes, and his charming and gorgeous american smile— it’s hard not to fall for such a man.
it started off so innocent; just meeting him to shop together, then it escalated into lunch together, and then that night…
alastor brought you to a club he frequented, and just by coincidence, eugene had been there with some of his high school friends. under the influence of alcohol, alastor had climbed up the stage and danced along. laughing at your silly husband, you pointed him out to eugene as well.
and, in that moment he turned you around and kissed you. you tensed, fearing the sudden infidelity; how media would cover this kind of news for months. oh wait… everyone’s wasted, aren’t they..?
your breath heaved in fear, eyes darting to your husband, not even glancing at you— that was when you melted into his kiss.
after that night, the two of you had made an agreement to rendezvous every now and then at your house while alastor was still busy as ever at ‘work’.
and as these meetings with eugene became more and more frequent, the two of you may have… fallen in love. despite that, you still felt guilty; cheating on your husband who has done nothing but be a gentle and loving provider, how could you repay him like this?
but, then again, it is simply a marriage of convenience… alastor doesn’t love you, he couldn’t possibly… the two of you are best friends! so, if you told him, would he mind?
still, you couldn’t possibly risk it. this isn’t a relationship that will last long if the two of you keep it a secret, you have to find a solution soon.
“run away with me.”
“what?! are you insane?!?” you frowned at your lover. “you need to get away from him, and you’re too scared to tell him, aren’t you? it’s the perfect solution.” he argued back.
“alastor… won’t accept it that easily… he’ll probably try to hunt us down, then take me back…” your nose scrunched in fear at the thought. “isn’t it worth the risk, my love?” he took your hand in his, placing a gentle kiss on your fingers. “ah, f…fine…”
a week later, that was when you decided to leave. you packed a suitcase filled with your belongings. honestly, it was not much. most of the things in the house were bought by alastor before he had married you.
you were just about to leave, your lover right outside the door with a getaway car, prepared to leave your life in new orleans behind when your husbands voice stopped you.
“going somewhere, my love?”
“alastor! w-what are you doing up?” you jumped, turning around to face him. “i’d like to ask the same thing, my sweet darling. why do you have a suitcase and a car waiting for you?” he grinned wide, tilting his head.
“ah— i was gonna go out of state for a surprise for you…” you lied, breath shaky. “were you now? was this surprise that i’d never see my beautiful wife ever again?” he scoffed, walking over to you and grabbing you by your chin.
“did you think i’d really be so ignorant as to not know when my own wife is sneaking out? especially to meet other men…” he raised an eyebrow. “alastor! t-this isn’t what you think it is…” you frowned, tears building up in your eyes.
“oh, my dear, how pretty you look when you cry…” he smiled, taking a finger to wipe your tears and putting his finger against his tongue. “fine then, leave your loving and sweet husband behind… just know that— i’ve already corrupted you for any other man to enjoy. no one will love a divorcee, will they?” he moved his hand to cup your cheek, gentle despite his harsh words.
“i’ll let you have your fun, darling. soon enough, you’ll realize that there is no man who can love you better than i can.” he pulled his hand away from you, moving to your hips and leaving a lasting kiss on your lips.
unlike how he usually is, this kiss was harsh, possessive, and brutal. so devoid of any love, it was a pure, unadulterated obsession.
“i know what is best for you, darling. i’ll see you home very soon.”
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ladykailitha · 23 days
I have decided today I am giving out my Steve Harrington headcanons, because I love him so much.
His parents are very rich. His dad is new money, self made. His mom is old money.
His father is Indiana born and bred, but his mother is from Kentucky. She doesn't have her accent anymore because she trained herself out of it. Though it does show up when she's drunk or angry.
I know everyone does Richard (Dick) for his dad mainly for the lols, which I respect, but I think his name is Clint. It's just rich dude bro enough, you know? And then for the mom I go back and forth between Maureen and Allison. Allison because that's Ally Sheedy's character in The Breakfast Club and I often use her looks as bases for Mrs. Harrington.
They were never meant to be parents. They had the one because that's what was expected of them, but no. They don't like kids.
I don't know if his dad is only verbally abusive, but he is some kind of shit. Steve was so scared of him finding out that there was alcohol the night Barb vanished that that was all that consumed his thoughts. And even in season 3 Steve tells Dustin (thinking he was his dad) that he doesn't do drugs, just marijuana. Meaning that's something they've fought about a lot.
Kids of good parents rarely smoke, drink, smoke pot, and have wild parties all the time as an under-aged teenager. There are no doubt exceptions, but most of the time it's kids who are neglected and abused that are the ones that act out like that.
Steve had nannies and baby-sitters growing up that he saw more than his parents. But he would still be taken on actual vacations with them. Mostly to show off that they do have a son.
He was in baseball in middle school but quit when he got into high school. His parents put him in as many after school activities as they could. He was taught piano. Went to swimming and was so good at it, he joined the team in high school. Played basketball throughout both middle and high school. But he was forced to dropout due to the concussion Billy gave him his senior year. It's why he sneers at Brenda at the game when she says it would ironic if they won the championship the year after he graduated. Because he wasn't even on the team his last year.
When he turned sixteen they gave him his BMW. No, he did not get to pick the car or the color, but he takes very good care of it. Does a lot of the maintenance himself. One of the few things his dad taught him, but because you needed to know enough to make sure your mechanic wasn't ripping you off.
He can cook. But only if he has a recipe to follow and will get upset if it doesn't look like the picture. Is a consummate baker though. Because everything has a reason it's done like that and it makes sense.
Definitely a fall baby. That's why he was able to lifeguard for three years even if he didn't lifeguard after his senior year due to him working at Scoops Ahoy.
He's bad at math and science which is why the Party teases him all the time, but he's great at English and history.
Only applied at the schools his dad thought were "appropriate" and didn't get in. But to be fair, he was still suffering from a concussion when those applications went out and he wasn't really at his best. Just above his worst if he was honest.
He likes his preppy clothes and while he laughs it off, it upsets him when he's made fun for it.
Alt rock fan all the way. Depeche Mode, The Cure, New Order.
Has a list of the Party's likes and dislikes for food and other things, so he is the best gift giver. He doesn't spend a lot of money, though he has been accused of that a couple of times. But he prefers well thought out gifts over expensive ones. It's why Max, Eddie, and the Byers boys love Steve gifts. They never feel pressured to one up him.
Complete romantic. Loves being in love, but it was hard to pick up the pieces of his broken heart after what happened with Nancy.
Loves Robin, but even though it is sometimes weird, it never veers into creepy or obsessive. Robin is absolutely the vodka aunt of the party to Steve's mom.
When Eddie comes into the group, they tease him that's he's the dad to Steve's mom. Because as goofy as Eddie is he absolutely wouldn't let the kids get into real trouble.
Steve the romantic gets absolutely wooed by Eddie and never is made to feel wrong footed when showers Eddie with the affection he would for a girl. It's nice for a guy to receive flowers sometimes too.
Steve favorite flower is sunflowers. But his favorite color is blue.
He absolutely keeps the vest. Refuses to give it back. Which Eddie is surprisingly okay with.
I could go on forever, but I'll stop there for now and if I come up with more I'll add them later.
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deadbeat-motel · 2 months
ᕼᑌᔕK ᗩᑎᗪ ᑎIᖴᖴTY ᖇEᗪEᔕIGᑎ
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Deadbeat father with his baby-leashed daughter.
I believe these are the last of the designs that will try to follow the original design as best as it can because looking at my sketches right now, Alastor, Cherri Bomb, and Pentious (and Crymini) goes a different direction than their counterparts.
You know how this works, thoughts below:
My issues with their Original designs:
Man, I only have two things to critique about this one since she's also a solid design:
What is the purpose of the scarf? It comes out of nowhere for the design, what is the connection/purpose of having it? Genuinely asking since it does bother me a bit.
She barely is a bug, there is no feature in the design that gives us any idea that she might be a bug (Or even an alien since apparently Cyclops are just a normal sinner type in this hell). Looking at the Wiki, I think the only reason for the alien aspect is that it came from a song? Either way, she doesn't showcase any of either in her design.
GOD THE WINGS. DEAR GOD THE WINGS. IT'S SO UGLY AND CLUTTERED AND THE PATTERNS BARELY MAKE ANY SENSE. It's so awful ewwww. Every scene that didn't have them closed looked extremely rushed and ugly. It could've benefitted from just copying how actual feathered wing patterns naturally are.
His eyebrows are not a problem for me (It's my favourite part of him) but the unnecessary two black stripes are.
He's probably supposed to be a tuxedo cat, but he legitamately looks like the cat in the hat with his entire face being white.
The thought process for these two:
Personally was not into the whole Cyclops thing, especially when there are no hellborns (that I can recall at least) in Helluva Boss that posess a singular eye. She's got 2 eyes now because.... reasons.
The mismatched eyes was my solution to removing the Cyclops sinners of this world. Plus it's a neat little character detail that her insecurity of some kind of eye defect manifests as this odd eye shape.
Her hair is a bit neater because as much as I enjoyed how her original hair looks, It's kind of silly to think a person who's obsessed with cleanliness would have such an unkempt haircut? (Specifically talking about that scene kid-esque bangs she has.)
While I kept the maid aspect with her clothes, I made it a lot more flowery so that it reads more like a child's outfit mimicing a maid's.
I gave her one fucked up antennae since in the rewrite ill be doing, she's very easily lost and thus became homeless, drifting to any place that would allow her to stay for a little while long until they kick her out.
Bug wings and the spurs on her arms and legs are just to sell the bug aspect a bit more.
Hopefully, it was clear enough. But her arms are made of two arms conjoined together to create a singular arm.
Admittedly, I did not choose a specific bug for Niffty. Insects are not something I'm interested in and I got lazy with this aspect.
MADE HIM A LOT FATTER AHAHAHAHHA. Husk feels like he could've ended up as a bara if Vivzie's twinkif-y ray didn't hit him.
Specific fluff areas as well as a red mustache make him look older and do more to make you understand he's much more aged than the rest of the cast.
Genuinely enjoyed the hair that they gave Husk in his flashback, it looked handsome on him. Why Vivzie didn't put that in his actual redesign is beyond me, but here it is on him now
Since his wings barely play any role in the story, I shrunk it and de-cluttered the poor thing.
The red suspenders are there to simply put a pop of color on his already muted colors.
Despite the running joke that Vivzie's characters all have a bowtie, kept it on Husk since I think it would be cute that he probably keeps it on because Niffty made it herself for him.
This is just personal, but I wanted to give him an actual cat's pattern because I saw Husk from the headcanon voices video and thought that he was a sloth for some reason.
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digitaldiarystuff · 2 months
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it’s me again yayyy thank you so much for the request hope you enjoy it i added some elements hope that’s okay💖
request: Heyy! I think angst reader x arda guler will be good. But ended up with fluff. Since you know... He doesn't get enough time/chance to play in real madrid...
pairing: Arda Güler x Y/N
summary: Arda knows about you having a crush on Dominik long before you even met but after the loss against Hungary he feels jealousy creeping
genre: angst to fluff
You stood there in your seat after the game ended waiting for your boyfriend Arda to text you. Türkiye had a game against Hungary tonight and you decided to surprise and support him but things went downhill after Szoboszlai scored a penalty and the score remained like that throughout the game. You felt bad knowing Arda would be upset about the outcome and thought about ways to cheer him on once you went back to his hotel room. You were thinking about watching a movie and eating takeout when he texted you saying he’d meet you at the car park.
You thought it was strange he didn’t ask you to come down to the tunnel to meet but just figured he wanted to get out as soon as possible and replied with a simple okay making your way out. Once you reached your car he was a few rows down waiting texting on his phone.
“Hey” you timidly said not knowing how to approach the situation, he was already having a hard time at Madrid with how little he was playing and now he’d lost a game for his country and you knew he’d feel bad for it. You also weren’t dating for too long so you felt weird about the situation.
“Hi” he simply said and continued texting.
You shyly reached over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso still thinking his bad mood was all about the result and wanted nothing more than to console him but he didn’t return the hug straight away like he usually does so you pulled back with a frown.
“I know this wasn’t the outcome you hoped for but you played incredible Arda and I want you to know I’m so proud of you.” you said with a little smile but he avoided eye contact with you which made you frown deeper.
“Is something wrong?” you asked and he lifted one eyebrow like ‘are you serious’ “I mean is there something else wrong? Did I do something?”
“I don’t know. Are you more proud of him than me?”
You were completely taken aback with his question, you couldn’t even register who he was talking about.
“Who do you think?” he asked trying to see if your mind would go to Dominik immediately but it didn’t.
“Arda I seriously don’t know what yo… Are you talking about Dominik?” you asked finally realizing what your boyfriend was saying.
This happened a few weeks ago when one of your closest friends met Arda for the first time and being as inappropriate as she is she mentioned your years long crush on one of the Liverpool players.
“I always thought your boyfriend would have black hair, that’s your type isn’t it?” she asked while being drunk and you tried shushing her as politely as you can but she was far past the point that she could sense your uneasiness and continued.
“You know like that guy Szo- Sozobol- ugh what was it?”
“Szoboszlai?” Arda asked clearly intrigued by the conversation.
“Yesss! That’s the one she’s been obsessed with for years, she even had him on the background of her phone.” your friend continued laughing telling your boyfriend about your stupid high school fangirl crush embarrassing you utterly.
“So… Dominik Szoboszlai?” Arda asked once you were in bed that night. You covered your face with your hands when you felt your cheeks heat up with shame.
“I’m so sorry about it, she was just drunk out of her mind.” you tried excusing your friend’s behavior but couldn’t deny it was true, because it pretty much was.
“So you had him as wallpaper?”
“This is embarrassing. Please stop talking.” you begged but he continued interrogating you both to mess with you and try to understand how big was your crush but he ended up dropping the subject because it was obviously a silly celebrity crush which holds no value over your real relationship.
This was until tonight.
“So you know who I’m talking about.”
“Arda, you know that was a stupid little crush back in the day. It means nothing.” you tried reassuring him but he seemed really annoyed and this was so out of character you didn’t know how to approach it. But even though you tried your best to explain it doesn’t mean anything, he seemed convinced otherwise.
“Are you here just to see him play?” he asked and your eyes found his in shock.
“What? Do you seriously think that?” you took a step back feeling dizzy, what the hell was he accusing you of?
“No of course not…” he tried reaching for you but you held your hand up preventing him from getting closer to you. You couldn’t even understand his reaction as you were really falling in love with him and just wanted to support him. You felt tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
“Y/N I’m sorry, I just…”
“You really hurt me Arda, I think it’s best if we spend the night apart.” you whispered turning back and walking towards your car but heard footsteps behind you.
“Y/N please talk to me.” he pleaded but you kept on walking.
“Y/N!” he shouted and you stopped dead in your tracks.
“I don’t want to talk to you, I’m not the reason you lost and I’m certainly not going to take the blame for something I didn’t do. If you’re this pressed about something that happened long before we met it’s a you problem. I need some time to cool off and think. Please don’t follow me.” you said in one breath and hopped in your car not even knowing where to go.
You typed in hotels and found one in the area hoping that there was an empty room and luckily, there was. You pulled your suitcase out and put on your pajamas leaving them on the counter and hopped in the shower to think more clearly when you heard a knock on the door.
Panicking, you stepped out of the shower and put on your clothes trying not to freak out too much and asked who was there.
“It’s me” you heard Arda’s voice and immediately relaxed, you didn’t even have time to think how he found you and opened the door to reveal a disheveled looking Arda standing there.
“I was so worried.” he said and pulled you in a hasty embrace. You stumbled a little but he kept you balanced. As much as you were upset with him, you felt so much more relaxed when he’s with you and leaned into him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry…” he repeated and pressed feather like kisses all over your face and head while sitting you both down on the bed.
“I was so wrong, I know that and I know I don’t deserve you right now but I felt insecure and took it out on you. I thought you’d be more impressed by him and felt so little.” he explained and you finally understood his weird behavior all night, even though it wasn’t okay at all.
“Arda you need to tell me what’s bothering you if we want this to work.”
“I want this to work so much and I’ll do anything.” he cut you off and you smiled a little which made him also smile. He was looking into your eyes with so much intensity you felt vulnerable under his gaze but you also knew he was being genuine and trying his best.
“I love you.” he finally said and this was a first in your relationship so you were caught off guard and didn’t know how to react.
“It’s completely fine if you don’t feel comfortable enough to say it back, I swear it’s okay I just wanted you to know…” he started rambling and you cut him off with an emotional kiss. He stumbled back a little but quickly reciprocated and pulled you to his lap deepening the kiss.
“I love you too.” you smiled as you pulled back to breathe but your noses were still touching and he smiled too.
Maybe this wasn’t the best night in your relationship but it’s definitely the best moment
i don’t know how i feel about it, i think it’s kinda cute but ughhh hope you like it please tell me you do lol if not i’m open to criticism as well🥹
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vegaseatsass · 16 days
Rewatched My Stand-In eps 2 and 3 tonight, and I'm definitely newly fascinated with Ming POV/Ming's internal concept of what was happening between him and Joe that entire time. I forgot just how much we got of Ming's home life and family in episode 2, and my brain is abuzz trying to connect all the dots. His relationship with May is so interesting. She clocks that he and Joe are together on Christmas, and is immediately careful to conceal it not just from their parents but from Tong. May and Ming have this "us against the world" vibe where they protect and cover for each other, going back to May giving herself pneumonia saving Ming from drowning. I absolutely believe there's more going on in their family than mom pressuring Ming to marry women any time he goes home - I actually suspect things about his family are being obscured for future painful reveals - but May is a safe space for him. Until Tong is added into the picture, and Ming has to flee the country for four years to get away from his big feelings. It's just kind of bonkers to me that he had this intense, safe and presumably very grounding relationship with his sister, but made his obsession with a random movie star the centerpiece of his world instead. Why did he imprint on Tong? Is it really just Joe's sexy back muscles that drew him in? Did he think if he could land a famous movie star his parents would accept him being with a man? Was it subconscious self-sabotage of his only safe relationship lol? I genuinely have no idea!! What I am stuck on though is when he told May he was working through something, and would tell her when he was ready, but he promised he'd get through it. On rewatch, it seems very obvious that what he's talking about is the torch he's carrying for Tong, so to me that's a reveal that he's deliberately trying to move on with Joe - not using him as a sex doll replacement, but throwing himself into something real. (What's messy obviously is that Ming started this for the proxyfucking, but I think overhearing Joe confess his love for Ming to Sol is when Ming started making a determined effort to choose Joe.) There's also his reaction to Joe's Christmas gift where the watch becomes a metaphor for Joe himself (vs. Tong): Ming doesn't need the "top" one, why can't he want the "normal" one?
The first time I was watching this, I assumed that Ming just has no internal awareness of how important Joe is to him, he just feels pure need and acts very very normal when his emotional support stand-in is ripped away. I assumed Ming believes he's in love with Tong and thinks he's just passing some time with Joe. It doesn't help that every time Joe presses him on anything emotional Ming shuts him down or outright negs him lolllll
But like for example, in the scene where they're shopping together and Joe gets excited about the couple mugs, first Ming snaps "What makes you think we're a couple?", then he tries to mitigate his slip by playing it off: "after living with me, you'll realize you don't want me as a boyfriend." His kneejerk impulse to shut Joe down and say cruel things is imo a defense mechanism, a really maladaptive one that helps convince Joe later on that there was never any love there, but I'm starting to think it's triggered in response to actually wanting the intimacy and primacy that Joe is pushing for, and being terrified of that.
It would make so much sense for somebody who is terrified of needing anybody else, of being vulnerable or feeling anything real, to decide they're in love with a complete asshole movie star who uses their family for money and them personally for favors, and shape their life around that. Especially now that I understand how young Ming was when he first fixated on Tong (17ish??), I just feel like that entire imprinting is your classic teenager-who-is-not-ready-to-be-in-a-real-relationship parasocial spiral. I used to do it with male celebrities too!!! (I am a lesbian. lmfaooo)
It's interesting because while there's something conceptually romantic about the back Ming first got obsessed with being Joe's all along, it ultimately doesn't really matter to me WHO the onscreen person that he fixated upon was. What matters is how ill-equipped Ming has proven to handle real feelings for a real person in front of him, and the journey he has from here to learn how to human. I can't wait. P.S. Other thing I forgot happened in episode 2: - Ming made drunk!Joe sleep on the floor of Joe's own home - BEFORE Ming moved in or had any claim to the space - AFTER Ming told Sol he would take "really really good care of Joe" as a way of trying to claim Joe in front of the competition His journey to human is going to be a loooooooooooooooooong one, methinks... 😈
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 267
TL;DR - Cale and Alberu tease each other. Cale meets Pope Kesilia. Raon is curious about DHB's name. Raon's friendliness warms Kesilia's heart.
The Teasing First half of the chapter was Cale and Alberu teasing each other.
Alberu: In that virtual world, levels have a huge impact. Even if Rank 1 Ahn Roh Man is on our side, it's only proper for me to become as strong as possible. That way, I can carry you, CH, and Raon. Raon: Human, what is carry? What are levels? Alberu: I'll tell you more when you return to Roan. But let me say this. This place, this place is really… It's a new and huge world. As if several worlds came together. Cale: You're having fun now, right? Alberu: … Cale: It's fun, right? Alberu: … Cale: You're having fun so you pull all-nighters, right? Alberu: … *smiles* Cale: You look awkward, so don't smile. Alberu: You truly are irreverent. Cale: For The Irreverent Emperor to say that, I truly appreciate it. Alberu: …
Cale calling out Alberu for saying he was irreverent/disrespectful when Alberu's in-game name was The Irreverent Emperor was so funny. 😂 The sarcasm in Cale's words as he says that line while using polite language was just 🤣🤣🤣
Cale: You tend to work hard at everything, don’t you? So, as you played, you probably learned about the fun of the game. Anyway, since you are the one handling it, take care of yourself. Alberu: Cale Henituse. Aren’t you speaking too casually? feels annoyed Cale: Not really. I say this out of utmost respect and consideration for the crown prince. Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince also- Alberu: ??? frowns Cale: grins Would you like to faint and collapse like me? Oh, will you have a nosebleed? I don't know if this will make you healthier. Hahaha! Raon: Human, human! The crown prince's pride looks very hurt right now! Cale: Hahaha! gets more excited upon hearing Raon's words Alberu: … I've come to my senses. Pfft. Cale: (Hmm? Why is he suddenly smiling suspiciously? Why does it make me feel upset?) Alberu: Cale Henituse. Do you think that is possible? Cale: … Raon: I don’t think the crown prince will end up like my human! Hong: That’s right! That’s what our youngest said! On: The difference between exercising and not exercising is quite big. You can't compare to the crown prince. If His Highness needs to be compared to someone, a knight is the best. Cale: sees On pitying him … Alberu: Hahaha! On: patting Cale's leg to comfort him
Cale's attempt to tease Alberu's health completely backfired on him. 🤣🤣🤣
Raon and Kesilia Raon was so cute today. Pope Kesilia was depicted as a character obsessed with dragging down everyone with her, but now that she met Raon, it might be possible that she would have a change of heart.
Raon asked for her name, but Kesilia refused to say it, being fine with just being called the pope. Raon was being friendly with her, not minding that she was a mixed blood dragon, so she felt confused. He even offered to introduce Cale's DHB to Kesilia if she wanted friends.
There was also Raon noticing that she was in pain, and offering again to introduce her to his mom and Eruhaben who helped with treating DHB's pain. Kesilia felt strangely warm at Raon treating her nicely.
DHB's Name Oh my goodness, the author finally remembered this! We still did not get a name reveal, but Cale confirmed that he had already thought of one after putting much thought in it.
But our cutie Raon did not believe Cale, and was asking the pope for her name in hopes that Cale would get inspiration from hearing the name of another mixed blood dragon. And then, Raon made a cute assumption.
Raon was talking about DHB, and blurted that DHB was called someone Miru. Hmm... why is this hard to word? It's something like ____ Miru. Blank Miru? That doesn't sound right. Whatshisname Miru? Sounds better, but still strange.
Everyone was surprised to hear that, even Raon himself. From the fact that Raon assumed that Cale would give DHB the last name of Miru like him, to the fact that Raon knew that DHB once tried to kill him, yet he was fine in sharing the same last name with DHB.
I guess Raon was feeling conflicted like his mom regarding DHB. Meanwhile, Kesilia was puzzled about this young dragon willing to share the same last name to a mixed blood dragon who once tried to kill him. It must be unimaginable for her who was treated badly by the Aipotu dragons on the Dragon Lord's side. 😢
Crazy Clopeh Clopeh claimed that it was Rasheel who destroyed one of the temple's buildings, but Cale was having doubts about that, given the expression of the pope towards Clopeh. 😂
We never got to know what exactly the destructive trio did at the temple, but it was pretty much confirmed that Clopeh talked about Cale so much like a legendary hero. And Hannah said that Cale was a kind guy. So it was no wonder that 3rd Bishop Horns and the unnamed 1st Bishop treated Cale in awe. Or Pope Kesilia being friendly and cooperative with him.
Of course, Cale wondered how Clopeh introduced him to them because of their reactions. 😂 And also felt dizzy just thinking about it. 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Today's chapter was so good with its funny and heartwarming moments. 🥰 Next chapter would be Cale beginning his dragon lair looting plans, or probably more planning stuff. But the name tease of DHB has got me excited. I guess his last name will be Miru too because Cale did not object to Raon's words. So the only mystery now is his first name. Raon Miru. Dodam Miru. It seems like the Miru family is gaining a new member~!
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
So I'm a sick fuck. One of my favorite things is when an obsession is getting ravaged and they can sense that their "partner" is going to cum. She panics and desperately screams and begs them to cum outside, that she doesn't want to get pregnant, that she doesn't want a baby. Subsequently she is in a state of shock when they do as she feels just how thorough a claim that was.
Which of your ocs would find sick pleasure in doing this to their obsession and seeing her in this state of terror?
[I could probably put more here... If this was a single character scenario, I would have gone more in depth.]
TW: Noncon; Non-consensual impregnation.
Morell simply doesn't give you a choice. Sooner or later you're going to try for that kid, and you ought to get it through your skull that it is happening. He can't deny the thrill of the fear in your eyes, that doe look, just like when you first saw him, recognizing the predator he is. Morell can already feel the headache of having to undo this all, but he won't deny he wouldn't do this a hundred times. Gladly.
There's nothing Kalymir loves more than conquest. He's conquered Wrath, he's conquered you, now he's taking control of your womb. And you're trying to fight him for it, you poor little thing. It makes him so wild Kalymir nearly shatters your pelvis with his thrusts, laughing and outright moaning at your weak nails clawing down his front and face. It's almost like you want to make him cum faster, hopefully hard enough that it hits your brain.
Zizz is lazy. His pullout game is fucking weak. And, on top of that, he doesn't like to be denied creature comforts such as coming in you. It could be your mouth, your ass, who cares- He knows he's going to finish in that hole and you can't possibly do anything to dislodge him. The King tries to shush you the whole time and covers your mouth so you make less noise, shivering in delight when you freeze at the sensation of his ropes painting you.
Pinter thinks he knows better than you. They're always the same- "I'm not ready to move in with you", "This is moving too fast", "I can't have a kid yet", yes you can. And you will, stop stressing over nothing. Just enjoy yourself and don't pretend you don't like the feeling of his cum deep inside you. You're whining now but you'll get over it, you even squeezed so tight around him!
Miara thinks it's silly of you to get worked up over pregnancy. If ever there was a time for you to possibly conceive, it would be now- Protected by a goddess of fertility and conception, loved infinitely! You are scared by your mind's twisted perception of reality, by what centuries away from siadar did to your species. Although she cradles you lovingly when the shock of her seed entering you sets in, she throbs with pride that you are now destined to likely conceive a brand new generation of monsters.
Sybastian's role in the escape floor has taught him one thing. He really likes the hunt. He's always loved trickery, but that sweet span of time where he has to wrestle to get his way is phenomenal- And even if you two play at that often, you've already had to squirm and struggle to get his cock out before he could come inside more than once. One day Syb's just going to get too into it to let you stop him, and he's going to pant like a shameless mongrel while you quiver and freeze under him. He thinks he should have done this sooner, honestly.
Sever doesn't get why you'd want him to pull out, honestly. To him, that kind of reads as you rejecting him as a mate, and no yandere reacts well to that. Some other, more primal side of him affirms that it is indeed normal for you to thrash around some, so he doesn't really perceive anything to be wrong until you start giving him shit afterwards. He's very quick to secure you with several tendrils and to take his time milking his own orgasm inside you, enjoying what he assumes is your eventual submission.
*Hellion is a dick. Hellion likes to come inside you. You're physically too weak to stop him anyway. It all adds up in a horrid little concoction that is bound to go wrong for you. He does visibly thrill in your panic the more you notice he's getting closer to orgasm, sometimes playfully slipping almost all the way out only to slam even deeper on the next few pistons. That look of horror on your face is exquisite.
*Nebul decides where he comes, not you. This is something you ought to get through that thick skull already, and he'll help you understand it, by consistently coming inside your cunt for as many times as he wants. Screaming will earn you punishments, and physically attempting to fight him will have you regretting even thinking of such in the first place. Nebul takes advantage of those key moments where you're in shock to slip whatever messages of acceptance he wants in your mind, forcing you to focus on him with gentle contact.
*Vesper doesn't even give you a real chance to protest. It's so silly, the way you think. Don't lie to yourself, once you feel him come in you, you won't want anything else. It's laughable to even think you'd protest -You won't- But fret not, before it starts, Vesper promises he'll come everywhere, not just in you. You'll soon start asking him to fill you more, to the brim, and he's all too happy to oblige really.
Dishonorable mentions: Santi; Ludwig; Vinnel.
[* These characters have different methods of reproduction and/or certain traits that don't permit conception in specific settings, so their assault may not result in pregnancy.]
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likeahorribledream · 4 months
new guy
SUMMARY: Turns out you and Ransom don't necessarily have the same goal for your relationship.
PAIRING: Ransom x Reader
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst. New Girl AU.
REQUEST: Librarian!Reader, she’s shy and insecure about her appearance.
18+. Minors DNI.
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All his life Ransom has heard people around him complain about how quickly the weekends go by and that they all hate Monday mornings but he never understood why. He thought that by getting a job he'd finally understand but he doesn't. He loves the weekend because he can sleep in with his girl but he also loves week days. 
His alarm doesn't bother him because he's usually already awake to gently wake you up instead of the very annoying sound coming from the alarm clock on your phone. Your alarm goes off at 7, but he wakes you up at 6:59 every morning.
Neither of you talk aside from mumbling a quick "good morning". You aren't morning people and you both love your peace and quiet after waking up. 
Ransom loves mornings just because you're a little grumpy and cuddly. It's not unusual for you to stop in the middle of a task just to get a hug from him before going back to getting ready. 
Then, he gets to spend the entire day with you at work and watching you share your love of books with other people. Watching you recommend books is one of his favorite things. The way your eyes light up when you're talking and how you can't stop smiling make him melt. 
Going to work is never a chore because he gets to do it with you. 
Never in his wildest dreams did he think he'd ever be the kind of guy to one, be in a relationship and two, be obsessed with a girl and yet here he is. 
Harlan cutting him off changed him but meeting you transformed him. He's glad he met you after losing everything because otherwise he probably wouldn't have looked at you twice, he would have been too busy chasing other girls to notice you. He wasn't good enough for you back then, he still doesn't think that he is now but he works at himself every day to change that. 
Some may say that Ransom isn't Ransom anymore but he'd argue that he's never been more himself than he is now. 
Going to work is never a chore but he still looks forward to the weekend. 
You promised to teach him how to cook on Saturday morning and it's something new that he's looking forward to. 
If his family could see him now. Selfish, trust-fund asshole Ransom Drysdale learning to cook from a girl, from his girl. They would hate every second of it and for the first time in his life Ransom could say that he genuinely doesn't care what they think. 
Every day that he wakes up this week means it's a day closer to Saturday morning and he's excited, which you think is adorable. 
Sometimes he reminds you of a child. In the sense that he gets excited for the most basic things and you find it endearing. It makes your heart ache that no one ever took the time to show him those things but you're glad that you get to be the one to teach him. They make fond little memories that you will look back to in years and smile as you think of them. 
You feel bad for not spending as much time with Chase and Theo as you used to but they don't mind. You're happy, happier than they have ever seen you before and that's all that matters to them. 
With the week finally over and work out of the way, you can finally relax and have fun with the guys. It's been a while since you've done a Friday game night and that's exactly what you're doing tonight. Take outs and board games. Ransom didn't really feel like playing so instead he's sitting on the couch, scrolling through breakfast recipes on his phone while the three of you are sitting on the floor around the coffee table. 
"Theo." You laugh. "Stop showing me your cards! I'm cheating and it's not even on purpose." You shake your head.
You've been playing for an hour and it's the fourth time you've had to tell Theo to hide his cards. He's too busy bickering with Chase to even notice what he's doing. 
Ransom gets off the couch and stands next to you, looking down at you. "Can we go to bed?"
You look up at him. "You don't want to play with us?" 
"Not really, no." He shrugs. 
"I'm having fun, I don't want to go to bed yet." You sigh and put down your cards. 
"Alright. Can I snuggle while you play?"
You smile. "Best of both worlds." 
Ransom sits on the floor between you and the couch, resting his back against it as you lean back into him. 
"Never in a million year did I ever think I'd see Ransom ask to snuggle." Theo says after watching your exchange with Ransom. 
"Why not?" Ransom asks as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
Theo shrugs and shakes his head. "You don't strike me as the cuddling type." 
"Guys usually tend to hide their soft side." Chase adds.
Ransom snorts and shakes his head disapprovingly. "I've never cared about what other people think of me and I've never let their opinions stop me from doing what I want. Am I supposed to keep my hands to myself or pretend like I don't care about my girl because otherwise people are going to be uncomfortable? Fuck that, that's dumb." 
You bite back a smile and turn your head to the side to kiss his cheek. 
"That's good." Chase nods, approving of Ransom's way of thinking. "The guys before you thought the opposite, it's nice to see that you actually care." 
You clear your throat, suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation. "Can we not talk about that?" You ask quietly, picking at your cards and avoiding eye contact. 
"That's because she needed a man." He peppers your neck with kisses and grins at the sound of your laughter. 
"I need one of those too." Theo mumbles under his breath. 
"Not this one." You warn him. 
"Your brother then?" Theo smirks playfully.
"There are so many men out there, does it really have to be my brother?" You whine.
"Yes! He's sweet and funny." 
"And hot." Chase adds.
"So hot." Theo sighs dreamily. 
You point a finger at Chase. "Don't encourage him." 
"Looks like Theo's going to be your brother-in-law." Ransom teases you. 
You turn to the side to look at him. "You do know that means you and Theo will technically be family." You ask, raising a brow. 
He stops laughing and looks at Theo. "Stay the fuck away from her brother."
Theo gasps. "That's no way to talk to your future brother-in-law, Ranny." 
"Don't call me that." 
You and Chase exchange a look before rolling your eyes. Ransom can pretend all he wants but everyone knows he adores Theo just like Theo adores him. For some reason they like to bicker. Constantly. It's like they are making up for all those years they were brother less.
You collect everyone's cards while they keep fighting and put them back in the box, clearly you're done playing for tonight. Ransom sees that you're moving to get up and helps you stand. 
"Where are you going, kitten?" 
"To bed, are you coming?" You hold out your hand.
He takes it right away and hurries to his feet. 
"Good night." You say to your friends before leading Ransom out of the living room to his room. 
You lie down under his covers together, he's holding you close to his chest as he spoons you. He lovingly kisses the skin of your shoulder and of the side of your neck. 
"Are you tired?" 
You nod and turn your head to the side to try and catch a glimpse of him. "You?"
"I'm beat." He moves his hand to your cheek to hold your head to the side. He brushes his nose against yours and smiles softly before leaning down to kiss you. "Good night my love." He whispers between two kisses, making you smile.
You cover his hand on your cheek with yours, not hesitating to press your lips to his. "Good night baby." You whisper back once he gives you a chance to breathe again. 
He moves his hand down from your cheek and instead lays it flat on your chest, right above your heart. He waits for you to turn back your head to bury his in your neck. It doesn't take long at all for sleep to find you both once you're comfortable and all wrapped up around each other.
Surprisingly enough, you manage to stay in that exact position all through the night. It doesn't look like either of you moved even an inch. 
You wake up first but you don't move or open your eyes, enjoying every second of being in Ransom's warmth and arms.
Ransom lets out a small content sigh as he wakes up. He doesn't need to open his eyes or look at you to know that you're already awake and he smiles.
"Good morning." He whispers against your neck, his voice low and dripping with sleep. 
You smile and move your hand to his hair, gently scratching his head as you run your fingers through his hair. It's longer than when he first moved in and he uses a lot less products to keep it perfectly styled all the time, which you love because they are fluffier and softer. Especially in the morning. "Good morning." You say softly. 
You stay like this for a few more minutes before speaking again. "I'm sorry Ran but I need to move. The leg that's under me is cramping up." You laugh quietly. 
He chuckles and moves to give you enough space to lie on your back instead. Ransom comes to lie on top of you, settling himself between your legs as he holds himself up on his elbows to make sure he doesn't crush you. 
"Better?" He leans down to give both of your cheeks a kiss. 
"Much." You giggle at his kisses. "You woke up into a cuddly mood this morning." 
"Too much?" He looks down at you, worried he might be overdoing it.
You quickly shake your head no. "I like it." You reassure him with a smile.
"Can we go make breakfast and come back to bed after eating? I don't want to move but I'm starving." He huffs, slightly annoyed that he needs to get up.
"It's Saturday, we can do whatever we want." You smile. 
"Kiss." He purses his lips, making you laugh.
You put your arms around his shoulders and lift yourself up, enough to reach his lips and kiss him softly. 
He grins and sits up, taking you with him. "I want more of this but after breakfast." 
"Don't ever say I like food more than you again, look who is choosing food over cuddling and kissing." You stick your tongue out before getting out of bed and stretching your arms above your head.
Ransom kneels on the bed behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. "Want me to starve for you, kitten? You say the word and I will. I'll starve to death if I have to." He gently bites your neck. 
You laugh. "So dramatic." You tease him. "No need to starve." You slip out of his hold before he has time to stop you and make your way to the door. "But don't expect kisses later. You chose food over me, you are gonna have to deal with the consequences." 
"Alright, come back here." Ransom gets out of bed to stop you from leaving but you're too quick.
You hurry to the kitchen and give him a cheeky grin. "Too slow, old man."
"You're lucky you're so fucking cute." He kisses your cheek and helps you set up. 
"What do you want to make?" You ask him, standing in front of the fridge to take out what you need for the recipe he chose.
"Pancakes? It seems like a pretty easy thing to do." 
"Easy and delicious." You bring all the ingredients you're going to need and put them down on the kitchen island. "I'm going to let you make them, I'll just tell you the steps." 
Normally making pancake batter takes you about two minutes but Ransom is really taking his time and you're letting him go at his own pace. 
Chase and Theo join you in the kitchen, their stomachs already growling. 
"Mom and dad are making us pancakes." Theo says to Chase, teasing you. 
You and Ransom both laugh at the same time except in very different ways. You laugh genuinely but Ransom sounds more like he's heard something stupid.
"That's not gonna happen." He shakes his head and chuckles before flipping the first pancake.
"What's not gonna happen?" You're pretty sure you already know the answer but you need to hear him say it. 
Ransom shrugs. "I'm not having kids." 
He's so focused on not burning anything that he misses the moment you get crushed by his words.  
"You don't want kids?" You stare at his back, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Nope." He says, emphasizing on the "p" sound. 
Your eyes fall to the ground and you stare at the floor, not knowing what to say. 
Theo and Chase keep glancing at each other and silently decide to leave the kitchen to go into Chase's room. 
Ransom feels the weird shift in the air and turns around, surprised to see you standing behind him. 
"Kitten, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." He smiles in the hope it'll make you smile but you give him nothing. He turns off the stove and walks over to you, gently putting his hands on your shoulders. "What's wrong?" 
"I want to have kids." You say quietly, avoiding looking into his eyes. 
"Oh." He clears his throat. 
"Yeah." You take a few steps back and he lets go of you, his hands dropping back to his side. "Are you sure?" You hesitate to ask but the pain in your chest is making you desperate.
"Are you?" He keeps looking directly at you while you do everything in your power to avoid eye contact.
"I'm more than sure." You finally look up and the pain in your eyes knocks the wind out of his lungs. 
"You know me, you know of my family… We're not good people. It's in our DNA. I'm not going to add another selfish asshole to our family tree. I can't." 
You understand why he doesn't want kids, you really do. You don't blame him for thinking this way. "You're not like them, Ran. You wouldn't be like your dad-"
"Look, maybe I'll change my mind in like 10 years. We have time, right?"
"No, you do. I don't. What happens if in 10 years you change your mind and it's too late? What if I get pregnant before then and you resent me for the next 18 years?" You shake your head. "I'm willing to compromise about a lot of things but not this. I'm sorry." You walk around the kitchen island and head to your room, swallowing with difficulty because of the lump in your throat, rapidly forming from your unshed tears and heartache. 
Ransom follows you. "Why can't I be enough for you?"
You sit on your bed and take in a few shaky breaths. "You are enough, more than enough." 
"Then we don't need kids." He nervously runs his fingers through his hair.
"I do." You quickly wipe off the tear that escapes at the corner of your eye. "I don't know how to explain it, I just know that I do. I've known since I was teenager. It's the one thing in my life I've always been sure of. It's not because you're not enough, it's just… different." 
"Aren't we happy just the two of us together?" He is getting desperate as he gets a bad feeling about where this conversation is headed.
"We are." You nod. 
"Then why risk messing it up?" He kneels on the floor in front of you, resting his hands on your thighs with a pleading look in his eyes.
You smile sadly down at him and stroke his cheek with your hand. "I don't see having kids as a risk of messing things up, for me having kids is adding to my happiness." 
Ransom wipes angrily at his cheeks, he doesn't even know when he started crying. He stands up and looks down at you, holding back more tears. "So that's it then? We're done?" 
"I don't know." You answer sincerely. "I don't want us to be done." 
He stares at you then leaves your room. He storms out of the loft and slams the door as he goes, taking the stairs two at a time to get to the first floor and outside. 
You slowly stand up and walk over to your door to close it quietly before heading back to bed. You jump at the sound of the front door being slammed shut and quickly crawl into bed, hiding under your covers. You finally let the tears come out, hoping it will help soothe the soul crushing pain in your heart. 
It doesn't. 
Ransom pulls out his phone from his pocket, not caring that he's only wearing sweats and a coat outside. He scrolls through his contacts until he finds the person he's looking for. He lifts his phone to his ear as it starts to ring and he's relieved when the other person picks up almost instantly.
"Can I come over to your place? I really need to see you."
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Lordy lord. It's been awhile.... This was written a long LONG time ago. I haven't edited anything I'm sorry. If you're one of the few that stuck around for this story, thank you and I promise there's more to come.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 7 months
Mabel's perspective in Sock Opera is equally, if not more sympathetic than Dipper's: An Essay
Most people generally wouldn't consider Mabel to have a terribly sympathetic plotline in Sock Opera, even those of us who don't necessarily feel that she's horribly selfish. I think that's because, from a narrative perspective, her plotline is (as it so often is) shafted in favour of Dipper's, and from a viewer's perspective, Dipper's makes more sense. We, as viewers want to know who the author is. We, as viewers, know that Gabe is inevitably going to turn out to be some variety of impossible, and we know that the Author of the Journals is a major mystery. However, from Mabel's perspective, none of this is true, because she doesn't have the luxury of knowing she is in a TV show. Even if you take out Gabe, her perspective still makes perfect sense.
At the beginning of summer, Dipper found this journal, and Mabel has generally been pretty happy to go along with his adventures as the journal has led them, but it's clear she doesn't have the same degree of fascination with it. Maybe she may have been a little intrigued by who the Author is, she's probably a bit curious, but not to the same extent. By the time of Sock Opera, she's probably reasonably ready for the Journal fixation to be over, considering that they nearly all got killed by a shapeshifter trying to find the author. She knows that trying to investigate the author is dangerous--Stan warned them away from the supernatural, they've all nearly died multiple times, but Dipper cannot be stopped. And now Dipper has decided to spend hours and hours and hours, forgoing sleep, sitting in front of a screen, typing in passwords. The fact that Mabel tries to drag him away from it is a good thing--anyone with a relative who spends excessive amounts of time in front of a computer can tell you that. Generally, having someone close to you become deeply fixated to the point of obsession with anything can be challenging, however in Mabel's case, Dipper has become obsessed to the point of prioritising getting into the laptop above anything, and this isn't just a regular hyperfixation: this is a hyperfixation that has nearly gotten them both (plus their loved ones) nearly killed multiple times in the last few weeks. It's absolutely the responsible, good thing for Mabel to do to not enable that behaviour.
And then if you add the puppet show back into the equation, then yes, it is kind of ridiculous of Mabel to put on a whole show of that kind of magnitude just for a boy (regardless of whether the boy deserves it), however, as viewers we must accept that this is, in fact, thoroughly within character for Mabel, who is kind of ridiculous. Any kind of production of that size is a huge commitment, especially if you've given yourself a week to work, and I'm not remotely bothered by the fact that Mabel has to get everyone involved on this. And to Mabel's credit, she does try to help Dipper as soon as he appears to her in puppet form, she just isn't immediately willing to stop the show. Back in high school, my drama class did a play that I mostly wrote, mostly managed and also had a small acting role in (yes, I was an overachiever in drama), and let me tell you, it would have taken a lot to have gotten me to call off the show halfway through, much less publicly sabotage it. A demon threatening the lives of one of my siblings? Probably yes. That probably would have done it. And Mabel does allow the thing that she poured blood, sweat and tears into to go literally up in flames in front of everyone, once she realises that's what she has to do (and personally, I don't think that there's anything wrong with not immediately being willing to drop everything for this. It's not like Dipper doesn't dig in his heels about doing what's best until the very last possible second). I don't know why people insist it's not 'technically a sacrifice', because while, yes, obviously Dipper's life was more important, and she 100% made the right choice, it's not easy to wreck something you worked hard on in front of people.
All this is to say that although it's easy to become irritated at Mabel during this episode because she's hindering Dipper's ability to figure out who the author is, it's also very easy not to realise that she has a thoroughly reasonable perspective, simply because the narrative puts greater emphasis and attention of Dipper's perspective.
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prismatoxic · 2 months
chilchuck tierlist of babysitting fentripp, people who he absolutely knows he can count to not kill his child and people who he knows will end up doing something wrong (even if by accident)
the original post about my chilaios fankid, fentripp, for anyone who didn't see it
anyone who isn't here hasn't offered or chilchuck hasn't considered. however i can be persuaded to add more entries with compelling arguments for them
Kabru - follows the rules to the letter. will have fen fed, bathed, taught, played with, and asleep by all the exact right times. if anything diverges from the plan, it's because fen is a goblin, not because kabru did anything wrong. fen likes when kabru reads to him, he does funny voices.
Senshi - follows his own ideas of what's best, but shockingly good at it nonetheless. very careful, and considerate, and makes sure he knows where fen is at all times. fen likes him a lot and they always have a really good time together.
Meijack - doesn't want kids of her own, but is pretty good with them anyway, and she's extremely protective of her little brother. knows exactly what chilchuck expects, and also has a pretty good sense of what he'd approve of when instructions are unclear. strikes a perfect balance of making fen have so much fun that he doesn't realize no mischief is actually being caused.
Laios - tends to stray off the beaten path a little, but will always defer to his husband so he's never gonna get too wild with it. he also loves fen more than life itself and won't intentionally put him in any manner of harm's way, no matter what. maybe doesn't count as a babysitter since he's literally fen's other dad, but as far as chilchuck is concerned, anyone outside of himself is a risk if he's not also there, so.
Falin - fen is obsessed with her, and the feeling is more or less mutual. she loves him so, so much. but... she's also maybe not chilchuck's ideal as far as babysitting goes, because she's extremely susceptible to the puppy eyes. can drop down to d tier for a few weeks if fen manages to lead her on some batshit adventure, but generally speaking, chilchuck trusts her.
Yaad - similar to kabru in his ability to follow chilchuck's guidelines to a T, and fen does seem to like him, but he's not always fully prepared for what caring for a young child entails. still, he's a decent enough choice, if he's available.
Dandan - weirdly good at this. chilchuck left the guild to him for a reason--dandan's got a good head on his shoulders, something that's only become more true over time--but "babysitting" wasn't a skill chilchuck anticipated him having. he might shirk responsibility from time to time, but in a "alright, you can stay up an extra hour" way, not a neglectful way.
Marcille - fen is safe with her, and she'll do her best (and so very badly wants to be the best aunt ever), but she tends to overthink things and can get distracted easily. also, the older he gets, the angrier fen gets if she mentions magic, because he thinks elves are abusing the spirits. (she tries to default to gnome magic around him but he still side-eyes her for a while. don't worry, they bond properly when he's more self-sufficient.)
Namari - a little nervous about caring for a kid by herself, but she's actually really fond of fen. she does most things right, and chilchuck's not necessarily ideologically opposed to her teaching his son dwarfish swear words, but she's more interested in having fun than being a guardian so she's not the perfect choice.
Flertom - perfectly decent, most of the time. loves getting to care for a child (desperately wants her own someday). can get a little sidetracked playing pretend-mom, though, and doesn't always have the best ideas for what to do, which doesn't always end well.
Puckpatti - way too scatterbrained for this job, and also way too eager to goof off in whatever way fen indicates he thinks would be fun. she's alright with her sisters since they tend to override her poor decisions and keep her on track, but by herself, she's a last resort.
Izutsumi - basically an older sister to fen, but this is rarely a good thing. he loves her and they have great fun together, but leaving them alone is a recipe for disaster, and even kabru's had to step in and shut the idea down officially. "don't put me in a position where i have to explain how a cat and a toddler burned down an entire castle wing."
Shuro - not good with kids. actively kind of scared of this one in particular. will agree if asked, but that's because he's bad at saying no, and chilchuck doesn't intend to ask. (and laios needs to stop thinking it'll work out for anyone.)
Mickbell (& Kuro) - only offered to be a nuisance, or at least that's what chilchuck assumes. kuro might be able to handle it on his own in a pinch, maybe, but there's no point trying to peel him and mickbell apart when there are so many better options.
Mithrun - with kabru? passable. by himself? absolutely the fuck not.
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carlplsrailme · 2 years
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: as Carl writes down in his journal, he notices you -the woman he is obsessively in love with- stripping in front of your open window
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carl grimes x fem!reader
cw: dub!con, non!con, yandere!carl, pervert!carl, filming/taking photos without perm, pantie sniffing, pantie licking, cum eating, cumming untouched, jerking off, masturbating, dildos, nipple play, voyeurism kink (reader + carl), basically masochist reader.
word count: 1k
request: Hi! As for the stalker request, I would like it to be in twd au :3 It’s just hard for me to see Carl not in that ALSO girl don’t worry about writing this anytime soon! You have so many request you are fulfilling, rest okay? Make sure to drink water! <3
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she did It again
she ran off with Daryl into the woods when we were on a run again. whispering to the group of some excuse and running off with him.
I tried to follow but with my Dad's hand locked on my shoulder, asking me to look for some products I don't even care about, I couldn't do anything but watch her body fade into the woods.
he clicked his pen and closed his journal, brow digging into his eyelid and he couldn't think of any reason you'd run off with him.
well, except one.
You and Daryl, were having sex.
It wouldn't make any sense to anybody else but him. Daryl was older and quite honestly hasn't felt attracted to anyone in years, Plus, If the law was still around it would've swooped Daryl up in a cell already.
But in Carl's broken mind, it's the only logical answer.
"fuck" he muttered, throwing his head back on his chair as his feet lift it back, far enough to look out the window to see, you.
thank goodness your house was right across from his, he'd probably go crazy if it wasn't. seeing who comes in and out -seeing who comes in and out of your room is probably the most important-
and there you were, so blind to the fact that a boy, crazy in love with you was watching as you stripped your top off, sweat clinging to your body as you take the sticky material off
Carl scrambled to find his camera, grabbing it while his eyes were on you was difficult, but worth it.
you always change in your bathroom, always. What's changed? have you gotten so comfortable in Alexandria that you thought walking a couple of feet wouldn't make a difference?
well, it did. for him mostly.
his finger slide against the top of the silver machine, zooming in on your almost naked body. pressing the button that made flash fall everywhere, again, thank goodness your back was to him.
now you're taking your shorts off ever so slowly, almost like you were teasing him, pretty panties being relived as your hand snuck around your back to have your bra fall. 
Carl's fingers spammed the poor camera's trigger as he took as many photos of you as he could, his dick throbbed for attention that was all on you, pants feeling so fucking tight he just couldn't wait for you to-
turn around
you turned around
now, funny enough, Carl wouldn't call himself a pervert. If it was on paper he'd check every box, but, in his -once again- broken mind, you wanted him just as much, you were teasing him, wanting him to take these porn-worthy photos of you, begging him to ruin his poor cock with orgasm after orgasm as his wrist pleading for a break as he thought of you.
you wanted this, just as much as him.
so when you spun around, pretty perfect tits jiggling in the air as your pretty blush pink panties hugged your pussy, don't blame him when he felt himself cum down his pants.
he spammed the photos taken so many as the flash flickered over and over again he got worried you might notice but you were too busy fiddling with something on your nightstand 
and then you picked up a...dildo. where did you get such a thing? he doesn't even want to know, but, there you were, with a purple dildo and lube being pressed on it, even tho cum was starting to dry in his boxers, he felt himself getting unbearably hard again.
he moved the camera settings to record, placing it on the window seal as he watched you walk back over to your bed that he is so fucking thankful for is right in front of your window
the zip of his own pants was coming into his ringing ears as he took his poor throbby cock out, already jerking it back and forth as he watched you lay yourself out on your bed, spreading your pretty thighs and hooking a finger on your panties, pulling them down with the shiny essence of your wetness slobbered all over 
"fuck, y/n" he groaned, picking his camera up to zoom on the pretty wet flower that is your pussy. his hand sped up at seeing your hand travel down to your cunt, he wabbled over to his drawer to pick up the pair of panties he stole from you that morning, the green print with an adorable white bow on top of them, he opened them up to see, white. white dried cum all over them.
he froze. looking back up to you where your fingers slowly rubbed your own clit, not aware that someone was watching you and recording you with your legs spread wide. he brought the panties to his nose as he sniffed the place your pussy sat all day, sniffed the place your pussy came in, he can hear your moans echoing in his head of your whining, cumming down your panties, fuck, he needed you so so badly
he kept the underwear up to his nose, smelling your pretty pussy as he watches you grab for the dildo, he sped up his wrist as he watched you slowly press it inside of your drooling cunny.
he placed the panties in his mouth, muting his groans as he was scared you'll somehow hear, he threw them in his mouth where his tongue -accidentally- lapped all over your cum, he didn't know what he was doing, he'll scold himself later because right now, you're fucking yourself with his huge ass dildo and he feels like he's about to explode
the camera focused on your pussy as your back arched, you were close, and the dildo slammed in and out of you as the purple got swirled with the white of your wetness
"fuck 'm gonna cum" Carl slurred with the fabric in his mouth, poor cock all red, standing tall as this is all he could've ever dreamed of...well, fucking you is first, always first.
he watched as your pulled and played with your pretty nipples, hips bucking up and up as you tried to hump your own hand, he watch as you bit into your pillow, crying out something as he watch your pussy convulse, creaming down the dildo as you whined, Carl was no better as he shot his cum all over the wall and himself, left in the most pleasurable sticky fucking mess
he watched you pant, taking the dildo out of you as the purple seems to be gone now with the sheer coat of white your pussy painted on it, stretching over to your nightstand as you placed it in a drawer, turn off your lamp as you pulled your panties back on your messy little pussy, just to roll back over and sleep like you don't have cum dripping down your leg, leaving carl in his own mess of a room, and his own mess of a head.
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an: ahhhh i wrote this as that anon put me in a brainrot of my own 😭 hehe, oh, btw, sorry this is kinda porn with little to no plot, I wanted to do more of a stalker story but it just turned into porn. alsooo sorry that this is just pervert carl and not stalker carl. and alsoooooo sorry that this may be nasty for some people + there's no real carl x reader p 'n v smut, If you guys want me to write a part 2 of stalker!carl that has more of a story, ill do that! (it'll just take more time lol) anywaaaayy I hope you guys still enjoyed this! ilysm! byeee byeee! 💞
ps. no, daryl and y/n were not having sex. he was just teaching her how to track.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
What if Alicent's eldest daughter for whom everyone is yanderes is actually the daughter of Daemon? no one knows except daemon and alicent, daemon hates all of alicent's sons except his little girl who he has a soft spot for (and he dies of jealousy every time he sees viserys with his daughter). It would be even cuter if the princess had Grandma Alyssa's eyes, one green and one purple.
I thought of this a while ago but forgot to mention. I love this idea. The idea of Y/n!Princess being the daughter of Daemon and Alicent brings me ideas. In the books, there are rumors that say that Alicent gave her virginity to Daemon and in this scenario it could make sense.
Or the situation could also be as follows: After the marriage of Alicent and Viserys and the birth of Aegon and Helaena, Alicent, dissatisfied with her husband, ended up letting herself be involved by the Rogue Prince, who had had his eye on the young queen for a long time. Feeling seduced by Daemon's intense gazes, Alicent gave herself to him that night and many other nights, until she eventually became pregnant. They stopped seeing each other after Daemon's exile and the rumors about Rhaenyra and him, but Alicent had gotten pregnant and it wasn't her husband's. She knew and Daemon knew it when he returned from his exile and found Alicent holding her newborn daughter in her arms, Daemon knew that child was hers and by the look on Alicent's face, he knew it was true.
Alicent was extremely attached to her precious daughter, sometimes reaching the level of being possessive and would not allow the maids to take her away. She could go so far as to want to breastfeed her daughter. Which may seem normal to us, but for the time, the Queens did not breastfeed, their babies had wet nurses.
One of the most curious things about Princess!Reader was that she had the appearance of her grandmother Alyssa, her eyes at least, one green and one purple. One thing I like to think about is, what if she was more like Alicent? I won't say identical, but maybe the color of Alicent' hair and the eyes of Alyssa. The only one of Alicent's children who looks anything like her, and I would imagine that would have a bigger impact on her mother's obsession.
You're right, Daemon hates all of Alicent's children, except maybe Helaena, but I can't say he likes her, he has nothing against her at least, in my point of view. He hates all of them but his little girl. How could he? He loved her the moment he saw her in her mother's protective arms and, not caring about other people's eyes, he took the little princess in his arms and played with her.
Daemon undoubtedly dies of jealousy of Viserys with his little girl, he hates to see how his brother is titled her father and he does his best not to let it slip that he is the father of Y/N and not Viserys. Unfortunately he can't do that, he can't put his daughter at risk or be called a bastard. He wouldn't do that to her. I can see Alicent encouraging Daemon's obsession towards the reader too, as a way of gaining his support and she enjoys watching him interact with her precious baby.
Aegon, Aemond and Helaena would definitely be attached to their sister as well, especially Aemond and Helaena. The three are inseparable, and when Aegon joins in, may the Seven have mercy on the poor servants who try to control the four together. Perhaps Alicent decides to marry Princess!Reader to Aemond, just as she did to Aegon and Helaena. She doesn't like the idea of marrying her daughter off, but she'd rather it be her son than anyone else. Daemon obviously wouldn't accept that and would be furious with Alicent and even Aemond. He doesn't want his little princess to marry, much less one of Alicent's children. He will do everything in his power to prevent this.
It's a really cool concept and one I'd be happy to talk more about! Thank you for submitting it, anon!! <3
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(I couldn't help it, sorry, but this is Daemon when he finds out that Alicent plans to marry Princess!Reader to Aemond)
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anonzentimes · 3 months
Except it's not actually a hierarchy he's created in his head. The thing that so many fans fail to get is that what is truly terrifying about Nagito Komaeda is the fact that there are lots of Nagito Komaedas out there in the world of Danganronpa. People who's sense of self-worth has been royally fucked by the culture that Hope's Peak (and later the Future Foundation) helped foster. Nagito is simply the one who says the quiet stuff out loud. Like something that's really telling in hindsight is before Episode 4, Hajime never actually calls Nagito out on his talk of talentless people being worthless. Because as the climax of the game makes clear, Hajime is one of those many other Nagito Komaedas out there.
Honestly, great point anon thank you! While he undoubtedly does have a hierarchy in his head I actually did forget to mention in my ramble that this specific trait is mostly a learned thing from the world that they live in (never let me cook at 3am again smh). It's commonly accepted and believed in, Hajime is the biggest example that we see. The "objective" fact everyone accepts that the talented are better than the talentless. Hajime only cares when he learns he's "worthless," and it takes a toll on his personal self esteem.
Nagito believes his talent is worthless because it harms everyone around him and only benefits himself, and when there's no one to harm it goes after him, so he considers himself on the same level as someone who isn't an ultimate. Just combining this with his unhealthy coping mechanism and obsession with Hope and we get some of the most important traits of his character. His self esteem may come from growing up with terrible experiences and blaming himself, or that he's on the same level as someone who isn't an ultimate.
I do think that it's upsetting they play into how he thinks he's worthless by never caring to give him reciprocation or just not at all being bothered by his absence when he's suspended it just really sucks.
The closet thing he gets to reciprocation is Chisa which her caring about him shocks him, and Chiaki a little bit because she's trying to help the whole class and he's included. In Dr2 he is drawn to Hajime and he attempts to get his attention and approval pretty often, they enjoy each other's company at least before things get crazy and Hajime shows reciprocation. Nagito's more of an actual threat in Dr2 and I can understand more their fear and negligence, I still think tying him up and not letting him go anywhere is a horrible thing to do to anyone. I understand it more but It still feels upsetting.
I'm happy for Nagito that Hajime is in his life though, he seems to genuinely love him/care for him quite a lot. Hajime seems to care for him too, even when he's afraid and upset. It's not to the same degree as Nagito, mostly because of Nagito's threatening presence once he loses his filter, but Hajime does care for him and has enjoyed time with him. Their relationship can and has been healed after the killing game and he can actually have one of the healthier, if not healthiest, relationships in his life with Hajime.
(Also I say love because saying like doesn't feel right it doesn't express enough emotion and relationship as general relationship I don't care what you ship lmao)
I really do enjoy seeing fan works and such where his classmates, even if not the to the extent of Hajime's reciprocation, they genuinely care for him and treat him a lot better.
Anyways!! Just wanted to say with this reply some extra stuff I didn't before, some restatements, and the fact yup you're completely right!! Sorry I forgot to mention it in my original ramble post thanks so much anon! :)
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ashesbreadandbutter · 4 months
Adrian Tepes x Reader • I Need You To Help Me Forget
Includes talking about what happened to Alucard and his assault and his feelings towards it with Reader who loves him dearly.
Word Count: 1,628. It was only supposed to be 1,000 words but I still went over it so be happy about that y'all lol.
Enjoy the read!
Her kisses are gentle, careful and he can feel his heart racing in his chest. Hammering.
It feels nice, lovely, and Alucard can't help how warm he feels being under her while she sits above him, holding his face with her hands as she covers his face in kisses. She kisses his lips, once, twice, three times before kissing his cheeks and after that she kisses along his jawline in a way that makes his breath hitch.
He can feel that similar heat in his gut, a feeling that he both loved and hated and just like that he was trembling.
He loved her so much. Too much.
And sometimes he feared her using him, playing him like he's been done before even though she's been by his side for years now. Helping him, keeping him safe.
A sense of guilt rushes over him and against his will he's remembering things he doesn't wish to. He wants her kisses but he feels dirty knowing used been used before. He feels unworthy of her love and of course she notices his tense nature, as she always does, and she pulls away quickly looking down at him with a worried gaze. Worried that she did something wrong and that hurt him more because never has she done him wrong and he needed her to know that.
She opens her mouth as if to apologize but he's quick to shake his head, closing his eyes for a moment as he gathers his breath. He's warm all over, a ball of fire in his gut. He wants her and he needs her to know he wants her.
His trauma annoyed him, made him angry beyond belief at times and sometimes… it came out on her. Sometimes he'd be so angry she'd catch the fire but she always managed to put him out as well… calming him with her smooth voice, holding him in her warm hands, kissing him with her angelic lips. She was his heaven on this earth and he needed her to know that.
“No.” He breathes as he looks at her again with those beautiful golden eyes of his. They're a little teary like he might cry. “Don't stop, please don't love my love.” He says softly as he looks up to her and it's like he's begging.
He needs her.
“Are you sure? Really sure?” She asked seriously as she leaned down, lips hovering over his own as she looked him in his eyes with her own and he loves how much she cares. She's supposed to after all.
He nods eagerly and she watches him for a moment before smiling softly and leaning in to kiss those lips of his again for a moment, hungry for another taste of him.
They press against each other before she nips his bottom lip and with a small moan he opens up for her. The way his tongue slides out to lace with hers is enough to make him rock hard in his undergarments and since she's in his lap, sitting so comfortably, he groans at the feeling of her against him. The heat between their bodies is enough to drive him wild and he needs her, needs her to keep kissing him, to keep touching him and to never leave him. Ever.
He needs it all.
She slides her tongue against his and moans softly as his hands move down to slowly grip her hips. He squeezes them, digging his nails into her skin a little as he holds her firmly against that hot bulge in his boxers. He can feel her through her panties, how warm and wet she's getting as she straddled him and when he gives a roll of his hips as if testing the waters she moans.
The noise makes his eyes roll back a little, before shutting. His hands squeeze her some more and he finds himself having to control himself.
There's a need to flip her over, to grab her by her hair or her throat and ram himself into her over and over again until she's screaming, crying that she'll stay with him, that she'll never leave.
And he's tempted.
Very tempted.
He can wait. He will wait because he's obsessed with her love, her attention and he'd be damned if he didn't receive every single bit of it.
She rolls her hips and he arches his back a little, searching for more… so much more.
He wants to rip their clothes off, to feel every inch and part of her around him… to pin her head down as she pleads for mercy but he doesn't want to hurt her, to scare her, even if she's completely happy with any and all the attention he gives her.
It feels good.
She feels good.
And he can't bother imagining his world without her after all this time. He'd rather die than lose her, then have her leave but he knows that she cares. That she loves him more than this world itself and knowing such makes him hot, needy.
He ruts his hips into her's, she's so pillowy and she grows wetter as she moans above him. She leans up, tossing her head back in pleasure at the grinding. He's hot against her like a burning sun.
His hands hold her tightly and soon he's tearing at her panties. He needs her, needs to feel her and he's practically losing his mind as they move against each other as their noises fill the air around them. Alucard could hardly control himself as he holds her and before he can stop himself he's flipping them over, caging her in under him as he continues to rock his hips.
He holds her legs open and watches as clothed cock rubs over her clothed and soaking wet cunt. He pants heavily much like a wild animal as he grips at the bed, nails digging in as she moans and pants. She whines his name, hands moving to caress and grope his chest before she runs her hands down his sides and holds his hips.
Even though he's not completely naked he feels hot all over and he pants as he looks her in her face as she gasps and calls out his name.
He's lost in her. Lost in her love, in her touches, her cries as she begs for more and Alucard feels an innate sense of relief.
Before he can stop himself he leans down and buried his fangs in his throat and they both explode. The feeling of his fangs send a wave of pain through her for a second and then explosive pleasure and she arches against him as she lets out a loud cry.
He groans hotly against her neck, the taste of her blood on his tongue and her hips shaking sends him into euphoria and he cums hard with a violent shudder as he presses hard against her.
He takes a moment to pull away from her, savoring that taste of hers with a moan before slowly pulling away. He's shivering and there's blood on his lips, his cheeks are red and his breath is ragged and he looks at her with enough love to shatter their reality. She breathes heavily, panting hotly under him, her legs around his waist and her hands on his chest as she looks up at him.
For a moment there's nothing but their panting but after a moment she grins at him, that cute and silly grin that he loved seeing on her so much and it makes his heart leap to his throat as her hands slowly move to wrap around his shoulders.
They kiss again, hot and desperate as she tastes her own blood on his lips.
“I love you.” He breathes, moaning softly as he moves his arms to hug her, squeezing her close as he spoke.
“I love you so much.” He whimpers softly and she purrs against his lips, lacing her fingers in his gorgeous blond hair, pulling him in even more even if there was already no space between their bodies.
“And you know I love you too.” She giggles. “I love you from the moon and back three times over, Adrien.” She smiles up at him after they pull away from a moment and her smile is so kind that he can't help the way it brings a few tears to his eyes. He sniffles, thanking her softly.
Thanking her for loving him, for being with him and she shushes him with kisses as she laces them over his cheeks as she kisses his tears away.
“No need to thank me. You deserve as much love as anyone else does and I'm happy to give it all to you.” She hums softly and as she holds his cheeks now he melts into her hold like a big happy dog. He loved her more than he could ever love anyone else and he was glad to finally have someone like her in his life.
“I want to be with you forever.” She breathes and he sobs softly as he hugs him tight. He refused to ever let her go.
“Then do so. Promise to never leave me.” He says with such a small voice that he almost seems like a small child pleasing for love and affection and she kisses those lips of his again, stealing his breath.
“I promise. I put it on my soul that I'll never leave your side.” She promises as they hold each other close, desperate to feel each other even more.
He loved her more than he's ever loved anyone else and he refused to ever let go and so did she.
They'd be together forever. He refused any other option.
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babygirlispunk · 1 year
Summer Fling - PART TWO
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Pedro Pascal x f!Reader
Summary: lady luck is on your side on a night out with your friends and a chance encounter fuelled by liquid courage giving you a sense of DeJa'Vu.
Warnings: 18+, age gap, alcohol consumption, mentions of hard drugs (reader not consuming), a forced kiss (not from ped), swearing and female degrading words.
Word count: 3.2k
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It had been two weeks since New Years. You still couldn't believe what had happened, that you had your New Years kiss with him. You play over and over again how intense it was. The feeling of his lips, nose, hands and body imprinted on your brain. His taste, his smell, those eyes...
You tried not to become obsessive over it but it was hard when you had never experience a kiss like that before. Something so simple but now your expectations had risen tenfold.
The kicker was that you had even made it onto celebrity news briefly, solidifying that it really happened. Turns out there were some people in the crowd that had taken pictures and videos of you and Pedro but to your luck you were unidentifiable and didn't have to deal with any online harassment.
Not wanting to upset yourself you didn't read the comments and gossip articles, knowing the internet can be cruel. Though Syria did take it on for herself to read some and show you the nice ones. For the most part people were just curious about who you were, if you and Pedro had any history and a lot speculation about your age.
Despite being in your later 20's, there was some people bashing Pedro for getting with someone much younger than him. It annoyed you a little. There may have been a 20 or so year age gap, you were both adults having a harmless fun pash. Hopefully this wouldn't put a stain on his career.
"These girls acting like they wouldn't be over the moon if they were in your positions." Syria reassures you. "I literally seen a 14 years old thirsting over him. 14. Years. Old!"
You chuckle at her frustration. "Who cares, they'll forget about the whole thing in a couple days."
"He's still in Australia, by the way...." she sing songs.
"Have you been stalking him?"
"Someone's got to." she shrugs and you give her a playful shove on the shoulder. "There's always a chance you could bump into him again."
Rolling your eyes, you get back to your show on the TV and Syria continues scrolling through her phone.
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The weekend had rolled around and your friendship group has a night out planned. You all meet up in the CBD and make your way together to a hidden rooftop bar that you all frequent. It's popular enough that there's a good amount of people but low key enough that you're not packed like sardines.
it's edging close to 9pm and the sun is setting over the horizon. Lingering heat from the summer sun is simmering in the air and you thank yourself for choosing to wear a simple, short, halter neck dress and a pair of heel boots while dancing along with the live DJ.
Double parked with glasses of your favourite alcohol, taking sips of each as they spill a bit while you move along with the music and getting buzzed. You're giggling and smiling ear to ear with Syria and Nicola as the dawning sky turns to night.
"Shots, we need shots!" shouts Syria running over to the bar followed by Nicola. You follow suit chugging the last of your two drinks so you can join in with the shots.
You place your empty glasses on the bar and watch as the bar tender pours into the shot glasses for your group. You focus on the bottle and see the bold 'Vodka' text written on the bottle's label and begin contemplating whether you are willing for the night to turn wild or not. Though Nicola doesn't give you a choice and shoves the glass into your hand.
'Cin cin' is chanted out in your group and you all simultaneously throw your heads back, swallowing it whole. Another glass is shoved into your hand.
"Cin cin!"
Another gulp and you feel your throat burning followed by the warming sensation travelling down your chest.
"God that's awful" coughs out Nicola, her face screwed up and disgusted from the vodka.
"Gets the job done quicker and cheaper." Syria calls out.
As everyone hangs around chatting loudly over the music, you feel a soft brush rubs along your back and something familiar invades your senses. A scent. That sweet musky scent. Where have you smelt that before? You try to focus on the familiarity but the Vodka is working its way to your brain quicker than you can comprehend.
Before you can look around your hand is snatched by Syria, Nicola and a few other girls as they lead you back on to the dance floor. The more you move the more you feel the mixed alcohol taking effect over your body. The girls are all dancing close together, hanging off each other and sharing affectionate hugs and kisses on the cheek as you drunkenly announce your love for each other. You know your group is gathering some attention, like second nature you can feel eyes burning into you no matter what state of mind you are in. Feeling a little on edge.
Some guys close in on your friends just as you feel a pair of hands slither their way onto your waist. It feels icky and you can feel your body stiffening.
You spin around to see some guy with blonde hair around your age giving you a sloppy smirk. Through blurry vision you see his blue eyes but his iris's are blown out. Without much warning he goes down to kiss you, taking you by surprise as your eyes stay open in shock. His grip hardens on your waist and forces his tongue into your mouth, pressing his face into yours and that's when you can taste it. Whatever drug he had can consumed chars your mouth and the vile taste makes you want to vomit.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you firmly push him off you releasing the kiss he looks at you dumbfounded.
"What the fuck man?" you almost spit out the words as the taste lingers and you wipe his saliva from your mouth. "You taste like shit!"
"Its just coke you bitch." his words are slurred.
All you can do is give him your most confused and disgusted face till he turns around and walks off with his mate towards to the toilet, probably off to have another bump. You check on your friends and they seem to be more successful with their hook ups.
Eager to be rid of the bitter taste you get to the bar and order a water and chug it but is useless. You order another drink along with another shot of vodka instead in hope the alcohol can burn the taste away. Another body joins next to you as you wait for your drink to be made. You peer in your peripheral vision to make sure its not the same guy but you see brunette hair and internally sigh in relief.
He orders a drink as well, waiting beside you.
"Hey there." The guy next to you says in an American accent.
You turn your attention to him, everything a blur you only just make out a nice side smile accompanied by a dimple on his right cheek. His energy was different right off the bat, much calmer and nicer, but you couldn't be bothered with a potential repeat like before.
Your drinks is placed in front of you, tapping your card to pay, sculling the shot and lever yourself off the bar. "Sorry not interested."
Drink in hand, you head towards an empty booth to catch a breather. As you pass the guy, your nose is again engulfed by that smell. He must've been the one who passed you earlier. Not thinking much of it other than just a guy with nice cologne you plop yourself down on the seat to people watch. Well the best you could in your state and in dim lighting.
Sipping your drink and looking around, but like a sniffer dog following a scent hot on its trail, your eyes fall back on the intoxicatingly good smelling guy. He moved his way on to a table, sitting on a stool talking to his friend across him. His blurry silhouette starts to become more detailed the more you stare at him.
The messy brown hair, the glasses, puppy eyes, hooked nose, pouty lip... firm arms...
(Highly recommend listening to Glue - BICEP for the next part, for the vibe and bonus points if you listen to the Nelly Furtado remix *chefs kiss*)
The brunette peers your way mid conversation and you lock eyes. You're not sure if its the weighty bass of the song the DJ is playing that makes your heart beat heavy, the sweat from the hot summer air causing goosebumps to form along your skin or the buzz of alcohol but you feel a lightheaded-ness consume you as realisation sets in.
And judging by his face, a subtle eyebrow raise and a cheeky smile he's trying to hold back, he knows you realised too.
You scull the rest of your drink for that last bit of liquid courage, jump out of your chair and bee line to Pedro, his eyes never leaving you.
"Actually I'm very interested. Wanna dance?" you blurt out and shove your hand out for him to grab, slightly embarrassed that was the first thing you could think of saying to him and his friend giggles near by. But that embarrassment quickly subsides as he smiles wide, making his eye crinkle slightly.
"I'd love to dance." He excuses himself to his friend and they nod back. Placing his hand, entwining your fingers together it sends an electrical jolt through you that makes you inhale deep.
You lead the way to the dance floor gently pushing your way through people to get to the middle. You swivel on your heel to face him and a sense of DeJa'Vu overwhelms you. The loud bass-y music pounding around you, the crowded space, eyes locked and your crazy beating heart, you're almost frozen on the spot because you can't believe this is happening again. Like as if you've dreamed up this fantasy to relive the euphoric feeling that was New Years Eve.
Pedro starts dancing to encourage you out of your frozen state. He starts bouncing and flailing his hands around making you giggle and you start to dance more rhythmically. He looked goofy but you really appreciated his self-confidence to not care how he was dancing.
Dance lights are flashing rapidly making it look like everything is in slow motion and as your moving around you can really feel all the alcohol you had consumed, warming you up and giving you a new sense of confidence and cheekiness. Pedro starts moving more rhythmically and grabs your hands, bringing them to his mouth and kisses them.
Letting the music take over you both, like magnets, you're pulled together connecting bodies once again intensifying the vibe and the yearning at your core. His hands pull yours around his back so you're hugging him and his placed his arms around your neck. As he leans in for the kiss, you take the opportunity to be playful.
Turning around but not losing the space between you two, you lean your back on him. You keep dancing but purposefully rub your ass against him and his hands are quick to slide down your arms onto your waist firmly flushing his body to yours as you feel something growing against your backside.
Pedro dips his head into the crook of your neck, planting kisses along it making you rest your head on him, staring at the starry sky. He moans your name into your ear and lowers his left hand to the hem of your dress, circling your upper thigh, building a pulse down below and making you hum excitedly.
The fact he remembered not just your face but your name as well made you want you to kiss him so bad but you were having to much fun playing with him and instead pressed harder against him.
"Mierda.." he breathes out and nips at the skin of your neck, sliding his righthand from your hip to your breast and groping a hand full. "Putting on a show for your friends are we?"
Your eyes snap forward not realising how into it you were to see Syria and Nicola and a few other friends a little ways ahead of you. Most look confused but Syria is excitedly throwing a double thumbs at you with a cheesiest smile her cheeks can handle and mouthing 'get in' to you.
You burst out laughing, maybe a little too hard, struggling to keep control of yourself and nearly toppling over. Maybe you shouldn't have had that last drink.
"Why don't we take a break, get some air. I think that alcohol is catching up to you." He hooks an arm around you for balance and leads you away from the dance floor back to the high table.
He places himself on the stool and gestures you to stand between his legs and you follow. Head heavy and dizzy you slump your forehead in his neck and nuzzle in, inhaling a deep breathe of his scent. You are met with a warm embrace as he wraps his arms around you and you feel like you could fall asleep right then and there.
"I didn't think I'd see you again."
You slowly raise your head up to look at him through heavy lids. "Me either... Honestly I didn't believe it happened untill seeing myself plastered on the internet."
"I hope you didn't read what they had to say." he looks at you a little worried, brows pinching together and enhancing his puppy eyes.
"Nah, I just tried to ignore it."
"Good girl."
Such simple words but they sounded like music to your ears. Music that reverberated in your body making you feel like your body belong to him and couldn't go a second longer away from his touch.
Closing in your face to his, you ghost your lips over his, so close his moustache tickled you lip. He moves a hand to your jaw line and strokes your cheek, you're not sure why he's holding back now, especially after essentially dry fucking on the dance floor.
"I just need to make sure before I completely give in to you... how old are you."
You snort. "You ask me that after feeling me up?"
"I know... My publicist was concerned when those pictures got out and she reminded me the legal drinking age is 18 here. Even 21 is too young for me."
He's looking at your lips and you can see he's struggling to hold back. You know he knows you're old enough for this to not be weird but you give him peace of mind.
"I can assure you I am older than that. Nothing questionable going on here." You reassure him with a smile and within a second his lips are planted on yours, his hand gliding its way to the nape of your neck to pull you in.
As soon as it begins, your kiss ends, being interrupted by a gyrating voice you've heard before. "Hey man, sorry to jump in but are you Pedro Pascal?"
You both turn to face the male. Its the coke guy from before. He squints at you still cut from your previous interaction and you just roll your eyes.
"Yes I am." He gives the guy a courteous smile but keeps a firm hold on your hip bringing you in close hoping the guy takes the hint that he is preoccupied right now.
"Sick I thought so, my girlfriend is massive fan and I have her on facetime right now, can you say hi to her? Her names Jenna." He stammers, chewing aggressively on a piece of gum.
That asshole.
Pedro politely grabs the phone screen being shoved in his face and talks to the girl on the other side. You look at the guy straight in the eyes and notice a glistening sheen form on his forehead not sure if its from the drugs or he's shitting himself. He's eyeing you back begging you not to do anything but if you where her, you would want to know if your boyfriend was a cheating dog.
"Hey Jenna..." you say into the phone and his mouth drops and he goes pales. "As a girls girl, you deserve to know that your boyfriend is a cheating coke head."
You hear a shocked gasp come from the screen and funnily enough Pedro turns the phone to face you, amusement in his face.
"Yeah, he forced a kiss on me earlier-" You feel Pedro's fist clench on your hip, "-and then called me a bitch when I pushed him away."
The poor girl looks devastated and begins apologising profusely.
He turns the phone back on to himself. "Don't apologies darling, dump his a-" Before he can finish the phone is snatched from his hand, the guy frantically hangs up the call and looks at the both of you pissed off.
"Who do you think you are? And you're just some slut hooking up with this old man."
Pedro's body shifts beside you and before it escalates you place your hand on his should holding him down on the stool before turning your attention back to the asshole looking at him dead in the eye.
"Fuck off mate." you spit it out, doing your best to get him to back down. After a few seconds he finally backs seeing you hold your stance and Pedro's angry face, brows pulled together and tight lipped.
As he storms off, you notice some people around you had notice the commotion and were staring. Some were already taking pictures and videos because of who was involved.
You felt guilty that you had drawn attention around Pedro when he was flying under the radar and enjoying the night. You look at him and he realises that his night out has ended as it was likely people would start crowding around him.
His friend shuffles over to him and they start exchanging words.
'...probably go'
'...do you need'
'be fine...'
He manoeuvres you so he can get off the seat, you expect this to be good bye.
He dips his head to your ear. "I have to go before I get horded. I'm not expecting anything from you but would you like to come back to my hotel with me and we can get to know each other without the distractions?"
No matter the situation, he was still polite as ever.
You nod your head a little too vigorously and it makes him chuckle, giving you his hand to take. All eyes on you two, you make your way to the elevator with your head down and Pedro using his body the best he can to shield you from onlookers.
Once the elevator doors closes, he lets out a big sigh. Leaning against the metal wall he pulls you in to rest against his chest and you do so diligently. Using his nose, he nudges your head to move aside and give him better access to your neck to peck at, arms hugging you securely making sure you're not going anywhere and leaving him this time.
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A/N: can't believe part one got to 200 notes wha wha what!? ily a milly
Tags: @mingeniee @onlyrealjoy @pedro-pedrito-pascalito
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