#whipped steve
gracegrove · 1 year
1920’s secret gay bars
Send me a decade and two word prompts
1920 (the way this makes me wanna watch Chicago...) I had to do a little research for this as I'm not too familiar with the topic, you'll have to forgive me if it comes off too much like a speakeasy. my attempt to write this with some gender fluid flavor to it because it seems the clubs of the 20s-30s were places that allowed individuals spaces for free expression when they could not do so readily in their everyday lives.
tw light use of the slur 'fairie'
Steve was nervously fiddling with his cufflinks, tugging at his overly starched white collar. Why did he agree to come here with Robin? He wasn't some 'fairie'. He wasn't like these people. These people sure were something else. Painted faces. Men with rouged lips and high arching eyebrows. Women in pinstriped suits and pant legs. Wigs. Feather boas. Silk scarves. Tassles. Flappers.
There was no semblance of order. Who was a man? Who was a woman? Steve couldn't tell. "That's the entire deal!" Robin told Steve. He looked at her like she was crazy. How could people be happy in so much chaos?
Handing Steve a stiff drink, Robin pushed him into a seat and introduced him to the regulars. Steve politely greeted each of them, lighting cigarettes and shaking hands.
The room darkened and a spotlight centered on the stage as the long drawling whine of a trumpet kicked up. The whole club quieted as a single leg entered the limelight, tan and supple.
The spotlight widened, revealing a blonde in a gilded gown that tapered at their mid-thigh but was adorned with a train's length of golden tassels.
"Who's that?" Steve blurted aloud, only to be harshly hushed by multiple people including Robin.
The band struck up as this individual raised a silk-gloved hand and began.
They were like a songbird, beautiful and delicate. Steve was captivated, hanging on every note that they uttered. He was dazzled.
The song ended too quickly, Steve startling when the crowd burst into uproarious applause.
"Isn't he so lovely?" Robin asked, still clapping. "He?" asked Steve, not taking his eyes away from the stage as the performer took their bows.
"Yes," Robin said, "Would you like to meet him?"
Steve shook his head, "No that's quite alright... I-"
Robin was already pulling them from the stage by the arm. They were suddenly larger and looked more masculine and intimidating to Steve up close. He wanted to turn tail and run.
"You must meet my good friend," Robin stated, patting them on the hand, "This is Steve. It's his first time." Robin whispered the last part in their ear.
Steve could feel his face heating, "Was Robin telling them something good about him? Hopefully." He held out his hand in a gentlemanly fashion, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
They placed their hand in his, giving it a small squeeze, "Billy, it's charming to meet you." Billy smiled sharply at Steve, "You were staring at me during my whole performance. Did you see anything you liked?"
Steve's face flushed, "I uh... well, I just. You're a very beautiful woman. I mean man!... I -!" He cut himself off, biting on his fist in light frustration. "I'm sorry."
Billy laughed, high and rolling. "What a mighty compliment!" Pulling a cigarette loose from an case laying open on the bartop Billy slotted it between his painted lips, looking at Steve expectantly.
Steve patted his pockets in panic before finding his lighter and lighting it for him. Billy took a thoughtful puff.
"Want to come to my dressing room and tell me what else you liked?"
Steve nodded.
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hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
Eddie who pined after his co-star so hard that it became a running joke among his fans. The internet had many videos of him just staring at Steve completely lovesick and moonstruck.
Funnily enough, he always played the arch-nemesis who also had the most chemistry with Steve out of everyone.
Meanwhile, Steve just minded his own business, be pretty, and let himself get wooed and spoiled.
Since Eddie was cute, he even kissed the older man on their first date. And linked their pinkies together as Eddie walked him to his door.
Eddie: *screams bloody murder at Steve on the screen*
Also Eddie: *waxes poetic about Steve whenever someone so much as mentions his name*
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strangersatellites · 6 months
i think my favorite steddie dynamic is when upon their first meeting, eddie thinks he’s going to chew steve up and spit him out and the devil on his shoulder is giggling but then steve is just So that eddie just ends up being walked like a dog and he’s never been happier
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cholvoq · 2 years
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As a gift, some fluffy Steddies :))
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Steve and Eddie dating was really the best thing for the members of Hellfire because they discovered that they could get Eddie to do anything by convincing Steve to make this face (Wayne eventually catches on too) :
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weird-an · 1 year
Dustin hates Billy. But Steve - for some reason Dustin will never get - likes that asshole. So Dustin, because he can't bear Steve's endless pouting anymore, decides to play along and come over when Billy is there.
It's a hot summer's day and Steve is already wearing swim shorts. The Harrington's pool is a great compensation for Billy's presence.
"Henderson!" Steve lets him in, a big grin on his face.
Dustin holds up his goggles and snorkel. "I came prepared."
He hopes he can go for a swim before Billy shows up. Unfortunately Billy is already there.
Billy lies on a big inflatable alligator and smokes. Ratty mullet in a bun and sunglasses on his nose.
"'Sup, Henderson."
"You can't smoke here," Dustin sighs. "You'll get ash in the water."
"Oh no." Billy doesn't sound sorry. He exhales a cloud of smoke. It looks like he's trying to make circles, but failing miserably.
"Billy," Steve hisses. "What did we talk about?"
He turns around to get Dustin a soda - and misses Billy imitating him in silence behind his back. What an asshole.
But to Dustin's surprise Billy groans. "All right, you dork, I won't smoke here."
He paddles to the side of the pool and puts out the cigarette in an ashtray next to one of the deckchairs, staying on the
Steve comes back with Dustin's soda and raises a brow at Billy.
"Cool… goggles," Billy grits out. It looks like the words physically hurt him.
"Thanks?" From the corner of his eyes Dustin can see Steve giving Billy a tiny nod.
It's a miracle. It needs to be studied. Billy Hargrove listens to Steve. Dustin regrets not bringing his journal.
"Can you take my time while I dive?" He grins at Steve. "Last time I lasted nearly three minutes!"
"I can hold my breath for five minutes," Billy chimes in.
There he is again. The asshole that thinks he's the best at everything.
Steve puts his hands on his hips.
"But three minutes is impressive for a nerd," Billy whistles.
"Billy." Steve's voice sounds strained.
"You can… take the alligator?" Billy offers carefully.
Dustin tries not to laugh. This is hilarious. Maybe he should spend time with them more often. Billy isn't that impressive when Steve is in charge.
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evil-ontheinside · 2 years
I have the feeling that Mike would lose all respect for Eddie if he sees him together with Steve. He sees Eddie pathetically flirting with an oblivious Steve and pulls a face, then goes to complain to Will about why Eddie has to have a crush on Steve. Will gets nervous bc fuck Mike is homophobic? but Mike just tells him about That Night (the one before 'human anatomy?') and that Eddie can't be cool anymore when he likes Steve who lost any chances of being genuinely respected by Mike. And now that Eddie has a crush/is dating Steve, all illusions of Eddie's charm are lost forever (this might also lead to Will coming out to Mike when he realizes that he wouldn't hate him and perhaps Mike coming out and love confessions and-)
So, whenever Steddie do something in front of the Party Mike has his look of irritation on his face and Eddie thinks he misjudged Mike when he notices bc Mike might be a little homophobic? Which doesn't fit into the whole dynamic he has going with Will but who knows. So Eddie asks him (in front of everyone bc he's not above outing a homophobe to their very accepting friend group) and Mike pulls that face again and just seconds before he opens his mouth Eddie recognizes it as regret and realizes Mike Wheeler is a little piece of shit. "I just can't believe I thought you were cool once" and Will (who now that he heard the story would give a lot to have seen that firsthand) starts to laugh while Eddie fully realizes that he lost any cool points he ever had with Mike
In the beginning, Eddie is so confused bc this child used to admire him, listen to everything he had to say, worship the ground he walks on and now he's dragging him every chance he gets. When Eddie asks why Mike suddenly lost all interest in him Will whispers 'it's the Harrington effect', Mike just nods and that's the only answer he gets
Mike becomes just as snarky and annoying with Eddie as he is with everyone else. And every time Mike gives him that look that says 'you're as dumb as a rock Eddie how do you not know this' Eddie is incredibly close to strangling him but also kind of happy that Mike finally is himself around him and not the blind puppy he was before
Eddie is also reluctantly impressed (reluctant bc now he can't give Mike the satisfaction of being impressed, not when he's such a brat) with Mike's problem-solving bc we know it's Mike who usually figures everything out. At least now he knows why Mike was such a good strategist during their campaign
Steve gives him a pat on the back in a moment of despair and says that it's probably his fault. Hopper chimes in that Mike is allergic to any kind of father/authority figure and that, now that he has parent status in the Party, it's just a natural development. Eddie has a whole new crisis that he's now some kind of father figure to the kids
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Dustin: Eddie’s eyes are brown right?
Steve: They're hazel, with hints of dark brown when the light hits them just right
Dustin: And when was the last time he smiled?
Steve: Last night at 1.20am when he was laughing about something that Robin said
Dustin: Right. and when is my birthday?
Dustin: When is my birthday Steve?
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After Eddie and Steve get together Eddie reveals he thought Steve just wanted to be best friends.
Steve: I guess I can sort of see how you’d think that, but best friends don’t think about having sex with each other as much as I did.
Eddie: You-
Steve: plus, Robin is my best friend.
Eddie: okay but you can totally have more than one best friend!
Steve: we’re Platogamous.
Eddie: …
Eddie: …
Eddie: you two are exhausting.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
you can now find eddies pov here :))
this wasn’t going to be easy, and that was a fact.
dustin was already distraught, a blabbering fucking mess for the entire walk from the town centre to the creel house in this slimy godforsaken underworld.
they were already at their wits end, with barely a string of hope left when eddie stepped in. eddie, who was now a bad guy apparently. steve had to tackle dustin to the ground when eddie first swooped in and tried to slice nancys throat open with his claw because dustin just wanted to hug him.
that was hard enough. everything was hard enough. but now steve had to face - and probably be the one to kill because he was the brawn if nancy couldn’t - the very man who had been haunting his dreams for months and led him to ask robin the question of how she knew.
he was… rabid. clothes ripped and clinging to his body in unnatural ways, his hair a fucking wild mess, his eyes glowing red, his skin paler than usual, the tips of his fingers now black and sharp like talons, extra teeth that were far sharper than teeth should ever be, a snake like tongue, wings!, and not to mention he was soaked in blood. he had it dripping from his chin for fucks sake.
whatever that thing was, it wasn’t eddie.
but it was.
so they’d spent the past hour trying to hide and calm dustin and devise a new plan, whilst trying to survive in this hell.
yeah this was going to be the hardest thing steve’s ever done.
he was probably going to die today.
well, if he died at the hands- claws of eddie, then at least he’d be dying with something beautiful. monster or not.
they stepped back out into the road, steve leading the pack and nancy covering the back.
something swooped overhead, casting a wide shadow, and by the break in dustin’s voice, steve knew it was the eddie thing.
he looked up to see the beast pearched atop a stobie poll, crouched with his hands between his feet like an animal, his wings hanging down behind him.
he looked right at steve, and steve felt his heart stop.
covered in blood and fucking terrifying, steve still loved him.
more than ever, actually.
eddie cocked his head to the side, just looking at steve.
steve adjusted the grip of his nail bat over his shoulder, ready in position to swing. he heard nancy cock her gun, he heard mike and dustin grab onto eachother, and noticed el stepping up beside him at the ready.
eddie just sat there. he moved his head slowly forward, like he was trying to get a better look. he was assessing them, probably, figuring out the quickest way to kill them all without getting hurt.
it made steve sweat.
if eddie wasn’t so high right now, steve would just charge and take a swing. get this over with. give the kids the best advantage.
eddie quickly straightened his head out and made a sound. it was a weird sound. sort of like a creepy roll of his tongue and then a click. it sounded far too much like a demo dog for steve’s comfort.
everyone froze at eddie’s sudden moment and then started looking around after he’d made the sound.
had he called for help?
steve clenched his jaw and gripped the bat tighter, eyes fixed on eddie.
eddie raised his wings up high, spread out wide and they were big. like fucking massive. steve was sure one wing alone was longer than he was.
everyone braced for impact.
eddie made the sound again and stood, standing tall atop the electricity pole, and then he made another sound that was more like a birds chirp (if the bird was dying).
and then he moved, and everyone made sudden noise and yielded his weapons but then stopped not a second later.
eddie was falling.
he was just freefalling backwards off the stobie poll with his hands clutched at his heart.
right before he hit the ground, his wings kicked up into action and carried him back up into the air. and once he was high enough, really fucking high, he dropped again.
steve was confused.
eddie dropped and then… oh shit, he wrapped his wings around himself and was fucking spiraling through the air like an arrow, heading straight for steve.
he heard will shout to run, and everyone jumped back but-
steve was on the ground, groaning and trying to fight eddie off who was on top of him, pinning him down. steve didn’t know where his bat went.
eddie was looking at him with wide eyes.
steve’s jumped out of his skin, screaming when he heard nancys gunshot.
eddie made a small sound, a shrill one, like he was hurt.
oh he was hurt.
eddie turned his head and spread out his wing and steve could see a perfect circle cut through it. eddie looked at it, then moved his wing out of the way to scowl at nancy.
this couldn’t be good.
eddie snarled at her, his snake like tongue darting out to his before he was grabbing steve and lifting them up into the air.
steve screamed, he’d never been this high before.
nancy had aimed her gun to shoot again but dustin stopped her, there was a very good chance she’d hit steve if she did.
steve didn’t know where his bat was.
eddie started flying, steve clutched tight in his arms and he had no clue where they were going because he had his eyes squeezed shut.
he was so gonna die like this.
and then they stopped, and steve was being layed down on something… soft?
he opened his eyes to find eddie crouched over him again, his hands between his feet like before, his wings draped down behind him, his head cocked as red eyes blinked at steve curiously.
steve rubbed his head and looked around to find that he was… in the highschool theatre dressing room? he only recognised it because it was a classic in school make out spot.
he was laying on a pile of pillows and ratty old blankets that were piled on top of a few mattresses. pillows, big and small, were piled up even higher around the mattresses and it looked… it looked like a nest.
eddie made the clicky sound again and then chirped happily and crawled away.
steve was beyond confused.
he sat up and looked around.
beside him was an old mangled bear, there was just a pile of flannel shirts in one corner of the nest, eddie’s guitar was leaning up against the edge of the nest wall, there were those weirdly shaped dice dustin always carried scattered around, and… oh.
steve moved a pillow to the side a little to find his old varsity jacket stuffed there. it was dirty and a little wear for tear, but everything was in the upside down.
he wondered why eddie had it.
he moved the pillow some more to find one of his shirts there too. and then he lifted a blanket to find a whole collection of his clothes! a few shirts, a red jumper, three odd socks and one matching pair, a pair of purple boxers, his old basketball shorts, a singular sneaker that matched the one on his foot now, and a yellow sweater that steve recognised as the one he threw at eddie on the boat.
steve pet his own chest to feel the familiar bumps of the pins and patches of eddie’s battle vest laid there.
oh they- they were the same.
they missed eachother.
they barely knew eachother, but they missed not being able to learn.
steve spun around when he felt eddie’s presence again, and eddie was sitting in his same weird stance, but this time right beside steve, his face abnormally close.
steve kinda freaked out.
eddie cocked his head again, blinked those wide eyes that steve couldn’t find scary, even under the red.
steve held up the varsity jacket in one hand and gave it a waggle. eddie looked at it and then looked back at steve, then back at the jacket, then back at steve, and then he purred.
steve didn’t know why it gave him butterflies.
eddie nodded his head forward until his head bumped steve’s shoulder, and then he looked back up with those wide eyes again.
“it’s yours.” steve said simply, tugging at the sleeve of eddie’s vest on himself, “i know, i’m sorry. i hope you don’t mind. it helped ground me on the bad days.”
eddie cocked his head.
“can you understand me?” steve asked.
eddie nodded.
steve was very glad to hear that, “can you talk like me?”
eddie just looked at him.
steve sighed, “i’ll take that as a no.” he hummed, “you have a lot of my things.”
eddie dropped something else on his lap.
their old year book from eighty two. steve opened it up to the page that was indented, obviously eddie looked at it a lot.
on the page was a picture of the swim team, steve posing in one picture with one other guy - the co captains - however, the other guys face had been covered by a cutout of eddie’s face. above it in red sharpie wrote “by the time you graduate, this will be real, and he will be nice and want you back”.
steve couldn’t help his laugh.
eddie crushed on him in highschool?
steve stopped his laughing when eddie made a sharp sound of protest, and steve looked up to see his already wide eyes even wider and�� a pout?
oh god, he was making a puppy dog face at steve right now.
god, steve had heard so much about his puppy dog face from wayne, he’d dreamed about being on the receiving end of one himself. and here he was, only it was different now. he had pale skin and dark eyes and blood on his chin.
steve closed his mouth and looked at the pleading expression on eddie's still pretty face, and kinda melted.
"you technically still haven't graduated, you know?" steve found himself saying, and he didn't know why. eddie was technically a demon or something. steve should be running for the hills, but...
eddie made a chipy clicky sound again and then suddenly something wet was touching his cheek and- okay, eddie was licking him.
eddie was liking him a lot, like a dog.
steve laughed and pulled away and smiled at eddie, "licking? really?"
eddie smiled and nodded, shuffled steve back into the steve pile under the blankets and made him rest there. steve did lay, and rest, leant up against the pile of pillows and old clothes. he'd forgoten all about the high stakes of everything, because all he could think about was eddie. eddie here, alive- not really there, but here no less.
eddie shoved steve into the shape he wanted and then grabbed the old mangled teddy with his teeth and crawled over to steve. he dropped himself down heavily into steves lap - causing him to jolt forward and gasp from the sudden weight and pain - and curled up. his wings wrapped around steve, caving him in. eddie nussled his head against steves chest, under the opening of the vest, the mangled teddy clutched tight in his arms, and then he purred again, a big long one.
it was so warm like this.
steve didn't care if eddie wasn't really eddie anymore, because deep down inside, he was still every bit eddie that he could be. it was this world that had turned him into something else.
plus, who was he to judge? steve was a much uglier monster at one point in his life too, bulying and kicking people to the ground during highschool, but he was still good at heart these days. eddie could be too.
he was.
there was no doubt about it.
steve ran his hand over - not through because he physically couldn't - eddie's hair and held him close, and they rested there together for a while, in eddie's home.
saving the world could wait a little while.
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flowercrowngods · 2 months
figured i might as well go for the @steddiemicrofic in an unusual way 🤍
harrington’s our number one
• rated: T | cw: past major character death, implied grief, bad poetry | wc: 111 • written for prompt: one (july)
i wonder what they’ll remember now that all is said and all is done. will they remember your eyes, hazel green and brown? or will they remember how they shone— how you shone? everything about you somehow golden;
somehow gone.
it seems like the bare minimum, remembering the way you loved, the things you’ve done. that you won.
they all loved you, but you must have known. because it’s written on your tomb stone with chalk you stole that summer you were done:
harrington’s our number one.
—and i loved you, but you can’t have known. i’ll love you still. you are the one. for all my life.
the only one.
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hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
hit me baby one more time
prompt: one | word count: 1111 | rated: E | tags: daddy kink, spanking, breeding kink, barebacking, creampie, pet names, one-night stand to fwb to lovers, mutual pining | @steddiemicrofic | ao3
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This was getting out of hand.
Because Eddie Munson never did repeat.
And somehow, he kept coming back to Steve Harrington’s doorstep, promising himself ‘This will be the last time’, then repeating the same dance and song until he just—
What had started as a one-night stand—simple and uncomplicated—had become something more, an undetermined relationship where Eddie was allowed to stay overnight instead of stumbling back to his place alone, where he woke up to stale breathed kisses and lazy morning sex, where he took turns making breakfast and eventually dinner with his fling (“man of your dream, muse of your soul, light of your life—” “Shut up, Gareth!”).
If anyone was to be blamed, Eddie would point at himself, albeit begrudgingly.
As much as Eddie hated to admit it, he was the one approaching the other man that night when he realized the former King Steve was sitting there in a BDSM club, wearing a crop top and snug jeans, lipgloss and eyeliners, so pretty that the bartender would be swept off by that infamous Harrington Charm soon if no one intervened.
So Eddie did. Walked up to his target of the night and cast his spell, wanting to take the guy down a peg or two, an overdue payback for his horrendous high school experience.
What he didn't expect was to be completely enchanted by Steve who turned out to be a sweetheart, who had gone under so beautifully, looked at him with so much trust and vulnerability, made him want to care, to cherish for the first time in his chaotic life.
Then one morning, when he blinked his eyes open and gazed at the pretty thing still snoring softly in his arms, it suddenly occurred to him that he couldn't walk away anymore.
And thus, the rest was history.
Steve seemed nonchalant most of the time, acting like they were just real close buddies whenever Eddie turned up, as if he hadn't been fucked stupid on every surface of his own apartment.
It thrilled Eddie how easily that indifferent façade would break under his command without resistance.
Eddie brought his hand down in another loud smack, eliciting a muffled sob.
“T– Thank you,” Steve mumbled, sounding soft and sweet in a way that made Eddie's heart clench. “Thank you, Daddy.”
For a moment, he took in the vision draped across his lap. Burgundy sweater bunched around the slim waist, white cotton yanked down to mid thighs, an anklet that matched one of Eddie's bracelets, pale skin and red hand shapes, Venus dimples and lean muscles, moles and freckles that dotted the smooth canvas like constellations.
A masterpiece.
He stroked those cheeks like kneading dough, enjoying the goods before giving it three reverberating smacks.
“How many do you need, baby?” He cooed as Steve started trembling minutely.
“Gimme ten,” Steve whined.
Eddie huffed fondly. What a spoiled brat. It was always ‘I want’ or ‘gimme’ and never ‘can I…?’ or ‘please’ , so needy and demanding all the time. But Eddie was at fault for being a pushover.
At least, Steve never forgot to say sorry and thank you. Would do everything to get praised. Always a good boy even when he tried to be a brat.
“Alright, we can do ten,” he tapped Steve's cheeks lightly. “Count for me, sweetheart.”
Then gave them ten swats in succession that were followed by Steve's strangled counting.
Steve was crying in earnest, face blotchy and lips bit red, when Eddie carefully flipped him over. But his eyes, god, his doe eyes were brimmed with tears, big and wet and drooped pitifully.
“Still good, little prince?” Eddie combed his fingers through the silky lock gently.
“Mhm,” Steve sniffled. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Eddie’s erection twitched and dribbled in the confines of his jeans. Cursing himself for being weak, he leaned down to capture those lush lips, swallowing every breathless noise that tried to escape between the tiny cracks of their mouths.
As wanton legs parted to welcome him and shaky arms wrapped around his neck, Eddie grew greedy, hungry, insatiable. He wanted to devour Steve, to ruin him for anyone else, to keep this beguiling creature away from the prying world.
Because Steve Harrington was a sunshine incarnation, apple pies and vanilla ice cream, honey buns and warm milk, maraschino cherries and chocolate cakes, divine and perfect everything.
Was it so surprising that Eddie wanted to hoard such a treasure even when he would be burnt to a crisp?
“Do you trust Daddy, baby?” He whispered, pecking the pretty face that blossomed in flush pink beneath him.
“Always,” Steve smiled, sweet and precious.
Utterly gone, he dropped soft kisses on Steve's eyelids, making those long lashes flutter like the butterflies in his stomach.
Then, he took care of Steve the way they were both familiar with. Drawing out those pretty moans and taking everything that Steve was willing to give him.
“Daddy,” Steve mewled, neck stretching to give hot lips and sharp teeth more access, quivering and drooling as his prostate was nailed precisely.
“My gorgeous baby,” Eddie groaned, tongue heavy and heart stuttering in his chest. “So good for Daddy, aren't you?”
“Yours,” Steve whimpered, hanging on him like a ragdoll as the pace turned brutal. “Make me yours, Daddy.”
And so Eddie tried his best. Worshiped his beautiful angel until he could taste those nectarine droplets, running down the apple of rosy cheeks and soaking pouty petals.
Eddie pumped him full over and over again, possessive and obsessed, unable to resist the temptation of knocking him up however impossible it was.
Once they were done for the night, he carried Steve into the bathroom for their joint shower, put Steve in a threadbare sweater and cute panties then threw on himself an old tee and boxers after they were dried up.
When they returned to the bed, he gathered Steve in his arms and ran his hand on Steve's back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings until Steve let out a quiet yawn.
“Sleep, baby,” he kissed Steve's forehead. “You have a morning shift tomorrow.”
“G’night, Eds,” Steve said drowsily.
“Sweet dream, my darlin’,” he kissed Steve's forehead again just because he could, just because he wanted to see that sweet smile.
Eddie watched the other man fall asleep against his chest, always unguarded and so trusting around him. It made him feel things he never entertained before. Made him want to listen to ABBA. Made him want to do chores and prepare meals with Steve for the rest of his life.
He let out a helpless sigh.
This was getting out of hand.
Because Eddie Munson had fallen in love.
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stevie-petey · 8 months
mayhaps we could see steve’s pov of one of the times he saw reader and jon interacting at her job and what he thought of their interactions/intimacy with each other and his slight jealousy that he thinks comes from lack of people in his life but is actually his crush that he doesn’t realize he has yet
god i love the way yall think ,,, so so so excited to do this one <3
enjoy !
"god i love you, bee!" you press a loud and obnoxious kiss against jonathans cheek, and he lets out a laugh as his face goes red.
"of course ya do, bug."
steve watches from across the store. he'd been sent to go and retrieve some more books and comics for you to take home while you clean up around the shop. jonathan has just walked in to pick you up, and from the bag in his hand the way you reacted, steve figures that jonathan surprised you with something.
you open the bag and pull out a carton of ice cream and gasp. "howd you know ive been craving this all week?"
jonathan shrugs, as if its nothing, but steve can see the proudness thats hidden behind the nonchalance. "im a mind reader."
"you really are." you open the carton and smell the ice cream, letting out a dramatic sigh. "ugh, i could kiss you again."
steve continues to watch the two of you, his hand, which had been skimming one of the bookshelves, stops.
"as much as i love your weirdly wet cheek kisses, i think i'll pass."
you stick your tongue out at jonathan and giggle. he sticks his right back out at you and its so easy between the two of you.
bug and bee. the names slip from your mouths freely, a certain warmth emanates from you two. steve wonders what that must feel like, loving and being loved so easily.
hes never had that before, but the way you light up whenever jonathan walks into the room makes steve wish he had something like that, too.
with nancy, its not as easy as it seems to be with you and jonathan. steve thinks that maybe its just something unique to you two, everyone knows how long youve been friends and how eventually youll marry each other.
steve supposes he just needs more time with nancy, or maybe he needs to try a little harder, be a little better at this whole boyfriend thing.
lost in thought, steve doesnt see you approach until you wave a hand in front of his face. "hello? you alive in there, steve?"
"sorry, got uh..." he looks at the book his hand has landed on. "was just curious about the shining."
you frown. "you hate scary things."
"right," he shakes his head. "uh, so whats up?"
"jonathans here, im clocking out. wanted to say goodbye."
steve looks past your shoulder and sees jonathan waiting by the door. hes holding your carton of ice cream and is watching him with you. steve can see the trust in his eyes, the fondness of knowing youll return to his side in just a moment.
something twists in steves chest.
"i saw that cheek kiss you gave jonathan," steve teases, which you blush at. then, he taps his own cheek. "lay it on, right here."
you snort. "yeah, no."
steve laughs, but his chest twists again. "oh, guess we arent there yet-"
suddenly steve has your arms thrown around him and he stumbles back a bit. "or we can do this. this works."
"goodbye, steve." you give him one last squeeze, and then pull away far too soon for steves liking.
"bye, y/n."
you smile and wave, grabbing the books steve has found for you, and then walk back over to jonathans side, who surprises steve by also waving at him. steve waves back at you both, a small smile on his face. he lingers in the bookstore for a few moments afterwards.
steve can still smell your perfume on him long after he returns home that night.
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
Steve is in his senior year and he’s in the same history class as Nancy Wheeler, he managed to get an invite to hers for a study session once and now he’s lucked out because they’ve been put together as partners on a project and he has a little crush on her and wants to ask her to prom so he’s hoping this is how he can get to know her enough so that she’ll say yes
he obviously tells Robin his plans and she scoffs at him and says Nancy Wheeler isn’t the right girl for him, she’s too prissy or whatever and Steve argues that Robin can’t say shit because she wants to kiss Chrissy Cunningham so Robin just rolls her eyes and grudgingly wishes him luck but don’t come crying to her when Nancy says no but Steve isn’t worried because Nancy isn’t going to say no
they get to the Wheeler house and her little brother Mike is an asshole but he immediately leaves them in the kitchen to run into the garage and Nancy gets her and Steve set up at the kitchen table to work on their project, things are going well and she’s laughed at his jokes once or twice but then Mike comes back into the kitchen and Steve bluescreens because behind Mike? the most beautiful guy Steve has ever seen is coming in
he’s wearing coveralls but they’re short sleeved and show off some tattoos, he has curly hair that’s tied up with a bandana and the same big brown eyes that Nancy has and Steve is pretty sure he’s gawking but this man is sublime, he’s kinda sweaty and he greets Steve with a smile, which shows off the cutest dimples, before he pounces on Nancy, who shrieks because ‘ew Eddie you’re all gross and covered in grease’, Steve would happily switch places with her
‘sorry Steve, this is my older brother, Eddie’
and Steve forgets all about asking Nancy to prom but he needs to get back into her house tomorrow and Robin is gonna give him such shit for this but he needs to spend more time with Eddie because he wants to kiss him so bad
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Eddie: How to flirt?
Eddie: I thought i had massive game but i just come off as odd and peculiar
Steve: Worked for me babe
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vonn13 · 8 months
Hc Steve harrington adores little magical things and has a small collection of like fairy homes or he collects plushie. His parents and friends/partners in the past made fun of him for liking these things so he's always kept them hidden away.
Now he's dating Eddie and this man thinks Steve put the goddamn stars in the sky and would do anything for him. So when he finds out about all of this he takes it in stride and feels so gooey that he makes like a garden setup so Steve can put the little fairy houses in their garden or he takes one of Steve's plushies with him on tour and makes a whole photo album of the plushie in different location across the globe. Like imagine maybe a bunny plushie with one of those cheesy Eiffel Tower pictures and this shit heals Steve's inner child so much.
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