#whisper chat
dostoevskypussy · 2 years
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augentrust · 2 months
extremely enamored with the image of ludinus in aeor trying to figure out where the fuck all of the ancient technology he was relying on disappeared to, followed by a smash cut to essek in a cozy demiplane, wrapped in a handmade sweater and casually labeling all the artifacts from his third aeorian honeymoon with caleb
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cienfll · 11 months
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merakiui · 2 months
Mafia Lord!Azul forcing Darling to ride him on his lap while in a business meeting with his associates to establish dominance.
👁 👁 dressing you up in an outfit that really only acts as a garnish to your pretty body. It doesn't leave much to the imagination, and Azul knows his associates would never dare lay their filthy hands on you if they value their lives and their business partnerships with him. And even if they did, he'd make quick work of them himself. Or he'd toss them to Jade and Floyd, who will be sure to have lots of fun with this fresh catch.
He has one hand settled on your waist while you bounce up and down in his lap, your soft gasps and moans filling the room. It may be distracting to his associates if they aren't used to this, but those who have done business with Azul long enough know just how much he fancies you. Azul brings you everywhere; you're his arm candy, his caged canary, that sweet singer from the jazz bar he snatched up after he came to own the establishment. <3
You're not allowed to stop until he says so, and if you get too tired he'll simply pin you to the table to continue lazily rutting into you from behind while he discusses business with his associates. Sometimes you make eye contact with them, and you look away quickly to spare them of the disastrous consequences. You learned that the hard way when you held eye contact. Just a few seconds too long and that poor, unfortunate soul met their end in this very room, shot through the skull with such horrifying precision. So now you look anywhere that isn't at his associates.
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miraculous-baddrawn · 11 months
Carelesss Whisper on repeat…
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bramb · 11 months
Nimona 🤝 Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
Playing Careless Whisper in the subway
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plooto · 7 months
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i’m falling 😩😍
he deserves his dick sucked .
i don’t make the rules
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slashmagpie · 9 months
It’s silliness, really, that makes Tango creep through the hollows in Decked Out’s walls to his mess of shulkers full of in-game items. He keeps his footsteps light, his breathing shallow, picturing himself a ghost as he slinks through the shadows and stone. It’s silly, but he can’t help but think that maybe, if he’s quiet enough, he might be able to—
Steal from the dungeon.
His fingers touch the shulker he needs, and the stone around him groans, deep and resonating through his bones. Tango grits his teeth, freezing. Busted. He’d known, really, but it’s still—
“It’s fine,” he says to the air, tail lashing, not quite opening the box just yet. “It’s a starter deck. If I was a normal player, I’d have had a Moment of Clarity in my deck from the get-go.”
Another grumble of discontent. Tango shivers. He can feel the disapproval crawling beneath his skin, and it takes all his willpower not to drop the shulker like a hot coal. 
“I know,” he says. “I thought I explained this! It’s an experiment, right? I’m seeing—seeing how dungeon knowledge makes up for a, uh, relative lack of skill.” The dungeon’s unhappiness remains where it is, but does not increase, and Tango lets out a shaking breath as he cracks open the lid of the shulker and peers inside just enough to spot and snag one of the cards he needs. He turns it between his fingers, glittering cardboard, the golden foil glittering in the torchlight. 
“I know I’m not a regular player,” Tango reassures the dungeon once again. “We talked about this, didn’t we? I’m not gonna submit Victory Tomes. And I’m starting behind everyone else. I won’t even run as much! I’m just—gonna try it. Think of it like the test runs again, yeah?” 
The discontent surges—then wanes, like a wave rushing back out to sea, and Tango feels like he can breathe again, the pressure on his lungs lessening. He hadn’t realised just how uncomfortable the weight had been until it was gone. Feeling ten tons lighter, Tango grins at the air.
“See? And, hey, if I run the dungeon, you’ll probably get to eat me loads more. You like that, don’t you?” A wry smirk. “I’m basically your favourite meal.”
The dungeon—doesn’t quite laugh, but the groan is quieter, softer, and tickles more than it prickles or aches. It’s not quite approval, and it’s not happy, but—it’s letting him. It’s letting him run, Moment of Clarity and all.
Tango tucks the additional card away inside his inventory and makes to leave the small, cramped storage room that isn’t a storage room and that Pearl would definitely murder him for. He hurries through his actual storage room and up to the water elevator. He should get his runs done before the dungeon changes its mind again. Honestly, sometimes Decked Out is more of a pain than the Ravagers are. 
…He is glad that it had fallen for his excuses, for the experiment and beta testing explanations, because he’s not sure the dungeon would appreciate his actual reasons for running quite as much. It’s quite particular about the place of its Dungeon Master, and what is and isn’t appropriate for Tango to do. It's why Tango spends hours and hours of his day watching people run the dungeon instead of working on all those repairs he’s got mounting on a list in the back of his mind. And why he has to give a mountain of excuses to play the game he’d helped make. Because really, in actuality—
Tango just wants to have a little fun.
Is that too much to ask?
He places a shard in the barrel and watches the doors open. He can feel the dungeon’s eyes on him already, and it’s weird to not be looking through them himself as he takes off his armour and stores his stuff in the chest. He takes a deep breath, tucks the stolen Moment of Clarity into his deck, and makes his way through the iron door.
Decked Out curls beneath his skin, curious and hungry, and as Tango places his deck into the slot, he feels the dungeon purr. 
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aesthetic-gem · 7 months
q!bbh may be paranoid but some of the ghosties that roam around him are equally the same, if not more so than him. i still remember yesterday when he let pomme go off by herself for a little bit to go pick up more grass blocks. some of the ghosties started going, aren’t you afraid something will attack her? what if a random code decides to strike? where is she? and he basically went, “it’s late, a code won’t do anything this late, she’s fine” … *pauses to look over in the direction he thinks pomme went, very clearly worried now* “well okay i think she went this way” and proceeded to run after his kid. it almost makes sense though why a bunch of little ghosts reminding him of the past are the ones feeding his paranoia
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hermesdottir · 11 months
Not gonna lie, i watched Awakening hella pirated before it came out on Netflix and when Careless Whisperer played the first time, i thought the people pirating it just put it in to mess with us
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doll3tt33 · 4 months
Guess who just got the voice feature on character.ai?? ME BITCH HAHHAHAHHAA
Anyways, if y’all are wondering if it’s good or not. It’s preeeeetty alright. Like, for Colin? YES OH MY GOD
For Kai? It’s… meh. My stubborn ass made multiple test runs and used different clips to generate the ✨perfect✨ ai voice. 
Problem is, he either sounds too whispery, which is okay until he’s supposed to be mad in a certain context and now he just sounds constipated
Or too loUD, which oddly kinda makes him sound like Ben Shapiro, and I’m NOT looking forward to get off to that 💀💀
I managed to get something a lil in between, but the vocal inflections were still so off and it bothers me so damn much 😭😭. Maybe ai is simply still unable to capture the essence of kai anderson idfk
((Oh and also I’ll make the Colin voice public, along with maybe two or three Kai voices. You can actually publish these lol
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dostoevskypussy · 2 years
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teenytinycoffeebean · 5 months
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oH my god???????!!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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talonmom · 1 year
Soo...i made eda and raine bots in Character AI
I made them talk to eachother to see what would happen and they just immediately did this
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I can't- I'm crying guys-
Eda called odalia a karen later too-
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I can't with her-
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fadewalking · 1 year
More from Part One.
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delirious-donna · 17 days
I'll be spending the next few days writing/reworking some older drabbles that were (imo) very poorly written. I plan to queue these posts to drop every couple of days while I work on longer WIPs.
In the meantime, I have a queue which will run from 2pm to 12am (GMT+1) each day with some of the goodies I've missed out on whilst I've been working like a damn dog in my day job.
I love you all, my tumble beans ✌️
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