#Solas audio
fadewalking · 2 years
More from Part One.
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wepepe-draws · 22 days
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SOLAS I MISS YOU! I have to draw that scene, he just sounds so JEHDBCKJDSHBCJEHFBV!!!
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lavellaned · 1 month
In a previous post I mentioned that I heard Solas say this when my Lavellan got downed in battle and I managed to record it.
Anyways, this is what I was talking about when I found out that romanced companions can have different dialogue when Inky gets hurt.
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I am not a god.
I am prideful, hotheaded and foolish -
- and I'm doing what I must.
When you report back to the Inquisitor,
say that I am sorry.
Audio is an excerpt from this video by Solas' voice actor.
Colored pencil on paper.
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liaragaming · 22 days
Everything Solas says
Vows & Vengeance Episode 1
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
Inspired by this post!
Alternatively, I thought about titling this “Solas’ snarkiest moments” or how about “Solas trying to cope with his situation by resorting to sarcasm”. lol
(The last line is provided without context, but for those who know... you know. lmao #KinkShamedByTheDreadWolf)
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teslapunk3327 · 4 months
How Ianto's time machine in Disco sounds nearly exactly the same as when you close a rift tear in Dragon Age Inquisition
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acrossthefade · 1 year
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ringneckedpheasant · 11 months
literally a crime tht mostly kosher only has 185 followers on spotify
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rederiswrites · 3 months
Okay so I'm giving @corseque 's super-important audio of all Solas' comments about the Blight a second (or fifteenth, whatever) listen and taking notes as I go.
Solas doesn't think for a second that once the archdemons are gone the Blight will be gone. Which really makes sense because it's the Blight that makes them an archdemon, not the other way around. Supposedly, they're blighted when the darkspawn reach and corrupt them. But of course that begs the question of why it's only darkspawn (and uh, honorary darkspawn like the Wardens) that hear their call. Anyway, the way he says it, it sounds more like the archdemons are a limiting factor than a driving factor.
Varric: "What's so confusing about endless darkspawn?" Solas: "A great deal!" So yeah, whatever the plan was, he didn't foresee darkspawn as a consequence. So did he not foresee them existing at all, or not foresee them being free to cause problems? Worth noting that it's really clear both in general and in Descent that dwarves as a whole were a huge blind spot for him.
He is really really surprised that the Western Approach ever recovered from the Blight. Pretty clear he didn't think that was possible.
He thinks that everything the Wardens have done up til now is a deeply misguided effort that's served (mostly accidentally) as a delaying tactic. Gotta say, with the information we have at hand, this point pairs about as well with the last as a nice dry red with spicy pickles. If the Wardens shouldn't have done what they've done, but he didn't think recovery from the Blight was possible, I'd love to hear what he thought the alternative was.
Same dialogue as above, but when Solas talks about stopping the Blight and when Blackwall and Varric talk about it, one gets the distinct impression that they're talking at cross purposes, because Varric and Blackwall are talking about the experience of Blights, as in, periodic events, whereas I think Solas is talking about THE Blight, that is, its true nature, which is yet untouched.
He thinks Erimond is dumb as shit, which is fair and valid. "That's madness! For all we know, killing the Old Gods could make things even worse!" he says. Well, he knows a lot more than "we" know, but it's entirely possible that he doesn't for sure know this. Increasingly clear that he thinks it, though.
I'd forgotten just how pissed off he was about the Grey Warden plan to kill the Old Gods before they were corrupted. It really doesn't give "hey you're killing my relatives" energy. It really gives "wow that would fuck us all" vibes.
Of course, with a side of my remembering that Solas' besetting flaw was always thinking people should know better even though they don't have access to the knowledge he has. That flaw I WILL grant. He displays it repeatedly--you could even say the writers went out of their way to make the point.
"The Blight is the real problem"
"The fools who first unleashed the Blight on this world thought they were unlocking ultimate power." Anyway yeah those are the absolute core of everything here. The Blight is the real problem and the Blight was deliberate. Deliberately made or deliberately freed.
Even during the events of Inquisition, Solas obviously sees Corypheus as secondary to the Blight as a danger.
Cassandra suggests that the archdemons were really just dragons--"Pets to those who no longer exist", by which she probably means the Old Gods, not specifically the gods of Elvhen, just because of her cultural background. Solas finds this suggestion amusingly wrong--a quiet snort, and "I would not go so far as that."
Last notes: he doesn't sound like he thinks the Blight can be stopped, and he's adamant that it can't be controlled. Which is presumably why he broke the world in an attempt to contain it, assuming I'm right that that was the underlying reason for the Veil. That it didn't quite work the way he'd hoped is also pretty evident, though I wanna be clear that I assume he was working from a place of desperation, and that not knowing every possible outcome of an action is not a condemnation of having taken it.
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lavellaned · 3 months
constantly going up to solas just to hear him say this in the softest voice
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battleforgodstruth · 2 years
What is Irresistible Grace? - Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast
What is Irresistible Grace? – Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast
37 “Everything that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I certainly will not cast out. 38 “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39 “And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of everything that He has given Me I will lose nothing, but will raise it up on the last day. 40 “For this is the will of My Father, that…
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felassan · 3 months
Game Informer:
"Dragon Age Cover Story And Shadow of the Erdtree Review | GI Show by Alex Van Aken on Jun 27, 2024 at 01:57 PM In this week's episode of The Game Informer Show, the crew discusses our recent trip to Bioware for our Dragon Age: The Veilguard cover story, our Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree review, PS5-bound multiplayer shooter, Concord, a new battle royale from former League of Legends developers, atmospheric horror title Still Wakes the Deep, Dustborn, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD and even more! It's a packed show, y'all.  Watch the Video Version: [embedded link to Game Informer video titled 'Dragon Age Cover Story And Shadow of the Erdtree Review | GI Show']"
(On YouTube, the description box for this video looked like this:)
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[Article continues] "Follow us on social media: Alex Van Aken (@itsVanAken), Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard), Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7), Wesley LeBlanc (@LeBlancWes) The Game Informer Show is a weekly gaming podcast covering the latest video game news, industry topics, exclusive reveals, and reviews. Join us every Thursday to chat about your favorite games – past and present – with Game Informer staff, developers, and special guests from around the industry. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. Matt Storm, the freelance audio editor for The Game Informer Show, edited this episode. Matt is an experienced podcast host and producer who's been speaking into a microphone for over a decade. You should listen to Matt's shows like the "Fun" And Games Podcast and Reignite, a BioWare-focused podcast."
"The Game Informer Show – Podcast Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:02:42 - Cover Story: Dragon Age: The Veilguard 00:21:48 - Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Review 00:42:20 - Concord Preview 00:59:04 - Supervive Preview 01:11:59 - The Plucky Squire 01:24:37 - Magic: The Gathering – Assassin's Creed 01:35:01 - Still Wakes the Deep 01:45:52 - Dustborn Preview 01:55:06 - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Review 01:58:26 - Housekeeping"
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"The GI Show podcast is a weekly recap of exciting releases, exclusive details on upcoming games, and in-depth interviews with developers. Watch or listen to a new episode every Thursday!"
Felassan's notes section of this post -
In this episode of the Game Informer show, Game Informer talk some more about their trip to BioWare's studio for the DA:TV cover story, when BioWare showed them hours of DA:TV content while playing it live.
Some notes from this and from what they said:
Wesley LeBlanc wasn't a huge DA fan and he went in with no expectations. The job to go to BW for this just landed on his plate due to other peoples' schedules. After seeing the game, it's probably his most anticipated game for the rest of the year and the one he's most looking forwards to
The game really wowed him and stuck with him, he said he is thrilled about it and is engrossed in the fantasy it's bringing
The visuals and world finally feel like what BioWare has maybe always wanted to make
This is the game where the team said, yeah, we feel fully in command of the Frostbite engine, and it shows
The world is more like Fable-type whimsy than prior DA games. It has a high fantasy feel
BW want new people to play the game. They're very aware that it's been 10 years since the last game and the game does a good job of catching people up
Rook as the PC really has no idea what's going on with Solas and all the other lore-specific stuff that's happening in the game, so they kind of act as the stand-in for newer players or people who have not caught up on the lore
But it's not just a game for newcomers, there is still a lot to chew on in the game for hardcore DA fans. BioWare were saying that they know their community, what it wants and what it's looking for out of these characters
Wesley enjoyed the music, visual design, and voice acting
Nothing that they saw about the game stood out as worrisome to him
Wesley has quite a lot of further stories to add to Game Informer's DA:TV hub
Wesley: "On the topic of the [Dragon Age] fanbase, I just wanna give a shoutout to that community, because, wow, I did not, I knew people would be stoked about this cover, but people are really stoked about this cover. And it’s really funny, the day that we announced it, I got like hundreds of new followers. Anytime, if I tweet about Erdtree or Destiny 2, I get like my normal amount of likes, like, a dozen maybe, y’know, whatever. If I tweet about Dragon Age, it’s like. Today I tweeted, ‘my next feature is coming at 3pm’ and it’s at 1000 likes, it’s so funny, like, this community is like rabid for information, which makes sense if you haven’t gotten a game in 10 years. But yeah, so like, shoutout to y’all, I’m loving you guys reading the articles and telling me what you wanna hear about. So if you have any questions or anything, get at me on Twitter for sure, and I will see what I can cook up with some writing for you. But yeah, shoutout to the BioWare community, y’all crazy.”
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mrs-gauche · 10 months
I love how he's so aware of his many flaws and even specifically points them out to Charter at the end of Tevinter Nights, as if to say "Make sure to remember them (!!), yet when Varric points out how he keeps bringing up the Veil like 24/7, he's so oblivious. lol
I also want to scream every time I hear him say "I'll work on [my trust issues] :)". Like ..did you though? DID YOU THOUGH??
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nicecarito · 27 days
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Amistades, solo para recordarles que Rooibos Lives son una recopilación de pequeñas historias de mis personajes en diferentes situaciones. No siguen en si una historia lineal. Lo lineal seria como la historia de fondo de cada personaje que los hacen lo que son (su personalidad,infancia,etc...)
Pero En si las historias son como oneshots de fanfics (igualmente los audios, los audios son historias en diferentes situaciones, por ejemplo "Amor agridulce" es una historia "El sustituto" es otra, no tienen nada que ver la una con la otra.
Expectativas de Amor, es al igual una de las muchas Mini historias de mis personajes. Un Oneshot donde Doppio y William están en una relación y tienen un problema como pareja. Mi objetivo es hacer una mini historia con un mensaje positivo sobre las relaciones sentimentales.
Que ya casi se acabe esa mini historia no significa que Todo Rooibos lives acabará. Eso nunca.
Tal vez Rooibos Lives sería mejor si fuese una sola historia lineal pero Para serles sincera, eso me limita mucho y prefiero la libertad de decidir y crear muchas historias que una sola.
Además es mejor para mi tomando en cuenta mi vida como adulta y todo lo que tengo que hacer.
Ojalá entiendan. Gracias x seguir mis historias y mi arte!
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escapedaudios · 9 months
My tumblr following probably doesn't know this about me, but apart from audios my other hobby is finding and swimming with wild marine mammals. I have a particular affinity for sea lions and dolphins, both of which are gregarious animals with the ability to remember and even form bonds with humans. Here's one of my favorite photo sets I've ever taken.
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Her name is Sola Rey! She's shy when it's dark out but loves socializing when the sun is bright. She likes coming up to me and giving me forehead "kisses". I had a head mounted GoPro on this time and the pictures were perfect. One of the ways sea lions communicate under water is by nuzzling their whiskers. They do this to communicate to other sea lions that nearby sea lions are not a threat to them. Does that mean she thinks I'm some kind of sea lion too? A mystery. Anyway I love her.
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