#whizzy’s writing
petals-and-bullets · 2 years
Clan III
Pairing: Izzy x Reader
Word Count: 1284
Info: Request from @julessworldd! "Would you ever consider writing a part 3 to the one fic where the reader is Duffs older cousin, who is a doctor. Her and Izzy are engaged and planning on marrying very soon? Pt 2 was a cliff hanger and I’m curious to see if Duff puts things a side and goes to be a witness at the courthouse. Hope you have been good 💓"
The plane tickets were easy enough to purchase, and the plane itself was easy enough to board. Rather, you just had to sit back and enjoy the 9-hour flight that took you across the Atlantic ocean to land firmly on the soil that your dearest fiancé was residing on.
As well as your cousin.
You hadn’t heard from Duff after the revelation that you had been engaged to his bandmate escaped – and not exactly in the way you had wanted. His words before he had passed you the phone hurt more than you anticipated, with the defeated tone that had seeped through his words, and you knew that you had fucked up. Royally.
Duff was less like a cousin than he was a brother, and you knew that you were unlikely to make up for the damages you had unwittingly caused; you could only hope that Izzy, in some bizarre way of his, had managed to convince him it wasn’t an intended slight against him. After all, nobody knew that you had been engaged, having carefully hidden your ring whenever you were around company. It was amusing, really, the way you and Izzy had thought you could share the secret between yourselves, but it had come at a greater expense than either of you were willing to pay.
You glanced up from your book, some paper written by some doctor in Germany arguing for the benefits of some new surgery, at the sound of the ding from the seatbelt light. Packing your minimal belongings into the small carry-on you had, you clicked your seatbelt into place and sat back, watching as the rolling fields of England came into view as the plane descended from the sky. Disembarking the plane and getting through security was a blur, and you found yourself enveloped in a pair of arms that held you to a chest that smelt faintly of mixed spice, cigarettes and just something that was distinctly Jeffrey Isbell.
“Hey, Sunshine,” he said softly into your hair, winding his arms further around you, as though he were afraid that if he let go, you would vanish into thin air. It was also a subtle way to ensure you were blocked from any prying eyes of the paparazzi, and he lifted his head to gaze down at your tired face, his lips curling into that beautifully crooked grin that you loved so much. You reached up and cupped his cheeks before you brought his head down to meet your lips, the kiss tender and soft.
“Hey yourself,” you responded, just as soft, and you pulled back to look over your shoulder at the crowds that were slowly beginning to form; news had obviously gotten out that there was a celebrity present in the airport, yet you doubted that they had quite realised who it was they were here for. Izzy always joked that he was the forgettable one, the one who hid in the shadows and observed everything – although he certainly wasn’t a saint. How the hell he was even allowed into an airport after the incident, you had no clue. The boys had found it hilarious, dubbing him ‘Whizzy’, which made you roll your eyes every time you heard it.
“We ought to get going. Don’t want to get mobbed by a crowd if I can help it.”
Izzy firmly planted his hand at the small of your back and guided you quickly through the airport, ducking his head at just the right times to avoid being recognised – though the amusement of watching him do so quickly wore thin. It was too much like being at a McKagan family gathering, trying to avoid the prying eyes of any nosy relatives that wanted to comment on whatever downfalls they could find. The thoughts distracted you enough to the point where you hadn’t even realised where you were going until you found yourself outside of a sleek black car, the make you couldn’t determine. It was very much like your fiancé – stripped down to its bare bones, with no distinguishing features on show. You shot him a brief look before you climbed into the back, and he slid in quickly after you, sinking back into his seat with a small sigh.
“You look exhausted.”
“So do you.”
The pair of you looked at each other, sitting in the comfortable silence that always enveloped you both, before he reached out and brushed your hair from your face, his thumb stroking over your bottom lip gently in thought.
“I got us booked in a registration office. Took a lot of doing, mind. But we’re booked. Ready for tonight.”
“Tonight? Izzy, I don’t even look remotely ready to get married-“
“Sunshine, I don’t care about that. We can get a proper ceremony, or whatever when we get home, whatever you’d like. But I just wanna get hitched as soon as I can to you.”
You watched him, your lower lip caught in your teeth as you thought. It had always been in the cards, you supposed, to get married as soon as the plane touched the ground. At least he hadn’t dragged an officiant to the airport to marry the pair of you as soon as you stepped through security, though you wouldn’t put it past him to try.
“Alright, fine. Tonight. But you’re not disturbing me while I get ready.”
His mouth opened and closed as he tried to think of some excuse to join you, before he fell quiet.
The hours flew by faster than you had anticipated, and you found yourself sitting in that same indistinguishable car with your soon-to-be husband sat beside you, your hands clasped together tightly. He’d mentioned wanting to get there early, to give you a wedding gift, despite your protests that you hadn’t gotten him anything. He’d waved your concerns off.
Once you arrived, the heavens opened and rain fell from the sky, prompting those caught on the street to lift umbrellas to protect themselves, blocking your view of the registry steps, though you could’ve sworn that you had seen someone who looked just like Duff. You looked at Izzy and gave a wan smile, feeling the pit in your heart grow even larger at the thought you were getting married without the man you’d practically grown up with by your side to observe. As though he sensed your hesitation, he kissed your knuckles and pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Just wait. You’ll see.”
He guided you out of the car and you both rushed up the steps, your eyes searching desperately for the familiar face. You let Izzy handle the paperwork, craning your neck in an attempt to get a glimpse of Duff, and your shoulders sagged as you acknowledged that he wasn’t coming. The rift that you had created had gotten too large, and there was no way for you to repair it. Not in time for him to see you get married. You worried your bottom lip between your teeth as Izzy guided you through the building and to the small room in the back that would host your miniscule wedding, only to wink and push open the doors.
You looked up, your eyes making direct contact with Duff’s.
Who was stood behind the officiant’s lectern.
And then it dawned on you; Izzy’s wedding gift, the thing he had been so insistent on, was that Duff had agreed to officiate your wedding for you, in the grandest display of an apology that could probably have beaten Axl riding a white horse to apologise to whichever girlfriend he had upset.
You smiled and stepped into the room, prepared to go from Dr McKagan, to Dr Isbell.
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3-533 · 1 year
Writing novels requires you to be in so many different headspace’s all at once I can see why my whizzy brain eats that shit up
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hedgiwithapen · 2 years
i’d really like for you to write some of the au where flash(2014) cisco is universe hopping and stumbles upon the yj verse in the middle of the episode where nabu possesses zatara and prevents that whole mess.
The night air was pleasantly cool on his skin as Cisco hopped through the breach, one more stop on his retirement vacation. This earth looked much like his own, more than some of his other stops, with crickets chirping and only one moon  hanging above the buildings. Still, something was very much off. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was as he headed towards the main street in search of a diner, determined to see if anything could top his own Earth’s Big Belly Burger. He’d heard from Cynthia once that this particular earth’s “Chicken Whizzies” were surprisingly delicious. Reaching the road, though, the sense of wrongness increased, and with it the little alarm that even retirement couldn’t turn off. Abandoned cars, some of them crashed, lined the street. He jogged towards one, seeing through the window a child wriggling in a car seat. There wasn’t an adult slumped over the steering wheel, or pacing the crashsight calling for help, and there wasn’t any blood either. Cisco felt for the right frequency and popped the door open. “Hey,” he said brightly, wishing he was better with little kids. “Hey, it’s ok.” The kid just wailed louder, and Cisco winced. “Are you hurt? Can you tell me what happened? I’m here to help.” Cisco pulled his badge from his pocket, something he’d figured out was useful to have three earth’s back, even if Central City didn’t exist everywhere. The kid looked maybe 4, or five, old enough to talk. He hoped. “Hey!” a high pitched voice echoed oddly down the street. “Holy shit, it’s a grownup.” The sound of a gentle thwack and a muffled ‘ow’ followed as he turned, one hand still working the car seat buckles. A few more children--most of them roughly hobbit height, so maybe 8? 10?-- and a teenager were moving towards him, and fast. Cisco glanced around and had a sinking realization that they were talking about him. I’m the grown up. Oh no. I’m The Adult. I need an Adultier Adult. “Yup,” he said with what he hoped was a tone that did not betray his sudden desire to get out of this entire range of earths. “So, uh… what’s up?” If this was some Girl Who Owned a City shit, he was noping right on out. Lord of the Flies he could probably handle, what with the superpowers and all. “ All the adults are gone,” the teenager, a girl, said, eyeing him with suspicion and relief. “Ah,” Cisco said, trying very hard not to let the panic out. “ Gone gone, or dead gone?” This turned out to be the wrong question to ask, because the kid in the car seat, being expertly freed now by one of the ten or eight year olds, started to cry harder, their face crumpling like a tissue.
“Just Vanished,” one of the boys said. “How are you still here? Or… is everyone back?” “Ah,” Cisco said. “Uh… no, I’m going to guess no. but… I’ll try to help figure it out?” “You need to come with us,” the first girl said. “To the school. Robin needs to hear about this. Cisco did not know where that was. “Lead the way,” he said, reaching out a little with his powers to be sure that they still worked, should he need to beat a hasty retreat to say, the pokemon corner of the multiverse.
It was a short walk, mostly deserted, and the entire time Cisco could feel the Not-Quite-Right like a too tight shirt, taking up more of his focus than he wanted to give it, but unable to let it go..  “Who’s got the Radio?” the teenager asked as soon as they were in the door of a gym.  “We need to get through, tell Robin there’s an adult.”  “Who’s this Robin?” Cisco asked at last. A couple of kids, one offering a radio that looked like it had been scavenged from a truck, looked at him as if he was not quite bright.  “Robin. Like, from Gotham.”   When that didn’t get an instant note of recognition, another kid tried “Batman’s sidekick? He and his friends are going to fix things.” “They’re going to try,” a third kid, one of the group that had found him, said, a little bleakly.  “Oh, right,” Cisco said, suspecting that this was yet another earth full of teenage superhero nonsense. He was right. Shortly after the radio transmission went out, a flicker of lightning  brought a red haired  kid in a momentarily terrifying yellow suit skidding to a halt in the middle of the gym.  “Let me guess,” Cisco said, nodding to the lightning bolt, “Kid Flash?” “That’s me,” Kid Flash nodded. “ So. Who are you? How are you here?  How’d you stay? Is it a leap year thing?”  “Uh… I’m Vibe.” “Never heard of you, but it’s all hands on deck, you know. Mind coming with me?” Cisco did not want to be sped anywhere by a speedster in a yellow suit, especially one that did not look like Wally West. “Go where exactly?”  “Headquarters. It’s kinda a top secret?”  Cisco heaved a sigh. “I can follow you.” Even on this earth with the frankly strange vibrations, following a speed signature wasn’t hard. “Really? Cool.” And he took off.  Cisco followed, and found himself surrounded by a gaggle of confused and stressed teenagers. Some symbols or gear looked familiar-- besides Kid Flash there was a girl with Oliver’s shade of green on her mask, and a bow, a dark haired boy who wore the El Mayara of Clark and Kara on a dark shirt, or the redhaired green girl who was probably Martian.  Some didn’t, like the girl in a top hat.  “Who’s this?” Superdude asked. “The only adult in the world,” Kid Flash said.  They all looked over to two people that Cisco definitely didn’t recognize, a tattooed kid  with shaved blond hair, and a dark haired boy with white plate goggles covering most of his face and a large “R” on his cape’s front flap. “I’m Vibe,” he said again. “You’d be uh… Robin?” “Yeah. This is Aqualad, Kid Flash, Zatanna… “  “Introductions can wait,” Zatanna said. “We need answers. How did you manage to stay?” “It’s a leap year thing, I’m telling you,” someone--Cisco wasn’t sure who, murmured.  “ Stay isn’t exactly right. More of a ‘ came here after whatever happened’ thing.” Cisco said, and flinched.  Again, he felt the something not right itching at his brain.  “Came?”  “Yeah. From another… oh. Oh that’s--” it all clicked, a puzzle piece slotting into place. Or really, the opposite.  The Vibrations of this earth weren’t off they were missing.  Or really, half of them were. The place where every other note ought to have been was empty. “Someone split your earth,” he said, definitive.  “You can’t just cut a planet in half,” Superdude said.  “Not… the planet,” Cisco shook his head. “The… dimension.”  “Wait. Like… the multiverse stuff? You’re from another earth?.” Kid Flash said.   When Cisco nodded, he whooped. “ I knew it wasn’t magic.” “I mean, it might have been caused by magic. Unless you have a Vibe here and he’s evil it probably was.”  Kid Flash groaned, getting elbowed in the ribs by the Green-Arrow-Girl.  Aqualad shook his head at them both. “ We… knew, that there is another … half, of our world. We have a go between. But if you know more about this kind of thing, we would appreciate the help. Our current plan is a bit of a risk.”  Cisco nodded, not liking the sound of that. “Ok, well, I think I… theoretically can help. What’s your go between?”  “Me!” a tiny kid in a red sweatshirt said. “Great,” Cisco said, rolling with the punches. “Ok. Weird, but ok.  Can you… do whatever it is that you do, while I hold on?”  “I can’t take anyone with me.” “Right,” Cisco agreed. “I just need to get an idea of what’s missing. My powers work with vibrations. If I can get a sense of the other half, I think i can bring the two back together.” “I like that plan,” Kid Flash said. “Scientific.” “If magic did this, only magic can fix it,” Zatanna said, clutching a golden helmet and looking like she wanted to be wrong. Before what had to be an old argument about magic and science could break out, the ten year old waved his hands. “  I don’t know if that’s safe. I kinda have to get hit by lightning to do it.”  Cisco wished halfheartedly he had aimed for the earth with fried jellybeans instead of chicken whizzies. “Eh, I’ll live. It won’t be the first time.”  It hurt. Cisco fell forwards as the kid vanished, pulling blue from the bright white of lightning and pain.  “Yeah,” he rasped. “That sucked.  I’ve got it, though.” Everyone backed up, nervously, as he reached out with his hands and his powers straining for the other half of earth 16 until he could feel the cords in his hands. He held the two strands of vibrations and wove them back into one.
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kellysbookblog · 4 months
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Eva Haining
Release Date: May 16
The day I landed my dream job, I thought the sacrifices I made were finally worth it. When I uprooted the life I built in Boston and moved to Manhattan, I never thought it would lead me back to him. He was my first. My everything. I know I should walk away, but it’s always been him. It’s always going to be him. You can try to outrun fate, but, in the end it will find you. The day I left for college, I left my heart behind. Leaving Dalton Rutherford was the hardest moment of my life, and I lost all hope of the future we had planned. Having made a new life for myself, I had no idea my path would lead me back to him. Now I have to make a choice. The career I’ve worked so hard for, or the man I’ve always loved? The first man I ever loved, and the only Dom I’ve ever wanted.
Grab Your Copy!
Meet Eva Haining:
I'm happiest when wandering through the unchartered territory of my imagination. You'll find me curled up with my laptop, browsing the books at the local library, or enjoying the smell of a new book, taking great delight in cracking the spine and writing in the margins!
Eva is a native Scot, but lives in Texas with her husband, two kids, and a whizzy little fur baby with the most ridiculous ears. She first fell in love with British Literature while majoring in Linguistics, 17th Century Poetry, and Shakespeare at University. She is an avid reader and lifelong notebook hoarder. In 2014, she finally put her extensive collection to good use and started writing her first novel.
Keep up with Eva Haining and subscribe to her newsletter.
To learn more about Eva Haining & her books, visit here!
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transfennecbuddy · 2 years
HI HI HI HELLO I have a THING! That I want to show y'all! HEHEHEHEHEHE I have another rant!! I shall hide it behind the read more thing but yeah!!! Hehe rant!!
(Also! Legal disclaimer! [Not really but same vibe.] This rant is about a super fancy snazzy spiffy science thing [CRISPR] but I'm not a science professional! I'm just doing a school project on this! This is what I got from YouTube videos and websites and such, yeah? If I get things wrong, that's why!)
Hi hi hi so you came to see my rant huh? Huh huh huh? Well I shall show you hehehe!
Have you heard of a thing called CRISPR? I'm gonna assume that you haven't so that I can explain!! It's a gene editing tool that uses a protein called Cas9, which is commonly found in bacteria! You see, bacteria have been using this fancy thing all along for ages! Like whenever bacteria get attacked by a virus (which happens a lot) and that virus is new to it, it doesn't really have a fancy defense mechanism to protect itself. But if it survives the attack, then it takes a bit of the virus's DNA and saves it in a section of its own DNA using Cas9. And then if it gets attacked by that virus again, it'll check the virus's DNA against the samples it has in storage, recognize the DNA, and make pieces of RNA to attack the virus right at its DNA!
Cool, huh? Well scientists found about this lil whizzy thing called Cas9 a while ago and were pretty excited, for good reason. With CRISPR, we can not only edit the DNA of creatures that haven't been born yet but also creatures that are very well and living which can pave the way to treatments for genetic diseases!! Plus it's much cheaper than it cost to do genetic stuff the old way!!! (As in, some folks are trying to get laypeople to try out CRISPR on themselves, and their main struggle is with convincing people to do it cause the cost isn't that big of a factor!) We already have GMOs like the Flavr Savr tomato (which takes longer to rot on store shelves thanks to being genetically modified). If CRISPR is safe (which folks are still trying to work on since there's still so much about genetics that scientists don't know and messing with folks' genomes can lead to unintended consequences [also fun fact: the word consequences is used colloquially to mean a bad effect of something, but in stuff like psychology, it just means an effect of something!!]), then it can be super awesome!
I learned about this lil thing back in... I think 2018? I watched a Kurzgesagt video on it a few years ago at least, and I rediscovered the vid during the pandemic while everyone and everything was shut down and there wasn't much to do during the summer other than sit on the couch and watch TV. And like, I LOVED that video when I first watched it?? I watched it multiple times and I even forced (read: persuaded/begged) my parents to watch it too. And I still love hearing about CRISPR and genetic engineering and genetics in general now because of that (and it's impressed at least two important people in my life so I consider it a success!). Like when we touched briefly on CRISPR in my biology class last year, I was SUPER excited in the back of the classroom because it was CRISPR!! One of my childhood interests that has significantly influenced my life!!
So when we had to do a project on new science in my physics class this year (for... reasons), I immediately looked up new stuff going on with CRISPR within the last couple years. AND TURNS OUT! FOLKS HAVE MADE A CRISPR 3.0 NOW! Like I didn't even get to hear about CRISPR 2.0, it was just straight to CRISPR 3.0!! And hopefully CRISPR 3.0 is safer, more effective, and easier to use than the original version of CRISPR.
ALSO! CRISPR IS BEING TRIED OUT TO HELP FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA(high cholesterol risk passed down genetically)!! THAT'S SO COOL!!! AND IT'S BEING TESTED ON PEOPLE NOW! I will literally SCREAM this is so cool!!
So yes! I'm having a fun time, hehe. And I'm writing this instead of actually working on my project, but that's cause it's helping me put together my thoughts! Totally not because I'm just too excited to work on it without being able to gush to someone about it (/sarcasm), lol.
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I guess I’ll go with another marvel one?
clint ties knots when he’s stressed or thinking to keep his hands busy
he keeps a length of rope on him most of the time, nothing super long, and just ties and unties knots as he listens or thinks
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spockshocked · 3 years
Sleep has always come to Spock easily.
As far as he is concerned, it is one of the many benefits of daily meditation. The time he spends at the end of each day processing its events grants him increased objectivity in his assessment of them, and, usually, uninterrupted and dreamless sleep. 
Lying on his back in his uncomfortable twin-sized bed, staring at the ceiling, he is forced to admit that even the most routine of routines may be fallible. 
He pushes himself into a sitting position, resigning himself to a higher ratio of meditation to REM sleep than he would generally prefer. Arranging his gangly limbs into the familiar position, he closes his eyes, and revisits the memory which he had apparently been unable to adequately process with his usual evening meditation. 
"Thanks again for your help." An easy smile. (How does he smile so easily?) "Get some sleep. You've had a long day." No longer than any other. While I had agreed to assist Jim with some setup for one of his activities before my own duties began, I had not woken up any earlier than usual. Jim must know this. 
Before I could correct him, he—
Spock takes a deep breath in. Out.
He placed his right hand on my left shoulder. It was... warm. He moved his thumb closer to his palm by a margin of about half an inch, with a slight but noticeable increase in pressure. He slid his hand several inches down my arm before letting it drop to his side.
"Goodnight, Spock."
The resulting flood of emotions had been unexpected and overwhelming. Upon revisiting the memory, it is clear why the first attempt at meditation had been unsuccessful. Focusing in on the memory, Spock can identify four distinct thoughts which occurred in rapid succession.
One. Someone is touching me. An unusual occurrence, and nearly always unwelcome.
Two. Jim is touching me. An entirely new occurrence. Previously uncatalogued.
Three. I am not uncomfortable. An unusual reaction, as established in point one.
Four. In fact, I am enj—
Spock clamps down on that last thought so hard it echoes.
Perhaps this will have to remain unprocessed for the night. Opening his eyes, Spock lets out a huff. In the dark solitude of his room, even such an uncharacteristic emotional display feels insufficient. 
With no one to witness it, Spock pitches backwards onto his uncomfortable mattress, head hitting the pillow with what could only be described as a flop. The sheer petulance of the motion makes him feel, somewhat illogically, better. 
He fights the impulse before recognizing a losing battle when he sees one. He ghosts his own hand over his shoulder, and allows himself to remember the touch of fingers warmer than his own.
He knows that when he closes his eyes, he will see Jim's smile.
He has never needed that much sleep, anyway. 
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@bondchained​ keeps liking things & hey fam i see u
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“hey there, adachi-san.”
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whizzywrites · 7 years
Zach Roberts and Christopher Dayfield
Chris has worked at the school way longer than Zach, so when Zach started his job, he was so ready to place a face to the name “Dayfield.” He also heard kids talking about Chris, so he thought he’d probably get along well with him. When he finally met Chris, he was instantly gay.
They first meet after Chris finds Zach crying in the drama room after it got wrecked. Chris wasn’t the biggest help, but Zach was relived to have someone. Chris was going backstage to grab some things when he stumbled across Zach. 
Chris offers to help rebuild the set, and Zach is like, “oh, no, it’s fine.” Chris spends long hours after school on painting the sets, and Zach is so shocked when he sees the sets.
“Oh yeah, I’m an art teacher, that’s why I offered to help.” “Oh! You’re the man I’ve heard about!” “What?” “Nothing... I’m Mr. Roberts-” “I’m Mr. Dayfield,” insert Zach’s gay squeals “But you can call me Chris.” Insert even louder gay squeals.
Zach is so obviously crushing on this dude. At meetings, he’ll stare at Chris and loose his train of thought and totally blank out. He’s usually the flirty type, but just totally looses his mind.
One meeting, Chris was wearing his art hoe clothes, instead of his hoodie, and Zach just looses his shit, since he has never seen Chris like that before.
They both happen to be senior class sponsors, and are selling tickets. Zach spots Chris, and is instantly like, “oh, shit, he’s not selling tickets, is he?”  Chris comes over with a smile, like “hey, Zach! I didn’t know you were selling tickets too!” and Zach is instantly flustered. They do start to get closer, after sitting together at football games.
After one game, Chris asked Zach if he wanted to come over, and Zach panicked.  Nervous laughter, “Like a-a date?! Like-like, uh... Come over, like a date?” Chris totally knows he’s terrorizing Zach. He caught on that Zach only gets this flustered around Chris.
Chris continues to tease Zach a bit, just loving to see him flustered. Finally, he admits it, and Zach’s face just drops because, hey, he’s an actor, he should’ve caught on. 
They don’t officially date until a long while later.
One day, Chris is sick and gets Zach to be a sub for his class. The day before, he was asking his kids about needing a sub, when Zach walks in (he likes to some up to Chris’ class sometime), and he takes up the offer since a drama student begged.  Chris: I think he’d be a great sub. (winks at Zach) Zach: gets a boner on the spot
 He sucks at art, and is just way more interested in all the little art tools, but the kids still love him. 
Once Chris gets back, all the kids beg for Zach back. Chris insists he has his own class, but Zach is free that period. He comes in and the sexual tension between he and Chris is real. The class all try to ask Zach if they can transfer to his class after that, but Zach insists that Chris is a great teacher, and that the kids really shouldn’t leave.
There’s just a lot of rumors of the two dating and such going around.
Zach texts Chris the strangest things. Zach: Guess what’s tomorrow Zach: Guess! Zach: Please guess Zach: Skull emoji Chris: I was asleep... Why are you texting me? Zach: Wrong answer. Tomorrow is Hamlet!
Zach also constantly corrects Chris’ grammar constantly, such as when he watches students Snapchat stories.
Zach is the founder of the GSA and totally begs Chris to help with it because he’s desperate to spend more time with him. 
Zach then asks if Chris wants to go to pride, and Chris replies with, “I’m usually not a big fan of pride-” which scares Zach, but then finished with, “but I’d gladly go with you.”
While at pride, a man is handing out rainbow condoms, and Chris takes one and teases, “we’ll need this later,” and Zach freaks out because 1. Chris never jokes like that, and 2. he thought Chris was serious for a minute. Chris only joked about it since he was drunk at pride.  “I - uh, I - really?” “Zach, no. I was kidding.” “Oh! Ri-right!”
. Chris gets drunk so quick. At pride, it only took him two drinks, and he was wasted. Zach, however, was just barely buzzed. Zach finally offers to drive Chris to his house, and Zach gets more drunk. Chris is clinging to him, and is all cuddly. “Zaaach, I knooow you like meeee.” “I - what? You - I - what?!” “It’s ssssoooo obvious. That’s why I love to tease you about it. You should... be my boyfriend.” “Are you sure? I - Chris, you’re drunk, are you sure? Just- ask me in the morning... You’ll regret it, please-”
Chris stays the night that night, and falls asleep on Zach. Zach is so gay.
The next morning, Zach was awake first, spent wondering if Chris was serious about it. Finally, when Chris wakes up, he’s quiet, before Zach spits out a, ‘were you serious about last night?’ Chris is just totally confused, and it crushes the boy’s heart. Finally, Zach mentions it and Chris freaks out. “How much did I say?” “I just... Did you mean it? “I mean, yeah.”
Zach loses his shit. That’s when it finally becomes official.
They spend a lot of time together after that. Of course they do, they’re super head over heels.
One night, they’re drunk, and Zach posts to his students only Snapchat (he has one for students, and one for his personal friends) of he and Chris kissing, and Chris posts a picture of shirtless Zach on his art Instagram, with the caption “fun night!” (spelled horribly, since he’s drunk). Only two students see, before they delete them, and rumors get even more severe. 
Zach also posts pictures of Chris covered in lipstick smears on Chris’ Instagram as well. Zach tries to be mockingly artsy, and most of the pictures turn out pretty bad. Some do actually come out pretty well.  The caption: My boyfriend’s recent art project - me
Chris always goes to every show that Zach stars in, since he also works at local theaters. Zach finally lets Chris backstage and Chris gets way too excited. “You mean, I can go back there?!” “If I sneak you.”
During intermission, they start making out and getting a bit too saucy. Two minutes before Zach’s about to go on stage, and he’s shirtless, his hair a mess, and bite marks on his neck. The director walks in on them making out, and screams.  Zach needed to quickly get dressed and on stage, as a hot mess.
It has happened more than once.
Still, no students know the two are officially dating at all, yet so many have assumed. 
It isn’t until they actually get engaged that people know (which is about three years later, and yes, they’re still teaching). 
There was a class that started as freshmen, who were there when Zach first started his job, and cheered him on once they found out they were engaged.
Zach proposed, via ‘inviting Chris to a “special play,”’ which was how he proposed. Via play.
A kid, who didn’t even know about the rumors and theories of Zach and Chris dating before (because most kids who had theories were in drama or GSA), asks about the ring, and who Chris is engaged to.  “Mr. Roberts.” “Wait, like... Mr. Roberts. Mr. Roberts?”  “Yes, now can we get back to-” “Like the drama teacher?” “Yes, now back to work.”
Zach, however, can’t keep it a secret. He comes into his first period class, with donuts, and the whole class asks what the occasion is, and he’s straight up like, “Listen, fuckers, I got engaged...” and keeps the class waiting, before finishing. “To Mr. Dayfield.” His first period is full of the seniors who were freshmen the very first day that Zach started the job, so they all flip their shit. 
Soon enough, the whole school knows. 
More may come soon, but since this has gotten long enough, I’ll end it here!
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
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but honestly!!!! thank you all for following me— i never really know what i’m doing on here besides screaming into the void about my boys and writing fic occasionally. and those of you that have been following me since my newsies days, you’re fr brave.
this blog and this space is such a safe place for me i’m so glad to share it!!! much love, everyone💙
✨To celebrate! ✨
i’m gonna do a little fic request list! choose up to 3 words from the prompt list below, and i’ll whip up a one shot! you can also let me know any other details you wish to add!
13.fire escape
19.phone calls
tagging some mutuals because i love you all so much!!! @technically-whizzy @misspluckyplum @somanywords @localfakeitalian @whore-4-thor @seths-rogens @marvelousescapism @thedamageofherdays @moonykat @sam-i-am-100 @bucky-barnes-and-steve-noble @otp-holic @charlie-boy-meriwether @blanket-burrito-bucky
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02ofcups-archive · 2 years
writing a horror book about a creature from english mythology terrorizing a bunch of teens would be a lot easier if they actually had scary monsters. i can’t have them running around screaming “oh no!!! look out for the tizzy whizzy and old stinker!!!”
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misscrawfords · 3 years
☕️ Why does classic literature matter?
Well, I guess there are two other questions to consider here.
Firstly, what is classic literature? And secondly, does it matter?
Is “classic” literature just literature that everyone has heard of and lots of people have read, in which case Harry Potter would probably come under that umbrella, but it’s probably not what you meant. Or does it just mean “long, difficult books written a long time ago”? Or is there some criteria by which literature becomes classic?
I suppose a broad definition would be books that have been around for long enough to have become considered worthy of being read even after the immediate time of their publication has been passed. What this worth is made up of could depend. A lot of books that are now classics were extremely popular in their day and are now considered those long, difficult, inaccessible books today. Take Walter Scott’s Waverley novels as an example. Or they have remained well-known because scholars and critics and the people able to make the decisions about what survives in public consciousness and what doesn’t have chosen them to survive. But the people making these decisions are often elite, white men (at least in this country) so what becomes a classic and what is largely forgotten becomes very political.
So, do these texts matter? Well, that’s a matter of perspective. Possibly not. Everyone has a right to read what they like and there’s no reason why a person should read Bronte or Shakespeare when they would rather read exclusively contemporary romance novels or young adult fantasy.
However, I think they do matter and should matter to anyone interested in history, literature and the development of culture in their country. Classic literature is a window into the past and the way our ancestors thought about themselves and the world they lived in. That is interesting and eye-opening and gives a reader a depth of understanding and ability to empathise with people from a different background to them who may well have very different values. These are transferable skills useful when dealing, as we all have to deal, with such people in real life. And the best literature (and sometimes classic literature is classic because it is objectively good - well-written, well-characterised, engaging, thought-provoking etc.) helps the reader to see themselves and learn about human nature and gives them insight about the world.
Most of what I read for relaxation is not “classic” or literary - it’s whizzy detective stories. They may be well-written and occasionally they may deliver some insight about human nature, but I’m not reading them for that. I do definitely find that if I read Dickens or Austen or Hardy or Eliot, I do gain so much more in terms of deep engagement with character and human nature. That can be immensely comforting and challenging in a different way to the detective stories that I can pick up, read, and then forget so easily. Both have value but the value of these works of classic literature is more impressive and longer lasting than the value of a detective story that is not overly different to another detective story.
Finally, and this is the teacher in me coming out, but reading long books using complex language, elevated vocabulary to express complicated ideas improves literacy! Someone who reads these books is going to be able to learn by osmosis the tools to express themselves well in their own writing with an expansive vocabulary to draw on. They are going to learn critical reading skills and the ability to evaluate and engage closely with a difficult text. We live currently in a world where comprehension skills and basic writing skills are actually really bad! I see it among my students. The ones in Year 7 who are reading things like Diary of a Whimpy Kid exclusively are much worse writers and have a much worse ability to engage critically with other literacy-related tasks than those who are reading Sherlock Holmes, Oliver Twist etc.
There’s a lot of snobbery on both sides of the debate and this is unhelpful. There are people who say that only classic literature is valuable - if it’s modern or popular it is rubbish and the people who read such books must be stupid. This is obviously an unhelpful position to take. But there is snobbery in the opposing view as well - that these dry, long, old books are boring and irrelevant and you can’t learn anything from them. That is also an unhelpful and narrow-minded attitude.
People should read whatever they want, but there is certainly a value in classic literature.
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somanywords · 3 years
WIP Tag Game
Thank you for the tags, @turtle-steverogers, @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place, and @not-withoutyou!!! My WIP titles unfortunately lack imagination, but alas I never really name things until the end...
Rules: I will post all the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous, and tag as many people as I have WIPs to do the same.
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
As if the heavy slope of my shoulders doesn’t write a hundred paragraphs  (The Big Post CATWS Fic)
Howlies fic 
Sam and the idiots 
Bucky and his storytelling
Prewar scenes
Steve’s thoughts on Peggy after catws
Late nights early mornings
Nat’s birthday family dinner (catastrophe)
I’m kinda late, but to any writers out there--come join! And apologies if you’ve already been tagged, but @greyhavensking @spookily-whizzy @evergreen-lyricist @darter-blue and @cvptainbucky
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Superman & Lois - Ep. 102 “Heritage”
In which the Sad Dad vibes and teen angst continues!
Lois gets the opening and closing narration this week! And generally has more to do, which is nice.
The fam has officially moved to Smallville, so the boys are gearing up to start school...or are they???
Well, Jon is. Jordan is told he has to stay home until he can get his nascent powers under control because they don’t want him to accidentally flash frying a classmate. Which he almost did. Last week. 
Clark calls Jordan’s accidental heat vision an ‘ocular release of energy.’
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This decision, of course, leads to some FAMILY DRAMA. Jordan feels like a freak! Jonathan is upset that they’ve had to move! Clark feels like he’s failing as a parent!
Oh and also the guy in the Master Chief suit is on the hunt for Kryptonite. Which is, you know. Troubling.
SO it’s off to school for Jonathan and off to the Fortress for Jordan!
Lois, upon Jonathan asking why Jordan gets to go flying with dad: “At least we have the radio!”
One plus side about the show being ‘grounded’ and ‘prestige-y’: the high school drama is of a more believable variety. Still tedious, but at least it’s not dated 90s tropes.
...Well, okay. Not entirely true. Sarah Cushing’s personality thus far is ‘nice girl who’s dating a jerk’ and yes, the line “What do you see in that guy?” is said aloud. So.
Win some, lose some.
Love the actor they got for Jor-El. He’s perfect, in that he feels like an homage to Brando, Crowe, but is also his own distinct version. I dig it. 
But there’s no giant key made of dwarf star matter because this is GROUNDED and REALISTIC and none of that SILLY CW NONSENSE, WE GOT HBO MAX MONEY. 
Back to the Lois vs. Edge plot:
For all the folks wondering how Lois working at the Planet was going to continue, what with the show being set in Smallville...
Edge now owns the Planet, so he re-writes a negative article she’s written about him, which leads to her quitting, and going to write for the Smallville Gazette.
Which is operated by Chrissy Beppo.
Who is...named after the super monkey? 
Does this mean we’ll eventually meet other Smallville residents named after super pets? Like Marsha Whizzy, or maybe Kenneth Comet.
Seems a weird choice when ‘Bibbo’ is right there.
Best line of the episode: “You know what babe? You do your Superman stuff, and I will do my Lois Lane stuff.”
MEANWHILE, THE SAD DAD VIBES INTENSIFY as Grandpa Jor-El reveals: Jordan...will never be like you, Kal-El. His human DNA is too limiting.
Which is a very interesting plot point (that was sorta mentioned/explored in Future State!)
So, about the boys: I still find them...mostly annoying. But I appreciate the dynamic they’re establishing: Jordan has always required more time and attention due to his anxiety disorder, and Jonathan has always had to look after him and compensate--this carries over into the new status quo where Jordan has the super powers and Jonathan further feels that his brother is getting time and attention and he needs to make sacrifices and changes for him/the family. 
This leads to a really lovely moment between the brothers at the end of the episode that I genuinely enjoyed, so. I’m hoping that there will be more of that and less of ‘drama with Sarah’.
(Also if you think that sounds a little like another pair of Super siblings...it does! And also hold that thought.)
The OTHER big twist is that Master Chief AKA Captain Luthor comes from a world with an EVIL SUPERMAN.
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To be clear, the set-up is very obviously, ‘Our Clark will prove Captain Luthor wrong re: thinking he’ll turn evil,’ so I’m not seriously suggesting we’re in for a full-on Injustice situation. I just find it funny, how quickly they pulled out the ol’ evil Supes.
(The one we saw in Elseworlds doesn’t count since that wasn’t Clark.)
And maybe this one isn’t either! I admit complete ignorance as to the comics stuff they’re pulling from; I guess it’s somehow connected to Project 7734 (Which is ‘hell’ upside down, as any fifth grader with a calculator will tell you) a counter-Kryptonian force put together by Sam Lane, I think? 
IDK. Like I said, comics blind spot.
The episode ends with Grandpa Lane looking a bit spooked at the ominous 7734 keychain Captain Luthor gave him, and Captain Luthor still on the hunt for Kryptonite! DUN DUN DUUNNNNNN.  
And now, time for a segment I’ll call: Gettin’ Super Salty w/Stranger wherein I will stash all of my frustration regarding the fact that this spin-off doesn’t really want to be a spin-off.
Okay, so first up! As mentioned, the Fortress design has been changed because the silly Supergirl version does not vibe with the new serious aesthetic.
Their loss! More Legion Rings, baby Sun Eaters, and impractical front door keys for Supergirl!
The sunstone AI details the last days of Krypton, and only one (1) pod is shown escaping the destruction.
Thanks, I hate it.
I do appreciate that Jor-El at least kinda appears to be wearing clothes that match the look of Supergirl’s Krypton. I wasn’t paying close attention to the buildings in the hologram, no clue if they match the architecture we’ve seen thus far.
Like, I get it. There’s no time to pause the plot and be like, ‘hey, just FYI, I’m not the sole survivor of Krypton, my cousin escaped as well’ but also AAAARRRRRGHHHHHH. 
You’re using the versions of the characters introduced in Supergirl, the least you can do is namedrop her once. ONCE. That’s all I’m asking. XD
They missed their opportunity, actually; when the boys were like, ‘We have so many questions!’ All you had to do was slip in, ‘Are we related to Supergirl?’ Bam. Done. Never need to go back to it, you’ve acknowledged it, continue on with your solo Sad Dad adventures!
(Except I guess that wouldn’t work, since so much of this is built on Clark being the Lone Protector of the earth. If you allude to other heroes being around, your whole character motivation/struggle makes less sense.)
I get it but I don’t have to like it. XD
They shoulda just set this on another Earth!
Circling back to the sibling dynamic: I hate how now I really want Kara to someday appear on this show and hang out with the boys and be like, ‘ah, yes, I know the feeling, my sister and I were the same.’
That’s it, that’s all the crossover content I need. I realize Melissa is moving on to bigger and better things but MAYBE SOMEDAY. XD (Or maybe I’ll just write a fic, who knows.)
I can’t remember if I brought this up already but it is hilarious to me that anyone still thinks of Superman as a reporter--most modern takes treat it as an afterthought and here, it’s dispensed in the first episode.
It has not been brought up since.
Like, much is made about Lois leaving Metropolis, and what that’ll mean for her career, but no one in Smallville is like, ‘Clark, wow! Farming? That’s quite a career change!’
(I assume he’ll be farming, since they mentioned starting the farm up again.)  
...You think anyone will drag the writers for tossing aside Clark’s ‘true calling?’ 
Who am I kidding? Supergirl fandom is not watching this show, they’re just harassing the people running the social media accounts. 
SO OVERALL: The good remains good! The meh remains meh! I appreciate that this version of Clark and Lois exist as we inch ever closer to the release of the Snyder Cut! But also the behind-the-scenes stuff continues to hang over everything like a terrible cloud! Here’s hoping those problems are addressed!
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Can you please write a Drabble about how bluepulse handles each other’s powers. Like how Bart know jaimie is talking to the scarab because of (reason) or how there’s a specific time in the middle of the night when bart needs to get up and eat more, usually waking jaimie up with him but he’s just glad it isn’t nightmares
Of course, Darling! Thank you for sending it again! I’m really forgetful if I don’t have it right there so 😅 Enjoy!
There’s a few advantages that come with falling in love with your best friend. Like knowing all the strange things about them before you jump into bed together. Whether mentioned in passing or complaining about it all the time, you know what you’re getting into. 
For normal couples, your partner’s weird habits can only be so much.
Bart and Jaime aren’t a normal couple. 
Most guys don’t have to deal with alien tech embedded in their spine talking to them. Jaime mentioned it to Bart once, before they were together. Explained a lot about Jaime randomly talking to himself or his constant eye rolling. Bart’s just happy it’s not always in response to one of his dumb jokes (that Jaime totally loves.)
Until the first time they got hot and heavy. Jaime falling off the bed as Khaji Da tried to pull a laser blaster on Bart. Something about elevated heart rate and spike in adrenaline? While that definitely put a damper on the night, Khaji Da learned to not bother them. 
Now, Bart smiles when he stops by the Reyes Garage after hours. Always hears Jaime’s voice and the long pauses before he sees dark brown hair and grease stained skin. Bart swears once of twice he’s heard Jaime laugh at something Khaji Da said. 
Not that Bart’s completely without fault, not matter what he says. For such a skinny guy, kid can eat. Jaime’s heard him complain about an overactive metabolism so much, he can recite it word for word. He’s a speedster. He’s always burning more calories than he could possibly replenish in one day. Jaime found out just how much that affects him when they started sharing a bed.
They’d fallen asleep on the couch together plenty of times. They almost always woke up to the other’s nightmare bleeding into reality. The first night they’d slept in the same bed, crashing into the sheets after a fucking awful mission, Bart’s movements made them
Now, Jaime still wakes up when Bart climbs out of bed. Nightmares drive the redhead into his arms. His damn stomach takes him away. Laying in that wonderful half awake state as he waits for Bart to come back, Jaime thanks God that at least this problem Chicken Whizzies can solve. Bart always climbs back into their bed. Always kisses Jaime. Always starts snoring again before Jaime does. 
They’re not a normal couple. 
That’s why they work.
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okay so since i’m on my avengers bullshit, this is one I came up w while editing for @papesdontsellthemselves
steven grant rogers is useless at opening envelopes
im talking he fucking DESTROYS it this man canNOT open an envelope neatly
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