#who killed markiplier damien headcanons
wizardtherat · 1 year
hello! I've put together a discord for people are looking for friends into mark! we have a little rp group going on but that's not all we're here for! here's the link! I hope you'll join us!
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mayordamsie · 1 year
Admin Note, General Apologies, and What's to Come.
// Hello friends! I know, I know, "Wiz, it's been like a year since we've seen you post on this account." to which I say... yes. I haven't posted on here in a year and I am so, so, SO sorry. I've been focused on trying to get my twitter damien up and running again which I haven't even done because there's not really a fanbase for mark there anymore. However, I think I might have more luck here on tumblr. If that's the case I'll be sure to be more active but for now, I really want to revamp this account and get back into interacting with you guys. The biggest issue right now is actually having the interaction, but if my notifications are any indication, it shouldn't hold me up too much. I love this account and I love being Damien. I'm going to go through and delete/archive/tag posts and make an announcement on starting fresh. I hope you've missed Damien, because he's missed you.
TLDL; I'm back (for now)
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puffledthomas · 1 month
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trans on trans hostility
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anotherdarkiboi · 2 years
I can't believe I just noticed this, and maybe someone else has noted this already. But Damien has a habit of wringing his hands around his cane when he's stressed.
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Dark does something similar: he pulls at his lapels when he's stressed/pissed/scared. You see this a lot in "Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye" when things start to unravel and even at the very end with Dark!Chica (although it's cut off at the bottom).
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Always the hands in fists, always the tension over a lack of control over the situation. Perhaps Dark does this because he doesn't have anything to fidget with anymore.
This man has been so goddamn stressed for over a century, let him REST.
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room027 · 2 months
hey do you guys think that after the events of wkm mark missed damien so much that hed stand in front of the mirror and look at himself because he was in damiens body and it was the only way he could see him again
i mean yeah hes the one that caused all this hes the reason damien isnt here but he didnt think he still had the ability to miss people.. hed just stand there running his arm over his own decaying body because feeling damiens skin was comforting
he didnt think he could feel regret anymore and wanted to leave the past behind but when he started hallucinating his reflection smiling that sweet smile damien used to give him he knew he had to down memory lane a lil..
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coolmayordamien · 10 months
Damien headcanons because I love him:
He plays piano because refined, elegant people are supposed to play piano probably. He was astounded to find out that he enjoyed doing it.
"Don't cry, because if you cry, I'm going to cry."
Everyone can tell that he's the younger twin just by looking at him, but nobody will explain to him how.
He can't stop buying suits. He just can't.
He thinks that the cane is a little much, but it was a gift, sooo...
Has a bird feeder in his back yard because he likes to watch the hummingbirds.
But it's a ridiculously expensive and over the top bird feeder because of course it is
He writes poetry. It is flowery and verbose and kind of bad, but he's so proud of himself
He doesn't want to talk about why he needs the cane, but it's the Colonel's fault
"I'm not angry with you. I'm simply a little hurt."
Is such a sugar fiend. Just the worst. He's intelligent and capable and very likely to caught devouring an entire box of Belgian chocolates for breakfast
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reblog if ur also a darkiplier girl truther i need to know im not alone in this
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smiledog15578 · 2 years
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My headcanon looks for Darkiplier & Actor Mark
Ignore that i didn’t give actor a pencil mustache he was depressed when he died i don’t think he had time to get prepped up(lying)
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writtengalaxies · 1 year
Happy holiday! Do you have headcannon of what would be damien's nickname for the da? And also did those nickname change when he's dark?
Happy holiday to you too (and anyone who celebrates!) I do! For Damien...
Damien very much gives off the "I'll use endearing pet names without us being in a relationship" vibes. Either as a cover or as friends.
"My dear" is a common one
As well as "little monster". Just the way it's said in WKM feels so much like a nickname used by a group that's turned into a term of endearment. The inflection paired with that warm, bright grin, you know?
Mostly, however, his nicknames are likely going to be largely based off the DA's name. Shortening it, or turning it into a pun that'll make the DA groan.
"Starlight" is one I like to use for my DA. Because...you don't see them until the conditions are just right, and then they shine so brightly it steals your breath away. (In return, he gets called "Sunshine".)
It's always there, right on the tip of his tongue. All the endearments, all the old nicknames. But he knows his tone is different now. Where it was warm, it's cold. He sounds like he's sneering half the time.
It all sounds snide. And with the DA? He doesn't want it to.
So he doesn't, not until even he gets tired, lets nostalgia get to him. His voice softens when it's not tempered with anger.
"My dear" sounds more personal. "Little monster" regains it's gentle teasing quality. "Darling" comes more naturally.
He can't bring himself to use the nicknames and puns based off the DA's name, however. Either he's afraid of reminding the DA of who he used to be (and can no longer be), or he feels like he doesn't deserve to. The puns are hardest...his anger has burned away his sense of humor.
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not-mary-sue · 2 years
So, you know how a lot of people headcanon Damien was a sensitive child (which is fair)? Well, I raise you Mark as sensitive child but continously using Damien as a shield. So the scenario I keep imagining is little Will telling a horror story and Mark cutting him off with "stop it, you're scaring Damien" while Damien actually doesn't care at all.
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sprucedarkstache · 7 months
You got any trans Damien and or trans Yancy headcanons?
Boy, do I have headcanons???
(Tysm for the ask sorry this took me so long)
I used to heavily headcanon him as trans, not so much anymore but.
I had this old post that (jokingly but also not) both Celine and Damien were trans and just ended up swapping identities.
I believe that Damien would feel emasculated simply by being around his other male colleagues.
Since it’s the 1920s, a lot of men don’t wear facial hair and keep their face quite clean (aside from a nice handlebar above the lip), which gives Damien an excuse to not have facial hair at all
It also makes his clean reputation very attractive to all the ladies in town
All in all, he feels very empowered when he becomes Dark, who (in my headcanon) can shape himself however he sees, giving Damien the liberty to make himself as big buff masculine.
But also, in my headcanon, Damien and Dark are two separate spirits, so this leaves some times where Dark has taken a more feminine form that day, it catches Damien off guard when he’s in control and leaves him dysphoric.
TW// mentions of mvrd3r and transph0bia
Yancy I feel more strongly about. He is trans. 100%
My entire interpretation is that him being trans the reason he murdered his parents (paraphrasing)
Essentially, Yancy got incredibly bullied in the small town he lived in, and it only got worst as his best friend Jay ran off to become a geologist (iykyk)
Eventually it got to a point where he couldn’t take it anymore, and when he got home one night after rehearsal, he ran to his room for an hour, and went downstairs, had a screaming fit at his parents from built up anger and sh0t them when they tried to soothe him.
Thing is, there was a sudden surge of acceptance from his fellow prisoners when he arrived at Happy Trails
Despite being surrounded by big burly tough men, he was treated as the head of the pack essentially.
I don’t know if it’s a thing that prisoners can get operations while in prison but since this is the MarkCU lets say at Happy Trails they can.
Yancy has some badass top surgery scars, which he has tattoos around for decoration
Going back to his childhood, there were a lot of “transmasc theater kid” things he did
(What im not projecting nooo)
For instance, he would exclusively play the male parts when he sang songs from his favorite musicals (specifically “Maria” from West Side and “Johanna” from Sweeney Todd”)
He would do a lot of one man plays on the school playground sometimes, and clearly wouldn’t like singing the female parts
It’s also in my headcanon that he’s (in this current year) 29, which would make him a teen between 2007-2013. Definitely believe he had a quirky transmasc ukulele phase.
Not theater kid related but when he was little, he was definitely the “girl who always offered to pick up chairs when a teacher asked for a strong boy to help” type transmasc
Back to prison
When he first got into prison, he used binding tape for so long until he was literally wheezing any time he ran so the warden was like “look son let’s just get you top surgery and that’ll do it.”
Absolutely made a joke about giving himself top surgery with a shiv he found
Warden was not too happy abut that
Another defying the logic of reality thing, but after he got top surgery, he gifted his chest to Tiny who is transfem
Now that he’s out of prison, he bought a lot of greaser-type manly man things to fuel his euphoria (a motorcycle, smoking a lot more, a lot more piercings)
He also returns to his hometown every now and then to spite the locals and steal their wives.
He’s just such a bad boy >:) /j
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wizardtherat · 2 years
Illinois and accidentally pregnancy, but it was a fling before him and Damien got together.
notes: female!reader, not mayor damien, brief mention of alcohol and brief mention of abortion, pov switch? (you to I)
Two lines. Shit.
You should have known you were pregnant, period being a month late. You had just assumed you weren't eating the same or working out too much or something. You were sitting there, just thinking. What were you gonna do?
The story of how you got pregnant started with a wonderfully handsome state-named cowboy and a shot or two. The cowboy of sorts lived 35 minutes away from your apartment in a bare two bedroom house with a dog. That was the house you were currently standing outside of, waiting for said cowboy to open the door who never appeared. Instead, a slightly younger man opened the door. "Hello, what can I do for you?" His face held a small smile, his head tilted to the side. "Oh. I'm- I'm sorry to be a bother, I'm not sure if I have the right address." You were sure you had the right address. You remember this house.
Was it really his house? Was this his roommate? Did he move?
The man in the door laughed, "You're quite alright, who are you looking for? If you don't mind, I might know where they are." His voice was soft as he opened the door a bit more, relaxing into the conversation. "Uhm, Illinois.. Jones, if that helps, although how many people could be named Illinois."
He laughed, "Oh! Come in." He stepped to the side, allowing room for me to enter. Once I did, he shut the door and told me he'd be just a minute before disappearing down the hall. I turned my focus to the house itself. A few pictures were hung up on the walls, there was dishes in the sink indicating they had just eaten dinner. They. This was his roommate. "Oh! Y/N... Uh, perhaps we should talk outside." Turning to face the voice, familiar. Illinois. His hair tied back, wearing a t-shirt for a band I'd never heard of and some sweatpants as he gently grabbed my hand to lead me out to the backside of the house.
"I'm assuming you wanted to talk about something?" I nod, "I'm sorry we can't talk inside, Damien is supposed to be working and I hate to interrupt." I nod again, sighing before deciding I was just gonna say it. "I'm pregnant and it's yours." He coughed, obviously shocked. There was silence for awhile. "Are.. what.." I shook my head, "I don't know. If you want to keep it, we can. If you want me to get rid of it, I will. If you want me to go away and leave you out it, I will. I just would like your input on it so we can figure this out as fast as possible." He sighed, "I.. Damien.. Damien's my boyfriend. We've been together a couple weeks and I don't wanna spring this on him." I nodded, understanding.
"I'll leave you out it then. I appreciate your time, sorry for just showing up." He grabbed me, pulling me inside and into a room, "Oh, hello! What do you need?"
It ended quickly. Damien gently talking to both me and Illinois. Explaining our options entirely, calmly and slowly. We made a decision.
a/n - and what is that decision? You tell me.
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Hey can you do something with Yandere Damien from WKM. It can be either headcannons or a one shot whatever you feel like. Love your writing ❤️
Thank you so much your kind words! 💕😭
I wrote some headcanons this time- (I hope that you don't mind :"D)
But I plan to write a oneshot too as well, because this is very short-
×❢ About my work ❢×
Damien is creepy-, and cute at the same time-, stalking, the reader is gender neutral, jealous Damien
Type: Headcanons
Fandom: Markiplier Cinematic Universe (WKM)
Character(s): Damien, Y/N/The Reader, Celine, The Colonel, Abe (mentioned), Actor Mark (mentioned)
Ship(s): Damien x Reader
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐜𝐬 (𝐖𝐊𝐌)
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: One More Hour by Tame Impala
“Minutes are racing
Whatever I've done
I did it for love”
• he will get jealous very easily
• but he doesn't show it
• he will stalk you from distance quietly
• he's at your window right now as well (I mean probably)
• he will get agressive when his sister or his friends saying something nice of you
• he's too shy to talk with you
• follows you everywhere
• too shy for giving you secret love letter or something like that
• but sometimes he do give you some chocolate to you secretly
• but that is rare
• he will make sure that you got home safely
• and will stay at your window and watch you sleep for a few minutes
• just to make sure that you are alright ofc
• "Damien?" Celine asked with a sleepy tone.
"Yes, it's me." Damien answered as he closed the door gently behind himself.
"It's very late, you know? Where have you been?" Celine looked at him with a questioning look.
"Oh, I..." Damien blushed slightly as he tried to find an excuse. "I had some things to do." he smiled awkardly, then quickly went to his own room.
• his face will turn all red if you glance at him
• and oh gosh if you talk to him
• just a few words
• he is burning
• "Damien?" you asked softly. "Are you alright? You are all red."
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just..." he was searching for an excuse, but he couldn't think straight because of your sweet smell, of your, of your gergous eyes, of your beautiful voice.
"Bully!" The Colonel shouted to you with a wide smile on his face.Damien was saved, but he felt as the adrenaline burns his whole body. Jealousy jealousy
• damn and you always distracting him when he is doing his mayor things
• he didn't have this big crush on somebody a while...
• he can't think anything else
• just you
• he wish he would be brave enough to talk with you...
• he won't kill for you (he is too gentle and sweet for that)
• and he won't kidnap you
• he thought about it, but what if he accidently hurt you?
• he would never harm you
• never
• he hates everytime when Actor flirts with you
• or The Colonel
• or the Detective
• or any body
• he wish he could touch you...
• but that would be rude, right?
• and like i said, he won't hurt you
• unless you want it :)
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
i see a lot of marmien/dilliam content where damien is the one pining after mark or william which. sure i get why that would be the major fandom trend but personally i find it more interesting and/or hilarious if it’s the other way around and there’s just something about damien and celine that appeals to these two Very Unhinged Men specifically
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Damien gay fluff in which “I don’t think I’m the marrying sort of person” Damien brings home his one(1) male best friend to meet the family and Celine looks into the camera like she’s in the office
💀 Celine who just absolutely knows the whole time like,, she doesn't need any tarot cards or arcane magic to tell her that her baby brother is gay asf
Celine just like seeing the way Damien smiles and blushes and maybe the way their pinkies brush from walking too close together and just
She about has a crisis bc she just knows Damien thinks this is just what friends do
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room027 · 2 months
dating damien the mayor headcanons ! (damien x female reader) <3
rating: sfw
cw,tw: none :)
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He leaves you for a man
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