#who only cares about fighting and serving the tsarista
pwurrz · 9 months
every day i fight for my life on twitter as stupid people who would fail even the simplest media literacy test slander and bastardize childe’s character
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kasuna-kotonoha · 8 months
A tier list of who I think would be most likely to betray the Tsaritsa (explanation under the cut)
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Before We start, do keep in mind that we know very little about most of the Harbingers, so I could be completely wrong.
Pierro: Ok, if there were to be a mass harbinger betrayal, it would start with him. It's might strange that he, as a Khaenri'ahn, is working for an Archon.
Scaramouch: No so much a betrayal in the same way as it would be for Pierro, but he did leave and has no intention to return.
Dottore: If he had something to gain from going with Pierro and betraying the Tsaritsa, I could see him doing it.
Sandrone: Same as Dottore, but feels a bit less likely.
Pantalone: Similar to the others in his tier, if he had something to gain, I could see it
Columbina: Given her Seraph inspiration, I could easily imagine her being against Celesting with the Tsaritsa. Unless another faction, or Pierro could offer her something she sees as better, I think she wouldn't have much of a reason to.
Arlecchino: It mainly boils down to the fact that I don't think she'd have a reason to. She might not be loyal the way Childe is, but she's principled. She's antagonistic to Furina, but that stems from the prophecy and the fact that, from her perspective, Furina is doing nothing. As long as her children aren't unduly threatened, she has no reason to leave her position.
Capitano: From what we know of his interactions with Varka, he seems to be a relatively upstanding cordial guy. But we don't know much more than that.
Pulcinella: Literally the mayor of Snezhnaya. Unless he's pulling a major con game, I can't see him betraying his nations people.
Signora: The Tsarista saved her from herself. Next to Childe, I think she'd be the least likely to betray the Tsaritsa (If she weren't already dead lol)
Tartaglia: Childe cares about three things and three things only. Fighting. His family. And serving the Tsaritsa. Part of his disdain for Arlecchino even stems from this.
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cl00udyyanan · 1 year
hellooo!! could i request like a scara x gn reader, but reader is sick and scaramouche is taking care of them? Like scara is mean at first but when he realise how sick reader is he warms up and becomes very nice with a bit of fluff c: tysm!
this was so cute how scara goes from being so mean to sweet ik he actually cares abt ppl but loves to hide it,, i took a little bit of a diff approach with this bc i tried so many ideas before that didn't work so instead of the reader just being sick they're kinda freezing too lol but i hope u like it in the end, thank u sm for requesting this! if this wasn't to your liking you can always request again!
what happens...
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synopsis: you and your boss scara get trapped in a snow storm and he helps you while you're really cold and sick
warnings: scara is degrading, you almost get hypothermia
characters: scaramouche (the balladeer) x reader
notes: i rewrote this like five times. dont talk to me.
harsh winds singing a desperate chorus as it whirled around you, it claimed all the land in white. bounding everyone to their homes, unlucky for you, you were caught out in the storm. in other circumstances, this sight would have been beautiful to you as all of snezhnaya was, if only you weren't walking in the middle of it. you'd say you were happy when a small wooden hut appeared, it didn't look warm from the outside but it was shelter, except you had to go in with your boss.
scaramouche slammed the wooden door to the hut, blocking most of the blundering storm outside. the cabin was rotten down, boards coroading away, who ever lived here hadn't been around in probabaly years. it was stopping most of the wind, but the freezing tempature was still seeping in. he grimmaced at the situation, he'd been seperated from the rest of the fatui agents while out carrying a mission for the tsaritsa, simply on their way to catch debt from clients. this was only a minor setback, but a damn awful one. who knows how long he'd be stuck here. especially stuck with you.
you were in a corner of the house, curled into yourself to retain warmth. your thick black coat was keeping some sort of coziness but you were only human and some cloth could only do so much. damn your immune system, you'd only been curled up in here for a couple of minutes and were already sneezing uncontrollably, nose tingling and your skin in a bitter pain because of the frost. "look at you cowering away." your boss crossed his arms, glaring down at you. "we're stuck in this snow storm because of you giving us the wrong direactions. who even allowed you to join the fatui? you're obviously unfit to serve the tsarista." you who fed at his frigid words. "i bet it was that bobbleheaded childe, huh? pathetic." you knew never to show weakness infront of him, the balladeer was known to be so cruel to those who showed fear. yet in this snow storm, you couldn't care to even respond to him or say sorry about your incompetence. you swore if you stayed like this, you'd freeze over into a popsicle.
"…i'm so damn cold." you mumbled. scara pondered you with a scouring look. "oh, you're cold? well you're in snezhnaya its going to be a little chilly" his stupid sarcasm was not what you needed. you hands sting through your gloves, throat itchy and eyes watering. you tried to fight back the tears, you could not cry in front of him no matter how sick and cold you were. his eyes widened watching you shudder in the corner. he shuffled around a bit, looking to you and fro, cheeks a little flush. he hadn't expect you to seriously cry. he sighed, watching his breath swirl the air then trugded over to you.
with his hand nearing your face, you flinched at it thinking he was going to reprimand you for being so weak. yet he simply was pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, you were icy to the touch, eyes puffy and red. a tear rolled down your cheek as you sniffled, he took his thumb and wiped it away with a pout on his lip. "don't cry..." he mumbled. you weren't really sad just your body reacting to the uncomfortable reality you were in. "let me see your hand…" you lifted you arm to him and he pulled one of your gloves off, revealing your discolored fingers, a sign of hyperthermia.
the balladeer was no mother goose, he had no nurturing bone in his body. if he wanted to, he'd leave you here to freeze and would carry out the rest of his mission without batting an eye. instead, he gloved your hand again and held them between his. it wouldn't do him any good to let you die, he supposed. he couldn't warm you up much himself considering his...condition, he knew you were going to catch an even worse cold if he didn't do anything. so, he did the unthinkable. he sat against the wall, pulling you towards him by the waist, you were between his legs, and he curled you into his chest. it wasn't a lot of warmth, but it was enough. it was reassuring that you would be okay, you're allergies were getting to you but atleast you weren't alone in this storm.
in other circumstances, being coddled in your boss' arms would make you vomit at the thought but he was suprsingly cozy. "…tell anyone about this and i'll let you freeze in the lake." scaramouche pulled you tighter to his chest trying to get you warmer. "i'm only doing this because if you die i wont hear the end of it." "…of course, balladeer." you held back a little giggle. "i wouldn't dream of it"
maybe the balladeer was more than he seemed. maybe he cared underneath his empty heartless shell. don't tell anyone though, what happens at the hut, stays at the hut.
dw when you guys got somewhere safe he made you tea as long as u didn't tell anyone what happened at the hut (esp childe)
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If SnK Characters Had Visions
tags: gn!reader, a genshin au, headcanons
a/n: a repost with some edits. 
pyro sword
ironically despite his love for freedom and things associated with it, eren’s inner fire would pairs better with the flames of pyro 
he’s the guy you were forced to team up with despite thinking he’s really sketchy (even if he also happens to be hot and your shoulder angel and shoulder devil often fight over whether or not being hot is enough to balance out being shady). basically, good ole enemies to friends to lovers party
despite the smirks and how he teases you, eren has a titanium wall enhanced with geo around him and he never lets you in when you ask personal questions such as where he’s from and his family and things like that. he misdirects every time and only seriously tells you to leave it alone if you keep pressing
still even even there are things he is hiding, eren seems to at least care enough about you that he comes to your aid when you’re fighting opponents giving you a hard time and glaring away adventurers looking to ask you to join their party instead but you aren’t sure sometimes
you have definitely smashed at least once. twice. thrice. who knows but you swear they were all accidents. very hot accidents that lead to you wondering if you can really trust him and leads eren to wondering if he is letting things get too out of hand emotionally when he knows he’s getting too attached to you for things to be good
at least he can put his money where his mouth is, enemies are easily overpowered
his story: eren is visionless. in fact, he was always intended to be visionless. the pyro archon found gifting him a vision too dangerous and avoided it entirely deciding eren’s inner rage and ambition was an indicator of bad events to come. after all his yearning for a vision to give himself the ability to fight against strong enemies and never receiving one when his friends did, eren decided to get a delusion which he fought about with his childhood friends but their words didn’t reach him. now he works for the fatui
your first meeting with eren wasn’t by chance, it was all planned from his need for help to often requesting your help on assignments. his plans were to use you and your potential connections and abilities to serve the greater purpose of his schemes, but eren does eventually come to genuinely care for you. but does he love you enough to turn against whatever the tsarista ymir is planning? who knows
hydro catalyst
hydro and armin just go hand-in-hand with one another and while he isn’t the most adept with weapons, his skills as a mage are second to none with strategies that overwhelm his enemies completely
armin’s abilities lead to him being a great healer and he wishes to take that knowledge to the medical field when he feels his days adventuring are over
because of his abilities, the locals in a sumeran village he stays in often goes to him when they need to be healed though some often see armin’s stern side if what they’re asking him to heal is ridiculous or they got hurt doing something stupid
the party strategist who keeps track of the many quests you may take at a time and organizes them from most to least urgent to help decide which ones should be done immediately and what quests can be put on the backburner until you can get to it (though armin would honestly prefer you, yknow, didn’t accept so many requests at the same time)
you often enjoy listening to the stories armin weaves better than any bard and you’ve probably even asked why he didn’t become one when he’d clearly be so popular but adventuring is what armin has always wanted to do since he was a little kid. leaving small mondstadt to discover what the world holds and when he was invited to study in sumeru, he took his chance
his story: though he wasn’t strong growing up, armin recognized his lack of physical strength and thus improvised with the hand he was dealt and worked around it, a vision he was soon blessed with. had a large fight with a former friend after finding out his desire to obtain a delusion and armin hasn’t been home since though he says he worries for a friend back home that seemed lost when his best friend left their town but he hasn’t been able to bring himself to visit or write her back
you have wondered if this friend back home was someone armin is romantically interested in but he vehemently denies it to which you tell him you think he is protesting too much, it’s fine if he has a crush back home (except it isn’t and it bothers you too much to tell him). but armin clumsily tells you that if he really liked her, he would’ve gone back to mondstadt ages ago but he hasn’t because he enjoys traveling with you
cryo claymore
with a tragic childhood, it’s no wonder mikasa would have a cryo vision. her skin runs cool and she’s as reserved as her vision would imply. but mikasa cares deeply about those she travels with and it in shows in her protective nature
but mikasa’s skills on her own are decent enough to get the job done to the point that sometimes she snuffs your abyss mage target before you can get to it (but even if that can be annoying at times, it’s reassuring to have mikasa in your party)
she always makes too much when cooking but at least you know you’re always taken care of
the party member who has way too much of anything just in case you run into something. unexpected trip to the snowy mountains of dragonspine? mikasa somehow managed to fit 90 bottles of Frostshield Potion and Warming Seelie bottles in her bag
it can be hard to get her to loosen up at times but give her a drink or two at a tavern and she smiles a bit more easily and you actually got her to dance with you a few times while a bard sang a cheery tune
once you had to cancel a bounty you initially accepted when you realized mikasa had a cold she tried to hide from you and took care of her the entire day though she insisted she was strong enough to fight. initially you suggested she stay at your lodgings while you went to handle the bounty with another adventurer you both knew, annie. but you ultimately decided against it when mikasa seemed distraught and spent the rest of the day by her bedside while she slept and held her hand (she hasn’t said it, but she appreciates the fact you stayed. it always feels like people she cares about leave her behind and she can’t help if you’ll follow the same pattern)
her story: gained her vision at a young age after the witnessing the deaths of her parents and realizing the cruelty of the world she lived in. is on a quest to find her childhood friends and met you along the way. you joined parties after encountering mikasa fighting a ruin guard during your travels and you stepped in to help and she decided to aid you in a quest to pay you back from there you kept running into each other and you both decided to form an official team
one night surrounded by the light of soft dandelions, mikasa tells you about her childhood friends she is looking for. one she knows has gone off to further his academic studies and another she fears is walking down a path of darkness and how she felt they both left her. at that, mikasa asks if you can stay by her side
anemo sword
is this guy even human? probably not but levi would use his vision to give him an extra burst of speed and it makes him unbelievable fast when he decides to pull out all the stops and holds one of his blades in reverse
the quiet protector of the city he resides levi is a vigilante who made a promise to an old friend and he strives to unlock the secrets of the abyss order and destroy them once and for all
but to the unsuspecting of mondstadt, levi is just the town’s grumpy librarian who obsesses way too much over cleaning and will hunt you down to the ends of the earth if you borrow a book, funny enough that’s how you met and it was a terrifying experience
levi prefers to take care of enemies quickly and with as little mess as possible and as such tends to go overboard, even on hilichurls and slimes (you are sure you once saw a geo slime run the moment he saw levi approaching and you felt pretty sorry for the thing)
levi isn’t much of a cook but he makes great drinks and his tea is one of the few things that give you energy in the morning and you’re sure it is an attack booster. it’s a nice quiet moment for those both of you though and you often find yourself staring at your companion and noticing how long his eyelashes are before looking away before he can see you (he always does)
(no lie a quarter of levi’s jobs is keeping hange’s experiments from getting out of hand)
his story: has had his vision since he was a young child living in the slums of an unknown placed and had to fight everyday for his survival. one day, he found a masterless vision in the rubble of the area and once he touched it, it began shining. like i said, you met because you had an overdue library book and nothing was scarier than levi ackerman raining down from the sky in a plunge attack of fury asking you with a dark voice “where’s the book”. you get laughed at whenever you share that story. you always turn in your books on time, that’s for sure
despite the scary encounter though, you still stop to talk to levi whenever you can since you find him surprisingly charming. the grump adds to it, you suppose. he began helping you with requests after you discovered his identity as a vigilante and you helped him with keeping said identity hidden. funny enough, everyone thinks the vigilante in question is a rogue hilichurl because of how short they are much to levi’s annoyance and your amusement
pyro cataylst
hange the vision (and hilichurlian) eccentric uses their vision in any way possible to further their research whether it be using it for bombs, a power source for light in the home,
hange is a catalyst user and their abilities in your party are better suited to support than a heavy attacker but you need to be weary of their cooking most of all. hange has the highest rate of making suspicious meals
as one would guess, hange is an enthusiastic vision researcher though their methods of doing so is a bit… unconventional. they think the academics in sumeru aren’t doing enough and took things into their own hands and hange thinks that visions could be used to as an energy source that could benefit the whole continent and in order for that to happen, visions need to be understood completely
would honestly love to get their hands on a delusion to study the properties and what makes them tick and if that can lead to better understandings of vision
despite their high energy and dedication to their cause, there are times when hange’s happy demeanor fades and they wonder if their research is ever going to get anywhere and if being made they head of the alchemy department was a mistake
you have spent a lot of times putting out the fires that were a result of hange’s experiments but you still have fun with them since their personality often leads to you both having some wild adventures you can share stories about at a local tavern while occasionally coughing out smoke
their story: hange couldn’t tell you how they got their vision because honestly, they didn’t even notice until days after when going through their messy research piles a vision that shone brightly when they touched it and so their vision was obtained. but what exactly they did to be gifted such a thing and when it happened, hange can’t tell you. their vision greatly aids their research though
honestly probably joined your party after witnessing a stroke of genius usage of your vision and asked you to help further their research in visions as a whole by observing your vision in action and you found it a bit hard to say no after your ego was stroked so much
electro sword
jean the swordsman with an electro vision to boot, jean’s vision is often used as a band he forms around himself to shock enemies and keep projectiles from affecting him and he ultimately sends a shockwave of electro to temporarily paralyze enemies, making it easy for jean to finish them off
the adventurer trying way too hard to prove himself and has probably made up some stories about his adventures to impress those from home, especially his parents who didn’t want jean to become an adventurer in the first place but he does his best to reassure them
jean is from fontaine and it shows in his cooking, but fancy and hard to pronounce it may be, it’s pretty good and filling
despite all his boasting, jean is actually a skilled fighter and is pragmatic and observant and because of this, jean’s potential to actually become the greatest adventurer in the land is something he can obtained after a few years of experience
jean has a tendency to lecture you a lot when you do something he thinks is stupid like ‘putting yourself at risk unnecessarily’, the hypocrite is one to talk. but once when drunk, jean confessed to you that he didn’t think he deserved his vision since when he earned it, he wasn’t able to save someone important to him and he worries that if he isn’t careful, you’ll share the same fate
his story: jean’s vision story is one he would rather forget since his first bout adventuring resulted in the loss of one of his former party members against a ruin hunter they were requested to destroy and his friend marco took a hit that was meant for jean and perished in the battle. lightning struck and a vision appeared while jean finished the battle himself
you joined forces when jean found himself in over his head against a group of treasure hoarders and tell him it probably would’ve been easier if he had some friends with you. you were fresh out the guild, a new adventurer, and you were looking to have a travel companion and asked jean outright to be yours. he accepted after some ego stroking but jean promised himself it would be different this time
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tartglias · 3 years
characters: fatui harbinger ! reader x scaramouche + childe + signora (separate)
prompt: you had been away on an undercover mission for a while, but they find you at an unusual place
note: i was listening to yes or yes by twice when this came to my mind so idk I HAD TO WRITE IT (its a bit messy though i apologize)
He glared at the door of the tavern before taking a deep breath and walking in. He didn't even want to be there, but his subordinates were stupid enough to not be able to locate you themselves, so he felt forced to come himself.
It's been a while since he last saw you, he heard from the 11th harbinger that you got ordered to go undercover in the region of Fontaine.
But now, the Tsarista needed you back, reason why now he tracked you down and is currently standing awkwardly by the bar.
He tried to scan the area with his eyes in order to find you, but unfortunately for him, he was only met with the weird glances from strangers.
"Looking for someone?" He heard a deep voice coming from beside him, it was the bartender. He quickly put on his facade, and smiled at him. "Just a friend, they told me to meet them here today but I presume they haven't arrived yet"
"A nice place for a date, my friend. The show is about to start, can I serve you something to drink while you wait?" The bartender asked.
Scaramouche was about to thunder the man and correct him saying it was not a date, just business. But it's not like he cares, anyways. He smiled instead, and said "Just water will be fine, thank you"
Then, as the man behind the bar nodded, lights went out. Smoke started coming out from the stage in front of him, and then, a group of dancers appeared. Their backs were facing the audience, and their outfits were all colorful and sparkly. "How disgusting" he mumbled to himself.
The moment the dancers turned around and you appeared at the centre, looking as bright and beautiful as ever, his mouth dropped
What were you doing there?! It was supposed to be a top secret mission, so why were you performing in a tavern where the spotlight was clearly all on you?
To make it more unbelievable for him, you started singing a cheerful and bubbly song
Oh boy
His mouth and eyes were wide open, and Scaramouche has never been so shocked in his life
It was just very odd to see you like that, because he knew the real you. You were almost as sadistic as him, often laughing at the pain your vision brought to people. That's why he took a liking on you, because at the end of the day, you were almost as bad as him. The only difference is that you were mostly tolerated and respected by the fellow fatui harbingers, and also, you knew how to keep your mouth shut when necessary.
So this was a big contrast, now you were singing a cheerful song about love and positivity. It was a 180 degree turn, so he couldn't help but feel shocked, but slightly in a good way.
When the song finished, you quickly spot him and shot him a knowing glance that said "we'll talk later", before your smile reappeared in your face as you bowed and thanked the other customers.
Unlike Scaramouche, he was simply wandering around the city of Inazuma when he found the café you were currently working at.
He finished his mission a bit earlier than usual, so why not walk around the city his dear fellow fatui harbinger grew up in? Who knows? Maybe he will meet someone who is willing to exchange precious information about the 6th harbinger. That way, he would rile him up and eventually get to fight him.
That was, until he saw a much better source of entertainment.
He was standing outside of a themed café when he spot a familiar person dressed in a maid costume. He wasn't one to drink coffee, but why not try?
He walked in and sat at a random table, waiting to get served. Luckily for him, you got assigned his table.
When you saw him, your cheeks immediately reddened. Not only because of your attire and current situation, but also because he was not supposed to be there, and specially not when you were so close to finish the mission.
"My, my. What do we have here?" he said once you reached his table. You ignored him and handed him the menu. "Welcome to our humble café, master. How can I serve you today?"
Childe was screaming inside
"Master? I like that. I think I would like-" he started saying, quickly going through the menu. "A regular coffee and a wolfhood juice"
You eyed him questioningly. "That's a strange combination, master" "What can I say? I'm a man with many dualities" he said, smirking and making an emphasis on "many"
He knew you well, after all, you were his hardest challenge within the fatui harbingers. He once fought with you, and not even 10 minutes later you already had your foot pressing on his head against the floor.
He would be a fool to not admit that he has always been slightly interested in you. Not because of your fight style, or your agility to control your vision. But also because you didn't bow down to anyone that wasn't the Tsarista. He often thinks you would rather die than lower yourself like that
That's why he was enjoying this a little too much. Oh how he adored this unusual look of you roleplaying as a maid while you serve him coffee. Not to mention the use of the word "master".
He's definitely going to use this against you someday
Normally, lower rank fatuis would be assigned to locate the harbingers and deliver messages, but you were in an undercover mission.
To put it simple, those silly fatuis could not find you. That's why Signora was currently sitting on a dirty wooden bench facing a big stage. If someone could locate you, it was her. And she was 98% sure that you would appear in that stage at any moment.
"They should have picked a better place to perform." she thought, as she made a disgusted face at how dirty the bench was.
She was a bit curious though. Despite being a very respected fatui harbinger, you were also a very shy person. You didn't talk much in meetings, and if you did, your voice was small. You also stumble on your words while talking to people, and prefer smaller crowds.
Harbingers like Scaramouche often questioned why you were a harbinger at all.
But Signora knew better. She knew how powerful you were, and how confident you get in no time when the situation goes the way you planned. And if the situation goes the other way round, you're always quick enough to handle it smoothly. There was no doubt in her soul about the fact that you were perfect for the job.
But still
You were a very shy person who always ran away from crowded places. So why were you about to perform at such place? With a big audience?
Her questions were soon answered, when a tall man with a black moustache and a large hat appeared on stage. Lights were on him, as he exclaimed "Welcome everyone! It is my pleasure to present an acrobatic show you will never forget!"
The red courtain behind him opened, and there you stood in a yellow tight outfit and a big smile on your face. If Signora didn't know better, she would have believed you were the most innocent person in the world.
Once the man finished his speech and left the stage, the other acrobats started doing their performances. But Signora's eyes were on you, only.
She didn't expect you to use your pyro vision, as you lit up an acrobat hula hoop that was safely attached to a platform. And to make it more shocking, she did not expect you to smile at the audience before you made a cartwheel, landed on a trampoline, and jumped through the hula hoop.
You landed safely on the other side of it, and gave the audience a triumphant smile while you lifted up your arms.
That was the moment when you noticed Signora.
Signora rarely showed emotions, even less positive ones. But she just could not help the small smile that appeared on her face when her eyes met yours. She was shocked, amazed, starstruck
Your mission was nowhere near over, but as Signora smiled and clapped while you bowed down to express gratitude, you felt satisfied.
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light679 · 3 years
Childe as a father
Childe x reader
CW/genre: fluff, some angst from Childe’s past, some suggestive themes
I’ve been listening to angsty, heartbreaking music again that puts me in the feels. I’m also just upset with the world in general today. I’m not entirely sure where this came from. So. Enjoy some fluff and me giving Childe the happy ending and healing from his trauma that he deserves. 
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As good as he is with children, you weren’t sure that Tartaglia actually would want to have children with you. He was the most devoted, loving husband you could have imagined, striving to do his best to be worthy of you, despite countless times of reassuring him that he was. You’d always wanted kids, but eventually, a few years into your marriage, you’d come to accept that it just wasn’t in the cards for you. 
Tartaglia spent so much time battling and at work. All he talked about was the intense fights he’d been in, the bloodshed, the thrill of it all. Despite being more careful in the heat of a battle and relying less on his Delusion for your sake, he’d talk about his plans to become the best he could be, and every time he did, your hope for having a traditional family with him would fade just slightly, floating away as leaves falling from a tree in autumn. 
Yet one day after coming home from work, you noticed something different in his eyes. Where Tartaglia usually had chaos, an ocean-deep, dark pool of haunting memories from his time in the abyss in his cerulean irises, today there was something else. Instead, there was a new light to them, a sea of hope and love as he picked you up into his arms, twirling you around the room. 
You’d figured he’d been given a new promotion within the ranks of the Fatui, a big one. Maybe the Tsarista had recognized him in some way. Whatever you thought, his next words would be world-shifting. 
“(Y/N), I finally did it. I’ve officially left the Fatui. We can finally be free from the plotting and scheming of those who claim to serve the Tsaritsa, but do nothing but serve their own self-interest.”
“But what about your loyalty to the Tsaritsa? Everything you’ve done has been for her, all this time. Are you really ready to give that up?”
Childe will simply smile and place his hands on your cheeks, kissing from your forehead to the tip of your nose, leaving a trail of cold from his icy lips. “On the contrary, the things I’ve done haven’t been for her sake for a long time now. I’ve realized my legacy as a harbinger isn’t the most important thing to me anymore. Although for now I only grow stronger, I do grow older and eventually someday weaker. I may well achieve world domination, or I may die trying, who can really say what the outcome will be? But the one thing I can say is that I no longer want my legacy to be Tartaglia, the weapon used in what could be the next archon war. A weapon lives and dies in battle, no more, no less. But since I’ve met you, it’s become clearer to me; life, our life, you and me, is about more than war and fighting. Life can have fighting, and you can be passionate about it, but it’s also about passion, about love. And the both of us, we have so much love to give. I want, at least for now, to be known as just Ajax”
“Ajax, what are you saying?”
He’ll kiss your lips sweetly, his eyes wet, yet still shining. “(Y/N), let’s start a family.”
You’ll talk through the logistics, and he’ll make sure this is something you’ll want too. Throughout each and every talk, the one thing you’ll notice is that Ajax’s excitement, his devotion will never fade, shining as brightly as the newfound hope in his eyes. 
A hope and excitement which only grows when you tell him yes, that this is everything you’ve ever wanted with him, everything you thought you’d never have. Ajax will hold your hand, tenderly kissing each knuckle before scooping you into his arms and kissing you with a passion you’ve never seen from him before as he’ll lead you to the bedroom for the evening, sans dinner and any other household responsibilities. The way this man makes love you to that evening is like nothing you’d ever known before, more passionate, more raw than you ever imagined possible. 
You knew he’d be an amazing father, one so caring, so devoted to them and you, and that your children would want for nothing. You’ll remember the joyous tears that stream down his mother’s face when you announce the news of your pregnancy, the surprise and respect in his father’s eyes, and a sense of relief that whatever chaos had come over his son all those years ago had quelled, his energy focused on love. The man you loved was no longer Tartaglia, the Eleventh Harbinger of the Fatui, but instead Ajax. Ajax the loving, excitable man that loved to fish and cook. Ajax the man who doted on his siblings and still worked every day to protect their livelihood and dreams, no matter his position of power in the world. 
And Ajax truly was the amazing father you knew he would be. From the very start of your pregnancy, where he spent every moment of free time making you feel as comfortable and loved as possible, to every moment in your children’s lives. If there was something your children wanted to learn, Ajax would make sure he learned it with them to help them succeed. He would help them be the best they could be without the pressure to be perfect. If your children cry, Ajax would be there, crying with them. If they succeeded, he would share in their success, amazed by the things they could do. He would go on to father at least five children with you, his love and support never faltering or wavering and always at full strength for each and every one. His life was so full, and it was because of you. Ajax will forever be thankful for the light you brought to his life, the perspective you gave him to fill his life with happiness and love instead of fighting and battles. 
Of course, the darkness, the chaos in him could never go away overnight, no matter how hard he tried. In the beginning, there were many nights where he’d come home, covered in bloodshed only to spend the night, sobbing into your lap and crying out, wondering what was wrong with himself. You’d be patient with him, seeing his progress and helping him through these feelings, helping him through the trauma that scarred his heart. 
Moving back home to Sneznhaya before your child is born helps with his, and you’ll help Childe through talking with his mother and father about what happened to him in the abyss. His siblings would help him prepare for fatherhood, reminding him of the ways he cared for them, Tonia and Teucer helping him to craft trinkets, and even furniture for your child. And of course, you reassuring him, with love and patience, that he would be the best damned father Sneznhaya had ever seen. 
The day your first child was born, you’d swear it was like Ajax was seeing the sunlight for the first time. He held your hand through the birth, devoting himself to you over and over, being there for whatever you needed from him, even if you just need someone to hold tight to ease the pain. 
When he holds your firstborn for the first time, he doesn’t even try to stop the tears that flow from his eyes as he smiles, playing with his newborn’s full head of hair, flaming orange like his, and admiring the eyes that came from its mother. As you drift off to sleep, you can hear him murmur an unending stream of promises: promises to love, to protect, to provide for. 
By the end of Childe’s life, he’ll have no doubts that he chose the right path for himself. He worked day and night to make sure that each and every one of you knew that you were enough, that you were his reason, the light of his life. 
And of course, you made sure he knew the same. With you, Ajax is able to heal and live a life full of love. 
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This is probably going to be a doozy to read, I'm so sorry
Vision holder reader losing memories from vision hunt or other accident and they got saved by the rebellion or someone else, changing their looks and leaving their old identity behind. They became a fatui after going to where the tsarista is (they faintly remember talking about going to ice nation with someone (mothman) so they go there in hopes of remembering their old life because they remember nothing. They were promised helped to remember but with all the duties that were given, they forgot their goal in the first place. Because of what happened in Inuzuma, their death was reported so mothman thought they were dead. They cross paths (maybe randomly but for maximum angst perhaps a battle field or they were sent to eliminate him to take his place as the 11th harbinger or kill him for treason of he left the ratio or betrayed the tsarista.) Oh, and I just thought about them having visited mothman's family before (which was why there was a memory discussing going to ice nation) and being ordered to take care of them after taking care of mothman. And perhaps the reader went through a training program where they lost all emotions so they don't care of they kill or not. They are just a tool to serve her majesty. Alternative route, reader joins the resistance for trying to repay debt. After the events is 2.1, they just stay at Inazuma since they have no idea where to go anymore and the resistance is like their found family. Due to appearance change, traveler has no clue it's them if they had ever met. So they may never see mothman again unless they join the crux and go to liyue or mothman somehow goes to inazuma. Another route can be same two routes but with a visionless reader who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. They lost their memories due to injury.
Reader getting into a accident and mothman wasn't there to protect them. There's three routes. Route one, reader loses their memories. Mothman can be out frantically looking for them and when he finds them, reader shys away from him terrified. They are bleeding out and injures themselves more and more trying to get away from him. He gets help after they pass out. Reader can regain memories or no in a point of time. If not, it's a hit it or miss if they decide to trust and build a relationship with mothman again. Route two, reader goes into a coma. I'm not sure how reader gonna get nutrients since no IVs o maybe hand feeding. The reader may or not wake up, and if they do they might have lost their memories which ties route one in. The third route is reader dies and becomes ghost, unable to interact with mothman anymore and watches as he falls apart. They try and try to interact but mothman can't see or feel them. Reader gets help making their special dish and/or doing things they normally do to try and tell mothman they're still here but mothman is not having it. Maybe in a rage mothman goes on a spree and kills a lot of monsters, forcing traveler to kick his ass in order to make sure liyue is safe. Twist is that he may get hit hard enough that he forgets reader. I feel like mothman can go on a spree for either of the three. Oh, if reader is a ghost maybe they don't remember anything other than death. And maybe, just maybe, reader can come back as a zombie?
Reader somehow falling into the abyss helping traveller or just taking care if the abyss in general. Reader gets corrupted and loses their memories, turning into a weapon of war for the abyss order. Perhaps getting a form like foul legacy… Or maybe turning into one of the abyss creatures? I think I remember it being canon that the abyss mages were from the lost nation that I cannot spell that Kaeya and Dainsielf were from. So reader can be killed or fatally wounded by mothman. They would maybe mention something only they know which makes mothman realize oh no they just practically killed their favorite person. Maybe reader haunts him as a ghost because both can't let go. Or they live and both of them fight and fight again, breaking mothman's heart more.
Reader being mothman's blood or adoptive older or younger sibling who became a zombie after dying at his hands. It could have been when he first got foul legacy, during the golden palace fiasco, releasing the sea god, etc. The reader can remember and be afraid of him or not remember and be afraid. If they do remember, they likely remember their death and their once beloved brother's part in it. They would most likely stay away from him and stay mostly with their newfound friend Qiqi. Maybe also befriending Xiao and Xiao keeping the 'monster' away from the two zombies. Cue sad mothman and him pestering zhongli so xiao can be nicer.
Reader dying by a hydro and/or electro vision user or maybe abyss creatures, so every time mothman sees water or lightning he's reminded of the death. Maybe it makes thunderstorms worse because he hears the thunder and rain and think about how your last moments were like. I also remember that mothman was scared of thunderstorms so this is more fuel to the fear. Maybe that makes him more scared of himself though I don't know if he has access to both hydro and electro in this form.
this WAS a doozy to read, but it was a doozy in every good way this cleared my pore and watered my crops holy SHIT
i see you have a lot of memory loss brainrot, and i RAISE YOU a concept: you're dying in his arms and too weak to struggle and you somehow remember and cough out his name with your last breath >:)c
oh oh maybe when you fall into the Abyss you fall alone and you end up transforming into a creature like Childe down there (see my Transformative AU) and you crawl your way out of it suffering and in pain to try and find him again
personally i hc that Childe can use at least Hydro in moth form!! Delusions apparently hurt the body so idk if he'd WANT to use it unless absolutely necessary, but i think he CAN use it if he needs to!
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