#who reveals the house is run by old world vampires to which I reply 'yeah I know they'd kill me but that's hot'
lostlegendaerie · 1 year
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Unloved and Unwanted?
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Word Count: 3,395 Felix x Reader Part One. Warnings: Fluff Angst
Y/N was 17 years old when her entire life changed; her mother Molly died in a car accident and she found herself in Forks living with her father Charlie Swan, who she had never met.  Charlie was shocked when he got a phone call from Child Services advising him about Y/N as he didn’t know she even existed. This made it hard for Charlie to accept her; as a result he struggled to build relationship with Y/N once she arrived in Forks. Charlie and Sue were busy working and planning their wedding; leaving little time to help Y/N settle in.
Bella had already moved out as she was married to Edward Cullen and they had a daughter Renesmee. Bella did not make an effort to meet her younger half-sister, choosing to ignore her.
Y/N didn’t make any friends at her new school either, she went almost unnoticed there. She felt truly alone and it only made her miss her mom even more, especially as they had been very close before the accident.
One Saturday morning Bella dropped Renesmee off at Charlie’s for a visit but didn’t stay herself as she had things to do. After a few hours Charlie was called into the station due to an emergency and as Y/N was home he asked her to keep an eye on Renesmee. This surprised Y/N as she had only met Renesmee briefly a few times as she was not included in ‘family time’ during Renesmee’s visits. This led to Y/N staying in her room during Renesmee’s visits as to not be in the way. In fact Y/N stayed in her room even when Renesmee wasn’t around for the same reason.
Y/N and Renesmee baked chocolate chips cookies and watched a few Disney films together, before Charlie came home with take out. Y/N had dinner with them that night but only because Renesmee asked her to join them. Charlie did not engage Y/N in conversation other than to ask about what she and Renesmee did whilst he was at work.
That night when Renesmee got home she told her family about the time she spent with Y/N; how much she liked her and that she felt sorry for her as she had lost her mom. This conversation prompted Bella to finally decide to meet Y/N; six months after she had moved to Forks.
This decision prompted Alice to have a vision;
Y/N was in Italy with the Volturi; more specifically with Felix, one of the elite guards. They didn’t look happy together either with Felix leaving Y/N alone in her room and making his way to the throne room for guard duty.
Felix spending his evenings with Demetri and Santiago playing cards or playing on his computer console with other members of the guard when not on guard duty at night.
Y/N’s room was not very big and was barely decorated and the only visitors she got other than Felix was Gianna, who bought her meals every day, Heidi and Demetri who check in on her.
Edward saw the vision as it happened and knew what he had to; for this solved a problem for everyone, Y/N would leave Forks and live in Volterra. He filled his siblings and Bella in on the plan and they all agreed. “She’ll be someone’s else’s problem soon, Charlie still isn’t warming to the idea of having another daughter around” Edward told them, having read Charlie’s mind the last time he was over there “Bella, you need to befriend Y/N and bring her over so we can inform her about Vampires; the Volturi and her mate” Bella agreed instantly.
Bella met with Y/N at Charlie’s a few days later “Hello Y/N, I’m Bella. I’m sorry for not coming over sooner to meet you” “Hi Bella, that’s ok. It’s nice to finally meet you” Y/N replied “Yeah you too. How are you settling in?” Bella asked “I’m settling in ok, thanks” Y/N lied.
They spent the afternoon talking to each other attempting to get to know one another. Y/N couldn’t help feeling suspicious of Bella; wondering why she came over to meet her and why she was being nice to her after ignoring her the last six months.
The following Friday Bella called and invited Y/N over to the Cullen house “Hello Y/N, I hope you are ok. I’m calling to invite you over tomorrow. I think it would be nice for you to meet Edwards’s siblings” “Err, ok thanks. Sounds nice, thank you” Y/N relied. The following morning Bella drove to Charlie’s and picked up Y/N and bought her back to the main house. When they arrived Bella introduced her to everyone “Y/N this is my husband Edward” She said pointing to Edward “Hello Edward, it’s nice to meet you” Y/N greeted “You too Y/N” Edward smiled “These are my siblings Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice” He continued; they all smiled and said hello to Y/N and she did the same in return. “My father Carlisle is at the hospital and my mother Esme has taken Renesmee out for the day. Hopefully you’ll meet them next time” Edward added.  
Neither Carlisle nor Esme knew of Edward’s plan or the other’s involvement as they all knew that they wouldn’t agree with or support their plan.
They all sat down in the family room and explained to Y/N that they were vampires and that they feed off of animals instead of humans; hence their golden eyes. They explained that vampires have something called a ‘mate’; one person they would love, protect and spend an eternity with. They also explained that Rose and Emmett were mates; as were Jasper and Alice, Edward and Bella and lastly Carlisle and Esme. Alice explained that her, Jasper, Edward and Bella had ‘gifts’ and explained which each one was. Y/N nodded trying to take in the information so far
Emmett went onto explain about the Volturi who lived in Italy; how they were the rulers of the vampire world enforcing the laws, one of which was that humans were not allowed to know of their existence. “Why have you told me then?” Y/N asked confused. “We have told you about vampires because Alice has had a vision and it showed you with your mate; who is an elite Volturi guard” Edward answered. “What does that mean for me?” She asked “It means that you would need to go to Volterra to be with him. If they came here to check on Renesmee and found out that we knew you were the mate of one of their guards and we didn’t tell them; they would kill us and take you to Italy forcibly” Edward continued. “What is the guard I’m mated to like?” She asked. The Cullen siblings and Bella looked at each other before Rosalie answered her “He is known for being the strongest vampire in the world and has killed many vampires and humans alike” Shock flashed across Y/N’s face at hearing this “The Volturi do not like humans much; seeing them as not much more than their food source. So the news of one of their elite guards being mated to a human will not go down well” Rosalie continued. “He will likely reject you as his mate as you’re human” Bella added “I-If he is to reject me…why does he need to know about me?” Y/N asked. Noone answered her straight away, again looking at each other silently deciding who would answer her.
“As I said before, they would kill us if they found out we kept you from your mate. We can’t and won’t risk our lives for you” Edward replied rather matter of factly; Y/N said nothing. “You need to know more about your mate” Bella added and Y/N nodded, waiting for someone to continue.
“The Volturi do not usually allow newborns in the castle; however, they will make an exception for you…” “What do you mean newborns?” Y/N cut Edward off sounding confused “Newborns are what newly turned vampires are called” Bella answered her, Y/N nodded “You’ll spend your newborn years in the dungeon and provided your mate remembers you’re down there; you’ll more than likely be taken to a room in one of the towers…where you will spend your eternity once you’re no longer a newborn” Edward informed her “W-Why did you say if he remembered I was in the dungeon?” She asked a little worried “Edward means there are vampires that have been down in the dungeons for decades if not centuries. They kinda get forgotten about” Alice replied quickly “So if I am to be rejected, why would he keep me in the castle?” Y/N asked feeling confused. Jasper answered her this time “Once he meets you the mate bond will kick in and he will feel protective of you and will need to know that you are safe. If a vampire loses their mate they become heartbroken and overtime they fall into a deep depression and he won’t want that; the Volturi leaders won’t want that either as he is too valuable to them. This will still apply even after his rejection of you” “Oh” Was all Y/N could say.
“Some of the Volturi are gifted too, so you won’t be able to run and hide either as they have the world’s best tracker and they will send him after you and he will find you and drag you back to Volterra kicking and screaming if he has to. You’ll also see the cruel side of your mate too if you were to run from him” Emmett added; all of them being careful not to reveal Y/N’s mate’s name. “You leave for Volterra in three days. We have already bought you a ticket and to ensure you actually get there I will accompany you” Edward says. “So I don’t have a choice in this?” Y/N asked “No you don’t!” Bella said sharply. “Edward I don’t think going to Volterra with another human is a good idea. We have letters for her and Aro; I think it’s best if she goes alone” Alice says looking at Edward, who nods “Fine, but I’m taking her to the airport regardless. I’ll pick you up at 8pm Tuesday Y/N” Y/N just nods in response. Y/N made sure to not think about how she felt about this around Edward knowing that he may be able to read her mind.
Later that night Y/N started packing a few things for her trip and couldn’t help her thoughts ‘I find out I have a soulmate; someone who’s supposed to love me forever, only to find out that he won’t want me. He’ll just reject me and lock me away forever. I don’t know why I’m so surprised that someone else who is supposed to love me doesn’t. It’s the story of my life recently, being unwanted and unloved. It’s bad enough I have to stay here with Charlie who doesn’t want me around.’ Tears slipped down her cheeks at the thought of being unloved, unwanted and locked away forever, just to be forgotten about. She cried herself to sleep that night.  
The following morning Charlie opens a letter informing him that Y/N has been accepted into an Art college in Italy and that she is due there in a few days. Alice had put the letter together as a cover story for Y/N to leave Forks. “Morning, Y/N. This came yesterday after I left for work; it’s an acceptance letter for an Art college in Italy. They need you there in a few days so you should get packing” Charlie said smiling as Y/N entered the kitchen “Oh ok, I’ll-I’ll do that” Y/N couldn’t believe the Cullens had faked a letter to get her to Italy; clearly they wanted her gone and soon.
A few days later Edward dropped Y/N off at the airport “Here this is a letter for Aro; make sure to give it to him when you arrive at the castle. This letter is for you to read on the plane, it’s basically tells you what we told you the other night. When you arrive a car will be waiting to take you Volterra. Safe flight” He gets back in the car and drives away leaving Y/N at the airport alone.
Y/N sits on the plane reading the letter addressed to her; and it’s a repeat of the information she was told a few days ago. She thought about not going to Italy but figured the Cullens will know if she doesn’t arrive or they’ll call Aro to check that she arrived so it’s probably just easier to go voluntarily rather than be chased down by the Volturi’s tracker and incur the wrath of her mate.
The plane lands and Y/N makes her way through to the airport to the waiting car “Miss Y/S/N?” The man asks “Yes, you’re taking me to Volterra?” Y/N replies “Yes miss. Get in the car please” The man says placing her case in the trunk. Y/N is dropped off just outside of the town square “The castle is just up there; you can’t miss it as there’s a huge fountain in the middle of the square” “Thank you” Y/N said taking her case from the driver.
Y/N made her way to the town square and sat down on the fountain trying to get the courage up to walk into a castle full of vampires; knowing that once she’s inside she’ll never be allowed to leave. Unknown to Y/N she is being watched by Heidi who has stepped outside of the castle to see if there are any tourists around that she can add to the ‘castle tour’ scheduled for tomorrow. With her enhanced sight Heidi notices that Y/N holding an envelope in her hands whilst looking at the castle and after about an hour Heidi makes her way over to Y/N “Are you ok?” She asks sitting beside her “I think so” Y/N replies sounding unsure. “I’m Heidi by the way, so what brings you to Volterra?” Y/N notices Heidi’s eyes are a lilac colour and her skin is pale but looks perfect, just like the Cullens “I’m Y/N. I’ve been sent here to meet my mate, not that he’s going to happy about it. In fact I’ve been told that…he won’t want me” Y/N says looking down handing Heidi her letter “It’s all explained in here”
Heidi takes the letter reading it and it explains that Y/N is mated to one of the elite guards and as soon as she reads ‘he is the strongest vampire in the world’ she knows who Y/N’s mate is. Heidi frowns as she continues to read the letter as she doesn’t like what she is reading. It is depicting Felix as cruel when he is actually kind despite him coming across as intimidating due to his physical appearance. She also knows that Felix would his love his mate whether she be human or vampire as he has been waiting a long time to meet her and would be hurt if he knew that his mate thought of him this way. “Who gave you this letter?” Heidi asks sounding a little upset “Edward Cullen handed me this letter at the airport for me to read to remind me about what awaits me upon landing here. I also have another letter for Aro” She tells Heidi “How come you showed me this letter?” Heidi asks “You are a vampire and I’m guessing you live in the castle” Y/N replies “How did you…” Y/N cuts Heidi off “You have pale skin like the Cullens and you came from the direction of the castle and you didn’t seem surprised when I mentioned the word ‘mate’ nor when you were reading the letter” “Huh, very true. Would you like me to take you inside to meet Aro?” Heidi asks “I’m not sure if I’m ready to go in just yet” Y/N replies quietly “Ok I’ll wait with you until you’re ready” “Thank you Heidi.” Y/N gives Heidi a small smile. After an hour of sitting on the fountain making small talk Heidi and Y/N make their way into the castle; Heidi taking Y/N’s hand in hers “Do not let go of my hand Y/N” “Ok” Y/N nods.
Once inside the castle Heidi heads straight to the reception desk “Hi Gianna, this is Y/N. I need you to take this to Aro for me please” Heidi says handing her a quick note asking to meet with him, Caius and Marcus and minimal guards as she has a delicate matter to discuss. Heidi and Y/N wait in reception for Gianna to return “Heidi, Y/N, Aro is ready for you and the guards have been dismissed except for Jane and Demetri” Heidi was pleased Felix wouldn’t be in the room during this conversation.
They arrive at throne room “Good afternoon masters” Heidi greets them with a smile “Heidi so good to see you and you have bought a human with you” Aro replies curious. “There is a very good reason for that. This is Y/N and she has a letter for you from the Cullens” Caius’ attention is piqued when he hears the Cullens name mentioned. “May I see the letter please my dear?” Aro asks “Of course” Y/N responds handing the letter over. Y/N and Heidi watch Aro’s facial expressions as he reads the letter and he doesn’t seem happy. “What’s in the letter brother?” Caius asks impatiently; Aro extends his arm holding out the letter for him. “Y/N my dear, when did you learn about us?” Aro asks “A few days ago, I was invited to the Cullen’s house and Edward, his siblings and Bella informed me about vampires, the Volturi and…mates” She answered “Do you know who your mate is?” Caius interjects “Not exactly. I only know that he is one of the elite guards…and is known for being the strongest vampire in the world. Also that he along with the rest of you don’t like humans much…there-therefore he won’t want me…as his mate. I’ve been told that I will be rejected and locked away” Y/N replies not looking at Caius “WHAT?!” Caius screams; Heidi and Y/N flinch at this, Heidi grips Y/N’s hand in a comforting gesture. Y/N’s comment also gains Marcus’ attention whilst Jane and Demetri look on curiously.  
Caius storms down the steps to stand beside Aro “If you know you are to be rejected why did you come here?” Aro asks gently “Edward told me if you found out that they knew I was the mate of one of your guards and they didn’t tell you; you would kill them…and bring me here by force. He said they wouldn’t risk their lives for me. They also said that if I were to run and hide…you-you would send the world’s best tracker after me; who would find me and…bring me here…kicking and screaming if needed and…I would incur the wrath of my mate…who can be rather cruel. I-I figured it was just easier to come here willingly” She replied quietly looking down. Demetri felt himself get a little angry hearing that the Cullens had used him to threaten the human girl into coming to Volterra. “You mentioned being locked away, what do you mean by this?” Caius asked confusion clearly showing on his face “Edward told me that you do not usually allow newborns in the castle; however, you will make an exception for me…that I’d spend my newborn years in the dungeon and…provided my mate remembers I’m down there; he’ll come and get me… lock me away in the tower where I’ll spend eternity once I’m no longer a newborn”
A look of shock crossed the faces of the three kings as well as Jane’s and Demetri’s upon hearing this. “I want you know that I don’t intend to object to the rejection” Y/N added. “Why would you accept the rejection child?” Marcus asks curiously joining his brothers at the bottom of the steps “Not being wanted is not a new thing for me. I’m not going to make someone be with me if they don’t want to be. I have no intention of messing up his life just because I’m not wanted back home either” Y/N replied looking at Marcus, who gave her a small smile.
‘Poor beautiful, broken girl.’ Heidi thought to herself listening to this last part.
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entomancy · 4 years
(Fic) Daywalkin’ in Vegas
...let’s be honest, this ‘short backstory fics’ thing has done what my writing tends to do, and Escalted.  So let’s escalate.
Title: Daywalkin’ in Vegas (Wattpad) Setting: Increasingly not even serial-numbers-off-VTM. VTM infact exists in-world as a gaming system, which really annoys Fancy Vampires. Warnings: Gore; depictions of violence/ death against a child. Words: 6537 Summary: A failed siring gets the attention of two very different parts of Vegas Below; and a young blooded nosferatu puts herself in the centre of a dangerous balance.
Twenty-eight forty.
Thirty-one seventy.
Nox watched the till display tick up, comparing the total to her mental tally.   She had enough; she knew she did.  It might have been in tattered bills, tarnished coin rolls and bits of change so old they were chipped like gears around the edges, but she was always real careful to plan these trips down to the grubby dime.  In and out, as unobtrusive as possible.
A final bag passed, the green-yellow numbers flickering one final time.  The cashier smiled in customer service plastic as she read out the total, then followed it with a look of awkward concern.
“That’s all for you?  We - er – we have some good specials,” she said hesitantly, nodding towards the little stack of brightly-labelled packages beside the register. It was mostly sweets and tampons, and Nox bit back on a grin at the sight. Nice thought, but that hadn’t been her ‘bloody’ problem for a while now.
“That’s it,” she replied, adding: “Thanks, though.”   Sure, it was an upsell, but a kind one. The girl even managed to keep back any disgust at the state of some of the cash; it had been cleaned up, but people didn’t tend to drop crisp ones into a cup on the sidewalk.
Nox carried everything out to the repurposed shopping cart that she’d left just inside the little bodega’s doors. The thing was unbalanced and took corners like a drunk, but it was better than playing pack mule herself. The new bags settled down on top of the day’s earlier buys: bulk discount batches of toilet roll, bleach and superglue, along with cheap fabric for bandages. Plus, now, thirty-eight dollars and eighty-six cents’ worth of the cheapest mince and frozen shrimp available within a four-mile radius.
There had been a time when she’d had to worry about dietary fibre. Or vitamins.
The cart’s wheels creaked and rasped on sidewalk dirt as she headed it away, hunching down over the handle as she pushed; partly for more control, mostly to keep her face in shade. Her battered baseball cap and hoodie did a pretty good job – accompanied by garish plastic sunglasses and a stained bike mask – but every little helped. It also added to the overall ‘bag lady out on an afternoon shuffle’ aesthetic she was going for. The trick was to inspire just enough awkward pity to be invisible, but not enough to be a target.
Apparently, her act was off today. She’d just turned a laborious corner, distracted by trying to keep the bags all stacked, when she felt a hand clamp down onto the top of her head and yank hard. She didn’t move, but the hood pulled away and she heard a yelp of disgust even before she swivelled around. Two young men stood behind her, gawking in revulsion at the revealed state of Nox’s scalp, in all its piebald, peeling, erratically-thickened glory. A thin braid slithered down her face, torn too-easily free along with the hood.
She gave the scene one more heartbeat to really settle in, before grinning widely. Faced with a mouthful of teeth like broken ivory, the youths managed to look even more horrified.
“Aye, that’s how I caught it too!” Nox cackled theatrically, before snatching the hat back from now-unresisting fingers and jamming it back into place. “Don’t go scratching yerself anywhere pretty fer a bit, eh?”
The lad – and his already-retreating backup – hesitated, then let out a string of bravado-born obscenities. Freak – gross – blah blah blah I-have-a-tiny-dick blah. He kicked at the cart as he started follow his friend, and Nox let just enough spill out to sate the petty spite.
Once they had gone, she picked up the packets again and began to fix her hood. The exposed skin was stinging and smarting already, a poison-ivy prickle that calamine wouldn’t touch. At least it was late enough in the afternoon that she probably wouldn’t blister from the exposure. More annoying was the missing chunk of hair, and she probed at it gingerly. No deep wound, thankfully; which probably meant that the straggly braid had been almost ready to fall out anyway. She tended to keep about half a head of hair going, on average; so it’d grow back.
The lads were long gone by the time she was ready to set off again. With any luck she’d be nothing more than an awkward moment in a day of shoving their weight around; quickly forgotten. Being gross in the eyes of idiots wasn’t a Breech, after all.
The rest of the trip back was uneventful. Streets gave way to alleys, sidewalks to cracked paving, to rotting asphalt, and even the graffiti began to wane as she got closer to home. The main occupants of this ass-end of nowhere – a ghetto’s dumpster of a place – didn’t exactly make it their business to advertise where they were. Those that needed to know; knew. Those that knew, generally didn’t care – which was honestly a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Nox had heard the stories of what it had been like only twenty years ago. It was strange to feel that there was any sort of luck to her history, but six years wasn’t twenty.
Reaching a gap in an otherwise unremarkable wall, she glanced around quickly, making sure that no one was watching. Then she straightened up, gripped either side of the overloaded cart, and hefted it up through the broken brickwork in one smooth movement. She vaulted in after it, dropping down into cool shade, and let out a sigh of relief as the accepting touch of Karloff’s Invitation washed across her. The sense was like a door opening in welcome; like taking the first familiar turn towards home after a long day’s drive. It also meant no more unwanted attention – without that explicit permission, you’d never be able to recognise the entrance, or even keep your attention on what you were looking for. She was as invisible now to all other turned-aside eyes as everything else within the Invitation’s borders.
A few more rattling corners later, Nox finally turned into the Homestead grounds. The whole area had once been a crammed-in mess of squat apartment blocks, copy-paste civic solutions built without charm to fill the need for cheap rooms. The Homestead was the only one of its kin still standing, now surrounded by an opened-out area of recent amateur demolition and scrap-built fencing. Bright splashes of street art cut across sagging concrete and the blacked-out eyes of the windows, although the tags and themes chosen indicated the difference between these creators and the more standard ones of the world outside. Most of this had been painted at night, for example, with rather more variety on the theme of ‘hands’ grasping the tins.
There was a lot more inside, and below, but she felt a particular warmth at these murals. Out here, on the surface. Bright in sunshine that most of them could never see. The Nosferatu might be Vegas Below’s crusty little secret, but they were damn well there.
Bits of cracked paving clicked and skittered beneath the cart’s wheels as Nox made her way through the fences and to the big, bolted main doors. There was a rough porch built around the frame, mostly to give extra shadows, and she looked up at the tiny glints of watchful glass sunk into the surrounding wall. She waved.
“Dimestore-Blade’s grocery delivery,” she announced, and listened to the familiar rattle of bolts start on the other side of the door. A few moments later it swung open and a hunched figure peered out, wincing back from even the thick porch shade. This was Max; an older woman than Nox in both kinds of age, who managed her marks via a combination of extensive bandaging and even more extensive needlepoint. Watery black eyes looked past her, squinting through a gap in the heavily-embroidered scarf wrapped around her head.
“All okay?”
Nox nodded and lifted the trolley over the threshold.
“Fine.” She didn’t mention the youths. Didn’t seem a lot of point. “Let’s get this lot into the freezer before it can walk on its own, yeah?”
Safely inside the slightly-fetid gloom of the entrance, Nox took the opportunity shed her bag-lady layers. True, she couldn’t actually overheat, even on a Nevada afternoon, but being swathed in that many layers was still claustrophobic. Beneath the mismatched fabric strata was an increasingly-threadbare pair of yoga pants and a dark vest, and Nox gave a small sigh of relief as she folded up the rest of her daylight-drag, shoving it onto a shelf nearby.
“Right,” she muttered, as much to fill the air as anything else, and turned back to the trolley. Max had already transferred much of it into precarious piles in her own arms. Her scarf had slipped down, revealing a hairless head webbed with splitting skin; much of it made whole again with patterned patches of colourful thread. The fabric discoloured over time, of course, but it reduced the leaking.
Balancing their burdens, the pair made their way further into the Homestead. Closest to the entrance was the most decrepit part, occupied mostly by shelves and old furniture crammed full of clothes and patched umbrellas for venturing out, and with years of dumped debris building up in corners. Rooms with windows – even those as thoroughly blacked out or bricked up as these were – mostly housed the rat runs or storage, because no one wanted to spend a lot of time somewhere where crap mortar could result in dayburns. Similarly, the roof and most of the top floor was given over to pigeon roosts and No avoided them whenever possible. She’d never much liked pigeons before this, and she still held that even their vitae tasted of garbage, somehow. Still, they were much dumber than rats, and they did lay eggs, so that helped.
The really lived-in part of the Homestead was underground. Everybody knew Nosferatu lived in the sewers, right?  Okay, so Nox would admit she hadn’t much understood the difference between ‘sewer’ and ‘storm drain’ before her life had taken its scabby turn, but she sure did now. Vegas had extensive storm drains – large concrete tunnels that lay under much of the city, designed to quickly shift heavy rain away from the tarmacked surface above – and they were ideal: underground, dark, not monitored.
And not actually full of shit.
The arrangement used to be… messier, Karloff had told her. When they hadn’t been so organised; when they’d lived closer together with others who had slipped through the cracks Above. Some of the Family had started off as those same ‘unfortunates’ after all; those who were aftermath-sired in a broken frenzy, or from the bloody jaunt of some fuckfang cutting through the ranks of those who wouldn’t be missed. Splitting their claimed tunnels off from the main circuit and establishing the Homestead proper had happened later, after the Vegas Accord had given the Nosferatu a Clan-status, and hunting them for sport stopped being an acceptable weekend activity.
Six years sure ain’t twenty.
Max chatted away as they walked; an idle litany of gossip, social media tidbits and reports from watchers all over the city, woven together into what Nox tended to think of as ‘Radio Max’. Spying on people was apparently another nos stereotype; but honestly when you didn’t really sleep, were functionally invisible to large portions of society, and had worked out how to divert half-decent broadband from badly-secured leisure networks overhead, it wasn’t difficult to get ahead on current events.
Plus the rats, of course. 
Information was power, and they had precious little of any other. Although Nox sometimes wondered how much of those scant threads of power that Karloff put such value on would diminish if Clanpires in general figured out how to just Google things.
They had reached what she thought of as ‘mainstreet’ of the Homestead tunnels – a long space with concrete pillars linking floor to ceiling every thirty feet or so, quite cheerfully lit by a mishmash web of light fittings rigged up overhead – when yelling broke out further down. Nox and Max shared a look of alarm at the commotion, but it was when her name became suddenly clear in the shouts that Nox’s stomach dropped.
“Get this stuff away, will you?” she muttered, carefully setting her packages down beside Max, and turned to meet the oncoming figures. Even wrapped in a heavy coat and thick gloves, she knew the loping form of Skaad instantly.
With features which sagged so violently that his bruise-yellow skin frequently tore at the edges, and a mouth like a lipless sharps bucket, Skaad was nonetheless gifted with some of the keenest senses in the clan, plus a damn-near eidetic memory. Which meant he spent most of his time skulking in hidden places, listening to things he shouldn’t, and following people who thought they were alone in their secret business. Having him sprinting towards you, so fast his eyelids were visibly flapping, wasn’t a great sign.
Back in the world Above – before her life had gone to hell in a weirdly specific way – Nox had been a paramedic. It was useful in the day-to-day, being the closest thing this bunch of ragged immortals had to a resident doctor, but there was only really one sort of actual emergency left down here.
Skaad skidded to a halt, and grabbed her arm with a worrying urgency.
“Got a phresh one. Get yer kit!”
Fuck. A fresh one meant one thing: someone had found a dumped fledgeling, one who’d been showing signs of the Change going wrong and been tossed aside by their disgusted sire. Intervening quickly could help, particularly getting a pigeon smoothie down them fast, but the panic on Skaad’s drooping face didn’t line up with -
“What’s so – ?” she started, but he shook his head, steering her towards the plastic-covered tunnel they used as a makeshift clinic. He leaned in to shove her again, but lowered his voice and muttered just before he did – and the words sent ice down her spine.
“It’sh a kid.”
Oh no.
Oh fuck.
You didn’t turn kids.
When your working knowledge of vampires had been a general pop-culture miasma and some blurry memories of teenage Buffy marathons, finding yourself on the other side of the supernatural coin came as a shock in various ways. One of which was the weird sensation that you should have studied it all harder, somehow. Nox had certainly felt stupid, in her early days, as a man with a face like a charred wasps’ nest listened to her stutter her way through half-remembered fiction and worse-remembered reality. But she’d apparently got a few things right, and somewhere in that muddle had been the idea that you shouldn’t turn kids.
There were all kinds of theories as to why – from the debauched to the practical – but she found that in many ways it didn’t matter. Whatever fucked-up intention you had, it wouldn’t work. Too young just… didn’t take. And when a siring didn’t work, there was every chance the result would end up on her table.
She scrabbled through the assortment of old drawers and boxes that stored her gear, pulling out anything she thought might work. Bandages, thread, craft superglue, repurposed bottles of hard spirits that would do in a pinch for sterilising. The best-case scenario things. And the rest. Old herb pots of fine powders; thrift-store silver cutlery hammered and polished and changed into a very different set of tools. Sharpie-labelled bottles of liquids that moved weirdly in the light, and a range of refillable lighters that definitely didn’t contain hydrocarbons anymore. All the things she’d picked up in the last six years that fitted in with other sort of medicine.
The plastic curtain behind her was yanked back and a sound she had been trying not to hear finally demanded her attention. It wasn’t even a scream, and Nox hated, hated hated hated that she recognised the cadence there perfectly: raw, animal agony of sound torn from a throat that was violently reforming around it. She turned to see Skaad forcing flailing limbs down, looping thick restraints around rippling flesh, and finally allowed her full attention to turn down to the spasming form.
Gore looked different through vampire eyes. It was hard to describe exactly how – partly because wordsmithery had never been one of her strong points, but more because trying to compare feelings from now and then was always going to have a huge fucking hurdle of shifted species in the way. She’d still probably seen more human blood in nine years on the ambulances than during the half-dozen in and out of Vegas’ shadows, and but everything afterwards had been… different. Displaced. Detached. Just didn’t seem as visceral as it used to do.
But this did.
Acid tightened in Nox’s throat as she stared down at the shuddering mess in front of her. Blanched skin bubbled and writhed, tearing as it pulled away from the muscles beneath; themselves little more than contorting ropes of livid tissue that pulsed under dying heartbeats and spilled black fluid from ever-widening rents. The throat was gone, now a bubbling pit of desperate breaths, sucked past exposed tendons that wriggled like furious worms. Half-clotted ichor was pooling from gashes along the arms, down the stomach and further: the marks of peri-sire wounds, those that had been still fresh as the invading blood forced itself into collapsing veins. The eyes were side-to-side a sickly crimson-yellow, bloating out from a face that was collapsing in on itself, and throughout it all, the kid screamed.
It was revolting. Nox had to bite down on the vicious spikes of fight-flight that were going off in her mind, so violently she could feel her hands trembling from the horror and her disgust at her own reaction. It was an instinct, an unbidden response to a failing siring – she knew that – but understanding it didn’t make it easier. Everyone down here had ‘gone nozz’ during their own Turn. Hell, a few of those brought to her were walking around now, not seeming any weirder than any of them, but she’d still felt that awful surge of fundamental wrongness about them before they stabilised.
Nox gritted – all of – her teeth, and slammed her kit down on the table.
Instincts can fucking blow me.
“Let’s see what we can do.”
It turned out what they could do, wasn’t much. Cleaning, sewing, cutting, sealing – nothing held. Stitches fell from uncertain skin, or tore great new holes as fresh spasms pulled at the edges. Wet rags soon littered the floor, sodden with black and yellow fluids that turned the rough concrete into a slippery, stinking mess. The bleeding wasn’t slowing, even as the body seemed to be crumpling in on itself, gradually liquefying around the bones.
The sound had gone quieter, if not softer, and Nox didn’t have much hope it would stop soon. It might be days yet, before the final sparks of vitae or life or cruel continuation finally went out.
Too young. The kid – the girl, most likely, going by anatomy – had been just… too young.
They had to have known that.
“I’m outa tricks,” she said, although the words felt thick and sharp in her mouth. She wanted to keep going. She wanted to, so fucking much. But somebody had done this. Somebody who knew this would happen.
“I’m gonna make her comfy,” she continued, then hesitated even as she pulled out the frankly-horrific cocktail of morphine and street drugs that might make a dent in a system caught somewhere between undead and alive. Skaad looked at her, and held out a clawed hand.
“Want me…?”
“Nah.” Nox shook her head, and swallowed. “You can get the others outta upstairs, though. I need to – to make a call.”
Skaad stiffened, his jaundiced eyes flicking between her and the table for a moment, before he let out a low hiss and ducked away through the curtain. Nox administered the mix and tried to convince herself it would have any sort of palliative effect. Then she went back to the drawers and rummaged again, right at the back, until her fingers closed on the ridged plastic of an old nokia.
There weren’t many numbers in the phone, but it was the first one she selected, under B.
She threw the phone back into the drawer and hurried out, past the plastic sheet and into the tunnels, leaving sticky footprints in her wake. Not a great look, but everyone would already know what was happening. Nosferatu gossiped like – well, like a society of insomniac, semi-immortal shut-ins.
Overhead, an erratic cluster of repurposed pipes trailed down through the domed roof, emanating from the rat runs above. Drainpipes, corrugated plastic, bits of plumbing, and all of them shaking slightly with the constant pass of tiny feet within. They opened out onto tiny highways of shelving that lined the walls, all heading in the same direction as she was. Pairs of black-beady eyes glanced at her as they passed, and with so many concentrated here, she could feel the faintest flick of Attention in each one. They were all headed to a squat metal door at the end of an offshoot passageway. The rats passed freely back and forth narrow holes punched in either side of the door; but Nox knocked. She knew she was already expected and entered after a respectful moment.
Karloff’s chamber was bigger than it looked like it would be from the doorway. Nox wasn’t sure what the space had originally been – some kind of maintenance room? – but it was now dark, and warm, and smelled less of rats than might be expected given the constant rodent tide. Shelves lined the walls, full of books and occasional pieces of recycled pet furniture. One floor-ceiling tower was filled entirely with old radios, police scanners, walkie talkies and the like.
The old man himself lay where he usually did, propped up in a nest of pillows and blankets in a box-like bed in the centre of the room. He presented an impossibly gaunt figure: papery-brown skin layered like peeling paint across sharp bones, with eyes so thickly clouded they sat like grey-milk marbles in unclosing sockets. His face looked scorched, blackened at the edges of the old dry wounds that had taken his nose, torn away most of his lips, and presumably shattered the broken fangs that jutted from his mouth. There was – as usual – a huge white rat lazing across his chest, nearly the size of a terrier and wearing a dark silken ribbon, and its sharp crimson eyes fixed on Nox as she entered.
She bowed her head, and tried not to leave bloody footprints on the rug.
“I need a temporary Invitation,” she said. It was blunt, but there was no point in dancing around it. He’d already know anyway. As she spoke, the huge rat sat up. It’s pale paws were clasped in front of it, folded in a strangely human-like gesture, but Karloff himself turned his head only slightly.
“’Belton,” he said softly, in the throat-based hush of his voice, and Nox nodded. Her fingers twitched into fists, and she felt the sticky remnants of gore slide between them.
“I… I’m running out of options, and she – ” the words were sticker than her fingers, getting caught on her lips “ – she’s real bad.”
The rat cocked its head and Karloff drew a slow breath.
“You will not do it?” he asked. Nox’ throat tightened.
“If I gotta. But I want him to see her, cos I – I could do this, but I ain’t got a snowball’s chance of doing anything about it.”
Karloff’s head turned further, and the clouded eyes passed over her with an intensity that Nox could feel, as if they skipped sight entirely and went right into her heart instead. There was another stretched moment of silence, then the pressure dropped and the rat turned away, curling itself neatly under its master’s chin.
“It is done,” Karloff said. The long fingers on one hand twitched slightly, and the faintest hint of a frown dug into his face. “...take care with the old death. You have seen little of him.”
“Yeah, I know. Thank you,” Nox added before she headed out again; first to check that the cocktail of drugs had at least calmed the kid’s screams, then back into the upper house. A few rats followed her as she slid into the squeaking, busy dimness of the runs to use the sink that still stood in one corner, using brownish water to at least scrub some of the stains from her hands. Then she set to wait, pacing with nervous energy.
No one joined her. By now, everybody would know what was happening, and no one wanted to be around when he came calling.
The problem – okay, so one of the problems, in a dreadful, tangled ball of ever-more layered problems – was that it was very, very difficult to kill a fledgeling in any way that could be considered humane. A body already in the process of tearing itself apart was resistant to most damage for the same reasons that you couldn’t punch a fog. Getting any kind of drug to land in an even-partly vampiric system was difficult enough at the best of times, and this…
Well, there was sunlight, but everything about Nox’s very being baulked at the idea of using that method. She knew with personal, hellish intimacy that the agony from that would get through even a Change. Torturing someone to death with one of the few things worse than what they were going through was really not the point.
Plus, there was a tiny, tiny part of her mind that hoped she was wrong. She’d only been dealing with this stuff for a handful of years, and while rumours varied widely about how old Belton actually was, he’d seen a lot of shit. Maybe she’d missed something. Just maybe…
It seemed to take an eternity before the roar of an engine outside broke through Nox’ whirling thoughts. She hurried to the door, took a careful breath, and peered out through the little viewing slot. Not that anyone else would have been able to ride a motorcycle up to the Homestead without the permission of Karloff’s Invitation, but it never hurt to keep caution.
A huge bike was settled just beside the front steps. It was black, but in the way a magpie’s wings were black, with oil-slick iridescence hinting around the edges. The rider – dressed to match, in that seamless continuity of clothing that Nox had started to think of as ‘vampire sunscreen’ – had already dismounted and was stood beside his bike, the raven-sheen of his helmet turned towards the door. There was no visible gaze to meet, but the weight of his attention was like ice down her spine, and she opened the door as deliberately as she could.
“She’s downstairs,” she said, as the figure came up the steps. The sun was already going down, barely spilling dying light over the surrounding wall of buildings, and the porch shadow was very deep there. It only got deeper as the big man stepped into it – and then paused, right on the edge of the frame.
“May I enter?” His voice was never as heavy as she expected, with a melodic edge that absolutely did not match what she knew lay under that helmet. Nox rolled her eyes.
“I texted you, and you’re here, right?”
He was always so… old fashioned about this. It wasn’t like it was a general requirement. Nox stepped back, gesturing inwards.
“Come in already,” she added. The man might have been big – although ‘fucking enormous’ would be a better description, needing to visibly turn and duck to get through the doorframe – but he moved deceptively fast, and was well inside the hallway, starting to remove his helmet before she had had time to shut the door. She turned to look, not even pretending not to stare as he unclipped all the security bits and lifted it smoothly free. The dramatic effect was only slightly spoiled by the oddly-bulging balaclava he had on underneath – but Nox supposed that if her ears could meet at the back, she’d want to keep them restrained inside a helmet too.
Belton looked… well, he looked like Belton. There just plain wasn’t anyone else like that. The best description she had ever been able to come up with was that he looked like someone had tried very hard to make a bat in the character creation screen of a pro-wrestling computer game. It was as if the underlying architecture that should have made a human skull had been stretched and tweaked and twisted into something approaching Chiroptera from the other side.
It probably said something worrying about her own psyche that – somewhere in the mess of emotions that Belton inspired – a part of her really, really wanted to see an xray of his head.
No time for this.
“C’mon,” she nodded him to follow her back down the Homestead’s passageways. The rats watched them from every surface; their skittering highways unusually still as the majority of glinting little eyes were fixed on the visitor. They were the only visible watchers, and Nox tried not to notice how empty every space they passed through was. It added another level of eeriness, with the just-abandoned debris of life seeming like some extremely localised Rapture. Even Nox’ rapid explanation of the situation fell muted around them; for his part, Belton just listened and nodded every now and then. He didn’t look around.
How familiar was he, with this place?  He’d come a few times since she’d been here – and of course, that first time meant he’d sure known where it was. Nox’ gaze slid sideways. Belton had removed his gloves by now, and the hands revealed couldn’t even remotely be thought of as human; the fingers were too long, bone and tendons standing stark beneath mottled grey skin; capped by black claws that curled from the nailbeds, polished to an obsidian gleam.
How many times had those hands run across the outer walls of the Homestead; at Karloff’s limits; searching for a way in?  How many times had those claws torn into sagging flesh, or crushed furry watchers into broken blindness?
How many times had he come before he had brought her here; a crispy mess of fledgeling coated in sand and gravel and gore, spat out by the desert and into hands that immortals feared…?
The plastic curtain seemed to rise up like an exclamation, a cold shot of right now breaking her thoughts, and Nox came to a sharp halt. There was still sound from inside: a bubbling, slurred collage of moans that had made it past the drugs, and her hand froze halfway to the curtain. The swell of renewed, visceral revulsion felt like she’d choke on her own fucking hypocrisy, and she couldn’t suppress a slight hiss.
“It’s – ” she started, through gritted teeth, but cut out as Belton gently touched her shoulder.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Nox’ fingers twitched, then she turned away, moving until she could lean heavily against the nearest concrete pillar and rested her forehead against the pitted surface. The groan might as well have been coming out of the air. It pressed down around her and her skin crawled.
She hated this, and she hated that she hated it like this. Some depraved motherfucker had dragged a fucking child into very literal hell and she’d tried, she’d tried with every stupid, macguivered bullshit tool she’d put together out of garbage; she’d tried everything and it was never going to have meant a damn thing and all she could focus on, really really focus on right now was how fundamentally disgusting that fucking sound was –
And then it stopped.
Nox physically sagged against the pillar, relief and nausea chasing each other through a stomach that was dropping into her boots. There was only one reason for the sudden silence, and she let her eyes slide closed, muttering the same half-wordless prayer she’d always used when a case went bad, or a patient flatlined in the ambulance. Whatever that meant now, she’d never been sure, but it still sort of fit.
She’d known. She’d known when she picked up that damn phone.
But fuck me if hope isn’t a bitch.
It wasn’t long before there was the faint brush of plastic again and Nox opened her eyes to see Belton smoothing the curtain back behind him, covering the sudden stillness. There was a long moment of silence before he turned to her. His eyes were the most human-looking part of his face, and the grey gaze sought hers.
“I’ll be on my way, then.”
Nox nodded numbly. They went out the way they came; still alone, still watched at every step by a hundred rodent stares. Back up, back to the door and out into the thickening dusk of the evening – and it wasn’t until the porch steps were creaking under his boots that Nox’s nerve rose again.
“Hey – Belton?” she managed, and the big figure paused. He looked back at her and one curled brow raised, moving an ear with it. Nox pulled the Homestead door shut behind her as she sought the right words. “This… ain’t your job, right?”
“I don’t have a real tight specification,” he replied, then shrugged. “But broadly?  No. To be honest with you, my boss couldn’t give a rat’s twat what happens with the Nosferatu.”
“So why’d you come?” Those words came fast, but Nox didn’t try to stop them. Belton paused again, then hung his helmet and balaclava over the big bike’s handlebars. He sat down on the steps, hunching a little in that strange shape his back took when he wasn’t standing, and Nox slid down beside him at the unspoken invitation.
Belton shook his head, what might have been a wry smile tugging at the edges of his too-wide lips. Glints of needle teeth flashed in the dusk.
“It’s a question of perspective, see,” he said quietly. “For someone like you?  This’ll ruin your whole year. Getting all Lady Macbeth with the inevitable. But for me?” He held up a hand and slowly flexed the clawed fingers. Once; twice; and Nox couldn’t draw her gaze away from the mottled skin as it shifted over his bones. Belton sighed. It was an old sound, so old that any hint of what it might contain had worn away like stone under rain.
“What’s one drop in an ocean?  Don’t get me wrong – ” he added, with the edge of smile falling away again “ – I’ll feel bad about it; but I’m not losing myself any sleep.”
She should have been angry. She wanted to be angry, at the casual way this bat-faced bastard just said it; as the so-recent feel of the kid’s crumbling flesh slammed against her thoughts and ghosted under her fingers, and bile she wasn’t even sure she had anymore swirled at the back of her throat. She should be angry.
“...thank you.”
“No need for that,” he replied – but Nox shook her head.
“Nah; there is. Things need saying.” She fidgeted with the hem of her pants for a silent moment, before continuing. “Don’t believe you actually sleep, though.”
This time there was no mistaking that Belton grinned; and the resulting expression was exactly as unpleasant as it sounded.
“No?  Not even if I say I’ve got little bats on my pyjamas?”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Now that there’s uncalled for.”
Nox grinned, and even as she did she could almost hear Karloff’s voice in her head. Be wary of the old death. 
And yet…
There was another long silence, although this one felt less tense.
…fuck it. When am I gonna get this chance again?
“They found her in the desert,” she said carefully, scuffing dust across the steps with one toe as she spoke; an idle motion to distract herself from the nerves inside. Belton nodded.
“Aye. Letting lady sun do the dirty work. It’s an almost foolproof method, really.”
Nox looked down at her own hands; where the patchwork of thickened tissue traced patterns like dry riverbeds over her pallid brown skin. The sun burned bits went blistered red, then dark and crackly, then sickly pale when that peeled; slowly edging back to her default. It sure as hell wasn’t pleasant; but it wasn’t the chemical-melting collapse of flesh that she’d seen on others.
“So, that make me a fool or an outlier?”
“I said almost.” Belton leaned back a little, looking up into the dark expanse of sky. “Always going to take a risk when you don’t stay to watch. Although I’ll admit it takes some big balls to stick around for that sort of disposal. What with the deeply ingrained phytophobia of your classic vampire, and everything.”
Nox raised her most intact eyebrow.
“This is more about your junk than I want to know.”
Belton laughed. Really laughed; the kind of melodic tone that bordered on a snatch of song and that was so very out of place coming from within that face.
“Oh, I’m not claiming that kind of testicular fortitude. Sunlight scares the piss out of me as much as it ever did. Don’t think it’s the kind of thing you can get over. Built-in, you know?”
“You ride about in the day,” Nox pointed out, and Belton waved a hand back towards his helmet.
“I’ve got some really bespoke protective gear, see. Amazing what’s been done with polymers in the last thirty years.”
Nox blinked.
“…you’ve got bike pleathers?”
“Technically I’ve got an integrated neo-polymer baselayer,” Belton stopped and his nose crinkled – which was quite an extensive expression. “…ah fuck, that sounds like I’ve got plastic pants, doesn’t it?  Keep that one to yourself, will you?”
“Sure.” Nox’s shoulders sagged again as reality dropped back suddenly. She decided to just go for blunt. “With… the kid. Someone did that, and before that they – ” her words choked again, at the thought of where some of those peri-sire wounds had been.
“I know.” The amusement had gone from Belton’s voice as he stood up, heading back to his bike rather abruptly. The engine roared into life as he swung himself astride it, folding his ears into their cover, and Nox had to shout to be heard above the rumble.
“Do they… just get away with this?”
“There’s plenty that think they should,” he replied calmly; oddly easy to hear over the din, as he slid the helmet into place. “It was like that for a long time.”
Nox’s lips drew back, almost of their own accord, working to some defiant instinct she only had partial control over.
“And you?”
“Me?  I’m a monster on a chain that I put there.” Belton looked up, and just before the visor snapped closed, there was a flicker of crimson in his eyes.
“But I’ll see what I can do.”
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Felix Fierce (Buffy and Angel Fanfiction) Season 1
Episode 2 - The Intake
Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Angel”, the comics or any of the original characters from the “Buffyverse” all rights belong to Joss Whedon.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture and Sexual Innuendos, M/M, F/M, F/F.
Into every generation there was a chosen one until a powerful witch called Willow Rosenberg changed the rules forevermore.
No longer would Buffy Summers stand-alone against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness.
She was the slayer that changed everything but now it’s his turn.
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Felix was training within the backroom turned training room within the Scorching Scorchville store as he continued to punch and kick his punchbag, his hits growing harder and harder as he found himself within flashbacks of his vampire ex before until his last hit made the punchbag come of it’s hook and flew across the room harshly hitting the floor as Trix walked into the room.
“If only that punchbag was a vampire although it looks like you may have been picturing it as one particularly a very recent vampire.” Trix said as she walked over to her slayer. “I guess we’re still dealing with the fallout from that.”
“I was thinking maybe I don’t have to kill him I mean there must be some other way Trix something that doesn’t involve me killing the first guy who ever loved me.” Felix replied to his watcher.
“He’s a vampire you’re a slayer enough explanation needed there.” Trix explained to him. “I get when some people first kill someone they know they find it rather difficult but what you got to remember is Thorn isn’t the man you knew he’s nothing more than a monster who will keep killing people until you stop him.”
“I get that I really do I mean I looked into his eyes and the man was gone nothing left but the monster, but he still has the face of the man I love.” Felix admitted. “I never asked for this gig and I certainly didn’t ask to be the guy hunting down my ex just to dust him.”
“Nobody asks to be a slayer, but they would never be called as one if destiny itself didn’t believe they were fit for the job.” Trix told him.
“I best get ready for my other calling,” Felix said, changing the subject. “The one where I go to a school run by my own father now that’s a whole other level of forces of darkness working to screw my life!”
“Are you always going to be this dramatic?” Trix asked while laughing at the eighteen-year-old boy.
“Always.” Felix admitted.
“Look I’m not saying I knew things were going to end badly but I kind of did.” Bryce told Mercy as the two walked down a busy hallway within Scorchville High.
“Well I liked him so I’m still holding up they wind up back together.” Mercy replied. “Besides Felix has been moody distant and very secretive during their split he’s clearly either missing Thorn or began a top-secret torrid affair.”
“Maybe it’s with a teacher that would explain his A in chemistry.” Bryce guessed as the two stopped at Bryce’s locker.
“Please that’s so cliche he’s probably just trying his hardest to hide heartbreak speaking of which has Malerie spoken to you since New Year’s?” Mercy asked Bryce as he opened his locker and pulled out some schoolbooks.
“We decided we’d see other people or that she did one hour into the party.” Bryce revealed. “Now back to Felix if he was going to have a secret romance who do you reckon would be the prime suspect?”
“God, we need to get you a girlfriend.” Mercy laughed at Bryce before they noticed Rick walking towards them both.
“Weird it looks like Mercy and Bryce, but it seems to be missing their third part of the world’s most unhip throuple.” Rick taunted them.
“Rick do you have nothing better to do than go around school looking the next target of your bitchiness?” Mercy asked her high school nemesis.
“Not really no,” Rick admitted before taking a deep sigh. “I kind of need your help in my history class.”
“No chance in hell.” Mercy cackled.
“My parents said they get me a car if my grades started to improve but turns out studying is incredibly dull and draining so I figured considering you have nothing better to do with your life that you could tutor me.” Rick replied to her.
“You do realize when asking for favors your supposed to not be mean right?” Bryce asked Rick.
“I was being as nice as possible hence my restrain in mentioning your god awful taste in clothing it’s like we get it Bryce Kane you’re a straight but it’s 2020 and even straight guys are expected to style themselves with the light on now.” Rick snapped at Bryce before turning his attention back to Mercy. “I really need your help Mercy.”
“What’s in it for me?” Mercy wondered.
“You get to see my stunning smile after I get my dream car.” Rick said before realizing Mercy wasn’t sold. “I’ll pay you.”
“Now we’re talking.” Mercy replied with a smile as Felix made his way over to them.
“Guys I thought we didn’t play with trolls anymore.” Felix said to Mercy and Bryce while delivering a death glare towards Rick.
“Hey Felix, I heard Thorn finally saw sense and dumped you I guess that means he’s single now I wonder if he’s looking for an upgrade.” Rick replied, winding up Felix.
“By all means Rick please do go out with him in fact take him for a bite to eat.” Felix told him knowing nobody but him knew what he meant.
“Please liked I’d ever date somebody called Thorn it’s almost as bad as Felix don’t worry though Felix, I’m sure you going to be dumped many times in future.” Rick mocked him.
“Rick it’s time for you to beat it before I beat you.” Bryce warned him.
“I could take you.” Rick replied getting up in Bryce’s face.
“Rick stop being a prick and leave before I reconsider helping you.” Mercy threatened her redheaded enemy.
“Very well I’ll see you losers in class.” Rick said before walking away.
“Someone please remind me why we let that bitch breathe?” Felix asked Mercy and Bryce.
“How are things on your front?” Bryce questioned Felix. “Have you heard from Thorn?”
“Exes don’t tend to talk.” Felix snapped before realizing he was being harsh. “Sorry it’s been rough.”
“Yeah we figured since you’ve been avoiding us.” Mercy replied.
“I’ve not been avoiding I started working at Scorching Scorchville.” Felix lied. “And trust me when I say the job isn’t pretty.”
“What? No fair I should get to work with the Lance lady.” Mercy moaned.
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“So, what inspired this sudden need for getting a job?” Mercy asked Felix as they studied at a desk within the Scorchville High Library.
“Needed a job got a job now I work that job.” Felix replied.
“Okay what’s with this distant and secretive attitude suddenly have Bryce and I done something to piss you off?” Mercy wondered.
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be secretive it’s just my life has kind of got complicated lately and I can’t really explain it.” Felix apologised to his best friend.
“So, what you’re not telling me has it got something to do with how you and Thorn really broke up?” Mercy questioned him.
“Yeah.” Felix admitted.
“Okay you deal with your hangover whatever way you want to but try to remember we’re here and not going anywhere.” Mercy promised.
“Thanks, I love you.” Felix replied.
“I love your shady secretive ass too.” Mercy declared.
“I just hate having to lie to them I mean you said that slayer told her friends the one who changed practically everything so why can’t I tell them?” Felix asked his watcher as they walked down a shady looking street within Scorchville.
“Here I never said you can’t tell anyone we don’t live by the old rules of the watcher’s council anymore I simply said don’t be getting any troublesome teens under my feet because I may just squash them if they become too much of an annoyance.” Trix replied before the two stopped outside a boarded up and run-down house. “Sure, looks like a vampire’s nest.”
“I get their undead and everything but being house proud doesn’t have to die just because you do.” Felix said as he pulled out a wooden stake from his jacket, walked over to the door and kicked it down. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Remember light is your friend right now try to get as much of it in there before you start staking everyone.” Trix shouted as Felix walked into the run-down home.
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“Felix isn’t home…again.” Fyre said after opening her front door to find Mercy and Bryce on her doorstep.
“He’s working already, when does he finish?” Bryce asked Felix’s sister.
“Felix doesn’t have a job dad would never allow it he’s archaic in the sense he thinks we should be all school even when we’re not there and fitting in a job between studying is just too radical for the old man.” Fyre scoffed. “He’s just been spending a lot of time with the boyfriend lately.”
“Thorn and Felix broke up weeks ago.” Mercy revealed to her.
“I did wonder why he never showed up for New Year’s Dinner,” Fyre admitted to them both. “So, he’s hiding his breakup to hide his job that makes no sense unless there’s something else he’s hiding.”
“Okay I’m really beginning to think there is another guy on the scene.” Bryce admitted.
“Wouldn’t you guys be the first people to know about that?” Fyre asked Mercy and Bryce. “It’s got to be something juicier than that like an addiction or escorting.”
“I think we’d know if he was having addiction problems and Felix is way too much a romantic to make people pay for escorting services.” Mercy told Fyre before turning to look at Bryce. “What if he’s seeing someone we don’t like?”
“Rick Star,” Fyre guessed. “They two were way too close before they became bitter rivals maybe they’re hooking up and that’s why he dumped Thorn. Nah, that would make no sense because one of us would’ve heard from Thorn by now.”
“True.” Mercy agreed. “Why haven’t we heard or seen Thorn since the breakup?”
“Okay consider myself intrigued I say we go to Thorn’s house and interrogate him until we find out what the hell’s going on.” Fyre said as she walked onto the doorstep closing her door behind her.
“We should probably respect Felix’s privacy.” Mercy reluctantly suggested. “He won’t be happy with us.”
“He’s never happy with me anyway so I’ll go do the snooping.” Fyre said, volunteering herself.
“Well see you’re the bad cop and interrogations also need a good cop.” Bryce replied. “I better come with you to complete the dynamic duo.”
“If you two are going to go I guess I’ll have to follow suit you know for damage control or whatever story Felix will buy.” Mercy decided.
“What took you so bloody long?” Trix asked Felix after he walked out of the rundown house covered in dust with his clothes stained with blood that wasn’t his.
“It was like a very violent game of hide and seek with the undead.” Felix replied as he walked over to the watcher. “Add a little bit of light and they act like hairy assed children.”
“Thankfully your done now,” Trix said while looking up in the sky towards the sunset “As we don’t have much daylight left.”
“I guess this means you want me to go patrolling at the local cemeteries and other vampire hot spots.” Felix guessed correctly. “I’ll go home and change soon don’t ask me how I’m going to explain blood stained clothes to my father but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.”
“Speaking of patrolling have you seen the vampire ex since that night?” Trix asked her slayer.
“Thankfully that’s a big fat no!” Felix revealed.
“Have you check in on his relatives and friends they tend to be the vampire’s main targets after first turning?” Trix questioned him.
“No but that kind of information would’ve been useful when he first turned now, I’ve got to go check up on if my ex killed his parents.” Felix moaned. “I’m sure that won’t be awkward either they’ve not seen or heard their son in weeks or I’m about to find their dead bodies and considering I’ve not heard from them or the police I’m going to go with death bodies.”
“On the bright side at least, you won’t have to make awkward small talk.” Trix replied.
“Aren’t you supposed to care more?” Felix asked her.
“Being a watcher is simply just a job for me as is running Scorching Scorchville although one definitely pays better than the other caring about people makes it too personal and why bother when your shelf life is as short as a dog’s.” Trix admitted. “Don’t get me wrong you’re a great kid and I expect we’re going to do great thing’s together but I’m not going to tear up because some people I don’t even know are dead.”
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“Oh well here goes nothing.” Fyre said as her, Bryce and Mercy stood in front of Thorn’s front door as day was now night, before Fyre knocked on the door only for it to open by itself.
“Hello!” Bryce shouted into the house only to hear no response.
“I mean is it really breaking and entering if the place is open?” Fyre asked Mercy and Bryce.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure it is.” Mercy replied. “However, if there’s a computer, tablet, laptop or even a phone left inside to have a quick look at searching history nobody would even have to know we were snooping.”
“Providing we don’t get caught and end up in jail.” Bryce told them, clearly uncertain of what they were about to do next.
“It’s Scorchville County Jail how bad could it really be.” Fyre scoffed before walking into the house, Bryce and Mercy quickly following her in.
“Has Thorn’s house always been this spooky or am I just being para?” Bryce asked to no answer as the three of them walked into the living room of Thorn’s family home only to be left terrified by Thorn’s parents’ lifeless and bloodied bodies lying on the floor with the entire room covered in their blood.
“Okay I’m beginning to think we should stop snooping now.” Mercy said to them both before turning around only for all three of them to scream to see Thorn now standing in front of them.
“Thorn what the hell happened here?” Fyre asked her brother’s ex-boyfriend. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry about your parents.”
“Don’t be sorry after all I’m the one who killed them.” Thorn laughed before turning his face into vampire mode. “But it’s okay as you guys are next.”
Fyre, Bryce and Mercy stood there frozen by their fear until Felix came smashing through the window shattering the glass in the process as he landed on both feet once more and quickly put himself in front of his friends and sister, protecting them from his vampiric ex.
“I told you guys not to snoop!” Felix snapped at Fyre, Bryce and Mercy before turning his attention to Thorn. “You really aren’t the same person anymore.”
“I’m not even a person.” Thorn cackled before charging towards Felix who quickly swung his fist and punched the vampire in the face before delivering several more punches and jumping mid air to kick him in the face sending the vampire flying into the hallway and crashing onto the floor.
“Okay Felix what the bloody hell is going on?” Fyre screamed in both fear and confusion.
“Thorn’s a vampire now and I’m a slayer.” Felix answered his sister before running into the hallway to find Thorn had vanish. “Damn it I guess dusting that vamp will have to wait for another night.”
“What exactly is a slayer?” Bryce asked as he, Mercy and Fyre followed Felix into the hallway. “And how long have you known your boyfriend was a vampire.”
“Since New Year’s which is also when I learned about the slayer business it’s been a whole thing.” Felix replied.
“This is so not what I was expecting your secret to be why can’t you just be sleeping with a teacher or god even Rick Star.” Mercy complained to Felix.
“Rick Star?” Felix laughed.
“So, vampires’ demons and the forces of darkness really do exist.” Bryce said in shock while he, Mercy and Felix sat at the end of Felix’s bed.
“And slayers, witches, werewolves the lot.” Felix replied.
“Kind of makes sense what doesn’t make sense though is Thorn killing his own parents.” Mercy admitted to them both.
“I know,” Felix said with a sad tone in his voice. “But he has no soul anymore he’s just a bloodthirsty monster that sooner or later I’m going to have to put down.”
“Why has it got to be you?” Mercy asked him.
“Because I’m the slayer albeit not the only slayer in the world but the only slayer in this town and it’s up to me to protect my home.” Felix answered. “Besides despite hunting my ex being the slayer kind of feels right like it’s what I’m supposed to be doing which my watcher Trix says plays into that whole destiny part of being a slayer.”
“Hold up so Trix Lance the owner of Scorching Scorchville is in on all this too?” Mercy said with excitement. “I knew she was awesome from the first time I saw her, but this is a whole new level of wacky.”
“Yeah,” Felix laughed.
“So, you’re the slayer, we’re friends of the slayer and your ex is a vampire.” Bryce told Felix. “Where do we go from here?”
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A few hours passed and Bryce and Mercy eventually went home after full out interrogating Felix about all things slayer related and Felix found himself sitting on his bed by himself looking through the photos of him and Thorn deleting them one by one as tears began forming in his eyes till he heard a knock at the door.
“I’m just going to bed!” He shouted before Fyre walked in. “Look I’m all talked out about slayer stuff I’ll fill you in come morning.”
“It’s okay I’ve watched enough horrors to get the rough idea of what’s going down and the rest I’ll either google or hit you up for later.” Fyre replied to her older brother as she walked across his room to sit down next to Felix. “I’m here to check up on you I know you loved him.”
“I really did.” Felix cried. “But I’ll be okay.”
“I know you will.” Fyre said before giving her brother a hug. “But for now, it’s okay to not be okay.”
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Blame It On Me: Chapter 6
Tag list: @thought-u-said-dragon-queen​@reprehensibleghost @actuallybennyweir@rosaliehaley@poptarts-and-owls@lovemesome-fandoms@caraudioclearwater@cullen-trash@whatwedoinvolterra@putadeelian@pleasantlylovingchaos@thewritingblogthatshouldnotexist@imnotqualifiedbutishowedup@jazzs-side-hoe@avengersincamphalfbloodstardis @jessicanjpa@greyhound-nine@liliavoir@isabeau373@madiicole@twilightisamood@onafirstglancefeeling@myhopesareanchoredinyou@pink-and-purple-flowers@nooneandeveryonematters@invisiblelee24@spotsmaketheworld@justdidabadthing @ghostgirlash @maw-ler@abandoned-as-mustard @twilightcouldbegood @shiny-volvo-stupid-owner @iwriteunoriginalideas
Chapter Warnings: Scars, water/swimming, brief insecurity, really not much. Mostly fluffy
Ship(s): Rosalie x Emmett
“I’m so booooored,” Emmett groaned, flopping face first onto the couch across from Riley. The younger vampire snickered as Emmett turned onto his back and pouted, folding his arms across his chest. “I don’t get why you couldn’t go into town, and why I have to babysit you. I mean, I guess it would be lonely without somebody here, but this is driving me insane!” Emmett got up off the couch again. The rest of the Cullen family had gone into town to start getting some things for Edward and Bella’s wedding. She wasn’t getting married until August, but Alice had insisted they look for a dress and shoes at least so that all the good ones wouldn’t end up being gone. Edward wanted to get some more CDs. and Jasper had heard of a new book he wanted to read. Carlisle and Esme went to supervise. Riley had wanted to go, just to get out of the house and the woods, but the entire family said no except for Emmett. So Emmett was put on, as Jasper jokingly comment, “babysitting duty”. 
“Why don’t we do something, then?” Riley suggested it, leaning back against the couch and smirking a bit. Emmett raised an eyebrow at him and turned hands clasped behind his back. “After all, Esme and Carlisle said we couldn’t go into town. They didn’t say that we couldn’t leave the house,” he pointed out. Emmett’s face split into a grin. 
“Oh dude, yes! Come on, I want to show you something!” Emmett grabbed Riley’s wrist to pull him off the couch, and then the two of them took off running into the woods. Of course, before the fun had even really started, the run had turned into a competition. Riley’s legs practically flew under him as he whipped through the forest, laughing freely as the wind rippled through his hair. Even though his heart was no longer beating and his skin was hard as stone, Riley felt alive. 
Emmett ran at his side, keeping perfect place, and Riley grinned at him, waving. Emmett snorted but waved back, a grin equally as wide on his face. He led Riley down a beaten path leading downwards and deep into the woods. Riley could hear running water. The green seemed to grow even brighter and sharper around the two of them. A stream ran deep through the ground at Riley’s side, and he wanted to stop and take a look, but Emmett wasn’t finished. They ran and ran, ever growing tired, until Emmett finally came to a stop. They’d reached the edge of a small ridge, which dropped down into a small clearing. Riley was about to ask what they were doing there, when he actually looked down. His mouth fell open in shock and awe. 
“It’s so beautiful,” Riley murmured, taking a step closer to the edge. The stream they’d been passing had turned out to be a large creek and poured water over a small waterfall into a large pool, which collected in a rough circular pool that ran out on the opposite end into several other pools and deep areas and frothy rapids. The edges of each pool were surrounded by wildflowers. In fact, the entire ground in the surrounding area was covered in a blanket out flowers. Riley, funnily enough, recalled a movie that he’d watched as a kid about a small deer. The scene reminded him of when the creature met his friend, a skunk. 
“I do too. Rosalie and I found it a few days ago while we were out hunting,” Emmett said. He started taking his shirt off and Riley started, staring at him in confusion. 
“What- What are you doing?” Riley spluttered, utterly confused and somewhat scared. Why was Emmett stripping in the forest…?
“Going swimming. Obviously. You should too!” Emmett said excitedly, shedding his pants and undershirt next. Thankfully, he had the decency to keep his boxers on and he let out a loud whoop, leaping over the edge of the waterfall and plunging down into the pool below. The water was so crystal clear that Riley was able to see Emmett sink to the bottom of the pool. The green, which Riley had assumed to be the color of the water, turned out to be a reflection of the trees above, and the moss growing on the rocks inside the pool. Emmett burst back up to the surface, shaking his hair like a wet dog and laughing. “Come on Riley! It’s great, I swear!” Riley hesitated a moment, plucking slightly at his shirt. He slowly took it off, revealing the numerous scars he had obtained from training newborns, and some of Victoria’s more intense punishments. He expected Emmett to freak out, or be disgusted, but the older vampire just looked up at Riley with an expectant grin on his face. Riley’s chest swelled with an unfamiliar, but very pleasant feeling, and his eagerness was so much that he tripped and fell trying to get out of his jeans. Emmett let out a bellowing laugh, so Riley aimed directly at his head as he jumped down into the pool. 
Riley sank to the bottom. He looked around him, watching tiny fish flit in and out around the water, and tadpoles half formed and newly born swimming, their little tails wiggling frantically. The moss on the rocks swayed slightly as the water above and around them rushed and swirled in an ongoing, natural pattern. Riley looked above him, amazed as the sunlight filtered through the trees and down into the water, casting an almost yellow glow below the surface. His feet sank into the warm mud at the bottom of the pool. He stayed there for a moment, allowing his stone body to remain there. Riley liked it here. He would come back. Riley kicked off the bottom of the natural pool and swam back up to Emmett, shaking his hair just as the other had and laughing. 
“It’s beautiful down there, did you look?” Riley said, unable to keep the excitement out of his tone. Emmett smiled and nodded. 
“Yeah, I did. It’s cool down there, an entire ecosystem thriving right under our noses,” Emmett said with a thoughtful hum. He floated on his back, looking up at the canopy of trees. His skin glinted in the sunlight. Riley glanced at him and then looked over his shoulder nervously. He knew it was stupid to be afraid of someone finding them, the forests were massive, It was just in his nature, he supposed. He started floating too, moving his arms and legs ever so slightly to stay above the water. 
“Why’d you bring me here?” Riley asked after a moment of silence. Emmett let out a small sigh. 
“As a thank you. For helping Rosalie yesterday,” Emmett replied, turning himself upright again in the water to look at Riley properly. Riley did it as well, for manners sake. He shied away with embarrassment, and had he been human his cheeks would have been flushed a brilliant red. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Emmett. She helped me anyways, I didn’t really do anything,” Riley confessed. Emmett smiled and shook his head. 
“No, you definitely helped her. It’s been a long, long time since she’s told anybody what happened to her, and she always swore to me that no one outside of the family would ever know. But you...you’ve turned our world upside down, Riley,” Emmett finished with a laugh, the way his smile reached his eyes putting Riley at ease almost as well as Jasper’s emotion manipulation. “When she came downstairs after she talked to you…” Emmett’s voice trailed off for a moment. “...it was like a completely different person had come down the stairs. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to. She was smiling a lot, like a lot a lot. It was great,” the older vampire said, turning and grinning at RIley again. 
“I’m…I’m glad,” Riley said softly. “She’s a good person.” Emmett chuckled. 
“It’s about time somebody besides me realized that. Now come on, let’s swim!” Emmett clapped Riley on the back and dove under the water, swimming through the rough current of the creek and into the second pool. Riley followed close behind, feeling much less out of place than he did before. They swam for hours. They had races, splashed each other in the face, you know, the usual antics that young men in their late teens to twenties will get into (even if the twenty year old had been twenty for almost one hundred years). Riley hadn’t wanted to leave, but the sun was going down quickly and Emmett knew that Esme would want them back home to help unload anything they bought and spend some time with Bella before she had to go home. 
“There you are! You two look like you had some fun today,” Carlisle commented as the two vampires came running up to the house, hair still soaking wet and their clothes sticking to their wet skin. “Now that you’re home, though, we could use your help. Alice went a little shop-happy…there’s a lot to bring in,” he continued. Emmett groaned in complaint, but Riley obediently went out to the driveway, where Edward’s Volvo XC60  was currently being unloaded of all of its merchandise. 
“Just put it in my room love, I’ll take care of it after it’s all brought upstairs,” Alice said to Jasper, who was carrying a large box filled with assorted decorations. The couple shared a quick kiss before Jasper zipped into the house, returning a moment later to take two other boxes and repeating the process. Edward was bringing some things down to the basement. “Riley! Emmett! How was swimming?” Alice asked the two of them as they appeared. 
“It was a of fun, Emmett’s a cool person to hang out with,” Riley said, taking a box out of the trunk of the car. “Where would you like this one, Alice?” he asked. Alice smiled at Riley’s previous comment, then perked up when he asked her about the box. 
“Just follow Jasper up to my room, he’ll show you!” Alice said. Jasper’s head popped up at the mention of his name, and when his eyes fell on Riley, the younger vampire shivered. Jasper glanced at the singular box in Riley’s hands and quickly added a second box to his own pile. He gestured with his head for RIley to follow him, running up to Alice’s bedroom. Riley did his best to keep up, but he had to poke his head in a room or two before finally finding the one Jasper was in. Jasper watched Riley as he set his box down, and the uncomfortable tension in the air was sharp enough to cut with a knife. Jasper regarded Riley for a moment, who looked at him nervously and rubbed his hands on his pants before putting them in his pockets. 
“Come on, we still have more boxes,” Jasper muttered after the drawn out, awkward silence. Riley let out a sigh of relief and followed Jasper back outside. He certainly was a strange one.
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Forensics Part 14
This chapter might be a bit long but I really hope you enjoy it
PART 14 It was almost 7 o'clock when he was finally ready. Dressed in a pure black armani suit with the red tie and kerchief he admired himself in the mirror and frowned. He wasn't used to wearing a color as bold as red but with the darker hue it wasn't so bad, but there was something missing. He sighed looking at his gorget debating once again whether or not he should wear it. At this point he felt naked without it but after his list of screw ups he didn't want to cause anymore trouble for Sera. He was about to leave when he made one last decision, if he was going to be playing a part where he had no control he might as well have something to show that in another place, he did. Grabbing his gorget then he left his home and locked the door, then took a deep breath and walked to his car. Sera would just have to put up with it. When he got to her house he stepped out of his car and walked to her door. Even if she hated him, he was still going to be a gentleman. Knocking on the door, he checked over his outfit one more time and took a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't ask him to leave instead of goign with her. She was touching up her make up when she heard a knock at the door. He was here. Taking one last look at herself she sighed, hoping she could make it through the night. When she opened the door his breath hitched. She was wearing a strapless gown that had a black silken top and a long, slim but flowing skirt that started off black but bled into red halfway through. Up the side was a sparkling rose pattern that shimmered whenever she moved. Her hair was done up in a french twist bun and she had made herself up with deep red lipstick and black liner with red eye shadow. She looked absolutely beautiful, piercings and all. She looked him over and nodded slowly "You look good" she said "Thank you, if I may say, you look stunning" he replied almost breathlessly She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes "Thanks, are you ready to do this?" Part of her hoped he'd say no so that she wouldn't have to spend the evening with him but she shook it off, knowing that she needed to work with him in order to spare her freedom "I'm ready" he said "are you?" "Yeah...yeah I'm good, let's go" She grabbed a clutch purse with a similar design to her dress and closed the door behind her, locking it quickly she made her way over to his car where he opened the passenger side door for her. She nodded but got in without a word, not really wanting to talk that much. He closed the door and the walked around the car to his side where he got in and started the engine. When they got there he parked on the street then looked at Sera who was looking at her hands. "Before we go in" he started "I have to know what I can expect" She looked up but not at him "Fair enough, there'll be alcohol, some appetizers for vampires and non vampires, talking, perhaps some dancing, but you definitely expect a lot of curious looks and condescending remarks" She looked at his gorget "Especially in regards to that" Kandomere nodded "That's fine, I'm sure I can handle it" "Actually Kandomere, it's within your best interest to let me handle it" When she said his name in such a monotone his chest tightened, he really did miss the way things were before, even when they'd been fighting. He closed his eyes for a moment "Sera" he started "we'd better get in there, by now they know we're here" without another word she got out of the car, she couldn't take what he was about to say. They walked to the door of the building separately but after knocking on the door as hard as she could, she slipped her arm around his and leaned on his shoulder as the door swung open to reveal a black haired woman in a red evening gown "Sera! You made it" she smiled "Hey Cecily, how are you?" "Oh I am ecsatic it's been too long since the last blood moon gala and even longer since you last attended" Cecily giggled Sera gave a small mirthless laugh "Oh Sera, who's your friend?" asked Cecily now looking at Kandomere "Oh where are my manners, Cecily this is Kandomere, he's with me, Kandomere, say hi" Sera smiled but her eyes were pleading Please go along. Kandomere looked at her for a second then smiled as warmly as he could "Hello" "My, my Sera, an elf, you are getting bold in your old age" "Well I figured I'd give it try since everyone else seemed to be enjoying their companions" "That's my girl, oh do come in, you wouldn't want him to get cold" Cecily ushered them in hurriedly As they walked in Kandomere looked around in wonder. He'd only ever been to elven events and he could see the stark contrasts in the 2 worlds. Where elves tended to keep things bright and modern this place was dark save for the chandeliers and had an olden times feel. But there were similarities too, such as the exquisite furnishings, they had spared no expense on the red and midnight themed decorations, and like any big event the place was packed. He saw plenty of vampires baring their teeth and their companions, human and elf alike at their sides amorously. It was both fascinating and frightening. As Sera watched Kandomere look around she smiled slightly, he had a look of wonder on his face. Not surprising since this was an entirely different world from his but she hoped the similarities that were ever present between his world and hers would ease his nerves. Someone grabbing her wrist had her turning away from him, as she looked at Cecily she was confused by the concern on her face "You let him wear that thing?" she hissed She knew what she was talking about. That stupid gorget "In his world he's in a position of power, I let him think he still does, it makes things more...fun" Even she was impressed by her answer and as Cecily nodded Sera could tell she'd done a good job. "You really are your mothers child" grinned Cecily Sera tensed at the mention of her mother, this was why she didn't like coming to these events. The ever constant reminder of her family as well as the pride these creatures took in their horrible actions. She tried to smile but it ended up becoming a grimace instead. Cecily laughed "You're not still bitter about it are you?" "No, no, it's just...been a long time since she's been brought up, uhm actually Cecily, I was wondering if anyone brought elves of their own, I wouldn't want Kandomere to be nervous" "Oh lot's of them did, they're like the newest accessory, I'm sure he'll find someone to get along with" Sera was going to press her but realized that it would be futile without giving away who exactly they were looking for "Thanks Cecily" She turned back to Kandomere who was gazing curiously at vampire, elf pair "What is it?" she asked "I think I know that elf" said Kandomere "Yeah apparently the latest trend in elven companions, this could be bad if someone recognizes you" "Not quite, they seem to preoccupied with their own dates to even notice I exist" "Yeah, vampires have that effect" Kandomere looked at her questioningly, causing her to sigh "It's a sick thing we can do, our bites have a sort of....hormone in them to sedate our victims or some cases mates, it's better than any muscle relaxant you could take and a sweeter high than ecstacy" He seemed surprised "The only reason the shooter screamed was because he was afraid, if I had kept going he would have lulled into a state of bliss" "You mean to tell me, these elves and humans are doing this for a high?" "Everyone wants a dose of happiness Kandomere, whether it's from drugs, work or a relationship, this is just a gritty best of 2 worlds" Kandomere looked back at the couple solemnly, what kind of world had he walked into? They walked around greeting vampires as they went, each of which taking an interest in the elf Sera had brought along, even referring to him as cute or pretty. He had been ogled before, it wasn't a new thing but here he felt objectified and preyed upon, it was actually discomforting. They finally had moment to themselves as they made their way to dance floor "We can talk here without issue" said Sera placing one hand on his shoulder and taking his hand with the other Kandomere placed his hand on her waste and lifted their joined hands to his shoulder and the stepped forward and to the side. As the waltz began he spoke lowly "I've never felt so insecure" he admitted looking around "That's why I hate it here, they have no regard for anyone, even each other which is frightening in it of itself" "They're nothing like you" "That's cause I defected, I couldn't take this life so I formed a new one" "Were you ever like...them?" "Once, I thought it the norm, until I watched other races and how they went about, then I realized just how awful we were" She looked to the side, he could tell she didn't want to be here and in truth neither did he "Let's just get what need and leave, then you'll never have to look back at this place again" Sera sighed and looked up at him. In the dim light his eyes were all but glowing and his features were gently outlined, she never thought he wasn't handsome, just not worth her time. But now, with him as her only tether to the life she made for herself in this pit of her past she found herself pulling closer to him. Though she was still mad at him, right now she needed something to keep her from running from this place, to keep her grounded and calm even as her heart thudded in distress. He looked at her sincerely "Sera" he said lowly Once again she gave him a pleading look when Cecily's voice caught everyone's attention "Everyone, look who's here, it's Cornelius!" she cheered gesturing toward a tall man with slicked back black hair and grey eyes Kandomere looked at Sera in confusion "Who?" "He's a trust fund kid type, old family, big title, matching attitude" He'd come in with a small group and after making pleasantries with Cecily they made their way over to the back of the room. Sera watched after them then patted Kandomere's shoulder "come on" "What?" "If anyone would know about a pairing like Caelae and his vampire this group would" "Why them?" "They're the in crowd, and if anyone was involved with bright, they'd brag about it to these guys" They were about to head over when Cornelius stood tall and began to speak loudly "My brothers and sisters" "Ugh" hissed Sera "Tonight is a night of celebration, not just of the blood moon gala and our reuniting but of even bigger news, our return to power!" There was a round of cheers and applause Sera and Kandomere tensed as they looked at each other then back at Cornelius "As you know, my family has been in possession of some powerful artifacts throughout the years one of which we could never use, but hat time has changed" "Oh no" winced Sera "He doesn't mean" "Now we have found someone who can use the wand given to my father centuries ago, and with it we will take back the power from the wretched day walkers and once again be revered as the rightful rulers of this world, who's with me?" Almost everyone in the hall cheered, Sera swallowed hard as she gripped Kandomere's hand "We should leave" "Not yet" "What do you mean? We have what we came for" "Not quite, we need to figure out where Caelae is" Kandomere began to make his way through the crowd. Sera, knowing he would get himself into trouble hurried after him. She caught up to him just as he was about to walk out of the crowd and grabbed his arm "Listen to me, this is not the place where you can just waltz up to a vampire and question him, you're not in your world anymore you'rein the shadows of it and around here you are arm candy nothing else" "Having trouble with your pet Seraphina?" came a man's voice Sera looked at Cornelius and smiled "Not at all, we were just having a friendly debate" "It seemed more heated than friendly" "Well that's what happens when I'm right, and how have you been? It's been a while" "Indeed it has, I thought you were done with our world" "Well you know I thought I'd step back in to see how it was, and I must say I'm impressed, that's quite a plan you have" "Indeed it is" "But I'm curious, how did you ever find someone willing to wield the wand for you? I mean brights are hard to find as it is but getting one to agree to help vampires? you must have promised them something" "But of course, I promised I wouldn't wipe out the elven race, he believes we'll co-rule, you know how sure of themselves those creatures are" "Of course, but what makes you think he won't turn?" "I can be quite convincing Sera, you know this I did after all return you to grace after the fall of your mother" Sera took a deep breath "I remember" she said coolly "And you know you're always free to join us in this new world" Cornelius reached out a stroked her face gently "It would be a shame to let someone so pretty perish in the mayhem" Sera tried to hide her repulsion at his touch with a tight smile "I'll keep that in mind, but where is your companion, surely he should be here to join in the festivities" "Oh no, he needs his rest, our plan goes into action in a few days, and I don't want him distracted" "You really have this all figured out, impressive" She'd been holding Kandomere's hand tensely hoping no one would try prying him away when one of Cornelius' friends, a pallid woman with wild dark curls caught sight of him and sauntered up to where he was "And what are you called" she purred Now the focus was on him, Sera pulled him closer "This, is Kandomere, my companion" she said possessively "A companion you say, very unlike you Sera, I thought you were an equalist" chuckled Cornelius "Uh...new year, new experiences, you know how it is" "You sure you didn't just get lonely, you know, trying to be better than what you are" The woman's voice was sill a low purr even as she mocked her. Sera didn't like this woman, from the haughty attitude to the way she was preparing to make a meal out of Kandomere. Letting go of his hand she got close to the woman and spoke so low it was almost a growl "I may have chosen to leave the community yes, but my choices are none of your business and I will not stand here and be talked down to by Frankenstein's chia pet" There was small collection of gasps throughout the room. Kandomere held back a laugh but the woman suddenly grabbed Sera's arm "You think just because your mother was a big name means you have any standing here, you defected" "And I made the right call, all of you are still pompous assholes" Sera tore her arm out of the woman's grip Kandomere went to her side Cornelius laughed "Little Seraphina, still trying to reclaim power over fate where there is none" Kandomere placed a hand on her shoulder "We should leave" he said lowly "That's right Sera, run, like you always do" Sera sneered at the woman but didn't fight Kandomere as he pulled her to him "Whatever would Elizabeth say if she saw you now" mocked Cornelius "Probably wonder how she lived this long, especially considering what she did to her" Sera stopped, feeling the familiar pang in her gut "Oh, you've struck a nerve Emily" Kandomere faced Sera with a look of confusion "Oh didn't she tell you Kandomere?" asked Cornelius as he walked casually over to them "How her beloved mother Elizabeth was so ashamed of her eldest daughter that she tried to drain her, only to end up turning her, it was quite a scandal among the community" "Stop it" said Sera looking down "Oh but where's your fire now Seraphina? You had so much moment ago" Cornelius pushed Sera back out of Kandomere's grip "Or did you remember that you're just a bastard child of a countess?" Sera shoved his hand away and tried to move past him but he blocked her "And from my understanding, you don't even use your last name anymore" He suddenly grinned wickedly as he looked behind him "It must be quite frustrating for you agent Kandomere of the homeland security magic task force" Everyone in the room gasped as they looked at Kandomere who in turn glared at Cornelius "You knew from the start" "You have your agents" he looked at Sera "and I have mine" Sera's heart stopped as panic settled into her stomach. They'd been watching her "No" she whimpered "Oh yes Sera, we keep tabs on our own, you should be flattered" Now Sera pushed past him and ran to Kandomere "Oh and agent, for your own safety you should probably know she's not all she says she is" "That's enough" cried Sera pulling Kandomere to the door "What is he talking about?" Sera looked at him desperately "I promise I'll tell you but please, there's a lot you don't understand" "Allow me" said Cornelius still smiling "This woman, Kandomere is the first born daughter to one of the most vicious vampires known to man" "Stop it" Sera's eyes were glowing now "Why? you wouldn't want to keep secrets from your lover now would you Seraphina Bathory" Her heart sank into her stomach as he used her full name. Kandomere could barely hear the crowd, or anything thanks to his reeling mind. Bathory, a name that even those who didn't know about vampires knew. As Sera pulled him to the door he could only faintly hear the vampires and their companions laughing, he hadn't even noticed the scene changing around him as his surroundings went from a dimly lit ballroom to the harsh light of a street lamp outside. As he gathered his thoughts he could faintly make out his car getting closer. When he realized what was happening he stopped and grabbed Sera's hand. She looked at him with terrified eyes. Taking a deep breath he said the first thing he could think of "Bathory, as in Elizabeth Bathory" "It's not what you think" "Then what is it, and if you say complicated I will leave you here" Sera shook her head "She was a cruel woman, I was conceived illegitimately from one of her lovers and when she went off on her spree, I tried to stop her but...but then she tried to drain me, I did what I had to to survive and got myself turned, when they caught her I went into hiding swearing to break away from that life" "So all the degrees, living in L.A, that was-" "Me trying to create a new life for myself, Kandomere, that's why I founded the blood sale, that's why I took up the job with the MTF, I want to abolish my mothers reputation for me and make a new name" He stared at her, trying to figure out what to say next. She was a Bathory, a member of a notoriously blood thirsty family but at the same time, she was also the woman he'd come to know as a friend, the same woman who fought him on test results and referred to him among others as an equal. Yes she was a vampire, and a Bathory, but in the same breath, she was still Sera, his Sera. Pulling her close he put his arms around her and placed his chin on top of her head She was confused by his actions at first but as he held her close she closed her eyes. She felt safe, safer than she had the entire night. She tried to brush away the feeling, tried to stay mad at him but in this moment, as he held her, as he accepted her, she couldn't be angry, not even a little. She wrapped her arms around his waist and inhaled. His smell was grounding "Kandomere..." she said softly "I'm sorry" he whispered "For the car, for the case, for all of it" As a tear escaped her eye, Sera held him tighter "I know, I know, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't be mad at you, you were just-" "Yes, you should, it's my fault" "Shh, it's okay, it'll be okay" After a moment he let go of her "We'd best get out of here" Sera nodded and followed him to the car.
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sea040561 · 7 years
Don’t Underestimate the Winchesters
Title: Don’t Underestimate the Winchesters
Author: @sea040561
Beta’d by: @sofreddie
Pairing: Sam x reader
Summary: Sam runs into a problem while showering
Word Count: 2664
Warnings: vampires (mentioned), some sexual situations (not much), humor
Author’s Note: For @thecuriouscrusader’s #Crusader’s 1K Challenge. My quote was “I think you’re kinda overdoing the manscaping”.
You and the boys had been on non-stop hunts for the past several weeks. It seems there was a spike in supernatural activity for some unexplained reason. You had only managed a half of a day in between each hunt. In fact, none of you had time to return to the bunker at all so you were forced to wear the same clothes for weeks, including your FBI outfits. You were seriously getting sick of the same wardrobe. Sure, Sam and Dean constantly wore jeans and flannel, which you didn’t know how they survived in some of the 90 degree weather you had been forced to deal with.
However, you often liked to switch up your FBI outfits as well as your hunting clothes. Yeah, you might not be some glamourous model with a stunning wardrobe, but in the life you lead, you had to take advantage of the small things. Your clothes were a big part of that, aside from your ever-changing hair color.
Sighing, you shifted your body into a more acceptable, yet comfortable position in the backseat of the impala. You were currently on a stakeout watching the dilapidated, partially boarded up house that you were parked near. It sat in the middle of the bayou in Louisiana, fucking hot as hell with full humidity. You and Dean were searching for a new nest of vampires.
You chuckled softly to yourself, causing Dean to raise his head, gazing at you through the rear view mirror.
“Well, I was just thinking that this is a little bit too much True Blood for me,” you replied with a grin.
Dean smiled knowing how much you had loved that show, “Yeah, well, if you see Bill Compton or Eric Northam, please let me know. If only it were that easy, at least I’d know who I was looking for!”
You huffed knowing that Dean was right. This was serious. It seemed that new vampire nests were popping up everywhere lately. Even in places that had NEVER shown any supernatural activity.
Your mind began to wonder as you thought of the comic relief that all three of you really needed. All of you were famous for playing pranks on each other to relieve the tension that mounted during hunts. As long as they weren’t going to cause any permanent injury, anything was game.
The last time a prank had been implemented was about five weeks ago when Sam had put green dye in Dean’s shampoo. Because his shampoo was a green color, he paid no attention when he poured it onto his hand and applied it to his hair. It wasn’t until he had showered, dressed, and walked into the kitchen that he realized something was wrong. You had been staring at him stifling a laugh. He had run over to the toaster, holding it up to check his reflection. He cringed as he whirled around, “You d-”
“No, it wasn’t me,” you had said holding your hands up in surrender.
“SAM!” Dean had bellowed as he had stomped down the corridor looking for his little brother. You could hear the echo of a door slamming in the distance then the sound of tires peeling out of the bunker garage.
You don’t think you had ever laughed so hard in your life. You had tried helping Dean wash out the green color but a faint tint of it still wouldn’t wash out. With no other choice, Dean had to live with it. He just hoped that no one asked him what happened, especially Jody or Donna.
Now, weeks later, you needed some comic relief. The minute that Sam had left the afternoon of the dye prank, Dean had begged you for your help on with revenge.
Between you and Dean, you had finally decided on slipping Nair into Sam’s ‘special’ body wash. Yeah, more like ‘expensive-as-hell’ body wash, as Dean had complained numerous times.
You knew that your boyfriend had chest hair and hair on his arms and legs. You were thankful the hair on his head wouldn’t be affected. You didn’t dare touch that beautiful mane of hair. God, just thinking about it made you remember your past adventures in the bedroom. Running your hands through it and tugging on it while he fucked you like the world was going to end tomorrow. Come to think of it, you never knew with the line of work you were in.
Shifting your attention back to the upcoming prank, you couldn’t wait until you got back to the bunker to implement Dean’s plan.
Finally, five days later, after obliterating the vampire’s nest, which consisted of ten vampires, you were almost home. You had about thirty more minutes before you arrived. You knew that Dean had a lead foot but some of the weather had been horrible driving back to Kansas from Louisiana so he was being careful.
Your plan was to rush out of the car first, feigning PMS cramps. You knew that Sam wouldn’t question you about them. Your first stop would be your bedroom then Sam’s bathroom. You had previously bought a bottle of Nair and had hidden it in your chest of drawers.
You sighed in relief as the bunker’s garage door came into view. You impatiently waited for Dean to finish pulling Baby into her designated parking spot.
Before Dean could even shut the engine off, you were bolting to your room.  You swung the door open, cringing as it banged against the cement blocks of the bunker’s walls. Rifling through your top drawer, you snagged the Nair and skidded out of your room and to Sam’s bathroom. Spotting Sam’s body wash you were elated to see that it was a full bottle so you were pretty sure that he would never notice you added anything to the bottle. Thankfully, Nair had come out with a lavender scented hair removal formula so the smell wouldn’t be a problem.
Finally done mixing the Nair with the body wash, you hid the bottle of Nair back in your chest of drawers and began to walk to the war room. You could hear Sam and Dean coming in with the duffle bags.
“Y/N?” Sam shouted concerned, “Are you ok?”
You appeared in front of Sam with a smile on your face, “Yeah, I’m better now. I took some Motrin so I should be good in an hour or so. Thank you for asking.”
Sam hugged you to him. As he wrapped his arms around you, you could feel the nerve endings in your body begin to tingle. You breathed deeply as you inhaled Sam’s scent, “Eww, go take a shower, you stink, Gigantor.” You giggled and lightly slapped Sam on the chest as you pushed away from him.
“Ok, ok. Geez, you don’t have to tell me twice.” He whined as he glanced towards the hallway then spun on his heels.
A few minutes later, you could hear the shower turn on in his bathroom. Dean and you looked at each other as the smiles on your faces began to grow until you both fell into chairs in a fit of laughter.
“Oh, and I really can’t wait to see this,” Dean said, “he will never mess with me again.”
You glanced at Dean with a raised eyebrow, “Seriously? With the way you and Sam are, these prank wars will never end. Besides, it is a stress reliever for all of us. We might use hunting to blow off steam from our frustration and anger but we need a secondary outlet to blow off the effects of hunting.”
Dean looked at you knowing that you were correct in what you were saying. He sighed softly and flashed you a knowing grin. “So, how long until you think he notices something’s different,” he asked Y/N.
“Hmm,” you contemplated thoughtfully, “I really don’t know. I rarely ever use Nair. Give me an old fashioned razor blade any day of the week. In fact, a men’s razor blade.”
“Well, I’m going to hold off on taking a shower so I can witness this outcome,” Dean stated as he sat back in his chair, pulling one of the many lore books contained in their library towards himself.
You nodded your head in agreement and situated yourself comfortably as you began to troll your Twitter and Instagram feeds.
Because you were so involved in your activities, you and Dean missed the sound of the shower shutting off in Sam’s bathroom as well as the faint muffled yell that resonated through the bunker halls. Dean jerked his head up with wide eyes. You noticed a slight look of fear in Dean’s eyes that was almost instantly gone. If it wasn’t for your quick hunter observation, any other person would have missed it.
You stifled your giggles by slapping your hand over your mouth. You could hear the pounding of feet against the tiled floor.
Sam skidded to a halt at the entrance to the war room with his left hand tightly gripping the towel he had wrapped around this waist. You also noticed that he had an additional towel wrapped around his torso and the ends tucked underneath his left arm.
You stood up gently and cautiously approached your boyfriend with your master poker face on, “Hey, Schmoo, what’s the matter? Did Cas zap in while you were showering?”
“Yeah, I’ve never heard you yell like that no matter how many hunts we have been on,” Dean interjected.
Sam reluctantly leaned down towards your ear. You could feel his minty, hot breath caressing the hair at the back of your ear. You shivered involuntarily as you could feel your nipples quickly hardened into little pebbled buds. Sam’s chest brushed against your shirt which rubbed against your sensitive, aroused nipples. Your breath hitched in your throat. You had momentarily forgot that Dean had played a prank on Sam.
“What?” You gently asked. You watched as Sam’s eyes roamed yours.
Sam whispered something in your ear. You could see Dean standing behind Sam. As you listened to Sam, you attempted to keep the grin off your face and potentially reveal involvement in Sam’s predicament.
You leaned back and looked into your boyfriend’s eyes. You cleared your throat delicately before formulating a response, “Let me see, sweetheart. It can’t be that awful.”
Sam glanced back at his brother then looked back to you. He sighed heavily while nodding his head. Since his back was to Dean, Sam knew Dean wouldn’t be able to see anything if he opened his towel.
First, Sam raised his left arm and unwrapped the towel under his arm. He looked up at you shyly. He really didn’t know how you were going to react. He wondered if this might potentially alter your sex life in some way. He huffed as he glanced down letting you have your fill of his chest.
Your core tightened in desire at you stared at his beautifully smooth chest. As much as you loved Sam’s chest hair, you were a sucker for a completely hair free chest. You had never asked him to shave or wax it even though the thought had crossed your mind numerous times. You gingerly raised your hand and reached out to touch his chest. As your fingers ran over the flat plains of his pecs and abs, you moaned almost inaudibly. You caught yourself realizing that Dean was witnessing all your movements. You widened your eyes in fake horror, “What happened?”
Sam grimaced, “I, uh, I honestly don’t even know, Y/N, but that’s not all.”
Your eyes slid back up to gaze at his face. “Okayyyy,” you said dragging out your words. You gestured to the towel tied around his waist.
Sam’s cheeks blushed a deep pink as he dropped his eyes not able to look you in the face. He really didn’t want to see your disappointment in your eyes. In the four years that you had been his girlfriend you had never expressed any interest in him eliminating any of his body hair. In fact, you couldn’t get enough of the long mane of hair on his head.
He cautiously gripped the fluffy towel around his waist and quickly opened it. Sam continued to stare at his feet. He could feel the heat of your gaze on his body. He was surprised when you leaned down to get a closer look. Sam’s chest tightened with anxiety. He had no idea what happened in the shower. Why had the hair on his chest and groin area fell out but yet the hair on his head was fine? So many questions were running through his mind that they were slamming into each other one after another.
You breathed deeply before addressing Sam, “I think you’re kinda overdoing the manscaping.”
Sam scowled back at you.
Dean chuckled loudly, “Come on, Sammy, I never thought you would honestly become a full fledged metrosexual.”
Sam’s eyebrows furrowed in amazement wondering how Dean even knew what metrosexual was. Besides, how the hell would he know what happened to him in the shower. Unless, as Sam’s brain began to work in overdrive, Dean was involved in his current plight. The longer Sam glared at his brother, the more he noticed Dean fidget which only confirmed Sam’s suspicions.
Sam opened his mouth several times before he felt a warm hand on his cheek guiding his face away from Dean. He looked into the depths of y/e/c noticing your pupils dilating. Sam knew from experience that when your pupils dilated in a well-lit room that you were extremely aroused. Sam’s eyes widened as it dawned on him that you were turned on by his problem. He could hear your breathing getting heavier with each passing second.
Your fingers grazed his cheek as they travelled down his chest, feeling the smoothness. Your upper body visibly shivered as you looked into Sam’s eyes, watching his reaction with every move your fingers made. Your hand continued passed his waist and over to his right hip bone, squeezing roughly. Pausing for a half of a second, your hand glided down his right leg with featherlight touches. You could see the desire building in his hazel eyes.
“Something you might not know about me is that I have a hairless fetish, with the exception of the hair on your head,” you uttered in Sam’s ear, “I want you to fuck me so hard right now. I want you to bite me, mark me, claim me. I want everyone to know that I am yours, always and forever. I want to feel that smooth skin of your chest,  your groin, and your legs rub against mine”
“Please, guys, not right here!” Dean pleaded weakly as he heard the words you were uttering into Sam’s sear.
Sam turned to look at his brother with a fierce glare, “This is not over by a long shot. I will find out how you did this, because if I know my girlfriend at all, I know that Y/N had some involvement in this but not all. But for right now, I am going to fuck my girlfriend into oblivion.”
You squealed as Sam grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. “I would suggest that you either go out, for a long time, or resign yourself to blaring music while wearing headphones.”
“HEY!” Dean shouted, “You can’t torture me like that! I can’t even call Donna. You know she went to that spa for the weekend.”
Sam stared at Dean as he scooped you up into his arms, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist. You settled your head on Sam’s shoulder contently. You had hoped the evening would end in this way.
“This is only the first part of your punishment,” Sam’s voice cackled echoing through the bunker hallways as he walked farther away from the war room where Dean stood, “Watch your back, dear brother.”
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erule · 7 years
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The surrender
Title: The surrender
Pairing: Kai x Reader
Word Count: 4.3K+  
Warnings: romantic, fluff, angst, OOC!Kai
Summary: The reader is gonna marry Kai, but someone from his past comes to make him pay his debts.  
Notes: This is the story I wrote for the Fandom Writing Challenge, my prompt was gym. This contest is such a great idea! Hope you like the fic :) This fic takes place after s6 of TVD, but some things are different.    
 She had met Kai four years ago. It was like she had been known him since forever. They shared multiple passions together, they had the same interests and the same black humour. She loved the way he used to wake her up in the middle of the night to start deep conversations, kissing her on the cheek so slowly and in a very sweet way, she felt home with him; she loved how they made up after a fight, ending everytime with her unbottoning his shirt and him pushing her closer, so close it would feel like even their skin was too much to separate them; but most of all, she loved how he made the proposal special. He had prepared the house they bought together with roses all around the living room, candles, their song played by the vinyl (Sweater Weather, by the Neighbourhood) and he was wearing a smoking. He kneeled down and he showed her the little blue box in which there was the ring. She was in tears, with her hands on her lips, astonished. Then she smiled, murmuring softly Yes.
Now, he was taking the boxes from his apartment to the new house. She was sitting on the couch, staring at the picture the camera - that he had prepared before that moment - took of them when she said that word. It was the only thing that always made her smile, no matter what.
<< Honey, would you like to help me out a little bit? >> Kai asked, entering in the house with a lot of boxes in his hands, his forehead was sweating.
She giggled, holding back a laughter.
<< Of course, honey. >>
<< Oh, come on, it was just a cute nickname for you! >> he exclaimed, leaving the boxes next to the stairs.
<< Since when you’re so cheesy? >> she asked, coming closer to him.
He grabbed her hips, pushing her against him, feeling her heartbeat racing through the chest. He grinned.
<< Since we’re getting married, darling. >> he answered, lowering his voice.
She bursted into laughing, covering her mouth with a hand. He liked so much to make her laugh like that, because her smile was brighter than the sun, behind her hand and her laughter was crystalline.
<< It’s so strange. >>
<< What? >>
<< Saying that we’re engaged. It’s weird. >> she said, while his hands were still laying on her hips.  
<< Well, get used to it, because I’m gonna tell everyone that you’re mine, from now on. >> he replied, then he kissed the tip of her nose and got back to the boxes.
<< You already are, Kai. >>
He stopped for a second, then shrugged, smiling like an idiot.
<< Yeah, I am. >>
She rolled her eyes: that guy was gonna be the end of her.
 It was late, when she felt these kind of kisses on her left cheek. It was more like lips were touching her skin very softly, she was barely aware of them. She moaned, hoping that Kai would leave her alone, because she really wanted to sleep - she had to get up early in the morning -, but he didn’t. He kept going, caressing her arm, slipping down to her hand, then he went back, like he was driving a car and he stopped on her hip, drawing circles on it. It was his way to make her know that he had to talk to her, that it was important.
She snorted.  
<< Are you going to repay me after this at least or I just have to stay up for nothing? >> she asked, her voice a bit low.
<< I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise babe, but can you just turn around and look at me now, please? >> he replied and his voice was rough, it made her shiver, but there was also a tone of concern in it. She didn’t like it.
The clock was striking: 4AM. Like always. She turned in order to look at him. He was barely illuminated by the moon. His left side was bright, but the rest was covered by the dark. He didn’t want her to notice it, but there was fear in his eyes. He couldn’t trick her, to be honest. She was the only person who really knew him.
<< Kai, what’s wrong? >> she asked in a sweet way.
He took her hand in his, brushing his lips on it, like children do. It was his way to calm down, because it made her more real and she was his anchor.
<< What if… hypothetically… there was someone looking for me? Someone from my past, that I didn’t tell you about? >> Kai asked, remembering that figure he saw while he was taking the boxes in the house. He recognized him, of course. He didn’t change in all that time.
She tried to catch his gaze, but he avoided eye contact with her. Damn, he was surely hiding something relevant! He was looking at the ring on her finger, bright under the stars’ shine.
<< You’re gonna tell me everything or you’re gonna tell me everything, there’s no in between. >> she responded.
He put a hand through his hair, breathing out the air. He needed more oxygen. She was his oxygen. He couldn’t allow himself to lose her.
<< I can’t. >> he answered closing his eyes, even if he knew that it was gonna piss her off, because she hated when he did this, but he had to keep her safe.
She slowly held back her hand from him, looking anywhere but him.
<< Then, we’ve got a problem. >>
He clenched his jaw.
<< I’m sorry. >>
She nodded, biting her bottom lip.
<< Yeah. >>
<< Don’t be mad. >>
<< Are you kidding me, Kai? >> she asked, totally angry, switching the light on. He sat on the bed immediately, as soon as she got up from it. << What the hell is happening? Who’s coming for you? >>
<< I was joking, okay? It was just a joke. >> he said, smiling, but it was a fake one and she knew it.
<< Damn Kai, I know when you’re lying. It’s not a game! What happened? >>
He thought about it, about confessing her who he was before, about the merge with his siblings, about the others letting him go for mercy, but that was his life before her. He wasn’t that person anymore. But, also, she would have looked at him with different eyes and he couldn’t let it happen.
<< Promise me you’re not gonna forget your feelings about me. >>
She gulped, her heart skipped a beat.
<< You’re scaring me. >>
<< Just promise me. Do it, please. >>
She looked at the ground, torching her hands. She moistened her lips, before talking.
<< I won’t. >>
He breathed out, relieved.
<< Come here. >>
She got back to bed, her arms around his waist and his hands caressing her hair. She didn’t feel safe, that night. There was something wrong and she had to discover what it was. But, despite everything, when she closed her eyes, listening to Kai’s heartbeat, she fell asleep almost instantly.
 She was getting dressed to go to the office, when someone knocked at the door. Kai went to open, she heard his footsteps from downstairs. She finished to put her hair in a ponytail, when Kai asked to the visitor something with low voice. She decided to investigate, so she went downstairs slowly, without being heard. A guy with dark hair was talking to him and he seemed very angry.
<< Now that I’ve found you, Bonnie’s gonna lock you up forever. >>
<< Look, I don’t want trouble. I’ve changed. I won’t come after you or Elena or Bonnie or anyone, this time. >>
<< Oh, sure as hell you won’t, because we’re gonna send you again to a prison world. >> he answered, grabbing his wrist.
<< Damon, please… don’t make me do it. >>
<< Kai? >> she called.  
He turned to face her. His eyes grew wide, frightened. The last thing he wanted was she getting hurt. And Damon would have done it. They voted, but Damon and Bonnie weren’t glad to see him leaving Mystic Falls, even if the majority of the others let him go. They were afraid he could harm somebody. He didn’t.
<< Y/N, go away! >> Kai exclaimed.
<< Who’s she? >> Damon asked, then he saw the ring. << Are you getting married? While Elena’s still in a coffin because of you? No, no, no, if I can’t have the happy ending with the woman I love, neither are you! >> Damon said, just a second before he could run onto you.
But Kai was faster and when she was about to get bitten by a vampire, he sucked some of his life from his wrist with a hand, knocking him out. She looked at him, afraid of what he could do to her too for the first time in years. He took a step to get closer to her, but she took a step back, instead. It was the moment he realized he had lost her. It hurt his heart like only a punch could do.
<< I would never, never, hurt you in any way possible. >> he said, showing his hands. A bit of electricity seemed to jump from one finger to another, because it was the first time he used magic since he got away from Mystic Falls.
The tears burned behind her eyes.
<< You already did. >>
Kai felt his heart fall from his chest to his stomach. Feelings were really the most horrible thing to handle in a human life. He tried to be human, he did, a lot, but it wasn’t him. He still liked the smell of magic, the power running through his veins, the way it made him feel. Powerful. Indistructible. Whole. Not damaged, like his father always told him. Not evil. Not fragile.
<< I’m not human, Y/N. >>
<< That was pretty clear to me. >> she replied, crossing her arms.
<< I come from a prison world in which I was put after I… >> he stopped, gulping. He couldn’t reveal all of his story to her. She would have looked at him differently. She wouldn’t recover after this. << Look, I did terrible things and my coven, the Gemini coven, kicked me out from there and they were right, but then I changed. I made ammend for my mistakes. I’m not that man anymore, you know it. >>
<< How could I be so sure of that, Kai? >> she asked and her voice was trembling.
<< I’m the same man who asked you to marry him. You loved me yesterday and you have to love me today, still. >> he answered, clutching his shirt where his heart was laying. His eyes were circled in red and he looked so tired, old. It was like he was a totally new person. A stranger. << I do. >>
<< I don’t know if it’s still like this anymore. >> she reponded and her voice cracked down.
His heart broke into millions of tiny little pieces. He could feel them so sharp, they could even cut him from the inside and make him bleed, like fragments of a glass could do with the palms of the hands. He tried to breathe, but it was like he was going under, adrift, without his anchor. He was drowning. Then, the worst thing that could happen, was now real. She took the ring from her finger and gave it to him. He shaked his head, but she grabbed his hand and put it on his palm. He clenched his fingers around the ring, biting the inner of his cheek, until he could taste the metallic sense that the blood leaves.
Damon got up. He was furious. The first thing he did was sending her across the room. She tossed, after she was thrown away against a wall. Kai got immediately angry at him, so he used magic to fling Damon onto the ceiling. Damon took a stick from a chair, hurt Kai’s leg and then went straight to her. She tried to crawl back, but her head hurt.
<< You don’t wanna do it, Damon. >> Kai threatened.
<< I want to, Kai. >>
She looked back to see if something could help her, but she didn’t know what to do. It was like her brain freezed. Could she use a pillow? A lamp? Maybe she could throw a lamp against him. She made it fall from the table, along with the photograph of the proposal. The glass of the frame broke. Kai saw it, while the last magic he had sucked from Damon, was slipping away from his hands and it hit him in the chest.
<< I surrender. >>
She looked at him, her eyes grew wide. No, he couldn’t do it! He couldn’t play the part of the surrender, just to save her!
<< You, what? >> Damon asked, turning to look at him.
<< I surrender. Just leave her alone. Please. >>
Damon grinned, raising an eyebrow.
<< Great. Now let’s go to Mystic Falls. >>
Kai gulped, standing in front of the door. Damon went away, faster than anyone could ever do. Kai was about to use some teleportation? She didn’t know, but she couldn’t let him doing it alone.
<< I’ll come with you. >> she whispered, trying to get up.
<< If I have to die, I have to do it alone. >>
A sob slipped away from her throat.
<< You know I love you, right? >>
Kai’s lips trembled, then he nodded, not able to talk.
Then, she saw him disappearing from her visual range. So she jumped from the floor, in order to reach him, running to fill the distance that tried to take them apart and finally hugged him, holding him tight, fading away with him.
 It happened just before they got together. It was raining outside and it was very late, that night. They had been known each other for weeks, but she never moved a step, even if he kept gazing at her or winking at her. Everytime she saw him training in the gym, it was like her heartbeat was going faster and faster, looking at his muscles, his body, his rings that continued to shine under the lights… there was something, something dangerous, that had attracted her to him and she had to vent the repressed lust making exercises. She waited and waited and waited, until she couldn’t do it anymore.
So, she waited for everybody to go out from the male dressing room, except for him and then she entered. She heard the sound of a shower, biting her bottom lip, because of the dirty thoughts she had about him. She wasn’t supposed to had them, he was her friend after all, but luckily they weren’t so close to make the situation weird. That was her opinion about their relationship, at least. The sound stopped. She listened to his footsteps coming closer, until he went out from the shower with a towel tied to his hips and one another between his hands to dry his hair. He noticed her, put the towel away and looked at her. At the beginning he was surprised, but then he grinned.
<< Took you long enough, uh? >>
She gulped, less confident in what she wanted to do or say. Now she was paralyzed by fear. What if he didn’t feel like her? What if he didn’t want something more than a night of passion?
<< What? >> she asked, her voice sounded like a murmur.
<< I was wondering… >> he replied, moving closer to her, his voice rough and low, with water slipping away from his hair and his lips so red, it seemed like blood. Her heart began to race. << …if you’d ever do something about this situation. >>
She shaked her head, trying to focus on his words and not on his damn chest.
<< What situation? >>
<< Oh, you know, >> he answered, caressing a limb of his towel with his fingertips. He was teasing her, she got it. Hell, she hated him, << the fact that you’re disperately trying to stay away from me, even if the only thing you want is to rip my clothes off and… >>
She couldn’t wait anymore. He wanted it, she wanted it, they both wanted it. She kissed him. Their lips moved in sync, like they were supposed to meet as two pieces of the same puzzle a long ago, but they couldn’t and now they were recovering the past. He pushed her against the wall, taking control of the situation, his fingertips moving up on her hips, crashing his lips against hers twice, three times, four times, until she had to stop him to catch her breath.
<< I’ve been wanting this for… >> << Me too. >> he said, putting a lock of her hair behind her ear with softness. It didn’t seem like him, after what they had just done.  
She looked in his eyes and saw torment, melancholy, but also sweetness, that kind of sweetness that comes from pain. She had noticed that just now.
<< I don’t want to ruin anything between us, Kai. >> she said and got his attention.
<< You won’t. This can just get better and better. >> he responded, smiling and that maybe was the moment in which she fell for him.
She didn’t know why, but falling in love with Kai felt like falling in love with the devil.
 She crumbled on top of him, falling on the ground. He looked at her, astonished. Then, he bursted into laughing. Why the hell was he laughing? Was it funny? She was about to lose him forever and he was laughing?
<< You’re such an idiot, Kai! >> she exclaimed, trying to stand up.
<< This reminds me the first time we got laid, in the gym, remember? >>
She blushed, standing up.
<< I hate you. >>
<< Liar. >>
He got up after her, checking if the ring was still in the jean’s pocket, then looked around them. That was Mystic Falls. Damn, he wished to never see that place again.
<< What’s this place? >> she asked, confused.
It was the time to tell her the truth. He didn’t want to do it, he just wanted to keep her away from his past, he wanted to be a better person for her, the person she already thought he was, but it was hard now. He was gonna lose her forever.
<< I caused harm, in the past, to some people… well, a lot of people, but they let me go. Sadly, two of them were in disagree with the others and now they want revenge, I suppose. >>
She crossed her arms.
<< What did you do to them? >>
Not Why didn’t you tell me? or You’ve been a liar since the moment I’ve met you. She gave him the chance to explain.
<< It’s complicated. >> he answered.
She sighed.
<< We’re gonna fix this and then you’ll tell me anything at home, okay? >>
<< Home? >> he asked, shocked. He thought there wasn’t a home to come back to, he thought she didn’t forgive him, but maybe she did. Maybe she… Oh. Oh, no. He closed his eyes, breathing out. Her eyes were like an open door to her heart. She was just tired, that was the truth, tired of his lies and his silences. << Yeah, we’re gonna talk at home. >>
That would have been the last time they could. He was sure about that.
She followed him, while he was placing the ring she gave him in the necklace he had around his neck. She was behind him, walking calmly, but he could feel her heart going fast, concerned.
<< Why did you follow me, Y/N? >> he asked, outside the Salvatore’s house. She didn’t answer. << I mean, you could have just remained at home, thinking about a new life, thinking that I was better than I really am. It would have been… >>
<< …easier. >> she finished the sentence for him. He turned to look at her. << Yeah, I could. Damn me and my stupid feelings about the man I was supposed to marry, I guess. >>
Kai closed his eyes. The sense of guilt grabbed his throat and cut his vocal cords. He understood it, he just wanted her to say it, to say that she still cared about him, somehow.
<< I’m sorry. >> he said, opening his eyes, cirlced in red and glossy. << I’m sorry I dragged you into this. >>
She nodded.
<< Me too. >>
 << I’ve been wanting this for… >> << Me too. >>
 He knocked. Two seconds later, Damon opened the door and grabbed him by his collar.
<< Whoa dude, calm down! >> she exclaimed, opening her palms in front of her chest, to make him understand they came in peace. << He just surrendered to you, show a little respect for your enemy, couldn’t you? >>
He shaked his head, looking at her.
<< Why are you here? >>
<< Who’s she? >> a blonde girl asked. << Kai was the only one supposed to be here. >>
<< She’s his fiancé. >> Damon replied.
<< What? >> another girl asked, surprised. << She’s not wearing any r… >> she was saying, but then she interrupted, when she looked at Kai’s chest, where the ring was, tied to his necklace.
Y/N looked at him too and she saw it. She held her breath. It was like a demonstration of his love for her. She was angry with him, she was furious, but the guy she had been known for four years was a different person. He wasn’t bad, he wasn’t violent, he wasn’t kind either, but he was one of the good guys and she loved him. She loved him with every inch of her body.
<< Are you insane? Are you crazy? >>
<< Caroline! >> the other girl called.
<< Bonnie, that would be the only motivation to be with a sociopath like him. >>
<< No, wait, maybe there’s another explanation. >> she stated. << Since the merge with Luke and Liv, he changed. Now he’s kind of different, I think. That’s why he found someone who loves him. >>
Damon shaked his head, still holding Kai by his collar.
<< I don’t care. That’s his fault, if Elena’s in a coffin. He’s gonna pay for that. >>
<< Wait. >> Y/N said, trying to be brave, to show confidence, like that time in the gym. << Maybe there’s something Kai could do to fix your problem. Can you, Kai? >> she asked him, looking in his eyes, praying him to show them compassion.
She basically begged him to let himself go (for her).
<< Yeah, there is. >> he replied. He heard her pray.  
She breathed out, relieved. Then, he started to talk.
 They got home. He knew he had to tell her the whole story, he knew he had to be honest with her, but he also knew that he hide a lot of terrible things to her and they were hard to digest. They stopped on the doorstep. She had her back laying on the door, while he was staring at her, the keys between his fingers, moving, trembling. He was scared of what she could say. He almost prepared for a death sentence.
It never came.
<< I think you have something that belongs to me. >> she said.
He gulped.
<< What? >>
She glanced at the ring on his chest. He nodded, understanding it. He took the ring away fromt he necklace and gave it to her. His fingers met hers for a second and that contact made her shiver. He didn’t seem to have noticed it, because his eyes were locked into hers.
<< I thought I was gonna lose you. >> she affirmed, putting the ring around her finger.
<< Look, Y/N… >>
<< No, let me finish. >> she interrupted him. << I’m still angry about the lies and I still don’t understand a lot of things about your past, but I believe that you’re different, now. The fact that you didn’t attack Damon until you had to and that you surrendered to him, even if it meant losing everything, shows me that you’re still the same. You’re still the same guy I had feelings about and I remember it. >> she explained, referring to the promise she made him earlier. He clenched his jaw, gulping. She forgave him, even after all the awful things he had done, someone loved him enough to forgive him. He held back his tears, that were burning behind his eyes. << I fell for you that night in the gym, Kai. >> she said and a sob slipped away from her lips. He felt the urge to grab her hand, but he stopped himself. << I don’t know if it’s toxic or fair that I’m in love with you, but I am and I don’t want to throw away everything that we’ve built. >>
Kai nodded.
<< Neither am I. >>
Y/N’s lips trembled.
<< Do you love me? >>
He caressed her cheek. He needed to feel her skin against him, her warmth.
<< Of course, I do. >>
She hugged him. She held him so tight, her knuckled turned white. She closed her eyes, hoping that everything could be alright, finally. Just feeling him so close to her, was like being home again. He wasn’t the bad guy anymore, even after all the terrible things he had done. He was just her boyfriend.
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Author : Lou :p
fandom : Supernatural
episode : 5x09, The real ghostbusters
Summary : reader is a hunter who's case is in a hunted house which unfortunately is the place where a certain supernatural convention is taking place.
A/N : I hope it’s good, I just really like this episode and I thought it would make a good imagine. Feel free to send feedback, I really want to know what you guys think. There maybe are mistakes, English isn’t my first language.
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You were parking in front of the hotel when you saw a bunch of cars, that strangely looked all alike, in front of the place.
‘great, just great’ you thought to yourself ‘why would anyone would want to check in here?’
you walked out of your car, your leather jacket on, went to the trunk to collect the material you needed, it would probably be a basic hunt but the amount of people made it more difficult. Then you saw two men running out of their vehicle, one was a built and very very tall guy, the other was smaller, dark blond haired, quite a cute guy. You saw them talking to a man, then a girl with wide eyes, it probably wasn’t a big deal, you were continuing to take what you needed when you felt eyes upon you. You watched behind your back and saw the cute smaller guy staring at you with confused eyes. You glared back with raised eyebrows, mumbling a ‘what’, then they took of and went inside. 
You took your favorite gun, iron knife that you stuck in your boot along with throwing knives in the inside pockets of your jacket, your EMF, munitions, all you need for your ghost hunt.
When you walked inside, you couldn’t believe what you saw, there was a ton of people disguised in monsters and demons ‘how on earth would they know how demons look like?’ you thought.
You walked in a room where there were people sitting in front of a platform where you could see a sign with “supernatural convention” written on it.
“what the holy hell is that?” you asked out loud to the two men from earlier
“it’s the coolest event you could of dreamed of” the giggly girl said.
“About what?” you asked with confusion.
“the supernatural books, Sam, Dean, they’re hunters, they hunt supernatural things !” she explained briefly.
“What do they hunt?” you asked fearing the answer.
“Demons, ghosts, vampires, wendigos, basically all the legends of the dark”
“Oh.. seemed like a deja vu to me” you mumbled.
“What?” the shorter man asked.
“What? nothing just talking to myself” you replicated while smirking, these people don’t even know what they’re talking about, still you wondered how this man on stage got this idea.
You were looking around for a clue about the ghost you knew was here, you heard about the legend of the headmistress who murdered four children then herself in the orphanage.
Suddenly you heard the word “colt” behind you, you turned around and saw the same two men with another one and the fangirl. It wasn’t possible that they heard about the colt if they weren’t hunters.
“Excuse me, who are you?” you questioned the guys.
“What do you mean?” the tall man responded.
“I mean who are you and how do you know about the colt?” you said frowning. 
“We read the books?” the girl commented.
“What books? These books?” you asked shocked, pointing at the sign of the supernatural books.
“Wait a minute, you didn’t read the books?” the dirty blond haired broke in.
“No, I didn’t know they existed before I came here” you informed them.
“Then, if you know what the colt is but didn’t read the book then you’re a hunter” the tall man pointed out.
“What are you..” you began 
“We’re hunters too” the other one interrupted.
“Okay, then who are you?” you required.
“I’m Dean, this is my brother Sam, who are you and what are you doing here?”
“You except me to believe that your names are Sam and Dean like the characters from the books?” you laughed.
Sam and Dean looked at you suspiciously.
“I didn’t read the books nor did I know they existed but I was there for the first ten minutes of the conference earlier, I heard the names, plus everyone is calling Sam or Dean another person” you explained 
“Aren’t you a smart one” sighed Dean “it’s a real story, Chuck here, the author is a prophet and knows our lives and put it into books” he revealed.
“Hi” Chuck gulped.
“And what are you, the girl they both fall in love to?” you mocked.
“I’m Becky, number one fan” she giggled.
“So, now that we introduced ourselves, it’s you turn to tell us who you are and what you’re doing here” Sam remarked.
“Okay, well I’m Y/N, I’m here for the ghost that haunts this place”
“There’s no ghost here, we would of known sweetheart” Dean smirked.
“Well, Sherlock, if you would have just paid more attention, you would have seen something. Like that the story the entertainer is telling is true, then you would have asked the man behind the counter, he would of told you that there was indeed a headmistress that killed four children in the attic and that today is the 100th anniversary of their deaths. Is that enough for you sweetheart?” you explained proudly
“But nothing happened today” responded Sam.
“you sure about that?” you nodded towards a man who seemed chocked and had blood spilling from his ear.
“I’m telling you she’s upstairs, a real live dead ghost !” the man freaked out.
“Look I’m sure she was one of the actress” the friend told the guy.
“who beat the crap out of me and then vanished? I’m getting out of here and you should do the same”
“Real enough for you guys? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a scalper ghost to hunt” you smiled, and walked to the attic.
“Wait ! we’re coming with you” Sam shouted to you while he and his brother reached your sides.
“It’s not my first rodeo cowboys” you chuckled to them.
“Well, we wouldn’t miss an opportunity to work with a beautiful huntress” Dean winked down at you. You rolled your eyes and kept moving.
The three of you went to the attic by a small trapdoor, there was a bunch of old furnitures stuffed everywhere. You pulled out your EMF which was going wild like the one Sam had.
“EMF’s going nuts” Sam pointed out.
“When all of this is over, I expect you two to buy me a drink, if it wasn’t for me, you would have let this one murder again” you bragged.
“We would of seen it sooner or later but okay for the drink” Dean agreed “I’ll need it after this ghost and all of these dudes pretending to be us, poking at it”
“You guys are like celebrities for nerds” you laughed at them, “these people would totally kill to be you if only for one day”
“Yeah well I don’t understand why, who would want to risk his life everyday? they’re lunatics” Dean responded, he didn’t believe that someone would want to be miserable and live his life, he would do anything to just be at least the basic hunter he used to be before the Apocalypse, his 40 years in Hell, his dad’s death, anything.
“I don’t know, I think it’s because a lot of people would do anything they could to be important and saving lives is the perfect thing for feeling this way” you reflected, even if sometimes you wanted to have a normal life, you didn’t complain about you way of life, you helped people and that’s what you would tell yourself anytime you felt like you couldn’t take it anymore.
“My mommy loves me” you jumped when you saw a little boy crouching in a corner
“I said my mommy loves me” the boy repeated with his hands on his head.
“I’m sure she does” Sam tried to reassure the boy.
“My mommy loves me this much” the boy said while spreading his arms, you could see a large part of his head scalped away with blood spilling.
“so that’s why you said scalper ghost huh?” Dean asked.
“Yep, real psycho”
Sam was at the phone trying to collect informations on Leticia Gore while you were with Dean, waiting for him.
“Why is she looking at him like that?” you asked flabbergasted by Becky who was staring at Sam like he was meat on a hook.
“She’s a Sam girl” Dean answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“A Sam girl?” you replied dumbfounded.
“Yeah she’s a girl who’s got a weird thing for Sam, I don’t know why though, everyone with good eyes can tell I’m the funny one” 
“Is that so? Well, funny, I don’t know, but the one with the most self-esteem, definitely” you replied laughing at him.
“Alright so that was a guy with the County Historical Society” Sam began.
“And?” Dean interrupted.
“Not only did Leticia Gore butcher four boys, but one of them was her own son” Sam informed.
“Her son?” you asked dumbfounded.
“Yeah, according to the police at the time, she scalped the poor kid”
“Oh that’s it, I’m gonna deep fry this bitch, extra crispy” the oldest snorted “Dude said where she was buried?”
“He doesn’t know” 
“Hey, check it out” you nodded towards the table with two guys talking with forced deep voices about a map on their table.
You three walked to the two men, Sam took the map from them.
“It’s real” Sam testified by touching it “a century old, and he’s right there is a cemetery”
“Where did you get that?” Dean spoked.
“It’s called a game pal, it ain’t called charity” fake Dean retorted. 
“Alright give me the map chuckles” Dean urged him.
“You’re the chuckles, chuckles besides Dean don’t listen to nobody” he told him while opening his jacket to reveal a fake gun.
You chuckled at how stupid this conversation sounded, Dean gave you a stern look which only made you laugh more.
“Dean, cool it” fake Sam told fake Dean.
Dean, then open his jacket to reveal his real gun.
Dean !” Sam warned his older brother.
“What? They’re freakin’ annoying” Dean growled.
“Can’t argue with that” you agreed, finding these persons to be a waste of time in this serious case.
“Look guys, how about you give us this map and we will burn the bones? Don’t worry you’ll have the check if you want, it’s just a serious thing” you tried to convince them.
“And who the hell are you supposed to be, Ruby, the demon?” fake Dean asked.
“Who are you calling a demon you fraud?!” you barked at him while pulling your .45 from your waist, if there is one thing you didn’t like to be called it was to be called a demon.
“Woah, no one is calling anyone a demon” Sam broke in trying to calm the things down or more you than the situation “look we all want to find the bones right? We just thought it would go faster if we all worked together” Sam suggested hoping it would work.
“Ahem, like the lady who’s not Ruby said, we get the Slizzer gift card” fake Sam requested.
“Fine” Dean agreed with a sarcastic smile.
“And we get to be Sam and Dean” fake Dean demanded.
you all looked at each other, then Dean agreed to it.
You all went to cemetery to dig up Leticia’s grave, the two fans were arguing pretending to be Sam and Dean which made you laugh internally, but it didn’t really entertain the real ones.
“You know what, that’s it, that is it” Dean had enough.
“What’s wrong Bobby?” asked the fake Dean confused.
“I’m not Bobby okay? You’re not Sam and you’re not Dean. What is wrong with you? Why in the hell would you choose to be these guys?” a really pissed Dean questioned, you stood there watching the scene, not knowing what to say.
“Because we’re fans, like you” the tall man pretending to be Sam said.
“No, I am not a fan okay? Not fans, in fact I think the Dean and Sam’s story sucks. It is not fun, it’s not entertaining. It is a river of crap that would send most people howling to the nuthouse. So you listen to me, their pain is not for your amusement. I mean you think they enjoy being treated like circus freaks?” Dean snarled, he really wasn’t enjoying the fact that some people would take his story and make fun of it which was understandable.
“Uh, I think they don’t care, because they’re fictional characters” fake Dean replied.
“Oh they care, believe me. They care a lot”
“He huh, takes the story really seriously” you tried to explain Dean’s behavior, then walked to him.
“You really let this get over you huh?” you commented to Dean when you caught up with him.
“Well get your story published and tell me if you like it” Dean responded harshly.
“Yeah I guess, but you know, once a hunter’s story is revealed, you don’t need another one” you remarked, Dean gave you a confused look.
“Well, all hunters’ stories are the same right? basically, they all went into the business to get revenge or because it’s family and something tells me that yours isn’t a generation older than you is it?” you added.
“Like I said, smart chick” Dean affirmed.
“Well, how would have I survived all by myself if I wasn’t?” you smirked at him, you didn’t trust someone so easily normally but these boys seemed to be different than most hunters, you felt like you could tell them something and they wouldn’t use it as an advantage but of course you wouldn’t deliver your story just yet. 
“This is it” Sam told you as you walked into the cemetery.
You all began to search Leticia Gore’s grave to dig up her bones and burn them.
“Found her” you said as you saw a grave with the ghost’s name on it.
You, Sam and Dean began to pick your shovels from your bags, you looked up to see two fans quite speechless by what you were about to do.
“Wait are you serious?” fake Dean coughed.
“Deadly” Dean retorted in all seriousness.
“We’re not really digging up grave guys, we’re just playing the game” fake Sam said kinda scared of what you wanted to do.
“Trust us, you wanna win the game right?” you tried to convince them “or maybe you’re not suited for this life” you said as if you were playing along with them.
They nodded, then Dean and Sam started to dig while you and the two others were holding a flashlight. The wind began whistling more and more the closer they got to the coffin. Dean opened it to reveal the remains of Miss Gore.
“That’s not a plastic skeleton, that’s a skeleton skeleton” fake Dean gasped.
“You just dug up a real grave” fake Sam remarked.
“Yeah, what did you think it was?” you laughed at their naïvety.
“You guys are nuts” fake Dean declared.
“I thought you guys wanted to be hunters” you recalled to them “If you’re afraid of that, I wonder how you would be in front of wendigos or demons” you stated.
“Hunters aren’t real, this isn’t real, God you’re insane” he told you with a shocked look as they began to walk away.
“What did you just say to me?” you snapped
“Look..” fake Sam froze.
“What now?” you asked as you turned around, the ghost was there and made Sam fly across the place.
“Naughty, naughty, naughty” she said while pushing Sam.
“Damn it !” you and Dean said, he went to burn the corpse while you were going after the ghost who began to attack the Supernatural fans. Leticia was about to hit you when she disappeared in embers. The two civilians were frozen to death.
“Real enough for you?” Dean quoted you.
Fake Sam and fake Dean were at the bar drinking their fear, real Dean and real Sam came to talk to them, you smiled at how gentle they were considering you couldn’t even try to be nice to them, they made you waste a lot of your time and it wasn’t a thing you liked. You gathered your stuffs, the boys went to you, you three began to head towards the entrance, you didn’t have to be in that nerdy place anymore. You tried to open the door but it wouldn’t work.
“That’s weird” you mumbled.
“Definitely” Sam agreed.
You tried all the openings you could find doors, windows but none of them seemed to open.
“Anything?” Dean shouted.
“No” Sam replied.
“Everything is locked” you added “it’s almost like something is..”
“Keeping us in? yeah” Dean completed.
“This is bad” Sam remarked.
“Gee you think Sammy?” Dean wondered.
Suddenly you heard a woman screamed, you all rushed to her, it was the actress who played the role of Leticia Gore in the hunt that the convention organized.
“Don’t go in there” she warned.
“Get downstairs okay? go go !” Dean rushed her out of the room.
“Why did you do that? Why did you send my mommy away?” the boy from earlier asked still in a corner of the room.
“Maybe because of the high and tight she gave you huh? How about some thanks” Dean provoked.
“Ahem” you did, not wanting to irritate the ghost.
“I’m just saying a little gratitude would be nice once in a while” Dean continued.
“My mommy didn’t do this to me” the boy revealed.
“What? Then who did?” you asked as the boy suddenly just vanished.
You heard a man shout in German from another room, you all ran to it to find the hookman lying on the floor with his head scalped, this case was going creepier but nothing that you couldn’t handle, you hoped.
“Now what?” Dean asked angrily.
“Well no one can leave, so we have to gather everyone in the same room to prevent any other attack that might happen” you suggested.
“How are we gonna do that by not create a general panic?” Dean argued
“We could make Chuck to maintain the convention long enough so we can kill them” Sam submitted his idea.
“Yeah that can work” you agreed “ the conference room, we can salt the place, it can work” you said.
“Okay let’s go” Dean commended.
Sam went to tell Chuck to save enough time to let you guys kill the thee angry ghosts that remain in the hotel. Dean gathered the rest of the people in the room, closed the door, then you grabbed the salt an shed it along the openings. 
“New theory” Sam announced.
“The legend about Leticia are ass backwards obviously” you reported.
“Yeah, so let’s say those three orphans were paying cowboys and indians” Sam began “and let’s say they scalped Leticia’s son and killed him”
“Mom catches them, slices them and dices herself after” you concluded.
“If that’s true, we got three psychos children with knives in the building” Dean retorted.
“Leticia was the only one keeping them under control” you theorized.
“Until we took her out” Sam reminded.
“Smart move on our part” Dean stated “we have to get back to the cemetery and burn the kids’ bones”
“How? we’re trapped, we don’t even have our guns” Sam recalled.
“Well we are trapped, but like you said Dean, I’m smart” you said while taking out your gun from your waist, hunting iron knife from your boots and the six throwing knives you had from your jacket.
“Y/N you’re awesome !” Dean exclaimed.
“I know, now Dean you have your gun,  Sam here’s my favorite one don’t lose it, I’ll keep my knife and here’s two throwing knives for each of us but it won’t be enough even with the little we got, the kids run this place and they are only scared of one thing” you explained.
“Leticia” Dean mumbled “I know how we can scare them”
“Well, feel free to enlighten us” Sam told.
“The actress, the one that played Leticia Gore, she can do it”
“Yeah that could work” you thought.
“You want me to do what?” The actress asked shocked by the request.
“You’re an actress we just want you to act” Dean explained to her.
“I’m a waitress at Hooters in Toledo, no you can forget it” she told you.
“You’ll be safe, we promise, please it’s important” Sam pleaded.
You saw the two fans from earlier tapping on Dean’s shoulder.
“We want to help” fake Dean said.
“Just give her the puppy dog thing okay?” Dean advised Sam “guys no”
“Why not?” fake Sam questioned.
“Because this isn’t make-believe” you retorted not wanting them to mess up your plan.
“Look we know, we’re not nuts, we’re freaking terrified” fake Dean responded.
“Yeah but if all these people are seriously in trouble, we gotta do something” fake Sam went on.
“Why” Dean asked confused about why they would want to risk their life even if they don’t know how to save these people.
“Because that’s what Sam and Dean would do” fake Dean guessed.
You smiled, even if you didn’t know Sam and Dean for a long time, you knew it brought pleasure to Dean hearing this.
The five of you split up, you and Dean would be with the actress, trying to convince the children to open the doors for the three others to go to the graves and burn the bones.
“I don’t want to do this” the actress confessed.
“We’re right here sweetheart, we got your back, trust me this is gonna work” Dean tried to reassure her even though he wasn’t sure about himself, he gave you a look that said he didn’t know how this will end, you gave him a nod to tell him it will work.
“Boys? boys, come here th-this instant” she tried to sound angry “you come when I call you, do you understand me?”
“Miss Gore?” the three boys appeared before her.
“You boys have been very naughty, now you open the doors ! Open the doors right now !” she scolded.
the doors were opening more and more, fake Sam succeed and got out.
“Very naughty, you hear me? Naughty naughty naughty” the actress mimicked.
You nodded towards Dean to tell him it was working, the boys were afraid but suddenly the actress’ phone began to rang.
“Oh no” you whispered, Dean gave you the same look you had.
The ghosts regained their confidence back, the fans managed to get out but they blocked the doors after hearing the phone, Sam couldn’t leave.
You and Dean came out from where you were hiding, Dean was holding an iron bar and you were holding your iron knife.
“Run” he said to the actress, she did what she was told and got out of the room.
“Show time” you added, gripping at your knife.
You two went after the boys, one of them disappeared leaving one for each of you, you swung your knife to the throat of one of them while Dean was fighting the other one. You prayed that they were almost done with the graves, you didn’t know how long you could keep going like that. You were thrown across the room, you threw one of you knives at one of the boys, he resurfaced and tried to scalp you with his knife you tried to fight back as hard as you could, you saw that Sam and Dean were in the same situation, you hoped that it would be over soon and then all of the ghost vanished, it was over.
“You okay?” Sam asked the two of you while helping you get up.
“Yeah, I didn’t know children could be that strong.. or crazy” you responded regaining your breath.
“Well we smashed the sons of bitches, thanks to the two crazy Sam and Dean” Dean chuckled, he was grateful that they were here and that they risked their lives even if they weren’t trained.
“You know maybe that guy was right, maybe we should put these things on a bungee” Dean suggested holding up his weapon.
You looked at him confused.
“This guy, the hookman said it during the conference” Dean informed.
“Ah, that totally makes sense” you replied sarcastically.
You gathered your things, it was almost time to get back to the road, but first you thanked the fans who helped you.
“Thanks guys, you were really helpful back there” you admitted.
“I never thought you would be the thanking type of girl” fake Dean said.
“Well don’t push it” you smirked.
Dean took your place and talked to the guys, they explained why it would be cool to be Sam and Dean, to save the world, have a brother who would die for you, who wouldn’t want that. 
‘He does have a point’ you thought to yourself.
You said bye to Chuck and Becky then made your way to your car, packing your stuff in the trunk, you were ready to leave. But not without saying goodbye to your working buddies on this hunt.
“You know you have a pretty cool Ford thunderbird” Dean addressed to you.
“Thanks, it’s a 1957, and you do have a beautiful Impala” you retorted.
“A smart hunter and a person who knows about car, aren’t you the perfect girl” Dean winked that made you chuckle.
“Leaving already?” Sam said joining the both of you.
“There’s work to do, it’s the Apocalypse, but you knew that, you’re the ones who started it” you asserted, they gave you a confuse look. 
“How do..” Sam began.
“How do I know? come on everyone knows” you chuckled.
“Don’t you want to kill us?” Dean asked interested about why you acted like you didn’t know.
“Killing you won’t do any good, besides you’re Michel an Lucifer’s vessels, the angels would only bring you back” you began “And you’re good guys, you’re obviously idiots but you’re not bad” you admitted, when you first heard about the guys who started the Apocalypse, you wanted to tare them appart, it’s your personality, but you thought about it and you knew that it was inevitable.
“You’re the first hunter to say that to us” Sam told you.
“Most of hunters don’t think, they just see the facts and act. I say that if it wasn’t you, the angels or the demons would have figured another solution to start the damn thing. All bastards if you want my opinion” you added.
“I never thought about it like that” Dean admitted.
“See, act but don’t think” you winked.
“Thank you for that, and for everything, you really are an amazing hunter” Dean complimented.
“You’re one hell of a good team too, like I said, idiots, but good team” you mocked them.
“Yeah I supposed we are” Sam laughed “take care Y/N, maybe we’ll see you again”
“I think we will, you might need my help again sometime” you winked.
“Probably” Dean smiled.
“Bye boys, and remember, don’t say yes” you advised.
“You can count on us” they said.
You entered into your car and drove away, a few moments later, a certain angel appeared next to you on the passenger seat.
“Damn it Cass !” you shouted losing the control of the car for a bit.
“I see you met the Winchesters” he replied.
“So that’s why you wanted me there, you wanted me to meet them. Why?” you demanded.
“They need you to advice them, they don’t always see the right choices” Cass retorted.
“Why me?” you asked.
“Because you will have the ability to convince them, you don’t know it yet but they will care for you and your point of view will be really important, you have the balance of both of their personalities, you’re the one who can lead them into the right way” he informed you.
“So that’s why you rescued me from Hell, you want me to advice two men who clearly don’t like to take opinion from others than them” you remarked.
“Yes, they need your help, they just don’t know it yet” the angel went on “like you said to them, you know how to think in ways they don’t”
“Great and now what?” you asked sarcastically.
“Now you will go where they’ll go, I’ll tell you when I know” he said before vanishing.
You didn’t quite understand your value to the Winchesters just yet but something told you that you will find out soon enough.
A/N : So I don’t know if the end is good, tell me if you like it or not and if you want a part 2, maybe I could begin a series if you find that it’s good enough. If you have ideas, remarks, anything, feel free to send them. Thanks !
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poison--pals · 3 years
cold hearts | rosalie hale
"I can't thank you enough, Charlie,"I say, fervent in gratitude.
I give the awkward, introverted, man a hug. He reacts like I usually do-frozen and tense.
However, I'm simply too filled with temporary happiness and gratitude to care.
My parents died last week, and well, I'm not about to let my aunt house me. So when Charlie heard the news, he offered to take me in.
So I've been shipped across the country to stay with my childhood best friend, Bella Swan. I know this girl more than she does herself, which just goes to show that our relationship is extraordinary.
We met in Phoenix, where I had just moved at age 7. Since then, we had hung out and texted forever, even when I moved back to Atlanta at age 16. Safe to say I haven't seen Bella in a good two years, but I missed her so much that I've just been pining to hug her again.
Bella and Charlie are the only people that know about my family's ... predicament. A town this small though, I won't be surprised if someone reads it out of our minds.
The two of us slide into the police cruiser, and I relax on the familiar seat. Sure, I've been seated on the backseat more then the front, but Charlie doesn't need to know that.
I peer out of the window at the dark small town, taking in its imperfections.
We chat like old friends, and silence takes over comfortably. "How is she?" I ask, referring to Bella. Charlie grimaces.
"She's great. Her boyfriend isn't, though." And I perk up in interest.
"Old Bella's got a boyfriend, does she?" I smile. "Hey, what happened to her converting to lesbian and marrying me?"
Charlie smirks. "Guess you can surprise her, Ti. She still doesn't know that you're here."
It's been a running joke for a long time. After I told Bella that I was a lesbian, she embraced it accordingly. Just goes to show that when a straight girl can be friends with a boy, a gay girl can be friends with a girl too.
Charlie frowns. "You know, I'm worried. Bella's pretty clumsy, but she was almost killed on the second week of school."
My head almost hits the roof. "She what?"
I swing out of the cruiser as we pull up to the quaint yellow home. Bounding up the stairs, still high on fear and worry, I slam the unlocked door against the wall and scream up the stairs, "BELLA SWAN! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!"
A couple of seconds later, a groggy Bella rolls down the stairs, wearing earbuds and a drool spot on her chin.
Bella wipes at her face with sweater paws, and squints her eyes, trying to wake up. "Ti-Tiana...?" She whispers in disbelief.
"Duh, how many friends do you have named Tiana> Do you even have friends?" I tease as she squeals and jumps up from halfway down the stairs.
Now, because this is Bella Swan we are talking about, she naturally has to fall down the rest, tripping and breaking her arm with a sighing Charlie Swan behind me.
Disappointed, but not surprised, I massage my head in exasperation. "I'll take her, Charlie, just get me the keys,"
He throws them to me, and I pick Bella up "Let's go, bestie. You owe me an explanation and a hug."
And that, my dears, is why we are sitting in a hospital.
The doctor tending to Bella, a Dr.Cullen, smiles at us, "Only a sprained wrist, though it looks much worse then it is. I can get get you a cast; green, blue, black or white?"
I snort quietly. Bella's going for the least inconspicuous one, I guarantee it.
"Green," She says. I choke on my snort, coughing a little. "Seriously?" I ask her.
"No, " Bella replies, laughing. "White please." Dr. Cullen nods and leaves.
That's the thing with our friendship, Bella and I; we'll never worry about being black and white.
We love each other more for it.
We head home, Tiana driving my truck.
As she parks at our house, lifts me out of the truck, and we enter the living room.
Charlie takes one look and sighs into his hand condescendingly. Tiana rubs his back teasingly. "I don't know how you deal with her, Charlie. I could never."
"Oh save it," I retort, while hugging my dad close. I know he's been worried ever since the car accident with Tyler, and I love him and relate so much to him that no one except Tiana can replicate.
He hugs me back awkwardly, and me and Tiana begin the spaghetti.
I may be straight, and my best friend may be lesbian, but we've made a cuddle rule at the young age of 7, and have yet to break it.
We eat dinner happily, revelling in each other's aura, and fall asleep together, cuddling like always.
Playing with Jasper's hair in the few moments he lets me, I stare sourly at the scene in front of me; Carlisle and Esme staring into eachother's eyes.
Like I need more romance right now, Edward and Bella disgust me enough. Ella and Emmett were shopping, and Alice was... well I had no idea.
Edward was busy playing the piano, trying to impress Bella even more. Like that could happen; the girl was already smitten.
Edward let out a snort, then shot me a pitiful look, reading my bitter mind.
How ironic, the two unmated vampires in the house, until a human of all things comes and claims one of them. Even more painful when the other vampire is, well, bisexual.
I didn't even really hate the girl, it was just...
I just wish I could've died when I was supposed to. It's not like there'll be anyone for me.
Alice burst through the door breezily. "She's coming!" My sister sang.
"Who?" Bella and I asked at the same time.
"Tiana. Tiana Melrone" Alice answered back.
Bella shot up from the desk, hitting her knee one the piano's bench. "Owww," She groaned. "When?"
Alice smiled. "That's for me to know and you to find out, dear future sister."
"Edward?" Bella turned around, still clutching her knee.
He held his hands up innocently. "Hey, I don't know everything!" He protested.
"And why do we care again?" I asked dryly. "Oh yeah! We don't," Before turning back to Jazz.
Bella scrunched her nose at me, "Well, she's my best friend... I'd better go home and yell at Charlie not telling me sooner. Say hi to Ella and Emmett for me,"
Bella hugged Alice, Esme and Carlisle before leaving, shooting me and Jasper a smile.
Alice smirked at me. "Moody already, it hasn't even started, " She sighed in anticipation.
"Mary Alice Brandon Cullen, reveal your secret at once," I demanded.
Ella (Emmett's mate) and Emmett decided to show up at that crucial moment, lugging bags of clothing in.
"Hey, just passed Edward and Bella-" Ella was cut off by Alice.
"La. Tua. Cantanteeee" She trilled, and the whole family snapped her heads up to look at her.
"What? Again?" Carlisle whispered.
"Oh yeah," Alice grinned. "Here's the plan."
I roll over, yawning lazily, sunlight streaming through Bella's old white blinds.
"Bells, babe, you gotta get up," I unstick my taller form from the tiny brunette, eyebrows creased in worry.
I check my watch; 7:15 AM. Eh, I'll let her have her sleep.
"Just a couple of minutes, mkay?" I lean over and kiss Bella softly on the forehead. I know I'm acting like we're married, but although Bella is beautiful, I'm simply not attracted to her.
I grab a blanket, and walk down the stairs, sighing softly.
Staring at the small kitchen, gleaming in the sunrise's effect, I slide over to the cupboards, pulling a waffle maker from the first shelf.
I whistle softly while I make the waffles, Charlie having already left. Just how happy is Bella?
I get the chance to ask her when she tramps down the staircase, brown hair neatly behind a red headband, and sporting jeans and a black sweatshirt.
"Oh hell no," I remark, and slide the waffles onto the plates, allowing them to cool off. "You've got a man, right? That is not how you dress, sweetheart."
"It's the only thing I have," Bella wheedles, but I'm not having it.
I run upstairs, view her embarrassment of a closet, grab a couple things from my suitcase, and push Bella into the bathroom with the articles of clothing.
"Tian- TIANA! YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR THIS?!" Bella screams from inside. I only giggle.
"The red looks really good with your type of brown hair, Bells. Just like how I look good in green." I yell back.
I hear a sigh of defeat. "Fine. But one day, Ti, and if Jessica of all people doesn't compliment it, I'm never wearing this again."
I chuckle softly, then stop. "Wait, who's Jessica?"
I can her laugh softly. "This girl from Trig. She thinks I'm going to steal Mike from under her-"
I rest my head against the door softly. "Lemme know all of the dirt in that high school on the way there, Bella. Don't you try to change the subject on me, come on out."
I can practically feel her biting her nails, and swings the door open.
I check her out, then do a double take and check my best friend out again. I sigh, "Dammit, Bells, you're going to make me catch feelings, and then where will we be?"
She chuckles, looking like a goddess.
Bella's dark red headband sits perfectly on her flowing, glossy hair from the oil I gave her. At her throat, a red, glass, circle pendant sits.
Her dark red sweater wraps just the right way around her, accentuating her curves and slimness. Black skinny jeans hug her thighs, and make her legs look longer then they are.
And finally, laced boots that I bought a couple of weeks ago, black with red laces.
Bella offers me a shy smile, and I nod. "Yes. This is it. Oh my gosh!" I squeal.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Ti." Bella looks me over. "Looking like a meal."
I keel over laughing. "It's lookin' like a snacc, Bells. Oh, you'd think that you just turned 39 instead of 17."
She slaps me on the arm teasingly. "Be grateful you're hot, Ti."
I mean, I do look pretty good. A green crop top with black sleeves and a black undershirt, green jeans and green laces on my black lace -ups.
Then, three green bracelets and a green clip in my hair. Overboard? Yes.
I'm a black girl in a white world. Like my wardrobe could do anything to change that.
I get out of the red Chevy, feeling eyes burning into my skull, scouring every part of my body where my skin is visible.
The chatter is silenced, and I see people sneering at me.
I knew this would happen, and I still thought that people would accept me in this white-washed town.
I hold my head up, and sashay towards the office building, Bella walking beside me.
Once we are safely inside, I turn to her and whisper, "You can go, Bells. You know me, I'll be fine"
Bella hesitates, then hugs me. I wrap my arms around her. "I'll talk to you at lunch. Text me if you need anything." She says into my shoulder.
"Okay, love you," I let go of her hand.
She mouths 'Love you too' and then she's gone, walking back towards the entrance.
I set my arms on the office desk causally, and the secretary, an old white woman with permed blonde hair in a purple tee hung her phone up and glared at me.
"Hi, I'll be attending here for the next couple of months," I smiled kindly, "I'm Tiana Melrone,"
"Is that so?" She asked, drawing out every word.
"Yes. I actually need to go to my next class in 5 minutes, can I have my schedule and map?" My smile grew wider.
"Of course! Just give me a couple of minutes to draw one up for you," Mrs. Pine bared her teeth at me and bent down, completely ignoring the stack of maps beside her.
She perused the files for several minutes, muttering quietly, "Melrone, Melrone, Melrone," As I watched her passed the "M" section several times.
I tapped my foot angrily, clenching my jaw. The unabashed disrespect was voluminous, and when Mrs. Pine finally set my schedule down, I left, pulling Bella's old map out.
I checked it briefly, and then headed to the gymnasium, or whatever the little room was called here.
I breathed out thankfully; I still had 30 seconds until class started. The last thing I needed was detention.
I rushed to the gym as quickly as possible, and burst through the gym door right before the bell rang, huffing in annoyance and irritation.
- F O R K S H I G H S C H O O L - G Y M N A S I U M -
It was awkward.
Those were the words I'd use to describe trying to get changed in the small change room.
I was currently hushed in the crook of the locker room, trying to slip off my sweater and replace it with a t-shirt as soon as possible. I decided to take my high-rise jeans on, it would hurt my performance too much.
I practically sprinted out of the room, relief spreading as I ignored the baleful stares.
"Who does she think she is?" I heard, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blonde with a lip ring place her hand on her exposed hip in utter annoyance.
Great. It appeared that the little crook was actually "Her Spot". Perfect.
I smoothed out my leggings, and made my way to the gym floor, where everyone was setting up the nets.
There was apparently one good thing about Forks after all; it played volleyball.
- G Y M N A S I U M-
I was holding back, as per usual.
Years of playing volleyball at a high level made me really competitive at the sport, and the absolute incompetency of my peers disgusted me.
I was leaning to spike over the net to my opponent before the coach blew his whistle and announced that we were going to start playing couples against couples.
Just perfect.
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