#who stewie wants to kill
creepy-onthebutt · 1 year
Everyone trying to guess who stewie is and why he wants scam dead are ignoring the true comedic potential of it just being actual stewie griffin from family guy that wants scam dead
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months
After seeing the pics of alexia at the Barça basketball game could you do one where she is finally playing the wag role for reader? Just overall enjoying being readers number one fan
on the sidelines
alexia putellas x reader
just a lil fluffy blurb that i wrote in half an hour… defo no proof read or spell checked so sorry in advance xo
desperately working on getting some more reqs out for y’all but i’m so overhauled with coursework that it’s taking me way longer so sorry if your request gets ignored as of rn mid terms are killing me ☠️
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“A triple double, Y/n, one incredible feat, how do you feel knowing that your team is through to the play offs?”
You were buzzing, still coming down from the endorphin high as you tried to focus on the reporter who had been the first to attack you as soon as you’d finished shaking hands with your opponents, not even giving you the opportunity to leave the court.
“Every game is a team game, I’m obviously wrapped, but half of that wouldn’t have happened without my teammates. I’m obviously elated that we’re through to finals, the job starts now for us, everything we’ve worked for this season falls down to the next few weeks so we work hard, it’s not over until the final siren.”
The reporter smiled at you and you gave your signature smile back to the camera, trying to get this over and done with as soon as possible.
“The modesty is appreciated, but how did you feel about coming second in the league MVP poll earlier in the week?”
You bit down on your lap, it was a rude question, but you had been prepared for it.
“Obviously I would have loved to come home with the trophy, but it wasn’t meant to be. I have so much respect for Stewie and she deserved the award just as much as anybody else who we were contending against. Honestly, I couldn’t give two shits about individual awards, what matters to me is this playoffs series and maybe I can bring that trophy home instead.”
You smiled once again at the reporter and camera, slowly becoming more uncomfortable with the conversation the longer it went on.
“Now, we all have some questions about the trip down under you took a few weeks ago, any particular reason you decided to go home?”
You began to haphazardly fiddle with the microphone in your hands, willing for this interview to conclude so you could just enjoy your win.
“I missed home, the few days that I spent their were really nice and the team can tell you that since then I have been in much better spirits, sometimes you just need a reset and it was just really good timing that we had the two week break.”
The reporter smirked at you and you could feel the underlying question under her smirk.
“So nothing to do with your visit aligning with the World Cup final and one particular Spanish player who’s here tonight, sporting your number?”
You felt your face flush a little bit at the unforgiving blatancy of the reporter, very quickly trying to remember everything they’d taught you about avoiding questions in media training.
“A good friend of mine, Sam, extended the invitation and gave me some tickets to the finals games so how could I refuse? I mean the sheer pride for the Tillies that I held watching them progress was insane, nothing better than seeing women's sport be elevated at home.”
You could tell the reporter was nagging for you to answer the part of her question that you were ignoring.
“So just a coincidence then that you happened to spend a few days in Barcelona on a layover before returning back to New York?”
You bit the inside of the cheek, this wasn’t what you’d been expecting after winning one of the biggest games in your career.
“Are you implying something, Jackie?”
Your eyebrows rose in mock sarcasm, trying to laugh off the situation and make the reporter understand the message that this wasn’t something you wanted to talk about.
“Simply wondering whether you had anything to do with the presence of Alexia Putellas, or as we all know her, La Reina at tonight's game, and if she happened to be the person you were looking up at tonight everytime you scored?”
You shivered at the mention of her name.
“Alexia and I are good friends, and I will leave it at that.”
You smiled at the camera, enough of a smile that it was genuine but not enough to lead anybody on, because that wasn’t what you wanted to do, you wanted to leave them hanging.
“Good friends that wear each other's jerseys to each other's matches?”
You smirked at the camera, the annoyance of this situation slowly getting to you more and more.
“Good friends that just don’t pack enough of their own clothes when they visit.”
Your voice was dismissive, enough to tell the reporter that you weren’t interested in broaching the topic any further if she wanted to continue to have a conversation with you.
“So, quite the comeback you’ve made in the past 48 months, double back surgery is certainly an impressive feat, how has it felt returning to the court this season and competing at the same level that you were before your injury, especially after how the injury resulted in you sitting out the bronze medal olympic match?”
You could feel the sweat across your body starting to go cold, a true sign that you’d been talking for far to long.
“I’m obviously feeling great, better than ever really. Sitting out at the Olympics was devastating, obviously but I promised that I’d be back and here I am, I’m still working on my recovery, but hopefully by the time the olympics roll around next year I’ll be back fully and bringing home some hardware.”
The reporter laughed heartily at your weak joke, an action that made you a little woozy.
“I’m sorry but that’s all the questions I’ll be answering, my coach is getting rather antsy on the sidelines and it would do me some good not to annoy her right now, so I’ll have to wish you all a goodbye, and see you later for the playoffs.”
You sent a kiss towards the camera before handing the microphone and headset back to the filming crew before following your coach over to the sideline and then into the tunnel towards your change rooms. Sandy patted you on the back as you made your way back to the rooms, just consciously quickening your steps a little bit so you could make the distance as quickly as possible.
You’d never liked limelight, or any of the media attention. You’d started out playing country basketball with your siblings, out on the court all throughout the middle of summer. Eventually, after joining a club and playing some juniors you got picked up by the Perth team and then had worked your way upwards, but never had you played for the attention or glory, growing up, womens basketball in Australia was severely underappreciated, so you’d never had to really face any media attention. But the WNBA was a whole different ballpark and you were still adjusting after 6 seasons to the amount of ways you were now exposed to the general public.
Your whole body relaxed when you spotted Alexia standing beside the locker room door, hand in her phone, flicking furiously through it. You ran directly towards her, almost bowling her over with your strong strides.
She wrapped her arms around you almost immediately, allowing your to bury your head in her neck as you breathed in the scent of her, and the scent of one of your spare jerseys sitting comfortable across her muscley arms and chest. It was a sight for sore eyes, one that you’d been waiting far to long to see.
“I fucking hate reporters.”
Alexia snorted at you, it wasn’t often that she got to see you after games, both of you having extremely busy schedules that hardly allowed for time to go and watch each other mess around with a ball on a pitch or court for an hour.
“I know bebita, but you did so well.”
She concluded her statement in the very best way possible, plastering a series of kisses all over your face that made you giddy on the inside and had you pushing her off of you. The tunnel was a fairly safe place from reporters, but you could never be too sure who was creeping around and a part of you didn’t need your relationship being revealed right at this moment.
Something about having your number across Alexia’s chest set a fire in your soul and you stepped back from her embrace to take it in, to take in the sight of her standing in front fo you, her perfect shoulders on show, sitting comfortable beside the jersey. A few of her back tattoos peaking out from her shoulders giving you a indescribable view of the ink. Her collection was constantly growing and you swore every time she returned to you there was a new one for her to show you and tell you the story of.
She had paired the jersey with a plain pair of white jeans and her washed out pink hair was sitting comfortably on her shoulders, the strands being pushed out of her face by the Prada sunglasses sitting comfortably on her head, sunglasses you were certain had absolutely zero purpose besides being an accessory. You did have to admit that the pink had been your favourite hair in a long while, in fact you’d been the one who Alexia had convinced to help with the dye when she had one of her midnight crisis’ that had you marching down to the chemist to buy neon pink hair dye to make your girlfriend happy.
“I like it when you’re the wag.”
Alexia rolled her eyes, spinning around to give you a look at your brandished last name, sitting perfectly between the valley of skin that travelled between her shoulder blades, everything about it was so perfect to you, warming your soul from the inside.
“I do have to admit, it was quite fun sitting in the crowd for once and pretending I knew what was happening.”
You chuckled, you’d been trying your very hardest to teach Alexia the rules of your sport from the start of your relationship, and to her credit she had a grasp on the more basic rules, but she was absolutely shocking at much more than that. She watched every single one of your games, and yet she had absolutely zero grasp on how the sport of basketball actually worked.
“Look at that, La Reina admitting that she enjoyed being a wag.”
Alexia rolled her eyes at you, her hand coming to rest on your sweaty arm, providing some pressure to your forearm.
“Don’t you even think about telling any of the Barca girls, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
You smiled down at Alexia’s hand, loving the way that her body slotted in so perfectly with you, she knew your body like the back of her own hand and knew exactly what parts of you she should touch in different situations.
“Don’t you worry your little head, this will be our little secret, at least until the girls find my post game interview.”
Alexia nodded concedingly, it was inevitable that your relationship was eventually going to come out to the public, neither of you were particularly stressed about it, it would happen when it happened. You’d gone three years without anybody catching on, only now heading into the fourth year were people really starting to recognise the relationship.
“Go shower, you stink.”
You let Alexia push you towards the locker room door, her face nose scrunching up in faux disgust at you.
“Yes ma’am, La Reina, ma’am.”
The older woman once again rolled her eyes at you, but couldn’t avoid your own hand reached out to hers, silently tugging her into the locker rooms with you. It wasn’t irregular for teammates partners to end up in the rooms after games, and you knew that Alexia would just end up waiting alone in the hallway for you whilst you went about your post game routine.
You lead her towards your cubby, seating her down on the bench before reaching down behind her and pulling out the few items of clothing and toiletries you needed for the shower. One quick look down at Ale revealed to you just how in awe she was of what was occurring around her. There was nothing special happening, most teammates doing similar things to you and beginning their post game rituals.
“Mi amor, I’m going to the shower now, just stay here, bien, and don’t hesitate to ask anybody for something if you need it, si?”
Alexia nodded at you aimlessly, her eyes darting around the room as she took in her surroundings, You took the opportunity to dip out of the room and into the showers, hastening your normal routine so you could return to her as quickly as possible.
You showered in record time, washing your hair and body so quickly you were certain you almost got whiplash from the jolting of your arms and muscles in every direction and you frantically moved around in the shower.
When you returned to Alexia she was in the same spot as you’d left her, her eyes still searching the room and taking in everything happened around her. It was cute to see her so out of place, it was something you’d never seen on her before and something about seeing her like a deer in the headlights made you fall so much further in love with her.
“Cãrino? Let’s go, yeah?”
Alexia’s eyes flashed up to meet your own, her lips falling to a genuine smile as she stood up from your cubby, and before you could pick up your bag she took the honours, collecting the things that you knew you’d need back at the apartment and piling them into your bag before sliding it over her shoulder and starting to walk out, her arm falling comfortably over you shoulder as the two of you met each others pace, walking out towards your car that Alexia had driven you to the game in.
She took care in placing your bag in the boot before sliding into the driver's seat, your keys clanking in the ignition as she started the car.
Almost as soon as she was pulling out of the stadium Alexia’s hand fell to your thigh, a comfortable reminder of the footballers presence.
“You played so well today bebita, I was so proud of you.”
You smiled waterily at Alexia, it was one thing for a reporter to tell you, but for the woman you loved most in the world to tell you that meant something else.
“Thank you, but don’t act like you knew what was going on.”
Alexia cocked her head to the side, frowning at you a little bit.
“Si, maybe, but you got the, what did they call it again? El triple doble, no? Marta said it’s kind of like a hat trick but in basketball lingo, you sunk muchos tres.”
You smiled at Alexia, nodding your head at the Spaniards lack of knowledge over the game you cared for so much, and her attempt at trying to talk basketball to you.
“Yes, I did score a few threes, all of them were for a special person who came out to watch me today.”
Alexia smiled at you, turning her head at the lights to look at you.
“Mm, who might that be?”
You bit your lip, breaking out in a big smile.
“She’s Spanish, and not very good at understanding basketball but she tries and that’s all that matters, she also looks really cute in teal.”
Alexia’s smile only grew at your admission.
“Oh, and she’s a pretty good wag if I do say so myself.”
Alexia silenced your words with a sweet kiss, pressing her lips to yours softly, the two of you having to break apart when the light turned green.
“I’d watch you any day.”
Alexia’s words were murmured quietly, an almost silent acknowledgment of her feelings that was meant just for you.
“I’d watch you any day as well mi amor.”
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amandayoungdyke · 2 years
succession characters and who they want to win best picture:
logan: top gun: maverick. doesn’t respect tom cruise cause he’s only 5”6 but he liked the plane stuff
shiv: tár. she had like a couple of hours to kill between meetings and it was the only thing showing in the middle of the afternoon on a tuesday. spent most of the movie answering emails on her phone but thinks she got the gist of it (she didn’t.) went out and bought a white shirt with a high starched collar afterwards
tom: also tár. saw it separately from shiv and related to the part where she has to cover up crimes
greg: elvis. enjoyed the bright colours and the doja cat song
connor: avatar: the way of water. fascinated by the inner workings of the fictional na’vi society; thinking of incorporating some of their traditions into his next manifesto.
kendall: banshees of inisherin. it happened to him and stewy in college
roman: hasn’t watched a movie since he was 15
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
once again and always thinking about Kendall and how he's just ... a ghost. he doesn't really exist. 'I tried to do something but it's like it didn't even matter'. he's a nobody, plastic, fake ... he has no real ideological standpoint, he has no real opinions to fall back on, no actual fixed goals, no sense of identity. him saying 'you're not a real person' in 3x7 obviously is projection, and it's maybe true for roman as well but either way, it's true for himself. whatever he does, it never really matters. like one of the most underrated lines in 4x4 to me is at the end, when they're talking about who should take over and Karl says something like 'everything you said amounted to nothing' cause that's truly the crux of who he is as a character. like, I think a lot of that, like the failed vote of no confidence, the bear hug, the press conference, obviously showcases how untouchable Logan is but it's also like. he truly cannot make an impact on anything. even when his actions literally kill someone, Logan makes it disappear, and by the end, it's like the waiter didn't even exist. even when he tries to kill himself, he gets dragged out of the pool by one of his PR managers of all people, and that's the end of that. he just well and truly floats through the story like a ghost, unable to actually impact it in any meaningful way. and i think the deep tragedy of it is that it's the only thing he actually seems to want. like, he has so many chances to get out, and so many people who try to get him to do that, be it Rava or Naomi or Stewy. and it never works because he can't let go of the idea of being or doing something he deems worthwhile and he completely loses every shred of who he is in the process.
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fanfictionlord · 6 months
I don't remember exacly who said it but someone pointed out that one of the bigest apeals of succsesion is that based on who you relate to the most its basicly giving your mental illness / personality disorder a couple bilion dolars and see / try to guess what you'd turn out like and I wish I could confidently say I would be like stewy (he is my favorite character and probably one of the smartest people in the show and is also a poc) just like when I watched hamilton and belived and wished and wanted to be Aaron Burr (personality wise I don't actually want to be a founding father) I am kendall (I am austistic I played mermaids as a kid -this is a joke- and have a complicated relationship with my father as well as water) as much as I am alexander hamilton (I run my mouth am horny and eventually might get myself killed)
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eastgaysian · 6 months
STEWY: ken! i'm glad you're alive, but i'm sure you'll understand if i don't shake your hand.
KENDALL: oh—the anchor. it's, uh, not contagious, don't worry.
STEWY: 'the anchor.' ooh, scary. to me it looks a lot like you've got a smaller version of the breach tearing apart your hand, but the maker works in mysterious ways. is that how you talk to andraste? can you stick your ear through into the fade?
KENDALL: look, stewy. i need you. i've sent word to my family, but you know my dad. he's not going to throw me a bone until i've, you know, killed the hart myself. i'm going to close the breach, but the inquisition needs friends, supplies, an army. you can help me get all three.
STEWY: right. and why should i do that?
KENDALL: uh, to help save the world?
STEWY: of course. it's just when you're talking to an orlesian marquis who had all his cousins assassinated to get the title, they do love the idea of the world getting saved. everybody does. they just want someone else to do it in a way that doesn't endanger any of their precious gold.
KENDALL: right. but you can convince them to pitch in a little. i don't need a lot from any one person. i need a little from everybody. we're all fucked if the breach doesn't get closed.
STEWY: and you can close the breach?
KENDALL: if you help me, yes.
STEWY: if i'm going to start calling in favors to get you an army, ken, i need to know there's a plan.
KENDALL: it's—i have—i'm working on it. i have what i need to make a plan. my advisors are the best in the fucking business, the templars—
STEWY: the drugged-up choir boys? what are they going to do, wave their swords and chant at the hole in the sky?
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friendly-stardust · 1 year
These incompetent showrunners really went in for the kill with Aegon II's character assassination
I know this has been said over and over again already but I am actually truly amazed at how far the showrunners/writers went to completely assassinate Aegon's character to make sure that he is portrayed in the worst possible way. As this has already been highlighted numerous times, he is characterised even worse than Mushroom's degenerate description of him in Fire and Blood. They really went as far as presenting us with a caricature, a monstrosity that cannot be believable to be human.
This claim of wanting to make a grey character out of this mustache-twirling villain stereotype they have created to put up against a heroic Disney princess, is just an insult to audiences who came in to watch an actual intelligent and well-written show.
I have never seen such blatant character assassination disguised as some profound creation of a grey character.
In this inconsistent fanfiction seemingly made for the glorification of Saint Perfect Girlboss Rhaenyra, her direct foil and opponent Aegon II is made to be:
A sexual deviant, masturbating out of a widow in his teenage years, and maybe a pedophile (with that ridiculous sentence from the Brothel Madam in the horrendous episode 9).
A bully, mercilessly bullying his younger brother  Aemond.
A rapist, of course! How best to destroy a male character in this day and age if not by making him an obvious rapist! And then they want to talk about complex characterisation? LOL! Sara Hess knew what she was doing here.
Of course, a sadist who enjoys watching brutal children's fights (also including his own bastards) in a pit - the epitome of a laughingly cringe tentative to paint a character as the ultimate villain.  
An abusive husband to his sister-wife, obviously! let's just pile on, shall we, even when nothing in the text in F&B suggests or supports any such claim.
A coward, willing to abandon his family and his dragon (his pride) to sail away and hide, leaving them at the mercy of Daemon and Rhaenyra's whims and wishes - the complete opposite of his character in F&B!
A great work of destruction indeed!  All of these are just blatant and obvious willingness from these showrunners/writers to obliterate his characterisation in order to prop up Saint Girlboss Rhaenyra, but nothing makes my blood boil more than the multiple sexual deviances (the abject rapist characterisation being the worst offender), and the implied abusive relationship with Haleana they completely created in order to drive home how awful Aegon is supposed to be seen as opposed to the complete whitewashed version of their favorite girlboss. Maybe next season, Aegon will be shown to be someone who loves torturing puppies, who knows?
And even when the actor TGC made his concern well known, those amateurish writers just brushed it aside, while someone who is on record for saying that she has not even bothered to watch Game of Thrones (the incompetent Sara Hess) decided to tarnish and destroy his character even more by claiming to want to make it more like GoT. Absolute joke this one!
I just recently read something about how Jesse Amstrong (Succession) listened to Arian Moayed (playing Stewy Hosseini) and respected his decision to not be depicted as a typical bad representation of Iranians in Western media and this just made me realise even more how inept HotD showrunners/writers are at taking into consideration valid concerns from one of their own actors.
Overall, HotD has just been a massive disappointment on the writing side. The writing is cringe and horrendous, making it just an expensive CW-level show with a bigger budget. A huge letdown and an absolute travesty of the book characters.
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musicalcastingideas · 5 months
Succession The Musical Hypothetical Casting
I’m doing this in one shot and off the top of my head, so I will be missing characters, I do also welcome suggestions.
Logan Roy: Patrick Page
Is this the obvious first choice? Yes. Is it the correct one? Also yes.
Kendall Roy: Lucas Steele
Kendall is just Anatole if he didn’t have a close relationship with his sister.
Roman Roy: Brandon Uranowitz
He played a nice neurotic freak in Falsettos, let's see him play an evil neurotic freak.
Shiv Roy: Eden Espinoza
I'll be honest, if I was genuinely casting a Succession musical as a real casting director, I would look for a more unknown performer to play Shiv, because I firmly believe that Shiv Roy should be an alto part, heavy in the lower range (like basically a tenor). Shiv's plot revolves around trying to push past her gender to be taken seriously, and I think having her being an alto who stays in her lower register would really highlight how hard she's trying to be taken seriously. That said, I would not at all be disappointed to have Eden Espinoza in the part. She's insanely talented, and I would love to see her interpretation of Shiv.
Connor Roy: Josh Groban
So there's a clip of The Opera from "Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812" where the ensemble sings "Pierre, the cuckold, sits at home", and then Pierre pops up saying "No, I am enjoying myself at home this evening" while giving a sad little thumbs up, while his wife is off banging another man? That's the energy I want for my Connor Roy.
Tom Wambsgans: Brian D'Arcy James
Is he maybe a little old for the part? Sure. But age onstage is fucky, and Brian D’Arcy James would absolutely kill it as the combination ass-kisser and ruthless bastard that is Tom Wambsgans. Also he gives Minnesota.
Greg Hirsch: George Salazar
I kinda don’t feel like I have to explain this one.
Gerri: Bernadette Peters
Icons playing icons.
Frank: Mandy Patinkin
Sunday In The Park With George reunion!
Willa Ferreyra: Samantha Pauly
I rewatched her All You Wanna Do again last night (and cried again) and when I thought about Willa, that popped into my head. (Not in the sense that I think Willa is a victim like Katherine Howard, she’s a consenting sex worker, more the fact that in the succession world, women, like Willa, are only valued for their sexuality.) Anyway, Sam Pauly also just kills every part she’s in so…
Stewy Hosseini: Tony Yazbek
He’s played Billy Flynn on Broadway, so he’s good at being a smarmy yet charming asshole (I say this with love, I love both Stewy and Billy Flynn)
Lukas Matsson: Aaron Tiveit
He’s hot but can also be scary.
Hard Cuts/ Impossible:
Edward Herrman as Karl
Would he be fun in the role? Yes. Is he dead, and therefore incapable of doing it? Also yes.
Daniel Radcliffe as Roman
Barrett Wilbert Weed as Shiv
Mandy Patinkin as Logan
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neonponders · 2 years
Another small part two for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse ~
Part 1 here ~
(also I’m putting these on ao3 so they’re easy to find.)
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Steve never expected to be in a doll boutique, but his latest, high maintenance residents refused the stiff, itchy clothes that came on commercial dolls. So now he walked around with the two little ones hitching a ride in his shirt pocket. 
It was odd, shopping for tiny and overpriced linen and stretchy knit fabrics. But clothes were clothes, and he kept looking around to make sure onlookers wouldn’t spot the tiny people in his pocket.
“See anything you like?” he whispered, but the replies were not helpful.
“Biwwy, is it scarwy in here?”
“The cwreeps aren’t wreal. But we’wre not tall enough for this.”
He had a point, there. These dolls were simply too big. Steve pivoted toward a section of the store which would arguably be worse: the porcelain harlequin section. But this boutique was organized by doll size, and unfortunately more clothing options went on larger dolls...
Steve sent a harmless smile to the shopkeeper, who eyeballed him suspiciously. His jacket easily covered small Billy and Steve, but their voices were not so easy to mask. Steve hoped the visible ear buds and cord hanging around his face would make anyone think the voices were from the radio.
“What the hell, Steve?”
He sighed. “Ignore the clowns. What about these overalls?”
“How do we piss in overwalls?” Billy retorted.
Steve sighed and continued along the shelves. “How about Grease lightning over here?”
“Shhhhhh, sh,” Steve panicked. “Quiet, all right? The owner already thinks I’m going to steal something.”
“Sounds fun,” Billy declared, wiggling in the pocket to get out.
Steve hastily cupped his hands around his shirtfront to catch the daredevils climbing - naked - from his pocket. He set them gently on the shelf and thankfully still had his hands up to catch the doll little Steve promptly knocked over. “Hold ‘im, Steve! I’ll get ‘is pants!”
“Guys, I can just buy the dolls and you can get dressed in the car.”
Tiny Steve paused to give that some thought, where as Billy had already removed a faux leather jacket and put it around his body. “This smells cheap.”
“It’s not real leather. Real would be too stiff with all the stitching. Is it comfy or not?”
“No,” Billy disregarded, throwing the jacket down. Then he pointed past Steve’s shoulder. “I want him.”
He glanced nervously at the shelf behind him, only to lift his eyebrows with relief. “Oh. Fighter pilot, huh?”
He brought the doll over, complete with tiny aviator sunglasses and...real rabbit fur on the bomber jacket collar. Steve groaned inwardly, Mom’s going to kill me.
But Billy’s little mouth dropped into an O of wonder when he touched the jacket. He couldn’t be bothered to take it off the doll, he just hugged the porcelain pilot tight, burying his face in the fur. “This one!”
“Okay, B. Back into the pocket. We gotta pay for it first. Steve? How you doin’?”
“I want this one,” his voice called, and Steve felt a spear of panic in his chest because he couldn’t see him. Then, right out of a horror movie, a doll shuffled across the shelf, knocking others out of the way as little Steve pushed its standing pedestal to the front.
The doll was another Grease model, but it was Danny from the beach scenes in the beginning: light blue jeans, white t-shirt, and pastel blue collared shirt.
From big Steve’s pocket, Billy critiqued, “The other one’s cooler.”
“Hey,” Steve chided softly. “You got the one you wanted. He can have the one he likes.” Then he added to little Steve as he took the doll and offered his other hand to magic carpet him back to his shirt pocket. “I think you have excellent taste.”
“Thank you, Stewie,” he sang, landing in the pocket with a solid tug on his shirt fibers.
Steve took a deep breath, his heart doing that painful pinch again. He tried to hang the discarded jacket on its doll’s shoulder before leaving, and made sure his own jacket hung over his pockets. “Miss? Do I bring the ones I want to the front or do you get them?”
The shopkeeper got a flash in her eye at the use of Miss instead of Ma’am, and came around to assist him. It didn’t get him a discount, though.
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If you defend Evil Morty, you're INSANE.
I've been seeing too many people defend him and it's getting really tiring. How do you even defend someone who committed mass murder, torture, kidnapping and destruction... His name is "Evil Morty" for a REASON. Not only he admitted to being evil multiple times and even his backstory is VERY MILDLY tragic compared to some Mortys who have gone through worse stuff. It has even been hinted that he was always different due to his picture in Morty agency.
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He took away his Rick's freedom to the point he became suicidal because of all the murder and torture he was forced to do to other Ricks and Mortys.
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Speaking of those Ricks and Mortys, their Beths, Summers and Jerrys had been traumatized and their Ricks/Mortys taken away from them. He didn't have to kill Ricks and torture Mortys (he could've just used like 3 Mortys and a jumper cable. Which even C-137 wouldn't do...) He was already free after killing his Rick. He could've taken the portal gun and move to another dimension without a Rick, only reason he destroyed the citadel and moved outside CFC was out of spite rather than actual want for freedom. Even in Unmortricken he still continues to antagonize C-137 and Morty Prime and even taunts C-137 after he kills Rick Prime warning him that he now has the omega device that can erase him (or anyone else) from existence. And don't pull the "he only kills Ricks and Mortys card." Who knows how many people/aliens he killed off-screen before/after killing his Rick? Even Dan Harmon's official commentary was that "Powerful villains don't just hide from you or fight you, they own you. That's something a real God does." When referring to Evil Morty. You can like him if you want, my most favorite are Princess Morbucks, Eric Cartman, Evil Stewie/Penelope, Chucky/Tiffany and Mr Kat. Which all of them happen to be psychopathic villains that only care for themselves. But maybe how about, stop defending villains that are clearly evil and don't regret any of their actions? Unless you're actually a psychopath yourself.
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egcdeath · 3 months
LISTEN!! The implications of you bringing up the tomshiv open marriage at the wedding convo in combination with the patrick art kenstewy-esque relationship are making me go crazy!! Like especially if there’s shared history among all THREE of you? The misery and hidden hurt and uncertainty and communication difficulty you would both be experiencing early on in marriage especially since art’s always hanging around you both stirring shit up (even if it’s not on purpose sometimes) because he’s also in contention for the top spot would be even worse than it was for tom and shiv.
Also continuing with the tomshiv storylines imagine the s4 hidden pregnancy angst?? especially because at that point you’re all closed off from each other and you’re in this weird mildly toxic love hate marriage after you’ve admitted all the real truths you feel about your relationship and the sadness to each other (like s2 finale sad beach convo) and you’re on opposite sides in so many ways at that point but still find your way back to each other for all these charged moments and emotional conversations because nobody truly gets you or sees you or stimulates you like he does and vice versa. And you love him and you love the status that being with him gives you and you’ve tried to make your marriage work even with both your hangups and hidden agendas but you both want more. you’re making your own power moves and alliances without and even against him like tom did and if it all ends the way succession did?? will it kind of kill patrick inside in the way that it did shiv?
OR if it’s like kendall and rava the angst of feeling alone in your marriage and everything always ending up being about him even if he doesn’t mean to make it that way all the time especially if you’ve got kids that he kind of forgets about sometimes… his daddy issues and addictive controlling personality taking over your relationship and the screaming matches and the messy “please still love me back we are not breaking up” hookups if you try to leave him would be so soul destroying. Self-destructive pathetic repressed failson (ex?)husband patrick is such a concept wow imagine it unfolding kinda like s1 kendallrava except you don’t ever really divorce and he really doesn’t want to because you’re still his wife and he needs that in his life
Oh my god this au is killing me there’s SO much to think about
anon you just ate SO HARD by combining the tomshiv open relationship scene with a dynamic where art is like stewy and has kinda been a roadblock in their relationship before. i mean i can’t even believe it. the dynamic of patrick and art vying for the same position AND after you is just so delicious to me i can’t even believe it. the ensuing angst and failmarriage would be tooooo good.
also loveee ur second paragraph. shiv pregnancy storyline was very tragic for me to watch for so many reasons so i just KNOW it would be devastating to write. i love ur point about all of the tension and how they’d just come together for these very emotional and charged moments bc that is just soo patrick. like obviously it’s also tomshiv but who’s doing a SUPER charged conversation like patrick zweig? like i can’t think of any better character to be arguing with and mid argument you call his earlobes thick and chewy like barnacle meat. or playing bitey with patrick?? bye.
anyway… i’ll just leave this here.
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also your kendall/rava dynamic thoughts are way too good. like loving patrick and wanting to support him and being genuinely worried about him but he just keeps spiraling and getting worse to try to get his father’s approval (that he’s obviously never going to get) and he’s starting to kinda continue the patterns by being a bit of a deadbeat to your kids and you really really do care about him. but there’s no way your relationship can continue the way it’s currently going and you know that it’ll be best for your kids (and for you too tbh) if you get divorced and split from him but you also know that he’ll spiral even worse without you by his side so you’re conflicted! and you do end up staying because you love him even though you kinda feel more and more unhappy by the day (can someone say FAILMARRIAGE!!!) and your marriage kinda is deteriorating but you both refuse to acknowledge it even though there are the screaming matches and the frantic “please love me” hookups when patrick starts thinking that you’re going to leave him.
let me just say i was initially more of a fan of the the tomshiv dynamic but after hearing your thoughts and thinking a bit…… im not so sure.
i mean. look at the material.
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athenaeumsfic · 2 months
let's take jesus off the dashboard
24,430 / Mature / Complete / AO3 It’s been a couple of weeks since Kendall’s life ended, and now he’s trying to claw his way back to living. *** “Kendall,” Stewy's voice, coated in expensive cologne and Laphroaig, murmurs through Kendall’s ear. He’s purring like a cat that’s found its treat, that’s finally getting scratched between the ears. “Hello.” “Hey,” Kendall says, stopping in his tracks. He was on his way out, takeout bag in hand, ready to escape back to his apartment. “What the fuck is this?”
“Can I trust you?”
“Probably not.”
It’s been a couple of weeks since Kendall’s life ended, and now he’s trying to claw his way back to living.
He had thought about drifting away into the river, letting the cold tighten his skin and his clothes weigh him down until he was nothing more than an afterthought.
He’d thought about getting a flight to somewhere remote, start again in the middle of nowhere as a real nomad. Leave his phone and keys in his apartment and just… go.
Colin’s arms crushing around his ribcage yanked him from the thought as he clambered, clumsily, back over the railing to the safety of Battery Park.
In a brief moment of insanity, he considered going back to Waystar and locking himself in his dad’s office, force Matsson and Tom (fucking Tom) to watch in from the outside, lock them out of the room forever or until, maybe, he just dies there.
He thought about making it to the roof, somehow scaling Logan’s glass fortress wall and flying.
But eventually, after a discreet but pointed cough from Colin, he had risen from the bench in the park, blinked, and found himself sky high above Manhattan back on his living room floor.
He’d thought about reaching out to Roman, thought about asking Stewy to come over, wondered if there was any point contacting Rava.
In the end, no.
Two weeks later, he finds himself staring into the bathroom mirror, face half concealed with a greying and unkempt beard, hair out of style and teeth last cleaned… when? He doesn’t know what he’s looking for but the memory of who he used to be, the person he thought he would always be, sits hard in his stomach like a rock that won’t pass. It’s weighing him down and it’s dragging him back to the floor and it’s undigestible and he thinks it might be killing him, slowly. Poisonously.
The sun is inexplicably shining and as he leaves the bathroom, teeth still unbrushed and hair still wild, he contemplates the balcony. But he knows he can’t. If he did, he might just fall. He closes the blinds and resumes his spot on the floor wondering why he didn’t just do it, why he didn’t just force himself into the water, let the universe do what it would do with him.
“Mr Roy?” Colin calls into the darkness, “You have a visitor.”
He doesn’t know if he has a voice anymore. Maybe his vocal cords are fried, maybe they desiccated. What’s he got to talk about now anyway?
“Can I let them in?”
He must groan, or grunt, or ‘mmhmm’ because in the next blink, one of his blinds is cracking open and he feels his brother’s presence, so familiar it almost makes him want to cry.
“Kendall,” Roman says, looking around the room for a place to sit but appearing genuinely frightened by every available surface. “Pleasure as always.”
Roman walks in like he owns the place, like he might be welcome. He eventually perches on the end of the couch, but not enough to really be comfy. Kendall can see he’s holding his weight funny, not sitting naturally. He’s just a temporary fixture within his wasteland and if he’s not going to clean it up, he might as well bunker down.
“Rava called,” Roman explains, a little softer this time. “I know news might not make it all the way up to your lofty heights, but it looks like Jimenez is going to win. She’s coming back to the city.”
It’s a statement he doesn’t want an answer to, and he waits for no answer, but he’s tapping on his phone and a few minutes later puts it down with a sigh.
“I’m not leaving until you talk to me.”
“She shouldn’t be talking to you,” Kendall eventually forces out. “I don’t want her talking to you.”
Roman, for a moment, if Kendall was paying real attention, flashes a glimpse of hurt across his face. There’s an apology hanging in his eyes, an attempt in his throat, but it never makes it out. “Oh, a feeling!”
“Fuck off, Roman,” Kendall mumbles. “Why are you even here?”
“You’re not answering your phone, fuckface, so I’m just passing on the message,” Roman huffs, standing to parade in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows before he adds: “And making sure you didn’t kill yourself this time. Does this building have a pool?”
“My phone died,” Kendall explains, ignoring the chill down his spine at Roman’s suggestion. Not because it’s not true, but because it was consuming every hour of his day. He was in fight mode, constantly battling the darkness threatening to cloud his brain, vision, judgement.
“Cool,” Roman laughs. “Yeah, in 2023 we don’t have fucking phone chargers or anything. Absolutely no way to get that baby up and running again.”
“Fuck. Off. Roman.”
“For some unknown reason your kids want to see you,” Roman says, quieter this time. Less mocking, but it’s still there. A challenge, waiting to be met. He wants Kendall to say something. He wants to be called out. Kendall is too tired to resist.
“Not my kids, right?” he eventually gives him, eyes watering ever so slightly. “Not my problem.”
“Ken-” Roman starts, drowning in relief.
“You’re fucking despicable, coming here pretending to care,” Kendall laughs a little. “You just wanted to see the spectacle. Have a day at the zoo.”
Roman says nothing, but he looks more comfortable. This is a space he can navigate, and Kendall can’t stop pushing the buttons.
Kendall smiles. “Look at you, fucking lapping it up. I can’t forgive you, for saying that shit. For letting her do it. Does that make you feel better?”
Roman frowns but quickly shakes it out. Kendall really looks at him now, notices his face has healed. You’d never know anything happened to him at all. Same old Roman.
“Yeah, I feel fucking fantastic,” Roman sighs. “Just call your kids, Ken. And call Stewy. If I have to hear him ask after you one more time, I think I might be sick.”
Kendall nods. “Maybe I won’t call him then.”
“Sure, whatever turns you on, you sick bastard,” Roman raises an eyebrow. “Is this foreplay? Are you both using me for foreplay?”
“You’d know.”
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
No but for real I’m listening to dndads latest episode [s2ep33] a second time and
Stewie does say “my dad goes there” when he’s talking about the bar to the group. And Peter is in that bar when they get there. And when they find scam he’s shifted into lois. So like. I think scam just like. Birthed Actual Stewie Griffin From Family Guy and Stewie wants to kill him. Bc he’s Lois.
I know very little about family guy but I feel like that’s a thing in the show too……..
It is, I checked the wiki
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we’re all guessing who Stewie secretly is and why he’d wanna kill scam but it’s just bc none of us have actually seen family guy so we didn’t know that’s just a plot from the show 😭😭😭
Hermie your real actual brother is real actual stewie griffin from family guy……
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holycartoonwarrior · 1 year
Stewy’s “kindness as a moral failing” thing is so interesting because like 1. It’s clear it’s not a universal bad for him like it is for Roman. It’s not like for him he’s weak because he loves openly. He is aware that can be used for his advantage. It’s the distinct lack of control he has over it which he dislikes which means unlike Roman where there’s this sense of doom abt “oh this is just my nature I can’t change” it’s a failing for stewy on a lack of restraint. Which is interesting when tied to his hedonism.
2. The name change. There is some thing deeply profound about the fact that his birth name means sincere and is clearly tied to a vulnerability that expresses both in terms of meaning and his kindness but also the fact that it puts him in positions where he is sharing more about himself where he’s from then he wants to add the name stewy is a controlled name that doesn’t give out personal information the way that Sadegh does. It’s a way to have control over himself over his kindness and over his identity it is a level of control Logan intentionally violates him by calling him Stewart a bastardized version of everything he cannot be. It’s also interesting because Stewie is a name that exists in limbo because it’s not short for Stewart and it’s nothing like Sadegh it is simply stuck in this awkward space end it feels weird unlike the Roy’s his nickname is his name because he had to try and kill “sadegh” and whatever that version of him represented extensively in order to become a better version of who he is. He can’t even go back to being Sadegh anymore really. He lost that part of him and I think that elevates the loneliness of him that no one understands him and maybe even he doesn’t understand himself in a way that is far more self-aware and intentional than ppl like Kendall’s
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kenzie-ann27 · 1 year
and yet another thing I'm still not over is kendall's "maybe the poison drips through" bit in the election episode. so.
I know it was meant as kendall's admission that he's not a good father, but I like to think of it as a general showing of how like a lot of things our parents do are going to inevitably become things we ourselves do, whether we're really aware of that or not. logan's uncle beat him, so he beats his kids, etc. etc. but in terms of romantic relationships, the poison absolutely drips through, and it's a terribly addictive one.
I don't know if any of the women who loved logan genuinely loved him. he was a brute, as kendall said. and as I would say, he was a monster. and I'm not sure if any of those women saw any good part of him, or maybe they just wanted to believe they saw something good in him. and of course, I believe the same of stewy. that there's too much affection involved for him to not think it's love, to not think kendall is good in some way. and I think that's why both marcia and caroline seem to like stewy, they can spot it a mile away. he's the child weaned on poison. he's the one that picks kendall over and over again. he's the kicked dog. he's the one in love with someone who will break their heart and replace them the next day.
and kendall kicks him! he breaks his heart! he says he'd kill stewy if he fucked him over, and stewy said he'd do the same! they kick each other! because that's how kendall shows love. that's how he saw love between his parents. and it's what he does to stewy, but stewy comes back. rava doesn't come back, naomi doesn't come back. and I don't know if stewy recognized that it was just some stupid test or not, but he passed it!
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stewyhosseini-bf · 2 years
sorry to randomly bring this up but. I think the thing that makes Kenstewy stand out to me so much is how their scenes feel so earnest ? to the point that they BOTH feel like almost different characters when they interact with each other. Like the way Kendall has a hard time looking everyone, even his own FAMILY in the eyes, but with Stewy he doesn't flinch and he holds steady eye contact almost all the time (and when he doesn't, stewy searches out his gaze but let's not get into it) .. the way Stewy never shies away from telling people what's on his mind in a totally blunt way but with Kendall he still tries to be nice about whatever he says.. like okay, Argestes:
first of all, they're like actively fighting and this is how they interact, FIRST time seeing each other since the big betrayal btw
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then also the fact that Kendall genuinely wants to warn Stewy about the acquistion.. like he's NOT lying, at that point they ARE about to acquire Pierce and it WOULD kill their approach and he wants to warn him, which is fair enough considering everything that happened.
but then also:
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even when Stewy's telling him he doesn't trust him he's nice about it but you can STILL tell kendall is really hurt by it.... like ... and re: Kendall being visibly hurt by Stewy saying 'I don't trust you' .. this is the same guy whose been told 'everyone here fucking hates you' 'x fucking hates you' millions of times and has essentially reacted with 'yeah okay, whatever, I can handle it' each time. but THAT'S his reaction to this ?! in a show where there is SO little space for genuine affection/consideration even between characters who are related or married .. the fact that these two seem to so genuinely care abt each other is kind of shocking.....
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