#who takes naps in their nests whenever they're away
honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Guys... I know I love itty bitty mer Reader and X-Men and Brotherhood... But imagine if Reader was this giant leviathan mer or kraken mer or something like this absolute giant mer. And then you have tiny dad Wolverine. He may be a big shark mer, or some octopus or squid mer, or just some regular size and species of mer, but he stumbles onto baby giant mer Reader, and suddenly he's a dad. (It's even better if at first Reader is smaller than him, then just grows into a larger mer, who slowly grows bigger and bigger each few decades...)
It doesn't matter to him that his guppy is bigger than him. That is HIS baby. His little one. Even if they're bigger than a whale, they're still a child, and they need a good parent, a good caretaker. And he's glad to be that for them. He'll gladly keep them warm, feed them, scare away any humans or fish that seem too dangerous or too deadly... He knows very well they could leave him anytime they want... But he also knows they recognize him as their dad, and he knows they want him in their life. (This thought makes him purr and chirp happily, whenever he thinks about it)
Say Reader gets captured.
He's immediately tracking them, calling together their pod and any other pods he finds, all to look for them and bring them home. If humans took them, he's infiltrating the large facility where they're keeping his baby, hiding amongst the humans who have them held captive. He snarls when he sees the way they're kept and how they're treated, at the chains holding them and the cuts in their sides and tail...
He takes a special kind of glee when he frees them, revealing himself to the humans as he burns their facility and labs down, grabbing his kid and taking refuge in the dark, deep ocean below... He doesn't tell his kid who all he had to get rid of to save them, or what he had to endure just to find them... All that matters is they're back with him, and they aren't leaving the nest until he says it's safe. They're a good guppy, and right now they just need Dad to take care of them, okay? So don't worry, just take a nap and let Dad keep them warm and safe...
(This could also work well with large/giant mer Wolverine, who is actually larger than Reader, but they're both bigger than most other mer... That also means Sabretooth would be very large... And he probably wouldn't take well to anything harming his baby brother or Reader...)
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I know this is really random but I was just curious, do the Archangel's need sleep? And if so what are their sleep schedules?
I don't think this was directed to the archangels themselves so I'm gonna answer it normally.
No, they don't need it in the same way we do.
But they are capable of it (while God isn't) and it considered healthy for them.
It gives them an internal sense of routine, helps them keep track of time and recover from hurt or exhaustion quicker. Occasional mental rearranging and room to breath is nice.
This is their relationship to most physical 'needs' like food and water, their only real reliance is Grace and worship (which the deprivation is actually quite similar is symptoms to lack of sleep)
Individual sleep schedules!
Raphael has strong feelings about keeping a consistent schedule, have a whole bed time and wake up and nap routine. They have gotten in the habit of oversleeping the last few centuries because they are, insanely burnt out. They've been doing personal care work for such a long time with no real noticeably progress in The Plan, the compassion fatigue is real. A lot of the naps is born of them dragging their siblings into the nest, the small circle that their care still extends too.
Gabriel sleeps intermittently whenever, where ever, 1-3 hours at a time. They try to get back to their own nest at least once a day. Otherwise they spend a probably embarrassing amount falling off of ledges after being startled awake.
Uriel sleeps through dawn and dust, managing the archives throughout the night, for the least amount of interaction with others, dating records, sorting accounts, making timelines and retreating into the distant cosmos during the day to track and organize the constellations etc. I imagine them a lucid dream. And getting very annoyed at their sleep being interrupted or happening outside the hours they're used to.
Jophiel gets 4-5 hours at most consistently, she sleeps at night to be awake at the same time as her winners but is driven by artist's brain so ends up going to bed late pursuing ideas and inspiration, waking up at random times after being haunted by unfinished pieces. Queen of resting her eyes a few minutes during random tasks. She can wake up and go to bed so quickly you have no idea.
Michael; I know what you're all here for; doesn't generally. But on top of his tendency to run himself ragged and his siblings', specifically Raph's insistence he has to take it every now and then. He can't sleep alone, any attempt is a fitful painful waste of time and effort - he hasn't touched his own nest in who knows how long. Luckily his brothers' alternating schedules means there is always at least one place for him to collapse when he needs it; they are very used to him stumbling in, falling on top of them and latching on like hes afraid they're dying. Nightmares are still an issue but... manageable. He will sleep for days if he lets himself, he will not let himself.
Zadkiel is just, so in inconsistent. 10 hours here, 3 all nighters in a row there, during the day, at night. Wakes at 8am and sleeps at 12am every day for 4 weeks before suddenly staying up till 4am and never going back. Always goes back to their nest, either on earth or in heaven, to sleep and has a before bed and wake up routine. They just follow whenever the urge hits and then sleeps until it goes away.
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just-a-normal-crow · 4 months
Honestly, these last few shifts have Yvonne tired as hell. Eight cups of coffee and maybe a sacrifice of her very soul later she finds herself standing in the courtyard. Usually it’s occupied by at least a few others, but it’s empty for now. The nurse spots her bird friend hanging out on a tree nearby and approaches it while reaching into her pocket.
Nobody’s around so they CANNOT call her a nut. She’s gotta stay at the top of the food chain here after all.
She takes something shiny from her pocket; a pin of a crow napping in a heart shaped nest. “Got it at a farmer’s market during my lunch break the other day. It reminded me of you, lil birdie.” She lets out a tired but tender giggle and stands on her toes to give the crow a little smooch on the top of its head, then the tip of its beak.
“Why can’t my dates be as sweet as you? You always listen, you bring me shiny stuff too, and like, your feathers are really soft.” Aw, she’s attached to her bird friend! “Maybe I can "princess and the frog" it up in here. If I give you another kiss, would you turn into a pretty royal and sweep me away?”
Another tired laugh leaves her at the thought of such a far-fetched scenario. “Who am I kidding, I’m not a princess. But I know that I would love to take a nap right now.”
At this point, the crow has made a habit of hanging around this part of the courtyard whenever it has some downtime. It's an unexpected twist to its routine, but ever since one of the nurses struck up a friendship with it and started treating it like a somewhat more interactive sounding board for hospital gossip and exhausted rants, it's found that 'socializing' like this wasn't that bad.
(It certainly wasn't because both the man and the intern occasionally handing the crow have both become invested in hospital gossip and were eager for me, no ma'am. Hospital gossip has certainly not become some kind of communal interest at Onychinus HQ.)
It snaps out of power saving mode upon Yvonne's arrival, perking up and stretching out its wings. It's interest is piqued by whatever it was she was searching her pockets for. It hops down to a lower branch, curious, and hoping it wasn't more seeds. The engineers were starting to get annoyed by its chassis always being full of food.
The design of the pin catches it by surprise. It moves its head down to take a better look, and there was a visible temptation in its eyes for it to take the shiny thing.
But it doesn't--the kisses take it by surprise, and it turns its attention fully onto Yvonne as she laments and muses about dream scenarios and wishful thinking.
(Both the man and the nosy intern sit at the desk. They'd love to ask about Yvonne's day because surely there's a reason why she's talking about all this, but it wasn't as though they the means to without arousing suspicion or alarm.)
There isn't much that the crow can do to help Yvonna get some rest. At most it flies off briefly, making haste because it knows she doesn't have that much time for a break, before returning with a little something in its beak.
It's a small prepacked cookie, still sealed, like the ones little kids get as treats. It offers it to her, a little hopeful.
(There's a small heated discussion breaking out between the man and the intern. Don't mind them, they both just think they're right.)
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hekateinhell · 1 year
I'm back as promised with fluffy post-canon Armand & Louis headcanons because I need them, so you're going to get them whether you need them or not. 🖤
In RoA and BC, it's pretty much implied that Armand only comes to court to be closer to Louis and keep an eye on Lestat since there's always something going on. I imagine post-canon things are a lot more settled and he retreats back to Trinity Gate as much as he can, which means Louis goes back and forth a lot when he needs a break from the château.
They don't have a strict visitation schedule per se, but Louis knows it's time when they're on the phone and Armand quietly says something like, "We went to the opera today; you would have loved it." And it's very clear that what he wants to say is, "I would have loved it if you had been there with me." But he's not going to be demanding, that's not who he is with Louis.
Trinity Gate as a coven house is rather busy most of the time, very different when it was just Armand, Louis, and B & S; neither Louis nor Armand prefer to be in the spotlight like Lestat. And as much as Louis needs a reprieve from court life and being Lestat's emotional support animal, Armand also needs a break from being the ever-on-alert guardian and caregiver at Trinity Gate. It's necessary for both of them to have that time away and decompress with someone who can relate to what they're going through (worrying over Lestat; having so much of their identity wrapped up in who they are to other people).
Shortly after the events of BC, Armand purchased a beautiful old renovated Victorian property by Sleepy Hollow, New York (Louis surprisingly never gets tired of making a deadpan Headless Horseman joke whenever it comes up, beating Lestat to the punch). It's exactly an hour's drive from Trinity Gate, so it's easy for Armand to meet Louis when he arrives via Armand's private jet and they head off for a few days.
The Sleepy Hollow house is their special place together. In some ways, this is the first time they can authentically recreate the early days of their relationship under much better circumstances—their "gentle intimacy"—without the ever-present distraction of fledglings coming and going and the earlier threats of Burnings in the 2000s.
They both have an inclination to want to retreat from the world at times, so for Armand being away from the overstimulation that is millions of minds in NYC and for Louis having a complete lack of privacy as royal consort at court, a little house miles anyway from anyone else is a much needed sensory reset. A lot less opulent than Trinity Gate and an actual castle, it's truly a smaller, comfortable, and cozy nest that reflects both their combined tastes.
Armand will typically silently opt to don Louis's old sweaters that he's hoarded and now keeps there, and Louis will very intentionally make it a point to wear nothing but clothes Armand's bought for him in years past. It's his way of saying, "This is our time right now."
Away from everyone, it's where Armand feels the freedom to be more vulnerable and passionate and confess how much he misses Louis, how tired he sometimes feels (remember: he's 500 years old and he has yet to go into the earth once, he must be exhausted). The sentiment is mutual—they were a constant in each others' lives for over a combined 10 decades. 
Oftentimes they take mortal naps together, curled up on the sofa in front of Romeo + Juliet with Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio (a movie Louis is said to have watched in TVA) and the artificial candles flickering. Armand's head on Louis's chest and Louis's "long and delicate fingers" tangled in Armand's curls, a green wool blanket that costs more than my rent draped over them both (Armand enjoys being cocooned and he likes to think Louis does too... and he does). ♥️
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selenelavellan · 7 years
Would you ever write... hm, an AU where Selene, Dirthamen, Fear, Deceit, and Des are just.. actually all ravens. Like run of the mill, sittin in trees and making cawing noises ravens. Possibly rolling around in the snow for fun. Mostly just being birds and doing bird stuff.
Because Des would be a cat.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hey there! I hope I make it in time, I'm very excited you're opening your box 😩💕. May I please request Platonic HC for Ace, Marco, (and Izo if you write for them of course!) Comforting their friend/cremate who is being plagued by nightmares from their past? Like they're afraid to lose the crew/family, that they've always wanted . Thank you dear, I can't wait to see the requests for this batch 😌
Hi dear! I love this idea! Especially since Whitebeard giving this whole bunch of misfits a family and a place, ugh breaks my heart every time. (╥﹏╥) You used general terms so I went with a gender neutral reader and Izo is included! Am anime-only, have not seen that much of Izo, so I do take some own interpretations of his character. To not make them too repetitive I gave all 3 a slightly different situation!  Much love, I hope you enjoy these! 
Platonic Comforting HC - Ace, Marco, Izo 
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Ace, once he gives in to the whole family thing. Is pretty close with almost everyone on the ship. He checks in with his own division, but will know all the names and faces of people from other divisions and will regularly check in with those he crosses paths with. 
Often it’s just a “Hey, Hello, how are you doing?” moment, it’s not like he doesn’t have anything to do, but when he has time he’ll settle for an actual conversation.
You’ve been very lucky to catch him often on one of those free moments and you were pretty proud to state that you were by now friends with the freckled commander. 
He knew you very well, and thus he notices when things are not as they should be. 
And after crossing you in the hallway for a few times, barely getting an ‘hello’ and a smile in return, he knows something is up and pulls you aside the next time he spots you. 
You first deny that anything is wrong, but the deep dark circles under your eyes tell a different story. Ace is persistent and doesn’t give up until you finally confess that you have barely been sleeping. 
He knows some of your past, and you tell him how it’s been coming back to haunt you in your dreams. How you are finally feeling so happy to have friends, to have a crew, to have a family. How you finally feel like you have found your place in the world.
And how every time you close your eyes at night, that all gets taken away from you, in so many different, horrific ways. Every nightmare is worse than the last one, and at this point, you are just putting off sleep. 
Ace understands how you feel, he struggles with so many things but could not imagine losing his family at all… it’s the subject of his nightmares too, but he does not have them often enough to disrupt his sleeping pattern, as they now do to you. 
He gives you words of comfort. How everyone, including him, in this crew, would never leave you, and would never leave you behind. In no situation. 
He assures you you’re a family who will go to the ends of the earth in order to protect one of them. That’s just how Whitebeard works. 
And you know all these things, but hearing them being said to you with such sincerity, Ace’s hands on your shoulders as he looks in your eyes, stares into your soul, as he tells you to never doubt that, it just does something with you, and you feel as if a load is off your shoulders, thanks to the reassurances, and just the fact that you got it off of your chest. 
Ace proposes to nap together whenever he has a free moment during the day, or whenever he falls asleep doing something. That way, if you lie next to him, people will think his nap was on purpose, and that way, if the nightmares plague you again, you can wake up, see him, and get back to sleep, having some living breathing reassurance next to you, that this family is here to stay. 
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Marco has many sleepless nights, not necessarily because he cannot sleep, but because he is the type of man that will finish his work no matter the time, resulting in all-nighters more often than not. 
Being the ship’s doctor, he definitely knows better, but the peace and quiet at night makes working just a little bit easier. 
And he does take a regular break to just stretch his legs, get on deck and get some fresh air under the night sky filled with stars. Whenever the sea is calm, it works insanely relaxing and it’s his favorite time of day. 
He is usually all by himself, save for the handful of crewmembers on patrol and those in the crow’s nest on night watch. 
It’s very rare to see someone else on deck, and that’s why you, leaning over the railing as you stare into the waves, stick out like a sore thumb. 
Marco of course, cannot just let you stand there. If you’re up at this hour, and out of your cabin, surely something must be wrong. 
And it becomes even more clear that something is wrong, as he approaches you and notices your shoulders are jerking up in the typical fashion of someone who’s crying. 
Your hands are clutching the rails and your gritting your teeth, angry at your own emotions, pirates don’t cry, you think and in your very overwhelmed state, you don’t even notice Marco walking up to you. 
It is only when he softly puts a hand on your shoulder and asks you if you’re okay that you notice, and you jump a little at the sudden touch and sound, turning your head away, ashamed of your tears.
He stands next to you, looking over at the sea as well, not staring to make you uncomfortable. 
He lets you know that you can talk if you want, but if not, he'll just stand there with you, so you’re not alone in whatever you’re going through. 
It’s silent for a long time before everything spills from your lips, you were calmed down and had stopped crying, but as you’re talking you feel the tears well up again. 
Marco rubs your back as you speak and cry out, and offers you to come to his cabin, where he prepares some herbal tea. It helps you calm down and will definitely help you sleep. 
As you’re walking, he points out all the little things on how the crew is working together, distracting your mind from the negative and showing you how this crew is there for every single member of it. 
It’s all facts, easy for you to wrap your mind around, and that combined with his generally calming demeanor makes you feel tired even before you can even start drinking the tea. 
Marco will only send you back to your cabin if you promise to reach out next time you feel that way, to any crew member you want. You’re never alone here.
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Izo was just checking supplies in one of the storage rooms, taking notes of all that needed to be restocked next time the Moby Dick docks at an island when he hears some soft snoring. 
His initial instinct is Ace having had another bout of narcolepsy, but it’s strange: Ace does not come in these supply rooms often, mostly cause there’s ammunition stocked and they don’t really want someone who’s literally made out of fire to be close to possible explosive materials.
So when he goes looking for the source, he’s pretty surprised to find you there. You’re usually pretty focussed and all ready and doing your chores, so it is strange to find you sleeping away somewhere.
Especially in that position. Concerned for your back and your wellbeing, Izo gently shakes you awake. 
Bad idea, you jolt up, panting and you nearly hit him in the face. 
Izo needs to take a few minutes to calm you down, and once you realize what had happened, you feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. 
You feel like you need to explain, but at the same time you don’t want to explain and you’re just incoherently mumbling at this point, worrying Izo even more. 
He tells you to breathe. Relax. Wait a few seconds. Calm down. And then you can tell him. Counting the supplies can wait.
You get it all out, how your worst fear is losing everyone you met right now, and how every time you close your eyes, you see the whole crew dying, or leaving you behind, and how now you can barely sleep. 
How you went in here to get something for Thatch and just passed out from fatigue. 
Izo gives you an insanely good pep talk. Both of you sitting down on the floor in the darkness of the supply room. You have no choice but to look him in the eyes and believe him. He’s so convincing. 
Every single time you throw in another doubt, Izo obliterates it. The crew is here for you. They will uplift you. They will protect you. 
They will train with you to get stronger, help you whenever you feel down. 
They are a family, and the moment Whitebeard welcomed you onboard you were a part of that family too. 
And they’re Whitebeards crew, like hell are they gonna die over some trivial fights. 
He’s almost getting a little worked up by the end of his speech and you cannot help but smile. 
He’s right, and you will think about that speech before you go to bed, in hopes the nightmares stay away.
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