#who's who in victon
faceglitchsworld · 4 months
Seungsik selfies through these months: a (not so) complete compilation pt. 11 feat. his bestie Cha Hun and his son Sejun😭
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snoos-tattoos · 9 months
[BE ORIGINAL] 빅톤(VICTON) 'Howling' (4K)
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followdelight · 9 months
Hanse rapping Take Over for Bobby??? I cry
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ujuro · 4 months
I genuinely thought every kpop stan knew that a majority of idols make little to no money during their entire career like not even beyond common knowledge I thought it was just a given that everyone knows that since it’s been talked about SO many times but apparently not only do a lot of stans not know that they get mad if anyone, idol or not, points it out
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serendipminie · 1 year
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victonrevival · 1 year
‘Let’s victon horror special’ no that’s my precious sik n sejun accidental asmr video
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
i always forget that i really just straight up don’t know what half of ptg look like until i see them
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yunhohours · 1 year
all of my masterlists have been given makeovers to match my theme coloring <33
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warmpants · 2 years
no offense to alices but I can tell how detached I’ve become from victon w how cavalier I feel towards chan n the situation rn
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. vampire au. angst. little bit of fluff. warnings. guns. vampires fighting against humans. a lot of blood. death. kinda half proofread half not. pairing. vampire!hanbin x vampire!reader. ft. vampire!zhanghao, vampire!seungwoo (x1/victon/solo), and vampire!sejeong (ioi/gugudan/solo). wc. 3.7k. request. @blue-jisungs begged me to write pt 2 but i think she's regretting that decision now skjdksd oops. a/n. i'm sorry for this fic okay like srsly i'm sorry 😭😭😭 divider by @/sweetparty.
read part 1 here
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“Why are you restless, my love?” Hanbin asked softly as he wrapped his left arm around your shoulder, the fabric of his robe draping over your skin and shielding you from the cool night breeze.
“I think we are making a mistake, Hanbin.” You said quietly. Hanbin could feel the weight of your words despite how vague they were. He tilted his head and focused his crimson eyes on you, attempting to read your thoughts. 
The skill was challenging to use on other vampires. You were neither human nor a recently turned vampire, so your thoughts were safely hidden from most. The connection of your souls made it easier for Hanbin to get in, though. And when he did, gathering a few more pieces of information about what was bothering you, he knew you were probably right. 
“You mean about humans?” His hand slowly rubbed over your arm, a simple tranquillity spell dispersing from his fingertips. This, unlike the mind reading, was something he could do without any effort. He often used it on you when he could, to help calm you in any way. You always noticed when he did, and he knew you appreciated the gesture by the look in your eyes. The same happened now, as he felt your body slowly relax in his hold. 
“They are coming into the age of technology— progressing at a rate faster than we’ve ever seen before. The elders have grown foolish. They have not seen the outside world for themselves in hundreds of years. They still think humans are weak and easy.” You explained the things that Hanbin knew very well. As merely a short thousand years old or a little more, both of you were at the front of missions and leading forces. Being young and able-bodied yet skilled enough to face almost anything, there was little left to improve on.
“Their guns have grown more powerful. So have their bombs. They are no longer scared, weak, foolishly mortal beings who run around with pitchforks and torches. They have weapons causing damage that not even the best of spells could hope to remedy. I’ve explained this all to the elders, but they won’t listen to my suggestions. They don’t believe me.” You said in defeat, faced with an impossible task.
Never before had you seen your fellow vampires die so quickly. Bullets seared through their bodies faster than the wind, and it only took a couple to knock a vampire unconscious. It was only a matter of time before the wounds killed them. The simple truth you were faced with was almost impossible to accept.
Humans were growing stronger than vampires. Despite their weak bodies, their propensity for fear, their stupidity, or their short life-spans. The advantage they had over vampires was constant adaptation and invention. You could barely name a change in the castle in 800 years, but the changes to the human world were endless. And each one was more impressive than the last.
Diseases that had once killed millions were being researched and prevented, a problem of the past for humans. Modern technology in the form of telephones, space travel, and computers aided in all facets of human life. It was simply astonishing how fast the world could change. Vampires simply had no way to keep up, you realized.
“It will take time for them to come around, but they will. When they see for themselves how many we’ve lost— how we are no longer overpowering humans tenfold. They will surely change their course of action then.” Hanbin words soothed your worried heart. You felt foolish for wanting to believe every word that came out of his mouth, but it felt like second nature. You just hoped he was right.
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“This is it?” You asked, glancing at Hanbin from across the table to catch his nod. On the marble surface lay a large rifle, one that had single-handedly taken out 3 of your vampires that evening with just 5 bullets. 
It had been several months since your worry had started, and you realized now that you had vastly underestimated how quickly humans improved. What once took 10 or more bullets to fatally injure a vampire now decreased to just 1 or 2. If this is what humans could do in just a few months, what more developments could they introduce in 10 years?
“They’ve developed this model for the past couple of months to specifically target our weaknesses. They must have studied one of our men to know that silver bullets would be more deadly than anything else. When aimed at our hearts, it’s very easy to kill a vampire with just 1 shot.” Hanbin said wearily, his expression growing dim like yours.
“For the first time ever, they’re killing us faster than we’re turning them.” You muttered, trying to not let the thought terrify you. It could easily mean the extinction of vampires within a short hundred years.
You turned to the elders who you were consulting about the issue, studying their pale faces. Seungwoo looked stone faced, which you expected. He was one of the few elders who knew about the situation, as he often went out into the human world, disguising himself as one of them. As the most advanced healer among the clan, he had tended to many of the injured fighters in the past months. He was familiar with the damage the weapon could do, and the number of vampires that had been lost to its deadly silver bullets. 
Zhang Hao looked surprised, and maybe even a little bit scared at the news. His eyes were wide, but he kept his face as stoic as possible. He was one of the most powerful vampires concerning spells. His magic was strong and his knowledge was vast. He knew ancient rituals and was able to create entirely new incantations by studying old texts. You respected his opinion on the issue, and was sure he would be able to advise how to train the younger vampires with protective charms.
You skipped past the dozen or so council member elders, and turned finally to Sejeong, watching her face twist in anger. She never failed to lead the vampires expertly, but her temper was a cause of concern for you. She held grudges against the humans more personally than Hao or Seungwoo. She had often been at the front of the battlefield hundreds of years ago, and she had seen no shortage of vampire bloodshed. Under her reign there had been centuries of peace, as she wisely chose to not engage with the humans unless necessary. Now that they were actively seeking out her citizens, though, she wasn’t willing to let it slide. 
You could predict many possible outcomes from this. Sejeong’s ruling might result in peace once again, or in a war that no one would be able to survive. It was your duty to trust and follow her every command, operating on her word to the best of your abilities, but you had never experienced such high risks. You were worried you might not make it out of this battle, or worse, that Hanbin would face death with you.
The 3 elders you had watched expectantly, having been the very 3 to conjoin yours and Hanbin’s souls, were well aware of the risks. Vampire souls were not naturally supposed to meld together, and although you and Hanbin were perfectly matched, your joining still faced consequences. If one of you died, it was likely that the other would not be able to survive alone. Whenever you called to one another through your tattoos, you had to bear the burning sensation that came from using such power. If one of you was in pain, the other experienced it too. There was never a burden that could be held by just one person. You and Hanbin were a pair, and you simply could not be separated. 
It was back in Hanbin’s tower after the meeting that you voiced your concern. After Sejeong decided on facing the problem head on, just as you expected, and it was only a matter of days before you would be sent out to attack.
“I think it would be best if we stuck together at all times. If you get out of my sight, I won’t know if you’re safe.” You said quietly, biting the inside of your cheek in worry. Hanbin walked across the room, joining you on the couch, lacing his hand with yours. 
“I won’t go anywhere without you, even if it means disobeying the elders' orders. We don’t know what could happen to our souls if one of us gets hurt. We’re meant to be together, not apart.” You continued, meeting Hanbin’s crimson eyes with yours. 
He nodded, “Whatever you wish.” He squeezed your hand reassuringly.
“I should close the curtain. The sun is coming up.” You kissed his cheek and stood up to do so. Hanbin’s eyes watched you as you walked across the room and drew the blinds. He leaned back against the sofa, gaze still fixed on you as you shuffled through the bookcase on the wall, picking up a history book about ancient vampire civilizations. He could see the anxiety in your eyes, and he felt a twist in his stomach, mirroring yours.
“Calm down, Y/n. We’ll be alright, no matter what happens.” Hanbin said. He motioned for you to put down the book and come back to his arms. “Stop worrying about me. I’ll be fine. I won’t get hurt. I promise I won’t.” He whispered to you, a comforting smile on his face.
You wondered how he could always be so sure and confident. You were constantly riddled with worries, but, like always, Hanbin assured you, easing your anxiety with his words or his spells. You could feel his magic work on you as he wrapped his arms around you, and you instantly felt at peace.
You stayed in his arms until the sun had fully risen, savouring the quiet moments while you still could. There would be no spare moment to relax once the full moon came. You couldn’t ask for him to keep the calming spell going all day, but for as long as you were in his arms, you allowed yourself to let him take your mind off of everything.
You even managed to fall asleep from how comfortable you were cuddled in his hold. When you woke up and looked up at him, his eyes had fallen shut as well, but you could tell he was only dozing. Beads of sweat had gathered on his forehead from how long he had been casting the spell. Even though it was a fairly easy one that he had mastered centuries ago, keeping it going for hours at a time still took an extreme amount of energy.
You kissed his cheek, watching as his eyes opened slowly. He smiled and wiped his dewy skin, sitting up slowly. You felt the spell wear off as Hanbin relaxed his shoulders, and the thoughts flooding your head came back immediately. A sigh left your lips. You couldn’t ask him to keep it going for any longer. You felt guilty for how long he had been doing it already, knowing just how exhausting it must have been.
“You didn’t have to do that for so long.” You whispered, standing up from his lap and circling around to the back of the couch. You unclasped the outer cloth of his long robe, leaving just the tunic and pants he was wearing. Your hands fell to his neck and shoulders, slowly starting to massage the muscles, working out the knots he had developed. 
His eyes fell shut, a pained whine escaping his lips from the sensation. He was always so focused on taking care of you, he rarely noticed when his own body was suffering. He felt relieved as the pain slowly subsided with the help of one of your healing spells, the touch of your fingers over his bare skin becoming softer.
Your fingers lingered on the side of his neck when you were done, circling the pads of your pointer and middle finger over his pulsepoint, feeling the faint beating of his heart. It was slower in pace than humans, but it was still felt from the touch of your finger. 
The life of vampires relied on magical powers (and a constant supply of blood) over bodily function. In his life as a human, Hanbin’s heart had been the most vital organ to his survival. But now, keeping his body healthy so his powers flowed freely was of equal importance. The two were still intertwined, a constant balance was the key to being a powerful vampire. Poor bodily function translated to weakened power. The fact that you could still hear Hanbin’s heart clearly was a testament to his abilities. It would take an extraordinary force to weaken him to the point of death, and that thought comforted you.
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You had seen many conflicts in your lifetime, mostly human wars of which vampires were no part of. But it was an entirely different feeling standing at the front of the battleline in the dead of night, preparing your strongest spells, knowing you were vastly outnumbered by the enemy’s army. 
Hanbin was by your side, his finger still barely grazing your hand, trying to get as much strength from you before the fight started. Fear filled both of your body’s, but a strong determination overpowered it. The risk was immense, but you needed to win. You would come out of it alive, no matter what.
The explosions were deafening, ringing in your ears at ten times the intensity that they sounded to humans. It was dizzying, and you could barely keep track of the spells you were casting. They seemed to be working well enough to defend yourself, as any man who charged at you soon found himself in a pool of his own blood on the grass. 
You weren’t sure how long you had been fighting, or how many more men you could hold off. It felt like they just kept coming. You had never used this much power all at once, but you couldn’t stop even for a second. It couldn’t go on forever, right?
There was no big explosion, nor were any human soldiers in range to hurt you. You weren’t in the line of gunshots. There was no possible way a grenade could have reached you without you noticing it. So why did you suddenly feel such excruciating pain?
Hanbin. Where was Hanbin?
The smoke on the battlefield hindered the humans from seeing, but you were effortlessly able to clear a path. It was easy to find Hanbin— you always came back to him without even thinking. You knew where he was immediately, and your legs carried you to him in an instant. 
His eyes looked scared as they met yours. He was on his knees, surrounded by the men he had taken out, their blood soaked on his skin and clothes. The crimson of his eyes had faded, suggesting his weakening state. You couldn’t tell what blood was his, but you could tell that he was losing it fast. 
“Hanbin— get up. Get up, please.” You grabbed his arm in a panic, pulling him up to his feet and supporting his body on yours as you quickly found a sheltered spot to let him sit.
“What happened? Why are you hurt— you said you wouldn’t get hurt.” You cried, holding a bloody palm to your tattoos, trying to summon a healing spell. Hanbin was barely breathing; struggling to stay conscious for you.
After hours of fighting, your power had grown weak. The pain you experienced, mirroring the injuries on Hanbin’s body, also prevented you from conjuring the spell. You gave up trying to get it from the source, realising that it wouldn’t work in your current state. Instead, you placed your hands on Hanbin’s chest, your fingers touching the ink on his collarbone. You closed your eyes tightly, mustering as much strength as you could to reach his body. His tattoos flickered, wanting to shine brightly from your touch, but unable to summon enough power for it.
He gasped, air flooding his lungs again. His eyes watered from the pain, and he instinctively tried to push your hands away, although he knew that they were what was still keeping him alive. The blood loss was driving his body and mind crazy; the need, the thirst for it, overwhelming. You realized what was going on from just his face, the unmistakable sign of a bloodthirsty vampire flashing in his faint eyes. 
“Take mine.” You said quickly, pushing your garment to the side, exposing your neck to him. 
“N-no, I can’t.” He whispered, terrified at the thought of hurting you.
“Please. You’ll die.” You begged, your voice laced with desperation. Strangely, you had no fear. You didn’t care about how much it would hurt, or if it would drive you bloodthirsty as well. You just needed him to survive.
Due to his weak state, you were able to overpower him. You forced his mouth open in desperation, revealing the sharp fangs on his top row of teeth. He cried, having no strength to stop you. He would rather die than risk causing you harm. 
Hanbin submitted to your wishes, knowing that if he didn’t comply with biting you, you would find a different, more dangerous way to give him your blood. He sunk his fangs weakly into your neck and forced himself to suck. The taste of your blood trickling down his throat instantly curbed the insatiable need for it. You cried out in pain, feeling your strength wither as your blood left you. The sound broke Hanbin’s heart, icy tears falling from his eyes.
The taste of your blood was sweet and warm, but Hanbin refused to enjoy a single drop of it. As soon as he felt a fraction of his strength coming back, he used it to push you off of him. 
You looked back at him and the entire world seemed to disappear. The fight was still ongoing behind you, but no shouts or explosions reached your ears. His eyes slowly gained back their colour, flickering to yours and softening. With tear stains on his cheeks and blood splattered across his face and neck, he reached for you gently, hesitantly. Almost too hesitant to be quite like him. 
“I hurt you.” He said in anguish, his eyes unable to leave the wound on your neck. “Why did you let me hurt you?” He searched your face for an answer, and it stared right back at him. Losing him would be more painful to you than any wound, even if he was the one who gave it to you. He could hurt you, wound you, or even kill you, and you would still give yourself up to him without needing to think.
Vampires always felt cold, but Hanbin’s touch felt exceptionally gelid when it reached your cheek. He looked gaunt, his exhaustion evident even after he had gotten some strength back. You needed to get him to safety, somewhere where skilled healers could tend to him. His eyes looked scared. Not scared of the battle, but scared of himself and what he had done to you.
“You could never hurt me. Just please stay alive.” You whispered, holding his bloodied hand. His eyes still naturally drew back to your neck, shaky breaths leaving him as he processed your words and nodded weakly. 
He bent to kiss you with the energy he had, the action portraying a million thoughts and feelings. You felt him crumble in your arms, his body giving out on him as his lips touched yours. You held him steady, supporting his neck so his head didn’t fall. His eyelids drooped, and with a trembling breath you realized the carmine colour of his eyes was fading again.
“No, no— Hanbin, please.” Your hands fumbled, trying to think of what to do. You simply had no power left to give to him. Your hand slipped to his waist, trying to readjust him into a better position. That’s when you felt the warm liquid on your hand. 
The wound must have been from a bullet, you deduced quickly. No other weapon that humans possessed could have caused him to bleed so much. The bullet had pierced him in merely half a second, lodging itself in his side. It was a wonder how such a small piece of silver could do so much damage to a vampire as powerful as Hanbin. He was dazed, the feeling of you pressing on the wound to try to stop the bleeding the only sensation he could discern.
Shouts grew louder in your ear. Although you had found a hidden space away from the battle, you were still exposed to danger. You stood carefully, pulling Hanbin up with you. Your only hope now was to get him back to safety as quickly as possible. His soul was still clinging to the bit of energy you had given him, but you wouldn’t have much time before it ran out completely. 
He stumbled as he rose to his feet, doing his best to support his own weight. He would have fallen back into your arms if something hadn’t hit him quicker. A small piece of silver, not more than 2 centimetres, seared straight through his chest, and a gasp fell from his lips.
You heard the shot. You felt it too, in the middle of your chest, a scathing pain spreading up your neck. You failed to catch Hanbin in time before he fell. 
It was over. You knew you had failed. Your options were expended and your time running out. Dropping to the ground as well, you clung to his body. With no energy left to fight, much less save him, you accepted the loss. Closing your eyes, you gathered him in your arms and pressed a kiss to his forehead as if you were comforting a small child.
It was a send off, of sorts. A last goodbye, and a testament to your love. He took his final breath, cradled safe in your arms, protected from the world. After all he had given for you, he deserved to rest comfortably. 
As his soul perished, you felt yours fading as well. He was taking you with him, knowing you could never live apart from him. Intertwined in every way, even until death. That was the fate you and him shared.
↳ zerobaseone taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @okshu,, @chewryy,, @haecien,, @sobun1est,,
@emmylksblog,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,, @chenleszone,, @sxmmerberries,,
@talking-saxy,, @cupidslovearrows,, @dimplewonie,, @50-husbands,, @hursheys,,
@kristianities,, @kangtaehyunzzz
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aettuddae · 4 months
business matter — meet HeAVEN.
↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
masterlist | resident's archives | chapter 1
when was the last time...
you felt at ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒?
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ stay here, stay with us ' 🪐
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⋆。˚ ☁️ 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑. ✩˚ ⋆。˚
— HeAVEN (헤이븐), is a 5 member South Korean girlgroup under Olympia Entertainment. The group consists of Serim, Yves, Minnie, Chaeyoung and Yujin.
"=⌕ Olympia Entertainment? / "The creators of a new entertainment world." A company founded in the year 2000 by son of entrepreneur, Shin Na Myeong. His dream was to create a narrative universe with a story that could be told through the debut of various groups.
The first OE group was inVAGANT, a 4 member male band. They succeeded in becoming relevant and well respected as one of the pioneers of 2nd generation of kpop.
But it wasn't until the debut of boygroup VOYAGER in 2010 that the company got established as one of the kpop leaders, earning a title as the "new big 4," thanks to its contribution to the entertainment scene and cultural impact as the trendsetters of storytelling and complex concepts.
With their debut in 2018, HeAVEN rapidly became one of the most talked-about groups of their era. Reaching the top spot of all the lists with their 2019 global song, "The War," title track of their high-selling first full album, "Promised Land."
the 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛 is always 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔.
(i got to bring it back to its original state)
✎﹏୭ 🧷 ᵎᵎ HeAVEN unifies the two words haven and heaven.
— It's directly connected to their lore, which talks about 5 girls who discover earth is not where they originate from and have to find their way back home. "Haven" being a way to refer to their natal land, and "Heaven" being where it is, the moon.
• ! A magical, mystic story that switches between space and earth, transports into various planets and is laced with uncertainty, despair, longing as well as hope, love and beauty. It brings music with cosmic and dreamy sounds, just as much as strong, powerful and dark marching anthems, by the hand of the very versatile HeAVEN, with their long-time, extremely talented, unique members.
when ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 is not a place
i still find haven in 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
✎﹏୭ 🧷 ᵎᵎ songs that sound like HeAVEN...
! when there's hope.
! and when there's war.
— Olympia Entertainment Co., Ltd. KOREA. WARNING : All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized Duplication & Rent is Prohibited.
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
Don't talk to me, I'm soft 😭
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official-wonho · 5 months
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[240427] iwonhoyou's Instagram story update
I'm someone who listens to Seungsik's song(s) every day @s_sikisiki
TN: Seungsik is a member of VICTON.
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lushta1es0nm3 · 9 months
When you knew you shouldn’t have started teasing
So I started emptying out my stash. Better late than never, I was going to wait but considering the situations, I said fuck it, post that shit and try not to regret anything.
Not gonna talk about the fact that I been hiding and dealing with life for the past couple months
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You knew you should've stopped earlier when he told you to, but you didn’t. You pushed your luck and provoked the man, now, here you were face down ass up, in his studio room, getting fucked stupid. There was no escaping, he had your arms pinned behind your back. You shouldn’t have thought it was a good idea to twerk on him when he said he was busy. You thought it was okay to play, pushing your soft ass on this man, knowing he hadn’t touched you in a minute.
“You’re so cute when you try to run like that, next time you won’t try this.”
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“Fuck babe, I love it when you make that face.”
Next time you’ll think twice about teasing him in front of the other members. The whole time you were teasing he was only smiling at you, the look in his eyes told you to quit while you’re ahead. But no, you didn’t. Now here you were riding his dick, while he sat in a chair holding you by your hips making you go faster while he watched your face frown up trying not to cum too fast. A smirk on his face the whole time, said a thousand words.
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This was fun and games up until a few moments ago, you took it upon yourself to indulge in this game of cat and mouse with Chan. You knew you shouldn’t have kept running and playing after you had accidentally fallen on top of him, your boobs almost came out of your shirt. He said he wanted to quit. But no, you looked back at him with those beautiful eyes, smirked and threw him a wink, before taking off.
Now he had you in a hidden room of the company, up against a wall, with one hand over your mouth to keep you from being too loud and the other on your hip. His grip was tight as he pounded away, his hot breath fanning your ear and neck.
“What’s the matter babe, cat got your tongue?”
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“That’s right babe take it, I know you can.”
His words were followed by the sound of your ass getting smacked filled the room. His grip on your hips was tight as he pummeled you from the back, while you struggled to keep quiet.
How did you end up here? You thought it’d be alright to wear a dress with nothing underneath, just to get back at this man for playing a prank on you. Good thing he saw you before anyone else, he wasted no time grabbing you and pulling into the nearest empty room. He wanted to question you but a light bulb went off in his head, so he did what he had to do and that would be how you ended up here. After much protesting you gave up but now, here you were with tears of pleasure running down your face as he broke your back in and smacked your ass.
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How the fuck did you end up with this man on top of you, eating at your neck, his lip piercing grazing your skin, while he took his sweet time fucking your lights out? Oh, that’s right, you thought it was a good idea to lick his tattoos after he told you to stop multiple times. You just wanted to taste them, to see if they were as sweet as he is. But that led to you being laid across the couch spread wide open. He was fucking you painfully slow, hard and deep.
“Babe, say the magic word and I’ll let you come.” He laughed at you, who’s eyes were closed tight. He knew how you liked it and he was doing a very good job mocking you.
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You let out a whimper when the tall man had finally let you breathe from the kiss that he was giving you. He had you on top of a table, with one leg on his shoulder, while he railed you into oblivion. It started off innocent and sweet but you fucked up when you thought it’d be okay to try and lay marks on this mans neck. After he told you he had a shoot coming up, given that that part of his neck is sensitive to your touch.
“Show me how much you can take, I wanna see you cum.”
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“Ssssshhh, it’ll be over soon, take it for me baby…….. just a little more”
The tv was flickering, a movie playing on it while you lay on your side, he was behind you, dicking you down. You thought all you’d be doing is watching a movie and cuddling. But no, the position was compromised when you fucked up and backed that ass up on him. He was already yearning for you when he saw you in those shorts and his shirt. The ones that were currently down passed your knees.
You should’ve known better, but by then it was too late and too much. With one hand on your hip and the other around your neck. Subin was flush against your back. You bit your bottom lip, he was going balls deep, hitting the mark every time, but he was struggling to hold you in place, because you were running. And you were struggling to be quiet considering the other members were in their rooms asleep and you didn’t want to get caught.
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haecien · 11 months
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Pour me a drink 🥂 - Han seungwoo x reader
Warnings + Genres — Swearing, mentions of alcohol(or wine ig) , blood, weapons, seungwoo calls reader a lot of pet names)
Vampire!bartender Seungwoo au, love at first sight
A/n — @slytherinshua HI ZANNA THANKS FOR PROOF READING HSJWHEIRUR, also thank you for giving me a delusion so I could write/j not but bartender Seungwoo is hot as fuck, I won't normally post for victon or seungwoo but uh😭
Wc- 1.4k
Read more under the cut . . . 🍷
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You were cornered in an alleyway. Fuck. You're in trouble now, huh? " We know you have the money; if you ever deny it or lie you're fucking dead, " a deep raspy voice yelled out. 
You didn't even know these people, and yet they're harassing you about some amount of money. " What the fuck? I don't even know who you are ! " you yelled out, trying to find a way out. 
" You're y/n l/n, right? You fucking owe us money. " How did they know your name? You had never seen these guys in your life. They were armed with weapons and if you were too slow they'd kill you in an instant.
" Shit. " You didn't care if you got hurt, you just wanted to get out. You ran into one of the people surrounding you, hoping that you could squeeze out. Luckily you did, but they chased after you. They were fast. You looked left and right, trying to find a place to hide in. 
Your eyes stumbled upon a bar, they'd never find you there, right? You made something fall over to distract them and bolted towards the bar's entrance. The people who were chasing after you seemed to have lost you, " Shit finally.. " you whispered under your breath. 
You took a seat at the bar and looked up at the bartender. Oh he was fucking attractive. He wore a black suit, sleeves rolled up and a black tie, over it was a red velvety sleeveless vest. 
" Hello, Darling. What can I get you to drink for today? " he gave you a polite smile as he placed down the cocktail strainer. 
You admit you blushed a little at the nickname, " Well, aren't you a sweet thing? Nothing much, just a glass of wine would be just fine. " 
The guy smiled and reached for the glass, " One glass of wine for a pretty person. "
As the guy cleaned the glass with a towel, he kept sneaking glances at you. His hands were big. They were also so perfect. The veins in his hands were slightly popping out. Fuck you couldn't stop looking at him up and down. His buff figure was well defined due to his suit, the poor vest was holding on for dear life, and the buttons were trying their best to not bust open. 
He carefully poured the wine into the glass, he then lifted up the bottle and gave you your glass. You took a sip out of it, " So, what's your name? " you curiously asked, leaning a bit towards the handsome bartender. 
" My name? Why? Are you interested in me? " he chuckled as he placed his towel over his shoulder, " Han Seungwoo, what about you love? " 
You gulped, these nicknames are making you feel things that you shouldn't be towards a stranger, " Y/n.." you looked up to see his face, seeing him smirk. 
" Oh, lovely name. " you blushed a bit at the comment. 
" Can I have a few more drinks? " 
Your head was spinning, God you had too MANY drinks. Seungwoo has been keeping an eye on you since you had your 5th or 6th drink. Many other people stared at you, but he'd just glare back at them so they'd leave you alone. He felt worried since his shift was about to end, " Oh my love, what will I do with you. " he quietly giggled a bit as he cleaned up the glasses and grabbed his coat. He placed it on your back, making it a blanket of some sorts, and carefully carried you bridal style. " I'm going off for my shift now. " he yelled out to his coworker who seemed to be at the back somewhere… 
He left the bar and quickly went up the stairs to the side of the bar. Seungwoo lived upstairs. His place wasn't the biggest, but it was an average sized apartment with a bedroom, living room and a kitchen. He placed you down on the couch, patting your head and adjusting your position so you could be comfortable. 
Seungwoo had changed his clothes for a more casual and comfortable attire. He now wore sweatpants and a black shirt. 
He was a bit worried about how you were feeling after consuming that much alcohol. He had no choice but to just wait until the next morning, his tummy rumbled. " Oh, " he got up and went over to his kitchen and cooked a quick meal for himself. Suddenly he heard noise from behind him, he quickly looked behind to see that you woke up. 
" Mm- Y/n? " He placed down his food on the counter and walked over to you. " How are you feeling, my love? " 
You looked around confused, " I'm fine, where am I, Seungwoo? "
Seungwoo chuckled a bit, " Oh you're at my apartment. Sorry, I just couldn't leave you at the bar… " 
A complete stranger was worried about you? Damn, he was better than all the ex's you had. It was sweet of him, offering a complete fucking stranger to his apartment… - 
" You know, maybe you could sleep the night here. I don't mind it at all, my bed is big enough for the both of us anyways, "
You were a bit hesitant to accept the offer, but eventually you did. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing really, Seungwoo is a good guy right?... Right?..
He opened the door next to his kitchen which revealed his bedroom. It wasn't super messy, but the thing that caught your attention first was his bed. Why would he need a bed which would fit more than one person? Doesn't he live alone…? It was pretty late, so you didn't mind; at least there was space for the both of you. 
“ By the way, if you want to change clothes, my closet is right there. I don't mind what you wear, just pick out anything you please, love. “ Seungwoo said as he carefully took off his coat which you were still wearing, 
“ Oh- thank you..  “ you opened his closet. It was well organised. You hesitantly looked back at him.
“ Don't worry, I'm serious. Pick out anything you like. “ You turned back to the closet and picked out a white shirt and just some shorts. You doubted that they would fit, though. 
You changed into the said clothes in the bathroom and washed your face to remove the dirt and makeup which was on it. 
You closed the bathroom lights and went out. Seungwoo was sitting on the bed, waiting. His shirt was removed to reveal his tattoos. 
He looked up at you and chuckled a bit, “ Sorry are you uncomfortable with this? “ 
You shook your head, “ No it's- its alright. “ Jesus christ. His body looked so perfect with the moonlight hitting his chest, complimenting his messy hair which looked like it had been washed earlier. 
You lied down on the bed and Seungwoo did the same after turning off the lights.
You felt as if something was pinning you down from the bed, unable to move. Ow, ow, a sharp pain was coming from your neck. It felt as if a needle was piercing through it. You opened your eyes to see Seungwoo absolutely devouring your neck, draining all the blood from it. You told him to get off and he realised you were awake, 
“ Fuck– “ he got off you and wiped his mouth. Seungwoo looks blood thirsty, but what the fuck, he still looks attractive? Even if he could have potentially killed you. 
“ My God whats wrong with you– fuck that hurts. '' You carefully touched your neck, two holes have been made on your precious neck. “ Seungwoo, the fuck was that? “ You tilted your head back, the wound hurt a lot. 
“ I- Look it wasn't intentional- “ Seungwoo got cut off. 
“ Wasn't intentional? You bit my neck and it looked like you weren't going to let go anytime soon.  “ You glared at him. Seungwoo just looked at you, he was showered with guilt. But he couldn't help himself. You were sleeping so peacefully with your neck exposed. But it was weird, why would he want to bite your neck in the first place? If he was hungry shouldn't he go to the kitchen?
“ Are you some type of cannibal..– “ 
“ What the fuck? “
Seungwoo explained everything to you, obviously. He wasn't so sure how'd you react, but he was hoping you wouldn't run and leave him alone just because of this.
“ Wait, can you open your mouth? “ Seungwoo was confused but he followed your orders and opened his mouth, “ Shit those are real huh? How come I never noticed them before- “ I wonder… you were so focused on his face and body that you couldn't focus on the tiny details. You cupped Seungwoo's face, just observing his sharp teeth, its weird how fascinated you were with them.
 “ You're not going to run? “ Seungwoo asked you, “ 
" Why would I? You're too fucking pretty for me to run away anyways. “ 
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kbandtrash · 7 months
Meet the Authors
Ha ha embarrassing it’s been almost 4 years of kbandtrash and I don’t think we’ve ever done this
General introduction? We just like writing lol. Everything we write is pretty clean (no smut, kissing is the farthest we go like not even making out usually, we don’t even use curse words lol) so generally this should be a pretty safe space for anyone
I’ll start with a more personal introduction
Hopeless romantic, happy ending enthusiast, designated karaoke harmonizer, made the deadline to be a ‘99 liner by 2 weeks ✌️😗
The initial Instigator between the two of us. My roommate introduced me to day6 May of 2019 and Megan (formerly annoying little sister who used to do anything to get me to notice her) was the only one who believed me (mean older sister) when I told my family this kband stuff was pretty good
Bands I listen to (and biases): N.Flying (Seunghyub), Day6 (Sungjin), The Rose (Dojoon), IZ (Hyunjun), CNBlue (Yonghwa), FTIsland (Hongki), Onewe (ot5), Lucy (ot4), Hifi Unicorn (Kiyoon), Xdinary Heroes (Gaon, Junhan)
(Plus Hoppipolla, Gift, Qwer, Banduni, Rolling Quartz, Honeyst, Marmello, D.Coy)
Groups I listen to: Dreamcatcher (Dami), Oneus(? complicated rn) (Hwanwoong), Seventeen (S.Coups, Vernon), SF9 (Chani, Hwiyoung), Ateez (Hongjoong, Mingi), Stray Kids (Seungmin, Chan), P1Harmony (Jiung)
(Plus Pentagon, Purple Kiss, Tempest, &Team, Enhypen)
(I also have a huge crush on D.O. and I love Younha)
Extra notes? I have a degree in secondary math education. I also have a decent amount of skill in the arts though like I sing and play a handful of instruments and you’ll see me reblog stuff here from my art blog sometimes. I can read/write half decent Korean as well
Currently playing: Blue Moon by N.Flying, Eternal Sunshine by Ateez, Ah! Love by Seventeen, Better Better by Day6, and Nowhere by FTIsland
I now turn the time over to Megan
Hopeful romantic, sad ending enthusiast, designated karaoke melodizer (not a boring soprano tyvm), born smack dab in the middle of 2006 🤩💅
The current Instigator between the two of us. I hesitantly took hold of the kband stuff and then it exponentially increased. My kpop Spotify playlist is 176 hours long (3127 songs). Please send help 😨
K bands: CNBLUE (Minhyuk), Xdinary Heroes (O.de/Junhan), N.Flying (Hweseung), Day6 (Wonpil), FTISLAND (Jaejin), Lucy (Wonsang), Onewe (Kanghyun), IZ (Junyoung), Gift, Hoppipolla, The Rose (Hajoon), Rolling Quartz, Honeyst, Marmello
K boy groups: Ateez (Wooyoung), Shax, Sparkling, P1Harmony (✨Jeongseob✨), Seventeen (Hoshi), Kingdom (Mujin), SF9 (Taeyang), CIX (Yonghee), Oneus (Leedo), Golden Child (Joochan), ACE (Donghun), The Boyz (Q), Stray Kids (Jeongin), TXT (Taehyun), Pentagon (Yuto), Shinee (Key), AB6IX (Woojin), Astro (MJ), Enhypen (Niki), Drippin (Dongyun), BDC, WEi (Yongha), Cravity (Seongmin), BtoB (Changsub), NCT (Haechan), Tempest (Hanbin), Monsta X (Kihyun), Just B (Bain), Got7 (Youngjae), Epex (Ayden), BAE173 (Hangyul), Mirae (Dongpyo), iKon (Junhoe), X1, Wanna One, Victon (Byeongchan), E’last
K girl groups: Kard ;), Dreamcatcher (Gahyeon), (G)i-dle (Yuqi), Twice (Jeongyeon), Itzy (Chaeryeong), IVE, Kep1er, Purple Kiss (Swan), Everglow, Oh My Girl, ICHILLIN’, Red Velvet, Billlie (Moon Sua), Stayc (Isa), Weeekly (Jihan), NMIXX (Lily), CLC (Sorn), Tea Party/Omega-3 (Hyunji)
Soloists: Kang Daniel, IU, Woodz, Kim Hanbin, Eric Nam, Lee Hongki
Extra notes? I like learning languages and I love music and I’m permanently tired and I’m a Musical Theatre Kid and I’m about to graduate high school? Crazy
Currently Playing: One Time by CNBLUE, Halazia by Ateez, Love Me for Me by P1Harmony, Stereotype by Stayc, and Fallin’ Flower by Seventeen
You can follow us on tiktok and instagram as heartandsoul.psyche 🙈👀 we’re silly and we sing sometimes
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