seleniangnosis · 2 years
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓙𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
In this reading I'll focus more on some growth advice beneficial in developing more resilience in front of life's challenges , with the channeled energy of Jupiter 🤎
This is a collective reading, therefore it cannot deliver the tiniest details! Take what resonates and/or applies to your situation/personality🤎. If you don't feel drawn to any picture, then maybe there's no important message for you here.
Feedback is appreciated 🤎
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Pile 1
Hello pile one and welcome to your reading.🤎
In ordered to make the best out of your hardships and difficulties that might weight you down in life, you need to trust and believe in yourself more.
If you tend to get side tracked by your own thoughts or other people's opinions, know that they haven't walked your path, but you did. No one can get a better answer or solution for a difficult situation than you yourself.
You should also take a bit more pride in your accomplishments and everything that you've done, because they need to be recognised, especially by you! Don't downplay your achievements!
If you truly need advice from people though, go to people you trust, people you know are knowledgeable, not jealous ones , but those whodo wish to help.
Whenever you decide to achieve more, think first about what you have in the present moment. Not because you should feel like you aren't allowed to dream about bigger achievements, but because you might get lost in the thousands of thoughts about what are you going to do next, and remain with too little time for enjoying what you have already accomplished!
Additionally, for some of you I feel like you should stop dreaming without putting the work in first, even if your methods seem to be different from what other people do.
Something that might come as a blessing to you in the close future is the relief and release of the pain that might have been created by a relationship.
Maybe you were betrayed and/ or cheated on and this has deeply affected the way you feel and perhaps they way you view relationships.
If its not a relationship, then the end of malicious rumours and slander directed towards you, about your decisions and life choices, are close to an end.
A general advice here for you is to think before you act. Even though your unconventional ideas and methods can definitely work, you still gave to ponder upon what you wish to do and accomplish, instead of throwing yourself into the matter without a plan or precautions!
Even if others might be against you, don't do everything out of spite to prove them wrong, otherwise this might backfire!
Pile 2
Hello pile two and welcome to your reading. 🤎
This might be the happy pile of this reading.
You already seem to be doing well in life. You are focused, self confident, optimistic and full of energy and excitement. Good things come and go, but the wheel turned to a less favourable direction shouldn't be of concern to you.
Life has ups and downs, yet you'll always have something to come back to and feel proud of ,even when at a crossroad.
You should remain steadfast, instead of falling down into a state of self pity. No misfortune will last forever. If you can see the light even during the darkest times, you'll feel even more accomplished!
You might start something new in the close future. You are ready to move on and leave behind stress and worries. This might be related to a job or overall something you believe you will excel in, that you've been looking forward to , or thinking about.
An opportunity might be presented to you, or you'll find out the solution to something you're dealing with at the moment.
A general advice here is that you should be more forgiving and compassionate with yourself. Whether the injuries and injustices you've endured were crated by yourself or other people, they have shaped you in who you are today.
You are strong, but you shouldn't be harsh or cruel with yourself. We all make mistakes, or are victims of unfortunate events.
Your mother or a woman you can confide in can aid you in times of need. 🤍
Pile 3
Hello pile three and welcome to your reading.🤎
I think pile 3 has a pattern of being the toughest pile in each reading.
So... pile 3... you seem to be kind , loyal and loving and people might have taken advantage of you and your kindness, or just overall started to envy you and  to bring you down...
You should start looking towards the future instead of mourning and thinking about the past , or what you could have changed. The past has been written down but the pages of your future are still blank, waiting for you to fill them with your best experiences.
You should act with more confidence when starting something new or looking for new ways to improve your life. You could have been trough a lot of misfortunes in the past that these created a mindset of inferiority for you.
You will not see yourself succeeding if you don't have the confidence that you ca do it, in the first place.
You need to expand your horizons and look forward with excitement rather than fear. Nothing worthy of praise end confidence comes with 0 risks.
You should start thinking of your decisions of being a success rather than a failure!
You are the second pile with the Fool as something good to expect in the near future.But for you it seems to be tied to a new start in regards to your mindset and perspective about life.
If you're going to therapy, then you might get some important realisations.
If you're dealing with some unhealthy coping mechanisms, then you'll have a breakthrough and realise that you can improve yourself and you can indeed succeed!
Overall you should start small and look for opportunities that make you feel good and proud of yourself. Start small , but don't look at the future with fear and anxiety.
You don't need to make the impossible possible but small steps will provide excellent to you in the long run!
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thedetectivedoobie · 10 months
detective have you ever watched saw its about 2 guys who get stuck in a bathroom. its a romcom btw
SOudnss "undergound". Obscure even. Whatswith the saw bit whodo the guys need to "saw" ? "See? " Othermen?
Pretty Cool......
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silentnightevilnight · 3 months
Is Tiffany (pig) America?
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When do y’all next go shopping? Who usually does the shopping? Who can even drive????
Mm fromwhat I remember, once every month dueto oursalariess
Usuallyit's: Medic, heavy, engie, spy an Sniper sometimes whodoes the shopping.
Sniper candrive along with.. Ithink spyand Engie aswell
Why ye ask,Lad?
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kairunatic · 1 year
So you know how every three true guilds has this one WR who act like they're the head hancho of the guild? For the Rule Maker, whodo you think their 'head hancho' is? Michael or Utopian WR?
So far it's Michael who has been the one micromanaging the Rule makers since we havent seen the Utopia world rep
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ilovedainironfoot · 2 years
I met someone at the University who has become a friend and whoDOES NOT KNOW ABOUT CYRANO DE BERGERAC AT ALL. So after an impassioned three-hour speech from me, he wants to watch the 2021 musical, and also he bought the play and I really want him to  watch the 1950 adaptation.
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wingsofachampion · 2 years
ok whodo i ahve to dkill for you. i am full of caffinated rage.
I don't want you to kill anyone. I just...wish I could be treated like a person here.
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racial · 2 years
whodo you like from loona Also whats your favorite song hi
idk anybody from loona except chuu and my fave song is hi high :-/ sorry im fake
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sofiaidont wnahtyou talkigntopeople whodo ddrugs i thingkthatmans a badinfulence on you nandhwyareyiut talking to adaoctor thatisntourfamiylddoctor
im dating the guy with the bong
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brucedinsman · 6 months
C.H. Spurgeon - Words of Warning for Daily Living
Those Who Take Not Warning“He heard the sound of the trumpet.” In far-off lands, the trumpet sound of warning isnot heard. Alas! there are myriads of our fellow creatures who have never beenwarned by God’s ambassadors, who know not that wrath abides on them, and whodo not yet understand the only way and method of salvation.The trumpet was not only heard but its warning was understood. When the…
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babyawacs · 8 months
#quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_r eally #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets  (((@ judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @d w .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #ueberweisen_auf_aeh_deutsches_konto #ai_luck #aeh_nutsness_then #baby_lives_but_why #woopsie #tr ust_is_for_the #obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_nothilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #preconditi on #aaaw_had_i_only_known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_germans #co ntrol_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitler #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tatti ppen #labels #batshxitnuts #hideous  #logic_consistency #forcertain #no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inverted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_ta boo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick   #the #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description _precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids # aeh  #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_pentagon #and #harvard_angels #harvard #angels .@harvard .@ harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak #people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooow #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #revolutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist _s #wisdom_is_precise #realmcontrol #itis #acceptance #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminalsecurity policy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #inte l #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina #cause #hooray #impliedparticipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in criminal government tried which tricks ‎criminal government during govt spylawsuit tried which t ricks criminalgovernment withproxies tried whichtricks allalong rape mengele whattheywant as charged whomaps a partofthis forced acceptance trick with chargedbuzzword is luckily counterfactual enough tobe obviously trick he obviously isnot immunised and didnot signup with onecockroachb unch only but they germanconvinced who with the buzzword about those whodo : allofthis government rapes mengeles botch and intelquell decoyed with quelled with ‎ instead govt quikclckckclkclckckcly nuts the ////
#quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart…
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becoming-not-became · 11 months
Wisdom once said breakup with himhe’s not yours neither you hisget off appsfor there’s noone for you you are forothers to find only when they will need you to join them in their lives stop pursuing those you don’t need and rather be there when those who do you that is your only path to happiness with others
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silentnightevilnight · 3 months
you ever heard of an egg
WhoDo you think I am..I DONT LIVEUNDER A ROCK!!
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washwashgalaxy · 1 year
THE BEAUTY OF THE HUMAN EYEIS IN THE SEEING“”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””WHOdoes not know that the beautyof the humanEYEis in the seeing?:ANDthat the human eyedoes not liewhen one is not blind fromtracoma or glaucomawhich are treatable aftera diagnosis:that cataracts is a conditionmostly attributed toold ageand needs simple surgeryto correctby commited doctors…
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greeksdtbetter · 1 year
Whodoes - Run With Me
Μην εκπλαγείτε αν ο Whodoes, πετύχει σπουδαία πράγματα στην underground χορευτική σκηνή του Βερολίνου, όταν έχει στη φαρέτρα του τραγούδια όπως αυτό. Όλο και περισσότεροι Έλληνες καλλιτέχνες διαπρέπουν στο εξωτερικό, Τρέξτε Μαζί Τους.
Don't be surprised if Whodoes achieves great things in Berlin's underground dance scene with songs like this in his quiver. More and more Greek artists are excelling abroad, Run with Them.
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
Hm ear uh on pillow n nosrbreathe sound like tunnel or beat okhmuhhmuh
Tlk ish on the limits, tlk ish, hmk, lk a solo,hmkuhnohmuh, no charm, say without charm, b fnny? Cn fnny be nt chrm or offense? Hmkhmuhhmuhhm, wt if nt insight or charm, nt hv anything, awkish, idk wt u doing uhkhm, whodoes, hmk teach
Video best or bit,hmkhmuhmuhhm, radio dram? Psy ar, uh,hm,uh,hm,uh
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