#whoever you sre
cve-th3mvsic · 4 months
”cve goes crazy”
cve is fucking dying. cve is emotional. cve is hating on this fucking crow bitch.
cve is going crazy. cve is crazy.
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redrocketpanda · 7 months
I just got the nicest ever comment on my HQ/Star Wars AU and now I am 😭
This person initially commented when I first posted back in the beginning of December and said they wanted to post a longer comment but didn't have time, and then they came back FOUR MONTHS LATER to post an absolute unit of a comment and its just... waaahhhhh
Like... I love comments of all kinds tho this is my first proper beefy one where someone is yelling about everything they liked, and complimenting my IwaOi characterisation (as an IwaOi writer), and theorising on what they think might be happening???? I've never had someone theorise about my work before so now I am all happy and emotional
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snowthornes · 1 year
Post the shoh drabbles. Do it
FHEIWJJDUDJS PLEASE THEYRE HUMILIATING. My overwriting tendencies strike AGAIN this is the uroboros template all over again.
I MIGHT. M IGHT. POST THEM ON AO3 OR SOMETHING. But only after 573838292 times of editing 😭😭😭 I haven't published my writing since I was thirteen, PLEASE
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gorillaxyz · 4 months
We can do that if you want, sqeeuze me as much as you want honey
ERM... HI......................
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kyogos · 5 months
Im gonna need f1blrs obsession with James vowels explained to me, i don't get it!!
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uwukillmenowowo · 5 months
Hello I have a request can you do a various Yandere MHA x Reader (like class 1a vs class 1b type of stuff) if that's comfortable with you!
WOOOOO!! I don’t mind at all :D
Haha I hope this is good- This is rlly my first time writing a Yandere Varius X Reader soooo......
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(Yandere BNHA X F!Reader!)
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Reader/ [Y/n] will be female for the sake of ✨Cliche writing~!✨
[Y/n]'s quirk allows her to manipulate water Juvia Lockser style [I chose water because it goes well with a lot of the class's quirks]
[Y/n]'s personality is the classic "Naive, innocent, strawberry milk sweetheart"
I may have left out something but I forgot what it was... :(
I hope it's still good tho :)
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Lately all your friends have been acting weird. They want to do stuff like hanging out with you more, have a spar, have a snack, study, stuff like that. At first you found it cute and spent time with whoever asked first... but now... things have become... rough.
{Your POV}
"[Y/n]-Chaann~!" I yelped as I suddenly got hugged from behind. "Mina..?" I questioned. I heard her laugh and when I turned around, I saw the whole Bakusquad there. "What's up guys?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"Oh! We were planning to hit up the arcade. You wanna join?" Kriishima asked as he slung his arm around Kaminari. I groaned and rubbed my arm. "Sorry guys, I have something going on." They looked dissappointed but Bakugo just seemed pissed. More so than usual. "AH?! What could be more important? You're already hella smart and your quirk is kick ass!" I chuckled and blushed at the praise. "Yeah... True... It is only grocery shopping...but-"
"Then we can go to the arcade and then we can walk with you to the store."Kaminari suggested. "O-Oh! You don't have to! I mean- I still have-" Before I was able to finish my sentence, the door to the class opened and I saw Tetsutetsu, Kuroiro, Shiozaki, and Kendo. "Good afternoon. Is [Y/n]-San here?" I smiled and told the people in front of me goodbye before I jogged to the door. "Sorry! Just saying my goodbyes. We can go now." I told Kendo.
She smiled at me and in return, Tetsutetsu linked our arms and dragged me and the 1-B students away.
{Third POV}
It was silence for a while as class 1-A stared at the door that was left open. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS SHE HANGING OUT WITH THOSE CLASS B NOBODIES?!?" Screamed the blonde haired boy as he activated his quirk. "*hmph* Bakugo, calm down, we all agreed that we wouldn't act against each other until [Y/n] gave an answer." A black haired male ran into front of Bakugo to stop his quirk. "*Tch*... Dammit four eyes-" Bakugo glared at the class president before groaning and exited the class.
"Bakugo? Where are you going?!" Yaoyorozu asked, worried that [Y/n] might see all their true colours. "MAKING SURE THOSE EXTRAS DON'T DO STUPID SHIT!"
Everyone else in the class sighed. They also wanted to do the same but they know it will be suspicious.
{Your POV}
I thanked Shiozaki as she bought us all ice cream. "You really didn't have to buy these..." I smiled and licked my [Fav. Flavor] ice cream. "And Tetsutetsu, you don't have to hold my grocery bags." But Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki just looked more proud and happy with themselves. "We can walk you home too is you want?" Kendo asked as she stood behind me.
I sweatdropped. "Oh! That's too much! It's getting dark so I can't! You guys need to get home too so-" "I'm sure it'll be fine. We live in the same area anyways." Kuroiro said, looking at the others. "Are you sre? If it gets too late than you guys can stay over for the night..." That made the four of them smile. "Oh we won't take long, I'm sure" I smiled back and sighed. "Okay, fine. Let's go."
{Third POV}
"SHE'S GONNA- *MMPHHH*" Bakugo flailed around as the other grabbed him, covering his mouth and pulled him back into their hiding space. "Shhhhuuu! Bakubro she's gonna hear you!" Kirishima whispered and he used his quirk and hugged Bakugo to trap him. "Ahh! What should we do?!" Ashido asked as she gripped her hair.
"Don't worry. I texted the chat." "YOU DID WHAT?!?" The Bakusquad all glared at Kaminari. "Huh? What was that?" The Bakusquad all ducked into the alleyway, tightly holding onto the explosive Pomeranian. "[Y/n]... We should go. They could be a thief, or a villain." They heard a member of Class B suggest. "Hmm... Okay. Let's hurry."
They heard the group that they were tailing start to jog and they all shared their annoyance. "*Tch* It's no use. They're all at [Y/n]'s home so there's no point in tailing them anymore." Sero groaned and facepalmed. "That sucks. 'Cause Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are already on their way. So are Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro." The Bakusquad grit their teeth while Bakugo activated his quirk, letting out muffled yells. "This stupid idiot-" Sero sighed and smacked the back of Kaminari's head. "Hey!"
But before Kaminari could respond, the three boys he mentioned earlier just arrived, along with Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro arrived. "Where are they?!" Midoriya asked as he kept a straight face.
"Simple~ Anywhere where no class 1-A morons are!" Out came a voice that 1-A was all too familiar with. "OF COURSE IT'S YOU, COPYCAT!" Bakugo yelled, getting out of Kirishima's grip. The "Copycat" just laughed and from both side of the ally, came more students from class 1-B. "An ambush?! So you knew?" Yaoyorozu stated firmly, reaching for her stomach and pulled out a spear while the other class 1-A activated their quirks.
"Whoa... Whoa... Settle down! You wouldn't want dearest to find out about this little thing do you~?" Kaibara chuckled as he pulled out his phone with a video that the 1-A students knew all too much about. A video of... a certain person who... let's just say tried to do bad stuff to our dear reader. "How?" Iida demanded, getting into a fighting position.
Monoma stepped forwards. "Relax~ We won't actually do anything yet." He laughed as he clapped twice. At the signal, Class 1-B all charged at 1-A. Because of the small allyway they were in, class 1-A had trouble controlling their quirks. I mean, sure they have control but their anger of being blackmailed messed with them.
"You tell her and I swear on All Might's name I will completely mmmmmmhh- frick you up." Uraraka exclaimed, pouting. "Ohhhh no~ We're so scared" Kodai responded with sarcasm. After a great stare off, they all launched their attacks both sides determined to beat the other to prove the strength of their love.
[Request for Pt.2]
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THIS WAS HONESTLY MY FIRST TIME WRITING A YANDERE x READER- SOOOOOO I HAD NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH THE PLOT MY MIND JUST WENT. "Okay, fight, love, hate, fight, kill, blood, love, jelly jelly, tsun tsun, fight, jelly, hate, love, blood, tsun tsun, blood, fight, kill, jelly jelly."
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scucharlie · 2 months
ASKING YOU ABOUT THE SLENDERVERSE!!!! I'm a guy who understands absolutely nothing smiles so big so wide please go on
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YAYYBYAYY OKAY. OKAY SO..I am not the master of slenderverse km only crazy abt everymanhyrbid mostly but FUCKK FUCKK FUCKKKK
slenderverses are these, mediums, about Slenderman!!!!! y'know!!! they often have these themes of, don't bring others into this, or hopelessness! they more often then not (in my experience) focus on characters, rather then Slenderman himself y'know? bc slenderman is a narrative push, he pushes people forward and to the limit of doing some FUCKED UP SHIT
the big , slenderverses are marble hornets <- haven't watched yet FUCKK everymanhyrbid <- HI BABYGIRL <3 LOML & tribetwelev <- shitty and bad notoriously haven't watched
THERES ALSO. MLANDERSON0 && STAN FREDRICK AND WHISPERED FAITH AND DARKHARVEST00 <3 there are So So So So manhnmore but these sre rhe one ive either watched or know about :3
emh is the one I'm crazy about bc the characters are so. real! they love each other, they argue they are scared, they do reckless shit and run away and do stupid shit and they're in this hopelessness scenario of, Slenderman is after them, they messed w shit they shouldn't have, everyone they keep bringing into this dies, they are cursed. it's like a curse that whoever they love just! dies! it's so fucked god god god.
slenderverse has some of the most like interesting characters ever imo, I loveeee you Eric mla0 I loveeee you Vinny emh I LOVEEE you Stan Fredrick
they also love bloodying, torturing, tying and generally giving the men in these series the worst day of their lives and it's epic <3
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out of context emh/mla0 thing <3 they fucked in that att- whosaidthat.
slenderverse also largely is about like. guilt!!!!! and fuckibg lost, and trying to handle situations you can't and togetherness, and guh. god. god. [clutches head thinking about Stan Fredrick] god Stan Fredrick is SO GOOD. SK IS MLA0 <3 ahh ahh AHHH AHHHHHH CLUTCHES HEAD. slaps head these slenderverse characters can be filled with so much guilt!
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^ another out of context emh thang. my lawyer said I can't comment on this one :3
welcome to my Ted talk!!
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This is the WORST morning ever someone aye ALL og my rasberry jam. I bought this two days ago it was full last night! Jam thief whoever you sre… please fess up
-Mod Amy ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛
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yimra · 1 year
I think the recovery and relapse Process of any addiction be it alcohol drugs, co dependent relationships, suicidal ideation via high risk behavior needs to be handled Mostly with care and sympathy. I’ve been to a NA meeting in a bad part of LA and if guys that have tear drop tattoo’s Hispanic Nazis and so on can improve and admit that jay they had to gor through and chanfe it’s a beautiful thing but also not to scold or feel like someone failed cause someone relapsed. I always belive that peolel that stop and do t reqlapde at a some pont sre bjfint it or over do it the next time they break. And yes it wucks it’s a let down but it’s hard to unwire hiur brain from
These things cause the root cause I’d still there usuallt and so many other factors. I still have a proble
With somethimes brit. Sympathetic to
Others plights I think peolle that haven’t done more
Then drink don’t understand that when You’re an addict for (not that weed can’t be addictive) proper hard drugs it’s not as easy as it seems. I could turkeied cocaine for a job that would garuntee a future for me and whoever I end up Havjng a life forever with (god willing it stays as girls, twink Marriage couldn’t work forMe I think). But I’ve been told going cold Turkey is actually really dangerous especially in my case of doing a ball a weekend or more and then just stopping. I’m
Lucky to be alive for franky a lot of reasons and I’m
Mostly just saying that if you or someone you know od and addict 1: I’m here for those that want to vent
2: yiu have family, friends, pets, and bell people on the internet that can help
3: don’t be ashamed of Your sistuatio there’s all
Kinda of the  alcoho/narcotic/co depended anonymous places plus more
4: there’s alaways someone out there that even if
They can’t relate they can help
Or be there.
Franky way back in the day I used to be a hardcore morphine and oxy addict I rember overdosing surrounded by friends whom Never brought me to a hospital my skin was gray and olive I was puking beer and god knows what else. It was some lond of wake-up call. Hopefully others don’t have to find something like that to wake Them Up. So
For real I’m
Here there’s peolle all around tjay can help. Too
Many people die cause they have shame or
Guilt or just simply do t want to stop and that’s okay but tjag doesn’t mean you can’t talk to someone even if in my case it’d probably be shooting the sjit with jokes I terspolcrd with actually assistance
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tickledpink31 · 4 months
Coming off from my previous ask, imagine the Twst boys and staff surprised when they're invited to a concert of "Twisted Wonderland Six the Musical edition" of Minako and her relatives singing with the ghosts of their 9-times great Grandmothers/Ancestors, who sre literal forgotten historical figures just jamming out songs like theirs no tommorow
Lilia and Crowley are like: (⊙_☉) Minty? (they mean Minuette) Nelly? (they mean Ornella) You're alive?!
Everyone else is a little confused. Who are these women? Why do I feel like I've seen two of them in old pictures before? And why does one of them look so much like Minako?
The confused lot includes Malleus (invited to an event, yay!) who is canonically 178 years old and is not old enough to remember the Moseleys. However, the bedtime stories that Lilia has been telling him about mice and rabbits are coming back.
Aside from the confusion though, NRC is really digging Six the Musical. Minako looks great dancing in her green Anne Boleyn outfit.
Leona is awake out of respect for Minako and her relatives(?) onstage. He may look bored, but really he's thinking, "This Henry VIII dude sounds like he should get beheaded." Ruggie and Jack are cheering like, "yeah, stick it to that asshole. Go queens!"
Light Music Club members are cheering with glow sticks and singing along. They're the rowdiest audience, members. You'll find Kalim, Cater, and Lilia begging Minako to perform covers with them for the songs.
Vil is quite fond of the production (if you could call it that) altogether. He can tell that whoever the was lyricist was had fun writing the songs. He can behind Minako's energy in "Don't Lose Your Head" and manic characterization of Anne. Who knew that that girl could act and sing? He'll be convincing her to come to the Film Studies Club after the performance is done.
Unsurprisingly, Rook "Beauté! 100 points!" Hunt is a fan. He loves "Haus of Holbein" the most. He's probably into learning about weird and deadly beauty trends of the past.
Epel tries so hard to not like something so girly, but it's so catchy that he starts tapping his foot and eventually gives in to cheer along to the songs.
Crewel is like, "Where did Minako get those costumes, and how do I make one?" Mozus doesn't like pop music too much, but he likes the historical aspect of the musical. Ashton quite likes the music and asks Minako to help him download the songs on his playlist for his workout routine. Sam makes a profit by having bootleg videos of the show for sale, like one of those illegally recorded Broadway shows, and they sell out within a couple of hours.
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rosiehrs · 1 year
u r so niki coded 😔😔😔😔😔🫰
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princeandreis · 2 years
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hardlyluvd · 2 years
You know the most dangerous thing about schizophrenia? The most dangerous thing Is believing you don't have it that's the real killer your disease convinceing you it's not real how do you face reality if you don't even know what reality is whats real what's not who's memories are replaying in my head why don't I remember what I so clearly did why can't I think straight why are there blank spaces wholes in time memories fading in and out life rewriting itself as I pass through it am I in control??? Do I make my own decisions or are these all just calculated chess moves from whoever or whatever is inside my head is It my head? Am I the real one who's in control who was born with this me? Am I the one or was someone born with me and I'm their burden they have to carry out is that why my body doesn't follow the instructions I give it? Is that why I never seem to recall more than half my days? Days what are they who came up with them? Am I real am I really laying here is this really s ceiling or am I in some ward doped up dreaming of snorting and smoking and injections who is it the opposite am I just a figment of someones imagination am I real who is real what can I see who sre these people why do they repeat the same cycles the same patterns nothing ever changes how could that be real everything is the same everytime nothing happens everything dies time fades life's get lost who sm I speaking to who are you why do you never respond white lines white walls white noise voices noise don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid but I am why do I listen to you you're not a God or sre you is that why you csn control me what are you to mr nothing yourthe imagination not me fuck off
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
imagine playing with de los santos' chest?? like imagine how squishy that shit is?? he finds it amusing how much you like them but dear god when you pinch and pull at his nipples, it makes his brain go blank and turn into mush <3 big man tits go brrr
omfg gremlin i have for months now. have you seen that motherfuckers chest and thighs? he may be bugget and thicker than me, and could probably squish my head with just a hand of his but god to i want to fold this bastard so damn much
but anyways, de los santos finds you so cute and amusing for always interested in those tits and thighs of him. always finding your hands on his chest or a grip on his thighs when the two cuddle or just with each other privately (if only you could grope his chest publicly too but the man has a reputation but aside that, he is actually down with it)
god, when you play with him, pinch and pull his nipples? man is bigger than you by a mile but he is weak and mind just definitely goes numb, especially when you surprises him when he least expects it. de los santos just forgets everything and is very focused on your touches towards his body
also, imagine just thigh fucking this man or him giving you a boob job? god that would be hot
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mewharley · 2 years
Homestuck Heardle #10
No fucking way
Check it out! It has songs from hiveswap Homestuck and pesterquest/friendsim
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sawam0chi · 3 years
and now..we got a crazy tennis fan..
i fucking hate it here
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