#wholesale vegetable selling
How many different types of fruit and vegetables are there?
There is an incredible diversity of fruits and vegetables found across the world. While it is challenging to provide an exact count, as new varieties and species are constantly being discovered, it is estimated that there are thousands of different types of fruits and vegetables available to us. This wide array of options ensures that our diets can be rich in flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits.
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ybhealthyfoods · 8 months
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octuscle · 1 year
Another kind of gentrification
For years, this had been a quiet street. With his grocery store, Alfred had supplied the neighborhood with delicacies. And at lunchtime, his guests could sit in the sun on the street. But the peace and quiet was over now. A shisha bar had opened across the street. And that was the end of the peacefulness. The guests drove up in their high-powered luxury cars, accelerated again briefly to 60 km/h, braked with squealing tires, let the engines roar. From 11:00. Until 03:00. And each time Alfred wondered how a young lad in his mid-20s could afford a car for 200,000 euros.
His guests remained loyal to Alfred to a large extent. However, the lunchtime business was slackening more and more. The cheese store down the street had already disappeared. One of the lads had opened a store there selling protein products. And the hairdresser's store had become a Turkish barber's store. When Alfred sat at the window of his apartment above the store in the evening and watched the shisha bar full of hatred, he could see more than clearly that business was being conducted at the tables that was undoubtedly not legal. Alfred had already sent the police once, and they had come. Nothing had happened. But since then, the only policemen patrolling the street were obviously of Arab origin. And they were good customers for protein powder. More and more men with enormous muscles could be seen in the street.
At some point, Alfred had begun to adjust to the circumstances. He sold only beef and no more meat. The young men loved expensive, high-quality beef. Nevertheless, one evening Alfred's mind was blown. It was a hot summer evening. Alfred tried to sleep with the window open. But in the bar, the terrace was crowded. All the windows were open. The music was playing at maximum volume. Alfred put on something and entered the bar, full of rage. Two absurdly muscular policemen were standing at the bar, drinking coffee and talking to the no less muscular bartender, who, however, was wearing only a very skimpy tank top instead of a uniform. Alfred yelled at the policemen whether they were not planning to do anything about this disturbance of the peace. While one of the policemen explained to him that one should have understanding for the young people on such a summer evening, the other one waved the manager over. The manager smiled, invited Alfred to a separee and offered him a cup of tea and a shisha. In life, Alfred would not have smoked a shisha. But a tea was a good idea. And after a sip of tea, he somehow also felt like having a shisha. And then his eyes went black.
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Fuck, he had overdone it again with the weights. Ahmad must have fainted for a moment. He took a sip of water and looked at his watch. Almost 04:00. Time to finish the workout. He had to go to the wholesale market, he definitely wanted to be back home before the sunrise prayer. He dried his sweat, put on his work overalls and headed for his van. And as he did so, he ran through his shopping list again in his head. He definitely needed pita bread, sucuk and ayran. Fruits and vegetables and so on. Apple tea, too, probably. And somewhere there was also the order from his boss for the shisha bar opposite his Turkish supermarket.
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
"Whoop! Sorry there, didn't see you - what a night, right?"
Hank's pretty much barged right past her with the kind of shoulder charge only a high school quarterback or a superhero can have - and as it happens, he was both. Dressed in what looks to have been date attire, a rather swanky suit and pants (though no shoes, of course).
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"Y'know, feels like I was sort of daring this to happen - you try and take a gal out to see Little Shop of Horrors, and, well."
He gestures at the massive plant creature that's savaging the city with a distinct air of 'figures.' This clearly isn't a new experience for him. He takes a moment to think things over, spotting an overturned truck on the other side of the street - past a veritable jungle of carnivorous, snapping plant mouths and violent, whipping tendrils - before snapping his fingers and shucking off his suit jacket, handing it to Skye.
"Hold on to that, would ya? A good friend of mine had that tailored for me, and I'd hate for Audrey II over here to get her nippers on it. Wish me luck!"
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And with that, he dives in, bouncing, bounding, and practically ping ponging all over the place as he evades the plants, unable to stop talking the whole way through. Or, well.
"Oh, da-doo~ I was walkin' in the wholesale flower district one day!"
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"Shoop da-doo~! And I passed by this place where this - oh, yanno, we're just gonna skip that line."
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"He sometimes sells me weird and exotic cuttings~ Snip da-doo!"
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"Uh, because he knows, you see, that, that strange plants are my hobby~!"
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"Da da da da da da-doo~! He didn't have anything unusual there that day!"
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"Nope, da-doo~ So I was, ya know, just, just gonna walk on by!"
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"Good for youuuuuu~!" He takes a moment in the midst of it all to snap his fingers, singing in the tone of almost a barbershop quartet (of one), before leaping away again.
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"When suddenly and without warning, there was this, TO-TAL ECLIPSE OF THE - OOF!"
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Hank let out a grunt when a tendril smacked him directly into a building, recovering enough to bounce right back into action. "Not a Little Shop fan, huh? Well, that's all right. I'm more a fan of one of the other songs, anyway."
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"They say the meek shall inherit, you know the book doesn't lie, it's not a question of merit - da da da da daaaah, no way, forget it It's much too dangerous to keep that plant aliiiiiiive!"
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With one last dive, Hank tumbled into the back of the truck he'd spotted, just missing the WHUMP of an oversized and very thorny, lethal looking limb that was just a hair away from turning him into a beastly pancake. He searched for a moment, the picture of controlled frantic, before finding a tank and grinning, cranking the top hard.
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"No, no, you've got no alternative, Seymour, old boy, though it means you'll be broke again and unemployed, it's the only solution, it can't be avoided!"
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"The vegetable must be destroyed!"
With an almighty pitch, the tank went sailing through the air and landed directly in the creature's mouth, taking just one pregnant moment to explode - in a shower of medical liquid nitrogen, causing it to shriek and spasm, right before Hank got to lobbing more and more tanks of nitrogen, freezing it into shocked hibernation, the almighty creature stuck in a beautiful icy tableau.
"Yanno, it's a shame we missed the winter season. Just a few weeks ago, they'da paid to keep you and move you to the Rockefeller Center. Heh!"
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Whistling merrily as he made his way past the creature, Hank gave Skye a wink as he took his jacket back.
"You know what they say. Don't feed the plants!"
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lunarsilkscreen · 9 months
Loans, Stock, and Personal Wealth
If you are a famous Artist. Like Banksy or somebody. And you make a piece of Art, that art isn't worth anything.
Until an appraiser, comes along and says "it is worth 'x'". Or somebody offers to buy it. But it's not like Banksy created money from nothing, he still has to sell it.
When he sells it, that generates a taxable event. Another way to generate a taxable event, is for somebody else to trade a "certified Banksy piece" to another person, in lieu of cash. Like a bartering system.
Except, most small transactions, are "under the table" and thus not taxable. This includes gardeners trading vegetables for other food stuffs, or you pulling weeds for a sandwich. They're not taxable. Otherwise everybody would be taxed.
Same with a company. At start-up, a company is worth nothing, until it starts generating profit. --or-- somebody offers to purchase stock of the company, for partial ownership.
Those, aren't quite taxable until the stock is sold, because company stock isn't considered worth anything, except what somebody pays for it.
So while Bezos' stock is technically worth Billions, the question is; who would pay Bezos' billions of dollars for his share of the stock? Who even could? And even then; what restrictions are normal for stock ownership by the rules of his board members?
Sure he could take out a loan, but the banks pay taxes on the income they make from the loan. And they would only make such a loan were they certain it would be paid back.
Despite that; Bezos' base salary is reportedly around 90k as of 2022, with most of benefits and *value* coming to him as perks of job. (theoretically) there's not actually much public data on what "compensation" and "benefits" are when reported on. Just a number they depict.
It could be insurance, company car, on site amenities like food and private suite, company jet, and stipends for certain things.
And because of that; the company would be the one paying all the taxes on those benefits. It should be noted that many amenities and benefits are shared by other employees in the company (benefits of wholesale is it's cheaper)
And reporters count the cost for an individual person to pay for all those benefits, instead of reporting on the actual cost to the company itself. (And include all the beneficiaries, or other employees who also get those benefits. And what level do you have to be to receive them?)
It should be noted; that $90k divided by 12 months is 7500 a month, divided by 30 days is $250 a day divided by 40 hours a day is 6.25.
Meaning that if he *only* works 40 hours, he's making less than half of a typical Amazon employee.
That's still twice what I was making in the military. Working close to the same hours you'd expect to be working. (10-12 hours a day, most days) which is between 70 and 90. (More because travel means time away from home.)
However, Bezos' has like 20billion (reportedly) in $$ and personal assets. (Like cars and houses, and other *things*) so like, I'm not worried about Bezos' in any facet.
And it also depends on if he actually works those 80 hours, or if he's like most people and just on auto-pilot until there's a meeting or emergency.
And the local fast food restaurants (high-expense town) you can see about 12-15$ an hour. Which is about 1,920$ per month. But could you imagine if you worked 80 hours with all that overtime?
So if you're making more than 20k a year, you're doing pretty good.
But here's the problem; rent in this area costs more than you're making. And landlords don't like you to have a roommate to help split the cost. Which means you have to rent a place that allows roommates, or sleep in your car.
If it wasn't towed by your landlord.
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the-unheardvoices · 9 months
Small Talk with Mr. Yang
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The Fruit Seller
Noon. The market is not quite empty, with children milling around here and there, and adults walking close behind them. It is the quieter hours, though, and a languid air saturates the vegetable sellers and fruit sellers’ hawking cries. Crossing through the narrow aisles boarded side-by-side with stacks of chili, cabbage, cucumbers, and lettuce, one finds the fruit sellers at the bend of a curve—just a few steps from the butchers and the wonton booths. Breathe in. The air stinks from the scent of fresh produce. Look forward, and there they are: the large, ripe strawberries, resplendent in their red baskets; the orange tangerines as bright as licks of flame; cherry tomatoes the size of baby buttons; rows upon rows upon rows. An infinite geometric sequence. There are many of them, but the one you have come for is right at the very end. You walk over, a hello wavering from your mouth, when the fruit seller waves at you.
This is the fruit seller, whom your family has bought fruit from for countless years. He sells at a vegetable market called 湖东邻里中心, and he has an additional two stalls at other markets. You do not know his name, and neither do your parents. You only know him for his soundless deliveries to your house, or the cadence of his voice as he responds to your father’s message. This is the first time you ask. He tells you to call him Mr. Yang, and you tell him your name is Claire.
Claire: [nervously] Hi.
Mr. Yang: Hello.
He does not look like you expected him to. He wears glasses, and has a reticent manner about him. His face is very still when he replies. You shift on your feet, fingers playing behind your back.
Claire: Thank you—for accepting my interview request. And taking time out of your schedule. I know you’re very busy.
Mr. Yang: Of course. It was no problem at all. Should I move out of the stall?
He stands behind a wall of fruit, enclosed by similar walls on all four sides, but for a small passage on his left. You nod, and Mr. Yang steps out of his booth. He motions for his wife—a tall woman dressed in a deep blue apron, who is busying around the stall—to man the shop. 
Claire: Thank you. Uh—this is for a project I’m working on. One that can allow people to understand that success isn’t… a one-dimensional thing. That supposedly normal people are not mundane. 
Mr. Yang: I see. I’m happy you thought of me.
Claire: Yes—I wanted to ask, firstly, if you could give a brief overview of your life, and what got you into selling fruit.
Mr. Yang: My family is from Anhui, and that’s where I grew up. We’ve always been involved in the fruit industry—my family had a pear orchard, and we got into the wholesale market. I suppose that’s how I started out, even as a child. I did a lot of wholesale selling before opening my own stall—selling in Shanghai, Anhui, Suzhou. My friend offered to do wholesale with me here in Suzhou, and that’s how I eventually ended up here. My whole family is here now.
Claire: Oh—so fruit selling wasn’t something you’d been introduced to. Was going into this field more of your parents’ influence, then?
Mr. Yang: No, not particularly. 
He smiles—a sad, bemused smile.
Mr. Yang: I wasn’t a good student. I was one of the naughty ones—never paid attention in class. I dropped out of high school when I was seventeen to do wholesaling, so I didn’t have a university degree, or even high school degree, to try for the white-collar jobs. There was no real other choice.
Claire: I see… but you’re doing well now, aren’t you? You’re very successful as a fruit seller—I heard from my dad that you have three stalls.
Mr. Yang: That’s nice of you to say, but we’re only doing decently at this business. It’s enough to sustain our family needs—I’m thankful for that. Yes, we have three stalls.
Claire: I think you’re being humble here, but I’m not going to comment on it. How do you run your stalls efficiently? Surely your family can’t be in charge of all of them? And how do you ensure that everyone’s doing the right thing?
Mr. Yang: That’s correct. We hired managers for the two other stalls—there are some disagreements here and there, especially with the management of fruit quality, but by and large it’s gone well. You have to put some trust in the people you hire and believe that they’ll do their jobs properly. You hired them, after all.
Claire: That makes sense. Does your family have any plans for expansion?
Mr. Yang: Yes, we’re planning on increasing the number of our stalls this year, if the business goes well. There’s also online retailing, but personally, I don’t have great expectations for that.
Claire: I hope that goes well for you! Really? I’d have thought that online retailing would increase sales by a lot.
Mr. Yang: Thank you. What happens with online retailing is that our prices increase by 15-20%—the platform does that—which makes us less competitive. If you see any fruits that are cheaper than usual online, it’s because their quality is often worse. That’s why I much prefer an actual storefront. 
Claire: I see. You mentioned quality—do you think quality is especially important for your business?
Mr. Yang: Absolutely. It’s what attracts our customers. We mainly do repeat business—a customer tries out our fruits once, enjoys them, and comes back, again and again, just like your father. It’s what works for us. 
Claire: Yes—so is quality your main method of advertisement?
Mr. Yang: Indeed. I suppose we could price cheap and get attention that way, but something like that is never long-term. People will come only once for the low price. After they taste the fruit—the quality is bound to suffer from low costs—they’ll recoil at the taste, and never come back again. We don’t like to do business that way.
Claire: That’s very true. Do you think your business model results from how competitive the fruit market is, then?
Mr. Yang: Yes, certainly. The fruit market is competitive—it’s easy to enter, and even easier to fail and exit. Countless people try it out, but plenty fail within months because they don’t know where to buy the best fruits—or just source them from a supplier—and how to price them. They don’t know when to sell a certain fruit and when to not. And even for the ones who survive—why should a customer buy from your stall, and continue buying from your stall, when there are an unending amount of identical stalls? That’s why we focus on quality. My wife and I wake up at three or four every morning to go to the wholesale markets, where we personally taste each fruit to make sure that the quality is of a good standard. When some fruit is about to go bad, we don’t try to push and sell them to a customer. We throw them away. That’s how we maintain our customer base even amidst the market competition.
Claire: It makes sense why you have a stable customer base, then.  Your attention to detail and quality is such a differentiating factor. Well—I have two more questions I’d like to ask you. Firstly, would you like your children to work in the same industry as you, or would you like them to walk another path?
Mr. Yang: I wouldn’t want my children—I have two, one in kindergarten and the other just born—to work in the fruit industry. It’s exhausting and back-breaking labor. I want them to get an education and do something they like. If they can’t find a job, or don’t know what they want, and our business is doing well, I might give them a few fruit stalls to manage—but only if it’s their choice. I don’t want to dictate what they can and can’t do.
Claire: That’s very kind of you. I think they’d appreciate you saying that. 
He smiles, and this time it is a true smile.
Claire: Finally, what is one regret you’ve always held in your life?
Mr. Yang: One regret… I suppose it would be not paying attention in school. I don’t necessarily agree with the Chinese system—it demands too much from its students. My older daughter—she’s in kindergarten, but she’s already overloaded with homework. If I had the financial capability, I’d put my kids into the international school system, but unfortunately I don’t have a choice. Regardless, education is a valuable asset. For a lot of people, it’s the way out. And if I could go back in time, that’s what I’d do. Pay attention in class.
Claire: Thank you.
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nativeneemsingapore · 22 days
How Organically Harvested Neem Oil Can Help You?
Neem Oil has been widely used in the traditional Indian system of medicine and agriculture for hundreds of years because of the fact that it has many qualities that can be beneficial to man. Since neem oil is so versatile, more people are turning to it on the market and this makes the product more popular among people. Neem oil at Nativeneem.com.sg is available for both consumers and farmers and the company sells cold pressed neem oil.
Neem oil is obtained from the seeds of neem tree that has many other uses apart from being used to prepare oil. It has more than 100 chemical constituents that serve as pesticidal, medical, and cosmetic uses due to its bioactive compounds. Neem oil is considered an Neem Oil Insecticide since it affects the growth as well as the reproductive cycles of insects no matter the life stage that they are at. Neem oil is one of the most effective gardening natural pest control sprays against most garden insects such as aphids, whiteflies, spider mite, locusts, nematodes among others but is safe on bees and other beneficial insects.
Apart from this, neem oil can be used to control pests since it has insect repellent properties also, it aids in the improvement of soil texture and germination of seeds. This element also has the ability to fight fungal infections to minimize diseases in the plant. For people, neem oil has the following skin and hair advantages In addition to this. Acne treatment, improvement of scalp conditions, these are just few of the benefits that neem oil provides due to its high antioxidant and fatty acid values that penetrate skin and hair from the bottom up.
Organically harvest your bumper crop of pest free vegetables from the garden or get rid of problematic skin from neem oil at Nativeneem.com.sg. As neem specialists, we select premium neem seeds personally, in an ethical and environmentally friendly way, to ensure that we get the finest neem oil with no additives, through cold pressing and filtration, locally in Singapore. You can check our available stock of neem products now or enquire about our neem oil wholesale prices for bulk purchases. Well, let it be your own discovery of the wonders of neem oil and its equally amazing applications.
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fpotci01 · 1 month
How FPOs are Opening New Market Opportunities for Farmers in India?
In the vast and diverse agricultural landscape of India, farmers face numerous challenges, from unpredictable weather to fluctuating market prices. For many small and marginal farmers, accessing profitable markets is one of the most significant hurdles. However, the emergence of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) has been a game-changer, providing farmers with the tools and platforms they need to improve their market access and secure better incomes.
What are FPOs and FPCs?
Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) are collectives formed by farmers, aiming to improve their collective strength and bargaining power in the market. These organizations enable farmers to pool their resources, share knowledge, and collectively market their produce, ensuring that they can compete more effectively in the agricultural marketplace. A Farmer Producer Company (FPC) is a type of FPO that operates as a business entity, focusing on profit-making while also serving the needs of its farmer members.
The Market Challenges Faced by Indian Farmers
Fragmented Land Holdings: Many Indian farmers work on small and fragmented plots of land, which limits their ability to produce large quantities of crops. This fragmentation makes it difficult for them to access larger markets or negotiate better prices.
Dependence on Middlemen: Traditionally, farmers have relied on middlemen to sell their produce. While these intermediaries provide an essential service, they often take a significant share of the profits, leaving farmers with only a small portion of the earnings.
Lack of Market Information: Many farmers lack access to up-to-date market information, including prevailing prices, demand trends, and buyer preferences. This lack of information can result in farmers selling their produce at lower prices or missing out on profitable opportunities.
Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor rural infrastructure, including inadequate roads, storage facilities, and transportation, further hampers farmers' ability to access markets efficiently. Perishable produce often spoils before it can reach the market, leading to significant losses.
How FPOs are Transforming Market Access
FPOs play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges by providing farmers with the support and resources they need to access better markets.
Collective Bargaining Power: One of the most significant advantages of being part of an FPO is the collective bargaining power it provides. When farmers sell their produce collectively through an FPO, they can negotiate better prices with buyers, whether they are wholesalers, retailers, or even exporters. This collective strength ensures that farmers receive a fair price for their produce, improving their overall income.
Direct Market Linkages: FPOs help farmers establish direct market linkages, bypassing the need for middlemen. By connecting farmers directly with buyers, FPOs ensure that farmers get a larger share of the profits. This direct access to markets can be particularly beneficial for high-value crops, such as fruits, vegetables, and organic produce, where margins are higher.
Access to Market Information: Many FPOs provide their members with access to crucial market information, including current prices, demand trends, and consumer preferences. This information empowers farmers to make informed decisions about when and where to sell their produce, maximizing their profits.
Improved Infrastructure and Storage: FPOs often invest in shared infrastructure, such as storage facilities, processing units, and transportation. This infrastructure helps reduce post-harvest losses and ensures that produce reaches the market in good condition. For example, cold storage facilities can extend the shelf life of perishable products, allowing farmers to sell them when prices are higher.
Value Addition and Branding: Some FPOs have ventured into value addition by processing raw agricultural products into finished goods, such as turning tomatoes into tomato paste or milk into cheese. By adding value to their produce, FPOs can access new markets and fetch higher prices. Additionally, FPOs can create their own brand identity, which helps in building trust and recognition in the market.
FPO Platforms and Digital Tools
The rise of digital technology has further enhanced the ability of FPOs to improve market access for farmers. FPO platforms and interactive data platforms are playing a significant role in this transformation.
FPO Platforms: Digital platforms specifically designed for FPOs provide a range of services, including market linkages, financial services, and supply chain management. These platforms connect FPOs with buyers across the country, expanding their market reach beyond local markets. By using these platforms, FPOs can participate in online auctions, access e-markets, and even explore export opportunities.
Interactive Data Platforms: Interactive data platforms provide real-time information on market prices, weather forecasts, and crop advisory services. This data helps farmers make informed decisions, such as when to harvest their crops or which markets to target. The availability of accurate and timely information can significantly improve farmers' chances of securing better prices for their produce.
E-commerce and Online Retail: Some FPOs are tapping into the growing trend of e-commerce and online retail. By partnering with e-commerce platforms, FPOs can sell their products directly to consumers, eliminating intermediaries and increasing their profit margins. This direct-to-consumer model is particularly effective for organic and specialty products that cater to niche markets.
The Benefits of FPO Agriculture in India
The impact of FPOs on Indian agriculture is profound, with benefits extending beyond just improved market access.
Increased Income for Farmers: By improving market access and reducing dependence on middlemen, FPOs have significantly increased the income of their members. This increased income translates into better living standards for farmers and their families.
Empowerment of Farmers: FPOs empower farmers by giving them a collective voice and the ability to make decisions that affect their livelihoods. This empowerment fosters a sense of ownership and pride among farmers, encouraging them to take more initiative in their farming practices.
Sustainable Farming Practices: Many FPOs promote sustainable farming practices, such as organic farming, crop rotation, and water conservation. These practices are not only better for the environment but also improve the long-term productivity of the land.
Community Development: FPOs often play a crucial role in the development of rural communities. By pooling resources and working together, FPO members can invest in community infrastructure, such as schools, healthcare centers, and roads. This collective effort contributes to the overall development of rural areas.
Conclusion: A Promising Future for Indian Agriculture
Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) are transforming the agricultural landscape in India by improving market access for small and marginal farmers. Through collective bargaining, direct market linkages, access to market information, and investment in infrastructure, FPOs are ensuring that farmers can secure better prices for their produce and improve their livelihoods. The integration of digital platforms and e-commerce is further enhancing these opportunities, opening up new markets and increasing profitability for farmers.
Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition is committed to supporting the growth and development of FPOs in India, recognizing their crucial role in creating a more sustainable and equitable agricultural system. As FPOs continue to evolve and expand, they hold the potential to transform Indian agriculture, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for farmers across the country
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agriculture2024 · 2 months
Today Mandi Price Update | Latest Mandi Bhav | Market Rates
Stay up-to-date with the latest mandi price updates and market rates with Khetivyapar. Knowing the current mandi bhav is essential for farmers, wholesalers, and retailers to make informed business decisions and maximize their profits.
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Current Mandi Price Updates
Get the latest mandi price updates for a variety of crops and commodities. Our comprehensive and real-time data covers major agricultural markets across the region, providing you with accurate and timely information. Whether you are trading in grains, vegetables, fruits, or other commodities, knowing the current mandi bhav helps you stay competitive and optimize your sales.
Why Mandi Price Updates are Important
Accurate and timely mandi price updates are crucial for the agricultural community. Farmers can use this information to decide the best time to sell their produce, ensuring they get the best possible prices. Wholesalers and retailers can also benefit from understanding market trends and price fluctuations, enabling them to manage their inventory and pricing strategies effectively.
At Khetivyapar, we are dedicated to providing reliable and up-to-date market information to help you make informed decisions. Our platform ensures you have access to the latest mandi bhav and market rates, empowering you to stay ahead in the agricultural market. Trust Khetivyapar for your daily mandi price updates and make the most of your trading opportunities.
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wolfthread1 · 4 months
Tired of sourcing Manufacturing Company for your Clothing Brand? Or maybe aiming for a start up with Apparel and Clothing? Look no further, Wolf Thread agency is one of the largest reliable sources for your clothing Brand. From Manufacturing Partners to stock lots products, we cover it all. The steps are pretty simple. You speak frankly about what kind of products you desire and we send you the enquiry with all the sufficient documents. We welcome you to visit the factories that we have as our partner which is over 50+ Top-Notch selected manufacturing factories out of 1000. We ensure you good quality support along with all international policy. You plan, you share, we design, & we produce. For a cost-effective startups or wholesalers we have the largest stock lot sourcing. Source the premium quality clothing within the sufficient pricings.
We maintain the standard policy to ensure your safety and gain your trust. About the quality we have never faced any complain and for the pricings it’s the best competitive pricings possible you could find in the market! So what are you waiting for?
Our other services?
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LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wolf-thread/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/wolf_thread_1/
Medium: https://www.quora.com/profile/Wolf-Thread
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/wolfthread1
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derbykitchen · 4 months
Premium Kitchenware, Wholesale Prices: Dubai's Best-Kept Secret
Dubai, a city known for its opulence and grandeur, is also a hub for high-quality kitchenware. Amidst the glittering skyscrapers and luxury malls, there lies a lesser-known gem: a vibrant market for premium kitchenware wholesale Dubai. This best-kept secret of Dubai offers an unparalleled opportunity for chefs, home cooks, and restaurateurs to equip their kitchens with top-notch tools without breaking the bank.
#### The Allure of Premium Kitchenware
Premium kitchenware is essential for anyone serious about cooking. These high-quality tools not only enhance the cooking experience but also improve efficiency and precision in the kitchen. Whether it's a professional-grade knife that slices through ingredients with ease or non-stick cookware that ensures perfect cooking results, premium kitchenware makes a significant difference.
#### Why Dubai?
Dubai’s strategic location as a global trading hub and its tax-free status make it an ideal place for wholesale markets. The city’s markets and wholesale centers are well-stocked with products from all over the world, including premium kitchenware. This makes Dubai a prime destination for those looking to purchase high-quality kitchen tools at competitive prices.
#### The Wholesale Advantage
Buying kitchenware wholesale in Dubai offers several advantages:
1. **Cost-Effectiveness:**
   Purchasing kitchenware at wholesale prices can result in significant savings. Bulk buying reduces the cost per unit, making it an economical choice for restaurants, hotels, and even home cooks looking to invest in quality tools.
2. **Variety:**
   Wholesale markets in Dubai offer a vast array of kitchenware options. From cutting-edge gadgets to timeless classics, you can find everything you need to equip a modern kitchen. This variety ensures that buyers can find products that meet their specific needs and preferences.
3. **Quality:**
   Despite the lower prices, the quality of kitchenware available in Dubai’s wholesale markets is often top-notch. Many suppliers offer products from renowned international brands, ensuring that buyers do not have to compromise on quality.
#### Where to Find Premium Kitchenware at Wholesale Prices
Several key locations in Dubai are renowned for their wholesale kitchenware offerings:
1. **Dragon Mart:**
   Located in the International City, Dragon Mart is one of the largest trading hubs for Chinese products outside China. It offers an extensive range of kitchenware, from affordable options to premium items, all available at wholesale prices.
2. **Deira Wholesale Market:**
   Deira is one of Dubai’s oldest trading districts and is home to numerous wholesale markets. Here, buyers can find a variety of kitchenware, including cookware, utensils, and appliances, at competitive prices.
3. **Al Aweer Central Fruit and Vegetable Market:**
   In addition to fresh produce, this market also features stalls selling kitchenware. It’s a great place to find high-quality items at wholesale prices.
4. **Mina Bazaar:**
   Located in Bur Dubai, Mina Bazaar is known for its diverse range of products, including premium kitchenware. It’s a vibrant marketplace where haggling is part of the experience, allowing buyers to get the best deals.
#### Tips for Buying Wholesale Kitchenware in Dubai
To make the most of your wholesale shopping experience in Dubai, consider the following tips:
1. **Research:**
   Before heading to the market, research the brands and types of kitchenware you need. This will help you make informed decisions and avoid impulse purchases.
2. **Compare Prices:**
   Don’t settle for the first price you’re quoted. Visit multiple stalls and compare prices to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
3. **Check Quality:**
   Inspect the quality of the items before purchasing. Look for reputable brands and check for any defects or damage.
4. **Negotiate:**
   Bargaining is a common practice in Dubai’s wholesale markets. Don’t hesitate to negotiate prices to get the best possible deal.
5. **Consider Logistics:**
   If you’re buying in bulk, consider the logistics of transporting your purchases. Many markets offer delivery services, which can be convenient for large orders.
#### Conclusion
Dubai’s wholesale markets offer a unique opportunity to purchase premium kitchenware at affordable prices. This best-kept secret of the city provides access to a vast array of high-quality kitchen tools that can elevate any cooking experience. Whether you’re a professional chef, a restaurateur, or a passionate home cook, exploring Dubai’s wholesale kitchenware markets can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to outfit your kitchen with the best tools available.
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octuscle · 1 year
For years, this had been a quiet street. With his grocery store, Alfred had supplied the neighborhood with delicacies. And at lunchtime, his guests could sit in the sun on the street. But the peace and quiet was over now. A shisha bar had opened across the street. And that was the end of the peacefulness. The guests drove up in their high-powered luxury cars, accelerated again briefly to 60 km/h, braked with squealing tires, let the engines roar. From 11:00. Until 03:00. And each time Alfred wondered how a young lad in his mid-20s could afford a car for 200,000 euros.
His guests remained loyal to Alfred to a large extent. However, the lunchtime business was slackening more and more. The cheese store down the street had already disappeared. One of the lads had opened a store there selling protein products. And the hairdresser's store had become a Turkish barber's store. When Alfred sat at the window of his apartment above the store in the evening and watched the shisha bar full of hatred, he could see more than clearly that business was being conducted at the tables that was undoubtedly not legal. Alfred had already sent the police once, and they had come. Nothing had happened. But since then, the only policemen patrolling the street were obviously of Arab origin. And they were good customers for protein powder. More and more men with enormous muscles could be seen in the street.
At some point, Alfred had begun to adjust to the circumstances. He sold only beef and no more meat. The young men loved expensive, high-quality beef. Nevertheless, one evening Alfred's mind was blown. It was a hot summer evening. Alfred tried to sleep with the window open. But in the bar, the terrace was crowded. All the windows were open. The music was playing at maximum volume. Alfred put on something and entered the bar, full of rage. Two absurdly muscular policemen were standing at the bar, drinking coffee and talking to the no less muscular bartender, who, however, was wearing only a very skimpy tank top instead of a uniform. Alfred yelled at the policemen whether they were not planning to do anything about this disturbance of the peace. While one of the policemen explained to him that one should have understanding for the young people on such a summer evening, the other one waved the manager over. The manager smiled, invited Alfred to a separee and offered him a cup of tea and a shisha. In life, Alfred would not have smoked a shisha. But a tea was a good idea. And after a sip of tea, he somehow also felt like having a shisha. And then his eyes went black.
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Fuck, he had overdone it again with the weights. Ahmad must have fainted for a moment. He took a sip of water and looked at his watch. Almost 04:00. Time to finish the workout. He had to go to the wholesale market, he definitely wanted to be back home before the sunrise prayer. He dried his sweat, put on his work overalls and headed for his van. And as he did so, he ran through his shopping list again in his head. He definitely needed pita bread, sucuk and ayran. Fruits and vegetables and so on. Apple tea, too, probably. And somewhere there was also the order from his boss for the shisha bar opposite his Turkish supermarket.
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divisiblebyzeroaus · 5 months
Eco-Friendly Delight: Wholesale Plush Toy Set for Kids' Joyful Playtime
Join the Happy Farm family and let your kids experience the joy of playing with Anemone the Cow Activity Set from DivisibleBy Zero! This adorable wholesale plush toy set is perfect for children who love farm animals and playtime. Made with eco-friendly materials, these toys are not only safe for your little ones but also gentle on the environment. What makes this set even more special is that each character in the Happy Farm has their own unique role, just like in a real community. Jeff the rabbit manages the garden vegetables, Hugette the goat sells delicious goat cheese, Antoine the dog takes care of the village children, and Bob the rooster plays music on his guitar. And of course, Anemone the cow produces raw milk and great smelly cheese! With its flower mirror, milk bottle flat rattle, squeaker cheese, and brown cookie teether, your child will have endless hours of fun and learning with Anemone. Don't miss out on this wholesale plush opportunity and join our eco-friendly Happy Farm family today!
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mapmydestination · 5 months
Exploring the Top 10 Markets on the Road from Mohali to Delhi by Cab
Starting a road trip from Mohali to Delhi isn't just about traveling between two cities—it's a chance to explore the lively markets along the way. From busy bazaars to cozy roadside stalls, each market has its own special charm and goodies to offer. So, buckle up, and let's dive into the top 10 markets you gotta check out on this fun journey! Want to explore these markets without any hassle? Just book a ride from Mohali to Delhi with our dependable cab services. Relax and enjoy the trip as we take you from one market to another, where you can shop and eat to your heart's content. Don't miss this chance to enjoy the best of both cities with our easy cab services from Delhi to Mohali.
Sector 17 Market, Chandigarh:
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Kickstarting our journey from Mohali, Sector 17 Market in Chandigarh is a must-visit. Known as the heart of the city, this market boasts a plethora of shops selling everything from trendy clothing to traditional handicrafts. Hop on board our Mohali to Delhi Cab service for a seamless journey to this bustling destination at 2MD cabs | MapMyDestination. Don't forget to indulge in some lip-smacking street food while you're here. 
Sadar Bazaar, Ambala:
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As we head towards Delhi, a pit stop at Sadar Bazaar in Ambala is a must for all shopaholics. This bustling market is famous for its wholesale goods, including textiles, electronics, and footwear. Let Mohali to Delhi cab online service whisk you away to this shopper's paradise, ensuring a comfortable ride throughout your journey. Bargain to your heart's content and score some amazing deals!
Karnal Main Market, Karnal:
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Continuing our journey, Karnal welcomes us with its vibrant Main Market. From colorful ethnic wear to delicious local snacks, this market offers a delightful shopping experience. Firstly confirm the Mohali to Delhi cab booking and explore this vibrant market hassle-free, with convenient pick-up and drop-off options. Be sure to try the famous Karnal sweets before hitting the road again.
Panipat Wholesale Market, Panipat:
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Next up is the Panipat Wholesale Market, known for its textile industry. If you're in the mood for some fabric shopping, this is the place to be. Enjoy a smooth ride from cab booking from Mohali to Delhi, ensuring you reach this shopping haven in style and comfort. From luxurious silk sarees to durable upholstery, you'll find it all here at unbeatable prices.
Murthal Dhabas, Murthal:
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No road trip from Mohali to Delhi is complete without a stop at the iconic Murthal Dhabas. Indulge in piping hot parathas served with dollops of butter and a side of spicy pickles. Mohali to Delhi cab for a safe and enjoyable journey, allowing you to indulge in culinary delights along the way. These roadside eateries are a favorite among travelers and food enthusiasts alike.
Sonepat Main Market, Sonepat:
Continuing our journey, Sonepat welcomes us with its bustling Main Market. From fresh produce to trendy fashion accessories, this market caters to every need of the discerning shopper. Don't forget to explore the local street vendors for some hidden gems.
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As we approach the final leg of our journey, a visit to Azadpur Mandi is a must for all food lovers. Known as Asia's largest wholesale fruit and vegetable market, this bustling hub is a feast for the senses. Let Mohali to Delhi Taxi with Good Fares and transport you effortlessly from Mohali to Delhi, ensuring you don't miss the hustle and bustle of this bustling hub. Witness the vibrant atmosphere as vendors trade their fresh produce at the crack of dawn.
Chandni Chowk, Delhi:
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No visit to Delhi is complete without exploring the iconic Chandni Chowk. This bustling market is a melting pot of culture, history, and commerce. From intricate jewelry to aromatic spices, the narrow lanes of Chandni Chowk offer an unforgettable shopping experience. 
Connaught Place, Delhi:
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Next on our list is Connaught Place, one of Delhi's most popular shopping destinations. This circular market is home to a wide array of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. With Mohali to Delhi Airport Cab, traveling from Mohali to Delhi becomes a breeze, allowing you to explore the vibrant streets of Connaught Place with ease. Whether you're looking for high-end fashion or quirky souvenirs, Connaught Place has something for everyone.
Sarojini Nagar Market, Delhi:
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Last but not least, we conclude our journey at Sarojini Nagar Market. Famous for its trendy fashion at unbeatable prices, this market is a paradise for budget-conscious shoppers. Trust Mohali to Delhi by taxi for a comfortable ride from Mohali to Delhi, ensuring you can shop to your heart's content without any transportation worries. Explore the maze of stalls and uncover hidden treasures amidst the chaos.
Distance Traveled by Mohali to Delhi Cab
The trip from Mohali to Delhi by cab covers a distance of approximately 266 km. This distance might vary depending on the route taken. The time it takes to complete the journey also relies on your driving speed and how long you stop along the way. During the trip, you may come across different spots where you can take a break and refresh yourself. Ready to embark on this adventure?
Mohali to Delhi Cab Prices
There are various car services offering rides for the Mohali to Delhi cab journey, where you can hire a cab easily. Booking through 2MD cabs | MapMyDestination can fetch you exciting discounts and offers. For a one-way trip, the fare for a Mohali to Delhi taxi starts at Affordable Price. The charges for booking a cab for an outstation trip may vary based on factors like the date, time, and the type of car selected for traveling from Mohali to Delhi. 2MD cabs | MapMyDestination also facilitates booking a cab from Delhi to Mohali.
Book Cabs Online with 2MD Cabs | MapMyDestination
The journey from Mohali to Delhi promises a delightful mix of shopping and exploration, from Chandigarh's lively streets to Delhi's bustling markets. Whether you're a food lover, a fashionista, or a savvy shopper, these top 10 markets offer something for everyone. Don't miss out on this unforgettable shopping adventure! For hassle-free cab bookings, visit 2MD Cabs | MapMyDestination's official travel portal. Simply fill in your travel details, including destination and departure date, to access a list of available Mohali to Delhi cabs. Choose from one-way or round-trip options, and rest assured that all safety protocols are strictly followed amidst the COVID-19 situation. Drivers and passengers are required to wear masks, and cabs are thoroughly sanitized, ensuring a safe journey. Booking your Mohali to Delhi cab is easy—just log in, provide your details, select your ride, and enjoy a smooth trip to your destination.
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nearestmetrostation · 5 months
Azad Market Nearest Metro Station — Navigating to Delhi’s Wholesale Hub
Sabzi Mandi Railway Station, situated in North Delhi, is close to one of the city’s bustling vegetable and fruit markets. This area is frequented by locals and businesses for buying and selling produce. For those traveling via Delhi’s extensive metro network, finding the nearest metro station is crucial for convenient access.
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The Nearest Metro Station to Sabzi Mandi Railway Station
The Azad Market Nearest Metro Station is Pul Bangash Metro Station on the Red Line of the Delhi Metro. This station is approximately 1.5 kilometers away from Sabzi Mandi, making it an accessible option for those looking to use the metro for their commute.
Additional Close by Metro Choices
Additional Metro Choices Nearby: Tis Hazari Metro Station: Positioned on the Red Line and about 2 kilometers from Sabzi Mandi Railway Station, Tis Hazari provides a convenient alternative for those traveling from other areas of North Delhi or central parts. Kashmere Gate Metro Station: Approximately 3 kilometers from Sabzi Mandi, Kashmere Gate is a key hub in the Delhi Metro system, connecting the Red, Yellow, and Violet Lines. It offers superb access for commuters from different parts of the city.
Tips for Metro Travelers to Sabzi Mandi Railway Station
Select the Most Convenient Station: While Pul Bangash is the closest, your starting location might make Tis Hazari or Kashmere Gate more practical.
Plan for the Last Mile: Depending on your exact destination near Sabzi Mandi, consider walking or taking a short rickshaw ride from the metro station.
Avoid Peak Hours: Sabzi Mandi can be particularly busy during early mornings when fresh stock arrives. Planning your metro travel during less crowded times can make your journey smoother.
Stay Prepared: If you’re heading to the market, carry reusable bags, cash, and water. Metro trips can also benefit from having a charged metro card or enough balance in your smart card to avoid queues.
Check Metro Timings: Be aware of the operational hours of the Delhi Metro, typically from around 5:30 AM to 11:30 PM, to ensure you can return via metro without hassle.
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Using the Delhi Metro to get to Sabzi Mandi Railway Station not only eases your commute but also helps avoid the often congested roads of North Delhi. Pul Bangash Metro Station is particularly beneficial due to its proximity, offering a quick and efficient way to reach the market and railway station.
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