#price of fruits and vegetables
How many different types of fruit and vegetables are there?
There is an incredible diversity of fruits and vegetables found across the world. While it is challenging to provide an exact count, as new varieties and species are constantly being discovered, it is estimated that there are thousands of different types of fruits and vegetables available to us. This wide array of options ensures that our diets can be rich in flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits.
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vigil-antes · 26 days
shein haul this. temu haul that. im tired of that shit. now introducing the REAL haul: i went to the farmers market and now i need people to identify what the fuck i bought because I honestly have no idea
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farzanatrading · 1 year
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Buying fruits and vegetables online and incorporating protein-rich veggies into your meals, such as spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peas, edamame, and kale, will help you meet your protein needs while also reaping the many health advantages that vegetables provide.
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mysticarcanum · 2 years
tell me why my brain can't fathom buying snack foods at the grocery store. like. my dad never had snack foods in the house and now i don't know how to buy them. i bought some cookies today and i felt like some sort of maniac but they're so good......do people just. buy snacks? all the time? how do you do that?
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japan is so weird ¥600 could either buy you a single coffee or a full meal eating out
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zumosshopping · 16 days
Join Our Mailing List And Get 10% off on Your First Order !!
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supersabzimandi · 16 days
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navinsamachar · 1 month
मंडी में फल-सब्जियों के मनमाने दामों की शिकायत, पोस्टर प्रतियोगिता, जन्माष्टमी, अंतरिक्ष दिवस, प्रतियोगिताएं, परीक्षा परिणाम, सदस्यता अभियान व पीटीए की नयी कार्यकारिणी गठित,
मंडी में फल-सब्जियों के मनमाने दामों की मंडलायुक्त से शिकायत नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 24 अगस्त 2024 (Nainital News Today 24 August 2024 NavinSamachar)। निवर्तमान सभासद मनोज साह जगाती ने नगर की मल्लीताल सब्जी मंडी आढ़त में मनमाने दामों पर फल, सब्जियां व दालें बेचने का आरोप लगाया है और इस संबंध में मंडलायुक्त दीपक रावत को पत्र लिखा है। कहा है कि हल्द्वानी मंडी से फल, सब्जियां व दालें आने के बावजूद यहां…
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what-marsha-eats · 2 months
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karachinewsupdate2 · 3 months
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farmlinkr1 · 3 months
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Buying Fresh Produce on a Budget
FarmLinkr: Your Gateway to Affordable Fresh Produce Delivered. Enjoy easy access to a variety of wholesome, nourishing foods that fit your budget. Say goodbye to time wasted searching for fresh produce. Whether you're shopping for your family or your business, FarmLinkr ensures you get the 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables you need daily, promoting a healthier lifestyle without compromising on convenience.
E-mail or call us at: [email protected] / 1876-298-5052
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timaeuslover001 · 4 months
Because they don’t WANT TO !
between low wages and short hours no one can become business men and women on their own and rising costs because of the “economy” and lack of access to raw goods ….we are stuck in an endless fall into poverty or down right homelessness and starvation.
Legislation lets men and women get away with it and if we do boycott or protest….where will we go to get an alternative?!?
It’s the perfect heartbreaking Scam and Enslavement 💔
I’ve been out west and it is a good desert with less healthy options access.
I’ve been to Casper , WY (Wyoming second biggest city) and other than to Walmarts , Target and chain fast food places….there are NO FOOD OPTIONS
There is a local “Natural grocers” but I’m so weary of grocery store chains since we know even Whole Foods sell GMO foods and drinks with artificial sugars.
I mean if FDA allowed them to label wasabi as wasabi even though it’s dyed horse raddish….what else do they lie about?!?
Their fresh market is non existent ! It’s barely even a market other than a few pitted plants and other home creations by some locals .
It’s sad More nail shops than grocery stores, there is a problem!
I mean it’s legal to lie tot he American people about what their eating. In Europe it’s not allowed ( but idk how much of that is actually TRUE ) but If I was president I’d ban ALL GMO FOODS , use their money to refarm their farming practices and use natural methods and only produce food WITHIN season! (Respect the ecosystem )
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rohtasorganicfarm · 5 months
Buy Organic Vegetables & Groceries: Visit rohtasorganicfarm.com to Order Chemical-Free Organic Vegetables & Groceries Online.
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ravenstodaisies · 6 months
Hey, Daisy.
Sorry it’s been a month since I last wrote even though we initially agreed for this to be a once a week thing. I told you that because writing letters wasn’t set in a routine, I’d forgotten about it.
So. That wasn’t the whole truth. Not exactly.
The truth is this: it’s been getting hard. I say this also knowing that I have a tendency to minimize how I feel, even to myself. I don’t know what it was about today, but it all kind of just poured out of me.
Six hours. I cried for six hours. I didn’t even know you could cry that long.
I don’t really know what’s wrong, is the thing. I mean, everything’s kind of wrong, everywhere, and here too, but at the same time nothing terrible has happened to me. Nothing recent, at least. So nothing’s really wrong, right?
But how can I even begin to explain that? That this wrongness I’m crying about is still real, even when nothing has technically happened. I mean, anything that has happened is routine for me, even if it’s not necessarily normal. I’m used to it. There’s a comfort in that predictability because I know how to deal with it. If this happens, then I do that. Simple. Quick. Easy. I don’t even have to think.
But…this? There’s no…routine, no plan for this. I don’t even know what this is.
I’ve been trying to soothe myself. To get lost in writing and daydreaming about the half-baked worlds in my head, or in the elaborate worlds of someone else. To idle in a tavern in that game I play, on a character that no one knows about, and listen to bards pluck strings to nostalgic songs. To have long, silly talks with friends into the night about things—objectively stupid things, things you don’t have to think too hard about, like how one person giving me hydration tips told me I should sip water instead of chug. ‘I am not a frat boy’ is now a mantra I repeat to myself every time I try to slow down on the water chugging.
It doesn’t always help—I mean, not really. It’s like trying to seal a leak with paint. It’ll work for a time, cosmetically at least, but eventually the water’s going to build up and trickle right through.
Paint is all I have right now though, so it’s what I’ll use.
I hope this letter doesn’t dampen your mood. I think I’ve worried that I’d be too negative when we corresponded like this, because, and here’s another truth: I’m rarely ever happy. The last time I was truly happy, I was overseas on a beach, surrounded by people who loved me without the conditions that matter to everyone else. I was alive, and I was with them, and that was enough. Now it feels like a mirage. Something that happened at some point in time that I’m now far removed from. I can’t really remember what it feels like (I remember distantly feeling like my chest was glowing and warm), but I miss it.
There’s some good news. I get to see you tomorrow, and it’s been a while, and I think I really need to anyway. It's the one thing that I've been looking forward to. Isn't it weird how things align like that, sometimes?
Raven P.S. How are your crow friends doing? Did you manage to earn their trust? And, if the universe is conspiring for you to fail, then I'm going to go ahead and kick its ass. I have a feeling it has some stuff cooked up for you, though. The good kind of stuff, because after a shitstorm...insert something about rainbows. Maybe we should go leprechaun chasing, as insurance.
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ninjacart · 6 months
In the long journey from farm to table are the lives of many, including farmers, traders, retailers, and more. We are lifting the veil off the unsung heroes who run an invisible relay race every day to make sure delicious food reaches our plates. We are here to partner with these agri heroes and help build #BetterLives. This film is a tribute to all the agri citizens who have trusted us in the past 8 years and have made us who we are today. Learn More- https://www.ninjacart.com/
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sissa-arrows · 7 months
The way stores get caught lying all the fucking time about fruits and vegetables…
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Carrefour says that the dates come from Algeria. Except Algeria doesn’t produce Medjoul dates (we make Deglet Noor) so it is impossible that these dates come from Algeria. You know who export Medjoul dates to France? Morocco and “Israel”. Mainly “Israel”. So once again a French store is caught lying to avoid the boycott and to support the occupation of Palestine and the genocide of Palestinians without consequences.
(Reminder that Carrefour is a target of BDS so we’re boycotting regardless of their lies)
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Again caught lying. This time it’s Auchan. The poster with the price says the avocados come from Portugal except the box says “Israel”.
In the video this time in Lidl you can see that the store says the avocados are from Columbia. Except at the person show it on the video the tag says “Origin: Israel”
Regarding avocados especially they lie all the fucking time. I actually stopped buying them because of the constant lies and because even in other countries it’s often produced at the expense of the local population using too much water to satisfy the needs of the West.
Either way I would suggest being super careful look at the box and tags not just what the store tells you. And if you live in France know that this is illegal and you can report all those instances to the DGCCRF (here). If you live elsewhere I suggest looking for the legislation and reporting those lies if you can.
Edit: if you know your local/national agency to report these kind of stuff don’t hesitate to share the link you can even send the agency name (not a link I’m not opening random anon links) in anon if you’re more comfortable and I’ll add it to the post.
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