#wholesome kiri moment
marymary-diva17 · 22 days
The other sully (2)
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The brother and friends you had thought you will never see again had, soon return back into your life after being part for years. It had been a wholesome and sorrowful reunion. Now the other half of your family is back in your life and it was going to a journey to see where everything will stand and stay in the future.
Y/n " Raeyi"
Raeyi " yes my love"
y/n " you will be helping my brother with his lesson today"
Raeyi " yes I will"
y/n " good"
Raeyi " how do you feel with him and all of them being here"
y/n " it seems a bit uncommon that the start but I have, found the bright side of this whole situation I get them back in my life with new additions as well ... this will be good for us all in the end I know it"
Raeyi " I understand but if you brother tries anything he will face me, I will not let bring any more harm to you ma y/n" raeyi soon kissed your forehead before he soon took his leave, as you were now standing alone. A couple minutes had passed with you being alone at the moment.
????? " aunt y/n"
y/n " hello reya what are you doing here"
Tsireya " I came to see if you will love to champion or help teach the sully kids and spider"
y/n " sure I will love to"
aonung " good morning aunt y/n we ran into uncle raeyi when he came by the home, he seems very serious about your brother being here"
y/n " yes we had a talk about that early this morning no need to worry"
rotxo " Mother didn't seem happy about it last night say it could be more trouble for the clan and you"
y/n " yes it might but all will be okay in the end my loves no need to worry" the kids and you had walked towards the sully family home, neteyam had stepped outside.
neteyam " good morning aunt y/n"
y/n " good morning neteyam"
neteyam " father aunt y/n is here with tsireya, aonung, and rotxo"
Jake " hello good morning everyone"
y/n " good morning brother I have come help the kids teach your children and spider"
neytiri " that is wonderful thank you for help us"
y/n " your welcome neytiri you and your mother will be with ronal, as she will be teaching you both"
mo'at " thank you for sharing that news with us"
y/n " Jake you will be with tonowari and his brother Raeyi along with tsutey and norm"
tsu'tey " Raeyi I have heard his an amazing warrior and hunter, along with being tonowari second in commanded"
aonung " yes our uncles has been out father second in commanded since they were very young"
Jake " that good to know we had seen him yesterday"
y/n " yes and no need to worry about the rest of the clan teachers had been assigned to them"
Jake " thank you sis"
y/n " anything for family and friends"
tsireya " we can get started now if you all feel up to it"
lo'ak " sure can we dad"
spider " yes we can get have some time in the water"
kiri " I can't wait to see what the ocean has to offer"
Jake " yes you call can but please the tsireya and her brothers along, with your aunt mostly as well"
sully kids and spider " yes sir"
aonung " our mother is by the healers hut and our father along with our uncle is by the beach"
Jake ' thank you kids for the help today"
rotxo " your welcome toruk makto"
Jake " you kids can call me Jake please" the three teens had nodded their heads.
tsireya " come along we will take you to the docks"
tuk " aunt y/n are you coming with us"
y/n " I will be there shortly kiddo .... kids safe within the view of the village no where else" tuk had nodded her head and soon ran off to join the other kids.
Jake " sister thank you for doing this all for us"
y/n " you are welcome Jake tonowari will seek a meeting with you about the rda, I have help him and the other clans learn how to defend themselves so far"
Jake " we can make that happen I will offer all my help" you had nodded your head, you had shown everyone where they will be going today.
Jake " so we are doing swimming lessons"
y/n " yes you all have lived your lives in the forest and have to learn, the way of living by water like the people here do"
norm " how long did it take you as we all remember you had been, living in the forest with us"
y/n " it had taken some time for me to adapted but it had soon found my way here"
tsutey " we had been saddened among hearing that you might of been lost"
Jake " yes none of us knew if you ere alive or dead the rda seem to tell us anything"
y/n " well that was the way of the rda I had end up here"
Jake " when it good for you mind sharing with us what has happened"
tonowari " welcome Jake, tsu'tey and norm"
Jake " hello my sister was helping us get here for the lesson"
Raeyi " yes that is y/n personality always looking our for others, which has given her many praies by others"
y/n " thank you raeyi I will leave you all to training as I shall go check on the children"
tonowari " thank you" you had nodded your head and soon started walking away, exchange a look with raeyi who had small smirk on his face. You had soon walked away looking for the kids and soon spotting them.
tuk " there is aunt y/n" you had wave at the kids before you dove into the water graceful and swam towards the kids.
y/n " I came to see how you kids are doing"
neteyam " we are doing well aunt y/n"
aonung " yes they are doing well but they still some work with their breathing, right now they are compared to babies"
lo'ak " well we are doing our best"
y/n " that good enough it will take you kids some time to get use, to this new environment but in time all will be well"
kiri " I already love the ocean they are so many beautiful scenery around here, and the creatures are amazing as well"
y/n " it good you kids have been able to find some beauty to this place"
aonung " lets try something new let trying learn to ride" the kids soon went off to do something else in the end, and you had followed after them.
Aonung " when you live here you need to know how to ride" aonung and his siblings started calling the IIu that soon came, by as the swam around the kids.
aonung " these are IIu you will learn to ride them after making a bond, with them and swimming with the creature"
spider " wow aunt y/n do you have one"
y/n " yes I do" you had soon called your IIu that soon arrived as saw around you.
rotxo " we will be here to help you but take it easy no need to rush" The kids had gotten onto some IIu and were swimming around. As you are with tuk.
tuk "they are so funny"
y/n " yes they are and once you become close with one you can, have so much fun sweetie"
tuk " yes"
lo'ak " okay"
tsireya " okay now grab the handle on the saddle with a good grip"
lo'ak " got it"
tsireya " you can go if you are ready on your own"
lo'ak " I got this no need to worry" lo'ak soon made a sound as the IIu soon took off in the water and soon under, as well everyone went under to watch. Lo'ak had been doing well until he had whipped out and lost control and his bond with the IIu. all the kids were laughing at him as you stood there, shaking your head he is like Jake.
lo'ak " I meant to do that" the IIu had splashed lo'ak before swimming away.
spider " sure you did bro sure"
tsireya " well I think you did good"
lo'ak " thank you"
y/n " yes you have done a amazing job are you okay nothing hurt"
lo'ak " no auntie I'm good thank you"
y/n " your welcome"
y/n " I wonder how your father is doing"
tsireya " dad said him and uncle Raeyi are going to help him with bonding with the IIu today, before they get him on a strimwing"
y/n " that a good idea"
lo'ak " what a strimwing"
tsireya " it a creature that our warrior snd hunters ride"
lo'ak " oh can I ...."
y/n " no not until you are older"
lo'ak " really"
aonung " she says the same to me as well"
y/n " I love and care about you all fairly and equally"
kiri " what do you mean about that aunt y/n"
y/n " well if you all most know aonung, tsireya, and rotxo are my niece and nephews as well like all of you kids"
spider " all of us even me"
y/n " yes I was once friends with your mom and she told me about you"
spider " thank you for thinking about me like that"
y/n " your welcome"
neteyam " so that means you are the aunt by a friendship with tonowari and ronal or you are mates with Raeyi"
y/n " Raeyi is my mate we have been mates for fifteen years now"
kids " wow"
y/n " yes so that makes aonung, tsireya, and rotxo my niece and nephews"
tsireya " thank you aunt y/n we love having you in our family, and maybe one day you and once Raeyi will have kids of your own as well"
y/n " that day will come in time nut for now we have the family we have right now"
kids " yes ma'am"
y/n " good now come on lets get on with the lesson and if we get done we can have some snacks" the kids had nodded their heads and soon went, back to their lessons with you and everyone else. The kids had been able to build relationships with each other, which had made you happy. It was easy to see that some of the kids seem to have a closer bond as well.
Jake " so these skrimwings are not something I expected"
Tsu'tey " they are not like ikrans"
norm " yes I have to agree"
Raeyi " it will take time but you all will master the ways in time"
Jake " thank you"
Tonowari " my brother is right in time you all will get it, maybe y/n can help you all learn"
Jake " oh yes my sister"
tonowari " my brother help her learn the ways and she has done well"
Raeyi " she is a good teacher but at the moment she with the children, she will take time from her day to help anyone that what we all love about her"
Jake " yes my sister is good and I'm happy to have her back in my life"
Raeyi " good" Raeyi had soon nodded his head and as he left for a bit, leaving the tiro alone to stand there.
Jake " well it seems like we will have a hard time getting along with everyone"
Tsu'tey " yes I have to agree but it seems like the youth are having better luck then us"
Norm " yes but I hope in time we can build a good relationship in end"
Later on at sunset
y/n " time for all of you children to head off home your mother, might have dinner ready for you all"
kids " yes ma'am"
y/n " good and you all did super today you have made me proud" the kids had smiled brightly toward you making you very happy. They soon waved goodbye as you had made your way home, thinking abider dinner plans as well.
Jake " hey little sis"
y/n " hey Jake how was your day"
Jake " it was good training with tonowari and Raeyi had been good"
y/n " that is super you kids have done well your son lo'ak is so much like you and kiri is much like grace .... spider take after his mother"
Jake " those words make me happy"
y/n " yes but lo'ak is your mini version and there no lying there"
Jake " I have seen and been told"
y/n " good"
Jake " I have been hearing praise about you most of the day, good job my sister"
y/n " oh is that true"
Jake " yes very true the kids had headed off home"
y/n " yes they have and so have tonowari kids as well, they all seem to be getting close so that a good sign"
Jake " yes friendships will be good during these hard times"
????" y/n"
y/n " raeyi"
raeyi " Jake sully hello"
Jake " hello"
Raeyi " this day has been very successful for us all"
Jake " yes it has and my sister has told me the children have been getting along"
Raeyi " good my niece and nephews will be great friends to your group children"
Jake " I should be getting home if I'm late neytiri will be mad at me"
y/n " get home safe brother"
Jake " should I make sure you get home ...."
Raeyi " I can walk her home from her Jake as we have some thing to talk about this evening maybe over a meal"
y/n " I will love too"
Jake " then I leave my sister to you raeyi make sure she gets home safe, she my family or we might need to fight"
Raeyi " i and your sister have a great relationship I will make sure no harm comes to her"
Jake " thank you" Jake soon walked away leaving you and Raeyi together, you soon looked and your mate and smile a bit. As he was trying not to chuckle right now. The both of you soon headed home and had a good meal together, the day had been very beneficial in the end for everyone and start of many relationships as well.
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makoodles · 1 year
Ok, sorry for the angst before, it's just so good for me.
Well, in the big equivalent, let's return to the wholesomeness of your works, like, all the possibilities that comes from everyone of those.
Dad! Tsu'tey and Big bro! Spider with the baby girl of the family, I dunno, I just think that it would be hilarious if the first son (Spider aka sky demon) goes around trying to be as Na'vi as possible and then comes the first born baby girl (genetically an avatar) who goes everyday to the human lab to spend time there, uses human clothes (avatar size) and even likes human music (the omaticaya are musicians as far as I remember), it's not unusual to see the young girl going across the village with this weird pair of headphones and dancing along the music usinga a big dark t-shirt, shorts and a pair of militar boots, with her big bro making way to prevent any accident while her father is looking totally horrified by this (not even Lo'ak or Kiri would do this! Well, Neytiri would've a stroke if that was possible) but can't say anything because he is just so soft with his kids.
Young Neteyam, maybe not exactly a child, going to his sky demon umma every time this other little human is mean with him (he trying to bring the child with him to catch fish and kind of show off), he doesn't exactly complains, just lays on one side of his umma, head on his umma's shoulder doesn't matter the moment (has even gotten as far as kicking Lo'ak to the side if necessary) and his umma already has an idea of what is happening and runs a hand along his long hair, telling him that it's going to be better next time (reader knows that it's impossible to stop the kid) and pray that the little kid will go with him, because Eywa forbids that Neteyam got the straight forwardness of Neytiri, the stubbornness of Jake and her obliviousness, while the little human is trying to understand what's going on with him, maybe Neteyam was paying some kind of karma because of his parents? Because he is so direct that he goes without asking anybody (like his mother), doesn't know how to get a no for an answer (like Jake) and doesn't really get why he wants to be near the sky demon kid (that's in some way her fault), Neteyam is the embodiment of his parents problems and is putting it in practice while failing miserably every single time.
Human reader is finally able to conceive, with technology help, an avatar baby, Tonowari and Ronal are happy, and while the pregnancy till the labor are full of obstacles, Ronal is the very first one to receive reader's baby while helping her to give birth in the sea, the new born, practically an avatar but with metkayina characteristics, against any odd is capable of emerge to the surface and breathe for the first time by himself, being welcomed by his father and siblings and soon meeting with his mama (reader) that was also brought to surface by his mother (Ronal), (just, did you see that fake documentary of mermaids like 10 years ago and there is this mermaid that gave birth and all her group is around her to see the baby while she gets it to the surface to breathe? Just like that, SO BEAUTIFUL)
That's the fluff I've at the moment, you are free to think, and maybe get some inspiration, about some of this, if you need angst just tell me <3
AHHHH these are so cuteeeee!!
i love a fluffy little au!! all of these are such adorable little ideas i'm so ksdjgksg THIS is what i'm talking about !
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xylianasblog · 1 year
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Pairings: Agedup Human! Neteyam (26) X Fem!Human reader (22)
Summary: a surprise visit makes everything much more real, yet you can’t decide if you’re ready or even willing to take that step.
Warnings: fluff, filler chapter mainly, comfort, just overall wholesome.
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It had been a few days since Sunday, and as you rested against your bed you let your mind wonder, questioning why you felt this way for the man you barely met.
It was such a foreign thing, such a new area you’d never felt with, of course, you’ve had lovers in the past and even boyfriends but this.. this was different, unlike anything you’d ever felt. Why your body seemed to come alive around him, making you so many things. The main thing you wanted to know was if his body craved yours in such a way.
Your mind kept wandering to Sunday night before you left the Sully home.
After sitting around and speaking about classes and how things were going for a bit longer you looked at the time to see how late it is. Nearly twelve at midnight, you had no classes Monday but you knew the family had their own things to deal with.
Quickly giving each of the members a hug and grabbing your things you made your way to the door when Neteyam stopped you. Your eyes held confusion as he stood before you, waiting patiently for him to speak.
“Come, pretty girl.. I’ll walk you to your car.” Neteyam spoke in a way you couldn’t even deny him, with a quick nod of your head and a quick ‘goodbye’ to the family you followed him out to the door to your car.
The silence was comforting and you loved that, enjoyed it even, feeling so safe and relaxed with him despite not knowing him long at all. You were so lost in your thoughts that you weren’t prepared for the feeling of his calloused hands on your cheeks, his hold rough yet loving.
“I will see you again soon..” he whispered to you. As you touched his firm chest, a small tsk slipped past your lips. For a moment you were jealous of the shirt that hid his toned body from your gaze. “Okay Nete..” you said calling him a new nickname he’s not had yet, the way his eyes lit up was enough for you to know he loved it. Especially the way it rolled off of your tongue.
One of his hands moved down wrapping around the back of your neck and pulling you in until your soft lips touched his in a sweet, slow kiss. Your body melted into his as he added more pressure to the kiss, it was so perfect you had no control over the sigh that left your body when his lips weren’t on yours anymore.
He rested his forehead against yours before pressing another soft kiss against your lips. Reluctantly he released his entire hold on you as he moved around you to open your car door. “I will see you soon.” He repeated his earlier statement as he gently pushed you into the car.
The day had passed by you in a blur, your mind so far occupied you didn't realize you wasted the day just thinking. You had finally managed to clear the thoughts from your head as you sat around working on homework when your phone went off. You looked around for it wondering who was texting you so late, once you found it you saw a message from an unknown number. ‘Open your door.’ You say they’re confused wondering who the strange number was when your phone went off again. ‘Trust me. Open the door.’ You hesitated a moment before leaving your bed and going to the front door.
Standing in front of the door you contemplated if you really wanted to open the door or not, after a few moments you finally unlocked and opened the door to see Neteyam standing there. You raise an eyebrow in question doing your best to keep from jumping his bones.
“I asked Kiri if that’s what you’re wondering,” Neteyam answered without you even asking. "for your number as well."
You simply hummed at him, moving aside to let him in. You took the moment to let your eyes move down his body finally taking in his appearance. He was dressed comfortably in sweats and a graphic tee, he looked nice in such casual clothes.
“What brings you?” You questioned closing the and locking the front once he’s inside.
“Just needed to see you. Missed you.” He mumbled as if it was such a simple thing. It was but for you it was strange, you knew you wanted someone who called out to your body, who made you feel things like never before.
Here he was standing in front of you, staring at you. It was as if he was taking you in just as you were him, you enjoyed the humming of your body as your frequencies met. “Okay.. shoes off and come.” You mumbles as you made your way to your room.
You made yourself comfortable on the bed, back resting against the headboard. Neteyam walked in a few seconds later, immediately climbing into the bed, and making himself comfortable. Moving around a bit he finally moved to rest between your legs, his front pressed against yours as he rested his head on your chest. A soft grumble rose from the male as he hugged you close.
The action was surprising leaving you in shock by what happened yet you didn't protest. You felt very aware of the heat that emitted from his body despite the layer of clothing that separated your body from his completely. It felt all too real, all too heartwarming yet you were stuck unable to push him away, as if you're body would even let you.
His body was warm and comforting, his hold felt safe and loving. You relaxed as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, fingers tangling into his neat braids. “Love your hair it’s so pretty,” you whispered not wanting to ruin the moment.
Neteyam simply hums as he presses himself deeper into you, his body relaxing even more if possible. “So soft and comfortable..” his hands squeezed and roamed over your stomach, down to your waist before slowly working back up to your stomach. You couldn’t help the small giggle but didn’t mind, his touch was gentle and loving despite his hands being more prominent than yours. "I like you Y/n a lot and I would like to get to know you better." He lifted his head up to see your reaction, and you offered him a sweet smile. feeling unsure of what to say, however, you couldn't deny how your face heated up and your heart sped up.
You began humming softly as you continued to play with his braids, you were hyper fixated on what you were doing that you didn’t notice him falling asleep. Once you realized that his touch had stopped you tilted your head to get a quick glance at his face, seeing him fast asleep made you smile.
“I like you.. and that scares me. I feel for you in ways I’ve never felt before.” You whisper to his sleeping form the words you couldn't say while he was awake. Letting out a quick huff you relaxed against the headboard, feeling surprised at how comfortable you felt in this position you soon found yourself drifting off to sleep.
Wrapped safely in his arms and his in yours, the last competent thought you’d had was how prefect you both seem to mold into one another, bodies calling for one another in a way that was more more than sexual.
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Tags: @cinetrix @otasia @blueslxt-primary @tiredmamaissy @oceanstar19 @pandoraslxna @kxamtxomawteyam @avatar4life @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @ghostreadersthings @lauratstrange @manumanulau @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @leelumenaura
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best-bff-brawl · 1 year
Best BFF Brawl: Round 1| Match 5A
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Propaganda Beneath the Cut
Gus and Hunter
Labyrinth Runners absolutely solidified their friendship, the bonded in a really nice way and from that point on, the pretty much became brothers. All of their moments are wholesome.
They are the best friends of all time, I'll never get over that scene with Hunter and Gus hyping over Cosmic Frontiers
Kiri and Spider
They’re best friends that have known each other since children. They both feel different in some way from the other people in their culture. It’s clear that they have a deep care, connection, and understanding of one another. They were both under a knife from each others parent and were begging for each others life. Cant get more besties than that!
They understand each other since, in some ways, they’re both outsiders among the Na’vi people. Their care for one another is genuine and deep and impactful.
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olichat-reads · 2 years
MHA with their cat companions | Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Uraraka
a/n: look this blog already caters to so much cat content i might as well go all the way 😂 this was so fun to write tho! i based a lot of this behaviours on my own cats so believe it or not very little is exagerated lmao
Kirishima Eijirou
owns the most social kitty in the world- like dad like furbaby
like a kid that says hello & waves to everyone on the street
has no qualms in making new friends be it cat, humans or even other animals
i headcanon kiri taking care of an old family dog, a sweet old doberman called rocky
kiri took him out for a walk one day, let him off at a dog park & he returns looking a little exasperated with a bright eyed bushy tailed little tortie glued to his side lmao
the size difference between the two is humorous but the cat is so unbothered, already so in love with his new bestfriend, running between rocky's legs, batting at those big paws playfully & already meowing up at kiri in greeting too
CANNOT seperate them. DON'T DO IT.
the little kitty starts CRYING the moment kiri TRIES to leave it behind & head back with rocky
had no choice but to take him home :)
everyone welcome pip (supposedly short for pebble) to the family
kiri brought him to the vet & everything because he acted too comfortable around people & even dogs 5 times his own size apparently
found out pip really was just a very friendly stray. a happy little thing :)
kiri is definitely one of those owners that never calls his pets by their given name lmao
rocky & pip are just 'big guy & little man'
kiri & pip both give off more doggy vibes than the actual dog lmao. the two have golden retriever energy while rocky is the calm old soul
they're just a wholesome little family <33
Sero Hanta
hanta has a long cat because i said so
actually no hanta has a meme cat
go ahead try to take a normal picture of fat gato. do it. i dare you.
you'll end up with a gallery of the stupidest cat pics
pics of him looking high af, butt licking pics, blep while he's sleeping pics, the list goes on
slap on top text, bottom text, you have a meme
not a single wholesome cute cat pic :') its never going to happen
fat gato is the chonkiest orange tabby you've ever seen btw
waddles around on his little legs
definitely overweight & lazy & on a diet
that meme of the vet showing a cat that he's overweight? that's him. that's fat gato.
hanta loves him tho. they're just both very chill & vibe together well. best homies.
oh OH- sero speaks to fat gato in spanish!! so he'll ONLY respond to spanish lmao.
like if the bakusquad comes over & tries to call fat gato over-
"fat gato! come here!" "we brought treats!"
and he'll just stare at them from across the room like 👁x👁
and sero will pop his head into the room from the kitchen & just repeat what they said in spanish "oye, gato. ellos tienen golosinas."
and its like a lightbulb just goes off in that furry head & he's rushing over with his stubby little legs, meowing excitedly for treats.
Ashido Mina
mina owns a hairless alien baby
i imagine she went to the shelter with every intention to get the prettiest model cat they have
but she laid eyes on this trembling little hairless baby with the most BEAUTIFUL blue eyes & the rest is history
and i would argue mina DID get the model cat she came for
queenie (look if mina can't name herself alien queen, she gets to call her child a queen) is a NATURAL model
that tiktok trend (?) of snapping candid photos to see if you're photogenic? QUEENIE
she just does 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 have 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 bad 👏🏻 angle 👏🏻
elegant little snob that poses for the camera, is insta famous & everything
because she's hairless, she doesn't mind clothes & is very okay with mina styling her
they totally have photoshoots together too!!!
mina's camera roll is just another level of #catmomlife
just the coolest mom & daughter on the block
you might think she's a spoiled furry brat but she's not 🥺
queenie is the most wholesome little kitty who loves mina a lot
making biscuits on mina's tummy when she's reading a magazine on her bed, 'grooming' her face when they're cuddling, just overall loving her owner
they kind of balance each other out too
mina is very outgoing & rowdy while queenie is more reserved & they make the best friends ever!!
Uraraka Ochako
chako is getting a little baby who is always hungry
his name is socks
because he's all white with a single orange striped foot (so really it should be sock as in a singular sock but sjksksj)
i imagine socks to match ochako's excited, cheery personality- a bit skittish around strangers but very friendly once he gets to know you
i think it would be funny if socks had a thing for deku too lmao
like ocha is bad at it but she tries being subtle about her crush on deku but socks gives no fucks
will run to the door, purring & meowing when deku comes over, licking his face & hands
deku doesn't mind but ocha's cheeks are just BURNING because it feels like socks is acting on HER feelings & she's just skhsks
he doesn't hoard deku tho. is happy to be with both mom & dad :)) good kitty :)
socks is also definitely one of those cats that get into your bread for some reason- takes a bite out of every. single. slice. right in the middle too.
ocha is just :'))
"you're lucky you're so cute you little RAT-"
she CANNOT leave any food or drinks in the open it WILL be stolen
its not like ocha doesn't feed him enough or anything. socks is just a ravenous lil baby & he just enjoys eating & tasting new things :')
not just meats and stuff like regular cats gravitate to either. if its food, he WILL have a taste-
ocha left orange juice on her desk? comes back to see him lapping it out of the glass
she's distracted on a phone call? socks will take the opportunity to taste the creampuff in her hand
he's just that meme of the kid running with a knife
"socks show me what you have!??"
"your lunch :D!"
a/n: bakugou, kaminari & eri are alr in my drafts haha. i'm so unfamiliar w the format for headcanons. i don't wanna clog too many characters into one post so i limited it to three characters? is it better that way? shorter posts but more parts? idk. lmk what you think
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searenbound · 1 year
I made a list of things I want for the series finale and think you’ll agree:
A very soft and wholesome confession of romantic feelings from Izuku to Ochako where they show flashbacks of Ochako being a great hero and kind person including scenes from the side content and movies
Bakugo and Izuku establishing a brotherhood where Bakugo encourages Izuku to confess to Ochako and Izuku encourages Bakugo to take the train back with Kirishima to reestablishing their strong bond
Bakugo and Kirishima reestablishing their bond and reminiscing about their relationship with flashbacks also including scenes from the side content and movies, romantic undertones that are subtle enough to past Japan’s censorship and not anger the assholes but obvious enough to us queers and the allies
The heroes honored by the commission and Japan where we find out Momo’s mother is a senator and she has a sister who studied abroad fighting her own war overseas
Class A has a montage of their year before leaving to go home with plenty of Izuocha and Kiribaku moments both in flashbacks and new scenes
Everyone in class reuniting with their family with the following details alluding to a sequel
Bakugo’s parents thought he died so they has a very emotional reunion where it’s mentioned that his parents love kirishima, are proud that Katsuki made amends with Izuku, they plan to invite the Midoriyas and Kirishimas for dinner to celebrate their kids
Mitsuki also mentions not wanting Katsuki to continue being a hero but conflicted as she’s happy to seehow much her son has grown and she wants him to maintain the relationships he’s developed
Kirishima is reunited with his mom who is very proud of him and it’s established they have a close relationship where kiri always helps his mom and his mom mentions the dinner at the Bakugo’s and how she’s grown fond of Katsuki
Both their parents imply being in the know about their situation and encourage it
Ochako returns to her parents in a sweet, wholesome, and emotional relationship where they mention that the Yaoyorozus invited them to the homecoming party for their daughters
Kaminari returns to find his sister outside there house with the cops where he finds out his dad is in the hospital after a mysterious attack but the montages at the end of everyone reunited shows him alive
Momo returns home with her mother and is greeted by her sister who puts on a brave face over years of unknown trauma but Mrs. Yaoyorozu comforts both her daughters and she informs Momo that her sister will join her class for her second year
Their sent to their rooms were Momo’s sister hints to her trauma and baits the sequel series
Finally a montage of all the heroes reuniting with their families
I don’t know what I’d even add to this, it all seems so nice and sweet
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Never seen Ted Lasso as I don't have Apple TV. T-T Though one time in college, one of my buddies literally lifted another onto his shoulders - like in the Sports Festival! - and ran around the pitch with him while he screamed death threats. Maybe you could do that with either Kiri or Deku and Bakugo?
Recently I finally watched the TV adaptation of Daisy Jones but no M.H.A characters would fit any of theirs other than potentially Kami as the show's version of Warren. (In the book, he kinda comes across as a dirtbag but in this he's a bit more of a himbo goofball who cares about his friends and is The Moment.)
My friend let me borrow hers and and ahhhh I adored it tbh it was so wholesome and good ♡♡♡
I would absolutely love to draw bakugo and deku like that jdjfjfjjf writing this into my sketch ideas nfnfnfjf
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kiri-tired · 2 years
Been thinking about dumping my fic drafts on here and also wanna talk more about certain scenario ideas with yall because BIMCH I can't finish anything😂
I hope it's okay to show some short WIPs and chat about scenario ideas with yall, yeehaw!
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scarlettriot · 3 years
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| eat out |
Kiri X Reader Drabble
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Mentions of sex & oral (f receiving), clothes being ripped off.
A/N: It’s two in the morning. If you’re still awake, you certainly deserve a little wholesome sexy drabble before going off to bed. Enjoy. This also has no been proofed.
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Kirishima loved his job. It was rewarding, something he could feel good about doing, and yet his absolute favorite part of the day was clocking out and coming home to you.
His body could be tired and sore, his mind weary, and he wouldn’t care one bit the moment that door opened and he got to you on the other side. All of his worries would melt away the very second his red eyes settled on his favorite person in the entire universe.
Tonight he found you in the kitchen. Dinner sizzling in a pan on the stove. You spun around to kiss him, needing to stand up on tiptoes if you had any hopes of reaching him but he met you halfway, just as he always did. Pulling you close to him.
You were wearing one of his hoodies, an older one that he’d almost never wore himself anymore. It fell to the middle of your thighs, swallowing you in soft burgundy fabric.
When he started kissing down your neck you wiggled out of his arms. “After dinner, baby. I don’t want this to burn.”
He let you get away… for now, ducking out of the kitchen and changing while you finished up the dinner you were so dedicated to.
By the time he came back, you were back on those top toes again, arm outstretched trying to reach a plate above the stove.
“It’s been how long now and you still refuse to ask for my help,” he tsked, walking up behind you and easily reaching the glass dish, “it’s so much easier.”
“I can do things on my own. Occasionally, my personal, favorite giant isn’t around and I have to reach a tall shelf all on my own!”
He grinned down at you, still holding the plate just out of reach while you made grabby hands for it. The neckline of the hoodie had slid off your shoulder and that was when he noticed the two thin bright red straps.
“What’s this?”
You suddenly forgot all about your dish, quick to pull the top back over your shoulder.
“It’s nothing. Can I have that plate now, please?”
Kirishima knew damn well it was anything but nothing. He knew the lingerie you owned, hell, he’d gone with you to pick out most of it, but nothing you had matched that design, and that could only mean one thing… something new lay under his old hoodie and he was desperate to see more.
His fingers moved up to pull the neckline down again but you inched away. “Really, Eiji, it’s nothing.”
But he raised his eyebrows, “Really? ‘Cause it looks like somethin’.”
“Something you can wait until after dinner for.”
“But baby!” He grabbed for you but you spun with a giggle so all he caught was extra fabric. It was enough for him to yank you towards him. Your back colliding with his broad chest. “I wanna see it now.”
“You weren’t even supposed to know about it until after dinner! It was a surprise!”
“Oh, I’m very surprised! Thought you weren’t wearin’ anything under here since you usually don’t but then I see these,” he playfully snaps the straps, “Now I’m intrigued.”
Your laughter filled the kitchen while you wiggled in his arms, turning this way and that, trying to get free with no success. “You know I could just get out outta this.”
He could see your chest heaving. “Gonna have to work pretty hard to take it off me. I’ll put up a good fight, Red Riot.” You looked up at him with those beautiful eyes, mischief danced within them.
That fighting spirit you had was just one of the many reasons he was so deeply in love with you. “Oh, I know you would.”His hands wound around your middle. “That’s why I think ripping it right off you will be easier.”
There was no time for you to break away or try to thrash. Kirishima’s fingers tore through the hoodie cleanly, right down the center, leaving it open and you in complete shock.
You spun to face him and he didn’t even look down at your body yet, too fixated on the stunned look you were wearing instead. It was one of his favorite expressions he could get you to make.
Usually, it was behind your bedroom door when he was stuffing you full of his cock. Eyes wider than normal, blinking up at him in awe. Your lips slightly parted and the most beautiful little gasp leaving them. But he could make it happen at other times too. The best time being when he asked you to be his forever. A moment neither of you would forget.
But now, you were standing in the kitchen looking between him and the tattered hoodie hanging off you while he turned the heat off on your meal. Not wanting to ruin your hard work. “Eijiro… th- this was yours.”
“I know. That’s why I don’t feel one ounce of guilt about what I did. I’ve got plenty more.”
You shook your head at him, a smile coming back to your lips. “You’re unbelievable.”
He finally gave in, letting himself take in the new little number that adorned your already perfect body, “And you’re absolutely incredible.”
“There’s a slight change in plans for tonight.” He announced and bent to pick you up with a quick wink, “I’d like to eat out.”
He had you spread out on the dinner table, right in between the two plates you had set up, legs up and over his shoulders. The pretty lace panties were pushed aside and he dove into his first course.
It was sometime later when you got to actual food. The dining table was still set perfectly but Eijiro had you pulled into his lap, hoodie handing off you again while you enjoyed the meal and each other’s company… his favorite part of any day.
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emmaelix · 2 years
The Masterlist
Read the Rules of Engagement for Requests + my fandoms here
aka: so we're using our made-up names?
dynamight. literally.
Headcanons of watching his favorite movie with him
Headcanons of him being a dad
Headcanons of how he acts when you're on your period
Short Story of your funeral
Domestic Pomeranians, possibly part one: Domestic Bakugo fluff, no death or anything, I promise ;) This is chapter one possibly and I hope there are more who knows
The Blood Splatters Series: In which I try to make the leak less sad by changing it. Basically, someone has access to the LOV and is trying to get to all of the powerful new heroes. Bakugo happens to be one of those heroes. And Y/n Y/l/n, also known as Miss Megaphone, and his girlfriend, happens to be another.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
broccoli boy and I will be calling him as such. he isn't really my favorite.
Headcanons of him being a dad
if all of each of my friend's personal issues was compiled into a big anime mess. but hot. (and cold)
Headcanons of watching his favorite movie with him
Headcanons of him being a dad
Headcanons of how he acts when you're on your period
Short Story of your funeral
The Rain: Shoto x Reader: Shoto and the reader's romance from start to end, all through the rain
his hairstyle isn't spiky enough for being the definition of sticking one's finger in a light socket.
Headcanons of watching his favorite movie with him
Headcanons of him being a dad
Short Story of your funeral
Denki Kaminari x Fem! Reader: Sorry, My Phone Was Burning: Denki needs to be picked up and calls Y/n, but she's baking a cake
rock hard. I want this man to be the father of my children. (sorry boyfriend! you've been replaced)
Headcanons of watching his favorite movie with him
Headcanons of him being a dad
Period Pains; Eijiro x Fem! Reader: The title pretty much says it all, lol, I wrote this while on my period
Don't Let Them Die; Eijiro x Fem! Reader: Kirishima, Bakugo, and Reader were on patrol and met Dabi, who poisoned them. The fic is based on Eiji's last moments
Soundwaves; Eijiro x Fem! Reader: Kiri died and the reader has a soundwave tattoo of his last voicemail that some of her students notice
if he could mind control me not to do stupid crap that'd be great.
Headcanons of how he acts when you're on your period
Headcanons of him being a dad
Promise Rings: Shinsou x Aizawa! Reader: Mineta is replaced by Y/n Aizawa, she and Shinsou spar, and then fights some other folks from 1-A. Wholesome not quite a secret relationship. (I love those with Hito, don't I?)
The Apocalypse Series: An apocalypse has happened at the hands of the LOV. Reader and Hitoshi are in a secret relationship.
Chapter One
come fly with me come fly let's fly awayyy
Headcanons of watching his favorite movie with him
Headcanons of how he acts when you're on your period
Regenerate, Rinse, Repeat: Hawks X Fem! Reader: The least SFW work you'll probably ever see me do because 1. I'm terrible at smut and 2. I prefer reading and writing fluff. Hawks and the reader are sent on a Mafia mission
Request! Keigo if someone was staring: How Hawks/Keigo would deal with meeting a reader for the first time who is just staring at him with no expression. He says something and the reader realizes they were staring and their eyes widen and then they shake their head to snap themselves out of it, instead asking for a Hawks plushie they can't reach
Someone Call Keigo; Hawks x Pregnant! Reader: I think I used fem pronouns for the reader in this one. The reader is pregnant and goes into labor while visiting UA. Hawks is on patrol and the reader has to call him
burnt biscuit.
Short Story of your funeral
vacuums all around the world worship this man.
Short Story of your funeral
aka: every fantasy story ever, but it's still good. Also HOT MEN
you took doom and gloom too far and now their child depression is meeting its match. the unwillingness to live.
A Thousand Years Songfic: Pretty simple, meet-to-death songfic
barnold eustace arthur ronnigan half of your name is underlined in red on grammerly.
Ava's Battle Series:
Chapter One
THE VIDEO GAME (AKA Time Princess)
aka: a severe waste of my time that does not help my incredibly high standards. (again, sorry boyfriend)
oh, hot and angsty men
The Sacred Beast Chapter Two Scenes 6-8 Re-write
awesome, even more hot and angsty men. but this time- pirates.
The Perfect Storm Chapter Two Scenes 16-probably the rest re-write
aka: it reminds me of the time when I didn't realize horizons (what my school called gifted and talented) in elementary school was basically the school-wide autism club.
happy Latino version of burnt biscuit (aka dabi aka touya todoroki aka freakin' pick something)
Flaming Tounges & Other Nonsense Part 1 (Two to come much later/never because my draft got deleted): Leo and the reader are going on a date when it gets crashed by time travelers!
Ladylike, or Not: Daughter of Neptune, and pirate captain. Rescuing a bunch of crazy people from drowning
aka: all men over the age of fifty cried the day they watched this. my father cried because of nostalgia. I cried because the speakers were too loud and I had a migraine.
Hen: Hangman X Fem! Reader: Basically a shitpost fic. Events of TG:M, but with an added character. Y/n "Hen" Bradshaw
aka: here we have a wild seeley booth. his goal is to find a mate, and he has his eye a wild temperance brennan. these beautiful women are smart and unpredictable, so it may take several attempts to woo her.
!Cross-posted to The Oregon Files Fandom! For anyone not familiar with The Oregon Files, it's a book series where Juan Cabrillo and his crew go around solving cases for the CIA. Bones is a tv show about a forensic anthropologist and her pet FBI agent. This is around season 3/4-ish
aka: how are you all not dead yet?
!Cross-posted to the Bones Fandom! For anyone not familiar with The Oregon Files, it's a book series where Juan Cabrillo and his crew go around solving cases for the CIA. Bones is a tv show about a forensic anthropologist and her pet FBI agent. This is around book 15
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
hiii! i hope you don't mind that i'm dropping off a request 🧡 okay, so can i have some headcanons of class 1a and their gn! classmate who sometimes sends them random photos of things they like? like for example, they'll send a photo of something sparkly to aoyama and say "hey! i figured you might like this" and for jiro, they'll text a link to an album they think she might like and say "hey! [artist name] released this album, and i think you might enjoy it! :)"
Pairing -- Class 1-A x GN!Reader
Warning(s) -- Light Swearing (it’s Baku)
Note -- Hellooo! I don’t mind at all <3 Thank you for requesting, I really like this idea because I think it’s really cute & wholesome! I hope I did your request justice & interpreted it right (and if I didn’t, I’m sorry & don’t be afraid to tell me!)
Class 1-A w/ a Classmate That Randomly Messages Them Things That They May Like
In the beginning it was a very pleasant surprise to all of them
Waking up and finding a text from a friend/classmate with a link or picture of a store front with one of their interests??? SIGN THEM UP PLEASE 
In all honesty it’s something that none a single one of them experienced
No one really thought about them that much
Quickly (as in like the span of a month) it became a weekly thing
Don't think for a moment it ever got old though, oh no, there was always the sense of joy when a text popped up from (y/n)
Sometimes it’s completely unprompted, just a simple, out of context message with a picture of a cat surrounded in sparkles (for Aoyama) or cute bird pictures (for Tokoyami - who will respond with a simple thank you but is actually internally calling it cute. He can’t tell them that though, bird boi has to keep up his edgy appearance)
Other times there’s a lead up, a ‘hey, I’m at *blank* and I found this ---
(Y/N): Hey! I’m in front of (insert store) and there’s this All Might poster 
*sends picture* Do you have it? You seem like you’re a fan of him and I thought I’d ask in case you didn’t :)
Mido: iorghirgtnhjzvd ehiegankage 
*One for All’s his way to the store*
They’d text the girls pieces of clothes or shoes that they think they might like 
And if any of them end up buying it they’ll immediately text (y/n) with a picture of them wearing it (or find them and show them in person), commenting about how much they love it, thanking them from telling them about it and adding on that they have good tastes in clothes
Some out right call them sweet for thinking about them
At least one of them has crushed (y/n) in a bear hug because of this (probably Mina tbh)
(Y/N): *sends picture + link to a store that sells the blackest of black eye liner*
Baku: …
> Thanks dumbass...
Some other things that they’ve sent to the others includes: a sale/discount on cold soba for Todo, tank tops with encouraging messages on them for Kiri, earrings for Momo, a bangin’ pair of headphones for Jirou
Todo: Oh... thank you for telling me... Would you like to go with me to get some?
Kiri: Woah! Those are so mainly, thanks for showing them to me!
Jirou’s also been able to discover new songs and bands through (y/n)
They’ve sent Iida book recommendations
(Y/N): I saw you reading *book* - if you enjoy it then I recommend *another book*, I think you’d really enjoy it :)
Iida: Why thank you (Y/N)-san! I’ll look into it!
They’ve got folders for each classmate with things that they think they’ll like on their phone too
Memes, funny quotes, outfits, you name it, it’s probably in there
And after some time, everyone started to return the gesture, sending them things that they would like
Now, it’s a mutual thing that anytime someone spots something while browsing Instagram (or whatever) or while walking around the mall that they’ll send it to those that they believe would find interest in it :)
It doesn’t stop even after they finish school, sometimes, out of habit either (y/n) or another classmate will send someone something
Old habits die hard huh?
It’s a great way to stay in contact after UA though - so that’s a bonus! And for that reason it makes every Class 1-A student grateful that they caught on to their classmates kind hearted hobby :) 
Also, as a little, kind of unrelated tidbit - everyone would throw hands with anyone that hurts you because they view you as an angle for thinking of them so much and indulging them in their interests
I hope you enjoyed and I’m really sorry if this wasn’t what you meant/wanted T-T
I do take requests (but be sure to check my bio for request status first)!
[BnHA Masterlist]
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hanji-is-life · 4 years
hey hey ^^ idk if you like kiribaku threesomes (i’ve been stalking your page for a while and i cant seem to remember. feel free to ignore this) but if you do, i’d like to share this. i cant stop thinking about kirishima looking after innocent!reader everyday. making sure she eats and sleeps correctly, buying her pretty things, taking her to nice places, etc. on the surface, their friendship is completely wholesome. but what no one else knows is that kiri also mentors her sexually. (1/2)
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figured I might as well write this now!! :))
You and Kirishima were the best of friends! Everyone looking in could see how much you guys cared for each other. How he spoiled his best friend with gifts and luxuries everyday. How you always cleaned up his messes and did his hair in the cutest of styles.
You two were just the picture perfect best friends!
Which was bullshit. Bakugou knew something was up the minute you two became friends. While it was gradual, you two didn’t look like friends.
Friends don’t come back after being gone for a suspiciously long time wiping their mouths with devious smiles. Best friends didn’t show up to hang outs with matching hickeys. Best friends didn’t kiss each other on the cheeks and whisper good girl. Best friends didn’t mentor each other when it came to sex.
“She asked since I was more experienced. How could I say no? I was just trying to help a friend out.”
It was bullshit the moment Kirishima uttered it from his mouth. Bakugou was ready to call him out for it, but was at a loss for words at the sight of you on your knees in front of Kirishima.
Kiri was standing in the middle of the room, allowing you to turn your head and face Bakugou while still licking up the underside of Kiri’s hard cock.
“I’m a pretty good teacher though, don’t you think, baby?” Kirishima is talking to you now. Threads thick fingers through your braids, slowly pulls you off of his cock, groans at the strings of spit that still connect you to his tip.
“The best teacher.” You praise, shifting on your knees to rub your thighs together. Kirishima smiles, bends at the waist to slip his tongue into your mouth. You grab his cheeks, moan into the kiss, completely forgetting that Bakugou was still there. He could only gape, eyes calculating as he scans over your naked kneeling body. How whenever you bend over slightly to deepen the kiss, he gets an even better view of your glistening brown lips. How he can catch the curve of your tit and nipples from the side.
He wants a piece.
“Wanna see how well she takes cock?” Kirishima finally pulls away from the kiss to look back at Bakugou. Red eyes meet red, as they both share a knowing look. Bakugou smiles, glances back over to your panting form, watches how your fingers slowly slither down your naked body. Bakugou slowly begins to unbuckle his beat, eyeing you greedily as you start to kiss at Kirishima’s tip, never taking your eyes off of his approaching form.
“Fuck yeah. Wanna see you split her little cunt open on your cock.”
The tone he uses is feral, and sends a whole body shiver throughout your body. You already know you’re in for a wild night ahead of you of being passed between the two men. The thought only makes you wetter as you messily shove two fingers into your cunt to prepare for the monster that is Kirishima’s cock.
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
The Beginning of Birthday Traditions
[MHA - Bakusquad]
summary: The Bakusquad has trouble coming up with a way to wake up Bakugou for a midnight birthday celebration that doesn’t result in them being buried six feet under. Mina then reveals a plan that would get the birthday boy to wake up with a smile on his face. (platonic Bakusquad tickle fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 2.1 k
a/n: how could i not write a lee blasty boy fic for his birthday ?? i absolutely  l o v e  the bakusquad they are literally so wholesome :,) anyways i hope you guys enjoy!
“It’s physically impossible to wake Bakugou up in the middle of the night and survive,” Kaminari tried reasoning with his friends. It was only a few minutes past midnight on April 20th, meaning that it was officially Bakugou’s birthday. The Bakusquad was currently gathered inside of Kirishima’s dorm discussing how they should go about celebrating the special occasion. Specifically, trying to figure out a way to wake up the birthday boy in the next dorm over that didn’t end with them getting sent to their graves.
“But we can’t just do nothing! The Dekusquad already threw a little midnight party on Tsu’s birthday,” Kirishima argued.
Sero gave a dejected sigh, “Yeah, you’re right. We can’t let them one-up us like that. I just wish there was a way to avoid him getting pissed at us for waking him. It honestly might ruin the whole birthday mood.”
Mina, who had chosen to stay silent and patiently listen to the hopeless discussion, decided that this moment was the perfect time to pull out and reveal her wild card to the rest of the group. With a small smirk and excited gleam in her eyes, she said, “Ahem, I may have some super exclusive, top-secret info that could allow us to wake up Blasty for his birthday and live to see the light of day.”
All heads immediately turned towards Mina, their gazes both intrigued and dangerously curious. Kirishima eagerly encouraged, “... go on..!”
Mina pulled out her phone and motioned for the boys to come closer. Without hesitation, they all crowded around the small device before Mina started playing a video.
The visual was extremely dark, but they could still make out the vague silhouettes of two boys. They seemed to be struggling against one another, the taller one fighting to get away from the shorter one’s strong hold around his sides. The audio was very faint, so the group had to strain their ears to hear what was happening.
“If we w-weren’t in the dorms right now I would not he-hesitate to blast your ass into nehext week,” a gruff voice threatened quietly.
Another voice gasped, and then spoke teasingly, “Did the Kacchan just giggle?” The shorter boy’s hands then traveled further up the taller one’s torso, going up to his ribs, and not even two seconds later, not-so-quiet laughter could be heard echoing throughout the dark room.
The camera recording suddenly turned towards the ground and started shaking around, showing Mina’s blurry, socked feet quickly pattering away, before the video abruptly ended.
The Bakusquad slowly brought their heads back up to face one another, the boys all sharing the same dumbfounded, gaping expression and Mina looking smug as hell.
Kaminari was the first to speak up, barely able to contain his newfound excitement. “No way. No. Freaking. Way.”
A mischievous smile formed on Sero’s face as he said, “This is just too good to be true.”
“I know right!!” Mina exclaimed, obviously very proud of capturing the personal and adorable Bakugou moment. “Who would’ve guessed that our resident boom boy is ticklish?!”
“Sooo.. we’re all thinking the same thing right?” Kirishima asked, looking over at each of his friends expectantly.
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Sero said, while Mina and Kaminari nodded in agreement.
“”So what are we waiting for?!” Kaminari declared while standing to his feet. “Let’s go give the birthday boy the wake-up call of a lifetime!”
After the rest of the Bakusquad got to their feet, they all excitedly rushed out of Kirishima’s dorm and into the hallway. Once outside of Bakugou’s dorm, Kirishima pulled out the spare key the blonde had given him that was supposed to be used strictly for emergencies, but he honestly thought that their mission could be considered a birthday crisis of some sort.
Kirishima unlocked the door and quietly pushed it open, just enough so that he could briefly peek inside to make sure that Bakugou was asleep. He then pushed the door wide open, allowing him and the others to sneak inside the pitch black room. They made sure to close the door behind them and leave the lights off, but the group could still see each other’s shining, playful grins.
The Bakusquad crept over to Bakugou���s bed and saw him sleeping peacefully and softly snoring. Perfect. Kirishima and Sero crouched down onto the ground near the foot of the bed and gently pushed the blanket out of the way to reveal Bakugou’s bare feet. Meanwhile, Kaminari and Mina quietly climbed onto the bed and settled themselves on either side of the sleeping boy.
From the floor, Kirishima motioned for them to start putting their plan into action. After a quick nod, Mina slipped one of her hands underneath Bakugou’s tank top and started lightly tracing her fingertips along his bare stomach. Not long after, his face scrunched up and his body slightly curled inwardly on itself, trying to escape the soft sensations.
Deciding to step it up a notch, Mina ran her fingers over his side, not too hard as to immediately wake him up, but just enough to get him sleepily squirming. Bakugou lazily brought an arm down across his torso, his unconscious mind telling him that it was just a bug.
Desperately wanting to get in on the action, Kaminari slithered his own hand underneath Bakugou’s top and slowly dragged his slightly wiggling fingers from the birthday boy’s stomach up to his ribs.
Bakugou twitched awake, sleepily whining a small, “Son of a-” before he opened an eye to see what had woken him up while Kaminari and Mina quickly retracted their hands. He had definitely not been expecting to see people sitting next to him on the bed in his dorm, causing his eyes to widen and his body to jolt out of shock. Once his sleep-filled mind had actually caught up to what he was seeing, Bakugou was able to recognize and identify the two smiling faces as Mina and Kaminari. He let out a small sigh of relief before relaxing his body and closing his eyes again, mumbling, “Pinky? Dunce? Th’ hell you two idiots doin’ in my bed ‘n the middle of th’ goddamn night?”
“Actually, there are four idiots. Kiri and I are here too!” Sero pointed out with a suspicious amount of energy and excitement, but Bakugou was so tired that he honestly couldn’t care less.
In fact, the blonde had already started falling back into the depths of sleep, only letting out a small, “Mhmm.. get out losers,” in response.
Kirishima dragged a singular finger down the length of one of Bakugou’s feet. “C’mon Bakubro, you gotta wake up!”
Bakugou’s breath hitched before he immediately pulled the attacked foot back underneath the protection of the blanket. “Don’t do tha’ shit. I- Jus’ let me sleep, guys.”
Kaminari butted in, bravely placing a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder to gently shake him awake, “But we need you awake! Do you even know what day it is?”
Bakugou shrugged Kaminari off and completely ignored his question, instead tiredly mumbling, “Make sure to lock th’ door on your way out.” A few moments of silence passed, and the birthday boy was on the cusp of falling back into a deep sleep, when he suddenly felt soft fluttering on both of his feet and down his sides. Fingers were lightly grazing over the balls of his feet, dipping into the arches, and circling the heel before going back up and starting all over again. Small squeezes were given spontaneously along the length of both sides of his torso, traveling from his waistline all the way to his lower ribs. 
He tried to pull away from the gentle touches, but found that all four of his limbs were being pinned to the bed. Shit. He was so screwed. Bakugou tightly squeezed his eyes and tried to keep his mouth clamped shut, but he couldn’t prevent the tired smile and sleepy giggles from inevitably escaping. Normally, he would be fighting like hell to keep his laughter under control, but he was freaking exhausted dammit! “Whahat the- shihihit! What do you dahahamn extras think you’re doHOHOING?!” Bakugou’s laughter unconsciously became more desperate and louder when Kaminari suddenly wiggled his fingers higher up on his ribcage.
Noticing the increased reaction, Mina started focusing her tickling on his higher ribs as well. “We’re tickling you! I thought that was pretty obvious.”
Bakugou tried to thrash his way out of his captors’ grasps, but he was heavily outnumbered and disadvantaged. Still, there was no harm in fruitlessly trying. “Leheheheave me alohohohone! I’m nahahahat even tihihihickli-AHAHahaha!”
“Hmm.. I don’t know, dude.” Sero playfully teased. He pulled back Bakugou’s toes with one hand, using the other to gently flutter his fingers on the sensitive space in between, rewarding him with more thrashing and a shriek that dissolved into uncontrollable laughter. “Seems like you’re pretty ticklish to me.”
“NOHOHOHO I’M NAHAHAHAHAT!! WHIHIHIHI-WHY ARE YOU ASSHOHOHOLES EVEN DOHOHOING THIHIHIHIHIS?? HAHAHAVE A DEAHAHATH WIHIHISH OR SOHOMETHIHING?!” Bakugou attempted to threaten his friends, but his bright smile, joy-filled laughs, and adorable blush covering his face counteracted the murderous words.
Kirishima was dragging his index finger along the padding of Bakugou’s toes, occasionally dipping down in between them and giving a little wiggle, causing the blonde to give out a little squeal each time. “Because it’s your birthday!”
“Yeah, we have to wake you up so that we can celebrate together!” Kaminari exclaimed. He moved both of his hands to grab at either side of Bakugou’s hips and repeatedly squeezed. With his head thrown back from the force of his hysterics, Bakugou bucked his waist left and right, trying to dislodge Kaminari’s fingers.
“YOHOHOHOU IDIOHOHOTS ARE GONNAHAHAHAHA REGREHEHEHE- AAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA!!” Bakugou started pulling at his arms desperately, bouts of laughter pouring freely out of his mouth, as Mina trailed her hands upwards until they wiggled against his highest ribs, only an inch or two away from his armpits. “NAHAHAHAHAHA! NO MOHOHOHOHORE, NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE!!”
With a villainous look in her eyes, Mina dug her fingers into the spot with more purpose and vigor, while Bakugou absolutely lost his mind to the sensations. “We’ll stop as soon as you promise that you’re gonna have tons of fun on your special day!”
Sero quickly half-jokingly added, “AND that you won’t kill us for waking you up.”
“Not enough, Bakubro. You gotta say that you promise!” Kirishima teased.
Kaminari leaned down next to Bakugou’s ear, brought his hands up to his bare armpits and started creating feather-like flutters while whispering, “Say that you pinky promise, birthday boy~”
Bakugou’s blush only deepened as he fell into silent hysterics for a few moments, tears of mirth gathering in the corners of his eyes. Seeing that Bakugou was being tickled beyond the point of responding, Kaminari mercifully stopped his fluttering, but kept his hands rested on Bakugou’s armpits and slowly drummed his fingers against the soft skin. Once able to verbally form sentences again, Bakugou pleaded, “Pihihihinky prohohomise! Ihihihi pihihihihinky prohohohohomise!!”
The Bakusquad all immediately ceased their tickle attacks and released their hold on Bakugou’s limbs. The blonde quickly tucked his arms and legs back underneath the blanket and curled in on himself, trying to catch his breath and slow the stream of leftover giggles pouring out of his mouth. “Dohoho nohot e-hehe-ever doho thahat agahain asshoholes.”
“No promises on that one, Blasty,” Mina declared while Sero and Kirishima got up from the floor and joined the others on top of the already-crowded bed.
“Oh yeah, we’re totally doing that again!” Kirishima excitedly commented. “We’ve seriously gotta make wake-up tickles a birthday tradition in the squad.”
Bakugou groaned fondly at their silliness, a soft smile still present on his lips. The others all shared a look with one another before exclaiming, “Happy birthday, Bakugou!!”
When the birthday boy looked up, he saw his friends all wearing the same stupidly huge smile on their faces and doing dramatic, and surprisingly synchronized, jazz hands that they must’ve practiced on together for hours. He let out a few chuckles, “Yeah yeah, whatever losers. So what are we gonna do for the next five hours before class starts?”
“Wanna go raid the kitchen for snacks and play Mario Kart?” Sero suggested.
“Obviously, just don’t throw a tantrum when I completely dominate all of your asses!” Bakugou quickly challenged.
“Tough words for someone who’s deathly ticklish…” Kaminari teased with a knowing smirk.
Bakugou buried his head into one of his pillows to hide the oncoming blush and nervous smile quickly spreading across his face. “... shut up..”
a/n: ahaha not me posting in the middle of class :D but i really hope that you all enjoyed reading this and thank you for taking the time to do so!! I’ll be posting my fandom list tomorrow because i love procrastinating on it lol have a great life guys!!
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lastdr3am3r445 · 3 years
🌸 Wholesome 🌸 MHA Head Canons
It's wholesome strawberry moo hours, and today I figure I would cover some MHA characters' favorite way to spend time with you! 🥦 Izuku Midoriya 🥦
Deku is a chatty fella, and he just likes spending time with you. He'll insist that you discuss some of the things you're interested, but once you get him started, he'll take off like a rocket. Eventually he'll realize that he's monopolizing the conversation, he'll blush and profusely apologize, but you don't mind. He'll again insist you talk for a time, then... rinse and repeat!
🌷 Ochako Uraraka 🌷
Ochako is a helpful bean at heart, and likes it when she has a quiet moment with you cleaning up the campus (if you're still at UA), working out in the garden or even volunteering in the community! She especially enjoys when these activities involve a bit of friendly mischief, and has been known to spray with the hose a time or two!
💥Katsuki Bakugo 💥
It will take him a while to warm up to the idea of another person in his kitchen, and he'll never let you know when that happens, but he really enjoys cooking with you. It all starts with a "Tch. That's probably the worst way to chop vegetables, idiot.. Let me show you..." And then it's downhill from there...
🎎 Momo Yaoyorozu 🎎
Momo generally enjoys quiet quality time, and gets the most satisfaction from sitting quietly with you studying (if you're still in school), or reading a book. On days when she wants something more lively, she enjoys going to the shops with you. She'll pick a few things for you, but you'll probably spend a lot of time complimenting her selections. She's not vain or anything, it's just adorable when her eyes light up as an outfit comes effortlessly together.
💎 Eijiro Kirishima 💎
Kiri likes to be a tourist in his home town, to see all the sights there are to see. So every weekend the two of you are out at some attraction; a museum, the zoo, the aquarium... Or trying some of the local eats that can only be found where the two of you live. Hope you have your walking shoes!
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Can I req how hawks, bakugou, denki, kiri and dabi would react to seeing their s/o performing an imaginary concert in the shower? Like singing and doing a lil jig?? (And if you want a/o sees them but isn’t embarrassed they just start singing to them instead) And nothing nsfw just wholesome fluff and they’re like “🥺 wow I luv dem” ok sorry this weirdly specific but it’s been in my head for weeks and only your writing could do it justice. And feel free to make changes if it doesn’t fit your requirements ok bYE
a/n: YESSS PLEASE DFHDJG THIS IS THE ONE THIS IS THE HEADCANON- please this is so amazing thank you for this i love you smooches
headcanon: them reacting to their s/o singing in the shower
aged up 18+ au!!
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of nudity, showering together
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
keigo takami/hawks
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Let’s be honest, Hawks is a bit of a perv, but in like a good way? Is there a good way? idk n e way-
He hears the water running and he’s like ‘yes cool bro go talk to them while they shower like you don’t have anything else to be doing’
He loves just talking to you while you’re in the shower. He doesn’t have any dirty intentions unless you instigate but this isn’t that kind of headcanon so let’s proceed with the fluff.
He hears the water running when he steps into your shared home and he’s immediately like tearing off his hero costume until he’s shirtless and in his boxers. The steam is just gonna make him sweat even more, he’ll get dressed after a convo about what’s for dinner.
But then he hears you singing. 
He can’t help but giggle as he quietly pushes the door open, now making it his goal to see how long he can watch you sing and dance for.
Watching you move and dance around as you massage shampoo into your hair, singing to the music playing over your phone speaker, you were having some sort of concert.
You finally glance over and notice your boyfriend, standing and admiring you in only his underwear.
“My little songbird.” Hawks teases as he walked over toward the shower. You just smile and reach out a hand for him to join you.
Tugging him under the running water you continue to sing and dance, just enjoying yourself.
“Is this what you do while I’m gone all day at work?” Hawks laughed, allowing you to wash his hair.
“Mhm!” You laugh, snapping the waistband of his now soggy underwear against his stomach.
“I love you.” Hawks coos, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You return to singing, this time directing your words to him, trying not to laugh as Hawks joins in, horribly singing off keep just to spite you.
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He hears you singing from your shared bedroom. He’s just scrolling on his phone when he finally hears you, his ears perking up as your voice sings along to the song playing on your phone.
He’s curious. 
Pushing the bathroom door open, he’s just staring as you dance and sing all while washing your hair. Bakugou can’t help but laugh a little, finding your concert rather amusing.
You hear his snickering and turn to face him. He stops and just stares at you.
You waste no time aiming your lyrics at him as you continue to sing, ushering him into the bathroom.
He’s fully dressed when you yank him into the shower, letting the water soak his clothes.
“You havin’ some sorta concert in here?” Bakugou kisses your forehead.
“Of course! Anyone who doesn’t sing in the shower is a liar.” You nudge him.
“Dumbass.” Bakugou just tugs his soaking wet shirt off, tossing it into the sink so it didn’t create a puddle on the floor.
“Sing with me!” You rub some soap over his chest, still humming along to the lyrics of the song.
“I know you want to, this song is on your gym playlist.” You smirk, returning back to singing along. Bakugou just sighs and mumbles along to the words, his big hands massaging the conditioner into your hair while your hands washed his chest.
When the song ended, you gave him a hug and looked up at him.
“We should make a song together.” You tease him.
“Yeah right.”
“I love you.” You lean up and kiss his lips.
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He hears you singing and is like ‘bro tis angel is singing? in the shower? my heart is theirs <3′
He’s not even gonna be subtle, he wants to hear you sing so he’s opening the bathroom door and coming in, sitting on the closed toilet, and just admiring you until you notice.
“Jeez! Kami!” You flinch when you finally notice him, your singing coming to an abrupt stop.
“You didn’t tell me you could sing!” Kaminari has wide eyes as he smiles at you, completely mesmerized at how well you were singing and dancing.
“I- It didn’t seem all that important, but thank you.” You try to hide your embarrassment by turning away, washing the shampoo out of your hair.
“Keep singing!” Kaminari stands and moves so he can see your face.
“Kami!” You cover yourself for a brief second before he pulls off his shirt and strips down, joining you in the shower.
“I’ll sing with you.” He adds, preparing to sing along to the song playing.
He’s off-key as he begins to sing, trying to impress you. You can’t help but laugh and finally ease up, lowering your hands as you bring them up to wash his yellow hair.
“Try to harmonize with me.” You offer a bit of advice as you being to sing again, trying to have him follow along. He just watches you for the first few seconds before he finally gets the hang of it, still a little off-key.
Even while he was singing, he couldn’t help but slowly stop, just admiring you. He really loved you.
He cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, apologizing after saying he got carried away.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Kirishima is like lowkey confused as to why he hears singing at first. He deadass thinks you’ve got a speaker in the bathroom with you. He doesn’t register it’s actually you singing at first.
When he realizes it’s you singing, his heart is racing, he’s blown away. And even more so, he thinks it’s so cute that you’re like performing in the shower.
Like he’s head over heels in love with you already, but this just adds to it. 
“Beautiful.” He mumbles, just gazing at you, not even really registering you were showering.
“Eiji!” You blurt out, throwing your arms over yourself.
“Sorry!” He looks away and shakes his head.
“I heard singing and I didn’t realize it was you but it was and it sounded really beautiful because I’d never heard you sing before!” Kirishima apologizes before slowly turning his head back around.
“Keep singing?” He questions, going to tug his shirt off.
“Fine but you have to wash my back.” You smile, listening to the song to find your place.
Kirishima joins you in the shower, washing your back and listening to you sing. It’s so beautiful, Kirishima begins to think you really are an angel.
“I love you.” Kirishima spins you around to kiss you, pulling you into his arms.
“I love you too.” You rest your arms around his shoulders.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You singing is the only surefire way to get this man close to a shower-
He’s intrigued by the angelic singing coming from his bathroom, so of course he goes to investigate.
Pushes the door open a tad just to peek inside, and he’s surprised when he sees you dancing and singing, performing a little imaginary concert while you wash your body.
He’s smiling and he doesn’t realize it.
Dabi lives life in the fast lane and personally, I don’t think he really gets to see and understand the simple things that make life fun and sweet.
So seeing the love of his life singing in the shower, just for a few minutes, Dabi can’t help but fall even more and love. 
It’s so normal, he feels like he’s not a wanted criminal and instead he’s just watching his love do something so simple.
When you notice his spying eyes, you usher him into the bathroom, still singing, this time directing the lyrics to you.
Dabi smirks and quickly strips, jumping into the shower with you.
The song fades out and a slower song comes on. 
You place your arms around his waist and essentially hug him, allowing him to do the same. The two of you sway in an embrace while the song plays, the warm water washing over the two of you.
“I love you.” Dabi mumbles. This moment feels so surreal. The words kinda slip out. He does love you, but he rarely says it.
“I love you too.” You reply, looking up, sliding an arm around his neck, pulling him down into a warm kiss.
It’s sweet and loving. Dabi knows that in this moment, there’s nothing else he could’ve ever asked for.
“You should sing more often.” Dabi comments after pulling away.
Congrats, you’ve unlocked Dabi showering normally because he’ll do it to hear you sing.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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shozaii · 4 years
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title: pride and joy.
genre: fluff!
pairing: pro hero! kirishima x reader 
warnings: none!
request : what would kiri’s reaction be if he (for whatever reason) he activates his quirk in front of his and his s/o’s baby the first time and instead of getting scared and crying like most, they giggle and laugh instead while reaching out to him. come on you can’t tell me that’s not adorable lol. - @sasha-annelie-quinn
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(a/n): uwaaaaa thank you soooo much for requesting!! i’m so so sorry this took a very long time - my schedule betrayed me once again :’)) but i hope i did bring some justice by writing this in my best form!! enjoy reading this!! kiri is best boy🥺❤
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he is such. husband material. he loves kids just a lil too much - having the desire to nurture and care for them as much as he could in order to watch them grow into bright, manly heroes. so imagine. him and his very own child......🥺
one thing we should be aware of - when he falls in love, he pledges to devote his entire life to you. the feeling of love to him felt so new when you confessed to him; you were confessing??? to him??? how was this possible??? he did have some good qualities after all??? he may or may not have teared up because that was probably something he never expected in his entire life :((((
so when you two do have a child, it made him feel so so euphoric - a child with his lover who has lasted with him for so long. a new member in the family, a new phase in life with the two of you. it just feels so surreal!!!
i think by then your kid would already have gotten used to your quirk. and when they start talking they might ask, “papa?” most definitely indicating that they wanted to see their father’s quirk. a part of him was worried - if the kid he saw back then started crying at the sight of his quirk, what would his child do?? how would they react? would they be fine with it??
he most probably even confronted you with it. “i just don’t want our kid to freak out, ya know,” he ended, hand on his neck. (i hc that to be one of his habits when he’s nervous about something) to which you reply, “honey, you do realize that your quirk is super manly. i want our kid to see that too! they need to know how wonderful and strong of a father they have, and if they cry? we can always guide our kid into loving it more.”
eijirou always knew he could come to you for pep talks🥰
okay so i thought of a scenario - imagine the three of you just hanging out in the backyard of your home one day, maybe your kid wanted to play with the two of you and there you guys were, having a fun and wholesome moment🥺
so i have another headcanon - kiri tends to activate his quirk when he realizes something is coming his way real quick; so this time it was probably a ball because you just had mad throwing skills !!!
eijirou is SHOOK and bam, you could hear his quirk activating. the ball was slowly deflating anyway, so it was a soft pop! but in his head he’s like ‘ohnoididitbymistakewhatiftheystartcryingohno-’
at the same time you were shocked too; why was your kid not giving any sort of reaction....? heart thumping, you slowly faced them, now sitting on the grass with their big glossy eyes looking at their father.
cutie starts laughing. laughing hard. and not only were they laughing, they were pointing towards eijirou, their grabby hands indicating that they wanted to go closer. and with that; a HUGE wave of relief rushed through the both of you, turning into enthusiasm. elated, you picked your kid up, while they still had their grabby hands out to papa eijirou🥺
omg mans tears up. i guarantee you. this not only felt like a huge weight lifted off his shoulders - in other words it was revealed in a manly way!! guiding their tiny hand, you slowly brought it towards eijirou’s skin, making sure to not let them get a scratch. i kid you not, i can see them hitting the hardened part, looking into their father’s eyes to see if he was giving off any reaction. 
a bunch of giggling and squealing - 100000/10 would randomly head towards their dad at any given time of the day to just pat his arm, requesting permission for him to activate his quirk. he would gladly do it too! 
pleaseeee let your kid watch red riot on tv - they would be so happy it would make your heart clench.
“well, our kid is just built different, love! our pride and joy,” he says, his grin bright and pure.
help my heart is clenching HSKSJDNKSJD
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(a/n): AAAAAAAAA i did it - papa eijiro is amazing, number 1 best dad.
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