#why are locksmiths so expensive
must-be-mythtaken · 7 months
woke up to the sound of "I accidentally locked the keys in the car" oh how I love life
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The little group of citizens looked at the jack-in-a-box with no little apprehension. They were safely huddled up together on the other side of the room, but the box was shaking and groaning. It wouldn’t hold much longer. They all knew that Villain was inside, but their abilities were... unclear. No one wanted to know more. They nervously glanced at the Hero who'd brought them all together.
"What are we doing here ?" someone asked.
Hero gave them all a kind, reassuring smile.
"You know, there's something I believe deeply", she said, her hand on her heart. "I think all of us are heroes inside."
"What does that mean ?"
Hero kept smiling while putting her hand on the door knob:
"That means, dear citizens...that I'm sure you can deal with Villain all by yourselves ! It will be good for you ! Byyyyye !"
The door closed on her, leaving the citizens frozen with surprise. A key turned into the lock. For a moment, all they could hear was her running away.
“It’ll be all right”, said someone to break the terrified silence.
“Really ? How can you tell ?”
“Well, you've heard her ! We’re all heroes, aren’t we ?”
“No we’re bloody not !” yelped the other one. “I am an accountant, and you work at the post office ! It’s not a hero we need, it’s a locksmith ! Is there one in the room ?”
“Yeah”, said a middle-aged woman, “but I don’t have my tools.”
“Then improvise something, lady ! We’re running out of time !”
The locksmith scratched her head and knelt in front of the lock.
“Does someone have a hairpin or a paper clip ?”
“Yes,” answered a nurse who was on her coffee break, “take it”.
“See ?” asked the accountant. “That’s what real heroes look like to me. Doing the real work for us so we can run the hell out of here.”
“It can’t be that bad,” insisted the postman stubbornly. “A real hero wouldn’t have put us in danger. The box is locked, after all. Maybe it's a test. Maybe she went out to find help.”
“For what, burying our bodies ?”
The box exploded. Confetti flied across the room. Slowly, Villain raised from their former trap.
“Muahaha”, they said in a polite effort to keep the conversation alive.
It didn’t quite work, so they added:
“Beware mortals, for I take the shape of your greatest fear !”
“Calm down,” barked the accountant. “We don’t have the key either. We can’t free -”
He stopped, as he suddenly realized that admitting to the villain that they couldn’t run away was probably not the best idea. Meanwhile, the nurse gasped, having made a realization of her own:
“That’s why we’re a group ! You can’t be the fears of everyone at once!”
“True, but I can take the shape of universal fears. It’s your choice, really.”
To prove their abilities, the Villain shaped themself into an abyss of absolute darkness, the grim reaper, and a very expensive medical bill.
“Aaaaah”, howled the whole group, convinced.
The locksmith, who was in tears after seeing the bill, whispered:
“We have no choice. Someone has to face their fears. It’s the only way to win alive.”
“All right, but who goes first ?”
The postman went first. He tried hard. He tried really hard at every step. “After all, we’re all heroes”, he repeated to himself, until Villain transformed into the brother who raised him saying “I’m disappointed in you.”
He collapsed.
The accountant went second. It is a known fact that most accountants are full of repressed rage. This one was very eager to share it with Villain and, if he may be quoted, “to punch their fucking guts out”. He ran and nearly landed a hit, but Villain dodged and showed him his own body with his insides out, in a sea of blood.
He collapsed.
When the nurse went, she was rather sure of herself. She had a fear of blood but with her job she had it under control. Then the Villain showed her all her patients dying, and she realized she couldn’t erase this fear or that would have made her a monster.
So she collapsed.
Villain stepped towards the locksmith, who during all that time was desperately trying to open the door. It wasn’t that the lock was hard, but her fingers were shaking too much, tears blinded her, and she was huddled in a corner, crying her eyes out.
Villain frowned. They transformed again – and again, and again. They screamed in frustration, then in terror. That didn’t help them.
They exploded.
When all the group regained their consciousness, they demanded an explanation. The locksmith squeaked:
“I didn’t know ! Of course I didn’t know ! But...when I think about it...that makes sense.”
“What makes sense ?”
“I think...I forced them to take too many forms at the same time, and at the end they couldn’t cope.”
“How did you do that ?”
“Oh”, said the nurse, who nodded.
“What ? It’s some kind of special ability ?”
“It depends from the point of view, I suppose.”
“Well, what is it called ?”
“Generalized anxiety.”
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farity · 1 year
Obsession, part 3
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I spend the day wondering if I should take up Aegon Targaryen on his offer. Mainly because I think it would piss Aemond off. On the other hand, it would piss Aemond off and at this point I just want to be done with him.
Or so I keep telling myself.
To be honest, I can't stop thinking about the way the muscles on his thighs looked in those dress pants, the way his long fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, and the way his neck looks, ready for my teeth to sink into the pale skin while I ride him.
What the actual fuck is wrong with me?
The man is clearly bad news. I've already scheduled a locksmith to replace the lock on my front door and add a security something or other that you can track on an app.
The dig I took at him about his sister's dating clearly hurt. I can't imagine. They can keep the money and the power if the trade off is that you can't see whoever you want. Who wants to be part of something like that? Always looking over your shoulder, always having to run a potential date by your family? Fuck that.
And the nerve to tell me I could do better than my job? Who the fuck does he think he is? Like he could ever have a job not involving his family. I bet that shit wouldn't be "allowed".
I'm going to stop thinking about all the Targaryens and be glad that I am a nobody having a boring life.
* * * * *
"I know something you don't know."
Aemond rolled his eye at his brother. "Is it that I'm going to punch you in the face if you don't shut the fuck up?"
"Jeez, Aemond, you really ought to get laid more often, have that anger fucked out of you." Aegon didn't have to turn and look to know Aemond was flipping him off. "Where are you going?"
Helaena walked past her brothers, turning around with a huff. "I'm going to the immersive bug exhibit at the natural museum. I'm on their VIP list so I get to go an hour before it opens to the public. Anything else you want to know? Or is that not allowed, Aemond?"
Both brothers stared at their usually docile sister. Aegon gave her a thumbs up, and Aemond nodded. "Make sure you take-"
"Yes, Aemond, both of the guys are going with me." She rolled her eyes and walked toward the door, where the two bodyguards assigned to her were already waiting.
"Is she getting more loopy?" Aegon asked after his sister had left, "because an immersive bug exhibit sounds like a fucking nightmare."
While Aemond continued looking for something on his phone, Aegon smiled to himself. "Anyway, I am going to have a very interesting lunch."
"What's her name?" Aemond asked automatically.
Aegon laughed, and kept laughing, and laughed some more as he walked out, leaving a very annoyed Aemond behind.
* * * * *
You walked into the outrageously expensive bistro, full of slimy tech bros and cougars looking for their next meal, and saw Aegon waving you over. He was shorter than Aemond, with a prettier face, and much more mischief in his eyes.
"You made it!" he called out, drawing the attention of several tables, and then, the motherfucker had the gall to take your hand and kiss it, in the middle of the fucking dining room.
He looked up, barely containing a smile, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
"Just water, please," you said to the server.
"Well, that's no fun," Aegon smiled.
You smiled back. "I am going back to work."
He looked at you like he had no idea what you were talking about before taking a sip of his wine.
"So, why did you want to have lunch?"
"Can't a guy want to have lunch with the Lady and Savior of his younger sister? You wound me, you truly do."
The server brought a basket of bread and some piped rosettes of butter and you immediately began to help yourself.
Aegon sighed. "You must be the last woman on this realm who eats bread. Marry me. Marry me before that imbecile brother of mine knows what's good for him."
"Charming proposal, but no. Why are we having lunch?"
Gods, the bread was amazing.
"What's that saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" He accepted a piece of buttered bread you offered and popped it in his mouth.
"If you're referring to Aemond as your enemy, I don't think I want any part of this," you replied, grabbing a second piece of bread.
Aegon swallowed, considered your words, drank some more wine. "We're not enemies, but he's a twat, we can all agree on that," he scoffed. "But in this family, sometimes you have to be. And the whole thing with Helaena has shaken him."
You looked at him and nodded. "I thought that was a daily occurrence for- for some people." You had caught the two guys on the table behind Aegon keeping an eye. And the guy sitting outside. And the guy sitting in the waiting area.
"Not for us," he said quietly. "I mean, there is always danger, but that was pretty fucking brazen."
The server brought the menus and you chose a burger with all the works and fries on the side. Aegon chose a huge slab of meat and more wine.
"Look," he said thoughtfully, "Helaena has spent her life being isolated, first by mom, and now by Aemond, and I don't blame her being bitter about it." He watched you for a few seconds, and you nearly started to feel around your face in case you had something stuck somewhere. "My gut tells me you're okay, so I would like for you to accept Helaena's lunch invitation."
"And if I don't?"
Aegon put his hands up defensively. "If you don't, you don't. All I'm saying is, she's cool, in her own bizarre way, and instinct tells me that you're a nice person who happened to save my sister's life."
"I bet he loves that."
Aegon raised an eyebrow.
You smiled. "I bet Aemond loves that you go by your gut and your instinct."
"Well, he would do the same," he replied, "except he has that huge pole up his ass."
He had a very, very nice ass.
The server returned with your food, and you wondered if they were this fast with everyone's orders or just the Targaryens.
"Will there be anything else, sir?"
Aegon shook his head and began cutting into this meat. "As much grief as I give him, Aemond has a big responsibility on his shoulders."
Broad and lean at the same time.
"He was pretty young when he took over security, and frankly, he's brilliant at it. He's yanked me out of some dicey spots when I hadn't even noticed anything was going on. His hands are full with us."
Oh yes, those long fingers.
"Aare you even listening to me?"
"Of course I am."
I'm not fantasizing about your horrible, yet extremely hot brother at all.
"I will think about it," you said, non-committally.
"Excellent," he said, and made a circling motion in the air which had the server rushing over with a container to throw the huge slab of meat in. "I have to go, doll, it was delightful meeting you."
"Wait, what?"
"Go ahead and stay, everything is taken care of."
He walked out followed by seven men from various tables around you. If people noticed, they pretended not to, and you looked down at your burger wondering what the hell you had just kind-of agreed to.
* * * * *
"She's so cute, Aemond!" Aegon elbowed his brother as he walked by, and found himself on the end of several curious stares.
"Who is?" Helaena chirped up. "Are you dating someone?"
Aegon barked out a laugh. "Oh gods, no, him, dating? No, I mean the girl that's turned you upside down. Your coffeeshop savior, Hel."
Aemond closed his eye and let out a long, annoyed breath. "Please tell me you didn't."
"If you ask me-"
"I didn't."
"If you ask me," Aegon insisted, "she's kind of sweet on you, too."
Only Helaena's excited gasp and little clap broke the silence. "You two would be so cute together!"
Aemond turned sharply, almost snarling at his sister's choice of words. "No."
"Call her up, Hel, I'm sure she'd love to hang out. You can bring her here so that this one doesn't have to worry about you going out."
Helaena rushed out of the living room, no doubt headed to her room to call the girl.
"Aegon, what the fuck are you doing?"
Aegon smiled, then pointed at himself with an incredulous gesture. "Moi?"
"That girl has nothing to do with us, and that's a good thing."
"You know, as smart as you are, you can be a real idiot sometimes. " He leaned back, put his earbuds in, and closed his eyes while Aemond shook his head.
* * * * *
What does one wear to go have lunch with a Mafia princess?
Not heels, that's for sure. Just in case.
I fucking know better but she sounds like such a sweetheart and honestly, she was just going to insist, so we'll have lunch, and then I'll be busy forever, and that will be the end of this fucking bullshit.
There is a knock on my door. Helaena said someone would pick me up and she said her favorite movie was the code in case I wanted to confirm, but that I wouldn't really need to.
Whatever that meant.
Of course, I realize what she meant when I opened the door and Aemond Targaryen himself is standing there. He gives me a look and I'm immediately pissed off.
"What, you couldn't pick the lock this time?"
He smirks. "I didn't want you to have to get yet another one. This kind isn't bad."
"It isn't very good, either. You ready?"
Just for kicks, I ask him. "What's her favorite movie?"
Aemond rolls his eye at me, which pleases me greatly. "A Bug's Life."
"Very good," I say condescendingly, and close the door behind me.
He opens the door for me and I get in. The car has a dashboard that I thought only existed in airplanes. Or space shuttles. I'm looking at over a hundred buttons, none of them labeled, and Aemond says nothing.
"Huh," I say casually, "is this the new Batmobile?"
He says nothing and I smile to myself.
He drives for a while and I try my best to examine him without looking at him directly, which is a lot more difficult than I thought. He's wearing all black, a simple long sleeve t-shirt and trousers, nothing fancy about either but you know they're made from the finest wool or cotton or whatever. Maybe they even have their own farm where virgins water the animals with their tears and fabric is made by nuns from some convent where no one ever speaks. His clothes look expensive, his fucking hair, that weird-ass shade of pale, pale grey that is almost white, looks like it was cut strand by strand. He probably uses Kerastase or some expensive shit like that.
The roads get quieter, the houses more sparse, and finally he speaks.
"I really appreciate you having lunch with Helaena. She's looking forward to it."
I want to snap at him. I want to say something vile like, isn't your poor sister allowed to have friends without running it past you? but I don't. She's none of my business. He's none of my business. And the sooner I can be done with the goddamn Targaryens, the better.
"Don't worry, we're not going to be besties or anything," I say because I can't help myself. "I'll have lunch with her and then we can be done."
Even though he has barely spoken during the drive, he goes so quiet that I have to glance at him to make sure he's still breathing. "Done?"
"Yeah, I'm sure she's nice but I want nothing to do with any of you so from-"
He swerves to the right on the empty road and I shriek, putting my hands out to steady myself and he stops the car on the side of the road. "Say that again."
"What the fuck?"
"Say that again." He whirls on me and the fury in his eye is making me regret my choice of words. Because I'm alone in a car with him.
"Look, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with all of you, but I like my life the way it is, and I don't want whatever crazy shit goes on in your world to-"
"Say you want nothing to do with me."
I realize then that it's not fury in his eye, and for a moment, I almost feel bad for him.
And then that goes away.
"I want nothing to do with you," I say, looking at the space between us.
Slowly, his hand moves over to grab my face, turning it to face him. "Say it like you fucking mean it." His eye is on my mouth and although his touch is gentle, I shiver.
I open my mouth and he licks his lips, watching. "Aemond."
"Say it," he whispers.
I can't. I am not sure who reaches forward first but then we're kissing like the world is ending and his tongue is in my mouth, and he tastes like mint and spices and I want more.
He pulls me onto his lap and I straddle him, and his hands, those hands I have dreamed about are on my ass, cupping and kneading and it feels so damn good that I start rocking my hips against him.
Aemond grabs my hips and stops my movements and I pull away from the kiss.
"We're not fucking in this car," he says. "not the first time, anyway." He is struggling to slow down his breathing, and I can't help but smile.
"You presume too much," I say.
One of his hands moves to just inside the waistband of my leggings. "If I were to reach down in here, would I find you wet for me?"
By the motherfucking Seven.
When I say nothing, he brushes his lips over mine one last time. "I do not presume." He moves me back to my seat and I still say nothing, shocked that I wanted him so badly. Shocked that I want him even more now.
He starts the car again and drives the rest of the way to the Targaryen estate.
My mouth still tingles from our kiss and I don't know how the hell I'm going to do as I've sworn and be done with the Targaryens when I want this man sitting next to me more than I've wanted anyone in the last- gods, in fucking ever?
We pull up and the gate opens, then we drive for another five minutes through impeccably manicured fields until we reach the main driveway. He stops before we make the final turn and I steel myself, but he simply caresses the back of my hair. "If I thought for a moment that you didn't want me back, I wouldn't bother. I would let you go." He keeps running his hand down the back of my head and it's almost hypnotic, the way I want to just lean back and close my eyes. "But I can't. Not unless you tell me you don't want me."
"I want to have chocolate all day long. But I don't. Because it's not good for me. Just because I want it doesn't mean I will indulge."
Aemond smiles softly. "Do you really think, for one moment, that you would be good for me? I'm already-" he stops himself and turns back to the wheel, and keeps driving. When we get to the front doors, beautifully carved out of dark wood, he stops and one of the doors opens and Helaena stands there grinning and I can't help but smile back at her.
"Thank you for driving me. I will be taking an Uber back home," I say before I get out.
* * * * *
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Imagine the Tails Polycule in the death of the sonic the hedgehog game.
Oooh interesting
So, I'm going to interpret as if they (prime!polycule I assume) were inserted into the game to join the main cast, and I'll start with placement first
(Game spoilers ahead)
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Shadow, Knuckles, and Sonic all start out being the only person in their respective cars (not including the conductor in this). Since we have 3 foxes to place, I think it's best to just spread them out among these 3 cars (the Saloon, the lounge car, and the conductor's car)
My decided placements are as follows:
Sails – the Saloon car with Knuckles
Nine - the lounge car with Shadow
Mangey - the conductor's car with Sonic and the Conductor
And with that, the following are their roles and brief backstories (to fit with the theme of the murder mystery party):
Sails – Bartender
He's a bartender at the Saloon the town sheriff (Knuckles) frequents. He doesn't particularly have the passion for bartending, but it’s due to his (now passed) elderly boss's getting him this job that saved him from a worse life, so he can't complain too much. His real passion lies in his contraption making, which only his coworkers and the Sheriff knows about. While he tries to be decent at his job and maintan a friendly exterior for the customers, you can occasionally spot him leaning over the bar counter with a bored look on his face. He also enjoys a good riddle.
Nine – Programmer
The programer is married to his job (developing new robots that exist to help vulnerable people). After he happened to win an all expenses paid vacation in the lottery, his boss forced him out of the office to take the vacation in question, and he reluctantly complied. He has a hard time sitting still and relaxing, which results in him often working on something when not on the clock. Because of this, he took his Bits with him on vacation to tinker with. He doesn't like it when his work is interrupted and can be a bit prickly, but he can't suppress his excitement or interest in machines or programs he's never seen. Coincidentally, the only person on the train he recognizes is the locksmith (Shadow), who he shares a bit of a bitter (or bittersweet?) past with.
Mangey – Co-captain
He met the captain (Sonic) in college and the two have been attached at the hip since. While easily mistaken as Captain and assistant (since the co-captain often runs errands for or assists the captain), in truth the co-captain functions both as backup and a support partner. Should the captain have complications, it's up to the co-captain to step into his role, and if the captain needs to make a hard decision or needs assistance with something difficult, the co-captain is who he asks first. They are partners who rely on each other, and good friends.
Now, for the game itself, each of the main characters had a set of movements, other people they talked to, and things they did, so these three would be no different.
At this point I actually started plotting out the movements of each of our 3 additional characters and how they shift the story and add to it. However, once I'd done enough work I'd realized I'd come out of this ask with a full blown au rather than just passing thoughts. As such, so as not to spoil a bunch of major moments in an au I may seriously end up writing for and showing off, I've decided instead to finish off this ask with some notes and tidbits about the au.
Misc Notes:
Nine's Bits are based upon these little guys from Archie Sonic from Silver's future (post sgw):
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I couldn't think up a better name and "the bits" is still classic to me, so I made up a random lore reason why they'd be called that in this au. Answer? Professor Von Schlemmer exists in Silver's future in this au, and either Silver accidentally brought some bits back with him once or ended up showing Tails or Nine some of his work. So Nine ended up taking the basic idea from the professor's bits to create his own. Since this is a bit more of a careful situation and Nine isn’t in the business of passing others' ideas off as his own, until he comes up with another name and makes them sufficiently different, his bits are a semi-secret not so secret personal project. Idk it's kind of like how in Prime he used the Chaos Council's power core schematics to create the shatterdrive, if that makes any sense. He claims the title of inventing shatterdrive technology, but he does not hide where he drew inspiration or based his designs from
Nine (and his programmer role) have two bits. One is modeled after Chaos Sonic, and the other is modeled after Alpha Grim Sonic.
The purpose of Nine's bits are essentially to act either as extensions of Chaos Sonic and Alpha Grim Sonic or to be additional bodies the robots can upload themselves into. The former is largely useful for stuff like recon, and the latter is used in the event Nine needs to make his robots more portable for some reason (for example, in this case, he wanted to keep his robots with him during Amy's party, but didn't want them taking up space on the train)
Unless one has the proper tools, only Nine is able to access the memory of his bits (in regards to actually scrolling through their memory logs AND in accessing footage they record). Tails did not bring tools necessary for this on the train with him (especially since he takes his role as detective very seriously). This is important in case, say, the Detective and Barry end up getting ahold of one of the Bits and they happen to maybe have crucial evidence.
Fun fact! The Poet does manage to "finish the job" about the same way as he does in the original game. He is lucky that The Programmer is not in the lounge car during his arrival before and escape after the attempted murder. However, this doesn't mean The Programmer left the room completely empty and unsupervised...
Another fun fact! Rather than getting an interrogation like The Sheriff does in the Saloon Car, the Bartender withholds a special clue he found (that could possibly lead to the murderer). Tails and Barry just have to complete a task for him that involves the Super Monkey Ball arcade machine
The same way Sonic and Mangey's character cards and Sails and Knuckles' specifiy that they have a type of relationship to each other, so, too, do Shadow and Nine's cards.
Excluding Barry, The Co-Captain is the only character to suspect foul play when the Captain is "murdered" during the game. However, this is largely due to the fact that (with how the character movements are structured) the Captain and the Conductor suddenly disappear, leaving the Conductor's car in disarray. It's also a while before the Co-Captain reaches anyone who is aware that Sonic's character was murdered.
Final tidbit...! There are kisses involved. Even if they're ooc for the roles they're playing, with the prime polycule involved I had to work em in! 😂
And with that, I'd love to thank you for the ask, anon! Although it may not have been your intention, I bamboozled myself into getting majorly invested in this little prime polycule au 🥰
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infin1ty-garden · 2 months
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✧. ┊ summary: you buy a new house but something already lives in the attic ✧. ┊ pairing: vampire! jill roberts x gn! human! reader ✧. ┊ warnings: blood & mention of killings ✧. ┊ word count: 509 ✧. ┊ author note: had a long break, now i'm back
masterlist. & 100 follower celebration
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You recently bought a house with a couple of friends. It was very cheap but also close to your college and somehow less expensive than an apartment. You knew it was too good to be true and it was. As there had been a serial killer living and luring their vitcums in this house. But that was a decade ago.
It had been a few weeks since you moved it. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened yet. You couldn't get the attic door to open. Your roommates decided to hire a locksmith to open it. When he finally arrived you were the only one home. He drilled through the lock and opened the door.
"You have a squatter," you were confused by this as there's no way up to the attic other than the door he just unlocked. He was sorely mistaken. "Fine, don't believe me but my job is done," he left. Now you were alone with whatever was in there. You decided to do the dumbest thing ever and go into the attic.
"You sweet brainless thing," you heard a voice. You quickly closed the door. Wishing you'd never opened it. A couple of days have passed since. Your roommate checks, only for there to be nobody there. Strange things have started to happen since. Things going missing (mostly yours), weird noises at night, dead animals appearing in your yard and so on.
What's weird is that you keep hearing the same voice, one that you don't recognise. It all changes when one night, while alone, you feel compelled to go to the attic. Once you enter you finally see the person who has been haunting you, Jill Roberts. A known serial killer that disappeared after the murders committed in this house.
She's been here this whole time. Hasn't aged a day. "Kneel," and you do as she says. You don't even wanna start questioning how and why she's here. "Not up to fight are we?" You look around at last seeing the attic properly. She gets annoyed by your lack of answer and pulls you towards her. She stares intently at you. Only now you notice her irises are red.
She swiftly stands up and starts making her way towards you. You lift your head to better meet her gaze. You hear the front door open. The sound of your roommates arriving echoes in the room. The attic door forcefully shuts. No one to help. No way out. Just you and the vampire. Jill grabbed your face and moved it to the side.
Slowly kneeling down in front of you. "This is going to hurt." She bit down on your neck. A bone crushing pain spreads through you. Within seconds it stopped and you collapsed to the ground. You wake up later. Unaware how much time has passed but instead of being in the attic. You are laying in your bed.
"We found you. It seems you somehow locked yourself up there," that explains a lot. Was the vampire real? You didn't want to know.
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Thanks for reading!
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lesaltywarlock · 2 years
A Regular Day For Griffin Fogarty
A story about how Griffin Fogarty met a Demon. 
I was working on Griffin’s profile when I thought about this fic I made a while ago, detailing the story of how he met his Servant. I want to make similar stories for the rest of the Masters as well, but...well, I’ll get to that eventually.
What a beautiful day, ain’t it? The sun’s shining, the birds are chirping, and the car exhaust is as rotten as it was the day before.
“What a beautiful day.” Griffin Fogarty repeated his inner monologue, only questioning his sanity for a few seconds before sitting up. Reaching his arms up above his head to stretch, he promptly banged his knuckles on the metal roof of the van he called home. He recoiled and rubbed his mildly sore hands. “Jesus, I really need to stop doing that.”
Seriously, there were indents from how often he’s done that. 
To start off the day, he did his morning routine as anyone would. He neatly folded his thin blanket and placed it on the upper right corner of his mattress before throwing open the van’s back doors and slipping on some gym shoes. Griffin hopped out onto the blacktop of the gas station parking lot to go buy some breakfast. 
The familiar jingle of digital bells greeted him when he entered, along with the bored expression of the clerk at the door. An old Italian woman, with a voice ragged and scratchy from years of smoking, but she was kind and gave him free reign of the drink machines. 
“Hey, Griffin.” They said, just like always, with a heavy accent. “Just the usual?”
“Yes, please! Oh, actually I just got paid yesterday, so I might be able to splurge a bit more this time.” He placed down a crumpled up ten dollar bill with a cocky grin. “I’ll actually pay for my coffee this time. 
The woman’s name tag reflected the morning sun into his eyes, displaying her name. Janice. She smiled at him, perhaps the first expression of interest she’s made today. “Really, now? Why don’t you use it for something better.”
He denied it at first, but she kept insisting, so he eventually relented. Griffin roamed the three short aisles of snacks and occasional premade meals before choosing out some trail mix, a salad, and a Gatorade for when he gets thirsty. There weren’t many options he could choose when it came to meals, as most of them contained meat, but he’s grown to like what little he had. He also got his usual coffee order, adding as much cream and sugar as humanly possible in the tall paper cup filled with slightly burnt vanilla flavored coffee. 
Janice scanned his things and handed him his precious change before they bid their farewells. Today was a weekday, and he only got gas on Sundays. He hopped into the ripped up, sun bleached driver’s seat of his van and sped off into the city he’s memorized like the back of his hand. 
The gym was his first stop, as always, where he greeted the man at the front desk who only worked Mondays before heading off to his usual round of machinery. He had no need for exercising this frequently every morning, but it was a nice way to get him energized and ready to take on the world. 
Also, gyms had showers, and since he didn’t exactly have a home, a corresponding gym membership would allow him to use said shower all he wanted. Which he did, for maybe a good thirty minutes afterwards. 
Today was an off day for him. The past few days have been off days for him, mostly because he couldn’t find work after being let go from his old job, and it was rare for anyone to come to him of all people for appliance maintenance or locksmithing no matter how much he advertised it online. The only exception was yesterday, when he miraculously snagged a job helping someone locked outside of their home. 
After changing into much cleaner and less sweaty clothes in his van, he then drove to the local library. Having a library card was also a much needed expense since they had free wifi, computers, and, of course, books! Grabbing his old backpack that was practically ripping apart from years of use, he headed inside and plopped onto his usual spot at one of the many wooden long tables inside. 
Griffin was still a student after all, taking a few online classes over the summer partly for fun and to finish off some electives he missed before. School was difficult, but having a full ride made things a bit easier, or at least it motivated him enough to keep trying for at least a B+. Without it, he’d probably have gone into debt which he sure as hell didn’t need when he didn’t even have a home.
His stomach’s incessant growling signaled the end of today’s work session. As he left the library and navigated through the parking lot, he mentally tallied up the money he had saved up along with the number of places to eat at. In the end, he decided on his favorite taco truck that was always close to where some of his friends lived. It was hard being on the streets as a vegetarian, but the owners of the truck were kind enough to start making vegetarian options for him. 
He was about to start the engine when he noticed a slip of paper peeking out from the lower left corner of his windshield. Griffin stared at it for a few seconds before fear ran through his spine. He let out a defeated sigh and got out to retrieve the ticket. 
“Come on, New York, what the hell did I do wrong this time?” He groaned and pushed the door open with his foot. “Seriously, you see a guy living in a van and think he’s a criminal or something….”
When he grabbed the ticket, he was surprised to see that it very much wasn’t a ticket. In fact, it was a parchment adorned with a golden eagle wax sealing. After peeling it off, he opened it up and read a fancily written letter. 
To the head of the Fogarty family, 
Fortune smiles upon you today, oh fallen blacksmith. You, whose family has all but perished, have been given a chance at redemption. The Holy Grail of legend, an all powerful wish-granter, has been planted in New York City. You and six other Mages shall conduct a ritual known as a Holy Grail War, in which you summon a familiar, a phantom of the past, at your side and defeat your fellow Mages so as to win ownership of the Grail. Only one Master and Servant will win this. If you search the back of your van, you will find the materials needed to start the process, however, a catalyst to help assist with summoning your Servant is not provided. Perhaps you already own one, as the heir to a family of talented armorers. 
Good luck, 
- Quentin Rambert
“What the fuck?” Griffin exclaimed aloud, turning the heads of a family entering the library and causing the parents to glare at him. His face heated up, and he yelled out, “sorry!”
Obviously, they didn’t care about his apology, and the kid didn’t care at all about what he said either.
He turned his attention back to the parchment in his hands, which weighed as much as the world itself. A chance to wish for anything he desired, and all he had to do was kill six other people and their familiars. 
Griffin wasn’t unfamiliar with the idea of killing someone, though he never did. He was still a Mage, and his pride as a Mage still burned within him no matter how long it’s been since he lost everything so many years ago. Nonetheless, he was still inexperienced, and he lived in a van of all things. If anyone found out, he’d be better off as death fodder. 
But…there was still a chance for him to win, right? All he needed was his familiar to fight with him and a catalyst to help summon them. 
He crawled into the back of the van through the driver’s seat and found a duffel bag containing another large parchment containing a summoning circle, the directions and incantations to summon the Servant, and an address. 
After looking it up on his phone, he discovered it was an old abandoned store in a practically barren part of town. It looked shady, but then again, most Mages were. 
Griffin weighed the odds, but he began to imagine seeing his family’s faces again. His mother’s kind smile and his father’s tough gaze that always encouraged him to succeed. He shut his eyes and pictured that scene countless times before coming to an answer. 
“Alright, Quentin. I’ll accept this offer of yours.” 
The only problem, of course, was a catalyst. Some item meant to help summon this Servant of his own. Considering he was homeless and also very poor, there wasn’t much that he had much less could use as a catalyst. 
But then a thought popped into existence in his mind. He hoisted the mattress off the floor of the van revealing a garbage bag filled with mementos of his past protected by bubble wrap. After rummaging through family pictures, documents, and some personal keepsakes from his parents, he found it. The first sword he ever made that earned his family’s approval, and it was the start of his journey as a Fogarty before it all came to a screeching halt. He sold a lot of his tools that came after that for money, but he could never quite let go of this one. The blade itself wasn’t perfect, with the edges slightly jagged and starting to rust from years of being hidden away. Even the pommel was barely attached to the hilt, and the leather sheath it was in had started to rot away.
But it was his, and maybe it could give him some badass Servant to boot. 
He drove to the address on the paper, only getting lost once trying to take a shortcut along the way. Eventually, he arrived at the empty square and headed inside past the cracked nonfunctioning automatic doors. 
Either a storm passed through it or a fight broke out, because the whole place was wrecked and filled with debris. A long gash wrapped around the entire store, with overturned shelves and carts all slashed in half in a manner that looked way too clean to be anything natural. Obviously, none of this was natural, but….
“You’ve accepted our invitation, then?”
The shadows spoke in a shrill, cocky voice. Emerging from the darkness came a young man several inches shorter than him. He was dressed in a black suit lined with gold, and the insignia of an eagle was branded on his shoulder. The man strutted his way over to Griffin, staring straight at him with green eyes shimmering with some sort of electricity. Smoothing his dirty blond hair back, he remarked, “call me Quentin. I’m the heir to—”
“The Rambert family. Famous and rich modern day aristocrats who’ve served New York for years. I-I read your stupid invitation or whatever.” Griffin waved the parchment around in his hands, only to realize that he just yelled at the heir of a rich and powerful family who could probably sick the fucking mafia or something on him. “Uh…I mean, yeah, I’ll be in your Grail War.”
“I’m a bit honored you know me.” Quentin stood up straight and bared his chest out in pride. “Then again, everyone knows me.”
“Why are you here?”
“To observe the birth of a new Master, of course.” They replied. “It’s not everyday that one gets to be in a Holy Grail War.”
Griffin wasn’t exactly buddy-buddy with any Mages, much less the famed Rambert family. He was immediately suspicious, and all of his brain’s alarms flared up with every passing second, but it’s not like he had a choice. If he rejected, there’s no telling what they might do to him. Though if he accepted, there was also a chance that Quentin might kill him on the spot. 
His only choice was to do the ritual.
He glared at the man but tried his best to continue as usual. He laid out the parchment of the summoning circle and placed his old sword in the center. Quentin raised a brow at it and said, “you’re trying to summon a Saber, then? Going for a strong Servant from the bat, aren’t you?”
“If it helps me win, then I’ll do whatever.” Griffin stepped back a few paces and held up the paper with the incantation. With a catalyst, it made the whole process much easier, so all he had to do now was start the ritual. 
“Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let fire and brimstone pay tribute. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate!”
The moment he started the incantation, energy poured out from his body in the form of flames that burned the parchment away, leaving the now glowing shape of the summoning circle. Quentin’s face was illuminated in the light, giving his cold expression an eerie glow. 
He continued. 
“Let it be declared now. Your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.”
His sword trembled, absorbing the summoning circle’s energy before shooting out a pillar of pure light up into the ceiling. A gust of wind shoved him back, but he managed to keep himself from falling over. As he spoke, a deep voice repeated his words moments after they left his tongue. 
“From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!”
The light promptly disappeared in the blink of an eye. The energy surging through the summoning circle faded away like embers crumbling off firewood. It was just him and Quentin once more. 
“Did…it work?” He asked above the ensuing silence. 
Quentin said nothing but pointed at his right hand. When he looked down, he found a lion’s head branded on his skin like a tattoo. Its jaws were open in a ferocious roar, with eyes that pierced right through his being. It burned, but no matter how much he rubbed at it, they didn’t smudge. 
“Those are your Command Seals.” Quentin explained. “They are proof of your title as Master. They’re powerful spells that allow you to order your Servant to do anything, regardless of power or will, but remember that you only have three. Use them wisely.”
Suddenly, they started to ache even more after hearing that information. Did they really just freely give him the spells to give his familiar absolute orders? Griffin looked around the store, not finding a single person, and a part of him wondered if the ritual actually worked. HIs Servant was nowhere to be seen. 
“I…uh, don’t know what to do now.” He murmured in a feeble attempt to fill the silence. 
“What we do now is kill each other.” 
Griffin choked on his spit. He stumbled backwards, tripping on an empty cart and falling on his ass. Quentin approached him at a snail’s pace, but it didn’t ease the fear creeping into his throat. “Wh-what?”
“With you, our final Master, the Holy Grail War has officially begun.” Lightning crackled between his fingertips which he clasped together, smiling with bloodlust. “The objective is to kill six of the seven Servants, but considering they’re much more powerful than regular humans, it’d be easier to target the Masters. Starting…with you.” 
Oh fuck. Oh shit. He was about to die. Griffin Fogarty was about to die. He tried to move, but found himself paralyzed by the growing static electricity in the air. His nose hairs burned with the scent of ozone as clouds gathered above them. Quentin snapped his fingers, sending a bolt of lightning to strike the ground in front of him. 
At first, he thought the man just had bad aim, but the sound of footsteps growing closer behind him told Griffin that it was done on purpose. It was a signal. 
He turned his head to come face to face with a spear flying straight at his chest, held by a warrior in silver armor. His brief, miserable life flashed before him, and it only made his impending doom feel even more disappointing. After trying so hard to turn his life around after losing everything, this was where it all ended. 
“Pick yourself up, Griffin Fogarty!” That same deep, echoing voice spoke both in his mind and in reality. Milliseconds later, a sword, his sword, deflected the warrior’s blow. The wielder was a samurai, or at least someone dressed in the thick plated samurai armor that he’s only ever seen in movies. Despite his sword being a standard European style longsword, they wielded it similarly to a kendo player and used it to parry the silver-clad warrior’s strikes with their spear. 
The samurai stared at him with blood red eyes, almost like a demon. His words shook Griffin to his core, like they were commands etched into his very being. “Your life shall not end here. Be brave, Master.” 
All of the fear and horror that froze him in place melted away. He pushed himself to his feet and looked over to Quentin’s direction. The man furrowed his brow in anger, yet he didn’t seem surprised by anything that happened. “Lancer! Distract that Servant, I’ll take care of him.” 
Electricity gathered in Quentin’s hands as he prepared a spell, but the samurai was much faster than that. He kicked the other Servant, Lancer, in the gut and sent them flying all the way across the store. Then, they were gone in the blink of an eye and reappeared right in front of Quentin, striking them in the nose with the butt of his sword. 
Their spell fizzled out as they stumbled back clutching their bloodied nose. Quentin glared at them as Lancer ran to his side with his spear pointed at Griffin. “Alright, you pissed off the wrong guy. Servant or not, you’re still outnumbered.”
The air shimmered as dozens of men with assault rifles appeared from the shadows aiming their laser sights at him. His Servant took up a defensive position, holding up an arm in front of him as some sort of shield. They then huffed and said, “I assure you that you are the one who is outnumbered.” 
Plumes of smoke swallowed up the men as the sounds of fighting ensued. Seconds later, when the dust settled, figures cloaked in dark blue clothing that blended in with the darkness stood over the now unconscious gunmen. For the sake of his sanity, Griffin ignored the blood staining their katana. 
Lancer took one step towards them before Quentin ordered them to halt. A smile formed on the man’s face, almost seeming satisfied as he applauded Griffin saying, “I must admit, you’ve outsmarted me. What may be a setback to my parents is a job well done for you. You’re one step closer to winning the Grail.”
“Is the Grail a trap as well?” He asked, “is all of this one big elaborate scheme?”
“I assure you that the winner will receive their prize in the end.” They answered, grabbing onto Lancer’s forearm. “I can’t assure you that I’ll help you, though. Maybe the other Masters will be willing to cooperate. Outside of us, there are five others that you will have a chance to meet tomorrow.”
Griffin tensed at the sound of meeting the other participants in this war. He couldn’t help but imagine Mages equally as powerful as Quentin, paired with deadly Servants that could take down a hundred men without so much as lifting a finger. His own Servant’s eyes burrowed into him as they said, “be calm. I will protect you with my life.” 
He gathered his courage and forced out his fears through a heavy sigh. “What do you mean by that?”
A few seconds passed before they replied, “a banquet will be held at the Rambert estate outside of the city. This will be your chance to assess the competition and for us to celebrate this momentous occasion. Please, try to wear something fancy. There’ll be a strict dress code.”
“B-but I live in a van, you think I have the money for a suit and tie?”
Quentin shrugged, “not exactly my problem, now is it? I don’t have the time to help you anyways. Being a Rambert’s pretty busy work. Come on, then, Lancer.”
With the loud crackle of thunder and lightning, the pair vanished. As his adrenaline faded, so too did his energy. He fell to his knees clutching at his chest trying to catch his breath. His Servant then pulled him to his feet and gripped him by the shoulders. “Are you alright, Master?”
“Y-yeah, thank you…for everything, and all that.” Griffin managed a smile. “So, you’re my Servant, huh?”
The samurai nodded before sheathing Griffin’s sword and hanging it at his waist, right next to the far sleeker curved katana. They bowed deeply as they said, “you may call me Saber. I shall be your blade from now on, Master.”
“Uh…just call me Griffin.” He laughed nervously. “Master’s…a bit weird of a name.”
“Lord Griffin, then.”
He had a feeling that was the closest Saber would get. Griffin motioned for them to leave the store, and as they did, he couldn’t help but eye the shadows wondering if those men from earlier were still in hiding. “Uh…Saber, where’d all your guys run off to?”
“They are my Noble Phantasm.” He explained. “I can summon them on command to fight and spy for the both of us.”
“Um, mind if I ask what that is?”
Saber nodded. “We Servants are Heroic Spirits, phantoms of figures of the past and fiction. We are given special abilities known as Noble Phantasms that represent the legends that we are known for. Some may wield holy swords, like the legendary King Arthur and Excalibur, while a samurai such as myself is given command over three hundred men. In turn, you are also given that same privilege.” 
Griffin’s mind wandered off to a certain BBC show of King Arthur, and how the king definitely sparked an interest in him. He threw that thought away as he slid out of the store and into the parking lot. The sun had set, bringing with it the blanket of night. He didn’t like being in parking lots at night outside of the gas station he’s basically called home for years. It was so dark, and sometimes eerie as well. However, Saber had such a strong presence that he felt the need to be strong as well. 
“Do you have a name, Saber?” He asked. “Your…real name. I don’t remember any samurai named Saber in history.” 
“It is just a cover name. There are seven classes of Servants in a Holy Grail War, and Saber is one of them.” They answered once more, and Griffin suddenly felt bad for asking so many questions to a man who only just came into being a few minutes ago. “My True Name…the name I was given in life…is Hanzo.”
“Hanzo…that’s a much better name than Saber.” Griffin laughed, throwing open the door to his van and sliding into the driver’s seat while allowing the Servant to rest in the back. “I’m guessing these True Names are supposed to be kept secret?” 
Saber nodded. 
“Huh…must be weird, you know, to never be called by your name. I wonder if you Servants ever forget who you were back in the day.”
No response. 
Griffin was beginning to see how most of their conversations would turn out. He hid his disappointment and drove out of the square, suddenly doubting his actions and the future. Perhaps most importantly, he began to doubt whether or not his wallet could handle having another mouth to feed. He could survive for today, sure, but what about the coming days? What about the literal suit and fucking tie he’d have to buy for tomorrow?
He decided to go and ask his friends tomorrow for help. They were all rich anyways, or at least they had homes unlike him, which Griffin considered wealthy enough. Too tired to do anything else, he pulled into the gas station, headed inside to fetch another pre-packed salad and a chocolate chip cookie as dessert, before flopping onto the mattress in the back of the van. 
Saber observed him as he wolfed down his food with reckless abandon. Griffin felt a bit awkward since he’s never exactly had guests in his van, but he did his best to ignore it. 
“Are you sure it’s safe to be out here, Lord Griffin?” Saber questioned, eyes roaming the nearly empty parking lot with a hint of unease. “We cannot be stuck out in the open like this, when there might be enemies at every corner.”
“It’s the safest I can manage.” He answered, “considering I don’t have a place to go other than this ol’ thing.”
Griffin proceeded to bang on the van’s walls, causing Saber to freeze and then slowly nod. “I see…so you have no home?”
“I’ve been living on the streets for a couple years now, ever since my parents died and their house burned down.” Griffin cleaned up his hands with some hand sanitizer before stuffing his trash in a plastic bag to throw away in the morning. “All they left me were this van and the tools they made, before I had to sell those for money. That sword I used to summon you is the only thing I couldn’t sell.” 
“It is a fine sword.” The Servant unsheathed the blade and held it up against the light pouring out from the gas station. “Whoever made this holds great potential as a craftsman.”
His chest burned with pride hearing those words, and he smiled, sitting up a little bit straighter. “Thanks. It’s the first sword I made that earned my parent’s approval. I could probably make a better one now, but…a blacksmith can’t exactly do his job without the tools, and buying those tools takes money that I obviously don’t have.”
It was the worst thing about his situation. If he just had the tools, he might just be able to start earning a living for himself. But in order to do any of that, he needed money, but he also needed money for food and paying for his phone or gas and all the fucking things homeless people still deal with despite not having a home. 
“A blacksmith?” Saber questioned, “there’s far more to you than meets the eye, Lord Griffin.” 
“Heh…yeah. My whole family line made their legacy as blacksmiths.” Griffin hung his head and conjured up memories of his childhood. The roar of a furnace and the constant hammering of metal always sounded so comforting to him. For a long time, he could never fall asleep without hearing the sounds of fire crackling in the background. “We made a lot of things…and I sold them all, just to get enough money to survive.”
In hindsight, it was a bit dumb, but he was a dumb teenager who didn’t know how to survive on his own. 
They sat in silence. Griffin shifted around before eventually laying down on his bed and wrapping himself as best as possible in his blanket. It was getting late, and if he wanted to wake up early to get that suit, then he’d best sleep now. Maybe it’ll give him a bit more time to dream as well. 
“Rest well, Lord Griffin.” Saber said. “My men and I will keep you safe, both you and your dreams.” 
He heard the Servant exit the van and shut the door. Normally, Griffin was still paranoid sleeping out in the open like this, even with the door’s locked, but today felt different. Then again, not everyone had some badass samurai and his retinue of three hundred ninja to protect them. 
As his eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion, Griffin fell asleep, and he fell into the warm embrace of his dreams where his mother and father still lived, and a place where he wished he could live as well.
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galactia · 2 years
On one fine day in Monstadt, Kaeya will return to his room to find a body pillow. What’s on the body pillow? Why a very suggestively posed Signe!
the mysterious body pillows of 2022
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.... what in the name of-
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His first thought was that he was going to have to get his locks changed. An expensive undertaking, really, what with the delicate and skilled work a locksmith would have to do. He didn't really have the mora to spare, but it couldn't be helped.
His second thought came out in a verbal, "The fuck."
And he was glad he was alone for the way he thought better of the wording.
The Cavalry Captain snatched up the pillow and stripped it of its outer case. The pillow itself, on brief inspection, was of fair quality, and he tossed it back on his bed, but the case (with its suggestively positioned Lady Signe and all) he folded meticulously.
Lady Signe, the following day, would find the pillowcase on her desk with a rolled letter atop it, bearing Kaeya's handwriting,
"Lady Signe,
I found this had been placed in my apartment by an intruder. Do with it what you will.
If I wish to take someone to my bed, or be taken to theirs, it must be with their full consent. I consider someone's likeness to be included in that.
I only bring your attention to it so you may take action against it.
Your Captain."
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itxplocksmith · 1 month
Locked Out? Get Instant Help with 24 Hour Locksmith Austin!
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When you find yourself locked out of your home, car, or business at an odd hour, having access to a reliable 24 hour locksmith austin is crucial. Emergencies don’t follow a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither should your locksmith. That's why choosing the right 24 hour locksmith austin is so important.
Firstly, a qualified 24 hour locksmith austin can offer you peace of mind. You never know when you might need assistance, and knowing that professional help is just a call away can significantly reduce stress during emergencies. Whether you’ve locked your keys in your car at midnight or need to rekey your home after losing your keys, a trustworthy locksmith will be able to provide prompt and efficient service.
Secondly, expertise matters. Not all locksmiths are created equal, and it's essential to choose one with the right credentials and experience. A professional 24 hour locksmith austin is trained to handle a wide variety of lock and key issues, from traditional locks to advanced security systems. This ensures that no matter what problem you face, it will be resolved quickly and without causing unnecessary damage to your property.
Lastly, transparency and trustworthiness are key factors. A reputable 24 hour locksmith austin will provide clear pricing and will be upfront about the cost of services, even during an emergency. This honesty helps avoid unexpected expenses and ensures you’re not taken advantage of during a vulnerable time. In conclusion, when choosing a 24 hour locksmith austin, it’s crucial to select someone who is reliable, skilled, and trustworthy. Doing so ensures that you’re prepared for any lock-related emergency, no matter the time of day.
0 notes
grandstrandlocksmith · 2 months
Key Duplication: Why You Should Always Have a Spare Key on Hand
Losing or breaking your keys can happen to anyone, so there's no need to feel embarrassed. Whether you misplace a key or find yourself locked out unexpectedly, these situations can occur at any time. Despite having reliable security systems, having a backup plan is crucial. This is where key duplication comes into play. You never know when you might need a spare key, especially during emergencies. If you're unsure about investing in a spare key, let's explore the reasons why it's beneficial to have one ready.
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Prevent Accidental Lockouts
One of the things that key duplication can help you with is preventing accidental lockouts. It can happen to anyone and it can range from a mild annoyance to a major setback. Having duplicate keys can help avert this situation. With a duplicate key, you can bypass any desperate attempt to get past the lock. Other actions may lead to property damage if not careful. You don’t want to end up breaking the door to get in your own home or car. If you don’t have a spare – which you should get soon – it’s best to hire professionals to help you get back in.
Reducing Key Breakage Wear and tear from constant use can cause keys to break. There would also be instances when keys bend out of shape. Whichever the situation, having a spare key helps when the old one becomes unusable. Now you can keep the original key stored away for emergencies while you instead use the copy for everyday use.
Make sure to have multiple copies available and switch around between these keys. Switching between each copy reduces the likelihood of them breaking or bending anytime soon.
Preventing Lock Damage
Another form of damage you should be aware of is lock damage. In connection to the key’s durability, a lock can also be subject to wear and tear if you’re not careful. Like the key, the lock also faces constant stress due to its usage. This makes it prone to breaking if not well maintained. Locks go through a lot of strain when you use old, bent keys and force them to open the door. When the worst-case scenario happens, like the door lock breaking, call a locksmith Grand Strand SC for help.
Maintaining Security
One good reason behind having a spare key available is with regards to security. There are many ways where having duplicate keys can help with maintaining security for your home and your vehicle. If you lose your car keys, having a spare can help you with bringing the car to the dealership. They can help you by replacing the door locks and providing you with a new set of keys to work with. When working with multiple staff members and you have multiple keys, you can establish restrictions according to position and rank through the use of a master key system.
Helps in Cutting Costs
Key duplication can also help you reduce costs and expenses. In the case of a broken key, having a replacement becomes cheaper and faster when you have a spare key. It eliminates the need to spend on other services to dismantle locks and such. This also helps in avoiding fees for calling a locksmith. You also won’t have to spend more in having the lock replaced if both the key and the lock broke.
You can see more advantages with key duplication than disadvantages. It helps you in sticky situations involving the loss of your keys. This way, you come prepared with a backup key and you can even choose to give a copy to those you trust.
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citynewsglobe · 2 months
[ad_1] Guaranteeing the security and safety of our properties and companies is a high precedence for a lot of people. One efficient method to improve safety and peace of thoughts is by rekeying locks. Rekeying locks includes altering the interior mechanisms of a lock so that a new key can be required to function it. This course of generally is a cost-effective different to changing your complete lock and might present added safety by stopping unauthorized entry. Nevertheless, one of many major issues for people contemplating rekeying locks is the price related to the service. Understanding the components that contribute to the price of rekeying locks may also help people make knowledgeable selections about their safety wants. Components corresponding to the kind of locks, the variety of locks to be rekeyed, and the complexity of the job can all influence the general price of rekeying locks. On this article, we are going to discover the ins and outs of rekeying locks and supply beneficial insights into the price of this service. By gaining a greater understanding of the components that affect the price of rekeying locks, people could make knowledgeable selections about investing in enhanced safety for his or her properties and companies. - Discover components affecting rekeying prices. Components affecting rekeying prices embrace the sort and model of lock being rekeyed, in addition to the variety of locks that should be rekeyed. Larger high quality locks or specialised locks could require extra time and experience to rekey, leading to increased prices. Moreover, the complexity of the keying system, corresponding to grasp key techniques, can even influence the general price of rekeying. It is very important take into account these components when searching for rekeying providers to make sure an correct price estimate and to keep away from any surprises in pricing. To delve deeper into the assorted components affecting rekeying prices, learn extra on how locksmiths decide pricing based mostly on lock varieties, keying techniques, and different variables to supply a complete understanding of the price to rekey locks for enhanced safety. - Perceive advantages of rekeying service. Rekeying your locks gives a cheap answer for enhancing safety in your house or enterprise. One of many major advantages of rekeying is the flexibility to keep up management over who has entry to your property. By altering the interior pins and comes of the lock, you possibly can render any present keys ineffective, guaranteeing that solely approved people can enter. That is particularly helpful for landlords with rental properties, owners who've misplaced keys, or companies seeking to restrict entry to sure areas. Moreover, rekeying is a faster and extra reasonably priced possibility in comparison with changing your complete lock, saving you money and time within the course of. To achieve a deeper perception into some great benefits of rekeying providers and the way they'll profit your safety wants, learn extra to know why rekeying is a beneficial funding for safeguarding your property. - Learn to lower your expenses. One essential side of managing your funds successfully is studying how to economize. This talent can have a major influence in your monetary well-being, serving to you construct a safe future and obtain your long-term targets. By understanding the significance of budgeting, avoiding pointless bills, and making knowledgeable buying selections, you possibly can create a sustainable monetary plan that prioritizes financial savings. Studying how to economize includes creating good habits corresponding to setting monetary targets, monitoring your bills, and discovering methods to chop prices with out sacrificing high quality. With the best methods in place, you possibly can construct a powerful monetary basis that gives stability and peace of thoughts for the long run. To discover extra suggestions and methods on how to
economize successfully and effectively, learn extra and begin implementing sensible steps in direction of bettering your monetary well being. In conclusion, investing in rekeying locks to boost safety is a prudent resolution for owners and companies alike. Whereas the price of rekeying locks can range relying on a number of components just like the variety of locks, complexity of the keying system, and the service supplier chosen, the peace of thoughts and improved safety it gives is invaluable. By participating knowledgeable locksmith service for rekeying wants, one ensures knowledgeable dealing with of the method, exact key slicing, and strengthened safety towards unauthorized entry. Finally, the expense concerned in rekeying locks is a worthwhile funding in safeguarding one’s property and family members, providing a way of safety that far outweighs the price. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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demoblocksmiths · 7 months
What's the Difference Between Rekeying and Replacing Locks?
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Are you facing issues with your locks? Perhaps you've lost your keys or moved into a new home, and security is a top priority. In such situations, understanding the difference between rekeying and replacing locks can help you make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget. Rekeying Locks: A Cost-Effective Solution Rekeying locks involves altering the internal mechanism of the lock so that it works with a different key. Essentially, the locksmith will change the pins inside the lock cylinder to match a new key, rendering the old key ineffective. One of the primary advantages of rekeying is its cost-effectiveness. Instead of replacing the entire lock hardware, which can be more expensive, rekeying allows you to maintain the existing locks while ensuring security. At Demob Locksmiths - Auto Locksmith Bournemouth, we specialize in rekeying services that cater to both residential and commercial properties. Our skilled locksmiths possess the expertise to rekey a wide range of lock types efficiently and promptly. Replacing Locks: Enhancing Security and Functionality On the other hand, replacing locks involves removing the existing lock hardware entirely and installing new locks in its place. This option is preferred in scenarios where the existing locks are damaged, outdated, or compromised beyond repair. Replacing locks offers a fresh start in terms of security and functionality. It allows you to upgrade to more advanced locking systems, such as smart locks or high-security deadbolts, providing enhanced protection for your property. At Demob Locksmiths, we understand the importance of robust security measures. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of lock replacement services tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whether you're looking to upgrade your home's security or enhance your business premises, our team is here to assist you every step of the way. Making the Right Choice for Your Needs When deciding between rekeying and replacing locks, it's essential to assess your individual circumstances and objectives. Rekeying is a practical solution for situations where you want to maintain existing hardware while ensuring security, such as moving into a new home or office. On the other hand, replacing locks offers a fresh start and the opportunity to upgrade to advanced security features. At Demob Locksmiths - Auto Locksmith Bournemouth, we prioritize customer satisfaction and security above all else. Whether you opt for rekeying or replacing locks, you can rely on our team of skilled locksmiths to deliver prompt, professional, and reliable service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Stay tuned for more informative articles from Demob Locksmiths - your trusted partner for all your locksmith needs in Christchurch, Bournemouth, Poole, Salisbury, and beyond! Read the full article
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Locksmith in San Francisco
Unintentional lockouts are a major annoyance and probably the most common reason why people require locksmith services. Simple mistakes can leave you locked out, such as leaving your keys at home, picking up the wrong set of keys, or accidently locking your key in the car. They provide a service for Locksmith in San Francisco. Even though it might be your first impulse to try to reenter on your own, doing so could result in expensive property damage. In many cases, you should think about hiring a professional locksmith. Make sure the locksmith you select is trustworthy, dependable, and reputable. And they ought to be accessible at all times.
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mzlocksmith · 8 months
Croydon Locksmith: Providing Top-Notch Security Solutions For Your Peace Of Mind
Introduction to Croydon Locksmith Welcome to the bustling borough of Croydon, where safety and security are paramount. In a world filled with uncertainties, it is essential to have peace of mind in knowing that your home or business is adequately protected. That’s where Croydon Locksmith steps in – your trusted partner in providing top-notch security solutions. With their expertise and dedication, you’ll be safeguarded against any potential threats. So please sit back, relax, and let us take you on a journey through the world of Croydon Locksmith, where safety meets innovation!
Why Security is Important in Today’s World
In today’s rapidly changing world, security has become a crucial aspect of our lives. With advancements in technology and the increasing prevalence of cybercrime, prioritizing the safety and protection of ourselves, our homes, and our belongings is more critical than ever.
One primary reason security is essential is personal safety. We want to feel safe in our homes and neighborhoods, knowing we are protected from threats or intruders. Investing in reliable security measures such as sturdy locks, alarm systems, or surveillance cameras can significantly reduce the risk of break-ins or burglaries.
Moreover, security plays a vital role in safeguarding valuable possessions. Protecting these assets should be a top priority, whether it’s expensive jewelry, electronic devices with sensitive information, or sentimental items that hold emotional value. Robust security measures deter potential thieves and provide peace of mind, knowing one’s valuables are well-protected.
In addition to physical security concerns Services Offered by Croydon Locksmith Croydon Locksmith is dedicated to providing top-notch security solutions for individuals and businesses in the Croydon area. With their extensive range of services, they can address any security concerns you may have and ensure your peace of mind.
One of the critical services offered by Croydon Locksmith is emergency lockout assistance. Whether you find yourself locked out of your car, home, or office, their team of skilled technicians is available 24/7 to help you regain access quickly and efficiently. They understand that emergencies can happen anytime, so they prioritize swift response times to ensure minimal disruption to your day.
In addition to emergency lockout assistance, Croydon Locksmith specializes in lock installation and repair. Whether upgrading outdated locks or replacing damaged ones, their experienced locksmiths utilize the latest techniques and high-quality materials to ensure optimal security levels for your property. By constantly staying updated with advancements in lock technology, they can offer you the most effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Furthermore, Croydon Locksmith offers a comprehensive range of residential and commercial locksmith services. From rekeying existing locks to installing master critical systems and CCTV cameras, they have the expertise required to enhance the overall security of your premises. They aim to protect against potential break-ins and provide valuable insights on safeguarding your property better.
Regarding automotive locksmith services such as car key replacement or ignition repair/replacement, Croydon Locksmith has also got you covered. Their skilled technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art tools necessary for handling various makes and models of vehicles efficiently.
No matter what type of security concern you may have – be it residential, commercial, or automotive – Croydon Locksmith has the knowledge and skills needed to provide practical solutions tailored specifically for you.
Croydon Locksmith understands the importance of security in today’s world and is committed to delivering top-notch services.
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originlocks · 10 months
Vehicle Locksmith Services in Perth
When it comes to your vehicle's security and accessibility, a reliable locksmith can be your best friend. In Perth, Western Australia, Vehicle Locksmith Perth is the go-to service for all your automotive locksmith needs. Whether you're locked out of your car, need a new set of keys, or require assistance with a malfunctioning transponder key, our team of skilled professionals is ready to help.
Why Choose Vehicle Locksmith Perth?
24/7 Emergency Services: Emergencies don't follow a schedule, and neither do we. Vehicle Locksmith Perth is available around the clock to assist you with any car-related lock and key issues, ensuring you're never stranded in an inconvenient situation.
Rapid Response: We understand the urgency of automotive locksmith emergencies. Our team is equipped with the latest tools and technology to respond swiftly to your location, so you can get back on the road as quickly as possible.
Comprehensive Services: Our expertise covers a wide range of services, including car key replacement, transponder key programming, lockouts, ignition repair, and more. Whatever your automotive locksmith needs, we have you covered.
Highly Skilled Technicians: Our locksmiths are trained and experienced in dealing with various vehicle makes and models, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even high-end luxury vehicles. They stay updated on the latest industry trends and technologies to ensure top-notch service.
Competitive Pricing: We understand that unexpected locksmith expenses can be a burden. That's why we offer competitive pricing and transparent quotes, so you know exactly what to expect, with no hidden fees.
Services Offered by Vehicle Locksmith Perth
Car Key Replacement: Losing your car keys can be a frustrating experience. Our skilled locksmiths can create a new set of keys for your vehicle, whether you need a standard key, transponder key, or remote key fob.
Transponder Key Programming: Modern vehicles are equipped with transponder keys that provide an added layer of security. If your transponder key is malfunctioning, our experts can reprogram or replace it to ensure proper functionality.
Lockout Assistance: Locking your keys inside your car or losing them can happen to anyone. Our team can quickly and safely unlock your vehicle, ensuring no damage is done in the process.
Ignition Repair and Replacement: If you're having trouble starting your vehicle due to ignition issues, our technicians can diagnose and repair the problem or replace the ignition if necessary.
Key Extraction: If a key breaks off inside your car's lock or ignition, we can extract it without causing further damage.
Lock Repairs and Replacements: If your vehicle's locks are worn, damaged, or need an upgrade, our experts can repair or replace them to enhance your vehicle's security.
Duplicate Keys: Having a spare set of keys is always a wise idea. We can create duplicates of your existing keys to ensure you're prepared for any unexpected situations.
Customer-Centric Approach
At Vehicle Locksmith Perth, we prioritize customer satisfaction. Our friendly and professional locksmiths are committed to delivering top-quality service with a smile. We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients based on trust, reliability, and exceptional service.
When it comes to your vehicle's locksmith needs in Perth, you can count on Vehicle Locksmith Perth for fast, reliable, and professional service. With our 24/7 availability, comprehensive services, competitive pricing, and skilled technicians, we're your trusted partner in ensuring the security and accessibility of your vehicle. Don't hesitate to contact us whenever you need automotive locksmith assistance in Perth.
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mrkhan75090 · 11 months
EVER Hosting Review - Full OTO Details + Bonuses
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EVER Hosting Review – Product Overview
Author: Venkatesh
Offering: EVER Hosting
Launch Date: October 17, 2023
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Initial Price: $17
Refund Policy: Yes, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Offering Types: Video, Software (Download), Software (Online), Service
Endorsement: Highly Recommended
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EVER Hosting Review – Product Creator
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EVER Hosting Review – What is EVER Hosting?
Introducing EVER Hosting, the World’s First Web Hosting with a 20x Speed Boost, enabling your customers to effortlessly host unlimited websites and domains at an unbelievably low one-time fee!
At EVER Hosting Review, our objective is to become more than just a hosting company; we aspire to be your website’s closest ally online. Envision your website flaunting lightning-fast load times and an impenetrable level of security, surpassing even the skills of a digital locksmith.
EVER Hosting Review is built on a foundation of honesty and a dedication to breaking through the virtual glass ceiling. We are committed to ensuring that every website, whether a microblog or an internet giant, receives royal treatment. Join us in the web hosting revolution, and let your website shine as a brilliant beacon in the vast online universe.
How Does EVER Hosting Work?
Step #1:
Login-in to our secure web-based server & add your domain names
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Step #2:
Choose your preferred website deployment app 
( e.g WordPress ) and use our 1-click function within our User-Friendly Control Panel
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Step #3:
Access & Control Your Websites From Anywhere
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Features and Benefits Of EVER Hosting
No Monthly Fees Ever…
100% Newbie-Friendly Interface… 
Easy-to-move your websites 
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Why You Must Choose Ever Hosting 
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World Class customer support
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No, currently we are offering a one time price for this tool. So, get this Infinite deal before reversing to Monthly subscription.
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dmllocksmithfrisco · 11 months
DML Locksmith Services - Frisco: Your Trusted Car Locksmith
When you're in need of car locksmith services in Frisco, you want a reliable and professional locksmith you can count on. That's where DML Locksmith Services in Frisco comes in. With a reputation for exceptional service and a team of skilled professionals, DML Locksmith Services is the go-to choice for all your automotive locksmith needs.
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Why Choose DML Locksmith Services - Frisco?
Prompt and Reliable Service
When you're locked out of your car or facing a key-related emergency, time is of the essence. DML Locksmith Services - Frisco understands this and offers swift response times, ensuring you're never stranded for long. Whether you're locked out in the middle of the night or during the busiest part of the day, their 24/7 availability guarantees assistance whenever you need it.
Experienced and Professional Technicians
DML Locksmith Services - Frisco only employs experienced and highly trained locksmiths. Their team is well-versed in handling all types of car locks and keys, and they use the latest techniques and tools to ensure your car is unlocked without damage.
Comprehensive Car Locksmith Services
DML Locksmith Services - Frisco offers a wide range of car locksmith services, including:
Car Lockouts: Accidentally locked your keys inside your car? DML Locksmith Services will get you back on the road in no time.
Key Replacement: Whether you've lost your keys or need a spare, they can create new keys on-site.
Ignition Repair and Replacement: Issues starting your car? Their experts can diagnose and repair ignition problems or replace faulty ignitions.
Transponder Key Programming: DML Locksmith Services can program and reprogram transponder keys to ensure your vehicle's security.
Key Extraction: If your key breaks off in the lock, their technicians can safely remove it without causing damage.
Lock Repairs and Replacements: Whether your locks are damaged or worn out, they can repair or replace them.
Affordable Pricing
Car locksmith services can be expensive, but DML Locksmith Services - Frisco offers competitive and transparent pricing. You'll know the cost upfront, so there are no surprises.
Emergency Assistance
Emergencies don't follow a schedule, and DML Locksmith Services - Frisco understands this. They're available 24/7 to help you in your time of need.
Local and Trustworthy
As a local business in Frisco, DML Locksmith Services is deeply invested in the community and takes pride in serving their neighbors. You can trust their commitment to providing the best service possible.
When you're in a bind and need car locksmith services in Frisco, DML Locksmith Services is the name to remember. Their prompt, reliable, and professional services, combined with competitive pricing, make them the top choice for all your automotive locksmith needs. Don't let a car lockout or key-related issue ruin your day; call DML Locksmith Services - Frisco, and get back on the road with confidence. Your trusted locksmith is just a phone call away!
Name - DML Locksmith Services - Frisco
Address - 8750 Main St #220, Frisco, TX 75033, United States
Phone no. - (972) 987-5667
Website - https://dmllocksmith.com/frisco/
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