#why ask what I’m doing if you’re not gonna respond within like 10 minutes
stonerchick8131 · 1 month
I think my biggest pet peeve is when someone asks you “supp, what’s up, what are you upto? Or even wyd” and then they ignore you for 2-3 hours and then you start to feel like you’re not important…
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 16
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 16
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3100 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost…
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10   Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14  Part 15
gif credit: @benbarnxs
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Part 16
You were straddling Billy, riding him, your hips undulating atop his body. His fingers tightly gripped your waist, getting ready to take charge so you were underneath him, but you refused to submit. Instead you grabbed his hands and pinned it above his head. As you hovered above him, he arched up to kiss you but you shifted back, instead staring down at him intently. He growled at you before he rolled over unexpectedly, taking you along with him.
As he thrust into you, harder and rougher each time, you began to slide off the bed. In your new position, you caught sight of Adam on the floor. His corpse was wrapped up in a rug, only his head sticking out-
“Hey.” Billy pulled you up so you were now sitting across his lap, facing him. “Look at me. Only me.”
Only a few seconds ago he was biting you as you clawed at him, both of you desperate to possess each other. Your movements had been savage, animalistic even, but now Billy was kissing you languidly, his hand brushing the back of your hair while the other settled on the small of your back. You were directing the rhythm of the thrusts now, setting a slower pace so you could fully enjoy the feel of his cock stretching your insides oh-so-tantalizingly. Your forehead braced against his, you closed your eyes and lost yourself to the flood of emotions that overcame you.
It was after midnight. Billy had come home with you and both of you were in bed, you nestled against him while he spooned you from behind. Even though you were tired, you couldn’t sleep. Your brain was working overtime processing everything that happened in the last few hours. He stirred next to you, dropping a tender kiss on your bare shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” he murmured. You may have been fully alert but he sounded absolutely exhausted.
“Are you sure they’ll be thorough with the cleaning?”
“Yeah.” Throwing his arm over you, he covered your hand with his. “These guys are not amateurs. They know what they’re doing. There won’t be any traces of us left in that room.”
“And Adam’s body-”
“Will be disposed of.”
“But how do you know you can trust these guys? What’s stopping them from blackmailing-”
“’cause money talks, babe. That crew is very well paid.” He squeezed your palm. “I’ve used them in the past. No trouble yet.”
With his military career you were already aware of his violent past, but you also sensed he had a long hit list aside from that. When he’d realized your plans for Adam, he hadn’t been remotely shocked at the idea of you killing another person. In fact, as you stabbed Adam repeatedly, Billy had looked at you with such pride and reverence that it had left you breathless.
“What we did tonight, you know what that means, don’t you?”
His voice brought you out of your reverie. You exhaled a deep breath, drawing circles on his palm. “That we’re bad people.”
“No, we’re survivors. We take down anyone who gets in our way.”
“He didn’t come after you,” you reminded him. “You didn’t have to get involved.”
He turned you around to face him. “Nobody threatens you and gets to live after that.”
Your heart pounded in your chest. When he looked at you with such intensity, you were almost ready to believe anything.
He cradled your face, his thumb caressing your bottom lip. “We’re connected now. Forever. Because of tonight.”
You didn’t understand how his words could evoke such conflicting emotions within you. On one hand your stomach fluttered with excitement, he was saying things you’d wanted to hear for a long time, but then there was the fear. Doubt. Uncertainty. You forced a smile, hoping some levity would lighten the situation. “You make it sound like we’re married or something.”
Disgust flooded over his face. “Fuck, no. Marriages end. One day you’re bragging about being in love, next it’s all over. It’s not based on anything real. But we are.” He reached for your hand, which was resting on the pillow between you and him, and intertwined his fingers through yours. “I saw you tonight, the real you. And you saw me. No pretenses, no boundaries. And you didn’t run. You didn’t even flinch.”
“Neither did you.” You lifted your eyebrow. “You were rock hard.”
“I always am around you.”
His words made the heat rise in your cheeks, which he noticed right away. Giving you a teasing smile, he leaned in closer to give you a peck on the cheek. “Are you blushing?”
“Shut up.”
Billy’s eyes remained locked on you, simply staring at you with sleepy eyes. “I don’t like who I was when I thought I lost you. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t work. Every time I closed my eyes I imagined you fucking this other guy, kissing him. Even the thought of you talking to him made me want to burn it all down.”
Your heart ached at how tired he looked. Scooting closer, you started massaging his forehead. When he closed his eyes, you dropped a gentle kiss on each of his eyelids, the beauty mark just below his right eye, before snuggling him tightly in your arms. “Sleep, Billy.”
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” he murmured drowsily.
You smiled. “It is my apartment.”
He didn’t respond, already fast asleep. You tried to do the same but couldn’t; there were too many thoughts running around in your brain. You had assumed you’d feel guilty about taking a life; you didn’t. You remembered the vicious, contemptuous anger in Adam’s eyes when he’d held you at gunpoint, and how he’d threatened to kill others in your team, and all you felt was relief. Relief that he was dead and no longer a danger to you.
Billy stirred next to you, drawing your attention. You reached out to hold him, your touch feather-light so as not to wake him up. He looked calm and peaceful, unlike the haunted and distraught way he appeared earlier in the hotel room. It was still hard to digest that he’d been so unhinged at the thought of losing you. But the thing that resonated with you the most was that he hadn’t been able to hurt you despite all of the anger he’d felt. Growing up the way you had, you were always on alert for things to turn violent at any moment. One wrong comment or an innocent gesture - hell even a lone pair of sock on the floor - had the potential to trigger your father’s temper and turn things violent. During those moments his rage was uncontrollable, and as a result you always worried about how people reacted when they were furious. The fact that Billy hadn’t hit you even though he’d been completely enraged made you realize you were physically safe with him.
Maybe emotionally as well. For so long you’d had difficulty believing he could reciprocate your feelings yet you couldn’t ignore how devastated he’d been. Nor could you rationalize away his emotions. It still felt surreal but he did truly care about you, and the thought filled you with warmth and made your heart soar with happiness.
You brushed your lips against his, hoping Billy’s comforting presence next to you would help you relax. However, fifteen minutes later sleep still alluded you. Eventually you decided to do something useful and work instead. Carefully sliding out of bed so you didn’t disturb him, you tip-toed out of the bedroom. Immediately you felt the soreness in your body, an after effect of the rough sex you had with Billy in the hotel room earlier. Grabbing a nearby throw, you were soon nestled in your favourite spot on the chaise lounge, working away on your laptop.
An hour later you heard footsteps behind you and you turned around to find Billy yawning, clad in boxers, his hair all ruffled.
“Why aren’t you in bed?” he grumbled.
You scooted over to give him space to sit on the chaise but he seemed to have other ideas in mind as he took a seat behind you. You found yourself settled between his legs, your back nestled against his chest, as he caressed down the length of your arms.
“I couldn’t sleep. Figured I might as well do something useful.”
“What corporate shit are you working on?” he teased, playfully grabbing your laptop to look at your screen. You smacked his arm right away, shutting the screen and pushing the laptop away.
Billy purposely rubbed his face against the base of your neck and you started giggling at the sensation of his prickly beard on your bare skin. “Stop,” you whined. “It tickles.” you squealed loudly, trying to jump out of his arms but he held you in a tight grip.
Finally he stopped, and as you struggled to catch your breath, you slapped his arm playfully. “You’re such a jerk.”
He chuckled, hugging you tightly from behind. “That’s for ignoring all my calls since Tuesday.”
“I’m still not unblocking your number,” you retorted. His beard scraped along your shoulder, making you squeal again. “Okay, fine. Sorry!”
“Swear that you’re not gonna block me again.”
You turned around in his arms, resting on your knees as your arms looped around his neck. Smiling down at him, you nuzzled your nose with his. “Swear that you won’t act like an asshole again.”
“Can’t really do that.”
“Exactly.” He tucked your hair behind your ear. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the tender affection on his face, the warmth of his gaze spreading slow, languid heat throughout your body. “You should go back to bed. You still look tired.”
“I’ve had a rough week.”
You pouted your lips. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“Want to make it up to me?” he asked, cocking his eyebrow at you.
”How? By sucking you off?” you teased, running your fingers through his hair.
“Move in with me.”
Your hands stilled on him, finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden. At first you thought he was joking but the solemn expression on his face made you realize otherwise. You moved away, putting much needed distance between the two of you.
“That’s not funny, Billy.”
Maintaining a rigid posture on the chaise lounge, he shrugged his shoulders. “Not meant to be. I’m dead serious.”
“You know that’s ridiculous, right?”
“Why? ‘cause I wanna keep you safe?”
“The threat is gone. I took care of it.”
“We took care of it,” he said pointedly. “A threat which you didn’t even tell me about.”
“I explained that to you already.” Feeling defensive, you started pacing the floor. “You promised you’d have your guy stop tailing me.”
“Sure. As soon as I know you’re not gonna keep things from me again. You moving in will help with that.”
“So if I don’t move in, you’ll have me followed 24/7?” Anger surged through you, you were so furious you wanted to scream. “That’s fucking blackmail.”
“Relax. No need to be so dramatic about it.”
You grabbed the closest cushion you had and flung it at him, enraged by his patronising tone. “We barely know each other-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he interjected, finally moving to stand up. His eyes were pitch black, his jaw clenched. “You and I killed someone tonight! You took my hand, my knife, and we stabbed the bastard in the heart with it, together. We fucked while he drew his last breath and now you’re feeding me this bullshit?” He stormed towards you. “No! I’ve seen your darkness and you’ve seen mine. There’s no one else in this world that knows us better than we know each other.”
You shook your head, flabbergasted by his reaction. “This is insane. I can’t move in with you. We haven’t even gone out on a real date because you said I was boring!”
“If you believe that then you really are a fucking idiot!”
You stiffened, his words ringing in your ear. Fucking idiot. Something your father used to call you repeatedly, his tone full of hate and vitriol when he lashed out at you. It started with a fucking idiot then spiralled into bitch and whore and everything else hurtful under the sun. You swore to yourself you’d never accept being spoken to like that by another person yet here you were, being insulted again by someone who was supposed to care about you.
You retreated back from Billy, careful to keep your distance from him, and leveled him with a cold glance. “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again.” 
Your voice may have been deceptively calm but there was a storm brewing inside you. You desperately needed some space. As you moved away from Billy and headed to the kitchen, he tried to block your path but you immediately pushed him away. “Don’t touch me!”
You quickly sidestepped past him and entered the kitchen, heading for the cabinet where you kept your bottle of whiskey. Pouring yourself a glass, you slowly sipped the liquid to soothe your frayed nerves and forget the memories Billy had just unleashed in you.
Even as the words left his mouth, Billy knew he’d made a mistake. He regretted what he said instantly, even more so when he realized how much the words had stung you. The last thing he wanted was to cause you pain but he couldn’t seem to help himself. The more he tried to hold on to you the more you slipped through his fingers.
After giving you a few minutes to calm down, he entered the kitchen behind you. You were standing in the opposite corner, drinking the hard stuff, which further signalled how shaken you were. Billy knew Scotch wasn’t something you enjoyed, you only drank it when you were messed up.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I shouldn’t have said that. It won’t happen again. I swear.”
You didn’t acknowledge him, and it hurt like hell.
“When I think about you pulling away from me, it makes me lose my mind.” He swallowed audibly, desperately trying to get through to you. “I’m all in when it comes to us but it feels like you always have one foot out the door.” He took hesitant steps towards you while your eyes still remained on the countertop, refusing to meet his gaze. “I keep fucking up but I’ve never felt this way before. I don’t know what I’m doing. I just can’t lose you, Y/N.”
“I’m not built like you, Billy,” you finally spoke, turning to look at him. “I have doubts. I’m constantly dealing with insecurities. It takes me time to trust people, and I just can’t rush into things head-on.”
“And I’m someone who hustles. I go after everything I want with guns blazing. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have Anvil.”
“But I’m not a thing, Billy. I’m a person, and you can’t push me into doing stuff I’m not ready for.”
He exhaled a resigned sigh. “I know. It’s ‘cause I get paranoid when it comes to you. You’re a closed book and you never tell me anything.” His eyes scanned yours, his stomach clenched with anxiety. “I don’t even know how you feel about me.” It was the first time he’d voiced that thought, something he didn’t even realize he felt until this very moment. You wanted him, that he knew, and you’d even confessed you loved him once but he didn’t really believe in that bullshit. What mattered to him was if you needed him as much as he did you. The idea of not having you in his life drove him insane, but did you feel the same way? He didn’t think so and it bothered the fuck out of him.
You set your glass down on the counter before reaching out to cradle his face, your soulful eyes meeting his emotional gaze. “I want to be with you, Billy. I like you so much that it scares me.”
Your words brought with them a tidal wave of relief that swept over him like a calm breeze. It was like he could breathe again. He pulled you close, his forehead against yours as he simply held you. “Don’t be scared, babe. I don’t bite.”
“That is a complete fucking lie,” you retorted. “I still have the marks from earlier to prove it.” Your smile faded again as you held his stare. “But I need you to be patient with me. You can’t bully me or get mad if I don’t want to rush into things.”
He nodded his head. “I won’t.”
“I’ve only ever had myself to rely on. And the thought of trusting you? Relying on you? It scares the hell out of me. Because there’s always a voice in my head that’s reminding me I need to go back to being alone when we end things.”
“I need to kill that voice.”
You chuckled, reaching out to loop your arms behind his back. “It shuts up eventually. It did in the hotel room when I saw how fucked up you were without me. That’s when it sunk in you actually do like me.”
“It took you that long to believe it?”
You gave him a sad smile. “Yeah. You did tell me I was boring.”
He groaned right away, regret washing over him. He should never have said those fucking words to you. “You’re not boring. You’re smart. And hot.” He kissed your left cheek. “And sweet. And funny. And mine.” Then the right cheek. “And when you lecture me about cybersecurity, I get so hard.”
“Whatever. You’re the one who wanted to know more about the topic,” you grumbled.
He grinned, giving you a tender peck on the lips. “I can listen to you talk for hours and hours-“
“Shut up.” You pressed your palm over his mouth.
Wrapping his arms around you, he lifted you off the ground and started carrying you back to the bedroom. “Forever actually, if you’re naked.”
“Not once have I lectured you naked.”
He dropped you on the bed. “Yeah, exactly. Time you start.” He jumped into bed, rubbing his beard on your face again as you started squealing.
A few minutes later you were both panting for air, staring up at the ceiling. “Just to make it clear, I’m not moving in,” you huffed through laboured breaths.
He turned to look at you, smirking. “Fine, but I’m taking you out tonight. Proper date and all.”
The most beautiful smile graced your face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You were a ray of sunshine beaming up at him and Billy’s heart felt so full he worried it would explode. If he could, he’d freeze this moment forever.
Part 17
A/N - As always, your wonderful feedback is what keeps me inspired to write and post consistently. I was initially nervous about this chapter because the characters experience a gamut of emotions but it was necessary. I hope you like and enjoy this chapter. Feedback, as always, is very much appreciated and feeds my soul :)
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seita · 3 years
— reacting to your death.
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includes: oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki, + kyoutani.
+ this is childhood friend!reader.
tw: major character death, grieving, blood and violence mention.
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p a r t o n e ;;
⤿ part two: next (coming soon!)
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-ˋˏ seijoh ˎˊ-
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— tooru oikawa.
to tooru, the best course of action is to ignore it.
ignore the hurt, ignore the pain.
ignore the news completely.
in his mind, you’re just on vacation. or maybe you’re mad at him and ignoring him. you’ll come back.
he makes up scenarios and reasons in his head for why you’re not around. iwaizumi is angry, always yelling at him for being an idiot when he brings you up. but he doesn’t understand why.
he won’t talk about it. he doesn’t even acknowledge you’re gone until the funeral.
his hands are clasped in front of himself. the suit is uncomfortable and he doesn’t want to approach the casket. iwaizumi stands beside him, a sharp scowl plastered on his face.
“are you finally ready to face it?” he asks, keeping his voice quiet so the grieving people around them aren’t disturbed.
oikawa huffs out a laugh but it’s shaky -- watery. he’s trying so hard not to cry that it’s making his throat close up painfully. iwaizumi relaxes beside him with a sigh, his shoulders sagging before placing his hand on the taller’s shoulder.
“she wouldn’t want you to ignore it, shittykawa,” oikawa wants to laugh at his friend using that name even in the current situation.
typical iwaizumi.
always a pillar. always trying to be the strong one.
suddenly, oikawa finds himself wondering what your place in their little dynamic was. it feels like he can’t even remember you properly. it’d only been a few days since they lost you and it already feels like he’s...
“i don’t want to forget her,” oikawa suddenly chokes out, unable to stop his tears from falling finally.
“well then don’t dumbass,” iwaizumi’s voice was breaking, choked as he cried but oikawa didn’t want to look because he didn’t want to see his other friend falling apart as well.
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— hajime iwaizumi.
he does not have good coping methods. his first and most immediately reaction is denial. he doesn’t want to believe what he’s hearing, so he just...doesn’t.
he assumes everyone is lying to him. there’s no way he could lose you. you’d been his friend since you were children; it’d always been you, iwa, and oikawa. so how could you possibly just be...gone?
the answer? you couldn’t.
that’s what he chose to believe, anyway.
“what are you talking about, shittykawa?” he snaps, refusing to pull his nose from his notes, “i think this has to be your worst joke yet.”
“it’s not a joke,” oikawa sighs, shuffling on his feet as he sniffles. if iwa chanced a look up at him, he’d see his friend had been crying for hours. but he wouldn’t look. because he didn’t want to see it, “her mom tried calling you...couldn’t get a hold of you. so i thought i’d...”
iwa slammed his notebook down, glaring straight ahead, “i told you to stop playing these stupid fucking jokes on me. it’s not funny.”
“get the fuck out,” iwa jumped to his feet, grabbing the other brunette by the shirt.
the fabric creaked as it stretched. but oikawa didn’t put up a fight, letting iwaizumi toss him out of his bedroom door. he hit the floor with a thud before wincing at the deafening slam of the bedroom door.
iwaizumi sit back down, pulling up your text message. he had never answered your text asking if he would be alright studying on his own today. he had meant to answer but just forgot. his thumbs moved across the keyboard, eyes blurring with tears as he typed.
“come over. we can hang out together, okay?”
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— issei matsukawa.
he was the first to admit that he wasn’t the best friend to have. he was sort of ghosty and a bit unreliable. he doesn’t mean to be. you knew that. he knew you did.
so there’s no way you would be upset with him, right? not for what he did.
he lets his own guilt eat him alive. even if everyone on earth told him it wasn’t hit fault -- he still puts every ounce of blame upon himself.
he lets it eat him alive. he thinks he deserves it.
because he let you down.
he stared at his phone. sometimes he could clearly see what he was looking at and other times it felt like he blacked out.
it was your text thread.
it wasn’t unusual for him to ghost you. he was never very talkative. you liked to tease him about it from time to time.
still, looking back, he could have at least responded this one time.
he doesn’t even remember what he was doing. probably nothing as important as it felt at the time.
“can you come pick me up?” it was a simple question. he hadn’t even bothered to ask where you were. if he had, he would have known you were only 10 minutes by car. it would have taken no time at all to stop what he was doing and go get you.
he wonders how long you had stared at his read receipt, wondering if he was going to come. he’ll never know.
he’ll never know the answer to why you were out so late. why you needed him to pick you up. how you felt in your last moments. he wondered if you thought of him then. if you blamed him. if you were sad or hurt by his ignoring you.
why didn’t he just go get you? why didn’t he answer you?
if he had, you would still be safe.
he wishes he could talk to you again. tell you that he was sorry. he didn’t know how important it was. he didn’t know you were scared -- that you weren’t safe.
he wanted to apologize, tell you that whatever stupid shit he was doing was nowhere near as important as you were.
he wanted to know if you had thought about him in your last moments -- the one person you had reached out to for help.
only for him to fail you.
he just wishes you knew that he didn’t mean to let you die.
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— takahiro hanamaki.
it’s gotta be a joke, right?
ha-ha really funny. come out now.
when you don’t he’s confused. this really isn’t funny.
you can’t be gone. you can’t. because he needs you.
who else is going to help him during exams. or laugh at his terrible jokes. or make him feel better when he has his heart broken. what about when he’s sick? who will make him that amazing soup that always has him better in a day?
he refuses to let you go. he can’t be without you. it’s just not realistic.
so just...come out of wherever you’re hiding now, okay?
he tries to force the smile to remain in place as he stares at the unfamiliar faces in front of him.
“what um...what do you mean?” he laughs nervously, placing his hand to rub nervously on the back of his neck.
they repeat the news. it goes in one ear and out the other. he laughs, ignoring the confused look on their faces.
he takes a few steps back, shaking his head.
“that’s a...real funny joke. i’m just gonna...” he feels tears stinging at his eyes but he doesn’t know why. it’s obviously just a joke. he doesn’t want to be that dork who cries over a practical joke, “go call her now.”
they don’t try to call him back, pity on their faces as he slumps away, phone in hand as he dials your number. he’s pretty sure he’s far enough away when he starts crying at the sound of your voicemail.
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— kentarou kyotani.
kyoutani copes violently. if there is one thing he doesn’t like, it’s change. and there’s no bigger change than losing someone you’ve known your entire life.
he didn’t have many friends -- really you were the only one he was comfortable actually giving that title. so without you, he had no one. he refused to let you go.
anger builds and builds.
and without you there to mellow him out like you usually do...it explodes.
there’s a fist sized dent in the wall. or maybe 4.  his knuckles are busted open and bleeding but he doesn’t feel the pain. his shoulders are heaving but even after lashing out he doesn’t feel better.
what is he supposed to do?
usually he calls you.
usually you come waltzing into his bedroom with a frown, ‘kenta, you can’t do that!’ you’d scold him. but you wouldn’t.
he knew you wouldn’t.
but that didn’t stop him from hoping.
god, he wanted you to walk in so bad. even if you didn’t knock. sometimes he would get so mad at you for that. but right now, he would give anything to hear his bedroom door fly open.
he held his fist close to his chest, squeezing his eyes closed to keep himself from crying. he never cried. he didn’t want to start now. he clenched his jaw together aimed his fist at the wall again, a large cracking noise coming from the plaster as if caved under the pressure.
then, almost as if it were out of his best dreams, the door clicked open. he whirled around with wide eyes, hope sparkling within them.
only to find the troubled face of tsukishima there instead of you.
kyoutani finally allowed himself to cry.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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mayansmcsblog · 3 years
Her world or mine
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I have no idea when i wrote this but i found it in my drafts half done so i finished it and- yh that's about it😅
This was meant to be based upon the song her world or mine but i got off track so its only loosely based upon it.
word count: 3640
He hasn't used the truck for weeks, he had no reason to anymore, being in it only brought back memories of you. The long drives, the short drives too. The way you would hold his hand while he was driving or how you would remind him to pay attention to the road when he looked in your direction for too long. All the memories were fresh within his mind- almost as if it was yesterday. 
Even now, he was only sitting in it, he had to do the beer run and obviously that couldn't be done on a bike, he had to take the truck, but all he could think about was how you used to sit in the passenger seat beside him. He could see it in his mind so vividly, if he didn’t know you had moved on he would swear you were sitting with him. 
Looking at the dash his gaze caught the Polaroid photo that was still in its place next to the radio. Your face accompanied a smile whilst his had his usual ‘tough’ man expression, but if you looked close enough, you would be able to see a small smile placed upon his lips. You took it at one of the infamous Mayans parties, he remembered how it took you around 10 minutes to ‘convince’ him to take it, he wanted to take it from the moment you suggested it but he wondered how far you would go to get him to do it
“Please” you had been begging him for the last 5 minutes in attempt to get him to take a photo with you but to no avail
“No” you two were sitting on the bench outside the clubhouse, people surrounding the both of you, everyone was involved on their own conversations so neither of you paid any mind to them. Of course he was still aware of his surroundings but was more relaxed than usual
“But come on” you begged
“No y/n” he kept his face as straight as he could but you could slowly see a shadow of a smirk forming upon his lips
“No face no case” he shrugged with a slight smirk on his face, clearly that was a lie. Not even 20 minus prior you had taken a photo of all of the club members standing outside of the clubhouse per bishop’s request so he could frame it and hang it somewhere within the clubhouse to show off the members.
“Why are you so stubborn?”
“Why are you so adamant? “He questioned
“Because what?” standing up he motioned for you to do so as well,
“Just because”
“Come on follow me”
Standing up you took this hand as led you away from the party,
“Where are we going?”
“To take this god damn photo”
Recalling that night he felt a pain inevitably run across his chest, sure you two were only friends when it was taken but that night was the foundation for building the relationship you two once shared. 
Why had he been so stupid to let you go?
He knew he would have to drive past your place to get to the brewery, it was inevitable really. There was no other way unless he was going to drive an extra 30 minutes, which he didn't have time for.
when he reached the turn in to your street he slowed down a little, looking at your house from a distance he could see a car he didn’t recognize in the driveway. As he got closer he could see two people on the porch, he immediately recognized you accompanied by some guy. 
Of course you had someone else.
Sitting on the couch you couldn't help but let your mind drift back to him, you missed his smile, you missed the way he would have a running commentary while watching anything on the TV, you missed how he would hold you after a long day, you missed everything about him.
“You’re thinking about him again, aren't you?” 
You did nothing but hum in response
Your brother had elected to stay with you for a few weeks while he was on a business trip for some type of expansion for the company he worked for. Originally it was a good idea, it kept you mind off Ez, but the more time your brother was here, the more he talked about his wife back home and how he couldn't wait to get back to her just made you think about how you don't have someone in your life to look forward to anymore, you no longer had someone you could tell everything to, someone who would stay by your side, someone you knew would be waiting for you when you were away from home. As much as you loved your brother, you were thankful he was leaving tomorrow
“Im gonna go get a drink” standing up you heard your brother mumble something in response but you elected ignored him and heading to the kitchen.
As you approached the fridge you spotted the picture of you and Ezekiel stuck on the door. You were pretty sure it was Coco who had taken when him, you, Ez and Angel went over the border for a day because none of you had anything to do and for some reason Mexico was the first thing that was suggested. You had been meaning to get rid of it but couldn't bring yourself to. Alot of memories were collected between the four of you, some of them you were just not ready to let go of yet.
By now he was probably already in another relationship so why were you still holding on?
Grabbing a bottle of water you headed outside and sat on the porch steps. You knew there was a party at the clubhouse tonight, Angel had invited you to come, but you knew Ez would be there. 
Did you really want to see a girl all over him while you're still here alone? Because that would definitely happen
Maybe he wouldn't be there? Or maybe he would be too busy doing stuff to even realize you were there 
You were too wrapped up in your own mind to even realize your brother had stepped outside till you heard a creak from the wood behind you 
“you okay?" He asked sitting beside you
You two sat in silence for a few moments before he started talking once again
“I love you ye? Don’t let that boy ruin you. He lost you by his own fault. You did nothing” he rambled on about how you should have been treated better and how Ez lost the best thing he could ever have. But you knew he was wrong.
Ezekiel always treated you like a queen, your brother met him one time and barely spoke to him for longer than five minutes. As far as you were concerned you brother didn't know anything about him
While he was rambling you were looking into the distance, mainly just looking at the sky but you could have sworn you saw his truck drive past, but maybe you were just seeing things right? His truck wasn't the only one, there were probably millions of them.
The party was in full swing, people were everywhere, the room full of patches from all over. mass amounts of people from charters were visiting in celebration of a new deal with the sons, leaving Ez to tend the bar along with some hang rounds.
Wiping down the bar he couldn't help but think about you for the billionth time today. He knew you two broke things off but it didn't mean you had to leave everyone from the club behind as well as him.
"Bro what the hell is wrong with you?" Angel questioned
"Nothing" shrugging his shoulders he dropped the bar rag and turned to get angel a beer from the fridge behind him
"Stop lyin man, what's going on in that head?" Angel knew his own brother better then to believe 'nothing' was going on with him, something was always going on up in Ez's brain, even if he didn't admit it
"I dunno man, I just think it's weird how y/n left us you know?" Ez shrugged again, handing angel a beer
"She didn't leave us. She’s distancing herself. Got a lot of family shit going on right now" he explained, you kept Angel in the loop with everything, after all he was your best friend even before Ez and you got together, if Ez wouldn't tell you something- Angel would.
"Just think it’s weird" Ez repeated, messing with the bar rag once again
"Ya well she’s coming tonight”
Before Ez could respond coco stood next to Angel 
"Who’s comin?"
The brothers looked at each other for a moment before angel came up with an idea 
"Just some random bird for our boy scout to bed"
"My man," Coco chuckled "finally gonna get your dick wet huh?"
You knew this was a bad idea, you knew he would be here. 
Was he going to be with another girl? Actually stupid question, of course he would be
Opening your phone you sent angel a text
‘I'm like five minutes out but i swear to God if you abandon me tonight i will hit you so hard that you can't remember anything for a week’
At least he would walk in with you so you weren’t alone right?
Angel stood up abruptly in the middle of a conversation he was having
"Where the fuck you going?" Coco questioned, lighting a cigarette from the chair he was sitting in
"Meet a friend"
"A friend huh?"
"Yeah...maybe you'll like her" Angel replied before grabbing his beer and retreating towards the door.
Walking through the gate you saw the front of the club littered with patches. Some of them were from different charters. Weird, angel never mentioned other charters visiting, by the look of the outside, you could only imagine the clubhouse itself is packed with people.
Scanning the crowd you spotted the person in question walking towards you
“Hey stupid face”
“good evening stupid head”
“that's basically the same thing i just said” 
"oh shut up i couldn't think of insult fast enough”
Pulling you into a hug you couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed. Angel was always like an older brother to you, an annoying one at that but still a brother.
It had been weeks since you saw him, being back in his company made you feel safe again, almost like a sense of home
He placed a kiss on your temple “We missed you here”
“Yeah, I know” letting him go you looked around, mainly to see if any of the other guys were in sight but also to see if coco was around, expecting to be attacked as per usual. 
Angel took notice of you scanning the crowd “He's inside”
“Hmm? Sorry I got no idea what you're on about”
Pulling you into his side he wrapped an arm around your shoulders “sure ya don't”
Walking inside you scanned the crowd once again, thankfully coco was nowhere to be seen for the moment and most of the guys were spread out around the room. Bishop and Taza were playing pool, Gilly and Creeper were sitting at the table in a conversation whilst hank sat opposite them looking at something on his phone, Ez was tending the bar like usual but this time he was accompanied by some hang rounds.
At least there isn't girls hanging off him yet 
“C'mon let’s get a drink huh” angel lightly shoved you towards the bar playfully.
“No?” his eyebrows raised playfully
“No and if you try to make me go over there with you i promise i will embarrass you” you laughed 
After he got the drinks you both sat at a table in the corner for a while talking, the majority of the topics were about what had been happening while you were distanced from everyone.
Eventually Coco spotted you two and joined in the conversation. you sat talking to the two of them while everyone else was up to their own things, you didn't mind, the both of them combined made for some very interesting storys, the conversation could never die. After around 10 minutes, Angel had left you two alone saying he “wasn't bout to listen to this shit ''- which was super ironic considering the topic of conversation was about modifications for a new bike coco had brought a few days ago
“How does your bike handle anyway? I heard they are bottom heavy and hard to manoeuvre sometimes” you questioned. overtime Ez had taught you some things about bikes, mainly when he was just rambling about random things not thinking you were really paying attention to what he was saying
“It’s alright i guess, sometimes it slips when I lean too far on corners, other times it tends to not wanna go the way I need to but other than that it handles pretty well, arms hurt like a bitch after long ride though” he explained
Nodding your head you understood where he was coming from, having your arms at that angle for hours must have taken its toll
“Ay '' he nodded his head towards someone behind you, Turning your head you saw it was Ez walking through the door with Angel, seemingly engrossed in some type of conversation they were having.
Despite spotting him earlier you only scanned over his appearance but now you actually took a good look at him, he looked different, not much but still different from before. His hair was in the same style but it little more grown out then usual, his facial hair had grown out a little too. His eyes had bangs underneath them and his face looked drained.
All in all he looked like shit.
“You know he’s not the same without you right?” bringing your attention back to coco you couldn't help but feel like you were to blame, maybe if you fought harder of him you two would have never split.
“You two spoke since?” he questioned
“Nope...I got a few drunk calls saying he was sorry but other than that. No” you shook your head. 
After you two first broke up he called you around a week later rambling about something but since he was slurring his words- you could barely understand anything he was saying. You got about 2 voicemails of him saying he was sorry and how he fucked up but- you never spoke to him, never texted him back when he would ask you if you were coming to one of the parties.
“The amount of times we've had to stop him from drunk calling you is unreal”
Playing with the label on the beer bottle in front of you, you thought about what coco said- clearly Ez had attempted to talk to you at some point, but why? The whole breakup was because he needed “space” to deal with some things so why was he trying to talk to you?
“He wanted space, I gave it to him” you shrugged, slowly peeling off the label
“Didn’t mean you had to leave us too” looking up from the bottle you saw coco was now avoiding your gaze
“Yeah...I know” maybe it was wrong of you to drop everyone, but being around them would have only brought back memories of you and Ez. At the time it seemed like a good idea to distance yourself from all of the guys, but now, despite only being here for a hour, you could tell how much you really missed being around them.
“You know he’s walking over here right?” Dropping your head onto the table you let out a sigh causing coco to laugh “I’ll leave you two alone huh?” lifting your head up you looked at him with a facial expression as if to say ‘don’t leave me’ but he did anyway
“Y/n” his voice was low, almost as if he didn’t believe he was saying your name again
“Can we talk?”
“We are talking” sitting up straight you turned in your seat to look at him. He looked even worse up close- the bags under his eyes were alot darker then they seemed from a distance, they made it appear like he hadn’t slept for days, you couldn’t help but notice he had a bruise slowly forming on top of his right eyebrow.
“What happened there?”
He looked confused for a moment till you pointed to his eyebrow
“Oh I erm…got into a fight.....with a wall” his eyes were trained onto the floor, almost like he was ashamed.
You hummed in response not sure how to respond without laughing 
“So how have you been?” he questions
“Good i guess..how about you?”
“Alright I suppose”
What followed was nothing but silence between the both of you, neither of you knowing what to say. The sounds of other people talking and rock music became almost deafening as the two of you stayed silent
“Well this got really awkward fast” you spoke up causing Ez to laugh a little
“Yeah..yeah it did” he nodded
After a few more moments you stood from your chair “I'm just gonna-”
“Yeah go, i get it go ahead” he finished your sentence for you.
Nodding you quickly made your way outside, the yard was almost empty by now, people had either left for the night or had moved inside.
You spotted Angel sitting on the front steps fiddling with one of the rings on his hand while looking at something in the distance. You sat beside him in silence, neither of you even attempting to make conversation but simply just being trapped within your own minds.
When you and Ez broke up you knew things would change, you knew the two of you probably wouldn't be able to have the same conversations you would before, but you never expected them being so awkward.
Maybe it was just because the wound was still pretty fresh, after all it had only been just over a month
After a few minutes you heard the door behind you open as someone stepped out, seconds later a figure sat next to you, looking over you saw it was coco
“What we doin? havin a lil moment to yourselves” he asked lighting up a cigarette and offering the both of you one
“Yep” Angel responded, taking one and lighting it before looking somewhere in the distance once again. All three of you sat for a few minutes just looking at seemingly nothing in particular.
Maybe it won't be like this forever? At some point there has got to be a time where you can come to the club without feeling awkward because ez’s here.
You heard the clubhouse door open once more behind you and once again, you didn't turn around, but coco did
"Ay man sit" you heard him say as he snapped his fingers at space left beside him to whoever stepped out from the door. It didn't take long for whoever it was to sit down.
Much like he did with you and Angel, Coco offered the person a cigarette which they must of silently declined from the lack of verbal exchange.
There has to be a point when you and the club can all hang out together like before....there has to be a stage where you and Ez can talk like normal people without it being awkward….right?
Seemingly out of no were Coco spoke up, nodding his head towards two stacked benches on the opposite side of the yard "You think i could clear those in one attempt?"
Angel was the first to respond "Absolutely fucking not" he paused for a moment- looking where the benches were stacked "but I'd love to see you try"
"I bet $50 you fail and fall face first" someone spoke up, looking to your left you finally realized who stepped out earlier ..Ezekiel
"Bet, ill prove you wrong" coco stood, taking off his kutte and placing it on the stair rail "you two wanna place any bets?" Coco looked at you and Angel
"Nope, I'm good" you shook your head
"I bet $50 that you don't clear it" Angel responded
"You have no faith pretty boy" coco responded, shaking his head  as he started to walk over to the benches
"This is going to end in a hospital trip" you stated making both Angel and Ez laugh
All three of you watched as coco seemed to examine the height of the two benches, planning the distance he would have to run to gain enough speed to propel himself over them and how he would land the jump
"You think he's gonna snap his nose again?" Ezekiel questioned
"Definitely" both you and Angel replied
All three of you watched as coco began to run towards the benches, from your angle it looked as if he could clear it....you were wrong. 
Seconds later coco was laying face first in the dirt, one leg was on the floor while the other was stuck in a piece of wood on the bench that had broke underneath his weight
"I think i broke my nose" you heard coco exclaimed causing all three of you to laugh. The few people who were still outside drew their attention to the scene and started laughing too when they realized what happened.
"Ill go get some paper towels" you said, still laughing.
Maybe this was a sign nothing had changed between the four of you, that you could all still hang out and do stupid stuff like before
Maybe nothing has to change
An| hope you enjoyed this fic. Honestly have no idea why or when i started writing this but 🤷🏼‍♀️ . *sorry for any spelling or grammar errors or any parts that don't make sense. only scanned it before posting it*
ALSO- i swear part two to the prank war is coming! Its just talking awhile for me to find a way to describe to things going on as well as being busy with other stuff.
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whadd-up-babie · 3 years
✨🥺🥰 Sykkunos Sister 🥰🥺✨
Part One
Author's Note: Fuck time lines. I don't care if time lines don't add up. I mean on any other occasion I would care but right now at this exact moment in time, I couldn't fucking care less.
Word-count: 4k
Warnings: idk
You walked into your new apartment, your two roommates and life long friends by your side.
You smiled and turned to the two, “You see this ladies?” You said with a satisfied smirk on your face, “All of our hard work finally paid off.”
“I can’t believe we’re actually here.” Addie said with stars in her eyes. “A couple of years late maybe, but still here in L.A”
You chuckled “I can't believe we wanted to move here as soon as we got out of highschool.”
“Yeah imagine how horrible that could've gone?” Your other friend Selena spoke up.
You visibly shuddered at the thought of how bad that could've been. You felt a buzz in your back pocket and looked down at your jeans.
“Me and Selena are gonna check out this place before we start bringing the boxes in.” Addie told you as her and Selena walked off.
You nodded your head as you pulled out your phone from your jeans. It was a text message from one of your brothers' roommates.
Toast Are you in L.A yet?
You Yeah, I just walked into my new apartment
You quickly typed out and hit send. You’ve been in contact with your brothers’ friends for a while now. You haven’t seen Thomas, or Sykkuno, in years and you wanted to surprise him during one of his streams.
He was streaming Proximity Chat Among Us with; Toast, Lily, Poki, Rae, Ludwig, Dream, Brooke, Jacksepticeye and Corpse. You were a fan of all of them.
You lived a couple blocks away from your brother and his friends which was very convenient for you, considering as the younger of the both of you it is your duty to be the most annoying human being possible. So random pop ups at his home would be much much easier.
Toast I told the lobby that I ordered delivery so they expect an interruption
You Ooooh big brain moment
Toast But I did actually order pizza, it’s pick-up so can you do me a favor and pick it up on your way
You I revoke my “big brain moment”
Toast sent you the address for the pizza parlor and the OfflineTV house.
“I’m gonna go surprise Thomas.” You called out into your apartment, “I promise I'll be back to help unload the stuff.”
“You better, considering you're the strongest one here.” Selena responded.
You chuckled and walked out of the door and into the hallway that led to the exit of your new home.
Your apartment only had two floors, you were lucky enough to score the bottom floor. It was two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The three of you slept in the smaller guest room. You had bought two bunk beds from Ikea that you planned on placing in that room.
In the master room was where everything Important was. Selena wanted to be a streamer, so her gaming set-up was in that room. Selena wasn't one of those well known streamers but she had a following. Addie wanted to be a model, so the majority of her clothes were in the master bedroom closet, whilst you and Selena shared the smaller closest in your shared room.
You on the other hand wanted to make music. All of your instruments were in the master bedroom. You owned an electric keyboard, a guitar, a bass guitar, a cello, and you just started learning how to play the ukulele.
The room set up plan was simple. You had two desks on opposite sides of the room. Selena would get the wall with the window if she ever planned on using more natural light. Selena's desk would hold her gaming set-up, she currently had two monitors, but she's saving up to buy a third.
Your desk had the latest IMac, it was a moving away gift from your family, everyone pitched in. You had an inexpensive but high quality microphone to record vocals.
In between the two desks you had a futon and coffee table gifted to you guys by Addie's grandma. Noise cancellation foam pads would coat the walls.
But you haven’t done any of that stuff yet considering everything was still in the U-Haul truck.
You walked out of the apartment whilst typing the address to your brothers home in your Waze app, you added the pizza parlor in as a stop.
You got into your SUV and started the car. You connected your phone to the bluetooth and shuffled one of your Spotify playlist.
White Tee by CORPSE began to blast through your speakers. You bopped to the rhythm and began to lip sync the lyrics.
It took you 30 minutes to collect the pizza and drive to your brothers house. You stood outside the door with the pizza balanced in your hand as you attempted to ring the doorbell.
You texted Toast beforehand so you hoped he was prepared and wouldn’t make you wait outside. You didn’t like being outside, it meant that people could see you. And you didn’t like that.
You stood outside for a couple of seconds before Toast finally opened the door.
“Finally!” You exclaimed as you pushed past him to enter his home.
“Welcome.” He said sarcastically.
“Where’s my brother's room!?” You asked excitedly.
Toast pointed you towards the direction of Sykkunos’ room and you went running.
You stood outside of his door all giddy and happy, apparently they were playing proximity chat among us. So if Sykkuno was next to anyone in- game they would surely hear you, as well as the rest of the offlinetv house.
You took a deep breath and shouldered the door open.
“I’VE GOT A PIZZA DELIVERY FOR THE BESTEST BIG BROTHER IN THE ENTIRETY OF THE WORLD!” You all but shouted, scaring him off of his chair.
He turned to look at you and his face of fear quickly morphed into one of pure happiness.
“I call him Thomas but apparently his stage name is Sykkuno. I wonder where he got that from.” You said, this time more calmly.
“Y/N!” Sykkuno said happily. He quickly got himself off the floor and tackled you in a hug.
“You know I would hug you back but like… I’m holding a pretty big pizza.” You told him. The smile on your face was so big it began to hurt your cheeks.
Sykkuno brought his hands to your shoulder and held you at arm's length. He looked you up and down.
“You’ve really grown.” He told you.
“Yeah.” You agreed, nodding your head, “You still look like a ten year old.” You said jokingly.
You laughed and he joined in. You placed the pizza down, and he led you towards his set up.
“We’re gonna need another chair.” He said looking around.
“No we don’t,” You said plopping down into his chair.
He gave you a weird look.
“I’m the guest.” You said waving your hand.
He didn’t say anything, he just looked you dead in the eyes. Right into your soul.
You felt a shiver run down your spine.
“I don’t like it when you do that.” You said as you stood from his chair.
“I only ever do it to you.” He said as he walked by you to reclaim his chair.
“That’s why I don’t like it.” You grumbled.
A couple of minutes later you got your own chair, they were even nice enough to give you a water bottle. You sat next to Sykkuno with one of his earbuds in your ear so you could hear what was happening in his game.
So far you’ve run into Rae, Poki, Toast and Lily and you told all of them about your relation to Sykkuno though Toast and Lily already knew.
Sykkuno passed by Jack and you were about to scream in the mic, but someone reported a body.
“Well now I’m disappointed.” You mumbled to yourself.
“The body was i-“
“What! Toast is dead!” You said shocked, “We were just with him.”
There was a moment of silence within the game.
“Who’s that?” Jack asked.
“Yeah,” The other players muttered in agreement.
“That’s my sister, Y/N.” Sykkuno said.
A gasp could be heard from almost everyone
“Sister!” Ludwig shouted over the gasps, “Sykkuno you didn’t tell me you had a sister. I thought we were best friends.”
“I’m not really his sister.” You told them.
“Yeah she’s my foster sister.” Sykkuno explained.
“When I was younger Sykkunos' family was my foster family, until I was adopted by a lovely couple in Chicago.” You said.
“We haven’t seen each other since her adoption.” Sykkuno continued.
“And that was. What? 10-ish years ago?” You finished turning to Sykkuno.
“Yeah around that time.” He answered.
You brought your water bottle up to your lips and began to drink.
“Well it’s great to meet you Y/N!” Brooke said excitingly.
A chorus of “nice to meet you” entered your ear, but a very distinct “what up baby” caused you to spit your water back into its bottle.
“What’s wrong?” Sykkuno asked as he looked towards you.
“That did something to my stomach.” Was all you said.
“The water?” Sykkuno questioned further.
You felt your face heat up.
“Yeah.” You said nodding your head. “It’s totally the water. It couldn’t possibly be for any other reason.” You said bring your hand up to hide your smirk with your knuckles.
You turned your head and saw the chat exploding with the word SIMP in all caps.
You were at Sykkunos house a couple of days after that incident. He was streaming Proximity Chat Among Us with the same lobby again. They were playing in Polus.
Corpse was telling the lobby about his day when you thought to yourself, “I wanna wake up to the sound of your voice.”
You scrunched up your eyebrows wondering why it got quiet all of a sudden before Sykkuno bursted into fits of laughter as well as the rest of the lobby.
It finally dawned on you that you said that out loud. Your eyes widened and your face began to heat up.
“That sounded so suggestive, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know I was speaking out loud.” You began to laugh with the rest of the group and Corpse joined in quickly after.
The game started and you were all calmed down.
“I still can’t believe I said that out loud.” You announced to the group. A few giggles left their mouths as well as your own.
“No but just imagine waking up at 7 am to Choke me like you hate me but you love me! Every single fucking day.” You said before bursting into laughter, the lobby joining in soon after.
Sykkuno was doing his tasks in O2 before he announced to his stream he had to use the bathroom.
“I’ll watch the game for you but I won’t play because… I don’t want to.” You told him as he muted his discord and got up from his chair.
“That’s fine.” He said and left the room.
You turned to his chat. They started bombarding you with questions.
“What’s your Instagram.” You read aloud.
“Oooh shameless plug, follow me on all of my socials @y/n, also subscribe to my YouTube channel “Y/N L/N” I make music…sometimes.” You answered.
“Do you simp for Corpse.” You read another.
You pursed your lips. “I’m not gonna answer that question, but I will confidently admit that I simp for Rae and Poki.” As you finished that statement, Corpses avatar walked into the room.
You reached over to Sykkunos Keyboard and un-muted his mic.
“Hey Corpse!” You chirped.
“Hey Y/N.” He replied. “Where’s Sykkuno?” He asked you.
“What, am I not good enough?” You asked with mock offense
He chuckled before speaking up. “No, I was just wondering.”
“He’s in the bathroom.” You answered. “I’m all by my little old self. Minus the stream of course.” You turned to smile at Sykkunos camera before focusing your attention on the game.
“Would you like some company?” He asked.
“I would love some company, thank you Corpse.”
He brought his Avatar to stand by Sykkunos.
“How’s your day?” He asked.
“Not very fun.” You answered thinking back to what happened this morning. “We were finishing building the second bunk bed, but I dropped one of the heavier parts on my foot, so that hurts.”
“Oh that sucks.” He stated.
“I know. How’s your day?” You asked him.
“Very uneventful, just writing some potential lyrics and stuff.” He said.
“Oh yeah you write your own music.” You responded. “How did I forget that.” You mumbled to yourself.
“What do you like to do for fun?” He questioned.
“Oh I make music, or do covers. Depends on how lazy I’m feeling.” You told him.
“You make music?” He asked. You could hear the shock in his voice.
You hummed in response. “Yeah I dabble in music production. I write a nice chunk of the music, but I have some other musical friends help me with other stuff. It’s not enough for me to be noticed by the big producers or record labels though.”
“You think you could show me some of your stuff?”
“Yeah!” You said excitedly. “Do you want me to send it through Discord, Insta or Twitter.” You said as you fished your phone out of your back pocket.
“Do discord.” He told you.
“Got it.” You pulled up your discord app as Sykkuno got back from the bathroom.
You already friended the lobby Sykkuno was playing in after your first meeting.
Sykkuno got back in his chair. “Alright I’m back.”
“I unmuted your mic by the way.” You told Sykkuno, your eyes glued to your phone. You had to send Corpse the perfect snippet. So far all your options were shit.
“Oh hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno said once he got situated.
“Hi Sykkuno.” Corpse replied, “I was just talking to Y/N, she’s great company.” He complimented you.
“I am good company,” You said looking up from your phone, “I wish my roommates thought that.” You muttered to yourself, apparently louder than you thought because Corpse began to chuckle.
You smirked slightly. The sound of Corpses’ laugh caused a blush to spread to your cheeks.
“Shouldn’t you two finish your tasks.” You coughed up, trying to hide your blush. “I mean you’ve wasted enough time already.”
“Does anyone ever do their tasks when they play proximity?” Sykkuno asked.
“Exactly.” Corpse agreed.
“I’m a very work oriented person so I probably would.” You told them. You finally found the perfect audio file to send Corpse.
“I hope he likes it.” You thought to yourself. You sent Corpse the file the same time a body was reported.
“I found Luds’ body in decontamination.” Rae said.
“Sykkuno and Corpse did nothing in o2 practically the whole round.” You told the lobby. The lobby has gotten used to you speaking up while they played.
“I was keeping a new friend company that's not exactly nothing.” Corpse said, trying to defend himself.
“It meant nothing to me.” You said, you were quiet for a few seconds before you spoke up again, “I’m sorry! That was mean! I didn’t mean it! Thank you for disregarding your tasks just to keep me company!”
The lobby broke out into laughter while you continued spewing out apologies.
The game ended quickly, turns out Poki and Rae were the imposters. You decided then to make your departure.
“I should probably head home.” You told the lobby, “The only food the girls know how to cook is pizza rolls, pizza bagels and ramen. And we promised each other we would start eating healthy.” You got up from your chair as the lobby was saying their goodbyes.
You exited Sykkunos room and walked towards the exit. You ran into Michael and Lily and said goodbye to them on your way out.
You reached your car and pulled out your phone, checking for notifications. You usually stay off your phone whenever you watch your brothers’ stream so you never know what's happening.
It turns out you had 10 missed calls from Selena, and over 100+ messages of her asking you to answer the phone.
You quickly got into your car and called your roommate.
The phone only rang twice before she answered.
“YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT I JUST DID FOR YOU!” She screamed into the phone.
You brought your hand away from your ear and cringed at how loud she was being.
“That’s fun.” You muttered to yourself. You put your phone down in one of the cup holders and put it on speaker.
“What did you do exactly.” You asked aloud as you put your key into the ignition.
“So you remember that cute guy we ran into-” She began but you interrupted.
“NO!” You shouted. “I am not in the mood to go on dates. We are here in L.A to focus on our careers. I don’t have time for dating.”
Selena was quiet for a few moments before she spoke up.
“Okay, but if you meet him and start catching feelings but it's too late, just know it's not my fault.” She said before she hung up.
You sighed to yourself. You were not ready to go out on dates. Especially not after your last relationship.
You drove in silence for the majority of the way home until you got a discord notification on your phone. You waited until you reached a stop light to look at it. Apparently it was from Corpse.
CORPSE I loved the vocals I honestly wasn't expecting this type of music from you
You quickly typed out a reply while still paying attention to the road ahead of you.
You Thanks! I just thought you would like that type of sound so I decided to send that one
You hit send right as the lights turns green. You placed your phone back into the cupholder and began to drive. You got another discord notification, you assumed it was Corpse.
“He can wait 5 minutes.” You thought to yourself. Corpse may have peaked your interests but that doesn't mean you were willing to get into a car crash for him.
You quickly pulled into your apartment complex and ran into your home, phone in hand. You had gotten 3 discord notifications whilst you were driving. You quickly sat down on your couch in the living room and propped your feet onto the coffee table.
CORPSE I like how this is mixed and produced You have a great tone throughout the song Would you want to collab sometime?
You felt your heart leap into your throat.
“This couldn't possibly be happening.” You thought to yourself.
Corpse was very relevant in the music industry, he had told you during one of the Among Us games that many labels were reaching out to him. This collaboration with Corpse could make you a star!
You A collab with one of the most trending people in the world? Count me in!
CORPSE Great! we can meet up whenever you want to work out some lyrics
You smiled to yourself thinking of how many doors this could open for you. This could make or break your career.
“Holy shit.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Me and Corpse are making a song together!” You thought to yourself.
“What kind of Wattpad fanfic is this?” You said out loud as Selena and Addie came out of the Master Bedroom.
“Oooh what about Wattpad fanfics?” Selena asked, as she headed towards the kitchen.
“My life is a Wattpad fanfic.” You told her. You furrowed your eyebrows in thought, “Is this my existential crisis?”
“What?” Addie asked, very confused as she sat down on the arm of the sofa.
“What am I rambling about.” You turned to your roommates. “You’ll never believe what I just scored.” You told them excitedly.
“What?” Selena asked as she exited the kitchen a bag of chips in her hands.
“I’m going to do a collaboration with Mr. Corpse Husband himself.” You said proudly.
“No way!” Selena shouted, dropping her bag of chips on the floor. “You lucky bitch.” She said.
“You guys have only known one another for like 3 days.” Addie said.
“We’re making a song, not getting married.” You told her.
“Yet.” Selena said with a smirk.
“I’m going to bed.” You told them as you stood up from the couch.
“What!?” They said in unison.
“But it’s like 8 o'clock.” Addie finished.
“I know but I’m not in the mood to put up with the both of you.” You said as you left the living room.
“I only said one thing!” Selena complained.
“One too much.” You told her.
You walked down the hall and entered your shared room. You sat down at the foot of your bed and sighed.
“This is not at all what I expected when I told mom I was moving to Cali.” You threw yourself backwards.
“How are we gonna go about this?” You asked yourself. Were you and corpse gonna work together in person, were you gonna work over a discord call? You haven’t seen his face, you’re not sure if he’s seen yours yet. All these thoughts came and went inside your brain, it was starting to give you a headache.
You grabbed your pillow and brought it down on your face. You made a noise somewhere in between a groan and a whine when you heard you got another discord notification from your phone.
You reached around for your phone until you finally grabbed it and brought it up to your face. It was another message from Corpse.
CORPSE For making the song I was thinking maybe you could come over to my apartment because I remember how you once told the lobby that your roommates are very loud
YOU They are very loud And thank you for the invitation, I was just starting to wonder how we were gonna work together
CORPSE Here’s my address and number Wanna meet up on Sunday 3 o’clock?
“Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.” You thought to yourself, You’re pretty sure you don't have any plans that day. You typed out a quick reply before turning off your phone and going to sleep.
It was Sunday 12 o’clock you left your house with a nice hot cup of joe in your hands. Corpse lived 2 hours away so you wanted to leave early to hopefully grab some breakfast.
The night prior you placed your guitar in the back of your car, knowing you wouldn't remember to do it the morning of.
You got into your car and pulled out of your apartment complex. It was a long drive filled with random songs. You pulled into the first McDonalds you saw and ordered your usual.
When you were back on the road you had about 30 minutes before you would arrive at Corpse’s house. Which meant, using the power of mental math, you would get there 30 minutes early.
You grabbed your phone out of your bag keeping your eyes on the road. You opened up your contact list and scrolled through looking for Corpse. You found his name and gave him a call. You put your phone on speaker and put it into your cup holder. The phone rang about eight times before he answered.
“Hello.” He answered, his voice was deeper than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked as you turned off the highway.
“Yeah, I got a good… 35 minutes.” He told you with a chuckle.
“Make yourself some breakfast. I should be there in about 30 minutes.” You told him with a smirk.
“Yes ma’am” He told you before he hung up.
“This is gonna be a long day.” You muttered to yourself.
Sykkunos Sisters Master list
Story Snippets/Master list
I couldn’t tag some people, if you are one of those people message me so we can hopefully tag you successfully. If you want to switch lists just ask :)
All Corpse fics:
@carlosoliveriaownsmyass, @cookiewhoree, @zunmie, @phriendophphrogs,  @i-love-stamps-blog, @cupidsloverr, @cassie12435, @fivedicksinatrenchcoat, @mythicalamphitrite, @wiseflamingoqueen, @cherry-piee, @mono-has-a-gun, @ilovepizzaandimhot, @rambling-rabbit, @thecanterburywitch, @daisiesandmarvel, @brooklyn22, @and-claudia, @captainbuckyy
Sykkunos Sisters:
@punnypuppylove, @emsies-dream, @bbecc-a, @soft4kei, @penflop
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She Who Shan’t Be Named - Part 3 | My Love (Loki x Reader)
Category: Smut (Mandatory) Age: 18+ Trigger Warnings: Explicit language, oral sex (female receiving), suggestive language, casual sexual actions, flirting with a lot of people Ship: Loki x Reader, (lowkey) Clint x Reader Summary: Tony lets his life-long friend crash at the Avengers HQ while she has nowhere else to go. What could go wrong with so many attractive individuals living in the same home? Word Count: 1.1k Masterlist: LINK
(hmu if you want adding to the tag-list for this series)
She’s always found peace when showering. It’s the only time when one is ever really truly alone. It’s peaceful. Relaxing. Well, unless you walk out your ensuite to see the God of Mischief laying on your bed uninvited.
A squeal escapes her lips at the unexpected presence in her room.
“What the fuck, Loki?!”
The man doesn’t say anything for a moment, merely smirks before holding up the skimpy red thong in his hand.
“You parade around in these?”
“Why? Would you prefer them in black? Or maybe green?” (Y/N) retorts, smirking at his quirked brow.
“You’ve got sass.” He observes, watching her dismiss his presence entirely as she removes the towel covering her body and drops it into her laundry basket. “And one hell of a body.”
“You should know that it’s rude to, not only trespass into a woman’s room, but also stare at her while she’s nude, Mister Laufeyson.”
Within seconds she jumps at the feeling of hands on her hips and the presence of a body behind her, crotch pressed up against her ass.
“You should know not to tease me, little girl.”
“Should I?” She pushes his buttons, interested in seeing where this will go.
Within a second, she’s suddenly being shoved down on her own bed, ass being pulled up into the air.
“Christ! Talk about no manners.” The woman complains, cutting off into a gasp as Loki’s mouth latches onto her core from behind. “Jesus Christ!”
“You talk too much.” The God grumbles against her pussy, grinning at how quickly she gets wet for him. “Especially for someone who gets this wet so easily.”
Any snarky response she was going to come out with is overridden by her moan as the man’s tongue invades her core once more.
“You taste heavenly, my love.” He murmurs, grinning at her whimpered response. “You seemed pretty cocky; where’s that facade gone now?” The man adds, again not waiting for an answer as he adds two fingers to the mix of his tongue.
The woman can barely respond. She’s normally the dominant one, yet here she is, face smothered into her own bedsheets as the God of Mischief forces his tongue and fingers inside her. She can’t say she’s complaining though.
“Bet you didn’t get this wet when you fucked Stark.” He grins, speeding up his actions as he feels the woman clench around him more and more with every movement.
“I never fucked Stark!” (Y/N) groans into the pillow.
“You’re a filthy liar as well as a filthy whore. Good to know.”
Another moan as she feels her core tightening more and more with every touch of the man behind her.
“I prefer the sound of you moaning over your sarcastic comments.” He chuckles. “Are you close, (Y/N)? Are you going to cum for me like a good little whore?”
“FUCK!” Is all the man gets in response, watching the way her hips move against his fingers in hopes to get her orgasm sooner.
“Scream my name, love. Tell me. Tell everyone in this compound who’s making you feel this good. Do it.” Loki demands, enjoying the blissed-out look on her face despite him barely even touching her. “Do it!”
“FUCK, LOKI!” She manages, hands clenching at the bedsheets. “FUCK, I’m gonna-”
“Louder.” The God demands.
“Please what?”
“Good fucking girl. Cum for me, love. Cum all over my fingers.”
And she snaps. The euphoria being far too good. She could’ve sworn her eyes truly blacked out for a good few minutes as she rides out her high, Loki’s fingers not slowing down for a second.
Of course the God of Mischief knows how to work his fingers.
“Fuck.” Is all she can manage as her body collapses onto her bed, the man grinning and sitting up beside her, stroking the strands of wet hair out of her face.
“You alright, my love?” He grins, watching her blissed-out eyes look up at him and a dopey smile covers her lips.
She nods.
“That’s my girl.”
Her smile turns into a grin and her body shakes as she silently laughs.
“Your girl, hey?”
“I don’t doubt that you’re gonna be everyone’s girl by the time you’re done here.”
“You know me that well already, huh?” (Y/N) manages, watching her expression replicate onto Loki.
“Come on; let’s get you dressed.”
The man stands up and reaches his hand out to help the woman up, smirking as she stumbles on her feet a little.
“You’re not gonna just fuck off now?” She asks, quirking a brow as he helps her over to her dresser.
“I am a gentleman, you know, (Y/N). I’m not just gonna mess you up and leave you to clean up the mess. What do you take me for?” He teases, watching her grab a crop top and leggings from her drawers.
The woman merely shrugs but smiles.
“It’s nice. Thank you.”
The God helps the woman get dressed.
“So, how long do we have the pleasure of your company for, love?” The man asks, his voice not hinting at anything.
(Y/N) shrugs as she slides the leggings up her body, Loki retrieving her bra from the dresser.
“I dunno.”
“How come you’re staying with us, if you don’t mind me asking?” He adds, wanting to learn more about the little treasure that Stark has kept hidden for so long.
“I do mind, actually.”
They fall into silence, Loki almost surprised at her minor aggression.
“Have you known Stark long?”
“Since we were teenagers.”
He nods, almost scared to cross any lines. The truth is, he could read into her and learn all the answers, but he feels an overwhelming desire to not break the trust of this woman. He wants to protect her for some unbeknownst reason. He’s certain the others will feel the same way too.
“Well, we’re all lucky to have the luxury of meeting you.”
She smiles, awkwardly, but her sarcastic voice betrays her.
He laughs at that.
Once she’s dressed, the pair head out of her room and decide to go and grab some lunch. It’s merely unfortunate that Clint happens to be passing as they exit her room.
“Well, well, well. You don’t mess around, do you, Marian?” The archer teases, watching her grin and roll her eyes.
“You should be proud of me for lasting this long.” (Y/N) retorts, flashing a wink, Loki laughing at her answer.
“I don’t know if I’d say that, you didn’t last very long just then-” A punch to the God’s arm shuts him up, Clint bursting into laughter at the comment.
“I’m out. Enjoy lunch alone, Loki Laufeyson!” She calls, walking away from the two men who are still laughing.
“I shall, my love, don’t you worry!”
The pair watch her walk away, her middle finger up in the air at them both.
“She’s a treat.” Loki comments.
“She most certainly is.” Clint agrees.
Everything Tag List: @nosoulnoproblems | @rileyloves5 | @girl-who-loves-mythology | @avngrsinitiative | @lookinsidemyhead |@xbabykookiix | @myspectacularfantasies | @fanfic-anyone | @rororo06 | @queenofbuskers | @vapingisntmything | @tony-stank3 | @hermione-grangers-wife | @lili-ann-love | @the-omni-princess | @tayahs-blog | @regulus-black | @saturnsteverogers| @fyfiexo | @amazingiam00 | @deviltownn | @buckybarneses | @fafulous | roryshitposts | trynnabemultifandom | @moodboreddd | @hopingforbarnes | @an-adventureland | justassaneasiam-ll | @profoundllamanickeleggs | @xbongox | @minetticatinwonderland | @thinkaboutmara | @xxaestheticboyxx | @sparklycollectionofoldmemes | @wandaneedstherapy | @georgiadixon | @nerdy-thespian-10 | @nsb-supertrio | @thinkaboutmara | @captainamerica-is-bae | @spookyparadisesheep | @supernaturallover2002 | @notsochillnerd | @peggycarter-steverogers | @reann-shitposting |
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I want it all Calum Hood x Reader
Summary: reader gives him space while he is on tour and Calum starts to worry.
A/N: alright so I got this from the kissing booth 2, so yeah lol. I usually know what to type in here but I somehow lost how to do it. anyway hope you enjoy and remember feedback is always allowed! love you all! also sorry if this is too short.
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Calum had been leaving for a tour and you just knew every inch of you was going to miss him, you had no idea how the distance would affect your relationship, but you knew that you would have to give him some sort of freedom when he was doing something that he was so passionate about. You trusted him with all your heart and knew he would be as loyal as you were back home.
As he was packing he had asked for your help, you didn't really know how to act, so you just stood quite, cal noticed the small change in your attitude, you were more quiet and this worried cal that tour might be a dealbreaker for you and change your mind but you were actually the complete opposite. You were very proud of him and the band and the support you had was all there, you were just going to miss him which was normal since he was going away, but you didn't want to be that clingy girlfriend.
Cal stopped with what he was doing and was the first to break the silence, “hey, you alright love?” he said as you looked up with a frown, “yeah im okay, why?” you asked as you placed his clothing in the suitcase and he took your hands in his, “i just, uh you seem kinda distant since i told you i was going away for tour,” he said as you sighed, “sorry i didn't mean it to seem like that, i'm just gonna miss you is all cal, i’ve honestly never really experienced this ever, sorry-” you said as he cut you off softly, “no- it's okay, sorry i forget that sometimes, i'm gonna miss you too, so much, you are it for me you know that, i'll come back to you. I promise.” he said as he placed you on his lap as you smiled and pushed his hair out of his face, “i know you will bubs, and i will be here waiting for you, you're the only one for me.” you said as he smiled and took you in a hug wanting to be close to you, close to the point where he could feel your heartbeat.
Ever since he left, your days would go on much slower than usual, you had duke with you since cal wanted you to have some company and you were okay to watch him as well so he could work without worrying. Him leaving for tour wasn't the first time, but you still needed to get used to it. It was normal to have the need to want to see him but you didn't want to bother him while he was one tour. Of course you messaged him about duke and let him know how he was doing, you didn't really talk about yourself or about him. There was some constant communication within one another but it was small and cal wanted more. He didn't know how to ask, but he wanted more than the small texts you were answering. He had even talked to the guys about it wanting some advice. He was worried you were going to break up with him because of the distance.
“I don't know how to ask her i want more, i feel like i established what we are when i left,” he said as ashton nodded, “did you two talk before you left?” he asked as cal shook his head, “no we didn't, things were fine the way i left, we are fine now, but i'm just worried something is gonna happen..” he said as luke and michael were both in on this conversation, “like what?” michael asked as cal sighed, “what if she's breaking up with me, thats why shes not talking to me” he said as luke shook his head, “maybe she's giving you space like, having you worry less about what she may be going through,” ashton said as luke elaborated, “yeah she might think that traveling and going on tour is enough on your plate, she doesn't want to be a bothersome or clingy. Not saying she is, but this is probably what she feels or thinks.” he said as michael nodded, “yeah i agree with that, you two just need to talk and you need to reassure her and tell her what you want and what you are.” he said as calum nodded knowing that he would call you after the show.
“What if she doesn't want to, what if she doesn't answer” he said as ashton spoke, “well text her before hand, tell you her you want to talk before she goes to sleep.” he said as michael nodded, “ask her about her day and stuff,” he said as luke nodded, “yeah and then bring in the conversation,” luke said as cal nodded.
After their show he had called you but there was no answer, nothing from you not even a text back. You on the other hand had seen the phone ring but of course thought the absolute worst and didn't answer the call. The messages, yeah you saw them, again you didn't respond. It was around 12 at night and you were starting to feel guilty about not answering and you texted him first reading the text.
Hey dovey, just wanted to let you know I'm calling you after my show, so hopefully you will answer. @9:00
I forgot the time zones were different, so it's fine. I'll try to call you when you're either free or not sleeping. Love you. @10:34
Hey, it's fine no worries, talk to you soon love you and take care. @12:01
Honestly what could you say. You didn't know what to say at all. You didn't want him worrying about you. He had his tour and that's what you wanted him to focus on. His tour. That's it. He could worry about you when he got back. Your mind would keep telling you to leave him be and to not be clingy so you listened to the small voice, but you didn't know how much it was affecting Cal that you weren't talking to him.
It Sounds so weird to say, but I mean you didn't want to be that clingy girlfriend who just always talked to her boyfriend 24/7. You didn't want to ruin his tour experiences by you always being there. Which was one of the reason why you didn't go on tour when he had asked you if you could come. To be frank you had saved sick days, but you didn't want to bother him, you didn't want him and his friends to feel weird with you being there, even if all their girlfriends were going.
You were at work just finishing up some emails as normal as you saw your phone light up with calum’s name on your screen.
Hey dovey, whats up?
You looked at the screen and just went straight back to your computer not wanting to answer fast and making you seem like you had missed him a lot, again your overthinking brain was doing the analyzing and not you. A couple minutes later it had vibrated again and you got into the chat but didn't type you just looked at the message.
You there?
You sighed and you were contemplating on what you should do, you thought just call him and talk to him, but a part of you was telling you to not call him since he could be busy.
Seconds later your boss came towards you as you frowned, “hey you have a phone call from your dad called, he said it's some family emergency and urgent” she said as you were quick to your feet wondering why your dad called you at work knowing that he had your phone number.
“The phones over there,” she said as you nodded and walked over to the office and picked up the phone, “hello?” you said as you heard his voice, “whats going on with you?” you heard cal say as your eyes went wide as you coughed, “what- what do you mean dad?” you said pretending to be shocked as you looked over at your boss as she looked at you with worry, “why aren't you texting me back.” he said as you tried to find an excuse to leave you alone to talk to cal.“oh-what? That's terrible horrible news about...Aunt...Pepper.” you said as your boss looked over at you, “is everything okay?” she asked as you looked at her with a sad look, “no, uh could i have a moment in private?” you asked as she nodded leaving you in the office alone as you were brought back to the situation, “why are you pretending to be my dad?” you asked as he sighed, “it was the only way i could think to get you on the phone” he said worried as you sighed, “oh that is not true” you said as he shook his head, “no it is true, you barely call and when you text, you send these weird two-word text messages, like you kno, “take care” and “talk soon.” he said as you sighed and he thought the worst wondering why this was happening, “are-are you breaking up with me?” he asked as you were quick to respond, “what no no no no! The opposite.” you said as he spoke back, “then what? Why? Why are you ignoring me dovey?” he asked as you exhaled, “cal, i..i don't know, well i'm trying to be mature and not come off as some clingy girlfriend,”  you said as he frowned, “y/n, i told you i wanted to make this work,” he said as you sighed opening up to him, “yeah i know but people always say that when they leave. I guess I'm just giving you space. you know for tour and stuff, i don't want to bother you with texts and facetime calls.” you said as he frowned, “space for what love? I don't want space, I want you. I want you all around me all the time. I want you right now with me” he said as you smiled at his words.
“Im sorry cal, i miss you a lot, i want you here with me too, i'm sorry i made you worry.” you said as he took a breath in, “don't be sorry dovey, i love you okay? i want you to check up on me with text and facetime calls. I want it all even if you're clingy, I don't care, I want it. You're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend aren't I dovey.” he said as you nodded as if he was there, “yeah you are.” you said as he smirked, “i'm your what?” he asked as you rolled your eyes, “you're my boyfriend.” you said very peachy as he chuckled.
“Now just text me alright, i don't care what it is as long as it something from you, it can even be a meme, but i want you to text me okay?” he said as you giggled, “okay i will,” you said with a smile as he spoke again, “i'm gonna call you after my show, i want to talk to you before you fall asleep.” he said as you blushed a little, “alright i'll be waiting bubs.” you said as you said your goodbyes and ended the call.
Despite your overthinking brain you were left reassured that this man was going to be in your life forever no matter what and the unconditional love will always be there. Cal knew this as well, probably since the first time he met you. You two were perfect for one another and there was nothing that could tell you two otherwise.
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enbyprentiss · 3 years
Little brat
Genre: Smut, pure filth, zero plot
Pairing: Hotch x Reid
Warnings: Sub!Spencer, Dom!Hotch, Spencer in panties and makeup, bratty Spence, spanking, penetrative sex, degradation, daddy kink, some praise, slight aftercare, oral (male receiving obviously), face fucking, and I think that’s it but lmk if I missed anything!
(and no @sparklinspence, if you’re reading this, i REFUSE to incorporate Hotch’s supposed foot fetish)
Also, Hayley does not exist in this story because that woman deserved so much better. And instead, she got murdered. Yes, I am still salty about it and no, I will never forgive the writers for that.
Spencer liked being a good boy. He lived to please. However, he loved being a brat even more. He always looked forward to things that were supposed to be punishments. He liked Hotch to yell at him. Tell him what a dirty boy he is. He liked being fucked like a bitch. So, he planned on being the biggest brat today. 
It started when Aaron called him in for a case. And instead of telling him that he’d be there within 20 minutes like he usually did, “What if I don’t?”
“Spencer...”, he warned. 
“What? What are you going to do?”, he always knew just how to push Aaron’s buttons. 
“If you don’t, I’ll have no choice but to terminate you.”
“You would never.”, and even though he couldn’t see Spencer, he still had a smug look on his face. 
“I better see you in the next 30 minutes.”
Reid huffed, crossing his arms and hanging up the phone. He reluctantly pulled himself out of bed, putting on the pair of panties he knew drove Aaron crazy and quite possibly the tightest pants he owns so that Hotch would be the only one who would recognize the outline.
When he arrived at the office, his eyes flicked straight up to Hotch’s office. And god, just looking at him made his pants become just a little tighter. He had to strategically pull his satchel closer to his body, quickly seating himself and tucking his legs completely under the round table. Spencer purposely made sure that the seat next to him would be empty. And, of course, Aaron took the opportunity to sit next to his young lover. At first, it was just a sweet gesture that wouldn’t expose their relationship to the rest of the team. The problem only arose when Reid placed his hand on the older mans thigh while JJ presented the local case. As his hand traveled farther up slowly, Hotch could simply not wrap his head around how Spencer was possibly this turned on at 10:00 AM. Regardless, he knew Spencer’s little game and grabbed his wrist, wrapping his much larger hand around it as a subtle warning. He watched as his face turned a light shade of pink, and he obeyed for now. But not for long.
The team spilt up, half of them in the field and half of them staying back to work from the bullpen, which left Aaron and Spencer alone in an SUV. Spencer took this opportunity to act up further, he leaned over the console, kissing Aaron’s neck gently before moving to open mouthed kisses. He would’ve left it at that if it wasn’t for the apparent bulge in Aaron’s pants. He rubbed him over his slacks the best he could before Hotch broke his trance. 
“What has gotten into you today, Spencer?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”, he shrugged and smiled in faux innocence. 
“Oh, so you want to be a filthy little brat today? We’ll have to fix that later.”
Spencer didn’t respond, just squirmed in his seat, fantasizing about all the possibilities of what awaited him. And luckily for him, the case was solved pretty quickly. The unsub stabbed random people repeatedly on the street, the only thing is he did every 27 minutes on the dot and was extremely sloppy, making his fairly easy to catch. Though, Spencer still managed to slip in some more trouble-making behavior. When they weren’t actively trying to put the profile together, he spent time flirting with both the male and female officers but only when he knew when Aaron was watching. Of course, Aaron noticed and it only made his blood boil more. 
When they got back to the BAU, he pulled Reid into his office, demanding that he follow him to his apartment. And he obviously wasn’t going to deny, this was what he wanted all day. 
As soon as they burst through to the door to Aaron’s apartment, their lips met in a heated kiss. Spencer licked against Aaron’s bottom lip, but he quickly gained dominance over the kiss. He moved to kiss down the younger mans jaw and the exposed parts of his neck, making Reid whimper.
“Such a desperate little slut. Go to the bedroom and strip. And you better not be touching yourself when I get in there.”
Spencer nodded, now ready to obey every word that was said to him. He stripped of all of his clothing, leaving them in a crumpled pile as he rushed to sit on the bed. Aaron waltzed around his apartment for roughly 10 minutes just to tease his lover, and he only entered the bedroom when he could hear him audibly whining. He pulled the frail figured man over his lap silently, palming over his ass gently. 
“Do you know why you’re being punished, baby?”
“No, daddy.”, Spencer shook his head the best he could with a small pout on his face. 
Aaron landed a harsh smack across Spencer’s ass, “Really? Because I think this is exactly what you wanted. Teasing me all day, wearing this pretty pink little panties. You’re just so desperate for my cock, aren’t you?”, he landed another hard smack.
“Mmhf! Yes, daddy!”
“Count for me. And that’s the only thing I want to hear from you, since you were such a bad boy today.”
Spencer whined anyway, which only earned him more spankings, each harder than the last. Eventually, he had counted all the way up to 25 with tears in his eyes and a few slipping down his cheeks. Aaron helped him sit back up, wiping some of the mascara stained tears away.
“T-thank you, daddy.”, he sniffled.
“Oh, sweetheart, you really think I’m done with you. Get on your knees.”
Spencer scrambled to get in position in eagerness. He rubbed up the older mans thighs, and he expected to be pushed away since he didn’t ask for permission, but instead Aaron was focused on ridding of his pants.
“Since you want my cock so bad, you’re gonna let daddy fuck your face, ok?”
He muttered a small ‘Mhm’ while nodding his head with an excited smile. Aaron lifted his hips into Spencer’s awaiting mouth, immediately hitting the back of his throat and making him gag. But Spencer relished in every action Hotch made, pushing his head down by his light brown curls and then pulling him back up so he could focus on just the tip, swirling his tongue around and over his slit. 
“You love this don’t you, brat?”, Hotch groaned as Spencer’s throat tightened around him and he moaned around the cock in his mouth, confirming Aaron’s suspicions wordlessly. He continued pushing the younger mans head down roughly, watching more tears fall down his cheeks and watching how perfectly his plush pink lips wrapped around his tip. As Spencer licked down the prominent vein on the underside of Aaron’s cock, he felt the warm white liquid shoot down his throat, gladly swallowing all of it.
“Let me see.”, Hotch demanded. Spencer opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue slightly, revealing that he truly did swallow all of his lovers cum, “Good boy.”
Spencer’s eyes lit up at the praise as he bounced on his knees slightly, “Fuck me now, daddy?”
The dark haired man sat in front of him, acting as if he was pondering the idea, “Fine, get on the bed. Hands and knees.”
He moved frantically to get in position as Aaron retrieved the lube from his not-so-hidden drawer. He kissed down Spencer’s spine while applying a generous amount of the substance to his fingers. He continued planting soft kisses wherever he could reach, slowly pushing one finger into Spencer, making him yelp.
“Oh, daddy!”, Aaron took that as a good sign, pushing another finger into him, scissoring them to stretch his boy further. 
“W-want your cock instead, daddy.”, he whined. 
“I don’t know. Can you take it?”
“Yes! Let me show you, daddy, please!”
“Ok, baby, give daddy one second.”, he answered, applying a fair amount of lube to his cock.
Aaron put both his hands around Spencer’s petite waist, pushing into him slowly, making his sub moan out shamelessly. He hadn’t even pushed fully in as Spencer began to squirm and arch his back. 
“Mm, so big, daddy!”
“Oh, come on, baby. I know you can take it.”
Spencer’s hands balled up in the sheets, scrunching up his face while simultaneously begging Hotch for more. Eventually, he had pushed all the way into Spencer, setting a ruthless pace knowing he liked it rougher. 
Spencer’s moans quickly devolved into little ‘Thank you, daddy’, and mindless babbling. 
“Aw, look at you, baby. I fucked my little genius dumb.”, he groaned. He reached around to stroke Spencer’s cock, knowing that he wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Fills me so good, daddy!”
“I know, baby. So tight and warm for daddy. Such a good boy.”
“Oh, oh, oh! Can I cum please, daddy?!”
“Go ahead, sweet boy, cum all over my hand.”, as soon as he was given permission, he came all over Hotch’s hand and his own tummy. 
Aaron continued slamming his hips into Spencer’s, making him whine from the overstimulation. He pushed his hips so much harder than before, releasing as Spencer tightened around him, “Oh! You make daddy cum so hard, baby.”
“T-thank you, daddy.”
“Of course, baby.”, he pulled out slowly and began to walk away.
“W-wait! Will you um--”
“Will I what, baby?”
“W-will you plug me up. Want to keep the mess in.”
“I don’t know if you’ve earned that much of a reward.”, he said, cracking a rare smile.
“Please! I promise I’ll be good, daddy!”
Of course, Aaron knew this was a lie, he was bound to act up again but he simply couldn’t deny when Spencer looked at him with those signature puppy dog eyes. He pulled one of Spencer’s favorite plugs out of the drawer and slipped it slowly into him as Reid’s hips bucked up involuntarily, placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
“I’m going to get some clean pajamas for us, ok? I’ll be right here, baby.”
Spencer nodded with a small pout. Aaron handed him his favorite pair of pajama pants as he went to get him a glass of water. He reluctantly took a few sips before placing it against the night stand. Aaron got into the bed next to him, pulling Spencer close, knowing that he needs skin to skin contact after scenes like that. 
Reid fell into the spell of sleep first and Aaron watched how his chest rose and fell slowly while brushing through his soft locks before burying his head closer to Spencer and falling asleep himself.
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mintymiknow · 3 years
Trust Fall - ch. 10 | Lee Minho
summary | character profiles | masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Reader
Summary: Pieces are falling to place like a puzzle, and the light at the end of the tunnel is seemingly near sight. But there are still some obstacles to tackle...as well as some other hidden fragments to collect.
Genre: Secret agent/spy au, romance, angst, action
Word count: Approx. 5.3k
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Warnings for this chapter: Suggestiveness (another warning will be placed within the story so you’ll know which paragraphs to skip should you want to)
A/N: Another surprise! I really am getting busier, so I wanted to get another chapter out for everyone because there’s a high possibility that the next chapter will take longer than usual. This chapter will sort of signal the midpoint of the series. Also...for the Minho simps, another fragment of flashback of his past is included~ Oh, and more swoony moments! Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to send an ask if you have comments or questions!
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Minho leads you to the door of room 1117, hand still clasped around yours. Just before he enters, he turns to face you. “I’ll have to leave you here for a while, if you don’t mind. Interrogations can get...messy.” he says softly, taking notice of how you have your hands protectively wrapped around your upper arms.
You nod, and Minho takes off his suit jacket to drape around your shoulders before making three knocks on the door. Seconds later, Changbin opens it and walks out, greeting Minho with a playful salute. “Target’s all yours.” he smirks.
Minho thanks him with a smile before proceeding inside the room. Changbin hangs back when the door closes, sliding down against the wall to sit on the floor. He pats the spot beside him, encouraging you to sit next to him. You do so, smoothing out the fabric of your gown’s skirt, currently focused on the warmth Minho’s suit jacket gave you. The buff agent tilts his head, “How was the gala?”
“Oh you know, I danced with Minho.”
“Oh you know, I told him a secret.”
“Oh you know, I nearly kissed him.”
“Ah.” you eventually respond, “I danced most of the time. And pretended to drink champagne.”
Changbin stretches his arms and chuckles, “Interesting.”
You nod, mind still too preoccupied with thoughts about yours and Minho’s interactions for the night. Wasn’t it your intention to stay away from building bonds while in SKZ? Well, ever since you rekindled your friendship with Seungmin and Jisung, that plan already seemed to diverge. That’s one thing, but it’s another thing to feel a certain way towards a certain someone.
Not that you admitted you liked Minho, but what was this fluttery feeling blooming in your chest, flooding you with warmth each time Minho smiled at you or got physically close?
You had spent years putting up protective walls, and was this agent tearing it down? Perhaps that was why he was an agent, right? They’re experts at digging into things.
Was Minho telling the truth about trusting you? Or was that another one of his effortless lies and covers?
Changbin seems to pick up on your tense and nervous demeanor. He then bumps your shoulder with his, catching your attention. When you abruptly look at him with wide eyes, he chuckles, “Thinking about something?”
“I…” you trail off before clearing your throat, “just suddenly felt tired. Sleepy. I’ve been wearing these heels for hours.”
“Hmm.” Changbin nods his head, “You could have gone back to your hotel room when Hyunjin called the agents over.”
“I preferred to stay where you all were for...reasons.” you say quietly, not quite sure how you were supposed to say that you felt safer that way.
“Understood.” Changbin nods in understanding.
Meanwhile, inside the room, Chan, Minho, Jeongin and Hyunjin look at their target now tied up on the floor. Chan’s sitting on the bed, sifting through the papers they managed to find in the room. “This is more than enough intel.” the eldest agent states, nodding his head definitively.
Hyunjin is leaning against the wall as he hums, “Unfortunately, those are just lab reports and results for their serum’s current status. Our lab department can handle that. We have no leads on who they were supposed to transact with tonight though.”
“Perhaps our target is willing to tell.” Jeongin sing-songs.
The target hisses, eyebrows furrowed in anger, “As if! I’d rather die.”
“That can be arranged.” Minho says nonchalantly, a bored expression on his face.
“He’s gonna do it you know?” Jeongin snickers, kneeling beside the target, “So I think it’s best if you just tell us.”
The target laughs, shaking his head, “Are you gonna do it knowing your little lady friend is just outside?”
Minho’s eyebrow twitches, but he still manages to keep a stone-faced expression as he crosses his arms, “Her presence is irrelevant.”
Then Minho’s shrugging his vest off, slowly approaching the male with calculated steps. He grabs the target’s collar with ease, lifting him from the ground and glaring intensely. “Who were you going to transact with?” Minho repeats the question in a growl-like manner.
“Didn’t know SKZ had good-looking agents.”
Minho raises an eyebrow, and Jeongin ends up releasing a sympathetic sigh. Hyunjin whistles where he stands, and Chan pays no attention to the group, much too busy skimming through the sheets of paper in his hands. Minho then releases the target to roll the sleeves of his shirt before slapping the target with minimal force. “Answer the question.” the agent says.
However, the target is stubborn and keen on keeping his mouth shut. He responds with unrelated statements, jabs tasteless jokes and even mocks SKZ. When he makes the mistake of saying something about endangering you, however, Minho’s lips curl into a smirk, and the rest of the agents know what’s to come.
Jeongin smiles, walking over to sit on the bed with Chan, “It was nice knowing you, Mr. Target.”
Minho cracks his knuckles and stretches his neck before kneeling down to the target’s eye level, “I’m not in the mood for a long night, so let’s get this over with, shall we?”
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A few minutes later, the hotel room door opens, and Hyunjin walks out. Changbin stands and offers his hand to help you stand as well. With both of you on your feet, Hyunjin grins, “Heya y/n! You look good!”
“Didn’t you pick the dress?” you ask.
“Kind of. A female agent just asked for my opinion.” Hyunjin smiles before yawning, “Well, the target’s unconscious so Chan and I will keep watch until the pick-up team arrives to take him back to HQ.”
Jeongin is the next to exit the room, his grin still plastered on his face, “Unfortunately, we still have another meeting.”
Changbin nods, “Hope it’ll be quick.”
Minho is the next to exit the room as Hyunjin goes back in, gently closing the door as he does so. The older agent then nods at Changbin and Jeongin, “You two can go ahead. I’ll just walk y/n back to her room.”
The two fellow agents nod before waving and saying their goodbyes. They begin to walk down the hallway to the elevator, leaving you and Minho alone. He turns to you, gesturing towards the alternative staircase, “All our rooms are just one floor above. Mind taking the stairs?”
You’re tempted to refuse since you were still wearing your heels, but in the end, you nod and gesture for the male to lead the way. Minho nods, taking your hands in his once more as he ascends the stairs. You aren’t very sure why he does that - holding your hands and all - but...it was nice. It felt nice.
You both walk in silence, arriving in front of your hotel room door not too long after. The male turns on his heel to face you, nodding towards the door, “Go shower, get some sleep, whatever. Don’t worry about waking up early, I’m pretty sure Jung will have us leave after lunch tomorrow.”
You nod again, offering a small smile, “You didn’t need to escort me all the way here, you know?”
“Better safe than sorry.” Minho smiles, and for some reason, you see the gesture as more charming than usual. Were you that tired already?
You gently scoff, eyes never leaving Minho’s, “Truly an efficient and thorough agent.”
His lips curl into a somewhat larger smile as he shakes his head in amusement, “You flatter me. Go inside now.”
You stifle a laugh before nodding your head. You look into each other’s eyes for another second, but that brief moment of him looking at you fondly is enough to make you feel heat rising to your cheeks once more. With that, you move to open your door.
“Oh, one more thing.”
You halt your movements, turning to face the agent with a curious tilt of your head. Ah, maybe he wanted you to return his suit jacket.
You grip the jacket in an attempt to get it off of your shoulders when you suddenly feel Minho grabbing your wrist, gently pulling you close. As if happening in slow motion, the male leans closer - similar to what happened in the ballroom - until you can feel his breath fanning over your skin. Your hands grip the jacket around your shoulders tighter, heart threatening to leap out.
Then that’s when you feel his lips coming into contact with your skin, a soft and chaste kiss on your cheek, slightly above the corner of your lips.
In his mind, that was more than enough. That was fine for now.
“Goodnight, y/n.” he says after pulling away, flashing you one more small smile.
He does the honor of opening your door for you, seeing as to how you were frozen in place. Minho chuckles, gently pushing you inside the room. He bows his head politely before walking off to meet with the others, leaving you dumbfounded once more.
When you’re sure he’s gone, you slam the door shut and lean against it, eyes wide with panic as you reach a hand up to touch the area he kissed. “Why…” you ask yourself, failing to comprehend the agent’s actions.
No matter. Shaking your head, you kick your heels off and make a beeline for the bathroom. Maybe you needed a bath to clear your mind, so you readied the bathtub with nice, warm water to soak in. Once ready, you don’t waste a single second in stripping your clothes and submerging yourself in the warm water, sighing in relief as your tense body relaxes.
You lean forward to grab the bottle of body wash that was on the shower rack and read the label. The liquid inside was a pretty shade of pink with a little shimmer swirling inside. The label read “Levanter Collection: Sweet Rose Lips” for the name of the product, and the description read, “A softly fragrant rose-scented body wash. Go ahead and pamper yourself with this wash that will leave your skin soft and supple - perfect to kiss if applicable!”
You roll your eyes at the cheesy description, putting the body wash back on the rack.
“Leave your skin soft and supple - perfect to kiss if applicable!”
Kiss. The word echoed in your mind repeatedly.
“Thank you.” Minho suddenly whispers, and it only dawns on you now that he’s mere centimeters away from your face.
He’s so close that you feel his breath mingling with yours, the tips of your noses barely touching. His hands rest at the small of your back, but there’s a certain pressure to his touch as if he was restraining himself from something. Your breathing comes to a stop as does time, and your grip on his broad shoulders tightens. Both your eyes are lidded as you stare at each other; you can tell his eyes have landed on your lipstick-covered lips, and the agent can deduce the same for you - your eyes are definitely caught up in looking at his own lips.
Something in your heart booms - or maybe snaps - and it would seem the same for Minho because he’s leaning closer, eyes now closed as he closes the gap. You shut your eyes as well, preparing yourself for the touch of his lips on yours.
You soon feel the ghosting touch of his lips grazing yours, sending a jolt of electricity up your veins. Then, his lips capture yours, overwhelming your senses like a wildfire that leaves you burning in its wake. Minho hugs you closer and tighter, one hand going up to cup your jaw and stroke the skin there. You relish in how soft his lips are against yours, a beautiful contrast to the roughness of his hands. Your own fingers tangle with his locks, pulling him as close as possible as your lips continue to melt together like slow-moving lava.
You aggressively splash the water in the bathtub, squealing as you cover your face. “That’s not what happened, you dummy!” you reprimand yourself, muffled screaming into your hands.
Your heart is beating two, three, four times faster than usual, and despite the water being lukewarm and almost cold by now, it feels much too hot in the bathroom. You groan and dunk your head in the water before re-emerging with pouty lips. The water drips down your hair and face as you hug your legs to yourself. One hand makes its way to your lips, and you gently brush your fingertips against it.
It was for a brief moment - barely a kiss - when Minho’s lips grazed against yours.
His lips seemed so soft. So tempting. Inviting.
You squeal again, sinking lower in the bathtub until it’s just your nose and above that isn’t submerged in water. With tired and nearly deadpan eyes, you think to yourself, “Get a hold of yourself, Dr. Song.”
“You’ll have to say goodbye when this is all over.”
If this will actually be over.
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“In summary, Cle was supposed to transact with Red Wing, a private company that directly supplies manpower and weaponry to a militant group. Their agent attended this gala to give a prototype serum that, as per the papers, is almost complete. In exchange, Cle would be given a large sum of money to mass produce the said serum.” Jung reads the report from Chan, “Is that correct?”
“Yes sir.” the agents reply.
“And according to the papers, the serum that was being sold is a prototype?”
“Prototype 1.” Minho states, “Technically, Cle is reporting the serum as 90% complete.”
Jung sighs, shaking his head, “Are we certain that the transaction didn’t push through?”
Chan nods, his voice sure and firm, “Yes, sir. Jeongin, Minho and I kept our eyes on him the entire evening, and Hyunjin and Changbin tailed him afterwards. No transaction happened.”
The head agent nods in response, an approving look in his eyes. “Did we manage to acquire the serum that was supposed to be sold?” Jung asks.
Minho hums, gesturing his head towards the window in the room, “One bottle. We’ve given the serum to the pick-up team. They’re en-route to HQ as we speak.”
“Good, good. Jisung and Seungmin can start analyzing it.” Jung seems happy, “Oh...Dr. Song is here, is she not?”
Chan tilts his head, “Yes. Why?”
Jung hums, hand on his chin as if he were deep in thought, “It would have been nice to have her return to HQ to help Jisung and Seungmin so we can immediately determine if this prototype serum brings us a step closer to a solution. Where is she now?”
Minho raises an eyebrow and leans against the wall. He remembers you admitting to him that you somehow discovered a semi-solution to negate the serum; though not final, you had admitted that you discovered something of significant use. That you were close to finding the final solution.
Minho doesn’t say a word. Instead, he addresses the head’s question. “She’s asleep by now, I assume.” he starts a bit too protectively, and he doesn’t miss the teasing smirk on Jeongin’s lips, “She was with us the entire night.”
If Jung notices the tone of protectiveness in the agent’s voice, he doesn’t say anything about it. “I see.” Jung nods in understanding, “Well, the most we can do now is just wait. You’re all dismissed. Go get some rest and sleep for the night.”
All the agents excuse themselves and politely bow before leaving Jung’s hotel room. Jeongin, Chan and Changbin go ahead, getting off the elevator to the 10th floor while saying goodbye in between their yawns. Meanwhile, Hyunjin and Minho get out of the elevator on the 12th floor. While walking towards their respective rooms, Hyunjin softly chuckles, “You’re awfully quiet again. Something happen between you and y/n?”
Minho sighs, furrowing his eyebrows as he chooses his words, “I nearly kissed her.”
The long-haired agent gasps, eyes wide with both shock and amusement. If it were possible, there could have been a million stars in his eyes right now. “Oh?” he whistles, “What brought that about?”
Minho groans, sighing as if he had just faced his biggest predicament, “We were dancing in the gala, and we just...talked. Before I knew it, I was...leaning in.”
“And what stopped you from indulging?” Hyunjin asks with curiosity.
“Many things. We’re on a mission...you called and told us the target was captured…” Minho mumbles, “Among others.”
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow, “What are these others?”
“Oho, the Lee Minho’s afraid?”
Minho glares before deflating into a more tired stance, “You know what I mean, Hyunjin. If I fall, there’s no guarantee I can get back up. Or worse, someone to cushion that fall.”
“Well, isn’t y/n there to make the fall easier?” Hyunjin muses, “Guide you through it? I mean, she’s new to it I’m sure, but the two of you will help each other. I’m positive of that.”
“You really think?”
“You’re not as smart, huh?”
“Hwang Hyunjin.”
Hyunjin laughs, “Ok, ok! I’m just saying…a little change isn’t so bad. Maybe it’s time you cast off that particular ghost - you know what I mean - and find a...better chapter in life.”
Minho looks at his friend with a deadpan expression before breaking out into a small smile, “Who knew you were this poetic?”
“Going undercover in various places has its perks.” Hyunjin laughs before stopping in front of his hotel room door, “Think about it. For the meantime, goodnight!”
“Night.” Minho replies, opening the door next to Hyunjin’s to go inside his own room.
And when Minho strips his clothes off, takes a shower and plops down on bed, he expects to fall asleep right away, especially since his body is so exhausted. He expects to relish in the warmth and softness of the bed and pillows, carrying him over to dreamland. He does not, however, expect to lay still on his back, eyes glued to the ceiling as the darkness of the room washes over him.
[A/N: italics = flashback] / [Warning: suggestive and implied actions, but nothing graphic and explicit at all. Should you still wish to skip this, press CTRL + F (or any command to help you search for words on a webpage) and search “Minho guaranteed that”. You can continue reading from there]
The room was hot. His skin was hot and flushed. Everything was hot, especially her lips on his. They’ve been in this...compromising? Intimate? position for a while now, the woman on his lap, both of them in nothing but their bare skin. She was pressed against him, leaving no space for air to dance in between as he devoured her lips with his own, hands traveling here and there.
“Didn’t you say you were tired from your mission?” Jiyeon laughed as Minho shifted his attention to her neck.
Minho laughed in kind, a playful glint in his eyes, “Yeah, but I have just enough energy for one round.”
“What is this? A video game? Low stamina and health points are going down!” the woman joked around, keeping the mood bright and lively despite the nature of their current actions.
“I have the energy, but I am a bit tired.” Minho smirked, “I think you’ll need to be quiet for a while.”
The man silenced her with hungry kisses, placing her down on the bed as he entered her space. In between the pants and breathless gasps, whispers of love were announced here and there like some proclamation or oath that shouldn’t be forgotten. And by the end of the night, the two figures lay in bed, snuggly in each other’s arms and paying no heed to the sweatiness of their skin.
It didn’t take long for Minho to fall asleep, soft snores escaping his lips. Jiyeon looked at the man with a warm gaze, eyes narrowing as she smiled and stifled a giggle. The woman reached out to gently comb her fingers through the male’s hair - dyed orange at the time - taking her time in getting a feel of the soft locks, almost as if trying to remember what they felt like.
She brushed a few strands away from his face, resting the hand by the male’s jaw. “I really do love you.” she whispered, placing a very quick kiss to his nose.
Jiyeon then got up, gathering the articles of clothing that were on the floor before slipping them back on. Now fully dressed, the woman took her pistol from the bedside drawer and aimed it at the sleeping male. Just about ready to pull the trigger, Jiyeon’s eyes widened for a brief second before she regained her composure.  
“If you’re going to pull the trigger, make sure you’ve put your silencer.” Minho said, eyes still closed, “Wouldn’t want Chan and the rest running over here.”
Jiyeon lowered the gun, sighing as if she was very much bummed out, “As expected. Nothing slips past you.”
Minho’s eyes were now open, but he didn’t spare her a glance. Instead, he kept his gaze on his clothes on the floor, an uninterested expression on his face. “We both know I’m not going to engage with you now, so you either kill me or walk away quietly.” he said calmly, but the threat in his voice was powerful.
“If I go, will I see you again?” Jiyeon teased a bit too flirtatiously.
Minho’s expression didn’t waver; stoic and blank, yet a certain inferno engulfed the stars in his galaxy-like eyes. He ran a hand through his already-messy hair before speaking with a poisonous and bitter tone.
“Perhaps.” he started, “But the next time we cross paths, one of us will end up with a bullet in their heart.”
“Didn’t your heart already get hit by a bullet, Lee Minho?” Jiyeon chuckled before tucking her gun back in.
Without another word from either of them, the woman walked out the door, closing it gently.
Minho stared up at the ceiling of his room, not blinking even once as he felt something cool - no, something hot - stream down the sides of his face.
Hot tears of...sadness? No, anger.
Anger and vengeance.
Yes, his heart was hit by a bullet named Jiyeon.
And he was still alive.
Jiyeon was going to get hit by a bullet named Lee Minho, and she would not survive.
Minho guaranteed that.
Minho doesn’t even realize his eyebrows are angrily furrowed until he hears a knock on the hotel room door. Breaking from his trance, the agent sighs as he gets up, cautiously approaching the door. He relaxes only when he hears a soft, familiar voice saying “Minho?”
Opening the door, the agent looks at you inquisitively before asking worriedly, “Y/n? What’s wrong?”
You give him a smile of reassurance, “Oh, nothing serious, don’t worry. Um, I just...wanted to return this.”
You stretch your hand out to give him his suit jacket. Minho chuckles and takes it from you before raising an eyebrow, “You could have just returned it tomorrow.”
“I...might forget.” you chuckle sheepishly, unconsciously tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
The agent smiles fondly, giving your cheek another pinch, “If you missed me, you could have just said so.”
“Who says?” you hit his arm which really doesn’t do anything, “I just wanted to return it before I forget!”
Minho bites his lip to stifle a louder laugh. “You’re still pretty hyper.”
“You’re one to talk.” you glare, reaching up to pinch his cheek as well.
But when you realize what you’ve done - and judging by the twitch of his lips - you freeze and feel your heart drop, legs suddenly weak. Your hand remains in place, your pinch on his cheek loosening but the hand is still there. Minho blinks twice, his own hand slowly coming up to envelope yours. With your hand in his, he pulls it away from his face, poking his tongue in the inside of his cheek.
“I…” you stumble over your words, “I didn’t mean to. Uh...I’m so sorry.”
But Minho ends up erupting in soft laughter, his eyes crinkling in amusement. He lets go of your hand to lightly tap a finger on the tip of your nose. “I think you’re the first person to have had the guts to do that.” he teases, “I’ll admit I’m amused.”
“You’re probably just pulling my leg.” you deadpan.
The male agent shrugs casually, smiling as he speaks, “Maybe. Anyway, shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
You pout, “I was...until I remembered to return the jacket.”
“Ok, fine.” Minho smirks, “Thanks. Now seriously, go get some sleep.”
“Yes, Agent Lee.” you stick your tongue out.
“Hmm. Charming. Real charming.” he deadpans, but not a second later, he’s chuckling.
“You’re the charming one.”
You don’t say that, but you wish you could.
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The next day, after the team returned from the previous mission, the agents had set off almost immediately after lunch. Not even stepping foot into the HQ, Minho and the other agent boys had already left for the continuation of their mission. Changbin and Jeongin remained, the older agent going back to the main building while Jeongin headed for the cafeteria for an after-lunch snack. You went to the living quarters to drop some stuff in your room and get changed into more comfortable clothes.
Afterwards, you began your usual walk to the lab department to look for Jisung and Seungmin. You peek into the usual room where the three of you work, but there was no sign of the duo. You hum to yourself, rattling your brain to think of anywhere else they could be.
As you exit the room, Changbin exits another one as well. He sees you and offers a smile, “Heyo.”
“Hi.” you smile, “Have you seen Jisung and Seungmin?”
“No, actually. I was looking for them.” Changbin pouts, and it’s a funny contrast to his buff physique, “Minho asked me to ask them if the results for a serum test came out already…”
“Yeah, I was going to ask them that as well.” you sigh.
The agent then shrugs, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, “Well, seeing as to how those two are probably on break if they aren’t here, you should join them.”
“Aren’t we...still on duty?” you ask cautiously.
“I am.” Changbin pretends to sob, “But technically you aren’t since lab results and tests can take time. Besides, Minho and the rest are still on an ongoing side mission, so either way, we have to wait for them to return to know how to proceed next. For the time being, I think it should be fine to have a day-off.”
“Are you positive? Minho might have my head.” you mumble.
At that, Changbin laughs, “Oh, you’re funny. I like that. Well, Minho can’t do anything about it ‘cause he’s not here. Go and have fun with the younger guys. If you can’t find Jisung or Seungmin, ask Felix to help you locate them!”
“I will, thank you Changbin.” you politely bow.
“No need for that.” he laughs, giving your head a pat, “See you around.”
About 5-10 minutes later, you and Felix locate Jisung and Seungmin in one of the lounge rooms of the living quarters - the one with a swimming pool.
You stare in disbelief before turning to face the freckled agent, “Really? A swimming pool? Is this a government organization or a hotel?”
Felix laughs, his eyes crinkling with amusement, “Come on, y/n! The swimming pool in the training center is to train the agents. This one's for recreational purposes! We agents can get stressed and want to relax when we can, you know?”
“I know…” you stifle a laugh, “I just...wasn’t expecting a whole pool.”
Jisung swims over to the edge and smiles at the two of you, “Care to join us? Those test results you all want are going to take another three hours or so.”
“I’ll just sit here and watch, thanks.” you offer a small smile.
Felix, on the other hand, is already taking his shirt off, enthusiastically happy that he chose to wear sweatpants and not jeans today - wet sweatpants were less of a hassle compared to wet jeans. He jumps into the pool with a splash for an impromptu swimming break. You and Jisung laugh as Felix lets out a loud “whoo!”. Seungmin wades over much calmer compared to the two, hoisting himself up to sit on the pool edge. “Did you guys just get back?” he asks.
“More or less.” you answer, grabbing a chair and sitting on it.
“So,” Jisung wiggles - you presume his butt - in the water and narrows his eyes mischievously, “tell us about the gala! Wasn’t your cover supposed to be lovers with Minho?”
Felix squeals in the background, splashing water like a child. Seungmin has to hold back a snicker as he looks at you expectantly. You’re aware of the fact that your cheeks heat up, but you shoot the boys a glare either way. “How’d you know that?” you ask.
Jisung snickers, “Jeongin told me!”
“Why that…” you mumble under your breath before clearing your throat, “Well, sorry to burst your bubbles, but nothing much happened. Dancing, eating, drinking...that’s it. I barely did anything afterwards.”
Jisung makes a “boo” sound, causing Seungmin to kick at the water and splash him. Meanwhile, Felix raises a question while floating around, “Did you and Minho do anything fun?”
“If you consider dancing as fun, then there you go.” you say, suddenly flashing back to the near-kiss you shared.
Seungmin is quick to notice the reddened flush of your skin, so he smiles innocently and muses, “Hmm? Did you enjoy dancing with Minho, y/n? I wouldn’t blame you. All the girls here have had a crush on him at some point.”
You ignore the pang of jealousy that sizzles in your bones, covering your flustered state with another glare. “I did not.” you defend yourself, crossing your arms, “I swear, it was just nothing.”
Jisung hums excitedly, flailing in the water, “I can tell you’re hiding something!”
“I am not!” you nearly stutter.
“Gee, Minho’s right. You’re a bad liar.” Felix says innocently, earring him a high-five from Jisung.
“Spill it.” Seungmin says with a devious smirk.
You avert your eyes, glancing to the side as you mumble, “He kissed me on the cheek.”
Of course you left out the part where he nearly kissed you on the lips.
With that admission, the three boys yell and cheer, the sounds echoing in the pool room. You look at them surprised, cheeks now redder than ever. Jisung is the first to stop squealing, “I’ve known Minho for so long, and this is the first time he’s done that!”
“Not really.” Seungmin corrects before waving his hand dismissively, “Well, the first time in a while anyway. Looks like the Ice Prince is melting.”
You don’t get to dwell on the implications of Seungmin’s words - implying that Minho acted like that with someone before - because Felix is the next to giddily speak, “Well? Why’d he do that? What happened?”
“He just walked me back to my hotel room. Then...we both said good night, and he just leaned in. It was super fast! You’re all overreacting!” you yell, causing the three to laugh.
“Ohoho. You probably liked it.” Jisung wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, “Ooooh you wanted to kiss him so bad I bet!”
“No I did not!” your face twists in mock-disgust.
“Kissy kissy on the lips.” Felix playfully puckers his lips at you.
Your cheeks are as red as apples, and your ears are burning at the tips. “Felix!” you complain.
“Look at you all shy!” Seungmin teases.
This prompts you to get up from the chair and push him into the pool. He emerges with a laugh, but the three boys soon swim close to the edge and grab your wrist. Jisung smirks, “You have your phone with you?”
“No, I put it on the table there by the - ”
You don’t get to finish because the three of them pull you into the pool, causing you to scream in surprise. When your head emerges above the water surface, hair and clothes all soaked, you pinch each of their ears. “The three of you are so dead.” you grit your teeth, but their cheeky grins are enough to cause you to break into laughter.
“My, my. What children.” Jeongin teases as he arrives at the entrance of the pool room.
“You’re one to talk, you snitch.” you smirk.
Jeongin winks, “Not snitch. I prefer the term ‘wingman’.”
“Where’d you learn to talk like that?”
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 13
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
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When you woke up the next morning, you could barely breathe from the lump that was Min Yoongi resting on top of you. 
Looking down, you smiled when you saw his head on your chest with his cheek smushed against your breast, his nose resting at the base of your neck. His legs were intertwined with yours and you couldn’t help but to notice how nicely your scent mixed with his as they both hung in the air. 
You still couldn’t believe how quickly things had moved between you and Yoongi, when you had the time to sit down and really think about it. You had never expected to even want to be in the same room with him but now, you had definitely fallen for him and at the rate that things were going, you knew it wouldn’t be long until you fell in love with him. 
“You’re thinking too loud,” Yoongi suddenly grumbled, and you smiled as you reached down and set your hands in his hair. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“What time is it?” He asked and you glanced over at his bedside table, taking note of the time on the clock that sat there.
“I don’t function before 10 so let’s go back to sleep,” he muttered.
“I’m gonna have to raincheck,” you giggled. “I need to go to the Head Hall and talk to my brother about some things.”
“Everything ok?” 
“More than,” you assured him. “It’s just some small stuff, nothing serious.”
“And you have to go now?” He whined. “And leave me here, all alone, with only the remnants of your nest and your scent to remind me that you were even here?”
“You are so dramatic, what the fuck Yoongi?” You laughed. “I have an appointment with a pregnant Omega at 10 so I need to go talk to Joon before he gets too busy.”
“Ugh, fine,” he relented, lifting his head and opening his eyes to look at you for the first time this morning. “Wanna meet for lunch?”
“I’m booked up all day,” you grimaced. “What about dinner? You could come to my place and I’ll cook for you, for a change.”
“Sounds good,” he nodded, leaning up and kissing you gently. “I’ll see you later then baby.” After pressing a few more gentle kisses to his lips, you managed to pull yourself away from him and hop into his shower. Once you were out, you may or may not have snagged one of his flannel shirts from his dresser drawer before pressing another kiss to his forehead and sneaking out of his house. 
Your walk to the Head Hall was quick, given that you’d been making the same walk literally since you were born; first to visit your father and now, to visit your brother. Once you stepped inside, you climbed the massive staircase that led you to the second floor and you walked over to stand in front of Namjoon’s secretary’s desk.
“Hi Y/N!” Mina greeted you cheerfully and you couldn’t help but to smile back.
“Hi Mina. Where’s Tae?” You wondered, since Taehyung was Namjoon’s usual secretary.
“He called in with the “flu”,” she giggled. “Though if you ask me, I think he just didn’t want to pull himself away from that Alpha of his.”
“Most likely,” you laughed in agreement. “Is Namjoon here though?”
“Just got here about 20 minutes ago,” she nodded. “Go on in.”
“Thanks,” you said before stepping around the desk and knocking on the door to Namjoon’s office.
“Come in!” You heard him say and you pushed open the door, sticking your head inside a little so that he could see you.
“Busy?” You wondered and he shook his head as he motioned for you to come inside. You did so, making sure to shut the door behind you before you walked over to sit in one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk. You always got a bittersweet feeling whenever you went to visit Namjoon, since his office used to actually be your father’s before he was killed. 
“You know, as your older brother, I’m not even gonna ask why you reek of Min Yoongi because I don’t want to know,” he spoke up before you even had the chance to say anything, which made you smirk as you looked at him.
“Oh please, as many times as Tae and I accidently caught you and Hyo making out when we were teenagers,” you snickered, making Namjoon’s cheeks redden. “You can deal with some scenting.”
“You smell like you did a whole lot more than scenting or making out though,” he laughed and it was your turn for your cheeks to redden. “But what’s up?”
“Well, I wanted to check in with you and see what you thought about Yoongi,” you told him.
“Why would you ask me that?” He wondered with a chuckle as he sat back in his chair. “We both know that you’re gonna do whatever you want regardless of what I may have to say. You always have.”
“Yeah but you’re Pack Alpha and you’re also my only big brother,” you said. “Ideally, I’d like to have your approval.”
“But you don’t need it, given your status within the pack,” he pointed out and you rolled your eyes at him bringing that up.
“Well, give me your opinion according to my new status,” you replied.
“I like him well enough,” Namjoon sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “He seems strong and dependable, and he’s a damned good hunter so I know that he’d be able to provide for you and protect you. However, he’s a little on the quiet side.”
“What’s wrong with being quiet?”
“Nothing, if it doesn’t seem like someone is using that to hide something,” Namjoon shrugged. “He seems almost too quiet. Plus, I really wish we knew more about how he ended up almost dead and why whoever did that to him would just leave him there.”
“You think it was his fault?” You questioned with an arched brow.
“No, but you know as well as I do that if a person is thrown out of their pack, most of the reasons behind it aren’t positive ones,” he responded. 
“Still, it probably wasn’t his fault,” you replied.
“Probably, but the possibility is always going to be there until he tells us otherwise,” Namjoon shot back. “You wanted my opinion, that’s a part of it.”
“Hyo said that you said that you thought we’d make a good match though,” you brought up, making Namjoon groan loudly.
“God, I love that woman but she talks too much,” he huffed, making you chuckle. “When I said that, I meant it on the basis of our biology. I almost expected the two of you to be attracted to each other, and I wasn’t at all surprised when you showed up with that necklace on.”
“So you do approve then?” You pressed him.
“Yes Y/N-ah, I approve,” he relented as he rolled his eyes. 
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” you smiled. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he shrugged and it was then that you noticed something in his sandalwood and pine scent was off.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him, and he sighed heavily before telling you.
“Hobi caught some lurkers on the edge of our territory last night,” he revealed, making your eyes widen. 
“Seriously?” You gasped. “You think it’s anything to be concerned about?”
“I think it’s Seo-hyun’s pack,” he confessed and you immediately felt anger cloud your senses once you heard that name. 
“Are you fucking serious?” You spat and Namjoon nodded.
“Seo-hyun has been the one that’s been pressuring the packs around here to fight over territory,” he reminded you.
“Just like he did before the Great Pack War,” you added.
“Exactly, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he sent those lurkers just to test me and see what I would do,” he said.
“Well, what are you going to do?” You wondered.
“I’m still working on that,” he replied honestly. “But whatever I come up with, I’m gonna try not to take it to the extremes of war again. That’s the last thing that this pack or any of the other packs need.”
“Agreed,” you nodded. “Well, I’ll let you get back to work.” You stood up from the chair and after he nodded at you, you turned around and walked towards the door. Just as your hand wrapped around the door knob, Namjoon called out to you.
“Y/N-ah?” He said and you turned around again to look at him. “Your heat’s coming up soon, right?”
“You know, you’ve been Pack Alpha for seven years now but I’ll still never get used to you knowing my heat cycle,” you blushed lightly.
“Trust me, it’s not my favorite piece of knowledge to have but you would’ve had to do it too if you kept your former status,” he pointed out. 
“To answer your question though, yes it’s coming up in like a week or so,” you told him. 
“You should tell Yoongi before then,” he advised you. “You know what I’m talking about?”
“Yeah, I know,” you smiled softly. “I’m gonna tell him. I just...have to figure out how to.”
“I get it,” Namjoon nodded. “Have a good rest of your day Y/N-ah.”
“You too Joon,” you replied before turning around and stepping out of his office, shutting the door behind you.
“Ok, so no offense or anything,” Yoongi began but you interrupted him.
“That’s usually what someone says right before they offend you,” you pointed out, making Yoongi laugh loudly.
“This probably will offend you but I have to say it, it looks like an actual blueberry in here,” Yoongi chuckled as he looked around your cabin. The two of you had been sat on your couch, eating the chili that you had cooked for dinner. This was his first time actually coming inside your house, and you were quickly regretting it.
“Blue is my favorite color,” you muttered petulantly. The walls in your living room were colored in powder blue, with the couch and two easy chairs matching it. Yoongi also couldn’t help but to notice how many vases you had with fresh carnations around as well.
“You like carnations?” Yoongi wondered.
“Love them,” you confirmed with a soft smile. “When I was little, my dad used to always get my mom a fresh bouquet of them every week. I got so used to having them in the house, I decided to keep it going once I got my own cabin.”
“They’re beautiful,” Yoongi said as he extended his arms towards you. You immediately moved closer to him, allowing him to wrap you up into a tight hug. 
“Missed you today,” you murmured as you nuzzled your nose against his scent gland on his neck. 
“I missed you too baby,” he whispered. 
“How was your day?” You questioned. 
“Busy,” Yoongi huffed. “Kibum didn’t feel well today so I ran the hardware shop by myself.”
“Really?” You gasped in surprise. “That’s great.”
“It was nerve wrecking,” he corrected you. “I wouldn’t have even done it if Kibum didn’t basically threaten my life.”
“Yeah, that’s how he gets what he wants,” you giggled. “How did it end up going though, besides being busy?”
“It was...good, actually,” he told you. “Since everyone mostly knows me now, it was smooth sailing.”
“Aw, look who’s a part of the pack now,” you cooed, and Yoongi laughed.
“I didn’t really expect to ever be,” he admitted. “Especially with me being an outsider.”
“Because in my old pack, being kind to each other wasn’t the norm,” Yoongi huffed. “And we definitely didn’t extend kindness to outsiders.”
“But you like it?” You guessed and he nodded.
“I do. I never thought I’d end up here, but I’m glad that I did,” he confessed, taking a second to lean down and press a kiss to the side of your head. 
“I’m glad that you did too,” you smiled. After saying that though, you couldn’t help but to hope that he would react well to your secret whenever you decided to tell him because you really were glad that he was there and you didn’t want to lose him. 
Tag List: @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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truglori · 3 years
Homebody (Ch.8)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language
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Laying snuggled up under the blacket Amiyah shifted sides on the couch as the tv played quietly. Not watching anything in particular but only wanting some noise in the background as she closed her eyes thinking to herself. Shuffling sounds came to the front from the back. She could hear Kelley getting ready for work. It was 5:30am and she would have to leave by now to make it on time. Hearing the footsteps getting closer her eyes opened.
“Hey girl! You sure you gonna be okay here by yourself?” Kelley bending down in front of her with eyes that showed she was worried.
Sending over a smile to console her Amiyah grasped her hand giving it a light squeeze. “I’m okay, and thanks for covering for me today. I just need a day to relax. I appreciate this.”
Not having any other choice but to take her word Kelley return a smile as she pecked her forehead before strolling towards her door. She gave her one last glance and a small wave goodbye as she left. Amiyah picked up her phone. Going through her messages she seen that she had two from Erik. They were sent some time around 11pm. She didn’t get to them because she fell asleep early exhausted from work. The only thing that was stopping her from opening them was the last text he sent that she could read through the thread.
Erik💋:You and me need to have a talk...10:57pm
Sighing and mushing her face into the pillow, her mind raveling over the things he could possibly want to talk about. Getting a text like this has never been associated with something good. It could only mean that he found out about one of her secrets. Did he know about Durk putting her out? Was there any way possible he heard about her accepting a date with Cane? The questions invaded her brain as she hesitated to respond.
“Stop being a bitch and just do it.” Talking aloud she gain the courage to click on the message.
Erik💋:Baby if your up can you call me...10:56pm
Erik💋:You and me need to have a talk...10:57pm
Was he upset about something? Amiyah couldn’t decipher his tone through the text. Tapping on his name she decided to call him instead. The ringing went on for about four times before he picked up.
“Why you ain’t call me last night.” Erik answered straight forward.
“I fell asleep. Lately I just been really tired. I’m sorry baby.” Amiyah spoke softly into the phone.
“Mm...that sweet voice you putting on not getting you out of trouble. You still at your friends place?” Erik asked already knowing the answer.
“Yeah she just left to go to work. You want to come over?” Twirling the string on her hoodie she waited for him to respond.
“I’ll be there. Let me make a quick stop and I’ll head over there.”
Nodding her head as if he could see her she gave an ‘okay’ before hanging up. Lifting up from her spot she walked to the bathroom. Grabbing her toiletry bag she reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste. Placing that to the side she went for her skincare products first, washing her face with her even bar before finishing up with a toner and a vitamin c serum. After brushing her teeth twice she checked in the mirror making sure they were nice and clean and went back in to the livingroom.
Fifteen minutes later she heard a hard knock. Getting up and checking through the peek hole she saw Erik standing there with a Dunkin Donuts bag in one hand and an orange and apple juice in the other. Unlocking the door she was greeted with a grin. Even though his hands were occupied Amiyah rushed him with a hug wrapping her arms around his neck but having to stand on her tippy toes because he was so tall and not bending down as usual.
Laughing, Erik return the hug to the best of his abilities without trying to drop the food and drinks in his hands. “Mama you gon make me drop our shit.”
“Sorry..I just missed you.” Bashfully blushing Amiyah step to the side to let him in.
Placing the items on the table that was between the furniture and tv Erik observed the area noticing the blanket and pillows sprawled out. He took off his jacket laying it on the arm rest of the couch before plopping down taking a seat. Throwing his arms on top of the couch he watched her steadily walk to him before she sat down. But she wasn’t sitting within arms reach.
“So you do all that hugging but yet you sitting all the way over there. C’mere.” He commanded.
Averting her eyes between him and the tv that was now at the time playing some old movie Amiyah slowly scooted over until she felt their thighs collide. Erik chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her neck bringing her closer to him. Now she was leaning her back into his chest holding the hand that was laying on her as they watched the movie.
There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke.
“You want some breakfast? I brought a bacon egg and cheese on croissant and a sausage egg and cheese with some hash browns. Which one you want?” Leaning over, his long arm stretched out to retrieve the bag and sat it in his lap.
“It doesn’t matter. You can choose since you bought them.” She sheepishly replied.
“Unh uh mama...ladies first. Pick one baby.” He kissed the top of her head trying to tell her it was okay.
“Okay I’ll take the bacon please.”
Taking it out of the bag he handed it to her and gave her a side of hash browns as well. Amiyah thanked him and started chewing on the small potatoe bites while keeping her eyes forward on the tv. They ate in silence occasionally stealing glancing at each other. Even after they were done they still were quiet in each other’s company. It wasn’t until Amiyah’s phone alerted her that she had a text that snapped them back into reality.
Sitting up she leaned over to the other side checking it. As she glanced down at the notification her body tensed up with nerves as she swiped it away before sending her phone back to sleep. Erik noticed the change in her body language.
“Who was that?” His eyes gazing at her laying back into her previous spot.
“Kelley. She was just texting me about some rude customer she had to deal with.” Amiyah smiled nervously lying to him.
It was Cane. He sent her a good morning text and told her that he couldn’t wait until tonight. Guilt started to eat her up as she shrunk into his arms. The same accusations she tried putting on him that early morning when he asked her to be his girl were the same ones she committing now. Amiyah was trying to please both men at once. Being stuck in between a rock and a hard place she felt helpless. She wanted so badly to tell Erik but she would always wave the feeling off whenever she reminded herself that this was a one time thing. No strings attached. But she couldn’t shake the feeling.
“Erik I have to tell you something.” She paused.
Taking his attention off the television and on to her he brought his hand down to her thigh and caressed it. “What’s up.” He spoke softly.
“Two days ago me and Durk got into a fight. Not a physical one but a yelling match. I ended up saying some things that I shouldn’t have and it resulted into him putting me out. Which is why I’m here.” She said everything in one breath. It wasn’t the Cane situation but Amiyah hoped that if she was honest about this it would relieve some of the weight she was feeling right now.
Watching his face expression it was motionless. He looked unfazed about what she had just said as he sat there chewing on his bottom lip.
“Really? Nothing?” Amiyah scoffed folding her arms.
“Nah I was just wondering when you were going to tell me. That’s actually what I was trying to call you about last night. I thought I was gonna have to be the one to speak up.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You knew?”
“When I went to see your brother last night he told me everything. Then I told him I didn’t like that shit and that he needs to call you so you can go back.”
Her lips formed a small smile as she listened to him revealing how he spoke up for her. Her eyes gleamed detecting his protectiveness in his voice.
“Well what did he say?” Amiyah asked curious about her brothers reaction.
“He definitely knew he fucked up. I just seen the hurt in his eyes when he was talking about the situation. He’s worried about you Miyah.” Staring into her eyes Erik wanted her to know that he was serious.
Rolling her eyes up to the ceiling she shook her head.” He didn’t seem worried when he kicked my ass out. All he wants me to do is run back to him and depend on him for the rest of my life like he’s expecting me to. I’m not going back.”
Erik chuckled taking note of her stubbornness Durk was informing him about.
“So what you gon do? Stay here with ya friend? I don’t mean to offend you when I say this but after a while miss Kelley’s patience is gonna get short every time she sees you laying her couch and getting in the way of her alone time.” He truthfully told her.
“No she’s not like that. In fact she told me I’m able to be here as long as I want so you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice heightened circling her body around towards him.
His forehead creased. “Okay so even if it was like that, you still plan on staying here for a long time?”
“So what you gonna do?” He cut her sentence short.
“Erik I don’t know but I don’t want to just run back. It’ll make me look weak...especially after how he treated me.” Her eyes became glossy when she shifted her head down to her lap.
Erik taking his hand tilting her chin lifting it back up. He pulled her face near his making them only inches apart from each other.
“Making up with a love one doesn’t make you weak. We only have one life and we need to spend it cherishing our family while they’re here, you never know when it’ll be the last time you see them.”
When he said that he began to recollect the times that he had with his father. He took those moments for granted. So when the tragedy happened when his father was murder it broke him down in the inside knowing that he will never be able to make anymore memories with him.
Amiyah captured his words and took them into consideration. Maybe she should make up with her brother. After losing both of their parents she couldn’t stand the thought of not having him in her life. If anything was to happened to Durk before they could make up she would be devastated and live with resentment towards herself. Maybe it was time to put her pride aside and put it behind her.
“Okay. I’ll call him later.” Sighing in defeat but filled with alleviation she cradled into him. This time she laid her head on his lap facing his torso.
Erik played in her hair smirking at her position. “If you tryna suck a little dick just say that.” He mumbled lightening the mood but knew she heard him.
Amiyah quickly got up hitting him in his chest. Going to the other side of the couch she mumbled a few words herself. “I bet it is little.” Rolling her eyes she cuddled the pillow.
Erik’s eyebrows lifted in amusement. A smile crept on his face when he stood up. Walking to her side of the love seat he stood in front of her. His hands folded behind his back as he sucked in his bottom lip making his deep dimples poke out.
“You tryna find out?” His low voice delivered a lustful tone never taking his eyes off her.
Sitting up she leaned her weight on her right arm. Amiyah was now face to face with his crotch. It was at this moment when she noticed the imprint of his dick. It was so visible anyone who saw it would assume that he was free-balling right now. Her lips involuntarily parted giving a light gasp when she seen the tip. What could she do with that?
Her doey brown eyes traveled to his face. His dark amber orbs were enticing. As if he was the devil himself tempting her to take the bait he made it worse when he stroked her cheek giving her a questioning ‘hmm’.
“I wanna see.” Amiyah retorted not knowing that her curiosity was going to get her cat killed.
“I pull my dick out you gon have to apologize for offending him. You gon be able to do that for me?” His eyes steady boring into her.
“Maybe.” Her soft voice sending chills through his body.
Erik groaned. The tenderness she spoke with always driving him crazy. To him it seem like she was ready for everything physically but not mentally. He knew that if he gave her some dick now she wouldn’t be able to handle it. Not being pleased since the last night when he was with Alexis his dick ready to stand at attention from anything. So Erik knew that he didn’t want to take out his sexual frustrations on her inexperienced pussy just yet. It’ll ruin her.
He chuckled lightly stopping his touch. “Quit frontin you know you can’t take no dick.” He teased her sitting down.
“Whatever! You don’t know that.” She chucked a pillow at him trying to plead her case.
Ignoring her Erik moved next to her and pulled the blanket off her body. His hands fondle her thighs before opening them and laying on top of her between her legs. His head resting under her breast and on top of her squishy tummy. Grabbing the cover he pulled it back over them and closed his eyes after. He felt her squirming under him shifting his body. Pinching the outside of her thigh lightly he moved his head getting comfortable again.
“Stop moving.” His voice muffled from talking into her stomach.
“Why do you have to lay on me? You’re heavy Erik.” She playfully complained.
“Shut up and rub my head.” His smile could be felt through the fabric of her hoodie.
Amiyah’s stomach filled with butterflies. Bringing her fingers to his hair she began to rub the waves in the pattern that they were flowing. The smell of a Shea and Mango butter reached her nose. Her head tilted when she heard him give her groan letting her know that what she was doing was feeling good. Her lips curled into a smile.
Around ten minutes into this position Amiyah felt his breathing slow down. They became shallow and rested. Glancing down she tried to look at his face but couldn’t see so she called him.
She called a second time. “Baby?”
The moment he didn’t answer was when it came to her that he fell asleep. Her heart fluttered. It made her happy to know that he felt secure enough to fall asleep in her arms with no worries. Even when Erik was sleeping Amiyah didn’t stop her movements. In the inside she couldn’t stop her feelings from overtaking her body. She was falling for him. She was falling hard.
Erik’s bell tower chime went off waking him out of his sleep. Hurrying to shut it off he dug in his sweats pocket grabbing the phone and turning it off. It was his usual reminder he set for himself to go on his daily jog. Checking the time it was one in the afternoon. Tossing the cell on the table he yawned examining his surroundings.
The feeling of a body under him shuffled. Lifting his head he watched as she was still in a deep sleep. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The way her breast lifted up and down when she inhaled and exhale. The light twitch in her eyes. Her head turning from side to side periodically. She was like a black sleeping beauty in his eyes. She looked so peaceful he didn’t bother to wake her up.
Getting up carefully he grabbed his jacket throwing it over his body. Picking up his phone he place it back into his pocket. Erik checked to make sure he had everything that he brought with him. Bending down he kissed her lips three times making her turn her body.
“I’m bout to go mama. I’ll call you later.” He whispered in her ear.
Amiyah gave a sleepy moan. Erik smiled pecking her head one last time and left. Getting into his car he put his phone on the charger and sat it in the cup holder. Wiping the sleepiness out of his eyes he yawned before starting up his car and taking off to his place.
Scratching his beard Erik chortled thinking about how fast he fell asleep on top of her. It only took him a few minutes before he was out like a light. The feeling of her body and her hands running through his head cradle him to sleep. That was the best rest he had in a long time. Not that it was long but it was just enough. He felt well rested waking up next to her.
“What is she doing to me?” Blowing out air as he leaned into his seat driving with one hand on the steering wheel.
Erik was trying to unravel the thoughts in his head. It’s only been just under two weeks and he was already doing things with her he wouldn’t normally do with any other woman. He tried to justify his feelings to himself coming up with the excuse that he knew her longer than when they first started talking but that didn’t even work.
Before he started engaging with Amiyah he didn’t have any strong feelings for her. He liked her and would always check her out from time to time but that was it. This was different. In just such a short period of time Erik acknowledged that it was becoming more than that. She wasn’t some broad he would fuck on and then leave. He wasn’t capable of doing that. Not only out of respect for his best friend but for her as well. He cared for her and everything about her.
Arriving at his condo apartment Erik parked his car and went inside. Making it to his door he was interrupted by a phone call. Answering without looking he made his way in and hung his jacket on his coat hanger.
“Yo!” He stated to whoever it was.
“What’s up bro?”
Erik did a quick look at his phone. It was a random local number. He walked up the stairs and into his bedroom taking a seat at the edge of his bed looking out of his ceiling to floor windows gazing at the view.
“Who this?” The question came out crudely.
“Cane nigga. What’s good?”
Throwing his head back his brows lifted up with a slight surprise. “What’s up lil nigga. How you get this number?”
“Your mans Durk gave it to me that night we did some work.”
Erik nodded. “Oh so what’s up, what’s going on with you?”
“Shit just chilling right now. Yo you got paid from that job yet?”
“Yeah most def. Why, you ain’t been down at the shop yet? Durk should have your cut.” Erik replied as he got up to walk to his bathroom. He turned on the shower letting the water run.
“Nah not yet but yeah I’ma need that. Got a little date tonight so I’m tryna wine and dine and finesse shorty out of some pussy ya feel me.” Cane joked causing a chuckle to leave Erik’s lips.
“Aye do what you gotta do.”
“But no I was calling to say thanks for putting in a good word for me. Durk let me know what you said and he thinking about bringing me into the business with y’all from time to time because of that. So thank you man.”
“I just told him what I saw. A nigga that ain’t scared and with the shits. You know how to get the job done and don’t hesitate. Not gonna lie I thought you was a bitch when I met you.” Giving him his honest opinion.
“Listen that’s something you’ll never see in a nigga like me. I’m always ready to pull the trigger on anybody.” Cane boasted.
Erik smirked.“Well now I know when I saw it in person for myself.” He referred to the job.
“Exactly but I’ma let you go business awaits and yo man if you need anything hit me up. I got you!”
“I appreciate that. Peace.” Erik smiled shaking his head ending the call. He saved Cane’s number before placing his phone on the bathroom sink.
Undressing from his attire he walked inside the spacious walk in shower. Standing directly under the square shower head the water poured on him getting him soaked. His eyes closing to block them from the sudden rush. When he did Amiyah invaded the darkness in his mind. How her body felt up against his. The fullness of her lips. How her voice would go up an octave whenever she was excited. How she would nibble on her lip when she would overthink.
The simple things like that had drawn him into her. But what made his insides heat up with lust was when he replayed the way he had her moaning in the back of his car that night. Her pebble nipples perking up with ease the moment he flicked them. The grip her tight warm sticky pussy had on his fingers and he wasn’t even deep enough for his satisfaction. Her natural essence coating his tongue when he brought his hand to his mouth.
“Fuck.” Erik groaned as he took his Old Spice body wash and poured into a rag and began to lather his body.
To Erik it felt as if she was so close but yet far away from him, because he wanted her. He wanted her in a way he couldn’t have her yet. His body yearning to scratch that itch with hers. Glancing down he watched his dick grow with every thought. Erik wasn’t one to jerk off much since he always had access to some pussy on the regular but due to the circumstances of his new relationship he had no option.
“Calm down big man...we gotta be patient.” He chuckled when he talked to his appendage.
Adding more soap to his rag his body became covered with small bubbles. Traveling down low he washed his long and girthy member. Hanging the towel up on the handle he used his free hand to stroke his dick. Leaning one hand against the tile wall for support he glanced down and noticed the precum dripping out. He used his thumb and massaged the sensitive tip with the liquid before gripping the shaft and going up and down.
“Damn Amiyah...” He mumbled in a hush tone.
Putting his imagination to work he began to fantasize about her being in the shower as well and on her knees in front of him. Water flowing between her heavy brown titties. Her mouth open and tongue out waiting for her reward after sucking him dry with her tight lips. Soft brown eyes staring up while running her nail tips up and down his thighs creating goosebumps.
“Please give it to me Daddy...I want it.”
He could hear her moan the words in her soft pretty voice. His hand circled around his sensitive tip,which was his spot, as he worked to get his nut. The feeling of his abs tightening up let him know he was right there. He continued to stroke the shaft the way he liked it this time with a firmer grip imagining it was her tight walls.
“Shit..get it mama.” His toes curled into the wet floor not stopping his motion.
He was there. All of his energy was going to get drain out through his orgasm. Pinching his eyes closed and biting on his bottom lip he felt the pulsing at the head of his dick. Getting closer and closer to his climax until...
The sudden sound of his phone ringing made his eyes snap open. It alarmed him. His focus was gone. He could no longer see the image of her body he made up in his mind. Cursing to himself he was heated. Just when he was about to get the release he needed, it was taken away from him.
Turning the knob and walking out the shower he wiped his hand with a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. He answered the call with irritation radiating through his voice.
“Nigga you want to tell me why yo bitch Alexis is calling my place of business making threats she can’t keep.” Durk blared through the cell.
Erik shook his head forgetting about the situation.
“Shit! Look man don’t worry about that. I’m on the way right now.”
Seven thirty in the evening rolled around as the time was getting closer to her ‘date’ with Cane. Checking her hair in the bathroom Amiyah fluffed out the curls. She didn’t want to do to much so she settled for a basic body wave look. Amiyah didn’t want to go out her way to try and impress the man that she was only going to see for this one time and hopefully never again.
The black sweater maxi dress with a side slit clung to her curves. Deciding that it was appropriate for the night because it didn’t reveal too much it was any easy choice for her. Her thoughts were interrupted when Kelley stood in the doorway eating a bowl of ice cream. She observed her outfit with a grin.
“Okay bitch I see you! Where we going out tonight?” She cheered her on while taking spoonfuls of her dessert.
Amiyah laughed putting on her diamond studs.
“I’m actually going on a date tonight.”
“Aww with Erik..that’s so cute.” Kelley’s lip pouted as she admired her friend’s wardrobe.
Hesitantly Amiyah looked back in forth between herself in the mirror and Kelley. “Um. It’s with someone else.” Her words were mumbled.
Kelly’s eyes lit up looking amused before walking over next to her friend. “Sis are you treating these niggas like Lori Harvey? Let me find out.”
Their laughter became suspended when Amiyah got a text notification from Cane. He told her that he was waiting for her outside.
“Oh my God he’s here already.” She stated nervously as they both exited the bathroom.
“Hold up, he’s where?” Kelley put her bowl in the sink.
“Outside. I told him to meet me here.”
Amiyah watched as her eyes widened. “Bitch why you tell that nigga to come here. He could be crazy as hell.” Walking to her door Kelley peeked through the window blinds.
“I’m sorry but I didn’t know what else to tell him. I can’t meet him at the restaurant because I have no car and I don’t think he’s like that so you shouldn’t worry.” Amiyah spoke with reassurance so she wouldn’t have to worry as she grabbed her purse along with her trench coat.
“I hope you’re right. Don’t forget to share your location with me and be careful Amiyah.”
“Already done and I am careful.” Walking to the front door she gave Kelley a small smile and a glance before leaving.
When she made it outside she seen the black BMW parked in front of the house. Cane got out with a smile covering his face. He was wearing a cream colored turtleneck with black slacks. An all black LV jacket with 3D pockets draped over his fit and two gold chains to finish the look. Stepping off the porch she made her way to his vehicle.
Cane’s fist balled up to his mouth as he shook his head smirking. “Mm mm..damn ma you showing out tonight.” Walking up to her he greeted her with a hug holding her waist.
Amiyah couldn’t stop herself from blushing with the little distance they had between them. He was a little rougher than Erik but his touch still ignited something in her body. She returned the gesture quickly wrapping her arm around him and then released. She felt his hand swiped pass her butt when he let her go.
“You ready to get out of here?”
Shyly giving him a ‘yes’ she allowed him to walk her to his car guiding her by the small of her back. When they reached it he did a light jog to his side hopping in. Amiyah’s face screwed up when he didn’t opened her door. Mentally rolling her eyes she let herself in.
“So where are we going?” She started up a conversation to prevent an awkward car ride.
“The Signature Room. It’s a little drive so it might take us a while to get there. That okay with you?” He plucked at the cuff of his jacket.
Fiddle with her earring she gave a shy smile. “Of course.”
The ride lasted forty-five minutes. The tall look alike skyscraper building glowing with lights beamed in her eyes. Cane drove through a parking garage finding a spot. Shutting off the car they both got out simultaneously.
“Why are we here?” Her face brighten becoming agape.
They walked hand in hand towards the elevator.
He chuckled. “The restaurant is on the top floor to give you a view of the city.”
When they reached the top the doors open to a beautiful dimly lit restaurant. Tall windows with white drapes surround the restaurant. The pleasant smell of spices and herbs filled her nose. With her eyes dancing around Amiyah noticed that majority of the consumers were high class white people. She felt out of her element as they walked to the hostess.
“Welcome to The Signature. May I have your name?” The small petite lady spoke cheerfully.
“Last name Tejada and first is Lorenzo.” He replied with confidence.
“Oh yes Tejada! I see here that you recommended a private area for you and the lovely young lady here. Which I love your dress by the way. But yes follow me please!”
Cane glanced over watching Amiyah blush from the unexpected compliment. His eyes explored her body appreciating the silhouette that her dress was teasing him with.
Making it to the table the hostess left behind two menus before parting with a smile. Cane reached for her jacket helping her take it off. Amiyah gave him a soft thank you while observing the table.
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It was facing directly out the window. The city’s lights giving a luminous glow into the building. The wrap around booth made it easy for them to have dinner with a view. Slipping inside she sat her purse to the side of her then folded her hands in her lap.
“Wow this place is beautiful. Great pick.” Her expression marveled at his choice.
Taking off his own jacket he places it next to him once he found his spot beside her.
“Thank you. I promised you I would bring you to the finest of the finest and here we are.” He stared into her eyes as he laid his arm around her resting it on the dining booth.
Amiyah’s face flushed with nerves. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she tugged on her earlobes to help calm her down. She became extremely jittery under his gawking eyes.
“Well thank you for bringing me here.” Giving him a light smile she picked up the menu going over the dishes.
“Of course. I just hope this isn’t the last date we have together.”
There was that word again. Her mind immediately thought of Erik. Here she was on a date with a random man while she was hiding it from her man. Her memory went back to her and Erik laying on the couch together as they fell asleep earlier this morning. Her body missed the weight of his being pressed on top of her. The feeling of his hands caressing her thighs to help get him to a relaxed state. She became filled with regret with every flashback.
Minutes had past by when the two of them quietly glanced over their menus. The silence was intense and thick. Amiyah stayed to herself not knowing what to say especially with the emotions she was dealing with. But Cane broke her muteness when he asked her a question.
“So tell me about yourself?” His arms now folded resting on the table.
“What do you want to know?”
He snickered. “Anything you want to let me know.” His voice became soft and attentive.
Clearing her throat she responded. “Well um..I’m 21. My birthday is in March. I work at a boutique called Bella Ellas. My favorite color is purple and I have one brother that I live with. Or used to.” She mumbled the last sentence low enough for him to not be able to hear it.
“No shit my birthday is in March too!” He sipped on the water that was brought to the table just seconds after they were seated.
Amiyah’s eyes lit up. “Really? What day?”
“March 5th, what about you?”
“March 16th. Your a Pisces too?”
“Yup, best zodiac sign out of the bunch.”
He bobbed his head as they laughed.
“Wait so what about you? Lorenzo? I would have never guessed that to be your real name.” Placing her hand under her chin she watched him lean back into the seat.
Cane laughed and folded his arms. “Yeah I was named after my dad. With me being the oldest of my siblings I had no choice but to be the one.” He threw his hands up.
Amiyah smiled feeling herself becoming comfortable. “So how did you get the nickname Cane?” She asked interested in his background.
“When I was a kid I used to go crazy around the house. I had so much energy just storming all over the place like a hurricane. So that’s what they called me, hurricane. But when I got older I stuck with it and changed it to Cane for short. I never felt like Lorenzo fitted me.” He tapped his fingers on the table as he finished telling his story.
Her body moved next to his. Both of their backs against the booth. Bumping his shoulder with hers playfully she gave him a gentle smile.
“I like Cane better anyways.” Her soft voice was comforting to him.
Canes eyes glanced at her full glossy lips. Sucking in his bottom lip he leaned his face closer to hers.
“And I like the way you say my name.” His voice low and deeper.
Amiyah studied him knowing what was coming next. She watched his hand travel up to her face caressing her cheek. Her eyes closing as she felt him pull her into a kiss.
Please excuse any mistakes!
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas - Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Dusk Till Dawn
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield,
Brother!Parker Holland x Sister!Rosie Holland
-Warnings: Blood, language, angst, fluff, sadness, possible death
-Words: 2.5K
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A/n: I’m sorry its short but, I ended it where I feel like I needed to end it to make people wait.
Chapter 10: Dusk Till Dawn
Words: 2.5K
All that could be felt was immense pain. A feeling of death. Tom’s head was throbbing as warm thick liquid streaked across his forehead. His head collided with the door as the copter tossed and turned.
He awoke to the thick, pungent smell of gasoline and to you, paralyzed next to him. It took a minute for him to gather his bearings. The pilot was missing, either he flew out when you crashed or went for help, who knows. Everything started to come back to him, the moments before you both crashed replaying in his head.
The pilot shouting, “MAYDAY! MAYDAY! DOES ANYONE COPY! This is flight number 514 and we are going down.”
“Tom!” “Y/N!”
And you screaming “TOM? WHAT'S HAPPENING?” “I don’t know.” He said pulling you into his arms.
It all happened so fast. First, alarms started going off within the cabin. Then, the pilot started to loose control. Twisting and turning the wheel. The helicopter did somersaults through the air. Tom could see the look on your face, a look of pure terror as the engine started to give out. You all quickly lost altitude and braced for the impact.
You and Tom’s last words were exchange of “I love you”s.
There was no soul in sight for miles, except you. Only the bright blue sky and the mountains of Montserrat. Tom didn’t know why the copter’s engine gave out 17,000 feet in the air. All he knows as you were stranded, with no sense of getting home.
The windows to helicopter were smashed, glass shards littered the floor of the cabin and the blades were deep into the ground. He was lucky the pilot didn’t fly straight into a mountain. There was no sign of the pilot, maybe he parachuted before you crash landed leaving you and Tom to your deaths. Tom didn’t know what to think. His only focus was making sure you were okay.
If it weren’t for the current predicament and the blood dripping down your face, he would have thought you were only sleeping, you looked so peaceful.
He tried to pry himself out of his seatbelt, eventually ripping it so he could get to you. Urgently checking for your pulse. Pressing two fingers below your jaw and against your neck. He was able to breathe again, once he found the faint beat of your heart.
“Y/N? Can you hear me? Wake up, darling.” Tom yelled, shaking you violently.
“Tom? What happened?” Your eyes opened abruptly, confused by your surroundings. “Our helicopter crashed—.”
“Tom, you’re bleeding.” “Not as bad as you. We have to get you out of here. Here, I’ll carry you.” You only nodded in response as Tom tucked his arms under your knees and pulled you close to his chest.
Laying you down near some rocks as far away from the ticking time bomb, the helicopter. It could blow any second, but it never did. The smoke would create the perfect signal but to no avail.
“Tom, your leg!”
“Like I said, it’s not that bad. Oh my god… your stomach” “My what… oh.” You said as you stared at the gapping puncture wound in your right side.
“Is there a first aid kit?” Tom asked. “I think it probably got lost while we were flying.”
“What happened to the pilot?” You questioned. “I don’t know. I can’t find him.” Just nodding in response. Trying not to cry at the situation. You were stranded with no sign of help any time soon.
“Y/N, I need to stop your bleeding… I have an idea. Where is your carry on bag?”
“I put it under my seat” you called out, as Tom searched for it. Opening its contents in search of fairly useful items.
Tom found a hoodie, make up remover that was 70% alcohol, antibacterial wipes, a handheld mirror, and a bunch of makeshift medical items. Your phones had been thrashed, barely working even though there was no signal. He tore the hoodie up and wrapped the pieces around your torso, almost like a tourniquet and bandage to keep pressure and stop the bleeding.
“Ahh,” you screamed, the pain unbearable as he tied the cloth tightly. “I’m sorry,” Tom apologized profusely.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.”
“Now, I have to take care of you,” you said, wiping the blood off of Tom’s.
“No, you need to rest. The kids need you alive more than they need me.” “Don’t say that. They love you and they need both of us alive and well, so let me take care of your leg.”
“Alright, even after a helicopter crash you are still bossy” Tom said chucking.
“Not trying to pick a fight here… I’m sorry but this is gonna sting,” You explained, about to clean his gash.
“It’s ok… aahhh” Tom hissed at the stinging sensation from during makeup remover on the cut on his leg.
“Bet you loved that. A way to get back at me for whatever I did that made you so mad at me,” Tom jabbed.
“You know what you did.” “Y/N this is not the time or the place for this discussion and no I don’t.”
“Let’s just get home alive and then we can resume our fight.”
“You said I love you,” Tom mumbled.
“When we were going down… you said I love you. Did you mean it?” “Of course I meant it, Tom. We’ve been together for almost 17 years. How could I not love you?” You cried as Tom pulled you into his warm embrace. Even with the harsh breeze he was still warm to the touch.
“I love you too, darling. We will get out of this, I promise.” Tom asserted and you nodded, trying not let the tears fall.
What killed Tom was the uncertainty of it all. He had to have hope, something you were lacking. He had to have faith that you both would be rescued. That you would get to hold Parker and Rosie in your arms again.
Tom knew you would be okay and rise out of this like a Phoenix from the ashes. Overtime, Tom grew to believe you were indestructible. Everything that you had survived was a marvel. Surviving being tortured by a rival mob, almost dying in childbirth, and now a helicopter crash. There was no, if. You had to survive this. It was hard to have hope when he saw how fast you were deteriorating.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tom asked. Concerned as he noticed your breaths becoming more and more labored.
“I think so, my chest hurts though. It’s getting harder to breathe.” You said, before breaking into a fit of coughs, coughing into your hand. Panic started to arise as small increments of bloods stained your hand.
“Baby, you have to stay with me. Think about Parker and Rosie,” Tom whispered.
“Y/N, we both need to stay awake,” Tom pleaded. “I know, it’s just getting harder to,” you said, your eyes begging to close.
“I know baby. But, Parker and Rosie are waiting for us to come home. They need you Y/N, just like do,” Tom said, cupping you cheek and moving towards you, so you were side by side. Allowing you to rest you head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry. For the past weeks, I’ve been so lonely in our bed without you. I’m so sorry that I accused you of cheating.”
“I am too, love. Never in a million years would I cheat on you. You have to know that. I’m so lucky to have you. I never slept with or even kissed Jazz, there’s been someone killing my men at the mob —.” He said, kissing your temple. This kiss was one of longing, he just wanted you to be his again.
“Shh, it’s ok. I don’t want the last words I ever hear to be an explanation of your supposed infidelity.” You said, using the last of energy to let out a strained laugh.
“Y/N, baby you’re not dying ok? You can’t die. Just promise me, you’ll stay awake until help comes,” Tom begged. He couldn’t lose you, not after everything that has happened. He needed you and he always will. “You know I don’t like making promises I can’t keep” you whispered, trying like hell to stay awake as a few tears fell.
It felt like hours, the waiting. The sun had set. Tom had a plan to get you both rescued, when a plane or helicopter flew overhead he would use your compact mirror to reflect the sun. Granted it was a brilliant idea when the sun was still out. If you wouldn’t succumb to your wounds by morning the temperature would certainly kill you both. You had lost all color in your face, looking like a ghost.
You weren’t unconscious but you weren’t very talkative either, which scared the life out of Tom.
Each hour Tom’s hope would fade. He never wanted it to end like this. He demanded he be the one who went first. Tom couldn’t imagine what a world without you would look like.
If it had to be this way, killed, both your prime at least he was holding you in his arms. He was close enough to the point where, if it happened, he could hear your breathing stop along with the beating of your heart. Feeling you tiny labored breaths against his neck.
5 hours, Tom had been holding you, praying you survive, praying he survives along with you.
5 hours and he was ready to give up as he saw you drift off slowly towards a deep sleep. “I’ll see you on the other side, darling” he whispered before letting his eyes flutter to a close.
Back home, everyone was secretly panicking inside. Nikki couldn’t imagine losing her eldest son, neither could Harry and Sam losing their brother. Harry had left to be a part of the search and rescue team. As soon as Paddy got word, he was on the first flight out of Monte Carlo. Dom and all the boys were really trying to keep it together for Rosie and Parker’s sake.
They all had left the news on, praying that it would be announced that you and Tom were found, alive and well. Most of the news updates were irrelevant to the Hollands. They had already known, there was a pilot, even though Tom had been taking flying lessons for years and was skillful at it. They also already knew you were on a business trip. Nothing was really news to them anymore.
“I’m going to make some tea. Anybody want a cup?” Nikki asked, needing a distraction from the chaos. “Yes,” replied Rosie. “Please,” responded Parker. “That’d be wonderful darling,” said Dom. “Just what the doctor ordered. Let me help you with that,” said Sam. They were all big fans of a cup of tea. What couldn’t tea fix?
Rang the door bell. Nobody was really up for visitors but, I would be rude to not answer. Hoping it not some nosy reporters trying to get a story from broken family members of you and Tom.
“Rosie could get that, please?” Nikki called from the kitchen.
“Sure Grandma,” Rosie replied somberly. Opening the door to the last person she expected to see but the first person she wanted to see. After her parents, of course.
“I just came to see if you were okay. My dad is doing everything he can through the business side… I know you need your space. This was a mistake, I’ll go.” Henry said, staring at the ground. “Please, stay,” Rosie muttered, teary-eyed from all the crying.
“You mean it?”
“I just don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Hey, come here. They’ll be okay.” Henry said, wrapping his arms around her. Oh god, how missed comforting her.
“Henry, I’m so scared. What if we can’t find them?”
“Roo, we will find them. You have to have hope.” “I keep thinking we find them, but they’re dead.” “You can’t think like that,” he said, wiping tears from her cheeks.
“I missed you. Thanks for being here, you’re a nice distraction” “I’ll always be here,” he whispered, cut off by Rosie’s lips against his. It didn’t take long for him to kiss back. This was his second chance and he wasn’t going to miss it.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” Rosie said, pulling away.
“No, I’m sorry. I really screwed up. I never should’ve broken up with you. I love you too much, Rosie Louise Holland. Take me back?”
“I’ve always loved you, Henry Maxwell Osterfield. Of course,” reassured Rosie. Capturing his lips once more in a more passionate yet gentle kiss. “Wait, I have something for you,” Henry stopped, pulling out something from his back pocket.
“That is, if you still want it,” he explained, holding you the silver charm necklace adorned with a H and a R. “Duh, div. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Rosie quipped as he clasped the necklace together. “There. Now it’s back in its rightful place,” she said, the biggest smile adorning her face. “Rosie, get in here! There’s an update,” called Parker from the living room.
Rosie pulled Henry through foyer and to the family room for the news. She tensed at the thought of the words “2 DEAD” displaying across the silver screen.
“We’ve just got word that both Tom and Y/N have been found. We are unaware of their condition. They are being airlifted to a hospital in Barcelona. Hopefully we can update you on that once families members have been informed. The pilot is still missing. Please stay with us as we continue to update you on this story,” announced the newscaster. Everyone rejoiced, there were no longer sad tears only happy ones. They were all on the first flight out including Harrison and Henry.
It was miracle, they found you when they did. Harry was part of team in rescuing you and Tom. He refused to sleep until he brought you both back home.
“We found them!” A loud speaker sounded from the chopper flying above. The rescue was eminent, you and Tom were found.
“Get two stretchers over here,” called one of the rescuers.
“Tom? Can you hear me? It’s Harry,” Harry said, trying to wake Tom.
“Harry?” Tom whispered, slightly stirring awake.
“Yes, you’re saved. We got you and we are on our way to the hospital.”
“What about Y/N? She’s lost a lot of blood. Please tell me she’s ok,” Tom pleaded, eyes barely even open.
“They got her in the other chopper. She’s gonna be ok, I promise,” Harry stammered.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Tom whispered before being consumed by darkness.
A/n: I just want to apologize here, I'm sorry. I'm so in love with this chapter and couldn't wait to share it with all of you.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist:@thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
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zedwards · 3 years
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stray kids x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: intended for male reader, but can be read as gender neutral; my first fic 👉👈 im nervous; lowercase aesthetic; does “bastard” count as a swear word..?
i hope you enjoy this little gift :)
bang chan
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he likes romantic comedies
tbh being chan’s s/o would feel like a romcom of its own
since he doesn’t like crowds, your movie dates together usually wouldn’t involve actually going to the movies
instead you’d probably both opt to stay in for the night and watch a movie on the couch
under multiple blankets
in each other’s arms
hugs and cuddles
with the occasional kiss on the top of your head
it’s so soft
it’s chan :)))
he does the little claps at the end of the movie
because happy endings ^–^
y’know those awkward scenes where the main couple meets for the first time?
he likes to point out which character you were most similar to when the two of you first met
“i didn’t know you were in this movie!”
“you look so different! i could hardly recognize you!”
he’s such a dork
all your movie nights would end in one of three ways:
1.) you falling asleep in his arms
2.) him falling asleep holding you close (yeah not really, this man doesn’t sleep that much T_T)
or 3.) you both make it through the movie, and one of you says something like
“this is nice...i wish we could just stay like this”
and so you both (in theory) fall asleep right where you are
either way, chan is the best boyfriend and neither of you know what you did to deserve each other
lee know
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he’d get you to go see a horror movie
even if you protest, he’d manage to convince you somehow
pokes fun at you every time you get scared
during a suspenseful part in the movie, he’d suddenly put his hands on your shoulders and shake you (lightly) out of nowhere, just to startle you
and he’d have to stifle his giggles because your reaction is just too priceless
absolutely relishes in how you never let go of his arm
like ever
seriously, his arm might as well be an extension of your body at this point
he may act like he’s annoyed
but he loves it
cuz he knows it’s because you feel safe with him
and if you hide your face in the crook of his neck
he’d get this look on his face...
something between an evil smirk and an amused grin
why? because his plan is working
plot twist: the whole reason he chose to see a horror movie with you was so that you would cling to him
surprise!! >:]
but even if you catch on, he’ll never admit it
“did you even see any of the movie?”
you just kinda grumble in response, still latched onto his arm
“i can’t believe it... i so generously paid for your ticket, only for you to hide your face the whole ti- OW!”
you jab him in the side with your elbow give him a “love tap” :)
but it’ll take more than that to get him to stop teasing you about it
he’s a cocky bastard but you love him to death for it
seo changbin
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superhero movie!!!
like something from the mcu
seeing him get so excited/invested in the movie??
but he might get a little too excited
in other words, going to the movies with changbin is an...interactive experience
meaning that he talks at the movie
not to the movie, but at the movie
like...he talks at the characters on screen
as if they can hear him
honestly it’s kinda cute
but occasionally you have to remind him to keep his voice down
“shhhh alright calm down a bit-”
“changbin i love you but please don’t get us kicked out of the theater”
10/10 would have his arm around you throughout the movie
even if his arm goes numb, he’d refuse to let anything stop him
“changbin, you don’t have t-”
lowkey feels like a pillow
bc he beefy
on very rare occasions he might fall asleep during the movie
if he does end up dozing off and you catch him in the act, he’d deny it profusely
he likes to spontaneously slip his hand into yours :)
and lace your fingers together :))
you’re holding hands now :)))
his presence is just so warm and fuzzy and you make each other so happy
hwang hyunjin
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the funnest(?) most fun bf in existence
he’s definitely the type to try and smuggle outside food into the theater
he insists that he’s inconspicuous about it
and he tries to be
but he’s not :)
“uh... hyunjin, why are you wearing two hoodies?”
“i uh... i’m... cold?”
“so you’re sticking bags of microwaveable popcorn in between your sweatshirts...to keep warm?”
*visibly sweating* “i can explain...”
ok ok
so y’all seeing a comedy
it’s so bubbly and contagious
so naturally, you’d both be laughing up a storm at the back of the theater
and sometimes it’s because of the movie
but most of the time it’s because of the side comments the two of you keep making to each other
and it doesn’t help that he keeps making these ridiculous observations about the characters in the movie
“what’s up with that guy?”
“what about him?”
“why is he built like a refrigerator?”
about halfway through the movie, you both reach that delirious state where literally anything and everything becomes funny
even if it’s not supposed to be funny
...especially if it’s not supposed to be funny
the two of you? lowkey hyenas
long story short, you’re both asked to leave the theater not even two hours into the film :)
han jisung
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action!! movie!!
finishes the popcorn within the first ten minutes of the film
that is, if he doesn’t scarf it all down during the previews
he talks through the entIRE THING
he’s always got something to say
it’s like watching the director’s commentary version of a movie
but instead of the director talking about the film-making process
it’s jisung muttering nonsense in your ear
sometimes pertaining to the movie
and other times...
“hey did i ever tell you about the time i saw a seagull eating garbage?”
...yeah, other times it’s...not
either way, you don’t mind
because you aren’t really paying much attention to the movie anyways
you’re too busy admiring your boyfriend
how could you not?
the way he’s on the edge of his seat, giving the movie his full attention...
the light from the screen flickering dimly on his face, highlighting his gentle features...
you’re the luckiest person in the world, no doubt
his eyes light up whenever something particularly cool/badass happens in the movie
but he also gets startled by the explosions every now and then
when that happens, you just look at each other for a moment
and then burst into a fit of giggles
“stoooppp!! it was loud, ok??”
you just hum in response and rest your head on his shoulder
y’know that thing he does where like...
he’s giggling, but he has something he wants to say, so he keeps trying to talk?
but his words keep getting cut off by his own laughter?
yeah... that’s what he’s doing
he’s adorable
lee felix
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animated movie
a firm believer that you’re never too old to enjoy cartoons
he never lost that child-like energy/enthusiasm, which is part of what makes him such a gem
so of course, when the new disney movie came out, he knew he had to go see it with you
he would definitely load up on snacks from concessions
if you don’t stop him, he’s gonna be buying two giant things of popcorn and at least five different kinds of candy
and when he walks back to you after paying, he’d just smile brightly from behind the mountain of junk food in his hands like
“snacks :D!!!!!”
seriously though, try to keep track of how much popcorn he eats
bc he might overeat and get a stomachache :((
obviously he can take care of him self, cuz he’s an adult
but like
he loves when you look out for him
because he knows just how much you care about him
sunshine boy :((
y’all already know how much of a cuddle bug this man is
so of course that means lots of cute, affectionate gestures during the movie
holding hands
you resting your head on his shoulder
and him resting his head on top of your head
and most importantly SNUGGLES
snuggles are a must
for him, movie dates are just an excuse to be extra touchy with you
even though he never needs an excuse to get cuddles whenever he wants
because c’mon
it’s felix
what are you gonna do, say no?
kim seungmin
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murder mystery film
tends not to talk all that much during movies
he’d just be so completely engrossed in the movie that he’d forget about his surroundings
but that’s not to say he won’t hold your hand or drape his arm over your shoulders
every now and then you can catch him leaning forward in his seat
with his mouth slightly ajar
it’s so endearing
but if for whatever reason you want to get his attention...
yeah, good luck with that
you’d have to maybe give his hand a lil squeeze to get his attention
and at first he’d just turn his head in your direction, keeping his eyes glued to the movie
but if you gave his hand another squeeze, he’d snap out of it
“hey, seungmin?”
“huh? yeah?”
“i love you”
if that doesn’t make his heart SWELL—
his dazed expression would quickly shift into one of pure elation and fondness
he might not respond verbally
but he’d gently bring your hand up to his lips
press a soft kiss atop your knuckles
and then lower your hand again without letting go, turning his attention back to the movie
but that bright smile of his would never falter for even a moment
he loves you too
so so much :)
yang jeongin
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another one for romantic comedies
he likes it when there’s a little less “rom” and slightly more “com”
and so do you
because it means you get to hear his laugh more
oh god...
his laugh
the little giggles in between the short gasps for air...
so cute
“no. i’m not cute.”
he is very cute
probably won’t initiate any skinship
but if you do, he will absolutely go along with it
sometimes he’ll nod off in the middle of a movie
and then wake up during the credits, completely disoriented
“where am i”
“you fell asleep”
“you drooled a little on my shoulder, you goof”
unlike hyunjin, he’s really good at sneaking food into the theaters
like really really good
almost to the point that it’s scary
usually people try to sneak in popcorn or candy or maybe soda
well not jeongin
“hey, you want some?”
he’s not telling
like or reblog if you enjoyed ^^ feedback is always welcome and very much appreciated!
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redhoodieone · 3 years
Too Late to Apologize
Hi everyone!!!! This is my first fic since my absence and I hope you all enjoy it! If this fic is well received, I’ll write a part 2 with the “dirty deeds”.
Warnings: Language, Cheating, Heartbreak, Fluff, and Talks of oral sex.
I’d have to be the biggest fool to not see it. Here we are in our big king size bed and we couldn’t we be further apart. I’m lying on my right side and stare at the way his back muscles relax rise and fall with every deep breath. The way he grips his pillow where his head lies facing the other way, I can’t help but wonder if he’s dreaming of her.
Because Dick Grayson sure as hell doesn’t dream about me anymore.
It’s midnight. Dick had taken the night off so we could have a night together. After fast and satisfying sex for only him, he had dozed off before 10:00 leaving me horny and puzzled about what just happened.
Sure, I’ve done everything he likes which only involves a blowjob (with always harsh constructive criticism from him) and having to cum once in my mouth and the other in a condom.
I think about touching myself under the sheets but change my mind considering the urge for a release had suddenly passed.
After a minute of hesitation, I finally crawl over his naked body to get his cell phone that has been lighting up with several text message notifications.
Settling back on my side, I turn away from Dick and unlock his cell phone to access it.
10 unread text messages from Barbara and Kori.
My throat tightens from fear and nerves.
Hey, can you meet up tonight??? I miss you :)
from Barbara
I need you Richard...I need you so much right now.
from Kori
When are you going to tell Y/N you guys are over?? It’s been like three years, babe. Seriously.
from Barbara
I don’t know why you can’t just leave her. She’ll never love you as much as I do. You and I have history, Richard. Y/N would never keep you happy.
from Kori
And come on, you know that I’m always down to do anything you want. She’s such a prude!
from Barbara
If you come over tonight, I’ll let you put your penis anywhere in me...is that dirty enough for you?
from Kori
I exit out of his text messages because I can’t read anymore. The tears behind my eyes sting like fuck and threaten to fall, but I don’t want to waste any of them on someone like Dick.
The truth settles in bitterly for me. Of course I knew Dick’s entire past of girlfriends and one night stands. He never hid the fact that he’s a charming and irresistible womanizer like his adoptive father Bruce Wayne. Even though I wasn’t a superhero like him, his family, and friends, I knew almost every girl he’s been with.
Barbara Gordon. Batgirl.
Koriand’r. Starfire.
Donna Troy. Wonder Girl.
Even Raven and Helena Bertinelli aka Huntress.
And what strikes a nerve within me is when I remember Zatanna admitted that every time Dick has a serious girlfriend, he’ll end up seeing another girl behind their back.
Just because he can.
But here I am now. In bed with a sleeping Dick Grayson. Who is secretly seeing two girls behind my back.
The thought disgusts me.
Thank God Dick and I had the brains to remember to always use condoms. I’m even on the pill; and always have been since I was a teenager.
As much as I want to cry, wake him up and beat his ass for breaking my heart, and kick him out of my life forever, I know it’s not possible.
Because Dick wouldn’t mind that would he? He probably wouldn’t care to lose me. He...he would find the next girl he’d move in with and start a life with them, only to have the other girl or two on the side to keep him interested and fulfilled.
Why am I not enough for him? What is wrong with just being with me? Does he feel like I’m wasting three years of his life just from being with me?
I slowly climb out of our bed and slip my black skinny jeans on, throw on a faded Van Halen t-shirt, and grab my black Converse before sneaking out of our bedroom. I quickly throw my hair up into a messy bun, pick up my small black backup and leave.
Only a note is what I leave behind, along with my heart, that says,
If I can’t have all of you, then you don’t deserve any part of me. I’m sorry.
Because Dick won’t miss me. He’s dreaming of two girls or maybe more. I’ll never be in any of his dreams now.
I find myself walking down the sidewalk during the constant icy pouring rain of Gotham. I hadn’t brought my jacket so I’m forced to cross my arms in create some kind of warmth. My teeth chatter and I suddenly wish I didn’t leave Dick’s apartment until morning.
I see my favorite coffeehouse that’s opened 24 hours a block from where I am. I quickly make my way to the crosswalk until strong big hands grab my shoulders from behind.
I scream in complete horror and whip around only to discover it’s Jason Todd. Laughing his ass off at my scream.
“Jason! What the fuck?!” I yell, slapping his arm repeatedly.
The tallest brother in Dick’s family throws his head back and laughs harder; the kind of laugh straight from the gut that’s real. Having to look up at him because of my short height, I can see the way his body rumbles while chuckling.
Jason finally settles down and his irresistible green eyes shine at mine. He smiles, revealing his white teeth and perfect grin. I suddenly feel like I can’t breathe when my eyes instantly take in his appearance.
It’s no surprise that Jason fucking Todd is hot. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that. He’s extremely built; at just 6’0, he has strong big muscles that would shame any men. His strong jawline can cut anyone. And then there’s his thighs...
Oh no.
What am I doing??!
I can’t fantasize about Dick’s brother! That would make me a whore, right?!
But I can’t help myself at all. My eyes continue to take in the way Jason’s dressed tonight. He’s wearing black pants that define his bulge and thighs. And underneath his tan leather jacket is a tightly muscle fit black t-shirt.
And with the way the rain’s drenching me like a wet rat, the rain sprinkles beautifully over Jason’s face. His dark hair was clearly spiked and styled tonight, but the rain hasn’t flatten it in the least bit.
I’m suddenly thirsty. I might be dehydrated.
“Y/N,” Jason speaks, his smooth, deep, whiskey rough voice snaps me back to reality. I blink a few times.
“Oh! Uh...sorry. I zoned out,” I admit softly. I can feel my cheeks darken in embarrassment.
Jason chuckles lightly. He tilts his head to the coffeehouse. “Let me walk with you. I was heading over there for a cup of coffee anyways.”
“Just for a cup of coffee? It’s past midnight,” I point out, with a raised eyebrow.
“I...I wasn’t exactly having a good night so I just needed to get out,” Jason says, shrugging his shoulders. He smirks at me and quickly takes off his jacket to give it to me. When I don’t reach for it, he puts it on me. His hands stay on my arms and he smiles proudly. “There. You looked freezing and I don’t want you to get sick.”
I stare at him in shock. He takes the opportunity to guide me to the crosswalk. When the coast is clear, he walks beside me. Once we reach the other side, we head straight over to the coffeehouse.
Jason wraps a protective arm around my waist as he opens the door and lets me go inside first. The place is empty, except for a rough middle aged trucker sitting on a stool at the counter. Jason leads me to my favorite spot to sit: the corner booth where the large windows gives me the perfect view to look up at Wayne Enterprises.
He sits across from me. Once we get comfortable, the young fresh-out-of high school waitress comes over to take our order. And she doesn’t even hide the fact that she’s checking out Jason.
“Hi, are you ready to order, handsome?” the bubbly waitress giggles, as she looks at Jason as if he’s God’s greatest creation on earth. And I can’t help but silently agree with her.
Jason smirks and looks away from the waitress and stares at me. “What are you gonna order, sweetheart?”
I swallow hard. His attention on me is new...or has he always looked at me like I’m important and that I matter?
“I’ll uh...I’d like a hot skinny vanilla latte, please, and a blueberry muffin,” I request politely.
“I’ll have the same, except make my coffee regular,” Jason says and focuses his attention back on me.
The waitress huffs in annoyance and heads to the kitchen. Once she’s out of earshot, Jason reaches across to touch my shaking hands on the table.
“You’re still freezing. Come sit next to me.”
“Um, are you sure? I don’t want to get you cold and sick.”
“I rarely get sick. And I love the cold. Come on, Y/N. Dick would kill me if you get pneumonia,” Jason says seriously. He motions me over. “And die.”
I tense up at the mention of Dick. I force myself out of my seat and move over to Jason’s side. He immediately stands up and motions me to scoot in first, as he’ll sit on the end. As I sit down, Jason quickly sits beside me and wraps an arm around me. He rubs my arm soothingly before he rubs my other arm.
His touch is special. I practically feel static shooting throughout my body every time his fingers rub my bare arms to heat me up. I glance up to look at him and immediately notice he’s staring right down at me. His emerald eyes look concerned.
“Something happened with Dick, huh?” Jason asks, his question clearly takes me by surprise.
I hesitate to answer. But his fucking beautiful eyes beg me to respond.
“He’s...cheating on me,” I choke out. I can feel my throat tighten. The fucking tears threaten to fall again. I mentally scream at myself not to. “He’s...he’s seeing Barbara and Kori behind my back. I-I saw their text messages on his phone.”
Jason immediately looks shocked...and pissed off???
“Listen, I know what you’re going to say. I know I shouldn’t have looked through his cell phone, but-but I felt like he was hiding something from me. And it turns out he was,” I say sadly.
“Y/N...” Jason sounds broken at my confession.
“I know I deserve it. I...I wasn’t exactly keeping Dick happy, let alone keeping him satisfied in bed. I really had this coming, didn’t I?” I ask, completely unraveling before Jason. “And do you wanna hear the fucked up part about our sex life? He constantly always criticized me for the way I sucked his cock. Like...I could never do it the way he wanted me to. It’s like, he wanted me to suck his cock like how all his past girlfriends and sluts did it.”
Jason stared down at me in disbelief. He clenches his jaw in anger. I’ve never seen him act this way; mostly around me when it’s just the two of us hanging out. Which is quite rare, actually.
The flirty waitress returns with our coffees and blueberry muffins. She sets them down and walks away quickly with a pout. Jason still pays no attention to her.
“He was always like, ‘Y/N, swallow more of my cock,’ ‘I told you to relax your fucking throat, Y/N,’ and especially, ‘why the hell can’t you deep throat me?! What the hell’s wrong with you?! Stop gagging! Stop crying! Can’t you follow my fucking instructions?!’ Its like, I tried my hardest with him. I really did. But...sometimes I think it was just something that’s too difficult for me to do when he never even tried my requests in bed,” I reveal, my cheeks must be red like roses. I’m almost too shy to tell him, but a part of me wants to do it.
“What are your requests in bed?” Jason breathes out.
There’s no going back now. I’m too far gone with him. “He never...went down on me,” I admit quietly.
“Jason! Quiet down!” I hiss out.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just...very shocked to hear this,” Jason says dramatically, and even clenches his chest where his heart is. He then straightens up and really looks offended. “That is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard that’s come out of your mouth, sweetheart.”
I reach out for my coffee and sip. The heat warms my mouth and body. “Why do you think that? Dick said pussies are always ‘too wet’ and sometimes the smell bothers him, even though I never complained that his cock lacks girth,” I say.
Jason gasps dramatically again, and wraps his arm tightly around me. He looks me straight in the eye and I’m suddenly drawn to whatever he’ll say to me...
Or do to me.
“Jesus Christ, doll! Listen to me. I can honestly tell you that nothing is more sexy than a girl’s pussy. God,” Jason pauses to close his eyes. He appears to be imagining a woman’s vagina because he hums in pleasure. When he opens his eyes, he immediately looks...horny. “You know, I can actually get off by just eating a girl out. Nothing is sexier and tastier than a wet, tight, and delicious looking pussy. Just the natural smell and taste is truly divine. If I had the perfect girl and her pussy in front of my face, I wouldn’t fucking hesitate to eat it. I’d eat it every day if I could!”
Jason’s words shock me to my core. My panties dampen with fresh slick. I desperately wish he could show me exactly what he would do now.
“And don’t listen to dick face, Y/N. I bet you suck cock real good. You just haven’t had the perfect, big cock you deserve,” Jason says, before he kicks his lips. His eyes darken with animalistic lust. “What do you say we...show each other what we could do with our mouths, sweetheart?”
I would be a fucking idiot if I say no. And without a second thought, I answer truthfully. “Yes, please.”
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sunnypogue · 4 years
coho!rafe + the video (blurb)
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big thanks to scout for helping me map this out!!
warning: NSFW. 18+, some dubious consent issues with the video. (it’s necessary to note that rafe sending this video to himself without consent is NOT okay. like a very big violation of privacy. however, this is fiction, so...just know I don’t condone that shit in real life!) also, please use protection. xx.
“Bro, watch your fucking elbows!”
“You watch your elbows, fucker!”
Your head darted back and forth as the teammates shot insults at each other from their respective sides of the beer pong table. You were supposed to play the winner, but at the rate this game was going, you wouldn’t be playing anytime soon.
“Hey,” A hand rested on your shoulder, voice grabbing your attention, “we up soon?”
You shook your head, “Dumb and dumber over here have been arguing about the rules for the past 10 minutes. I don’t think they’ve sunk a cup yet.”
Your pong partner laughed, “Well, just yell when someone loses. I’ll be over -”
“Cameron! Get your ass in here, Matty just said we couldn’t shotgun these claws in one go!”
Rafe’s head turned towards the kitchen, where his defense partner (and resident dumbass), Luke, was holding two jumbo mango White Claws next to his head.
“Oh, fuck you Matty - shit, Y/N, come film this.” Rafe grabbed your arm, dragging you behind him. “I need proof so I don’t have to keep chugging shit at parties to prove my idiot teammates wrong.” 
You watched with a wry smile, your phone camera capturing as Rafe stabbed the cans with his house key, before shotgunning the seltzer, Luke finishing immediately after him, letting out a huge burp.
“Oh, fucking gross, Luke.” You yelled, ending the recording.
“Alright - fuck this! Someone come play Jonesy in pong with his fucking weird ass rules.” A voice boomed from the other room, where the now defunct BP game was happening. “I’ve never had someone talk about elbows so much, you fucking boner.”
You made eye contact with Rafe, grinning as he wiped the remnants of white claw off his lips. 
“Pong?” You mouthed, pocketing your phone, before making your way into the living room, Rafe close behind.
A few hours later, you were posted up on the couch, one of the stragglers at the hockey kickback, listening to Matty and Jonesy debating the merits of wearing a cage versus a bubble. Bored, and a little drunk, you pulled your phone out, intending to thumb through your instagram stories to drown out the sound of Matty yelling about how a bubble made you look like a “fucking bitch boy,” when your phone was snatched clean out of your hand.
“Hey!” You yelped, swinging an arm out to grab your phone, which now sat comfortably in the palm of Rafe’s hand.
“Hey!” He mimicked. “Gimme your password, I need to airdrop that video to myself.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, turn it around.”
Rafe pointed your front camera at you, letting FaceID flick your phone open. “Thanks.”
You waved a hand dismissively, standing up from the sunken-in couch. “I’m gonna pee, just don’t go anywhere with it. Stay here.” You gave him a pointed look before wobbling your way to the upstairs bathroom (the only one that was bound to have toilet paper at this rate.)
Rafe took your spot on the couch, fumbling through your phone with drunken accuracy (or at least, that’s what he’d say when you found out he posted a selfie to your insta story), trying to locate the video you had taken earlier. He maneuvered his way to your “Videos” tab, eyeing the most recent one. However, the finger holding the phone accidentally touched the top of the app, sending the screen to the very top of your extensive video collection. Rafe groaned, going to thumb his way back down, when he noticed the screencap of a particular video, nestled at the top corner of your phone. 
If anyone asked, he clicked on it to confirm that his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him, that he wasn’t seeing things - because there was no fucking way this was on your phone.
When the video loaded to full screen, Rafe almost dropped the phone. Apparently, his eyes weren’t deceiving him. You had a video, a full, one minute, twenty three second video, of (whom he was assuming was) yourself, bent over someone’s bed, getting fucked by someone with a massive fucking cock. 
Rafe’s thumb hit play before his brain could stop him. He watched, wide eyed, as this random dude fucking railed you, cock practically splitting you in half. Watched as he held your hands to the base of your back, watched as you took it so fucking good.
And then a voice broke his reverie.
“Cameron, dude - you good?” Jonsey leaned over, apparently finished with his bubble v. cage argument. “You’ve been staring at that phone for like, a while.”
Rafe jumped, turning the phone over on his knee. “Yeah, just airdropping something. Service sucks in here man.”
He waited until Jonesy’s redirected his attention elsewhere, before he turned the phone back over, airdropping himself the video of you getting railed.
You returned to the couch minutes later, a sleepy smile on your face. “You get it?” You asked, extending your hand for the phone. 
Rafe slid it back to you, “Yup - thanks.”
A couple nights later, Rafe was on his bed, head propped up by a couple of pillows, the video of you pulled up on his phone. He had watched it so many times, it was practically burned into his memory - the sounds of you taking it, the way you tilted your cunt to get it deeper, the way you would respond when he’d smack your ass, or pull your hair - it was addicting, seeing you like this. Rafe had never thought he’d see you, his sweet, little friend, getting fucked within an inch of your life.
It made him think about all the ways he’d fuck you - better than whoever the fuck took the video than you. Rafe thought about it constantly - fucking you in the shower, hiking your leg up to spread that sweet little cunt, fucking you in the car, pulled over on the side of an abandoned road, bent over the side of the passenger seat, hands holding on to the center console as Rafe fucked into you, door open. Rafe thought about fucking you the same way you were fucked in the video, relentlessly pounding his cock into your cunt, pulling you back onto his cock when you were close to finishing, spanking you when you begged to come - just filthy.
Rafe was so lost in thought, he didn’t hear the knock on his door, or the small creak as his door opened, or the little voice going, “Rafe?”
Rafe didn’t notice anything until you were standing at the foot of his bed, looking at him quizzically. “What are you doing?”
Rafe jumped, phone flying out of his hands. “Nothing - nothing. What the fuck are you doing here?”
You rolled your eyes. “I texted you that I was coming to grab my accounting book. I still haven’t read for class tomorrow.” You looked around the room, trying to eye the massive red textbook. “Why are you so sweaty? It’s like, 50 degrees out.”
Rafe shrugged. “It’s hot in here.”
You gave him a look. “No, it’s not, but okay weirdo.” You moved to grab his phone, now laying face up at the foot of his bed, screen dim. “Sorry for scaring you. Here’s your - ” You stopped, registering what was paused on his screen.
Rafe grabbed the phone from your grasp, realizing you may have seen a bit too much. “The book is over there.” He pointed at his desk, attempting to deflect.
You just gaped at him. “Is that - fuck, was that - ”
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“Was that me?” You finally finished your sentence, arms crossing in front of you. “Was that - where did you get that?”
Rafe slowly stood, holding his hands in front of him as if to not startle you. “Look, I’m not proud of this but - ”
“How did you get that?” You whispered, still in shock. “I thought I deleted all of those.”
Rafe looked down at his feet, sheepish. “I accidentally saw it on your phone when I was airdropping shit at Matty’s last weekend. I - I don’t know why I airdropped it to myself, but fuck. I’m fucking glad I did.”
You looked at him. “Rafe, what the fuck! That’s so fucking embarassing for me - delete that!”
Rafe grabbed your wrist that was reaching for the phone. “Why the hell is that embarrassing for you? Y/N, that is literally the hottest fucking shit I’ve ever seen. You - you’re fucking gorgeous, you know?”
You matched Rafe’s heated gaze, staring at him as he kept his grip on your wrist. “I’m literally getting fucked by my ex in that video, Rafe.” You bit your lip, cheeks flushing from remembering the contents of that particular video. “How the hell is that hot for you?”
Rafe pulled you closer. “Because I’ve never seen you like that - you’re always so reserved around me. To see you unedited, raw - just fucking taking it like that. How would that not be hot for anyone?”
You blushed, looking away. “I - I don’t - ”
“I’d like to see you like that, in person, if that’s alright with you.”
You gaped up at him. “What?”
Rafe grinned, teeth nearly glittering in the dim light of the bedroom. “I’d like to fuck you. Better than your ex. Is that alright with you?”
You found yourself nodding - you weren’t sure what world you were currently existing in, but if it was a world where Rafe Cameron (aka the boy you had been harboring a crush on since you met him freshman year) wanted to fuck your brains out after watching a video of your ex-boyfriend fucking your brains out - well, you weren’t complaining.
You let Rafe pull you in for a kiss, let Rafe slide your sweatpants off, let Rafe slip his cold hands under your sweatshirt (causing you to squeal, not expecting the temperature change). Rafe let you tug his shirt off, let you run your hands over his defined shoulders and arms, let you palm his cock through his boxers. It was soft, sweet and exploratory.
Until it wasn’t.
When Rafe tweaked your nipple, you responded by sinking your teeth into his bottom lip - just enough to bruise. He pulled away, a glint in his eye, hands going to slide your sweatshirt off, leaving you completely naked. 
“You wanna play that game?”
You slipped your thumb between your teeth, biting down softly as you walked to the edge of his bed. You went to bend yourself over the mattress, forearms propping your chest up, hair swept over your shoulder. “Why don’t you come over here and find out?”
Rafe growled, taking two steps over to where you were positioned, before sliding his cock out of his boxers. He grabbed his length, jacking it a couple times as he rubbed the head against your clit, leaving a trail of precome in its wake.
“You want it, baby?”
You nodded, leaning back into his cock. Rafe tutted, pulling away completely, smiling when you let out a soft whine. “Words, honey. You gotta tell me.”
You turned your head, looking Rafe dead in the eye. “For fuck’s sake Cameron, get in me.”
Rafe laughed, tapping his cock on your cunt a couple of times, before slowly sliding in, letting you get used to the stretch. You groaned, walls clenching around his length, hands gripping the bedspread as you let your body adjust. Rafe kept his long, slow slide going, until he was balls deep, pelvis snug up against your ass. He was still, just for a moment, before rolling his hips, letting his cock nudge up against your g-spot. You moaned, head dropping to the comforter. You hadn’t felt this full - well, since your ex.
“You good, babe?” Rafe asked, chuckling a bit at your reaction.
“God, Rafe - fuck me.”
Rafe leaned forward, prying your hands from the comforter, tugging them gently behind your back. He swatted at your ass twice, loving the way you tilted into the sensation, before grabbing your hair, pulling you up just enough to get your chest off the bed. 
“This okay?”
You nodded as best you could with his hand in your hair. “I swear to God, Rafe, if you don’t move right now I’ll - ”
“What? What are you gonna do?” He taunted.
You whined, rolling your hips against his cock, which was still stuffed deep in your cunt. “Rafe, please.”
Rafe chuckled under his breath. “Fuck, I could get used to hearing that - hold on, pretty girl. I’ve got ya.”
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag AU
More and more the déjà vu moments started coming to Kagome, mostly smaller memories, but they were adding up. She’d taken the doctor’s advice and kept a small notebook in her purse in case a new one popped up. For example, she knew Inuyasha’s favorite food was ramen because she’d been told as much, but one day as she shopped in the supermarket and saw one of the brands on the shelf, her hand immediately reached out for it. Kagome placed it in her basket without a second thought until two aisles away it finally hit her— it wasn’t a flavor she liked. Sure enough, when she saw Inuyasha that afternoon he confirmed it was the brand and flavor he always bought.
Speaking of recall, Kagome had met Ms. Tanaka at a small cafe one Saturday and they sat at a table for four hours chatting. Kagome had been nervous about going. What would she say since she couldn’t remember anything about the job or company, but Ms. Tanaka was such a bubbly feisty person those anxieties had melted away within the first few minutes. She was brought up to speed on how the company was doing… along with the gossip or drama one might find in a close knit office like they had. So, and so just started dating, bought a new car, complaining about in-laws, news about children, etc. Kagome recognized the name of one child mentioned from when the coworker had taken maternity leave. It felt weird to now be told the child had started preschool, but she was just happy to have remembered the person at all. It was a good day with more to come because Ms. Tanaka invited her to a birthday party the following week at the office for one of their closest co-workers. Apparently, they were nicknamed the trio at work because they always took their lunches together. Their cubicles were next to each other so day in and day out they’d became each other’s family away from home.
“Hi, everyone.” Kagome smiled and waved even though her nerves were on edge. Ms. Tanaka wanted it to be a surprise, so she had no idea what the reaction would be… and it certainly wasn’t this!
A loud scream came from the other side of the room that left her startled. At first Kagome couldn’t see who or where it had come from over all the cubicles, but the next thing she knew she’d almost been tackled to the ground by a hug. It was the birthday girl, Ms. Fukuda.
“Oh, my Kami you came!” Fukuda pulled back her hands still gripped to Kagome’s shoulders. “Why didn’t anyone tell me you were coming??”
“Tanaka wanted it be a surprise,” Kagome squeaked back.
“Well, this is definitely the best birthday gift I could’ve received!— Even if you don’t remember me.”
Kagome flinched a little, her cheeks heating up. “I’m sorry, I don’t, but I’m hoping being here will stimulate something.”
“No need to be sorry,” the woman hugged her again. “I can’t even imagine what you’re going through, but let’s see if we can’t jog those memories!” Ms. Fukuda took Kagome’s hand and started dragging her deeper into the crowd. “Everyone! Look who’s here!”
Kagome stayed close to Tanaka and Fukuda throughout the visit, though the longer she stayed the more comfortable she became. There was tons of food to eat and desserts that left her full. People joked around, teasing Fukuda over a few gag gifts, but all in good fun. Kagome couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so hard. Everyone was so nice and accommodating, never making her feel bad that she couldn’t remember them. Quite the contrary. The office staff talked and talked, bringing up story after story from the last few years. They seemed determined to play a role in helping Kagome to redeem her lost memories. Most of the staff were there when she’d started and so they had a lot of tales to tell.
“You had such a hard time with the ten-key machine,” Ms. Fukuda laughed. “I remember thinking oh kami, this young girl is gonna give me gray hair!”
Kagome chuckled. “And you weren’t quiet about pointing it out to me. Said I’ll have to cover the cost of hair dye if it did.”
The room full of laughter suddenly went silent as everyone turned to Kagome. Only a few gasps breaking the stillness to leave her utterly concerned. “Did I say something wrong?” Kagome questioned.
Ms. Fukuda broke the silence. “Y-You really remember that?”
“Remember…” Kagome repeated in confusion. All she did was comment— “Oh! Yeah, I guess I did…”
Fukuda squealed as she hugged onto Kagome. “Oh, my Kami! You remembered!”
“I-I remembered!” Tears began to stream down Kagome’s cheeks at how naturally the memories came back to her. “It took me a couple of months, but I got it down.”
“You did,” Ms. Fukuda whose own tears made their way to the scene, and Ms. Tanaka had joined in the hug. “And now you’re faster than me,” she snorted a laugh.
“Y-Yeah,” Kagome hiccupped a laugh too.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room as everyone watched the friends sharing in such a beautiful moment. As the trio pulled apart, wiping away their tear stained faces, with the biggest smiles planted on them. Ms. Fukuda took Kagome’s hand a final time before letting go. “This truly was the best birthday gift, and I can’t wait for you come back to work.”
“Me, too.”
The party went on for a couple more hours, and by 4pm that afternoon it was winding down. Some office workers were tidying up, packing up leftovers or cleaning up any messes, while others went back to finishing up any company business that needed to be completed that day. A few core individuals such as the trio stayed chatting quietly around the cubicles. There was more than one conversation taking place, so Kagome ever eager to learn what she could did her best to stay engaged. Listening here and chiming in there. But then a name two cubicles away caught her attention.
‘Yura?’ Kagome wondered, who was this person and why was the name stirring up such a wave of anger and pain inside of her? The conversation she overheard seemed meaningless, just something about they were glad the person wasn’t there anymore. Okay, so that meant Yura was a former employee of the company. One person commented that they’d seen her at a new job in a department store selling makeup and the other responded with a scoffing sound, that it was a good fit for such a two-faced bitch. Well, obviously she wasn’t the only person who’d had an issue with this Yura woman. But who was she to her??
In order to figure it out, Kagome tapped on Ms. Tanaka’s shoulder to gain her attention. She whispered her question. “Who is Yura? Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Miyahira are talking about her.”
“Oh…” Ms. Tanaka looked warily at Ms. Fukuda before addressing Kagome’s question. “Are you sure you want to know? It, um… won’t be a very good memory.”
So, Yura was attached to an unhappy event in her life after all and her friends reaction’s just confirmed the initial feelings she’d felt. Kagome swallowed hard, would it be worth dredging up an unhappy memory or should she leave it buried away. It wasn’t the easiest decision to make, but if the woman’s name had triggered such a strong reaction, it must’ve played a significant role.
“J-Just tell me a little bit about her, maybe about when she’d worked here.”
Ms. Tanaka went first. “Okay. Well, um, she was here for about a year, and no one really liked her because she was rude and thought she was better than everyone else… but, when it came to you, Yura just had a real fixation on making your life miserable.”
“We didn’t know the real reason behind it all until the end,” added Ms. Fukuda. “At first, it was petty, childish things like stealing your lunch from the break room or leaving mean notes on your desk. But then it started to escalate and after several complaints to management, they finally fired her— You basically told the manager if they didn’t then you’d quit.”
“They chose you, and that’s what’s important.” Tanaka finished.
“But what do you mean the real reason behind it? Behind what?” Kagome asked.
Kagome’s question must’ve gave her two friends a real dilemma because they grew silent and hesitant to answer it. “Please? We’ve come this far you might as well just tell me.”
“It turned out that Yura was acting that way towards you because, she’s close friends with Inuyasha’s ex…”
“Oh…” Kagome’s eyes widened. “That’s right…” she sat back as the emotions took control. Kikyo was still a vague concept for her with only the bits and pieces she’d been able to put together, but the mention of the woman in conjunction with Yura brought on a flashback. “The cafe. They’d confronted me at a cafe on my lunch break…” Tears had welled up in Kagome’s eyes, but a sensation of anger was making her body tremble at the memory. “That’s what made me give management an ultimatum because it was just going to far.”
As the tears broke free, Kagome’s friends pulled together into a hug. Don’t cry! It’s okay! It was the past! Oh, please don’t be sad Kagome! She’s gone now, it’s gonna be okay! Once she was able to get the tears under control and convince them she’d be okay, they dropped the subject. But despite cheering Kagome up, the bitter feelings just wouldn’t go away. They sat in her gut stirring and brooding, knowing there was more to the story that she just couldn’t remember and that alone was frustrating. According to her friend’s, this incident happened just eight months before her accident, so it wasn’t ancient history. Had it contributed to the fight? It wasn’t beyond belief to think it had or at least added to the frustrations that led up to it.
When Inuyasha picked Kagome up from her workplace, he tried to make small talk. How’d it go? Did you have fun? She answered them in order, how it started out great and everyone was so nice and supportive, telling her stories and answering questions. Then she told him about blurting out a comment because she’d remembered the event.
“That’s awesome, babe!” Inuyasha squeezed her shoulder. “Your memories are coming back faster now!”
“Yeah, about that…” Kagome quieted as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap. “There was something else that was triggered, a… not so great memory.”
“Oh?” He turned briefly to check on her before returning his eyes to the road. “Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Um… well there was a woman that used to work there that I didn’t get along with…”
“That’s surprising.”
“Yeah, she um— Her name was Yura. But the reason we didn’t get along was because she’s a friend of your ex-girlfriend.”
Kagome instantly saw Inuyasha’s grip tighten on the steering wheel and the whites of his knuckles glaringly apparent. Clearly just the mention of Kikyo was enough to trigger an intense reaction.
She cleared her drying throat. “The company fired Yura about 8 months before the accident after she and Kikyo harassed me at a cafe during my lunch break.”
“You never told me about that. Kagome, why—”Inuyasha stopped mid-sentence as he felt his anger rise. He took a deep breath then lowered his tone. “Why didn’t you tell me about something that bad?”
“I’m not surprised…” she mumbled under her breath. She’d had an inkling that she’d never told him. “I think it was because I didn’t think you’d listen.”
“Of course, I would have listened! They were harassing you!”
“Look, Inuyasha, I don’t remember everything, but clearly there was a reason I didn’t tell you and based on everything you’ve told me yourself you weren’t listening! So, how can you even tell me you would have, when obviously you weren’t back then! You have no right to hold it against me now!”
“Kagome this is different, it affected your job and there were witnesses—”
“Oh?! So, because you’d believe the witnesses you would have believed me?! I don’t remember, but maybe there were other times there were witnesses and you didn’t listen— I DON’T KNOW THAT!”
“That’s not what I meant! I would have listened to you if you’d told me! You should have told me!”
“You know, I really thought you’d be different but if you still can’t admit about what drove me to leave that night, then I… I don’t know anymore…”
“That’s not fair…”
“J-just get me home! I-I just wanna go home Inuyasha! I can’t talk to you right now! There’s so much I can’t remember and since you admitted you hadn’t listened before, there’s nothing more to say.”
“Please Kagome—”
“Just stop. I’m done talking.” She’d had enough.
Her mind was spinning from all the gaps she couldn’t fill and the anger at his words. How could he deny it now when that’s one of the things he’d admitted to from the beginning. The last few minutes of the drive went by in silence and as soon as they reached the Higurashi residence, Kagome got out without a second look. All their months of hard work were now left behind with the slam of a car door and she had no idea how to salvage it.
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