#why did I let you just snap at me and rollover so quickly with a dozen apologies?
insanechayne · 1 year
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#feeling very foolish today#why did I so immediately make so many concessions to you rather than just speak my actual thoughts?#why didn’t I try harder to clarify so that there were no miscommunication issues?#why did I let you just snap at me and rollover so quickly with a dozen apologies?#I don’t even really think I was in the wrong for having asked my initial question that started the bullshit#but I let your anger cloud me and let myself believe I was wrong just because you were angry#I guess I’m just so much more afraid of losing you than I am of hurting myself#but idk I’m really fucking angry myself right now#and mostly I’m angry at my own dumb self because I didn’t communicate well or clarify and yeah truly that’s on me#but there’s so much more I want to say to you and I want to yell back at you#tell you all the ways you’ve hurt me and how you pushed me to this point#but what would it matter now#doing so would only cause another fight and then I’d probably lose you for real#and I don’t want to go through that kind of pain#I’ll do damn near anything to keep a friend even if they’re not good for me and you’re clearly no exception to that#so I’ll just let it go I guess#try not to let it fester in my mind and in my chest every time I see your name/icon here#try to just be normal and a good friend and let everything be alright#you just want a friend and I can do that#I’ll even give you space and pull my personality back to make sure you’re comfortable#and everything will be fine in the end won’t it#personal
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obeyme-darling · 4 years
[Lucifer x GN!Reader]
Summary: You have been sneaking out, letting Cerberus get used to you, then Lucifer finds the two of you being awfully cute.
Warnings: A little suggestive at the end, otherwise, just fluff! And Cerberus being the best boy, in case that needs a warning.
Word Count: 1,200+
A/N: Page breaks are the changes in POV, yours and Luci’s. I have two almost complete requests, and a half done original idea that I will be posting soon, but I had this idea after watching this video of a bear so I had to write it!! Hope you like this, as I feel a little rusty and I’m getting back in the groove of things~
~Admin Doe
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“Who needs that much fucking meat?”
“Me... Bitch.”
You huffed as you pushed by Beel, holding a bowl of a chunk of meat you had just cooked. Most everyone else was asleep, or at least, in their room and minding their own business. Everyone, except you and Beelzebub.
“Where are you going?”
“Out,” you began to walk towards the door, “Promise, I’ll be back though. If not, well... Come looking for me please.”
You made your way out, holding the giant bowl of cooked meat close to your chest. You quietly walked around the back of the house and hurried, as quietly as possible, towards your destination.
A loud, guttural roar-like sound came from the darkness ahead and you let out a quiet ‘shh’ before stepping closer to it. Three pairs of bright yellow eyes stared you down.
You whispered his nickname, shaking the bowl around. It was enough to draw him from the darkness and out to you. You smiled, finally conquering the beast. You had been trying to gain his trust the past week. Slowly growing closer to the guard dog. Finally, he came to you on his own, even if you were bribing him...
“C’mere boy!”
Cerberus bounded towards you, a playful huff sounding from all three heads. You smiled and grabbed a chunk of the meat in your hand. He eagerly walked towards you and motioned for him to sit down. He sat down very fast, a loud thud coming from his backend. You let out a laugh and threw the food as high as you could, causing him to jump up, ever so slightly, to catch the treat. You did this two more times, letting each head catch some meat.
“Oh! You're a good boy! Yes you are!”
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Lucifer entered the kitchen, looking for M/C. His eyes scanned the area and he only saw his brother. No human in sight.
“Why does it smell like beef?”
“Uh,” Beel squinted, he had a feeling M/C did not want him to tell anyone where they had gone, “M/C was cooking?”
“Where are they now?”
“I don’t know?”
Every answer was more of a question.
Lucifer’s eyes widened, “You don’t know?!”
“They took their meat... and they left. Said ‘Come looking for me if I don’t return’.”
Lucifer immediately knew where M/C had gone. He hurried outside and could hear playful growling, and loud thuds. “This is it,” he placed his hand on his forehead. He just knew Cerberus had killed his love, and was playing with their body.
“Cerby~ Rollover!”
Okay, maybe not dead. Yet.
“Good boy, such a good boy!” Praise rang through the air and Lucifer felt a smile creep onto his face.
Finally, M/C was in sight and what a sight to behold. Lucifer almost wanted to pull out his DDD just to snap a picture to save for later. There was his love, playing so gently with his giant guard dog, unafraid of the beast under them.
He didn’t dare interrupt. Not yet.
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“Oh, good boy! Such a lovely boy!” You cooed over Cerberus, handing him some more meat. “Can I see your paw?”
Cerberus quickly stuck his paw out, his right head nuzzling into his other paw. His giant paw hit you, but you did not back down. You gently grabbed it and softly rubbed the fur.
“Oh, such a lovely paw!” You rubbed it against your face and gave it a quick massage. You leaned all of your weight onto Cerberus now, his fur enveloping you. “Would you like some more treats? Such a nice boy, you deserve all the treats!” As you turned to grab some meat from the bowl, you began to speak again, “Does Luci give you treats? Are they as good as mine?”
The middle head barked and nuzzled into you, the right head seemed to want to stay hidden, and the left head... he was staring off.
“I’d like to think so.”
A scream ripped from your throat and you rolled off of Cerberus, whose three heads were still waiting very patiently for more meat.
“Lucifer!” Your voice cracked as you stood up.
“M/C...” Lucifer stepped towards, eyes moving from Cerberus and back to you. “I see you’ve made a friend out of Cerberus. An amazing feat, if you do ask me...”
“Um, yea, I wanted to surprise you! For the next time you asked me to walk him... I wanted to, uh, impress you I guess...”
You rubbed the back of your neck, and Lucifer let out a small laugh, “Love, you impress me every day, do not think otherwise. I do have to ask though, please do not do that ever again. If something had happened...”
“Don’t worry!” You stood up, “Watch this, he loves me, now anyway...”
Lucifer did not like what that implied. He listened to you though. He watched closely as you picked up the bowl of (what he assumed was) beef, and you grabbed a clob of it.
“Sit!” You motioned for Cerberus to sit, and he did, excitedly so. “Shake, please!”
The hellhound raised his giant paw, and shoved it towards you. You gently grabbed the bottom of the paw and shook it. “Good boy!” You almost yelled from excitement. “Such a good boy!” Cerberus was shaking his whole butt, all three heads watching you.
“Here you go!”
You grabbed a patty from the bowl and tossed it up, you did this two more times, letting each head get some. You were proud of yourself.
“See! Cerberus loves me!”
Lucifer pulled you close to him, his lips pressing to the top of your head, “I see, I’m very proud of you.”
Your heart was swelling with love, you were gonna explode. “After all that petting, I think I need to rest now.” Lucifer nodded. “But first, Cerby c’mere!”
Lucifer stepped back and let you do whatever it was you needed to do before heading to bed. He watched closely as you motioned for the dog to lower its heads.
“A goodnight kiss for each one of you! Because you’re the best boy in the Devildom!”
You gently placed a kiss on each snout.
It was Lucifer’s turn to explode with love. He watched as you waved the hellhound off, letting it go back to guarding. You turned back to him, a tired smile on your face.
“Honestly, if you hadn’t come out here, I would have fallen asleep on him.”
“Now, that would have been cute to find. Let’s get inside, before Cerberus comes back and decides he is now a bed.”
You laughed and let Lucifer pull you close. The two of you walked inside, “I’ve never seen him warm up to someone like that. You truly are special, M/C.”
“I think it was that meat. I don’t know what it was though, I just bought it and hoped he would like it. Luckily for me, he did.”
You made it inside, a nice quietness settling over the two of you, before Lucifer finally spoke again.
“How long have you been working with him?”
“About a week. He was pretty bratty at first.”
Lucifer made a face, how dare you call his hellhound a brat!
“Kinda reminded me of you.”
“Oh, you are going to pay for that.”
The door of his room closed and the night was suddenly even more interesting.
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Sideways story chapter one (rewrite)
Nico and Leo we’re sitting on the deck of the Argo ll, Nico had gotten back from Tartarus not too long ago. Nico liked the silence and peace, though he hated the ocean. Leo looked uncomfortable with the quiet.
“You look a lot less like a skeleton” Leo blurted trying to make conversion
“That may not be for very long” Nico responded quietly, everyone knew that they were running low on supplies and they didn’t have any money to buy food with. “I may have an idea to fix that problem” Nico added as walked over to Leo who was at the controls of the ship.
“Could you set us down here down there” he requested as he pointed at the digital map
“Um sure but what’s your idea” Leo asked, sounding worried, Leo always seemed uneasy around Nico. Nico thought that Leo probably would have preferred leaving him to die in that jar.
“You’ll have to find out when we’re down there” Nico retorted
”You want me to come with you?” he asked surprised, seeing that Nico hadn’t been vary warm in return.
“You’re the only one here that I can trust to keep a secret” nico responded in a monotone and went down into the ship to get what they’d need.
On his way he saw Frank Nico had been there when he came to camp Jupiter, Octavian had welcomed him into the Court with open arms. Nico wouldn’t confide if anyone but he missed the pale preacher.
“Frank I need you posted on the deck, he and Leo are going into town to get supplies” nico ordered,
“Yes sir” Frank said out of habit, Nico had been his officer in Rome. “But um Jason said we’ll have enough food to get us to Greece”
“Mr grace has said a lot of things and I believe you’d smart enough not to believe them”
Frank looked uncomfortable, probably thinking about how Jason was a praetor so should be on change of them.
Nico continued to his ‘room’ but he slept in the crows nest, he just kept things that needed to be dry in here.
Then he went to his “closet” that was still filled with thing that used to be stored in here. He pulled out two large duffel bags, and two scarves and started for the door.
“Oh I almost forgot,” he said to himself.
Then he reached into the shadows of the room and pulled out a small revolver that his papá got him to defend himself. He strapped it to his belt and went above deck
“Nico! we’ve landed where are we going?” Leo said in his usual enthusiastic voice
“I don’t know yet but it has to be some place small” nico reposed
“Well let’s go then” Leo said cheerily
The two walked from the deck of the ship to a dock, the wood was old and wood. Leo looked a bit hesitant to step on them. It led to the town which was pretty small, be it was beautiful with old Italian architecture. Nico went on and Leo followed.
“Do you think they speak English?” Leo asked
“We’re in Italy so they probably speak Italian”nico spoke.
“Do you know Italian?” Leo asked, sounding like he expected a no.
“Of course I do” nico said slightly annoyed
“Where did you learn Italian” Leo asked disbelieving
Nico did not respond just walked off to the town a little faster and Leo followed after
“What’s all that stuff for” Leo asked about the bags and scarves
“Do you ever stop asking questions” nico snapped
“Nope” Leo said but said nothing more
The two got to a small convenience store nico looked in side seeing that there were seemingly only three people inside nico went into a alleyway beside it
“Put this on” nico said handing Leo the brown scarf
“What for” Leo asked
“To cover your face” nico said in a monotone
“Why do we need to cover our faces” Leo asked
“That’s not important just take these and get as much food as you can” nico said as he handed him the two duffel bags
Then Nico started forthe door of the store. He upholstered his revolver and pushed the door open
“Tutti a terra questa è una rapina” nico shouted in Italian
The three people in the store quickly got on the ground
“Nico what the fuck!” Leo shouted
“Go get the stuff I got this covered” nico said in a dangerous tone
Leo didn’t respond but moved to get thing’s for the ship. Nico started for the counter.
“Tu, svuota il registro adesso” nico said in Italian
The cashier quickly moved to the register and got all the money out then put it in a small paper bag.
“Ci prendilo” the cashier said terrified
Nico grabbed the bag then started to walk towards where he thought Leo was, as he was walking a person from behind tackled him to the ground. Nico put all of his weight into pushing off his attacker, the man fell to the ground and looked up at Nico terrified. In a rage Nico grabbed his rollover off his belt and shot him in the stomach.
“Mister Valdez we have to go now” Nico yelled as Leo turned a corner to see him, with the dying man before him.
“My gods Nico what did you do?” Leo asked horrified.
“We have to go now” Nico said as he grabbed Leo who was still frozen in shock and pulled him through the door. The two went through the alleyways for a minute or so.
“He have to hide or the police will find us” nico said as he look at a dumpster
“In here” he said as he pushed the lid open and pushed Leo inside, Leo fell in with a thud. Nico went in after him.
“Nico what the fuck was that” Leo said he’s voice shaking.
“We have be very quiet or they’ll find us” nico said in a monotone.
Leo moved to the corner of the dumpster and looked away from him. He didn’t say another word for the next hour.
The hour was long with nothing to do but wait, Nico thought about what he’d just done. He was a monster, he was dangerous. He should have died in the depths of Tartarus.
Nico cleared his mind of the swimming thoughts “I think the coast should be clear,” He said at last but Leo didn’t respond. Looking over, Nico saw that Leo had fallen asleep.
Nico not wanting to wake him and start trouble, he just opened the lid of the dumpster and carried Leo out.as Nico carried Leo through the alleys to the ship he noticed that Leo was extremely thin, a fact that was usually hidden by the baggie shirts that he always wore. As the two walked through the alleys Leo woke.
“Nico, why are you carrying me?” Leo asked, not remembering immediately what happened before.
Nico put Leo down and gave him one of the bags.
“You fell asleep in the dumpster” nico said
Leo stopped
“ Leo we have to keep moving we could still get caught” nico stressed.
“You shot him” Leo said in a shaky voice
“Leo please,” he begged not wanting to think about it.
“Why?” Leo asked
“We have to keep going” Nico said and started off quickly.
(There’s more on my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25012276/chapters/60773722#workskin link to chapter two:)
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unleashedart · 4 years
I would love to see you do number 34!! I can’t wait to see what you come up with! 😄
TW: Kidnapping/stalking
I might flip around the pronouns on this one given Ryan’s general discomfort with women.
34. “(S)He creeped me out. Not gonna lie.”
John usually didn’t worry about people. He didn’t concern himself with their emotions or mental well-being. He cared about sin and the project. And yet. One obnoxiously loud and flirty red head managed to make him question everything.
When Ryan first moved to Hope County, John thought he knew who he was exactly. It was his job to know people’s sin after all and he knew he was good at it. Ryan was just a city boy coming to play hero in a small town. Another prideful sinner. But then he got reports of Ryan helping followers outside of his normal work hours. Even outside of his volunteer hours. His faithful would show up unannounced at his door to be treated and they were always welcomed in. The cult didn’t have a shortage of healthcare workers either, but Ryan still seemed to be a quiet favorite among the faithful. Even the resistance were confused by his actions, some were outraged, but Ryan shrugged it off and told them it was just the job.
Even more perplexing is that Ryan agreed to atone and actually look at the preaching of the project even though he obviously disagreed with all of it. John didn’t understand it. People were either with the project or against it: there was no grey area. No one helped them and also stood against everything they was. Then came Ryan and his stupid goofy grin and John was intrigued.
All that bravo and high energy enthusiasm was gone now. In fact Ryan almost looked empty of everything. He came running into John’s ranch sometime ago and just launched himself into John’s arms which threw him off immediately. Ryan wasn’t overly touchy and he almost always asked permission before touching in any way. 
“Ryan?” John grasped him by his shoulders and pried him away to look at him in the eyes.
“Wha-” John had attempted to ask what had happened, but then he caught a whiff of the bliss and realized.
Since they met, he had always sensed there was more to Ryan than just a simple city kid. Way more than he let on anways. He was guarded about something, but John had decided to not pursue it further. Then he noticed that Ryan acted especially odd whenever he mentioned Faith or the Bliss. Curious, he decided to ask Faith about him and what she knew. Faith only answered cryptically and said that she hadn’t gotten to meet him yet as Ryan seemed to be very cautious in the Henbane, avoiding the Bliss and sometimes the whole region.
An usual spike of guilt flooded him as he realized that by asking Faith about him that he might have piqued her interest him which resulted in him being blissed. The guilt didn’t last long and quickly morphed into possessiveness. Ryan lived in HIS region. Faith shouldn’t have a right to take people from him. John looked Ryan over. He was wearing his normal uniform, but his radio strap was missing. His eyes looked more exhausted than usual and he was slightly sweaty and filthy. He probably ran all the way here from the Henbane.
“Faith probably took your radio strap. I’ll get it back for you, sorry.” He wasn’t even sure Ryan could hear him.
Hesitantly he reached up and gently carded his hand through Ryan’s bright ginger hair, trying to bring it back to some semblance of normal. After a few moments of fiddling he realized what he was doing. He found himself flushing slight despite himself.
During this whole thing Ryan still hadn’t said a word. He barely even flinched when John touched his hair. Everything was so unlike him it was jarring. He figured he wouldn’t say much until he came out of the bliss so John led him over to the living space and sat him down on his couch and went to make some calls.
When John returned an hour later. Ryan was still sitting on the couch staring listlessly at the ground. John was sure the bliss wore off a while go. He shifted awkwardly. He didn’t know how to deal with these types of issues. He was always loud with his problems, if he had an issue then he voiced what he felt. Ryan was silent.
John tapped his foot awkwardly, he felt a bubble of frustration come up. He didn’t know what to do or how to handle this. Why did Ryan come here? He should have known that he didn’t know how to do this.
“Why are you here?” John snapped, breaking the silence.
It came off a little harsher than he intended, but he found himself leaning into his irritation. It was easy and familiar. He was also running out of patience. He just wanted answers and he didn’t want to play games to figure out how get them.
Ryan looked at him with tears in his eyes and a quirky smile. John’s irritation melted away again. He had to remind himself to temper his own sin. Ryan was not the enemy. He should be, but he wasn’t. John sighed and sat down next to him. He fiddled with his fingers before deciding what to say.
“I’m getting your radio strap from Faith. I know you love that thing irrationally.” John muttered.
Ryan’s eyes lit up again for the first time that night as he turned to John. He still didn’t make a sound as he quickly wiped the tears out of his eyes.
“So I guess you met Faith.” John tried instead.
Ryan just laughed, “she creeped me out. Not gonna lie.” Ryan sounded raspy and his voice broke halfway through the sentence.
“That’s an understatement.” John never felt more relief to hear him speak.
John let out a short chuckle and then felt slightly embarrassed at his inability to make a coherent conversation. Words normally came so easily to him.
Ryan’s smile faded slightly, “I guess I owe you a conversation.”
“Why are you here,” John tried again leaning forwards.
“Whoa, I said conversation. Not interrogation.”
John scrunched his face up, “how are you doing?”
“Better. I was stuck in some memories there for a while.” Ryan admitted, leaning back on the couch.
“What happened?” John asked bluntly.
“Well I was called out to the Henbane-”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” John frowned.
“Maybe I don’t know.” Ryan crossed his arms stubbornly.
“I know you know. I wanna know why you burst in here and didn’t respond to me for hours! I know you’re hiding something!” John balled up his hands. “Don’t play stupid.”
He hated when people did this. Ryan knew exactly what he wanted to know. He didn’t need to do conversation gymnastics to know why his evening was interrupted.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Ryan threw his arms up. “That I have some serious unresolved trauma and decided to run away rather than face her? My problem. Not yours.”
John was shocked by the outburst for a moment. Ryan almost never completely lost his cool. He was usually so lighthearted about things. Then it he realized why a city boy came to rural Montana. He wasn’t looking to be the big fish in the small pond. He was running away.
An unknown emotion fuel John, why didn’t he talk about this before? Did he not trust him? It seemed like an important thing to not share. John wouldn’t exactly classify them as friends, but Ryan would often come over to learn about the project and fufill his promise on atonement.
John stood up, “I know you think I’m completely incompetent, but I lived my life as a lawyer and I hear plenty of confessions from our faithful.”
Ryan rubbed his face tiredly, “I know. I just don’t like to talk about it. It makes it real.”
“I think you should talk about it.” John insisted as Ryan pulled at his sleeve to sit again.
“I don’t even know where to start.” Ryan said emotionlessly.
“What happened? Who is the ‘her’ you mentioned?” John started.
“Emily Dunken, 18.” The name felt heavy on his tongue, “I met her when she was 17. She was involved in a bad rollover accident a few years ago. She was lucky to make it out with only a couple broken bones. I was the one who treated her and sat with her in the back of the ambulance. She seemed like just another trouble teen but soon after she just started stalking me.”
“Why you?”
Ryan let out a sharp bitter laugh.
“I ask myself that everyday. What did I do? I must have accidentally gave the impression I wanted her too. Was it my fault?” Ryan closed his eyes.
“It couldn’t have been your fault,” John frowned.
“At first I played along. It was so cute and innocent to have someone with hero worship sending gifts. Everyone called me lucky.” Ryan shook his head. “Then it escalated. Showing up at my house. Calling 10+ times everyday. Things of mine went missing. They didn’t believe me when I said it got worse. No one did. Kept calling me lucky and told me to stop bragging or stop complaining. She was just a teen girl is what they said. Don’t break her heart.”
There was a long pause as Ryan gathered his thoughts. His eyes were brimmed with tears. John tried to wait patiently for the conclusion before asking more questions, but he couldn’t help his anxious hand twitches.
“Then I woke up in a basement tied to a pole and a gash on my nose.” Ryan gently touched his scar. “I was there for about a week.”
John was silent, mulling it over in his head. He started thinking about the people he was accused of kidnapping and wondered if they had the same thoughts. They did deserve it though in his mind. They were sinners and they need to be cleansed. The project did it for the greater good and were not selfish like this stalker who just took Ryan for her own needs.
“I still dream about it. I still think I’m there sometimes. I can’t be near most women anymore. It’s so embarrassing.” Ryan rubbed his face aggressively.
John thought about Faith. She played the innocent girl very well. He could see why Ryan would be nervous around her now. A deceptively innocent young girl and a powerful drug.
“So Faith bringing you into the Bliss...”
“Terrified me.” Ryan admitted. “I don’t trust the bliss and I don’t trust Faith.”
“It feels better to admit it, doesn’t it?” John tilted his head.
“Yeah, I guess.” Ryan rubbed the back of his neck. “I won’t be going to the Henbane any time soon.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll have Faith back off.” John said as nonchalantly as possible.
He knew it was a toss up if Faith actually listened to him or not. It could also make her more curious and result in worse for Ryan, but if that happened then he could always also talk to Joseph. She always listened to him. He wondered how Joseph would react to John getting close with Ryan when he still was technically not a part of the project. That was another conversation he didn’t want to have.
His thoughts were interrupted by Ryan grabbing his arm suddenly, “don’t say shit you don’t mean. Don’t give me that hope. I swear, John. Don’t bullshit me.”
John’s eyes went wide as he met Ryan’s begging blue ones. There was so much pain and desperation. John had never seen him so open and distraught before. Obviously the Henbane and Bliss was a huge point of stress in his life and John coming along to promise to make it go away must have felt too good to be real.
John never seen Ryan like this before. It was like he finally got past all his defenses, but he didn’t really earn it. Ryan had come here while drugged out of his mind. John felt like he was seeing something he didn’t deserve. He also knew now he was gonna make Faith back off using any means necessary.
“You can stay here until we get your radio belt back.” John said suddenly. “One of our Chosen should be bringing it over in the morning.”
Ryan looked at him suspiciously, but didn’t say anything. Then the glint of mischief came back and that vulnerability was replaced with his typical suave smile.
“Oh, stay the night? Why John, you didn’t even buy me dinner yet.”
“It’s a little late for dinner, Erkhart. Go to sleep.” John stood up and tossed a blanket over Ryan’s head.
He promised himself that next time he would earn that trust and openness. Ryan pulled the blanket off from his head with his grin still intact. He watched John walk off towards his bedroom.
“We can always skip straight to dessert!” Ryan called out after him.
He was only met with the slamming of a door. Ryan fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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valiantthewriter · 5 years
A Good Boy Walks The Walk
This is Part 3 of my Puppy Peter series. It can be found on AO3.
The following program contains: Puppy Play, Established D/s, and Humiliation. Viewer discretion is advised.
Most of the time it was Peter initiating puppy time, not that he minded. Tony would sometimes initiate it after it had been too long between sessions or if he was particularly in the mood to baby Peter, or in most cases torment him in the most delicious ways. Today was a mood that was and odd combination of both that Peter wasn’t exactly used to.
“Peter, be a good boy and get dressed up for Daddy. Don't forget to bring your special puppy collar and your big boy tail,” Tony had ordered; Peter was a good boy, so he did as asked.
He changed into a pretty set of strappy purple panties with the back completely open and a matching sheer babydoll top. Peter put on his baby blue collar and brought out the big plug, the one bigger than his Daddy's cock. Peter both loved and feared this one; the plug was pretty and fluffy like his hair but it filled him to bursting.
But he was good. He could do it. He could listen.
Peter stepped out of the room and dropped to his knees, plug held by the base with his teeth as he crawled to where Tony was seated in a practiced, sensual way. He glowed with pride as he saw Tony's eyes darken with obvious lust.
“That's a good boy, sweetie. Bring Daddy the plug and come here,” Tony ordered, taking the plug from Peter's mouth and ruffling the boy's curls, “Daddy has some extra things you'll be wearing. What do you say when you can't talk?”
Peter snapped 3 times, looking up a Tony for approval. He was rewarded with a smile from the older and and more pets.
“Sit,” Tony commanded, lift his hand up in a fist. Peter scrambled to comply, sitting back on his legs with his legs spread, hands on his thighs. The position put his little cock on display, currently encase in lavender lace. “Good boy. Open up.”
When Peter obeyed, Tony picked up a gag from the end table. This was a special gag, a bit style one with a silicone bone instead of a plain red. Peter looked at it with apprehension, looking up at Tony for guidance.
“It's okay, little one. Just keep your mouth open,” Tony said in a soothing voice, using his free hand to caress Peter's jaw before petting the boy’s tongue with two fingers. Once he was done playing in Peter's mouth he placed the gag in Peter's mouth and buckled the back of it behind Peter's head. “Such a pretty boy,” Tony cooed, causing Peter to preen.
He is a good boy. He can do this.
Tony grabbed the special lube from the table beside him, the lube that tingles and got warm inside him. It was the lube that Peter hated and loved. “Present yourself,” Tony commanded, waiting for Peter to obey.
Peter always did. He turned on the ground getting on all fours, rolling his hips before resting on his elbows, back arched and face against the cold tile. Drool was already beginning to leak out and onto the tile.
“So fucking sexy, puppy. Daddy's gonna fill you up now,” Tony said, petting his dry thumb over Peter's hole. He popped open the cap of the lube and drizzled it from Peter's crack to his hole, smearing it everywhere and rubbing it on his balls, tugging them none too gently. Peter cried out in pleasure and pain, wiggling his ass playfully.
Tony chuckled and stuck a finger into Peter abruptly, causing him to cry out at the sudden intrusion. Tony growled in response, thrusting his finger on and out before adding another one. The lube was beginning to have its effect, feeling hot and tingly against Peter’s walls. Peter was whining, his noises muffled by the gag. He rubbed his tongue against it in an effort to stop the drool from coming out to no avail.
The older man rubbed the thumb of his other hand over Peter perineum before adding a third finger. “I wish you could see this, baby. You are such a greedy little puppy with an insatiable little hole to match,” Tony commented, pushing harder and harder over Peter's perineum, causing Peters eyes to roll back in his head and filthy moans to spill from his mouth. “That's it, baby. I know you're feeling so good, my good boy. Let's get you nice and open, ok?”
They continued with three fingers before trying to add a fourth, his pinky tugging at Peter's rim. “Relax, puppy. Let Daddy in, oh fuck, that's it. Good boy,” Tony cooed as the fourth finger slid home. Tony added more lube, causing a filthy, wet sound to echo through the room with Peter's moans. Tony fucked four fingers in and out of Peter until he was near crying with need. He pulled his fingers out, admiring Peter's loose hole before picking up the plug and coating it with lube.
“Be still. Be good,” Tony ordered as he began to push the plug in. Peter whined, nuzzling at the floor and covering his cheek in his cooling spit. After several moments Tony was able to slide the plug home, both of them groaning as Peter clenched around the stem of the plug.
Peter whimpered as Tony pet his back, whispering soothing nonsense. The plug felt so big, bigger than Tony's fat cock and he was so full he was crying. Once he settled, Tony pulled him in his sitting position, causing the plug to push further into him. Peter's eyes rolled back in his head as the plug assaulted his prostate.
“If you come, I will punish you,” Tony warned, petting Peter as he produced a leash, sparkly blue and matching his puppy collar. Peter looked up at Tony, baring his neck for the older man to attach it. Drool spilled out of his mouth and Peter blushed in embarrassment. “Pretty thing,” Tony said softly before attaching the leash.
“We're going on a little walk. If you're a good boy then Daddy will let you play with your little cock. If you don't listen then you won't like the consequences,” Tony warned, gesturing for Peter to get on all fours and follow.
Peter already knew he would be good. He had to be.
Tony led Peter through the penthouse to the kitchen. “Sit,” Tony commanded, smiling as Peter did as asked, “Stroke your pathetic cock.”
A thrill went through Peter at Tony's demeaning words. He hurried to comply and grabbed himself in one hand, starting to slowly stroke himself. Tony made an approving sound and reached down to twist one of Peter's nipples, hard, causing Peter to whine and try to bark from behind the gag. All that came out was a muffled sound and more saliva.
“Slutty puppy. Fuck your fist faster,” the older man instructed, watching as Peter did so, precum drooling all over his fist. “Stop!”
Peter cried out at the loss, hand immediately going back to his thigh.
“Good boy, let's keep going,” Tony praised, leading Peter to Tony's office. “Sit and stroke your little dick.”
Peter's cock twitch in the confines of his panties as he ruined himself over the material before taking his cock out again, tucking the panties behind his balls. He took himself in his hand and stroking himself. He was getting so close to coming, so close…
“Stop,” Tony said, indifferent to Peter's pleading whine. Peter stopped nonetheless, no matter how badly he wanted to come. “That's my good boy, my slutty puppy. Be good for Daddy and walk with me.”
Peter didn't understand this game. Daddy always let him come, so why was this time different. The gag was irritating him, making his jaw ache and it made his face and chest so messy…
Peter looked around and saw they were in their bedroom.
“Up,” Tony said, patting the bed. Peter obeyed getting into his sit position. The plug once more pushing into his prostate, eliciting a pathetic whine. Tony pulled Peter’s top off and toyed with his nipples, twisting and pinching them until Peter whined. “Rollover.”
Peter laid on his back, legs spread wide to put himself on display. His cock slapped against his belly, smearing precum on his stomach.
“What a sweet boy you are. You know what you're gonna do for Daddy?” Tony asked, reaching out to grab the insides of Peter's thighs hard enough to bruise, “You're gonna fuck your slutty hole with that plug and you're gonna beg for Daddy's cock. You're gonna fuck your fist. You're not going to come.” Tony went to go sit in a chair across from the bed.
Peter whimpered and moved shaky hands to follow Tony's orders. He gripped the place of the plug, tentatively pulling at it until it popped out with a filthy, wet noise. He slowly began to thrust the plug in and out, establishing a rhythm and then gripping his cock, doing his best to keep it on time with the plug.
“Ahh...Oh…’Addy, woof, woof…” Peter begged, tears streaming down his eyes.
“Fuck, look so gorgeous like that, your little hole gaping around that tail of yours. Fuck yourself harder. Beg,” Tony said, palming himself through his suit pants.
“Oh, oh, oh...Woof, woof!”
Peter began to thrust the plug harder into himself, rolling his hips against plug and into his fist. He was getting close, so close, his balls were aching from all the torment…
“Stop. Present,” Tony said abruptly, taking off his shirt and stripping himself from his pants, fat cock slapping against his stomach once it was released. Peter shoved the plug back inside him and turned over quickly, presenting his plugged ass to Tony.
He walked past Peter to the nightstand to get the lube. When he came back he palmed one of Peter's plump cheeks, giving it a little smack to watch it jiggle. “Squeeze your legs together real tight, puppy. Daddy's fucking your sweet thighs tonight,” Tony said softly, opening the lube and smearing the lube all over his cock.
Peter put his thighs together, face pressed to the mattress. Tony teased himself against Peter's thighs, rubbing the head against the slit they made and up to his perineum. “Beg Daddy for it,” Tony grunted, pushing the plug in and out of Peter as he teased the boy's thighs.
“Woof, woof! Woof, woof!” Peter begged, muffled by the gag, pushing back against Tony.
“Good puppy,” Tony muttered, pressing Peter's head into the puddle of his drool on the mattress, causing the boy to whimper. He slowly pressed himself between Peter's thighs, groaning at how warm and soft they felt.
Peter let out a wounded noise, pushing back against Tony to establish a rhythm. Tony picked up his pace, grunting as he fucked Peter's slicked up thighs. “So good, puppy. Bark for Daddy,” Tony said, voice hoarse.
“Woof, woof! Woof, woof! Ohhhh Woof, woof!” Peter cried out, eyes rolling back in his head as Tony pulled him back against his chest, one arm wrapped around Peter's waist to keep him stead and the other going around his little cock, hand covering it completely.
“Whenever you're ready, baby boy,” Tony whispered, nipping Peter's ear as he continued fucking Peter's thighs.
Peter reached his orgasm quickly, coming all over Tony's hands and the sheets. Tony followed soon after, cock twitching between Peter's thighs. They stayed like that for a moment, Tony holding Peter to his chest and petting his stomach.
“You were so good, puppy. Daddy loves you.”
“Woof, woof…”
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