#why did i add that silly rug oh because it brings me so much joy because it is turtle shell shaped
bulbabutt · 2 years
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rise donnie is more confused by the donatello touch than he is by 87 donnie making a trans-dimesnional portal out of things he found in 1980s dumpsters
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portalford · 4 years
Mind and Health (Every Bit of Myself)
“I can’t believe I finally get to test it!  I’m so glad you’re here for this, Fiddleford.”  Stanford pauses to scribble in that journal of his before he adds, “I mean, it’s not the main reason you’re here, but it is a bonus!”  He snaps the journal shut and beams.
Fiddleford decides not to try and untangle that and just asks a question of his own.  “You’ve never tested this thing?”
“Well, on animals, of course.”  Stanford starts walking again in that brisk way he has, where Fiddleford has to half-jog to keep up.  It’s ridiculous.  This house is so small; why is he rushing?  “They were successful!  Otherwise I wouldn’t bother trying it on myself.  Waste of time.”
Stanford pushes open a door and motions Fiddleford inside.  “Behold!”  He says, flinging an arm out.  “The electron carpet!”
It looks very much like the shag rug Fiddleford’s ma used to have.
Fiddleford doesn’t say that.  “Very nice,” he says instead.
Stanford lights up even more.  “Isn’t it?”  He’s got his hands out of his pockets and is twisting his fingers around — his version of uncertainty.  “I really can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be able to test this, Fiddleford, and even more so now that you’re here.”
And that’s Stanford saying he’s glad Fiddleford’s here, and not just because of his crazy rug.  “Well,” Fiddleford says, knowing better than to make a big deal out of it, “I’m here to help.  How do we do it?”
Stanford hustles over to the rug, pacing left and right in his excitement.  “It’s very simple!  We just walk around on the carpet to build up a static charge, and once there’s enough energy, we touch.  The charge will transfer our consciousnesses from one body to the other.”
Of course.  Silly of him to ask.  “What happens if we touch before the charge is strong enough?”
“Nothing, to the best of my knowledge.”  Stanford frowns.  “We could test that, if you like.”
Good Lord have mercy on him, because Stanford certainly won’t.  “No, I think I’d rather do it the right way.”  The right way.  To body swap.  This was some mad scientist stuff.
Course, Fiddleford’s always figured Stanford as a bit of the mad scientist type.  Figures he must have a streak of it himself, too, or else he wouldn’t like Stanford so much.
Stanford’s waving him over.  “Let’s go in a circle,” he says.  “That way we won’t accidentally bump into each other.”
And all right, Fiddleford’s a little nervous, but he’s got some excited butterflies along with his anxious butterflies.
Body swapping!  It’s unbelievable.  This is the sort of thing he maybe-sort of missed in California, that madcap brilliance and joy that Stanford brings to everything he does.
They start to move.  Stanford’s strung about as tight as Fiddleford feels, mumbling facts and figures under his breath.
Fiddleford starts to wonder when it’s going to happen, are we there yet? over and over like a kid on a car ride.
Stanford stops.  “Now,” he says.  He holds out his hand.  “Always a pleasure to work with you, Mr. McGucket.”
He’s playing, but in a serious sort of way, so Fiddleford matches his tone and says, “Likewise, Mr. Pines,” before taking Stanford’s hand.
It’s like the whole world knocks him flat on his butt.
Actually, it feels like that time he got bulldozed by Sally, the family’s old sow, but with more lightning or something.
“What—” he starts, and stops.
His voice is way too low.  Did his vocal cords fry?
He sits up and looks right at his own self.
He looks weird, from this angle (the mirror effect, he knows; your reflection is your face flipped and not your face as you’d actually see it) and is he really that skinny?
He (Stanford?) adjusts his glasses and looks up at Fiddleford.  “Incredible!” He says, and his eyes go wide when he hears himself speak.
Fiddleford cracks up, and yeah, that’s Stanford’s laugh coming out of his mouth for sure.
Stanford grins, and that big manic look of his doesn’t quite fit on his borrowed face, but somehow that just makes Fiddleford feel a little easier at heart.  
“Well,” Stanford says.  He gets to his feet, a little unsteadily.  “I never.”
Stanford’s teasing, but two can play at that game.
“This carpet,” Fiddleford says in Stanford’s best lecture voice, and he’d definitely do this too if he could sound half so important, “is powered by unicorn juice, and specifically those unicorns that eat gnomes and—”
“Yes, yes, all right,” Stanford says, and it is a special kind of weird to hear Stanford’s speech patterns in Fiddleford’s voice.  “It’s not actually powered by unicorn juice.  You know that, right?”
“I don’t know half of what you get up to, t’be completely honest.”  Fiddleford cautiously gets to his feet.  Stanford’s a bit shorter and far more compact overall than he is, and the lower center of gravity is messing with him.  
Stanford’s peering into the mirror across the room.  “I wonder if I could play the banjo,” he says.  “It’s largely muscle memory, so I’d expect your body to know it even if I don’t.”
“You could certainly try,” Fiddleford says.  He steps off the carpet and frowns.  “Stanford, did you sleep last night?  You feel—”
“I’m getting the banjo!”  Stanford’s already out the door, and there’s a stumbling crash down the hall.
"Stanford!”  If Fiddleford gets his body back black and blue he’s going to play the banjo every night til eleven for a week.
Trust Stanford to literally run from the idea of sleep.
Fiddleford takes his turn in front of the mirror.
It’s a trip, for sure, and he decides to leave it at that.
He does take a moment to inspect his borrowed hands and wiggle the fingers.  Stanford’s body is clearly perfectly fine with the extra digits, but Fiddleford’s brain might need a minute or two.
His hands automatically go into his coat pockets when Stanford returns, and Fiddleford’s pretty sure that’s Stanford’s own muscle memory at work.
“Listen to this!”  Stanford picks out the opening bars of “Sweet Home Alabama.”  It’s clumsy, but not half bad, all things considered.  “You seem familiar with this one.”
“It’s one of my thinking songs,” Fiddleford says, “so I can play without really focusing on it.”
“I still don’t know how playing the banjo helps you think,” Stanford says.  
Fiddleford shrugs.  “You just haven’t got the ear for it.”
“I like my ears too much for it.”
Fiddleford has a thought.  “Hang on a minute.  We can change back, right?”
“Hm?  Oh, yes, of course.  You change back the same way you swapped in the first place.”  Stanford gives him a wry look.  “Had enough of being me?”
“Had enough of your sorry excuse for banjo playing, thank you very much.”
Stanford laughs.  “Fair enough.”
“Although playing with six fingers—”
“No, no, that’s not necessary.”  Stanford grabs his arm, like he’s about to drag Fiddleford around the way he does, but Fiddleford doesn’t move.
Fiddleford grins.  “I’m you, Stanford.  I got the muscle in this house now.”
Stanford’s outraged cat-that-just-got-dumped-in-the-tub look is hilarious on Fiddleford’s face.  “Seriously?”
“Yep.”  Because Fiddleford is a nice guy, he gets back on the rug.  Because Fiddleford has always wanted to turn the tables, he hauls Stanford along with him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you,” Stanford says, and it’s not a question.
“Much more than I anticipated,” Fiddleford says, and it’s the truth.
Swapping bodies is just as unpleasant as it was the first time, but the relief Fiddleford feels when he opens his eyes and sees Stanford across from him is pretty good repayment.
“Stanford?”  He asks, just in case.
Stanford uncrosses his eyes and looks at him.  “Who?”
Fiddleford’s heart stops for all of two seconds before he catches the grin on Stanford’s face.  “Doggonit, Stanford, you’re gonna put me in my grave one of these days and I’ll have to come back as a spirit just to say ‘I told you so’.”
“Nonsense.”  Stanford scrambles up and pulls Fiddleford to his feet.  “You’re a paragon of health, Fiddleford.”
“Uh huh.”  Fiddleford dusts himself off.  “Can we go back to the portal now?  I think I’ve had enough of this mad scientist stuff to last me a week or two.”
Stanford, predictably, starts lecturing him on how it’s not “mad science,” it’s just “highly experimental science,” which is hogwash if you ask Fiddleford.
If it keeps Stanford away from his banjo, though, he’ll take it.
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carrotnosewitch · 6 years
feeling blah? check your space. (long step-by-step)
my husband, who is probably the smartest and most spiritually awesome person i’ve ever known, has been trying to instill this kind of mental acuteness within me for years. sometimes i remember it, sometimes i forget. sometimes i remember it but it’s a high pain day. y’know how it is.
this is a little things kind of thing at first. a lot of my time is spent in front of my computer and a lot of it is spent on the sofa or in bed. but wherever i am, i try to keep my surrounding area clean.
why? well let me explain, both in a spiritual way, and for practical reasons.
in a small space, like my desk and on my side table of my bed, it’s imperative to feel open and spacious. if my side table or desk gets cluttered, i feel claustrophobic, or overwhelmed by Stuff. even if it’s things that are there to give me positive thoughts. If there are too many, it’s time to declutter.
a lot of people (anxiety sufferers, a-spec folks, adhd people) have this thing that makes them block out things that stick around for a while. things that stay in a static place for too long become background noise, but they give a feeling of clutter. it also sucks when you’re looking around you and you’re hit with a wave of knowing it’s there to make you feel better, but you’ve gotten mentally weary of that exact thing that’s been there for a long time.
So, go over this checklist with me.
 Things up on the wall near you. How long has it been there? Is it helping? Is it mental/visual clutter? If it’s not stimulating it you how it should, it’s time to take it down.
Your horizontal space beside you. Does it have a bunch of unnecessary clutter? Are there things in that space that don’t have any important or special reason for being there? If you can, remove all the clutter, and re-arrange the important things to suit your space better. Don’t move things you have a reflex of it being there. (Y’know. tissue boxes, meds, your tablet pen, etc) 
Your outer bubble. Are there things in your immediate area beyond where you’re sitting which is distracting you or making you feel nervous, claustrophobic, or overwhelmed? Do your best to find a solution to this problem. Clean up, brighten the area, and put something there that helps you relax. 
Another big help is getting your whole area clean. Don’t push yourself to do everything at once. Take your time to do a little here and there, don’t rush yourself or stress yourself out about it. This is an in-depth reason for keeping things clean, how to feel super accomplished even in the littlest tasks, and respecting your own area. Here’s YA BIG ASS LIST.
Your bedroom: Clothes. are there dirty clothes around you, or clean clothes that haven’t been put away? Do yourself a favor and unclutter this first. Take all the dirty clothes you’ve been tripping over and sort them into light and dark piles. Put those light and dark piles. now you can start putting your clothes away. how i do this is i sort my clean clothes by what they are and which drawer they go. then i fold them and put them away. it gives me a chance to stretch and pop my back between the steps. And that’s like, six whole steps. now you’ve got two clean baskets (presumably) that you can use to put your dark and lights into for easier laundry. This is usually the worst and most draining job of the bedroom. break it into easy to do steps. drink some water while you’re doing it, just to make sure your joints aren’t getting tired while sorting and folding and putting away! Dishes. Are there any dishes in your room? Even if they’re stinky and weird, bring them into your kitchen. Get a clean glass for your water. Hey! that only took a few minutes, I’m sure. Give yourself a rest. A+ cleaning, and I’m not being condescending. That’s a great job! Garbage. I’m sure you’ve got some papers or snack wrappers, or drink cans/bottles/disposable cups. go from the door of your room with a plastic bag, gather stuff up as you pass by it. bring that out of your room, and suddenly you don’t feel like you live in a landfill. Bedding. How long have you been sleeping in between the same top cover and sheet? When’s the last time you changed out your pillowcase? It’s time for a change. remove them, throw them in a pile, and put some clean ones on. If you don’t have other ones, wash those and once they’re dry, put them back on. You’ll feel cleaner and get to sleep better. Clutter. Hell, this is me all over. I’ve got too much cool stuff and paperwork cluttering my shelves. I follow the six month rule with paperwork, clothes, and useful stuff that barely gets use. Are you going to need it or use it within six months? If no, get rid of it or pack it away. Bring the clothes to your local thrift store if you can. If you’ve got decorations that have gotten dusty or grimy, take one of your bored days to clean them up. not only will you be doing something that makes you happy, but it’ll make your room far less apt to accrue negative energy. Your knickknacks bring you joy. Treat them respectfully! Floor: Vacuum. get the dust, dead skin, and whatever else up out of there. Side note: If you are having bad dreams, there’s a few neato things you can do to help you sleep. Some people swear by amethyst under your pillow. Some others suggest other stones. idk about y’all but stones under my pillow are somehow worse than troubles with dreams or sleep. I prefer sachets for in your pillowcase. even if you aren’t the best at sewing, you can do this. Just get a tiny white fabric baggie. whatever works for you. Just make sure it’s secure, so the herbs don’t get loose and make your bed an itchfest. lavender is the primary scent people go with, though I’m not the biggest on that scent. anise is another one that works, because this is silly but true: it’s shaped like a star. cedar, since the middle ages, has been thought to cure persistent nightmares, and open you to lucid dreaming. jasmine is such an awesome flower and scent, so mellow and enchanting. i’d suggest this because of its calming and kind vibe. find dried jasmine and add it to the bag. there’s a ridiculous many herbs worth exploring here. If you want to get spicy with it, I suggest adding a sigil or even an amulet of the one you want to look over you in your sleep. I use an amulet of the archangel Gabriel, who presides over dreams and sleep.
Your Bathroom: Your area rugs. These little buggers need to be washed. They’re usually made of fabric. Fabric that hangs out in your dampest room, no less. You probably don’t think of it often, but mildew is not a good thing for your health, and those things get mildew like crazy. Time for the washer and dryer again! Your towels and washcloths. How long has that washcloth been chilling there? Okay, if it dries and becomes a stiff nasty mess? Time to switch them out. Towels (especially hand towels) need to be washed frequently, too. Not only because the mildew thing is still y’know. a thing. but you deserve to be cleaned by clean things. it’s better for your body, and it’s so good for your spirit, to know that you’re doing right by yourself. Your place you keep things. You know, that place you keep your products, makeup, whatever. Is it in disarray on a messy shelf or counter? Time to fix that up! Set all those things aside, clean the surface they’ve been chilling on. Then you can get things sorted and aligned. Did you know straight lines are satisfying? Try it. Also if you have a candle in there, just light it for a little bit. Not only is it trés romantic and luxurious, but it burns the stank out of there, not just physically, but otherwise, as well.  Your toilet. Not only the bowl. The bottomside of the seat, and the hinges that attach the seat and lid. and back behind those hinges, where the shitter meets the tank. Goodbye stink goblins! Also bye that general gross feeling.  Your tub. You dissociate there a lot, think your thoughts, and get clean, but that means your dead skin, hair, and oils are all over that. I personally use either orange cleaning solution or magic erasers, and those fucking rock that shit out. Oh, don’t forget to de-hair your drain. Gross nasty gluck. Personally, my mom told me to stop associating those oils, hair, and all that other stuff with yourself. (and nail clippings.) This makes sure you don’t wind up getting hexed. (Those nail clippings and that nasty hair can VERY easily be used in a hex bag.)  Your sink and mirror. First off, how the hell are you going to take bathroom selfies if this makes you always internally go “yikes”, and not at yourself. Scrub the toothpaste grit from around and in the sink. Side note: If you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror, you can set rose incense near the mirror, use that hypothetical bathroom candle, and turn the light off. Speak into the mirror, “I am the best me so far.” or something similar. Remind yourself that you are okay, no matter what kind of imperfections you think are there. You are incredible. Nobody’s seeing your flaws because they’re too busy fretting about their own. It’s cool. you’re cool.  Floor. while those stinky area rugs are out and on their way to the large cloth water vortex, take a minute to sweep. Envision yourself sweeping away not only the garbage and grut, but the anxiety and bad feelings. Dustpan, garbage, good. Trash. I left this for last. You’ve got a lot of stuff you’ll need thrown out.  If you use a plastic shopping bag in a tiny little garbage pail like i do, it’s time to clean it out. If you’re also a nasty bitch like me, you’ve gotta also put the stuff that missed the garbage can in there too. Go take that to your main trash to go out with you next time you leave your place. Well now your bathroom is flawless and won’t make you subconsciously make you anxious. You’ve got things looking like they’re almost meant to like, exist in the fictional world Jenna Marbles apparently lives. 
Kitchen: Fridge: Clean out all the nasty shit. Wipe it down. Put the containers over near the sink to wash. Dishes. Do you have piles of these nasty bitches fucking up your day, every time you go on a raid for sustenance? First step is to gather them, then take your time for each step. Wash them. Put them away. As you do this, speak to yourself, chant to yourself, or just think to yourself, that by cleaning these, you are doing right and fair to your body. a clean dish is a healthy dish. a clean pan is a pan that will cook happy foods. This whole room is capable of so much, and can do so much for your joy and health.  Sink. After you’re done cleaning the dishes, you can unstink your sink. Again, I’m all about that orange solution, but if you like another scent that makes you feel energized, go for it. This is the part of the kitchen that shares like, a third of the work. This is where all the negative and gross goes. Down the drain both physically and emotionally. Get the fuck out of here, nasty! Counters. Just wipe them down until they’re not nasty and crumb-laden and have spatters on them. tell them that they’re going to do great things for you. If you’re a kitchen witch, you’re making all your cool shit on them. Stove/microwave/the heaty thingy. Ungrut it. our friend the stovetop is the unfortunate victim of nasty cooked on things. So is our screwy science friend, the microwave. Scrubby dubby! sometimes you’ll need to soak ‘em. Whatever makes it easier for you.  Floor. It’s time to sweep! again, take that broom and use it, not just to get rid of sugar, cereal and even the dried corns nibblets that fell under the fridge, but the negative energies. again, be firm about it. Fuck outta here, dark spookies! carefully pour the stuff in your garbage. Ya Cabinets. Before you pull out the mop and bucket, don’t forget the surfaces of the cabinets. A Happier kitchen is a kitchen that doesn’t tell you the story of the ill-begotten incident of the chicken parm. You see that squidge of marinara on the cabinet door and have been annoyed by it since it was made. Time to get it gone.  All the while, think about the things these cabinets have seen. All the weird utensils you never use that live in this drawer. The fondue machine you bought with the aspirations of having a 70s night get together, as told to you by that very convincing guy at IKEA. Think of all these cool things in your kitchen. Focus on the positive moments you’ve spent in here. Picture the future of this kitchen. And thank it for the memories to come. Floor 2: Slippery Boogaloo. Mop and bucket time!!! No seriously if you don’t like mopping, idk what to say. Do your kitchen a solid and scrub away all that nasty crap that didn’t make it into the dust pan. Once you’re done and it’s drying, feel fucking awesome about a job well done.  Side note: Hey y’know what kicks ass in a kitchen? The scent of the season. A lot of people get down with the welsh calendar, and that’s a great way of cycling through the seasons comfortably for people. then there’s the regular four seasons, but do it how you want. It’s imbolc as of the time I’m writing this. I personally love cinnamon and sandalwood, since they’re both wonderfully warm scents, to balance out the wintry shivers of the outside. You can use essence oils, or like, airwicks, or candles, or even make a wreath with those fun things in there that are aromatic on one of your walls. 
Living room Seriously, all these hot takes can be used in the living room now. Clean under and between the couch cushions. clean your decorations. declutter. Remember the good times as you clean. And then to cleanse it of all the gross energies, do what you do. Use white and sweet flower/herb scents to reset the most important room of your house’s energies.  Side note: If you want to keep your stuff from disappearing, place a pin safely deep under your couch/chair cushion. This is called pinning the devil. you’re literally pinning down whatever it is that’s keeping you from finding - or straight up disappearing - your stuff. If you have guardians - decorations of animals of some sort - make sure they have a full spy of the room. I prefer putting one on each corner of the room so everything can be seen. This makes sure the energy you want in your home is respected. If someone has bad intentions, this will give off a vibe of them being unwelcome and feel your guardians’ eyes on them. If they’re someone that you appreciate, and you feel comfortable around, these guardians will keep things nice for you and give your home a welcoming feeling. don’t forget to dust them. 
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gladoe · 7 years
Anti Knight Bendy Fan fic  (JOKE!)
Warning Fan fic I do not own Bendy and the Ink machine..
Act 1 "The show must go on?"
The Studio is buzzing with Life and creativity but sadly quaility comes with a price! The funding for the popular Ink Deamon known as Bendy as been running dangerously low for quite some time now. Henry one of the co founder of the studio has attempted everything from merchindise,cereal box covers,even haveing to give people the horrid pink slip. Sadly not enough money was coming in to keep up with the tyranical needs of currancy. Wile this was going on in the delightful world of Bendy and his gang,
"Gee I hope things work out for the best."Exclaimed the worried devil, Bendy was never a well desighned charecter his structure small and simplistic easy on the eye, Only made from 2 colors, Black and White as the rest of the gang.The Angelic counterpart of Bendy rises to his side her form slightly curvy with the same simplsitic style only had remorce and symapthy to offer. "Henry will know what to do he has been threw a lot and so have we...we will find a way to continue the show. "It must Go on" as you always have said before...Right?", Alice's cute like face forms a disgusting heart crushing frown not knowing what to say next. Among the Gang is the silly Boris The wolf his desighn is slinky and not as furry as one would belive a wolf to be but for a cartoon style they live in every day one can easily tell he is canine like, Boris was not part of there worried conversation as he enters there blank page. "Hey, Hey, Hey yall..Whats the frown for turn them upside down!, You dont want your faces to be printed like that when we are in the show room do you?" Happily spoke the wolf. "Well the thing is Boris...We may not have work for awile if things keep hitting the fan like a dart to a board" Said the Small Devil. "Oh Dont be like that!" For a Angel she could hit quite hard and if it was not for the fact of having only 2 colors to there page Bendy would have shown a bruise. "OW!! What the H-E-double hocky sticks ALICE that hurt!"Yells the frisky demon as his tail is in a agrivated zig zag shape.
The blissful wolf Smiles as he explaimes that Henry is working out a multi partner deal to add new animators and ideas into the show to help bring it back to its former glory,As moth to a flame the crew grew atractive to the idea of being back in show biz as soon as they can! "He said we will have new colors,Animators,Objects and even a new style of drawing for us!"As Boris lists everything Henry promised Bendy cant but help feel guilt and a sickness in his stomach for quickly leaving his old form and home for something vastly different. "He...hey Boris ..Buddy, Pal..Chum dont you think..this may be to much?..Like we are going to completly change we may have our own emotions and souls but we would look,sound and be different...can we do that this easily?" Bendy's tail curls up into a question mark as he glances over at Boris and Alice for a response. Alice with a small cheeky smirk replies with gloat and cheer "Bendy dont worry we just have to Act our parts out we wont forever change, Our looks , clothes and style may but we will always be partners right Boris?" "Right!!" Replies the wolf. Bendy with a reashured sigh smiles and nods "Okay then....If you are okay with this then I am!" With excitement the three begin to day dream what new changes will happen in the near future!
  The Real world Henry has brought in a few Animators and has new unique tools for better animation quaility and desigh. The process of setting the new stuido up took a week to properly set things up from the gear to the very equipment that will be used. Henery Looks at his crew one last time before the change he gives them a smile as he takes a picture with them his tired eyes lit with joy, The Devil happy and making bunny ears with his hand above alice's halo as Boris hugs them both all excited for what is about to happen next.  The first five days was brutal on everyone working day in and out testing voice quaility,Animation,Even new styles Poor bendy was the test subject to it all! This little creature went threw many art styles ranging from Jappense Manga, To big headed Trash art Even a reatro style pixel game but none fit sadly. When all hope was lost Henry figuired out why none of the new styles worked it was because they had no Plot! The Entire crew did research and brainstormed what children today were interested in, They liked Knights right?...ya..They also like space...Why not both? Then the birth of The Anti Knight! A heroic Devil Knight setting aside his dark ways to save the angelic princess Alice with his squire Boris! The Plot was in action and so was the crew in the real world as they set forth on this new idea and plan.
What was made first was a Beautiful HD background having a dark color with bright glowing sighns and lights flashing behind the sun a beautiful yellow and organge burning bright as rubble,dirt and trash littered the ground a ruined landscape for a Loyal powerful knight to surpass and conqure! The next step is the new look it first started with Boris the Squire, His small fragile body changed into a thin mucle his overalls turned from rags to great bronze medal cleaned and polished to impress the ladies his gear consists of his musical instrument of choice a alchemy satchel set and a dagger at the end of the process his tail never stopped wagging! Now for the beautiful Maiden to be the Angelic Alice was next her looks changed to enhance her beauty 10 fold her pale skin now hinted cream with a small red blush as her eyes now own a lustful look her dress made from the finest silk in appearence as her skin was graced by a godess itself her long black silk hair reaching down to her shoulder as her halo now hovers above her glowing brightly a Needy Boris Howl can be heard in the background. Finnaly for the Anti Knight himself Bendy under goes a unique transformation as his small 4 foot height increased to a wopping 8ft towering over any weak enemy in his way his mass was past a body builder and could easily bench press a weight lifting machine wile it was in use! His armor a beautiful gothic desighn were small frail details cover the edges of it in a neon glow as his massive armor covers his chest,shoulders,forarms,knees and shins he even owned a crotch plate as for style purpose he had a cloak around his right shoulder and around his waise to cover his rear and front his face and mucles exsposed to scare enemies away as his only gear and pride would be X-Calibur a massive 6 feet sword Pure metal with a leather handel it had a Final Fantasy (TM) buster blade appearence but the edge would have a Bright energy beam when a button was pressed! Now that everyone fits there appearnce in desighn now have to sound there role, Boris sounds of a small but strong Male determined for greatness, The amazing Alice sounds like a soft suductress, As the Anti knight a boastful knight Proud,strong and ready to save his princess in any moment!
 It was all set,The stage,The sound,The roles but it was missing its high point, its finish...its Villian...
With the desires of the best intentions from Henry but with the role of a wicked creature birthed new life onto the Page. "Levia Ethan!" I shall call him exclaimed Henry,Ethan for short. Ethan is Bendy's Counter in the role of Anti knight he was the antagonist the Evil creature that would send Bendy threw challanges and steal Alice but was yet to be known is when you are born with a wicked role one might have a hard time seaperating life from work. Ethan's form surpassed Bendy he stood as 9ft tall a foot above him his arms could easily crush stones and send gods crying his skin a dark abyssal black darker then the ink used on Bendy, His eyes had a pericing blue color to them but the most distinguishable part is his cold hearted stare he had on every moment since birth.
When Ethan was brought to the Page he was greeted by the NEW gang he took very high interested with Alice and her new curves, this noticable admiration slips past Boris as Bendy took notice and buts into Ethan's and Alice's conversation. "Howdy New guy Im Bendy you must be Ethan the new guy!..Lokie here we all got a new gig and all even new voices and getups but if you wanna make it in show buis.." Rudely inttrupted by Ethan his cold dark voice sends chills down Bendy's Spin. "I will end you Anti Knight....Once I have own the princess as my queen you will be my new rug..." In this line of work they get carried away once in awile with acting but this guy was a whole new level it was as if his life IS his role and this thought rushes threw Bendys mind like a rapid river and his happy exsprestion dies down quickly.
To be continued ..Maybe?..
P.S this is a joke between me and a friend it has horrible grammar,writing and spelling due to inside joke reasons o3o 
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