#thus mondo dude
bulbabutt · 2 years
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rise donnie is more confused by the donatello touch than he is by 87 donnie making a trans-dimesnional portal out of things he found in 1980s dumpsters
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Rating DR1 Characters on the Fight Me, Bruh Scale
On that note, here are all characters from DR1 rated based on how confident I am that I could beat them in a fight.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Hiro is a formidable clairvoyant who can foresee every punch I'm going to throw. However, he's wrong in two out of every three punches so his guard is probably worse than a non-clairvoyant's would be.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru In a fair fight, he seems like he'd be stronger than he looks. He's a strict disciplinarian who participates in Monokuma's morning workouts. But he also seems like he'd be vulnerable to cheap shots. Sand in the eyes. Nut shot. Wouldn't see it coming. He'd be whining about the unfairness while I'm on top of him, decking him.
Kyoko Kirigiri Given her line of work, she definitely carries a knife on her. But she also has a bit of delicacy to her. She always makes Makoto do anything involving physical exertion, so it's unlikely she's developed much in the way of muscle mass. She's more likely to try and avoid ever being in a situation where she has to fight than she is to actually win a fight.
Makoto Naegi Makoto is a peacemaker, not a fighter. Hell, a significant chunk of DR3's Future Arc was about how very much not a fighter Makoto is. The guy has a wealth of assets, but boxing isn't one of them. He is, however, fairly good at cardio, so he wouldn't be a total pushover either.
Leon Kuwata As an athlete, he's presumably well built. Though he relies on natural talent and doesn't put any effort in, so it's unlikely he works out. There's also a good chance he's going to do some incredibly stupid shit to impress some random girl watching us fight, and thus give me plenty of openings to work with.
Celestia Ludenberg She may look the part of a pleasant, refined little noblewoman but Celeste is a beast. She probably carries a knife somewhere on her person. Her finger-gauntlet thing is made for stabbing. She's obsessed with European royalty so she might have some fencing skills too. She definitely fights dirty.
Mondo Owada Mondo has certainly been in his share of fights. He'd be a beast of an opponent for a very straightforward slugfest - and unlike Taka, he'd be prepared for cheap shots, though he wouldn't deliver them himself. Too unmanly. Against a different opponent, his hangups about not fighting women might create openings. But I gender-present male so this would just be a straightforward, incredibly hard fistfight.
Aoi Asahina Swimmers are some of the most physically-built athletes in all of sports. Aoi's a sweetheart but she's got some strength to put behind those punches. And when she gets mad, she loses her shit. If I start shit with her, she will laser-focus on ruining my day with a mountain of hammer blows.
Hifumi Yamada All he has to do is sit on me. Sincerely. His body type is a significant advantage at close-range grappling. The guy weighs 342 lbs. Can you lift 342 lbs? Because I can't. Once he gets in close enough to grab me, I'm done.
Byakuya Togami Little rich boy probably starts crying if you-- NO THAT'S WRONG. He may look like a twig but Byakuya's one of the only people here with actual combat experience. This dude has fought gladiator-style and won. He's also utterly devoid of empathy. He will gut me without a second's hesitation and then promptly forget I even existed.
Sayaka Maizono You think Sayaka's easy pickings? You fool. You utter fool. You underestimate the lengths Sayaka will go to when backed into a corner. She fights dirty and she fights ferociously. She will do whatever it takes. Also, she reads minds. Unless there happens to be a convenient nearby mid-range weapon to keep her at bay and break her arm with, she'd be a terrifying opponent.
Mukuro Ikusaba She has a knife. She has a gun. She has a ballistic vest. This isn't a fight. This is war, and she's here to win it. Given her service history with Fenrir, I don't stand a chance.
Junko Enoshima She knows every move I'm going to make before I do. She knows exactly where my weaknesses are. And she has the combined Talents of everyone she's been able to analyze the Talents of. She's going to gouge my eyes out with those fake nails of hers, without even breaking a sweat.
Sakura Ogami Junko has the combined Talents of everyone but let's be real, Sakura's Talent is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in a fight. You know who else has Sakura's Talent? Sakura. But what Sakura has that Junko doesn't are muscles for days. You could slice meat on those abs. She could wrap her arms around my neck and flex me to death. Combine that with Ultimate Martial Arts and I'm dead in three seconds flat.
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack I'm lumping these in together because you might start out fighting Toko, but if the sight of blood and unconsciousness both trigger her switch then you're still fighting Jack eventually. Jack is a remorseless killer who is always armed with infinity stabbing implements. She attended Anime Warrior High School and can consequently make a Spirit Bomb out of scissors. I've got nothing for that.
Chihiro Fujisaki I punch Chihiro one time. He falls straight on his ass and cries. It's terrible. I'm a monster. Now I have to kick my own ass in retribution and that's not a situation anyone ever wants to be in.
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dragbunart · 2 years
Why do I imagine Kaede being unimpressed with Natsumi’s “talent”? XD
Ultimate Lil Sister can reference the fact she's the little Sister to an Ultimate OR the fact in the Japanese mob her parents are the Mob Father and Mob Mother. Thus she's the Mobs Little sister.
Kaede while she thinks her sister is TOTALLY an Ultimate Little Sister (because she loves her) she doesn't think it holds any water in Hope's Peak and isn't really a talent.
To be fair Kaede's kind of unimpressed with Fuyuhiko's talent too.
Kaede: ...
FUyuhiko: ... What is it, Idiot?
Kaede: Bro-bro, how did you get into Hope's Peak? FUyuhiko: ???
Kaede: I mean. Peko is super skilled with a sword... Mondo helped his brother BUILD his gang. And Sonia's more like the Ultimate Ruler than just a princess. You were just kinda born as the first child to the biggest Yakuza family.
Fuyuhiko: ... The fuck did you say?" Kaede: ... Feels like out of everyone your talent has the least to do with talent.
Fuyuhiko: *pointing at Komeda and Makoto* THEIR JUST LUCKY!
Kaede: Yeah, but they were selected at random you were selected just because you were the firstborn in our family... What do you even do?
Fuyuhiko: *looks to everyone for help* Isn't anyone gonna defend me?
Mondo: I mean, Chicks gotta point? Sorry, my dude.
Fuyuhiko: Taka?
Taka: You didn't really have to work for your talent at all. Even those who were talented from Birth still have a usable talent to an extent.
Fuyuhiko: Peko?
Peko: ... Oh look at the time. I must go practice.
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ogradyfilm · 1 year
Recently Viewed - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
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When I was but a lad, I owned a huge collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures. I’d blow my allowance on every plastic character that I could get my tiny, nail-bitten fingers on: Shredder, Krang, Baxter Stockman, Casey Jones—and, of course, multiple variations of the heroes in a half shell themselves, including cowboy Raphael, astronaut Leonardo, samurai Donatello, and pizza-launching Michelangelo. My personal favorite, though, was Mondo Gecko, an anthropomorphic lizard with the laid-back attitude of a skater dude. It was a genuine delight, then, to see him finally make his big screen debut in Jeff Rowe’s (redundantly titled) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem—alongside fellow veterans of the bargain bin Leatherhead, Wingnut, and Ray Fillet.
If what I’ve written so far makes the movie sound a bit like a feature-length toy commercial… well, that’s entirely by design. This is, after all, a franchise built on licensing and merchandising (it’s certainly come a long way from its humble roots as a black-and-white indie comic); it is therefore only appropriate that the story of its latest adaptation should resemble a child’s game of make-believe. Every scene is gleefully manic, energetic, and imaginative. An early montage, for example, utilizes precisely timed match cuts to condense several different brawls into a single seamless, continuous tracking shot that highlights the development of the turtles’ skills in battle. A later set piece revolves around Master Splinter making short work of approximately a dozen armed goons using a series of increasingly improbable improvised weapons (electrical cables, glass canisters, a spinny chair)—an obvious homage to the slapstick-inspired approach to cinematic martial arts pioneered by Jackie Chan (who happens to provide the kung fu fighting rodent’s vocal performance).
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This abundance of creativity is not limited to the structure of the plot, either; it bleeds into the film’s quirky visual style. Every aspect of the animation—from the intentionally rough, sketchy line work to the deliberately unnatural flatness of the smoke, dust, and explosion effects—oozes personality, evoking the hand-crafted quality of the original source material.
“Nostalgia” has recently become something of a dirty word in the entertainment industry, with many critics dismissively using the term to denote a lack of “real” narrative substance. In this case, however, the nostalgic tone is substantial; Mutant Mayhem reacquaints viewers with the joyful simplicity of youth, thus immersing the audience in the perspective of the immature protagonists.
And what a wonderfully liberating experience it is to feel like a kid again!
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anonymouslyangsty · 3 years
What are your Nondespair!Medic!Taka headcanons for his time in the Hopes Peak highschool?
Oh I've got a few
Medic!Taka has definitely had a very different upbringing than canon Taka. He had far more social interactions for one thing, plus he learned that "don't judge people by their covers' ' lesson years ago. Not to mention that he isn't the Moral Compass here, so he's less likely to make enemies with more delinquent students.
My first thought was to consider the connections he'd have in the school. Fuyuhiko probably doesn't know him personally, but has definitely heard of him in passing. He absolutely knows Mondo.
I can also see him becoming well acquainted with Muroko and Mikan, since his talent is kind of a combination of theirs.
He and Mikan would get along surprisingly well. Medic Taka would have learned some level of bedside manner, so he'd probably catch onto the fact that his loudness frightens her and tone it down (Taka "toning down" the loudness is still pretty loud, but Mikan appreciates the effort.)
Taka would absolutely try to encourage Mikan as much as possible. She's a great nurse, one of the best! She's smart, kind and dedicated after all! Taka does not hesitate to remind her of these things.
Also? He's probably going to try to teach her some situational awareness because if she keeps falling like that she's going to get hurt. Plus Taka is always ready to take off his jacket to cover up anything that..does not need to be seen by the general public. Taka is firmly on "no fanservice" duty.
As for Muroko, Taka would absolutely respect her dedication to her craft, even if he's...less than excited to hear about all the death. They're both on the militant side, so I think they'd get along decently. Though I'm not sure if Muroko would want to be friends with someone as loud as Taka.
Either way, Kiyotaka would learn a lot from both of these two! He's kind of a 'jack of all trades' combo of their talents. He's not as good of a nurse as Mikan, nor is he as good of a fighter as Muroko. But he can do both their talents very well, thus he's the Ultimate Combat Medic.
So I'm sure he'd spend a lot of time trying to learn from both of them (and yes he insists on calling them professor.) I also like to think he regularly trains with Sakura and Hina! Sakura would be great for teaching him self defense if he ever need it (the laws of war dictate that he's not to be attacked, but you never know), and Hina could help train his endurance (swimming is great exercise)
Also, I just want Taka to be friends with Sakura and Hina. Please.
As I mentioned before, both Fuyuhiko and Mondo would know about Taka. I'm sure he's saved at least one Yakuza from a bullet wound, and he's totally patched up Mondo once or twice.
So Taka's absolutely got that Yakuza protection going for him. If anyone dared mess with him, they'd end up having a talk with Peko's blade or Mondo's fists. Medic!Taka doesn't get bullied at all in HP.
He'd also be more popular in general, even beside the whole criminal organization protection thing. This is a Taka that isn't as dedicated to the rules, so he wouldn't constantly hand out detentions. I still think he's very much a rules guy, but not nearly as intense. He WILL nag you about failing to turn in homework though. He just wants you to have a good future.
The talent and backstory change would affect Taka and Mondo's relationship, but not in any meaningful way. They wouldn't have a reason to fight in the first place, since Taka wouldn't constantly be hounding Mondo about rules.
Mondo would definitely be surprised to see him, Taka disappeared from the streets a few years ago to get official training. But it's impossible to forget those ridiculously big eyebrows, so Mondo recognizes him instantly.
Taka probably doesn't realize who Mondo is at first. Puberty hit Mondo like a TRUCK, so he looks totally different. Plus the pomp probably changed styles over the years. So it's not until Mondo is introduced that Taka recognizes him.
Still, even with the lack of reason to fight, I don't think they'd instantly be bros. Mondo's got too much pride for his own good, so he might not be quick to hang out with the dude who saw him at his worst several times. It's embarrassing talking to the dude who saw you wipe out on your bike on like 10 different occasions.
Plus, Taka is still himself. Strict, serious, militant. Not exactly the type Mondo would hang out with. So when they do talk, it's kinda brief. Mondo's not going to be a dick to the guy who helped him and the gang so much, but that doesn't mean he's got to get all friendly with him either.
Taka absolutely goes to visit the Crazy Diamonds as soon as he can. And you KNOW they're all super excited to see him. Suddenly these delinquents turn into a bunch of freaking grandmas. "Wow, look how big you've gotten!" and the whole works.
Mondo probably won't be terribly excited to come home to find that Daiya invited Taka over to catch up. He's probably even less excited when he realizes that this is going to be a regular occorance.
He gets over it well enough, especially after Taka brings up the times Daiya did something stupid on his bike and needed help. They're bros by the end of the week.
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rxbinwrxting · 4 years
𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕒𝕟𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕡𝕒 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕣 ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕠𝕔  𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕠 𝕆𝕨𝕒𝕕𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 
𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪/𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕤
ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍
I clutched onto my book, holding it tightly against my chest. I consciously walked into my last class of the day, in result of my body jumping a mile at someone shouting towards me.
"Sup, asshole!" Mondo yelled at me, with a grin. I sighed and looked away, desperately speed-walking to my desk avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. I heard a small annoyed growl once I sat down, simply knowing Owada wanted my attention. I didn't bother glaring around, and only focused on getting myself prepared for class. And for sprinting out of class when it was over.
I overheard a conversation in the middle of a class, between Leon, and a voice I knew all too well.
"I don't get why they fucking ignore me all the time, I'm not doing shit wrong, am I?" Mondo growled lowly.
"Dude, I don't know either. Try and talk to them after class?" Leon suggested. Panic started to fill my body.
"I'll write this note, can you give it to them?"
"Yeah, of course," Leon accepted, and it wasn't before long until Leon was standing over me. He placed a terribly folded paper note on my desk, and walked away swiftly without a word. I gently grabbed the note and unfolded it, reading the words badly scribbled onto the paper.
'Meet me after class I need to talk to you -Mondo'
I glanced around the class for the first time today, and locked eyes with Mondo who was staring my way. My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed before I snapped away from his gaze, gently stuffing the paper in the pocket of the hoodie I was wearing.
Our teacher strolled in to our class, and thus the lesson started. I threw out all my outstanding thoughts and focused on the lesson.
The bell rang throughout the school, signifying the end of the teaching day. I grabbed my things as quickly as I could and scurried out of the room; whilst the paper note slipped my mind completely.
I kept my books close to my chest as I dashed past people in the corridors, attempting to reach my dorm room so I could study in peace. I turned into an empty corridor, seeing my dorm door in site. I almost reached it, until a tight grasp on my wrist flew me back. I squeaked in fear and closed my eyes as I was leant against a wall, yet not with force. I opened an eye slightly to see Mondo's angry face in front of me, staring into my eyes.
"Did you try and ditch me? I gave you a fucking note and everything!" Mondo groaned. I gulped and looked away, remembering the note.
"I-I'm sorry, I forgot..." I drifted off, but he still heard what I said.
"Forgot? Fucking forgot?! Or maybe you just fucking hate me and ignore me? What is your fucking problem?" He bellowed out. I jumped and avoided eye contact, only for him to continue, "I was only teasing calling you an asshole but maybe you just are."
My chest felt tight, as my eyes started forming tears. I saw Mondo give me slight space, then him whispering under his breath.
"Shit, man, I didn't mean to make you cry," Mondo said, surprisingly gentle. He sighed, whilst I slowly looked up at him. He seemed gentle and worrisome, yet still annoyed. He continued his sentence, still being careful, "look, I'm sorry, alright? I wanted to meet with you and ask if you hate me because you keep ignoring me. I know I tease you by insulting you but I don't mean it. Shit, I don't know, man." He shrugged and stared off down the hallway, slightly defeated.
"I-I don't hate you," I sniffled. I could tell that he glared back at me in awe before I started again, "I-I... I'm just... I don't know either. I can be sensitive and I guess you just intimidate me, it... gets to me," I stated quietly, still avoiding eye contact. He jumped, feeling conflicted.
"I'll stop the teasing, alright? I didn't know, I just-"
"It's alright," I interrupted with a slight smile as I wiped away a few tears. I sniffled slightly and glanced up at him, "d-don't worry about it."
He exhaled softly, darting his eyes about the floor; then he held his arms out with a slightly cocked head, blushing gently whilst asking, "want a hug?"
I nodded softly and stepped towards him, slowly wrapping my arms around his waist, as he engulfed me in his own. He was slightly taller than me, but I still felt his warmth breath as we hugged. I stepped away slightly as he unwrapped his arms around me, both of our cheeks flushing slightly.
"Oh, uh, can I study with you by the way? I fell asleep during class and missed everything," Mondo chuckled and smiled slightly. I giggled and nodded, and slowly began to wander to my dorm room, with Mondo following close behind.
ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕: 𝟙𝟠/𝟙𝟚/𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 𝟙𝟡:𝟜𝟜 𝔾𝕄𝕋 
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟠𝟜𝟛 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝
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dangan-happy · 4 years
(HARK! That sounds like an ask that has just come in!) (TW: s//cide mention, nightmares)
To Taka and Mondo,
yes, it's Paul again, but I actually have good news for once! I decided to tell Dan about my feelings for him, and surprisingly he felt the same way! So that went well!
But life ain't sunshine and rainbows just yet because I've not been getting that much sleep recently. I keep having nightmares about my brother's suicide (and other things that I don't really want to go into detail about). I know it sounds stupid and it's not much of a big deal but it makes me really paranoid and then I just kinda cry in my bed for a couple hours (yeah, I'm pathetic). If you're fine with it, could I get a hug? I just need some comfort right now-
Yo, dude! It’s pretty fucking awesome to hear that your feelings were reciprocated! Is that the right word, uh...yea, I think so! 
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Yea, no shit life isn’t always sunshine and happiness, there’s always those crappy days that we all go through. But I can’t deny that the happiness you felt just knowing Dan felt the same must’ve been awesome. It really fucking sucks that you’re having nightmares...but it makes sense. When my bro...yea, I’ve had the same thing happen to me. It sometimes still does happen. It really paralyzes me with fear when I think of what happened to big bro. 
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You aren’t pathetic Paul, you cut that crap out right now. Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh, but you aren’t pathetic for having feelings dammit! Something as scarring as a suicide isn’t something you can get over that quickly. Shit, you may carry this as a scar for the rest of your life, but you know what Paul...I know your brother is smiling down on ya. I’m sure Daiya is doing the same just for me, I can confidently say that there’s no way you’re pathetic. 
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You sure as hell can get a hug dude, I know you must need all the comfort you can get bro.
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Ahaha, that’s such an amazing thing to hear Paul! About you and Dan of course, but I’m actually really happy that you were able to tell him, and it’s even better that he returned the feelings as well. Congratulations to the both of you, I am positive that the both of you must be certainly glad about this outcome.
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Onto the main portion of the ask, I honestly have to agree with Mondo here. Despite everything... life isn’t exactly perfect, but I’m glad that you at least have some sort of a positive here. I’m awfully sorry to hear about those nightmares you’ve been having recently though... Yet again, Kyoudai knows more about these things than I do, and his section is comfort enough, but you have to know that these experiences that you’ve been having isn’t exactly... a small deal either. They can open up your eyes to a lot of issues behind the scenes, and if they’re really as bad as you’re describing them... you might want to talk to a professional about them.
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But as Mondo said, you’re not pathetic at all for any of this, alright Paul? You’re simply human, and it’s completely okay to feel sad or cry about everything that’s going on. It simply shows that you’re able to channel your emotions, and that in itself is a great thing. You’re extremely strong for handling things the way you have been thus far, heck, even handling things at all, despite what you’ve been through and I know that despite the nightmares, despite the storm of emotion, and despite the torment your mind may put you through, that “scar” that Kyoudai mentioned will slowly heal and will become less predominant with time. If a hug is simply what you need for comfort right now, then you are more than welcome to receive one from myself. 
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Thanks to a friend I got my grubby little hands on a copy of the new New Mutants first issue first thing this morning, and I mostly really liked it? Maybe the most out of all the new Dawn of X titles so far?
Spoilers below:
The Bad:
Really really really painful clunky wow this is bad stilted exposition between Dani and Berto to catch new readers up to speed, like Previously on As The X Turns or whatever.
The Good:
Almost everything else? I know, I was surprised too.
But the characterizations were on point, Chamber and Mondo being tossed in with the rest of the classic New Mutants gang is kinda random but it works, I think.
The shout out to Synch and Monet being elsewhere doing stuff was nice, like, I would’ve loved seeing them too but its not really their book and I’m still riding the high of Ev just being alive again at all.
The New Mutants gang all living communally together in one big house on Krakoa IS MY EVERYTHING AND LITERALLY ALL I’VE EVER WANTED FOR THESE CRAZY KIDS I THINK IM GONNA CRY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT WTF. Like as many troubling implications as Dawn of X and Krakoa as a whole have, at least until I figure out how many of them are meant to be there as plot points and how many are just things that weren’t considered or else weren’t considered problems.....like, if Hickman keeps tossing out little gems like this, I am weak and I just. Its such a little thing but its SO GOOD.
Illyana being obsessed with the new Krakoan strain of coffee and willing to cut you if you try and touch her coffee is my new favorite trope.
Just Illyana in general. God, when she’s written like this, she’s one of my all time faves. Her replying to being called a demon girl with stuff like “lol its cute you think thats an insult” and her sparring match with Raza is just...gold.
Berto was my runner up fave in the issue. God, the classic Berto characterization, like this is him at his quintessential best. The casual arrogance but delivered with enough charm that its like oh Berto, instead of ugh, Berto....the assumption that he’s the one in charge in Sam’s absence, yet not even slightly offended when its later basically established that the others are just humoring him because none of them really want the job, and the second he makes an ‘executive decision’ they don’t agree with, they just go and do their own thing anyway, and Berto’s like....yeah, that tracks. Oh well.
Doug is the most interesting he’s been in...since like, ever, pretty much. And that’s even with the fact that I’ve always kinda liked him anyway.
The classic New Mutants style adventure. Like, this is the kinda thing they DID as kids, and that was like....what made them them. The X-Men are all about saving the world....the New Mutants were just a bunch of weird outcast mutant kids who were friends who never would have been friends if not for the mutant thing bringing them all together....and them just hanging out and stumbling into hijinks that turn into the most random adventures as just...them living their lives.
So to see them basically get involved in an epic space adventure that really just organically results from them being like, y’know what we’re missing? Sam. This place is awesome but its not perfect as long as he’s not here, and he’s off in Shi’ar space living with his new wife and kid, so obviously, the logical course of action is to go into space, bum a ride from Cyclops’ pirate dad, and then wind up arrested for crimes against the Space Empire because like...pirates, man. Effin space pirates.
Also, its nice to see them continuing with the whole thing where Sam totally got together and had a kid with one of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard. Like, every appearance of him since Hickman’s Avengers run basically acted like that never happened, and I didn’t read his Avengers run because eww, Avengers, I can’t do that even for Sam and Berto and I LOVE THEM, like. There are limits to even my ability to stan and thus stomach Unfortunate Canon Things. So I’ve literally never read a comic with Smasher, Sam’s new....girlfriend? Wife? Idk their relationship status. And I’m not at all invested in their relationship but I AM always a fan for any and all chances for X-characters to be allowed to have new relationships and GROW instead of cycling through the same half a dozen dynamics they’ve been stuck in for twenty plus years. 
So, I mean, I know that literally the only thing keeping Sam plus Smasher plus their new baby a thing is the fact that Hickman’s writing this title personally and of course he wanted to return to the plot point he established with Sam even if nobody since him has wanted to touch on it, but I’m not mad about it, and like. X-Men having kids is a THING with me, and Sam is A+ Daddy material and omg if you make that into a kink joke I will hurt you, YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I MEANT lmfao.
But srsly, the team being all ‘brb, we’re just going to a galaxy far far away to bug our BFF into coming back to live on Fantasy Island with us in our big communal dome house thingie’.....it honestly couldn’t feel any more classic New Mutants but still with them all grown up, like, even if I tried to come up with a more fundamentally THEM plot with all my might.
Also, never hurts to be reminded that even though Corsair is Scott’s dad, like....the dude is kinda a douche and always has been, and his characterization here is absolutely valid. Fuck that dude.
Last but not least:
The Bad but purely in an objective way that like, its not bad writing, its just I Don’t Like It, Fuck You:
As much as I’m happy to see Sam’s latest relationship status upheld and continued to be built upon, the Sam/Bobby shipper in me can’t help but be all awww, sad feels. Which Sam/Bobby, you ask? Drake or DaCosta? Either. Both. Whichever. I’m not picky!
I maintain there was room for Ev and Monet to be squeezed in there somehow if Hickman like, really TRIED, gosh darnit. And it IS a little weird to me that if he was going to mash together some members of the Gen X lineup with the classic New Mutants for this particular adventure....umm, where’s Paige? Did nobody think hey wonder if our Gen X teammate and friend Paige Guthrie wants to come with us to go see her brother and new nephew? I mean, I guess maybe she’s busy hanging out with her presumably newly resurrected little brother Jay, but given the story context, that could’ve used a mention somewhere. That’s just my personal nitpick though.
Too much focus on Rahne. With full awareness that it was only like, one scene of focus, a few pages at most, but any focus on Rahne is too much focus for me, sorry not sorry. Turns out I still hate her and like, look, I know its not actually her FAULT given that she’s a fictional character that didn’t write the story that made me hate her, but its a Thing and I think at this point I can safely say her character is ruined for me forever and I’m like....Magma should be around somewhere too, what if you just like....quietly air-lifted Rahne out of this story and dropped Amara in instead, like, INSTANT IMPROVEMENT, try it, you’ll see! I am not biased, this is totally impartial criticism!
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pkmnomegaverse · 5 years
You know what, i wonder if Pierce ever pays child support. This dude got 4 kids(probably more the 4) from fling to one-night stand, Family reunion must be fun thing about it.
Probably more than 4 is right. He has to go ask Archer or Silver for a raise because he’s paying so much child support.  😔 The kids keep piling up.  I had actually considered this issue though, if he does or does not pay child support for each child.
For Vinca, the answer is easy.  He doesn’t since neither he nor Sawyer know he’s the father.  Sawyer was in a situation similar to Grimsley in the sense that there were too many potential fathers that night, so he doesn’t know who the father is, nor cares to find out since he doesn’t want the person making a claim for custody.  I just personally know it’s Pierce, so I listed it for that reason, while even though I know Rue’s biological father, since he’s an OC, I figured there was no need to list him. For Mistral, since Mondo and Tyson are Pierce’s coworkers, he has the most contact with her overall. Helped by the fact the three have an amicable relationship with each other (the event that resulted in Mistral’s conception was a hook up between the three.  And wasn’t the first or last time the three hook up). He doesn’t act as a father to her, more of a distant uncle if anything, but he will sometimes pass along extra money to Mondo on her birthday or special holidays.  Tells him to buy her something nice.  He’ll also occasionally bring souvenirs for her from his travels, since he does meet up with the family occasionally.  Mistral is also the only one of Pierce’s children who knows he’s her biological father early on.  Tyson and Mondo figure it will come up eventually (since she visibly looks enough like him that at some point, she’ll possibly make the connection), and rather than make it some tragic reveal when she’s a teen, they explain it early on as her having two dads.  Her actual dad, Tyson, and then her dad who made her with Mondo, Uncle Pierce.  And that’s why her pretty blue curls match his hair.   It’s a low key thing they don’t bring up much, and Mistral herself isn’t bothered by it, even once she’s old enough to understand the implications.   So while he doesn’t technically pay child support, he does buy her gifts. If Mondo or Tyson pushed him on the issue, he would pay (likely in the form of having part of his paycheck transferred to their paychecks) and wouldn’t have minded too much.  He likes them both well enough and both are his regular hook up buddies when he’s in Kanto, so he’s still benefiting from being involved with them.  It doesn’t come up since both Mondo and especially Tyson are too proud to get money from him, plus they honestly don’t need the extra money.  As far as Tyson is concerned, he’s the father, Pierce is merely the sperm donor.  Thus he’s going to be the one to support his family.  Overall, no one in this family is bothered by the situation.  Mondo and Tyson had discussed what they would do beforehand if Mondo’s birth control ever failed and the father of the resulting baby was in question. They agreed they wouldn’t care and would just raise the child as theirs.  It was the risk they took when they starting hooking up with other people during Mondo’s heat. Alois and Avarel  is where it gets complicated, because Tory is really upset about the situation once he discovers he’s pregnant with a baby who might not be Rafe’s. The encounter with Pierce was a consensual threesome between him, Rafe, and Pierce, but wasn’t meant to be more than just a casual hookup.  Tory really likes the bad boy appeal, but is too nervous to branch out much when he’s younger.  He also never really got the chance to explore his sexuality, as Rafe was his first significant partner.  They get together when they’re both teens and stick together once Tory accidentally gets pregnant with Rayner.  But Tory does still want to explore more, see what it’s like to sleep with other people, but doesn’t want to cheat on or leave Rafe.  He talks with Rafe about his feelings and if he would be willing to try branching out a bit, see what it’s like to occasionally add another person into their sex life. Rafe agrees to experiment with him since he himself also doesn’t have much experience outside Tory and the idea itself does have an appeal to it. Tory sort of knows Pierce as a coworker of his brother’s, a criminal type who’s still “safe” since he believes Hun doesn’t actually interact with truly bad people.  And since Tory is nosy and tries to keep track of the goings-on of his brother’s job, when he notices one of Hun’s coworkers in the area, he okays the idea with Rafe before approaching Pierce. Pierce would have likely agreed either way, but the idea of doing Hun’s baby brother is especially appealing (see how the brothers compare), so he sees no reason to pass up the opportunity.  Tory being in heat for the encounter just makes it more exciting. They set up a role play of sorts, the big bad yakuza henchmen come to collect the dept owed by the up and coming E4 member.  The payment method obviously being a night spent breeding his fertile mate while he’s forced to watch. Rafe still gets in on the action because it’d be boring otherwise (plus Pierce needs to take payment direct from him as well, it’s only fair.  Plus lots of fun ways to get all three of them sandwiched together), but due to the setup, when Tory finds out he’s pregnant afterwards, he immediately panics because while either guy could be the father, the amount of time each guy spent fucking him was like 70% Pierce, 30% Rafe.  And Pierce had him multiple times before Rafe ever fucked him. He doesn’t want to have some random criminal’s child, but he also doesn’t want to abort the baby just because it might not be Rafe’s, since otherwise, he would be happy to have another child.  A younger sibling for Rayner, something he had been thinking about for a while, but wasn’t sure when to bring it up with Rafe. Rafe tries to be sympathetic and supportive but also doesn’t really know how to deal with the situation.  It’d be a lie to say he’s not somewhat bothered, even if he tells Tory he’ll support him in whatever he decides.  If he wants to keep the baby, he’ll still be the father, no matter what the outcome ends up being biologically. Tory ends up so upset about the situation that he goes to Hun about it, wanting advice on what he should do.  Hun, despite being brunt about his options, talks Tory through the situation.  Asks him which situation would be worse for him.  Having the child and it ending up being Pierce’s, in which case he could either keep it or put it up for adoption, or abort and live with the knowledge he chose not to have the baby due to the risk.  It’s on him which situation he can live with, not for anyone else to decide.  Tory ultimately chooses to keep the pregnancy because he did want another child, and feels he’d come to regret it down the line if he did abort, since he would always wonder “what if?”  Once he finds out he’s expecting twins, he’s even more concerned that at least one of them is likely Pierce’s, but he resolves that he’s going to try and overcome this (plus maybe with two, at least one of the babies will be Rafe’s?)Hun is pissed about the situation though.  He tries to remain calm when he discusses things with Tory, but inside, he’s seething. How dare Pierce think it would be okay to have sex with his baby brother.  Logically he knows Tory is just as responsible for suggesting the whole thing, but it doesn’t change his feelings on the matter.  As such, he does confront Pierce about the situation, which is how Pierce finds out Tory is expecting what could possible his child(ren). As is true for all his children, Pierce doesn’t actually care.  He purposely doesn’t give his random hook ups his full name or any contact information because he wants to be able to leave and avoid responsibility.  But with Tory, he doesn’t have that option because Hun is involved and ready to kick his ass if he doesn’t make amends in some way.  He does end up going back to Hoenn to discuss matters with Tory (which because Pierce is Like That,  he does manage to finagle another hookup from Tory, because Tory is easy and Pierce is still very attractive to him, despite his feelings on the situation). It’s halfhearted and in the back of his mind he’s working on ways to get out of it in the long run, but Pierce does offer to send Tory child support if one or both of the babies end up being his. He’s very firm about not wanting to be the father in a parenting sense though. Plus, would Tory really want him there influencing the children? He also not so subtly insinuates that Rafe should be the one supporting the children financially, so in the end, Tory doesn’t actually accept the child support offer.  Anything that ties the babies back to this man just further drives home the mistake Tory made.  Plus it’s true, Rafe should be the one helping to support the children if he’s really going to raise them as his regardless.  They’re not hurting for money at all either, between Rafe’s job as an E4 member and the fact Tory comes from a family with a lot of money, considering his own father is a renowned researcher. Meeting with Pierce doesn’t actually help Tory’s feelings on the matter, but he supposes it’s confirmation Pierce doesn’t want to be involved in the slightest.  It’s hard for him once the twins are actually born and he sees the telltale dark blue hair both have inherited. For as much as he tried to tell himself he was fine with the outcome no matter what, he can’t help breaking down and crying about it, apologizing to Rafe for failing (which…Rafe doesn’t even know how to begin trying to console Tory on the matter, because even he’s dismayed to see that telltale blue as well).  Once Hun comes into the delivery room and sees everyone being melodramatic, he takes charge and gets them both to calm down and stop being stupid about the situation.  Hun is basically the voice of reason for Tory in this entire situation, the one to talk him down from things and give him the brunt truth he needs to hear.   
It works out fine in the long run.  Alois and Avarel’s true parentage don’t actually affect Rafe’s ability to bond with them and he does view them as his children.  They don’t tell the twins about Pierce though, or even that Rafe isn’t their biological father. They know in the back if their heads it might come up one day, but they just pretend Rafe is their biological father.  No reason to keep dwelling on that mistake of a hookup.  As such, while a family reunion would be potentially amusing between all the half-siblings, it’s unlikely to occur since they don’t know about each other.  If they were to find out, only Mistral would be somewhat curious as to who her siblings are. Vinca couldn’t care less and would only care to see if any one them were interesting.  And in the end, she would decide none of them are.  She can hang out with Liam if she wants to spend time with a little brother and while Mistral might be less annoying than Lavender, she’s got no time for another sister.  Avarel and Alois would be more shocked by the knowledge Rafe isn’t their biological father, since they had honestly never questioned it.  Yes their hair is a bit dark, but they’re identical twins just like their aunts on Rafe’s side. Isn’t that somehow proof?  They’d likely want to meet Pierce more than their half-siblings, which considering how much he wouldn’t care or want to see them, would just end up sad for them.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 35: *chuckles* I’m in danger
(Using the RiderTimeFansubs version today) 
Now... it’s show Rider Zi-O Inoue time. 
(I’m out of opening jokes guys.)
Now that is a Black Widow if I ever saw one. Seriously, lady, you’re creeping me out. I am literally 33 seconds in.
Lady, er, sorry, Yuko, I don’t know what you were convicted of, but. Um. You’re not really giving off the impression of someone who is exactly going to be… okay if you go outside.
I will give Hora kudos for not shoving the watch into her chest, though. Good call. And apparently Another Kiva gets to summon the Real Kiva’s… support? I don’t actually know what those three Fangire are to Kiva, but. Yeah. I’mma go with either ‘support’ or ‘retainers’ for now.
Flip-cut to 2008, with… Woz… creeping on 2008 Yuko. This Is Fine.
Woz. I know you somehow make it into the Gaia Library in FOREVER. I know you don’t get much to do in FOREVER. I have not seen FOREVER yet, that’s next on the agenda.
(But still, kudos for the possible nod to the film having just gotten it’s home release, that’s clever.)
A quick note on the opening. Nothings changed in a few episodes, not since we got Trinity. But I can’t help but be uncomfortable with the fact that they still have the last scene with characters be the section with Zi-O and Geiz back to back, and then turning around and clashing.
It’s right up there with Cross-Z Charge staying in the OP for Build through the entire season, but Cross-Z Magma never making it in.
Keeping something that was relevant, but became quickly outdated. I’d say they should have swapped this segment somehow by at least the end of the Another Zi-O Arc, if not before. … Nah, end of Another Zi-O would be the best place. I was thinking that after Geiz gave Sougo his belt, and that whole shindig, but there was still an amount of animosity after that for a while.
But really, all four are immediately smiling, and it’s adorable. Woz kind of seems like he’s lost all of his stoic traits from even two arcs ago, though.
…oh no, Sougo’s Space Case tendencies transferred to Woz when they started using Trinity.
That’s the only answer. Sougo’s been increasingly competent, and both him and Geiz are getting better at talking to people… and Woz has become comic relief. Oh no personality blending nooooo…
But that is exactly the right set of reactions to Sougo saying he’s been in love. A+ to Tsukuyomi pointing out that he’s ‘like a kid.’
Sougo: Of course I’ve been in love! :)
Geiz: Oh god you’re telling us about it. End me now…
...HUH. Just realized. Junichiro wouldn’t know about this, would he? Kiva – and thus our past segments – were in 2008, but Sougo came to live with his uncle in 2009. So Sougo’s parents were still alive at this point.
2008 Sougo didn’t have friends, either.
Tsukuyomi and Geiz looking on in confusion, Junichiro messing with his nephew (while also confused) and Woz… continues eating pie. I’m worried about you, dude. Character Decay’s not a good thing.
And we have a customer, interrupting story time!
OH WOW! He’s here to get a watch fixed! That’s a first from a non-Time Traveler! The only people bringing in actual time pieces have been Woz and Mondo – you know, Quiz, remember him?
(Customer thinks the shop may have become a cafe – fair, given the scene he’s just walked in on – and Uncle’s stuck in cat-pun mode. Whoops.)
(I’ve started Decade, and the apparently recurring ‘I thought this was a cafe’ joke from there with regards to the Photo Studio just popped into my head. Nice.)
Yuko is. Scary. She wants to take over the world to change the laws.
:casts a nervous glance over at the Kiva and Ryuki arcs of Decade:
Hora’s got a point – the only female Another Rider was Amane, as Another Blade, and she was selected by Hat!Woz. But… looks like Hora’s still in the ‘looking for a new King’ state. Even Heure seems to have moved past that. Last arc, he was trying to find Hibiki, not a candidate. Interesting.
Customer is a lawyer, and knows that he can’t always be the ‘gallant hero’ that Sougo seems to think lawyers are. After all, he couldn’t help ‘that pretty lady.’ But he’s forgotten something at the counter, and Sougo – good boy that he is – rushes off to follow and return it.
:siiiiiigh: Did we really need that pan shot along her leg? Did we?
No. No we didn’t.
And we didn’t need Yuko being a CREEPER to her former lawyer – aka Customer. She’s got a… really sensitive nose. That’s really creepy, especially since she’s using it to unnerve literally everyone around her. It’s not even an Another Kiva thing – she was doing this to identify the exact wine her former boyfriend had in the cold open.
Yuko Kitajima, okay, so that’s her last name. And her doing this ‘ah, yes, it’s that aroma’ trick is what lets her lawyer know it’s her. So she’s done this for a long time.
Another Kiva has some nice touches – roses at the lapels of her cape, where the chain attaches, the stained glass aesthetic.
HOWEVER. I’m NOT here for the eyes. That bright piercing blue is both unnerving AND doesn’t go with the rest of the look! Not to mention the eyes on her shoulders! NO NO NOPE NOT HERE FOR THAT.
...When did Zi-O drop the ‘dial’ eyes, anyway? Definitely by Another Zi-O, I know that… but the Future Another Riders had them, too. Then again, the years have all been ‘2019’ for the last few arcs. Blade, Hibiki, and now Kiva definitely have said 2019. Huh. Wonder if it’s something to do with that.
Another Kiva: I’m going to be queen, and this world will be ~mine~.
Sougo: Queen? :o
Ooh, hey, she’s even got a version of Kivat-Bat on there! Nice!
Sougo, please at least put on one of your armors. Like. Any of them would do, right now. Build would be good! You can tank hits really well in that one! Decade’d be better! But just something to give you defense! This is four on one you fool you are outnumbered
AND NOW you are also outgunned, because she can turn her Summoned Fangire Replicas into their weapon forms. Delightful.
And after getting hit by the hammer, sword, and gun, Sougo’s knocked right the hell out of his transformation. Whoops.
Yuko. Yuko don’t – don’t stand over him like that, what are you doing? No, no, don’t do the chin thing, Sougo’s already a wreck, we don’t need him losing sensibility already! Don’t leave the braincell to Geiz! Nooooo-
Hora: So, a queen, huh?
Yuko: How dare a servant talk to me.
Hora’s not having this. Just. Teleports out of the way of Yuko trying to slap her. Good call.
YUKO. FRICKING. Kicks up a manhole cover. THROWS IT LIKE A FRISBEE at Hora.
Hora just TURNS HER HEAD to dodge. All she gets is a cut on the cheek – HORA YOU’RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE OH MY GOD.
Hora’s gonna do a violence.
(Hey, Heure, back when we met Swartz, you told him not to treat you like a child. So… what’s with you two getting ice cream? That’s. Weird. And creepy.)
Cut to evening in the shop.
I can believe this lady did a murder. She certain plans to do some murders now.
The day of the crime she’s ‘falsely’ accused of was April 10, 2015. Just felt like noting that.
(And noting that that fits right in with when a Roidmude could have taken someone’s identity. And noting that we haven’t seen Drive yet.)
(I know there’s like, zero chance it’s connected. Why would they link two different arcs like that? That is, aside from Fourze and Faiz, but that was different.)
(But, you know. Just saying.)
She’s almost definitely going after people who got her imprisoned, there’s no maybe about it. And, er, I can actually understand why Sougo would relate to that, what with. You know. The whole ‘demon king’ thing.
Except that he thinks she couldn’t have done it, because she was his First Love. Woz is all “suggestive raised eyebrows” while Geiz and Tsukuyomi just. They just want the inanity to end.
I fucking LOVE how everyone keeps making cat puns / noises with regards to this story. I mean. Really. She scratched you under the chin, dude. That’s weird.
Weirdo guy in a coffee bar, insulting the coffee but still coming here, because the waitress is pretty. “Yay.”
Also, he’s got this fancy ring on. That’s probably significant, since P-Bandai’s releasing a ring for one of the Kiva characters. They had Amane wearing the Chalice themed necklace, too, so-
OH LOOK Weirdo’s eyes lit up gold when he was talking about ‘seeing a vision of the end of the world’! And his reflection is a blue wolf! You know! The one from Kiva! That the ring is modeled on! Okay!
Right! Legacy Characters! I somehow forgot that they’d try to bring someone from Kiva back!
Cut to Yuko being creepy at a pier, going after the Chief Prosecutor in her case, right up until Sougo and Geiz arrive.
Sougo’s got one question for you. (Just one? Sounds fake, but okay.)
Sougo: “Why do you want to be a queen?”
Yuko: “To correct the laws of this world, to enforce those correct laws.” (all said with an angry face)
Sougo: “So… it is to help people, then?” (confused)
Geiz: “Oh, for f- That’s not how you should go about it! This is just revenge!”
Geiz has the Trinity brain cell today, and he’s making good use of it!
Oh-ho-hohoho- Hora’s PISSED. She chose poorly. She’s gonna get some revenge of her own.
And now Yuko’s gonna do a violence, because all of them are ‘guilty.’
Geiz transforms, but Sougo doesn’t get that far.
No, he’s just gotten into some weird flashback to 2008.
So, a woman – possibly Yuko, I’m not sure, and ‘Tetsuya’ in one of those swan boats. And then it jumps to 2015. With a (presumably) dead female body… and Tetsuya standing over her.
Right. Sougo’s got time powers independent of the belt. He’s only ever looked into the future before now.
SOUGO! I don’t really care what sort of crisis of faith you’re having, you need to go help Geiz! He’s in a four on one, in an even less ideal location than you were! GO HELP HIM!
What’s this? Something’s going weird up in the sky. First to notice is Swartz, who looks up at the ripples of light. Then Tsukuyomi. (“The two of us aren’t so different after all.”)
And then Garulu. The one on the dock. Who I’d thought was a copy. But, um, maybe not. Maybe that’s the actual one? The real one was talking about a ‘vision of the future’ earlier, after all. But what about the other two Fangire? Are they the real ones? How is Another Kiva summoning them, anyway?
Geiz is knocked out of his transformation – and Sougo didn’t even get to activate his own. He never finished turning the belt before noticing a meteor streaking down the sky. The same one that Garulu was seeing in the coffee bar.
I don’t know WHAT that is that just hit that cliff face, but I don’t like the looks of it.
It – it’s alive? Is it an egg?
No no no NOPE it’s a space egg. It’s got a dude inside. It’s got a kitbash Rider inside. And he’s just blasted everyone down.
Everyone except the very noticeably absent Swartz.
Another Kiva tells him to stop – she is the law here.
But Ginga is from deep space. He doesn’t care about your Earth Laws. He’s going to blast you off of your cliff, too.
(I’m sorry, but I’m having a little trouble taking Ginga seriously with that UFO on his helmet.)
“Alright, let’s go!”
Turning into a watch is not fun times.
“There is only one law. Everything dies.”
Yoooo I can take Ginga a little more seriously with those barriers. Yoooooo this guy is WAY overpowered.
Seiji Takaiwa is a god of suit acting~! Making just the little adjustments to show which loser is in control of Trinity moment to moment takes timing.
Also, the only person who can talk is the one in control? That’s. Unfortunate. For them. It’s HILARIOUS for us.
(Tsukyomi, I’m sorry, you don’t deserve to have to deal with these three.)
Nothing they throw at Ginga is working. He’s kicking everyone’s ass. Ass, singular, because bodysharing.
HOO BOY. We have our second female Another Rider… and she doesn’t get to be the main threat in her arc, either. Come on, Toei. … Let’s blame Inoue for this one. He’s here, after all.
Looks like Woz gets a Super mode in Ginga.
Well. At least he didn’t get completely shafted in the power-up regard, once his Character Decay set in.
Justice for Alain. (He! Deserved! Better! Yuujo Burst should have been IN SHOW damnit! Not relegated to the STUPID GOD AWFUL SPECTER V-CINEMA!)
(Yes I will always be salty about how Alain got treated.)
Well! Until next time!
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headlesssamurai · 6 years
Want to tell you I'm a follower since age 15 and am just finishing sixth form this month. I want to thank you for keeping this blog, the way you look at the world has been of great illumination for me, and to tell you I'm frightened being the eldest daughter as much is expected of me. How was it for you to first step into the world alone? I wonder if you've any thoughts.
Damn, dude. That’s a bit of a moment. For real, this is humbling as hell to get something so generous from a follower. Can’t quite articulate how cool it is to know my nerdy ass can inspire anyone, much less for years on end. Anyways, mad congrats yo! Way to go on getting this far. Actually I got lots of younger friends from an old job I had at a university just graduated, so it’s a mondo cool time seeing the younger dudes out there moving on to new stages of your life and getting more space to grow as individuals. 
Regarding your inquiry. I’ll admit whenever somebody puts me on the spot like this I just think “Shit, they’re going to find out I’m just a nerd who doesn’t know a damn thing” and for the most part that’s true. Throughout my life I’ve had a string of fuck-ups longer than a porn-star’s cock, so I tend to avoid telling people what to do and usually feel like I’m the last person who ought to give advice. Wisdom and insight come in many forms, often when people choose to put aside “childish things” and become “adults” (or whatever) they seem to lose something that we all have as kids, this wondrous appreciation for the world, an energy and excitement unmeasured, as if in youth we’re somehow more attuned to nature and the cosmos, often naïve yes, but with eyes bright for possibility. 
There’s something I think’s worth mentioning though. Whatever you’re into, whatever you try to do, you’ll meet people who’ve been doing it longer than you or have more training, more experience. They’ll try to tell you the way you want to do it is wrong, or they’ll point out why it won’t work, or how flawed it is, or how inexperienced you are. In this regard, some might say stuff like “Never compromise” or “Fuck what others think”, but I’d suggest a different approach. In fact I think one of the greatest forms of wisdom is knowing when to compromise and when not to. Thus, I say, whenever you meet someone who tells you what you can’t do, or why you can’t do it, listen to what they say. At first anyway, listen to them, consider their words, decide for yourself if what they’re saying is reasonable. Accept the thoughts you can, if they seem constructive. For those whose words fail to impress however, well, tell these people, as politely as possible, to fuck off. It’s always better to try something and discover failure on your own than avoid something which could succeed just because some asshole tells you not to do it. 
So good fortune on you, dude. A long succession of warrior-poets salutes you this day. Now get out there, kick the world in the ass and make it notice whatever you’ve got to offer.
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swappedsurvival · 4 years
About Muse
Blog Canon
Important! I am willing to write the canon verse/this verse with changes to it! This is just the base I have for my muse! Thank you in advanced for reading all of this!
Bonus: We can also jump in at any spot in this story! I don’t mind changing the canon in rps.
When Monokuma revealed the second motive for murder, as a million dollars, Kiyotaka actually found himself scuffing at the idea. Who would kill someone else over something as stupid as money. Now, Kiyotaka wasn’t saying this because he was rich, instead, he knew the value of money. Growing up with a ruined family name due to his grandfather taught him very quickly that money was very important.
Kiyotaka instead found himself face to face with none other than Mondo Owada. He found his temper rising and within no time at all, the two were challenging each other to a rather intense sauna battle. That’s when things... changed. Perhaps it was the heat of the sauna, but both men found themselves pouring parts of their hearts to each other. That night, neither of the men knew, a murder also happened to occur.
Thanks to Naegi, the mastermind of the double murder of Yasuhiro Hagakure and Hifumi Yamada. She first recruited Yamada, having the gulliable man believe that Hagakure wanted her dead for the money, seeing as his crystal ball was broken. After all, besides Toko, who everyone avoided at this point, she was the only female who normally acted alone. She staged a fake attack and captured it on Hifumi’s camera.
On the other side of the coin, Celestia sent Hagakure an anonymous letter, claiming they could pay his fee for his services. It was unknown who Hagakure thought he was meeting, but he arrived promptly at the scheduled time of arrival. Wanting to protect Celestia, Yamada attacked Hagakure from the shadows. The man instantly died from the blow to the head.
Once Yamada killed Hagakure, Celestia quickly cleaned up her side of the mess, killing Yamada. The only pieces that connected to her were the note, her unusual actions, and the fact that she knew Hifumi died second. Which the Monokuma File did not mention.
With the threat of their deepest secrets being exposed, Kiyotaka once again cast away the idea of someone being murdered over such a simple reason. However, he could see the distress in the one person who normally kept his cool pretty well. Mondo. Noticing his friend’s concerning state, Kiyotaka pulled his friend aside, trying to get the other to open up to him.
Kiyotaka even went as far to admit what his note detailed, the disgrace his grandfather applied onto his family. At first, he thought he broke through to his friend, but instead, he simply left, claiming he had to help someone with something. With nighttime drawing near, Kiyotaka quickly returned to his room, however, he couldn’t sleep a wink.
That next morning they found Chihiro’s body. It was strung up in the boy’s locker room by some sort of rope. Mondo looked absolutely frightened. This made Kiyotaka panic. Without any care that everyone was around, he instantly turned to his friend, “Bro. What happened? Don’t tell me you-” Instantly being shoved off, Kiyotaka stared at his friend, his heart beginning to quiver. However, Mondo’s calm voice quickly caused Kiyotaka to instantly calm down, “Damn Bro. No. It just shocked me, because well, I met him.”
That caused everyone to turn and look at Mondo, clearly suspicious. For a moment, he held his head down, but after a moment he broke, “... The dude was trying to get stronger. He didn’t... I should have stayed. We made a promise to work out together. I got... I got so jealous because he was working on his fears while I was, just running from them.”
Walking over to the lockers, Mondo touched one of them, which had a sizeable mark into it, “I got so mad, the closest thing was this locker. I punched it and left.” Pulling out a bandaged hand, Mondo showed it off shamefully, “Feel free to compare my wounds if you want. I didn’t kill him- I swear I didn’t.” Kiyotaka finally found his voice and stepped up to Mondo, crossing his arms over his own chest, almost as if he was blocking the taller man from the rest of the group, “If my Bro said he didn’t do it- He didn’t do it! He isn’t a lair.”
Kirigiri then stepped up, nodding in agreeance, “I do agree. I don’t have much evidence, but for now we should look at all the clues unbiased. We need to figure out who did it, and why they would do all of this in such a way.”
Time seemed to pass by so quickly- Mondo was telling the truth, and unfortunately, it seemed that Togami was the one who killed Chihiro. After finding out that Mondo “failed” to kill Chihiro, he took matters into his own hands. Using the information that Chihiro was a “He”, he devised an elaborate scheme, one that seemed to perfectly mirror the killings of Genocider Jill. He even somehow convinced Fukawa into letting him “borrow” her deadly scicors.
His plan was perfect- except for the fact that Fukawa would not have been able to access the boy’s locker room due to the fact that Mondo had in fact Leon’s Handbook. With much less grace then he was known to have, he was forced into his punishment. To be honest, Kiyotaka felt for Fukawa, the man she had fallen for exposed her darkest secret, tried to use her as a scape goat, and now she was left with only pain.
Little did Kiyotaka know... he was wrong. He was completely and entirely wrong.
Kiyotaka had grown accustomed to at least some time between the death of those who surrounded him. Thus, when he woke up the next morning, and stepped into the cafe, little did he expect a blade being held to his neck. When a second item was brought to his face, that’s when Kiyotaka realized it was actually a pair of scissors against his neck and now face.
Using his normal voice, Kiyotaka yelled out, “Genocider Jill?” Instead, a very calm voice filled his ears, “No. It’s me. Fukawa.” Feeling himself calm down a little, but still tense due to the pair of scissors against his neck, Kiyotaka spoke out loud, “What’s going on? Did I scare you?” That’s when the blade was pressed against his neck harder, “No. I thought you would be Mondo. He has been coming here nearly as early as you have. It doesn’t matter who I kill- either you or that meathead! It’s all his fault!”
That’s when Fukawa led Kiyotaka to the long table, forcing him to sit while she stood above him, a pair of scissors dangerously against his neck. One by one each of the students arrived into the cafe. They each saw the situation and were instructed to follow her direct demands. Some students were forced to sit or others were forced to leave the room. With his neck cut in a few spots, Kiyotaka was beginning to lose hope.
The last person was the one person he wished slept in- or god forbid- skipped breakfast that morning, Mondo. Seeing his friend instantly had Kiyotaka’s heart clenching. He knew what was going to happen was going to result in yet another trail. At this point, he would rather die than Mondo killing someone- or even worse, him himself becoming a victim himself.
Glaring at the woman as she was being dragged away, Kiyotaka held onto Mondo’s jacket tightly. Even though tears were streaming down his face, he did his best to send all of his hatred and anger towards the female in front of him. She deserved to be punished- what she did was truly cruel, to murder in the name of revenge, over a murderer killing an innocent person.
In a weak voice, Kiyotaka muttered out, “I... I won’t let his sacrifice go in vain.” Grabbing his chest tightly, Kiyotaka looked onto the future with nothing but pure hope in his eyes. He would do everything his... everything Mondo wanted to do. Perhaps he would become a carpenter or it could be a side hobby. Who knew, Kiyotaka could figure that out later. For now, he had to survive.
The last couple of days went by like a blur. Sakura tried to take her own life after admitting to being the Traitor. There was a dead body discovered in the garden, and Makoto was actually accused. Kiyotaka got warned about voting for the wrong person- and within a day or so, Makoto had returned and the five of them, Kirigiri, Makoto, Sakura, Hinata and himself, all found themselves standing at the front door. Makoto did the honors of opening the door. What was before them were their future. They had to grab it with both hands and run with it.
No matter what it was.
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ferallymine · 7 years
"what happened last night?" "Oh boy, have I got the story for you."
Yasuhiro woke up in his underwear and jacket on the floor of his Leon’s bedroom. Leon himself was fully dressed and tossing a baseball back and forth while sitting on his bed.
“Wha….what happened?” He rubbed his forehead, “Why does my head hurt…”
Leon looked up, “Morning sunshine! Boy, do I have a story for you.”
Leon tossed Yasuhiro some spare clothes and led him out the door. Breakfast had already begun, and they were the last ones there.
“Whoa, Mr. Party Animal arrived!” Seems like Jack made and appearance in place of Toko.
“Party…Animal?” Yasuhiro scratched his head.
“OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD LEMME TELL HIM!” Jack yelled, “Lemme tell him!”
Byakuya scoffed, “Do whatever you want, I’m leaving.”
“No! Master!” Jack followed him, leaving all the others in the hall.
“Well,” Aoi shrugged, “Guess Jack isn’t telling what happened.”
“It was her fault….she should at least apologize…” Chihiro frowned.
Mondo balled his fists, “Fuck that! Just show-”
Makoto sighed, “Guys…Let’s not fight and fill our friend in.”
“What is going on?!” Yasuhiro nearly yelled with confusion.
Kyoko crossed her arms, “First, know that Jack drugged your dinner last night with severe hallucinogens. You had no control over your body and thus places the blame on her.”
“WHAT DID I DO!?” Yasuhiro 
Celeste giggled, “Take a look at this camera, you imbecile.”
Yasuhiro took Celeste’s camera. What he saw was both funny and downright embarassing.
Leon was frantically trying to make Yasuhiro sit still, “Dude! Stop! CHill out!”
“Hey! Don’t touch me there!” the clairvoyant shoved Leon away, “Oooh, but you strong tho.”
“Dude, I touched your shoulder-”
“My safe word is Pineapple Juice,” Yasuhiro began taking his shirt and jacket off, “I could always use a strong one in my life.”
“What is he doing…” The camera panned to a facepalming Mondo.
Leon yelled, bringing the camera back to him, “HAGAKURE!”
“I’M GOING TO FUCK THE SALAD BAR!!!” Yasuhiro was half naked, and flopped his body onto the salad bar, effectively knocking himself out.
“Dear God….” Celeste’s voice in the background was heard as the video ended.
“Hahahaha!” Yasuhiro began laughing hysterically, “I love it!”
“…seriously?” Leon asked.
“That jump at the end was impressive!” He continued laughing, “I thought all my athleticism was gone!” 
“Well, at least you’re seeing the brightside of it all,” Makoto smiled.
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