#why i shouldn't delete this blog straight away
catgirl-kaiju · 3 months
okay, so i went to velvetvexations' blog recently. i don't want to get obsessive abt her bullshit, so this will be my last post abt her unless she tries to start shit with me. but, i was curious if she'd heard about my post, or if she had changed her behavior. and uhhh...
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an anon just straight up calling the transfems who get banned pedophiles or pedophile supporters with no evidence. even going so far as to imply that transfems are working in coordination to cover this up.
this is dangerous speech, and it's getting zero kick-back from velvetvexations. she just sidesteps the point to instead alledge that there is no disproportionate banning of transfems:
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she even complains to another anon later, who calls out her behavior (not anything in specific, just pointing out the general vibe her behavior gives off), and she has this to say:
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in light of this, i'd like to share some asks she sent me (in response to this post) recently that she had requested i delete. i obliged just to deescalate, but looking at her behavior, i'm beginning to think she just wanted those asks deleted bc they made her look bad:
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and here is the conversation where she asked me to delete the asks:
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it does not appear that she has changed her behavior in any way since this conversation, so i guess those were just empty words.
i'm standing by my position that y'all shouldn't try to start beef with her or harass her (i don't believe y'all would do that, but just in case). but, be wary of her, and push back against her bullshit whenever you see it. if any of y'all choose to confront her abt any of this or her other behaviors, please be polite and be specific. vague hostility is not helpful.
and velvetvexations, if you're reading this, you should be ashamed of yourself. this is no way to treat your sisters. this is no way to talk about your sisters. do not let this shame consume you, though. take some time to look inward and find opportunities to grow and change. i hope someday you can be a more caring and thoughtful person. but, i need you to do that far away from me.
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What is the future? My dad won't let me see what I am capable of. He just goes straight to accusing me of breaking or dropping stuff on purpose and then when I get upset, feel overwhelmed, and meltdown he blames N and then while I'm trying to explain that I need to take a moment to calm down cos I feel triggered he tries to grab me and grab things off me.
Which like is a bigger trigger than a pan falling over, a cup of tea, a microwave, a remote control, a phone, a vacuum cleaner, and cake.
How the heck could I hurt myself with cake?
That was the last straw?
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So after he tried to grab the cake off me I hid it in my room until I could go share it with N and his family.
Today I forced myself not to delete messages and oh my god he called me? I love him so much. He's like a light at the end of the tunnel.
I know logical perspective he's a positive influence on me and he makes me happy so everything he does gives me a boost even when he's telling me that I frustrate him sometimes.
God it's so bizarre that I love how N finds me frustrating and yet with my dad I find him so frustrating that it literally boils down to "don't grab food off me when I'm hungry!"
It's not like I was going to throw the cake away. I was actually worried that he was going to do that or drop it on the floor. I was simply going to do what he said was ok to do with my birthday cake. I basically spent my entire day after my birthday not eating at all and then when I went to try share my cake. Also why do I need my dad's permission to share my birthday cake with anyone? How does accidentally dropping pans mean that I'm going to hurt myself with cake?
Also can I please have a moment to understand that I deserve boundaries and like he not touch me without consent ever again. Consent is important!
I use my money to buy food, I should be able to eat the things I buy. Someone gives me a birthday cake and says I can share it then that shouldn't change because gravity decided a bunch of pans had to fly to the floor.
I wish I could have my own place mainly so I can eat things that I buy for myself without my dad's weirdness and like overbearing nature.
The only people I really feel comfortable eating in front of is N and his family. I feel like my dad judges me too much and I am always anxious that he's going to shout at me for cooking.
It's hard to eat, I just want food all the time.
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I'm writing about food too much.
Now I'm hungry. Probably have chocolate.
I'm worried that if I eat the pink wafers I bought my dad will freak out like he did with the cake.
I bought 2 packs- 1 for me to share with N and one for my dad. What if he's assuming that box was bought by him so if I eat them he'll get upset. He's so easy to upset it's frustrating.
I'm so scared all the time that he'll grab me.
The things with our family feels broken. Like he refuses to get the support we need to heal.
It's frustrating. I'm always stressed living here.
I don't understand why my dad's house is falling apart. A lot of things have been broken for years and it feels like he enjoys things being broken and miserable. Almost like I have to stay here to try fix everything and I am stuck in his control.
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But- positive! This blog is for mushy stuff!
N is a wonderful human being. Golden.
I love him.
If there was a way to measure it I'd love to say he is my soulmate. True love, love at first sight, all that, he's the only one who fits perfectly.
If you could say that I knew him for eons, our spirits being reincarnated for hundreds of years, destined to find each other and fall in love.
He saved me from an arrow in some ancient battle, pulled me into a cave and whispered sweet nothings as he undid his kilt.
Bent me over and slid in quite rightly.
All things are water. All things are fire.
Call us steaming.
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unhinged404 · 2 years
anyways hi again rant blog today’s topic: the cruelty to dream after his face reveal because my babygirl is supposedly getting slaughtered on the internet though idgaf and he doesn’t either because he’s currently having the best week of his life 🫶🫶🌟🌟🌟
anyways. I’ve managed to curate a great social media experience bc the only hate I’ve seen at all was when I actively went out searching for it—aka browsing dwt2 and seeing what their thoughts on threads and shit were—or seeing people discourse post about what was happening.
What I HAVE seen is a lot of shit going around about how people's bodyshaming and bullying is rooted in the fact that he’s a bad person but it’s really telling that most of what they’ve heard is from a game of horrendously broken telephone: he’s racist, ableist, homophobic, a master manipulator, etcetera, and their proof is either an outdated and addressed google doc callout or a twitter thread that is half made up.
I'll be the first to admit Dream's past and his first year and a half or so of content creation weren't handled the best—I joined up probably halfway through that time period, I was here for the war cry situation, I was here for the speedrunning, I was here for the ableist stuff that he did, and for the supposed d0xxing of the black lesbian during june 2021. So with such a long (and by no means exhaustive) laundry list of supposed bad things he's done, how could anyone continue to support him???
Well, the answer is simple—I watched him change. He WAS someone who grew up in a toxic gaming environment that I also grew up tangential to. I knew how bad it got because I had friends in the exact same circles. Same paths of right-leaning home values bleeding into right-leaning online gaming circles causing kids that I knew were good people when I met them falling down deeper and deeper into that same pipeline. I don't keep in contact with most of them anymore, but I more than anything hope that they gained the same wisdom Dream did and changed for the better. Because they are intrinsically good people.
Over the past 2 years, I've watched Dream unlearn a lot of the shit that he thought he knew, seen him take the time to talk with people who want to see him change for the better. He's a smart cookie and someone fundamentally good, and he's really learned a lot since I started watching him. If you read his most recent pastebin, it's plain as day that he understands the weight of his past actions and that he regrets it. I've read a lot of his apologies, and that one took the cake for sincerity and regard for the impacts of his history. The temperamental, stubborn asshole that I first followed on Twitter doesn't exist anymore. He's mellowed out a lot, he's learned a lot from his mistakes, and the biggest thing is that there's nowhere in his content where the supposed homophobia or racism or whatnot even have a CHANCE to bleed into his content.
That leads me into what I think is one of my biggest gripes with Dream controversies: they're based off of things that came from borderline, if not fully, illegal sources or just generally stalker-ish behavior. Like the Reddit account that supposedly was shared with a co-worker? People had to find deleted accounts, use waves and waves of the wayback machine and when that failed, used other methods to try and dig up something that was obviously never meant to be found and had no parallels in the present. Don't even fucking get me started on the fact that his personal information became a trend to post on social media?? Like how fucking horrible does the internet have to be to understand that there is no reason why a Minecraft YouTuber deserves to see information that could endanger him and his family on the trending page of multiple social media sites. Even shit that didn't really escape the fandom but turned a lot of people away came straight from KF and the worst depths of the internet. If that doesn't tell you that stuff like that shouldn't be touted regardless of the target, idk what will.
He's a 23 year old guy. He's made many many bad decisions and done a lot of stupid shit as a kid and as a growing creator. But the level of cruelty that has come from people about his face because they think he's a bad person is complete bullshit. Regardless of the person, if they're truly horrible, there are a billion ways to criticize them without bringing looks into it. Yet Dream isn't that horrible person. Nearly every controversy he's been in has been addressed and he's certainly the punching bag for a larger trend in the gaming community because the things that I've seen from him are the exact same things I've seen a million times from others at the same time. He provides love and support to people regardless of their background, seems to regularly give back to people, and strives to be a source of comfort to the massively diverse audience that I've met in my time as a Dream stan.
But yeah, there really isn't any reason to complain, I haven't actually seen much hate despite there supposedly being an ample amount, and I'm going to keep it that way! We finally are getting tons of content from the guys and they're happier than ever meeting each other, fans, and friends. :]
p.s. he's definitely not an ugly guy! genuinely I think he's on the attractive side of 'normal guy' and he's cute and pretty. he also acts so babygirl I love him even though he's truthfully not my type. he's perfect anyways bc my 'type' and measure of attractiveness is subjective and he has a golden personality
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a-bernie-of-science · 4 years
Hello World?
I have a very hard time starting something like a blog and putting my opinions or experiences out there unsolicited. Probably, because I have a hard time accepting that there might be people out there who want to hear them.
This compulsive privacy is holding me back in a lot of ways, so I want this blog to be the antidote.
Hi, I’m Bernie. I’m a physicist and mathematician, born somewhere in Bosnia, but have spent half my adolescence and early 20s in Australia. I’m driven by an almost aggressive ambition to understand certain things about nature, which has driven me to Germany, and will probably drive me to other amazing places. 
Everything that Humanity has ever done has been in some way inspired by trying to understand, or better the universe, even the most disgusting and vile of our histories. We rely and defer to natural law so much that most of us ascribe it a consciousness, and imagine that it cares for us as much as we worship it. This worship has evolved over millennia, from angry weather gods, to omnipotent worldcrafters, to vague spiritual oneness. Mine is just another form of this deference. To understand and unravel the laws which govern things. To find out why things change, and what creates the beauty that inspires us so.
Should you keep looking, you might find my landscape pictures, taken while hiking wherever I might be, digital art or polymer clay figurines, DnD maps/worldbuilding, and probably some thoughts about physics, life and the nature of things
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peppertaemint · 3 years
Hi PPT, it's so nice to have you back. I always loved your blog and was really sad when you were suddenly gone. You always voice your opinion so well-worded that it's fun to read even if there's a rare instance of me not fully agreeing. So thank you so much for being here. 🤍
Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you also noticed the negative development of the fandom's reaction towards anything related to Jikook? It's something that I started to notice around mid 2021 really, especially after the Memories release that year. Jikook were always the target of a lot of hate and I would even argue that their strong bond is one of the least accepted in the Army community. But within a short time period it got worse. I think we reached a new level yesterday when that picture of the Jikook sighting from White Day was leaked. It was a simple outing of them at a restaurant with a couple of friends on the evening of March 14th. But the way the fandom reacted was an extreme that I've never seen like this before. Besides a part of the fandom (that includes Jikookers) trying to get the people who spread the picture to delete it (although I honestly don't know where we draw the line? Why is it ok to post and spread pictures of members in their free time when they're overseas? Their last LA trip had dozens of these pictures. But now that it's in Seoul we shouldn't even talk about it?), there was another part of this fandom that completely lost it.
From people being mad at Jungkook, because "he belongs to Taehyung", to people saying it's an old picture, ignoring Jungkook's piercings, to people calling it fanservice, to people straight up saying it's edited and treating it as such. People made whole analysis videos to "prove" it's edited, even dragged Jimin's non-famous friend into this, saying that's him next to Jimin but that someone edited Jungkook's face onto him, that this is not Jungkook because Jungkook would never spend White Day with Jimin and his friends. You can imagine the insults that were also thrown their way, especially towards Jimin.
And the other part of the fandom straight up let these people do? Besides Jikookers no one called them out. It was completely ignored.
Why do you think this fandom is so ignorant towards the hate Jikook and their bond get? Why do you think this fandom just let's people get away with it when they're so quick to cancel a whole tv show for making one unfunny joke about Jungkook going solo? Why is the hate for Jikook and their bond so normalised?
Thanks for your time. I would love to know your opinion. I hope you have a great day. 🤍
Hi Anon,
Thanks for your well-worded Ask. I love to hear that people read even if they don't agree with everything. That's the best attitude! I read lots of blogs with strong opinions, so I'll disagree or question things... but I like that. : )
Regarding the debacle over the photo this week, I think this is another case of army doing what it does best: making a big deal out of nothing, on all sides, while ignoring the elephant(s) in the room.
1) The photo didn't need to be kept private. They were out in public. It's not a big deal. Also, being out together doesn't mean anything. Friends go out with friends all the time.
2) Jikookers made the photo into something it's not by talking about it but not releasing. They turned it into a teaser basically to create drama and gain clout. Not cool.
3) TKs and other shippers did everything they could to Trump-ize the photo, which means they turned it into fake news. They even made crazy propaganda clips with dramatic music deeming the photo a fake. This is baseline-level insane QAnon type shit. Need I say more?
4) The rest of the fandom ignored all the above because it doesn't fit with their idea of what it means to be BTS army, just the same as they ignore all the racist, sexist and homophobic behaviour that goes on every day. Just like how they ignore the death threats. The fandom doesn't have behaviour standards like a lot of others do; bad behaviour is ignored as though it weren't happening and approved behaviours are amplified (keep in mind approved behaviours include bullying of people, including journalists...).
I don't think the fandom is particularly ignorant toward the bad behaviour targeted at JK & JM fans because they turn a blind eye to everything, including things that are much worse. So, why wouldn't they ignore this too?
The reason why your average fan doesn't see JK & JM are good friends is a bit more complicated. For me, it has to do with unconscious bias and surface-level interaction with content. Most fans don't go beyond what YouTube or IG shows them. They're not watching 12 hours of Memories. They haven't seen every episode of Run BTS. There is a problem, tho, with Jikookers needing everyone to see and acknowledge what they think is between those two. Personally, I think their business is their business. I'm more interested in what they do on stage—like the Black Swan performance and Holiday Dynmate Remix.
The weird stuff fans make up about JK, Tae and Jm is vile, and I'm not okay with it. But I'm not okay with it in the same way I'm not okay with bullying journalists and dog-piling anyone who criticizes BTS or makes a lame joke. A lame joke is a lame joke, but does it really warrant grass-roots action?! It's as though the fans want BTS in a glass cabinet where no one can touch or interact but themselves as fans.
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th3-z0diac · 3 years
How I Make Aesthetics.
Long post ahead, sorry :(
In the past, I've been asked multiple times how I create my aesthetics and where do I get the best pictures for them, so I figured I'd make this master post of what exactly I do. Btw this is coming from a person who has studied graphic design for 4 years and had about 4 years of experience in making zodiac collages here on tumblr. Do what you want with that information.
A few disclaimers
There are different types of aesthetics and in this post, I'm going to be specifically talking about a certain type that I like to make. Here, examples:
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My most used format is 6 pictures in 3 rows, but I've also tried 4 pictures, like here for example:
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There are other types such as minimalistic photos, dark academia, grunge, and SO many more. Please keep in mind that I'm not hating on these types and when I mention a rule such as don't use photos that are too minimalistic, I am not saying that minimalistic aesthetics are wrong or ugly or anything of that sort!
Just because I don't choose a certain photo doesn't mean I don't like it, it just means that the photo is not exactly what I'm looking for. By me showing you the examples below, I'm just trying to paint a picture. No hate here, okay?
I don't own any of the pictures I use (I've only used like one or two of my own photos in the past) but then again this is just for entertainment, I don't make money doing this or anything. If I ever get a message from an owner of any of these photos and they want me to delete it, I will delete it.
Where to get the photos
Pinterest! Period. AHAHAHA
No but seriously, pinterest and tumblr are my two favorite sources and you will find pretty much exactly what you need there. pinterest specifically.
On tumblr, I usually search for hipster, grunge, indie, and nature, but it also helps to just find specific blogs that focus on photography, follow them and then just download anything from your dashboard that you fancy.
I'll share what I search for on pinterest below👇. My secret tip would be to not always go for the first photo you find but rather to open a picture that sorta has what you like in it and then scroll down, because pinterest is going to recommend you similar, sometimes better fitting photos. On tumblr, I sometimes go to the blog of the person whose one photo I like, and there I tend to find many more of the same kind (since these bloggers usually post a specific kind of aesthetic).
How to choose photos
My number one tip would be to seek texture. Avoid photos that have little going on in them and anything too empty or minimalistic (unless that's what you're aiming for, obviously). Also, don't choose pictures that are very light or very dark, as they tend to stand out in aesthetics and that's not really what you want. At least in the type of aesthetics that I make, I want the final product to be almost a new picture in itself if that makes sense. To show you an example, look at this photo of two sleeping cats:
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This photo seems like a good fit; it is well balanced in colours (there are shades of white, beige/ginger as well as some greens) and c'mon, it's two cats, what more do you need!!! However, let's look at it in a complete aesthetic:
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While this aesthetic has a nice color scheme to it (well, it doesn't, I threw it together super quickly, but you get the gist), the photo of the two cats just stands out because the khaki background creates this kind of block of color that your eye will automatically go to and it sort of breaks the collage apart. So, by texture, I mean that a picture is filled, for example with trees, flowers, architecture, little people in the background, etc., etc. Furthermore, I prefer when there are more things photographed (for instance, look at the first picture of the aesthetic above; it has a mirror (and a tiny person in it), architecture and leaves all in one picture)
Next, personality. Go to Google Images and search 'Nature Photography' or 'Sunset Photos'. You might get something like this:
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Or this:
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Look at this absolute angel of a boy💚💚💚💚💚💚Isn't he the cutest freaking thing you've ever seen?????? I just want to give him all the treats and all the pets and — ...ehm, sorry, that's not why we're here.
So I don't quite know how to explain this point, but I guess usually professional photos like this are just so well done that they work perfectly well on their own and you usually don't put them in a set (only with other photos from the same photoshoot maybe). They're obviously well-balanced color-wise and high in quality, but they're just very individual and don't really need any addition in the form of other photos. This point also applies to the previous one (textures, in case you forgot); for example, a bunch of blueberries creates a nice texture, however it might be difficult to pair them with other photos. They have enough personality on their own (and this is not meant in a bad way to the photos I do use).
Related to this, you're looking for a story. Usually, if a photo gives off a certain vibe, tells a story, or just leaves any kind of strong impression, it might be a good indication that this is a good photo to use (given all the other rules as well, of course).
The main themes I search for are:
cities, villages, or abandoned places
related to that — architecture or only parts (details) of it
nature, specifically forests with either road or a body of water nearby, beaches, deserts and so on. plus points for tiny people in the distance
animals, usually with the addition of maybe the texture of a sweater sleeve or some blankets, something of that sort
people, my favorite kind is people turned away from the camera with an interesting background, because by them not having a face, they become a bit more relatable in a sense?
people in a river or some kind of water
museums, sculptures
Usually, I tend to avoid:
photos with text in it (though as an exception I would mention neon signs or letters/words that are for example above shops, on books, etc.)
heavily filtered pictures
photos with very specific (often bold) colors in them, unless you find multiple photos with that same shade. this again distracts the eye too much
GIFs, animated pictures, illustrations/drawings. also, don't use collages (cause you are creating a collage, duh)
black & white pictures
blurred pictures (or those that are purposely grainy — that goes back to the filters above)
anything obviously photoshopped
When trying to figure out where to put each photo
Squint your eyes. The photos should create a nice harmony, there shouldn't be a corner where it gets too light or dark or where some textures blend together, for example, if using multiple flower patterns, try to place them in different corners.
When to know your aesthetic is done
Actually even before you start, you should be in the mood. I have to admit, there have been times where I've felt pressured into making aesthetics, and now, looking back at them, I'm really ashamed of them. That is why I don't always post aesthetics as soon as I get them requested because I genuinely want them to look good.
Sometimes, it helps to not post the aesthetic straight away but to come back to it later with a fresh look. I'd say go with your gut. You should have a good, satisfying feeling about the aesthetic.
Last note
Rules are meant to be broken. Look at the aesthetic below. I used a minimalistic illustration (two birds with one stone I guess) (and admittedly, that one picture does stand out) and yet the aesthetic still came out pretty nice. So, just play around with your ideas and see what you like the most! I'm just a random person on the internet, you literally don't have to listen to any of the tips I gave you here today.
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I know this might seem like a lot (honestly, if you've read this entire thing, you're crazy), but it gets easier and easier with practice, soon you won't even think about it.
Hopefully these tips will help you and please let me know if you decide to make any aesthetics. I would love to see them!! <3
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Oh boy. I'm just gonna try to keep this short
So basically, I got into an argument with someone a while ago over a post on the definition of LGBT. It didn't end with kind feelings. This person, I figured, would leave it alone afterwords, considering they stopped reblogging to get the last word in after they ran out of stuff to say. Later, they posted this, including my blog name.
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I was angry. Pretty damn angry. I asked them, through reblog and through messaging, to take it down.
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I know, for a fact, they saw both of these things. They posted 5 minutes after I sent it. After recieving the message, they blocked me. I'm not sure what's going on at their page now. This is not the first time this person has posted about me. I excused it the first time bc the post wasn't DIRECTLY about me. It was just vagueposting with a SC of my old blog name (spegoooter, I'm sure you can find it.) Now, on to the other shit.
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If invading privacy and refusing to take it down wasn't enough for you, this person also supports cishet Aces/Demis using the Q slur. Their followership is presumably a lot of young ace inclusionists (they call her mom, as well as an eldrich god?). I don't particularly blame them, as she's the one sending them, but I won't say anything about that. Another thing.
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This thinly veiled "Dirty Allo" post. If you're well versed in discourse, I shouldn't have to explain to you why this is harmful to the LGBT (In this case, lesbian,) community. Now, this (picture explains it pretty well) Again, please, do not witchhunt this person. I simply ask you don't give them a platform.
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To clarify: Asexual people DO face difficulty, but they were straight up lying about sources and using it to justify their argument.
Edit: they appear to have unblocked me. Checking now for the post
Edit 2: they still haven't deleted it! Block away
Edit 3: talked to them. Not sure if any of this is true. Can anyone confirm with proof/deny?
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