#why iot
eclown4hire · 8 months
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person protags!
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grateful to know what certain words mean. deeply annoyed that the words themselves are so engrained into pop culture that they end up losing meaning
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canonically47 · 8 months
(dodgy english translation since i'm reading the book in my native language but) lord of the flies is so similar to island of the slaughtered it's actually insane like i am going crazy over both this book and this AU (and the fic i'm reading based on it). like here's a paragraph from LOTF followed by an extract from death cast (fanfic based on IOTS):
“The rules!” Ralph cried, “You’re breaking the rules!” “Who cares?” “The rules are the only thing we have!” Jack opposed him. “Forget the rules!” - Lord of The Flies by William Golding
“But- but the rules-” “Fuck the rules, Courtney! Fuck the rules!” Heather shouts, raising her arms. “Tell me something, Courtney. Tell me what good the rules have done for us! (...) They’ve done nothing for us, do you hear me? We go off in groups, someone dies. We go off in pairs, someone gets killed. We go alone, someone gets slaughtered. We cannot win here, do you hear me? We have no control over what happens here, over who lives or dies (...). Stop trying to implement rules that are doing nothing!” - Death Cast by nocopops + original AU by eavee-ry
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rrogueamendiares · 2 months
girl help a uni project is making me want to kms again
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zototech · 3 months
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From controlling your lights and temperature with a tap to enhancing security with smart locks, discover the endless possibilities of a connected home.
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spikeyjo · 1 year
“hey i went to PRIDE and i would like to talk about my GENDER IDENTITIY ISSUES” girl that sits across from me, bass boosted “DIAGNOSED CIS WOMAN”
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ronelgomes · 1 year
Deep Tech: Advancing Innovation
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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theangelcatalogue · 2 months
Gender neutral!☆
Starting notes; Little project i wanted to make, since i love total drama and iots! This was inspired by iots but with Yandere ghosts! I will have multiple chapters, everyday one vitcm! I hope you all like it! (IOTS WAS MADE BY @eavee-ry )
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They are death
Every single one of them, you know that
You were hired by your own uncle Chris McLean to be a intern at Total Drama, you would be something like a camp counselor! Your job was to check the campists
People said your uncle was a amazing guy, but you knew it was a lie, you never knew anyone more arrogant that him
Well, at least you have something to do at summer! And it would be fun see some drama...
Your job was to be a baby-sitter to resume, you were checking up and taking care of tennagers! People of your age! It was kinda fun but you were so tired of them
The nice thing is that they seemed to like you! Even Heather, but sometimes they were acting toward you(you thought that was weird cause it dind't make so many time you knew them)
It was going to have a challenger! Everyone was there except for Beth, you decided to look for her
In the florest you decided to worry, where is she? You heard a sound in the cave, as the beautiful curious you are, you got in
A bloody axe...
A lost arm...
Her body was bloody
She was dead.
You wanted to throw up, the smell of blood...
You felt sick
You Chris and the interns, and they discover that a killer is in the island, what should we do!?
Chris had the idea of left the campers here
You tried to convice him other wise, but when you noticed you already in a boat leaving the island, you felt guilty, Chris made you leave them
Chris dind't left you because how would him explain this to your parents? Your Mother would kill him!
And when you came back home, he said to tell that you were in vacation...?
You passed the next months feeling guilty and sick, you wanted to throw up, and sometimes you really did it
You should had stayed, or at least try to convice Chris....
One day, Chris called you to go with him and two new interns to go back to the island and save them
You knew why Chris was doing that
He wanted to be the hero, that's it
But you decided to go, cause now it's time
Time to the truth, and let's be honest
You were afraid of the truth.
I left the boat, this place looks so weird to be honest, you felt sick again
Something was wrong, you knew that! But now it's time
What happend to them
" I hope they are okay... "
I was afraid, afraid to go anywhere in this island, i dind't wanted to do that, but at same time...
I was scared
I felt something in your shoulder, a hand
" Don't worry Y/n! We going to find them, i hope... "
Sierra was trying to comfort me, but i could look at her eyes and see that she knew the truth
" Amigos! Everything will be alright, but i hope we have everything to survive here, Chris dind't explain so well "
Alejandro was in Sierra's side while looking at the island and looking around, he was right, Chris dind't explained how would you guys find the others, does him even know how to walk around this island?
I don't think so
" Can we stop to talk! Come on you- we have job to do! "
Chris said and started to walk, me, Sierra and Alejandro just followed him
Something is wrong in this place, i feel watched while walking
Oh god.
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★ I hope you all like it! I will try to be more online even thought school is making this nearly impossible ★
★ Idk but Ily you guys <3 ★
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In the summer of 2013, the fourth season of the Canadian reality show Total Drama was going to be recorded. That was what the audition posters said. But before the first challenge had even begun, the host received a phone call, and he left without a trace. Hours went. No news. No statement. Nothing. Eventually, this silence became far too much for Dakota Milton, who had a cell phone on her. She left with her paparazzi, and that would’ve been it for her part in this.
But it was not.
For nights, it had haunted her; why had she not brought the others?
But even as she and her father fought to know what was going on, they were told that it was “confidential”.
Did that stop her, though? No, for on a dark night, she went on a boat straight to Camp Wawanakwa, caution tape and biohazard signs be damned.
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(inspired by the @eavee-ry iots AU ig)
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eavee-ry · 9 days
why do i actually feel so sick when i see an IOTS post😭 like did i get traumatized??? girl that's your own work
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cryptotheism · 1 year
This flowchart is put at the beginning of Liber Null, presumably put together by the Illuminates of Thanateros (the IOT at the bottom)- would you call this a relatively accurate analysis?
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Listen. I love the Liber Null. I love the chaotes. I love chaos magic, but graphs like this are why I'm writing a book.
This is a crock of horseshit. "Shamanism" in this context is a deeply ahistorical term. The idea that "witchcraft" and "sorcery" (what does this even refer to) are somehow separate from the rest of the historical lineage is wrote nonsense.
Hermeticism and Alchemy are not the same thing, they have a mutualistic relationship, but alchemy and hermeticism can both exist separately.
The Knights Templar did not predate hermeticism that is an insane thing to claim. Perfect Discourse alone predates them by 700 years. Sure Lazzarelli didn't translate Crater Hermetis until like 1550, but the Islamic world was going nuts with hermetic ideas all through the Golden age. Like where do you think Lazzarelli got the fucking manuscripts from.
The Rosicrucians were a splinter of the Freemasons.
The Bavarian Illuminati being on here makes sense but they're also a weird outlier. They were only pretending to be a magical organization and shouldn't really be considered one, but they're important to the OTO mythology.
I love the idea that the Golden Dawn is just Freemasonry + Illuminati. That's ridiculously reductive. The Dawn's whole thing is drawing from as many sources as possible with reckless abandon.
Where's Paracelsus? Where's Blavatsky? Where are the Spiritualists? Where are the Enlightenment Poet-Mystics? Where are the Christian Cabalists? This lists three different Freemason splinters but not a single mention of ancient Greek magic or Jewish mysticism. If Goetia gets an entry, Merkava/Hekhalot should get one, as should Kabbalah. If sufism gets an entry, so should Orphism and the neopythagoreans.
Where's Agrippa??? How're you gonna do a graph like this without Agrippa??
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nottapossum · 2 months
Just the classic morning star family dinner/ Aka, an incorrect quote for ya'll
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Charlie, Lucifer, and Lilith are at the dinner table, reading Charlie's report card:
Lucifer, reading: "Charlie is a bright young student! That's my girl.... but Iacks focus, often daydreams, disputes the need to spell words correctly, and has very little respect for the rules of grammar or rules in general."
Charlie chuckles awkwardly: "...oh."
Lucifer: "Why would she write this, Charlie?"
Charlie huffs: "Because... she's no fun!"
Lilith: "That is no excuse."
Charlie: "But it's true! She makes us all use the same words from the same Iist! And when I try to be original, she just shoots me down!"
Charlie: "Like when I invented the word 'terrifical.'
She goes, 'Charlie, that's not a word.'
And I say, 'It's a Iot funner word to say.'
She goes, 'Funner isn't a word either!'
Lilith gives lucifer a look that said: she's definitely your daughter.'
Charlie: "What kind of teacher is that? She can't tell kids not to invent words! She's not the president of the world!
Lucifer: "Charlie, Mrs. Meacham is your teacher. You need to Iisten to her."
Lilith chuckles at Lucifers hypocrisy. And lucifer tries desperately not to laugh with her!
Charlie: "Why are you Iaughing?"
Lilith: "We're not Iaughing, sweetie."
Charlie: "I'm gonna say a bad word."
Lucifer: "You are?"
Charlie: "Mm-hmm. A really bad one."
Lilith: "Well, if you feel the need to get one out of your system, then go ahead.
Charlie: "..."
Lucifer: "..."
Lilith: "..."
Charlie: "...Guts! Guts, guts, guts!"
Lilith starts laughing.
Lucifer: "Oof, the G word. Brutal."
Lilith, laughing: "That's your idea of a bad word, sweetie?"
Charlie pouts because she is serious.
Lucifer is just trying his very best not to laugh at her.
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@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @abby5577
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wolfliving · 8 months
It starts with him
What was once a promise of technology to allow us to automate and analyze the environments in our physical spaces is now a heap of broken ideas and broken products. Technology products have been deployed en masse, our personal data collected and sold without our consent, and then abandoned as soon as companies strip mined all the profit they thought they could wring out. And why not? They already have our money.
The Philips Hue, poster child of the smart home, used to work entirely on your local network. After all, do you really need to connect to the Internet to control the lights in your own house?  Well you do now!Philips has announced it will require cloud accounts for all users—including users who had already purchased the hardware thinking they wouldn’t need an account (and the inevitable security breaches that come with it) to use their lights.
Will you really trust any promises from a company that unilaterally forces a change like this on you? Does the user actually benefit from any of this?
Matter in its current version … doesn’t really help resolve the key issue of the smart home, namely that most companies view smart homes as a way to sell more individual devices and generate recurring revenue.
It keeps happening. Stuff you bought isn’t yours because the company you bought it from can take away features and force you to do things you don’t want or need to do—ultimately because they want to make more money off of you. It’s frustrating, it’s exhausting, and it’s discouraging.
And it has stopped IoT for the rest of us in its tracks. Industrial IoT is doing great—data collection is the point for the customer. But the consumer electronics business model does not mesh with the expected lifespan of home products, and so enshittification began as soon as those first warranties ran out.
How can we reset the expectations we have of connected devices, so that they are again worthy of our trust and money? Before we can bring the promise back, we must deweaponize the technology.
Guidelines for the hardware producer
What we can do as engineers and business owners is make sure the stuff we’re building can’t be wielded as a lever against our own customers, and to show consumers how things could be. These are things we want consumers to expect and demand of manufacturers.
Think local
Open interfaces
Be a good citizen
1) Control over firmware updates.
You scream, “What about security updates!” But a company taking away a feature you use or requiring personal data for no reason is arguably a security flaw. 
We were once outraged when intangible software products went from something that remained unchanging on your computer, to a cloud service, with all the ephemerality that term promises. Now they’re coming for our tangible possessions.
No one should be able to do this with hardware that you own. Breaking functionality is entirely what security updates are supposed to prevent! A better checklist for firmware updates:
Allow users to control when and what updates they want to apply. 
Be thorough and clear as to what the update does and provide the ability to downgrade if needed. 
Separate security updates from feature additions or changes. 
Never force an update unless you are sure you want to accept (financial) responsibility for whatever you inadvertently break. 
Consider that you are sending software updates to other people’s hardware. Ask them for permission (which includes respecting “no”) before touching their stuff!
2) Do less on the Internet.
A large part of the security issues with IoT products stem from the Internet connectivity itself. Any server in the cloud has an attack surface, and now that means your physical devices do.
The solution here is “do less”. All functionality should be local-only unless it has a really good reason to use the Internet. Remotely controlling your lights while in your own house does not require the cloud and certainly does not require an account with your personal information attached to it. Limit the use of the cloud to only the functions that cannot work without it.
As a bonus, less networked functionality means fewer maintenance costs for you.
3) Decouple products and services.
It’s fine to need a cloud service. But making a product that requires a specific cloud service is a guarantee that it can be enshittified at any point later on, with no alternative for the user owner. 
Design products to be able to interact with other servers. You have sold someone hardware and now they own it, not you. They have a right to keep using it even if you shut down or break your servers. Allow them the ability to point their devices to another service. If you want them to use your service, make it worthwhile enough for them to choose you.
Finally, if your product has a heavy reliance on the cloud to work, consider enabling your users to self-host their own cloud tooling if they so desire. A lot of people are perfectly capable of doing this on their own and can help others do the same.
4) Use open and standard protocols and interfaces.
Most networked devices have no reason to use proprietary protocols, interfaces, and data formats. There are open standards with communities and software available for almost anything you could want to do. Re-inventing the wheel just wastes resources and makes it harder for users to keep using their stuff after you’re long gone. We did this with Twine, creating an encrypted protocol that minimized chatter, because we needed to squeeze battery life out of WiFi back when there weren’t good options.
If you do have a need for a proprietary protocol (and there are valid reasons to do so):
Document it. 
If possible, have a fallback option that uses an open standard. 
Provide tooling and software to interact with your custom protocols, at the very least enough for open source developers to be able to work with it. This goes for physical interfaces as much as it does for cloud protocols.
If the interface requires a custom-made, expensive, and/or hard-to-find tool to use, then consider using something else that is commonly available and off the shelf instead.
5) Be a good citizen.
Breaking paid-for functionality on other people’s stuff is inherently unethical. Consider not doing this! Enshittification is not a technical problem, it is a behavioral one. Offer better products that are designed to resist enshittification, and resist it yourself in everything you do.
Nothing forced Philips to do what they are doing: a human made a decision to do it. They could have just as easily chosen not to. With Twine’s server lock-in, at least we chose to keep it running, for 12 years now. Consider that you can still make a decent living by being honest and ethical towards the people who are, by purchasing your products, paying for your lifestyle. 
We didn’t get here by accident. Humans made choices that brought us to this point, and we can’t blame anyone for being turned off by it. But we can choose to do better. We can design better stuff. And we can choose not to mess things up after the fact.
We’re putting this into practice with Pickup. (We also think that part of an IoT reset is giving users the creative freedom of a general-purpose device.) If you’re looking for something better and our product can fill a need you have, consider backing us. We cannot claim to be perfect or have all of the answers, but we are absolutely going to try. The status quo sucks. Let’s do something about it.
Published October 15, 2023 By Jeremy Billheimer
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asktheplethaura · 4 months
IOTS AU: Liberation of the Slaughtered
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The info on Leshawna, as of right now- is rather simple. After being rescued from the island, she almost immediately sought therapy and counseling for everything she had endured.
She still has occasional nightmares, but is probably the most mentally sound of the 7 that did make it off the island alive.
She regularly keeps in contact with the girls and Duncan, but has yet been able to talk to Cody despite knocking on his literal door twice.
She is more protective of the others now that this all has happened, and will not back down from getting physical if she sees anything as a threat.
She often had dreams of getting an occupation on fashion, design, or even maybe styling hair. Though, after she had to try and re-assimilate back into society. She found some sort of comfort in programming and computers.
In order to commemmerate Harold, she started working with some work friends on a side project- which is a game called "Harry the Ninja Master' (Which the main character is a ginger haired man with glasses and 'sick ninja skills')
Harold's family heard of this- and started keeping in touch with her more- as well as giving her a pair of Harold's old glasses for her to remember him by.
She wears them, just to wear them (though not for too long, as they will mess with her eyesight) and if she isn't wearing them, she usually keeps them folded up in her breast pocket (which is why she chose that shirt in particular for wear).
Her sense of style is more casual, but she does try to still make sure she looks presentable.
That is 2/7 down. Who should I do next for my AU info logs? CODY ; LESHAWNA ; (DONE)
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nocopops · 7 months
okay, but: here’s a concept I hope someone writes. IOTS/DC time loop AU. after everyone escapes, they’re all suddenly back to the beginning again, when everyone’s arriving at the island. and the survivors are the only ones who remember what happened
oh. my GOD. that’s so so cool omg
cody freaking out refusing to talk or get close to any of the drama brothers/noah because he wants it to hurt less when they inevitably die, but it doesn’t ease the pain at all
the survivors literally can’t tell any of the victims about it because they’ll just sound crazy
katie tries to distance herself from sadie to try and cushion the impact of her death, but then she’s constantly worrying what her and sadie’s last conversation will be
duncney. that’s all i’m gonna say for that one
leshawna has to listen to harold talking about how he can fight when deep down she knows that his skills will be put to waste
the survivors all have a grudge towards chris (before he leaves on day 1) and they give him dirty looks and all the victims wonder what they’re doing and why they would do that to their host
even though it’s happened before, the survivors know that they won’t find it any easier. in fact, reliving the same pain when the whole time they were trying desperately to forget how it felt to be that miserable and scared, it only makes them feel even worse
the survivors subtly try to change the way that they do things to try and avoid most (if not all) of the deaths, but it just…doesn’t work
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