#why is mass-production nearly unlimited
sparky-cryptidcrafts · 2 months
why did I decide I was mentally healthy enough for Esci classes.
I was warned before taking these classes that alot of students drop out for mental health reasons, I was warned it isn't a easy class emotionally. I knew how bad the situation was already, but I still had some hope ya know? just a little thanks to things like the land back and water is life movements and the pipeline protests.
And im trying to hold onto that, I really am, I don't want to give up. It's just really hard and I'm really tired and there's so many other things going on that waking up every day with a roof still over my head feels surreal. Seeing green grass feels surreal and I'm only seeing it right now because it was a el nino year.
I don't think most people realize the last time there were flowering meadows, forests, ect in Antarctica was between 55 and 38 MILLION years ago when the continent was a lot closer to the equator.
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mitigatedchaos · 3 years
On Having “Whiteness”
(~2,200 words, 11 minutes)
Summary: A metaphysics of “Whiteness” has overtaken actual sociology in the Democrats’ popular consciousness - blinding them to racial interventions that might actually work and taking them off the table of political discussion.
Donald Moss - On Having Whiteness, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (emphasis mine)
Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (“never again”) or as temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure.
So both @arcticdementor [here] and @samueldays have linked me to this allegedly “peer-reviewed” article.  The Federalist has a bit more context, but it doesn’t really make the situation better.
Race Theory Problems
Obviously, this is a work of sloppy thinking.  The categorization of “white supremacy culture” or “whiteness” used by people like this is vague handwaving that describes being bad at management as “white supremacy culture,” and which in general labels universal human problems, like organizations being resource-constrained, or people being impatient, as somehow uniquely “white.” 
But this sort of article is really what I mean when I say that social justice’s approach to “whiteness” is about “spiritual contamination.” 
Samueldays called it “the ‘I’m not touching you’ of inciting race war,” and I may cover more of his response to it later.  Suffice it to say, it has the same general kind of problems as “stolen land” arguments (where an entire present population’s living area becomes undefined), unbounded “reparations” arguments where no amount of transfers by the designated oppressor are considered to clear the debt, and so on.
This is exactly the sort of material that conservatives are seeking to remove government funding for and prohibit from use in employment training.  This is the kind of material that the Trump Anti-CRT executive order prohibiting racial scapegoating was meant to cover.
Race Theory Definitions
This kind of stuff is, of course, not really defensible, so usually at this point people will argue that 1), “that’s not real critical race theory,” and then 2), “it’s just a few weirdos.”  For those, I would say...
1) If it’s not real “Critical Race Theory,” then what is it?
We can’t measure or disprove Moss’s proposed “Whiteness,” and this malevolent psychic entity said to “deform” white people obviously isn’t based on a comparison with other human populations or historical periods.  When it comes to “insatiable” appetites, one study argued that the Mongol invasions killed so many people that it showed up in the carbon record.
At best, it’s sloppy race science as practiced by an amateur, like twitter users idly speculating whether whites have ‘oppressor epigenetics’ - but with the veneer of official status.  And it has similar risks to proposing that there is such a thing as biologically-inherited class enemy status, and other collective intergenerational justice logic.
Presumably, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association is intended as a journal of science, or at least serious scholarship, and not of bad racist poetry with no rhyme or meter.
Moss provides a relatively pure example of whatever-this-is. I need to know what it’s called, so we can get rid of it.
Race Theory Prohibitions
2) If it’s just the product of a few race-obssessed weirdos, then it won’t hurt to get rid of it.  So get rid of it.
The actual text [PDF] of the Trump Anti-CRT order does not ban teaching about the Trail of Tears, or Jim Crow, and so on, and both of those topics were taught in school before this recent wave of whatever-this-is was popularized.
Trump’s order banned teaching that any race is inherently guilty or evil due to the actions of their ancestors, and the level of resistance to this has been bizarre.
These teachings don’t seem to provide gains in relatively objective metrics like underrepresented minority test scores (or at least that’s not something I’ve seen - and the continued opposition to standardized tests suggests proponents do not expect it to), so it’s unclear just what of value is going to be lost here. 
Collateral Damage
Samueldays wrote,
Because right now the conservatives talking about "critical race theory" as they fire in the direction of Moss et al. are very important in preventing another race war and you have a moral duty to help them aim, not throw smoke for Moss.
Right now Conservatives are assessing just how much stuff they’re going to have to rip out to make “standardized tests are racist” and “it’s impossible to be racist to white people” stop.  While this may not be the message that Liberals are intending to send, it is the message that many people are receiving.  (I discuss problems with both, and some alternatives to handle them better, in another post.)
Liberals need to get out in front of this.  Sooner is better.
If Conservatives think that they have to gut hostile work environment law in order to avoid their children being taught that they’re permanently morally contaminated by their race, and Liberals have no means to actually close race gaps within a 4-8 year period (and right now it’s slim pickings on that front), Conservatives are just going to gut hostile work environment law.
From their perspective, why not? 
Everything in the world is only six degrees of separation from something racist.  Anything in the world can be tied to something racist.  (So can anyone.)
But nowhere in this pervasive atmosphere of tying things to racism are there solutions.  There are guesses based on correlations.  Proposals.  But usually when you reach out to grab them, to really get a grip on whether it’s correlation or causation, they dissolve in your hands.  The few that do have any solidity to them are moderate in their success (such as Heckman’s involvement in the Reach Up & Learn study in Jamaica) - and don’t appear to be based on the same style of thinking as shown by Moss and others.
It isn’t just that trying to turn combating an invisible, non-measurable, unfalsifiable, parasitic psychic force into an actual political program would inevitably be oppressive and totalitarian.  It isn’t just that articles like Moss’s are an in-kind donation to the 2024 DeSantis Presidential campaign for that very reason.
It isn’t just that unfalsifiable Metaphysics of Whiteness content like White Privilege Theory has been found to lower sympathy for the poor, and that present diversity training doesn’t work...
Race Content Crowding
This stuff is crowding out legitimate scholarship.  I don’t just mean in terms of funding, tenure track positions, or high-flying magazine coverage - all limited by their nature.  I mean among the base.  I have been interrogating Democrats on Twitter for months, and not a single one has been able to cite a strongly-demonstrated intervention that’s being held back, or even a past one that was conclusively demonstrated to be effective.  They can often recite a list of racial grievances on cue.
Tucker Carlson could run boomer_update.exe on a list of every educational failure since the 1970s, and they would be reduced to sputtering accusations of racism against people who increasingly don’t care.  He could do this tomorrow.  The only thing that prevents this is Tucker Carlson’s conscience.
I discovered the Reach Up & Learn program through Glenn Loury - described as a ‘conservative.’ Scott Alexander, attacked by the New York Times crew, brought some success with multivitamins to my attention.  When I first heard about the Perry Preschool program, I believe it was from someone well to the right of him.
About the only one brought to my attention by the Democratic establishment constellation proper was lead removal, and the gains on that are probably getting tapped out.  The frame it was proposed in was not Critical Race Theorist, as this was likely in 2012. 
As it stands, I’m more likely to find something that works from someone the New York Times would disapprove of than someone they wouldn’t.  Or, as Wesley Yang wrote,
Reality has been contrarian for a while.
Succeed Early
Even if we suppose that Conservatives are inherently racist, Liberals have a duty to support interventions that work.  In fact, the more that Conservatives are a seething, undifferentiated mass of uniform racial hatred, the more important it is that Liberals stick to racial interventions that work, because nobody else is going to fix the problem if Liberals get it wrong.
It isn’t just a matter of resources per year.  It’s also a matter of time.
From Heckman’s website,
Although Perry did not produce long-run gains in IQ, it did create lasting improvements in character skills [...] which consequently improved a number of labor market outcomes and health behaviors as well as reduced criminal activity.
Even if we propose an unlimited amount of funding (which is not the case), people and politicians only have a limited amount of time and attention each year.  Newspapers only publish so many issues with so many pages each week.  Television programs only cover so many hours for so many viewers each day.  Even the dedicated can only read so many books in a year.
Even though the Perry intervention was imperfect, and the sample size was not as large as desirable, every second Democrat I talked to should have been able to answer the question “can you name an effective intervention?” with “what about Perry Preschool?”
Every year that we have entire cottage industries working on and popularizing contentious, ineffective, and backlash-provoking Metaphysics of Whiteness content, based on oversimplified oppressor/oppressed binaries, or theories in which power is held collectively by races as monolithic blobs (rather than modelling power as a network of relations between individuals, in which an individual of any background might be destroyed by the racialized relations in their environment), is another year we haven’t spent that energy on finding or implementing something that actually works.
This isn’t just an individual failure by Democrat voters, who typically have day jobs to focus on - it is a failure by the institutions who are supposed to inform and guide them.  This institutional failure likely contributed to the popularization of Metaphysics of Whiteness content in the first place.
Okay, now what?
Donald Moss is a crackpot.  Metaphysics of Whiteness content is unfalsifiable.  The idea that there is a psychic parasite of “Whiteness” is not a legitimate field of study; it’s parasociology.  The idea that “a sense of urgency” is “white supremacy culture” isn’t much better. [1]
We already tried isolating this content to obscure corners of academia, where individuals with high racial attachment could write about it.  It leaked out. 
We need to get this stuff out of the popular consciousness to make room for stuff that might actually work.  The best way to do that may be to cut off the source.  Since Donald Moss is a crackpot, perhaps it’s time we started treating him, and everyone else like him, as what they are.
People involved in Metaphysics of Whiteness content, like Donald Moss, need to be (figuratively) grabbed by the shoulder, and firmly, but politely, told to stop.  Society has been recklessly handing out race-colored glasses to the general population since around 2014, resulting in a rise in amateur race science, of which both right-wing Twitter users memeing about Italians and Metaphysics of Whiteness participants like Moss are examples.  If they do not stop, they must be stripped of institutional authority.  Metaphysics of Whiteness content is unfalsifiable and we should not be certifying it.
If institutions refuse to reduce the authority of Metaphysics of Whiteness practitioners, those institutions must have their accreditation penalized, and their government funding reduced or eliminated, just as if they insisted on producing study after study on magic or ESP which failed to yield results.  If they do not comply, they must be replaced.
It’s possible that Metaphysics of Whiteness content might have had some obscure, niche function in terms of the exploration of the idea space. 
However, as it has displaced popular knowledge of interventions that might work, and the attention given to them in the political system, Liberals should seek to surgically remove it, at the very least until some more effective interventions see the political light of day.
If not, Conservatives will attempt to remove it with a bludgeon.  "They described an entire race as ‘voracious, insatiable, and perverse,’ and here’s the citation for the exact page where they did that,” is perfect material with which to abolish entire departments.
[1] If we go a bit farther out, scholars of “Decolonization” argue that the field is wholly unconcerned with “settler futurity,” a phrase not much less ominous than describing “whiteness” as “incurable.”  It seems that their entire job should be to answer the very difficult questions they have decided not to.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Toilet paper, sometimes called toilet roll or toilet tissue in Britain is usually supplied as a long strip of perforated paper wrapped around a paperboard core for storage in a dispenser near a toilet. Most modern toilet paper in the developed world is designed to decompose in septic tanks, whereas some other bathroom and facial tissues are not. Toilet paper comes in various numbers of plies (layers of thickness), from one- to six-ply, with more back-to-back plies providing greater strength and absorbency.
The use of paper for hygiene has been recorded in China in the 6th century AD, with specifically manufactured toilet paper being mass-produced in the 14th century. Modern commercial toilet paper originated in the 19th century, with a patent for roll-based dispensers being made in 1883.
Joseph Gayetty is widely credited with being the inventor of modern commercially available toilet paper in the United States. Gayetty's paper, first introduced in 1857, was available as late as the 1920s. Gayetty's Medicated Paper was sold in packages of flat sheets, watermarked with the inventor's name. Original advertisements for the product used the tagline "The greatest necessity of the age! Gayetty's medicated paper for the water-closet."
Seth Wheeler of Albany, New York, obtained the earliest United States patents for toilet paper and dispensers, the types of which eventually were in common use in that country, in 1883.
The manufacturing of this product had a long period of refinement, considering that as late as the 1930s, a selling point of the Northern Tissue company was that their toilet paper was "splinter free".
Moist toilet paper, called wet wipes, was first introduced in the United Kingdom by Andrex in the 1990s. It has been promoted as being a better method of cleaning than dry toilet paper after defecation, and may be useful for women during menstruation. It was promoted as a flushable product but it has been implicated in the creation of fatbergs; by 2016 some municipalities had begun education campaigns advising people not to flush used wet wipes.
More than seven billion rolls of toilet paper are sold yearly in the United States. Americans use an average of 23.6 rolls per capita per year.
During the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, toilet paper shortages were reported in March 2020 in a number of countries due to excessive hoarding and panic buying.
As the epidemic spreads across the globe, people have been seen rushing to supermarkets to buy 'essentials' in bulk.
First it was the masks, then hand sanitisers. Now it seems the novel coronavirus outbreak has people rushing to stock up, among other things, an essential item: toilet paper.
Shelves have been emptied across the world. In Australia, a newspaper helpfully printed out an extra eight pages as a "backup loo roll". Fights have broken out, trolleys piled high, and across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, most supermarkets imposed a cap to limit the number of rolls a person could buy.
Dubbed #ToiletPaperPanic and #ToiletPaperApocalypse online, there is no shortage of videos capturing the mass hysteria that has swept up globally as shelves are cleared. Canned goods, water bottles and pasta shelves have similarly been emptied out.
So, why are we seeing panic buying across the globe?
"Panic buying and hoarding of supplies is obviously not desirable, but it's understandable, particularly when people see images of cities, regions and even whole countries in lockdown," Michael Baker, professor of public health at the University of Otago in Wellington, New Zealand, told Al Jazeera.
While panic buying was not seen in response to the most recent influenza pandemic in 2009, Baker said the ongoing crisis is similar to a behavioural response during a natural disaster.
"The difference this time is that people now see COVID-19 as a real threat, one that will last for months, and they may not have confidence in the authorities to contain it."
Insufficient information on the new coronavirus is also playing a factor in people's response, while current measures taken by the authorities do not seem to have reassured the masses.
"We're poor at learning and good at forgetting. No one alive today has seen a global pandemic of this seriousness. Current measures to manage this pandemic are not nearly enough in most countries," Baker said.
"We are now seeing the world splitting into those countries which are containing this pandemic, notably China, Singapore and South Korea, and those which are not."
Anxiety over return to a sense of control is another factor behind the widespread panic, said experts.
"We don't know how long it will last, we don't know much about the virus, it's something new and we are learning something new about it," Dimitrios Tsivrikos, consumer and business psychologist at the University College London, told Al Jazeera.
"Consumers are trying to gain control and panic buying is essentially our attempt to be in control of a situation. It's quite important to feel that at least we are doing something, we are being proactive and panic buying is exactly that," he said.
Tsivrikos said consumers are also in a position where they are receiving global news, looking at other countries, for instance Italy on lockdown, and comparing it to local news and directions they are getting, further creating a sense of added uncertainty.
But is our increasing connectivity and heightened awareness a good thing, or is it feeding increasing anxiety among the people?
"While established media organisations might be trying to cover the outbreak in a measured way, that's no longer the only source we consume information from. Certain claims read online might aggravate the anxiety. While social media is a great place for entertainment, consumers need to be wary of getting their news from there," Tsivrikos said.
Social media's impact is a mixed bag, Baker added. "It's good at connecting people and giving them a voice, but it also dilutes messages from key health agencies with many unqualified voices. Now, everyone's an expert."
"If you think about it, people are walking into the markets, they are looking for bulk, large volume items that last for longer. They want to grab the largest possible items - toilet paper is one of those," said Tsivrikos.
"That, added to the fact that it is low-value, means you don't need to think about it much. You tell yourself that at some point I'll have to use it, so I might as well get loads of it, especially as the duration is uncertain."
While panic buying may give consumers a sense of control and help them manage anxiety, experts said it could also disrupt the supply chain.
"We don't have an unlimited supply, so if we're buying things disproportionately, others who are in immediate need of that item won't be able to find it," said Tsivrikos.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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transsar · 4 years
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It's no secret that business opportunities area unit quickly growing on Instagram. or so eightieth of Instagram's one billion active monthly users currently follow a business account on the platform. whereas Instagram hasn't reportable its current range of business users, the platform reportedly hosted quite twenty five million of those accounts in late 2017. because the platform continues to grow and develop a lot of interactive options, appreciate Instagram Stories, businesses area unit frequently victimisation it as a tool to alter brands, recruit future staff, showcase merchandise and company culture, delight customers, and generate new business. however here's the deal: Unless you are famed, it's very laborious to amass an enormous following on Instagram while not some labor. the common person or business, growing your following takes time and a focus on a everyday.
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How? begin by ensuring your username is recognizable and simply searchable — like your business name. If your business name is already taken, attempt keeping your business name because the initial a part of your username so individuals checking out your business area unit a lot of possible to return across you. parenthetically, the Australian garb line Lorna Jane uses the username.
When you’re simply beginning out with an internet business, it may be exciting to imagine however you'll with success sell your product through Instagram once you have got designed up your follower base. however truth is, your initial ten,000 Instagram followers area unit the toughest to induce. Why? nobody is aware of UN agency you're nonetheless. You’ve still ought to prove yourself as a eminent complete and influencer. however that doesn’t mean it’s impracticable. If you follow this orient the way to get followers on Instagram, you may hit ten,000 Instagram followers in as very little as six months.
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When I was beginning out with social media promoting and building my store’s Instagram account, my entire posting strategy turned around reposting different people’s content. the sole thanks to try this while not obtaining flagged is to credit the initial poster in your description, every time. Instagram has currently updated their policy and you’re needed to arouse permission before reposting. once I initial started, I’d take screenshots and add the images to my Instagram. What very helped my page start up was the Repost app. It allowed ME to begin reposting video content on Instagram. one in all the most important home runs I had was once I re-posted a video that accumulated fifty two,862 views, got 1264 comments and nine,147 likes. At the time, I didn’t even have ten,000 followers therefore this was a giant freaking deal.
Why’d I repost different people’s content rather than posting my own?
Because I knew that it absolutely was easier to repost content. Plus, my visual and video content would ne'er be nearly as good as somebody else’s. Hey, a minimum of I’m honest concerning it! however did i do know what to repost? I’d explore the numbers. Hashtags area unit a good thanks to get new followers. i used to be pretty active on Instagram therefore I’d browse the list of hashtags I came up with and used daily to search out the highest playacting posts that weren’t denote by different fan pages (so not my competitors) however by individual individuals. I’d then watch the videos and appearance at the images to examine which of them I had the most important reactions to. If I felt the urge to share somebody else’s post, I knew I had to repost it onto my page. therefore if you’re simply learning the way to get followers on Instagram, this high-impact strategy is straightforward enough for a beginner.
If you’ve ne'er had a client before, reach bent on influencers in your niche with beneath five,000 followers. i do know the quantity appears low however influencers with few followers on Instagram need to legitimatize their accounts and can be willing to require photos along with your merchandise at a far lower rate. you'll additionally provide them Associate in Nursing affiliate deal wherever they’ll get a commission for each sale they score with their client referral link. If you’ve already had one or two of sales, reach bent on customers and provide a free gift or money incentive for taking quality pictures with the merchandise they purchased. providing incentives isn’t getting to be your semipermanent strategy except for the short-run, whereas you are attempting to create your complete, this will assist you grow. As a lot of clients begin seeing customer photos on your Instagram, they’ll naturally begin tagging you in posts after they receive their merchandise. If you discuss their post, repost the content and follow them you’ll possible get them to follow back. tho' some can follow you when tagging you in their post on their own.
Say you have got a Canis familiaris fan page, on a daily basis you post cute Canis familiaris photos and videos while not fail. If Instagram users keep seeing your posts eventually they’ll notice that you just perpetually post the cutest Canis familiaris content. so that they follow you with the expectation that your account can perpetually be a lot of of identical form of content. Having a uniform vogue or theme is quite simply a stigmatization play, it’s concerning making Associate in Nursing expectation for your Instagram account that your followers or potential followers will forecast. they need to examine a lot of of identical form of content, every day. If you'll deliver that consistency with each post, you’ll grow your followers on Instagram at a quicker rate over time.
Many consultants can tell you to solely use five or eleven hashtags or another whimsical numbers. however once I was building my store’s Instagram account, I neglected their recommendation and ran wild with it. I’d copy and paste an inventory of hashtags from my phone onto my app. Then, I’d typically switch it up to undertake totally different hashtags however eventually, I knew which of them typically worked best. Usually, I’d go as about to or right to the goop range of hashtags potential. 30. That’s the atomic number. Truth is, you add all those hashtags within the initial comment. And as your page engagement grows, nobody can ever see the primary comment as a result of they’re too busy tagging their friend in your post. Sure, once you’re beginning out individuals may see it. however if the goal is to extend visibility, the simplest thanks to make out is to feature a lot of hashtags. As you gain followers, your posts can rank higher for those hashtag keywords supplying you with even a lot of visibility. If your hashtags area unit niche specific, you’ll increase your chance of being found by a relevant audience which is able to assist you grow your followers on Instagram in addition. therefore avoid generic hashtags like #love or #picoftheday if you’re marketing fashion, parenthetically.
Say you have got a fashion journal, you may write a journal post concerning styling tips. you'll opt for posts from Instagram wherever you show photos of your superimposed outfits or a classy outfit look. You’d then go onto the Instagram web site on your desktop, head to your page, click the post, click the ‘…’ icon and click on engraft. Then you copy that link into your journal post’s code section. Over time, a lot of individuals are visiting your journal and can be a lot of possible to visualize out your Instagram account too.
I know that this can be a lot of of a semipermanent game. particularly if you’re not obtaining traffic nowadays. however adding your Instagram posts right from {the beginning|the begin} provides you a better probability of visibility once six months from currently you actually start seeing huge returns.
To get that Instagram followers increase you wish to search out those that follow brands. UN agency area unit your biggest competitors on Instagram? Write them down. Then, browse their posts to examine who’s commenting on their posts. Follow them and interact with them.
Keep in mind that once selecting competitors on Instagram it’s higher to travel for the smaller brands. Why? as a result of if you were marketing makeup brushes and making an attempt to induce those that discuss Sephora, there’s a decent probability that they’re not the correct audience despite being in an exceedingly similar niche. larger brands tend to possess a lot of client loyalty.
However, if you have got a contender UN agency has a hundred,000 fans on their page, they will not have a loyalty thereto complete.
When commenting on posts of these you follow, don’t scare them off with a promotion or identical comment for each person you message. If they raise a matter on their post, provide them a solution. explore the kinds of comments others area unit giving and use that as a suggestion for what you'll comment too.
As you retain partaking and following individuals, you’ll begin to amass a powerful following of your own.
If Associate in Nursing influencer includes a loyal following, they'll offer you a shoutout that’ll lead to new followers for your account and presumably many sales.
Be sure to put in writing up a contract that prohibits the influencer from causation faux traffic. we tend to once worked with Associate in Nursing influencer UN agency gave America a shoutout and that we got two,000 faux followers on our account. it absolutely was obvious she used a larva. once you get a unexpected rush of pretend follower on your account you risk obtaining your account prohibited.
If you’re searching for a simpler approach to induce new followers, raise the influencer you're employed with {to do|to try to to|to try Associate in Nursingd do} an account takeover on your Instagram Stories. That way, individuals can got to follow your page to look at the story. You’ll ought to get him or her to let their audience understand many days beforehand.
If you host giveaways on Instagram and have atiny low audience, you may be able to get a lot of followers. however if you host giveaways on your web site Associate in Nursingd embody an choice to follow you on Instagram and different social networks, you’ll have a far larger reach.
If your audience size is tiny you'll post your giveaway in sure giveaway facebook teams or on giveaway blogs.
When I initial started operating in promoting, I’d reach bent on giveaway blogs. I’d send them some free merchandise in exchange for a review post. Most united thereto for the free product tho' some did arouse payment in addition. They’d do a product review post crammed with photos and their experiences with the merchandise. At the end, their audience would enter to win the merchandise beneath the condition that you just send that client the merchandise. We’d get many new followers on all our social accounts. this can be a good thanks to get new followers if you don’t have Associate in Nursing audience. however it would not be as targeted than if you were to host a giveaway on a relevant niche journal.
If you’re simply beginning out, giveaways will assist you get a lot of followers on Instagram. However, if you are doing them too usually, you may not get the correct form of audience you wish. If your goal is to induce sales, giveaways won’t essentially assist you get a lot of of them. tho' you'll do that giveaway hack to induce a lot of sales. however if you’re solely wanting to induce Instagram followers quick, this strategy will work quite well.
If you’re simply learning the way to get followers on Instagram, a tricked I learned whereas performing on my case study was to require my very own product photos. rather than reposting different people’s content, different brands reposted one in all my photos crediting ME. Since the complete has nearly 300k followers I all over up obtaining many new Instagram followers from their audience. I didn’t got to do any direct work apart from taking my very own photos. I didn’t even got to reach bent on get new followers on Instagram. They reached bent on ME. and that they weren’t {the only|the thereforele} complete to try and do so.
When I initial started building my store’s Instagram account, I used a larva, Associate in Nursing app to extend Instagram followers, known as Instagress. It worked rather well initially that allowed ME to simply build up the primary few thousand Instagram followers. Eventually, i finished as a result of I didn’t want it any longer. sadly, Instagress and different apps to extend Instagram followers typically get clean up. and a few those that use them will get their entire Instagram account clean up. whereas they'll work well, the chance simply isn’t worthwhile.
The apps to extend Instagram followers that you just will use embody promoting automation tools like Buffer, HubSpot, or Hootsuite.
Free Instagram follower apps include:
Discover Instagram accounts that have unfollowed you, those that haven’t followed you back and similar accounts you ought to be following through Followers for Instagram. This Instagram follower app at https://www.socialpave.com is ideal to know the way to create your followers happy and what content to post so as to induce a lot of followers on Instagram. Reach bent on those that unfollowed you to search out out why and begin to boost your Instagram follower metrics nowadays.
Inactive followers area unit a far talked concerning topic inside any social media platform, and Instagram isn't any totally different. Inactive Instagram followers might be spam accounts or accounts from those that not interact on the platform therefore if you're wanting to grow your following and engagement level, it might be a decent plan to ax your list of inactive followers. Crowdfire identifies your inactive followers, acknowledges once individuals unfollow you, and helps you discover new followers.
Get Followers & Get Likes could be a free Instagram followers app aimed toward increasing each followers and likes. Providing data on hashtags and followers, this app permits you to research data and create nice selections which will increase Instagram followers on your account at once.
Social Rocket gamifies social media engagement to inspire you to move a lot of. though not a good semipermanent strategy this might be a good start line. the fundamental premise is that each time you prefer somebody else’s post you'll gain points to exchange for followers or likes on your own posts.
There aren’t any effective tools for Instagram unfollowing or following accounts in bulk. huntsman for Instagram provides you this feature in their app. The app additionally provides analytics therefore you'll analyze however followers interact along with your account. Want to become Associate in Nursing Instagram master? check in for the free Instagram course schooled by Instagram guru Gretta Van Cambodian monetary unit. What’s been your secret to obtaining over 16k followers on Instagram?
Engagement makes a distinction. It’s necessary that you justr followers understand that you appreciate them even as very much like they are doing you. For magnified engagement, users ought to search the hashtags wont to attract followers, notice users that stand out, sort of a few pics and comment. You’ll gain the curiosity of these you’ve engaged with, they’ll follow your page, and tag their friends on your posts.
Did you employ any apps to extend Instagram followers?
Initially, tools like Instagress were helpful for engagement, however with the power to focus on followers and sponsor content, they’re not required.
What recommendation would you provide somebody UN agency asks you the way to induce followers on Instagram?
Post, post, post! The a lot of users [you have seeing] your content, the a lot of acquainted they’ll become along with your complete, inflicting them to love, follow, and share. The a lot of you post, the a lot of users desire they understand you.
Imagine if you awakened in the dark to a noise within the room. You run downstairs to search out Oprah drinking a cup of occasional. most of the people wouldn’t decision the cops, why? as a result of they’ve seen most of her content, they desire they understand her. Some would even feel privileged to possess her in their room. That’s the result that constant content provides for influencers.
If you had to call one factor you are doing totally different than anyone else on Instagram, what would that be?
My account encourages, evokes AND informs. It influences the influencers with a complete voice that relates and educates. It attracts the “SHE-E-O” and therefore the woman not far away.
Talia Koren is that the mastermind behind the ever fashionable Work Week Lunch that has Associate in Nursing astounding 114k followers and count. we tend to asked her what the simplest thanks to get Instagram followers is and this can be what she told us:
workweeklunch meal homework InstagramWhat’s helped you grow your Instagram followers to a six figure number?
I hear my audience and provides them what they arouse. It shows that I’m endowed in them and reciprocally they furnish ME their time and a focus. Also, consistency. I show up each single day with valuable content in posts and in stories that helps them rather than simply talking concerning myself. Lastly, I pay shut attention to the changes to the platform. victimisation new options like story highlights and understanding the changes to the rule helped ME grow too.
Have you used any tools to assist you grow the quantity of followers on Instagram you have?
I don’t use any tools outside of the analytics inside Instagram. They’re great! Analytics area unit necessary as a result of they assist you work out what’s operating and what’s not.
We often get asked the way to get followers on Instagram, what ought to somebody beginning out focus on?
When you’re ranging from zero or under one,000 don’t listen to the follower range most. It’s getting to go up and down and it’s getting to be slow. Instead target ways that you'll connect with and facilitate others and obtain them talking concerning you.
What does one suppose separates your Instagram account from others out there?
Well, my account isn’t that totally different from several out there however I don’t post any photos of myself. It’s not concerning ME it’s concerning my audience! I additionally use stories as a vlogging channel that my followers love.
Gracie Parish is Associate in Nursing Instagram influencer UN agency grew her Instagram following to a formidable forty-one.3k. we tend to asked her to share her recommendation on the way to get followers on Instagram, here’s what she said:
gracieparish coachella InstagramWhat steps did you're taking to induce over forty-one,000 followers on Instagram?
I take plenty of your time to have interaction with my followers through Instagram, emails, Facebook, and Pinterest. I take time every week to retort to as several followers as I will in addition as I ensure to have interaction with my followers on their posts in addition. Through collaborations, I even have been able to cross-promote with several bloggers or completes that I feel work my brand and this has very helped grow my following.
What’s had the most important impact on increasing your Instagram followers?
I work very laborious on building believability on my journal to make a a lot of authentic relationship with my followers. to try and do this I solely promote brands and merchandise i actually believe. Through 5 years of blogging, i actually complete the way to choose the brands that work my journal and elegance best in addition because the brands that my followers fancy seeing that has contributed to my success.
If somebody asked you the way to induce followers on Instagram what recommendation would you share?
Be yourself and don’t lose confidence in yourself. Building a journal took years of labor, and if you're able to maintain a complete and keep faithful yourself, your followers can notice of that. i might additionally advise somebody to not get discouraged within the starting, as a result of it takes plenty of your time and follow. No [influencer] was Associate in Nursing long success.
What’s the one factor your Instagram will otherwise than different Instagram accounts?
One factor my instagram will otherwise than different accounts is i actually attempt to provide followers insight into my world. whereas plenty of my content is sponsored, i actually try and posts real, quality posts in addition to assist my followers get to understand ME higher and provides them the content they're asking to examine. plenty of journalgers get trapped within the business facet and whereas a blog could be a business, it's necessary to not lose your believability and to remain real along with your followers.
How to Get Followers on Instagram outline Figuring out the way to get followers on Instagram is that the hardest within the starting. Once you’ve passed your initial ten,000 followers you’ll ought to continue victimisation some or all of the ways during this article to stay growing your account to 100k or maybe on the far side a million. Don’t forget to update your profile frequently, particularly your Instagram bio to incorporate new CTAs or fascinating news. At the tip of the day, you’ll ought to place yourself out there quite you ever have before. perhaps posting on Instagram 3 times on a daily basis on a daily basis of the week to assist you grow your visibility. however eventually, all that tough work pays off. And you’ll have gained Associate in Nursing Instagram following you'll be happy with.
Want to be told a lot of Instagram hacks? check in for Shopify’s free Instagram course today! In our initial time period on the platform, we tend to went from zero Instagram followers to quite 10k followers. we tend to achieved this by following a reasonably easy method we tend to hacked along throughout the comparatively period of time of the platform’s growing quality (although the principles we tend to used still hold up).
Then, with some experimentation and effort, we tend to went from one0k followers to amassing quite 1 million real Instagram followers, creating America one in all the highest Instagram accounts in our niche. because of Instagram, we’ve additionally been able to crush sales and conversions, drastically increase our on-line exposure and audience, and scale our business at a rate that’s exceeded the norm and even our own expectations.
In the following comprehensive post, we’ve printed, step by step, precisely what we tend to did to search out such wild success with Instagram. currently you'll find out how to induce a lot of followers on instagram. However, as Instagram and its audience have continued  to evolve, so have we. so as to continue scaling, we’ve had to require note and adapt to those ever-changing conditions with totally different ways.
Some didn’t compute therefore well, et al. are crucial to obtaining America to over one million followers on Instagram in such a brief amount of your time. therefore currently we’re getting to tell you all concerning those that worked the simplest. while not any flurry, here area unit our elaborated results and findings therefore you can also cultivate an enormous following and begin taking advantage of the ability of this exciting and ever-flourishing social network.
Here’s a video from Nathan on the highest 5 FREE ways that to grow your Instagram. during this video, Nathan talks concerning a number of the ways we tend to discuss during this article that Foundr wont to grow therefore apace. This half goes to require some thought and energy. to realize an enormous following of real individuals on Instagram, you have got to supply content that’s not solely created specifically for Instagram, however additionally content that’s the correct fit  what your audience needs. Finding the correct approach and elegance is crucial, as a result of it’s getting to become the means your followers acknowledge you.
Generally speaking, there area unit forms of pictures that job well with plenty of industries; posters with sacred or hilarious quotes, quality food photography, or scenic pictures area unit safe beginning points.
That being aforementioned, fastidiously take into account what form of content it's that you’re manufacturing. you have got to recollect that Instagram is such successful as a result of it’s an entirely distinctive platform, and therefore the expertise it provides the user is totally totally different than one thing like Facebook or Twitter.
Consider things like: however area unit individuals getting to notice your content? What hashtags area unit you getting to use? If somebody searches one in all these hashtags and finds your posts, area unit they getting to be intrigued enough to click through to your account, or can they be unsuccessful that there’s no correlation between your post and therefore the hashtag?
What is it concerning the photographs you manufacture which will create individuals do quite simply scroll on by? in line with Zabisco, humans method visuals sixty,000 times quicker than plain text. In under a second, an individual decides, based mostly upon the photographs you share, whether or not or not you’re value their time. meaning you wish to square out. Once you agree on your content sort and strategy, it’s very necessary that you just persist with that theme. the quantity one factor that keeps individuals returning to any complete or business is consistency, whether or not it’s a Starbucks Macchiato or a Snickers bar. It’s precisely the same with the sort of content you manufacture.
The reason Foundr has such a lot of real followers on Instagram is as a result of individuals will expect a systematically high level of quality from America. They understand that on Instagram, we tend to manufacture an explicit quite post, which trust is what keeps them returning for a lot of.
This is additionally why we tend to’re extremely chooseive of the kind of accounts and posts we select for a “share-for-share” (S4S) (more on this later). We’re very protecting of our complete and our audience, that is why we tend to solely ever need to be manufacturing content we’re completely sure our niche needs. a typical drawback plenty of individuals face once beginning out on Instagram is that they’re not entirely positive what form of theme or content it's they need to supply. sadly, there very isn't any straightforward answer, as a result of at the tip of the day you don’t need to be a aper of a bigger account. To be very eminent on Instagram, you wish to be a touch distinctive.
The best thanks to start is to try and do some hashtag analysis (don’t worry, we’re getting to dig deep into hashtags in Section 6). scrutinize SaaS’s (software as a service) like Iconosquare to search out out what hashtags area unit trending and that one fits you best. notice competitors UN agency use identical hashtags as you are doing, or maybe notice users UN agency follow these hashtags and see what different quite content they like. From there, it’s simply a matter of testing out your content. Do some A/B testing, attempt one form of content one week and check out one thing else the week when. verify what works best, and very get to understand your audience.
To get you started, make certain to visualize out apps like WordSwag and Typorama for text-focused Instagram posts. we tend to use these exact same apps for our own Instagram account! Once you recognize what form of content is true for your complete, it’s time to essentially target making nice posts that you just understand area unit getting to connect along with your audience. This might sound obvious, however we tend to perpetually see the content creation itself obtaining neglected. verify what your customers fancy seeing on Instagram or what themes resonate with them, and populate your account with relevant pictures.
But you’ve ought to connect along with your audience, specifically. Remember, beauty is within the eye of the somebody.
That’s why it’s therefore crucial to develop a decent relationship along with your audience, therefore you learn what form of content it's they like. There are various times once we tend to’ve denote one thing that we thought would completely crush it with engagement, however it clad to be a dud. different times we’ve been left scratching our heads on why this one post is therefore fashionable.
One great way to search out out what your customers like is by finding out what your competition is posting, or what quite imaging is employed on the websites or blogs that area unit fashionable in your business.
If you’re in Associate in Nursing business wherever what you’re marketing is already visually appealing, photos of what you are doing isn't a foul plan either. However, keep such pictures within the minority; posting plenty concerning yourself on social media is simply like being the person at BBQ UN agency solely talks concerning themselves.
On that note, it’s very necessary that you just don’t run the chance of “oversharing.” a celeb will depart with it as a result of an outsized a part of their charm and complete is their personal life. Fans area unit genuinely curious on what Beyonce has for dinner or what precisely it's the Rock is preparation. If you’re running a private account, that’s additionally wholly fine, as a result of it’s specific Associate in Nursingd clear that this can be an account for sharing your standard of living.
However, if you’re running an expert account, unless your personal photos truly slot in with the theme of your complete, it’s not a decent plan. parenthetically, as a CEO or founder, a private photograph of however you’ve organized your work table would slot in along with your theme. a private photograph of you in Vegas doesn’t have identical result.
Oversharing means you lose out on engagement as a result of your content is simply too off topic and confusing to create a uniform audience.
On Instagram, engagement is king. For best results, we tend to found pictures that trigger Associate in Nursing feeling or queries that elicit some thought work rather well. parenthetically, this image below got over ninety fifth a lot of engagement than our regular posts. For Instagram, we’re told that 1 Chronicles engagement in terms of likes could be a smart metric to follow.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram People Like Seeing people Include faces in your photos. pictures with faces are well-known to extend engagement, as a result of our brains naturally need to move with people. Also, pictures that don’t embody faces, however employing a point-of-view shot wherever the camera acts because the eyes of the audience will facilitate them create them desire they’re a district of the image. Despite having fewer likes, you'll see however the subsequent post by Mecca Maxima has way more comments compared to their posts that don’t embody faces.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram victimisation faces Calls to Action Every post ought to have a powerful decision to action or CTA (marketing represent Associate in Nursing instruction for your viewer to try and do something) encouraging individuals to follow you or just like the post within the caption. By adding in an exceedingly decision to action, individuals area unit twenty fifth a lot of possible to follow through on it action than while not it.
This CTA ought to be relevant to the photograph, and not identical because the one you utilized in your bio (more on your bio later). It’s a softer raise.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram Think of a CTA as the way to cue those who there's Associate in Nursing action they may take. By adding a CTA to your image, all you’re doing is reminding your followers that they don’t got to simply scroll on past, they'll truly do different things, as well as feeling your image, or writing a comment.
Ask queries in your captions to encourage individuals to retort. this can be a really straightforward maneuver to create positive that your Instagram followers area unit interacting along with your account.
“Putting a matter in your caption perpetually creates interest and forces individuals to browse and hopefully respond.” – Bianca Cheah, founder and MD of Sporteluxe
Remember, the one factor {you need|you would like|you wish} to realize the foremost along with your audience is engagement—you want them to have an interest in and in person connected to your complete and your account. Gently encouraging them to take a position under a second into every post will wonders for cultivating that engagement.
Examples of CTAs area unit “tag your friends UN agency area unit like this,” or “double faucet if you agree.” perpetually provide your fans one thing to try and do. This helps your account unfold like conflagration.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram victimisation Link in bio It’s Storytime! Develop a story along with your posts. Capture people’s attention by providing a narrative; don’t simply accept a generic line of text. Get individuals endowed and sing their own praises what quantity price you'll give in one go. one in all my favorite accounts to follow is cereal.entrepreneur. every Instagram post is among either atiny low bio, or interview with the featured businessperson therefore you get an opportunity to understand a touch a lot of concerning them and what they are doing.
how to get 10k followers on instagram 2018 cereal entrepeurner Developing a story additionally ties into feeling. perpetually look to elicit Associate in Nursing feeling along with your posts. whether or not you’re wanting to inspire individuals, create them laugh, or stun them, your posts should aim to trigger Associate in Nursing feeling along with your audience. a good example to appear at here would be Chubbies, Associate in Nursingd note however they’re perpetually wanting to create their audience laugh by posting an assortment of jokes and memes.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram victimisation user generated content User-Generated Content Post user-generated content whenever potential. Not solely can this provide your complete social proof and create individuals way more possible to follow you, however it’ll additionally assist you build a vivacious and engaged community around your Instagram account. Frank Body have nearly designed their entire Instagram strategy by curating user-generated content. This has helped them build a community of engaged Instagram followers, in addition as produce many loyal complete ambassadors. to search out out a lot of concerning their social media strategy, do ensure to visualize out our interview with the founders of Frank Body.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram frank anatomy how to get a lot of followers on instagram victimisation user generated content Here you'll see we’ve got a photograph of somebody taking a photograph with our table book Foundr V1.0 Regularly use your posts to raise followers to share their content with you. ensure to offer them Associate in Nursing incentive for doing this, though, like running Associate in Nursing Instagram competition or giveaway. you'll simply parson their posts by asking them to use your branded hashtag.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram by reposting Your Instagram Theme Getting a lot of individuals to move with you furthermore mght involves maintaining a uniform aesthetic theme so your Instagram feed reaffirms your complete identity. an easy thanks to do this is to use identical filter. It makes your pictures a lot of recognizable and your overall feed look a lot of skilled. Notice however Herschel provide maintains their aesthetic theme by perpetually ensuring their posts have similar tones and colours. Not solely do these posts look nice, however thanks to the consistency you'll see however their feed includes a natural flow thereto that builds familiarity and affinity.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram victimisation Associate in Nursing instagram theme Remember that quality perpetually beats amount once it involves Instagram posts. Don’t post one thing for the sake of posting. perpetually ensure your content is providing price to your audience in a way.
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 3: Treat Your Community On Instagram Like Gold One of the most important mistakes individuals create once building their Instagram account is that they solely ever see their followers as numbers.
Followers aren’t the sole metric that matters once it involves Instagram, however you'll get trapped and become therefore obsessed in growing your follower count that you just forget that every one that chooses to follow you is truly a living, respiration individual. It doesn’t matter what quite account you’re running, whether or not it’s personal or business, identical is true all over.
You must perpetually respect your audience.
I really can’t stress that enough, and it’s become even clearer to America as we’ve gained expertise with the platform. If you’re not being attentive and paying attention to your audience, then you’re not building one thing that has any variety of purposeful impact. All you’re doing is stroke your ego.
So however does one understand if you’re connecting along with your audience? whereas your follower count is also the foremost necessary metric, our journey to one million followers schooled America that you just should additionally listen to your engagement levels. this suggests what percentage likes you’re obtaining, what percentage individuals area unit bothering to truly discuss your posts, what percentage individuals truly undergo your Instagram sales funnel.
According to the known economic expert principle, eightieth of your results solely come back from 2 hundredth of your audience, or eightieth of your revenue solely comes from 2 hundredth of your customers. whereas a lot of of a rule of thumb than a tough observation, the economic expert principle ought to cause you to notice that it’s not concerning having an outsized follower count the maximum amount because it is concerning having an outsized core of engaged followers.how to get a lot of followers on instagram increase instagram engagement You don’t need a vast follower count as a result of it provides you bragging rights; you wish an enormous follower count as a result of by increasing your reach and exposure, you increase the chance of finding one true follower.
A true follower is somebody UN agency completely loves your content and what you are doing. They’re the one that, if asked, can place down cash as a result of you asked them to, or strictly as a result of it’s one thing that you just created. believe any time you’ve been loyal to a complete and selected them over one thing else.
If you ever need to develop any variety of influence or exposure, this could be your primary goal in growing an enormous follower count. 10 thousand followers isn’t spectacular unless you have got a minimum of one,000 true followers.
That’s why we tend to treat our community like gold.
For example, we tend to area unit terribly strict on ensuring we tend to reply to each comment potential.
how to get a lot of 10k followers on instagram the way to increase engagement on instagram You want to inspire comments that transcend the generic “nice pic,” and “awesome post!” selection. truly show that there’s an individual's behind the screen. It’s a surefire thanks to create yourself stand out from the group.
Be as informal as potential once partaking with different users, and be faithful however you speak in world. Emphasize the temperament behind your complete and let individuals understand that you’re not simply another mechanism. Again, take a glance at however Frank Body uses their “Frank” persona to have interaction with their followers to nice result.
It’s wonderful what percentage brands forget the social facet of social media networks. It’s not a unidirectional communication model wherever the audience passively has got to settle for what you have got to mention. If somebody takes the time to truly write a discuss your post, the terribly least you'll do is reply.
It’s an easy reward for those that trouble to have interaction with you in an exceedingly dialogue. one thing as straightforward as that goes a protracted means toward turning somebody into a real fan. We’ll even send non-public messages to our new followers once it’s acceptable. The key here is to create your Instagram followers feel welcome and happy to be a district of your community.
As we tend to mentioned within the last section, you’ll notice posts that have calls to action asking individuals to comment tend to garner the foremost shares and tags. By beginning a voice communication this manner, you'll show your audience that you’re not some faceless  corporation, however an individual or those that truly care concerning others’ opinions.
how to get 10k instagram followers in 2018 It might even yield surprising results, as we frequently notice real gems inside our comments for ideas on articles and totally different individuals to interview.
Want to induce Even a lot of Instagram Followers? check in For Our Live Masterclass
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 4: Post on Instagram frequently Aim to post on an everyday basis, concerning once each 3 to four hours. However, don’t bulk post a full bunch of photos in one sitting; users can usually regard this as spam and unfollow you. think about it like sowing seeds. You don’t need to simply plug all of your seeds into a hole in one go; you wish to unfold them out.
You’re going for consistency. If your audience can’t well deem you to post frequently, you’re not getting to notice many of us willing to follow you on the off probability that you’re getting to post one thing each currently and so.
Fortunately, you'll schedule your content if you employ a tool like Later. sadly, Instagram’s API doesn’t let different services post for you, however you'll pre-fill and batch them.
how to get a lot of instagram followers best instagram tools 2018 *Please note you'll solely post from the Instagram Mobile or pill app. you can not post via the Later web site once you area unit logged in.
Use Iconosquare to figure out the simplest times to post to your account and maximize exposure. you'll additionally use Instagram’s native Associate in Nursingalytic platform if you have got an Instagram business account.
how to get a lot of instagram followers 2018 One different posting tip is to perpetually post on Sundays. Sunday is typically a reasonably quiet day on Instagram, creating it the right chance for you to induce prior to the pack and obtain your posts ahead of even a lot of individuals.
Want to induce Even a lot of Instagram Followers? check in For Our Live Masterclass
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 5: There’s Gold In Your Instagram Bio On Instagram, your bio could be a crucial piece of assets. you'll best create use of this section by having a powerful decision to action. you'll expend to one hundred fifty characters, therefore a brief snappy CTA works best.
A strong CTA ought to be Associate in Nursing absolute task for your audience. You already understand that they'll see your content, therefore create it value their whereas to truly take a glance at your bio by providing one thing that you just understand they’ll love.
To create a powerful CTA, you wish to be as straightforward and direct as potential. as a result of you simply get one live link once it involves Instagram, that is in your bio, you wish to be able to get the maximum amount price as potential out of that link.
how to get a lot of instagram followers victimisation link in bio to drive a lot of sales victimisation instagram Your bio ought to even be compelling. Your potential followers on Instagram have many seconds to determine whether or not or not they need to follow you. Your bio ought to capture their attention and create them need to follow you, or at the terribly least, scroll down any to visualize out your content.
Notice however we tend to extra the tagline in our bio, “Building a business is tough.” we tend to extra this to arrest the eye of individuals UN agency visit our profile for the primary time. we would like to ascertain some extent of association and evoke thereforeme quite emotional response so Instagrammers follow America and continue the connection.
Your bio ought to even be searchable. we tend to enclosed the keywords “startup,” entrepreneurs,’” and “entrepreneur magazine” therefore once individuals search on Instagram victimisation these terms, our profile can show up in their search results.
how to get a lot of instagram followers use hashtags Want to induce Even a lot of Instagram Followers? check in For Our Live Masterclass
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 6: Use Hashtags to induce a lot of Instagram Followers Hashtags (keywords preceded by #) might sound like one thing solely annoying teenagers use, however trust America, that’s not the case. they're the way for viewers to navigate simply to topics they’re inquisitive about. Attaching #hashtags to your image, therefore, permits your content to be found a lot of simply by those that don’t already follow you.
First, analysis the foremost fashionable Instagram hashtags in your niche, and so compile them. For us, this concerned building an enormous list of keywords that we tend to found we tend tore relevant to what we do and what our pictures typically area unit concerning (#entrepreneur, #business, #startup, parenthetically).
Instagram Hashtag-Finding Tips Check out what the top-trending hashtags area unit with Tags For Likes. Use Hashtags, TagFire, and grass to search out hashtags relevant to your niche. Copy the hashtags that the highest influencers in your niche area unit victimisation. Use this as the way to not solely generate a lot of exposure and gain a lot of Instagram followers, however as the way to induce on the radars of different influencers. “Users will use Instagram’s Explore feature to search out posts involving trending hashtags appreciate #LoveWins, #CanadaDay, and #FullMoon. If these trending tags area unit relevant to your complete, embody them in timely posts to assist discovery. On the subject of search, Instagram additionally introduced the power to go looking by emoji.” – Jim economic expert, president of Ignite Social Media.
Round up concerning thirty that embody a mixture of high-performing and low-performing hashtags. Use around ten hashtags that have over 1,000,000 posts, then another ten hashtags that solely have 10k to 50k posts, with another ten anyplace in between. this manner you create positive your posts get the maximum amount exposure as potential. Find out what the hashtag of the day is and use it. whether or not it’s one thing like #motivationmonday, #fitnessfriday, or #trumpettuesday, get connected with an excellent larger audience by collaborating in these hashtags. Create multiple sets of hashtags to maximise exposure. Don’t simply accept one set of hashtags, produce around 3 totally different sets of thirty hashtags every. frequently rotate them so your posts reach a range of individuals relevant to your niche. Save them in an exceedingly notes file therefore all you wish to try and do is copy and paste them, and not got to worry concerning writing each out each single time how to get a lot of instagram followers use hashtags Instagram Hashtag Use Once you compile your hashtags, add them to a comment below your post.
Don’t place your hashtags into the outline of the photograph itself. golf stroke them within the comment section instead can hide your list of keywords when others have extra comments. you furthermore mght won’t unnecessarily bulk up your photograph description, permitting you to you retain your description section free for a compelling publicity concerning the photograph.
how to get 10k instagram followers 2018 Reference every post with a full thirty hashtags. Instagram permits you thirty hashtags per post, therefore use every and each one in all them to maximise your post’s exposure.
Branded Instagram Hashtags Create a branded hashtag to create it easier for others to search out you. Original hashtags will assist you facilitate conversations, increase your brand’s name, and assist you build credibleness.
Use your custom hashtag to create a community around your complete, and to frequently interact along with your Instagram followers. It’s Associate in Nursing improbably straightforward thanks to create your followers desire they’re a district of a bigger community. you'll see however customers and followers of Frank Body follow the custom hashtag #thefrankeffect, and the way giant a community has close thanks to this hashtag.
how to get 10k instagram followers 2018 You can additionally use a hashtag in your bio so your account gets a lot of exposure. this can be a really straightforward thanks to ensure that your account shows up in hashtag searches in addition.
Want to induce Even a lot of Instagram Followers? check in For Our Live Masterclass
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 7: Network, Network, Network: the ability of Shoutouts It’s not all concerning pretty photos and keywords. To thrive on Instagram, you’re getting to got to reach out and move with some real, live humans. Networking will work wonders, not solely IRL, however additionally within the social media sphere. it absolutely was a giant driver of Foundr’s success.
When we started, we tend to managed to induce introduced to the current vast network of entrepreneurs, all with accounts of over twenty,000 Instagram followers. They helped America out success by sharing our content, and there area unit similar networks for every kind of industries, with users UN agency area unit all willing to assist out, farewell as you come the favor of course!
Remember, if you facilitate individuals and don’t expect something reciprocally, not solely is it smart destiny, however it comes back to you denary. therefore don’t approach connection Associate in Nursingd teaming up with different accounts with an perspective of, “What’s in it for me?” Rather, think about it as simply serving to your fellow person out, and you ne'er understand, kickshaws might happen to you down the road.
Use Shoutouts to induce a lot of Instagram Followers When it involves growing an enormous following on Instagram, you’re getting to got to get wont to the thought of collaboration over competition.
This is wherever the improbably powerful idea of S4S comes into play. For newcomers, S4S stands for “share for share.” If you’re wanting to land 1,000,000 followers on Instagram, or maybe tens of thousands, you wish to induce wont to the thought of sharing different people’s content.
The basics of S4S area unit quite straightforward. You raise another influencer in your niche if they'd prefer to share your content, and reciprocally you'll share theirs.
This way you’ll be able to expose every other’s brands to every other’s audiences, a number of whom possible haven't even detected of you before. the simplest half is that if you decide on UN agency you are doing S4S with fastidiously, you’ll in all probability notice somebody with Associate in Nursing audience UN agency you recognize can like your content too. You’ll quickly discover that one in all the best things concerning Instagram is that it permits you to faucet directly into a distinct segment with distinct likes, interests, hobbies, and needs.
how to get a lot of instagram followers victimisation share for share As you'll see from the image on top of, it doesn’t got to mean directly sharing every other’s content; you'll simply provides a shoutout to somebody else’s account within the caption.
These forms of transactions area unit distinctive to Instagram and completely priceless for anyone UN agency needs to cultivate an enormous following. however keep in mind that you just should look to be providing a mutual exchange important .
Don’t think about others in your niche as your competition, however as potential partners.
If you’re afraid that somebody goes to “steal your followers” and, as a result, refuse to figure with others, then it's extremely unlikely you’re getting to develop any quite real traction on Instagram.
So thereupon in mind, here’s consecutive secret on the way to maximize your S4S potential: be part of a shoutout cluster.
A shoutout cluster is essentially an off-the-cuff cluster of Instagrammers UN agency have close so as to support one another by doing S4S for each other. therefore rather than having to perpetually notice somebody unaccustomed do S4S with each single time, you’ll instead have an ardent cluster of individuals UN agency you'll faithfully rely on to exchange shares.
Of course, shoutout teams are available all shapes and sizes. typically you’ll notice a bunch with up to many those that area unit merely “shopping” for people to try and do S4S with. quite like Associate in Nursing ad-hoc Instagram marketplace.
how to get a lot of instagram followers victimisation s4s share for share Other times you may notice a a lot of dedicated cluster of individuals UN agency area unit terribly selective of their members and might need even created a group schedule for all members to follow.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram employing a shout out cluster You might be shocked by however well you get to understand each other on the far side Instagram, and even accidentally created your own mastermind cluster. you may do quite simply exchange tips on Instagram, and even begin serving to every other’s businesses out a lot of directly. you may even create a disciple or 2.
how to get a lot of followers on instagram with s4s But don’t begin thinking that these area unit some variety of red triangle illuminati teams that need cryptic initiation processes.
Most teams, and Instagrammers generally, use Kik because the primary supply of communication. However, I’ve seen and been a district of teams that use Slack, GroupMe and even regular Facebook teams.
All it takes has a friendly perspective whereas doing S4S and looking out to create a relationship on the far side Instagram. Before you recognize it, you’ll end up being invited to Associate in Nursing S4S cluster yourself. otherwise you may even need to make your own and invite others!
Types of Instagram Shoutouts When you’re simply beginning out, it may be a touch daunting to raise different accounts to try and do a shoutout for you, however the advantages very do outweigh the prices. Having an outsized account shout you out can do a lot of for your follower count than the rest. however it’s super necessary to create positive that you’re selecting the correct accounts to induce a shoutout from.
If you’re selecting Associate in Nursing account supported pure followers and their theme or audience doesn’t match yours, then all you’ve done is wasted time and cash, as a result of there’s no guarantee that such a shoutout goes to induce you a decent ROI.
There area unit many differing types of shoutouts you'll pursue.
Caption solely shoutouts: The page uses its own image and elegance that it always would, and mentions your page within the caption. This works, however isn't as effective as your own image or branded image. Caption solely may be a less expensive different. OR
Your own image along with your product or service + caption. This works higher than simply a caption-based shoutout, however you have got to create positive the decision to action is nice. Some accounts can solely allow you to place up the image for an explicit amount of your time, et al. can let it stay awake. typically the upper traffic the page, the a lot of you see rules and restrictions. The strategy behind the shoutouts also can vary. What we tend to suggest is adding a CTA to follow your page rather than one that leads individuals to subscribe or optin, as you'll capture the audience and interact with them a lot of. we've tried each pushing the Foundr subscription and obtaining the viewer to follow our page, and that we have found it’s far more effective to induce them to follow you. you have got to recollect you can’t place clickable links within the captions, therefore it may be laborious to induce individuals to perform specific actions. It takes longer for individuals to travel to the bio, notice the link, click on that, and so subscribe, than it will for them to click the follow button.
S4S negotiation once You’re simply obtaining Started Just like the other dealings within the world, S4S is all concerning having a dependent exchange. you have got to confirm that each parties have gotten one thing of comparable price out of this exchange.
If you have got Associate in Nursing account with solely many thousand followers and raise another account with five hundred,000 followers, you’re either getting to be neglected, courteously refused, or outright laughed at. What potential profit may that larger account get from the smaller one?
Unless you have got one thing equally valuable to leverage, then you shouldn’t be asking somebody to try and do S4S for you. That’s just about the equivalent of transferral a knife to a shootout (don’t worry, no one is absolutely fighting).
That results in one in all the queries we tend to get asked the foremost at Foundr, “How do I give leverage in S4S?”
A lot of individuals get discouraged by the thought of approaching larger accounts for Associate in Nursing S4S, as a result of it sounds like they don’t have a comparable follower count. however whereas your follower count is also the foremost necessary metric on Instagram, it doesn’t mean that it's the sole metric on Instagram. If it was, then Associate in Nursingyone might be an influencer with one or two of greenbacks and few thousand bots as Instagram followers.
The best thanks to notice leverage, in any dealing, not simply Instagram, is to require a step back and believe what it's that solely you'll provide. what's that distinctive facet you'll bring that the opposite person might need a tough time getting?
For one, you'll compare your engagement levels. If you'll guarantee a extremely engaged audience with several true Instagram followers then you'll simply use that as leverage in S4S. as a result of the amount of respect and loyalty you command from your audience is simply one thing you'll provide, which makes it a valuable artefact.
Beyond that, believe what else you'll provide.
You can simply bring price and generate plenty of goodwill by being an everyday commenter for a bigger account. A valuable comment are some things that's quite simply the generic “oh wow, this can be great!” statement. Stand out by taking the hassle to vary.
how to get 10k followers on instagram the way to leverage s4s Start a noteworthy discussion and let your targeted influencer understand that you just exist. Who knows, you may truly catch them in an exceedingly generous mood and perhaps they’ll offer you a shoutout simply because they like your guts.
Using Your Bio Link as a leverage One very straightforward thanks to provide leverage in an exceedingly real and tangible means is by providing different accounts your bio link. On Instagram, the sole place you'll place a live link is in your bio. this can be vitally necessary if you’re running any quite sales funnel, however it’s additionally a particularly useful gizmo once making an attempt to grow your follower count.
Use tools like Bit.ly or Pretty Link to trace and monitor what quantity traction your bio link receives. this can offer you laborious information on what quantity price you'll provide them.
how to get 10k followers on instagram get a lot of share for share As long as you retain the link short, contemporary and you’re positive that the landing page results in one thing your audience needs then there’s no reason to not provide your bio link as the way to leverage price. It’s a good means of building a account by changing into Associate in Nursing affiliate, and by providing one thing valuable in your bio link there's no reason you won’t be able to drive your follower count up.
Paying for Shoutouts As altogether walks of life, cash talks. meaning you'll get shoutouts. costs for shoutouts can vary by account. we tend to found that the pages with the simplest results area unit psychological feature or business accounts, therefore you wish to search out high-traffic pages that have smart engagement. we tend to represent smart engagement as a minimum of 1-2% of likes per what percentage Instagram followers the account has.
Also be certain to keep active within the comment section of each shoutout post. It’ll considerably approach your own engagement levels and increase the probabilities individuals can trouble to click through to your account.
For Associate in Nursing account with good engagement and two hundred,000 Instagram followers, we tend to wouldn’t pay quite $50 per shoutout, and that we would need to use our own image.
Want to induce Even a lot of Instagram Followers? check in For Our Live Masterclass
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 8: operating with Influencers to induce a lot of Instagram Followers This is far and away one in all the simplest ways that to extend the quantity of Instagram followers you have got. You’ll be hard put to search out the other maneuver to get as sturdy of Associate in Nursing ROI.
Create an inventory of 10-20 influencers you’d prefer to frequently interact with. understand precisely UN agency it's you wish to induce connected with, as a result of these are the those that will facilitate take your Instagram account to consecutive level. Get influencers to share your content or shout you out. organize for influencers to offer you a shoutout by collaborating in Associate in Nursing S4S deal.
“It’s the #1 thanks to grow at no cost.” – mythical being Stone, founding father of wealthy person Mentor.
how to get 10k followers on instagram work with instagram influencer Use hashtags to search out out UN agency the highest influencers in your niche area unit. Take a glance at what the highest hashtags in your niche area unit and see if you'll establish any explicit account that systematically seems within the “top” or “trending” posts. you'll just about guarantee that they’re Associate in Nursing influencer and somebody you wish to attach with.
how to get 10k followers on instagram the way to notice and work with instagram influencers Paying Influencers You can additionally pay influencer pages to share your content. If all else fails, pay somebody to offer you a shoutout. however before you are doing, ensure that you just will get a guarantee on ROI. What you’re searching for is somebody with Associate in Nursing engaged audience, not essentially an outsized range of Instagram followers. keep in mind that 1-2% engagement could be a minimum for operating with somebody. The higher, the better.
Influencer Account Swaps Do Associate in Nursing account swap with different influencers in your niche. Take over somebody else’s account for on a daily basis and sing their own praises UN agency you're to their audience and contrariwise. this can be a good strategy for anyone with a private complete. Buffer would additionally typically let their staff take over their Instagram account for on a daily basis. this manner their Instagram followers may get to understand a lot of concerning Buffer, their work culture, and what went on behind the scenes.
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Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 9: Bonus Instagram Followers Growth Hacks Need some a lot of growth hacks to supercharge your Instagram follower count? Here area unit ten of our favorites!
Giveaways Hold giveaways on Instagram that need users to follow so as to enter. everybody loves free stuff. Get a bunch of followers long by running a giveaway, however ensure to market it, otherwise you won’t be seeing several results.
Require followers to tag their friends so as to enter. this can be one in all the simplest, and most organic ways that to quickly build your Instagram followers. A general rule of thumb to follow, though, is to carry your Instagram competitions once you have a minimum of 10k followers so as to examine the simplest results.
how to get 10k followers on instagram victimisation giveaways Instagram Ads If you have got a budget, Associate in Nursingd an Instagram Business account, we tend to extremely suggest that you just cash in of Instagram ads as the way to capture new Instagram followers.
Viral pictures Create microorganism pictures encouraging your fans to tag their friends. Get ideas for what forms of posts tend to be fashionable by observance what’s trending in your targeted hashtags. produce similar posts in your own vogue, and raise individuals to tag their friends.
how to get 10k followers on instagram in 2018 victimisation microorganism pictures Geolocation Targeting Use geolocation targeting to spot followers relevant to your niche in an exceedingly sure space. If you happen to run a brick-and-mortar business, this can be a wonderful means of obtaining the eye of native patronage.
Offline promoting Take your promotional efforts offline and promote your Instagram account through the utilization of physical merchandise like branded stickers or pamphlets, for example. If you happen to possess a custom hashtag you’d prefer to promote, use these physical merchandise as the way to induce individuals a lot of interested and excited concerning your accounts.
how to get 10k followers on instagram victimisation offline promoting Fan Pages Create fan pages and use them to drive followers to your business pages. Instagram currently permits you to run multiple accounts through their app, therefore cash in of this by making another account designed to support your main account. Use it as the way to experiment with totally different ways and connect with different influencers.
The ‘Thunderclap’ Strategy Organize a “thunderclap” and obtain multiple accounts to share a post of yours at identical time. this can be an incredible strategy to drive a lot of traffic to your account, particularly if you’re wanting to sell a product. A shoutout from not one, however multiple influencers in your niche can guarantee that many thousand potential Instagram followers can see your post.
Social Sharing Automatically share your Instagram posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. produce an easy method with one thing like IFTTT therefore your Instagram posts area unit mechanically shared on your different social media accounts. provide your posts that additional little bit of exposure whereas at the same time growing your different social media accounts.
how to get 10k instagram followers 2018 Lead Magnets Invest it slow in making Instagram-specific lead magnets out there solely on your account, whether or not it’s Associate in Nursing ebook, a webinar, or maybe an easy PDF. this can incentivize individuals to follow your account, Associate in Nursingd it ought to be an integral a part of your Instagram promoting strategy if you’re coming up with on generating sales and conversions through your account.
how to get 10k followers on instagram victimisation lead magnets Like-for-Like teams Join and participate in like-for-like teams to boost your post’s organic reach. notice and connect with a bunch of like  those that area unit in an exceedingly similar niche to yours. facilitate one another out on Instagram by feeling every other’s posts or effort comments. These teams area unit a good thanks to any your network, and develop stronger relationships with different influencers.
Use your like-for-like teams to drop “like bombs” or “engagement bombs” on posts to extend their possibilities of trending. produce a custom hashtag that solely you and your cluster area unit alert to so it’s easier for you to search out every other’s posts. Then, as a group, everybody like or discuss one person’s post to offer it an enormous boost in organic traffic.
how to get 10k followers on instagram employing a like for like cluster on instagram 2018 Want to induce Even a lot of Instagram Followers? check in For Our Live Masterclass
Learn How to travel From 0-500K+ Followers in twelve Months! be part of our FREE Live Instagram Masterclass! 10: our favourite Instagram Tools to induce a lot of Followers ink361 – run scans on your competitors’ accounts and finds the foremost commented and likeable pictures. Track your growth and your competitor’s growth victimisation Social Blade. Use Iconosquare professional for in-depth Instagram analytics. this can be our personal recommendation for Associate in Nursingyone searching for an analytics platform for Instagram, however Iconosquare professional may be terribly pricey, therefore solely invest in it if you’re serious concerning your Instagram account. how to get 10k followers on instagram best instagram tools 2018 Check out apps like Wordswag, Rhonda, Snappa and Typorama to make fast and simple text posts. we tend to use these apps to make the bulk of the content on our Instagram account. how to get 10k followers on instagram best instagram tools 2018 We suggest VSCO to edit your pictures and provides your account Associate in Nursing aesthetic theme if you’re not doing quote pictures and victimisation in the main images. It’s a good app with plenty of practicality that’s excellent for social media writing. For desktop users, undoubtedly use Canva to make most, if not all, of your social media pictures. For royalty-free pictures head to Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay. Use Grum to schedule and modify your Instagram posts. Take a number of the compute of the equation by merely automating once your posts exit. Share fashionable posts with Repost and Instagrab. whether or not it’s a picture post or a video, use these apps to transfer fashionable posts from different accounts. however keep in mind to perpetually credit the initial creator. Plan out your Instagram feed with arrangeoly. this can be nice if you wish to induce a thought of what your feed would seem like, or if you’re coming up with on making a collage-type feed with multiple posts. I’d suggest victimisation this for the primary few months close to of a replacement account to assist decipher what the aesthetic theme goes to appear like. how to get 10k followers on instagram shedule posts on instagram If you have got Hootsuite, ensure to undertake their TrendSpottr app to assist you discover out what the highest trending posts and influencers area unit. Use Kik to attach and communicate with different Instagram users. If the opposite user doesn’t have their Kik in public listed, you'll perpetually message them directly through Instagram’s native electronic messaging tool. Apps like Hyperlapse area unit nice for making videos with a lot of energy and fast movement. Videos with plenty of movement straight off grab people’s attention and make interest. Tell a complete story in an exceedingly matter of seconds. Apps like Flixel or Pictoreo area unit nice for making delicate cinemagraphs. whereas fast videos tend to grab a lot of attention, the slower cinemagraph-type posts area unit a lot of possible to get higher engagement. how to get 10k followers on instagram best instagram tools 2018 Create gorgeous text animations with Legend. this can be a good tool to assist your quote pictures stand out even a lot of. Go Get a lot of Instagram Followers! however First… So those area unit the steps that we tend to we tend tont through and a few of the expansion hacks we wont to go from zero to 10k followers in time period, and so scale to one million followers and counting! Before you go running off to try and do all of that tho', we’d encourage you to believe why you’re on, or need to get on Instagram.
We can’t guarantee this technique can work as effectively for you because it did for America. It served our functions thanks to our explicit niche and what we tend to needed to induce out of the platform. Instagram is definitely a robust tool, however it’s not very {for eachone|for everybody} or every business. many queries you may need to raise yourself are:
Is my business, or what I sell visually appealing? Am I willing to share stuff that isn’t directly involving what I sell? Do I even have time to have interaction in an exceedingly new social media platform? If you answered no to 1 or a lot of of those queries, you may need to rethink why you wish to leap on Instagram promoting. You don’t need to be wasting resources on one thing that simply isn’t for you. Otherwise, we’d encourage you to use this guide to spice up your followers!
What area unit we tend to missing, Foundr family? i do know you all have many Instagram tricks up your sleeve. Share your favorite, or allow us to understand if you have got queries on any of those within the comments below.
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seasontu66-blog · 5 years
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justbeingnamaste · 6 years
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Here Are 7 ‘Lost Technologies’ From Nikola Tesla That Threatened The Global Elite !
Not long ago I wrote about how the federal Bureau of Investigation (The FBI) released a number of declassified files about Nikola Tesla.
Among them, the government revealed their interest in the Death Ray –a futuristic particle beam weapon that Tesla had invented.
Check out this article and download ALL of Nikola Tesla’s patents.
73 years after the FBI seized nearly TWO TRUCKS of papers of one of the world’s most famous inventors, the Federal Bureau of Investigations released the documents to the public. The batch of documents made available through the Freedom of Information Act also reveal Tesla did not die on January 7, 1943, as previously believed, but a day later on January 8.
In general, the FBI documents revealed a number of details that changed a lot of what we know about Tesla, his life, his inventions and his legacy. Check out the declassified documents from the FBI HERE.
Tesla, like the genius he was, was way ahead of his time.
He envisioned a bright and positive future for mankind, as he patented and created hundreds of technologies that no one before had envisioned, nor dared to imagine.
It is rightfully said that the Croatian-born inventor was a man who changed the world.
In this article, we take a look at seven ‘lost’ inventions by Tesla, which many people are unaware of.
Tesla’s UFO—antigravity technology
We know that Tesla was all about free energy and alternative powers sources.
Actually, it wasn’t unidentified.
Despite this, the methods and design of Tesla’s revolutionary vehicle is believed to match the description of people who witnessed disk-shaped flying objects, or UFO’s.
It is believed that Tesla’s UFO had ‘eyes’ made of electro-optical lenses, arranged in quadrants, allowing the pilot to see everything. Screens and monitors are placed on a console where the browser can observe all areas around the vehicle, and Tesla’s incredible invention included magnifying lenses, which could have been used without changing positions.
Evidence of such a vehicle can be found in an interview between Nikola Tesla and The New York Herald, from 1911:
“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, at higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of “holes in the air” or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for a great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ but upon positive mechanical action.”RF
Tesla’s Death Ray
Prior to the release of the declassified documents by the FBI, many people argue that Tesla’s Death Ray was just another conspiracy.
Previously, it was believed that Tesla’s Death Ray did not exist, and the FBI claimed for over a decade that none of their agents had EVER investigated Tesla’s papers, nor was the bureau in possession of any of them.
However, after the FBI published Tesla’s files, we learned that among the published files, a letter addressed to J. Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the FBI, highlights the importance of an article in which Tesla speaks of the death ray and its ‘crucial importance’ for future warfare.
It was recommended that Tesla constantly remained under surveillance in order to protect him from ‘foreign enemies’ who may also have an interest in “the secret of such an invaluable instrument of war and/or defense.”
Free Energy, and wireless electricity
With the help of funding from JP Morgan, Tesla successfully built and tested the famous Wardenclyffe Tower.
The structure was a massive wireless energy transmission station which, according to Tesla, had the ability to transmit wireless power across great distances.
Tesla saw the Wardenclyffe Tower as the beginning of a massive free energy project.
Tesla wanted to use the tower not only to transmit free energy but to send out messages, telephone calls across the Earth.
As explained by Tesla himself, the Earth is “…like a charged metal ball moving through space”, which creates the enormous, rapidly varying electrostatic forces which diminish in intensity with the square of the distance from Earth, just like gravity. Since the direction of propagation radiates from the earth, the so-called force of gravity is toward earth.
His theories were based on the idea that our planet had the ability to conduct the signals. Using a number of different towers, Tesla could have made the idea work.
However, and as we have learned through history, the idea of Free Energy isn’t really welcomed by big corporations. After all, why give free energy to the masses when you can make the masses pay big time?
Eventually, Tesla’s funding was canceled, and the tower was destroyed, along with Tesla’s ideas of a world powered by free energy.
Tesla’s Oscillator
This device was an electromechanical apparatus patented by Tesla in 1893.
The device was popularly known as Tesla’s Earthquake machine after the European inventor claimed that one version of his device caused an Earthquake in New York in 1898.
In other words, the device could allegedly simulate earthquakes, which meant it could be weaponized. Some conspiracy theorists are convinced that Tesla’s technology was later further developed and is being used by HAARP.
Tesla’s Futuristic Aircraft
In addition to creating devices that could potentially be used as weapons, and structures that could offer Free Energy to the world, Nikola Tesla also worked on electrically powered airships that, according to reports, could transport passengers from New York to London in three hours.
These aircraft were not ordinary vehicles. They were supposedly able to harness energy right fro Earth’s atmosphere and had no need ever to stop and refuel.
But why have aircraft that makes use of free energy, if billions can be made by selling it?
Drones in 1898
More than a hundred years ago, Tesla invented DRONES.
So, everyone who thinks that Drones are actually a product of recent technologies, you are wrong.
It was called Tesla’s TELEAUTOMATON. And the funny part is that the government had this technology in their possession for over a hundred years. This raises a number of questions.
Is it possible that they adopted, further developed, and used ‘drones’ more than half a decade ago?
Here’s an excerpt from Tesla’s Drone patent:
Here is an excerpt from his patent:
“Be it known that I, Nikola Tesla a citizen of the United States, residing at New York, in the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful improvements in methods of and apparatus for controlling from a distance the operation of the propelling engines, the steering apparatus, and other mechanism carried by moving bodies or floating vessels, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the drawings accompanying and forming part of the same… The invention which I have described will prove useful in many ways. Vessels or Vehicles of any suitable kind may be used, like life, dispatch, or pilot boats or the like, or for carrying letters, packages, provisions, instruments, objects, or materials of any description, for establishing communication with inaccessible regions and exploring the conditions existing in the same, for killing or capturing whales or other animals of the sea, and for many other scientific, engineering, or commercial purposes; but the greatest value of my invention will result from its effect upon warfare and armaments, for by reason of its certain and unlimited destructiveness it will tend to bring about and maintain permanent peace among nations.”
From: “Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 613,809, dated November 8, 1898.” The full original text and diagrams can be found at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website: http://patimg1.uspto.gov/.piw?docid=00613809&SectionNum=1&IDKe
Propulsion systems for Spacecraft, and Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity
While we discussed something similar in Tesla’s UFO, the truth is that he went beyond flying objects.
In an unpublished article of Man’s Greatest Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity saying that ‘luminiferous ether fills all space’. Tesla said that the ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force. The ether is thrown into “infinitesimal whirls” (“micro helices”) at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter. Then, the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of “atomic decay”).
Mankind can harness these processes, to:
-Precipitate matter from the ether -Create whatever he wants with the matter, and energy derived -Alter the earth’s size -Control earth’s seasons (weather control) -Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a spaceship -Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light -Originate and develop life in infinite forms
~~~ Source ( Gratitude ) Ivan is editor-in-chief at ancient-code.com, he also writes for Universe Explorers. You may have seen him appear on the Discovery and History Channel.
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darkfurypolice · 3 years
The Strength of Aluminum
If you’re like many people, when you hear the word “aluminum”, you think of everyday convenience items that, while incredibly useful, don’t exactly convey a high-strength image. And it’s true – aluminum is a highly versatile metal – meaning it can be processed to be thin, lightweight, bendable and even crushable by human hands.
What’s less well-understood is that aluminum can also be some of the toughest stuff on earth. Often, the metal is used in applications where high-strength and durability are the most important considerations – from cars and trucks to building material to military vehicles. You likely trust aluminum to keep you safe and secure dozens of times a day without even knowing it.
Take-Away Facts
The Key to Auto Safety: Automakers are increasingly turning to aluminum as part of the multi-material mix to increase vehicle fuel efficiency while maintaining strength and safety. Every aluminum-intensive vehicle ever crash tested by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has earned a 5-star safety rating.
High-Strength Aluminum is Everywhere: High-strength aluminum alloys are used in hundreds of everyday applications where strength and durability are essential – from planes to trains, buses to trucks – even some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers.
Extreme Applications: Aluminum is also used by the U.S. military, NASA and others to build vehicles and structures capable of thriving in some of the harshest conditions imaginable.
The Chemistry of Strength: By adding elements like silicon, magnesium and lithium to pure aluminum and through special processing techniques, aluminum can be engineered to be as strong if not stronger than some steel.
Aluminum is about one-third the weight of steel, meaning parts can be made thicker and stronger while still reducing weight in vehicles and other applications. Depending on the alloy and processing technique used, pound for pound aluminum can be forged to be just as strong if not stronger than some steel. Aluminum is already the second-most-used material by automakers, so your car or truck likely has a lot of aluminum in it right now, protecting you from hazards on the road. Engineers know how to work with aluminum to make parts that perform as well or better than steel parts – all while reducing vehicle weight. Aluminum is highly effective at absorbing crash energy, protecting passengers in the event of an accident. And lighter aluminum vehicles improve performance. Better handling and shorter stopping distances help drivers avoid accidents to begin with.
Aluminum is used for window frames and curtain wall in some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers – maybe even the office building you’re sitting in right now. This versatile metal is used to make planes, trains, buses, trucks – even ocean liners!
In short, every day, people around the world trust the strength of aluminum – whether they know it or not.
In addition to “everyday” applications, aluminum’s strength and durability is also trusted for some of the most extreme uses imaginable. Designers know that high-strength aluminum alloys can handle some of the harshest conditions on earth – and beyond.
U.S. Army: The U.S. Army has trusted aluminum for decades to help protect our troops. The high-strength, crash-absorbent metal is used in the Humvee (HMMWV), HEMTT and Bradley Fighting Vehicle to reduce weight, resist rust and be reliable under tough conditions. Aluminum armor plate is even used to resist explosives and other attacks.
NASA: It’s no exaggeration to say that modern space travel would not be possible without aluminum. The metal was widely used in the space shuttle program and NASA chose a high-strength aluminum-lithium alloy to make the new Orion spacecraft, which will someday take humans to Mars.
U.S. Air Force: After replacing older wood, steel, wire and fiber aircraft during WWII, high-strength aluminum alloys have become among the most commonly used materials to make military aircraft. Indeed, the airframe for the famed fighter jet – the F-16 – is 80% aluminum.
Shark Cages: Even when facing one of nature’s fiercest predators – the strength of aluminum is trusted. Aluminum is the popular choice for shark cages because the metal is more buoyant than alternatives and won’t corrode in salt water. Aluminum bar is more than strong enough to protect divers from direct attacks from Great White and other sharks.
T Slot Aluminum Extrusion
Aluminum extrusion t- slot is extremely useful for a wide range of framing applications. T-slots can be used for any number of structural applications, and require no welding or special tools for assembly. Frames built from aluminum instead of steel also benefit from the aesthetics of the metal, which needs no finishing and is attractive in its natural state.
Hydro Extrusion is the world’s premier soft alloy aluminum extruder, offering the industry’s most comprehensive product line. Our aluminum products are available in standard and custom shapes (solid, semi-hollow and hollows), in a complete range of structural angles, channels, tees, zees, H-beams and I-beams, and seamless and structural aluminum pipe and tube, and are preferred by premium machinists throughout North America.
T-slots allow for modular construction and can be used to construct any imaginable project. Long, narrow T-shaped slots travel along the length of all four sides of the extrusion, making it possible to design an unlimited number of framing configurations and position fasteners, panels and other components or accessories.
Some profiles have one slot per side, while wider profiles can accommodate two, three or four slots on each side. Still other profiles feature slots on only one or two sides, leaving the other sides smooth for exceptionally clean installations. T-slots are also available in smooth and grooved profiles and a variety of colors.
Aluminum Extrusion 15 Series T-slot are ideal for framing in many different industries and can accommodate nearly any load. Common applications include workstations, machine bases and enclosures, medical manufacturing, material handling carts, stairs and platforms, to name a few. T-slots help create safe, comfortable and attractive workplace environments, and can be used to attach panels, wire mesh, screens, etc. They can also be used to hold wiring (similar to conduit), or to hang containers or tools.
We offer complete solutions for aluminum extrusions required by the automotive, mass transit, bridge decking, and solar/renewable energy industries, as well as green applications for the building & construction market. T-slots, specifically, provide a simple, fast and cost-effective way to build structures of any kind. They are also easy to take apart and reassemble for another purpose.
Hydro Extrusion offers an unparalleled variety of product choices to meet the needs of our customers’ challenging project requirements. We have 20+ locations and more than 60 extrusion presses across North America, and offer the industry’s broadest product capabilities in press sizes and tonnages (direct and indirect extrusion), alloy selection, circle sizes, profile types and “green” billet. Whether you need aluminum extrusion 20 series t-slot or any other extruded shape or stock, our talented team will work with you to provide effective solutions.
Overview of Pipes and Tubes
A Pipe is a round tubular for the flow of fluids and gasses, defined by a nominal pipe size providing a rough representation of the pipe conveyance capacity; a Tube is a round, rectangular, square or oval hollow segment determined by outside diameter and wall thickness, represented in inches or millimeters.
The options may seem overwhelming when selecting a tubing type; both aluminum and stainless steel come in a variety of alloys and tempers, each with their own physical and mechanical properties. That metal has specific general properties to all of its alloys.
Why Aluminum?
Aluminum is noteworthy for its low density and its property to resist corrosion through the passivation process. Aluminum and its alloys are essential to the aerospace industry and are significant in the automotive and building sectors, such as fa?ade design and window frames. The most important components in aluminum are the oxides and sulfates.
Aluminum tubing extends from consumer items, recreational merchandise and machine parts and automotive and manufacturing across a wide range of industrial applications. Suppliers respect aluminum for its strength, because it is only one percent of the steel weight. Because of this versatile blend of strength and flexibility several structures profit from the effective use of aluminum tubing. Aluminum tubing, given its lightweight, provides a greater volume of tubing per weight than steel. Many products benefit from the use of a lighter tubing material, particularly those needing a mobility degree such as wheelchairs and outdoor furnishings.
For the tubing and pipe the most common aluminum alloys are 2024, 3003, 5052, 6061, 7075. Aluminum exceptionally well absorbs aluminum heat making tubing which is a great candidate for temperature control applications such as refrigerators, solar power and air conditioning systems. The lightweight and strength of the aluminum tubing often results from items such as hydraulic systems, fuel lines, braces, and frames. Aluminum is a component of many different alloys. Aluminum forms solid alloys, with several differences of magnesium and silicon. Because of its increased weldability and outstanding tolerance to corrosion, manufacturers use the aluminum square tube alloy 6061 for many medium-to high-strength applications. It is also the aluminum tube type which is least expensive to use.
Where are Aluminum Tubes and Pipes used?
Aluminum tube and pipe are mostly used for various industrial or building uses, but the use of aluminum pipe and the aluminum tube is also easily embraced by homeowners and auto manufacturers and has been modified for common household use.
In the demand to interior furnishings aluminum pipes are also used. Things are generally constructed of wrought iron from canopy beds and bedside tables. Aluminum tubes are a lightweight choice which gives a futuristic feel to the room. To threaded forms of tubing a variety of fasteners are given. Aluminum Pipe is a machined part widely used for all types of industrial projects where lightweight and corrosion resistance are the primary concern. Printed in both 6061-T6 and 6063-T6, 6063 has a smoother texture than 6061 and is more bendable.
1. What is aluminium tube?
Usually, the aluminium tube refers to a hollow pipe made of pure aluminium or aluminium alloy. And the aluminium tube shape is determined by its outer diameter and wall thickness. There is circular, rectangular, square or elliptical, in inches or millimetres distinguish. Aluminium pipes have extensive in the field of aerospace and commercial manufacturing, including healthcare products, entertainment products, and machine parts. The weight of aluminium is one-third of steel, and the manufacturer welcomes aluminium due to its durability. The aluminium tube can be effectively applied to multiple fields due to various features, such as intensity and flexibility.
2. What are the characteristics of the aluminium tube?
Due to the lightweight of the aluminium tube, the aluminium tube per unit of weight is more than the steel pipe. Many products benefit from products that use lighter pipes, especially those that require a certain degree of activity, such as wheelchairs and outdoor furniture.
Heavy Corrosion Resistance
The aluminium tube is more difficult to lose gloss than other metal tubes. It is easier to apply to the decoration of paints and other decorations, thereby enhancing its aesthetic attraction.
High thermal conductivity
Aluminium has excellent thermal conductivity, making the aluminium tube an ideal choice for relying on temperature control product(including refrigerators, solar and air conditioning systems). And the lightweight and durability of aluminium pipes benefits the hydraulic system, fuel line, framework and rack.
The toughness of the aluminium tube is very strong, which can be processed into any available shape. So it is often used as a connecting tool.
3. Type of aluminium tube
Aluminium has several different alloys. Aluminium mix with magnesium and silicon have a solid alloy. It also means that different alloy combinations can form different aluminium tube types. Their functions are different. For example, manufacturers often use aluminium squares alloys 6061 for many medium and high-intensity applications because it increases weldability and excellent corrosion resistance. 6061 Aluminium tube is also easy to anode oxidation, which makes it very suitable for heat treatment. It is also the cheapest aluminium tube alloy.
The manufacturer also uses aluminium alloy tube 6063 to achieve an extremely smooth surface finish. Since the aluminium alloy 6063 has only half of the aluminium alloy 6061, it often appears in valued rather than intensity applications. This material still has many anodized capacities as the aluminium alloy 6061.
When using metal parts in manufacturing and construction, heating strength is often a key factor. A metal tube is no exception. In most cases, the two manufacturing tasks required for aluminium tubes are bending and joining.
For the bending tube, consider three main factors:
Certain aluminium alloys, such as 3xxx, 5xxx, and 6xxx series, have higher formability than other aluminium alloys, making it a good material that is curved. Typically, a higher intensive alloy also has a lower strength.
Thickness and bending radius
Aluminium is like other metals, "processing harden" during the bending process, which means aluminium will become more and more robust when formed. However, if the radius is too small in the thickness of the tube, the material is excessively machined, more likely to fail.
The elongation percentage is a way to describe the difference between metal yield strength and its limit tensile strength. Yield strength is a point that aluminium alloy can be bent and no longer restore its original shape. On the other hand, the tensile strength is the maximum stress that can be applied to aluminium before aluminium cracking. The larger the difference between these strengths, the higher the formability of the alloy.
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evolutionsvoid · 6 years
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I find slimes to be fascinating creatures, as they are a species that is both simplistic and complex. One would think that a walking pile of rubbery goo would be an easy specimen to understand, yet there are intricate systems and behaviors hidden beneath it all. I think another thing that drives my interest in them is how quickly others write these creatures off. People take one look at a slime and instantly see it has some mindless garbage eater, as if they were a mobile form of slime mold. Even when dealing with educated slimes, others are quick to dismiss them, how rude! Despite the assumptions and beliefs, slimes are a highly variable and adaptable species that deal with unique abilities and challenges. Like dryads, slimes can be found in nearly environment. The only places they are absent from are arctic biomes, where their wet forms cannot function. Arid habitats can be a bit difficult for them, but certain variations of them have adapted to even these dry conditions. The places where they really excel are habitats that have damp conditions and frequent rainfall. Vegetation isn't really an issue for them, as they can be found in forests, grasslands, mountains and marshes. One of the things they search for is dark burrows and holes that they can hide in, as it provides the perfect shelter for them. Be it caves, rodent holes, self-dug burrows or thick vegetation, slimes like to compress their bodies into these tight spaces to hide from predators or harsh elements. In areas that experience harsh winters, self-made burrows are crucial. Before the coming cold, slimes will find a damp area (like a marsh or muddy shore) and dig themselves a nice deep hole. They will cram themselves down it and use their slime and the wet dirt to form a cocoon around their "heart." They will go into hibernation during the chilly months, only emerging when warmth and wetness returns to the surrounding soil. Slimes only have two parts to their anatomy: the "heart" and the gooey pseudo-body. The "heart" is a roundish organ that covers the role of a brain, stomach and heart. It is the center of their consciousness and existence, as it is responsible for the thinking, slime making and slime controlling. From this heart pumps the famous slime that makes up their pseudo-body, creating the substance from the nutrients it gains from meals. All control over the pseudo-body comes from this heart, as it uses some sort of signalling system to shape and move the slime. While the pseudo body can take nearly unlimited damage, the heart is their vulnerable core. Any injury to this organ is debilitating to a slime, and its destruction will cause the slime to collapse and die. To protect this delicate organ, the pseudo-body is created and controlled to surround it in a thick protective layer. While many see slimes as goopy, sticky creatures, they actually have a consistency that fits more with wet rubber, but that isn't a constant. Interestingly enough, slimes are capable of controlling the density and viscosity of their forms, allowing them to go from a sticky, faster flowing substance to a material that is hard and solid like a watermelon's rind. With this level of control, slimes often change their consistencies to fit with the scenario, like solidifying their goo to absorb an incoming hit. Added with this is their ability to morph themselves into nearly any shape. Slimes can range from literal piles of slop and worm-like shapes, to humanoid forms and even multi-limbed entities. The only thing that restricts them is the fact that the slime has to have constant contact with the heart. The heart's signals are sent through the slime, so any bits that are detached or separate will do nothing until they are connected again. This signal system is also the reason why individual slimes never grow to titanic proportions. When they reach too large of a size, it seems that their heart signals start to weaken and fade as they travel to the outer extremities. This makes the slime slow to move and adapt to its surroundings, making it more vulnerable to predation and damage. To avoid this, most slimes will limit their production of the substance, or shed off excess if their pseudo-body is becoming too much to handle. Any time you see slimes of massive size, it is probably the result of several of them connecting together and using the multiple hearts to keep the signals strong and efficient. 
In professional terms, slimes are omnivores. In a more cruder translation, slimes literally eat anything that is organic. The image of being trash-eaters unfortunately comes from the fact that slimes will pretty much eat out of the garbage. So much so that entire colonies can be found at dumps and trash heaps, as they happily sift through the junk to find any edible pieces. When a slime wishes to eat, it simply sucks the morsel into its gooey body and uses the surrounding substance to pulverize, mash and digest it. Everything is absorbed into the slime, which is then absorbed by the heart. Due to this strange way of eating, things like rotten meat and poisoned food do not affect slimes nearly as much as others. The slime's way of breaking down matter makes it difficult for diseases, parasites and toxins to survive and take effect. They don't worry about a thing at all when they are rooting through a garbage can and sucking in every scrap they can find. While many slimes are content to search through trash heaps or eat anything they come across, others have come up with ways to hunt down some fresher meals. Those that live near forests or orchards will use their stretching limbs to pick fruits or rob bird nests. These same limbs can be made stretchy and sticky so that they can slide into rodent burrows and grab any morsels hiding with. By burying themselves in a rotting carcass, they can use sticky tendrils to catch insects and scavengers, or just eat the carrion themselves if no one falls for the trick. More predatory slimes can take down larger prey with sneaky tactics. The feared Flayers use adhesive slime and bony remains to trap prey within their forms. Some may harden their fists into rubber clubs and bludgeon animals to death, while others may engulf and suffocate them. Certain slimes use ambush tactics, hiding within the foliage or trash to spring on unwary travelers. Specialized ones have even formed partnerships with other species in order to get an easy meal! Honestly, the ways of hunting are endless for them, as their imagination is the only thing that can hold them back. While slimes can be crafty hunters, that does not mean they cannot be hunted themselves! Yes, their bodies are almost 95% slime, but there are other species out there that have found ways to get a meal out of it! Since the psuedo-body's slime is used to masticate food and absorb what's left, certain creatures steal and eat this nutrient-laden goo. Some may straight up parasitize their bodies, embedding themselves in the slime to absorb what food they can while using tricks to make sure the heart does not sense their presence. Certain birds and insects have found ways to attack through the slime's pseudo-body and pierce the heart, killing the slime and allowing them to feed on the leftovers. Slimes can respond to these attacks by hardening their forms, but they have to see the attack coming first in order to do that! In truth, slimes have very few predators who wish to eat them, and instead have to deal with way more parasites. Their nutritious slime makes for good food and fertile ground for eggs and larvae, which certain species take advantage of. The Paranima is an example of that, but that is a story for another entry!   An interesting note about slimes is the fact that they need to be careful with their consistencies. The slimy pseudo-body is responsible for gathering and transferring air to the organ. The wetter and gooier their slime is, the easier it is for them to "breath." Something occurs on a tiny level within their slime that allows them to capture air or sift through water so that the heart can "breath." The thicker and harder their consistency is, the less efficient this process is. If a slime remains solidified for long periods of time, it can actually suffocate itself. To get around this, they tend to only harden certain parts of their pseudo-body, so that the rest can easily collect air. This fact explains why it is cruel to capture slimes in bottles or jars, as they cannot breath if they are sealed in an air-tight container. Though they don't have visible noses or mouths, they still need air like the rest of us! While slimes may seem like solitary creatures on the outside, in truth, they can function as a collective. Wherever a slime colony is found, there is a hidden mass that is buried in the ground. It is a massive blob of slimes that have connected themselves together, creating a "slime network." Whenever a slime makes contact with another of its kind, the signal the hearts produce can travel to one another through the goop. By simply holding hands, they can wordlessly transfer information and knowledge to each other at an astonishing rate. These slime networks take advantage of that, creating a mass that stores and transfers all collected knowledge. Any slime can simply attach itself to the network, dump info or take in new knowledge. Once done, it simply pops free and leaves with its new wisdom. Usually these networks are made of several older slimes, who will remain permanently connected and ready to transfer information to the young ones. With this system, slimes have the chance to learn new skills at a surprising speed. I know some towns have been stunned to wake up one morning to find that their dump mound slimes have suddenly learned how to speak, as one fluent slime had shared the info with the network. This helps them respond to hostility and threats, as they all rapidly learn of the danger and how to repel it.  Knowledge of this system has led to efforts by others to educate certain slimes and use them to "update" networks so that the fellow slimes learn things like speech and manners. These efforts have been met with mixed results, as certain colonies do not like outsiders, and slimes can still choose not to obey things like "rules" and "laws." These same networks are used when it comes to slime reproduction. The connected individuals of this system will slowly create "eggs" within their hearts from gathered nutrients. When slimes come to connect and transfer, the slime network may send an egg or two into the individual before they leave. These tiny developing organs will remain suspended in the slime's pseudo-body, feeding off collected nutrients as they grow. The carrying slime will work to keep these eggs protected until they reach the right age. When they reach the stage where they can create their own pseudo-bodies, the carrying slime will return them to a network and continue on its way. The young will receive a transfer of information, and then be set loose. Quite the efficient system!   On the topic of educating slimes, the reason people are doing this is because the mindset of slimes is something other cultures and societies are not a fan of. Others describe their behavior as "rude," "blunt," "simple" or "crude." This is because a lot of slimes live a simple life and don't think too much about things. For them, what matters is eating food and collecting stuff they like. Each slime has a preference for what form they like and what objects they find pleasant. The reason you often see slimes carrying all sorts of junk in their bodies is because they just happen to like it. One slime may enjoy covering itself in a shell of metal plates, while another may just carry bricks in its body because it likes the feel. If a slime likes something, it will either eat it or wear it, and that is where the problem starts. As super opportunistic omnivores and beings who often live in dumps or abandoned areas, slimes don't really understand the notion of private property. The concept of "ownership" is a bafflement to them as well. To slimes, everything is a free-for-all. If it is sitting there unattended, they can have it. That is why they carry their favorite stuff with them, as slimes believe that you mark what is yours by literally holding it. The second you put it down, it is fair game. So you can imagine the chaos that ensues when a slime wanders into a market, as it just starts grabbing things it likes and eating what it wants, as it sees that no one is holding any of the goods. In these scenarios, arguing with them is difficult, as they don't understand why you are mad that they took something you clearly weren't carrying. You get conversations that go like: "Hey, that was mine!" "No it wasn't, it was just sitting there." "It was still mine! I just put it down!" "Well, if it was yours, then why did you do that?" Needless to say, many slimes are banned from entering settlements and markets, which unfortunately is extended to even those who are educated. During my research, I ran into this problem often. The moment you set something down, the slimes would be grabbing it and inspecting it, before deciding if they wanted it or not. In most scenarios, I had a slime friend who was well learned and she helped me keep my belongings from being stolen. Her help was invaluable, but I imagine it gave the wrong impression to those who wandered by. Nothing like seeing a dryad constantly tell a slime to "hold this for me" or "hand this to me" People would think I was using her like a servant, but that was literally what we had to do to keep my stuff from wandering off. On expeditions where I didn't have her help, I had to fall asleep each night with all my gear in my sleeping bag or arms. Just imagine how tough it would be if you had to go through your everyday routine without putting anything down! While slimes can come off as a bit rude or simple, they are honestly good creatures that mean no harm. It is a shame that they receive such a poor image due to their preferred habitat and ways. Not only do they populate dumps, but they tend to live in abandoned areas and dungeons as well. The sight of slimes inhabiting a ghost town has given people the impression that they chase off settlers or devour entire populations, which is simply not true. Their simple nature and hardy bodies has also made them the target of amusement for others, as they knock around slimes for fun. Warriors and adventurers tend to see them as "target practice," and may even kill them to gather materials they were carrying. Villages and towns will ban them from entering, seeing them as thieving creatures and rule breakers. Thankfully people are working to help dispel that image, using education and information to help the slimes better understand other cultures. I have helped with this cause from time to time, but I am not sure how much of an impact I made! I am more of a researcher than a teacher! I am better at telling you how trolls digest mineral deposits than I am explaining the concepts of a private property to a group of bored slimes!     Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian  
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fouldreamernut · 3 years
Disk Drill Mac Pro
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Disk Drill Mac Cracked
Disk Drill Mac Torrent
Each year, Apple makes improvements to macOS, the operating system (OS) you use on your Mac. The annual Apple Mac update cycle often brings iterative tweaks, but some years have major changes.
CleverFiles Disk Drill Pro (for Mac) $89.00 at Disk Drill See It If you have Mac with a traditional hard drive, Disk Drill Pro offers one of the most advanced data recovery utilities available. Recover any type of deleted files in Windows including Office documents, messages, and media files quickly and easily. Disk Drill for Windows is free data recovery software that restores deleted files from an HDD, USB drive or any kind of disk-based storage media with just a few clicks. Free Download Upgrade to PRO Also available for Mac OS X. Disk Drill is able to run native scans of system drives on Macs because of its kernel extension, or kext. Apple deprecated certain kexts with macOS Big Sur, replacing it with its Endpoint Security.
Your macOS operating system – or OS X, for older versions of macOS – can be updated each Fall, so long as Apple is still supporting your device. Here we’ll show you how to prepare your Mac for an update, the right way to update MacOS to the latest version of OS X or macOS, and some apps that make the process much smoother.
How to prepare your Mac for an OS update
Knowing how to update the latest Mac system is one thing – preparing your machine is equally important. To prepare your Mac for an upgrade, you’ll want to make sure your files are organized properly, all of your system settings are correct, and that your file system is backed up. It’s also important to know if your Mac is eligible for an update.
Check the General Requirements (and Hardware)
To see what specs your Mac has, follow these steps:
From the menu bar on your Mac, select the Apple icon on the top left
Select “About This Mac” from the drop down menu
This will tell you what year your Mac was made, the version of macOS or OS X you’re currently on, the computer’s RAM (Memory), processor, and which graphics card your Mac has. These are important to know, as upgrading to the latest version of macOS – macOS 11 Big Sur – requires the following:
macOS 10.10 or later
4GB RAM (Memory)
15-20GB of available storage.
Note: To see how much available storage space you have, follow the two step process above, then “Storage” tab at the top of the window.
When you want to upgrade MacOS, keep in mind the latest version of macOS is only available for these models:
MacBook (Early 2015 or newer)
MacBook Air (Mid 2012 or newer)
MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 or newer)
Mac mini (Late 2012 or newer)
iMac (Late 2012 or newer)
iMac Pro (2017)
Mac Pro (Late 2013 or newer)
Back up your Mac
When it’s time to back your Mac up, Apple has an official method dubbed Time Machine. When you use Time Machine, it keeps what’s called an “image” of your Mac, which is what a backup really is. When you backup your Mac, you’re making a compressed version of your entire operating system.
Learn more about time machine backup.
The purpose of creating a backup is most often to have a recent save point you can reboot from. It’s important to do as often as possible.
Here’s how to create a backup of your Mac using Time Machine:
Connect an external drive. This is where your backup will be stored.
From your Mac menu bar, go to Apple > System Preferences > Time Machine
Click “Select Disk”
Select the external drive you connected to your Mac
Select “Use Disk” in the new popup window
There’s a much better way to backup your Mac, though: Get Backup Pro.
Get Backup Pro makes backing up your Mac simple, and you remain in total control. One issue many have with Time Machine is it often starts backing up during the day, which consumes resources on your Mac, and things you're working on may not save in your backup. Get Backup Pro lets you back your Mac up to any device you like, and you can set the schedule you want for backing your Mac up. You can even choose how many backups you want to keep; Time Machine doesn’t allow such customizations!
Make sure you have sufficient space for macOS Update
Apple recommends you have a minimum of 4GB RAM, or Memory, and 12.5GB available storage when upgrading your Mac. (It’s also wise to have a strong internet connection, as the download can take quite a bit of time!)
Here’s how to check your system to see if your Mac is eligible for an Apple OS update:
From the menu bar on your Mac, select the Apple icon on the top left
Select “About This Mac” from the drop down menu – this shows you how much Memory (RAM) you have
Select the “Storage” tab
Under “Macintosh HD,” ensure you have at least 12.5GB storage available
Clean Your Mac
When you think “how do i update my mac operating system?,” you should also be thinking about how to prepare your Mac for the update. Remember that if you need to boot your Mac from a backup, it will load exactly what you have on your Mac at the time of the update. Now is a great time to delete apps, re-organize your files, and make sure your settings are optimized.
There’s just no better app for this than CleanMyMac X. It leaves your Mac running in peak condition, and like Get Backup Pro, it can be set to alert you on a schedule that it’s time to clean up your Mac. All you have to do is open CleanMyMac X on your Mac, select the “Smart Scan” module, and the app scans your system and cleans up unnecessary files, scans for malware, and ensures your settings are set to keep your Mac running as fast as possible by doing things like freeing up RAM and running maintenance scripts.
If you want to really dial your Mac in, CleanMyMac X has a module for uninstalling apps, which also removes their associated files. You can also run the “Maintenance” module to take the Smart Scan feature a step further with a more detailed scrubbing of your Mac.
How to update a Mac
You may be wondering “how do I upgrade my Mac operating system?” Now that we’ve told you how to backup your Mac and optimize it, here’s how you update your Mac:
From the menu bar on your Mac, select the Apple icon on the top left
Select “Software Update”
That’s all you need to do! Your Mac will tell you if there’s an upgrade available for you. Next time you’re thinking “how do i upgrade my operating system on my Mac?,” remember this two-step process.
How to turn on automatic updates
You can trigger your Mac to update automatically – but first, a word of caution. Many set their Mac to update automatically so they don’t ask themselves “how do i update mac os?” every few months. It’s typically fine to have your Mac update automatically, but there have been some features that break old apps in newer macOS builds. We would caution you to consider your needs; if you can’t risk apps not working or perhaps files being shifted around, we would advise against automatic updates.
But for most, it’s fine to automatically upgrade your Mac. Here’s how:
From the menu bar on your Mac, select the Apple icon on the top left
Select “Software Update”
Select “Advanced”
Make sure all boxes are checked
Note: for a Mac to automatically update, it must be connected to power.
Keep in mind you have a bit of control here, too. You can choose to have your Mac check for updates automatically, but not download them. This is a smart choice for those who want a bit more control over when their Mac updates, and we prefer this option as it allows you to run CleanMyMac X before a backup with Get Backup Pro. Backing up before an update is always a smart move.
How Can I Update Drivers on Apple OS?
Drivers are what allow your Mac to communicate with peripherals like graphics cards, speakers, or printers. You can’t directly update drivers on a Mac; your best bet is to update your operating system, which has all the necessary drivers.
If you’re using a specific app to communicate with peripherals, like an app for a printer, updating the app itself may install new drivers.
Mac Won’t Update?
If your Mac simply won’t update, it’s likely a hardware issue. As we noted, you’ll need 4GB RAM and 12.5GB storage to update your Mac. If you don’t have at least that, you will be unable to run the latest version of macOS.
Your Mac may also be too old. Though the system requirements help avoid this, Apple only supports older machines for a certain amount of time; this is often because other specs, like graphics cards, are no longer adequate for newer versions of macOS.
Disk Drill Mac Cracked
It’s also possible the update was interrupted; this is why we advise you have a strong internet connection before updating your Mac. These are core issues with a Mac which won’t update. If you’re experiencing issues, get hold of Apple for support.
Disk Drill Mac Torrent
New versions of macOS are exciting for Mac enthusiasts, but don’t rush to download them. Always make sure you’ve cleaned your Mac using CleanMyMac X, and back your machine up with Get Backup Pro. Another great app to download is Disk Drill, which can help you recover files you thought were lost.
All three apps are available for free as part of a seven day trial of Setapp, a robust suite of productivity apps for your Mac. Alongside Disk Drill, GEt Backup Pro, and CleanMyMac X, you’ll get unlimited access to the full Setapp library of nearly 200 excellent Mac apps.
When the trial ends, Setapp is only $9.99 per month to retain unlimited access to the full suite of apps. For families, Setapp’s $19.99 monthly plan allows full access to Setapp on up to four unique Macs. An incredible deal – give Setapp a try today!
Setapp lives on Mac and iOS. Please come back from another device.
Meantime, prepare for all the awesome things you can do with Setapp.
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Disk Drill is a set of tools for recovering data from, managing and analyzing mass storage devices.
The application has been quite popular among Mac OS users for quite a while and the developer has ported the application to Windows.
With Disk Drill, you are given a comprehensive set of tools for finding, managing, rebuilding and recovering damaged data. Its usefulness is in its multiple algorithms it uses to recover data.
Disk Drill features a beautiful user interface which provides users with the quick ability to get down into the internals of virtually any connected device. It supports the Windows filesystems along with Mac's HFS along with Linux EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4 filesystems.
Recovering data with this recovery tool is rather easy and allows you to search through recoverable data. Items are grouped depending on their general category (eg. Videos, Pictures, Documents, etc.) The app allows you to save the data to an external device.
Another useful feature of Disk Drill is its protection feature which helps guard against data loss and permanent deletion.
Disk Drill is a useful and easy-to-use data recovery program which can be very useful for more novice users or simply for people who like a combination of beauty and functionality with a simple interface.
Disk Drill is software which can protect from data loss.
Features and highlights
Recover data from virtually any storage device
Several different recovery algorithms, including Undelete Protected Data, Quick Scan and Deep Scan
Scans start with just the click of a button
Supports FAT, exFAT or NTFS file system, is HFS Mac drive or Linux EXT2/3/4
Helps map old partitions to rebuild
Protects your PC from future data loss
Disk Drill 4.2.568.0 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
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This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from file recovery software without restrictions. Disk Drill 4.2.568.0 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. It's free to use, but some features within the application are limited as the program is classed as 'Freemium'.
Filed under:
Disk Drill Download
Freeware File Recovery Software
Major release: Disk Drill 4.2
Disk Recovery Software
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Best ERP Software
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Historically, ERP (enterprise resource planning) software was used by large corporations and multinational organizations for managing their entire operation from a single platform.
But now these solutions are more accessible than ever before. In addition to enterprises, lots of SMBs have started to leverage these tools over the past several years. 
ERP software essentially combines all of your business tools into a centralized console. It encompasses components like accounting, HR, CRM, supply chain management, and more. 
By consolidating your business tools into a single ERP solution, it’s much easier to manage. Plus, ERP software gives you tons of extra value from a big-picture point of view, that you normally wouldn’t see from standalone software. 
So which ERP software is the best? Find out below. 
The Top 5 Options For ERP Software
How to Choose the Best ERP Software For You
In order to find the right ERP software for your business, you need to understand what to look for as you’re shopping around. All ERP systems are not created equally, and there’s not really a “one-size-fits-all” solution. 
Rather than blindingly picking a tool, use these feature sets and considerations to narrow down potential options. 
Business Processes and Modules
As previously mentioned, ERP software encompasses various types of business processes. These typically come in the form of modules as you’re customizing an ERP solution. 
Some of you might only need a handful of these processes, while other businesses could be looking for a dozen. It really depends on your business size, existing tools, and future goals for resource planning. 
Examples of modules and processes to keep an eye out for include HRMs, financial management tools, CRM, SCM, inventory management, purchasing and supplier management, sales and marketing tools, and more. 
There are even industry-specific processes for things like manufacturing or engineering. These will include crucial functionalities for product planning, production scheduling, bill of materials, shop floor planning, etc. 
Make sure the ERP software you’re evaluating has the capacity to handle your needs with modules for these types of functions. 
Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards
The best ERP software on the market today has advanced reporting capabilities. These go above and beyond basic spreadsheets and PDF downloads. Look for a solution that includes real-time data and smart filters.
Some tools might even have agile reporting and ad hoc reporting, so you can quickly adapt to ever-changing needs without interruptions. 
You should be able to manage these complex reports and analytics through a simple dashboard. If you can’t figure out the dashboards, you’ll never get the most out of these reports (which renders them useless). 
Dashboards should also display KPIs and let you analyze different data with just a few clicks. For example, you might want to compare qualitative vs. quantitative data based on departments or users within your organization. 
Your ERP software must seamlessly integrate with your existing tools and software.
From simple file transfers to complete integrations, it’s crucial that these all work together. For example, you should be able to sync your existing CRM with your new ERP software. Or you might want to link an ERP payroll module to an HRMS software that you’re already using. 
ERPs that provide flexible integrations can expand the functionality of your existing tools or completely replace them after a smooth file migration. 
Custom Capabilities
Customization is crucial when it comes to evaluating ERP software. Otherwise, you won’t get the most of the potential benefits; here’s why.
Each department will have different business workflows. These could potentially have contradictory priorities and goals. For example, marketing teams will focus on spending while accounting teams will be focusing on saving money. Sales teams will be prioritizing a monthly quota, and production departments prioritize daily output. It’s impossible to configure these various workflows into an all-in-one solution. 
So your ERP software should have configurable workflows and custom dashboards for each department. This will allow those decision-makers to define specific KPIs and goals based on custom parameters. 
Setup and Deployment
It’s no secret that ERP software can be complex. Unlike other business tools, it’s not really a “sign up today and deploy in seconds” type of tool. This is largely due to the custom nature and different modules required to run smoothly. 
But with that said, some ERP software providers are definitely easier to set up and deploy than others. If you don’t want to install anything locally, look for a cloud-based ERP solution. You’ll still need a custom solution, but this will be easier overall. 
Between cloud-based SaaS solutions and on-premises deployment, you’ll have different options to consider. 
Training and Support
Again, ERP software isn’t always easy. You need to find a provider that offers you the resources required to hit the ground running. 
In most cases, they will need a proper installation by someone with technical expertise. So if your business doesn’t have a dedicated IT team, make sure you review your SLA. 
In many cases, the installation could be charged entirely separately from the ERP license or subscription. Cloud-based ERPs are definitely easier to set up (as mentioned earlier), but it might still require some training. 
What happens when you have a question or need some assistance? Will your software vendor be there to help you out?
These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself as you’re evaluating different options. 
The Different Types of ERP Software
Before we get into the ERP software reviews, I want to quickly explain the different types of ERP software available on the market today. This will add some clarity as you’re shopping around. 
General Purpose ERP Software
Generalist ERPs are flexible enough to fit the needs of various industries. They have robust customization capabilities, easy integrations, and processes that match a wide range of requirements. 
The vast majority of ERP software is branded as a general-purpose ERP. This gives software vendors the ability to target as many different organizations and industries as possible. 
Vertical-Specific ERP Software
As the name implies, vertical-specific ERPs are targeted for specific industries. Unlike a generalist solution, this type of software is not geared towards the masses. 
These types of ERP solutions are popular in niches like manufacturing, construction, or retail. A vertical-specific ERP won’t be nearly as flexible as a general-purpose tool, but they do a great job hitting the specialized industry. 
Open-Source ERP Software
Open-source ERP software only makes up a small portion of the overall ERP market. However, it’s important to know that they exist. 
An open-source ERP is ideal for tech teams that want the ability to develop and integrate custom apps to an ERP solution. Since ERPs can handle such highly customized functionality and processes, this type of software is the preferred choice for developers. 
Small Business ERP Software
As previously stated, there was a time when only large organizations would be using ERP software. But cloud deployment has made ERP software significantly more accessible to small businesses.
Since some ERPs are delivered with custom modules (as opposed to a fully integrated solution), small businesses can choose just two or three modules and omit the others. For example, you could get an ERP software with just functionality for accounting and HRM. Then down the road, you can add-on a module for CRM or inventory. 
Small business ERPs are also known as “lightweight ERPs” because of this flexibility. 
#1 – Infor Review — The Most Versatile ERP Software
Infor is a cloud-based ERP software with solutions for SMBs and enterprises alike. They have several different ERP products for you to choose from based on your industry and business needs.
With 30+ years of experience in this space, Infor’s robust and flexible technology earns them a high ranking on my list.
The ERP solutions offered by Infor are a popular choice for wholesale distribution companies, manufacturing organizations, and various service industries. Some of the notable highlights of the software include:
Ability to personalize home pages and dashboards
Intuitive role-based user interfaces
Unlimited financial calendars, ledgers, basis reporting, and dimension strings
Embedded analytics directly within different user’ workflows
Production planning and scheduling management
Optimized purchasing with advanced order controls
Ability to ensure maximum margins with integrated pricing modules
While Infor is definitely known for its cloud solutions, they do offer single-instance and on-premises deployment options for some of their software.
Infor also has a wide range of specific software for things like HCM, CRM, PLM, SCM, and more. So if you just have one single need, you can explore those choices as well. 
#2 – AccountMate Review — The Best Vertical Specific Solutions
AccountMate is branded as the “world’s most customizable accounting system.” It’s designed to help growing businesses gain a competitive edge with unique ERP software based on specific verticals. 
The software is trusted by 125,000+ companies worldwide. In addition to the software, AccountMate provides additional services to help you get the most out of your ERP tools.
AccountMate’s vertical solution catalog is extensive, to say the least. They have 30+ vertical-specific category options available. Their development partners help businesses get industry-specific functionality in addition to the base financial software. 
Some of those top categories include:
Budgeting and forecasting
Business analytics
Business intelligence
CRM applications
Document management
Food processing
Human resources
Invoice automation
Job costing
Route management
Sales analysis
Warehouse management
The list goes on and on. As you can see, these vertical-specific offerings are extremely versatile. AccountMate can ultimately provide you with a comprehensive front office and back-office solution. 
Businesses within industries like manufacturing, wholesale distribution, utilities, government, solution providers, ecommerce, and business services all rely on AccountMate for ERP.
For those of you looking for a vertical-specific solution with a core focus on accounting and finance, look no further than AccountMate. 
#3 – Epicor Review — Best ERP Software For Manufacturing
Epicor is another industry leader in the ERP software space. They provide cloud and on-premises solutions for businesses in spaces like manufacturing, retail, automotive, lumber and building, and distribution.
With that said, the manufacturing ERP software offered by Epicor is the clear standout. 
It’s trusted by a wide range of manufacturers producing products like industrial machinery, lumber and wood, rubber and plastics, high tech electronics, aerospace and defense products, fabricated metals, medical devices, furniture, and more. 
Here are some of the top benefits you’ll get with Epicor’s ERP software:
Ability to track, measure, and monitor entire operation from raw materials to final product
Improve efficiencies with real-time visibility into plant and business operations
Streamline your processes to reduce costs and increase profits
Adapt to new strategies, changing customer needs, and new manufacturing methods
Implement lean manufacturing methodologies to eliminate waste
Make smarter decisions and prioritize customer satisfaction
Overall, the software is designed for mid-sized and large businesses in the manufacturing and distribution space. If you fall into these categories, I strongly recommend Epicor for ERP.
#4 – IFS Review — The Best Agile ERP Software
IFS is a bit unique compared to other ERP solutions on the market today. The software isn’t as complicated and rigid as other tools that you’ll come across. 
Instead, IFS gives you the ability to adapt in real-time as market landscapes change, and new technology becomes available. This approach helps maximize the agility of your organization.
IFS has pre-configured ERP solutions for areas like supply chain management, human capital management, project management, financials, service industries, and manufacturing.
Within those categories, some of the noteworthy highlights of the ERP software include:
Risk and opportunity management
Digital asset lifecycle journey
Contract management, variation order management, and payment applications
Real-time planning and scheduling optimization 
Sales forecasting and demand planning
Multisite and multi-entity supply network visibility and planning
Financial accounting, management accounting, project accounting, and strategic accounting
Again, all of these tools and functionality are designed to keep your organization agile as the market changes. You’ll be able to gain a competitive edge and make strategic decisions in real-time using IFS for enterprise resource planning. 
#5 – Deltek Review — The Best ERP Software For Small Business
As previously mentioned, ERP software is no longer reserved for global enterprises. There are plenty of great options out there for small businesses that want to leverage these solutions.
Deltek is one of those options for smaller companies, and it’s my top recommendation in this category.
Overall, Deltek is a great option for project-based businesses seeking an ERP solution. They have a wide range of products and modules in categories like:
Information management and collaboration
Business development
Project and portfolio management
Human capital management
They even offer niche-specific solutions like costpoint for government contractors or project lifecycle management for small architecture and engineering firms. These examples showcase the versatility of Deltek. 
The cloud-based deployment makes it easy for smaller businesses to implement as well. 
There are dozens of vendors out there offering ERP software. But after extensive research and testing, I can only recommend the five options reviewed above. 
Which one is the best? It depends on your situation.
Make sure you follow the methodology I described earlier in this guide to narrow down your options as you’re shopping around. This will make your life much easier and ensure you make the right decision for your business. 
0 notes
jjpocketbook · 4 years
Best ERP Software
Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
Historically, ERP (enterprise resource planning) software was used by large corporations and multinational organizations for managing their entire operation from a single platform.
But now these solutions are more accessible than ever before. In addition to enterprises, lots of SMBs have started to leverage these tools over the past several years. 
ERP software essentially combines all of your business tools into a centralized console. It encompasses components like accounting, HR, CRM, supply chain management, and more. 
By consolidating your business tools into a single ERP solution, it’s much easier to manage. Plus, ERP software gives you tons of extra value from a big-picture point of view, that you normally wouldn’t see from standalone software. 
So which ERP software is the best? Find out below. 
The Top 5 Options For ERP Software
How to Choose the Best ERP Software For You
In order to find the right ERP software for your business, you need to understand what to look for as you’re shopping around. All ERP systems are not created equally, and there’s not really a “one-size-fits-all” solution. 
Rather than blindingly picking a tool, use these feature sets and considerations to narrow down potential options. 
Business Processes and Modules
As previously mentioned, ERP software encompasses various types of business processes. These typically come in the form of modules as you’re customizing an ERP solution. 
Some of you might only need a handful of these processes, while other businesses could be looking for a dozen. It really depends on your business size, existing tools, and future goals for resource planning. 
Examples of modules and processes to keep an eye out for include HRMs, financial management tools, CRM, SCM, inventory management, purchasing and supplier management, sales and marketing tools, and more. 
There are even industry-specific processes for things like manufacturing or engineering. These will include crucial functionalities for product planning, production scheduling, bill of materials, shop floor planning, etc. 
Make sure the ERP software you’re evaluating has the capacity to handle your needs with modules for these types of functions. 
Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards
The best ERP software on the market today has advanced reporting capabilities. These go above and beyond basic spreadsheets and PDF downloads. Look for a solution that includes real-time data and smart filters.
Some tools might even have agile reporting and ad hoc reporting, so you can quickly adapt to ever-changing needs without interruptions. 
You should be able to manage these complex reports and analytics through a simple dashboard. If you can’t figure out the dashboards, you’ll never get the most out of these reports (which renders them useless). 
Dashboards should also display KPIs and let you analyze different data with just a few clicks. For example, you might want to compare qualitative vs. quantitative data based on departments or users within your organization. 
Your ERP software must seamlessly integrate with your existing tools and software.
From simple file transfers to complete integrations, it’s crucial that these all work together. For example, you should be able to sync your existing CRM with your new ERP software. Or you might want to link an ERP payroll module to an HRMS software that you’re already using. 
ERPs that provide flexible integrations can expand the functionality of your existing tools or completely replace them after a smooth file migration. 
Custom Capabilities
Customization is crucial when it comes to evaluating ERP software. Otherwise, you won’t get the most of the potential benefits; here’s why.
Each department will have different business workflows. These could potentially have contradictory priorities and goals. For example, marketing teams will focus on spending while accounting teams will be focusing on saving money. Sales teams will be prioritizing a monthly quota, and production departments prioritize daily output. It’s impossible to configure these various workflows into an all-in-one solution. 
So your ERP software should have configurable workflows and custom dashboards for each department. This will allow those decision-makers to define specific KPIs and goals based on custom parameters. 
Setup and Deployment
It’s no secret that ERP software can be complex. Unlike other business tools, it’s not really a “sign up today and deploy in seconds” type of tool. This is largely due to the custom nature and different modules required to run smoothly. 
But with that said, some ERP software providers are definitely easier to set up and deploy than others. If you don’t want to install anything locally, look for a cloud-based ERP solution. You’ll still need a custom solution, but this will be easier overall. 
Between cloud-based SaaS solutions and on-premises deployment, you’ll have different options to consider. 
Training and Support
Again, ERP software isn’t always easy. You need to find a provider that offers you the resources required to hit the ground running. 
In most cases, they will need a proper installation by someone with technical expertise. So if your business doesn’t have a dedicated IT team, make sure you review your SLA. 
In many cases, the installation could be charged entirely separately from the ERP license or subscription. Cloud-based ERPs are definitely easier to set up (as mentioned earlier), but it might still require some training. 
What happens when you have a question or need some assistance? Will your software vendor be there to help you out?
These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself as you’re evaluating different options. 
The Different Types of ERP Software
Before we get into the ERP software reviews, I want to quickly explain the different types of ERP software available on the market today. This will add some clarity as you’re shopping around. 
General Purpose ERP Software
Generalist ERPs are flexible enough to fit the needs of various industries. They have robust customization capabilities, easy integrations, and processes that match a wide range of requirements. 
The vast majority of ERP software is branded as a general-purpose ERP. This gives software vendors the ability to target as many different organizations and industries as possible. 
Vertical-Specific ERP Software
As the name implies, vertical-specific ERPs are targeted for specific industries. Unlike a generalist solution, this type of software is not geared towards the masses. 
These types of ERP solutions are popular in niches like manufacturing, construction, or retail. A vertical-specific ERP won’t be nearly as flexible as a general-purpose tool, but they do a great job hitting the specialized industry. 
Open-Source ERP Software
Open-source ERP software only makes up a small portion of the overall ERP market. However, it’s important to know that they exist. 
An open-source ERP is ideal for tech teams that want the ability to develop and integrate custom apps to an ERP solution. Since ERPs can handle such highly customized functionality and processes, this type of software is the preferred choice for developers. 
Small Business ERP Software
As previously stated, there was a time when only large organizations would be using ERP software. But cloud deployment has made ERP software significantly more accessible to small businesses.
Since some ERPs are delivered with custom modules (as opposed to a fully integrated solution), small businesses can choose just two or three modules and omit the others. For example, you could get an ERP software with just functionality for accounting and HRM. Then down the road, you can add-on a module for CRM or inventory. 
Small business ERPs are also known as “lightweight ERPs” because of this flexibility. 
#1 – Infor Review — The Most Versatile ERP Software
Infor is a cloud-based ERP software with solutions for SMBs and enterprises alike. They have several different ERP products for you to choose from based on your industry and business needs.
With 30+ years of experience in this space, Infor’s robust and flexible technology earns them a high ranking on my list.
The ERP solutions offered by Infor are a popular choice for wholesale distribution companies, manufacturing organizations, and various service industries. Some of the notable highlights of the software include:
Ability to personalize home pages and dashboards
Intuitive role-based user interfaces
Unlimited financial calendars, ledgers, basis reporting, and dimension strings
Embedded analytics directly within different user’ workflows
Production planning and scheduling management
Optimized purchasing with advanced order controls
Ability to ensure maximum margins with integrated pricing modules
While Infor is definitely known for its cloud solutions, they do offer single-instance and on-premises deployment options for some of their software.
Infor also has a wide range of specific software for things like HCM, CRM, PLM, SCM, and more. So if you just have one single need, you can explore those choices as well. 
#2 – AccountMate Review — The Best Vertical Specific Solutions
AccountMate is branded as the “world’s most customizable accounting system.” It’s designed to help growing businesses gain a competitive edge with unique ERP software based on specific verticals. 
The software is trusted by 125,000+ companies worldwide. In addition to the software, AccountMate provides additional services to help you get the most out of your ERP tools.
AccountMate’s vertical solution catalog is extensive, to say the least. They have 30+ vertical-specific category options available. Their development partners help businesses get industry-specific functionality in addition to the base financial software. 
Some of those top categories include:
Budgeting and forecasting
Business analytics
Business intelligence
CRM applications
Document management
Food processing
Human resources
Invoice automation
Job costing
Route management
Sales analysis
Warehouse management
The list goes on and on. As you can see, these vertical-specific offerings are extremely versatile. AccountMate can ultimately provide you with a comprehensive front office and back-office solution. 
Businesses within industries like manufacturing, wholesale distribution, utilities, government, solution providers, ecommerce, and business services all rely on AccountMate for ERP.
For those of you looking for a vertical-specific solution with a core focus on accounting and finance, look no further than AccountMate. 
#3 – Epicor Review — Best ERP Software For Manufacturing
Epicor is another industry leader in the ERP software space. They provide cloud and on-premises solutions for businesses in spaces like manufacturing, retail, automotive, lumber and building, and distribution.
With that said, the manufacturing ERP software offered by Epicor is the clear standout. 
It’s trusted by a wide range of manufacturers producing products like industrial machinery, lumber and wood, rubber and plastics, high tech electronics, aerospace and defense products, fabricated metals, medical devices, furniture, and more. 
Here are some of the top benefits you’ll get with Epicor’s ERP software:
Ability to track, measure, and monitor entire operation from raw materials to final product
Improve efficiencies with real-time visibility into plant and business operations
Streamline your processes to reduce costs and increase profits
Adapt to new strategies, changing customer needs, and new manufacturing methods
Implement lean manufacturing methodologies to eliminate waste
Make smarter decisions and prioritize customer satisfaction
Overall, the software is designed for mid-sized and large businesses in the manufacturing and distribution space. If you fall into these categories, I strongly recommend Epicor for ERP.
#4 – IFS Review — The Best Agile ERP Software
IFS is a bit unique compared to other ERP solutions on the market today. The software isn’t as complicated and rigid as other tools that you’ll come across. 
Instead, IFS gives you the ability to adapt in real-time as market landscapes change, and new technology becomes available. This approach helps maximize the agility of your organization.
IFS has pre-configured ERP solutions for areas like supply chain management, human capital management, project management, financials, service industries, and manufacturing.
Within those categories, some of the noteworthy highlights of the ERP software include:
Risk and opportunity management
Digital asset lifecycle journey
Contract management, variation order management, and payment applications
Real-time planning and scheduling optimization 
Sales forecasting and demand planning
Multisite and multi-entity supply network visibility and planning
Financial accounting, management accounting, project accounting, and strategic accounting
Again, all of these tools and functionality are designed to keep your organization agile as the market changes. You’ll be able to gain a competitive edge and make strategic decisions in real-time using IFS for enterprise resource planning. 
#5 – Deltek Review — The Best ERP Software For Small Business
As previously mentioned, ERP software is no longer reserved for global enterprises. There are plenty of great options out there for small businesses that want to leverage these solutions.
Deltek is one of those options for smaller companies, and it’s my top recommendation in this category.
Overall, Deltek is a great option for project-based businesses seeking an ERP solution. They have a wide range of products and modules in categories like:
Information management and collaboration
Business development
Project and portfolio management
Human capital management
They even offer niche-specific solutions like costpoint for government contractors or project lifecycle management for small architecture and engineering firms. These examples showcase the versatility of Deltek. 
The cloud-based deployment makes it easy for smaller businesses to implement as well. 
There are dozens of vendors out there offering ERP software. But after extensive research and testing, I can only recommend the five options reviewed above. 
Which one is the best? It depends on your situation.
Make sure you follow the methodology I described earlier in this guide to narrow down your options as you’re shopping around. This will make your life much easier and ensure you make the right decision for your business. 
The post Best ERP Software appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/best-erp-software/ via https://neilpatel.com
The original post, Best ERP Software, has been shared from https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com/2020/09/25/best-erp-software/ via https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Streetwear Culture Goes to the Dogs
August 4, 2020 6 min read
In this ongoing series, we are sharing advice, tips and insights from real entrepreneurs who are out there doing business battle on a daily basis. (Answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.)
Who are you and what’s your business? 
My name is Christopher Cargnoni and I’m the founder of Fresh Pawz, a pet brand dedicated to the streetwear culture. 
What inspired you to create this product?  
In 2017 I noticed younger and younger people walking around with dogs of their own. While I wasn’t yet ready to take on the responsibility of having my own dog back then, the family dogs I grew up with were a big part of my life. Being in the retail world my entire life, I’m super passionate about brand building and creating products that people can connect to, so I started to research the pet market. 
Related: The Couple Behind ‘Dogs of Instagram’ Started It as a Pet Project
Everywhere I searched there were articles about “Millennials are redefining the pet industry!” or “Millennials are now the largest buyer of pets!”. Yet, when I searched for brands and products that would connect to the millennial generation, my own generation, I couldn’t find anything! Out of all the products available, I couldn’t bring myself to purchase even one. I realized there was a major gap to fill in the pet industry. 
What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned in producing and marketing agency your company? 
My biggest lesson here is to stay true to your business’s DNA. We could easily slide over and create different types of products for the masses, but then my brand would become generic and its authenticity would fade. That’s not what I envisioned or why I started this brand. I was confident that big retailers would need a unique brand like us, we just needed to stay the course and create something good enough that they would be foolish to not bring our products in. Fast-forward to today, just three years later, and Fresh Pawz products are sold by nearly every major retailer. 
Related: 5 Things My Dogs Taught Me About Leadership
What does the word “entrepreneur” mean to you? 
That’s a great question! Funny thing is, I’ve had the word “entrepreneur” as my job title on Facebook since I was 18 years old- before I even knew what the word meant! The spirit of entrepreneurship has always been alive and well within me, I just didn’t know the true nature of it. To me, the word “entrepreneur” means choosing to create your own destiny. If you’re an entrepreneur, you literally can’t breathe at the thought of having someone tell you what to do. The thought of how much an hour of your time is worth at a typical 9-5 job is painful! I believe we’re living in the most blessed time in history for entrepreneurs. There really is an unlimited opportunity for those who have the skill and desire to achieve it.
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What was your toughest challenge and how did you overcome it? 
I launched Fresh Pawz in January of 2018, with plans to fund it through my job. Unfortunately, due to a conflict of interest, I was fired from my job just a month later. It was at that moment that I knew I never wanted to spend my time or give my talents to help build someone else’s future and net worth instead of my own. 
Related: The Creator of WeRateDogs Makes Five Figures a Month By Posting Cute Canines Online. Here’s How.
After only a month in business, I could have shut down the brand without a problem. I could have tried to find another day job. That would have been the easy choice, but it wasn’t the choice that would take me where I wanted to go. Looking back, being fired from my job was the best thing to ever happen to me. It finally pushed me to make a decision. I told myself, “I’m going to put all my chips in. I’m going to bet on myself and have faith that I can do what I’ve always believed I can. Fear holds you back if you let it. So don’t! 
What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs about fundraising?
Investors want to see that you’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your business. They want to see that you’ve grown it all you can on your own, and then they might consider helping you grow to the next level. You need to be authentic. Don’t try to fit into a mold to get money from a certain person.
I don’t meet people just because they have money. I meet people who I’d genuinely like to collaborate with. Everyone I have potential partnerships with comes from my own circle, and it happened organically. After seeing all the hard work I’ve invested in my business, they were interested in investing too.
Is there a particular quote or saying that you use as personal motivation? 
“Beat The Odds, Do Numbers, Remain Humble.” This is a Drake lyric, but it represents everything I’m about. We all need the will to go against the odds in life. I pride myself on being mentally strong enough to jump the hurdles. I’m a sales guy, so doing numbers has always been a way of life for me. It’s what excites me, what gets me up in the morning. Remaining humble is also a critical part of my identity. I have a strong belief that no matter how much success I obtain in life, I’m always just my mother’s baby boy. As I say, Angiolina’s Baby Boy. When you fall, arrogance keeps you down. Humble yourself, get back up, and keep trying to beat the odds. 
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source http://www.scpie.org/streetwear-culture-goes-to-the-dogs/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/08/streetwear-culture-goes-to-dogs.html
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Streetwear Culture Goes to the Dogs
August 4, 2020 6 min read
In this ongoing series, we are sharing advice, tips and insights from real entrepreneurs who are out there doing business battle on a daily basis. (Answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.)
Who are you and what’s your business? 
My name is Christopher Cargnoni and I’m the founder of Fresh Pawz, a pet brand dedicated to the streetwear culture. 
What inspired you to create this product?  
In 2017 I noticed younger and younger people walking around with dogs of their own. While I wasn’t yet ready to take on the responsibility of having my own dog back then, the family dogs I grew up with were a big part of my life. Being in the retail world my entire life, I’m super passionate about brand building and creating products that people can connect to, so I started to research the pet market. 
Related: The Couple Behind ‘Dogs of Instagram’ Started It as a Pet Project
Everywhere I searched there were articles about “Millennials are redefining the pet industry!” or “Millennials are now the largest buyer of pets!”. Yet, when I searched for brands and products that would connect to the millennial generation, my own generation, I couldn’t find anything! Out of all the products available, I couldn’t bring myself to purchase even one. I realized there was a major gap to fill in the pet industry. 
What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned in producing and marketing agency your company? 
My biggest lesson here is to stay true to your business’s DNA. We could easily slide over and create different types of products for the masses, but then my brand would become generic and its authenticity would fade. That’s not what I envisioned or why I started this brand. I was confident that big retailers would need a unique brand like us, we just needed to stay the course and create something good enough that they would be foolish to not bring our products in. Fast-forward to today, just three years later, and Fresh Pawz products are sold by nearly every major retailer. 
Related: 5 Things My Dogs Taught Me About Leadership
What does the word “entrepreneur” mean to you? 
That’s a great question! Funny thing is, I’ve had the word “entrepreneur” as my job title on Facebook since I was 18 years old- before I even knew what the word meant! The spirit of entrepreneurship has always been alive and well within me, I just didn’t know the true nature of it. To me, the word “entrepreneur” means choosing to create your own destiny. If you’re an entrepreneur, you literally can’t breathe at the thought of having someone tell you what to do. The thought of how much an hour of your time is worth at a typical 9-5 job is painful! I believe we’re living in the most blessed time in history for entrepreneurs. There really is an unlimited opportunity for those who have the skill and desire to achieve it.
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What was your toughest challenge and how did you overcome it? 
I launched Fresh Pawz in January of 2018, with plans to fund it through my job. Unfortunately, due to a conflict of interest, I was fired from my job just a month later. It was at that moment that I knew I never wanted to spend my time or give my talents to help build someone else’s future and net worth instead of my own. 
Related: The Creator of WeRateDogs Makes Five Figures a Month By Posting Cute Canines Online. Here’s How.
After only a month in business, I could have shut down the brand without a problem. I could have tried to find another day job. That would have been the easy choice, but it wasn’t the choice that would take me where I wanted to go. Looking back, being fired from my job was the best thing to ever happen to me. It finally pushed me to make a decision. I told myself, “I’m going to put all my chips in. I’m going to bet on myself and have faith that I can do what I’ve always believed I can. Fear holds you back if you let it. So don’t! 
What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs about fundraising?
Investors want to see that you’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your business. They want to see that you’ve grown it all you can on your own, and then they might consider helping you grow to the next level. You need to be authentic. Don’t try to fit into a mold to get money from a certain person.
I don’t meet people just because they have money. I meet people who I’d genuinely like to collaborate with. Everyone I have potential partnerships with comes from my own circle, and it happened organically. After seeing all the hard work I’ve invested in my business, they were interested in investing too.
Is there a particular quote or saying that you use as personal motivation? 
“Beat The Odds, Do Numbers, Remain Humble.” This is a Drake lyric, but it represents everything I’m about. We all need the will to go against the odds in life. I pride myself on being mentally strong enough to jump the hurdles. I’m a sales guy, so doing numbers has always been a way of life for me. It’s what excites me, what gets me up in the morning. Remaining humble is also a critical part of my identity. I have a strong belief that no matter how much success I obtain in life, I’m always just my mother’s baby boy. As I say, Angiolina’s Baby Boy. When you fall, arrogance keeps you down. Humble yourself, get back up, and keep trying to beat the odds. 
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source http://www.scpie.org/streetwear-culture-goes-to-the-dogs/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/625589091712499712
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scpie · 4 years
Streetwear Culture Goes to the Dogs
August 4, 2020 6 min read
In this ongoing series, we are sharing advice, tips and insights from real entrepreneurs who are out there doing business��battle on a daily basis. (Answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.)
Who are you and what’s your business? 
My name is Christopher Cargnoni and I’m the founder of Fresh Pawz, a pet brand dedicated to the streetwear culture. 
What inspired you to create this product?  
In 2017 I noticed younger and younger people walking around with dogs of their own. While I wasn’t yet ready to take on the responsibility of having my own dog back then, the family dogs I grew up with were a big part of my life. Being in the retail world my entire life, I’m super passionate about brand building and creating products that people can connect to, so I started to research the pet market. 
Related: The Couple Behind ‘Dogs of Instagram’ Started It as a Pet Project
Everywhere I searched there were articles about “Millennials are redefining the pet industry!” or “Millennials are now the largest buyer of pets!”. Yet, when I searched for brands and products that would connect to the millennial generation, my own generation, I couldn’t find anything! Out of all the products available, I couldn’t bring myself to purchase even one. I realized there was a major gap to fill in the pet industry. 
What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned in producing and marketing agency your company? 
My biggest lesson here is to stay true to your business’s DNA. We could easily slide over and create different types of products for the masses, but then my brand would become generic and its authenticity would fade. That’s not what I envisioned or why I started this brand. I was confident that big retailers would need a unique brand like us, we just needed to stay the course and create something good enough that they would be foolish to not bring our products in. Fast-forward to today, just three years later, and Fresh Pawz products are sold by nearly every major retailer. 
Related: 5 Things My Dogs Taught Me About Leadership
What does the word “entrepreneur” mean to you? 
That’s a great question! Funny thing is, I’ve had the word “entrepreneur” as my job title on Facebook since I was 18 years old- before I even knew what the word meant! The spirit of entrepreneurship has always been alive and well within me, I just didn’t know the true nature of it. To me, the word “entrepreneur” means choosing to create your own destiny. If you’re an entrepreneur, you literally can’t breathe at the thought of having someone tell you what to do. The thought of how much an hour of your time is worth at a typical 9-5 job is painful! I believe we’re living in the most blessed time in history for entrepreneurs. There really is an unlimited opportunity for those who have the skill and desire to achieve it.
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What was your toughest challenge and how did you overcome it? 
I launched Fresh Pawz in January of 2018, with plans to fund it through my job. Unfortunately, due to a conflict of interest, I was fired from my job just a month later. It was at that moment that I knew I never wanted to spend my time or give my talents to help build someone else’s future and net worth instead of my own. 
Related: The Creator of WeRateDogs Makes Five Figures a Month By Posting Cute Canines Online. Here’s How.
After only a month in business, I could have shut down the brand without a problem. I could have tried to find another day job. That would have been the easy choice, but it wasn’t the choice that would take me where I wanted to go. Looking back, being fired from my job was the best thing to ever happen to me. It finally pushed me to make a decision. I told myself, “I’m going to put all my chips in. I’m going to bet on myself and have faith that I can do what I’ve always believed I can. Fear holds you back if you let it. So don’t! 
What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs about fundraising?
Investors want to see that you’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your business. They want to see that you’ve grown it all you can on your own, and then they might consider helping you grow to the next level. You need to be authentic. Don’t try to fit into a mold to get money from a certain person.
I don’t meet people just because they have money. I meet people who I’d genuinely like to collaborate with. Everyone I have potential partnerships with comes from my own circle, and it happened organically. After seeing all the hard work I’ve invested in my business, they were interested in investing too.
Is there a particular quote or saying that you use as personal motivation? 
“Beat The Odds, Do Numbers, Remain Humble.” This is a Drake lyric, but it represents everything I’m about. We all need the will to go against the odds in life. I pride myself on being mentally strong enough to jump the hurdles. I’m a sales guy, so doing numbers has always been a way of life for me. It’s what excites me, what gets me up in the morning. Remaining humble is also a critical part of my identity. I have a strong belief that no matter how much success I obtain in life, I’m always just my mother’s baby boy. As I say, Angiolina’s Baby Boy. When you fall, arrogance keeps you down. Humble yourself, get back up, and keep trying to beat the odds. 
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source http://www.scpie.org/streetwear-culture-goes-to-the-dogs/
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36point36-blog · 7 years
Six Things About Losing Weight That Nobody Ever Talks About, Man.
1.) Trying to look exactly like your most beloved celebrity and being inspired/motivated by your most beloved celebrity’s appearance are two very different things. Don’t think you’ve failed because you’ve worked really hard for a long-ass time and still don’t look anything like Beyonce. Who knows what the average woman could accomplish were her full-time job to come with a round-the-clock personal staff (including a nutritionist, chef, and personal trainer), a grueling rehearsal schedule, an unlimited grocery budget, an explicit and pretty much never-ending direct financial incentive to stay in top physical shape, and access (if desired) to the best of the best, most subtle-knived surgeons in the country? I know I may never achieve Beyonce’s silhouette, but my broke ass lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of muscle without any of those things, just adoringly working out to her music videos. If I had her millions, I could have gotten myself an elliptical machine…or a rainbow of good sports bras, ones that weren’t reenforced with old hair ties…or a lifetime supply of my precious chocolate stevia extract. But y'know, as a minimum wage employee, I think I did all right for myself. 2.) Once you leave the “overweight” range and enter into the “normal,” the frequency of appreciative car honks from creepers will increase exponentially, seemingly overnight. This is a reflection of something deeply unhealthy and problematic in our culture, to be sure, but don’t you DARE feel the least bit ashamed if you are secretly delighted and encouraged by getting honked at more often. Own it, girl. Go ‘head. Make all those creepers’ days. Just don’t talk to them or give them your number. They are still creepers. 3.) Food products that are marketed to promote weight loss are fucking snake oil. If “skinny,” “light,” “zero,” “free,” or “fit” has been incorporated into the product name, it is probably hiding a bunch of terrible ingredient secrets in relatively plain sight. If your whole day will be calorically spent if you eat the whole package of something, it’s not a weight loss food. When you look at the nutrition facts on anything in the grocery store, just hypothetically plan for the worst. Try presupposing that you will get super hungry, temporarily lose all self control, and eat the whole box/jar/bag. If you mathematically cannot foresee being able to make up for those calories throughout the day, either naturally or in exercise, that food is not a good weight loss food. I found out by trial and error that heavily seasoned (especially hot and spicy) vegetables, even with a little oil or cheese, can be eaten by the boatload. You’d be surprised how UNhealthy you can make healthy food taste if you get the right flavors in the mix. Same goes for plain nonfat Greek yogurt doctored with frozen fruit and chocolate stevia. This is why I’m adamantly, zealously anti-portion control. You can eat like a full-grown male warthog all day long if you eat certain things instead of others, and by “certain things” I do not mean ice cubes or carrot sticks. I mean, like, actually filling shit. Shit that has lots of colors and textures and tastes good and has actual sauce or tastes like actual chocolate. 4.) Losing weight may not make you more flexible in a way that translates to a better sex life, or cure you of your sexual inhibitions, or turn you into a saucy hellcat in the sack. But if nothing else, in just, like, a literal, straightforward sense, it damn sure makes the physical act of intercourse easier. Like… there’s really just more space available to move your hips and/or limbs around in a manner that is conducive to engaging in coital activity. Sorry to be so clinical about it, but them’s the brakes (breaks?). 5.) If you have been overweight or obese your whole life and one day find yourself at the point in your weight loss where you are considered a “normal” weight (which is, by current national standards, significant “skinnier” than “average”), you will find that your “life as a fat woman conversation” card has been revoked. Indefinitely, no exceptions, no questions asked. This rule may bend a little with VERY close friends or VERY close relatives, but you can no longer - I repeat, NO LONGER - just casually be shooting the shit with a bunch of plus-size acquaintances one day and start talking about the experience of being fat. It doesn’t matter if you were, yourself, fat for a quarter of a century. If you are no longer fat, you cannot talk about being fat. You can kind of get away with talking about losing weight (and even then, only to a certain extent), but DON’T TALK ABOUT ACTUALLY BEING FAT. It may feel surreal to have lost that right - or even, lonely…or like, unfair, somehow? - but that’s just how it is. Your struggle is no longer their struggle, and whether or not it makes a whole lot of sense to you, you just kind of need to shut up about it. 6.) You will find that, in this particular day and age, after a lifetime of weight issues and/or obesity and not being able to find clothes that were BIG enough, you may now find it hard to find clothes that are SMALL enough. At 140 pounds, I am much closer to the bigger end (154) of the normal weight scale than I am to the smaller end (118), but because of the increased national obesity rate and directly correlated but significantly higher increase in “vanity sizing” over the past decade, I legitimately struggle to find clothes in stores that are SMALL enough for me to wear without worrying about an overabundant swath of fabric slipping and exposing an areola or granny-pantied ass cheek. Some stores are worse than others. I’m 5'6 and have a 28 inch waist, yet somehow wear a ZERO at Old Navy. You’d think this would be pleasant or flattering, but it’s really just unsettling. American clothing manufacturers used to want to shut women who were over size 12 out of the market - but now that there are so many more of them, they’re simply trying to placate the masses and convince shoppers that they’re smaller than they are. I have a dear friend who, simply because of her rare (and widely-envied) genetic makeup, is 5'9 and 105 pounds. She’s way too tall (and old) to wear kid’s clothes, yet way too slim to wear clothes from the vast majority of the popular women’s clothing stores available to her. This wouldn’t have been nearly as much of a problem ten or fifteen years ago. At 105 pounds, SHE should be the size zero…sure as hell not me. Vanity sizing genuinely makes me furious. I will leave it there for now, but I could rant about this particular topic all the livelong day. ‘Kay…byyyye.
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