#why jellyfish look huggable?????
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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jellyfish be upon ye!
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Ghouls at the Aquarium
Headcanons about the ghouls at the aquarium. Inspired by a trip to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. Had to shout it out because it was so frickin amazing. No one ask me my favorite exhibit because I will say all of them. But also definitely the belugas and the jellyfish.
Cirrus: She loves the dolphins. As serious and strict as she sometimes is, she’s like a kid at Christmas when the group reaches the dolphin enclosure. She admires how smart they are as well as how sleek they look darting through the water. And yes she knows what little shits they can be and she doesn't care. She still thinks they’re neat. She plans the day around making sure to catch the dolphin show at least twice. Cumulus buys her a dolphin plushie and she just about melts into a happy puddle.
Cumulus: As much as Cirrus loves dolphins, Cumulus loves beluga whales. She thinks they look majestic. And huggable. She would hug one if she could. The rest of the girls booked a behind the scenes beluga experience for her and they got to see them up close, feed them, and even pet them. By the end of it they’re all giggling at how cute the beluga’s are.
Sunshine: She thinks the lionfish are neat and likes how their spines look like sunbursts. Kinda sad that they’re an invasive species but understands why work to remove them from the wrong areas is important for the marine ecosystem. Gets a postcard from the gift shop with a picture of one to put in her room.
Aurora: She spent a solid half an hour sitting in front of the moon jellyfish tank watching them. It was one of those circular tanks that have a slight current to gently cause the jellies to drift in a circle. That and the color changing light had her mesmerized. She would have spent longer watching them but the others literally pulled her away so she could see the rest of the aquarium.
Dewdrop: He wasn't too sure about it at first. The aquarium kind of dredged up some melancholy and yearning for his water ghoul days. He's happy as a fire ghoul for sure, it suits him better. He definitely misses his water though. Fortunately he warms up to it; seeing how excited Rain and Phantom are playing a big part. He can’t help but crack a smile when Phantom starts mimicking the penguins. He ends up loving the eels and the caimans. Joins Rain in naming all this fish, offering increasingly unhinged suggestions.
Rain: His unglamoured form is pretty sharklike so it's not surprising that Rain has a fondness for sharks. The pile of shark plushies on his bed definitely isn’t a tip off either. Besides the sharks, Rain likes pretty much every exhibit. He gives silly names to every fish that catches his eye with help from Dew and discusses which fish would taste the best with Swiss much to the horror of the other patrons.
Mountain: He really likes the sea dragons because they look like plants. He didn’t know they were a thing until seeing them at the aquarium for the first time. Also really interested in the aquatic plants (of course) and the frogs and turtles.
Aether: He really likes the manta rays. He thinks they’re so cute. Loves how it looks like they’re flying through the water. Way too excited about getting to pet them but it's endearing.
Swiss: Phantom actually saw the piranhas before Swiss did, took one look between the two of them and dubbed them cousins. Swiss did not help his case by immediately baring his teeth in a grin. He then proceeded to chase Phantom around the room threatening to nibble on him while Phantom giggled. That is until Cirrus put a stop to that so they didn’t get kicked out.
Phantom: Loves absolutely everything but also the penguins and starfish. He asks the staff a million questions and they’re happy to answer every one. Leaves the gift shop with a stack of books on ocean facts that he and Rain end up reading aloud the whole ride home.
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