#if jellyfish not huggable
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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jellyfish be upon ye!
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Ghouls at the Aquarium
Headcanons about the ghouls at the aquarium. Inspired by a trip to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. Had to shout it out because it was so frickin amazing. No one ask me my favorite exhibit because I will say all of them. But also definitely the belugas and the jellyfish.
Cirrus: She loves the dolphins. As serious and strict as she sometimes is, she’s like a kid at Christmas when the group reaches the dolphin enclosure. She admires how smart they are as well as how sleek they look darting through the water. And yes she knows what little shits they can be and she doesn't care. She still thinks they’re neat. She plans the day around making sure to catch the dolphin show at least twice. Cumulus buys her a dolphin plushie and she just about melts into a happy puddle.
Cumulus: As much as Cirrus loves dolphins, Cumulus loves beluga whales. She thinks they look majestic. And huggable. She would hug one if she could. The rest of the girls booked a behind the scenes beluga experience for her and they got to see them up close, feed them, and even pet them. By the end of it they’re all giggling at how cute the beluga’s are.
Sunshine: She thinks the lionfish are neat and likes how their spines look like sunbursts. Kinda sad that they’re an invasive species but understands why work to remove them from the wrong areas is important for the marine ecosystem. Gets a postcard from the gift shop with a picture of one to put in her room.
Aurora: She spent a solid half an hour sitting in front of the moon jellyfish tank watching them. It was one of those circular tanks that have a slight current to gently cause the jellies to drift in a circle. That and the color changing light had her mesmerized. She would have spent longer watching them but the others literally pulled her away so she could see the rest of the aquarium.
Dewdrop: He wasn't too sure about it at first. The aquarium kind of dredged up some melancholy and yearning for his water ghoul days. He's happy as a fire ghoul for sure, it suits him better. He definitely misses his water though. Fortunately he warms up to it; seeing how excited Rain and Phantom are playing a big part. He can’t help but crack a smile when Phantom starts mimicking the penguins. He ends up loving the eels and the caimans. Joins Rain in naming all this fish, offering increasingly unhinged suggestions.
Rain: His unglamoured form is pretty sharklike so it's not surprising that Rain has a fondness for sharks. The pile of shark plushies on his bed definitely isn’t a tip off either. Besides the sharks, Rain likes pretty much every exhibit. He gives silly names to every fish that catches his eye with help from Dew and discusses which fish would taste the best with Swiss much to the horror of the other patrons.
Mountain: He really likes the sea dragons because they look like plants. He didn’t know they were a thing until seeing them at the aquarium for the first time. Also really interested in the aquatic plants (of course) and the frogs and turtles.
Aether: He really likes the manta rays. He thinks they’re so cute. Loves how it looks like they’re flying through the water. Way too excited about getting to pet them but it's endearing.
Swiss: Phantom actually saw the piranhas before Swiss did, took one look between the two of them and dubbed them cousins. Swiss did not help his case by immediately baring his teeth in a grin. He then proceeded to chase Phantom around the room threatening to nibble on him while Phantom giggled. That is until Cirrus put a stop to that so they didn’t get kicked out.
Phantom: Loves absolutely everything but also the penguins and starfish. He asks the staff a million questions and they’re happy to answer every one. Leaves the gift shop with a stack of books on ocean facts that he and Rain end up reading aloud the whole ride home.
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anadorablekiwi · 1 month
The current progress on The Tumblr Jellyfish!
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The normal size for my jellyfish is hand size (this is a picture of an old one):
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A good friend once asked for a huggable sized one, and its the only one ive made so far but ive always wanted to make one for myself!
So, since Large won in the size poll, im finally getting to it hehe
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chanto-love · 2 years
Blorbo Showdown: Round 1, Match 14
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@bogleech made these! go look at bogleech.com it's the best website
On the left: Sneezola from Mortasheen. My favorite Mortasheen monster, who started as a fakemon but got Upgraded after enough people loved it real hard. (Including me, I did fanart!) the funny virus jellyfish… no matter how bogleechy the style ill always find this one huggable. at my own peril. that's fine i'm ok with that
On the right: Doctor H.M. Phage from Awful Hospital: Seriously The Worst Ever. In my top ten 'deserves a plushie' characters. Probably could end the world if he tried. I've been reading this comic for a while and it's SO good, amazing way to spend an afternoon. (probably more like a whole day, actually. or two? depends on how fast you read ig)
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nerdazzler · 1 year
[Old Unfinished Work]
Jazz Playlist
0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32
↻     ⊲  Ⅱ  ⊳     ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
You’re swimming. Heading into one of the darkest parts of the ocean. Your tail taking you to your destination with ease. 
In all honesty you knew this part of the ocean by heart, this onced most feared and untouched part of the ocean. No merfolk would dare try to step a fin into this area of the sea. How much time has gone by for the once most feared side of the whole sea to now be the area where merfolk flock to the most.
You swim towards a giant building that almost looks similar to a conc shell or a giant piece of coral.
 You head into the, oh so familiar place you’ve known since…well almost your whole childhood. How the place has changed still tends to fascinate you.
What used to be a dark inky coral filled cavern that no one dared enter, turned into a bustling lounge that everyone knows about and would try to reserve a spot at any chance they get. The dim blue jellyfish-like lights illuminating the area, the bar in which you’d see two of your closest friends work while also serving the guest. The beautiful scenery behind the seating tables in which guests could look out back into the water they’re all so familiar with, and the perfectly placed seating areas which No one occupied at the moment. 
It was after hours in the lounge no one was left except for a few workers who were clocking out for the night. You wave to the last few workers a good night before you leave the main area and head towards the closed off part of the lounge, well…half closed off. People did tend to come back here often, for a price that is.
You reached the lounge’s office. Inhabited by the owner of the lounge during work hours, after hours too at times. The owner never misses the chance to make a good deal with someone, as shady and weird as it sounds. You have to give him props for being ready to make a deal at any moment, seeing how many clients he gets on a daily basis. 
You open the door to the office.
 The owner of the lounge looks up from his paperwork and at you with an almost worried expression “Oh Angelfish! You don’t know how long you’ve been gone!”
The first words you hear as he rushes out his seat to engulf you into a hug. You feel like he’s going to suffocate you from how tight of a hold he has on your person, he finally lets go. Putting his hands on your shoulders and begins inspecting you “Are you alright? Did that bast-“ he clears his throat before continuing his sentence. “ Did anyone do anything to hurt you? You’ve been gone for an awfully long time” He engulfs you in another tight hug, he might as well become the first twin at this point from how tight he’s squeezing you. “I was just so worried! I almost sent Floyd and Jade off to find you.”
You sigh “I’m fine azul, they didn’t hurt me I promise.” Azul pulls away and gives you one last look before the first twin interrupts him
“Neeeh~ I wanna give ‘Em a good squeeze too! Don’t hog em all you yourself azul!” Ah yes…there he is, the first of the twins or…at least first in how you order the two. Floyd Leech. Huggable but in a…deadly way.
“Oya. I too would like to hug them, we can share now, can’t we?” The Second twin and honestly the “calmest” out of the three. Jade Leech. Seems like a pushover, but is more likely to push you over and break your spinal cord.
You hold your hands up almost in a defensive manner. “I’ll let you hug me later. How were things over here while I was gone?” 
Floyd pouts and crosses his arms showing signs of annoyance that he can’t hug you.
“Splendid as always.” The second twin tells you as he tries to calm the first. “Multiple merfolk were so eager to snag a good deal with azul, ufufu~” as always, desperate merfolk in need of help go running to azul for answers.
the second twin speaks his mood and tone of words changing from annoyed to happy  “Hehehehe, today we got a very valuable customer”,  “ufufu~, indeed we did Floyd” the twins exchange each other a happy and knowing grin at each other, that can only hold terrible intentions behind them. 
You begin to wonder who the trio managed to get into a deal with and why they’re so important, what the trio wants with them and more importantly, what are they planning against them. Your train of thought is interrupted when azul speaks up. “Oh! How could I forget! Since you’re here, I have a favor to ask of you.” , “A…favor?” You ask, slight suspicion arising seeing the timing of this “favor” that is about to be asked of you.
“Nothing too big! I promise, it’s just a small favor that I ask of you.” There it is…Azul’s award winning smile,that could make anyone believe him…it still baffles you to how easily you succumb to that smile, maybe it’s because he looks handsome? You sometimes think he put a spell on himself to make anyone fall for his smile…but that’s just a back of the mind thought.
“And what favor may I ask?” Your words make azul give a pleased smile, he’s happy with your answer, that was in the form of a question.
Azul followed by the twins usher you into another area of the lounge, the closed off area that no customer, worker, or victim of a deal can enter. It’s mainly dark here with the only source of light being some dimly lit sea lamps placed in certain corners of the room. Both twins swim to your side and grab one of your arms, with Jade on your left and Floyd on your right, they forcefully set you down on what seems to be a bed. Before you can protest Azul swims up to the three of you with what seems to be a giant pearl. The twins let go of both of your arms and swim over to azul’s side instead, azul waves his hand above the pearl and it begins to glow showing the image of a boy with bright red hair.
You know the boy…rielé. What could the trio possibly want with rielé? 
Azul speaks up, “This is the person I want you to go after ''. “Go after?“ you reply with a bit of a horrified expression “Why am I going after rielé?”, azul looks shocked from your response “Oh no! Oh heavens no! That’s not what I mean angelcake! We just want you to go up to the surface, watch over him for us, and report back on how he’s doing!” 
“Oh”…you thought to yourself. Maybe you jumped the gun too quickly…you haven’t seen the trio do any harm to anyone. You were just overthinking how an ex-friend of yours could have possibly gotten into a deal with azul. You decided to shake those thoughts away, you can trust the trio, they're your friends after all.
“But why me?” You ask. “Don’t you usually send Floyd and Jade up to the surface to watch contract dealers?”
“I would…but they have some business to attend to down here with me” azul gives you a thoughtful look “so I decided you’d be perfect for the job!” 
“I can do that.” You responded with a gleeful smile. “Perfect!” The trio announce at the same time, azul immediately orders the twins to swim off to find the ingredients to make a potion for you. Azul takes your hand and leads you to a coldren, the coldren is made up of tentacles “um…isn’t this cannibalism or something?” You question a bit unsettled by the coldren . “Oh no, dear. They’re dead” azul gives you an eerie smile with his response “they weren’t family either, just some sad contract breakers that floyd and jade had to deal with.” 
Your unsettled mood turns more into fear.
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mamagabi-s-corner · 2 years
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Ok hear me out.. Beef Cake.. That is it! *leaves*
Beef Cake  Other names: Benjamin, Benny, Ben, Beefy Juvenile Shedder (Blue lips - young adult (19-21)) Major: Illusion Magic - If the Major is used for the purpose of entertainment, may it be tame as to not scare the audience. If used against the enemy, dig deep into their mind to find their weakest point and use it against them, be as brutal as you wish. Minor: Animal manipulation - Show dignity and empathy when you control your non-humanoid companions, for they too are living beings with emotions. If you protect them, in turn they will return the favor. Use only when you deem it necessary.
Notable traits:  -Juggalo make up -Wears bright and weird looking contacts -Shark teeth drawn on his face glow in the dark (so do his teeth) -Oh lawd he comin’! (Fat and very huggable!) -His entire aesthetic consists of bright and pastel colors, and eyes -Platform shoes filled with water and floating jellyfish made out of clay that he made himself -Very childish and obnoxious, very optimistic and always full of energy -Very artsy, loves arts and crafts and fashion, most of the things in his wardrobe consists of his own clothes he has sown with the help of one of his siblings who has a Fashion Major -His hat has a living, sentient rabbit named Noah that lives inside it (the name derives from Noah’s arc). Noah is the opposite of Beef Cake personality wise, she is very serious and takes shit from no one, not even Benny. Interestingly enough, their relationship is that of a guide and follower to ensure Benny doesn’t get in trouble -Meta level (self-awareness scale) is above 15 (estimated to be around 23 or 25, which is above the scale. Is on constant watch, as sedatives do not work on him. Lucky for him, Noah keeps him in check) -Favorite color is pink
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sparklerzii · 4 months
What do you think of jellyfish 🎤
I LOVE THEM!!!! they r very squishy ithink... AND HUGGABLE...ithink idk if it's js some of them that have thise stinger thingys but besides that, their v adorable and yeah ^__^
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kindauglypikachuicon · 7 months
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Days of Love has arrived in Sky: Children of Light!
And our guide(?) is this big glowing heart called Unfettered Love
And the event takes place in the jellyfish area in The Little Prince’s seasonal area
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The event currency are these cute pink bows
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Lots of wax around the water, and a huggable heart pillow
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Meet grandpa and grandma where if your kid does the butterfly perch emote it’ll make a bow currency appear
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There’s also a little boat where you can get some free Days of Love items
And you can see some meteor showers if you’re luckily looking up at the right time. I managed to see some but couldn’t screenshot them in time
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Hey Mouse? I remember that Fosh had some part of your cursed energy with him. He named a cute little mouse Lily and I hear she's still with him or protecting and watching him. Does this mean you have something as a part of you from him?
"Huh?" she looks up from her work but blinks to hear this. "He named a little mouse spirit Lily? Awww, that's cute." she smiled but Mouse didn't know that. "But I did leave a part of myself with him to know I'm always be there for him." she smiled but heard the question.
"As to that.." She looks seeing a jellyfish that looks like cosmic like appearance floating by her shoulder as it was floating above her head while wrapping it's stingers around her wrist. "I do. His name is Nebula. He's a very huggable little thing but it's adorable. But, you can say I have a part of him with me too." she smiles happily seeing Nebula nuzzling against her hand.
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jellyfishsart · 3 years
i think it's just horrible that i can't hug hinata
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hollypies · 2 years
have you seen the jellyfish friend??? it's SO cute one of our friends is getting it for us!!! And when you go in the days of sunlight area after finishing the one quest and there's a baby jelly following you... <3 <3 <3
Oauahha sorry I didn't see this till just now!!! Hiii!!!!
And yes I've seen the ! Jellyfish!!! Its so adorable!!! I got it actually hegeh I justm couldn't resist!! Btw sorry for so many spelling errors I've had. A busy day an im so tired lol!!
And the baby jelly that follows you around is so so so adorable!! I want to smother it in cuddles so badly it looks so huggable!!! Jelly friend!!!
Mmmm also did you all see the new Aurora trailer!? The next season is a collab im very excited!! I probably won't be buying a season pass if there is one but I'm sure it'll be so cool!! I dont know much about the actual singer but her voice is very pretty
Ooo that reminds me I need to draw yalls skykid agh!! I keep forgetting these things sorry!!
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Here's. A cool picture! BTW howww do people get their phones to read QR codes im. Like I've tried so hard to figure it out I know mt phone can read them im. Literally so frustrated lol. Like I wanna get the actual image on. My phone but my phone is an ass ! Aw well. I'll figure it out probably agh agh
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
❞ 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 ❝
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➻ content: it's ashengrotto's melody!
➻ warnings: to the max diabetes
➻ comments: nothing. just enjoy. don't cry! listen to Down To The Sea from the little mermaid 2. when i said i would write this, i mean it. 
azul is in his adult years in this one! this is the offical story now, i apologize for what happened a couple of minutes ago.
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Soaring high, the birds go. Far in the distance, the sea splashing on the shore and a grand ship setting sail away from the borders. The soft melodic humming echoing through the walls of a ship’s chamber as the birds landed on figurehead on the ship. Little babbles of a little girl cooed as her little hands clenched and unclenched for the attention of her father.
His stretched lips continued to hum a soft lullaby, facing his little guppy, eyes the same as her mothers and hair the same as his. So fragile and adorable, soft and huggable, that’s what she is. The living being that came from the love of both her parents. Her small lips matched his smile, so plump and pink, continuing to give her little sounds as she continued to move her delicate hands around. This is she...
Azul’s Melody.
He walked over to his daughter, Melody giggling louder once she heard his soft melodic tune. His hands gently scooping his daughter from her crib as the mobile softly twinkled. She laid in his warm arms delighted to finally be in his father’s presence, her open smile never leaving her face as her doe-like eyes looked up at him. Azul breathlessly chuckled and kissed her forehead. “You are my world my darling,” he began. “What a wonderful world I see...” He faced the ship’s window, adjusting his arms so Melody could take a view of the waters as her eyes widened and a louder giggle left her lips.
Her father looked down back at her, placing her head in his hand and the other supporting her bottom. Loving fatherly eyes looked at her so tenderly. “You are the song I’m singing...” he brought her up to his face until their foreheads were touching. “You’re my beautiful Melody...”
Water continued to splash against the ship's hull as it moved farther away from the land. Melody's mother looked down at the ocean from the deck of the ship, seeing splashes from the distance and fishes leaping from the water. They're coming. y/n grinned and ran up the stairs of the ship and into the chamber her husband and daughter stayed. "Darling we better be going...”
“Look at her isn’t she glowing?” smiled Azul as he looked over at his wife. She giggled and went behind her husband, placing her chin on his shoulder as her finger poked her daughter’s cheek. “She looks divine and you look exquisite!” complimented y/n as she pushed her husband out the door, continuing, “But look at the time!”
“Couldn’t be is it?” questioned Azul.
Y/n’s old butler stretched out his arm with a bow, a smile of his own stretched on his lips as he took sight of little Melody who looked delightfully curious. “The crew is awaiting your orders.”
“We’re sailing away from our borders!” came the captain.
“Steady boy steady! Ahoy there, they’re coming!” yelled the two crewmen.
“Trumpeters ready, drums start drumming!” ordered the butler.
The harmonious sound of trumpets and drums resonated from the ship as Azul and his wife descended the stairs to the deck. Cradling Melody carefully in his arms as he looked at her. “Down to the sea we go. Down to a world, I know.” Melody clapped her hands joyfully, her eyes looking around curious as her little apple hair bounced with every movement.
“There’s never been, not ever before a child born of sea and shore.”
“Down to the sea we go, down to the world below!” y/n gleamed and ran to the sidelines while her husband followed suit. Her smile stretching wider as she could see the nostalgia in Azul’s eyes. The people, on the ship, cheered for both of them. Idia, who stood near the sidelines, gave a small smile to his friend as Ortho clapped for joy. Their friend has a family now. 
“A journey to bless, a princess to be, under the sun...” She kissed her daughter’s forehead, Melody wiggling in Azul’s arms as she heard the ocean singing. 
“And under the sea!” said both Azul and his wife.
Melody looked up at her parents, both smiling as they looked at the ocean as if waiting for something to come. The curious little girl blinked and just giggled while shaking her little fists, saliva forming in little bubbles while Azul hummed and wiped the drool. “Just you wait, my little guppy. You’ll see how special you are to me...”
In the swooshing mass of the blue sea, a fish popped his head out of the water. Upon seeing the ship and two figures by the sidelines, he gasped and dove back down. Into the Coral Sea, he swam and called to those in close relation to Azul. “Azul is coming!” 
“Azul is coming?”
Chorus of joyful questions and cheers resonated within the deep waters. The fish eventually reached one merman who dropped what he was doing and began swimming around in glee. “What’s all the big commotion?” he asked and pulled his brother as they swam upwards. His sharp teeth shining brightly, he continued, “From sea to shining sea?” 
His twin chuckled and let two smaller mereels swim past him. “There is no hesitating. Today we’re celebrating. It’s Azul’s melody!” They swam and swam, the sun shining brighter the higher they swam. They can hear them. It’s finally time. It has been seven years. 
“We’re gonna have a spree!” cheered two little mereels.
“Her voice is clearer now,” Jade noted.
“I think I hear her now!” marvelled Floyd.
“It’s Azul’s Melody!” 
They arose their head from the water, grinning widely upon the sight of their childhood friend on the ship. Azul and y/n waved at the twin eels. Melody is laughing loudly and cutely again. The little girl was having fun, even though not knowing what’s going on. The contagious smiles of everyone around her have made Melody’s heart leap for joy. 
Up from the sea, we rise, into the world of skies. There’s never been not ever before, a child born of sea and shore. Up from the sea, we rise, into the world of skies. Together as one, under the sea and under the sun.
“This is your world my darling.” Azul let Melody see a better part of the ocean, his family and friends all looking up in awe, finding the mixture of y/n and the meroctoupus to be adorable. “One world the land and sea. My hope for you for always...” His daughter babbled and waved her hands up and down as if feeling the water under her arms. Her father held her close, tenderly letting her head lay on his chest while his nose rubbed against her small tuff of hair.
“Is that your heart will hold part of me.”
Everyone, on both the ship and sea, cheered and admired little Melody. y/n let her tears cascade down her eyes. Her daughter and husband were getting recognized and loved by everyone. Their hard work has been paid off. Melody was the reward, the offspring of their love. Floyd squealed and cupped his lips, yelling, “I can’t wait to see the little jellyfish swim!” 
Jade laughed and Azul rolled his eyes. It’s time they finally reunite.
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“Uncle Azul!”
Two little girls and a boy came running down the halls of the mansion’s living room. Both girls latching themselves on the man’s legs and the boy jumping around him, giggling as they looked up at their uncle. “Where’s Melody? I want to see her!” they all chirped. Azul snickered and looked over at the door.
“Do you mind getting your kids off of me while I tend to their request?”
“I already told the three of them to keep it down but just like Floyd and me, we’re all excited to see Melody.” Jade walked over to his friend, hugging him while Azul just smiled. “I’m glad they love my daughter.”
“Enough chit-chat! Where’s the little jellyfish?” Floyd looked around, trying to look for the little female version of Azul. The triplets continued to bounce around the living room. Azul’s wife peered from the second-floor balcony. Happy is she to see her husband with his friends, still youthful and never fleeting. Melody, who was busy chewing on a shell necklace, also looked down and laughed loudly. Six heads immediately looked up, all simultaneously smiling before the triplets dashed up the stairs.
A harmonious reunification of three families.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
tiashar development notions p2: appearance stuff
the original concept for my big monster mama OC was that she was in constant flux, to account for her body transforming; thus far, her design tends to remain the same broadly, so it may be better to suggest she’s got a number of different configurations she tends to slide between based on her environment, though she definitely prefers things cool, wet and with somewhere for her to soak in. here are a few traits that have either popped up in my writing, or look good enough that they feature prominently:
general body type: she is a MILF monster; she is broad, she is tall, and she is thicc as heck. broad shoulders. big body, huge hips, massive thighs and a sizable soft tummy. her boobs and butt are VERY big, and tend to be balanced in overall respective volume. she can have a trimmer torso for a curvier body, but in general she is big all around; she’s a huge, soft, huggable cuddlemonster. She almost always has a long neck that can be fairly flexible when required.
Black skin. Her skin is invariably black, or varying shades thereof; she might have patterns of other colors, but her skin is always a deep black. she tends to have amphibian traits, so its very soft and squishy. her body is slippery, slick and nice to touch, her hugs are extremely pleasant! Her body is also fairly cool to the touch; not cold, but comfortably cooler than normal human body temperature. skin texture is usually something between a frog or a whale’s.
Color scheme: Consider the idea that Tiashar’s hair, visible internals and the patterns on her body glow with three distinctive neon colors: pinks/magentas, blues, and greens. while my art style depicts them as differently colored, the intent is that her body is all black, but glows with these colors on those areas, pulsing from within in a slow and steady glow. These colors may indicate something about her mood? In any case, they are most seen in her insides; from her throat to more intimate organs, her insides are just as black as her outer body, flashing from within with a pulse of these various colors. its hypnotic and very pretty. 
animal traits: Tiashar’s chimeric design takes the most influence from the following animals: frogs, slugs, whales, anemones, and jellyfish. other animals may crop up from time to time, but these are the main influences, and the actual degree to which they influence her look varies. For example, like a frog or slug, her skin is moist, though whether she actually produces a slime-like substance or not changes. Her feet are usually froglike or resemble flippers (though her legs are often digitgrade) and often sport high heel-like struts growing out. Round and soft is her theme; no spikes or real armor, just soft dangly bigs, rounded crests growing out of her back like kaiju spines, or swimming membranes from her tail and limbs.
her hands and arms should be big and round; not muscular, but soft and squashy. her hands may look like fins with crude claws forming out of them. fluttering membranes or veils may extend out from her arms, connecting to her sides and glowing as a contrast.
mouth? huge lips; normally dominate her face, and shine in her dominant color scheme. she has ever-changing teeth, but while they are big and many-rowed, they might actually be soft and incapable of causing harm without her willingly transforming them into real fangs; she can chew on you but it doesn’t hurt, its like a cool pressure on your body. consider that she actually has baleen like a whale much of the time?
gigantic squishy tongue, strong enough to grab things, soft enough for them to sink into. in art will probably be one of her off-colors, but is actually intended to be black, but glowing with her alternate colors from within!
ears: she probably doesn’t have ears, exactly. however, I’m really in love with the idea of her having multiple floppy and very long fin-like things that serve the same purpose. They might be feathery and drape, like an axlotl’s gills, or be thick sheets draping down like squishy fins. in general, though, they are big and they drape. these are actually sensory organs; in the water, they give her absolute awareness like a form of sonar. above water, though, they are rather sensitive to the touch; both in the sense that touching them can irritate her, or be very soothing and soporific to her.
eyes: she actually does have eyes... sometimes. When she has the jellyfish cap form, for example, she often just has photosensitive grooves that serve the same purposes. When she does have eyes, they tend to be multiplied; she usually has at least four, and they tend to be solid pools of color with a thin slit due to her being used to low light conditions. for the same reason, she requires very big and thick glasses to see. otherwise she’s extremely near sighted and legally blind.
hair: depending on her form, but its usually a mass of tendrils of varying size. Sometimes closely clustered like an anemone. sometimes longer tentacles that reach the floor, and sometimes it merges into a big jelly-like sheet. Tends to be very soft to the touch, and usually colored in whatever her current secondary color is, but its not unusual for her to have a mix of multiple colors. these are functional tentacles and she can weaponize them; extend them out, grab stuff, turn them into actual limbs and make them super muscular and flex a bunch, swing and divide into incredibly fast projectiles; things like that!
tail. great big fat and long tail! It can be like a slug’s (heavy and tapering to a very thing top), a prawn’s (tipped with a little fan) or even have suckers on the bottom like a octopi’s tentacle. she might even grow multiple ones, or develop flukes like a whale; as a rule, her tails are always chunky. she generally has a like membrane or mantle growing along the side of it, glowing in her alternate colors and extending out pretty far, like a lacey fabric built into her body.
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You have been challenged by... Hello, Happy World!!!
Feel free to use as long as you credit me!
Reasons for the pokemon I chose under the cut~
Pikachu - The star of the show, know worldwide by all as a happy lil friend, has an electric personality Jigglypuff - Loves to sing!! Togekiss - Brings gifts of kindness and peace, avoids strife Shaymin - “The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are the message it delivers.”
Chimchar - Has a fiery and wild personality and a lot of potential to grow. Aipom - Has a fun personality, has a sweet tooth, always willing to lend a helping hand (tail?) Phanpy - Has a very playful personality! Though it comes on a bit strong! Loudred - ...is um... loud kfhjsd
Empoleon - Based on her 4-star Polar Aurora card!! Primarina - For her love for the colorful ocean life! And to match her initial circus-themed 3-star card!! Frillish - For her love of jellyfish! Pachirisu - To match her cuteness!!
Beautifly - To match her beauty~ Swanna - To match her grace~ and to match the feathery beauty of her Noble White 4-star card Dragonair - A mystical pokemon with a gentle aura Espeon - Porple cute sfdfhjds
Misaki Michelle
Teddiursa - Bear... very cute...  Bewear - Bear... Is very huggable and known for giving hugs, just like Michelle! Plusle & Minun - Turn up that volume DJ!! ++ I know I could have just included plusle and left out minun but... they’re inseparable... fdsgfdsh Zebstrika - Has lightning speed, like their lightning DJ moves!
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Creaks review – great puzzles in an eerie underworld of living objects • Eurogamer.net
Amanita Design’s latest is a game of vast but delicate imagination, at once rambling and toy-like. Released alongside a crop of triple-A games that demand to be played for days, Creaks has the soothing conciseness of a key fitting into a lock. Its entire world is visible on the main menu from the outset: a vast underground fortress, winding down from observatories and libraries to laboratories and submarine grottos. The protagonist, a charmingly timid man in shirt sleeves, stumbles into this strange, buried reality after crawling through a hole in his apartment wall.
Creaks review
Developer: Amanita Design
Publisher: Amanita Design
Platform: Reviewed on PC
Availability: Out now on iOS as part of Apple Arcade, available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Mac and Switch on 22nd July
As in the developer’s celebrated point-and-clickers Machinarium and Samorost, this is more of a hoard than a world: a dingy trove of objects pilfered from the far corners of the Earth and the guts of history. It’s as though somebody had turned Gormenghast into a wonder cabinet, packed with busted clocks and dinosaur skulls, mouldering books and statues, all drawn with a florid, impressionistic hand that seems positively allergic to straight lines. Also as in Amanita’s other games, this is a world on the brink of destruction. Something enormous and angry is climbing around the exterior of the fortress, demolishing whole rooms with a sweep of its claws. A small flock of quaintly dressed bird-people are trying their best to dislodge it. You’ll glimpse their comic efforts through gaps in the woodwork as you wander downward from puzzle to puzzle, seeking the route back to the surface.
Told without words, the plot is simple but suspenseful, an eerie bedtime story for the kind of child who spies monsters in wallpaper patterns. The biggest twist is the protagonist dropping his torch during the descent from his apartment – this is decisive because many of the castle’s objects come to life in the dark. In the workshops near the summit, secateurs flex their jaws like butterflies testing their wings. Painted kites eye you with tigrish amusement. A setting that reminds you initially of Neil Gaiman’s Coraline starts to feel like a coral reef, its heaps of bricabrac reacting gently to your passage.
Some objects are animate enough in the gloom to be dangerous. Stubby chests of drawers transform into guard dogs, charging anybody who comes near their baskets, voices booming like the slam of filing cabinets. Ornamental globes become flying jellyfish, coasting left to right. Gushing drainpipes become snuffling elephant trunks. Chairs shapeshift into skittish goat-like creatures. Coatstands, rather terrifyingly, turn into thorny Halloween spectres who mirror your movements providing there’s space to do so.
All of these creatures will kill you instantly if you bumble into them, but you’ll need to “collaborate” with them to solve puzzles. Once safely neutralised by the glare of a ceiling lamp, objects can be dragged around to serve as platforms or used to weigh down pressure panels. Puzzles are rarely as straightforward as trying to petrify every last creature, however, and in any case, those lamps (some of which can be wirelessly activated, once you acquire a certain item) are few and far between. Typically you’ll need to exploit their unnatural mobility, weaving a path for them by raising or lowering barriers, dropping bridges and, most satisfyingly of all, using other creatures as obstacles or provocations.
The dogs will chase after the goats, for instance, but are scared stiff of the jellyfish creatures. You can exploit this to pull them out of position while you’re off doing something else, like pushing a button to raise the drawbridge between the dog and the area’s exit. The jellyfish patrol horizontally, but always try to fly up or down a level when they bump into something. You’ll often find yourself racing them around the screen, creating gaps for them as though arranging the track in front of a slow-moving train. Sections featuring coatstands are about working out how to move two objects in parallel through different combinations of obstacles, tripping the lights to lock the dreadful thing in place so that you can alter the distance between you.
All of which might sound quite dry and mechanical. Creaks is anything but. The puzzle props are beautifully characterised, from the look of huggable dismay on a dog’s face when it can’t return to its basket, to the atrocious giggling of the coatstand creatures when you leave them idle. Necessary as it may seem to reduce them to sets of behaviours trapped in single-output logic boxes, I never stopped thinking of them as characters. I certainly never thought of them as enemies. Each creature’s quirks also make the puzzles easier to read: the dignified way the jellies peer up and down when they meet a wall reminds you, for instance, that they’d always rather ascend than descend.
Creaks has other ways of teaching the player. As wonderful as the hand-painted levels are, with their balance of summery and funereal colours, stained glass windows glowing above shelves of dusty bone, the audio is more impressive. Each puzzle has its own track, and those tracks layer up as you progress through each puzzle – a tickle of piano, a deepening of the percussion, to let you know that you’re heading in the right direction. It gives Creaks a momentum that might keep you plugging away to the end in a single sitting.
The real touches of genius, however, are probably the collectables. Tucked away in corridors and alcoves around the fortress are a series of opulent mechanical oil paintings featuring avian figures in period attire. Some of the paintings are just wind-up musical scenes, operated by yanking a chain. Others are full-blown mini-games, feats of faux-clockwork puppetry with buttons and levers around the frame. There’s a panel-by-panel maze involving a lost cat, an endless runner, a sword-fighting game, even a playable opera recital. None of these minigames are challenging – they’re just arcane baubles to keep your brain ticking over between logic puzzles – and there’s no reward for playing them beyond the sheer joy of doing so.
Creaks shouldn’t take you longer than 10 hours to finish. Shortly before the conclusion you’re treated to an elevator ride back up through the fortress, passing many of the puzzles you’ve wrestled with in reverse. It’s a nice way to sum up, as though the player’s path were a bow tied around the world, but what pleased me most about this retrospective tour was that I didn’t need it. The bits and pieces of those conundrums were still fresh in my mind, like I’d polished them off moments before. That kind of clarity is rare, especially in the context of such tumbledown art direction. If you’re weary of exhaustingly inexhaustible blockbusters, I’d set aside some time for Creaks. It won’t ask for much, and it gives so much in return.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/creaks-review-great-puzzles-in-an-eerie-underworld-of-living-objects-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=creaks-review-great-puzzles-in-an-eerie-underworld-of-living-objects-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
The 12 Most Dangerous Animals In The World Are About To Melt Your Heart. Seem Weird? Just Look.
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/the-12-most-dangerous-animals-in-the-world-are-about-to-melt-your-heart-seem-weird-just-look/
The 12 Most Dangerous Animals In The World Are About To Melt Your Heart. Seem Weird? Just Look.
Domesticated animals, our pets, bring so much joy to our lives. But even the most dangerous predators in the world can make us go “AWWWWW” from time to time (especially when they are babies) and put a smile on our face. Sharks, big cats and other carnivores are known for their ruthless nature and their viciousness. However, as babies, they were just as adorable an innocent as a fuzzball kitten.
1.) Pufferfish are filled with tetrodotoxin, a powerful venom that can kill an adult human.
As babies, they’re just powerfully adorable.
2.) Hippos are the most dangerous animals in Africa, responsible for the most human deaths.
As babies, they’re just so huggable.
3.) Platypuses are a venomous mammal, one of the only ones on E4.arth.
As babies, they’re some of the cuddliest animals on Earth.
4.) Rhinoceroses are powerful foes, charging down their enemies.
As babies, they have the power to be so coute.
5.) Box jellyfish are extremely poisonous, one of the most venomous creatures on this planet.
As babies, they’re just D’AWWW.
6.) Poison dart frogs are so poisonous, tribes use their venom to tip their arrows, making them deadly.
As babies, they don’t look like they could hurt a fly!
7.) African lions are known as man-eaters, they are so powerful.
As babies, they are just little sweethearts asking for a snuggle.
8.) Boomslang snakes don’t look like they could kill you, but their venom can cause hemorrhaging that could kill you.
As babies, they would kill you with their adorable face.
9.) Blacktip sharks are one of the most agile and fastest predators in the ocean.
As babies, they just look like little fishies.
10.) Vultures don’t threaten humans, but they do move in mobs, stripping carcasses of their flesh.
As babies… AWWWW.
11.) Hyenas are also savage scavengers, but they’ll attack and hunt when they need to. Their jaws can crack through thick bones.
As babies, they look like they would enjoy a snuggle.
12.) Caiman crocodiles are one of the deadliest in their world. Their jaws are powerful and they quickly kill their victims.
As babies… they look like the sweetest things.
(H/T BuzzFeed) If they weren’t so dangerous when they grew up, I’d want one of these little guys as pets! It’s incredible (and impressive) just how much they can grow and change over the course of months or years. You have to respect their power… so share this with others.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/dangerous-animals-as-babies/
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