#why would i pay like 60 canadian for that shit my guy
forcedhesitation · 1 year
stranger things merchandise is so god damned goofy. why are there so many highly detailed figures of the demogorgon and vecna? like who fucking cares?? can we get at least ONE nicer, full-sized figure of steve? why do we need 4678399 different funko products for this franchise?? can they collab with mcfarlane toys again to give characters like steve and nancy nice figures??  perhaps neca? neca has a great line of horror figures!! i would buy a steve one in a heart beat!
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peggyrose19 · 3 years
Day 19: Soulmates
Jeez formatting this was a bitch. Advent for tonight is a little bit different, because the prompt was an accidental double. So, instead of being a sensible human being and just writing a different one-shot off it again, I decided I should get my O’Knutzy soulmate AU done instead, thinking it’d be fairly simple. Oh how wrong I was. Who knew writing an actual plot and developing a relationship was so hard? Me, but I started it anyway so really I did this to myself. So if it’s complete shit, I apologize in advance. Some day I will go back and edit and add to it. Characters by the always amazing @lumosinlove 
Summary: Finn and Logan were soulmates, and had been since the moment they were born. Both had a journal filled with messages to each other, given to everyone once they turned 18. When Leo turned 18, he opened his journal to discover something rather peculiar. What did one do with two soulmates?
Sorry the summary is shit, I suck at them :) Journal entries are in italics and text messages are in bold because tumblr won’t let me underline. Hope you guys enjoy, leave a comment and I’ll love you forever <3
Leo stared down at the paper in front of him. His mind had gone blank when he’d opened the book. His soulmate journal, given to him today, on his 18th birthday. He had imagined this going hundreds of different ways. It had consumed his every waking thought for the past six months at least, what he would say, how his soulmate would respond, the possibility of words waiting for him already. What he hadn’t imagined was the words from two distinct hands written on the pages. 
He thumbed through the book as word after word flashed by. Conversations flowed between these two people, going back nearly three years, according to the dates on each page. The handwritings were different. One was messy, scrawled, and Leo caught a few words of French here and there. The other was neater, script-like, and the ink was dark and consistent.
Unsure what to do, Leo began reading some of the journal. He had never heard of this happening before; he wondered if the other two knew. 
What’re you doing up, it’s nearly 3 am? was the first thing Leo’s eyes fell upon. 
Can’t sleep. What’re you doing up?
Reading. But that’s irrelevant. Go to bed. I’ll be here when you wake up.
Okay fine. Night, Fish.
Leo could feel the affection between the two, even just from those simple words. He kept reading, flipping back through conversations that felt too private for him to be reading. His eyes found the words “I love you” written in big stark letters, filling nearly half a page. He slammed the book shut.
What was happening? Why did these two already seem to have a life? Why were they in his soulmate journal?  He pushed back the tears forming in his eyes and slowly opened it again. Words began appearing on the page. 
Finn, you there?
A moment later, answering words appeared, Yeah, what’s up?
Shit day. Then, I miss you.  
Leo wasn’t sure how to feel about all of this. He didn’t know who these people were, why they were in his journal, what to make of the clear connection they had. The best way, he supposed, to resolve this was to see who they were.
Hesitantly, Leo grabbed a pen and set it to a blank page.
Umm… hi? one of them wrote back quickly, the messy one. 
Who are you? the other, Finn, added. 
I’m Leo, he wrote, unsure of what else to say. I just got my soulmate journal, he added. 
There was no answer for a while. Leo had just about given up when words began appearing on the page.
This is our journal. We’ve had it for about four years now. I’m Logan, by the way, he added. 
I’m Finn.
Uh, well it’s nice to meet you both. 
Neither Finn nor Logan were sure what to make of the situation. Finn grabbed his phone, watching Leo’s words spread across the page, telling them about who he was and what he’d discovered when he’d opened his journal for the first time that morning.
Lo, is it even possible he’s also our soulmate? Is that even a thing? He sent the message to Logan, turning back to the journal.
Leo, where are you from? he asked curiously. 
New Orleans, came the response. Born and raised. What about you both?
New York City, Finn responded right before his phone pinged. 
He pulled up Logan’s response. I’m not sure, maybe? I’ve never heard of this happening before but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t. 
Quebec, came Logan’s response in the journal a moment later. Leo answered, but Finn wasn’t paying attention.
He was focused on the message on his screen, mind running through all the soulmate stories and tales he’d heard over the years. He remembered his brother getting his, being ecstatic at the messages he’d received. His friends all getting theirs, writing excitedly to their soulmates from the first moment. Even his parents talked fondly about it, the two of them meeting after a year and already being in love. None of them had two soulmates.
But then, in the back of his mind, a memory surfaced. His grandmother, telling him a story, late one night when he couldn’t sleep, about her best friend from high school. She had had a girlfriend when they went off for college, her soulmate. When they connected some years later there had been a boy too. She had never questioned it. After all, this had been the 60s. People didn’t ask questions like that. 
But maybe it was possible. Maybe this could explain the hole that still seemed to exist between him and Logan, no matter how much they loved each other.
As the months passed, Leo slowly made it through the journal. Finn and Logan had both given him permission to read it, although initially he had been surprised. He barely knew these people, why were they trusting him with their deepest secrets? But Finn said that’s what a soulmate journal was for and so Leo spent each night before bed reading a few pages, getting to know his apparent soulmates better and better with each word. 
He learned that Finn was a year older than Logan, 23 now, and his birthday was in August. Logan’s was in December, four days before Christmas. He read page upon page about their siblings, Finn’s older brother and Logan’s three older sisters. He wondered briefly what it was like living with siblings. 
They’d met before, in person, two years ago, Logan flying from Quebec, where he lived, to New York City for New Years. Leo’s heart ached when he read that. He wondered what the city had been like, what it had been like when they met. 
He wished he could meet them. 
He learned the small things about them, too. Logan had a terrible sweet-tooth. He was French-Canadian and could speak it fluently. (Canadian French was very different from New Orleans French). He couldn’t dance to save his life, despite his sisters trying. Finn knew how to figure skate, but had switched to hockey early on. He still kept up with it.The only food he could make without burning was hot chocolate the way his brother showed him. Finn liked to feel useful, to make people feel better. He liked to read. He liked to write letters to Logan while he slept. And Logan would scold him for staying up late, then absolutely melt at the words written on the page.
Leo wanted one of those letters. 
By the time he reached the entry from his birthday, three months had passed. It was quickly becoming summer in New Orleans, despite it being only May. As he got to know his boys better, and they got to know him, Leo wished more and more that he could meet them, see them. He wished he’d known them four years ago when they first met. He wished they’d had that time together. 
He wanted them to fall in love with him.
Hey Le! Logan wrote cheerfully late one afternoon. Leo sat outside in the shade of a nearby tree, flipping aimlessly through the journal. He felt conflicted. But the nickname sent flutters through his heart. What’re you up to?
Not much, he replied. Sitting in the garden. What’re you up to?
You have a garden?
Leo chuckled. Yeah. I can see the ocean from here actually.
You can see the ocean?? Jealous. 
Yeah, it’s also 85 degrees.
Nope, I’m out.
That made him laugh again. That’s what I thought.
I just don’t know how you do it! It’s like a million fucking degrees there all the time. I would actually die. 
And it’s always a million fucking degrees below freezing where you live. 
….touché. Leo could sense his reluctance through the paper. He wished desperately to see Logan’s face in that moment, see the pout he undoubtedly was wearing right then. To kiss it away, maybe press him back against his bed…
No. He wouldn’t let himself think of that. Because if he started down that path there was no coming back. And he wasn’t sure he could handle that. 
Finn we need to talk 
The text came one day as Finn was getting ready for bed. He paused in brushing his teeth, typing out a response.
FaceTime in 5?
Sounds good
If he was being honest with himself, Finn had expected this a while ago. He had known it was coming, knew it needed to happen. From that first message, Logan laughed at something Leo had written. Finn knew in that moment he was gone. They both were. The only problem now was how to say it.
The ringing of his phone shook him from his thoughts.
“Hey, Lo,” he answered as the call connected. 
“What’s up?”
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, I gathered that from your text.” Logan didn’t laugh, and that’s when Finn knew this was really bothering him.
“Logan, I know what this is about. It’s okay.” Logan’s eyes snapped to his face. 
“What- how?”
“Babe, you’re not exactly subtle. And, well, neither am I. I know it’s about Leo. It’s okay.”
Logan sighed. “I just- I know he’s our soulmate, obviously. But it still feels like I’m betraying you? How can I love both of you? How does that even work?” Finn’s eyes widened at Logan’s words. 
“You love us? Both of us?”
“Harzy, how could I not? You’re my soulmates. But it’s more than that. I love you for you, not just because of some match in the system. And I want us, all of us, to be together.”
Finn was quiet for a long time. Eventually, he said quietly, “That’s why we never made sense. Why there always seemed to be a, a hole. We need Leo to complete us.”
Logan smiled. “Exactly.”
Leo, you there? Finn wrote.  
Yeah, came the reply a moment later. 
We have something we want to tell you.
Hi Nut, Logan added hurriedly. Finn smiled at him through the phone screen. He wished he was there in person. He wished both of them were. 
Yeah, it’s me. Fish and I talked. About this, us. We want- 
“Don’t take my moment!” Finn scolded playfully. “Besides, no one can read your shitty writing, I would know.” Logan pouted, but let Finn continue. 
Sorry about that. What we were trying to say is that we want you. If you’ll have us. I know all of this is new for you, it is for us too. But we need you. You’re the missing piece of our puzzle, and we don’t work if we don’t have you. 
Leo read the words over and over. Silence buzzed in his ears. It didn’t seem real, that these two boys, who had been each other's for so long, now wanted him. His mind couldn’t make sense of it all, of the love he could feel even through the thin pages of his notebook.
Leo, you there?
I’m here, he managed. I just don’t know what to say. 
Good or bad? Finn asked cautiously. 
Good, he laughed. Of course I want you two, do you know how long I’ve wished for this to happen? 
Oh yeah? Tell us.
Okay, you don’t have to tell us. But please tell me you’ll come see us? I need to see your face. 
Please? Finn added for good measure.
Leo could have jumped up and down in that moment. Of course I will come visit. Of course. Then, a moment later, heart in his throat, he added, I love you guys. 
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fangyymusic · 4 years
Some things I could imagine happening between my boyfriend and I’s fursonas and OCs:
1. Fang has his two friends over- Boris and K9- and they’re all playing a dumb game of Truth or Dare. Because K9 “Isn’t a wuss”, he picks dare. Fang clears his throat and asks for a pizza. Already realizing how he shouldn’t have said dare, K9 reluctantly pulls up his phone.
“What do you want?”
“Get us a medium pizza. Split it in half. One side just plain cheese and the other sausage. For Sirus.”
K9 sighs.
“Is that all?”
“Cheese sticks.” Sirus hisses while he stares K9 down and K9 proceeds to hate himself more as he puts that in.
“Are you going to at least share?” K9 asks the two boyfriends, whom are cuddling on the couch.
“No, you owe me.”
And, as usual, Fang was right. That dipshit always owes Fang money.
2. Sirus literally tying into Fang and playing Rocket League while they both wait. Fang has no idea how to feel about this.
3. Sirus tends to fall asleep in a variety of places around the house. Fang finds him napping in the corner of the couch curled up, under surfaces, and sometimes lodged in weird spaces like behind the couch or on the floor, plopped down right where that perfect, single ray of sunlight hits.
4. Fang makes breakfast for Sirus before he leaves to work. He likes to leave sticky notes for him too.
5. Something tells me Sirus’s diet is 5% spaghetti and the other 95% is Fang’s boy syrup (hAh boy syrup).
6. Sirus catches Fang listening to one of his songs. He’s humiliated, super flustered, and flattered at most. Then Fang proceeds to ask him if he’d like to make a song with them. Sirus melts, as per usual.
7. Sirus gets lonely super quickly when Fang isn’t around. Fang works most weekdays, so Sirus is usually home by himself. I feel like to cope with his loneliness, he’d call his friend Styrix over to hang out.
But he’s still lonely.
So he whips out his phone and begins to call Fang. When Fang answers, Sirus whines.
“Fang, honey, I miss you... I’m lonely and it’s been foreverrrr...”
Right in front of Styrix. Poor guy is a third wheel.
8. Fang has flowers in the front yard. Something tells me Sirus waters them if Fang forgets. Something about that is super cute.
9. Fang definitely squish’s Sirus’s cheeks.
10. Sirus blushing when Fang and Styrix begin showing off how impressive their maws are. He just has this dumb obsession with how big Fang’s teeth are.
11. They probably both have a height difference fetish to be honest.
12. Sirus REFUSES to let go of Fang’s tail and probably has gotten lost in it several times. He sleeps with it and is just obsessed.
13. Fang makes a self-deprecating joke and Sirus stops him and makes him eat his words. Sirus makes a self-deprecating joke and suddenly he’s showered with gifts, a fancy dinner is planned and probably some one-on-one sexy time. Nice.
14. Them. Freaking out over Monstercat artists. Essentially my boyfriend and I on that field.
15. I feel like Fang pays Styrix to cash in on his weird shenanigans.
16. If Styrix ever met Boris and K9 and got along with them, they’d all be the chaotic, stupid boy group to constantly annoy Fang and Sirus. Not that they don’t already, just the floor may be coated in soap one afternoon.
17. Boris and K9 are British so that means they don’t exist.
18. Fang and Sirus have like no friends and chronic crippling depression.
19. Sirus definitely likes to get Fang “excited” before important work meetings just for his own enjoyment.
20. Sirus definitely squeezes into weird spaces for no reason. He gets stuck often and needs his heroic boyfriend to get him out.
21. FANG. AND SIRUS. SINGING TOGETHER. ABOUT. THEIR. LOVE. Or just in general, that’s cool too.
22. Fang and Sirus dressing edgy together.
23. Fang is having a breakdown so he dabs on some glittery eyeshadow and sticks on some bizarre long lashes and Sirus walks in and casually asks to be done too. Just to accompany Fang.
24. If Fang is too anxious to check out in a store, Sirus will do it. And vice versa.
25. Fang sitting on the couch and Sirus is curled up around him, napping and purring.
26. Fang’s constant expression is simply just flat out exhausted and angry. His brows are always furrowed and you can visibly see how little sleep he got. Same with Sirus; his face is usually void to most emotion. Suddenly they see eachother and smiles explode on their faces and they become a hugging, kissing mess.
27. They hold hands in public.
28. Fang playing guitar and singing to Sirus during a hill picnic. He’s a hopeless romantic like that.
29. Sirus watching Fang furiously and precisely brush his precious teeth.
30. If any sort of mention of “parent” is brought up, I feel like Sirus would deck somebody on the spot if Fang’s around.
31. Although I do, Fang doesn’t make jokes about his dead parents. Please don’t. His feelings will be very hurt.
32. Fang makes weird fox noises at Sirus, probably.
33. Since Sirus is short, he can probably sit on Fang’s shoulders and purr,,
34. Sirus likes to go get his hair cut and every time Fang freaks out over it and insists taking a few pictures to keep for himself.
35. Neither of them would ever ask for the other’s passwords to anything. Privacy means everything to them.
36. Sirus cheering on Fang deepthroating whole eggs.
37. “E.” “Agreed.”
38. Don’t touch either of them. They don’t like being touched. Funny because nobody wants to be around them anyways.
39. Fang LOVES cooking for Sirus. He will cook anything Sirus wants and do it out of the blue. I can imagine Sirus minding his business playing Xbox with his friends and suddenly Fang walks in with a plate. It has a sandwich on it. He cut the crust off and cut it into triangles. On the side, some cinnamon applesauce. As he sets the food and a can of soda for him down he says,
“Here, sweetie. I made you something to gnaw on. If you need absolutely anything else, let me know, okay?” And he goes and kisses Sirus on the forehead and Sirus is all blushy and everything. Sirus tells him he loves him and briefly explains to his friends his boyfriend’s odd, caring nature.
40. In case I haven’t mentioned before, Fang is super motherly toward his boyfriend and just in general. He cleans and cooks idly like some sort of NPC.
41. Fang, Sirus, Styrix, Boris and K9 all on the floor playing DnD.
“Can I roll to fuck the dragon?”
“No.” - Probably Fang.
42. Fang using a laser pointer to play with Sirus.
43. If alcohol is mentioned you will be bashed in the head by your mom, Fang.
44. Fang casually walking up to Sirus with a broom and several other things in his other hand asking for help making a cover art for a song.
45. Fang humming Sirus to sleep.
46. If Fang doesn’t hear from Sirus in ten minutes tops (nice) he will probably sob in a pillow hoping he didn’t do anything wrong.
47. Spoiler alert, Fang and Sirus never fight and always come to eachother maturely if something is up. It’s usually fixed in seconds but Fang is an anxious mess and wants his precious boyfriend to be happy all the time.
48. Fang hates his birthday and the day it’s on. Sirus goes out of his way to make it enjoyable for him.
49. Styrix texting and calling Sirus at like 6 AM to the point Sirus wakes up and just questions his existence.
50. “I have this pretty bad stomach ache... I don’t know from what though.”
“Mm... Could it have something to do with the fact we cooperatively ate two large pizzas together?”
“Couldn’t be.”
51. Fang is hemophobic. Not so much if he himself bleeds, but if Sirus bleeds as much as a paper cut he will literally pass out.
52. They definitely sing in the car together.
🎶“When you say I’m the only one I must admit it!” 🎶
53. Fang sucks ass at games, but Sirus doesn’t mind at all when it comes to him. When it comes to anyone else, however...
54. Fang’s room is freezing cold so they kind of have to snuggle.
55. Homemade dinner is common from Fang. If you go over to have dinner you’re in for something special.
56. Sirus loves Fang’s food. I’d imagine Fang cooks steak one night and Sirus is hesitant until he tries it. He then concludes he only likes Fang’s steak. (Nice.)
57. Pet names galore. They love gushing over eachother like weirdos and never ever leave eachother alone. They’re so dumbly in love.
58. Fang and Sirus making out on Styrix’s couch and Styrix is just like “This is fine.”
59. Fang and Sirus have Styrix over and say something relatively dirty. Styrix is an innocent, good-looking dumbass and just furrows his eyebrows and questions what’s going on. This is hard for everybody.
60. K9 and Fang are talking. K9 briefly mentions his daughter and Sirus just “Wait, how old are you?”
61. Fang is really closeted. Yet is cool with usual PDA and won’t hesitate to stand up for his homosexuality.
62. Soda.
63. Sirus, a 5’3 petite Canadian Lynx absolutely tops and dominates his 6’1 fox boyfriend.
64. Both of them are covered in questionable marks and scars. They both try to hide it.
65. “You’re adorable!” “No! You are!” And then they make out to make a point.
66. Them eating ice-cream together,,,
67. Their relationship is 40% wholesomeness and 50% other kinky dirty shit.
68. Fang’s closet is just full of questionable things he’d rather only Sirus see.
69. They definitely do this.
70. Making out but, like, all the time.
71. Sirus getting a body pillow that smells like Fang in order to cope with his separation anxiety. Chances are he fucks the pillow- So- That must be interesting.
72. Fang comes home and the first thing Sirus does is ask to be fucked. He sighs.
73. You mention something remotely dirty and Sirus gets a boner somehow.
74. Styrix sitting on their couch and doing something on his phone. He just looks up at Sirus and asks, “What’s a ‘handjob’ and why are they so expensive?” And Fang and Sirus just. Die.
75. Styrix just walks in on Sirus getting beat off from Fang and he doesn’t get why they screamed.
76. K9 getting “kicked out” of his house (he lives with his siblings). Fang and Sirus are snuggling in bed late at night and K9 just. Knocks on Fang’s window and scares the hell out of him. And he just begs to stay the night. He sleeps on the couch in the living room but fails to sleep due to questionable noises. He then begs Fang for breakfast because he likes his food. I for some reason feel like he’d bother the fuck out of Sirus because he’s like that and Sirus just chills in Fang’s room, probably snuggling his body pillow and being horny and just trying to ignore the fact someone is using his Xbox. I mean, not that he cares... or does he?
77. Sirus expressing his dislike toward Amy to Fang while Fang tiredly makes himself coffee. Sirus is ranting while eating his spaghetti and Fang chimes in to wipe the bit of marinara sauce on his chin.
78. Fang and Sirus casually listening to music and suddenly Monochrome Romance plays and Fang just “WAIT” and Sirus just morphs into a tomato.
79. “My aunt wants to come over.”
“Does she know you’re gay?”
“Good question.”
“Should we be worried?”
“Maybe if we take her out to dinner she’ll be too focused on the food to care if I’m being pegged.”
80. Sirus’s gallery is just full of pictures he took of Fang without him knowing.
81. I feel, for some reason, Fang and Sirus have each other’s nudes on their phones so they hesitate giving their phones to other people.
82. Styrix calling Sirus and Fang picks up.
“He can’t talk right now-“ All while he’s breathing uneasily.
“What? Why not? Are you okay? Your voice is all shaky.”
Then he just hears the phone drop and Fang “Sirus!” In the background followed by other concerning sounds. Two minutes later Sirus picks up his phone.
“Can we talk later?”
“Why?? I need to talk now-“
Then he just hangs up and Styrix proceeds to annoy him in every way possible,,
83. What even IS Styrix’s size?
84. (Again with the K9 staying over concept) Sirus walks into the dark kitchen to see Fang making something and he’s all like
“Baby, you left bed. What are you doing?”
“I’m making hot chocolate with rainbow marshmallows for K9.”
Sirus squints.
“Isn’t he our age...?”
Fang just looks over at him with bags under his eyes.
85. K9 is riding in Fang’s car and Sirus is in the passenger seat. K9 leans in toward Fang through the back seat and he just whines, “Faaang, can we pleaaaase get McDonald’s? I’m hungry...”
Fang thinks about it and flicks his eyes over to his boyfriend. He knows Sirus likes fries. He also likes fries.
“Well, that means I don’t have to cook; but you’re paying.”
“That’s fine! Just don’t get something super expensive!”
It was easy to tell K9 was super excited. As they waited in the drive-thru Fang’s fingers curl within Sirus’s. He somewhat shyly looks up at him.
“What do you want?”
K9 at this point knew Fang only pulled into McDonald’s to feed Sirus but who cares when you have McNuggets.
86. “You underestimate my love for steak.” “Fang, I literally didn’t say anything.” “My original statement still stands.”
87. Fang and Sirus run into K9 in public with his daughter. Fang goes up to K9′s daughter and introduces his boyfriend to her.
“Hey, Maple! How are you doing?”
“Oh, you know.” She fumbles around and crosses her arms. “School... Yourself?” She eyes Sirus next to him.
“I’m fine! Have you met my boyfriend? I don’t think you have. This is Sirus. Sirus, this is K9′s daughter. Her name is Mapleleaf.”
He gives Sirus a hearty smooch on the cheek, Maple giving off a funny smile.
“I had no idea you were gay, uncle Fang.”
“Well, neither did I half of high school.”
88. K9 is on an important Zoom call but Fang and Sirus just begin violently fucking behind him and he just picks up his camera and says “Right, I’m moving out of this room.”
89. K9 playing on the Xbox Fang keeps in the living room while Fang sweeps in front of him.
“Could you get out the way? I’m trying to play Skyrim. This is like, the eighth time you cleaned today.”
Fang stares at him with tired, angry eyes.
“Does it matter? You can’t play Skyrim worth shit.”
“... Is that a no, then?”
“I swear there’s this one speck of dust I just can’t get.”
90. Fang and Sirus are lying awake in bed. Sirus is recording the whole ordeal on his phone and it’s easy to see Fang is very annoyed at the fact his friend K9 invited his brother and a friend over- very late at night.
You can clearly hear them talking and laughing loudly and Sirus can’t help but snicker at Fang’s temper very slowly leaving him. Fang finally gets up and starts putting some clothes on.
Sirus turns his head over to the doorway and watches Fang leave. This is the conversation he hears them yelling.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Sirus hears in a deep, stern tone that could have the potential to turn him on probably.
There’s a silence until K9 speaks up.
“Oh, I just invited Boris and Amy over...-“
“Do you have any idea of what time it is?”
There’s another silence.
“It is three. In the FUCKING. MORNING. I wake up at five every fucking morning for work. Did I mention it’s Monday? Do you know how long it takes for my fur to dry? An hour. I work hard every fucking week. I work overtime whenever I can to squeeze in every little penny possible. I cook for you, offered you a place to stay because you have the weirdest FUCKING relationship with your siblings, I give you money that- oh yeah, YOU NEED TO PAY BACK. You owe me about one thousand... ten? Dollars now and I expect it. All of it, every penny of it. I do all this for you and you don’t even let me sleep so I can work tomorrow? This ISN’T your house. This is me and my boyfriend’s house. OUR house. You’re just staying in it. I’d personally appreciate if you could let me fucking sleep so I can wake back up, shower, wait an hour just to dry my fucking fur, put on my suit, make breakfast, and whatever the fuck so I can afford a ring and support Sirus and I’s dreams. The LEAST you could do. Is ASK to invite someone over. The LEAST.”
Sirus has his eyes wide in bed and he’s staring at the doorway. He could hear the living room be dead silent for a hot minute, then an unfamiliar female voice shyly rose.
“Do... do you want me to leave?”
“Whatever. Whatever. Make youself at home, Amy, Boris. At three in the morning. Uninvited. Without me or Sirus’s permission.”
Fang walks back into the bedroom, closing the door. He begins to button his shirt back off and his eyebrows immediately soften.
“Are you okay darling...?”
Sirus snorted and laughed into his pillow.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“You- you just... grew soft so fast... I’ve never heard you be so mad...”
“Mm...” Fang slid back into bed next to Sirus, Sirus quickly returns to his place on Fang’s chest. As soon as Sirus considered stopping the recording, K9 walks into their room. Ah, this is gonna be good...
K9 clears his throat.
“Look, sorry for not asking either of you for permisson, but please... come on Fang, even you usually have some decency when it comes to this stuff-“
“This isn’t your house.”
“I’m not finished!”
“I wouldn’t care if it kept me from getting sleep!”
“Oh! So you care about getting sleep, huh?? Well it sure is hard to tell when I lay on your couch every night to... to hear you and Sirus just FUCKING!! Fucking every fucking night! How do you expect ME to sleep when all I can hear is ‘Aahh! Sirus! Deeper, please!’?! If anything, this is payback!”
Fang quietly lipped at Sirus, “Are... are we that loud?”
“I tend not to pay attention.” Sirus said and shrugged, laughing internally at the two’s arguing.
“Oh, so you do it on purpose? Wow! But you come in and scream at me like you’re my mom that you can’t sleep-“
“I work tomorrow. Get the fuck out our room.”
K9 turns and stubbornly slams their door. Fang completely slides himself free of all his clothes and holds Sirus real close.
Sirus began to purr... “A ring...? You’re saving up to marry me?”
Fang put a finger to the lynx’s lips. “Rest love... rest...”
91. Fang eats ice-cream religiously and his freezer is full of nothing else.
92. Fang wearing a variety of gay looking outfits.
93. Wouldn’t it be cute if Fang owned Monstercat merch?
94. It’s canon Fang’s laptop is covered in Monstercat artist stickers.
95. Sirus is blogging through his phone and walking throughout the house just talking. He walks across the living room to a coat closet next to the front door.
“Uhh, yeah. This is our coat closet, and-“ He opens the door to reveal it’s Fang’s storage for his weird, expensive emo boots, chains, belts and whatever else. He steps inside just to circle around.
“I don’t know what the hell he’s doing... I don’t think I’m interested in knowing how much money went into this but some of these I’ve just never seen him wear... look, we have coats, but they’re...” He pushes other clothes like jackets a little farther up the clothes rack to show that the coats here are old and clearly have been forgotten about. “We only have like, two coats in our coat closet. The rest is just shoes and stuff.”
He stops touching things and starts moving out the door.
“So... anyways, he wants to fix this door, because, for some reason? The doorknob is really weird,”
He closes the door to the closet and shows off the doorknob that looks perfectly fine.
“I told him it’s been bothering me because this doorknob looks different from every other doorknob in this house... I don’t know what we’re gonna do about it because neither of us are very ‘handy’...” He turns the camera toward him while he’s running his fingers through his hair. “I think that’s a gay thing. I don’t know. I haven’t met a single homosexual who can fix stuff...”
96. Fang screaming, “Sirus! Sirus! Sirus! Sirus!!!! Look at me!! Look!!” And Sirus tiredly looks up at him to see him holding a roll of toilet paper. He puts it on top of his head.
“I’m Marshmello.”
97. A picture of Fang holding Sirus by the scruff captioned “Capped me one of those Canadian Lynx bfs”
98. Sirus gets the slightest upset with Fang and Fang is on his knees trying to make it up to his tiny boyfriend.
99. Sirus is showing Fang a song in process. Fang hums.
“Ooh, oh wow! That sounds amazing! And when you add the vocals it’ll be even more amazing! Just one thing though... that reverb is way too wet on the master. Why do you even have reverb on the master?”
Sirus looks really confused, and he furrows his eyebrows at Fang.
“... You... can have too much reverb?”
“Way too much. Turn that reverb down and maybe even consider taking it off the master.”
“I need... it on the master...”
“No, you don’t. It sounds way too wet throughout the entire song. That’s not what you want.”
“I like wet.”
Fang sighs.
100. Why is the thought of Sirus having a potentially thick Canadian accent so hot?
101. I’m pretty sure Styrix doesn’t even know his own sexuality. He’s too busy looking in a mirror to care about that.
102. If Sirus did have a Canadian accent, Fang would beg him to just keep talking.
103. (Again with the accent) Sirus is talking on the phone to Styrix. Fang is next to him, doing work on his laptop.
Sirus looks over at Fang.
“Fang, Styrix is wondering if he can come over to our house?”
Fang pauses for a minute. He slowly smiles and looks at Sirus with loving eyes. He begins to to repeat him.
“‘House’ huh?” Fang said, mimicking Sirus’s accent.
“Oh my god, not this again. House.”
“... House!”
“Can he come over or not?!”
“Sure thing, cutie.”
Now Sirus is angy.
104. Neither of them have self-control. I know for a fact Fang won’t hesitate to suddenly and randomly hug Sirus just so he could start feeling around his body. Best thing? Sirus won’t be able to do anything about it. Fang’s got a tight grip on him and now he can play with Sirus’s body as much as he wants.
... Same with Sirus. Sirus may be small but he can still make dirty remarks and fondle with Fang’s crotch- sitting on it, taking off his shirt, any of that.
To be fair just Sirus talking turns Fang on, so. Nice.
105. Fang is snuggling Sirus in bed. He starts to feel him a little bit, Sirus whining.
“Is that poke I feel you?” Fang chuckles, sliding his hand down Sirus’s pants.
106. Sirus fake moans just for shits and giggles. In response, Fang pins him down and dares him to do it again.
107. Fang threatens to beat Sirus up for jokes. He takes off his belt and immediately Sirus starts blushing when he’s trying to escape getting hit.
108. Sirus wakes up early to feel a tender, warm rubbing at his crotch along with something a little heavy resting on his leg.
“Sleep well, little lynx?” Fang whispers in a bass-y tone, kissing his cheek. Sirus mumbles.
“What time is it?... What are you doing?...”
“Just thought I’d help you wake up a little bit, kitty.”
“... Why are you so horny...” Sirus squeaks, moving around a little bit.
“Mmh... woke up this way... like the way that feels, sugarplum?~”
Sirus sighed longingly. “Ghh... yeah...”
109. Fang is groping at Sirus’s ass softly on the couch, holding him tight.
“Hey kitty... you’re all mine, aren’t you?”
“Mhm...” Sirus groans, his face snuggled into the fox’s chest.
“All mine... nobody else’s... my lynx... right?~”
“Yes, darlin’... I am... ghh...”
He spanks Sirus softly and listens to him hiss in pain. He rubs the spot gently. Sirus moans.
“I-I am all yours, daddy! I am!”
110. Sirus looking rabid with a chicken leg in his mouth.
111. “Imagine having dead parents, couldn’t be me.” Fang says as Sirus stares at him and watches his eyes tear up.
112. Sirus is being pouty.
“I’m not cute!”
Fang pushes him right up against the wall and smooshes their lips together, making out with him passionately. He pulls back to Sirus blushing and says,
“Yes you are.”
113. Fang is snuggling with Sirus.
“Are you purring?” Fang leans into the lynx, listening to his body and feeling the vibrations.
“... Y... Yes...?”
Fang melts and covers him in kisses. He absolutely LOVES it when his baby purrs.
114. Fang is wearing a blue polo with small, colorful geometric shapes on it. You know, casual clothing.
Sirus squints at him.
“What is your obsession with looking like a bus seat?”
115. Fang fucking Sirus so raw that Sirus can’t move for like, a week.
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themaskedwriter · 5 years
Clue: this canadian loves all the avengers but peter parker and steve rogers can mess her up. Soon to be studying business in university (just like y/n in this fic) and also got lost on a university campus once (just like steve in this fic)
Summary: 3 times Steve thinks you’re absolutely beautiful, and the one time he tells you
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: fight scene with mentions of guns, violence, and blood; some cursing; mentions of drinking alcohol
Word Count: 5640
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The first time Steve Rogers thought you were absolutely beautiful was during one of Tony’s parties.
Before that day, Steve had never seen you dolled up before. Dressed in your fighting suit you looked great, but dressed up for a party? An absolute goddess. He decided that he liked it. A lot.
You were an Avenger, however, you never spent much time in the tower having to go to university and such, and when you did end up at the Avengers tower, you were always suited up and ready for a moment’s call. So when he saw you that day wearing a burgundy lace dress that was somewhat form fitting, with makeup to match, he was absolutely blown away. You were wearing a black blazer on top which seemed to be a size too large for you, but Steve thought it made you look more attractive. Sure, it wasn’t as fancy as some of the outfits the other ladies in the room were wearing, but it suited you. And he found himself liking it a lot.
“You’re staring, man,” Sam pointed out.
Steve looked at Sam.
“No, I’m not,” he denied, averting his eyes to the bar counter and chugged the rest of his champagne in hopes of getting some liquid courage to talk to you. It wasn’t doing much to get him drunk, though. He didn’t even feel tipsy. Works of his super-soldier body, he supposed.
“Steve, I think you should talk to her before one of the other guys in this room gets to her. This is your chance,” Sam encouraged.
“My chance to what?” he asked his friend dumbly. Sam rolled his eyes.
“You know what? Keep playing dumb. I’m calling her over,”
“What? No-” Steve tried to stop Sam from calling you but it was too late.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Over here!” Sam waved his hand and you saw both of them. Your face contorted to a smile of relief as you saw the two men, making your way over to the bar counter.
“Hey, Sam. Steve,” you greeted the two men. “God, I thought I was going to be standing around like a loser the whole time.” An anxious laugh escaped you. Up close you looked absolutely breathtaking. Your perfume smelled amazing, like flowers or something equally as nice, and Steve felt like he’d be okay with dying if he could smell your scent in heaven as well.
“You look beautiful,” Sam complimented, and Steve noticed how you smiled shyly and your nose scrunched up a bit in embarrassment.
“Thanks,” you said modestly. “You both look great too.” Your eyes flickered to his, and Steve felt a breath get caught in his throat. Sam elbowed him, motioning for him to say something.
“Hey, what’s the colour of a burger?” Steve blurted out. You looked at him a bit confused, and from the corner of his eyes, Steve could see that Sam looked absolutely disappointed. Whatever, he thought. His fault for calling her here in the first place when he knows I become an idiot around her.
“Uh… I don’t know. What is it?” you asked.
“Burgundy!” Steve exclaimed. “Just like your dress, which is beautiful by the way.”
“Oh, um, thanks, Steve,” you said dumbfounded. Your fingers found the hem of your dress, which ended above your knees and you pulled it down. Immediate regret settled on Steve and he wanted to slap himself. Who the hell makes a pun, and a bad one at it, when trying to flirt?
“Sorry, that was bad,” Steve said. He spun around in his bar stool so that he didn’t have to see your face, and ordered another champagne.
“No, it was fine. Kind of funny.” You giggled a bit, but Steve didn’t know if it was a pity laugh or a genuine one.
Probably a pity laugh. She probably thinks you’re stupid, Steve thought to himself. The bartender handed Steve his champagne, and he took a huge swig of the bottle before turning back to you.
“Well, um, where did you get your dress from? It’s really nice. I think I said that already.” Steve winced as he rambled and Sam was shaking his head. Right. Steve was making this so much worse by blabbing on.
“Oh, I actually got it from, uh, H&M,” you said embarrassed. “Not the most fanciest store, but I mean, I’m still a part-time college student. I can’t be spending my tuition money on a dress for Tony’s stupid parties, even if there are potential employers here.”
Aha! A conversation topic! Steve thought. Finally, there was a chance for him to not sound dumb.
“Makes sense. Well, the blazer does make it look a bit professional,” Sam commented.
“Yeah, I tried my best,” you said shrugging.
“Where do you study?” Steve asked. “Or, well, what do you study?”
“I go to NYU,” you answered. “I’m studying business. Tryna maybe become the female Tony Stark, if you know what I mean.”
“Really?” Steve asked distastefully. The mention of your role model being Stark of all people, made him frown. You laughed lightly at his sour face.
“Tony isn’t as bad as people make him out to be,” you stated. “I’ve always looked up to him as a kid. He offered to get me into MIT and pay for everything but I felt bad just taking money like that. I’d rather have a job and work to pay for school than have Tony pay for everything. So he gave me a job as an Avenger. I’ve been here ever since, and honestly speaking, I owe Tony a lot.”
“Wish he was that nice with everyone,” Steve grunted. You giggled and god, Steve could listen to you laugh for hours and not get sick of it.
“He loves you, that’s why he gives you such a hard time,” you reassured. Steve just gave you a small smile. There was a moment of awkward silence. Shit, what do I talk about now? Steve panicked. She probably thinks I’m so boring. Steve’s mind raced, yet he made no effort to speak. He simply stared at you. Your eyes flickered around the room.
“Do you want something to drink?” you finally asked, breaking the silence. “I’m sure Tony has something besides champagne and expensive alcohol here. Have you tried cheap college beer before?”
“Uh-” before Steve could even answer, he was interrupted by the devil himself.
“Hey, dear, you’re here! Why didn’t you come to say hi?” Tony spun you around and pulled you into a hug. You giggled and hugged him back. Steve tried not to feel too jealous of the way you and Tony were hugging each other. He shared a glance with Sam, who was smirking.
“You were busy,” you were saying to Tony as you pulled away from the hug. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Sweetheart, you could never bother me. In fact, I think I needed you to break into those boring conversations with 60 year old men.”
“Well, those 60 year old men are who I plan on working for, Stark. And you’re almost at their age too,” you joked.
“Hey!” Tony scolded, though he was joking. “Watch your tongue young lady!” You laughed and even though your laugh was the best sound in the world, Steve didn’t like the fact that it was Tony out of all people that was making you laugh like that.
“Falcon. Cap,” Tony greeted the two after finally looking at them. His hand lingered on your back and Steve couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight. “I’m gonna steal her from you two for the rest of the night. Not asking for permission.” He whisked you away, and you looked over your shoulder to throw a small smile and wave.
Steve sighed and turned back around in his seat to face the bar. He chugged the rest of his champagne bottle and slammed it onto the bar counter a bit too hard.
“Dude, you really need to step up your game,” Sam stated.
“I told you not to call her here,” Steve grumbled. “I act like an idiot around her.” He was really starting to feel miserable now. Steve raised his hand, ready to ask the bartender for some more alcohol, but Sam slapped Steve on the back and stood up.
“You ain’t getting nowhere by drinking all this alcohol. You can’t even get drunk, man! Get up, we’re gonna find you a girl for tonight.” Sam began to pull him up and despite being a heavy super soldier, Sam seemed to pull Steve’s weight with ease.
“I really don’t want to do that,” Steve grumbled, but Sam wasn’t listening.
So he tried. He really did. Steve tried to get to know some girls, maybe even flirt with them, which wasn’t hard considering they were falling at his feet with just one word. However, he couldn’t get you out of his head. You out there in the room, greeting guests and talking to people with Tony, looking as beautiful as ever. He just couldn’t get you out of his damn head.
The second time Steve thought you were absolutely beautiful was when you had your interview.
It was your internship interview at Tiffany and Co. headquarters. The only reason Steve knew about it was because it was the only thing Tony would talk about for weeks.
“Holy fucking shit, I’m freaking out!” You walked into the penthouse suite where mostly everyone was hanging around. You were wearing black dress pants that hugged your legs, a white collared dress shirt that was tucked into your pants, and a black blazer. The same blazer you wore to the party some weeks ago, Steve noticed. You looked like you were ready for a business meeting except the formal look was killed by the backpack you were hanging off one of your shoulders.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked from his seat on the couch. “By the way, you look smoking. Future CEO is in the house!” Sam whistled. His words made some kind of anger boil in Steve’s stomach. God, why was he getting jealous over a stupid compliment?
“Where’s Tony?” you demanded, paying no heed to Sam’s words. You dropped your bag to the floor while your eyes littered around the room trying to find the genius.
“He’s probably on one of the other floors. Building something or doing whatever it is that man does,” Sam said. You made a face at Sam.
“Thanks. Very helpful, Sam. Friday, where’s Stark?” you asked the AI instead.
“I’m here!” he announced before Friday could answer. Tony grabbed your arms, spreading them wide and looking you up and down. “Oh dear, you look like a hot mess.”
“You’re glaring,” Natasha mumbled from where she was seated beside Steve.
“No, I’m not,” he denied, but he was a damn liar. He tried, but his eyes refused to tear away from you and Tony.
“Honey, that white shirt is too plain! You need to wear something nicer, something that pops and makes you look hot,” Tony critiqued. “Why did you even bother dressing yourself, I have an entire outfit already bought for you.” Tony began to drag you away and you let him. Steve watched as the two of you disappeared down the hall.
“Be careful, Rogers. You might burn a hole through the wall if you keep glaring that hard,” Natasha teased.
“Steve, are you really doing this again,” Sam sighed. Steve turned to look at his friend.
“Doing what?” Steve asked dumbly. Sam and Natasha looked at each other and shared a look. Steve knew they were going to be planning something so he spoke up. “Don’t guys. Don’t try to set anything up, okay?”
“Mhm, party pooper,” Natasha murmured, rolling her eyes. Steve could feel his own annoyance creeping up on him, but he chose to not say anything.
“Mr. Rogers is right,” Vision spoke up. “We mustn’t interfere in his love life.”
Steve sent a smile, though it was forced, to the android. Then he returned to the book he was reading before you had walked in, ignoring what the others were discussing.
Steve didn’t know how much time passed before Tony walked back into the room with you on his arm.
“Ahem, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” Tony announced. Steve’s head perked up. There were some whistles from Natasha and Sam, but all Steve could do was stare. You were wearing a totally different outfit than what you had initially been wearing. You had on loose black dress pants with a ribbon tied at the waist, holding it up, and a light blue blouse that was a bit figure hugging. Beautiful, his mind told him.
“I feel very uncomfortable without a blazer,” you muttered to Tony, but Steve heard it.
“You don’t need a blazer. You just need to look good, which you do,” Tony argued. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Y-you look, um, nice,” Steve blurted out. He immediately winced at how dumb he sounded. “I mean, you always look nice but, uh…” he trailed off, not really knowing how to save himself anymore. You gave him a sheepish smile, probably out of pity, and Steve wanted to bury himself in a hole.
“Thanks,” you spoke softly. Tony looked at him, a smirk on his face, and Steve knew instantly that Tony must have figured things out. Shit. Steve cleared his throat and turned his attention back to his book, pretending to be reading once again. He could feel the stares of everyone in the room.
“What time is your interview?” Wanda asked from the couch.
“At 2:45,” you answered. From his peripheral vision, Steve saw you go to your bag and pull out your phone, probably to check the time. “It’s 1:28, but I think it’ll take me a while to head there with New York traffic.”
“I’m driving you,” Tony stated. Steve’s head shot up. You looked at Tony bewildered.
“No way. I’m driving myself,” you said in disbelief.
“Too bad.” Tony went to your bag, shuffled around a bit, and pulled out your keys. “I have your keys, so I’m driving you. It’s final.”
“Tony, what the actual fu-”
“I’ll be waiting downstairs,” Tony interrupted. Everyone watched as he went to the elevator and stepped inside. He winked at you as the doors closed. You turned back to look at everyone, disbelief written on your face.
“Did he really just steal my keys because he wants to drive me to my fucking interview?” It was a rhetorical question, but Steve spoke up.
“Maybe it’s for moral support. You were pretty nervous when you came in.” Steve bit his lip anxiously when your narrowed eyes looked at him.
“Moral support? He’s gonna make me lose the job before I even get it!” You snatched your bag up from the floor and stormed to the elevator, waiting impatiently for it to come back up.
“Nice one,” Sam whispered.
“Shut up,” Steve grumbled.
“Hey, maybe go down in the elevator with her. This is your chance, man. Go get your girl!” Sam grabbed the book from Steve’s hands and pushed him off the couch. Steve stumbled as he got up and made his way to you slowly. He turned around a couple of times and nervously looked at Sam. In return, Sam gave him that stupid smirk.
“I’ll go down with you,” Steve said when he approached your side. You looked up at him, eyes squinting a bit in confusion.
“You don’t have to. I’m fine by myself,” you answered.
“I know, but I’ll give you moral support if you think Tony can’t.” A snort escaped you, and Steve didn’t know whether you were laughing at him or what.
“Okay, Steve.” The elevator dinged as it arrived and Steve let you step in first. He saw Sam mouthing ‘good luck’ from where he was sitting on the couch. In return, Steve stuck up his middle finger.
“Woah!” you gasped as the elevator door closed. “Didn’t know you had that kind of an attitude, Cap.” The way you said ‘Cap’ really made him feel a certain way. Steve could feel his face already heating up. This was a terrible idea.
“Um…” he could barely form any coherent words.
“Joking,” you chuckled. “Sam probably deserved it. Anyways, sorry for snapping at you earlier. I’m just really nervous for the interview. It’s this prestigious company, and honestly, I’m scared that if they see Tony they’ll hire me because of him. Not because of me, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” Steve answered. You didn’t say anything else, just simply tapped your foot on the ground and twiddled your fingers. It was silent for the rest of the ride down, lame elevator music playing while Steve tried to think of something to say.
The elevator dinged once again, indicating that they had arrived on the ground floor. Steve turned to look at you and saw that you were already looking at him. You looked amazing, absolutely breathtaking in your outfit. Steve just wished he had the guts to say something, anything really.
“Thanks for coming down with me, Cap,” you smiled. You patted Steve’s chest and headed out. Steve was speechless, he couldn’t move or speak for that matter and his skin tingles where your hands touched him. Maybe it was for the better that you didn’t turn back to look at him as the elevator doors closed.
The third time Steve thought you were absolutely beautiful was when you were on top of him.
Okay, so you were on top of him, but not for the reason that his boyish side would have wanted. He was on a mission. Him, Sam, Natasha, Clint, a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and of course, you. The five of you were assigned to scope out a potential Hydra base and possibly shut it down with the help of the other agents. It was an easy task, something Steve had done multiple times before and shouldn’t have messed up on, yet he did. He screwed up pretty badly.
The mission had initially started off well, Steve already having relayed the plan of action to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. It was simple. The base was on a boat so first Natasha, you and him would do a quick scan of the area. Then the agents would come down, each group taking a different spot on the boat. Together, they’d eventually make it to the centre of the boat where information was being stored, and Hydra agents were hiding out. Sam and Clint were to keep watch from above, the two of them staying on the jet with a few other agents until backup was needed.
It would have been quick and easy if that stupid Hydra agent hadn’t tried to flirt with you in the middle of the fight.
Everything started smoothly. Natasha, Steve, and you had made your way down the jet and onto the boat. You looked great in your stealth suit, your mask covering most of your face, and the suit hugging your figure, but Steve tried to not let that distract him.
“Clear from the west wing,” you spoke into his earpiece.
“Same here in the east and south wing,” Natasha said.
“North wing looks clear. Alright, agents come in,” Steve ordered. He didn’t wait for them to come down onto the boat. Steve immediately headed for the door and went down the stairs as quietly as he could. He almost wanted to laugh at how stupid the Hydra agents were. If they were going to hide their cover under the disguise of a cruise ship, they could have at least put in more effort to make it seem like this was a party boat.
“Agents are all on board,” you spoke. “I’m heading down.”
“Be careful,” Steve said. It was directed mostly to you. Steve could hear talking going on, gradually getting louder as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He pulled himself closer to the wall, listening to what he could. Then he opened the door on the bottom of the stairs and went in. It was a room full of people and maybe Steve should have asked for backup before he went in, but he was Captain America for god’s sake. He didn’t need backup.
“Fellas,” he greeted at the shocked agents in the room. Then he launched his shield, knocking down at least a dozen of the agents. They came to their senses, each grabbing guns and weapons and starting to shoot at Steve. He ran back up the stairs, the agents chasing after him. “The meeting room is clear. (Y/N), Natasha, one of you go check it out with the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents,” he spoke into his earpiece.
“Steve? What the fuck did you do?” he heard your worried voice ask, but he couldn’t answer. He spun around on the step he was on and kicked the agent that was behind him, on the chest. He fell backward, taking down a few other agents with him as well. Steve turned back around and continued running up the steps.
“Steve! Answer me, you idiot!” you exclaimed.
“Just-” Steve felt someone grab his ankle and he fell with a grunt. However, he managed to get back up quickly. He snatched the gun from the Hydra agent that had knocked him down and smacked his shield on the side of the agents head. Then he fired the gun at the other agents chasing after him. He ran up the final few steps and burst out onto the deck of the ship. “Backup!” he yelled into his earpiece.
“Steve, you absolute moron!” you shouted. Steve didn’t have a chance to say anything because he was being ambushed. He launched his shield out again, successfully knocking down the first row of agents, but it was like there really was a whole cruise ship’s worth of Hydra agents in here. He thought he was done for, but then he heard gunshots and an entire row of Hydra agents fell.
Steve turned to see who it was and it was you. You did a flip and kicked an agent in the face, knocking him down. Behind you, a few other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were fighting their way towards Steve as well.
“Who’s downstairs?” Steve shouted. He knocked down an agent and slammed his shield into another’s face.
“Natasha!” you called back. Steve heard you grunt as you pulled out a knife and started slashing at agents. Most backed away, however one snuck up from behind and pulled you into their chest. He grabbed your mask and ripped it off your face, holding a gun to your head and having you in a chokehold.
As soon as Steve saw the position you were in, he panicked. He slammed his shield into an agent, knocking them down, and snatched their gun. He fired it at anyone that came in his way, using both his shield and the gun to make his way to you.
“So this is the pretty face behind the mask…” the man said. He trailed a finger down your face and you glared at him, struggling to kick your way out of his grasp. The man chuckled. “Oh, sweetheart, it’d be a shame to kill you. Perhaps I’d take you for myself first before-”
“LET HER GO!” Steve yelled. He launched himself at the man, not even thinking about the gun he held in his hands. As you were knocked to the side, Steve slammed the man to the floor. He didn’t even think twice before raising his fists and beating the living hell out of the man. A gunshot fired and Steve felt a searing pain on his shoulder. He hissed as he fell to the side.
Steve could hear shouting and yelling all around him. He wanted to get up and continue fighting, but he couldn’t feel his arm. His ears were ringing loudly and Steve searched around wildly to see where you were.
“Stop moving, you idiot,” you hissed. Steve felt a weight on his abdomen and he saw you on top of him as he lay flat on his back. He didn’t fight you when you pulled out gauge from your suit and began to wrap his shoulder temporarily. He was starting to feel lightheaded with all the blood he was losing and as Steve knocked out in the middle of the fight, the last thought in his mind was how beautiful you looked on top of him. Even though your face was filled with worry and you were basically a mess with your hair all out of place and your suit mostly ruined, you were beautiful. Then it was dark.
The one time Steve told you that you were absolutely beautiful was when he paid you a visit.
Okay, so he didn’t mean to actually end up at NYU. It was a week after the mission where he messed up his shoulder. He knew he had been reckless, but he didn’t expect Nick Fury to have him put on temporary leave from missions. It was stupid, and Steve tried to argue, but he was arguing with Nick Fury who listens to no one. Not even Captain America.
So there he was, all alone in his room in the Avenger’s facility, bored out of his mind. He couldn’t train or go for a run unless he wanted to be put on sedatives, nor could he do anything around the building.
“You should go explore New York,” Sam said to him one day while they were eating breakfast. “This is your chance to explore the city and see how much it’s changed, man. Stop being so miserable.”
Steve simply grunted as he sipped his coffee. But he had to admit, it was a pretty good idea. At least he wouldn’t be holed up in the compound, bored out of his mind.
So he headed out, strolling through New York and taking the subway to anywhere.
It was when he was standing on the subway platform and heard the conversation of a few kids who looked around 18 or 19 years old when he remembered. They were complaining about school work, how they hated their professors so much, and that it was pretty dumb that they wasted so much money on tuition to go to NYU when they had to teach themselves everything. Steve remembered that time you mentioned you were studying business at NYU, and instantly decided that he would be heading there.
He followed the kids, which truth be told wasn’t the weirdest thing he had ever done, but it was still pretty uncomfortable. He felt like a creep the entire time.
When he started noticing the various purple signs that said NYU, Steve figure he had found his way so he entered one of the buildings. There were students milling about and Steve felt extremely out of place.
“Excuse me,” Steve called to one of the passing boys. “Do you know where the business building is?”
“Um,” the boy squinted his eyes in thought for a moment, “this is the arts and science building. You’re gonna have to go all the way back around the campus, past the park, and there’s a bunch of red buildings there. It would be one of those.”
“Oh,” Steve said. He was completely confused, hadn’t the slightest idea as to what the boy was referring to.
“Good luck, man. This place is huge. Feel free to ask anyone else for directions on the way. I have to get to class.” He patted Steve on the shoulder, his hurt one, mind you, and went on his way. Steve winced in pain, touching his shoulder and rolling it slowly to somewhat ease the pain. It was moments like these where he wished the super-soldier serum made him invincible as well. He hated the pain of the bruises and cuts that came after missions and fights.
Steve flexed his shoulder once more before heading out of the building. The spring sun warmed him up as he walked. He tried his best to find the building and even asked around some more, but it was as if he was in the Labyrinth. The more Steve walked, the more lost he got.
When Steve realized that he had been walking in circles, passing by the exact same Starbucks for the fourth time that day, he gave up. He entered the coffee shop and went in, wishing he hadn’t stepped out of the Avengers facility at all. The new times were terrible, he hated how much change had occurred in the span of 7 decades.
He miserably plopped himself into a free seat when he heard a familiar sounding voice.
“-I know! And then he called on Therese and she said the answer and Leonard turns to Brian and is like ‘SEE?!’ I nearly peed my pants, I was laughing so hard.” He turned around and recognizes you seated a few tables away, your back facing him. Embarrassingly enough, Steve could recognize your voice and giggles anywhere. He was that smitten.
“Hey, don’t turn around now, but there’s some blond dude staring at you,” one of the girls sitting with you says. Steve caught her gaze and mentally cursed.
“Wha-” you spun around and your eyes instantly lock. Steve freezes, feeling like he can’t breathe. Your eyes widen and Steve can see the instant panic in them. “You know what? That reminds me. I have to head out now.” You grab your bag and stand up from the table.
“Is that your secret boyfriend? He’s kinda hot,” the other girl states. Steve can feel his ears turning red at the comment.
“Shut up, Mia,” you hiss. “Bye, guys.” You’re heading towards him and Steve stands up, thinking you’re coming to him because you’re looking him right in the eyes. But then you brush past him and head out the door.
“(Y/N)!” Steve calls as he runs out the door behind you. You ignore him and keep walking until you’re away from Starbucks, in a small pathway between two buildings.
“What the hell, Steve?” you snap. “Why are you here?”
“I was just, uh…” He doesn’t know what to say because Steve just notices how you’re dressed in a somewhat baggy, purple NYU hoodie and black leggings. Even in something as simple as that, Steve can’t help but find you absolutely beautiful. You look warm and homey and it’s the exact feeling that Steve needs at the moment.
“Steve?” you ask again. Your voice is softer this time.
“Sorry. I just- I was getting sick and tired of being in the compound all day and all alone, so Sam was like, ‘Hey! Why don’t you go around New York and discover the place,’ and I thought, ‘Wow, that’s a darn good idea,’ so I left. Then on the subway I heard some kids talking about NYU and I remembered that you studied here so I decided I’d come to pay you a visit ‘cause it’s been a while, not that I’m in love with you or anything, haha, that’s weird, let’s pretend I didn’t say that-” Steve was blushing red with his sudden confession.
“Steve, it’s okay,” you giggle, but Steve’s on a roll.  
“-I come down here following those kids and I was trying to find the business building, but I got lost. I even asked for directions, but I couldn’t find my way out, so then I saw Starbucks, which by the way, I passed like 4 times because I was going in circles, and- Wait, what are you doing?” Your warm palms are cupping his face and it’s not doing anything to make his blush go away. He
“Steve,” you say firmly. Your thumb caresses his cheeks and Steve shivers. “It’s okay. There’s no need to get worked up.”
“I-I’m not-” he stutters. You cut him off.
“I never knew you talked this much,” you giggle. Steve feels faint. Your face is really close to his, and his eyes, which have a mind of their own, drop to your lips.
“I…” Steve trails off because your face is approaching his. His eyes close on their own accord and the next thing he feels is your lips against his. His hands are weak by his sides, and his legs almost give out beneath him. He stumbles back into the wall of the building behind him, breaking the kiss.
“Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that,” you say, wiping your lips with the back of your hand.
“God,” Steve says, his voice weak and almost coming out as a whine, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Oh.” This time you’re blushing.
“I just- Maybe you don’t feel the same way, but I like you so much, (Y/N). You’re so perfect.” Steve’s heart is pounding and now that he’s confessed everything, he feels like he might die because what if you don’t like him back?
“I know. You were so obvious about liking me,” you giggle. Your hands hold onto his arms. “I like you too, Steve.”
His heart nearly burst at the confession. A surge of confidence flowed through him and Steve launched himself forward, pressing his lips against yours.
Sure, he was Captain America and had been injected with the Super-Soldier serum which supposedly made him bigger and stronger, but Steve never felt more vulnerable than he did at that moment. He felt like Steve Rogers, the skinny and weak 16-year-old boy in Brooklyn who was usually found in alleyways getting beat up, except this time he was on Cloud 9 and he was kissing you.
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andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 6 - VGK - Vagas Nights
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Whenever Rob Ray said Vegas it sounded like he switched out the first e for an a. “Vagas” is what sounded like. The weird thing is that Ray isn’t the only broadcaster I’ve heard do it. I thought it was a Canadian accent thing at first but RJ isn’t doing it. Hmm. Well I predict unlike the Golden Knights I haven’t heard that last of it. Vegas is all about predictions. You go into the casino predicting you’ll win money; otherwise you wouldn’t go in. Bovada, an internet gambling site, releases Stanley Cup Champions odds periodically. We all crowd around and read them treating them like everything else in Vegas: a prediction (They’re not predictions, they’re betting lines to get your money). All us hockey reporters, bloggers and fans make our predictions for the NHL season before it starts. I predicted Rasmus Dahlin would score a goal in the first three games. I was wrong: he didn’t score a goal until the fifth game.  Vegas was one team no one really had a solid prediction for this season. Their inaugural season last year broke all expectations and smashed records not even just in hockey but in American sports. They were in their first season. They were supposed to be trash and they made the Stanley Cup Final. Who knows what they could be this year? Then they had a trash start and the Buffalo Sabres beat them 4-2 last week. Unpredictable: that’s not how last night went. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Okay, no more puns… this paragraph. Buffalo met the hungry Vegas that made the Cup Final last season and lost 4-1.
The First Period began with the blue and gold pushing pretty well. The forecheck was firing. They defended in the neutral zone. It looked like the transition was really rolling, once the puck got into the O-Zone the boys lined up to make a play. However as the period dragged on the Golden Knights began to hear the sound of their building and push back. Vegas was not ready to go flush in this season series; flush is when you lose, right? Someone who knows gambling tell me. Sam Reinhart and Rasmus Dahlin both let up a bit too much as Shea Theodore streaked into the zone and tucked one in five-hole on Carter Hutton. The coaching staff saved this one though and the off sides challenge was successful for once in our adult lives. The score was back to snake eyes. Giggles. The push from the home team didn’t let up and more and more the Sabres were pushed from the neutral zone to the defensive zone. Marco Scandella got penalized for a wonky holding call and Jonathan Marchessault scored on the ensuing powerplay. Buffalo got worked in the last minute of play letting shots galore and survived the opening 20 with only one goal against. I had high hopes the second would be different.
Unfortunately the only goal added in the middle frame was a shorthanded Vegas goal by Cody Eakin. Short-Handed goal…*shutters at flashbacks to the first ten games last season*… ugh. This goal made me consider how motivated I was to stay up late. This is New Look Sabres and I am far too obsessed with this team so no, I went through this whole period and the next one. Buffalo built up some fight this period even getting some decent shots. Jeff Skinner stood up for Casey Mittelstadt in a weird half fight that came after a halfway decent shot. Let’s just say when I had to break up a literal cat fight on the floor in front of my couch it felt like a reprieve from this game. Then again, Kyle Okposo went for a speed skate around the Knights zone at one point and fed Dahlin for a shot that just woke me up enough to carry me through the rest of this period. The third however was a merciless cup of zanex comparatively. Buffalo worsened their already shattered powerplay going 0-3. This makes the Sabres powerplay 4-18 so far this season. Right after I had formulated all the scenarios where the Sabres get a goal and pitch a comeback, it was only a two goal lead after all; William Karlsson tucked a quick draw shot off the faceoff behind Hutton. The rest of the period dragged on hard and Housley pulled Hutton with four and half minutes left in regulation but no; I’m not going into the Housley hate well today. 4-1 it ended, and let it be known I stayed up to the very end: through the late Sabres goal, the failed goaltender interference review and even the Vegas empty netter until 12:46 AM eastern time. I have a job. This hurt… but hey, at least Fleury didn’t get the shutout.
There was one moment in the first when Carter Hutton played the puck from behind the net to a defender in the riskiest way possible. Hutton wasn’t the biggest problem at all in this game and a few bad moves could be the theme of this game. I don’t know a position on this team that played consistently. At that point in the game it was indicative to this forward group that you can’t let all these shots or you’ll pay for it. Not only can Hutton not bail you out of all these situations, it’s becoming a trend to make him save 30-40 shots through 60 minutes. Hutton is not going to be able to keep saving that many shots; someone other than the Rasmusi (well Risto when he feels like it) and McCabe need to play defense. Rasmus Dahlin was beautiful except for that blown coverage on the first goal but Marco Scandella convinced me in this game that his pairing with Ristolainen minus well be called the pairing of ill-used defensemen. There will come a day Dahlin is moved up to the top pairing but it’s probably not soon and it’s probably not wise quite yet anyway. I know you’ve been ill used on the top pairing for years, Risto, but you guys got shore that up for now. It’s great to see Zach Bogosian back in a game for the first time since last winter but I didn’t notice him. Anyone trying to trade Tage Thompson needs to chill out. Matt Tennyson getting sent down wasn’t good enough for you? Everyone needs their pound of flesh, right? 12 different players with blocked shots not only means your forcing forwards into that position but that you’re playing a weak defensive strategy that depends on putting your body on the line! That shit ain’t going to last boys! And by shit I mean the limbs you’re sacrificing to the hockey gods with this defensive style.
This loss was not the loss I was hoping for on this road trip. The California triad ahead will not be a sweep and this would’ve been an awesome win to have. I digress; I suppose we’re still learning .500 is the beginning of good not a life jacket you need to stay near. Sabres fans including me have been more apoplectic about every little mistake through these first six games than any time in recent memory. It’s a good sign. We don’t have any recent frame of reference for a halfway decent team so this is rough to deal with mentally; especially with how hot and cold Buffalo has been so far. These three losses so far have not been easy ones either: each tanking the goal differential and driving the most faithful among us mad. We can allot blame, yes, some is due to Phil Housley, but perhaps the sparks of light we’re seeing are more important than the glaring mistakes that seem to drag down the losses and disappear in the wins. A wise coach once said practice your strengths because what makes you special is why you’re in the big dance. We should expect them to fix the errors like the middling d-zone coverage or the awful powerplay but unlike past seasons this team is more than their shortcomings. I said they won’t sweep California but would anyone be surprised if they win two of those games? If they’re still hot and cold in December it will be a problem but consistency will come. I have more faith in this team than any other in the Eichel Era and I have already forgotten what happened in Vagas: from here on out there Vagas.
I’ve gone a little long today so let’s put a bow on Vagas. I am beginning to see the response to these columns. I see a follow on twitter here, a follow on tumblr there, a reply that seems connected to a blog reference there. It’s cool just to know people other than my brother and dad are reading this. I hope it’s not like Dahlin on the top powerplay unit last night: short-lived. Share it around. When you do it, don’t tell them I am some insightful analyst. I can assure you I am no Hockey mind. However, I used the word apoplectic in this piece so I can’t be that stupid either, eh? Expect the games that start after 9 out on the West Coast to not get a New Look Sabres post until the following day. I love the Sabres but I like sleep quite a bit too. Let’s hope the Sabres give us things worth staying up for!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. The Chicago Blackhawks temporary logo on twitter is D1K right now. Look at it; it may give you a laugh at this tough time. Tell me what you think it looks like.
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formerlyjannafaye · 6 years
100 Questions
I was tagged by @janes-mike and @el-and-hop and @caseyk112 like 100 years ago and I just finished it now! Oops.
1. What is your nickname? Janaynay, Fayzers, Jan
2. How old are you? 31
3. What is your birth month? February
4. What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius
5. What is your favorite color? Rainbow
6. What’s your lucky number? 2
7. Do you have any pets? not at the moment
8. Where are you from? Canada
9. How tall are you? 5′4
10. What shoe size are you? 8
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? this is so embarassing, I probably own like 35 pairs of shoes (but in my defense, we experience extremes in all 4 seasons during the year) and I am a shoe addict.
12. Are you random? sometimes? but not really.
13. Last person you texted? my dad
14. Are you psychic in any way? i feel like i am really good at reading people and i have a really good memory when it comes to people so maybe a little?
15. Last TV show watched? New Girl
16. Favorite movie? Hard question! ET, Get Over It, Moulin Rouge
17. Favorite show from your childhood? Mr. Dressup!
18. Do you want children? I have one! I’d like one more, I think.
19. Do you want a church wedding? I had one.
20. What is your religion? I am a Christian, which I almost hate to say because Christians are represented so badly today and I am ashamed of this group so often. To clarify, I think Jesus is the bomb and so I try to emulate how he treated people. I’m also a feminist, pro marriage equality, pro choice, pro creation care/caring for the environment, I believe in science, I don’t believe in hell, and I hate violence. So...do with all that what you will.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes, I go there a lot with my work.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? I literally sweat when a cop car passes me and I’m a goody two shoes, so no! Haha
23. How is life? Its alright. I am really tired today which always affects my mood negatively. And I just watched Infinity War last night so I’m depressed, y’all. (edit: can you tell I started this over a week ago LOL)
24. Baths or showers? Showers (you could not pay me to get into a bath! germs!)
25. What color socks are you wearing? none, its too warm out
26. Have you ever been famous? Once I met the guy who won Canadian Idol and my local grocery store put up a picture of us together in the store and had it up for years. Haha! 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? I used to really want to be famous, but celebs get a horrible deal these days. They have no privacy and our world thinks they owe us everything and really they owe us nothing so I would never ever want to be famous. I like being able to look like crap daily and not have it in magazines.
28. What type of music do you like? I like a wide variety of music, the only music I don’t like, really, is misogynistic rap and country. I am a choral and accapella music nerd, I love it so much.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yup.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two.
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side with my top leg thrown over so I’m in a weird stomach/side position but its sooo comfy.
32. How big is your house? Its a good size! Big enough for us and then to host people that come to visit us and our yard is huge!
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I suck at breakfast...toast or a granola bar.
34. Have you ever left the country? I have been to Germany, South Africa, Cuba, Costa Rica and the USA.
35. Have you ever tried archery? Many years ago at summer camp.
36. Do you like anyone? Well I’m married, so yes.
37. Favorite swear word? Shit. It is sooo satisfying to say.
38. When do you fall asleep? WAY too late every night. Between midnight and 2 am.
39. Do you have any scars? Yeah I have some from when I had the chickenpox as a kid and had no self control and scratched them off.
40. Sexual orientation? Straight.
41. Are you a good liar? I think I am a horrible liar, because I value authenticity so much and lying makes me anxious.
42. What languages would you like to learn? I would love to learn Spanish since its so beautiful. Really I just would love to not only speak English!
43. Top 10 songs? Oh my! What a question! Imma be safe and just say the top 10 songs I am listening to most often right now: Fall in Line by Christina Aguilera ft Demi Levato, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by BSB, Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes, Bittersweet Symphony cover by Boyce Avenue, Love You Long Time by Pentatonix, Dive by Ed Sheeran, Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran, New Rules cover by Pentatonix, Casanova by Allie X, Gravity by Sara Bareilles.
44. Do you like your country? I do! I am mad at our leader rn, and appalled that Ontario elected a Donald Trump wannabe as a premier (like WHY HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING ONTARIO PERSONS UGH) but overall I love being Canadian.
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes! Its the best!
46. What is your personality type? I am an ESFP, an extrovert with introvert tendancies, and I am an enneagram 4 (seriously, google it. That is me to a T).
47. Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff 4 LYFE
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes.
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? I am Anne from Anne of Green Gables, just not as smart. Just as dramatic and short tempered, though.
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? I don’t like them or want them near me.
52. Favorite food? Chocolate. Chips and Dip. Dill pickles.
53. Favorite foreign food? I love Mexican food so much I can’t even pick one thing. Also naan bread is the BOMB especially when dipped into dal makhani. Uuuuuuugggghh I wanna eat that so bad rn.
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I am pretty clean, messiness makes me crazy.
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Pee standing up, see what its like to not have to deal with bathroom lines, street harassment, etc.
56. What color underwear? Grey.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 20 mins, but usually longer because I don’t like to be rushed so I take my time.
58. Do you have much of an ego? I don’t think so? I’m a walking pile of insecurities.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I used to bite them but I have TMJ and my jaw is a piece of garbage that cannot withstand biting anything hard without popping all out of place and pain. Fun times.
60. Do you talk to yourself? Yup.
61. Do you sing to yourself? CONSTANTLY.
62. Are you a good singer? I have a pretty decent voice.
63. Biggest Fears? Losing people I love, dying, clowns, bats, cockroaches
64. Are you a gossip? I like being in the know but I don’t like pettiness. That said I sometimes find I have to focus REALLY hard to bite my tongue.
65. Are you a grammar nazi? Absolutely.
66. Do you have long or short hair? Its too long! I need a haircut.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Maybe? I might forget a few. The real question is can any of my American friends name the Canadian provinces (the CAN equivalent of states? I DOUBT IT yet we learn the states in school. SMH)
68. Favorite school subject? English and French
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Intoverted extrovert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope and I don’t plan on it.
71. What makes you nervous? Rooms full of people that don’t like me, small spaces, driving in winter.
72. Are you scared of the dark? Less than I used to be, but I don’t like it.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I do daily but thats because I have a toddler and teaching/correction is important in some moments. But you also have to let them fail which is challenging to do.
74. Are you ticklish? Nope. Only my sister can tickle me and its so annoying when she does!
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Not that I can recall?
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? Yeah a few times
77. Have you ever drank underage? I don’t think so, I was 18 by the time I drank anything, I think.
78. Have you ever done drugs? No drugs scare the living crap out of me.
79. What do you fantasize about? Having more time to myself, living alone like a hermit and not having to work, having perfect hair every day, having another kid, living somewhere warm, saying snarky things to my MIL’s face.
80. How many piercings do you have? None.
81. Can you roll your R’s? Yes.
82. How fast can you type? Fast-ish if I’m on a roll but I don’t use the proper hand technique. I get by though.
83. How fast can you run? Run? Moi? HAHAHAHA
84. What color is your hair? Ash brown with a faded rainbow in the back.
85. What color are your eyes? Green.
86. What are you allergic to? Winter mold. Spring is the worst. And I can’t go barefoot on grass unless I want to have itchy swollen feet that I want to scratch off forever.
87. Do you keep a journal? I have one that I’m supposed to write a line a day in but I am the WORST at it. Once I get behind I get so unmotivated.
88. Are you depressed about anything? I feel like I’m sleep walking through my life sometimes, and depression takes away my ability to care enough to be motivated to do anything about it. I swear apathy is the worst side effect of depression for me! 
89. Do you like your age? It is honestly the best. I love being 30! I care less about the insecurities that consumed my life in my early 20s. I have more body confidence . I’m more secure financially than I’ve been at any point in my life. And I still feel youngish. Haha.
90. What makes you angry? White privilege, misogyny, Canadian and American politics, Christian people who don’t act loving and don’t seem bothered by it, when people don’t return their shopping carts in parking lots, when people can help others but don’t, cancer, narcissists.
91. Do you like your own name? I have always loved my name. I only know one other person with my name who spells it like me!
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? Odd question, no.
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I have a boy, and if I ever get the opportunity to have another kid I kinda hope its a girl. I’m really close with my mom so I always imagined having a daughter to hopefully be close with too. My son is a mini me in every way, though.
94. What talents do you have? I have a semi-photographic memory (so helpful for studying), I learn song lyrics super fast, I can sing any song for you in the correct key it was recorded in (what would you call that? pitch memorization?)
95. Sun or moon? I love sitting in a sunbeam like a cat. But the moon is super comforting to me. Both.
96. How did you get your name? My mom wanted me to have a different name in a sea of Ashley’s and Brittany’s (I was born in the late 80s).
97. Are you religious? My faith is very important to me and relates to all areas of my life, including my job, so yes? But I don’t feel like I need to be in your face about it, that’s not my style. 
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? Yes and honestly everyone on the planet could benefit from it! Its the best!
99. Color of your bedspread? White with blue and goldish flowers on it.
100. Color of your room? Light grey.
I feel like everyone already did this but all the same I’m going to tag @earlgreyteagirl, @reddie-to-mileven-it-up, @stevemossington, @maxmayfield and here’s some people who I know already did this but I want you to see my answers haha so here goes @hannahberrie @summer-in-hawkins @jane-el-hopper @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @thezoomermax @puzzlingsnark @fatechica @mikeweezers
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
What’s your favorite cereal? None I hate cereal Is there a bus stop near your house? The grade school bus stop is around the corner but otherwise, no Do you prefer red wine or white wine? White, though I do love me some red moscato. But I definitely drink more of a variety of white What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there? Dulles, dropping off my stepdad's mom and boyfriend like the helpful little gal I am Who do you live with? Mom and stepdad and the pets Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? Nah not regularly. Every once in a while if I google something and it takes me to Reddit I'll read that but I don't go out of my way to read it Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend? No What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside? It snowed about an inch this morning and then it was chilly the rest of the day. I went out to scrape off the car but had to bundle since the high was like 20 something. Then on Friday its going to be in the 60s....oh Virginia weather. Oh global warming. Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently? Stepsister had baby #3 a few days ago Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down? No What does your last text message say and who is from? Nite, from my mother, one room away from me. She had to vent real quick lol Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favourite film? Not an extreme amount for it being my favorite movie. Maybe 4 or 5? When was the last time you ate marshmallows? I never eat them on their own. Probably had a smore sometime over the summer Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? Nah not really. Sophomore of college my roomie and I got into nightvale but then we kinda fell off the wagon. How old will you be in the year 2030? 36...... Wow. 2030 sounds like a while away so I won't get too worried just yet. But also damn. Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from? Yes anytime I accidentally bang into things I'll get a bruise. Or if the dogs stand on me which Daisy loves to do because she has no concept of personal space and just sits/stands in my lap. And she's not even small like she's a decently sized lab. Dogs are funny. Buuuut I don't have any currently actually, at least not that I know of What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on? Loans woo Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions? Open-ended, for surveys at least What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy? My parents buy Scott and have forever but when I lived by campus I think I bought charmin If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptable dressed? Not wearing pants so no, not a good look for answering the door to a stranger, or anyone at all really lol Why did you leave your last job? At first I was just going to do it in the summer but then I tried to maintain it while doing my last year of college and I only lasted about 2 months until I decided I couldn't do both and school/having time to study/just time to myself was more important than a job that was just to fill the time/make some extra money What colour were the last socks you wore? Blue green and pink Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study? Just graduated, I have a BS in criminology Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? No What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? The text from my mom What’s your favourite scent of air freshener? I use candles more than I use air fresheners... I buy my candles based off the seasons/what I like at bath and body. I like fruity/floral scents but like not too too sweet. Like I'll never buy sugar cookie or anything like that How many weddings have you ever been to? At least 4... I haven't been to a wedding in like 10 years. I have a bunch of older cousins so that's where most came from. Oh jk 5 my mom got remarried duh Do you know anyone named Nora? No Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? Definitely could use a pedi though I hate going to the nail salon. And my nails could be repainted When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? Christmas Eve we played scrabble How old were you when you first became sexually active? 18 Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other type of alcohol? Yessss I've been to a cider fest which was awesome. And then another festival that had a mix of beer cider and wine Do you own a record player and/or vinyls? Nooo I wanted a record player for Christmas but then I rethought it because I don't really have room for it currently, so maybe some day when I have my own place/feel like spending money on that When was the last time you went out for drinks? Like two weeks ago Have you ever been to a strip club? No Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? I know a Faith and a Grace Would you ever wear real authentic leather? I have a leather purse from Italy so yes Have you taken out the trash today? No How often do you wear make-up? I don't really have a schedule for wearing makeup. I'll wear it if I'm going out or doing something fun with friends where I know we'll take pictures. And I'll wear it to work. But a lot of times at home I don't, even if we go out to dinner or run errands or something I don't. And yet my skin is still kinda meh, go figure What’s your opinion on The Simpsons? Never really watched it Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes? Horizontal Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce? Yes If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving? Nope I like to drive tbh Have you ever done a juice cleanse? Nah not for me Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not? Omg what a weird and kinda mean thing to think about friends...wondering if they're attractive or not like wtf who does that. No Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a clean out? It could probably use a clean out When was the last time you washed the dishes? Earlier today Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis? We just started getting hgtv magazine which comes monthly so that Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in? No What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache? I swear I never get regular headaches anymore they're almost always migraines. I take medicine daily for migraines but I also have medicine to take when I get one because Advil/excedrin doesn't do shit for me Tell me about your responsibilities at work. Ask me laterrrrr Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you? We live a little ways off a main road, sometimes if people drive like assholes and speed or if an ambulance goes by on the main road you can hear it here. We're in a cul-de-sac so there's no real traffic on our road, but what is annoying is the guy diagonally across the street has a motorcycle and its loud and obnoxious Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese? I have not. I've even been to Canada but we didn't get poutine Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers? They're decent. They definitely ask me for assistance with things How old are your parents, anyway? Both 51. And my stepdad is like 49 I wanna say Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them? Allergies. I'll take an Allegra or something if they're really bad but I mainly just deal What song is stuck in your head at the moment? This is mildly embarrassing...So you know the episode of spongebob where he has the pet jellyfish that likes to dance and then the speakers get fucked up after some things happen so all the jellyfish are pissed and then Gary starts hitting his eyeballs together and then they make a song out of random sounds? That song of random sounds is stuck in my head lolololllll. Since today was snowy and blah I napped and my fav thing to nap to is spongebob and that episode was on and yeah. It's stuck in my head What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name? My work has different divisions and teams and I'm not sure yet what specific team I'll be on so tbd When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What colour was it? When I worked at a restaurant early in college we wore black shirts jeans and black shoes. Or a red shirt if I was hosting Did you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after? No and no Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size? Maybe? Idk I don't wear a lot of dresses. I've dropped pant sizes so maybe I'm not sure What’s your favourite kind of bread? Every kind I love bread When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get? We had pizza a few days ago, just cheese Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version? I don't actually What was the last thing you said out loud? Goodnight You have to choose one: cats or dogs? Dogs How do you travel to and from work? I'll be driving Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why? Card because I don't carry cash unless I got some for a holiday. Or sometimes I'll take out a 20 for when I go out Have you ever been to a stadium concert? Yes, the last two times I saw one direction were at stadiums. And I've seen a bunch of other artists at indoor arena/stadium things like Ed Sheeran, fall out boy, backstreet boys, etc
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other generations angry about millennials killing industries.
but seriously, those industries often deserve to be killed.
lets look at the list, shall we?
(i am drawing from this list right here: http://mashable.com/2017/07/31/things-millennials-have-killed/#hwO45tc0RZqb )
1. Beer: well, i guess the prohibitionists would be happy with us
2. J. Crew: (i didn’t even know the brand existed. i buy everything from salvation army, because i can’t afford new or expensive clothing)
3. Department stores: seriously, why would i go there? the entire point of such a place is to bombard you with so may advertisements and options that you feel compelled to buy what you can’t afford. I can get what i need from the internet, thank you.
4. Motorcycles: They are unsafe and impractical. i know this will rub motorcycle users the wrong way, but the fact of the matter is, they have very little in terms of safety features, cars don’t tend to see you in the road (the gorilla effect), and they don’t have enough carrying capacity to justify their use. also, the particular article it linked to said Harley-Davidson is complaining, and i say screw you, none of your stupid motorcycles have mufflers i don’t want to hear you from half way across the planet.
5. Diamonds: literally just pretty rocks, made out of one of the most common elements on the planet. their price is vastly inflated artificially by those who sell them. if i want to impress or attract a girl, i am most certainly NOT going to waste my cash on something useless to her. it’s hard enough to earn money as it is without spending it on freaking diamonds.
6. Golf: WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT GOLF!?! it’s not even really that fun. Miniature golf can be fun on occasion, but mostly because of the set pieces. but regular golf? also, if you wanted anyone to actually pity the golf industry, maybe you shouldn’t keep TAKING LAND FROM PEOPLE WHO COULD USE IT MUCH BETTER
7. Bar Soap: meh. it’s just easier to use other kinds of soap. no hard feelings
8. college football: i am not wasting my money to watch a bunch of idiots throw a poor excuse for a “ball” and repeatedly smack into each other.
9. Lunch (?): ok, i don’t actually know what this one is about, or even how one would go about measuring this. and the article seemed to be broken, so i couldn’t find out. Do they mean less people are attending restaurants for lunch? because if that is the case, my parents literally told me to do exactly that, because making lunches at home is cheaper, and not much is added to the experience having lunch elsewhere. so yeah, i don’t think the problem is millennials here.
10. McDonalds: Ew. Next
11. Vacations: ok, so apparently this is about how millennials don’t take as many vacations because they are spending to much time working, making baby boomers and other generations feel guilty about vacationing? ok, for one thing, if you are feeling guilty about vacationing because some guys in their 20s aren’t doing it, maybe the guilt is actually coming from a different source. secondly, WE. ARE. NOT. RETIRED. heck, many of us were only recently able to get a job because the previous generations SCREWED UP THE ECONOMY. so no, we aren’t taking vacations as much as you, because WE CAN’T FREAKING AFFORD TO FALL INTO DEBT, IDIOTS
12. Paper Napkins: shouldn’t this be a good thing? like, yay we aren’t wasting paper needlessly any more? yay save the trees? i dunno
13. cars: expensive. Expensive to buy. expensive to rent. expensive gas. if i live in a place with public transportation (which i do), you can be sure as hell i am using THAT (which i am) rather than a car (which i am not)
14. crowdfunding: um, i may be wrong, but didn’t we start that? i think we have a right to destroy what we created.
15. wine: no, wine is always going to be around. as long as there are Catholics, there will be wine.
16. Wine corks: those things are freaking deadly. look it up.
17. toyota scion: never heard of it. next
18. fabric softener: i heard it ruins clothes, and my clothes are plenty soft already. also, my mom never used it, so why should i?
19: marriage: OK NOW IF YOU WANT MILLENNIALS TO LIKE MARRY EACH OTHER MAYBE YOU SHOULD MODEL HEALTHY MARRIAGES YOURSELVES. seriously. basically every friend i have has had at least one either abusive or neglectful parent, and many of their parents are divorced. if you wanted us to value marriage, maybe you should have gotten your FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER BEFORE YOU GOT MARRIED. my mom married a guy because “he made me laugh”, only to find out he was an evangelical atheist who kept trying to convert her from Catholicism for the next 20 years. it ended up screwing up literrally everything. because of him, my mom banned freaking Harry Potter from the household because they had a year and a half long fight over it. I even gave my dad a solution that would allow it into the house (i would “proofread” every book before giving it to my sisters), but NOOOO he had to WIN the STUPID ARGUMENT. he could NOT JUST LET IT GO. so yeah, i am not surprised that my generation doesn’t want to get fucking married. the only reason why i am still considering it is because part of me just wants to prove i can be a better husband and father than my dad.
20. McWrap: again, ew. next
21. Handshakes: i don’t know about everyone else, but as an autistic touching people is FUCKING WEIRD.
22. Canadian tourism industry: what. i didn’t realize that was a thing.
23. light yogurt: just because we can’t afford it doesn’t mean we don’t like it. i personally like light yogurt. it is just too expensive.
24. gambling: we are not idiots. we know we aren’t going to win anything. we never do
25. hotels. well, given that most of us can’t afford to travel, this is not surprising at all.
26. relationships: see 19
27: marmalade: such an unpleasant word. i’m not eating that
28. running: i live in southern california. i am not running around outside, thank you.
29. cereal: i don’t eat breakfast. it’s enough work to just roll out of bed and stubble to the bus stop.
30. anti-aging industry: anyone who is complaining about this clearly needs to read Tuck Everlasting, or The Forests of Silence, or Tolkien's story of the Fall of Numenor, or The Farthest Shore. Immortality sucks, man. i don’t want it.
31. Buffalo wild wings: yeah, i totally want to fill my stomach with THAT greasy mess.
32. focus groups: ???how???
33. travel marketing: still can’t afford to travel, man.
34. working: nah, you just won’t hire us
35. credit: we aren’t idiots, we know banks will try to screw us over
36. trees: so apparently this is because we won’t give up books for a kindle. WELL EXCUSE US FOR NOT KILLING THE BOOK INDUSTRY>
37. The American Dream: i think by now it has become clear who did that.
38. America: *hint* it’s not us, it’s those idiots who bought houses they couldn’t afford, and then through a tantrum when the banks charged interest on their loans, causing an economic collapse. also wallstreet. fuck those guys
39. Democracy: so, this is about how we don’t protest any more. you know why we don’t? because we have found that every single time we do, somebody goes “damn millennials and their radical ideas. it was ok when we did it in the 60s, but not now”. you want us to rally and protest, but only for the things YOU want to see.
40. Home Depot: meh. lowes is better.
41. Self-Pity: well, this is a gross misinterpretation of statistics. we feel bad for ourselves because YOU ALL FUCKING SCREWED US OVER
42. the 2016 election: that was not our fault. who did you give us to choose from? lets see, most of them were either highly intelligent but under-qualified, or extremely qualified but also untrustworthy, or downright insane. in the end, it was down to three candidates: a misogynist clown, a snake, and a guy who wanted to give everyone free college education. Y’all chose the snake and the clown. just saying.
43. consumerism: duh
44. suits: who cares
45. dinner dates: my experience working at a bakery might indicate otherwise.
46. movies: so we can’t afford to attend. sue us
47. sex: we are having less sex because we aren’t idiots and we know what sex does and we have better things to do than to drop everything to raise a family while we are still going to college. by now there are enough stories floating around of condoms that just failed to work, and frankly i do not want to be responsible for any girlfriend i might have getting an abortion because we both know we can’t afford to have a child. so guess what? abstinence
48. gyms: why would you pay to go to a place and sweat? you can walk outside to do that.
49. serendipity: nah, you killed it. see 19
50. loyalty programs: dude, if another hotel is cheaper or better, i’m using that one
51. loyalty in general: ok, false. we just want to survive, ok? also, loyalty must be earned. if my company is treating me poorly, or is treating my customers poorly, than yeah, i’m not going to be loyal to it.
52. taking risks: *sigh* so, this is false, clearly false. i can barely make my self say the cursed acronym, but *inhale* YOLO
53. patriotism: no, we just aren’t fanatics. we are loyal to our country so long as it continues to serve our interests. and if you dare tell me that that is not patriotic, read the gosh dang declaration of independence.
54. cruises: MONEY. also, it’s literally just a casino on a boat.
55. applebee’s: money. the article even admits it. so how is it our fault?
56. fashion: fuck fashion. give girls fucking pant pockets you perverts
57. hangout sitcoms: i can’t imagine anything more boring to watch
58. the big mac: it’s not even that big
59. stiletto: i don’t know what that is
60. romance: see 19
61. 9-to-5 workday: again, JUST FREAKING HIRE US (i actually have a job now, and am enjoying it immensely, and would work more hours if there were more available, but my employers, being the nice people that they are, have actually maxed out the number of people they can employ affordably. there are so many people who need a job in my city, and my employers are trying to employ as many as they can, particularly millennials and recent immigrants. it’s the other businesses around that are making it hard for us to get jobs.)
62. the NFL: see 8
64. the Olympics: how?
65: brunch: are we supposed to be hobbits now? you want us to have second breakfast?
66. the EU: i don’t really understand this one. it seems to say that millennials ruined the EU by liking it too much?
68. banks: this article actually gets it right, you can read it in the title. we are ruining banks, and it is the fault of the banks. REVENGE!!!
69. Oil: i can’t afford it. next
70. everything: this article actually sums up just about everything i just said
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