haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
Also I flubbed a little bit on the Widsith trivia. Wyrmhere/Orm wasn't the one who asked Dietrich to help avenge his father. That was Wulfhere, known as Ulf van Jern (Wolf von Jern). In the Danish and Faroese ballads, King Dietrich sends his knights Wudga, Heime, and in Danish another Dietrich, theorized to be Dietrich the Greek from the Rosengarten zu Worms, to aid young Wulf in killing King Blikiman in revenge. Orm in contrast fights either a giant from Bjarmaland, or Dietrich himself imagined as a pagan giant, to defend the Danish king's daughter (the giant is called Bermrisi, which seems to be a mix of "giant from Bern" and "giant from Bjamaland"). He wins his duel against the giant by striking at his enemy's leg, and when he's accused of hitting below the bet, replies that this is the only way he can fight, because he's so short and the giant is so tall. He then goes to Iceland, kills the giants who killed his father, and then comes home to marry the Danish princess.
Wulhere and Wyrmhere are unique in that they're attested as Dietrich's champions in ancient sources, but their legends only survived in Scandinavian balladry (or their names were well-known and new legends were made up to suit them after the old ones were forgotten). Unless, of course, you take Wulfhere to also be Wolfhart, which would give him an independent Continental corpus of stories.
And while Dietrich gets less focus in Scandinavia, the ballads still give him a circle of knights. In fact, Dietrich is the de facto king figure of the ballad's version of the old sagas, so Gunther, Gernot, Volker, and Hagen are all his vassal knights, and as we all know, there's ballads that cut out Gunther altogether and make the love triangle between Hagen, Sivard Speedy-Swain, and Brunhild. There's alos Wudga and Heime, and Ulf and Orm, and besides that a little dwarf/goblin Tom Thumb character named Mimering who might or might not be the spirit of Wudga's sword, and a (possibly illegitimate) son of Volker's, called Sonne Folkerson. Though there was apparently a historical outlaw called Sonne Folkerson, and folklorist don't know if this is an authentic legendary character or an attempt to bring in a historical cameo. And then you get knights who are appended to his circle from independent sources like Ogier the Dane, Raavengaard, Count Genselin, and Svend Vovend.
"[...] or Dietrich himself imagined as a pagan giant [...]"
... I'd forgotten about that. Even if I think I did have it in mind while writing tha "call out for Dietrich" shitpost. X AAnd, oh, the memories of first learning about the Hagen/Brunhild/Siegfried love triangle... and my initial "????" reaction at it, too!
I didn't know about Sonne Folkerson! Or about Mimering. Who, at at glance, kinda makes me think of Miming, the "satyr" in Gesta Danorum that Hotherus has to catch to get a magic sword able to pierce Balderus' steel-proof skin... it's probably just the name and the association with a sword, tho, lol.
Thank for the write-up/deep dive! Much appreciated.
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lyss-sketchbox · 1 year
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Preemptive copium doodles of kagura wrio if i dont get his weapon in the future
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wonboos · 4 months
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target acquried
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mixed-kester · 2 years
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Scara why are you looking at him like that.
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snowshinobi · 9 months
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slowly building Neuvillette. this guy is alright ...
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hydrodragons · 10 months
once i get wriothesley on his rerun it's over for y'all
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hydrachea · 6 months
Finally decided to try out burnmelt Wriothesley! And I thought I was getting big numbers before...
(Build of an incredibly spoiled warden ↓)
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scara rerun scara rerun scara rerun scara rerun gonna c6 him i just need him 4 more times i have guaranteed rn so i only have to worry about three because i need to c6 him so badly then he’ll have everything and be perfect i’m normal about this i promise
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ipcearn · 10 months
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I am finally done with the damn beetles
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aeviare · 1 year
{guaranteed c1 scara sooooooon... and hopefully more. but i'm guaranteed my next 5* T^T bb boi is the only one outside of aether that is triple crowned lol}
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haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
On the subject of Widsith, I'm not sure if this is the author's opinions, or if he was considering the situation of the narrator, but Widsith describes Emanaric as an ideal king, alongside the glories of the historical Alboin and the quasi-legendary Nibelungs. He also mentions Theuderic the Frankish king, but not Theodoric/Dietrich the Maering/Ostrogothic king. Unless he was equating the Frankish king with Dietrich, it almost feels like he subtly resents Dietrich for overthrowing Ermanaric.
Which would be a funny in-universe dynamic to have. Dietrich von Bern? No, Widsith isn't gonna sing anything about that bastard. Shame on you for asking about him. Don't you know he was dragged into a volcano by the Devil's own horse for his sins? Have some nice stories about Ermanaric's glory instead.
On the subject of crossovers, now I want Widsith (or whatever German equivalent to his name) to be some sort of baby poet or poet apprentice at Ermanaric's court, all excited to meet his idol Volker on his trip to Burgundy. And then for maybe the two of them to run into Vainamoinen or something.
Oh, I love this!! Baby poet Widsith being all about his kind benefactor Ermanaric and fanboying over Volker (I mean, who wouldn't XD) sounds all kinds of adorable, and then an older, more jaded version of him going against the grain by resenting Dietrich and refusing to sing about him sounds both really funny ("yeah, down in Mount Etna, I'm telling you!") and really angsty at the same time. So bittersweet!
Honestly, running into Vainamoinen is just a recipe for bad luck and misadventures... which is I'd feel really bad for Widwith but at the same time I'd also love to see it. XD Also, I feel Volker might get pretty into the idea of songs of power to use to fight against one's enemies... hmm...
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alwaysinfandomhell · 2 years
Okay, this is a genshin post but not horny. Keep scrolling if that’s what you’re looking for lol.
I’ve been playing genshin for a while, though I took a big break for over half a year at one point and missed a few lore heavy events hahaha (why is genshin like this, why???). But, the thing is that I have had two accounts in this time. My first account and my main account. I started a second account when I couldn’t beat Childe no matter how hard I tried; I’m not sure if this was before or after they nerfed him, but I knew I must have missed something big when I first started. So, I started again to review everything from the beginning and just never went back to my first account. 
It’s been over a year since then, almost two. I decided recently to look at it and... no wonder I couldn’t beat Childe. I was AR 39 and still using 2-3 star artifacts, most with only upgraded a level or two. I had to put my head in my hands and wonder how I messed up this badly. Plus, none of my character were even close to the level cap???? What in the world was I doing?
So, there I was.... barbeque sauce on my titties just looking at this trainwreck and. I wanted to fix it. So bad. As if that could just undo what my eyes have already seen. I’ve already started even though I have no plans to regularly play this account because I can’t just stand how bad I left things. 
I started off with 27 fragile resins and I’ve already went through 13 of them just playing a couple hours the past 3 days. Putting my focus on Noelle (I miss my Zhongli from my main lol), Xingqiu, Dori, and Xiangling. A few extras just for making my life easier fighting bosses as well (Oceanid is pain, always will be). My characters were lvl 50 and the cap was like 70????? I’m crying. My only 5 star is Jean and she’s lvl 40???
I don’t know why I”m doing this to myself lol.
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cangrellesteponme · 11 months
me: i'm not a nerd i swear
also me: *points at numbers next to a little pixelated man in my computer* ayo check out that monsieur neuvillette crit ratio- [insert ten minutes of intense rambling about game mechanics that only nerds would understand]
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
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snowshinobi · 4 months
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y'know what. yeah
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hydrodragons · 1 year
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slapped the artifacts i got from this domain onto barbara as a placeholder and jesus fucking christ,,,,,,, im 100% going for neuvillette now LMAOOO
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