#wilderness of Sin
kdmiller55 · 1 year
Things Are About to Get Serious
1 On the third new moon after the people of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on that day they came into the wilderness of Sinai. 2 They set out from Rephidim and came into the wilderness of Sinai, and they encamped in the wilderness. There Israel encamped before the mountain, 3 while Moses went up to God. The Lord called to him out of the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the…
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lascitasdelashoras · 1 year
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Ray Milland - Días sin huella, Billy Wilder
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lore-vigenere · 1 year
I can tell this playthrough is my favorite because I just spent 30 minutes buying dye for everyone's armor based on what I think they'd like to celebrate finishing all their personal quests. An in character shopping trip where my Tav was like, "We've come so far, and we need to look good for the ending! Everyone's getting new drip, my treat!"
Whereas last time, I didn't care about outfit cohesion in the slightest.
Anyway I'll be ranting in the tags about my choices if anyone cares.
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starsnores · 1 year
Gamzee... Scape goat.......
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God's Anger with Sinners
But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? — Hebrews 3:17 | BRG Bible (BRG) Holy Bible; Blue Red and Gold Letter Edition™ Copyright © 2012 BRG Bible Ministries. All rights reserved. Cross References: Numbers 14:23; Numbers 14:37; Deuteronomy 1:34; Psalm 78:22; John 3:36; Romans 11:30; Hebrews 4:2
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simplyghosting · 4 months
Binge watching Supernanny followed by one rewatch of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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𝐗𝐗𝐈. Last night I had an eureka moment when thinking about the possibility that those who abandon their gods are immediately cursed to turn into hilichurls at some point. This led me to think back of Khaenri'ah and that either some or all of them were branded as the greatest sinners and then I remembered that in actuality, Sumeru did introduce us to six cardinal sins —mentioned in one of Cyno's stories— that to be fair, might apply to more than just what was happening in the nation of wisdom at that time. A bit of research in combination with an excellent wording from a subreddit makes for a far more comprehensive list of sins:
✦ Sin of creation —to tamper with human evolution—: Evolution and creation in the face of the gods.
✧ Sin of immortality —to tamper with life and death—: Tampering with life and death in the face of the gods.
✦ Sin of arcane —to delve beyond the universe—: Discovery of fate / destiny and arcane knowledge in the face of the gods.
✧ Sin of genesis —to investigate the origin of words—: Exposing divine lies and beliefs in the face of the gods.
✦ Sin of omission —to revere gods without acts of devotion—: Failure to perform a divine request in the face of the gods.
✧ Sin of reason —to attempt the forbidden and fear none / to divulge secrets without a hint of fear—: Divulging divine secrets without fear in the face of the gods.
To tackle what first brought me to think about the six cardinal sins when wondering what sin the people who are prone to turn into hilichurls at some point, I believe that the most suitable one for their particular case would be the sin of omission. While I can't tell for sure about all the people who travelled from the seven nations to Khaenri'ah, when thinking about Sal Vidagnyr, these people's sin was to question the gods when they said that they would benefit from a good life and they wanted to know what would happen after the years they said that this would extend. In answer, the gods fell in silence and stopped guiding humans (it's also possible that it coincided with what happened around the Apocalypse era) and these people pursued the heavens to see for themselves if the concept of divinity was real to begin with, only for the civilization to end in disaster as a result. By taking this example into account, the loss of faith in gods altogether and their pursuit of a land devoid of their gaze could suffice for these people as well as their descendants to be branded with the curse of wilderness.
If we're to bring all of these to Khaenri'ah and what limited knowledge we have of that kingdom, just by reading these sins alone is enough to come to the sound conclusion that, if they didn't commit all of them, they did most of them:
The sin of creation is self-explanatory by thinking about Gold alone with her creations of monsters. So it is the sin of immortality with the pursuit of transcendence, but also if we think that at least Gold lived for several millennia since the Crimson Moon dynasty. As for the sin of arcane, it was mentioned in a certain weapon description that astronomers branded as heretics discovered the truth of the false sky and the source of fate with it. The sin of genesis is what makes me doubt the most if taken in the literal sense of looking into the origin of words, but exposing lies told by gods themselves is something we saw the Abyss Order pursuing, specifically if we think back about Enjou and his desire to achieve Before Sun and Moon, as they believe that the world didn't start with gods. Lastly, the sin of reason checks too just by considering that Khaenri'ah was actively pursuing Forbidden Knowledge and in some descriptions of Abyss Order monsters, they seem to have an obsession with divulging certain truths very well concealed.
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woodsy-hoe · 1 year
can they stop doing willy wonka so dirty just leave it alone 😭
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❝ Marisol Crúz is a woman seeking justice. Specifically, she seeks justice against Harlan Maddox, a corrupt Las Vegas casino owner who, just a little over a year ago, had been found to rig his slot machines and who had scammed his customers out of a collective ten million dollars. But Maddox, being rich enough to cheat the justice system, had not received the punishment he deserved, and so Marisol is determined to drain the bastard’s bank account and give the stolen money back to Maddox’s victims. And as the wealthy CEO of a large tech conglomerate, inherited from her father when it was only a tiny startup, she certainly has the riches and resources to do it. But in order to pull off her plan properly, she’s going to need a team - one consisting of highly skilled individuals who will be the best choices to help Marisol hand down her justice.
CeCe Gomez has been Marisol’s best friend since the two of them were small (and a little bit more than that in high school, but that’s in the past). She’s also a certified badass, a former US Marine who was honourably discharged due to a shoulder injury and who now acts as a martial arts instructor in the heart of New York City. CeCe has always been willing to go along with Marisol’s crazy schemes, but the two of them lost contact several years ago and haven’t heard from each other since. But when her old friend’s lawyer visits her gym and asks if she’d be willing to join a team Marisol is assembling, of course CeCe’s answer is yes. She’s never been good at saying no to Marisol Crúz.
Zeke Rojas is a born and bred conman, but he hasn’t wanted to be for some time. He’s been disillusioned with the life of a liar and a cheat since he was seventeen years old, which was kind of a hard thing to be when his entire family consisted of the most accomplished con artists in Chile. He finally got out of the family “business” four years ago, fleeing to the United States in the middle of the night and leaving no trace of himself behind, but it hasn’t been easy to go straight when the only skills he’s ever been taught are cheating and stealing. He’s working the cold streets of Chicago, picking pockets and trying desperately to get a real, steady job, when he’s approached by the personal lawyer of the young CEO of CrúzTech, offering him a chance to finally use his talents for good.
Charlie Kellman has had a lifelong fascination with everything that goes boom, but being an economically-challenged bundle of social anxiety and possible undiagnosed autism hasn’t exactly provided him with many opportunities to use his demolition skills in legal ways. Not that that’s an excuse for assisting in four bank robberies, he knows it’s not, but also the robbers were all very nice and he doesn’t really have any friends, so it was nice to find some people he could hang out with while also being useful. That is, until the cops came upon the most recent robbery and the others completely ditched him, leaving Charlie to run from the law while alone once again. He’s still running when Marisol Crúz’s lawyer finds him, offering to get him an official pardon in exchange for joining some kind of Robin Hood team where he’ll get to use his explosives for an actual good cause. Getting to be around a group of people, no longer worrying about getting arrested, and being allowed to blow stuff up? It’s practically Charlie’s dream deal, how is he supposed to refuse?
Eva Carmichael knows she’s a talented singer. She’s known it from a very young age, and she desperately wants other people to know it too. But without the dough to make connections and properly promote herself, it’s extremely hard to break onto the New York music scene. And apparently Marisol Crúz, a badass young CEO whom Eva has always admired, knows she’s talented as well, because she wants Eva to be her “in” for a heist she’s planning by getting a job as a singer in a Las Vegas casino. It’s not exactly the big break Eva was expecting, but at this point, she’s willing to do pretty much anything to get her talent out there. Plus, she’s sure as hell not going to pass up a free trip to Sin City.
Logan Wilder is a self-proclaimed “hacking vigilante,” using his considerable computer skills to hack into the financial systems of corrupt businesses and give money back to their swindled customers. He’s also a white hat hacker, doing people a favour by breaking into various security systems to pinpoint their weaknesses and informing the owners about them, but either way, he’s never been on the right side of the law. That’s why he’s in a cold holding cell with a rock-hard bench when some lawyer dude he did not call for comes to visit him, proclaiming that Marisol freaking Crúz wants to utilize his skills to pull off a heist in Vegas in exchange for getting all the charges against him dropped. It’s basically a chance for Logan to continue his mission on a much larger scale, plus it gets him off of this awful bench that’s made his ass completely numb by this point, so of course he agrees.
Now assembled, Marisol’s team makes their way to America’s City of Lights, ready and willing to pull off their plan. In two weeks, Harlan Maddox will be hosting a gala in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of his biggest and best casino - the perfect opportunity for the team to strike. And so, putting Marisol’s scheme into action, the team slowly infiltrates Maddox’s business, getting Eva a job performing at the gala in addition to getting CeCe hired as Maddox’s new bodyguard and Logan as the casino’s new IT manager.
The plan seems to be going off without a hitch, but of course it wouldn’t go exactly according to plan. As Logan spends more time around Jack, Maddox’s sweet but overworked assistant, he begins to doubt the fairness of taking all the money away from a man who has people on his payroll. In addition, Marisol has been keeping a secret from the team about why she wants justice against Maddox in the first place - one that may destroy their trust in her if it comes to light.
As the night of the gala, and the heist, draws nearer, the team, who have all become something of a family to each other these last two weeks, begin to wonder: will they be able to pull off this plan after all, or will the heist, and their newly-found connections with it, come crashing apart?
Either way, what happens in Vegas is not going to stay in Vegas. Not this time. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski, @luucypevensie, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ocappreciationtag.
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kdmiller55 · 1 year
The Lord Is My Banner
8 Then Amalek came and fought with Israel at Rephidim. 9 So Moses said to Joshua, “Choose for us men, and go out and fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.” 10 So Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought with Amalek, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. 11 Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and…
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biomic · 1 year
Wtf is yellow jackets about
it's about a soccer team. what's not clicking.
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ollywears · 1 year
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Olly Alexander wearing a Christina Aguilera 2022 Tour merch t-shirt in an Instagram reel at the Wilderness festival (August 8, 2022).
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castielspelvis · 2 months
I am so fucking glad I waited closer to Wild Wolf releasing to read Darkmore Penitentiary series because fuck that cliffhanger in book 3. Thank you to all other readers before for freaking out and being devastated enough to make me wait.
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baxtersworld · 2 months
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preacherpollard · 2 months
Beyond The Fruit
Recognizing The “Big Three” Temptations In The Bible And Today Brent Pollard The number three is significant in many areas, reflecting its longstanding presence in human consciousness and the natural world. Often, it represents balance, harmony, and the union of opposites, making it a powerful symbol in spiritual practices. The “rule of threes” is a common phenomenon, likely due to confirmation…
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tom4jc · 10 months
Jeremiah 12:10 Destroyed Vineyard
Many rulers have destroyed My vineyard, they have trodden My portion underfoot; they have made My pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. Jeremiah 12:10 There are times in which people have taken over some land and destroyed it. Usually, it is destroyed in the process of building new roads, buildings or some other structure. Other times it is destroyed just by not taking care of it and…
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