#will do a little bday haul later
nerdishfeels · 2 years
Just turned 27 today!! 🎉
I used to worry about getting closer to the big 30 because people put so many expectations on how you’re supposed to be: Financially stable and married with kids. Also, they love throwing around the whole “losing your youth” (which is so not true). But tbh I love my age. 27 feels like a badass age where you know what to expect from life so you live it the way you want.
The funny thing is that I thought when you become an adult, you would feel different. But I don’t. I grew up fast because of my childhood, so I always felt mature for my age throughout school and college. Even though there are days when I’m really struggling, I’m grateful that at my age, I have the freedom in choosing what I want to do. I can breathe for myself. I’m also grateful for the support that I have.
As a lil birthday gift, I’ll leave a reminder. Always stay young at heart. No matter how old you get, don’t give up on the things that make you happy. Don’t change yourself simply because someone “your age” wouldn’t do something you do. Always choose to be you in the end and you will find those people who love you for you ❤️
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phantomrose96 · 4 months
Okay I have a story.
So my birthday is this Sunday (May 26th). My mom ordered some presents for me but one of them (an Etsy purchase) was seemingly stuck in transit and might not make it on time. I tell my mom all good, no worries. She gets in contact with the seller. After a long delay in response they get back with "Right we'll fix it!" It ships, tracking label and everything, good to go! ETA May 22nd (yesterday.)
During the work day I check the tracking and it says it's been delivered in/at mailbox! I double check with my mom "hey, is it mailbox size?" because if not, I don't want it sitting at the front door where anyone walking by could snag it.
She says "it's definitely NOT mailbox size." Okay. I text my neighbors in the building "Anyone seen a package delivered? It's a birthday gift from my mom and I wanna make sure it gets inside!" Success! Floor 2 David (not to be confused with Floor 1 David) had brought it inside. Inform my mom. All good!
I stop by home briefly around 4pm, because yesterday was hot-hot and I just installed my window A/C that morning in the living room, and according to my cat cam my stupid cat hasn't spent a single second in the climate controlled living room and is, instead, voluntarily baking herself elsewhere so I'm like "great" and hop on my bike to go home (10 minute ride) to check on her.
I get in the building door. Patches is crying from the top floor because she heard me. I maneuver my bike in the front hall. The ugliest fucking 6-foot-tall cat tree(?)/totem(?)/statue(?) I've seen in my entire life is just. Standing there.
My first thought is "What the fuck is that." My second thought is "Oh fuck that is for me." I look around at the floor in case there's perhaps anything else that might, in fact, be the gift.
No. Me and Cat Pole.
It's taller than me. I turn it around to face me and its face is painted and this is, in fact, uglier than it looked from the back.
Patches is crying. So I just haul it up to my level. MAYBE it was supposed to come with twine that I wrap around it (and hide its face from the world) for Patches to scratch. Maybe this is a prank. Maybe this is an inside joke, because when my mom moved into her current house the neighborhood gifted her some ugly-as-hell totem that apparently, by tradition, each newest-comer to the neighborhood is required to have and display in their window so maybe this is a very good riff on that.
Patches rubs against it. She's not afraid of this horrid facsimile of her kind.
Meanwhile SHE'S fine and the condo is a little toasty but totally liveable so I'm like "Good, cool, you're not baking. You're having a good time. Enjoy your new sister, I guess, I'll see you later."
I go back to work because this is a problem for later me.
After work, after my run, after whatever, I get home and it's like 8:00pm and Patches is so happy to see me and the totem pole is still just. There.
I text my friends like "so a bday gift is here from my mom and it's the Biggest Ugliest cat pole I've seen in my life. Is this a bit? Did my mom go 'that's so ugly haha! send!' Maybe she genuinely found it cute. How do I navigate this." My friend Sarah has the good advice to maybe text my mom neutrally like "Got the cat pole!" and feel the waters whether my mom is like "Isn't it ugly? 😂" or "Hope Patches likes it! 🥰"
My mom goes to bed early so I don't do any of that yet. Problem for tomorrow me.
This morning, Patches wakes me up for breakfast. I get her situated and I'm staring at the fucking Cat Pole again. I wonder if my Mom's been wondering all night what I thought of it.
I take a picture. I text her.
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I get on call with my mom. I ask for clarity that the ungodly horrid thing is NOT my birthday gift and is in fact a mix-up from the seller who sent me this instead of my actual gift. She's wheezing between words. She thinks I'm being too charitable for the amount of Absolute Fucking Ugly this is. I have to gently talk her out of using the word "monstrosity" while messaging the seller asking what the hell happened here.
I tell her I need to apologize for harming her dignity with Floor 2 David, who thinks this fucking thing is my mom's idea of a great birthday gift for her to-be-28-year-old daughter.
My heart goes out to the poor soul who did actually order this cat totem and is lacking it on this lovely day.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
happy birthday! I hope you have a good one :) tiny little bday prompt: locked out~
Thank you!! This is actually my second ‘locked out prompt’ I’ve gotten in the past hour LMAO. Y’all out here wanting misery 🤣 enjoy some locked out canon (divergent bc he lives) Eddie. Also this got a bit long, whoops.
Of course. Of fucking course today of all days he’s going to get locked out of his damn van. There’s no way he’s breaking his window or door, and though he knows how to break into a car, it requires a damn hanger which he doesn’t have. Sighing, he knows he’s going to have to get help.
The thing is, it’s fucking cold outside, and he’s already feeling like shit. Whatever flu’s been going around Hawkins has started hitting him since he woke up, and his dumb ass didn’t even wear a heavy jacket. The walk back to the trailer park is well over 5 miles from the pharmacy he’s just walked out of, a brown paper bag containing Tylenol, cough drops and a thermometer in his hand. The long haired man would rathe walk to Harrington’s than attempt walking icy back roads right now.
Looking around, he spots a pay phone down towards the next store, so Eddie huffs, grips the bag tighter, and walks over, careful of the patches of ice on the sidewalk. As he gets closer, he pauses to cough into his arm, grimacing as his throat stings. Fuck Hawkins and their inability to cover their damn mouths. After paying the 25¢ to call, the musician dials the ex-jocks number and waits, praying the guy is home.
“Harrington residence.” The voice, while still his friends, is much more enunciated and proper.
“Harrington, hey, it’s- snf! it’s Eddie.”
“Oh, hey man,” the voice on the phone relaxes into a completely different persona. “What’s up?”
“I kind of got locked out of my car…is there a way you could pick me up? I have a spare set of keys back at my-“ Eddie turns away to cough, before returning to the mouth piece. “-sorry, my trailer. I can come back to get it later.”
“Oh shit, yeah, I can pick you up. Where are you?”
Eddie can’t help but thank whatever higher power there is. He’s starting to feel gross and achy, and while he knows his name has been cleared, people still look at him with disdain. Going back into the pharmacy, or any other store, really, isn’t his best option. Freezing to death would suck too.
“The pharmacy down off Main.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in like..ten minutes. Just gotta find a jacket and I’ll be there.”
“Thanks princess.”
By the time Harrington gets there, Eddie’s shivering, nose pink from both the temperature and the attention he’s been giving it from it getting runny. Hauling himself up, body feeling ungodly heavy, the twenty year old walks up to the others car and gets in, instantly blasted with heat. Thank fuck.
“Sorry about this,” Eddie clicks his seatbelt and puts his bag on his lap, wincing as he swallows.
“No worries man, seriously. Happy to help. What were you doing over here anyway? It’s cold as hell, would think you of all people would just stay in your house and keep warm,” Steve smiles, and Eddie watches, warmth pooling in his stomach.
“Think that shit that’s been going around finally hit me, needed to grab some Tylenol, we don’t really have anything at the trailer.”
Rubbing his face, he’s thankful Harrington knows where his place is, even if the reason for knowing sucks. He’s too tired to keep his eyes open, though he wishes he could, with someone as hot as Steve sitting next to him. Eddie curls away from the driver and presses his arm tight to his face, not wanting to get his germs all over the man’s car.
“Damn, that sucks. Robin just caught it too. I had it back last week, finally feeling human again,” he explains, looking at Eddie in sympathy.
“Why does it not surprise me you caught it first?”
“Yeah yeah, my immune system sucks,” Steve rolls his eyes fondly. “Have you eaten? We can grab soup on the way.”
“Nah, I’m not hungry. But thanks anyway.”
“I was going to bring some to Robin anyway. You sure? It’ll save me a trip too.”
And damn, Eddie’s too gone on Steve fucking Harrington to say no to that, especially when he’s been grateful enough to come pick him up in the first place. Forcing his eyes open, he looks at the man and nods.
“Yeah, that’s fine then. I don’t need any though, kind of scared I might hurl it up if I try to eat it.”
Steve turns down one street, then back up on to Main, parking in front of the small family owned deli. He keeps the car running, then puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder.
“I’ll be right back. You just stay here and relax.”
As if Eddie would do anything else. He drifts for a bit, letting the aches and chill take over. A door opening and shutting makes him open his eyes again, and Steve is there with two brown bags, setting them in the back of his nice BMW.
They don’t speak as Steve drives, Eddie’s too tired and the other man seems to respect that. He did say he’d been sick last week with it, he probably still remembers how awful talking is. The long haired man leans his too warm temple against the cold window, a tiny, quiet moan escaping his mouth.
“Eddie? Hey man, we’re here,” Steve shakes his shoulder gently, and he opens his eyes, feeling worse. Damn this shit hits quick.
“Thank you, seriously,” Eddie gives the shaggy haired man as much of a smile as he can muster.
“No problem, what was I going to do, say no?”
“Could have. Instead you were my knight in shining armor,” Eddie jokes, grabbing his pharmacy bag, opening the door.
“Oh! Here.” Steve thrusts one of the two bags from the deli at him.
“It’s soup. I know you said you did t want any, but…you might get hungry later.”
“…you bought me soup?”
“Yeah? It’s not a big deal.”
“Thanks Stevie.”
Half an hour later, Eddie’s back in sweatpants and one of Wayne’s old, heavy sweaters. If he finishes the entire cup of soup, almost wishing for me, well….Steve won’t need to know.
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moonguilt · 4 years
(Birthday present fanfic for @sirensoda HAPPY BDAY i took a WILD guess and figured you might like some klance)
Pairing: Keith/Lance
Wordcount: 1039
Summary: Lance comes home to a pleasant surprise.  Fluff ensues.
The sun beat down relentlessly, glinting off of car doors and warming the pavement of the little side street Lance strode down.  He winced at the heat, adjusting his floppy sun hat with one hand and flexing the sweaty fingers of his other around the handles of his reusable shopping tote.  The fruits and vegetables inside were fresh and glistening in the sunlight, taunting him like beautiful, stupidly heavy jewels.
His back ached from lugging his haul back from the local farmer's market, but he was almost home, and the sight of his small cottage as he rounded a corner was enough to motivate him to pick up the pace.  Note to future self, he thought as he neared his destination: don't go for long rigorous walks in the middle of summer in a pair of full length overalls and gardening boots.  He felt clammy and blistery and miserable and—
He paused when he reached the driveway. Just over the sounds of birds chirping and distant cars rumbling on the highway about a mile out, Lance could hear a gentle strumming coming from the backyard.  Curiosity—as always—getting the better of him, he slowed his pace and quieted his footsteps, sneaking around to the back of the house.
There, with his back facing Lance, perched on a little stone garden bench in front of an unlit fire pit, dressed in jeans and a worn green flannel shirt, sat Keith.
Keith with a guitar.
Keith playing a guitar.
Keith humming along with a guitar.
Lance knew Keith could play, knew he owned a guitar, but in all their time living together, Keith had never actually used it.  He always said he was no good at it, and Lance always whined and pouted but never pushed enough to pressure him. And now here he was, playing like an old pro.
Lance was so mesmerized by the display that it took him a moment to actually listen to the tune Keith was humming.  But when he did, his lips took on an involuntary quirk, and he leaned his left shoulder against the nearby porch.
“Is that 'Sweet Home Alabama'?” he wondered aloud, a teasing lilt to his voice.
The effect was instantaneous: Keith practically leapt out of his skin, fumbling with his guitar as he whipped around to look at Lance over his shoulder.  His cheeks darkened with embarrassment, and he set the instrument aside as if it had burned him.
“Uh,” he mumbled instead of answering the question, “I didn't think you'd—be home so soon.”  He cleared his throat and looked around the backyard as if trying to summon up a new topic out of thin air.
Lance's smirk only broadened.  “Obviously not.”  He pushed off of the porch and strolled closer.  “But really, Keith, 'Sweet Home Alabama'?”  His face felt taut with barely restrained laughter.  “I never pegged you for a—”
“Don't,” Keith interrupted hastily, “finish that sentence.”  He narrowed his eyes and hunched his shoulders.  “It's just a catchy tune.”
Lance simply fixed him with a full-blown grin and plopped down on the bench next to him, cozying up to his side and leaving the bag of groceries on the ground.  “You're very good, you know,” he said—and it was the truth, but he couldn't help the amusement in his voice.  “You almost make me like that song.”
Keith, still flushed but starting to recover, quirked a brow.  “But not quite,” he supplied, his own lip beginning to twitch upward.
“But not quite,” Lance confirmed in an overly grave tone, eyes twinkling with mirth as he met Keith's gaze and held it.
Keith was so handsome like this: hair falling around his face, just reaching the tips of his strong shoulders; color still clinging to his cheeks like the red, red apples in the bag at Lance's feet; eyes clever but soft, full of wit and full of love.  Lance wished he could take this moment, bottle it up, stick it in a time capsule—open it years later and live it again.
“Do you think about it often?” Lance asked, suddenly desperate to prolong the feeling of Keith's gaze locked onto him.  “Not Alabama. Home, I mean.”  It came out quieter than he intended.  Quieter and fonder.
Keith appeared startled for a moment by the question, perhaps even alarmed, and then all at once he was both tender and intense.  “Every day,” he breathed, then gave something halfway between a nod and a shake of his head, like he couldn't decide which would convey his thoughts better.  “Every moment.”
Lance reached a hand over to grasp one of Keith's.  “I'll take you back there soon,” he promised.  He understood the feeling of yearning, of missing.  Of wanting to revisit old memories, an old life.  “If you don't mind me being there.”
Now Keith's expression morphed abruptly into one of confusion.  “Wh—I'm not—”  He paused for a moment, furrowing his brow.  This time he seemed able to decide which way to move his head—back and forth, vigorously, adamantly.  “I'm not talking about the shack.  I'm talking about—”  He swallowed, glanced over at their small house with its faded brick walls and its grey shingles and its slightly skewed weather vane.  Looked back to Lance again, shifted towards him.  “I'm talking about home.”
Lance's breath felt trapped in his throat.  “Oh,” he croaked, then cleared his throat and tried to salvage his composure.  Tried to come up with something to say.  “Well that … that makes sense.  It's normal, you know … to feel …” Keith was looking at his lips now.  It was hard to concentrate.  “… to feel so … attached to a place when you have your whole life in it.”  Did that sound profound?  He hoped so.  His brain felt like mush.
Keith hummed, leaning closer, close enough to let their noses brush, just barely.  “Is it?” he asked, still fixing Lance with that stare that felt incredibly serious and incredibly soft.  “I wouldn't know.  I've never had—you—before.”
Lance pressed their foreheads together.  “Keith.”  His voice was quiet, hushed, just for the two of them in this private space between their lips.  “You have me now,” he said.  “You have me always.”
And he closed the gap, and he sewed his promise into the seam of his husband's mouth, and they were home.
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sunnysidewrites · 6 years
based on this post hehehe
i just fed yall TWICE. in the span of just 2 DAYS!!! AND THEY’RE BOTH MORE OR LESS THE SAME LONG ASS LENGTH!!! yeah that’s right i went overboard again gtg
happy happy bday to the lovely admin bee of @mansaeboysbe you are such a beautiful person inside and out, and im incredibly proud to know someone like you :’))) i’ve already sent a bday message to you so im not tryna redo it LOL but just know that i love you a whole lot and i always will! 💗💗💗💗💓💓 (she’s also the same person who gave me those beautiful headers on my mlist so please give her tons of love <333) love you sm hub hope you have a wonderful and fantastic day!!!
*to all the mutuals with bdays that have either passed or are coming up, i love you all SO FREAKING MUCH so pls dont feel left out!! it just so happened that i wanted to write this au for a long time and i wanted to present it as a bday gift for this jihoon stan hehe but i rlly love each every single one of u ok babes? <333*
warnings: i feel like i dragged this on for too long but i hope it’s still cute :’)) also i put in a joke like twice LOL anyways lil wooz only gets tongue-tied around you so you become his muse for songs
You were looking for a place to stay in bc “I am a grown adult i am not living with yall anymore” you @ your parents
And they’re like lol ok Good Luck Kiddo
After a month and a half of deeeeep searching you finally find a reasonably priced place to live in
It’s quite a distance from your parents’ home but it’s the point of you moving out to begin with
On the move-in day, you’re carrying your boxes up to your new apartment complex and you hear some tunes drifting from your next door neighbor
And you’re like hey this is actually really good music but i’ve never heard of it
You shrug it off and continue settling in
Once you finished hauling your boxes, you were about to pass out on your couch
Ok you actually did pass out on your couch
But you had to unpack some necessities later that night for bathroom and bedroom purposes
All you had for dinner was pop in some instant ramen and call it a night. You then hopped in the shower and got ready for bed
The following morning it was primarily you unpacking and shifting around your furniture a little but it was challenging by yourself
You were making a good amount of noise and in the middle of the day you were met with a very loud knock on your door
And you were in the middle of unpacking your kitchenware so you were like oh shoot ahh i’ll be right there!!
Little did you know your next door neighbor wasn’t having any of it
Can’t I get some peace and quiet around here? He grumbled as he impatiently waited for you to open the door
I swear, I’m gonna tell them off they won’t even knOW what will hit--
You finally opened the door, and he’s like oh. My gosh.
You had a few pieces of hair sticking to your forehead and your hair was tied back in a messy bun
You were dressed in a faded coral tee underneath a pair of worn-out denim overalls with house slippers
Everything he planned to complain about suddenly vanished and his first thought was:
“Is that Pikachu on your front pocket?”
Apparently he said that aloud, which he didn’t register until he saw you giggling
“Yeah, it was a hand-me-down! Still cute, right?”
And he’s kinda still just staring at you with his mouth slightly agape
And you’re like oh right ahem did you need anything?
That’s when he notices the utter mess behind you: plastic covering still over some of your furniture, half-emptied boxes littered in almost every inch of the floor, etc.
And that’s when it hits him: all that noise was you unpacking
“O-oh yeah, I just,, wanted to let you know that it was getting a little loud since I live right next door”
He silently curses at himself like i almost went off at my new neighbor rip that wasn’t gonna be a good first impression
Luckily for him, you were chill about it and you’re like omg sorry!!! It’s a little tough doing this by myself, sorry for the ruckus
Before he could stop himself, he blurted out, “do you need any help?”
Jihoon internally: u doofus u have an album to produce whAT ARE U DOING
Jihoon externally: i can help you :))) no matter how smol i may be
But that internal reprimanding melted away when he saw your eyes light up in relief and you’re practically bouncing up and down
“Would you, really??? It would be great if I had another hand around! Oh, but you’re probably occupied doing something, right??” and you feel bad that a stranger, your next door neighbor nonetheless, was about to abandon his work just for you
A cute neighbor, at that
Jihoon is like ok this is your chance to get away and go back to work cmon man
But there’s just something about you that pulls him in magnetically and he finds himself trying to reason internally that it’ll just be for a “few moments”
Yyyeaaahhh that doesn’t happen lmao rip Jihoon’s songs
Jihoon is just like “nah it’s fine I can help out for a bit” and you’re like god bless this human being
When you open your door further to let him in, he’s like oh right btw I’m Jihoon
“I’m y/n! Sorry about the mess, I only got here yesterday evening”
He shakes his head and quirks up his lips ever so slightly, “i remember when my place looked like this too except replace this space with music production things”
And you’re like ooOOoOoOO you make songs??? That’s amazing!!
And that’s when you got the ball rolling!!!
“A few moments” turn into hours and the next thing you know it’s dinnertime
“Oh crap sorry for keeping you for this long,,, those songs won’t produce themselves, right? I think I can take it from here”
Admittedly, jihoon didn’t wanna leave just yet bc he actually enjoyed your company and it was nice taking a break from staring at his screen frustratedly
“Well, I don’t mind helping out. I could show you my work one day if you want”
And you’re like holy cheeseballs yES
He starts getting up and brushing off his clothes and you’re a little sad that he’s leaving and he kinda is too :(
“If you’re not too busy tomorrow, you’re welcome to help me out more! I mean, you already helped me a whole lot today, but there’s still some things left to do”
As much as his brain is telling him to NOT DO IT,,,,
He does it
Next thing you know, jihoon is at your door again around the same time and he has something in his hand
As you let him inside, you ask him what it is and he’s like ;))))
“It’s a CD that compiled just a few songs I thought you might like”
And you’re #shook bc did he really just have a CD like this out in the open or did he really take his time yesterday to transfer songs on it??
“Do you have a player or a laptop?”
“Yeah, my laptop is on my bed, you can bring it out here!” You shout over your shoulder as you arrange your things in the living room
Shortly afterwards he emerges from the hallway and he presses a few buttons and clicks here and there and beautiful melodies ring out from your speakers
You can’t help but stop rustling to take in the sweet tunes and you’re just like :’))) have i heard anything so beautiful??? :’)))
One of the songs sound vaguely familiar and you realize it’s what you heard when you first arrived here
“Did you actually produce this??? This sounds like an actual song you can hear on the radio”
And he’s like yep made by yours truly!!!
He was only using “yours truly” half-metaphorically if you know what I mean ;)))
You keep bouncing to all the catchy tunes and swaying to the soulful ones
And in all honesty, seeing your reactions makes Jihoon feel really warm and even a little proud bc it’s one of the biggest reasons why he loves his job so much
He makes eye contact with you and you’re like :D and he’s like ahEM COuGh coUGh i’m gonna dust this shelf over here
He suddenly stands up and busies himself and you’re like ???? okie dokie
He’s a real help around the place and you’re practically done settling in
As you survey your fresh living space, you can’t help but feel a little…. Disheartened?
Bc it was actually really fun to have him around even while he made blunt remarks about your taste of decorations
“This looks like something my five-year-old niece would have”
“For your information, I got that from a five-year-old!! It’s cute, alright!”
You spent the past three days with Jihoon unpacking and talking about whatever comes to mind
Jihoon is pretty devastated that he has to go back to his makeshift studio in his room as much as he will never admit it
He eventually leaves your place and the both of you are just sad little puppies
From then on, every time you pass by each other, you greet him with a friendly smile and wave and you never fail to make his heart skip several beats
You don’t talk as much as how you first started bc he’s gotten much busier trying to mass-produce a lot of songs
For some strange reason, every time you hear a melody coming from the other side of the walls, you feel like you’re somehow connected with him
Well, except for the muffled cursing LMAO
And sometimes you would also hear several male voices at once and you’re guessing they’re his friends or the people he’s working with on the song, but based on their friendly banter and the constant run-throughs, it’s probably both
You would hear the same melody play over and over again, and you’re guessing he’s stuck on a certain part of a song as he tries to recreate new melodies from that point on
“aaAAGHGHHHGGHHHH” *deep sigh* me trying to overcome writer’s block LMAO
This would happen for about half an hour and you can’t help but wanting to reach out to him, but you’re not exactly the most musically-inclined person sadly
When he ultimately calms down, he goes back to working on the song until he finally gets the results he desires
More often than not, you fall asleep from hearing the slow ballads he creates with a smile on your face
Lil Jihoon does try to visit you and vice versa!! He sometimes shows up with random food and more CDs and you’re wondering just how many songs has this guy produced in his lifetime??? He looks around the same age as you but he’s probably produced 26+ songs by the way he packs a decent amount on each CD
Usually his excuse to sharing a meal with you is that “the guys brought over too much and i have a ton of leftovers that i can’t finish by myself”
In reality, he stared at a restaurant’s menu and contemplated for about twenty minutes about what you would like. This guy’s got dedication not just for work
“Would it be weird if i get fried chicken?? Maybe just a bowl of noodles?? What if soup is better??? It would give weird vibes if i bought drinks too, right?? Or should i just go ahead and buy them???”
Regardless of what he buys, you’re eager to eat anything and everything with your fav neighbor *wink wonk*
You feel bad when he would do that though, so you try to return the favor every so often as well
One time, you ordered some takeout but the servings were waaaaay bigger than advertised and you’re like Idea!! Let’s head over next door!! So you took the plastic bags and put in some drinks before heading out the door
You knocked on the door and that was when you heard light chatter on the other side of the door
You’re like sldjfljds i hope im not interrupting anything aaa mAYBE I SHOULD JUST LEAVE--
Too late, someone’s voice rang out “I’ll get it!” and next thing you know, the door swings out to reveal a face you’ve never seen before
“Oh, hi!” He says a little surprisedly but with a smile nevertheless
“H-hi, umm,,,, is Jihoon there?”
The guy is nodding his head in the direction of the back hallway, “yeah, he’s in the bathroom” and that’s when he looks down at your hands and his eyes instantly light up
“Omg did you bring food?? You’re so thoughtful!! Come in, come in!!” and before you could protest he literally drags you in and you’re met with a bunch of other strangers who are staring back at you like :oooo????
“Who’s this?? Jihoon never mentioned someone coming over today,, AND YOU CAN’T JUST DRAG SOMEONE IN THIS ISN’T YOUR HOME”
And you’re like ya i didnt know either lmao
You’re awkwardly shifting on your feet and praying jihoon will pop up instantaneously bc you’re gonna melt in embarrassment
“I just wanted to give him some of this,” you hold up your hands to gesture your food, “since it’s too much for me to finish on my own”
“Oh that’s cool! Some of the other guys are actually out to get more lunch, but food goes out fast with all of us here,” another guy says as he pats your shoulder reassuringly. “Well, since you’re already here, you can join us!”
“I-it’s ok! I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything, I just wanted to deliver this,,, I’ll get going” and you’re about to zOOM outta there but the same guy who ushered you in is like nO DONT LEAVE
“We’re taking a lunch break, so it’s cool if you join us! I’m Soonyoung” and he’s like :DDD and you’re just like ,,,, what a hyper guy but i like him
Everyone goes around to introducing themselves
you do a headcount of 8 and you remember there’s more guys getting food for them,,,, holy heck how many people do they have???? You’re about to introduce yourself after them but then
“Soonyoung, who was at the door--” a familiar voice calls out in the hallway before he emerges
And jihoon is like dsljLSJDF what the hELL
“Y/N??? What are you doing here???” *side eyes soonyoung*
And everyone’s making eyes at each other like waIT WAIT THIS IS Y/N???
“Soonyoung dragged me inside”
“Gdi soonyoung, how many times do i have to tell you that you can’t go around dragging people to join us???”
This guy who you think is named Seokmin pipes up, “yeah he does this all the time at our workplace too. A lot of our coworkers always end up extending their stay for far too long” and you’re nodding slowly like yeahhh i can see that happening
Soonyoung’s eyes are widened and he turns to jihoon like “is this the y/n that inspired your recent so--”
And jihoon is quick to cover his mouth so his voice is all muffled
“aHahaAHHAH soonyoung’s always the joker, april fools day!!! Let’s set the table, the others should be back soon”
jihoon whispering to soonyoung: you better sleep with one eye open tonight boi
And you’re like uhh alrighty :)))???
About twenty minutes after you’ve arrived, there’s another knock on the door
Soonyoung is practically bouncing on his way to the door and you can hear more unknown voices
They’re filing in and they suddenly stop and look at you like wait what
Them: :o????
You: :))),,, what up
Jeonghan briefly explains the situation to the guy who came in the door first and you’re lowkey intimidated bc he seems to be eldest and looks like he could beat you up to a pulp
After jeonghan tells him, he breaks out into this gigantic, cute gummy smile like welcome!! :DD i’m seungcheol! And the other guys behind him follow suit
Jeonghan’s like “this is,, y/n” and everyone tries to be subtle and nods like they didn’t hear jihoon babble on and on about you for weeks
You: ok why do yall act all weird when my name is brought up whAT DID JIHOON TELL YOU
Them: i would tell you but i don’t wanna die just yet sorry dude
Jihoon, somewhere in the kitchen: SET! THE! TABLE!
You end up staying there for a pretty long time, bonding over the whole feast you have and it’s really lively and fun, not to mention super loud with 13 guys in the same room,,, but you’re genuinely having a good time
Jihoon would glance at you nervously occasionally to check on you if you’re uncomfortable in any way
Jeonghan, who’s sitting next to him, notices jihoon’s eyes are practically glued to you and he’s like “is this the part where you confess your undying love and propose”
And jihoon is like shUT UP NO WHAT this chicken tastes great *quickly chugs down water*
You look back at jihoon sometimes and see he looks flushed but it’s not like he’s drinking alcohol
“Jihoon are you feeling ok?? Your ears are bright red” which obviously makes them redder rip
“I-i’m fine,, wow is it hot in here maybe it’s just the spiciness of the chicken let’s open the windows”
You eventually leave them as much as they protest and even try to get Jihoon to guilt trip you (unsuccessfully)
“Don’t leave just yet y/n!! You should stay, right Jihoon???”
“Huh?? O-oh yeah, I mean, you can if you want,,,,, we kinda need to work though”
Everyone’s looking at jihoon like bro wTF are u kidding me
Rip reader i can feel your heart drop :’(((
You’re feeling slightly dejected but you nod understandingly. You’ve already stayed far longer than you anticipated anyways, and work comes first for Jihoon
“Yeah, I totally get it! Good luck on the album guys!” You put on your shoes and close the door
When they finally hear your own door close, they’re attacking jihoon like
“I knew it, the lyrics just suddenly got cheesier -- there had to be someone behind all of that”
And jihoon is just praying you won’t hear what they’re saying like “SHUT UP THESE WALLS ARE THIN”
Back at your apartment, it suddenly feels much emptier and lonelier
“What am i doing,,, I just met the guys for like two hours???”
You sigh and you try to busy yourself doing other things but you hear a loud commotion on the other side of the walls with just a bunch of incoherent shouting
You smile and laugh to yourself when you think about how close they all are
Your smile slowly fades when you start wishing you wanna be close to Jihoon and you’re like snAP OUT OF IT!!!
A couple of weeks pass by uneventfully but you notice that Jihoon has gotten more reserved around you
It’s just him being bashful around you and he panics every time he sees you but obviously he doesn’t want you to know that
You’re standing at your little mini balcony and admiring your cute little cactus plants
Just as you start thinking about him and his wellbeing, you hear your name and you’re like wHO’S THERE
You look down and see Jihoon staring back at you and honestly he looks like he’s awestruck by your whole beauty bc seriously everything you wear always looks super good to him
[insert photo]
(also pretend he’s holding plastic bags)
He holds up his hands and you’re laughing bc you know exactly what that means
“Come on up!”
There’s a knock on your door promptly afterwards and what do you know!!! It’s the man himself!!!
It’s just funny how the both of you have this ongoing routine that you know what to expect
When you let him in, he places the bags on your table and quickly smiles to himself when he sees your laptop on your bed
You and Jihoon both mindlessly do your respective roles as usual
He slowly comes out in the living room with your laptop and he’s like “so the album is pretty much done now,,, i can’t release all of the songs yet but there’s one i want you to listen to. I’ll show you after we eat”
You’re like ooo im excited and you start catching up with him as you’re eating
You can’t contain your excitement any longer, so as soon as you eat the last bit of your food, you’re like “oKAY SHOW ME IT NOW” as you’re restlessly shifting on your legs
He nods and pulls up the media player on your laptop. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before pressing play
It’s a melody you’re quite acquaintanced with after hearing it countless times at night, the same tune that lulls you to sleep
You have high expectations for this song, and surely he surpasses them with flying colors
You’re enjoying the song and telling him “wow this is a really good song!” when suddenly some lyrics catch your attention
You hear something about messy hair pulled back, ruffled clothes, eating meals
And you’re like huh that sounds a lot like us haha is that supposed to be me??
Jihoon is avoiding eye contact with you and looking down at his fidgeting hands as the song progresses in its later verses
The lyrics talk about wanting to develop a deeper relationship, one where “it’s okay to tell me anything, your hardships and desires. I just want to see you smile” and you’re like wait,,,,
And one of the final lyrics says something about “i can’t help feeling like this, will you accept my hand?” and you’re like wait wait w a i t
The song comes to an end and silence fills the room
You’re not sure whether you should speak up first or wait for him, but either way you’re speechless and wouldn’t know what to say anyways
Jihoon clears his throat awkwardly and stumbles on his words poor bby
“S-so, yeah,,,, I’ve been working on this one the longest,,,, umm do you,,, like it?”
But you know better that he’s not just talking about the song
“Nah sorry man i’m not interested”
April fools kiddos ofc you are
“....yeah. I do like it”
And he finally brings himself to look at you and he’s like !!!!! really????
“Wait, for real??? You actually like it???”
He’s pretty much paralyzed in shock and all he can do is watch your hand move towards his and hold it
“I like it a lot, Jihoon :)”
He blinks slowly and he can’t fight the grin that spreads on his face as he grips your hand back
“I’m accepting your hand now heehee ^^”
“Okay let’s not talk about that”
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sillykawa · 2 years
gunna continue this here instead else the rbs would get too long <//3
sk8 ooo might check it out soon later!!
we love all forms of heichou actually- and yessss OMG MIDDLE SCHOOL AKASHI IS- ASDFHJKL i'm just absolutely in love w him 😭💖 (for me i love both personalities of him! even tho i find him a little scary at first- but after more and more as i watch just can't resist but fallin love UGh- don't even say a thing bout his past cuz i'll def tear up ToT) THAT SCENE I'M GUNNA SWOON SOMEONE THROW A ROCK AT ME-
either which one he's still hella fine sobs-
for the tags : ikrrrr? and okay okay, NEED TO chrck the bday ep now fr- and YES let's hunt him down and haul him back from america (in case he doesn't come back-) FRRRRR everything is super great if the title is aot 🤭♥️✨ hmm we should? i mean, yeah it's pretty scary but i feel kinda neutral even tho blood is spattering anywhere and everywhere... maybe i've seen ppl being eaten by titans too much hahasffhjkl- anw, can't wait for the next ep!! <33 (magath and shedis tho 😭😭😭 i never expect em to have an ending like that- like, so heroic iykwim?? i almost cry sobs-)
Yay! Lemme know if you do + tell me who your fav if lil sis 👀
Both his personalities really do grow on you but it's super sad to see how it actually got to the point where he needed another personality 😭 I'm so glad that Kuroko defeated the gom! It really got them back together <3
*throws rock at you* PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER BAM 😓
I officially declare the man hunt for Kagami Taiga open! The one who brings him back wins a special price 👀 No no hear me out sis, there is just something about characters covered in blood 🤤 It just makes them more.... AKAQJAK 🛐🛐 I still think about that one scene with Floch 😵💫💗 (I knew the Magath and Shadis scene was coming but I still cried 😭)
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estuarries · 7 years
baby’s first liveshow commentary
hello lads i have decided to attempt doing @nihilist-toothpaste​ inspired video commentary/write up/review thingies!!!! welcome to ramble-y fun time
phil’s liveshow on august 10, 2017
his smile in the first minute makes my heart so happy i love him so much
i love the eye-tongue-eye emoji stop being mean to it
he’s a bit late bc he just finished filming a new ap vid!!! it took him longer than he thought it would to finish filming bc he was rambling. this is a #relatable brain thing
“i just said goodbye and now i’m saying hello again!” wrt filing and then doing a liveshow makes me rly happy bc i wouldn’t have thought abt it that way. i love phil’s brain
new vid clues: paper bag(?) and bubble wrap. amazingphil asmr part ii??
dan’s not joining the liveshow bc he has a headache but phil’s gonna hop into dan’s next one
closed eyes and happy gesticulation whilst telling sleepy-morning “unexpected window cleaning man frightened me” story
phil’s fight/flight/freeze response is freeze
“imagine if i had decided to make breakfast naked! ...if i was that kind of person…” its okay m8 we know u like to make nakey bro brunches w danyul
are the emoji pants the only pair of graphic pj pants he has now ??? why are they being featured so prominently lately ???? phil IS an emoji is the only phnnie conspiracy i can support now
in the ap vid phil did SCIENCE and REACTED TO THINGS (chemistry . reaction . hehe :3)
he’s out of tv shows to watch ….he and dan have watched so many series together over the years ..... i am emotional
phil hasnt watched in a heartbeat EITHER !! BLASPHEMOUS BOYES!!!
re: rick and morty. i strongly agree and it makes me so nervous that rick burps all the time i cannot focus on whats happening in the show bc rick gives me so much anxiety
he misses the cherry blossom tree in thehowlter’s front yard and they are hopefully going to put it in when they have money
“you’re all like dan! not everything has to be symmetrical!” thank u for these affirmations that not everything has to be perfect thank u for being chill. a chill phil. 
“i dont mind a little bit of wonkiness!” “i’m at a bit of a wonk!” “is the entire house wonky?” the only real phil branding is ~WOnKy~
phils hands are so beautiful???? i love them?????? @ 8:50ish
him trying to figure out his best side and saying “one? or two?” as options like at the optometrist when ur getting ur eyes checked. 
someone in the chat: “both!” phil’s cheeky grin/”don’t flatter me!!!” response
someone in the chat: “side three!” i snort laughed along w phil this is truly Good Content. dark!phil RISE
phil doesn’t think he really has a bad side and his easy neutrality wrt his physical appearance is dreamy. i love him and i love that he’s comfy w himself like this
phil had an eye infection and this is the first day he’s been without glasses…… why does he glasses-bait us like this …..
it’s really hard for him to concentrate with dilated pupils so that’s why he was being a wee bit wonky in the last liveshow
his eye is no longer infected and is “white and ready to see!”. the tone of his voice, his accent, and the phrasingof that reminded me so much of my british grandma who i havent seen in a few years and now i want to call her i miss her
wicked was “as the kids say...Wicked.” I SNORTED AKLHFAEIHKF
also i cannot believe that he and dan used the same silly phrasewhen talking about their opinions of wicked. is it still #copyrightinfringement if its your bf blatantly enterprising ur intellectual property?
phil was feeling a bit meh going into wicked but now he’s converted and a fan
he loved defying gravity :(
phil: every audience is important! me: crying
phil loves coming-of-age/college/highschool aus … Me Too
phil remix: the top fans to the tune of mad world “all around me are familiar faces...lillyphanstuff, joteleena…”
he’s had “mad world” and also that fuckin. ditty song stuck in his head
“...is one thicc bih - NO!” is the best thing ive ever heard
im so sad that phil hasnt experienced the joys of ditty. apparently he doesn’t have it downloaded and doesn’t really know what it is
14:07 is my new ringtone (he sang the ditty tune in “doot doot doot”s)
“bandicussy” IM DEAD
phil thought it was a good family activity to see dunkirk but it made his parents very emotional bc his maternal grandad was in the war
making your entire family cry is apparently the phil way to entertain
neither he nor dan understood the timelines of dunkirk upon first watch
after filming his ap vid he sanitized using vanilla cupcake hand sanitizer
he watches zoe’s bath and bodyworks candle/lotion hauls??????? ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
apparently b&bw has some ~priiiicey~ candles. phil is the coupon clipping, consumer reports reading dad
he said that livestreaming games on dapg would be “dope”. i am reminded for the millionth time that he is a 30 year old white man. i am moderately uncomfortable.
jk it was someone in the chat who said it he was just reading the comment
“hi to the ‘phan’s moving boxes’ group chat”
facterino according to the nature man on tv: in england nature has decided that it’s autumn already. this is evidenced by blackberries coming out in august. because fall isstartingso early they’re expected to have a harsh winter but its fine bc he is excited for snow!
some climate change discourse
he’s not a big doctor who fan but his fav doctor is david tennant
he’s excited for the “lady doctor” and i’m uh. not a huge fan of that wording
23:02 pre-sneeze noises and hand motions are Delightful
apparently it’s southern england peeps who pronounce scone with a hard o (scOHne) and northerners pronounce it with a soft o (scAWn). phillu doesn’t know which pronunciation he uses
my mom grew up in cornwall (and moved to america when she was a teen. i’m american btw!) and pronounces it the northern way. we’ve had the scohne vs scawn debate!! lots of #britishfamilythings in this liveshow
philly homework motivation song @ 24:52
his first response to ppl being sad about school starting in a week is to calculate how many seconds are in a week so they can re-frame their time left in a way that feels more plentiful. i love this ???
i also really love how he tries to read premium messages from different people every time. idk that’s just really thoughtful and as a fan i really appreciate it
he knows that black makes him look good …. GOodBYe
today is world lion day!
phil is the one who puts the funny/random holidays on the dnp calendars. of course it was but im still so happily surprised  
doinganap’s sicth/sixth discourse
he’s reading people from the chat’s bdays and telling them what funny holidays are on their birthdays! i love how he finds different ways to get ppl in the chat involved every liveshow. i appreciate him so much !like yeah i know its a marketing thing but let me pretend its solely phil’s care for us
he wants to go back to japan
he can’t read or edit and listen to music at the same time! me neither
someone asked what a good pet would be and phil went on a lil tangent about how it’s important to have enough time to take care of the pet you choose!! dont get an exotic pet or a breed of non-exotict pet that requires a lot of time, money, or energy to care for it if you’re not at a point in your life where u can take care of it to the best of your ability! <3
hedgehogs are one of the most common animals in the uk??? what the heck?
he can’t remember whether or not he’s seen a hedgehog irl so he texts mum lester to ask <3 why is this the sweetest thing in the world . like seeing a hedgehog irl would be an experience that his family facilitated or even if he was moved out when it happened it would have been so exciting that he def would have told kath about it. so any way it happened she would know about it. my heart is Warm.
he’s not a huge summer candle burner but as soon as it’s september he’ll be on the pumpkin spice train
mum lester texted back and apparently his grandparents had a family of hedgehogs in their garage and his granddad built them a little hedgehog house to hibernate in :( wow!
phil might play shelter 2 … with dan. No Thank You. let us have some phil-only time plz 
shelter 2 is more of an autumnal game so he might do it later when he can cozy up with some cocoa and herd the badger babies
he feels a coffee buzz after five (5) chocolate-covered coffee beans. r u sure u even drink coffee phil????
rye bread is worse (in phil’s opinion) than regular bread and is ”claggy”. i busted out laughing and texted my mom IMMEDIATELY bca LOOOONG time ago we were at a family christmas party with my dad’s extended family and all of the Adults were playing scrabble. my mom ended up spelling claggy and everyone else was like THATS A MADE UP WORD WHAT THE FUCK!!!! and my mom was like ???? no its not? my dad’s family is from the eastern us and had never heard the word claggy before and i remember my dad giving my mom shit about it for YEARS afterward because she caused such an uproar. idk if it was a regional thing or if americans just don’t say claggy but REGARDLESS. my mom and i had a good laugh over this description of rye bread and we both love phil
he’s nervous abt what dalien is going to look like and become as he grows up. phil’s general reaction to dalien has been one of caution and nervousness and idk ?? someone more thoughtful analyze that please
his advice for making the most of the last bits of summer: do something you haven’t done before! immediately after bestowing upon us this Wise Advice he giggles and becomes self aware of his parental tone. Our Dad Is Becoming Self Aware
he doesnt swear around his parents?????? my mom says fuck all the time :0
2018 calendar and season two pastel plushies are in the works!
he’s singing another song to list the top fans. suggestions include toxic, the ditty tune, and the tetris theme. he goes with the ditty song and starts laughing in the middle of it so makes a seamless musical transition to toxic
if everything recorded properly with his new vid we should see it in the next few days!
he hopes that we have a lovely weekend and that whatever we end up doing brings us a bit of happiness :( i love him thank u phil
tiny little bonus song after he covers up the camera. schrodingers phil.
all in all i love phil’s liveshows and this has been the highlight of my day. thank u for reading!
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discoabc · 7 years
Extra: Not Again
A/N: Long story short, my lil bro got mugged today (he’s alright!! But understandably not feeling great :( ) so I really didn’t have the time or energy to finish an entire chapter. BUT I found a plan for a requested Wave arc extra from Sasuke’s POV and since it is the beautiful boy’s bday today I thought it would be a good substitute. It is set during ch. 17 and whilst is a little messy since my thoughts were kinda elsewhere today I think it came out alright :) . . .
Sasuke noticed me as I ran in a wide circle around the dome, eyes meeting mine with a question then alarm when he noticed what I was doing. Haku saw me a split second later although, by the time he'd gone through the same reasoning as my Uchiha teammate, I was already running back to Tazuna. "You-"
"Naruto, get ready!" Sasuke yelled, the blonde twisting around in confusion.
"What do you mean get ready-"
The explosion was deafening.
They’d been trained during the Academy to deal with drops from large heights. On ground you were to fall to the side upon landing. On water, feet first, leaning backward slightly. But, most importantly, to always, always cushion the fall with as much chakra as possible.
Sasuke had less than a second to remember that all before he hit the water’s surface.
Pain ricocheted through his legs as the icy cold swallowed him whole. The sudden sensation pried his mouth open in shock and the water snuck inside, forcing itself down his throat. Sasuke choked, arms flailing in panic that was unlike him, struggling against the invisible hands yanking downwards on his clothing. He scrunched his eyes up tight, kicking and thrashing and clawing at the water until finally he broke the surface, his wheezing gasp for air inaudible through his ringing ears.
Sasuke’s body shivered involuntarily as he coughed up mouthfuls of seawater. With each splutter the high pitched noise rippling through his skull lessened until he could finally hear the crashing of the waves and the sound of someone else thrashing violently in the water beside him.
His eyes snapped open and the relief of the initially blurred sight of his orange teammate momentarily numbed the stabbing cold in his skin. “You bastard, how the hell was I meant to get ready for that?” The moment ended quickly.
“Oh, shut up, idiot!” Sasuke hid another cough behind a yell, reaching forwards with both hands to haul himself out of the water. It bowed beneath him as he struggled to his feet, knees slipping underwater briefly, and once up he staggered a little. The fall and subsequent near drowning had sapped almost embarrassingly at his strength and it was only Naruto’s own struggle to get to his feet that hid Sasuke’s near tumble.
Breathing hard and fists clenching by his sides, Sasuke craned his neck backwards, squinting at the large hole blown into the bridge above. “Sakura-chan could’ve warned us a bit more first!” Naruto’s complaint was followed by a yelp went he lost control of the chakra on his right foot and suddenly plummeted downwards again. Sasuke ignored him, mind racing.
She blew the bridge up to get us away from that guy…
His teammate’s solution to the problem that had kept Naruto and him trapped in that dome of mirrors was annoyingly obvious. A pulse of anger shot through the Uchiha and he bit down hard on his lip, the taste of salt exploding in his mouth. They couldn’t destroy the ice mirrors so of course their only other option was to destroy the bridge. Plain and simple. The irritation that he hadn’t been the one to figure it out when he should’ve done made his wet skin itch, the urge to shiver in the cold only worsening it.
(Because there were self-imposed standards he’d put on himself as a child and he had to live up to them no matter what, not even if he was distracted by someone trying to kill him, not even if he was too busy saving his teammate’s life-)
A scream tore through the air.
Sasuke hadn’t even realized he’d yelled alongside Naruto until he was already scrambling for the bridge, adrenaline dragging back the dredges of strength he had thought he’d left scattered in the water. “She’s alone up there!” Naruto shrieked, pointing out the obvious in a way that so did not help.
(He was seeing her lifeless body bobbing in the water and one body pulled out the memories of others and oh god, he didn’t want to see someone die again, not again.)
His heart thundered in his ears, feet slamming into the side of the bridge only for the wet soles of his sandals to make him slip. Just in time, he smacked his hands into the concrete to stop him from falling and it cut into his palms, drawing blood. Damn it! The wince was swallowed by a loud intake of air and Sasuke pulled his legs back up, forcing more chakra down to his feet in order for them to properly stick. Unwanted panic made the ascension even more difficult, only worsened by the sound of voices and cries of pain that got louder the higher they got.
“Please make it in time,” Naruto choked out beside him, fingers scraped and bloodied from the climb.
Please make it in time, please make it in time, please make it in time.
Sasuke reached the top of the bridge a fraction of a second before Naruto, grabbing the side with his hand and swinging himself over. The entire scene was a mess (there was another boy that was horrifyingly green, senbon and shuriken thrown across the ground, shards of a shattered mask scattered in amongst rubble) but his eyes found Sakura first (battered, bloodied, breathing). Her, then the ice mirror forming behind her.
And Sasuke didn’t even think, didn’t even scream out a warning like Naruto did, he just moved.
Shuriken flew from his hand in a perfect arc, a throw worthy of the awe of the Academy instructors, but it meant nothing. Because Sasuke knew they weren’t moving fast enough and the senbon would reach Sakura first.
However, the warning did. “Sakura-chan, watch out!”
Sakura snapped her body around in a way that Sasuke later remembered as acutely reminiscent of how she moved during the bell test. But there were no emotions of shock or the angry, bitter self-loathing of someone showcasing their potentially superior skills when he heard the familiar crack of the bone. Instead, the only emotion rising inside him was relief that his annoying, snarky mess of a teammate was alive.
(Not again, he heard himself whisper in a voice younger than his own, never again.)
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updatedphan · 8 years
🎁 phil’s younow february 2, 2017 🎁
Tumblr media
read on google drive with links
-he is very thankful for the birthday stuff -he went jogging today wow -did a lot of walking while not at home -birthday haul -*bday haul music* -it's official now -his brother got him new trainers (sneakers) -turquoise laces -how do u shoelace -has he been tying shoelaces wrong his whole life -he doesn't wanna double lace -he's not a shoes-in-the-house typa guy -he got a candle called 'rewine' -the outside is made out of a wine bottle -it smells like burnt vanilla -like toast on the cusp of burning but not burnt -his parents got him a jumper with a glittery beetle on it -dan got him a gummy sushi set -phil had it once on tour and it made him really hyper onstage -taste test -he got out those chopsticks -his grandma used to call licorice "spanish" -he's improved a bit on his chopsticking since japan -he got a book about socks -it's actually really interesting -he got firefly on blu ray -he's never seen it -he's a terrible joss whedon fan -he got a terrarium with a cactus inside -he just needs something to hang it from -dan also got him a lava lamp -phil had one that broke a few years ago -dan thought it'd fit his room -it's mesmerizing -he's not gonna drink the lava lamp on camera -~end of bday haul~ -it was very windy up north -it was supposed to not be nice weather but it ended up clearing up -it was quite chill -he went to afternoon tea -he loves afternoon tea -he has never been so full on his birthday -his cake was intense -the icing was really intense so the cake was vanilla -he had weird sugar dreams that night -then he was very Savory Food the next day -he went for italian and he got spaghetti bolognese -and a lot of garlic bread -hunt for the wilderpeople is a good movie -it made him want to go to new zealand -EMU EGG UPDATE -brace urselves -get into Full Braced Position -ur not even ready -ITS' FACE IS POKING OUT OF THE FREAKIN GLASS -it's huge -he picked it up and it feels gross -like wet food left behind on a plate -it has little tendrils wtf -he's impressed by the emu -he's naming it after someone in the chat -it's named addywoo -don't emushame addywoo :/ -he's kind of hyped for the nintendo switch -he feels like the controller might be small for his big hands though -he's conflicted about the beauty and the beast remake -was it necessary to remake it? -he'll wait and see how it is though -he wished for more wishes when he blew out his candles -oh wait now it won't work because he told us about it :/ -there was So Much Cake -he witnessed dan falling down the hill -it was a mix of hilarious and legitimate concern -he's Quite A Tall Guy -they're actually doing the right thing by making sharknado 5 because it's meant to be a parody series -it's like it's making fun of movies with too many sequels -he might be pregnant -he felt a few kicks -but that might have been the italian -maybe all of his fortune telling was about beyoncé -maybe he was channeling beyoncé -he is asking the magic 8 ball if he's beyoncé's psychic link to the future and it's being ambiguous -he is the psychic link to beyoncé' future -oh no the magic 8 ball just said phil isn't pregnant -someone asked if they'd pass chemistry and the magic 8 ball said no -he's convinced the quickening is happening -he could do a whole liveshow about that -don't get him started -he smacked the magic 8 ball for being rude on stream because it kept answering "better not tell you now" -he's not answering if someone's cat will die No -he asked the magic 8 ball if he'd ever get a dog and it answered "yes" -once he watched a video of a guy drinking the liquid inside a magic 8 ball -that's probably not healthy -he's gonna kill the 8 ball because it keeps giving stuff like "ask again later" -absorb the vibes -he's excited to watch firefly -the description reminds him of cowboy bebop -on his bday he went to this place that was on the edge of a cliff face with a bunch of big drops -the path was muddy and slippery and had no guardrails -it was supposed to be excited but it was scary -he stood behind a wall and just watched because Nope -mr clumsypants -he probably would have died if he fell -it was like a crash bandicoot level in real life -didn't know he'd be that afraid of heights -28 is a good round number -he likes even number ages better -it's not wise to cross roads with headphones in -The Preems -dan's legs and eyebrows were not found in the isle of man they're lost in the void -philthulu -he's all about the vinegar when it comes to fish & chips -he Drowns it in vinegar -happy groundhog day -he saw his shadow more winter is coming -his mom got him red velvet cookies -he meant to show us but left them in the kitchen -he went for sushi and it was very fancy and good -his friends were nice and didn't tell the people it was phil's bday -he fears bday restaurant songs and all the attention from them -although... free cake........ -his parents cried at arrival -it was so much more emotional the second time -who's your daddy -there is a battery on the floor right now -there are like 10 things that would injure a child all around him -another game vid comin this weekend -it's a funny one -he played mario kart this morning and beat 8 people online -final bday story -long bday walk -a dead pigeon fell down on the ground right infront of them -then a hawk started eating it right infront of them -then a stupid guy tried to scare the hawk away :/ -pretzel bum -he's still in the steven universe zone -on episode 31 -melons -it is almost time for him to jet off into the wilderness -he prefers christmas to birthdays -because everyone gets something -his challenge is to make his candy sushi last all week -horse bureau -emu update: it's still wet and disgusting -he's heading off -have a Lovely weekend -goooooodbyeeeeeeeee
165 notes · View notes
Happy Best Wishes For Birthday
I believe your unprecedented day will bring you loads of euphoria, love, and fun. You merit them a lot. Appreciate!
Everything is sweet and awesome. May you have a wonderful birthday Night.
Completely never hint at change! Stay as dazzling as you appear to be, old mate
We should light the candles and acclaim this exceptional day of your life. Merry birthday.
Here's to the best and loveliest individual I know. Lively birthday!
Happy birthday to my nearest buddy, the one I care about the most!
Wherever your feet may take, whatever endeavor you lay hands on. It will constantly be productive. Happy birthday.
May this remarkable day bring you interminable fulfillment and gigantic measures of profitable memories!
You are remarkable and that is the reason you need to float with stores of smiles on your perfect face. Cheery birthday.
It's as clear as ABC; today looks good because of you, Cheery birthday.
Let your beginning and end the dreams to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that. Have a beguiling birthday.
May you continue improving as a person over the long haul. Wishing you a cheery birthday.
Today is the birthday of the person who is spreading rapture and vitality all around. May your birthday and your life be as splendid as you might be!
Happy birthday! Here's to a mind blowing, sound and stimulating future!
The pleasure is recognizable all around in light of the way that your remarkable day is here!
Wishing my buddy a chipper birthday and you don't need to talk it for all to hear that I'm your nearest sidekick too. Treasure you, dear.
An obligation of appreciation is all together for being a splendid tyke to me. I am so honored to have an unfathomable youngster like you.
The years we shared while growing up look like fortunes to me. I can review our every depiction of laughing. Happy Birthday, my dear sidekick.
Your birthday just comes once consistently, so guarantee this is the most basic one ever and have a splendid day.
I gt a tendency that you'll look incredible when you get progressively settled. So don't feel horrible about what you resemble now. Chipper birthday my buddy!
I don't have words to portray what I feel for you. Meeting you is the best thing that anytime happened in my life. Happy Birthday!
Today I wish you a fun time, granted to your dear ones, and a profound established rapture!
I for the most part wished to be a remarkable sidekick like you. In any case, there is no genuine method to be a predominant buddy than you on the planet. Lively birthday.
Wishing you a splendid day and all the most staggering things on your Immense Day!
You completely get me, I altogether get you. We're nearest friends, whatever blah. Since we can examine each other's characters I needn't mess with a creative message.
Life is outrageous yet birthday occasions are smooth since I will finally get a chance to smile at you. Happy birthday.
May your birthday be stacked with bright hours and unprecedented minutes to recall for a long extensive timespan!
A little while later you're going to start some other a great time and I believe this coming year will bring every accomplishment you merit. Playful birthday.
Wishing you a critical day and a courageous year, Happy birthday
Desire your birthday is as glorious and amazing as you appear to be.
I wish you to take advantage of your uncommon day, loosen up and let yourself be demolished, you merit it!
I wish you to have a splendid time on your Day!
Wishing a chipper birthday to the best individual I've anytime met in this world.
I wish that life presents to you an awesome surprise for each fire on your bday cake!
Grasping you needn't waste time with any reason in the meantime, if there is a reason, more than one grasp is a standard. Energetic Birthday!
Thankful to you for all of the memories we have. Without you, the world would have been characterless to me.
I wish you day by day stacked up with staggering fun and a year stacked up with authentic fulfillment!
Allow yourself to do everything that you like most for the duration of regular day to day existence, may your Colossal Day be in good spirits and lively!
Wishing you the wealth of fun and marvel, Happy Birthday!
May this day be glad to the point that smile never obscures from your face.
0 notes
ravi9573955-blog · 5 years
Best Wishes For Birthday
I believe your unprecedented day will bring you loads of euphoria, love, and fun. You merit them a lot. Appreciate!
Everything is sweet and awesome. May you have a wonderful birthday Night.
Completely never hint at change! Stay as dazzling as you appear to be, old mate
We should light the candles and acclaim this exceptional day of your life. Merry birthday.
Here's to the best and loveliest individual I know. Lively birthday!
Happy birthday to my nearest buddy, the one I care about the most!
Wherever your feet may take, whatever endeavor you lay hands on. It will constantly be productive. Happy birthday.
May this remarkable day bring you interminable fulfillment and gigantic measures of profitable memories!
You are remarkable and that is the reason you need to float with stores of smiles on your perfect face. Cheery birthday.
It's as clear as ABC; today looks good because of you, Cheery birthday.
Let your beginning and end the dreams to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that. Have a beguiling birthday.
May you continue improving as a person over the long haul. Wishing you a cheery birthday.
Today is the birthday of the person who is spreading rapture and vitality all around. May your birthday and your life be as splendid as you might be!
Happy birthday! Here's to a mind blowing, sound and stimulating future!
The pleasure is recognizable all around in light of the way that your remarkable day is here!
Wishing my buddy a chipper birthday and you don't need to talk it for all to hear that I'm your nearest sidekick too. Treasure you, dear.
An obligation of appreciation is all together for being a splendid tyke to me. I am so honored to have an unfathomable youngster like you.
The years we shared while growing up look like fortunes to me. I can review our every depiction of laughing. Happy Birthday, my dear sidekick.
Your birthday just comes once consistently, so guarantee this is the most basic one ever and have a splendid day.
I gt a tendency that you'll look incredible when you get progressively settled. So don't feel horrible about what you resemble now. Chipper birthday my buddy!
I don't have words to portray what I feel for you. Meeting you is the best thing that anytime happened in my life. Happy Birthday!
Today I wish you a fun time, granted to your dear ones, and a profound established rapture!
I for the most part wished to be a remarkable sidekick like you. In any case, there is no genuine method to be a predominant buddy than you on the planet. Lively birthday.
Wishing you a splendid day and all the most staggering things on your Immense Day!
You completely get me, I altogether get you. We're nearest friends, whatever blah. Since we can examine each other's characters I needn't mess with a creative message.
Life is outrageous yet birthday occasions are smooth since I will finally get a chance to smile at you. Happy birthday.
May your birthday be stacked with bright hours and unprecedented minutes to recall for a long extensive timespan!
A little while later you're going to start some other a great time and I believe this coming year will bring every accomplishment you merit. Playful birthday.
Wishing you a critical day and a courageous year, Happy birthday
Desire your birthday is as glorious and amazing as you appear to be.
I wish you to take advantage of your uncommon day, loosen up and let yourself be demolished, you merit it!
I wish you to have a splendid time on your Day!
Wishing a chipper birthday to the best individual I've anytime met in this world.
I wish that life presents to you an awesome surprise for each fire on your bday cake!
Grasping you needn't waste time with any reason in the meantime, if there is a reason, more than one grasp is a standard. Energetic Birthday!
Thankful to you for all of the memories we have. Without you, the world would have been characterless to me.
I wish you day by day stacked up with staggering fun and a year stacked up with authentic fulfillment!
Allow yourself to do everything that you like most for the duration of regular day to day existence, may your Colossal Day be in good spirits and lively!
Wishing you the wealth of fun and marvel, Happy Birthday!
May this day be glad to the point that smile never obscures from your face.
0 notes
vicky94629563-blog · 5 years
Best wishes For Happy Brithday
I believe your uncommon day will bring you piles of ecstasy, love, and fun. You merit them a lot. Appreciate!
Everything is sweet and splendid. May you have a shocking birthday Night.
Totally never hint at change! Stay as astounding as you appear to be, old mate
We should light the candles and acclaim this unprecedented day of your life. Perky birthday.
Here's to the best and loveliest individual I know. Sprightly birthday!
Sprightly birthday to my nearest partner, the one I care about the most!
Wherever your feet may take, whatever attempt you lay hands on. It will reliably be successful. Happy birthday.
May this novel day bring you endless joy and colossal measures of significant memories!
You are unprecedented and that is the reason you need to drift with clusters of smiles on your shocking face. Playful birthday.
It's as clear as ABC; today looks good because of you, Sprightly birthday.
Let your beginning and end the dreams to be burning and light your birthday candles with that. Have a bewitching birthday.
May you continue improving as a person over the long haul. Wishing you a happy birthday.
Today is the birthday of the person who is spreading rapture and vitality all around. May your birthday and your life be as incredible as you appear to be!
Happy birthday! Here's to an unbelievable, strong and stimulating future!
The joy is discernible all around in light of the way that your unprecedented day is here!
Wishing my partner a lively birthday and you don't need to talk it for all to hear that I'm your nearest sidekick also. Worship you, dear.
Thankful for being a splendid tyke to me. I am so fortunate to have a magnificent kid like you.
The years we shared while growing up take after fortunes to me. I can remember our every preview of laughing. Happy Birthday, my dear partner.
Your birthday just comes once consistently, so guarantee this is the most essential one ever and have a brilliant day.
I gt a tendency that you'll look extraordinary when you get progressively prepared. So don't feel dreadful about what you resemble now. Chipper birthday my buddy!
I don't have words to depict what I feel for you. Meeting you is the best thing that anytime happened in my life. Bright Birthday!
Today I wish you a fun time, conferred to your dear ones, and a profound established joy!
I for the most part wished to be an unprecedented partner like you. Be that as it may, there is no genuine method to be an unrivaled sidekick than you on the planet. Lively birthday.
Wishing you a splendid day and all the most shocking things on your Immense Day!
You altogether get me, I completely get you. We're nearest partners, whatever blah. Since we can examine each other's identities I needn't waste time with an imaginative message.
Life is exceptional anyway birthday occasions are smooth since I will finally get a chance to smile at you. Sprightly birthday.
May your birthday overflow with perky hours and remarkable minutes to review for a long extensive time allotment!
A little while later you're going to start some other a great time and I believe this coming year will bring every accomplishment you merit. Happy birthday.
Wishing you a fundamental day and a bold year, Merry birthday
Desire your birthday is as incredible and phenomenal as you appear to be.
I wish you to take advantage of your excellent day, loosen up and let yourself be destroyed, you merit it!
I wish you to have a marvelous time on your Day!
Wishing a happy birthday to the best individual I've anytime met in this world.
I wish that life presents to you a fantastic stun for each fire on your bday cake!
Grasping you needn't waste time with any reason in the meantime, if there is a reason, more than one grasp is a standard. Energetic Birthday!
Thankful to you for all of the memories we have. Without you, the world would have been dull to me.
I wish you every day stacked up with mind boggling fun and a year stacked up with certifiable ecstasy!
Allow yourself to do everything that you like most for the duration of regular day to day existence, may your Enormous Day be joyful and sprightly!
Wishing you the abundance of fun and heavenliness, Happy Birthday!
May this day be glad to the point that smile never obscures from your face.
On your birthday mates wish you various things, yet I will wish you only two: constantly and never. Never feel blue and reliably be happy!
You are the extraordinary case who helped me a lot, guided me a ton and never surrendered when even I was not sure. Thankful for being directly with me. Merry birthday.
I feel satisfied when I think of you as my sister. I have to feel this today and reliably.
May the dream that infers most to you, start working out true to form for the present year. Happy Bday!
May you capitalize on your excellent day to the farthest achieves, mate!
With you, it is continually about procuring fun, in a more noteworthy number of ways than one, come storm come sun, basically fun. Peppy Birthday!
I wish a happy birthday for the second much-esteemed posterity of my people.
May your birthday mark the beginning of a splendid time allotment in your life!
My dear buddy, may your remarkable day be stacked with magnificent, powerful and extraordinary minutes!
Happy birthday, stunning! You are one more year increasingly prepared and I can't see it. Have an astounding time! Wishing you the most tip top!
0 notes
suraj357856-blog · 5 years
Best Wishes For Birthday
Birthday Wishes: Birthday events are the marvelous days which an individual needs to celebrate with his loved ones. As this day comes only once in a year, the significance of this day hence enlarges. It is incredibly essential to locate the best birthday wish for your friends and family. Different a period, when we think about passing on our thoughts while making a birthday wish, our cerebrum goes clear and we are unfit to get the most reasonable words. Endeavor not to stress as the most great wishes aren't far away. 143Greetings with the assistance of its curated journalists have made a get-together of the best messages, clarifications, wishes, and pictures which you can send to individuals on their thought about day. On the off chance that you need to wish your amigos, family, and accomplices in the most regarding manner, read on, and pick the best message and send it to them. Satisfy them and confirmation it is a not all that awful day for them. You can comparatively share these declarations, messages, pictures, and cards direct crosswise over different electronic life stages including Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. The messages are free of expense so share as much as you can and spread the love!
I believe your remarkable day will bring you stacks of fulfillment, love, and fun. You merit them a lot. Appreciate!
Everything is sweet and splendid. May you have an impeccable birthday Night.
Completely never hint at change! Stay as dazzling as you might be, old amigo
We should light the candles and recognition this novel day of your life. Happy birthday.
Here's to the best and loveliest individual I know. Lively birthday!
Happy birthday to my nearest buddy, the one I care about the most!
Wherever your feet may take, whatever endeavor you lay hands on. It will constantly be productive. Chipper birthday.
May this remarkable day bring you wearisome enjoyment and enormous measures of important memories!
You are very outstanding and that is the reason you need to float with heaps of smiles on your amazing face. Happy birthday.
It's as direct as ABC; today looks good because of you, Happy birthday.
Let your beginning and end the dreams to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that. Have an excellent birthday.
May you continue improving as a person over the long haul. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
Today is the birthday of the person who is spreading joy and vitality all around. May your birthday and your life be as brilliant as you appear to be!
Chipper birthday! Here's to a splendid, strong and empowering future!
The pleasure is perceptible all around in light of the fact that your remarkable day is here!
Wishing my sidekick a particularly happy birthday and you don't need to talk it for all to hear that I'm your nearest buddy also. Esteem you, dear.
Thankful for being a splendid youngster to me. I am so honored to have an extraordinary tyke like you.
The years we shared while growing up look like fortunes to me. I can review our every depiction of laughing. Happy Birthday, my dear buddy.
Your birthday just comes once consistently, so guarantee this is the most indispensable one ever and have a lovely day.
I gt a tendency that you'll look incredible when you get progressively prepared. So don't feel horrendous about what you resemble now. Cheery birthday my friend!
I don't have words to delineate what I feel for you. Meeting you is the best thing that anytime happened in my life. Playful Birthday!
Today I wish you a fun time, conferred to your dear ones, and an enduring fulfillment!
I by and large wished to be an inconceivable partner like you. However, there is no genuine method to be an unrivaled sidekick than you on the planet. Perky birthday.
Wishing you an incredible day and all the most dumbfounding things on your Gigantic Day!
You altogether get me, I completely get you. We're nearest partners, whatever blah. Since we can scrutinize each other's identities I needn't waste time with a creative message.
Life is extraordinary anyway birthday occasions are smooth since I will finally get a chance to smile at you. Merry birthday.
May your birthday overflow with happy hours and exceptional minutes to review for a long protracted time span!
A little while later you're going to start some other a great time and I believe this coming year will bring every accomplishment you merit. Chipper birthday.
Wishing you a central day and a challenging year, Energetic birthday
Desire your birthday is as extraordinary and sensational as you appear to be.
I wish you to take advantage of your exceptional day, loosen up and let yourself be destroyed, you merit it!
I wish you to have an extraordinary time on your Day!
Wishing a bright birthday to the best individual I've anytime met in this world.
I wish that life presents to you a wonderful shock for each light on your bday cake!
Grasping you needn't mess with any reason in any case, if there is a reason, more than one grasp is a standard. Energetic Birthday!
Thankful to you for all of the memories we have. Without you, the world would have been inauspicious to me.
I wish you every day stacked up with remarkable fun and a year stacked up with authentic happiness!
Allow yourself to do everything that you like most for the duration of regular day to day existence, may your Colossal Day be cheerful and happy!
Wishing you the abundance of fun and miracle, Happy Birthday!
May this day be glad to the point that smile never obscures from your face.
Regardless of how low I feel, it is your great grin that gets a burst my life.
Bright Birthday, Dear!A exceptional message from a striking accomplice. May your day be piled up with euphoria and satisfaction and may the years ahead bring you groups of progression and prospering.
Bright Birthday!May the year bring you friendliness, want, happiness, and remarkable success. Different cheerful returns of the day.
Splendid Birthday! You have been an uncommon individual. Today, I wish you improve and shine like a star in coming years.
Splendid Birthday!
Regardless of how low I feel, it is your perfect grin that acquires a burst my life.
Vivacious Birthday, Dear!A unprecedented message from an exceptional mate. May your day be piled up with satisfaction and rapture and may the years ahead bring you heaps of accomplishment and accomplishment.
Vivacious Birthday!May the year bring you understanding, want, delight, and uncommon flourishing. Different cheerful returns of the day.
Vivacious Birthday! You have been an extraordinary individual. Today, I wish you improve and sparkle like a star in coming years.
0 notes
decolonizepr-blog · 7 years
Report Back. Notes from the Gathering
The Allied Media Conference this year brought me back to Detroit.  I only visited once in December 2015 to vision a structure for CEPA (then, el Semillero) and sketch a pathway in time to its launch with Adela Nieves.  Facilitated by the fabulous adrienne maree brown, we created a deep intentional container for the organization by sharing vulnerabilities.  We had hard talks amidst laughter, art and grounding—our relationship to money, our way of relating in moments of crisis vs. at our best, our energies, passions, skills and interests—and used them to establish preliminary guidelines for managing conflict, for resourcing, for assuming roles and identifying gaps in the organization.  Even then, these two womyn of color who were early transplants to the city of Detroit, gave me a sense of the deep commitment and clarity that surrounds those who have been part of the movement to wage love in response to crisis.  
As a Sponsored Project of Allied Media (webpage coming soon), I’d been wanting to get to the conference—but it wasn’t until Adela herself, alongside Sofia Gallisá and Teresa Basilio, planned a solidarity gathering between Island and Detroit/Diaspora to share experiences and strategies for fighting emergency control that are emergent on the island in the form of a fiscal control board—that I made it back. If you want a summary of topics covered at the day-long encounter, read this.  The goal of this entry is to play in the intersection(s) between Puerto Rican gathering and the larger conference. In it, you’ll find reflections of questions I have been carrying around since then related to building CEPA and weaving together a practice-based community-a dreamspace for healing.
Hiding. First Encounter.
I arrive to the airport, buoyant, excited.  To my surprise, the waiting area outside the gate is filled with others also enroute to the conference. Immediately, I feel a surge of anxiety—los corillitos son algo famoso de la isla and I briefly feel suffocated.  I stay on the edges, connecting with those who aren’t fully a part of this dynamic.
But as we left behind the island geography, the stories and dynamics also loosened.  We blend(ed) in our shared devotion and conviction that finding alternative pathways forward in these times meant connecting to the diaspora. I wondered how long it would last. Expecting the worst is one of the tendencies I’m trying to shift.
Repeated failures in accounting for a coherent report-back end with clusters organized around water.  It seems prescient. Could there be anything more central to the questions of our survival and collective liberation? 
 Water is ____ 
Yasmin opened up the Puerto Rico panel with a poetic inquiry into our status as a people.  We (the revolutionary) are and have always been charco crossers. So, too is our work.  To touch both multiple places at once.  To be fluid, and massive and unifying like the sea.  She knows what it is to be broken and wants to take us to another geography, where creating space for expertise in all forms but in her talk, she hints to the continual repair (in NY, my soul was broken. Here in Moca, it’s finally healed. But (now) my body is broke down).
Monica Lewis Patrick—awakens the fluid parts of me and I cry. I learn of the BOUNTY of the water supply in Detroit—21% of all surface freshwater in US—and later, flint. The switch that left all water in the area affected. The lines themselves contaminated. You can’t just change sources back and boom.  The families who create crisis and then are nominated to end it show another part of the cycle.  You’ve got to claim that island is your island.
I remember the water dilemma in Puerto Rico.  In the coming storm, it’s drought that I fear.  Drought of course, will likely accompany shut-offs. The extremes grow every day.  Torrential stormy days in June //The kinds that come after your insides, knock things down in the apartment//followed by days so hot everything moving sweats.
I sit with a farmer + filmmaker at a friend’s bday party later and listen to a shocking scenario:  Can you imagine a 5-year drought here Meli? What would we do on this island if the rivers dried up?  I don’t have the answer.  But I yearn to get into a space where I can begin practicing the answer.
The formula is more or less the same everywhere that capitalism and colonialism have reigned: Red land + black labor = white wealth (TY Antonio for putting it so clearly).
Beyond it, the connections are less visible.
Our collective liberation stories look so different.And that’s nothing new.
Those at the margins, drawing on the life-work and worlds of black feminists, queer subjectivities and poverty are grateful for the diaspora’s clarity.
There is little space in the agenda for real talk.So much to do.
And that’s nothing new.
We have to face each other. Move light years beyond this knot(s) that took 500 + years to tie.
We can all see it, I realize.  We all want to shift it. Change form.
Models are helpful so I am grateful for the inspiration and joy of the self-determination projects we visited across the city.rooted in place.
In unlearning and detangling links
slavery and subsistence.
Past and future (sankofa)
here and there. 
As Antonio talked of population decline and to my surprise, I wept. Those who hear my story and look at me strangely when I tell them of my move and ask, “Aren’t you moving in the wrong direction?”  Depends on the endpoint, I guess.
A friend sitting beside me hugged me. We had been surviving a tense distance over the small shit.  This reminder helped us to compost it. To remember that despite the odds, we had decided to return and that we were here deciding and preparing for another world.
All of this was encapsulated in the joyful convergence of media makers, social justice warriors, creative energy and healing spirits.  Where I drew inspiration and contagious love to continue the work of crafting holistic, (r)evolutionary tactics.  Decolonizing. You are my other self.
What I found so deeply renewing about the conference was the attention to the things I intend.  Tbh, I can feel a little crazy out here in Puerto Rico.  To spend days resonating with others committed to healing justice, waging love—focusing on relationships, on somatic practices for the long haul—was a gift I can’t fully express. I also learned techniques for listening to wisdom you weren’t expecting in moments of upset, nightmare or despair.  To bringing emotional care to the frontlines of large-scale mobilizations, to writing stories that are also accessible, that center the joy of our practices, facilitating collective self-governance. To becoming my own oracle and casting spells for liberation.  
Having returned to the frustration of searching for our pilot, I try to remember what an energetic heart-space can create//How short a time it can take for something wonderful to happen//the importance of intention
For now, I am keeping my eyes on the crossing. Searching for others who have decided to transform and who would work together to rescue and reconstruct fragments from the recesses of the sea.  Shifting, translating and becoming.
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