#will have to ask mina about colour theory again
rockabell-chime · 9 months
…i got a haircut. it’s. honestly it looks just the same. i had it to the first knob of my spine and the only change is that a centimetre or so got chopped off. we also tried to dye it -celestic was out in the shop with me, we picked up some stuff to see if it liked different colour options- but that… uh, failed
dye doesn’t really stay on my hair, me and mina found out today. even bleach probably wouldn’t have worked, but we didn’t try. mina dyed her hair in streaks, though! it’s not just paint in her hair now. i helped. so did celestic and her klefki
i also met her family, which was… a little odd. this is step seven in her plan to ‘socialise’ me, apparently. acclimate me to people. i don’t think i need it, but it’s nice, i guess. step three was introducing me to the word wide web. rotomblr was step five. her father taught me how to make soup that’s not powdered. i’m still not sure what spices there are. how does one use spices. they’re an arcane mystery
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thescrapwitch · 1 year
Self Fic Rec
Thank you for tagging me, @searchingforserendipity25
Here are five fics from various fandoms that I am very proud of and want to share :)
The Haunting of Imladris
Silmarillion fandom:
There’s something strange in Imladris. Something that keeps any bard from staying there long. But Lindir has never been known for making smart decisions, and, armed with a special harp from Lady Galadriel, he’s determined to make a new home for himself in Lord Elrond’s kingdom.
What’s the worst that could happen?
2. Colour Theory
Four Swords/Triforce Heroes fandom:
Green wants answers. Blue wants revenge. Red wants the impossible. The only chance they have to get any of that is by traveling to Hytopia.
Vio would like the others to listen to him, but being a ghost means all he can do is watch - and comment - as they rush into another adventure and try to solve his murder.
3. Wayward Son
Silmarillion fandom:
“You were not someone I ever expected, or wanted, to see again.” Círdan gazed down at Fëanor coldly. “Why are you here?”
“Maglor.” Fëanor took a deep breath, forcing himself to be calm. To not knock the table over and demand answers. “My second son still remains in Middle Earth, and I have come to bring him back to Valinor.”
4. Rescue Mission
Linked Universe fandom:
Aryll put the clues together.
The injured men all armed to the teeth. Her big brother, unconscious, surrounded by them. The spooky, dark magic that had dropped them on the island from out of nowhere. The answer was obvious.
Link had been kidnapped!
Determination flared in her heart, a fire that made her fierce, sparked a bravery stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. Aryll closed her telescope and put her hands on her hips. “Don’t worry, big brother,” she said, sending her promise to him on the wind. “This time, I’ll rescue you!”
5. What Makes Us Monsters
Silmarillion fandom:
Eldarion never thought much about monsters, until a group of orcs, possibly the last in all of Middle Earth, arrived at Minas Tirith. He does not understand why they have come asking for peace, or why his father is considering granting it. In order to help Eldarion understand, Aragorn tells his son a story about an incident in his own childhood involving Mirkwood, creepy spiders, bandits, overprotective eldritch grandfathers, and monsters.
Tagging whoever else wants to join!
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wonunuu · 4 years
iris beauty ❀
8: hallucinations or memories of the past
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst, drama, comedy
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
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a/n: i totally forgot it's update day today lmao. also the written part is so bad,, i think i wrote it at like 1 in the morning 🥴🥴 but like yeahh send me your thoughts!! i love reading them ☺️☺️☺️
wc: 900+
The day has arrived. Today, you will be going to one of South Korea’s famous landmarks, Seoul Tower, where you will meet up with your best friend’s boyfriend—yes, your best friend’s boyfriend. “Final spin,” Mina orders you and you oblige, twirling to show her the outfit she had picked out for you. It was a lavender coloured loose cami dress layered with a white cardigan, and paired with white converse. As for accessories, you wore silver studs and bracelets Mina had bought, along with your golden necklace with an iris flower pendant, a gift from your parents. Though it didn't match the other silver accessories, you still kept it as it held very special memories from your childhood with your parents. 
“I don't know why we had to go full out,” you complain pointing to your outfit. “I’m just gonna meet him for a little while anyways.”
“Definitely not. I told you you need to match my clothing style. And I thought we agreed on no complaints?” Mina pouts, knowing it will hit you right in the gut. You roll your eyes at your friend and her persuasive skills, “Fine. No more complaints, sadly.”
“You look so cute!” Mina chirps, hugging and squeezing the life out of you. 
“When is he coming?” you asked. The two of you had been preparing in the parking lot of the tower, waiting for Jeonghan to arrive. “We agreed to meet around 4 o’clock. It’s five ‘till four, he should be here soon. You should go wait in the entrance,” Mina instructs. “I’ll be right behind you guys.” Although she wasn’t gonna meet Jeonghan herself, she still wanted to see the boy. She didn’t want to be noticeable, so she wore a black hoodie, skinny jeans and sunglasses. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath, looking at Mina who was staring at you fondly. 
“Thank you so much, YN. Tell what he sounds like later, okay?” 
“I will.” 
As you wait for Jeonghan at the entrance of the tower, you peek a glance at Mina who was standing about five meters from where you stood, looking around for the boy whom she didn't know the face of. Eventually, she meets you and gives a thumbs up—a sign of encouragement. You smile in response, and go back to waiting. 
“Excuse me,” a man says, snapping you out of your trance. “Could he possibly be Jeonghan?” you thought, but when you saw him, you held in a laugh. It was a man in his forties—the possibility of him being Jeonghan is impossible. And the key giveaway is that he has a child with him, guessing she’s at the age of five or six. 
“Do you know where we can buy the tickets to go in?” he asks. “I'm pretty sure if you go in and turn right, the booth should be there,” you inform him as you point in the direction. He gives you a thank you before going in, you watched the father and daughter enter the building, hoping you didn't give the wrong directions. When you turn back, you spot a boy dressed in an orange shirt, light blue jeans and gray coat walking your way. 
“Hi,” he greets. “Are you perhaps Mina?” He asks. His face looks soft and gentle; beautiful chocolate brown almond-shaped eyes, nose perfectly centered on his face, and his lips resembled the colour of a peach. His hair was styled up, revealing his forehead. 
He looked immaculate, and from the side of your eye, you knew Mina thinks the same way as she has completely stopped functioning to stare at the man in front of you. 
“Jeonghan?” you say. He nods and smiles. You contemplate whether you should greet him with a hug or not, but your thoughts are interrupted when Jeonghan gives you a compliment. “You look wonderful.” He says and you feel your cheeks flush warm, turning red. You look down at the floor then back at him. “Thank you. You too, you look amazing.” You reply. 
“Shall we go in?” He asks, offering his hand for you to hold. For a second, you thought he was moving too fast, but quickly remembered that Mina and him have been dating for weeks now. You then place your hand on his and he interlaced his fingers with yours, locking it tightly, before walking into the building.
“Tell me more about yourself,” you inquire as the two of you sit on the chairs placed near the window that viewed the countless buildings in the city below. Jeonghan takes a breath, “Uhm let’s see. Well, I like sports and I can say that I'm quite good at them.” He brags, straightening his shoulders, looking proud. You giggle in response. “How shameless,” you thought. 
“I bet I can beat you at badminton.” You teased. Mina and you have been playing badminton since you were young. You were confident in your skills as you've had quite a lot of experience with the sport. “There's only one way to test out your theory,” Jeonghan replied. You scoffed, “Theory? Theory? FYI, Mina- I mean my best friend and I have been playing the sport since we were little. She never managed to beat me.” You inform him, almost slipping your words, but you corrected them quickly. 
“Then we should schedule another meet up, and this time, it will be at the court.” He leans to you smirking, eyebrows raised. You nod. “Shit. I got carried away."
“Great!” He cheers. “I look forward to meeting you again, Mina.” 
“Me too. I had a lot of fun today. Thank you.” You replied while Jeonghan looked at you fondly.
He then approaches you carefully, wrapping his arms around your figure, and you do the same. Before pulling away completely, Jeonghan gives you a soft peck on your cheeks. Your heart starts to race, but you shut it out as this is just a kiss for Mina, not you. 
After he departs, you look for Mina. You see her a few meters behind you, smiling.
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@yyxyzti @acciofirewhiskey @doiewonu @shuajeong @wooziverse @boogyuu @rjsmochii @haniehae @twentysixofmays @suhfluffy @sydneyy-jade @itsdnguyenxoxo @dancingddays @lovingyu04 @fluffyhyeju @haoraecane @dy-mglzz @1800zuho @t-secretpot @floweryjeons @yaebbinnie @t-secretpot @not-sojoyuus @xcalicoups @ryuyalana @bubblywonu @youbloominsideofme @lavenonie @winternight-wonwoo @muhanuibean @mariecoura @juji-han @strawbinnie-shortcake @isa499 @pseudoyop @serenadesvt @glouraeswei @glowingjaehyun @sunflowergyeomie @kunmaid @apricottulips @hao-ling @cheolright @pancakeandfrogs @elcie-chxn @yanniezx @jeonjungkaka @scoffingscully @sunflower-euphro @monstathedisco
unable to tag: @tyongs @jeongjungkaka @jammyjamjamss @hauntedprincessarbiter
add your @ here!
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cece-0708 · 4 years
Attraction (or the lack thereof)
*This fic contains internalised aphobia*
Summary: There must be something wrong with her; it’s the only explanation. Or: Mina Ashido had never fallen in love, and maybe there’s a reason for that.
This can also be found on AO3.
Word count: 2,616
Mina Ashido had never fallen in love.
It was a fact she brushed off due to still being young. She’d always had an interest in romance since a young age (a fact she blames on her mother’s love for romance movies) and couldn’t wait to finally feel it for herself.
Ashido could easily point out when others were in love — again, thanks to the romance movies. Her friends had always come to her to talk about romance, naming her their wingwoman.
But for some reason, she could never point out the signs in herself. They were just never there. She’d always passed it off as her being too busy preparing for high school.
The chance to be someone’s wingwoman had occurred again recently after Uraraka finally came to the realisation that she could focus on becoming a hero and still have time for romance. It would be hard given how much time their school work and training takes, but it would be no different to the time constraints of being in a relationship as a pro hero.
Thankfully, Ashido’s plan had worked out perfectly, and Uraraka was able to confess her true feelings to Midoriya. It had been funny to watch from a distance as the two had turned bright red and stuttered at each other. As soon as she saw Uraraka grin and hug him, Ashido had left, knowing her work was done.
Later that day, Ashido was lounging around in the common rooms (which were empty due to the noisier boys running around and playing with a frisbee in front of the dorms and everyone else being tucked away in the rooms) when Uraraka came running over to her, a big grin on her face and her eyes sparkling with happiness.
She sat up immediately as Uraraka let out a squeak of excitement.
“It went exactly as you said it would! Thank you so much!” Uraraka said, rocking back and forward on the balls and heels of her feet. It seemed like her body could hardly contain her excitement.
“That’s great! I told you you had nothing to worry about,” she responded with a wink and a thumbs up.
“Yeah,” Uraraka giggled. She sat down next to Ashido and wrapped her arms around her, the pink-haired girl immediately returning the hug. “I know I already said this, but thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your advice.”
“It was no problem! I’m always happy to help if anyone needs me.”
As they both pulled back from the hug, Ashido watched as Uraraka’s grin shifted into a smirk. The round-faced girl gave her a quick nudge to the side.
“If you ever need help with your crush, I’ll be sure to return the favour.”
Ashido’s eyebrows furrowed at her words, her head tilting to the side ever-so-slightly. “My crush?”
Uraraka faltered for a moment, her expression dropping before morphing into one of bewilderment.
“Yeah,” she nodded, confusion placed in the tone of her voice. “You don’t have one?”
Ashido shook her head.
“To be honest, I never really have. I guess I just haven’t found the right person yet,” she shrugged.
“Oh, maybe. Well, whenever you do, be sure to let me know.” Uraraka said, her smile returning. “Sorry for assuming.”
“It’s okay. I’ll be sure to let you know.” Ashido waved it off as she let out an awkward laugh. This wasn’t the first time someone assumed she had a crush on someone. People just naturally expected the girl who loved love to have already experienced it herself, she guessed.
There was a moment of silence in which Ashido tried to think about what to say next. For some strange reason, she always felt awkward when talking about romance relating to herself. This interaction was no different.
Just as she opened her mouth to ask about what had happened earlier after she left, Ashido heard a buzzing noise from behind her. She turned her head to see an alarm pop up on her phone screen which she had set as a reminder to write the English essay due tomorrow.
“Oh!” She scrambled to pick it up and quickly swiped the alarm away, stopping the noise. “Sorry, I’d love to talk more, but I have to go write that essay now or it won’t get done at all!”
“You haven’t done it yet?” Uraraka laughed as Ashido stood up and began to speed walk over to the elevator as fast as she possibly could.
“You know how I am!” Is all she responded with as she hurriedly pressed the button to close the doors.
As Uraraka’s laughter faded away and the elevator started moving upward, Ashido clenched her fist and held it over her heart. She felt hollow inside, her chest aching. Talking about her personal love life had always brought her this feeling.
A loud groan escaped Ashido’s lips as she tossed and turned in bed, her bedsheets rustling as she struggled to get comfortable. Her thoughts wouldn’t stop, all focusing on one of her classes that day.
That morning, Midnight had given them a sex ed lesson. She had mentioned that there was more to it than the basics she’d taught them about but she wasn’t allowed to talk about it because it might be too intense for some people — something Ashido was incredibly thankful for.
Before that lesson, Ashido had never really thought about… that. The romantic movies she preferred never focused on that stuff. And now that she was on that train of thought, she realised she’d never really thought much about romance in general towards herself.
Also, she wasn’t quite sure why, but when Midnight then went on to talk about attraction, Ashido had found herself confused. Sure, Ashido understood romantic love to some extent (although she had always assumed those movies were way over the top and unrealistic) but nothing mentioned in that lesson seemed to make any sense to her. She’d always thought that sexual attraction was one big joke. It had never seemed real to her.
Everyone else seemed to understand it, though.
It didn’t help that Kaminari and Sero had been joking around about it all at lunch. Kirishima had joined in a little at one point, too, and Jirou and Bakugou had laughed at least once.
Ashido, however, had only felt uncomfortable — both at their words and the fact that she still couldn’t make any sense of them. Most of what they said just completely flew over her head.
She’d ended up faking laughter in the hopes that they didn’t notice her shifting around in her seat and picking at her food. Although it did seem like Kirishima had noticed that something was off with her if his concerned glances were anything to go by.
She let out a large sigh of discomfort as she draped an arm over her face, her nose scrunching up as she began to give up on sleep. It seemed hopeless at this point.
Why had she reacted so differently to everyone else? Why didn’t she understand? Everyone else seemed to find attraction so natural.
“Is there something wrong with me?” She whispered aloud, blankly staring up at the ceiling.
Ashido felt her heart drop, tears brimming in her eyes and beginning to spill down her cheeks as she thought over that last question. Her bottom lip quivered as she sucked in a shaky breath of air.
There must be something wrong with her; it’s the only explanation.
“Oo! Don’t you think he looks hot here?”
Ashido glanced up over her fashion magazine to look at the picture on Hagakure‘s phone. It was a photo of Hawks from his latest photoshoot, a collaboration with a sportswear brand.
“Oh, that outfit looks great on him!” Ashido commented, putting her magazine down so she could take a closer look. “The colours really compliment his eyes.”
Hagakure nodded at that, something she was only able to see because the invisible girl was wearing one of Ashido’s hats. She’d borrowed it earlier to see if it would suit her and hadn’t taken it off yet.
“I could stare into those eyes all day.” Hagakure said with a dreamy sigh. Ashido snorted at that, letting out a little giggle.
“And those wings!” Hagakure exclaimed, exhaling another sigh. “Could you imagine what it’d be like to be carried through the sky at night?���
“Why would he carry you at night?” Ashido questioned, feeling confused yet amused.
“Like on a date!”
Ashido raised a brow. “Why would you go on a date with him? He’s almost seven years older than us.”
“I’m talking hypothetically,” Hagakure responded as if it were already obvious. “I know he’s too old for us. It’s still fun to think about, though.”
“It is?” Ashido mumbled, trying to put herself in the scenario her friend had described.
She knew Hagakure meant it in a romantic way, but when Ashido imagined herself being carried through the sky she felt nothing. It didn’t feel romantic at all. It didn’t feel like anything.
That familiar empty feeling began to worm its way back to her heart, her amused smile faltering. Ashido thought back to last week when she had cried herself to sleep, this moment further cementing her theory that something is wrong with her.
Ashido shook her head, trying to shake away that lingering thought before it led to her crying again. She didn’t particularly feel like having to explain everything to Hagakure. The invisible girl probably wouldn’t understand.
Her gaze flirted around the room, trying to find something to shift the focus to. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she spotted Hagakure’s camera.
“Hey, didn’t you say you were going to print some of your photos of our class to put on your wall?”
“Oh! I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me!”
Ashido let out a deep sigh of relief, thankful that had worked.
When Shinsou had joined their class at the start of second year, he’d been adopted into the ‘bakusquad’ quite quickly. By force.
He’d tried to stay away, but Kaminari wouldn’t leave him alone until he agreed to join them for their weekly Mario Kart tournament. Eventually, Shinsou had given in, and he’d been a part of their group ever since.
They were getting ready to start this week’s tournament — which was being held in Sero’s room this time — when Jirou finally walked in. As soon as she spotted Shinsou, she walked straight over to him and sat down beside him.
Ashido frowned a little at that, hugging one of Sero’s pillows to her chest. She was perched on the end of his bed, Bakugou occupying the other end of it. Sero was swinging side to side in his hammock, Shinsou on the floor next to him.
“How did it go?”
Shinsou let out a deep sigh and rolled his eyes. “I rejected her.”
That caught everyone’s attention.
“Rejected who?” Kaminari questioned, turning around to face them. He’d been setting up the switch and making sure everything was correctly plugged in.
“A girl from my previous class,” he explained, sounding a little exasperated. “Jirou and I were walking back to the dorms after class when she asked to speak to me alone. Then she confessed to me.”
“You weren’t even a little bit interested in her?” Kaminari asked.
Ashido watched as Shinsou frowned for a second before a look of realisation flashed across his face. He rubbed his hand against the side of his neck, tilting his head down.
“Ah, I haven’t told you yet, have I?”
“Told us what?” Sero questioned, leaning back in his hammock.
“Do you like guys, too?” Kirishima suddenly blurted out. “Because if you do, there’s no need to worry about how the class will react to you coming out. I’m gay.”
Kirishima had come out to them relatively early during first year and no one had a negative reaction to it. Ashido knew that their class would be thankful that Shinsou trusted them with that information.
“No, that’s not it,” Shinsou shook his head. “I’m not interested in anyone.”
“What do you mean?” Ashido questioned. A feeling of anxiety crept up on her as she patiently awaited his response.
“I’m aroace. It means I don’t experience romantic or sexual attraction. It doesn’t mean I can’t love people in other ways, though.”
Ashido inhaled a sharp breath of air upon hearing his words, her body freezing in place and her eyes widening as her experiences regarding personal romance came flooding back to her.
“So you don’t fall in love?” She heard Jirou ask, her voice muffled by the sound of Ashido’s own thumping heartbeat.
“I never have and I never will,” she heard Shinsou respond. “I can still love people platonically, though.”
Shinsou had never been in love, just like her, and he never would be. She clutched the pillow in her arms tightly, inhaling a shaky breath as everything began to line up in her head.
Ashido had never felt romantic feelings for anyone before, and sexual attraction had always seemed like more of a joke to her — it was why she could never take Mineta seriously and why Midnight’s lesson just didn’t make any sense to her.
“Aroace,” she whispered, Shinsou’s words repeating in her mind. Her breathing began to speed up its pace.
The others all turn to look at her, stopping their conversation as they noticed the state she was in.
“What’s up with you?” Sero asked, sharing a concerned glance with the others.
Ashido remained silent, her mind too focused on the words looping over and over in her head as her lips curled into a grin upon making her realisation.
She’s not the only one.
A rough hand landed on her shoulder, knocking her out of her thoughts. Ashido jumped in shock, turning her head to see Bakugou right next to her.
“Spit it out.” Bakugou said. She could tell by his tone that there was no malice behind it.
“I think I might be aroace, too,” she breathed, a feeling of relief washing over her body. “I never knew there were other people who felt this way. I thought there was something wrong with me.”
“There is nothing wrong with you.”
Shinsou’s response was immediate and held an air of finality over it. He stood up and moved to sit next to her.
“There are many people who are ace or aro or both. Just because they don’t experience love in the same way most people do, it doesn’t mean they’re broken,” he explained.
Ashido bit her bottom lip, barely containing her smile as a tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek.
A second later, she felt herself dragged into a group hug. She dropped the pillow in her arms and almost fell onto her back from the sudden force of Kaminari surging forwards and wrapping his arms around them.
“I’m sorry that you had to feel that way,” he said, tightening his grip on them.
Ashido felt her body shake with a sob. Just as she wrapped her arms around the two boys, she felt the others all run over to join in on the hug, too. Even Bakugou, someone who wasn’t the best at displays of affection, placed a hand on each of their shoulders.
As she tilted her head back to try and hold back the tears, Ashido’s gaze met Shinsou’s. She could see unshed tears brimming in his eyes, too, as he gave her a soft smile, mouthing the words ‘you are not broken’ to her.
She nodded, a breathy laugh escaping her lungs.
Mina Ashido had never fallen in love, and that was okay.
Writing this fic meant a lot to me as someone who is aroace. Even though I discovered asexuality during my early teens (and denied the fact that I’m ace for months before accepting it), I still feel like I’m broken sometimes. I know I’m not, but it’s hard to make that feeling disappear.
This whole fic is inspired by the fact that Ashido has never fallen in love (as states in the Ultra Analysis book). Also, that scene with Hagakure was incredibly hard to write because I had no idea what to make Hagakure say. I have no idea how non-aroace people talk about guys.
Also, feel free to leave some concrit. My writing is rusty.
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paradise-creator · 4 years
OwO when u have time,, can I have a haven box for BNHA?? But just when you’re free and not working on prior works!! >:( I’m watching u bish
You can use my name in the result if you want to lol I already know it anyway!!
She/her, Taurus, INTJ, slytherin (pretty freakin’ queer but I usually lean towards boys/enbies more)
Personality: the first thing people notice about me is that I am less of a feeler and more of a thinker. I do have an IQ of 125, but my emotional intelligence is quite low, so I have trouble sympathizing with others. But I learned through experience, so I don’t SEEM emotionless. I can (and will) help my friends through tough times if they need me. I’m pragmatic, so I always go for the facts instead of the feelings during decision making or tough situations. I hold a lot of perfectionist traits that make it really hard for me to be satisfied with my results if they aren’t higher than the norm. I also have a slight issue with saying no, so sometimes I’ll offer my help or enrol myself in long-term projects while knowing I legit do not have time for more stuff on my schedule. Being a bit smarter than average, I sometimes feel like I’m obligated to help others so that they can do good too (however, I do like helping people with their hw to a certain extent). I’m working on those issues though!! I’m also an introvert, and I can get rlly tired if I have to be interacting for more than four hours straight with people, especially if their persona isn’t rlly compatible with mine.
However, when I’m surrounded by friends (or generally people who aren’t my superiors), I’m very energetic, loud, silly and I have a sharp tongue. I’m also insanely competitive, like someone please stop me?? My sense of humour goes from absolute nonsense to almost mean spirited sarcasm, but it all depends on who I’m talking to. I’m a MAJOR memer, I have a bunch of files filled with them, and I couldn’t bear be with people who didn’t understand my meme references. When I start liking something, I can get easily obsessed. I’m stubborn, therefore very passionate about the things I care about. I also have a slight case of the Endorphin Junkie, meaning that I really, really like the high you get after sports so I do crossfit training like five to six times a week. I’m unapologetically myself, and I will not ever change who I am to fit within the norm. I’m sometimes told that (that I’m odd, I mean), but I usually thank the people who tell me. I have a really, really big love for music and I have a tendency to break into song sometimes when people say a line from a song I know. I also cry sometimes when music gets really good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops
Appearance: I’m around 5’6”, with hazel eyes and brown hair that goes around to my shoulders. It gets curly out of nowhere. I can either wake up with straight hair or wake up with a freakin perm, it’s funny. My body isn’t exactly the lean type, I’m somewhere around the buff area of the scale instead, but as long as I seem visibly strong, I’m satisfied. When I’m not going anywhere significant, I usually just wear sport shirts and sweats, but I have a penchant for Dark Academia so I like /looking/ like I’m smart sometimes. And I have glasses bc apparently my eyes are assholes and they work too hard and it hurts my brain all the time
Likes: music (DavidBowieDavidBowieDavidBow-); I have a really wide range of music that goes from early 2000’s pop to 1700’s requiems(my faves are Bowie, Queen and Pink Floyd). I enjoy studying theoretical fields, reading, and I like talking about Absurd Theories About Reality That Make Little To No Sense. I like sports, and I love joking around with friends in the most exaggerated ways. I also love the colour green and I’m more of a cat person
Dislikes: dogs (they’re cute but keep them away pls), ignorant people, irresponsible people, spiders, things I’m not good at from the beginning, having to deal with strangers being upset, crying (me. I don’t like crying; I mean me, I’m fine if my friends cry)
Other fun facts!!
- my goals for the future are all over the place; I want to work for Disney, I want to get a musical composition degree, I want a biomedical engineering bachelors degree, I want an astrophysics doctorate, I want to study languages, I want to be a foreign English teacher... I can’t ever decide.
- I have a long history with getting crushes on guys who turned out to be gay. It happens so often and I HATE IT, it makes me feel terrible.
- I!!love!!70’s!!music!!so!!much!! I was raised on that stuff, my dad wouldn’t let us listen to anything else
- Lol my favourite playlist name is Drugs Playlist But I Don’t Even Do Drugs it’s just a bunch of Pink Floyd and David Bowie songs
- My favourite movies are 80’s or 90’s comedy classics!! Like Wayne’s World, or Airplane!, or Night at the Roxbury. I keep quoting Wayne’s World and no one understands :(
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Dream catcher loading...
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*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Flashes of memory
- Truth or dare gone wrong
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I'd match you up with
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Sero Hanata, Cellophane
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Sun drops
The reasons I paired you
- It me awhile to think about who to match you up with
- I was thinking of either Bakugou or Denki
- Sero is such an underrated character smh
-At first, you might be annoyed at his lack of knowledge but you over past that
- His EQ can help you grow as a person as well
- You have the IQ he has the EQ, BALANCE!
- You two would often have laughing sessions at class
- No cap tho, you two would be the most interesting couple
- You guys would have a matching necklace or a Keychain (IDK why but I feel like it-)
- You get along well with Denki, (IT TOOK A LONG TIME)
- But you would rather hang out with Bakugou (He tolerates you more than the others).
- BRO, please give him love. He craves your attention
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Flashes of memories
Sero: Hello there hot stuff!
Eve: Hello there Soy sauce
Eve: Just kidding, Hello babe
Eve: Yes, killing you with love
Sero: Dang that's smooth
Sero: He-
Eve: I didn't take your Pocky, Denki did
Sero: How-
Eve: You've been yelling about it for the past few minutes
Sero: Oh-
Sero: Can you help me with studying?
Eve: Struggling again?
Sero: Yes...
Eve: Why did I date you again?
Sero: Please?
Eve: ...
Also Eve: Fine
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Truth or dare gone wrong
The class 1-A were all gathered in their common room, even Bakugou was present. The class was having a truth or dare session, it seemed interesting. “Sero, my man! Truth or dare?” Denki asked as he looked at Sero. “Truth! I choose truth,” Sero said. “Who have you been talking on the phone to this past weeks? The one I keep hearing is my pumpkin?” Denki asked. Sero’s face then turned a light shade of pink. “O-Oh- ummm,” He started as he looked away. “Does our Cellophane have a girlfriend?” Mina teased as she poked Sero. “Y-Yeah,” He stuttered. “OI THAT’S NOT FAIR?!? WHY CAN YOU HAVE A GIRL BUT I CAN’T,” Denki sulked as he placed his head on the table. “If you weren’t such a perv then maybe you can get one!” Hakagure responded.
“Don’t be shy. Tell us more,” Mina said. Sero’s blush darkened and he looked away. “We are playing truth or dare! It’s my turn to ask,” Sero then said. “Actually, I am quite curious as well. We can always continue later,” Momo said as she smiled. Everyone agreed and they then looked at the nervous male. “C’mon now guys, this is unfair,” Sero said as he looked at everyone. “But you have a girl and we want tea,” Mina then said as she sat in front of him. “I- um, you guys really want to know about her, huh?” Sero said as he chuckled. Everyone nodded and stared at Sero intently. “Just tell us already, Soy sauce,” Bakugou growled as he glared at Sero. “Don’t listen to him, bro. He is just jealous,” Kirishima said. “WHAT-“ Bakugou was about to counter but was silenced. “Fine! Fine! You got me in a corner,” Sero then said as he chuckled. “She should be coming here,” He added as he looked at the door. “Three, two, one,” He then said as he pointed to the door.
“Hello, is Sero Hanta here?”A feminine voice said. “ARE YOU A PSYCHIC?” Denki said as he looked surprised. “I’m right here pumpkin!” Sero then said as he smirked. His nervousness melted away as he saw the 5’6ft girl. It was his girlfriend, Eve, and he was overjoyed. “Hey there babe!” She then said as she smiled. “DANG YOU GOT A FINE LADY!” Denki then yelled as he checked her out. “Keep your eyes above for I’ll gorge them out,” Eve then said as she glared at Denki. Soon enough, Mineta tried to touch her as well but his efforts were at vain. Sero used his tape as to stop Mineta from getting closer. And Eve kicked him away, far away from her. “Get your filthy hands away from her,” Sero said as he stood up. He then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Woah, that was so manly!” Kirishima said as he smiled.
“GIRLS! GET HER-“ Mina said as she tackled the girl. They didn’t fall down but Mina was laughing and hugging her. “Girl! How long have you been together?” Mina asked as she pulled away. Eve was a bit uncomfortable but she merely had a stoic face. “A few weeks,” She responded bluntly. And soon enough, the truth or dare session was forgotten. It was replace with the class 1-A trying to pry out the tea from the couple. Did they succeed? No, not really. Though the class seemed to love Eve and her antics. The class even tried to make them forget about the date they have planned. But either way, Sero and Eve got manage to get away to have their small movie date at his room.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
Hai bb! I'm sorry it took so long. But thanks for requesting again~
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avvidstarion · 4 years
5, 10, 15, 18, 22, 50, 51, 94, and 96 for fisher!!!!
mina i LOVE you
5. What’s their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they’re really like?
Fisher probably has the reputation of being, like, a dumb but lovable goofy fuckup? Like being completely incompetent and lazy but still funny and charming enough that you keep them around. Like sans undertale or todd from bojack. a lotta people probably think they won’t amount to much. it’s not super accurate- they’re accident prone and a slacker but they’re not stupid and they work really hard if they need to (again, it took effort to cheat like that. sure they coulda avoided that effort if they had studied but that’s boring). i think part of the reason fisher wants to do well at aeon despite not doing well in hs is cause they’re sick of people thinking of them in that way and not taking them seriously
10. What’s a simple thing that brings them joy?
they really like fast food and snacks. they are easily bought and will love you forever if you make them food. nick and sally and fisher bake together a lot, even though i feel like the latter two are really incompetent when it comes to cooking
15. How good are they at conversation? Are they a small talk master, bad at initiating, etc?
fisher’s easygoing and good at small talk and socializing in theory but i think they’re really out of practice. they’re good at making causal acquaintances but they’re really bad at maintaining friendships cause the only friend they have that isn’t their brother (or their brother’s friend) is sally, and they’ve known each other for so long that neither really remembers how to make new friends. plus no one their age really wanted to be friends with either of them growing up, so they never had the opportunity. I think that they’d hit it off with someone who’s really extraverted and fast moving w friendship, which is why they get along so well with glitch! she basically just pointed at them and claimed them as her newest best friend (and perhaps they will be more but i have yet to decide between glitch, k, and sally whoopsie). 
18. If you had to represent them with a flower, colour, and animal, what would you choose?
flower- the balloon flower! resilient, easy to care for, but still a little gloomy looking (depending on the color)
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color- dark blue! blue is their favorite color! dark blue is a little gloomy but is also a very sturdy and solid looking color (if that makes sense)
animal- oh absolutely a big fat cat, they definitely make the :3c face once a day, they’re full of mischief, and they love to take naps
22. What’s their silliest or most unusual fear/phobia?
they strike me as someone who cried when they went to disney as a kid cause they’re scared of the mascots. it’s something about mickey’s big, dead, unseeing eyes
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
will listen to any music, funny, good at telling stories, easygoing so you wouldn’t get into a fight
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
oh they absolutely do not have their driver’s license. 1) they never got around to it and nick and sally drive them everywhere anyway 2) they have adhd so they just dont trust themself to concentrate well enough to not kill someone 3) they’re extremely directionally challenged (can’t tell left from right gang rise UP) and 4) I think they’re really afraid of having another mind control episode behind the wheel or being otherwise hindered by their mind blindness
94. What does their room look like?
oh god it’s disgusting. used dishes, clothes on the floor, stuff everywhere, etc. they know where everything they need is, but it is GROSS. nick just doesn’t go in there anymore cause it gives him a headache. I imagine it’s nicely decorated though, with posters of stuff they like and  pictures of fisher and sally and nick and gray (and eventually glitch and kent)  on the walls. I think they have a lot of stuffed animals too, and oh god. oh god they absolutely collect funko pops. it started out as ironic but sally always gets them some for holidays (only having like one or two friends means she absolutely goes all out, I imagine) and now it’s just a problem. they won’t admit that they like them but they do. 
96. What’s their sense of humour like? (Dad jokes, morbid humour, basic knock-knock jokes, stand up comedy, etc)
it’s basically all self-deprecation. fisher’s highest stat is humor but morbid isn’t too far behind, so I think that manifest in them using their humor to berate themself and as a means of venting without actually asking for help. it helps that most people think they’re a loser, cause they constantly make themself the butt of the joke. mostly it’s harmless stuff (”lol i’m such an idiot, here’s a funny story about my latest screw-up”) but sometimes they take it too far. they probably got sent to the guidance counselor back in school cause new teachers would get worried, but I think the curse of always being seen as the goofy fuckup with habitual self depreciation is that people who get to know them tend to get used to their self hatred and just write it off as fisher being fisher (sally and nick and grayson aren’t exempt from this. they’re all lovely and they all love fisher but they’re not perfect and I think if anyone’s gonna step in and actually make them get help it’s gonna be someone with new eyes, like glitch or kent). 
ok wow downer ending sorry!! they also really like puns and bad dad jokes and physical comedy. anytime fisher or nick hears or comes up with a fucking terrible dad joke they immediately run to the other and tell it. I think if sally and fisher are ever bored in public the two of them just start acting weird and see how long it takes to get stared at. they compete to see who can one up the other before they have to stop out of embarrassment or before they’re asked to stop (they are SO annoying and insufferable). Fisher’s also a really good story teller and can make the most mundane event funny or entertaining in some way (they’d be great at standup) 
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knovesstorytelling · 3 years
Murray Mysteries S1E11 Transcript
Episode 11. Deck The Halls
Written by May Toudic
Mina: Welcome to Murray Mysteries.
[Theme music plays.]
Jane: Hello listeners. Friends. After last time I thought it might be a good idea to— well. I thought you deserved to be kept up to date as much as we do. You’ve been in this with us for a long time, and I know you all care about Lucy. Art has been reading all of your comments out to her while she was in the hospital. They say it’s brought them both a lot of joy in a difficult time. So thank you. For being there, for caring about people you’ve never even met. Thank you.
[She clears her throat.]
Jane: Right, news. Well. Lucy’s out of the hospital. She got a transfusion and showed significant signs of improvement in the following hours. So, they kept her in observation over the next two days and they sent her home with strict instructions to keep monitoring the situations. Art and I have been taking turns watching over her. 
Jane: She’s supposed to rest, but she’s clearly been trying to stay awake. When I asked her why, she said she was afraid to sleep. Said she has a bad feeling something’s going to happen to her if she does. I had to promise her I would be there the whole time and would wake her up if anything happened or if I could see if she was having a nightmare. That seemed to do the trick. She slept for 12 hours and woke up looking a lot better. We don’t want to get our hopes up. She’s had improvements and relapses before, but things are looking promising. Art said the second night went well too. 
Jane: I was supposed to get some rest before my next watch, but I had a backlog of paperwork to take care of and only managed to clear it around 4 in the morning. When I got to Lucy’s last night, she refused to let me stay up with her. Said I could sleep on the living room sofa and she would call out if she needed anything. I normally wouldn’t do this, but I was so tired, and well. She insisted. 
Jane: I woke up about half an hour ago, but it’s still early so I thought I’d let her sleep in a bit before I wake her up. I should make her some coffee. If I could find out how to operate this coffee machine. Which one of these buttons am I supposed to press? What’s wrong with a simple coffeemaker?
Van Hellsing: Jesus Seward, remind me how many degrees you have.
Jane: Professor! I was just—
Van Hellsing: Waging war on the coffee machine?
Jane: It’s more like a short battle. That I’m losing.
Van Hellsing: Good thing that I thought ahead.
[She takes a paper coffee cup out of a tray.]
Jane: You have no idea how grateful I am.
Van Hellsing: It’s from that place down the road. Lovely storefront. Excellent service.
Jane: Excellent coffee.
Van Hellsing: Glad you’re enjoying it. How’s our patient?
Jane: Good, last time I saw her. I was just about to check in on her actually.
Van Hellsing: Impeccable timing, as always. Shall we?
[Footsteps, then a knock on the door. It opens.]
Jane: Lucy?
[The door closes.]
Van Hellsing: Dear God!
Jane: What’s going on, is she okay?
Van Hellsing: White as a sheet, cold skin. She’s breathing, but barely. This isn’t good.
Jane: Should I call an ambulance?
Van Hellsing: Not yet. I’ve got this. Come on, come on. You can do it, just. That’s it. That will make it better. Give it a minute to act… Good. Warming up.
Jane: Is there anything I can do?
Van Hellsing: Not right now, just. Stay close. Okay. Okay. Her breathing is back to normal. Body temperature is getting there. We should see some colour in a minute or two.
[Jane sighs shakily.]
Jane: Good. That’s really good.
Van Hellsing: It’s a good thing we got here when we did. A few minutes and could’ve been too late.
Jane: Oh God. It’s my fault, isn’t it? I never should have left her. I should’ve stayed up and—
Van Hellsing: Hey, hey. None of that. Dwelling on past mistakes will do nothing but waste your time. All we can do now is make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Jane: Shouldn’t we take her back to the hospital? They might know what to do.
Van Hellsing: Did they seem like they knew last time? No. She won’t be any safer at the hospital. At least here, I can test my theory.
Jane: Might I ask what theory?
Van Hellsing: Not just now. You’ll have to trust me until I have enough data to confirm it. Can you look after Lucy while I get supplies?
Jane: I… yeah. I can do that.
Van Hellsing: I’ll make it fast.
[She leaves, the door opening and closing. Jane sighs.]
Jane: This is going to take years of my life expectancy. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re doing it for attention.
Lucy: Rude.
Jane: Lucy! You’re awake! Are you feeling okay? Oh, what am I saying, of course you’re not. How are you feeling?
Lucy: Like I’ve been run over by a bus, thanks very much. What happened?
Jane: You had a relapse. Van Hellsing took care of it, but it was… not good?
Lucy: Eh. What else is new? Did you at least get some sleep?
Jane: Yes. Unfortunately.
Lucy: Now, now, you needed it. I can’t believe you need to be coerced to take care of yourself. I should find you a girlfriend to make sure you eat and sleep and… other healthy things.
Jane: Lucy, that’s not— I, I don’t need— I’m not ready to date anyone. Not yet.
Lucy: That is what you think. But, if I put my matchmaking powers to work… 
Jane: No.
Lucy: Fine. Have it your way. But do stop sulking, please. I’m not dead yet. Is that coffee?
Jane: You can have it. Adrenaline woke me up just fine.
Lucy: Sweet.
[She takes a sip.]
Lucy: Oh, damn. That’s good coffee.
Jane: Right?
Lucy: Where’s Van Hellsing? I should probably thank her for saving my life or something.
Jane: Out getting some mysterious supplies mysteriously.
[Lucy chuckles.]
Jane: She should be back at any minute.
[The door opens.]
Jane: Speaking of the cryptic devil.
[The door closes.]
Van Hellsing: Ah, Miss Westenra! Glad to see you up.
Lucy: All thanks to you, I heard. Thank you for that.
Van Hellsing: Don’t mention it. Now, who’s going to help me spruce up this room?
Jane: Spruce up?
Lucy: What’s that smell? Is that garlic?
Van Hellsing: I read garlic wreaths were the new flower wreaths. Very fashionable. Let’s see… One on your windowsill. Wonderful. Really brings out the room to life. One around your neck, of course. Always accessorize.
Lucy (whispering): What’s happening?
Jane (whispering): I have no idea. She gets like that sometimes and I think you should just go with it.
Lucy (whispering): Okay, but this is really, really weird.
Van Hellsing: Do you know how many medicinal properties garlic has? Already it’s delicious, doesn’t need to do more for the human race and yet.
[She laughs.]
Van Hellsing: Wonderful thing, garlic. Jane, would you help put this up over the door?
Jane: I… sure. How do you want it?
Van Hellsing: Just like this. Hold it there.
[She hums two lines of Deck the Halls.]
[Credits music begins.]
Credits: Murray Mysteries is a Knoves Storytelling production. This episode was written and produced by May Toudic and featured Bebhin Tankard as Dr. Jane Seward, Rebecca Krause as Professor Van Hellsing, and Megan John as Lucy Westenra. Original music by Sophie K. If you like our work and would like to support us, you can sign up for our Patreon at patreon.com/knovesstorytelling or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. Thank you for listening.
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