#will he scream at his islanders (and) or at cucurucho
thinking about yesterdays stream again... it took qbad a full hour to go from calling to cucurucho in his house to screaming and begging for it to go away
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greyrobins · 1 year
Phil is gonna have a time coming back to qsmp tomorrow.
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hey-i-am-trying · 5 months
A missing piece people don't realize about the workers' murder arc is that Bagi was not all that bothered by the workers' death at first, she was more worried about how Cucurucho would retaliate and also by the cannibalism, because yeah, cannibalism doesn't exactly scream mental health.
It was seeing the grief of the living workers that changed her profoundly, it filled her with guilt. And I cannot help but think of young Bagi who didn't have a body to bury, didn't have closure, and refused to even acknowledge the possibility that her brother was dead, being so moved by such an open sight of mourning.
Bagi ran herself stressed not knowing a way to help Cellbit AND stop the murders, she refused any solution that would harm him, she went after talking with people who were close with Cellbit and whom she also trusted to not turn information to the Feds. I am sick and tired to people saying "Bagi told random people about the murders". List of islanders Bagi actually told: Roier, Bad, Pac, and Mike. All who were in one way or another connected to enigmas themselves. People who she knew had more information about Cellbit past or that she thought deserved to know for their own safety.
Bagi never called Cellbit a monster or even insinuated he would hurt the eggs, I really don't know where this misinformation came from. In the separate scenes of Bagi and Bad confronting Cellbit they were they quite literally saying he was more than a murderer, and that he was being consumed by his history of violence
(Also, I get it that watching your blorbo drown in blood is fun and all. But like, did you watch Cellbit's story and believe he turned back into a murderer and being brought back to the violent cycle he was forced into is a good thing? Did watch him seeing his childhood room for the first time and asking himself what he did to deserve to be taken away from his family and made to kill people to be able to survive? Did you see that and then when he told Bagi he didn't care if he died again because he died enough time and did not get that Cellbit murdering people is also him losing grasp on the importance of life itself? Did you not get that this was not a developing arc for him? This was him at his fucking worst after having the best things in his life taken again, again and again. Murder was not enrichment for him, it was a poison that killed parts of him too)
Anyway. That is for now. I think. Just a lot of shit I needed to get out of my chest.
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cat-mentality · 9 months
Sad QSMP headcannons that have like half a toenail in canon.
The French version:
Baghera cries very silently, like someone who is used to having to keep quiet.
She also has a very high pain tolerance and she didn't understand why until recently.
When Pomme disappeared Baghera was terrified that the Federation had something to do with that, terrified that her little girl would be at the hands of the people who made her and hurt her so badly.
As much as she wants to hate the Federation for having hurt her, at the same time she can't and that makes everything so much worse.
Baghera doesn't have wings. But she does have two scars on her back where no feathers have ever grown.
Antoine was not prepared to actually get attached to any of the French, or even to Pomme. He knows he is in too deep, has too much to lose if he cuts ties with the Federation, and yet it twists something inside of him when he thinks about their possible reactions, especially Etoiles. For the first time in a very long existence he understands what friendship is, knows what it feels like instead of just watching others experience it, and is very aware that he will lose it all.
That is why Antoine was so pissed off at Osito for being careless with the picture, the earlier they discover about his true past, the earlier he will lose them.
If the Federation truly had Pomme he would have burned it all down himself just to bring her back.
The first time Cucurucho saw Antoine angry was after the torture session nearly killed Pierre for good. No one knows who was more shocked by his display, Cucurucho or Antoine himself.
Pierre continues to trouble sleeping and constant nightmares when he does, he can't remember the last time he managed to truly rest without waking up in a cold sweat or screaming, he is always on the verge of passing out and even when he does crash he still has nightmares.
He refuses to acknowledge it or even talk about it, hides his exhaustion with everything he has, pushes people away just to make sure they wouldn't realize there is something wrong, too afraid they will see a weakness to be exploited.
Pierre hates being alone as much as he craves it- He likes being by himself working on his machines and keeping his secrets close to his chest, but at the same time when he is alone is when the dark thoughts take over
He will, on occasion, not exactly seek to get himself hurt but not exactly avoid it either- If he can feel pain it means that there is something human in him doesn't it?
But Pierre hates dying and he will avoid and lash out when put into such a situation. He fears what will wake up, if it will still be him.
Sometimes Kameto look at the rest of the Islanders and he wonders what his own life could have been, what sort of bonds he could have forged with people, if the Federation didn't come for him first.
Etoiles does not know what his worth is if not as a warrior.
He is not smart like the others, he doesn't build pretty buildings or incredible machines, he doesn't know how to do anything but fight. And if he can't fight, if he can't protect the people he cares about, then why is he still around?
War is everything Etoiles really knows. By the time he reached his late teens and was released from the battlefield he had seen more combat than some people in their old age, everything he knew how to do was to fight, he had nowhere to go, knew no one, had nothing.
He was never able to settle down for too long or even to truly build himself a home, Etoiles knew so very little about the world that he just decided he would explore it. Some people in the army talked about things they missed, things they thought worth fighting for, and Etoiles wanted to understand that feeling of fighting for anything but his own survival.
To this day he still feel more comfortable fighting than he ever does doing anything else.
None of them ever had families.
The concept of family was something Antoine learned by watching other species and for a very long time it was not something he truly understood or could relate. It was only after the plane crash and Pomme that it hit him that maybe he can understand this thing now.
Baghera always thought she was just an orphan with amnesia. She had very little memories of her young years and none of them involved other people, just her and a room, so for a long time she believed she was alone in the world. Even now she struggles with that emptiness, especially now that she knows that the Federation may be the closest thing to family that she will ever have.
Etoiles had parents once. He knows he did, but he cannot remember their faces or even their voices most of the time. He was still just a small child when they came for him and sent him to war.
Pierre was always alone. He had parents but they could as well be ghosts haunting their home, he hardly could see glimpses of them from time to time, all he ever truly had were his machines.
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kadextra · 1 year
So if it isn’t obvious already q!Bad has lost it. he went through the 5 stages of grief, lost his color, the ability to see in color, and along with it his moral correctness.
Ever since he started torturing that worker in the basement his emotions are flipping like a switch. one minute he proclaims it’s the happiest fun day ever, the next he’s a crying mess. he says how much he hates the Federation, then screams in the chat for cucurucho to come visit because he’s sad and lonely. he is somewhat normal around people but the second he leaves them, the mood drops to below zero
The blood(?) on his skin got more vibrant today and along with it he became way more manic than usual, for a guy who’s y’know. missing his children. this dude was giggling like the joker at the idea of causing an island-wide bloodbath tomorrow. but he still hasn’t lost his braincells along with everything else, his mind is sharp- like when he heard about q!Baghera’s “hospital visit” earlier and seriously questioned her. and the real intention of this ‘prank’ he’s doing is a calculated move to fan the flames of hatred even more towards the Federation.
By now, they definitely know their worker is missing. and they’ll probably be able to trace back that he’s the one framing them. He is on their radar, Cucurucho gave him a death stare last night. He doesn’t care.
In fact, I think q!Bad is purposefully pushing the limits of what he can do because he wants to become a huge problem, and force them to come after him for some reason. But from what we know as the audience, the Federation has always been super lenient with his violations… so I’m very curious of what their next move will be as he continues to ramp it up
“It’s only going to get worse, I promise.”
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cheese-water · 1 year
Look, if it isn’t an server event, my picks for the Philza rescue squadron would be Tubbo, Missa, and Etoiles.
Tubbo because he will be the first one to notice (Monday 6pm BST mark my word) and like the paranoid cubito that he is, he will immediately start jumping to conclusions that happen to be correct (“what if cucurucho kidnapped his ass :((((((”).
Missa because Tubbo likes him and thinks he doesn’t have as many screws loose as the others. Also cause he matches Tubbo’s energy real well and will start yelling if he finds out Phil was maybe kidnapped. Missa’s abject horror at the situation wins Tubbo over.
And Etoiles because Tubbo and Missa are well aware on how killable they are. Etoiles has made them very aware of it. However, he will do anything for Philza and would drop everything he’s doing if he finds out he was kidnapped. Plus, it’s his dream to watch Tubbo and Missa try and fail to kill mobs in the middle of the woods while he ploughs through them all. Protection y’know.
They’re all just hardcore members of the Philza famclub. Fit only got ousted by Tubbo because he doesn’t trust him as far as he can throw and Fit didn’t give him an “appropriate reaction” to the potential kidnapping of another islander: crying and screaming or outright murder.
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
Hello helloooo friend! Hi! I just wanted to say that I'll be going around and asking people about QSMP characters to avoid mischaracterization of said characters (in analysis, fics, and just overall fan interpretations). So if you're cool with it, can I ask you about the French streamers?
Like, can you tell me the mischaracterization you often see regarding their characters and how they actually are? I mean, ANY facts about them would be very very cool to know! I love all of them and I would really like to know more about them since I can't really watch everyone, ya kno?
Yes I would love to :D ! But also, keep in mind, I'm not immune to a bit of mischaracterization (that's how you write that right ?), sometimes I probably do a little bit, though I try my best not to. I have to admit, I don't see a lot, or just little things, and mostly from the english side of the community, cause over here with the french we are a really small part of the overall fandom, so I don't have a lot of interactions, AND it's our first (ever) smp like that (semi rp etc...), we never had that over here in France, it's a new thing both for us and the ccs, so we are getting our footing. But here we go I do have some things I can say : (wrote a fricking novel holy)
q!Baghera Jones : I see a lot of people characterize her as this hyper competent investigator that knows everything etc... In a way she is, she is a good investigator, and is always eager to solve the mysteries of the island ; What people miss most of the time is that she is also (it's not mutually exclusive) a Goofball : She sings randomly, she walks on mines and jumps off buildings willingly for the lols, some people say she witholds information, most of the time she actually just Forgor. Something that people do get most of the time is that she genuinely is really empathetic : She loves Walter Bob, two days ago she talked about how Cucurucho may be manipulated, she is worried about Quackity, about Cellbit, Foolish, Jaiden etc... And outside of petty rivalry (mostly with Forever, BBH, Etoiles, and a bit Cellbit) she is not a vengeful person at all. She is very understanding. Oh and almost forgot : She is surprisingly insightful ; She guessed what was happening to Cellbit as one of the firsts, she immediatly figured Gegg out the first day she met Slime, ElQuackity is VERY obviously another person than Quackity at first glance etc...
q!Etoiles : There was for some time a bit of mischaracterization in the way people saw him as a bloodthirsty killing machine, though it is fading steadily as we speak ; He is a really nice person that lifts up others, gift them things whenever he can, cares about the eggs, and is always reactive when it comes to saving or helping others. Also, he is a badass in the eyes of everyone (ccs and fandom) but people have a way to write that in fics that doesn't really match him : They write a badass and dark character that is mostly silent and cool ; Etoiles is NOT that (he is badass yes but not much the rest), he SAYS he is that, that he is "dark, and broody, and mysterious", but the guy is always cracking jokes, about others, about himself, he is very self-aware of his problems (social and health related) and likes to joke about it because "it puts smiles on the faces of people" (his way of cheering people up most of the time : "You are not useless, you put smiles on my and the people's faces, and that wonderful"). The moments that CAN be a bit dark is when he is asking for a fight ; most of the time it's goofy, but then there is moments like the dinner party when the codes revealed themselves, where he will be saying while everyone panics "Yeah... Yeah.. FINALLY ! FINALLY !!" and you realise he is not to be trifled with. He aslo tends to blame himself when something wrong happens ; to him, HE is the one that misplayed, that made a mistake.
q!Aypierre : Some people could see him as a relatively chill dude ; he talks calmly, never screams and very rarely raises his voice, but he is NOT chill : He is the most gremlin of the french, his favorite past-time in all the smps he's been in is pranking and breaking the servers : Two days ago in his 24 hour stream, he broke in the federation base three times, exploded a bunch of stuff in there, tortured Foolish alongside BBH, summoned lightning to make Foosh and BBH believe Gegg is still alive in front of his infinite Gegg generator, rickrolled Cucurucho etc... He is a every ingenuous guy with ways to build factories of everything. Most people, out of the french, would fear Etoiles because he is always begging for a fight, and fought and won against the code several times, but he is a nice guy, who they probably SHOULD fear, is Aypierre, this guy can be EVIL at times ; He loves contracts and deals, and using those against the others. He is not all evil though. He does care about Pomme, the french, and is willing to help others when they need him, though he likes to make exchanges.
q!Antoine Daniel : Antoine is probably the hardest to write or get when you are not used to him. He has such a way of speaking and a weird twisted humor that to someone not french, and not watching his streams regularly, it's REAL hard to get him right. He is an apreciator of dark humor and cynicism ; Joking about Bobby in front of Pomme is an example, though he is starting to be more compassionate about the eggs than he was at the beginning of his journey on the smp. Probably because of one of my posts and some others, a lot of people see him as incredibly paranoïd, and for a time he was, though he said himself (both in and out of character) that it was starting to get better because people came talked to him about it, there IS still remains though. What's interesting is that he can be both paranoïd, AND incredibly insightful : His takes are either the rambling of a madman, or scarily on point. Though he is rarely willing to help others (both because of his next to level 0 skills in minecraft and general air of "I don't care"), he is always on alarm and willing to help when it comes to the eggs, multiple times he ironically is one of the most reactive ones when it comes to realise there is danger or a problem for the eggs ; Though he is relatively self-centered, he is very compassionate and attentive of the eggs, with Pomme potentially being the person he trusts most. (everytime he acts aloof and cynical on his stream, to then immediatly worry about Pomme's well-being warms my heart.)
q!Kamet0 : AHAHAHAHAH ahAHaHhah, ahahah... ahah.. ah. oh. (he left for cigarretes)
(HOLY SHIT I WROTE A NOVEL. Sorry, didn't excpect to have that much to say. But here you go, hope that helps.)
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sillygh0st · 2 months
I vodwatched Cellbit first qsmp vod and wrote down MANY moments that I barely see people talking about o/
Felps crashing the ship bc he trought that It was like using a bike is well know on the comunity, but the ship was also haunted btw
Mike first interaction with richas was him joking about sitting on Richas to hatch him??? My headcanon about qmike being a creeper hybrid with pink feathers was born after this lol
Roier giving diamonds to Cellbit :')
“There's always a fool and a scoundrel leaving the house, you're the scoundrel" (Tem sempre um otário e um malandro saindo de casa, você é o malandro) Cellbit to Richas
Richas taking time to write and writing that she would like to live with her parents :')
Cellbit asked richas who were his parents and Richas responded “vocês” (pac mike Cellbit e felps) <3
Cellbit saying 4 papais aww
Richas saying that he will live wherever his parents want :')
They calling quackity a vagabundo 😭
Slime with Richas for 0.1 seconds and cellbit coming shouting "não não Richas!! Papais!! Papais!!” ( He didn't wanted richas to be with slime and wanted richas to be with his papais :’)
He keeps saying "our son" awwww
"Take the sword your pai gave you!" (Pega a espada que o pai te deu!)
Richas raising the "feed" sign and his 4 papais all desperate looking for food to feed him :'))
Cellbit fighting with Bobby oh no
Cellbit saying he loves Roier but not Bobby aww :’)
Cellbit e slime KISSING!!!!
"Desculpa sou meio manco" (1:49:21)
Cellbit talking photo of them together ,,
"Abrigado pela comida"
"Você só odeia os ovos pq não tem um!!"
Quackity 1% Richas father + Cellbit 24% too yayyy
“You teach spanish and we teach crimes and guns!” Cellbit to quackity talking about Richas LMAO
Quackity singing nossa nossa assim você me mata omg I forgot about this momment
“oi filho!” (Cellbit to Richas)
Everyone dying bc of a bull and a muscle zombie 😭😭
Richas model disappearing and everyone freaking out bc he turned into a tall white thing 😭😭😭 also first time that cucurucho got mentioned for the Brazilians :O (Cellbit and felps were saying his name wrong for like 20 minutes LMAO)
“seus outros papais” “papai felps”
Mac e pike 😭
Richas doing parkour and Cellbit freaking out about him taking fall damage :’)
Richas falling into a hole and Cellbit screaming “tá tudo bem!! papai tá aqui) (its okay!! papai is here) :’(((((
felps said "eu peguei 4 packs" (I got 4 packs) and clarified that wasn't about pac their friend (pegar can be "got" or even "make out", even bc pac and pack rhyme ) and Cellbit said that was the first day, and that they needed a party before??????? while felps said "Not yet" about making out with pac???? ON THEIR FIRST TWO HOURS ON THE SERVER???
Cellbit and felps wanting to teach richas how to kill and richas that he will become a murder machine awwww
Richas died :’) cellbit screaming on chat saying everything wrong was funny
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Cellbit telling felps that they need to lie about what killed richas LMAO they didn't wanted the others papais to be mad at them so yeah the necromancer appeared spawned 10 skeletons said “he is watching” and vanished cellps my beloved
Now cellbid said that they need to say that the necromancer had white eyes bc they have herobrine trauma LMAO (pac e mike old series)
“WE ARE CLONES FELPS” (seeing their dead bodies) is also the first time of cellbit saying that there is something wrong on the island :)
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Cellps telling tazercraft and quackity ABOUT the “necromancer” but mike don't believe anything that they said LMAO
“Cocorocho vagabundo” - pac
OHHHH FUGA CRUMPS 👀 some long time before this cellbit and richas they hide them under a chest, after (2:42:00) mike says that he saw a white figure (they were saying cucurucho) opened and put something on the chest, felps went to open It and the tnt exploded, killing him. Richas almost split out that It was her and pai Cellbit that put the tnt there, Cellbit says that he didn't put in there, Pac says “oh yeah I don't think you would do this with …. felps'', saying it on a weird and different tone, probably the CC remembering that on fuga cell killed felps 👀👀👀👀👀 FUGA CRUMPS FUGA CRUMPS
Cellbit and pac went to a cave and the iconic celltw kiss happened omg
Cellbit talked with pac about them (fuga four) creating a secret laboratory under the favela where they would do secret and paranormal experiments ohhhhhhhh (chume paranormal LMAO)
Cellbit and pac founded a very weird place that looks like a mine maid by player with MANY torches, one moment cellbit lost pac and freaked out LMAO (they keep calling the place the herobrine cave lol)
“A casa do cocorocho” (they got cucurucho name wrong)
Cellbit wants to sing a lullaby for richas :’) pac is getting Diamonds to do a armor for Richas too awww
Cellbit gave pac a pickaxe and also asked for a stick while pac said “por você cellbit eu te dou 10 paus” (“for you cellbit, i gave to you 10 paus”, pau = stick/dick) and they both laughed
Cellbit almost threw away richas slime "não vou jogar fora o primeiro presente do meu filho” (im not going to throw away my first gift of my son) :’)
CELLTW AGAIN. They are returning to the favela and Pac said that the day was beautiful and Cellbit straight up said that “com você nele o dia é sempre mais bonito né pac” (With you in it, the day is always more beautiful, right?)
Cellbit and pac returned to the favela with felps Mike e Richas!!! Felps and pac (idk who else too) honked to each other???? 😭 awww also Cellbit screaming for richas and running for him :’)
Cellbit and felps screaming and calling each other Crazy for talking alone (with their chats) lol
They are going to do richas first quests!! They are going to give a bath to Richas, Cellbit accidentally hit (pinched) him oh no babie :( they finished their bath and Richas Said “obrigado pais!” While Cellbit and felps suffered from how cute it was
RICHAS ON BED WITH HER FIRST LULLABY BY HER 4 PAPAIS :((((( richas sleeping while they try to be quiet to not wake up the baby!!! They are calling him cute <3
Oh wait they are singing a demoniac lullaby to awake her? 😭😭😭😭 What's wrong with them <3 they want richas to never get caught with his guard down, “olhos sempre abertos richarlyson” ,,,
“sleep with your eyes open" *kisses sounds from all her fathers*
mike caught richas getting up (prob richas admin geting ready to leave) and they started to be like “oh no he is in that age already ,,,,” and while calling their child cucurucho and STILL kept getting cucurucho name wrong LMAO
Richas sleeping model was put into their only bed and now are incredible sad that they lost their only bed 😭😭😭
RICHAS SLIME!! his placenta haha :’) they are so happy framing It on their house aww
Cellbit dancing to the sounds of a dying skeleton? 😭
Pac e Mike logging out!!! Also Cellbit sending kisses to pac and pac too omg celltw ,,😭😭
“beijinhos!!” (little kisses) - Pac e Cellbit for each other AWWWW
Cellbit talking with felps about bbh being the “necromancer and 100% ready to throw the blame on him 😭😭
Cellbit seeing felps talking to himself on the other house and calling him crazy while felps do the same for him god cellps I love you
Bbh appeared to talk with felps and Cellbit and give to them armor, cucurucho also appeared but disappeared quickly D:
Bbh talked with them about the federation oooooooh
Bbh left and after richas woke up!! Bom dia Richarlyson!!
They are making richas cativeiro room!!
“tem cheiro de cativeiro, tem som de cativeiro, tem gosto de cativeiro, mas não é um cativeiro!” felps to richas LMAO
They are putting him to sleep now!! cellbit tried to sing a demoniac lullaby for her but felps stopped him saying that it's a too old song!! So felps singed a song with alien high pitched noises 😭😭
Moments from the vod to yall!!!! so many lgbtqsmp moments and cute ones :3333
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It's strange, waking up on the island and being told nothing. Cellbit only has to look to see that there are problems, but there's no messages asking for a private audience, nobody screaming in chat, nobody tracking him down... When he said he retired he wanted this, wanted the ability to just work on ripping the Federation seam from seam, with teeth and claws and hate.
He can't say he doesn't miss it, though.
Given what little he has been told by the few people he has run into, he doubts there's anything new in the Order. Still, he makes a point of going to look.
The doors squeak and the entrance is dusty, and it doesn't look like anyone has been here... In months, really.
The lights are on, though.
Cellbit pauses, and looks around. The trail of lights leads to the meeting room, but nobody called hello to him.
He grabs his knife.
Slowly, slowly, slowly...
He creeps around the corner, and immediately relaxes.
As to why Philza is sat in his chair, asleep with his head resting on folded arms, Cellbit has no idea. But, the man is asleep there, great black wings draped over his back.
Cellbit has seen them before, of course, in purgatory, but... But everyone had had access to wings, then, or at least more had - Fit's certainly aren't still there, and even then they look somehow... Bigger.
He tries not to stare - he knows people called Philza Old Crow, but he did not realise it was quite so literal - and steps over. It's a poor place to sleep, and even at Cellbit's age it messes with his back.
Touching people is, though, a terrible way to wake them up.
So instead Cellbit takes the seat opposite, and watches him a little.
"Hey Philza."
He doesn't so much as stir - Cellbit tries a few more times, before concluding he either risks getting stabbed, or just leaves Philza there.
Leaving him is, of course, the sensible option.
So Cellbit takes a pen out of his pocket, and pokes Philza in the forehead with the back end.
Three pokes and Philza still hasn't stirred, so Cellbit decides to risk it. He gets back up, and moves over to that side of the table.
Knowing his own strength he does not risk moving Philza far, instead just hoists him to Foolish's sofa. Even for Philza it's a little short, but at least his back is straight.
The whole activity does not even cause Philza to stir, and Cellbit is not sure if he should laugh or be worried, but he does know what else can be done; he slips through to the infirmary, stealing the blankets and pillow from one of the beds. The pillow he eases beneath Philza's cheek, and the blanket he drapes over him.
It doesn't quite hide his wings, but it does hide the rose clutched in his hand - Cellbit wonders who it might be from, to be held so tight and carefully. Missa, perhaps? If Roier gave him a rose, Cellbit would probably cling to it for just as long.
He turns to go, to turn out the lights and let the man sleep - there's nothing to do in the meeting room, and he can just work further away so the sound doesn't travel.
And then he spots a book, dropped on the floor amongst a dusting of black feathers. So many fell when Philza was moved, and Cellbit only hopes that that is normal behaviour.
He wouldn't know - he doesn't have wings.
Intending to just put the book on the table, Cellbit reaches down for it. It fell face down and splayed open; no book deserves such punishment, so he turns it over, and begins straightening the pages.
'Dear Cellbit' the first line reads and, well, Cellbit can stop pretending he isn't going to snoop there and then.
'Dear Cellbit' he reads again, and a mental check confirms Philza's handwriting. 'Shit's fucked. Sorry if I missed you, came here to wait as you're probably busy. I've left you some crap in a locked chest by the Cucurucho with the pompoms poster - you're on the allow list - just in case. Hope it helps.
'Hopefully someone's given you the rundown already, if not here's the short version - Luffy, little guy from Purgatory, showed up, told me the Feds were fucking torturing him (stuff in the evidence bag, ask me later for a sharestone if you want to see the originals). Eye workers showed up, demanded him, I was like nah mate, they're like give me 3 days or we kill Chayanne. They left, the Feds showed up, they lassoed me and kidnapped Luffy and the fucking eye bastards have been attacking us since. Chayanne's fine, not everyone is. Empanada - Bagi and Mouse and Tina and I can't actually remember's new egg - has lost a life to them already. Feds don't give a shit, but when have they ever? We tried looking for Luffy, but can't find him.
'The other new eggs are Sunny and Pepito. Sunny's Tubbo's and Pepito's Roier's - I think Pepito's claimed you too? - but you'd have to ask about the other parents. All three are great. Em likes candy, Sunny likes diamonds, Pepito likes pretending to be spiderman. Apparently they're from Purgatory and Cucurucho found them while rescuing our eggs? Who then spent a week in fucking hospital? They're okay now, but I swear to God Cucurucho's been on a PR kick or something recently.
'Roier is missing. You probably want to know Roier is missing. I have no fucking clue what's going on, just seen the posters Pepito left - Foolish has been watching Pepito, so check with them. He's been gone since a bit before Christmas and nobody seems to know shit.
'Oh right in some of the photos I have wings. People keep being confused by my wings. I'm not sure why, but I guess a quick explain. They were fucked, they healed during purgatory, they got fucked again rescuing Tubbo and myself from the nuke. As you do. They usually stay in the backpack as they're too weak to stay folded and dragging injured limbs in the mud is a shit plan. Getting a bit stronger, though, so been exercising them.
'Good news for once! Fit and Pac are dating - congratulate Richas on getting them together for me? I've only managed to catch Ramon. Like. Officially dating dating, not whatever was going on before.
'Something about a worker named Elena getting arrested? And Cucurucho being missing but a different one spying on us? Ask Bagi, she told me.
'New way to do our governmental obligations to stop them murdering our kids, get someone to run you through the new egg quest system, any day I have time I'll leave what you need in the crate next to the baker. It makes sense I swear.
'Okay no it's fucking bullshit, but it's a Fed project what do you expect?
'Missa came back! He's not been about for long and I missed him :( but Chayanne managed to convince him out of the goat pen and back with the rest of us and they were attacked by a talking rat with a gun demanding they rob the store for fortnite cheese. Always the most cursed shit for him.
'What else... I've been having weird fucked up dreams, Fit made me promise to tell you. Mostly worked it out, though. But if I vanish and you find a weird purple portal do /not/ under any circumstances go through it. Don't lick black voidrocks either. And don't let anybody else. You'll know what I mean if you see it. There's a rose in the evidence bag. It's a protection charm, nothing else, but I'd feel better knowing you had it. Please humour me and carry it?
'There's also something about Naked Slenderman? Ask Mike. Have seen it, have left you a photo, it's fucking creepy but fuck only knows what's going on there.
'Glad to have you back, mate, sorry about the bullshit, had some leftover coffee from an egg quest so it's in the chest as an apology. Need to just hang out sometime without all this mess.
'Miss you, welcome back, shit only got more cursed in your absence lol,
Cellbit isn't sure whether to laugh or cry; he's supposed to be retired, and now his husband is missing and the island is under attack and who even knows what the rest of this means. Nobody else has told him shit worth knowing when they always used to do so, a forgetting or a broken trust or /something/, and yet here Philza is telling him who to talk to, a bag of photos still in hand.
Cellbit is supposed to be retired.
He still goes straight to the Federation worker charts, finishing reading as he walks, and finding the chest.
There's a stack of coffee in there, and he immediately takes a cup. Philza's kinda crap at brewing the stuff, but coffee is coffee and it's warm.
And also the bag.
There's a note saying he can keep it, everything filed into the neat little rows - and, yes, the Naked Slenderman looks extremely cursed and Cellbit's probably a little murdery to approach Mike so good luck to him - with everything from just cute photos of Richas in the time he missed to a whole series of books and photographs about Luffy and the Eye Workers.
True to form, Philza has even left notes in a few places. Notes!
Cellbit's supposed to be retired, but... There's no harm in at least keeping track of it, surely? And if Philza happens to show him somewhere relevant, or someone else brings problems to him...
Roier first. Fuck, Roier. Roier first and pray it's not punishment for the murders. Save Roier, save Richas, find out what the hell is going on, then fuck shit up some more.
Philza really doesn't have anything on what happened to Roier, just a copy of a poster drawn in a very young hand, and an instruction to talk to Pepito and Foolish.
Foolish is on, though, so...
Cellbit sends him a message, slips the rose from the bag to his pocket, and remembers to breathe.
He'll thank Philza when he sees him - for now he has a husband to save.
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estranha-de-all-star · 11 months
Oh man I'm excited and very anxious about the whole lore that Bagi and Cellbit are planning with them being twins in the server
Because these two motherfuckers give the best RP like their life's depend on it, and if right now they are giving the RP where Cellbit is mad, mad that they took away his chance to have a normal life, mad that they took his family away from him, that he had someone looking for him all those years, but in all this time he was trying to survive, he killed to survive, he become someone he didn't like (even if he told Q!Bagi he killed someone and liked it, I really doubt it, I almost think he is saying that to try to keep her away, because he doesn't know how to process all of this information, how to accept that he has a sister, who told in his face that doesn't matter what he did in the past, she is not going to give up on him, because she loves him no matter what), and there is a lot going on right now, and he has to deal with all of this because everyone is counting on him but he doesn't want to involve people and risk their lifes, he want to do all of this alone because if he gets killed it doesn't matter, he thinks he deserves it
In other hand, Q!Bagi is sad and a bit mad, mad that her brother doesn't want to talk to her and is avoiding her all the time, to the point she keeps away too, because she thinks he is mad at her or with the ideia that they are related. She is sad because she has become an investigator, a police officer just to find him, and she tracked his steps to Alcatraz! But when she got there, he had already escaped (which I think is a good thing, because things would be way mooooore catastrophic if he knew at that time she was her sister, he was way more unstable and crazy)
And she feels alone, that no one really trusts her or really care for her (I hope that after she talked with Q!Roier she feels like she can count on him, after all they are family too now)
But the thing is, both of them are right in feeling the way they are feeling. Is sad? Of course, but there is no right side here. Both of them are hurt because of what happend to them, but is like Q!Roier said, maybe they won't talk now, but things will be better with time, they just need time to understand what is going on, to process all these informations and feelings and them talk about it and try to figured out how they are going to go from there.
It will be sad, it will hurt, but I'm sure that in the end they will give us a wonderful RP and will become the "Irmãos Mistério", the ones that are glued like glue when they are child.
I know that we wanted a relationship like Dipper and Mabel, but I think a relationship like Stan and Ford makes so much more sense for them because of the life they had.
But as I said before, I am really excited and anxious for their RP. It will make me cry to the point I'm sobbing? Oh, definitely! Buuuuuut I'm sure that it will be good and really worth it!!
I just remembered something that Bagi was talking about yesterday before ending the live, where she was talking more about her character and how Q!Bagi feels inside the island, that she feels alone and that no one talks to her and if things continue this way she is more likely to become like Q!Jaiden and build a relationship of friendship and trust with Cucurucho.
And honestly, if this happens I'm like 99% sure Q!Cellbit would snap with this, probably scream with Q!Bagi but because his worried and would definitely threaten Cucurucho if he ever thinks and going closer to his sister or doing something to her. Maybe this would be a way (not the best way, I think) to them talk about this whole situation of them being brother and sister.
...But if I'm honest, I just want to see Q!Cellbit really pissed off and screaming in Cucurucho face to not touch his sister or his family ever again.
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acutecoral · 11 months
I have no brain for prose at the moment, because I don't think I've watched enough Cellbit to really get his mannerisms right but just a concept in my head at the moment like
Cellbit has had the urge to relapse back to what felt natural, to resort of violence, to killing. Now not in service of himself, but for the people he cares about.
His hold over those urges was admirable, but it was always bound to snap.
It started with Felps. His friend. Lost to the Federation's grasp. I'd imagine ignoring the urge was...easy then, at least with the initial idea. He had a plan, he directed his focus to infiltrating, to misleading and convincing Cucurucho that he could be trusted. It was hard. Here on the island, he had found a family, friends, people he knew and grown to care about. To push them away, and mislead them must have felt awful. Back in the war, things weren't as complicated but he wanted to do something different. He can be different.
I imagine when it failed, when he was taken back and captured, maybe there was that voice at the back of his mind. "This would have been easier if..."
But it was a constant companion for many years, and he's had practice pushing it down and refocusing his energy to other things.
Like his family, his son, the Eggs, his friends, the Order, Roier, their wedding, the campaign for the presidency. There was a lot to do, so much that needed his attention it would have been easy to just focus on the next thing and pretend that those darker thoughts wasn't there.
Then the Eggs disappeared. His son was gone, the other Eggs were gone, and no one knew what had happened. Everyone was searching for answers and they barely had the pieces to put things together. But the Federation must have been behind it, they took the Eggs last time, it was the only answer.
Then Forever was forced to take the risus potion, forced to become a twisted parody of himself that Cellbit couldn't get through to. Forced to pretend everything was okay.
And Pac...Pac whom Cellbit had seen sink to despair since Mike was lost and now pushed even further now that Richas was missing. Pac was still determined, still so willing to sacrifice himself for the smallest chance to figure out what was affecting their friend, their family and find a way to cure him.
How Cellbit must have felt the strongest urge to tear the entire Federation down to the ground, when he found himself between Forever and Pac on that bench. How difficult that must have been to ignore and push past, because he couldn't indulge in it. He had to hold strong, he had to bring them back to reality, to come back to him.
But seeing Pac whimpering, huddled and trapped and so small, so afraid in that cage...then listening to Forever's screams, directed at the memory of Cucurucho in Cellbit's place, a play by play of what led him to be drugged in the first place, how those darker urges must have reared it's head up. Did Cellbit wish he did what Forever did? Even knowing where it led? That urge to let loose, to direct his anger at something, at someone who must have knew all the answers, who were obviously playing them for fools again, who was hurting his family so deeply once more, forcing those he cared about to this state.
It must have led to sleepless nights. Frustration and anger. He must have been so tired.
An exhaustion that everyone on the island felt, but especially...Roier. His huband.
Cellbit would have never forgotten the way the Federation played with Roier and Jaiden's hopes with Bobby's life. Dashing them when they were only granted 10 minutes with their child instead of giving him back.
And now the Eggs have been ripped away again. Roier's sister was taken. Roier's son in law was gone, and for someone that already lost someone he felt responsible for, Cellbit must have seen the heavy toll it took on Roier. The dark eye bags, the way he tries to busy himself, the way that he accepted the Eggs must be dead because he can't take another heartbreak. He can't handle to have that hope they're alive dashed again. Again. Again.
Then...Bagi. That was the last straw. The one that broke the camel's back. The revelation he had a peaceful life before. He was loved, he was safe, he had a family, he had a sister...He had a past before the war, he had come from somewhere, and he was ripped away from it, those memories lost, drowned with the memory of blood and violence and survival.
Cellbit had spent so long treading water, keeping his head up, but no more. No longer. He can't afford to. He had tried playing by the bear's rules, he had tried going about it another way, but clearly it wasn't working.
It was time for a change of tactic.
Did killing that first worker feel like relief? Did he surprise himself with how easy it was to slip back into those old habits he had spent so long to ignore? How easy to must have been to watch, to stalk, to wait...before going for the kill?
But maybe he can tell there's a difference here now. Just a little.
These skills were ones he learned to survive. Taught by a dear, old friend. And it served him well, but now he's stepping back into the shoes of the monster, not for himself no. But for the people he loves. The people he knows have been hurt. He's doing it for them.
He will burn down the Federation even if he has to use his own body for the kindling.
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badboyhalo october 1st stream recap
okay okay quick recap for anyone who couldn't watch the stream/can't watch bad's vod (tw discussion of derealization, paranoia (being watched especially), hallucinations, bad having a BAD time, etc. if any of this stuff super bothers you then you may want to avoid badboyhalo's livestreams for the foreseeable future, he's a long-term storyteller)
Bad started off his stream with a black screen and white text.
"Welcome. Dear cucurucho, why are you in my [the text went offscreen] I just want to talk please come say hello I know your there cucurucho come come come out wherever you are cucuruchoooooooo CUCURUCHSOFIOOGI" [note: keysmash not exact]
When Bad turned his screen on, he was in dapper's room, rocking back and forth. he was calling for cucurucho and talking about it living in his house. He kept jumping at nothing. He spoke to the pictures of the kids as if they were real, and asked "richarlyson" if forever was the one in his house.
he didn't want to leave dapper's room because it was his 'safe room,' but he eventually did. His base is now covered in GIANT signs that have red text and cucurucho's model that say "NO FEDERATION ALLOWED" and "YOUR BEING WATCHED" and one more i can't remember. he put up cameras everywhere and said "Look! I have cameras! Now I know when someone comes in... and when someone leaves." which isn't super important but it was an awesome line
he ended up going to spawn to look for cucurucho, and it was full of scaffolding. bad didn't take this well. It's unclear if the scaffolding was part of his hallucinations or not, but he fixated on it 'being' cucurucho. He suspected forever, cellbit, and foolish were also cucurucho. He questioned what was and wasn't real- including himself.
Bad started SEEING cucurucho in the distance, watching him, before it would disappear again. When it came back, sometimes it was renamed. "ENJOY THE ISLAND" and ":)" were some of the renamings, and I cannot remember them all. Bad started out by chasing cucurucho, shouting at it and asking if it were various items/mobs. He saw two of them at once at once point and was lead up into slime's hold house, through flippa's room (where there was a single block of scaffolding), and then out off of jaiden's balcony.
As the chase went on Bad started to become more frightened. Cucurucho was flying. he started to lose sense of where he was (shown by the admins teleporting him around) and hallucinated a nether portal he threatened to go through.
At some point Bad questioned if Dapper was cucurucho, too.
Eventually Bad retreated to the wall to cower in a 1x1 hole that went beneath the wall. cucurucho broke several blocks in front of him and appeared, revving its chainsaw. when it disappeared again there was a hole broken into the floor that lead to a cave and LONG tunnels beneath the wall. the visual was terrifying i promise.
cucurucho chased bad through the tunnels. he was screaming “please please stop I’ll be good I promise please go away.” At one point cucurucho appeared behind bad with the name "Bad?Boy?Halo?" and bad freaked out about potentially being cucurucho.
cucurcucho chased bad through a cave system until two cucuruchos cornered him to blow bubbles. their names were "do you?" and "YES". bad ran from them and found some scaffolding loose on the ground, (which had been built up to lead him out of the cave), said "this is it, this is you" and threw into lava.
Bad warped back home, insisting, "You can't come here, you can't come here." He was calmer in his house, but then was hit by the blindness effect and started yelling about the signs and "NO FEDERATION ALLOWED." he sang a little song about it
short story short: cucurucho appeared in his house. he saw it behind a glass wall. he was furious and terrified and growling "you can't be in here." he ran into dapper's room, where it appeared AGAIN with the name "WITHOUT M***" (last few letters were in the wall lmao). bad started sprinting around his house trying to find a safe place. cucurucho chased him with a chainsaw down the aquarium hallway.
Two cucuruchos kept popping up and disappearing, both with different names each time. Bad asked them "who let you in my house?" and went through a series of names such as: foolish, forever, tina, cellbit, baghera, antoine, fit- and finally settled on Ron.
Bad went to go see Ron. The hallway was dark, and Ron's room was unlit. When Bad opened the door, Cucurucho, with the nametag "RON" above its head, looked back at him. Bad said, "I knew it. It was Ron. He let you in." A second Cucurucho appeared with the nametag "ALWAYSHERE."
Bad was given blindness again, and he started to laugh as a chainsaw whirred. We heard bubbles blowing. Then the screen faded entirely to black, and Bad said, "Come here, Ron. Come out, come out, wherever you are..."
We heard rapid damage sounds, and then the sound of eating.
(the END of his stream had black and white text "SEE You NeXt tIme :)" as an example. The other messages were classic streamer "thanks for watching" and "make sure to follow" messages with similar fucked up cases, but this was supposed to be a fast recap lmao)
TLDR: Bad's paranoia has increased to the point of hallucinations. He's now frightened of Cucurucho, and suspects that everyone on the island is/could be helping Cucurucho get into his base. He associates cucurucho with scaffolding now. He is NOT sound of mind. He ate Ron Lemons.
If I missed anything important, feel free to add on!
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qtubbo-is-not-fine · 7 months
My ideal situation for bringing tubbo back would be a combo of angsty and happy where the islanders and the fed help so it fixes some of his personal relationships (it would be so satisfying to fix some things with fit after being tense for so long) but also brings back some of the creepier side of the fed. Right now the fed is so corporate. I want the weird ominous stuff cucurucho used to do back. Also if tubbo comes back wrong enough that it messes up his relationship with the eggs i will be devastated.
I agree with you anon, I would like some sort of tubbo and fit mending their relationship, but I feel like this need some form of fight before that, so that they would scream at each other about their problems and then make up(is that the right word?),
Now about feds, I liked their streams, but also feel like their have too much whimsy?? now, they kinda stopped being scary, everyone is either like normal workers, elena, or even cucurucho, or thirst for bunnies, we need some sort of creepy and scary and uncaring federation, because you need to remember, islanders are their prisoners and lab rats
Also I don't think tubbo could be antagonistic to eggs for very long, he just love them so much (one could say even too much, because his solidarity with them is what gave him idea about two lives in the first place), I think at worst he will be just neutral about them
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
Sending you this because your takes on cucuhalo are interesting/pos:
The scene where cucurucho hysterically laughs as sipi tries to break bad's armour is meant to be bunny but also.....Q!Bbh first instict when Sipi was reporting him was to call cucurucho. He's definitely attached to him.
But when fighting sipi while bad desperately screeched for cucurucho, whom was laughing his ass off... I just wonder what you felt about that
(I'm all for the Bad needs attatchements and Cucurucho needs control theory)
OKAHY i need to stop screaming ok listen i think that that was such a MOMENT
Cucurucho has obviously been SOOO jealous today and yesterday over bad hanging out with ollie, i have a feeling that thats why he let sipi do that and was gleefully laughing while it happened (I think he let it happen for a MULTITUDE of reasons, one being to let out that jealousy and once again hear bad screaming his name(hehe)(suggestive but also it reestablishes bad's dependence to cucurucho), another to cover his ass since ollie immediately clocked cucuruchos attachment when she heard theyre roommates, and another because hes an evil little shit who thinks thats funny. Lowkey also think he was into watching bad run around terrified but thats a different thing to talk about......). It was such an INTERESTING moment to me hehehe i had so many thoughts about it, at some point i put myself in cucuruchos shoes (and my shipper shoes) and felt immense satisfaction hearing bad call for cucurucho, calling for his protection, like that was THE reaction cucurucho was looking for and hearing it was just so perf
I also found it super interesting that, despite having two witnesses who would point out bad's lie, bad felt comfortable enough to lie to cucuruchos FACE about what happened!!!! Most islanders are NOT about that life but bads one of few who know cucurucho favors him in some way and thinks/knows he can use it to his advantage!!!! like ollie and Sipi were RIGHT THERE and both called out his lie but bad had absolutely no problem confidently turning around and crying to cucurucho about how sipi had been mean to him and how cucurucho needs to punish them!!!!! I was expecting him to tell cucurucho sipi was being a jerk or biased or something but like THAT??? CRAZY!!!! I think it woulda worked too if cucurucho hasnt been on his absolute JEALOUSY streak!!!
I found afterwards very telling too!!! Cucurucho obviously got the reaction he wanted from bad in that chase, bad was screaming for him, he wanted cucuruchos safety, cucuruchos protection, cucuruchos validation in his accusations and that goddamn bear obviously wanted that because you can see how protective and less jealous he was afterwards!!!
Like first off, bro basically kissed bad goodbye when he was walking out of that office lets get that one straight.....
But second off when bad went afk on that carousel????? PERF!!! you could tell he was trying to make himself sit there and watch bad get bit (trying to keep himself mad, iykyk) but eventually he caved, saved bad, and EVEN GUARDED HIM!!!! He got protective and jealous when ollie sat next to bad and i think ollie knew it too!! She laughed at him all cheeky when cucurucho got jealous and asked what she was doing, and when she laughed at the question he went, and i quote "no, answer the question, what are you doing?" and then proceeded to SHOOT AT HER UNTIL SHE GOT OFF THE CAROUSEL!!!!!! AND THEN KEPT SHOOTING AT HER!!!!!! CRAZY!!! CRAZY!!!! INSANE!!!!!
ANYWAY can you tell im so normal about them
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kadextra · 1 year
Recap of q!Max lore - Qsmp Day 154
q!Max woke up from his days long coma in the hospital (after a very cool cinematic opener) with Cucurucho, who said the surgery worked, the parasite was gone and he’s free to go!
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Max was really happy to be alive and well, until he went home and discovered HIS LEG WAS BEING EATEN AWAY AND TURNING INTO CODE ??????
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(The QsmpES account conveniently left this rather important detail out of all their updates too…)
He was too nervous to tell anyone and just put on iron pants to hide it, acting like nothing was wrong. :( The whole q!Quackity chase situation happened where he tried to ask Q questions, got nicknamed “glasses” and was sad that he friend could no longer remember him.
Max returned back home and Cucurucho came to speak with him. While crying, he showed what happened to his leg and asked for an explanation, but Cucurucho just laughed at him and started jumping around
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Max: “I thought you removed the parasite??”
Cucurucho: Yes.
Max: “So what is this?!”
Cucurucho: “Classified.”
Max then tried to make peace with Cucurucho, saying they know he hates the Federation but after all this, he will stop. he wants help from the Federation to finally enjoy the island and be happy. all he needs is his dear Sofia back.
Cucurucho put down a TV and radio with a sign that said “SOFIA” which made Max start crying again because that’s not his daughter. Cucurucho kept putting down random tech objects calling them Sofia and Max got angry, screaming “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!”
Cucurucho handed him a book:
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“I am not in possession of any object. :)”
Then Cucurucho said enjoy the island and ran away. q!Max shouted that he’d kill them.
And without a word Max went to his theory room, put this super weird image on the wall and logged out…
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the text at the bottom reads “BOMB NOT TO SCALE” …….
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q-starhalo · 7 months
Reset!Bad, as expected, is pretty different from our regular Bad so here's everything that we didn't really know before! :D
Ghosties/Grim Reaper:
★ We'll first start off with the ghosties and grim reaper stuff. Bad can obviously see us, a fact we've been knew, but he's confused on WHY we're following him and why we won't leave him alone. Meaning that we haven't followed him for that long as it seems. Apparently, we told him that we're stuck and about a barrier? Which can support the fact that the feds can control death or that it wasn't until recent years that we've started following him or other theories about it. He also thought that Pomme and Dapper might've been grim reapers or perhaps mediums since the ghosties were also surrounding them.
Senses (?):
★ In the first few minutes of seeing reset!Bad, he says that he can sense his dead body nearby. Meaning that Bad, through other cycles, is able to find his own body, see what he had on him, and also try to see what killed him by physical scars, wounds, potion effects, etc. unless his body has already regenerated (which in this case, it already has). Along with that, he can feel his presence if he's been somewhere (for a long time?) in a different cycle as seen when he went into the basement of his house. This also means that this helps him figure out if a place is safe/dangerous along with also feeling if there's been a powerful presence to see if there's something/someone he should be cautious of.
★ We know Bad can remember up until 1880/1980 (?) and the last 50-ish years are missing/a blur. And we also know that he remembers Foolish and Skeppy, in which he kept asking for Skeppy and if they've seen him around. Though, he doesn't water, especially rivers ("at least it's not a river!" when they were going to spawn by sea) and doesn't like the fact that his house is near the ocean too. To us, this isn't surprising but it's also really weird since he's never had much of a problem with bodies of water. Either he remembers the Euphrates River really well now since his memory is more clearer or something else?
Another new thing is a fear of Wardens, as we can see by his reaction towards the Warden plush they have. We saw the day before that Bad was in the Deep Dark next to a portal, along with at the beginning of yesterday's stream, there's the sounds of the Deep Dark + portal sounds. So, we can assume that Bad might've had to fight the Warden. Or maybe, there's another event that happened in the past with Bad and the Warden/Deep Dark. Including to this, he got really quiet when he saw the pillagers at the mall and then acted as if that didn't happen, which is odd to say the least (perhaps since Dapper died to them and Bad died screaming for Dapper to run, he now feels scared of them?)
★ reset!Bad seems more energized and obviously has a clearer mind. He also seems to have way more social anxiety than we last saw him (or at least shows it more) but he is still outgoing. He seems really stressed about the fact that he's stuck on the island, especially that Skeppy isn't there with him. He's still very much a goblin and tries to steal anything that looks shiny to him and he's still really silly and goofy and acts like a cartoon character.
Little things to point out:
★ Bad is hungrier then we've ever seen him, even eating his own body.
★ Bad asked if dapple duo has seen four people riding horses from Heaven in which they have not. He also seems to be questioning something about how if he's here and Foolish is here then.....?
★ He's been really caring towards the eggs, even if he doesn't know who/what they exactly are.
★ Bad said that Cucurucho looked familiar. Um.
★ Along with that, he seems to sort of like Cucurucho (though, it's solely because he seems friendly and they gave him candy after the interview). He doesn't like the red tie bunny servant (Donny Ronnie) though which is good.
★ Bad has died to magic and rabies before?.....
★ He hasn't questioned why he's "roomies" with a 10 and 9 month old dragon egg.
★ Ghosts are apparently tamed by using dirt and rocks?........ (chat ghosties, are you all fine?)
★ He's allergic to expired milk!
★ The tower reminds him of something (Heaven? Or maybe something else?).
★ He still can't read very well.
★ And he still has weak ankles.
★ Why can't the ghosties move on? Because the feds control death? But then where did we come from?
★ What's up with the Warden. Please. What's up with that?
★ What's up with the fear of bodies of water? Is the memory of being stuck under the Euphrates River or destroying Atlantis that clear in his head?
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