#will i even sleep tonight
stressedsyllable · 2 years
Why did I agree to go on a breakfast date on the ONE day of the week i get to sleep in???
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ambivartence · 1 year
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이젠 내게 기대 편히 쉬어도 돼 // Now you can lean on me and rest in peace 소중한 널 내 품속에 꼭 안을게 // I will hold you dear in my arms
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small fantasy au doodle dump <3
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aeveni · 4 months
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divorcedtom · 1 year
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history will say they were very good friends
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bellaxgiornata · 1 month
So I finally caved and ordered a new fancy pillow because mine is awful and I've needed one for literal years. Like it's so flat I might as well not have one. It's getting here today and while I was out shopping this afternoon I found an amazing deal on some bed sheets that are normally wicked ridiculous. And they're supposed to be cooling (because we have exited freezing weather to hot as the Devil’s ass weather here).
And let me tell y'all something--these goddamn sheets are smoother than a newborn. Like, wrap me up in them and bury me in them when I die, please. I want to become one with these sheets. So I come home excited and show my husband and he feels them and just says, "They feel like sheets."
You know who'd be excited about these damn sheets and having an out of body experience laying in them with me right now? Cause I can certainly think of someone.
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satans-knitwear · 4 days
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We ( @pumpkin-fairy02 and I ) took Sabine to watch a charity dog show in the park, she was absolutely amazed by all the potential friends in one place! 🐶🐾
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ratcandy · 4 months
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version without effects below
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eerna · 7 months
Just saw Blue Eye Samurai all in one sitting. Women are so cool I love women so much women women women
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 8 months
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the end of 505: 2007 vs 2023
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musubiki · 2 months
thinking about another cute thing because im too busy with school and work to draw..
lime right after realizing he has a thing for mochi, stressing out and moping around because "I don't even know what kinda guys she likes..."
and when oscar and coco eventually wring this out of him, oscar straight up rips the rug out from under him by calling mochi over and saying "Hey Mochi, what kind of guys are you into?"
meanwhile lime trying not to obviously lose his shit and show all his cards right there, trying to be cool while stealing glances at mochi while she thinks it over. eventually she goes "I would like...someone sweet."
lime immediately plants his face into his desk, because the only thing he can think is "I DON'T STAND A CHANCE!!!!!" mopes around zoning out the rest of the day being sad about it, thinking along the lines of "She likes sweet guys? So she's into the soft boy type? How the hell am I supposed to have a shot with her?? My whole identity is bullying her and being an ass to everyone else. I guess I could overhaul my whole personality... ugh, but what if she hates that? Why couldn't she be into irritable dumbasses who can't get their shit straight? Of course she wouldn't like that. I guess its fair, she's a sweet girl, she would want someone whose sweet like that too--"
and the whole time his brain is rattled with all this bullshit hes going about the day doing normal lime things. opening doors for her. giving her little snacks. lending her his jacket. helping her pick up her moms groceries. little nonsense that's so normalizes and hes so used to doing them that he doesnt realize thats what she was talking about
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httpiastri · 10 months
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zandvoort weekend highlights 💘💘
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📸 jenythhh
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fish-with-more-eyes · 4 months
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i did not plan to make a vday drawing and have zero time today but i got hit with this idea so. have some silly 25min blorbos
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
cw: talks of having kids
Bakugou lays sprawled out on your bed as you flitter around the room, moving from your closet to your dresser and back in a hurry of movements. You’re doing a bit of spring cleaning (yes, even in the winter), and Bakugou decided to come over and help, even though he’s just been laying around the whole time.
He had a rough patrol yesterday, even sports a few bruises on his ribs, so you let him take it easy, throwing him one of your old pink scarf hat combos with the little bunny ears on top. You don’t expect him to wear it, but the image of him laying against your bed with the floppy ears on top of his head makes you smile anyway.
You go back to your drawer, pulling everything out in order to throw some stuff away and reorganize the remaining things. At the bottom of the drawer though, do you find some old clothes when you were a baby. It’s been here for years now, after your parents gifted them to you, just in case you’d wanna use them for your future kids. It’s just collecting dust in the bottom of your drawer though, honestly, and you pull the tiny little purple and white checkered onesie out, examining it and the little bonnet underneath with a small frown.
“Who the hell is that for? ‘Cause it sure as hell ain’t fitting your big ass head.” You hear Bakugou call from your bed, your head whipping around to face him and his cheesy little grin. You narrow your eyes and poke your tongue out at him, throwing him the little combo as you turn to get the rest of the baby clothes out.
“Says the one whose head almost tore his mothers cooter in half during birth.” Thank you Mistuki for the information, you think to yourself, smiling an evil little smile that Bakugou frowns softly at.
“And it’s my old baby clothes. My folks gave it to me when I moved out, said I could use it for my own future gremlins.” You smile when you pick up the little yellow booties in your dresser, another little bonnet with a tie underneath the chin, and a pair of shorts that were entirely too cute and tiny. “Think I’m gonna throw it out, though.”
“Why would you do that?” Bakugou asks quietly, suddenly behind you, his chest against your back as he gently plucks the shorts from your hands to examine them closer. You look at him from over your shoulder, at the soft look that falls on his face, how his rough thumb rubs over the still soft material in his hands, how his eyebrows lose their crease and his mouth tilts up just so in the corners.
“We’re not having kids any time soon,” you say, your voice tacking on a silent ‘right?’ at the end of it. Bakugou doesn’t say anything for a long while, but he blinks down at you, looking so ridiculously cute in your pink hat, holding your baby clothes. You hand him the booties in his other hand and he takes them, so gentle, with such care, it makes your stomach do somersaults.
“Maybe we should talk more about that.” He whispers softly, looking at you from under his lashes, his garnet eyes searching your own. You nod though, stroking gently at the shorts he still holds with tender care, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Yeah,” you mutter, leaning up to press your mouth against his own. “Maybe we should.”
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
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See? Kenshi and Kakashi can work together, they're just not very happy about it - I'm not sure what age they're supposed to be here
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