#will maybe outline on my twitter idk
ceilidho · 7 months
do you have any tips for amateur writers who are just stepping onto the scene? like for example i struggle with how to make sentences flow right, etc. i have so many ideas but i struggle to put them down. any advice? 💖
all jokes aside, i think there's no "right way" to get into writing. for me, i started when i was in grade 5 and i wrote the most batshit, unhinged, god awful stories in my notebooks that i would inflict like a punishment on my 5th grade teacher so she could correct it and give me feedback.
i think some new writers would do very well with taking a more step-by-step approach to writing, and start with rigid outlines and not putting too much unnecessary detail or poetic elements into their fics (like just get the skeleton of the story down on paper and slowly add more and more to zhuzh it up).
while other new writers might do better with a more chaotic approach - like write the exact scene in your head and stick to prompts/short drabbles before you slowly begin to try your hand at longer fics. it totally depends on the person, but i think you owe it to yourself to try both and see what works best for you.
(got a bit long, so added more below)
i, for instance, am in the latter camp (chaotically just writing short scenes and slowly adding more) because i used to try outlining long stories and then i'd wind up completely abandoning them because the amount of work i could see ahead of me would freak me out. i think writing short prompts actually helped my writing flourish the most!! (prompt accounts on twitter are the BEST for this imo).
flow is a tough quality to give tips on because it's an intuitive thing but it's also based on your style. one big tip i can give, and i don't know if this will be of help to you but it was a huge realization for me, is that most people tend to miss how big of an impact format can have.
what i mean by that is, if you're writing a road trip or a long winding journey, you can evoke that feeling by having your sentences be long and serpentine, like you're mirroring the characters on the trip. versus, in a tense scene (idk, maybe the character is defusing a bomb or doing something that requires precision and concentration), short, clipped sentence might elicit that feeling better. it's not just what you're writing but how you write, if that makes sense.
but when you're just starting, the top things to focus on are:
what are the characters physically doing
what are they thinking (if you want to write a more internal perspective; you can also stick to third-person objective narration, aka no internal dialogue)
expressions on their faces
what's in the room/space around them (useful for descriptions, setting the scene, and also doing a little "chekhov's gun" if you want - showing something that might become more important later)
i hope this helps!!! that "idk how to get this out and put it on paper" feeling never really goes away lmao if im being honest, but that's part of it. you're constantly learning and improving!!
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theharrowing · 10 months
i'm boycotting hybe merch and i think you should too
listen: i'm not going to hold anyone's feet to the fire and say "boycott or else" and i am not going to unfollow or unfriend people, but i have been thinking a lot about this, and then i saw a post on twitter basically outlining everything that i have been mulling over & then some, and it has just been on my mind all day (and tbh for a few days) and i thought that maybe if i put these thoughts out into the world, it might get people thinking.
i also realize that these thoughts would have been better if realized before black friday and current merch drops, but it is what it is. i didn't even know they were doing another merch drop because i do not pay attention.
we are witnessing the starbucks boycott working, and although it is yet to be stated whether that is making anyone on the upper level rethink their bullshit, they have been losing billions !!! of dollars.
i think people will be like "but i don't want to hurt BTS as people," and i hear that, but i also do not genuinely think a boycott would. they are literally fucking millionaires, and it is so hard to not get on my "i don't respect millionaires or believe they have the right to exist" soapbox when i do love them so much, but i also don't think they need our money, especially right now. especially because some (if not most) money can't go to them while they are in the military anyway (although i did see something about how the artist collection proceeds still might since it was initially sold before??? idk. still they are fucking millionaires.)
i think that what would be impactful would be for people to stop buying the merch for a while to send a message to hybe that we are not in support of zionists working with BTS. a romantic, faraway dream is for them to drop scooter braun's dumbass all together, but i do not genuinely think hybe or bang pd gives a shit about much beyond money, which is unfortunate. on this note tho, we could organize an email campaign??? i am more than down??? but it would depend on a lot of you participating. (if you're down tho i will type it up right away.)
do i think we need to boycott golden as a whole? no. i mean........i'm not buying the album because i have personally been more or less boycotting merch since the whole angel pt. 1 debacle, but i think that streams are fine bc they hardly bring in money anyway. but i am boycotting the justin timberlake and usher remixes because.......well, sorry but the favs are problematic.
[going to center myself and my feelings quick and i apologize...] i just cannot get through a day without sobbing uncontrollably about what is happening in gaza. and i cannot, in good faith, support zionists or people who work with them. this falls in line with BTS preaching for us to "love yourself, speak yourself." everything they have stated in UN speeches and in many of their lyrics makes me feel like the only thing i can do as a fan is stand up for injustices when i see them, and hybe working with zionists is a huge injustice. and if you disagree.......idk. i cannot sympathize with or understand you; this post is not for you.
i think it is a huge injustice to what BTS instills in people and makes them believe if we sit back while hybe does whatever the fuck they want without caring about the consequences.
(disney is also on the list, by the way, of companies that support israel. if you need illegal links to disney+ bts content, we can figure something out.)
also, i will say that while silence is violence and choosing neutrality is choosing the side of the oppressor, i wonder if the reason none of the guys are speaking out about the conflict has to do with their enlistment (aka something pertaining to matters i do not understand within the korean government) or within the company itself because they work with scooter et al (aka bang telling them to stay quiet.) whatever the reason is, i guess i am choosing the side of wishful thinking right now. i have absolutely no proof for any of these thoughts, but i do see some people angry at BTS for not speaking up, and while i agree that everyone should use their platforms, i am wondering aloud whether there might be a reason for it. this is not me making excuses for anyone, though........i just don't know. i have no idea.
at the end of the day, we can only do what we can. if you can only boycott so much, you can only boycott so much. it takes time and effort to radicalize to the point of cutting out so many unnecessary things what we deem as "necessary." but it is possible. your money does make a difference, and wouldn't you want that difference to be good? and if you do have a moment of weakness, it is important to continue to stay the path and do not let guilt make you feel one way or another. we all make mistakes but the important thing is that we try.
ALSO if you want cute merch, support independent artists!!!!!!!!! the BTS army is full of amazing creatives and your money can help them for a little while instead!!!
i might be missing a lot, like i said, my brain is super scattered. but if this resonates or speaks to you or there is more i should consider, please reach out.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
I just need to get some feeling things off my chest - because it's in my thoughts and I feel like I'm stuck unless I express it - you know?
Anyway, I'm putting it all under a cut because A) It's XMen 97 speculation and might be spoilery? there are no spoilers but I don't want to run anyone else's fun, B) I'll be talking about Beau DeMayo, and C) lord help me, I'm bringing up Rogneto
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Okay - I want to talk about this first. I read this last night and it made me throw up in my mouth a little. And my ultimate first reaction was that I was glad he was fired.
Honestly, I've been worried that we're headed on an AoA direction for a while now, and even though I actually am fine with the AoA comics, I just do not want it here. The thing, though, is that AoA was always meant to be undone - so if he had had his way and this was Season 3 out of 5, the idea of that doesn't bother me so much.
Granted (logically) - the fact that he's outright saying this when he's been so cryptic about everything else means that it wasn't ever on the table. Still - the guy is just a hardcore Magneto fan. I wouldn't be surprised if the (one) reason the triangle thing even happened is that he does/did like the idea of Rogneto.
Ultimately, to each their own - ship what you like. But doesn't mean I would enjoy that scenario.
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Then there's this.
There's another post where he talks about using a Star Trek Next Gen episode for homework. And it's one where they're stuck in a time loop.
And it had me thinking that Rogue will get a chance to go back in time and at least tell Remy how she feels. She'll get some closure. Which is -- good for her, and I want her to not be in pain anymore.
But kinda sucks, because closure is closure, you know? And maybe dead is dead?
It's so funny because emotionally - my senses tell me that Gambit's story really is done. And that just makes me so sad to think about. They really did the thing and the door is closed and what next, we all move on and be happy? *sigh*
But then there's the logical part of me that kicks in. The one who has been to dark places with fandoms (and even this one) before. The one who knows that even Jean and Morph have been dead before and have come back. The one who knows that every time a comic book writer ends their tenure on a book there's always something the next writer will inevitably retcon.
There's no way - with all the experiences I've had with these mediums that Gambit stays dead. It's still a comic book world. And dead is dead just doesn't happen.
Also, in the while I'm thinking about it category -
Last week ole Beau teased a 'I can feel you' hint. I really think this was referring to when Rogue wakes up from her coma. She was dreaming that she could feel Remy. I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen that speculation though.
So, idk - I try not to spend a whole lot of time on Twitter, and this guy is ultimately fired and doesn't control direction on the show. And there's still the comics where everything is actually going pretty well. So. I really should be normal about a cartoon.
ETA: I forgot I was going to mention the Grant Morrison influence.
If you pick up any trade of Morrison's run, he shares his outline of his original plans for New X-Men, and one of them was that he'd kill off Gambit to further Rogue's story. Now - Marvel was like, nope, Claremont wants to use them, so Morrison was denied. (And thank god, Claremont's XTreme run had some of the best Rogue/Gambit stuff in years.)
But I can't help but think that DeMayo may have been playing a little from that playbook. New X-Men has definitely been an influence on the show - from E is for Extinction to the psychic affair between Scott/Jean/Maddie. It wouldn't put it past me that the original Morrison outline that mentions killing Gambit off wasn't a least a little bit of an influence.
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sophia-sol · 6 months
whoops this week you get five things, I couldn't narrow it down!
the current state of research into feathers on dinosaurs (and pterosaurs!) is so INTERESTING, we keep learning new things that complicate our understanding, and it's possible that proto-feathers are a basal trait to the archosaur ancestor of both dinosaurs and pterosaurs?!! OR that feather-like structures convergently evolved like 4 or 5 times within archosaurs, which is ALSO super cool. either option is just so exciting!!!
we do know though that all coelurosaurs -- this includes tyrannosaurs -- are from a feathered lineage. so any coelurosaur either had feathers or was an oddity who evolved from feathered relatives to no longer have feathers.
It's hard to say for sure though about a lot of specific species because feathers don't preserve well in most contexts so we just don't have evidence.
but still. LOTS of feathered dinosaurs for sure.
so many feathery possibilities out there!
did you know! you could be a discovery type of writer and still find outlines helpful? it's just that you write the outline to cover the parts of the story you've ALREADY written, so you can better see your structure and remember your story beats as you keep going!
I love…. friendship 💖
I love all the different kinds of friendship one can have, and how they each bring a different kind of wonderfulness to your life!
in retrospect it was very trans egg of me in high school to be like "idk why this is but it is very emotionally important to me that I be allowed to sing in my school's men's chorus; I have a decent tenor voice and my gender shouldn't be a barrier"
AND to be able to TELL people I was in a men's chorus! I got so much satisfaction out of that!
(yes the men's chorus did let me in. thank you to the director for being a terrifying teacher but a decent person.)
a thought from 2022 when I was attempting to have a fandom-specific twitter presence:
pidw mobing is just…..so good to think about
I think they don't talk about it, they don't act on it, they maybe don't even realise they feel it, but they are each other's most stable and reliable connection, no backstabbing or politicking or pretense
even when they're angry with each other it feels like a relief. no secrets between them. lbh can safely let all his worst qualities be visible, no need to turn on the seductive charm. mbj can relax in the knowledge he's not being played by someone who pretends to care.
mbj will do whatever his lord requires of him. lbh will protect his trusted lieutenant.
any other feelings are unnecessary for them to analyse or pay attention to
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Okay... uh... Some thoughts.
For those of you who don't follow my main blog, my mental state has not been the greatest since, like... November? And even before that, I was starting to get my ass kicked hard by "It has to be perfect to make up for the fact that I wrote it" syndrome even before but definitely since I got rid of my twitter account.
Which is, like, stupid and funny since the whole point of this account was for the same kind of stuff I used to post on twitter.
So. I am... going to make an effort to start, you know, actually loosening up with the ideas and stuff I post here. More unfinished stuff, more outlines, little snippets, etc. Writing jams will still be on the main blog, but other than that... yeah.
I don't know how much it'll actually help, but maybe it'll at least be fun? IDK. We'll see.
I'm trying.
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Arch I want you to know that I just had a Nothing Is Lost-adjacent dream last night and…the chokehold that Khonshu has on me is not even funny. I suspect you have the reveal outlined anyway, but if you’d like me to see the details I added them just for fun😊
Highlights include:
Reader and a friend (I guess she could have been Jezebel? Much younger tho…you know how random dreams are lol) visit Merit’s tomb. It was small and open and had a decayed wooden sarcophagus but no corpse in it (interestingly enough, there had been placed a miniature open one in the middle with a gold leaf engraving of an infant…I know that the pregnancy trope is not for everyone and idk if that’s even possible in the context of your fic, but it was a tragic little detail my brain decided to include that I thought I’d share). It somewhat reminded me of the miniature pyramidal tombs located in Sudan, which were featured in Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
Merit’s body had actually been moved into a museum archive for protection since it was beautifully preserved and intact with stunning jewelry and wrappings/clothes—like the ones that look like they could sit up and start talking to you. Reader gets this really uneasy sense of deja vu looking at her and that’s when the twist was revealed. Reader’s understandably overwhelmed.
Then they’re being chased by someone? Reader storms off down the street (they were in London for some reason—I guess maybe that’s the museum location) because she’s having a breakdown about the whole ordeal (understandably so) and turns a corner and is ambushed by a bunch of big guys that try to take her. Khonshu then shows up, legit flashes her the gen z hand heart sign, and proceeds to mop the floor since he’s so much bigger.
I think there was more to it but those are the details that I remember clearly enough lol—I haven’t had a plot dream like that in a while and I figured you’d like to hear it since it was inspired by your fic haha😊
(Also regarding all the bad stuff you’re facing rn…I never really know what words to say and whether they’re any good or help at all, but please hang in there even while the times are hard. The world is a brighter place with you in it and I’m so thankful for the beautiful works you choose share with all of us. Just know that there are people that care about you even though you’re an internet stranger. I’m sending lots of love and strength your way!🙂♥️🌙)
Okay the way this made me tear up and smile, I really needed this!
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I can't believe something I wrote was so... impactful that it made its way into someone's dream!!!
And the connection to London would be neat! I sort of have an idea featuring a museum in the story at some point, not with artifacts from Merit's tomb, but somewhere else (haven't entirely picked where yet)
Khonshu flashing the heart sign would be so hilarious! Trying to be hip with the young people, I see. He needs to spend a bit more time on social media to become more nuanced in modern terms.
Don't let him on Reddit tho. Or Twitter!
Also, you have no idea how close to predicting some major plot points your dream was!
Man.... The way this made me smile... Thank you so much 🥹
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gen4grl · 3 months
Wheeze, here we are at long last before I have to go into College/Life lockdown again. You won't believe how much can happen in a month and the huge projects that lie ahead, but anyways! - It's cool how you have a PHD in Silver Handling. The closest acronym I could get for that was calling it a Psy.D (precarious Silver yeeting doctorate LOL) anyways you're so right, good analytic potential AND its interesting that it's him being Giovanni's son that you point out. I like that bit too, and I'd love to hear what about it makes it so dope to you :D - Twitter is the trenches </3 glad you like it here more :3 tumblr is THE place for neurodivergent folks like us and HARD AGREE on reading game dialogue. its my favorite lore hunting technique. I cannot fight Gyms until every inch of that city has been explored. - Literally bouncing up at down at the mental imagery of Leaf sitting at a blocky computer with Bill. I can just vaguellyyyy reach out to that era through memory, of idk, images, did I ever see them in person? in dreams? all I know is that even in the early 20s the age of dial-up phones wasn't instantly forgotten. maybe at someone's house. but there is SO much 90s to project there and it can be so enjoyable. nostalgia + growing up + that one era that is more romanticized in retro aesthetic and the social culture bc that's how the neighbors eldest daughters grew up and how do we, in modern times, achieve that? - if it's controversial, nobody's yapping about it when it comes to other characters lol. Leaf is pretty consistent if you keep an open mind so taking from other media 100% makes sense. I do it too :P oooh Silver and Leaf meeting on 5 island I love that!! aw man, with the Rocket base and that Scientist I'm just full of giggling here. Pff, Archer is going to get his butt kicked by the boss's son's friend HA tfw the same kids you see running around take down TR - oh I like how you bring the environment and economy into it, solid reasoning for moving + Pallet connects to the ocean that leads to Cinnabar, no? but yeah :D great customer base, little homey place but close to Viridian and the Indigo Plateau as well, plenty of people stopping by! omg Leaf coming from the hair sprouts 😭 oh that's clever I like it! - really enamored with the Bill + Leaf aspects of your story, it's just really speaking to some deep corner of my soul's memory. im so stoked somebody else likes this haha my Leaf is a bit more politically motivated (at least in one universe lol, bc it's the anime which is an utter disaster and she wants to be Champion to clean house and heal the economy) but also someone oughta do something bc Lance is working like 5 different jobs 😭 also, I can imagine with most of your HCs centered around character relationships they might feel like a hard sell compared to cold facts and I 100% feel you. so much of my fic is just character dynamics nobody else would get it LOL. but I'm honored you have so much you'd want to yap about it. fully encourage and love yapisodes - I looked at your Silver post and you said it's only if you're playing as Red but good news, Scientist Gideon STILL asks that if you play as Leaf. He says "Giovanni's kid" not his son :D - at the time you asked that, I was writing 6.1k of a chapter for another fandom, but lately I've had Leaf on the brain again and rlly want to get a solid outline for that series going. <-- the kind of yapping better suited for DMs lol. yess, love seeing how the Pokemon world is connected in media. utterly obsessed with Gen/Evo Specials, you can imagine the cheering when Silver's episode dropped 7 years ago he's so <3 <3 <3 if you like Silver + Leaf sibs then you feel like someone I can smuggle into Dad Lance city that doesn't leave her out, but hey. oldest daughter problems maybe if we incorporate the tendency to focus on Kris/Lyra/Ethan and thanks to Masters, LILLIE?!?!? <-- understand Johto kids but LILLIE???? and every time I see Lance with Red/Blue I'm like "aight, so I gotta fill this vacancy myself"
helllloooo first of all i want to say sorry for taking so long to get to this😭 my last couple months have been a mess and i’ve been dealing with annoying health issues (in every way). i apologise if this reply isn’t as long or thorough as usual🤧
i think what i like about the silver giovanni connection so much is how well it connects johto + kanto story wise. johto to me is still a very undeveloped and lowkey forgotten region unfortunately but silvers character is easily the shining part of the region. i also think it’s cool how he’s also connected to red (or leaf) due to the whole reason giovanni abandoning him being because of red/leaf’s defeat of team rocket, ultimately crushing his ego lol - just one big butterfly effect that i thoroughly enjoy :p and as stated in my post, i like despite how hard he tried not to be, silver was quite similar to his dad until the events of the the johto story. seeing his growth makes me so happy 🤧🤧🤧✨
lmao talking of reading game dialogue … the offical pokemon twitter account made this post for fathers day (i think…? my fathers day isn’t till september 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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and the amount of people in the comments literally suprised gave me a stroke like??? lacey being clays daughter is explicitly stated LOL pokemon fans never cease to amaze me 😭😭😭
you’ve really got me thinking about kantrio in the 90s now LOL. i can see them all tryna message eachother on some aol type site and someone’s dial up cutting totally ruining their convos - most likely blue cause daisy wants to talk on the phone to bill or something … hmmm… ideas are brewing!!!! actually to sound old my family had dial up till 2009… insane😭😭 i used to get so mad at my mumma using the phone cause i just wanted to play club penguin LOL - oh and thx u for the compliment on the leaf + bill dynamic <3 bill is one of those random ass side characters that still is so iconic … i have so many hc’s for him too LOL no character can escape my headcanons
oh and i am the minister at the dad lance church!!! i’ve always seen him as not just a mentor to silver but the other johto kids and definitely the kanto trio before they grew up - that saying i still think as adults they turn to him alot since … half of them don’t have dads (both in canon and my hc LOL). i think as adults, the kantrio definitely have a more friend based relationship with him but as kids he definitely helped them through the spotlight that was put on them at such a young age.
ehghhh i very much apologise for this reply, my brain feels very disconnected from my body today and i feel like this hot mess of a reply shows LOL. again, i really apologise for the late reply. i wish you the best of luck with ur studies and writing ✨✨✨🩷🩷🩷
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communist-hatsunemiku · 5 months
i am not here to say that its ok that they used the led screen because it isnt, but its also not as horribly depressing and concert ruining that people are screaming about it being on twitter. i had an amazing time, even being at the very first show where the screen was horribly outlined and made obvious by the staging. they are learning and setting up the stage differently at least, so it has an outline instead of awkwardly cutting off the decorations behind it. the live band was incredible, and the energy of the crowd was too. i feel bad for anyone who got seats on the sides, but if youre straight on and in the floor section (if your show has one) it was honestly still amazing. idk how to end this just mostly like, yes its ok to be upset and you should be but also it wont be the worst concert ever done and itll still be fun imo
(also have you seen the video i uploaded that i took on my ds because you should if you havent)
Yeah I'm definitely still going to go and have a good time! I think the official blu-ray releases of the live concerts give people a certain impression of how its going to look irl but its not as 3d as people think. It does look a bit odd if you're not in the middle of the crowd.
I did think they were gonna go all out since it was the 10th annivesary of Miku Expo tho, maybe this is the best they can do?
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
small little plotting/starter call for hwevent 15 under the cut! honestly, a lot of my muses are not gonna be very interesting ic for this one, but they will still join in the fun
abigail mckinnon
vaguely concerned about her family, but is ultimately going to be living her life as normal until something happens to one of them, because she is not a detective nor does she want to be
ahsoka tano
unfortunately she's legally obligated to care even though she's pretty sure this is just palpatine nonsense part 79, so she will be looking into things and setting up security at the white house
allana solo
nope, absolutely not, you can not pay them enough to get involved in this shit. she's got her own problems and girl is exhausted
ariana dumbledore
it honestly would not even occur to her to try and involve herself in this. she's a little nervous for herself and her family but they're all smart enough to protect themselves barring the twins who are babies and not likely targets so
honestly, idk if ariel understands the concept of a serial killer, but she's definitely a little concerned that people seem to be dying. she could definitely be convinced to sleuth, but it's not her first instinct
arlecchino is having fun. girl is gonna plant some fake evidence, maybe steal a few bodies from the morgue to harvest some organs if she can. she's only here for cause chaos
bela dimitrescu
see arlecchino, bela is just taking advantage of the bullshit going on, having a little snacc if she stumbles upon any bodies
beru lars
bop bop bop beru is getting her gun out if anyone comes too close to her so do not try it i'm not sorry
cassie lang
will be genuinely investigating and trying to find out what the hell is going on. she will also be very protective over her friends, sorry not sorry
danika barnes
honestly is laying low, girl is paranoid and wants absolutely nothing to do with any of this. she has almost no attachments in this city and has no intention of getting involved for random people
davina claire
there's a very good chance davina investigates a bit but only if she starts getting worried magic is involved. a normal serial killer is so many levels of not her problem
dewey riley
man is on edge. they are armed always anyway but now he is about two seconds from shooting at any moment. any and all ghostfaces will be getting shit, and tatum is getting a gun happy early birthday
elphaba thropp
hell no. elphaba doesn't like people enough to get involved, and her history with trying to do the right thing tends to end with her getting accused of murder and other crimes so hard pass
eula lawrence
she's a cia agent so she will be looking into it a bit but really this isn't her job, could probably get dragged into shit if amber pouts at her enough but it's definitely not her priority
feng xin
fuck no!! the last time he tried to scooby a mortal massacre his whole life went to shit!! he is wrapping tara in bubble wrap and making sure his clown friends stay the fuck out of this thank you very much (they won't, and he'll cave and help in ~10 seconds)
feyre archeron
she's going to protect her family, but beyond that, she doesn't put much stock in her own investigation skills, so unless someone asks her for help, she won't be doing much
hallie parker
she's posting conspiracy theories on twitter and retweeting any posts she can about it. prepare for a very long video essay when the first killer is caught outlining everything they know about them
hazel levesque
demigods are not supposed to deal with mortal problems, so unless they or her brother is affected, hazel is pretty much staying out of this whole thing
he chunyu
no thank you this is an easily stressed out bitch! girl is hiding in her bedroom until this is all over thank you good night
howl jenkins pendragon
they'll make protection spells for anyone who asks, no charge, and will be worrying about his family and his little group of obnoxious teenagers way more than they'll admit
james potter
man is physically incapable of staying out of shit, he will be investigating way too often, might get himself into some shit because it's james
james witherdale
i mean... this is just a buffet for him sorry
jin zixuan
he could easily be pulled into an investigation, and will be very on edge, but it probably won't occur to him to look into this on his own because he's Just Ken™️
jun wu
honestly man is waiting to get blamed for this, he's not sure who's gonna call him out first but he's sure it'll happen and is just ready to be like 'if i'd done it no one would know they were dead also why would i kill some random mortals idk'
they have no intention of being a part of this. kiyi is not a fighter at all, despite their best efforts, so the most they'll do is try to protect their friends that don't have any abilities
kore sekkari
lol, kore is honestly thinking this is a fun time. she's not one for senseless violence, but watching the jedi scramble and fail over and over again to stop it is pretty funny to her
she's gonna help people if they get the chance, but they're not gonna go hunting down a magically powered serial killer until the situation gets more serious
lan wangji
man is out to protect people, and will probably keep an eye on things where he can, try to keep people safe, but his priority is his family and keeping them alive and keeping himself alive for their sakes
li susu
she's also big on protecting people, but she also has a very small child to take care of so she's not going to throw herself into anything without enough knowledge to know she can handle it
honestly will probably be playing scooby doo with amber and hu tao, will probably also drag zhongli into it to help keep an eye on childe because she does not trust that man
luo fumeng
most of her loved ones are not people she worries about in something like this, maybe penelope and sabrina but even them not so much. she's confident they can all take care of themselves
lysandra ennar
she has done their part saving the world, they are done thank you very much, she wants to take a nice little cat nap
manon blackbeak
she does not care. i'm sorry but she doesn't give one single shit unless one of her friends gets killed
marinette dupain-cheng
will be patrolling as ladybug as often as possible, trying her best to at the very least stop murders from happening, even if she can't manage to catch anyone she'd rather save someone if she can
mj jones
girl is in full investigative journalist mode and she will not be stopped. catch her poking around places she should not be and possibly getting herself in trouble
mo ran
he cares about protecting chu wanning and is debating killing xue meng while he can get away with it because he wants that man aware
could not give less of a shit as long as qinghua isn't getting hurt, because if binghe and sha hualing get attacked lord help the bitch who did it honestly
nangong jingnu
she's not getting involved please just let her chill in her apartment and avoid the hell out of all of this thank you
nie mingjue
*dinkleberg vc* jin guangyao. not but really man is gonna be trying to help where he can and also really debating just killing jgy but probs won't actually do it :(((
qi rong
i mean... its free real estate right? gotta have a little snacc every now and then
renesmee cullen
she honestly is staying out of it, they have no interest in sleuthing or figuring things out, it's not her business at all
rosamund du prix
see nessie, she honestly isn't a detective, and the whole thing just feels very out of her depth in every way
sheev palpatine
he is investigating because he's the vp and he has to, but he's not really fussed unless his siblings or daughter end up injured
shen qingqiu
man is paranoid and probably has a knife on him at all times, but most of his friends are pretty indestructible so he's not too concerned about them
shi wudu
he is concerned about qingxuan. that's really it, honestly
people die, it happens, they aren't too fussed as literal death
wanda maximoff
she's going to be trying to protect her friends, but wanda is very unsure of doing anything else atm so we'll see
wen qing
has been getting followed by some random guy for a bit now so is um very concerned but ultimately trying to be cool
xiao lanhua
she thinks dongfang qingcang might have done it. that's all they got but if one of their friends get injured she'll be starting problems
xiao qing
could absolutely be pulled into checking things out, though they're definitely not much help in terms of finding clues she'll go with you for moral support
yor forger
if you hurt her husband or her kid you will die but beyond that? she's staying out of it
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eldritchmonster · 2 years
I wanna make an arg with a really stupid premise
Bear with me on this one
So here’s the deal, we start out with a person who legit is in their moms basement on the computer 24/7 who is stuck in the early 2000s mentally like they need to touch grass so bad. They despise anything that goes past 2015 except the pandemic. When the pandemic happened everyone began living like them, they weren’t really outcasted as much and all their online friends were on more often but when life began to continue again this is their breaking point everyone starts leaving them again, it was so much better when everyone was… homestuck.
Here’s where it starts going off the rails. This dude’s favorite thing in the whole wide world is homestuck, they went to all the conventions back in the day, all the meetups that kinda jazz. They love it so much that they want to try to make homestuck real. They catalog it all on the internet and at first it’s like cheesy, corny stuff like painting a symbol on their shirt, redesigning their room to be mostly white (even though their grody ass doesn’t know how to clean shit) but then things take a turn. They get a tips on their videos that start as a lil weird and ramps up to absolutely creepy with strange lil things like coordinates to a random place in the woods where someone ‘coincidentally’ dumped some of the stuff they needed, some ‘cash they had lying around’ given to the cause to a freezer of DUBIOUSLY OBTAINED TOTALLY NORMAL ANIMAL ORGANS THAT IS TOTALLY FINE. All the while there are their friends, family and random internet strangers are telling them something is CLEARLY WRONG HERE but the dude is so blinded by obsession, loneliness and the now renewed hope that this is possible that they continue with this and eventually they doom the world.
Of course this is just a rough outline and knowing my luck it’ll probably never even happen this is legit just in my unmediated ADD brain just having word vomit at the moment but I think I’d be funny and cool.
Also here’s just some of the ideas that are rattling around in my brain:
The person tries to get 12 people in on the world ending project, idk if they’ll get that many it’s probably gonna go from 12 fewer like 6,4 or maybe even just 2
Them trying to sell a disk to a bunch of 12 year olds, one doesn’t know what a disk is some think he’s a creep one of them thinks they have some mental issues (they absolutely do)
They get canceled on Twitter which ends in them going on a rant about how much they hate the modern day and it’s like a crusty YouTube vid with tears
The whole group of future sburb players on a Skype call or something going over how to play the game, some are legit just trolling the guy others help try to explain how the game works some are writing down notes some are having atrocious technical problems and then THEIR MOM WALKS IN
One dude gets in on the project just to troll and goof like legit is memeing about this on his account like “me to a wedding 👕 me to the sburb play through “ and all that shit and just watching the abject horror come upon them when they realize they just helped doom the world, all of their friends and family are gone and there was a chance they could have stopped this
Legit a kid who hasn’t read homestuck gets roped into this because they think it’s cool and doesn’t have any idea what is to come
A lot of people who need therapy
Typical arg bs you know the drill
A lot of early 2000s and homestuck references
Close encounters with ‘trolls’
They try to choose people to play sburb based on their interests like if they have an interest that predates the end of homestuck that’ll be a choice pic, like furries, weebs etc. and their classpect, like you can’t have a session without a time and space aspect and they absolutely DO NOT WANT REPEATS everyone has to have an original classpect
The series finale being on 4/13 , by law it legit has to
Ok that’s all for my word vomit thanks for reading and tbh I’ll probably forget about this tomorrow
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marinamakes · 1 year
Game Dev Blog October 8th 2023
October 8th 2023-
I have awoken once more. The days go by as blurs of house-chores, dreams, and work. I'm concerned that doing such similar work from day to day is bad for motivation, it reminds me of my latest unfinished project, "Frogs vs. Ghosts". I will no longer speak its name. It cannot be good for me, or development.
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This is the GIF I last posted on Twitter on the 5th.
Moving on from all that, recently I've found myself worried about the future. How will this work out? I've understood for some time I'd have to work a day job in the future, but I'm still for some reason worried. No matter what, I need to ensure that I don't stop development, on this game or in general.
Maybe I should start posting this blog to Reddit or Lexaloffle, and update it instead of using this text file? I'll look for a blog site for a little bit before beginning work. I'll ask Twitter. But maybe I should make art so people actually see it?
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Finished in 5 minutes! Well, outlining took about 30 seconds too, but yeah, this is sufficient.
Alright, slow day only about an hour of work, but I spent the last hour finding a good blog spot. I've settled on Tumblr. I want this blog to be relatively on the down-low, so this is good. I want my blog to be easy to make, so this is good. And I'm familiar with social-media platforms, so this is great. I guess this will be my first post??
Should I introduce myself?? Idk...' I'm Marina makes and I make games using Pico-8. I founded the "Pico-View" zine, and have released several games. This is to be my secret blog space. If you recognize me from anywhere be sure to shoot me a text! This month I plan to finish a Halloween release and an article or two. Enjoy!
That seems good. Time to get back to work!
While making the bullets, I giggled with excitement as I was having fun. I notice in the process of creating my games I worry a lot over whether they are fun or not. I think I should cast aside such worries, except when using them to enhance game-play.
My last game, "Robuilder" was severely lacking in several aspects, the most apparent to me was the rushed home-menu and meta-game. I'll explain what the game was... It was a falling-block puzzle game where the goal was to connect arrows on blocks, but the falling of the blocks was completely in your control. Essentially it's a building game where you connect arrows. On top this there were four packs of blocks available... As I was saying the most lacking aspect was the home-menu and meta-game. Each 'game' consists of three rounds. This has no rhyme or reason. On top of this the way you change packs of blocks was unintuitive. Here's a gif...
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Overall I want to avoid this with this game by implementing a home menu as soon as the first level is being tested. I'm about to head to bed. Here's progress...
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Need to add a muzzle flash on the player and ghost. So sleepy... Hope you guys enjoy this blog! If u do then reassure me in dms or replies or something??
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kolapon-art · 2 years
hiya there!! i follow you on twitter as well as here and i just wanted to say i really like all your toh analysis, it's absolutely fantastic—and, your thoughts also make me feel Not crazy for having so many issues with the writing in ftf 😭
like, the more i think on it the more weird i find it that hunters personal conflicts feel so largely brushed over, when like. in the episode he literally Fucking Died like an hour ago and everybody is just completely moving on. not to mention gus knowing hunter was a grimwalker is just moved on from the second after he says it which is still SO WEIRD???? and yeah yeah i know, the season was shortened, but how does that excuse this when the writers chose to put fuckin Boscha and Kikimora in the episode instead of address this or the characters we actually care about... (and this complaint also connects to your very good point about gus being sidelined)
i don't know, maybe more grimwalker things will be addressed in the finale, and maybe there'll be more gus there plus more acknowledgement of gus' plotline with the magic amplifier and how he Literally Saw belos' memories? but nothing was Ever done with that?? like a lot of hunter being a grimwalker (mostly in s3) feels so shoddily handled despite how much coolness and potential the concept has. it can only be hoped for i guess... idk. Tldr thanks for outlining how truly stranger and Poor the writing decisions for hunter (+ gus) were in ftf. and this is only a small part of it tbh 😭 but.. shrugs
Feel like all the things you listed and I have been talking about, are fortunately largely aknowledged by the fandom as issues so we aint so crazy thinking it. But in any case, maybe ep 3 will prove us wrong and address all those issues, esp with how ambiguous Hunter's grimwalker arc has been lately. I am not sure what the writers want us to think about his powers and his eyes, as you prolly saw form my recent thread on twt. And some people have also derived all the wrong conclusions out of it (even saw a take where it was said that Hunter getting powers and diff eyes was making him a real boy and witch which is uh...yuck). So I hope this is clarified or the fandom will be pretty divided here I feel. Also thanks for reading my silly little thoughts, here and on twt.
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rigelmejo · 1 year
no ok i read my original ask but i used the wrong word - not condense but like including an outline? a summary then explanation and details? idk obviously whatever floats your boat.
just thought that maybe I'll take your big comprehensible input post and do it that way!! the first bit did sound very interesting
I get you but. I am extremely bad at summaries. That post was my summary ;-; it was gonna be like 5 times longer and I tried to summarize lol. I wish I could do it like "10 sentences to cover the 10 main steps" but then I feel like I forgot to add a detail or a point and it grows. I sucked at Twitter, I'm really not good at stating stuff in small ways. I try to make tldr areas in post where I summarize. ToT but agh those usually still end up being at least 3 sentences.
I'd recommend my links posts or shared resources posts for actual summaries by other people. Other resources tend to summarize way better than me, and I am getting all these method steps from what other people have done and discussed on their sites, youtubes, forums, books. Like for comprehensible input, Ayan Academy youtube summarizes the method well, r/Refold reddit summarizes the method as does their site (their site is still like 20 pages but its more compact info than me), French by the Nature Methodamd English by the Nature Method textbook (and most nature method and direct method textbooks) summarize the teaching style in their 3 page introductions. Listening Reading Method... I probably have summarized in 6 paragraphs somewhere, which is shorter than the like 100 page site I read about it on (some people did summarize L R Method on language forums in 4 sentences but the directions felt unclear so i took a lot of notes rip).
Also just... a lot of my posts are notes on current process and experiences. Not so much summarized guides and steps, but steps in action/experiencing them and their results just a lot of details and observations on the process. So those ones really wouldn't be summarized except like "in progress, it's a mixed bag" maybe again idk I'm not good at summaries I just tldr for myself if I got notes like read 300 more pages by end of month.
Edit: for my notes that have "guides/plans" I do try to summarize in the first sentence, and end tldr sentences of a paragraph or section. So in theory one could just read the first 1-2 sentences then skip to the next section if they wanted to just see the "guide" portion and ignore the rambling notes.
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ryuusjacket · 2 years
okay so i wanted to share this post that i made a while back from my personal nsfw blog but i feel kinda embarrassed just reblogging it here and showing off the url to that blog publicly (i. literally have like 2 maybe 3 followers on this blog so far lmao) even tho like. i Do share the url w ppl who i trust and who Want to read long ass posts that go into indepth descriptions of my sexual identity, my sexual health, my desires/feelings with regards to sex, and my experiences w sex (w myself bc idk how to initiate a sexual encounter w another human being). you're welcome to dm me for the url if ur Really interested in reading turbo tmi content (it is all text btw. idk how to take nudes so those don't exist sorry)
ANYWAY i sometimes do thought dumps on there that involve nsfw topics like smut fanfic n stuff, so i've tried to brainstorm for my planned sskk fic on there before and well i actually found a wordy one i did where i rlly tried to explain in detail just exactly i Want to create and accomplish w this fic idea of mine. and even just re-reading the post myself, i found it to be very concise and illustrative of my goal for the fic's overall mood and tone. it was a very well-needed reminder for me to read my thought process from a month or so back when i was a bit more hyped to begin this project.
so yeah! anyway im just gonna copy and paste the whole damn post here bc i think it's an interesting read and good presentation of my inner thoughts wrt to what i'm hoping to write (hopefully) someday soon. and really... this fic idea is still barely in its infancy like there's still SO MUCH left to brainstorm and plan out like fuck!!! it's still too early to even start an outline doc (and that's like one of my fave parts of the fic writing process)
oh and some background context: a few months ago there was an event on twitter/ao3 (not sure if here on tumblr? i unfortunately don't follow many or any bsd/sskk blogs at ALL yet) for bottom akutagawa week which was HEAVEN for me 🥰🥰🥰 literally could not have been a better event to appeal to my interests in this fandom i s2g. and i got my hopes up that maybe i could write a lil fic in time to share during the week but that unfortunately didn't happen. anyway here's the post:
so i might not be able to write the bsd smut fic i was initially hoping to publish during the bottom aku fan week this week... but that doesn't mean i have to give up on this fic project completely! if anything now i don't have to worry about meeting an irrefutable deadline and i can technically do anything i want. so yeah i still wanna write this fic.
but first. i have to figure out What The Fuck i'm gonna write lmao cause i still don't fucking know. i was Intending to do a < 4k word one-shot fluffy getting together that somehow... transitions into a sex scene. and i still wanna do that... but i just. don't rlly have any specific detail or image or moment or dialogue line in mind to start building a story from. AND LIKE yeaH i know that sounds dumb cause it's like. if i don't have ANYTHING fantasized yet then WHY AM I EVEN BOTHERING to start this fic at all!?
.......im not really sure tbh lmao
nah it's cause i love these dudes and i wanna write something for them and interact w the sskk fan community.
i literally just. need to figure out the BARE BONES premise to this dang fic. like where tf is it gonna take place? is it mid/post-mission? is it at one of their flats? also WHERE are they gonna HAVE SEX???? im actually a big fan of sex scenes happening in non-conventional places (e.g. some dusty ass room in an abandoned building they were investigating or in a public restroom oR FUckinG in an airplane holy shit i haven't seen that one done yet lmao MILE HIGH CLUB ONE-SHOT LETS GOO) but yea idk maybe i should just. keep it simple and do what every other fic does and let them get down at ryuu's place in his luxuriously huge bed (that hasn't canonically been shown, let alone wherever he lives)
i should AT LEAST settle on how fast this fic is gonna be paced. tbh i kinda Always prefer sskk's first time being a bit... feverish and rushed. it just suits them best. maybe there’s a little angst or miscommunication of feelings/intentions thrown in before they Eventually get their shit/feelings together. but anyway i don’t wanna write that lmao that’s too complicated (but like. yeah. these are two Very complicated (i.e. traumatized) guys with a VERY complicated relationship so. yeah it’s actually kinda rare/weird to imagine things working out Too smoothly for them tbh). 
while objectively that complicated/messy/aggressive type shit is their Brand, i would still like to keep things soft and gentle and Nice. that stuff is Not Impossible w these two ofc. it’s... tricky, but def possible. and i wanna achieve That. a getting together that is soft, hesitant, shy, and puts a heavy emphasis on Both of these men’s inexperience wrt romance and sex (that. is. my. Shit. they are both virgins and absolutely clueless and i Refuse to accept anything other than that. ......okay no... that’s not rlly true... basically all of my fave fics have a somewhat experienced atsushi and that’s okay bc like. how else is he gonna be able to Take Care of ryuu if he doesn’t already have an idea of how to take care of someone during sex? anyway ryuu is the most virginal virgin of all virgins to exist THAT IS INDISPUTABLE!!!!!)
so. i guess what i’m wondering is... how fast can i manage to pace the flow of the story while still keeping it soft overall. cause i don’t feel like writing a super super hot n filthy sex scene that’s charged and exhilarating and just a fucking blur of fucking. i wanna write feely, emotional sex. an aching intimate exchange of trust between them, still laced w hesitance and anxiety and sheer disbelief that this is really happening and that they can have this. both of them express unwavering consideration for each other’s comfort, constantly asking for consent and reassuring the other that “yes, i want this. yes, that feels good. yes yes yes.” they’re both taking careful, yet still enthusiastic, steps together. TENDERNESS is my ultimate goal here.
so yeah anyway i’ll try to keep thinking about this and hopefully i can actually come up w some ideas that i wanna implement into whatever this fic eventually becomes. just haven’t had enough time.... or horniess.... to get down to some real brainstorming yet lmao
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syorein · 5 years
Another Fic Update?
Will be releasing a one-off MDZS fic with an SI/OC, but different from my usual SI/OC stuff. Release is probably tomorrow.
Focused on Mo Xuanyu, will dick around with some big brain plot, soul nonsense, and POVs shifting so much that I tagged it "POV Banzai". Also lore I made up because lore regarding powers in MDZS is rare. (specifically the self sacrificing ritual)
(Or I could be dumb and uncultured because I barely understand MDZS)
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
So! I was writing a one shot where because of the Blueberry Sibs AU and the Yu-Goro Sibling AU (which I’ve started referring to as the Decent Lawboy Bros AU) Yusuke and Goro get involved in the plot of Arena Ultimax and a couple things happened. 1) my phone died, and more importantly, 2) I went “wait does this timeline actually work?” and decided to try and figure it out while my phone charged.
This is mess is mostly for my own sake, and people are free to ignore this/ have their own headcanons. Anyway, please enjoy!
To begin with I’m going to define the timeline of each au seperatly. P5 will also be treated as taking place in 2016.
Blueberry Sibs
Doesn’t actually change that much in terms of dates.
Goign off of everyone’s ages in their games, during the events of P3 Minato is 16, Naoto is 13, and Yusuke is 9.
The only thing that is an issue here is that the Moonlight Bridge Incident which takes place 10 years prior to the events of P3.
But that’s not really a major thing and can be circumvented a number of ways (Making Yusuke a year older, making the car crash 9 years ago) I don’t really count it as a major thing.
Oh if you wanna be really roundabout Mama Kitagawa could be Minato and Naoto’s aunt and raises them along with Yusuke for a few years before she dies, at which point Yusuke is passed along between family with Minato and Naoto.
But nothing in regards when the games take place has to change, so yeah.
Decent Lawboy Bros
This is the one that actually screws with the timeline becuase it has P4 take place the year before P5
At around the mid point of P4, Yu asked Shido if he could finish highschool in Inaba, and Shido, becuase he’s a dick, essentially says that having his kid graduate from a no-name school in a backwater town would hurt his reputation, especially as he’s running for Prime Minister.
So Yu’s forced to move back to Tokyo, meets Goro and along the way, figures out they’re related and shenanigans ensue.
Everyone in P4 keeps their original ages
In short it goes: (March) End of P4-> (April)Beginning of P5->(End of April/Beginning of May) Arena/Ultimax->(May) Madarame’s Palace-> (June) Kaneshiro’s Palace->(July) Futaba’s Palace/Golden Epilogue-> (September) Okumura’s Palace/P4 DAN-> Rest of P5
Yu would be 17/18 and a third year same as Goro, Makoto, and Haru.
The main thing that comes up when putting these two together is that since P4 now takes place the year before P5, it screws with the age difference between Yusuke and Naoto and when P3 could hypothetically take place, so here are the options:
Everyone is the same age as in their home game: What this means is that Naoto is a first year during P4, and Yusuke is a second year in P5. Since P5 takes place a year after P4, this means Yusuke and Naoto are the same age. If we move P3 and the events related to it up in the timeline so that it’s still two years before P4, then that means Naoto and Yusuke are both 13 during the events of P3. If we leave P3 where it is (2009-2010) and adjust SEES ages in Arena and Ultimax accordingly, then Naoto and Yusuke are both 9.
1 year age gap between Naoto and Yusuke:  a) Naoto is a second year during the events of P4, meaning she is a third year during the events of P5 and the P4 spin-offs, and Yusuke is a second year during the events of P5. If we move P3 as a whole up in the timeline that makes Naoto 14 and Yusuke 13. If we leave P3 where it is and adjust SEES ages, Naoto is 10 and Yusuke is 9. b) Naoto is a first year during the events of P4, making her a second year during the vents of P5 and the P4 spin-offs and Yusuke is a first year during the events of P5. If we move P3 as a whole up in the timeline, that makes Naoto 13 and Yusuke 12. If we leave it as is and adjust SEES ages, Naoto is 9 and Yusuke is 8.
2 year age gap between Naoto and Yusuke: a) Naoto is a third year during the events of P4, meaning she is in college during the events of P5 and the P4 spin-offs, and Yusuke is a second year during the events of P5. If we move P3 as a whole up in the timeline, that makes Naoto 15 and Yusuke 13. If we leave it as is and adjust SEES ages, Naoto is 11 and Yusuke is 9. b) Naoto is a second year during the events of P4, meaning she is a third year during the events of P5 and the P4 spin-offs, and Yusuke is a first year during the events of P5. If we move P3 as a whole up in the timeline, that makes Naoto 13 and Yusuke 11. If we leave it as is and adjust SEES ages, Naoto is 9 and Yusuke is 7.
So, this isn’t all the ways you could make a coherent timeline to fit both of these AUs together, it’s just how I did it becuase I really wanted to keep P4 a year before P5, Naoto as being older than Yusuke, and Naoto and Yusuke in highschool for their home games. This is me making more work for myself.
Obviously, no one needs to stick to this, it’s just a thing I was thinking about. I actually don’t think this is relevant to what I’d been writing before I started thinking about this. No it definitly isn’t relevant. 
(Also I probably messed up with ages/dates at some point I’m sorry)
Anyway thanks for reading this whole dumb thing.
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