#will remember to make this a seperate post? only time will tell
scribblesofagoonerr · 9 months
Family, not by blood but by choice instead | awfc x teen!reader
I previously posted on another account, however, I didn't realise a second blog wouldn't allow me to follow people, so I am reposting again on my new one.
Let me know what you all think!
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You should have known, there was tell-tail signs all throughout the last several years and yet you were so blind about it all.
Your mother was a narcissist, she was manipulative and gaslighted you your whole life, you were always made out to the bad guy and she was the victim.
It was clear as day to anyone on the outside, but your nieve self just chose to always believe different about things.
Looking back on the several years of your childhood, you had always thought you upbringing wasn't completely terrible. It was just the 2 of you, only your mum and you ever since you could remember. Your parents ended up splitting up when you were really little but ever since that day, you had always been made out to be the reason for their seperation.
You had always wonderd how it could be your fault. You was only 3 when he walked out, so how could it really be like that?
"You were always too much to handle. He couldn't cope," Your mum would say, all of them long nights when you would wrap your tiny arms around her and sob your little heart out to her.
"I'm here, you've got me. You've only ever got me," Her words were embedded in your head from the day that you'd decided to try and have an open conversation about the possibility of finding your dad. "Why go and find him? Haven't I been good enough. I'm the one that's looked after you all of these years and this is the thanks that I get in return?" It was always something that like, always a guiltrip and it was something that she knew would work well.
The harsh statement of the most recent conversation with the older woman left a bitter taste in your mouth and make you question every single thing in life.
"Aren't you happy for me? I made it, mum!" You exclaimed, you were happy enough to want to share the news with your mum but you found so dumbfound by her response which left you feeling shame and judgement for even wanting to tell her.
"Yes you have made it Y/N but you know, you only have me to thank for that now, don't you?" Your mum once again found a way to make it about herself, regardless of the situation;  It was always and only ever about her. "I'm sure that you can find some way to thank me though. All of those years and the amount I have spent on football boots for you. You'd be nowhere if it wasn't for me and I think you owe me now, don't you?" she told you.
You remember feeling stunned by her words, there was a lot of emotions that you had felt building up inside as you were ultimately confused how she'd somehow managed to twist this to make it all about herself but of course she was quick enough to make an excuse to end the call when she grew bored of talking to you.
You should have knew better, every phone call always ended up being the same way and it always left you with a feeling of guilt for making a life for yourself and that phone call that night wasn't any different. You had just been so excited to spill the news, however that excitment soon faded and was replaced by confused feelings of upset and anger once you'd told her, you fought to hold in your tears during the initial phone call but you were on the verge of breaking by the time she had hung up.
That phone call was the one you told her about making it into the national team, you had only been a part of Arsenal womens' first team for under a year and it felt like a massive achievement to be selected to represent your country and immediately you couldn't wait to share the news with your mum - You thought that she'd be pleased for you but you couldn't be further away from the truth.
Ever since that phone call, you had tried your hardest to distance yourself from your mum but it hurt to do that. The women was the only blood related family member that you had, it had only ever been the 2 of you, together through thick and thin.
Flash forward to now, the current time where you are sitting on the sofa, you had returned home after a long training session and you couldn't help but think about it that conversation on a constant loop in your head. 
"You were quiet tonight kidda," Leah perched on the arm of sofa as looked at you in concern. "I'm about to start cookin' tea. How's chicken dippers and smiley faces sound, eh?" she suggested.
"Mhm. Sure that sounds good to me," You mumbled as you kept your eyes focused on nothing but the telly.
The truth was that the conversation was constantly replaying in your head; The conversation, the bitterness and manipulation, every time you thought about it it then made you think of every other time that something like this happened.
Maybe your childhood wasn't as great as you really thought?
"Okay then... Is there anything that you want to talk about?" The blonde questioned, hoping for a bit more of an insight on your mood; Returning from her own rehab session, the entire car ride had been quiet compared to normal and the older woman couldn't help but feel something wasn't right.
"Nope," You stood firm in your reply, shaking your head as you kept your eyes glued on the TV screen; You couldn't really say that you payed much attention to whatever it was, the noise was pretty much a blur that was playing in the background.
"Are you sure?" Leah questioned, frowning worriedly as she took note of the tears welling up in your eyes. "Kidda, what's the matter? You look like you're gonna cry." she stated.
"I... I'm fine," You mumbled, fighting hard to keep the tears at bay until you could escape to your bedroom and allow yourself to be vulnerable and alone. You'd always felt complete shame to show any sort of vunterability in front of anyone, let alone the blonde footballer who'd virtually taken you under her wing ever since you joined during the transfer break of 2022.
You'd always been told that crying showed weakness and you refused to be seen as weak.
"Okay," Leah was quick to drop the subject when she realised you weren't going to open and talk about things. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but just remember that I'm always here to listen. Anytime that you want too, alright?" she told you.
Unfortunately you were stubborn to not give in and blurt everything out in the open. You were just trying to wrap your head around the idea of things and see things for how they really were.
"Uh huh," You mumbled a response as you got up from the sofa and trudged in the direction of your bedroom.
Leah exhaled a sigh as she shook her head, herself heading into the kitchen to make a start on dinner. The woman knew better than to try and get you to talk if you didn't want too.
She'd always been around to witness the moments like this and the backlash of it. Of course the blonde knew this was all stemmed down to one person causing you to be like this and she hated that you were left upset every single time.
Every single time you and your mum fought, you'd always ended up quiet and in a bad mood, often resulting in lashing out at people around you as a coping mechanism.
None of the girls ever took it to heart, they were old enough to realise that none of your anger was directly aimed at them and there was bigger issues to be dealt with.
The Arsenal women all had their own opinions on the teens' mother but they would never voice them out loud to you. It wouldn't be fair on the youngest in the squad even after the countless times they had seen the girl upset by her own mums actions.
Ever since the teen had moved in, there had been several nights where Leah would be the one to comfort the girl and pick up the peices, waking up in the middle of the night to hear the teen's heartbroken sobs and feeling her own heart shatter every single time, wanting nothing more than take away any sort of pain the girl was experiencing.
It was heartbreaking for all of the team to witness and always sought out to comfort the teen no matter the situation. They knew that no matter they say, they couldn't stop her contacting her and she would be able to make her own decision soon enough when she turned 18 and until then they'd be the ones' to pick up the broken pieces when the mum let her daughter down.
They were your family, not by blood but by choice. You'd probably be lost without them sometimes.
"I... I should have realised sooner," You thought to yourself as you lay crumpled up on your bed that following night, it was almost near 4 in the morning and you were still wide awake with things racing through your head.
You couldn't help but think about things, how you should have noticed the tell-tail signs of her gaslighting you were old enough to properly realise, that was your first mistake.
Your second being that you believed her manipulation, she would always twist things to make her seem like the victim in all different situations - back when you were a child and even now as an adult.
How long it had taken you finally realise it after all of these years. Why hadn't you realised it sooner?
Without realising, you were sobbing aloud as you clutched on to your pillow tightly - the pent up anger was replaced by complete sadness and loss. You only ever wanted the approval of your mum about things and you fought so hard for it.
The phone call, the hopeful seal of approval...  Every time it always seemed to be the same type of emotions when you spoke to your mum - It was a vicious cycle of emotional abuse, or so you'd been told from other people and you never wanted to believe it.
Only problem was that you'd not been able to see it yourself, even if it was clear as day. Even if regardless of a psychological therapist telling you this, you refused to believe them words. Nor your team mates, who had realised it the first time they had the chance to meet her and even then you wouldn't listen or hear them out.
It was your mum, your flesh and blood so how could she be like that? You had never been able to wrap your head around it.
The sound of sobs were what woke Leah up, she was quick to pad out of her bedroom and down the hall to where your bedroom was. "Kidda?" The women pushed the door open and her heart cracked to see you looking so distraught and vulnerable.
The blonde was quick to move to be right beside you, she was always the one to comfort you and she wouldn't ever stop doing that as long as you needed her.
"Hey, kidda. Come here," The blonde scooped you up in her arms and rocked you all while she ran her slender fingers through your messy bedhead. "You're okay. I'm here," she reassured you.
Leah was always patient enough to wait for you to calm down before she gave you the chance to speak, she wouldn't ever push you to talk if you didn't want too.
"L... Le," You cried aloud as you clutched onto her. You breath became shaky as sobs wracked your body.
"I'm here, it's okay," Leah spoke calmly, continuing to try and comfort you the best way she knew but she already knew it was going to be a long night ahead of them - An emotional night that would leave you drained tomorrow.
A vicious cycle of on a loop.
"Ready to tell me what's going on inside that head of yours, huh?" The blonde tried to carefully ask.
There was another brief pause of silence, nothing but the quiet sobs coming from you as the blonde continued to comfort you and reassure you that she was here and not leaving you.
To Leah's surprise, you did open up this time around, even if you didn't mean too.
"I should have realised. I should have... I should have realised," You made the mistake to speak aloud rather than think it like you thought you had.
"You should have realised what, kidda?" Leah questioned, confused about what you meant.
You snap your head in the blondes' direction as you bit your bottom lip, debating whether to be open with your thoughts that you tried so hard to keep buried inside.
"About my mum... I should have realised," You repeated your words as you fought the tears from spilling. "She's so... She's so-- Why does everything I tell her, why does it always get turned back around so it's about her?" That was it. You blurted out your own feelings - There was no hiding how you felt anymore.
Leah smiled sympathetically and moved onto the sofa to sit closer to you, wrapping her free arm around your shoulder to comfort you, "I... I don't know kidda," she spoke honestly.
"So many people, so many people have told me-- They've warned me about her but I have... I never wanted to listen," You confessed, the tears openly rolled down your cheeks and you probably looked a right blubbering mess but you couldn't stop your emotions pouring out. "And now... Now I finally realise how it's always been. Why is she like that, Le?" You asked.
"I can't say I know the answer to that one kidda, I wish I knew," Leah replied, exhaling a sigh as she couldn't fathem herself how a mother could be like that with her own child, she felt so much for the girl and always wished she could make the situation better for her. "Listen, I know it's hard but you've got us. All of us girls here at Arsenal and you're so loved by all of us." she told you.
"I... I just want her to love me, and she just... she doesn't even care about my feelings!" You stated, roughly wiping at your tear stained cheeks angrily to the point that you made them red. "Why does she always throw everything back in my face? Everything that I have ever done, she's always made it about her... Always!" you cried.
"I know, I know it hurts... I know it does," You kept your head buried in the blondes' chest as you hiccuped from the sudden breakdown in the middle of the night. "And I am sorry that you have to go through this. It's not fair on you kidda." Leah added, biting her bottom lip.
All of emotion had led you feeling exhausted in the end, you fought it hard to keep your eyes open as you lay slumped against the blonde woman.
"Come on let's get you back into bed, yeah? I mean you're almost falling asleep on me here, kidda," Leah joked with you, hoping for you to even crack a small smile as she gently moved you back to your bed and tucked you in under the duvet. "I'm so sorry you have had to deal with the kidda but you know you have a family here with us. We may not be blood but we really love you kidda." You heard the faint words spoken to you as you felt your eye lids close, completely warn out.
Sure, the Arsenal women weren't family by blood but instead they were family by choice and that was more important. They were there for you whenever you needed them and you knew you felt safe with them around. You truly felt happy with your chosen family.
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scribblesofagooner · 9 months
Family, not by blood but by choice instead | awfc x reader
I messed up on this blog so I made a new one which is @scribblesofagoonerr so I’m gonna be posting over on there instead now.
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You should have known, there was tell-tail signs all throughout the last several years and yet you were so blind about it all.
Your mother was a narcissist, she was manipulative and gaslighted you your whole life, you were always made out to the bad guy and she was the victim.
It was clear as day to anyone on the outside, but your niave self just chose to always believe different about things.
Looking back on the several years of your childhood, you had always thought you upbringing wasn't completely terrible. It was just the 2 of you, only your mum and you ever since you could remember. Your parents ended up splitting up when you were really little but ever since that day, you had always been made out to be the reason for their seperation.
You had always wonderd how it could be your fault. You was only 3 when he walked out, so how could it really be like that?
"You were always too much to handle. He couldn't cope," Your mum would say, all of them long nights when you would wrap your tiny arms around her and sob your little heart out to her.
"I'm here, you've got me. You've only ever got me," Her words were embedded in your head from the day that you'd decided to try and have an open conversation about the possibility of finding your dad. "Why go and find him? Haven't I been good enough. I'm the one that's looked after you all of these years and this is the thanks that I get in return?" It was always something that like, always a guiltrip and it was something that she knew would work well.
The harsh statement of the most recent conversation with the older woman left a bitter taste in your mouth and make you question every single thing in life.
"Aren't you happy for me? I made it, mum!" You exclaimed, you were happy enough to want to share the news with your mum but you found so dumbfound by her response which left you feeling shame and judgement for even wanting to tell her.
"Yes you have made it Y/N but you know, you only have me to thank for that now, don't you?" Your mum once again found a way to make it about herself, regardless of the situation;  It was always and only ever about her. "I'm sure that you can find some way to thank me though. All of those years and the amount I have spent on football boots for you. You'd be nowhere if it wasn't for me and I think you owe me now, don't you?" she told you.
You remember feeling stunned by her words, there was a lot of emotions that you had felt building up inside as you were ultimately confused how she'd somehow managed to twist this to make it all about herself but of course she was quick enough to make an excuse to end the call when she grew bored of talking to you.
You should have knew better, every phone call always ended up being the same way and it always left you with a feeling of guilt for making a life for yourself and that phone call that night wasn't any different. You had just been so excited to spill the news, however that excitment soon faded and was replaced by confused feelings of upset and anger once you'd told her, you fought to hold in your tears during the initial phone call but you were on the verge of breaking by the time she had hung up.
That phone call was the one you told her about making it into the national team, you had only been a part of Arsenal womens' first team for under a year and it felt like a massive achievement to be selected to represent your country and immediately you couldn't wait to share the news with your mum - You thought that she'd be pleased for you but you couldn't be further away from the truth.
Ever since that phone call, you had tried your hardest to distance yourself from your mum but it hurt to do that. The women was the only blood related family member that you had, it had only ever been the 2 of you, together through thick and thin.
Flash forward to now, the current time where you are sitting on the sofa, you had returned home after a long training session and you couldn't help but think about it that conversation on a constant loop in your head. 
"You were quiet tonight kidda," Leah perched on the arm of sofa as looked at you in concern. "I'm about to start cookin' tea. How's chicken dippers and smiley faces sound, eh?" she suggested.
"Mhm. Sure that sounds good to me," You mumbled as you kept your eyes focused on nothing but the telly.
The truth was that the conversation was constantly replaying in your head; The conversation, the bitterness and manipulation, every time you thought about it it then made you think of every other time that something like this happened.
Maybe your childhood wasn't as great as you really thought?
"Okay then... Is there anything that you want to talk about?" The blonde questioned, hoping for a bit more of an insight on your mood; Returning from her own rehab session, the entire car ride had been quiet compared to normal and the older woman couldn't help but feel something wasn't right.
"Nope," You stood firm in your reply, shaking your head as you kept your eyes glued on the TV screen; You couldn't really say that you payed much attention to whatever it was, the noise was pretty much a blur that was playing in the background.
"Are you sure?" Leah questioned, frowning worriedly as she took note of the tears welling up in your eyes. "Kidda, what's the matter? You look like you're gonna cry." she stated.
"I... I'm fine," You mumbled, fighting hard to keep the tears at bay until you could escape to your bedroom and allow yourself to be vulnerable and alone. You'd always felt complete shame to show any sort of vunterability in front of anyone, let alone the blonde footballer who'd virtually taken you under her wing ever since you joined during the transfer break of 2022.
You'd always been told that crying showed weakness and you refused to be seen as weak.
"Okay," Leah was quick to drop the subject when she realised you weren't going to open and talk about things. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but just remember that I'm always here to listen. Anytime that you want too, alright?" she told you.
Unfortunately you were stubborn to not give in and blurt everything out in the open. You were just trying to wrap your head around the idea of things and see things for how they really were.
"Uh huh," You mumbled a response as you got up from the sofa and trudged in the direction of your bedroom.
Leah exhaled a sigh as she shook her head, herself heading into the kitchen to make a start on dinner. The woman knew better than to try and get you to talk if you didn't want too.
She'd always been around to witness the moments like this and the backlash of it. Of course the blonde knew this was all stemmed down to one person causing you to be like this and she hated that you were left upset every single time.
Every single time you and your mum fought, you'd always ended up quiet and in a bad mood, often resulting in lashing out at people around you as a coping mechanism.
None of the girls ever took it to heart, they were old enough to realise that none of your anger was directly aimed at them and there was bigger issues to be dealt with.
The Arsenal women all had their own opinions on the teens' mother but they would never voice them out loud to you. It wouldn't be fair on the youngest in the squad even after the countless times they had seen the girl upset by her own mums actions.
Ever since the teen had moved in, there had been several nights where Leah would be the one to comfort the girl and pick up the peices, waking up in the middle of the night to hear the teen's heartbroken sobs and feeling her own heart shatter every single time, wanting nothing more than take away any sort of pain the girl was experiencing.
It was heartbreaking for all of the team to witness and always sought out to comfort the teen no matter the situation. They knew that no matter they say, they couldn't stop her contacting her and she would be able to make her own decision soon enough when she turned 18 and until then they'd be the ones' to pick up the broken pieces when the mum let her daughter down.
They were your family, not by blood but by choice. You'd probably be lost without them sometimes.
"I... I should have realised sooner," You thought to yourself as you lay crumpled up on your bed that following night, it was almost near 4 in the morning and you were still wide awake with things racing through your head.
You couldn't help but think about things, how you should have noticed the tell-tail signs of her gaslighting you were old enough to properly realise, that was your first mistake.
Your second being that you believed her manipulation, she would always twist things to make her seem like the victim in all different situations - back when you were a child and even now as an adult.
How long it had taken you finally realise it after all of these years. Why hadn't you realised it sooner?
Without realising, you were sobbing aloud as you clutched on to your pillow tightly - the pent up anger was replaced by complete sadness and loss. You only ever wanted the approval of your mum about things and you fought so hard for it.
The phone call, the hopeful seal of approval...  Every time it always seemed to be the same type of emotions when you spoke to your mum - It was a vicious cycle of emotional abuse, or so you'd been told from other people and you never wanted to believe it.
Only problem was that you'd not been able to see it yourself, even if it was clear as day. Even if regardless of a psychological therapist telling you this, you refused to believe them words. Nor your team mates, who had realised it the first time they had the chance to meet her and even then you wouldn't listen or hear them out.
It was your mum, your flesh and blood so how could she be like that? You had never been able to wrap your head around it.
The sound of sobs were what woke Leah up, she was quick to pad out of her bedroom and down the hall to where your bedroom was. "Kidda?" The women pushed the door open and her heart cracked to see you looking so distraught and vulnerable.
The blonde was quick to move to be right beside you, she was always the one to comfort you and she wouldn't ever stop doing that as long as you needed her.
"Hey, kidda. Come here," The blonde scooped you up in her arms and rocked you all while she ran her slender fingers through your messy bedhead. "You're okay. I'm here," she reassured you.
Leah was always patient enough to wait for you to calm down before she gave you the chance to speak, she wouldn't ever push you to talk if you didn't want too.
"L... Le," You cried aloud as you clutched onto her. You breath became shaky as sobs wracked your body.
"I'm here, it's okay," Leah spoke calmly, continuing to try and comfort you the best way she knew but she already knew it was going to be a long night ahead of them - An emotional night that would leave you drained tomorrow.
A vicious cycle of on a loop.
"Ready to tell me what's going on inside that head of yours, huh?" The blonde tried to carefully ask.
There was another brief pause of silence, nothing but the quiet sobs coming from you as the blonde continued to comfort you and reassure you that she was here and not leaving you.
To Leah's surprise, you did open up this time around, even if you didn't mean too.
"I should have realised. I should have... I should have realised," You made the mistake to speak aloud rather than think it like you thought you had.
"You should have realised what, kidda?" Leah questioned, confused about what you meant.
You snap your head in the blondes' direction as you bit your bottom lip, debating whether to be open with your thoughts that you tried so hard to keep buried inside.
"About my mum... I should have realised," You repeated your words as you fought the tears from spilling. "She's so... She's so-- Why does everything I tell her, why does it always get turned back around so it's about her?" That was it. You blurted out your own feelings - There was no hiding how you felt anymore.
Leah smiled sympathetically and moved onto the sofa to sit closer to you, wrapping her free arm around your shoulder to comfort you, "I... I don't know kidda," she spoke honestly.
"So many people, so many people have told me-- They've warned me about her but I have... I never wanted to listen," You confessed, the tears openly rolled down your cheeks and you probably looked a right blubbering mess but you couldn't stop your emotions pouring out. "And now... Now I finally realise how it's always been. Why is she like that, Le?" You asked.
"I can't say I know the answer to that one kidda, I wish I knew," Leah replied, exhaling a sigh as she couldn't fathem herself how a mother could be like that with her own child, she felt so much for the girl and always wished she could make the situation better for her. "Listen, I know it's hard but you've got us. All of us girls here at Arsenal and you're so loved by all of us." she told you.
"I... I just want her to love me, and she just... she doesn't even care about my feelings!" You stated, roughly wiping at your tear stained cheeks angrily to the point that you made them red. "Why does she always throw everything back in my face? Everything that I have ever done, she's always made it about her... Always!" you cried.
"I know, I know it hurts... I know it does," You kept your head buried in the blondes' chest as you hiccuped from the sudden breakdown in the middle of the night. "And I am sorry that you have to go through this. It's not fair on you kidda." Leah added, biting her bottom lip.
All of emotion had led you feeling exhausted in the end, you fought it hard to keep your eyes open as you lay slumped against the blonde woman.
"Come on let's get you back into bed, yeah? I mean you're almost falling asleep on me here, kidda," Leah joked with you, hoping for you to even crack a small smile as she gently moved you back to your bed and tucked you in under the duvet. "I'm so sorry you have had to deal with the kidda but you know you have a family here with us. We may not be blood but we really love you kidda." You heard the faint words spoken to you as you felt your eye lids close, completely warn out.
Sure, the Arsenal women weren't family by blood but instead they were family by choice and that was more important. They were there for you whenever you needed them and you knew you felt safe with them around. You truly felt happy with your chosen family.
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spirit-girl-nijisanji · 10 months
I'll take care of you little one~
Thank you to @myclaire9 for giving me this prompt when I was stuck with writers block and I apologize it took so long, I was dealing with somethings and I didn't have the time or energy to write but I'm feeling better now and I sincerely hope you enjoy the story!
➼ Pairing - Luxiem x GN! cat/dog reader
➼ Content - Fluff, Luxiem boys being sweethearts, you may interpret the relationship how you would like.
➼ ⚠️ Please remember I only write for the personas you see on your screen. I do not and will not write for the people behind the models. Please also remember that behind the models there are very real people with very real emotions. Please be respectful towards our beloved Nijisanji EN livers and do your best to separate the real people from the persona reflected on your screen. Thank you so much and enjoy the story ⚠️
➼ Summery - You are a cat/dog human hybrid who has the ability to swap between your animal form and your human form. You had been in your animal form for quite sometime during the winter after not having a place to stay. The Luxiem boys find you and take you into their home and attempt to gain your trust especially after you show your human form.
Luxiem x GN!Cat Reader
Vox Akuma
It was in the middle of a blizzard, you had been curled up in a drain in a park trying to get away from the cold. You were a hybrid between a cat and a human, you could spend most of your time in your cat form as little black and white cat in order to keep some what warm.
The blizzard has started and your fur was soaked with snow and water. You lay curled up in the drain shivering. Before your ears perked up hearing footsteps, not wanting to move, you lay your head back down and closed our eyes.
Before long, a soothing voice spoke, waking you up from your slumber,
" Hello there darling, what are you doing out here in the cold? " the voice spoke, you opened your eyes and met the crimson red eyes of a raven haired man who looked back at you with a gentle gaze.
He put his hand out wanting to see if you were going to be friendly. You stretched out and sniffed his hand lightly, a pleasant scent gracing your nose before rubbing your head gently against his hand. The gentle smile on his face made it easy for you to be drawn to him and his warmth.
After he confirmed you were friendly, he gently reached into the drain and gently pulled you out, holding you in his arms and wrapping you in his jacket to warm you up. You snuggled into the warmth that spread out through your small body as he carried you back to his home. Bringing you inside, he walked over to his fireplace, lighting it and setting you down in front of it,
" Now you wait right there little one, let me see if I have something for you to eat. " the man spoke with a gentle tone before turning and going into the kitchen to find some food. When the raven haired man disappeared into the kitchen, you switched to your human form, scooting closer to the fire and rubbing your hands together to get warmer before letting out a content sigh after being in the cold for so long, it was absolute bliss feeling the warmth of the fire.
" Little one…? " the raven haired man's voice came from behind you and you froze, holding the blanket he left with you covering your body. He walked closer and he sat down in front of you, looking at the ears that adorned the top of your head, showing you were the little cat he just brought into the house,
" I.. Thank you. " was all you could manage to say to him, " B..but I won't bother you for too long sir. " You said quickly your tail flicking anxiously and your ears twitching.
Expecting him to tell you to leave, instead he gave a soft smile, he set down the bowl of milk down in front of you and gently put his hand on your head, " You don't have to leave little one, I would love to have a someone as cute as yourself stick around. Let me go get you some clothes to put on. " He said before getting up and going to grab something for you to put on, coming back with a pair of shorts and one of his sweatshirts. Turning away to give you the chance to change.
After putting the clothes on he gave you, he turned back around and he gently pat your head, " What is your name darling? " he asked softly motioning for you to join him on the couch in front of the fire place,
" Y/N. " you responded as you slowly moved up and sat beside him, " That's a beautiful name, my name is Vox. " he said back, introducing himself.
It was nice to finally have a warm place to stay, Vox was a nice person so it didn't take long for him to earn your trust and for the two of you to become close.
Shu Yamino
You had just been kicked out of your home into a blizzard simply because you were different than the rest of your family, you were the only one who had cat ears and a tail as well as a cat form you could switch to at any time. You were thrown out in your human form, it didn't take long for the cold to almost completely zap your energy, you had nothing besides the clothes and shoes you were wearing and no jacket of any sort. So you were left walking down the street, knee deep in show, shivering and exhausted.
You had been knocking on doors, begging people to let you in just for a moment to warm up and call someone but you were turned away everywhere you went. Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes as you continued trudging along in the snow. Soon coming up to a house with an open garage, you stopped and looked inside, there were a few blankets stacked on a shelf inside, looking at the house it seemed like there wasn't anyone home and you didn't understand why someone would leave their garage open in the middle of a blizzard. But you decided to go inside to get away from the cold, grabbing one of the blankets and curling up in a corner of the garage.
Inside the house, the purple eyes that belonged to the homeowner had seen you wondering around outside and had seen his neighbors turn you away when asking for a warm place to stay. When he saw your trembling form starting to walk down the street, he opened his garage as an invitation for you to come inside, get one of the freshly washed and warm blankets in the garage so you could find some warmth as well as preparing some hot chocolate and some food to bring out to you.
He grabbed the drink and snacks and made his way down to his garage, opening the door and walking over to you, " Um, hello, I couldn't help but see you outside and I opened my garage so you could come inside to warm up. " He spoke carefully as to not spook you, he watched you stir only to see a little furry head pop out from under the blanket before you turned back into a human turning to face him with wide eyes. Before he walked over and set down the drink and the food he brought out, looking at you with wonder in his eyes while you stared back at him unsure of whether or not to trust him. He soon spoke with a soft voice, " You use magic too..? " he asked softly, his eyes shining with hope before you nodded, explaining what you were and how you were able to shift back and fourth between human and cat. He listen intently, asking questions and showing an interest in you. That made a warm fuzzy feeling creep up into your chest, He had introduced himself as Shu Yamino and seemed to be happy when you timidly introduced yourself. You sat with him for hours, talking and getting to know him. He seemed sweet enough and if he wanted to harm you, he would have done so already. His warm and welcoming aura made it very easy to feel safe with him, He let you have some human food and gave you the warm milk he had brought down, looking towards the open garage door seeing the storm had started to get worse, he cleared his throat and looked at you, " The storm seems to be getting a lot worse, I don't think it would be a good idea to go out again. Sooo I'm asking if you are okay with staying here? " he asked softly, you looked at him and explained that after the storm was over, you would be out of his hair, you promised he wouldn't have to deal with you for long after the storm to which he looked surprised, " No no! I'm asking if you would like to stay WITH me. You wouldn't have been out in the freezing cold if you had somewhere to go right? So I would like you to stay, permanently. Look I know we only just formally met but it would be nice to have someone around during the storm. " He explained. Your eyes were wide as you listened to him, he actually wanted you to.. stay? Wasn't he afraid you were going to do something, that your whole situation was made up? As if he read your mind, he smiled and chuckled softly, " I've seen you around before with people who I assume was your family? I saw they didn't really pay much attention to you and I could hear how they spoke to you so I know your telling the truth about that part. I'm putting a lot of trust in you because I don't want you to feel alone. " He said smiling. His words brought tears to your eyes before accepting his offer, smiling Shu got up went to a keypad and shut the garage door and came back over, offering his hand, " C'mon let's get inside the actual house, I'll get you some hot food and I'll get you some more hot chocolate okay? " he said with the signature v shaped smile you would eventually come to love very dearly.
Luca Kaneshiro
When you were very young, you were adopted by a family with mafia ties. You were only a baby when you were adopted so your feline features didn't come in until later on and that was when the family showed their true colors. They shunned you, saying you weren't actually family because of your different appearance and abilities. Whenever anyone came to the house, you were ordered to change into your cat form and stay out of sight. You learned your family were paid a lot of visits by the boss. You never saw him, you only knew what your family told you:
" He hates cats! " " He'd throw you out if he saw your ears and tail! " " He could never accept you because of your abilities!"
You were afraid of what could happen if he ever saw you. Until a day came where you were told to shift and stay out of sight because the boss was stopping by. You did as you were told and went off into another room. While in the room, you were able to hear the voices in the living room, you could hear the boss's voice. He didn't sound scary, in fact his voice sounded very welcoming. Curiosity got the better of you and you shifted into your human form and you crept out of the room and down the hall, peeking around the corner and you saw him, he was a tall man. A white suit, a white fluffy coat adorned his broad shoulders, he had blond hair and purple eyes. His Australian accent made him sound very welcoming compared to the harsh and cold voices you heard on a daily basis from your family. " I think you know why I'm here. " he spoke to the family and crossed his arms. Each member taking turns speaking while you stayed peeking around the corner listening in, you knew there would be hell to pay if you got caught but you were stuck staring at the man that was the boss. And before you could even realized that the room fell silent, you realized you were staring into the purple eyes of the tall blond man. Before seeing the look on your adoptive father's face, you quickly turned, shifted into a cat and bolted back to the room you were supposed to be staying in, hidden. You could hear the sound of footsteps accompanied by the voice of the blond man, " Who was that and why did she run away? " he asked followed the the jumbled replies from the people you called family. You had left the door open just a crack and the blond man had caught sight of your tiny furry body so he opened the door and flicked on the light, " Since when did you guys have a cat? And why didn't you tell me there was a cat and another person here? " he asked squatting down, you hissed and pushed yourself further into the corner afraid he was going to get angry about you being there. Each member of your family had a different explanation,
" We just got them. " " They aren't friendly and we don't want them to scratch anyone. " " You must have been seeing things, there isn't another person here! " " It must've been an intruder. " None of their stories lined up and you could see the annoyance on the blond man's face, before turning to you and a gentle look came across his face, " Hey there, aren't you a cute little thing. I'm sorry if I frightened you. " he spoke in a calm and gentle tone so he didn't frighten you further. At this point, it wasn't him you were afraid of, it was the furious glares of the family behind him. You wanted to go towards the blond man, his welcoming smile beckoned you forward but the glares of the people behind him, kept you back. He hummed and he scooted a little closer and he spoke softly, " My name's Luca, Luca Kaneshiro. I promise I'm not as scary as I seem, I won't hurt you. " he spoke softly while putting his hand out, with a new found courage, you came forward and rubbed against his gloved hand. The family behind him getting angrier with you the longer you stayed close to Luca. Before he stood up and turned around asking why they lied to him, each family member stammered, stumbling over their words before you decided to shift back into a human being and give Luca a straight answer,
" They're ashamed of me, my appearance and my abilities. " You spoke causing Luca to spin around and stare at you with wonder in his eyes like a child, " Whoaaaaa! That's so cool! " he said looking at your ears then examining your tail. After excitedly looking at you, he turned to the people behind him, " You lied to me and hid someone from me. " he said, his bubbly demeanor disappearing and turning into a menacing stare, your family struggled to give a proper excuse. Finally having had enough of their bull, Luca crossed his arms and spoke once again,
" Then if you are so ashamed of them, then you won't mind them coming with me permanently. " he said to them, you could sense it was more of a demand than a request. Each person in your so called family tried to reason with him and tried to convince him that you were very happy with them which you denied without hesitation. To which he took your hand and pulled you up next to him, putting his arm around your shoulder, " Then it's settled, they'll be coming with me where they WILL be happy. " he said pulling you along. As you walked past, you felt the hateful stares your family gave you before being yanked along by the hand, Luca's cheerful and bubbly demeanor coming back, " C'mon! I can't wait to introduce you to my friends! They'll love you! " He said happily pulling you along to his car. Ike Eveland
Being in your feline form was the easiest on you when you were tired. But it got you into trouble very quickly, after not being able to turn back, an animal shelter had picked you up. And you had been spending most of your time within a kennel where people could come in, see you, interact with you and then decide if you were going to be their new family member. Every family you had gotten were horrid. They mistreated you and you ended up having to escape every time, only to be found and returned to the shelter. With time, you grew very untrusting of anyone and everyone who tried to get close. Weeks at the shelter turned into months and you weren't letting anyone get close enough to you. You would hiss and swipe at everyone who tried fearing mistreatment. That was until HE came into the shelter. You were laying down before hearing the door open and soothing kind male voice spoke to the attendant, you lifted your head and caught sight of a young man, he was wearing heeled boots, he had pale skin, ear length brown hair and green eyes. He spoke about wanting to adopt a cat and was taken along to meet all the cats up for adoption. He went along before his soft green eyes met your untrusting ones. He asked to see you and he knelt down, " Why is this one all by themselves? " He asked, the attendant explained to him that you were brought back multiple times, you didn't trust anyone, hissed and swiped at anyone who dared to get close and it was safer to keep you separate. The man's kind green eyes gazed into yours before you turned away and he spoke, " Well... I want them to trust me because I'm positive I could give them a good home. " he said softly before sitting down right outside the kennel, " I don't care how long it takes. " he added with a smile. The attendant didn't try to stop him, in fact she provided him with treats for you. He would lay them down close enough to you so you could reach them without having to get too close. He spent his time on the floor next to your kennel door, giving you treats and talking to you. You refused to give in, you weren't about to fall for another shit home. But he kept coming back, he didn't give up. He spent most of his days sitting with you, giving you treats and talking to you. Slowly but surely, he began to get through to you, he was able to give you treating out his hand and he would smile wide whenever you felt comfortable enough to get close to him without flinching and running back to the comfort of your kennel.
And after months of sitting on the floor with you, you finally let him pet your head. He was over the moon and you were taken to his home that day. It took a little getting used to but he treated you like royalty. It was then, you weren't thinking about it when you turned back into human form. You had scars from previous homes, your ears and tail gave the man you came to know as Ike Eveland confirmation that you were indeed the timid little feline he brought back to his home. After sitting with him and explaining what happened, what you were and your ability to shapeshift, you told him you were so sorry and you would get out of his hair as quickly as possible. You were quick to get up and before you could bolt for the door, he grabbed your arm and pulled you back, " Don't leave! You being human has not changed anything. I brought you home because I felt you were lonely and needed someone. " he said and deep down you knew he was right. You had grown so close to Ike and you felt safe with him. He sat with you and spent hours convincing you to stay with him. In the end, you caved and you promised to stay with him. And from that day, you were always with him, he treated you like royalty, introduced you to his friends and they loved you. You were so happy and you felt very loved.
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
I was reading ur post on jon and Jaime parallels and I was thinking what if he was so disgusted but catelyns hate towards jon because it reminds him of tywin and tyrion. Like how both catelyn and tywin both don’t accept jon and tyrion as their son.
He read her so good because he’s been through the whole situation before.
The degree to which I think you absolutely nailed it????
Now humour me for a moment as I attempt to give a long winded explication of my thought process about what you just said, because I think it is brilliant and completely true.
Jon and Tyrion in their own way are outcasts. One's a bastard, one's a dwarf, both are socially stigmatized in society. But both too, grew up in a household where for their birth alone, one of the parental figures despised them.
Both of their births were out of their control, and are not responsible for the actual issue each have. Jon is not responsible for Catelyn's issues with Ned having a child with another woman when married, and Tyrion is not responsible for the horrible but not abnormal tragedy of a mother dying in childbirth. But both Catelyn and Tywin instead of coming to terms with those issues seperately, mix the two and put that ire on the child who did nothing wrong.
Which effected the manner in which they grew up and how they go about their lives. I think too since I think Jaime might also see aspects of his younger self in Jon, it puts Jaime in a very strange position where he now essentially has to picture his life were the father who always favoured him, now hate him the most, as Tyrion experianced and it doesn't sit right.
He's clearly never been alright with the way his sister and father treated Tyrion, but I think there was a disconnect since he only had to watch. Now that he sees himself in Jon, he too has to imagine a version of his life where he goes through this stigmatized childhood raised in a home under a parental figure who hates them for something out of their control.
Jaime's dynamic with Catelyn is always fascinating to me, how there is something about her that he is drawn too. The way he tells her truth about Bran the moment she truly asked, the way he becomes honest about being with Cersei when he has thus denied it to everyone else including her son. The way I think it's pretty obvious he does in fact find her attractive and enjoys the fact that she is willing to engage in his verbal sparring, the way he later enjoys also about Brienne.
But then there's that conversation. Talking about what he did to Torrhen Karstark, talking about him being the Kingslayer only to have Jaime give a speech about the vows he swore were always bound to conflict with eachother, and spins it into a mocking toast where he pretty much proudly declares he does not regret killing King Aerys II in any way (foreshadowing the later reveal about why he killed him and how his lack of regret is tied directly to the fact that he did it so save the lives of hundreds of thousands). Then Catelyn really has no rebuttal, it's a very unsettling moment where he mocks celebrating "And to the sword I shoved in his back" and how without that context she has no grasp of why he is like this.
So she says "You are a man without honour."
Now, it's easy to connect her accusing Jaime of lacking honor back to her late husband considering Ned Stark was known as one of the most honorable men of their age. But, he could've said anything. Jaime could have gone ANY route to make a slight right back against Catelyn about her husband and honour, the last time they spoke like this he made it about his death. He could've done it again, say something similar to the way Stannis later states it to Jon, "Honour got your father killed."
But he doesn't. He immediately brings up Jon. He doesn't get right to the burning climax of his words, that if he has no honour for being a Kingslayer then she should remember her honourable husband cheated on her and had a bastard child. But he doesn't really talk about Ned. He talks about Jon.
About how he knows that Catelyn never loved that boy, and in fact, only hated him. (Also tying beautifully into next season where Catelyn laments with a genuine shame and guilt about when Jon got the pox as a baby and her promise of motherhood). He digs deep into the fact that she didn't just not pretend to love him, she hated him. He nearly growls that line at her "You hated that boy, didn't you?"
Then he gets to the end, saying with a similar anger that to her, all Jon was, was a walking reminder of her husbands infidelity.
And you're right. Everyday he watched his father look at Tyrion as only a reminder that his wife died giving birth to him. And how both Tywin and Catelyn punished both the respective children over it and their status already as a dwarf or bastard had put that hatred into a burning spotlight for all to see.
But, because he sees him younger self partially in Jon, and all Jaime has had thus far is basically a full year of being the Starks prisoner, he's had nothing but alone time to stew on all of this. And now, that hatred he was forced to watch the brother he loves go through, he has to imagine what if it was him, because the guy he sees his own younger self in, did in fact go through something just like that.
And I think it makes him angry. Not even necessarily at Catelyn, but almost moreso at Tywin. As when they reuinte by season four, there is nothing but conflict between them until the very end, they never have a scene where Jaime isn't pushing back against Tywin when it's clear he's likely not acted this outwardly defiant towards him before.
And I think you're right, because being forced to imagine what his life would've looked like putting himself in Jons shoes, he realizes that it's exactly the life his own brother has always gone through.
And this probably fuels a lot of why Jaime fights so hard for Tyrion to get through this trial alive, and why when his trial by combat ends in a loss, he does his final act of love and helps him escape. He can no longer turn a blind eye to his fathers hatred for him, because imagining himself in Jons shoes, he realizes that he didn't do enough for Tyrion before, but he will now.
Catelyn's hatred for Jon is the thing that pushed him to the Wall, and Jaime at least can look at the guy who he sees himself in and thinks, at least he got out. He got himself out before it was too late.
And now he sees Tyrion at the end of his own rope and thinks, Tyrion can't get himself out, so Jaime will be the one to do so.
I hope you know, you've just opened up a whole new sector of obsessive media analysis in my head where I will now be further psychoanalyzing Jaime Lannisters character, only now his scenes with Tyrion as well add a completely new perspective onto those parallels with Jon.
And while everyone following this blog is now living in dread of my new endless potential of Jon and Jaime rambles, now we can add Jaime and Jon parallel rambles with the new segment of how does Tyrion fit into all of this.
My capacity for asoiaf brainrot has no limit it seems.
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last-flight-of-fancy · 3 months
I would love to hear your trans alphinaud and lesbian alisaie headcanons or more about the subtext you see! Especially alisaie.
AHHH oh gosh i would love to answer!! Though I must admit that these are built from many (MANY) small moments across the whole game more than a few easily pointed at examples, which means its.. kind of difficult to pull up (and remember) all the evidence.
That being said, i do still have Many Thoughts about it :DDD
First off trans Alphinaud was set into my mind very early on by one simple fact: identical twins are almost always born the same sex. like almost invariably, with the very rare exceptions needing some wild extenuating circumstances. and you cannot tell me those two are fraternal.
now ofc this is fiction, and a fantasy world besides. who's to say the writers knew that particular fact? well good news! alphinaud presents a *lot* of other common trans experiances, which are scattered throughout the msq and optional side dialogue.
(shoutout to me for having the exact same thought four years apart before and after playing the game myself. i have absolutely no memory of the first post at all because i also have no memory of watching my partner play shadowbringers even though i definitely did. rare adhd memory loss win! i got to experiance my favourite thing for the first time twice!)
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post 1: dated 2019, talking about how alphinaud is extremely trans coded, being an identical twin of a different gender to his twin, cannot swim, is body shy and *extremely* hesitant about using public showers, and having interests that are traditionally coded as feminine in fiction.
post 2: dated 2023, the same thing but this time talking about how wonderfully alphinaud and alisaie are made to complement each other in opposite ways.
he cant swim: related to the body-shyness and hesitance around the showers, its VERY common for trans people to experiance these things due to dysphoria and societal perceptions. i myself started experiancing this (even though i LOVE swimming) when pubescence started to hit. (it sucks!) alphinaud was probably one of those ones who realised VERY early what he was (logic boy who is too dang smart for his own good) so he just.. never learned to swim at all. kept his nose buried in books instead.
traditionally feminine interests/abilities: sure it could be trope subversion, but personally i think theyre also things he just enjoyed before transitioning and thus continued to do.
and one more that i can remember off the top of my head: alisaie's reaction to estinian mistaking her for alphinaud.
"but alphinaud has no problem with being mistaken for-" let me explain, i swear it makes sense.
see, alphinaud is a little logic boy at heart, we know this. he knows he and alisaie share their features, that is simply a fact. alisaie though? alisaie is ruled by feeling, and reacts accordinly. most notably the Incident when she first meets estinian.
what i find especially interesting about this is that prior to that moment with estinian, neither of them appear to have much issue with their similarities. it's only after shadowbringers that alisaie reacts with such contempt
(probably not helped by her not liking estinian much in general lol)
what this says to me is that some time before or during ShB, alphinaud told alisaie that the way people mistake him for her does bother him, but he can't blame them for the mistake considering the circumstances, so he just doesn't mention it.
alisaie however can and will blame them and thus the next time someone mixes them up (rip estinian) she EXPLODES. because it's not about her. if it was about her i honestly dont think she would care nearly as much. but it's about her brother, and how dare you hurt her brother's hidden feelings by not being able to tell them apart.
(completely seperate headcanon but i do think that estinian is faceblind as fuck, which means he never stood a chance on this one, poor guy)
okay now for lesbian alisaie <3
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what WAS it that thancred said about battle scars and maidens? and whyfor are you thinking about this alisaie? :3
also: Tesleen.
also also: Emery (A Malm in her Shoes short story)
fr tho alisaie pays attention to and talks about girls a lot. in a way she never does about boys. bringing up my complementary opposites wrt the twins thought from before, it honestly could've been another way the writers COULD have done that, having alisaie attempting to impress boys with her athletic skills the same way alphinaud tried to impress girls with his artistic ones (something he is teased about repeatedly). like the absence of this potential parallel is almost suspicious tbh...
once again, any one of these things in isolation is probably simply a choice in writing, but all these things together spell out to me one thing: alisaie likes girls. exclusively.
(im sorry you wanted lesbian alisaie thoughts more and i have less of that than the trans alphinaud ones, but if you come back in 3-5 years when i've finished my second msq run i will have compiled a far more complete list of evidence for both complete with screenshots, probably lol)
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Hi! I saw your requests were open, so I decided to leave something here. Hope that’s okay! Can you do prsk boys + Ena (seperate) with a reader who has a kinda exotic pet, like Kohane? Like, the reader could have a bat or chinchilla. [Up to you?]
Also remember to take care of yourself! :D
yaya, ill do a lil thing for both animals weheh <3 take care of urself too, and I hope u like this!! <3
♡ EXOTIC PET - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro and Ena Shinonome x Reader
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Akito would thank everything that at least it's not a dog. He'll then proceed to freak out upon seeing your pet-
He finds out that he is scared of exotic animals, but he'll try his best to ease into touching your pet
This will definitely have to happen with just the two of you, because he'd melt in embarrassment if any of his friends had to see him like this-
He would definitely want to scream any time your bat flies around him, he's just scared he'll hurt them- At least he's not freaked out by how they look!
He'd be a bit better with a chinchilla, but he'll still stare wide-eyed at them as they run around. If it jumps anywhere near him, he does end up screaming-
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Toya is definitely the most normal out of everyone here, he'll admire your pet in quiet awe
He doesn't want to startle them at all, so he'll quietly sit on the floor and patiently wait for your pet to move towards him. He'd feel bad if he startled them-
He'll absolutely light up whenever they brush against him, and he'll give them the gentlest pets in the world
He thinks that your bat is one of the coolest things he's ever seen, and he'll carefully pet them with a really soft smile. If they fly, he'll watch with admiration
He'll be amazed by how soft your chinchilla is, running his fingers through their fur over and over again. If they jump around, he'll marvel at how fast they are
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Tsukasa will tell you that he wants to see your pet, then immediately screams upon seeing them-
The only animals he's really scared of are bugs, but this doesn't stop him from being startled by your pet-
He's never seen anything like them! And he already reacts to everything 10000x more than he has to, so he will end up screaming whether he wants to or not-
He is both freaked out and intrigued by your bat, he thinks that they're so cool! Just please don't let them fly around him, he's gonna scream-
He will be in awe of your chinchilla, they're so fluffy!! And he'll cheer if they jump around, but will still be scared if they jump around him-
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Rui will certainly be intrigued, how did someone so close to him manage to get such an exotic creature as a pet?
He asks you a bunch of questions on where you got your pet, how you got your pet, how you take care of them, etc...
He's maybe a bit too curious about it, allowing your pet to move around or on him as he continues his questions. He has a notebook dedicated to them-
He so badly wants to learn more about your bat's anatomy, but that would be a dissection and he won't do that- He's content with just holding your bat!
He is really taken by how fluffy your chinchilla is, they're adorable! He also does ponder if he could make a costume with fur that fluffy-
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Ena will be a mix of curious and deathly afraid. Yes she wants to see your pet, but also don't hold them so close to her-
She's never taken to animals too much, especially since they always get more likes than her posts on social media ever do, but she'll try to warm up to your pet
Plus, she gets to practice drawing animals, so there's a high chance that you'll find her holding her sketchbook and staring intensely at your pet
The bat will freak her out, she's never seen them so close and why do they look like that- At least they'd be easier to draw if they're sleeping...
The chinchilla would also kind of freak her out a bit, why are they so fluffy?? And if they move around a lot, her drawings get messed up a lot-
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That one is in Danger, So This one has awoken...
So i figured I'd cash in some of my street cred as #TLOUBestie of @justagalwhowrites and post my playlist here. Making playlists is a bit of an artistic hobby of mine, I used to DJ for an internet radio station in the more wild west era of internet forums before social media. I really enjoy putting together music that vibes with itself and that transitions well.
Anyways, this being my art blog it seems like the prime place to lay out my thoughts.
So! This concept had been in my mind for some time, but when Kit told me she was writing the hospital scene of #Lavender, as her muse, I decided to put this together for the occasion.
All the songs in the playlist can really serve to fit anywhere in the violent protector narrative, its designed to make a continuous loop, but here Im going to try and paint but a single, generic way of experiencing the playlist, if one is in need of some inspiration.
The playlist
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1: I.Dogma
■The track: OKAY BEAR WITH ME. Pretend youve never heard of the famous video game DOOM or its excellent 2016 remake. This track still has some powerful ambience and chilling voice work. For the sake of our story well take this completely out of context and adopt DOOM SLAYER for our subject.
●The Concept: So there is a being. Its violence and deeds are legendary, enough so that the history of its actions are recorded and passed down amongst others with whispers of fear. The terror people with knowledge of this being have is matched only by their reverence for what it accomplished. The Doomslayer.
2: The End is the Beginning is the End
■The Track: okay so... ugh. I hate this version of the song.
This song was originally written about Batman for the ill fates early 2000s Shumaker version of the film with primetime-medical-drama-star George Clooney... it was pretty bad. Uma Thurman was the key preformance in that film
I digress, ive had the original in my music catalouge for some time and I love it. It has a heavy, frantic, snare heavy rock beat layered with twisting guitar chorsa, and haunting vocals singing about some legendary weirdo trying to change a world it hates.
The version on spotify sounds like their grandma bought them a distortion pedal for the first time. Im guessing its licensing issues but still, not my fav.
●The Concept: Here we have the being as remembered by legend. The stories people tell, the traumas others remember. The Doom Slayer is larger than life, an inspiration to some and a warning to others. To believe his existence by the tales of those who know of him one might almost think the doom slayer a lively one, capable of anything.
3. The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
■The Track: The yang to the ying of these songs here we have the same or similar lyrics... but drawn out into a sluggish, desperate, cynical tone. There is an air of dread in the sounds and low frequencies of this piece. The vocals are almost sinister in nature as if making fun of the subject of the song.
●The Concept: Here we have the reality of the legend. The stories arent false persay, maybe a bit embellished. But the reality is the Doom Slayer lives a life of silent suffering, having entered a state torpor for whatever reason. There is currently balance and they dont think, simply idle in their sludge of an existence. Perhaps the giant sleeps beneath mountains or the dragon in a volcano, maybe a legendary killer lives a quiet life of smuggling and emotionlessly burning the bodies of euthanized children... days only seperated by drug induced nights of dreamless sleep.
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Whatever the circumstance its beloved is not with it and not within reach. The quiet acceptance fills its life with a void, but this void balances the fire asleep within.
4: Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums
■The Track: An acid bath of sounds and beats that build on top of each other with a chaotic and violent sound. Dread and fear become present in the ominous marching sound of the melody as a sweet voice begins singing sinister reasaurances of ownership and protection. Its clear the voice is passionate about its care of the subject, but its motives are questionable. This isnt a song about the healthy kind of protection, its the kind of protection that doesnt ask the protectee if they want to be protected.
●The Concept: The balance is broken.
Perhaps it was a flood of memories. Perhaps a rumor of the beloveds location. Perhaps another who is like the beloved, but is not, is thrust into the arms of the doom slayer. Maybe even there is a distant cry for help... real or imagined.
Whatever the reason, there is an awakening. A growing pulse, the fanning flames, the start of an avalanche.
5. Betrayal/Forgiveness
■The Track: Apocalyptica is a electric string quartet that does a lot of covers of death metal songs, with a focus on melody and showing off the actual complexity of the music. This track, is hard to describe. It makes me imagine two Bucks fighting with their antlers, ant colonies going to war, lions hunting... there is fury and power. In the controlled chaos order emerges in a raspy melody laid amongst the sounds of ripping and tearing.
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●The Concept: In the time spent in Torpor confines have grown around the being. Perhaps its the mountains of stone and vines, layers of obsidian hardnened atop. Maybe our doom slayer is in a city or a facility, imprisoned or exiled. Wherever they are they are not free to pursue their beloved, and so there is a purging.
Tragically in this stage it may not be the ones who deserve it who feel the wrath of the doom slayer simply being in the way at the wrong time. Nevertheless the way is opened and perhaps there is mourning, but in the end there is nothing that can contain this one when its beloved is in danger.
6: One Way Or Another
■The Track: The original is such a catchy, poppy, almost sarcastic hit that its easy to not concider what the songs about. But slow it down? Drop the key to a minor and give it that thriller movie trailer sound? The songs meaning becomes much creepier.
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●The Concept: Awoken and no longer restrained there is a calm in the storm. The being takes a moment to reaffirm its intents and desires. Its one purpose renewed fills its being and it prepares internally, fully dedicating its entire existence to the one thing that still makes it burn.
7: Chokka
■The Track: More Apocalyptica, borrowing on the same kind of tense sounds theyre so good at making with an electric cello.
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The song has a sense foreboding about it layered with a high pitched piano riff. It manages to say so much without a single word and its beautiful for what it does.
●The Concept: The hunt begins. The doomslayer sets out after whatever awokened it, following a lead, returning to a location, listening to the cries. Whoever you are, wherever you are... it is coming for you. You have taken the beloved, you have harmed the beloved... you are a threat to the beloved. It will find the information, it will believe you when you scream out what it wants to hear. Closer and closer it nears with the first targets if its ire in sight.
8. Die MF Die
■The Track: Ugh. I wish I had better things to say about this track. It was so fucking popular in the military, every fucking daddy issue, toxic masculinity, overcompensating, gun toting, proud boy, soldier cuck wanted to play this song as they rolles out the gate to live out their murdee fantasies.
That aside, the song does a decent job capturing the almost... joyful... demeanor of a predator who has caught its quarry.
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●The Concept: The first real conflict. Whatever our being has been hunting it has found a quarry. This is the time for violence and the being is intimately familiar with the process.
9. Dirt Room
■The Track: Blue October who hurt you? This song feels so personal to me. When I listen to it I almost feel bad, like im witnessing something intimate such as seeing somebody else in a hard therapy session.
This songs overall story is a revenge fantasy about burying somebody alive. Id complement the metaphors in this song but, ahhhh Im fairly certain everything said is quite literal.
●The Concept: Theres more to our being than unkempt violence. Information is valuable and will be the way to the beloved. Here we find the insane mind of the doom slayer open and his hate laid bare like a set of tools working at the next barrier lying between them and their goal. May god have mercy on those in its path who survive the fight to be questioned by the being.
10: The Only Thing They Fear is You
■The Track: Spotify licensing agreements strike again. The only thing available on spotify are shittty covers. And sure while they do a good job of playing the song on guitar the problem is the original is preformed by a computer. It blends sounds not possible with acoustic instruments.
I fucking love the original so much. Some of the heaviest, intense, melodic, acid rock tracks ive ever heard. The only version that truly does this song justice is the original:
●The Concept: The climax of the encounter so to speak. The search is over and the beloved has been found. There are no more questions as to where it needs to go, there is only the question of what is in its way, and the answer the being brings is incredible violence. They will resist and fight with all their might, but ultimately they are all aware of the fulity of their efforts and when the mist of blood settles there is only the open path of the doom slayer as it continues forward, unyieilding.
11: Light the City Up
■The Track: You know theres not a whole lot of tracks i can find that really embody the idea "Id burn down the whole city to keep you safe" but this song comes pretty close.
Fun fact, this song isnt on the soundtrack for Spiderman:Across the Universe because production of that movie was a mess, but this is the song played in the giant chase sequence in the spider HQ between a the different spidermen
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●The Concept: The story blurs in the blood lust as the being continues his conquest burning down everything in its path. There is literally nothing it wouldnt destroy to keep the one it loves safe and those still foolish enough to stop it begin to learn why the legends were written in the first place.
Here the brush strokes of my story grow broader as therea less form to the songs and their intent. The story begins to swing more wildly in its respective directions as the being desperation grows with the beloved just outside of his grip.
12. Stompbox
■The Track: You can rely on the Qemists to give you some good frantic chase music. This track has no vocals aside from one desperate scream thats overlaid in a few spaces. Still this song gives me the feel of a hostile confrontation at high intensity.
●The Concept: The home stretch. The recovery of the beloved. Reaching the goal. The accumulates momentum of our being finally reaches its moment of critical mass and barrels through the finish line. Perhaps this the final guard, the boss of the ememies... maybe its a final test or a desperate dash to saftey. Whatever it is, it does not stop the being.
13. Tension 2
■The Track: I love me some blue man group. Following the flow of chase music this track pulls out all the stops in portraying anxiety inducing stress and tension. Beats of different speeds overlaid with fast paced bass rhythms blends with the patter of drums.
●The concept: Take the money and run. The being has what it came for. The beloved is honored, the balance is restored... but now is the time to get out. Get the beloved safe. Now is the time to avoid the crashing waves of consequences that swing in from all sides to try and once again seperate what has been rejoined.
14: Rip and Tear
■The Track: More acid rock from Mick Gordon. Another one of those songs that manages to push such vvid imagery without ever saying a word. Theres a confidence in the sound of this track, but also an underlying doubt and anxiety. High pitched siren like sounds mix with a heartbeat like pattern.
●The Concept: Gutteral tones convey the desperate and intense violence of fighting with every once of being. Tooth, nail, knife, fist and spit, this is the last stand of a cornered animal. The full fury of the legend is brought forth in events which new mythologys will be written about by whats left of those close enough to behold its power.
15: Blahhhh blah blah. "Stone Men Song"
■The Track: So this is the end credits song that plays after Jorah and Tyrion are jumped by the stone men and Tyrion appears to sink into the depths of the river, his hands bound. The screen cuts to black and this song plays.
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To me it conveys the horror of a situation you cant control and that has gone horribly wrong.
●The Concept: This is not a comedy but a tragedy. Despite whatever best efforts and good intentions of the being, it finds itself in a situation it cannot control. The consequences of its actions have accumulated to a point tbhat in its horror it finds itself ripped from its goals.
16: Ebla
■The Track: A fusion blend of rock beats with synthetic classical overlays and a choir singing in latin. Its not quite hopeful but not quite defeated. Its a somber song that echoes the beauty of love that can create such violence as well as a reminder of its costs.
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●The Concept: The ode to the doomslayer. Whatever end its story met, if an end at all and not simply the start of the next cycle, it now once again rests in silent suffering. Its purpose fuffilled and perhaps its time cut short, for whatever reason this chapter ends. The night grows silent and the only light is the glow of the smoldering ruins the doomslayer has left in its wake.
Awww look at you. You sat through all of that! Thanks!
I hope you enjoyed that and that this playlist helps you fuel your own creative art.
If you genuinely enjoyed this playlist and want more ive got good news! I have an extended version of the playlist that kit has assured me is "Extended like Lord of the rings, not Star wars"
So for sitting through all that, youve unlocked it!
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Hi , I hope you enjoy your vacation!
I just wanted to share this with you or else i might forget.
Tw : potential(?) angst
What are your thoughts/ How do you envision the argument of asra and mc that resulted in their seperation and so on till the prologue.
This is the only point in asra's route that I just can't make scenarios of
I apologise for my broken English. I hope you have a great vacation 🤍 your blog is literally my safe space and I hope that you find peace in this community too <3
Brainrot's Arcana Essays: Pre-Prologue Asra and MC
Hiya lotus(?) flower anon!
Thank you so much, vacation has been wonderful so far ^.^ and I can't tell you how happy I am to know that this blog feels safe to you. Fandom has been my safe space for years now and I'm so privileged to pass that on :)
To get into answering your question, here's my essay:
The writers made MC as vague as possible for a reason - so that as many readers as possible could fill their shoes. This means that when it comes to the past, having an MC without any memories allows the reader to learn new things at the same time as MC, which contributes to the story feeling so immersive. Unfortunately, it also means that all we know about the past is hints and comments and side conversations that we're left to connect the dots with.
I remember being surprised by this too, but in their route during the paid "slow dance" scene (Wheel of Fortune, Rise and Fall), MC has the opportunity to ask Asra "Is this how we were before?" in reference to their growing relationship. And Asra says no.
The way he tells it, they met when he was a teen selling masks and trinkets that he and Muriel had made on the streets in Vesuvia. He says it was about nine years prior to the time of his route (which using fan estimates of his age would put him at 17). He was interested in MC right away, first as a passing fancy, then as serious crush, and then eventually falling completely in love. He even describes making more and more stock in hopes that MC would have so many options to choose from that they'd stay longer and he'd have more time to talk to them.
It's mentioned in an ask arcana post that after Asra and MC became friends, it wasn't uncommon for him to crash on MC's sofa (especially between trips). It's also mentioned in the prologue that Asra started out in a little fortune telling booth in the Marketplace before using the back room of the shop. It looks like, over the course of the five(ish) years between Asra and MC's meeting and MC's death of the plague, they went from acquaintances to friends to frequently sharing the same work/living space and having a strong partnership.
So how far did their relationship progress? When Asra tells MC that they were "like this" before, the two of them aren't even committed yet. MC still doesn't know what happened in their past, neither of them have said "I love you", and there hasn't been much talk of the future yet. It suggests to me that they were close friends, with a hint of something more on Asra's end, but that the "something more" never got the chance to develop.
That lines up with what Asra says about the way their own feelings developed towards MC. They were scared of how strong they were and their response was to leave, hoping that the distance would shake their attachment. But it didn't, which resulted in Asra running from their feelings and passing up the chance to have a romantic relationship with MC in the first place.
Which is why, when the plague came, Asra wouldn't have had any ground to stand on when he asked MC to come with him. They were close friends, they were business partners, but they weren't lovers. Furthermore, Asra had established a personal habit of disappearing fairly often in order to prevent them from getting too close, so even if MC had hoped to explore that kind of relationship with him they wouldn't have gotten the chance. The only influence Asra had when he asked MC to leave Vesuvia with him was as a concerned friend.
It's unlikely that there was a big, loud argument or messy breakup, because MC and Asra wouldn't have had a relationship that warranted it. The point of their disagreement isn't that they hurt each other, it's that they went their separate ways and that MC ended up dying afterwards. Asra takes so much blame on himself, not because he betrayed MC in any way, but because he hadn't committed to them enough to 1) reasonably expect them to leave Vesuvia with him, or 2) reasonably expect himself to stay behind and help. He blames himself for being too afraid of his own feelings to ask for the relationship he truly wanted and have the precedent to get involved in MC's life when everything fell apart.
Which brings us to Asra's and MC's dynamic for the three years between their resurrection and the prologue: it's not ideal, but it's a lot healthier than expected.
Asra did not have any claim on MC's heart when they died (which he sees as one of the reasons why MC was left to die in the first place) and he doesn't try to establish a claim after bringing them back. He doesn't bring MC back as an isolated, obsessive lover who couldn't handle a bad breakup. He sees MC's death as his biggest mistake, and then he works with other people and Arcana figures to bring them back. There was a collective agreement that MC deserved a second chance at life, Asra simply took initiative in bringing that to fruition and then took the responsibility on himself to care for MC as a close friend upon their return. It's a beautiful character development arc for him - the person who was too scared of his feelings being requited to commit, becomes the person committed to the one they love while expecting nothing in return.
There's three reasons why their dynamic afterwards is so isolated: first, all the other people involved in bringing MC back are missing their memories of it, unconscious, or out of town. Second, Asra is a naturally isolated person themself, constantly forgetting that there are people out there who exist and care about them and want to help. Making and holding onto relationships is a big personal blind spot for them.
Third (and most importantly), MC is in no position to make friends, because nobody in their neighborhood will speak to them. It wouldn't be unreasonable to expect that after three years of running a shop, somebody would have made friends without any outside help. MC doesn't have that option because people are too freaked out at seeing them alive, and Asra isn't going to take them anywhere else because this is the lifestyle that gives MC the most financial, emotional, and physical independence.
This is the backdrop of the events of the prologue: Nadia wakes up and Julian comes back to town, and they're quick to reconnect with MC. Asra remains friendly and supportive, but ultimately emotionally distant. The turning point for him is at the end of the prologue, when MC has the chance to ask him, explicitly, what they mean to him. It's only once MC has other connections again, is living independently, is clearly recovered enough to decide their own future, and invites Asra to express their feelings that MC starts to realize that his interest goes beyond friendship.
There's my little speculative timeline, friend, I hope it made sense and you liked it!
Cheers -
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fiveredlights · 14 days
matthew and callan is literally the reincarnation of maxiel i'm so curious about them so like the monza really happened because of that jealousy incident? TELL ME MOREEEEE
long response under the cut, thank you for the ask anon! love rambling about my fics, if it was a full time job i would excel at it! (plus a little snippet from the bonus scene i’ll probably post from monza)
matthew and callan are really interesting because i had full intentions to seperate them from maxiel as much as possible—i thought it would be very boring to just have max and daniel and then their next gen counterparts in a fic—but then they grew legs and ran away from me. like i promise i wasn’t trying to make them maxiel 2.0 but i guess maxiel is just too strong sometimes… i think i truly realised this chapter when michelle texted daniel and she was like “oh me and max text sometimes” and i was like wait……. why does that sound familiar….. then i gave up and fully leaned into it
now anon one thing about me is that i have shit poor memory. like i am the human equivalent of a goldfish so when you said monza jealously incident i was like “what jealously incident???” and honestly i am still not exactly sure what that means…. i think (maybe) you’re referring to the authors note where i mentioned that matthew was unreasonably upset over callan’s new partner and i now realise that i should’ve given more context in that this happens after monza. matthew does not hit callan because he’s jealous that callan has a partner.
i’ll give you the texts but like i’m really emphasising that they’re deleted for a reason… to me it is just incredibly out of place and it was never gonna make it in
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there are no real motivations (that we know of) that cause the monza incident. i think it’s sometimes the case that teammates just crash, you know? but also from callan’s perspective, he’s had a bad start to the second half of the season, a q1 knockout, a dnf throught his own doing, and also why the fuck was matthew with his sister??? and also he hasn’t beat matthew in the head to heads since monaco (of the ones that i’ve shown) and that was back in may.
matthew has slowly started to infiltrate into his walls even more, and he doesn’t NOT know how to deal with it… here’s a little bit from the bonus scene:
“I know what it’s like to…care about someone who's destined for greatness or whatever,” Daniel carefully says and Callan isn’t stupid.
He’s seen the times. He knows Matthew is slowly creeping up on his laps, taking a tenth here or there and it’ll only be time before those tenths mean being ahead of Callan.
(Depressingly, he suddenly realises, Matthew has been ahead of Callan. It’s been like that since Monaco.)
The media says they’re siblings, they say they’re friends but sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes he’ll catch Daniel looking between them like he’s expecting something there, searching for some invisible thing Callan quite can’t define yet.
Sometimes, he thinks Daniel knows exactly what’s running through his mind when he looks at his teammate.
Sometimes, Callan thinks he’s right.
at this point callan knows there’s ~something~ there but does not want to open that door. he wants that door BOLTED. matthew has no clue. all teammates must surely act like this and if you remember, he specifically states that he watched max and daniel as his drivers growing up and we know how batshit insane they were in 2016-2018 so… in a roundabout way this could be daniel’s fault if you think about it
matthew’s also been pretty lucky. he’s only had one bad season with the team, his first one where callan has had to sit through bad cars and bad decisions since 2025. this is the first time in four years things have started to work. so yeah, maybe he’s a little bit annoyed that the matthew gets to reap all the benefits whilst he’s been labouring away for years on how to get this car moving.
i don’t know if that answers any of your questions i just came back from dinner and blurted it all out…
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Fuck it, I'm gonna start posting my own shouty thoughts on season 3 of Picard rather than just commenting on other people's stuff.
I'll keep taggin everything "#picard spoilers" (assume I'm talking about everything up to the most recent ep, I'll warn seperately for leaked/promo stuff about ep 10) and "#picard saltiness" so you know what to blacklist (or look for, I'm not telling you how to internet 😋).
I'm sorry/get ready.
Here's the thing. I would like to watch season 3 of Picard and think "Oh well, this wasn't made for me, the same way season 1 wasn't made for the type of TNG fan who is in heaven right now. And I'm sad my favourite characters and main reasons I liked the show in the first place got written off, but I'm glad these other fans are having the time of their lives. Good on them, I'll just mentally file this away as a season/new show that I don't connect with as much as I'd hoped." I really, really want to be able to think that and approach season 3 this way.
But the writers won't let me.
At every turn, and I mean every turn, the writers have gone out of their way to not just pretend the previous two seasons didn't happen, but to remind us they happened and they were stupid and you're stupid to ever have enjoyed them.
It's not just that Picard, in the middle of his disillusioned identity crisis, when he has been holed up on his vinyard for over a decade, talking to nobody, and feeling deeply disappointed by Starfleet, gives an impassioned speech to a bunch of young people about how Starfleet is the only family you'll ever need.
That's a type of discontinuity/soft retcon I don't particularly enjoy, but if it were just that, I wouldn't be writing this way too long screed.
It's not even just the implicit "we will do it right this time" on display e.g. when Picard "flies" the Titan out of the labouring nebula. In that scene, Picard walks up to the captain's chair to take the conn, the TNG theme swells, he sits down, the music becomes bombastic, and he gets to be the Heroic Captain We All Remember. That scene is, in my opinion, something of a parallel to the season 1 scene where Picard tries to hijack La Sirena to take Soji to her people. In the season 1 scene, he sits in the captain's chair, the TNG-inspired music swells, he is about to be the Heroic Captain We All Remember -- except then the music fizzles out and the moment deflates because Picard has been retired for a decade and a half and has no idea what he's doing (and is certainly not the most qualified to do it on an unfamiliar ship).
That parallel in season 3 rubbed me the wrong way, because it felt too close to a refutation of season 1. Too close to "See? This is how that scene should have played out!" But that is a me problem. If the writers were remotely aware of the parallel (and I honestly doubt it, because I'm not sure they know season 1 well enough), it's just as likely they wrote it as a tongue-in-cheek reference, more than a rebuttal. Assuming the worst would have been on me and my unwillingness to give this season a fair shake. And if that sort of scene were the worst of it, I wouldn't be happy about it, but I wouldn't make it everybody else's problem.
Except the writers didn't stop there.
I would (eventually) be okay with it if the writers had just quietly abandoned, ignored, or even outright retconned some characters, history, themes, and plots from season 1 and 2 they disliked. But instead, they repeatedly acknowledge the existence of these elements only to then dismiss them in frankly viscious ways.
It's not enough to ignore the Jurati-Borg in all their Eggness glory and how they would be incredibly relevant to this story season 3 is trying to tell. It's not enough to pretend that storyline never happened and move on. Instead, the writers acknowledge the existence of the new collective, but the only sentence where it's mentioned is a character talking about "That weird shit on the Stargazer."
Yes, Shaw is a dick, yes it fits his character, yes Watsonian reasons. But it was still an active choice by the writers to only bring up one of the major plot developments of season 2 in the most derisive way possible.
Another example: The writers apparently felt that the Troi-Rikers didn't belong on Nepenthe. But it's not enough to have them move somewhere else between seasons, or even to let them have a discussion about how Nepenthe is steeped in loss and grief and they want to move somewhere else and start over.
Instead, the writers have to take time out of their already shoddily paced season to have these two characters extensively shit-talk one of the brightest momenst of season 1 (figuratively and literally). It's not just "they don't like it on Nepenthe anymore", it's "they never liked it, everything about it is terrible, everything season 1 showed you about their life there is a lie, and it has always been shitty and cringey and stupid, and you were stupid to like it!"
It's not just "we dumped our diverse characters, challenging themes, and relatively fresh view on the Trek universe from outside Starfleet for starship porn, great (white) men, and more Starfleet nostalgia than you can even comprehend". It's not just "we're going to ignore the existence of season 1 (and to a degree season 2), because it's not doing the things we want to do." It's not just "we're making this show, knowing (and not caring) that it will alienate a large chunk of the people who enjoyed season 1".
It's "we see what previous seasons were trying to do, and we need you to understand, really understand, how much contempt we have for these seasons and the people who enjoyed them."
I know some people felt this way about season 1 and the way it deconstructed Picard's image as the Great Heroic Captain and laid open his flaws and the flaws of the Federation. And I now empathize with them more than I ever thought I would. But I think there is a big qualitative difference in there.
In season 1, Picard gets put in his place. He has women people telling him when he's wrong, where he has failed, where he should have stepped up and needed to do better. But the show is still deeply sympathetic towards him. By the end of the season, Elnor has forgiven him, Raffi has forgiven him (without ever getting an apology), and he gets to save the day [whether the end to this particular arc is well done (it's not) is a rant for another day].
The failures Picard is being reproached for in season 1 pretty much exclusively happen between TNG and PIC. They tie in to patterns and tendencies the character has always had and attempt to deconstruct some of them. But there's no direct evisceration of specific things that happened on TNG.
At no point does Picard get out his Ressikan flute to make a glib comment about what a useless trinket it is, and how he should have thrown it out years ago. At no point does he turn to Riker and say: "Man, do you remember that Darmok and Jalad shit? What a waste of time! I wish we'd blown up that ship when we encountered it."
Season 1 is critical of Picard's character, yes, and it might feel crass or unfair at times (not least because we're still not used to seeing Great (White) Heroic Men Of Our Childhood get deconstructed that way). But any reproach the season 1 writers levelled at Picard pales in comparison to the petty contempt the season 3 writers regularly display towards the show they've ostensibly taken stewardship of.
Season 1 might have been a bit glib or inconsiderate of the legacy they inherited. Season 3 is viscious. And I am so, so tired of it.
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bibimbinge · 9 months
10 BL boys I want carnally <3
Much much love to @ayansbff for tagging me!! I hope you know what you’re in for cause tagging me in a post to simp?? ok! I have a reason to SCREAM about these men who made me question my asexuality.
Mantrisanu - Jeng (Step by Step)
nobody but my acemate (@mooniyuta) knows just how obsessed I was with Mantrisanu during the Step by Step era. When I tell ya I forgot I was ace as soon as I saw his giant 1.90m ass on screen.. I forgot I was even a person. I am a squirrel needing to climb a tree. WOW! just WOW!! Step by Step? No! Step On Me.
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Jam Rachata - Tinn/Jiu (Laws Of Attaction/To Sir With Love)
just Jam Rachata in general. He’s just a few years older than me but I will call him Daddy. When I saw him in Laws of Attraction I was intrigued then I stayed for the plot then I got hooked with their chemistry. Lucky for me I’ve never watched To Sir With Love before, so I did… and I can hear the wedding bells ringing as soon as I saw how his hunky meaty goodness handle that rusted half scissors turned murder weapon.
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First Kanaphan - Alan/Sand (Moonlight Chicken/Only Friends)
I’ve been salivating for this man since Not Me. I suffered through The Shipper for this man. It’s not just his beautiful handsome gorgeous self that does it for me, its also his charm. Like he’s so charming and has this aura about him that’s just warm and homey. His smile is like the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. His eyes are just so sparkly and beautiful, if I ever meet him irl I’d probably trip over myself getting lost in them. I understand Khaotung not wanting to share him with anyone because I would do the same.
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Bright - Yai (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
He’s so handsome I can cry. This man is like Jam x2. Like he has such a perfect face for male lead in romance genre. Where has he been all my life?? Maybe its Yai the character that feeds my deluluism, but when General Yai popped up in ifylita with a freakin porn stache and I wasn’t immidiately appalled, I knew I was a goner.
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Neo - Boston (Only Friends)
Neo has always been cute to me. Catches my eye in every series he’s in but then Only Friends happened AND I WAS FLOORED!!! It was like ya know when you enter your teen years and that cute person you’ve grown up with had a growth spurt and you’re like daaaang when did you get hot 👀 Yeah that’s me with Neo.
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Ohm Pawat - Pat (Bad Buddy)
specifically Ohm as Pat cause he was chunky and meaty and oof his arms were distracting as fuck. Anytime he showed up with that damn tank top I was like pls may I bite. He’s just so *feral animalistic growling* I personally love a man whos chunky meaty mucles and looks like they can lift me. AND HIS SMILE??? HIS TWINKLING EYED SMILE?!?!?!?! I’m gone. what a baaaabe!!!
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Try imagining? alrighty if you say so 😚
Keita Machida - Kurosawa (Cherry Magic)
I remember watching cherry magic for the first time in 2020 and I was in awe. He is so dreamy and handsome. I hate to say it again guys but.. his smile!! Like I’m obsessed with him!! Both me and bestie screamed when we saw him in Alice In Borderland (overgrown blondie with roots showing and he is messy and he smokes and I was barely breathing) and then scream cried when his head EXPLODED!?!?!?!) Anyway, I’d marry this guy. like legit.
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Earth Pirapat - Jim (Moonlight Chicken)
I am not done with the young dilfs. I have no other words other than !! HIM !! like I would need to make a seperate Earth appreciation post to start talking about him. This post is getting too long anyway so I’m gonna not say much here but.. just know I would drop everything for him.
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Papang - Gumpa (Not Me)
my need for Papang to suffocate me in his tiddies arms is like my human need to eat to keep myself sustained. He just looks like the best recharging station. That doesn’t make sense but it makes sense.
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Even going through the gif list to choose a Papang gif gave my tummy flips
Bosston Suphadach - Pruk (Between Us)
THERE’S A NEWBIE ON MY LIST WOO!!! I feel like because he hasnt been here long and has only played sub-minor parts, people forgot about him .. BUT I. DID. NOT. <3 Did you see him in between us alongside Sammy?? Yes. I too would be purposefully tripping in front of him so that he can hold me in his big strong arms. Also him and the doctor in Be My Favourite?? SIIIIICKKK!!!! Let’s just say I’m excited to watch their spinoff next year ✨
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I’ve got a few more but these men are mainly the ones that I need to have. In conclusion, Big Guy, Big Arms, Big Smiles. Love them, Love Him.
thank you lovely gif makers @zhivchik @mushiemadarame @rayandgay @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kiyosuku @warmday @sunsetandthemoon @bunnakit @daikunart and lovely moots @dramalets @drama-nonsense @mooniyuta @mooninagust @these-emo-thoughts @sparklyeyedhimbo @khaotungsfirst @blue-grama @absolutebl @troubled-mind who enable this obsession.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
What was originally just meant to be a funny post about the Stone Ocean side of the Star Swap that somehow turned out to be actually plot-relevant:
What if, during the Yo-Yo Ma “fight”, Jonathan is just… nice to the stand? In canon, when Yo-Yo Ma appears, everyone is immediately violent towards and because they suspect it has evil intentions (to be fair, it does), and are overall very rude to stand. So what if in Star Swap Stone Ocean, when Yo-Yo Ma shows up and acts all humble, Jonathan’s victorian gentlemen behaviour kicks in and he gets Anasui and Foo Fighters to stop attacking it, and gives a whole speech about how servants deserve to be treated as kindly as anyone else. And what if Jonathan’s kindness actually moves Yo-Yo Ma’s to the point where he calls off his stand’s attack?
…. Okay so to be honest, I originally index’s this to just be a funny “ha ha look at how nice Jonathan is”, but in writing this I realize that it would actually significantly change things. If Jonathan manages to befriend Yo-Yo Ma, that means that Foo Fighters never leaves to kill the user, which means that they never directly encounter Pucci, which means that Foo Fighters gets to live for a little longer in this AU.  It probably doesn’t end well for the user of Yo-Yo Ma, since the moment Pucci learns of his betrayal, he can just take his stand and memories away and find out where “Jolyne” and the others are, meaning some variation of the fight against Pucci in the swamp still happens.  But since they where never subjected to the boiling water stand,  Foo Fighters is much less injured and might not die in the fight. 
Oooooooooooooooooo that's a really fun idea to mess around with actually
because like. Yo-yo Ma is I think the first (possibly only?) sentient automatic Stand we've seen, so like........ theoretically couldn't Yo-yo Ma disobey D an G's orders? To an extent at least??? Because as we've seen in the past, beyond their preset instructions Automatic Stands can't be directly controlled by their Users, and from wha I remember Yo-yo Ma is capable of making some decisions by itself
and just. You're absolutely right, Jonathan would 100% welcome Yo-yo Ma with open arms and kindness without hesitation. Foo, Atroe and Anasui find it kinda weird and aren't fully sold, but none of them say anything about it because none of them want to make Jojo upset, so they settle for silently threatening Yo-yo Ma with severe bodily harm should it lay a single finger on him when Jojo isn't looking
And who knows, maybe another thing that sway Yo-yo Ma to their side is Foo. Foo can open Yo-yo Ma's eyes to the fact that it doesn't have to do everything it's User tells it to, it can make it's own decisions and live life the way it wants
Pucci is definitly going to be angry about this specific development, and for the angst of it I love the idea of him taking Yo-yo Ma's disc when he finds out. Jonathan and the rest watching Yo-yo Ma crumbling to dust before their eyes, promising they'll bring it back somehow no matter what, that they won't let Pucci get away with this
And slightly switching gears from Yo-yo Ma to Foo and Atroe, them being there for everything with the Green Baby is going to make things interesting, specifically for when Pucci shows up. The duo's whole...... everything is actually going to make them something of a dfficult match for Pucci to fight, since as far as we've seen he can only use his ability on one person at a time, and while they're sharing a body they're still two seperate beings. If he tries to take Foo's disc, Atroe can just. Push it back in, and vice versa if he tried to take Atroe's
however, that isn't to say they'd have an easy win, or even be able to win at all. Whitesnake is still very powerful and Foo and Atroe are reliant on Atroe's body being in fighting condition so if she gets too beat up they're in trouble
but also another thought: what if Jonathan taught Atroe hamon. After all, Foo Fighters goes with hamon just as well as The Passion does with everything it does with water, and Foo...... doesn't exactly have lungs to use it themself. Plus, it would also give Atroe a reliable way to defend herself if she ever gets separated from Foo or if Foo's down for the count
why did I bring this up? Because I think it would be really funny if Pucci succesfully removed Foo's disc only to immediatley get punched in the face by a Hamon Boosted Punch
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employee052 · 2 months
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This is V, The Explorer who finds Virgil's body in the office ruins just a few years after Humanity has gotten their freedom.
Some more AU spitballing:
His name is V because of Stanley's Wife. She probably has heard a lot about this android at his office and how this android has taken care of Stanley while dealing with the intense pressures at the office, so she knows that they are a friend to Stanley of some sort. (Highlighting her bc i'll mention her again later)
So when V is born, she names the baby Vi. (Stanley probably didnt know about V at all. Perhaps his wife was going to bring up the news to him when he got home one day. Only for him to never come back.) She wouldn't remember Virgil's name fully though, so she names him V.
Since the game is essentially a VR world for Stanley, everything inside is probably a mix of things taken from Virgil or Stanleys memories. Only due to the decay on Virgil's body and Stanley's forgotten memories, they're half of the whole picture, but taken at face value on their own. Hence the endless sprawling office, non-sensical catwalks and locations, etc.
Like... maybe the Curator is the voice of Virgil's developers, or the Amanda of this universe. But with the decay coupled with the office terminating his service, cutting Cyberlife's systems off from him, all he remembers is the voice talking to him in a white void and reimagines her in a museum.
Maybe the bucket comes from Stanley's vague memory of going to Home Depot to buy a bucket and finding one really good one in the entire store.
Etc. Etc.
Back to V, however, I bring this up because this is the reason why i colour picked V's hair colour from Mariella specifically.
Since Mariella in the game is the only other person with a model that's human in form, maybe Stanley remembers her face but just doesn't remember who it is. Which is why in this AU im thinking Mariella would be Stanley's wife. He just doesn't remember that her face is his wife, since his "wife" in the apartment ending is a mannequin.
(Ignore the fact that Virgil/The Narrator would go on to say "Who would want to commit their life to you" and that he may have some jealousy to this said wife in the first place. /lh /silly)
Maybe The Narrator saw Stanley's memory of this woman's face, and used it in the game since he remembered it so vividly. But since neither remember it was Stanley's wife's face, it was used for the Insanity ending.
Having V as Stanley's son gave me this idea that once The Narrator leaves the office with him to go live out the rest of his days at the local town of survivors, he ends up becoming close to him as well.
It's almost a miracle in a sense, considering that The Narrator wasn't sure he could trust humanity again after his time back in the office.
But over time, they get close, and The Narrator let's his guard down.
Cyberlife Androids have that feature where they can analyze things with their tongue, right?
When they end up having their first kiss, it would take some time for things to get working much less the Narrator be willing to even kiss someone, his HUD starts studying V's DNA.
As he's kissing him, he sees his systems say that its a 47.5% match to Stanley's.
And if you're wondering how the Narrator has Stanley's DNA. He has a function for CPR. And I am 100% sure that he would've tried to save Stanley using it.
The Narrator wouldn't be upset about it in the slightest however. If anything he finds the situation funny in a sense. That the person he ends up loving is also the descendant of the man he loved first.
If he tells this to V however, he goes silent at the realization. Especially since he never remembered having a Father.
Maybe this could lead to him going to his mother, who's now elderly, and the look of shock on his face when he sees an elderly Mariella look back at him, and the voice similar to the one he used in the Parable.
Maybe she tells the story about her husbands disappearance, and maybe The Narrator tells her about Stanley's fate.
Maybe he tells her about the Parable, about how he desperately tried to keep him alive, only to realize that he was gone and moved on. But he still has whatever's left of him in his mind. Living happily in the newly reformed VR space that has him living out his happiest days and in peace.
Maybe with this, The Narrator and Mariella begin to recount stories about Stanley, with V listening in about his father that he never remembered.
And maybe, they all grow closer, and finally move on.
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Heyo! I'm Cassiopeia!
The following blog is an ooc hub for all my pkmn irl accounts, and where the follows for all the accounts listed later in this post come from! This blog USED to be the rp blog for a character I no longer use and have no motivation for anymore, and is the main blog on this account, so I figured changing it into a hub blog of sorts would be a good idea.
I'm free to answer questions about my ocs ooc here, plot arcs, and generally talk about stuff in the pkmn irl community. I'll also possibly be boosting some accounts I think are cool, reblogging important posts and ask games in the community to hopefully spread them around a bit more, and just generally using this to store some posts about pokemon in general that I think are neat.
Info about the Mod and General Boundaries!
The following is some general information that might be useful. Like I said earlier, I'm Cassiopeia, but you can call me Cass, Cassi, or Pea! I use any pronouns, and I'm an adult (Adult meaning 18 or older in this case.) I'm the host of a system, and a splitroject (or whatever the term is I cant remember) with multiple sources, but notably several pokemon characters. Pokemon has been a systemwide special interest since we were a little kid, and we have a lot of opinions and headcanons, as well as know A LOT about the series as a whole. Our main account is @max-starfall but this is a seperate account so follows for pkmn irl stuff will come from here. A warning that we occasionally reblog heavy stuff or more adult oriented content on that blog (nothing outright nsfw, but usually some suggestive stuff and sexual humor, so minors beware)
I DO check peoples boundaries before I follow so don't worry! Only time I won't is if I miss them. Also sometimes I follow people just cause I think the blog is cool, but I tend to not interact outside of anons just cause while I like your blog, my blogs just can't or wouldn't interact, or I'm a little scared to, yknow?
Any pkmn irl rp account is allowed to interact with p much any of my blogs! Sentient pokemon, legendaries, eebies, etc etc etc. I run on Rotomblr being a multiverse. I may not interact much if our canons diverge too strongly for personal comfort but usually it's whatever cause of the previously mentioned multiverse thing. Some general stuff I go by on all my blogs are people do eat pokemon, and pokemon do eat other pokemon. There are small bugs and bacteria and shit thatre still. alive but not pokemon. Not all pokemon lay eggs. A more mammalian pokemon like stoutland would give live birth like a real dog, and stuff like the more plant like pokemon like sunflora or oddish produce seeds. Not going to go too into details but thats something that happens.
While I am an adult, I prefer not to engage with more suggestive or outright nsfw content on the pkmn irl sphere (but i may rb some suggestive stuff or make brief jokes VERY RARELY, always tagged). There's a lot of minors in this community, and I'd like to keep my blogs generally safe spaces for them to interact. If it's anything you wouldn't joke about with a middle schooler or high schooler, probably not. I try to tag stuff that can be upsetting on all my blogs, and I'll usually ask before doing anything big with anyone elses blogs. There's other stuff, but DNI's don't usually work, so I'll probably just block you if I don't like your vibes.
My tumblr dms are always open, so if you'd like to plot anything out, I'm free to chat here or on the rp account in question! You CAN leave a message on my main account too, but I'd prefer to keep rp stuff here. If you already know my discord and we've chatted in dms there before in the past, that's also an option, but otherwise stick to tumblr.
If you have a problem with me, please tell me because I am stupid. If you don't want me following you please just block me, or tell me straight up because I will not realize.
Pokemon IRL Blogs I run:
Putting these under the cut cause there's a lot. Includes summaries.
@yveltalreal - currently in the process of being rebooted! will update when i get the new rebooted version more established!
@pure-incense - my attempt at making a normal ass guy i can just interact with a bunch of people with. probably gonna end up being a very active blog but who knows we'll see.
@sd-up - the blog of juno, an ex neoplasma grunt. an exploration of what inspired people to stay with plasma after the whole noble cause was gone, and what happens to people in that kind of environment long after they've been ripped out of it. tw for themes of past cult abuse and generally what comes with a member of evil teams. not a villain blog, but certainly a character with issues
@fruitbasket-gossip - A joint blog with 3 friends. I play Mod Starf. A group of NaraUva students and Blueberry students fucking around on Rotomblr. What will they do? Who knows!
@vital-spirit - A joint blog with a friend! A pmd blog in a setting inspired by various western movies. A whole new set of towns, dungeons, and characters unrelated to those in the various games. I play Lucario.
@blazingvictory - the blog of a bba student with so many problems and issues.
There's a few others but they're completely dead and I have no intent to use them again for a while, and are still attached to my main rather than this blog.
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desire-mona · 3 months
randomly assigning house md characters internet moments / videos / memories / whatever i remember based off nothing at all (i did i dps version too) (also links for everything i talk about will be provided) (also also this isnt made to make fun of anyone involved in any of this)
house - mr beast and his OLD OLD youtube videos, like circa 2015? i think? he used to make cringe compilations essentially where he just made fun of kids' youtube intros. face and all like nothing was blurred for privacy, and then he'd call them cringe and make drinking bleach jokes. like a LOT. i binge watched those back in like 4th grade i think? maybe 5th? so thats kinda all i associate him with now. he also made videos where he would say a word like a thousand times, sometimes WAY more (like 100k+). or like. count to that number, he did both. anyway rip house you wouldve loved making fun of kids' youtube videos
wilson - does anyone remember the evian baby commercials? i think the whole shtick was like "this water makes you feel young again" I THINK? the one i linked was the one where the reflection on a building makes ppl babies, but theres one where babies are on roller skates or whatever too. this isnt entirely an internet moment as much as it is just a memory, cuz i remember my mom and my aunt DYING laughing at these commercials. idk what it was they were just in tears. theres something so 2007-2015 about dancing babies. wasnt a dancing baby the first internet meme? just googled it and yes it was.
cuddy - onision's shitty spoken word songs PLEASE tell me someone remembers them. onision really shouldve stopped trying to make music after the banana song bc the rest really suck shit. this is NOT based on vibes i gotta get that out there, i was like hmm cuddy has a kid. you know who else has a kid? YOU KNOW WHO LET THEIR KID FALL OUT OF A WINDOW? cuddy would fucking HATE onision. ALSO OH MY GOD PAUSE EVERYTHING ONISION JUST UPLOADED A SONG. I NEED TO MAKE A SEPERATE POST ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW WHAT THE HELL. anyway dont watch it. i linked strange æon's video on his music just bc i really dont wanna direct u to anything of his directly. did u know i dont like onision?
foreman - the most insane youtube poop ive ever seen in all of my 19 years of living, i sent this to maddie specifically when i made my initial "like for a rando internet moment!" post but i really need to share it with the general public. general warning for youtube poop-ness; flash, loud noises, overwhelming, etc. i am actually begging you to watch this because it tops every other ytp ive ever seen, like actually blows it out of the water. i also has no idea ppl still made ytps after 2014 tbh.... btw this is probably the only ytp that i'll ever recommend LMAO
chase - OH MY GOD KYLERLOVESJESUS. so basically this one eboy influencer type on tiktok back in 2019 Found God and went on rants about how abortion is wrong and gay marriage is bad and blah blah blah. there was this moment on one of his lives where he went "i love gay people, i would be best friends with a gay person. do i support it? no." which was the FUNNIEST shit back in the day. i would quote it on the daily. btw the editing of the video i linked is VERY of the time so beware LMAO
cameron - cutie the kitten (sans' wife and gf) + the killing videos sans fan girls would make. i actually cant link anything bc the channel doesnt exist anymore but! basically back in 2016ish there was this one girl who had such a crush on sans and she had a whole ocxcanon situation with sans and her pink cat oc Cutie. a lot of ppl hated her + the ppl who had ocs shipped with sans but looking back its truly not a big deal. what is a big deal is that she (? maybe?) and other sans fangirls would make animated slideshow videos of their ocs using powers or whatever to kill other sans fangirls. like brutally. it was a wild time i wish cutie's channel was still up so i could prove thats a real thing, but ask an undertale fan from back then and odds are theyll know. heres a sans fangirl cringe compilation so you kinda know what im talking about, but fair warning it is a cringe compilation so. it wont be nice.
thirteen - TW INCEST!! this one hamilton animatic i saw back in forever ago to the song 'helpless'. usually animatics to that song use eliza and hamilton (im not a hamilton fan this is very surface lvl knowledge btw) but the one i saw was eliza and ANGELICA. like as in HER SISTER. big surprise someone in a big fandom ships incest wow I KNOW its tame compared to other shit, but it was i think my first exposure to anything like that circa 2017ish, so it kinda stuck in the brain. also the video i linked isnt the og its a phil collins mashup, the og got taken down. hamilton always makes an appearance in my house posts doesnt it, be lucky i didnt give kutner this one bc ppl were turn up abt hamilton fan kutner.
taub - WHAT DO YALL KNOW ABOUT MIKE AND MELISSA ⁉️⁉️ basically mike and melissa is this animated passion project this guy made to show himself (or his persona? or maybe just some guy) falling in love with his fursona that comes to life. this was the only episode this guy uploaded and i think he kinda disappeared after. the plot is kinda hard to follow and its not TERRIBLY animated but its certainly not professional looking. there's a video about what happened to him uploaded like 5 months ago, but i havent watched it. when i first heard of mike n melissa i fully thought it was a mid 2000s family sitcom but it definitely Is Not That.
kutner - undertale sans au christmas party comic dub. i probably dont need to give an explanation as to what sans aus are but idk how many ex or current undertale fans follow me so i'll do it anyway. making au's for undertale was a pretty common practice back in its early days, and usually the most popular character in any undertale variation is sans. who sans is shipped with was always up in the air, so much like the onceler, ppl ended up shipping sans with other au versions of himself. this christmas party comic is in my mind the undertale fandom equivalent of camp weehawken. i think there was also a sans au comic where all the sans' except for like 2 were toddlers at daycare? i dont remember who the adult sans' were but also i think the creator got into hot water? dont remember why.
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crayonfears · 5 months
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So my other question is: Do you also have Aus of those 2 losers for example: What If they never met as Children and only discovered each other in Adulthood? Or What If Han Seok won and Vincenzo lost and South Korea left? Or What If People thought that Jung Woo was Han Seo’s secret lover? Or What If both of them didn’t die 💀 or the biggest What if is more for me : What would have happened If Han Seo never betrayed his Hyungnim?? lol I don’t think that JUST 1 question 🥲 but I think you get what I mean. Really excited for your response <3 (btw do want a nickname from me or should I just call you my friend ? :3)
hi there, al! these images 😭 am i getting bullied or lovebombed right now i can't even tell 😂
oh, brother (gender neutral), i've got AUs upon AUs for these guys haha. i've been in the jangrbos trenches for nearly a year now, i can't even begin to tell you all the AUs i've come up for them. i can't remember most of them cuz i just have so many now 😂 i'll follow your example for now, which yes i've come up with and thought about so much in the past. the first one is interesting! though tbh i do like the idea of them having met as children but then got separated for some reasons and then later meet again as adults much more. a friend in the fandom and i used to talk about it a lot haha - called it the Seperation AU (not very creative ik 🙈). there are so many versions of it too, changing depending on how/when they were seperated and how/when they meet again as adults. i've got two versions i'm writing right now and if all goes well then those will be the next fics i'll posted haha
and i most definitely think people thought jun woo was han seo's secret lover because the guy just became partner overnight, which came from han seo's order haha. imagine han seok getting it in his head that they shoul start a fake relationship too, after he heard the rumors. it woul make scheming so much easier since people would stop questioning why he's always with the CEO of babel haha. han seok getting too into it, wanting to make it look real while han seo's just bewildered at how han seok doesn't seem at all disturbed at the idea of being in a relationship with his brother 😂
for post-canon, han seo and han seok are always alive to me. that ending never happened at all because it fucking sucked, end of story 🙈 also given the chance i'd kill vincenzo a hundred times over so he's always dead in my AUs if he even appears in them at all 😂 or well, sometimes he's there for comedic purpose or to further the plot like so many characters were used in the show to further his developement - i am very bitter about vincenzo, yes, why do you ask? anyways, i think han seok would start appreciate han seo's meaning in his life more. takes nothing less than a near-death experience for him to start seeing the good things in life, eh? that's just me being fluffy though. i've seen so many angsty and torture filled post-canon AUs out there so here's a little something to contrast that ig haha
if han seo never betrayed han seok, i don't think much would've happened in their relationship, actually. vincenzo, as suckass as he was, really was the catalyst for change, for han seo to react further. i'm sure he's tried to run/fight back in the back - can't think of his bratty ass always being obedient - and vincenzo is the thing that really made him think he could win this time around. idk, that's just my thought.
(i go by crayon on here but you can call me anything you like 😊)
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