#william baxter
kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Find the word
Thanks to @elsie-writes here and @dyrewrites here!
My words: fish, run, screech, down, drumming, far, pale, sever, command
Your words: punish, trust, tree, reckless
Tagging @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @leahnardo-da-veggie @cowboybrunch @winterandwords
@badluck990 @willtheweaver @tabswrites @winterandwords + anyone else :)
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
Keep reading for:
Jedi's dad sucks
Gwen's powers
Robbie asks to be thrown
Ash tries to place where she is based on accents
I'm not even kidding I looked through every single thing I've written, I've never used any variant of "drum" as a verb but I want to put something here so idk here's Gwen playing with her sticks
William's science babble
Robbie and Akash meet Ewan
This angsty passage from an older Draft of TSP was the only instance of sever I could find
Robbie helps Kelsey
Fish - from The Secret Portal Part One (Jedi POV)
“You mean besides the fact that he’s a—” “Yes, Taylor, besides that.” “No, it seems like I wasn't informed,” Dadaidh said. “Enlighten me.” Something about the way he said that made me extremely interested in the way the cooked meat of the fish looked after I had shoveled a good portion of its body into my mouth.
Run - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
I heard Dr. Asghar and Dr. Moon run after me, but I didn’t stop. I had a good head start and was faster. I reached the vase I’d seen and gave a mental apology for knocking it over. Dr. Asghar swore loudly as I skidded around the corner and ran down that hall until I realized I reached a dead end. I whipped around but saw Dr. Asghar and Dr. Moon at the start of the hallway. I froze. “Where’d she go?” Dr. Asghar asked, panting. “I don’t know,” Dr. Moon said. He looked around. “She had to have turned here. Her powers must have activated.” I stood there in confusion. Looked behind me, looked back at them. What powers? How could they not see me? I decided not to think too much about it and be thankful that they couldn’t while trying to make my heavy breathing quiet down.
Screech Scream - from The Secret Portal Part One (Rose POV)
I was shaking, panting—I didn’t, couldn’t, break my gaze from the beast until I heard Robbie scream, “Hit me!” “What?!” Noelle asked. “Telekinetically throw me against the wall!” “I’ve only lifted a hair-tie!” “Then physically throw me!” “What?!”
Down - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Um, where exactly, uh, do I go?” “Just on the other side of those trees,” he said, pointing. Wow, I could not place his accent. Vaguely East Asian, maybe European? How observant, Ash, great way to narrow it down. It's not like there’s 5 billion people you narrowed the world to. It was different than the girl’s, though, so that definitely didn’t help.
Drumming Drumsticks - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
Rose sighed and stood up, neglecting to brush the grass of her pants. “Well, wherever Lexi and Ash are, I think it has something to do with that rock.” “The rock?” Noelle said, not buying it. Rose slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “I mean, yeah. It’s buzzing, like the wall.” “I don’t hear any buzzing,” Noelle muttered. “Me neither,” I agreed. “I… don’t either,” said Kelsey. “Sorry, Rose.” Gwen cringed, now tapping the drumstick on her palm.
Far - from The Secret Portal Part One
William put down his tablet and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. He’d been working so late that it was now early. It was so quiet he could hear the snakefly behind him violently flapping its wings. He sighed, then reread the last paragraph he’d written: Replicating the negative energy density found in a chronokinetic’s rifts is no easy task. The level needed to connect one time to another is far greater than a Level-7 teleporter, but nowhere near the level in the portal that connects our reality to Ceteri, nor even a dimensiokinetic. If chronokinetics were less seldom, perhaps this task would be accessible.
Pale - from The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
“Alright,” I said. “Remember the way?” Akash shrugged. “Not really.” I sighed. “Fantastic.” “Dude, you’re the one who walked it!” “I didn’t think I’d have to memorize the path!” I sighed. I leaned Ariel against a nearby tree, freeing my arms to cross over my body. “Okay, let me think.” “You two lost?” I turned to see a pale, dark-haired teenager leaning against a nearby tree. “Last time somebody asked that question, we were kidnapped.”
Sever - from The Secret Portal Part One (Draft Four)
How far will you go for a friend? That’s the real question, isn’t it? What will it take to sever a friendship? If they make a mistake, will you believe that they will come back? Maybe wait. Maybe do what’s right for everyone, but deep down, you will still die for them.
Command(ed) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I stood back, hugging myself as Robbie knelt in front of Kelsey. He pressed his fingers to her temples, and Kelsey shuddered—maybe in relief. A soft maroon glow emanated from Robbie’s fingertips. The darkness beneath Kelsey’s skin began to fade, and it traveled up Robbie’s arms, that same menacing glow radiating beneath his skin. After a moment, he released his grip from Kelsey, who let out a sharp gasp, the light gone. Robbie stood, closing his eyes. The darkness now inside him turned into a bright maroon. “Shut your eyes!” he commanded. I obeyed, and through my eyelids, I could still see a sharp white light blaring. I squeezed my eyes tighter, though water still seeped out the edges. The light faded.
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swanlake1998 · 2 years
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maya plisetskaya photographed performing in carmen suite by william baxter
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zegalba · 9 months
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"Night Moths" by William Baxter Closson
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year
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The Angel
ca. 1912
Artist : William Baxter Closson (1848-1926)
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psikonauti · 11 months
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William Baxter Closson (American,1848-1926)
Night Moths
photomechanical wood engraving on paper
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strangerabbit-art · 8 months
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Bella Baxter
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petersonreviews · 1 year
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Anne Baxter and Gregory Peck in Yellow Sky, 1948
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moradadabeleza · 2 months
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William Baxter Closson
In the Heart of the Woods
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peepingcreek · 8 months
Poor Things.
list of things:
She would of had her period, and had A TIME understanding it
She was beautiful and fuckable every second of her adult life, not once did her maladies make her stinky, drip, rot, putrify or otherwise act like something organic.
She would have experienced pain and anguish at the invasion of a penis without any foreplay. Not mild curiosity.
She would NEVER have reached for the cucumber. Not as a toddler.
She had no reason to welcome back Godwin and his assistant. True enlightenment to her past would have brought horror and disgust, a dark mixture of confusion, not immédiate forgivness and reintegration.
All of the sex scenes were shot like a porn, not from her perspective encountering the male body for the first time.
Exihibitionist lesbianism is not true feminist enlightenment.
Bella would have tried to understand love, not just her Clitoris. Being a human nécessitates encountering love, even if you don't feel it yourself.
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‘Butterflies’ by William Baxter Closson, c. 1887.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
Find the word
Thanks to @sleepywriter00 for the tag here! Sorry this is a little late I got behind on these!
My words: spoon, energy, study, listen
Your words: future, slice, deserve, access
Tagging @jezifster @little-peril-stories @mysticstarlightduck @blind-the-winds @herrmannhalsteadproduction @cowboybrunch @i-can-even-burn-salad @aziz-reads @memoriethereaderandwriter-blog @mk-writes-stuff @buffythevampirelover @mantabanter @chauceryfairytales @eccaiia @pb-dot @frostedlemonwriter or anyone who wants to hop on!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday - y'all can also hop on if you want
Keep reading for:
Talk about planners and Gabriel's nickname
Short passage of pseudoscience babble
Telepathy world building! Will this change? Who knows!?
Maddie helps Kelsey calm down <3
Spoon (twice!) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
“Oh, shoot, I forgot my planner.” I turned to see it still lying on the floor. I flicked my wrist slightly to teleport it in my hand. “You brought a planner to breakfast?” Tyler asked as he drank his orange juice. “It’s just how I manage my life,” I said. I opened it up on the table to show them the January schedule. “Wow, that’s really pretty,” said Carla. “I don’t need a planner, given my powers.” “Aw, yeah, I wish I could just stop time at my leisure,” I said as I closed the planner again. “I have a planner,” said Tyler. “It’s called here.” He pointed to his head. “Medina has one like yours, but it’s a little boring.” “One, you need to write things down in case you forget,” said Gabriel, pointing at Tyler with his spoon. “Two, I don’t see why a planner needs color.” “To organize different activities,” I answered. “Hm. Well, I guess mine is just schoolwork and my job.” “You have a job?” I asked, leaning forward. Gabriel nodded. “Construction job—perfect for terrakinetics. After school on the weekdays, I walk about fifteen minutes to a site—” “Wait, you live here full time?” I asked. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” “You’re fine, I don’t care. Yes, I live here full time.” I chose not to inquire any further, even though Gabriel didn’t seem that bothered by it. “After school, I do the homework that I need to get done, then I help the docs out.” “What do they need help with?” “Various things. Um, right now we’re sorting through the multiverse database to see if we can find Rosalinda.” “Oh, yes, that’s right.” “G,” Carla whispered. “I’m fine, Carla,” I said. “But thanks. It’s actually really cool that Gills is helping.” “Gills?” Gabriel sighed then continued eating. “You really have been spending way too much time with Stafford.” “When are you gonna accept it’s an actual genius nickname?” Tyler asked. “Then why don’t you use it?” “It’s too silly for you.” “Do you not like the nickname?” I asked. “We can stop using it.” “Unfortunately, Nakashima is right,” Gabriel muttered, spinning his cereal around with his spoon. “It’s a pretty clever nickname. It’s so stupid, it almost works.”
It's Gills because his initials are GLZ (surname not included)
Energy - from The Secret Portal Part One
William put down his tablet and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. He’d been working so late that it was now early. It was so quiet he could hear the snakefly behind him violently flapping its wings. He sighed, then reread the last paragraph he’d written: Replicating the negative energy density found in a chronokinetic’s rifts is no easy task. The level needed to connect one time to another is far greater than a Level-7 teleporter, but nowhere near the level in the portal that connects our reality to Ceteri, nor even a dimensiokinetic. If chronokinetics were less seldom born, perhaps this task would be accessible. William glanced at the chemicals bubbling in the flask on the table before him. As there hadn’t been a documented chronokinetic in a century, it was nearly impossible to replicate their powers considering the amount of negative pressure needed. He would have to work with what he had: a Level-7 teleporter’s DNA—not common, but much more so than a chronokinetic. Jumping through space required significantly less negative energy density than time jumping, so trying to get it up to what he desired was no easy feat.
Study - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I'm probably gonna change the "in a century" thing. Not sure what I'm gonna do but it feels wrong.
“Telepathy is an exception to the classification of powers. It and shapeshifting are the only two recorded to not have their sub-powers build off each other, but rather have them separate.” “Why are there so few sub-powers?” I prodded. “The mind doesn’t have a limit, therefore telepathy shouldn’t, either, right?” Carla waved her hand side-to-side as if to say eh, kinda. Aloud, she answered, “It’s been said that there have been cases of telepaths with more advanced powers, but there has only been one recorded case. Though some conspiracy theorists say there were more, but weren’t recorded, and that they went into hiding, locked themselves away, or maybe went insane.” “Insane?” I repeated. Carla fiddled with the ring hanging from the chain around her neck. “The mind can only stretch so far. If advanced telepaths did—or even do—exist, there would be no way they could function. Their minds aren’t able to communicate the information that they can comprehend. They end up lost in their own thoughts, unable to reach out to another being.” I fell silent. “Carla’s in an online holographic course in Telepathic Theory,” George said, breaking the silence. “All of that is just theory. Scientists who study the telepathic mind made a list of potential powers.” “Can powers develop?” I asked. “Of course,” said Carla. “Most Alii, in general, start at a lower Level, usually a Level-1, and most become more powerful. It depends on the person.” “So, you’re saying I have the potential to be a powerful telepath?” Carla laughed. “No, the odds are you’ll be able to read minds and that’s it. Maybe one sub-power.” “Oh.” My shoulders dropped. “Okay.”
Listen - from The Secret Portal Part One (Kelsey POV)
“Kelsey!” I heard a faint voice say. “Kelsey!” I opened my eyes, lifting my head against the strong wind. A small figure walked toward me, kneeling down beside me. “Kelsey, look at me,” Maddie said, grabbing my hands. Her long hair whipped around her body, out to me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I clasped her hand. My neck was ticking uncontrollably, preventing me from meeting her eyes. “It’s gonna be okay,” she said, pulling me forward into a hug. I embraced her, shaking, twitching, sobbing. “Kelsey, listen. Remember yesterday when this happened? You made the mansion toxic. Remember?” I nodded. “I don’t want that in my house. But you need to get rid of this… weird darkness stuff instead of just making it explode. Can you do that?” I shook my head. “Just focus on me, ‘kay? Now, can you breathe? Slowly?” I did, inhaling and exhaling. “I think you can make this black smoke go away if you imagine sucking it all up. Or maybe it just needs to disappear. Can you do that? Imagine it. Maybe it’ll work.” I closed my eyes, imagining the darkness fading away until it disappeared. I imagined the air in the room was still at breathable levels. That the smoke nor wind didn’t affect anything around it. The wind stopped. The darkness went away. Still in Maddie’s arms, I opened my eyes. The room looked untouched.
Pretty sure I've shared that last excerpt before but I like it
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myfilmsbox · 4 months
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Poor Things (2023) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
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that0nebird · 16 days
Hey guys I was reminiscing life in the 80’s and got inspired so here’s some fanart I made of Baxter B. Ward as ourple guy from hit horror franchise Five Nights at Freddy’s
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psikonauti · 11 months
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William Baxter Closson (American,1848-1926)
The Angel, ca. 1912
oil on canvas
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peonyblossom · 3 months
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Pride Heart Picrews
Lola Williams, HSS Prime MC Jamie Baxter, HSS MC
[picrew link] @choicespride
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Slowdancing in the Parking Lot Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
I'm rememberin' I promised to forget you now
Singing for you darlin' in the same old way I first saw you
The last time I was in the back of a cop car I fell in love
Watchin' your red dress fall to the floor
Corner pocket at 12 AM
I'm undressing you in my head, my bed
Let's get some candles burnin' And some records turnin'
And the only thing I wanna do is find a spot Stop this car and throw it in park and get just Slow dance with you
My face on a cold window trying to sober up
I can still recall the words you said to me back then
All the lights down low take it nice and slow
But it's rainin', and I'm callin' drunk
Hoping for a slow song to come on the radio now
Midnight into morning with you
And if you leave just give me one more night
Let's lay in the dead grass Stare at the stars
So I've been thinkin' we need A little time alone
I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown
So whatcha say we cancel our plans? Tonight, I'm only gonna be your man
Right now he's got a bargain that he's taken too far
Getting close to you Making the most of whatever we got
I gave your name as my emergency phone call
The way your body's movin' Keep doin' what you're doin' To me all night long
Let's just leave here 'Cause there's nothing left to see
Honey, it rang and rang, even the cops thought you were wrong for hangin' up
I'll rot with all the burnouts in the cell
Writin' our love song
Love that look in your eye
And I still see you walking away And I tried to say I'm sorry
But she won't believe you When you fall down on your knees
We were more than friends from the start
Even if it's just a slow dance in a parking lot
I'm saving you from sharing All the things that I've been through
The things you're looking for Are the things I'll never be
And I don't care what song comes next I'm falling right here, 
Let the passion take us to a higher place Makin' the kind of love we make
Cause there's no one That you'll find that's quite like me
"Son, are you a danger to yourself?"
Ain't nobody get you like I do
What I'd give to have you back and in my arms again
Well, there ain't no way, baby To get me out this house When you look this good
"Son, why do you do this to yourself?"
Girl, I wonder, should we make another mistake?
She's wearing an old dress
And I couldn't find the words to make you stay
Let's wait, I swear she'll call me back
Next to me tonight That's the ecstasy I like
And do you want to take my broken heart?
Don't get me wrong No I don't want to hurt you
And I tried to keep you wrapped in my arms
He's sitting in the corner with a six pack of Corona
So listen to me girl You're just wasting precious time
Hiding all my feelings in the dark
I'd change that in a heartbeat just to feel your body
And I still see your fingerprints Running across my frostbit skin
You think you know me so well Who gave you the lowdown
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