#william farrier
sbeep · 5 months
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Sometimes we slow cook OCs until they melt into an assemblage of family disappointments.
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
The sun always rises again (Farrier x fem!oc) Part I
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Farrier Masterlist
Summary: Farrier is in Sussex visiting his grandmother who is sadly dying. In a local pub, he and his best friend, Collins, met Marguerite in not the best circumstances. What started as a nice gesture quickly became in an inevitable attraction. || Collins plays his best cards trying to persuade his best friend to do something about the girl that he clearly likes and, maybe, he succeeds.
Warnings: Misogyny, sexual harassment. Mentions of war. Fluff. || Collins is the MVP.
Words: 3k.
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Marguerite Sarah Lewis was born in 1910 in London but when she was four years old, her mother and older brother moved to Sussex. Although French, her mother met her husband there and for the woman it was a special place.
1914 meant the beginning of one of the greatest wars that Earth faced until that point of the history and Mr. Lewis answered the called. And that's why Elise Lewis, the wife, took her kids and went there. The sea, the view, allowed the woman to imagine that one day soon she was going to see him back.
But that day never came. Nor in 1914 nor the next four years. In 1918, Marguerite was eight years already and his brother twelve. Both of them old enough to understand that their father was never coming back. Yet, Mrs. Lewis stayed there waiting for a ship that didn't exist.
Theodore Lewis jr, her brother, moved again to London when he was old enough to do it but she remained there in Sussex where she was still studying.
Her mother died when she was 19, in 1929. Maggie always knew that the poor woman never accepted her husband's fate. And now that she was older understood a bit better what she was feeling. Probably if Mr. Lewis had survived the war, then his wife wouldn't have died at the age of 43. But that was something that the Lewis siblings will never know.
The only thing that Maggie knew now was that she was the owner of her own destiny and needed to live in that world called adulthood.
She found a job in a local library first, where she worked for two years until she started to work as waitress in a new pub. The salary was higher and the tips were all for her.
In 1932, when she was 22, her life changed completely when she met him.
The pub was crowded as always. Men going there to relax after work was something that happened every day. It was full of loud men, laughing, chatting and making jokes while they were drinking beer.
Among them, two friends were having a conversation too. Their blue uniforms indicated that they were soldiers probably out of duty for a while. One had blond hair and the other brown shorter than the first one.
"Hope your grandmother can get well soon, Farrier."
"I don't think so. Until this point we're expecting the inevitable, but at least I'm here to be with her. Thanks for coming with me, by the way."
The blond, Collins, smiled "That's what friends do, Will."
Farrier nodded raising his pint of beer. "How's Sally?"
"It didn't work. But there's plenty of women in this world."
"And if men keep creating unnecessary wars soon the planet will be just populated by women. And humanity will be doom."
"Humanity is already doomed. But, if that's the case, then better I hurry up to get one before my death. And you should do the same."
Farrier shook his head "I don't have time for that. I always promised myself to be a good husband and father, not like my old man. If I get a girl, then it has to be for life."
"Sometimes you took life too seriously, William. Go Farrier, fuck some girls and you'll be fine."
William Farrier just hummed.
Collins decided to changed the subject and both men started talking about the new pilots that both of them were training. Young but smart men, ready to fight if the country needed it. Although both of them really hoped that it would never be necessary.
Maggie was praying in silence for the end of her shift. Sadly, she was used to men being rude and sometimes puting their hands on her body, but this time one in particular was crossing the line and she was quite uncomfortable. His friends were more drunk than he was and the only thing they managed to do was to encourage him to be nastier.
"Hey, doll, bring your pretty ass here, sweetheart! My mates and me want more beer. And unbutton your dress a bit more, love! Those two precious tits of yours want to know me."
The four of them of laughed so hard that Farrier and Collins that until that moment weren't paying attention at all, looked at them and both exchanged glances then.
Maggie looked at her both co-workers and friends, who same as her knew the consequences of working in that kind of jobs. They were young women in 1930s there wasn't much they could do there. Maggie just breathe and walked to them carrying a new tray and left it on the table but she wasn't quick enough and the man grabbed her by the waist and sit them on his lap, against her will.
"I have to go," she said trying to get up "I have work to do."
"Pretty sure your friends can cover you, love."
"No, they can't."
"Come on, sweetheart. I saw you looking at me. Let's have fun."
"I said no."
"She said no," mocked him, smirking at his friends who laughed again. "The little bitch, said no."
"She said no."
This time it was a deeper voice and the man in question turned around to see both pilots behind him. His friends looked down and pretended to be drinking their beers. The man let her go.
"We're just having fun."
"Get your ass out of here. Now."
He thought for a moment about starting a fight with them. He and his friends were four and the strangers were just two, but something in them make him reconsider his options. The blond was taller than him and the other seemed to be stronger. Not to mention that they were trained men. The group just recoiled and without further words, they left the place.
"Are you okay?" Farrier asked to Maggie.
"Yes. Thanks, sir. And you too," she said looking at Collins as well. "Usually I know people here, but those were new."
"Probably they won't come back."
"I hope not. You're new too."
"Temporary living here," Farrier commented. "My grandmother is sick and I'm just saying goodbye."
"That's sad, I'm sorry."
"Thanks, miss…"
"Marguerite Lewis."
"William Farrier, miss Lewis," the man said kissing her hand.
At their side, Collins was smiling and was waiting for the perfect to start teasing his best friend.
The days that followed, Farrier visited the pub every night. Sometimes with his friend, sometimes alone.
There was something in Marguerite that Farrier found fascinating. She had a pretty smile and his brown eyes and dark red hair made her even prettier. He had the chance to speak to her and discovered a good young woman. Maggie loved to read same way she loved yo bake. Once, she offered him one of her cookies and Farrier could testify that they were indded delicious. And even without knowing everything about him, she sent flowers to his grandmother's funeral when she knew about the sad news. Something that Farrier took as signal that she was really a good person.
They even spent a morning in the beach, talking and walking by the seashore. Her reddish hair shone in the sun and William wondered if the hair was really as soft as it looked. Or if her lips were.
"I used to play here a lot when I was a kid," she said unaware of his thoughts, "despite everything, I had a good childhood."
"Despite everything?"
"My father died in the Great War. I don't really remember him, I just know him because of the photo my mother kept."
"I'm sorry, Marguerite. That sounds sad."
"It was for my mother and maybe my older, he remembers him a bit more. You can't really miss someone you don't remember, right?"
"I guess. But still is a sad situation. No kid should grow up without a father."
"And yet…" Maggie looked at him and smiled softly "but it doesn't matter. That was long ago."
Not long ago for Farrier's liking. He was also a kid back then, but he remembered his mother talking about the mutilated soldiers she saw in the hospital were she worked as nurse. And the sadness in her eyes when years later her son told her that he was now part of the air force. But she never opposed to his decision.
"Do you like the sea, Mr. Farrier? I guess watching it from the skies is quite an experience."
"I do like the sea, yes. And it is, it's big and infinite. Indescribable."
Maggie looked at him for a moment and saw him lost in the memories of an experience she was never going to feel.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" she asked. So he told her about the sky, the clouds, the cold air in his face. The feeling of parachute jumping.
His life, Maggie thought, it was extraordinary and there was no way that a man like him could find interesting the life of a town girl whose more fascinating experience of the week was to find a pound in the street. Or that beautiful ring that found one day walking through the beach. And yet, Farrier was ready to hear about her same way she was about him.
"You like her," Collins finally said at the end of their second week there, "I highly recommend you to do something because someone else can take advantage of your slowness."
"Like you?"
"I'd never do that to you. I know I'm more handsome but she's with you. I heard that there's a place where you can eat and dance nearby, invite her to go with you, William. I don't think she refuses the invitation considering how she looks at you."
Collins was right.
Maggie couldn't deny that she was captivated by the pilot from almost the beginning. He was handsome, attentive and a gentleman. William was the kind of man that her mother said she needed to find but that until the moment she knew him, she thought didn't exist.
Danny, one of her co-workers and friends, borrowed her one her dresses. Danielle's sister worked in a textile mill and she usually gave her sister clothes that the factory rejected despite their impeccable condition. The dark green dress that Maggie was wearing that night
So of course she said yes.
Danny, one of her co-workers and friends, borrowed Maggie one her dresses. Danielle's sister worked in a textile mill and she usually gave her sister clothes that the factory rejected despite their impeccable condition. The dark green dress that Maggie was wearing that night was one of those. Marguerite also allowed her friend to do her makeup.
"He's so handsome," Danny commented, smiling at her "and you're very lucky, Mags."
"Do you think I have a chance? I really like him."
"I think, you are the luckiest girl in whole Sussex."
Marguerite smiled. Never before a man paid attention to her the way Farrier did those days there. Sure she flirted innocently with some of young men in town, and kissed some of them years ago, but never did more than that. Never felt confident enough to do it because all those boys didn't seem to be looking for a serious relationship. But William wasn't a boy, he was a man and he acted like one.
Maggie looked at her in the mirror, when Danny finished her job, and smiled. The final result was better than she imagined.
Collins didn't tell Farrier who was the owner of the car that was parked in front of the house that belonged to William's grandmother, but somehow his friend managed to get one so he could go with Maggie to their date.
"Are you going to get in trouble for this?"
Collins snorted "please, have a bit of faith in me."
Farrier raised an eyebrow, suspiciously, but after looking at him several seconds let it go. "Okay then. Give me the car keys."
"Have fun, Romeo," Collins said throwing the keys at him.
Maggie didn't expect to have a good night like that one, although she dreamt about it. Feeling a happiness that didn't know it was possible to feel and her heart pounding by just looking at him. For a moment she felt stupid smiling at him almost all the time but she couldn't help it. Dinner was delicious and they spent the time to know each other a bit more. She even let him take her hands in his.
Maggie knew French because her mother used to talk in her native tongue in the house. Farrier asked her to taught him the language, if she wanted, because in his own words "you will never know when you're going to need it."
"But for that, you need to stay here, William, I can't teach you from the distance."
"Maybe I found a reason to stay," he answered. And for someone who, as his best friend claimed, took life too seriously felt as a personal achievement that flirty but also true line.
Dancing with William was lovely. Several other couples were doing the same with their partners while a singer sang and the orchestra accompanied her beautiful voice.
Maggie had her head resting on his shoulder and his hand was on her waist. Farrier could feel her perfume invading his nostrils. It was sweet with a delicate aroma of roses.
Your slowness.
Collins' words resounded in Farrier head. Fucking Collins. Who was he calling slow? His hand left her waist carresed her cheek. Both pair of eyes stared at each other before he leaned towards her a press his lips against hers.
Maggie put her hands on his chest and let him guide her. Despite his appearance, at least with her in that moment, Farrier it was gentle. When they pulled apart, he caressed her hair.
"I like you," Farrier confessed.
"I like you, too, Will."
And to confirm those words, they kissed again.
Farrier had only two weeks left before returning to work and he spent every moment with her. Even if she was working, William was there. He became part of the landscape of that pub and everyone there, even the owner, know who he was now. And when she wasn't working, they were in the beach or in her house.
The last night, she let him enter in her bed for the first time. He was her first time and Farrier, if that was possible, fall in love with her even more.
"I'll be back soon," he promised her while she was in his arms and she was holding her against his body.
"I'll be waiting for you."
William kissed her again and Maggie knew, no matter what would happen in the future, that he was the most correct decision she ever took in her whole life.
The months they spent separated, they communicate through letters and some calls when they had the chance to use a phone. Collins attributed his friend's new behaviour to him and in part, he was right.
Of course William returned to Sussex, this time alone, and he did with a ring in his pocket. The same night they saw eachother again, he asked her to be his wife and feeling a happiness that it was hard to describe, Maggie accepted his proposal.
Farrier sold her grandmother's house and the one his own old flat and moved to Sussex with her.
Marguerite Lewis became Marguerite Farrier just weeks later. The wedding in the church in that town was a celebration for the people living there, her brother that went from London to there and, of course, Collins.
His life those first years there were the happiest that Farrier could remember. His wife gave him two beautiful kids that he swore to protect with his life, same as her.
"One day I'm going to be a pilot like you, papa," his firstborn called Edward, said.
"Will you?"
"Yeah. Flying the skies in my own plane!" the boy exclaimed opening his arms and running around him simulating he was indeed flying. William caught his son and lifted him in the air and Edward started to laugh, still with his arms wide open like plane.
From the kitchen window where she was cooking, Maggie couldn't help but smile looking at them with pure love. Once, Farrier commented her that he always promised himself to be a good husband and father and it was clear now that he was fulfilling that promise.
While Ed stayed outside playing with his toys and their little girl, Clara, was sleeping on the couch, William went to where his wife was.
Marguerite smiled when she felt his strong arms around her and his lips on her neck.
"It smells delicious, Maggie."
"Thanks, honey. It will be ready in no time."
William placed a new kiss on her skin before opening the cupboard to search the plates and cutlery.
Life was good for the Farriers in that little corner of the world.
Sadly, it was already 1938.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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On November 15th 1746, James Reid was executed at York for being a part of the Jacobite uprising.
I'll cover the case of James Reid towards the end of this post, but he wasn't the only Jacobite to meet his end at York, so there is a fair bit of background I have to get through first.
After the capture of Carlisle on 30th December 1745, 193 Jacobite prisoners were sent to York. They arrived in York on 27th January 1746. By February 1746, there were 251 Jacobite prisoners held at York,
After transfers, releases and deaths in custody eventually there were 75 prisoners sent for trial in York. The trials were held between 2nd and 8th October 1746. Of the 75 prisoners, 53 pleaded guilty and were not tried but were automatically sentenced to death. Of the remaining 22, five were acquitted and the others sentenced to death.
On 1st November, ten executions were carried out at the Tyburn on York’s Knavesmire. Of these, three had their heads removed. The most prominent of those, Sir George Hamilton’s head was sent to Carlisle for display, while those of William Connolly and James Mayne were placed on Micklegate Bar. In 1754, the latter two heads were removed by a York tailor called William Arundel. He was heavily fined and imprisoned in York Tollbooth.
On the 8th November, eleven of the 53 planned executions were carried out and finally we get to the 15th November when just one man, James Reid, a Piper, was executed. At his trial, James had stated in his defense that he “had not carried arms”.
James Reid was one of several pipers who played at the Battle of Culloden. He was captured along with hundreds of men by Cumberland’s troops and taken to England. There James was put on trial and accused of high treason against the Crown. Piper Reid claimed that he was innocent because he did not have a gun or a sword. He said that the only thing he did that day on the battlefield was play the bagpipe.
After some deliberation the judges had a different opinion on the matter. They said that a highland regiment never marched to war without a piper at its head. Therefore, in the eyes of the law, the bagpipe was an instrument of war. The English jury, itself sympathetic, recommended mercy but it was rejected by a Commission headed by Lord Chief Baron Sir Thomas Parker.
The decision of those judges has echoed down through the generations. It was the first recorded occasion that a musical instrument was officially declared a weapon of war. For hundreds of years and many conflicts to come the bagpipes, when listed among the items captured in combat, was counted among rifles, sabers, and munitions. It is interesting to note that bugles and drums were recorded as musical instruments, where the bagpipe ranked among the lists of weapons. This continued through the Great War. Perhaps a fitting place for the pipes, but a tragic legacy for the piper James Reid who played at the last bloody battle of the Jacobites on Culloden Moor
In 1996, after some disputes with authorities, a man known as Mr Brooks was taken to court for playing the pipes on Hampstead Heath, an act forbidden under a Victorian by-law stating the playing of any musical instrument is banned. Mr Brooks plead not guilty by, claiming the pipes are not a musical instrument, but instead a weapon of war , citing the case of James Reid as a precedent. The unanimous verdict was that the pipes are first and foremost musical instruments returning them form a weapon of war to their rightful place as a musical instrument.
Two prisoners escaped from York Castle during this period; George Mills and William Farrier. Nothing is known of Farrier’s escape, but George Mills escaped on 10th August 1747. He had been given permission to go to the ‘House’ in which debtors were confined ‘to drink with a person discharged from prison.’
Seeing a coach driving out of the prison yard, “he got behind it… and, having a new coat on, passed out unrecognised”. Nothing more was heard of him. Following the King’s Act of Indemnity of 1747, all the remaining prisoners had eventually been released by 1752.
The pipes in the pictures are on display in The National Museum of Scotland, and are said to have been played at Culloden on that faefule day in 1746........
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mlmxreader · 2 years
List of all the characters I write for and am willing to take requests for 
┏━━━━ ★ ━━━━┓
┗━━━━ ★ ━━━━┛
➵ Kuai Liang
➵ Johnny Cage
➵ Spawn
➵ Kung Lao
➵ Erron Black
➵ Bi-Han
➵ Hanzo Hasashi
➵ Reptile/Syzoth
➵ Jax Briggs
➵ Kenshi Takahashi
➵ Smoke
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
╔═══.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.═══╗
╚═══.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.═══╝
➣ William “Wild Bill” Guarnere
➣ Richard “Dick” Winters
➣ Burton Paul “Pat” Christenson
➣ Eugene G. “Doc” Roe
➣ Lewis Nixon
➣ Ronald Speirs
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
╔═════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════╗
╚═════ ∘◦ ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═════╝
➛ Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
➛ Alex Keller
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
➛ David “Hesh” Walker
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
➛ Robert Zussman
➛ Ronald “Red” Daniels
➛ Arthur Crowley
➛ Marcus Howard
➛ Richard Webb
➛ Arthur Kingsley
➛ Lucas Riggs
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
➽ Arthur Morgan
➽ Charles Smith
➽ Josiah Trelawny
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
➱ Billy Butcher
➱ Black Noir
➱ Marvin Milk/Mother’s Milk 
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
⇢ Dwight “Dewey” Riley
⇢ Mickey Altieri
⇢ Mark Kincaid
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
╔══════✮❁•°♛°•❁✮ ═════╗
↪ Farrier (Dunkirk)
↪ Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders)
↪ Bane (The Dark Knight Rises)
↪ Eddie Brock/Venom (Marvel)
↪ James Delaney (Taboo)
↪ Pavel Sidorov/Leo Demidov (Child 44)
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
⟿ Aragorn
⟿ Legolas
⟿ Frodo
⟿ Eomer
⟿ Boromir
⟿ Faramir
⟿ Thorin
⟿ Fili
⟿ Kili
⟿ Bard
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
⇉ James Bond (Pierce Brosnan only)
⇉ Dr. Laszlo Kreizler (The Alienist)
⇉ John Moore (The Alienist)
⇉ Sierra Six (The Gray Man)
⇉ Dr. King Schultz (Django Unchained)
⇉ Holland March (The Nice Guys)
⇉ Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine)
⇉ Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
⇉ Lt. Horstmayer (Joyeux Noel)
⇉Elliot Stabler (Law and Order: Special Victims Unit)
⇉Dr. George Huang (Law and Order: Special Victims Unit)
⇉Chester Lake (Law and Order: Special Victims Unit)
⇉Brandon Beckett (Sniper franchise)
⇉John Wick (John Wick)
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
┏━━━━ ★ ━━━━┓
┗━━━━ ★ ━━━━┛
-> Bronn
-> Tywin Lannister
-> Jaime Lannister
-> Jorah Mormont
-> Jon Snow
-> Ramsay Bolton
-> Sandor Clegane (The Hound)
-> Robb Stark
-> Eddard Stark
-> Renly Baratheon
-> Oberyn Martell
-> Petyr Baelish
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
➬ Wolverine/Logan Howlett
➬ Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
➬ Venom/Eddie Brock
➬ Carnage (symbiote only!)
➬ Charles Xavier
➬ T'Challa
➬ Gambit/Remy LeBeau
➬ Falcon/Captain America/Sam Wilson
➬ Blade
➬ Hank McCoy/Beast
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
➬ Forge
➬ Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
-ˏˋ. DC ˊˎ-
↦ John Constantine
↦ Bruce Wayne/Batman (Nolan only)
↦ Bane
↦ Slade Wilson
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
➩ Dean Winchester
➩ Chuck Shurley
➩ Castiel
➩ Balthazar
➩ Benny Lafitte
➩ Gadreel
➩ Crowley
➩ Bobby Singer
➩ Rufus Turner
➩ Mick Davies
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
╔═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╗
╚═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╝
➲ Maximus
➲ Cooper Howard/The Ghoul
➲ Nick Valentine
➲ John Hancock
➲ Preston Garvey
➲ MacCready
➲ Sturges
➲ Paladin Danse
➲ Porter Gage
➲ Mason (The Pack Alpha/leader)
➲ Old Longfellow
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wolfagenda · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Tadhg Callum Lachlain  (pronounced Tie-g)
TITLE(S): None.
AGE: 30s
DATE OF BIRTH: April 20th
RACE: Gilnean Human
GENDER: Cisgender Male
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
PROFESSION(S): Hunt Master, animal trainer, field guide & tracker. Enforcer for the mercenary company Glove & Gauntlet.
LANGUAGES: Common, conversational Dwarvish
HAIR: Dark brown. Fades to a reddish/golden brown along the tips in the summertime.
EYES: Hazel/green. Left eye is now milky and blind.
HEIGHT: 6′4″ (H) / 7′3″ (W)
BUILD: Broad shoulders, compact muscle.
A large scar runs the left side of his face, from the center of his forehead, over his left eye, down to his left cheek. The eye is obviously blind.
Two massive Gilnean hounds, Bruiser & Buster.
An old silver cigarette tin with a rose stamped on the cover.
A boot knife.
A gold chain holding two golden bands.
A hunting rifle.
Tadhg is a stoic man who is not prone to showing emotion in public. Despite his frequent silence and rare words in a group setting, when he is with people he knows he is quite conversational; even boisterous. He is a loyal to and a fierce protector of those close to him. Sensitive and intuitive, there is a gentleness that speaks to a desire to listen and offer counsel. He is afflicted, but is not open about it.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
HOBBIES: Farming, hunting, wood carving, cooking
SKILL(S): Animal training, tracking, hunting, cultivating the earth, woodworking, cooking, keeping children calm
AFFILIATIONS: The Autumn Oath (disbanded), Alliance military (former), Glove & Gauntlet (current).
Anna (Kelly) Lachlain. Deceased.
William Lachlain, father. Deceased.
Eithne (Farrier) Lachlain, mother. Deceased.
All deceased.
Constant companions:  Bruiser & Buster, Gilnean hounds.
Numerous wild-living companions; too many to name.
SMOKING:  never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
FACE REFERENCE(S): Clive Standen (namely as Rollo in Vikings)
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Raspy cockney accent. Very This.
SERVER: Moon Guard - Alliance
18+ Only. 25+ preferred.
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Serving his country, his community, and his fellow veterans
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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His great-grandfather escaped from slavery in Virginia and worked for the Union Army during the Civil War. His grandfather made a family home on Cherry Street in Penn Yan and owned a blacksmith shop on Maiden Lane in the village. His father served during World War I as apparently the only Black soldier from Yates County in the conflict. And Stanley Clark followed in their footsteps and made his own history in a career of service to the military and the community.
Stanley Clark was born January 21, 1935 in Penn Yan to Franklin and Lena Clark, who at the time lived on North Avenue in Penn Yan. Franklin, in turn, had been born in August 1894 in Ingleside, near Prattsburgh in Steuben County, to William and Sarah Clark and – at least by the time of his entrance into the military – raised in their Cherry Street home. Franklin served as a farrier sergeant – he took care of the horses, forging and fitting their shoes, among other tasks – with Battery D of the 349th Field Artillery, 92nd Division. Department from Camp Dix, New Jersey, Franklin served from his drafting in November 1917 until his discharge at Camp Upton, New York in March 1919.
Stanley Clark died at age 85 on December 21, 2020 – exactly one month before his 86th birthday – having served his country and his comrades in the U.S. Army for a full 20 years, as director of the Yates County Veterans’ Service Agency, and with the American Legion at the post, county, district, state, and national levels. Though he is recent in history, as I like to say of those who existed during living memory – I’m sure there is someone reading this article who knew Stanley – I wanted to write about him because I have written about the three generations in his family who came before him.
These generations include Nathaniel Clark – Stanley’s great-grandfather – and Franklin, whose military service I wrote about in honor of Black History Month on February 9, 2022, just the second article on the Oliver’s Travels blog. At the time, I hadn’t firmly connected the two men as relatives, but on November 23, 2022, I wrote about the two men and connected them through William, Nathaniel’s oldest child and Franklin’s father. Since that time, I have been researching Stanley – the fourth generation of the family to live in Penn Yan – and wanting to write about him to close the loop, so to speak.
A quick word about Nathaniel before I continue on with Stanley’s story: Born into slavery in October 1842 on a plantation near Port Royal, Virginia, he worked as a porter at a hotel in Bowling Green when troops under command of Union General Ambrose Burnside took him and other enslaved people and assigned them to different duties. Nathaniel worked for Col. William Clark (it is unclear if this is a coincidence or if Nathaniel eventually adopted Clark’s surname) as a cook and caretaker with the 9th Army Corps, 3rd Division, 2nd Brigade.
Three years later, during a battle at Suffolk, Virginia, Clark was taken prisoner by the Confederate Army and made a cook on a Confederate vessel. After six weeks on the ship, Clark and Uncle Joe, a fellow enslaved man, deserted the army, signaled a Union picket boat, and then helped sink the Confederate ship and free the Union prisoners.
Stanley followed his father and great-grandfather into military service while still a student at Geneva High School, enlisting in the U.S. Army at age 17 in 1952 and receiving his high school diploma while on active duty. He retired with the rank of sergeant first class 20 years later in 1972. In between, he served with the 2nd Infantry Division during the Korean War from 1952 to 1953. He later served two deployments during the Vietnam War, first from 1965 to 1967 with the 1st Infantry Division and then from 1969 to 1971 with the 197th Transportation Battalion. During his second tour, Stanley was the captain of a tugboat on the Mekong River. For his career of service, he received the Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the Korean and Vietnam Service Medals.
Two years after retiring from the Army, Stanley embarked on another 20-year career of serving his fellow veterans. In 1974, the Yates County Legislature appointed him as the county’s director of veterans affairs. At the time, Stanley was 39 years old and living on Main Street in Dundee. Upon his retirement in 1994, Stanley was the honoree of a testimonial dinner held at Johnson Costello American Legion Post 355 in Penn Yan. The 50 guests in attendance included the sitting State Assemblyman and a representative of the sitting State Senator, both of whom presented Stanley with citations; Yates County legislators, officials, and co-workers; members of the American Legion, VFW, and 40/8 as well as their ladies auxiliaries; and Stanley’s son James.
The following year, Stanley was named Humanitarian of the Year 1994-95 by the Seventh District of the American Legion. The Johnson Costello post had nominated him for that honor as well as for Legionnaire of the Year; the Yates County American Legion had awarded both of these honors to him and forwarded his nominations to the district level. He had joined the Johnson Costello post in 1972, after his own military career, and worked his way up to Post Commander for the year 1977-78. He served as Yates County Commander in 1985, District Commander Aide in 1986, and New York Department Sergeant-At-Arms in 1987.
“Stories of his assistance to veterans, their spouses, and family are endless and cover any hour of the day. He is just a very nice person, and I like him,” said Joan Byrnside, of the Dundee American Legion Auxiliary. These stories – largely during his tenure as veterans services director – range from transporting veterans to the hospital in his own vehicle after hours to assisting and comforting a dying veteran’s wife to serving as fiduciary for 15 veterans who were unable to handle their own affairs.
A decade later, for the term running from July 2005 to July 2006, Clark was elected American Legion State Commander, the first resident of Yates County to hold this position. Part of his duties included visiting every American Legion post home in the state, and as a result he logged 31,600 miles on his Legion-provided car. He visited Yates County posts in Penn Yan and Dundee in March 2006 for a homecoming celebration of sorts before he concluded his tenure a few months later.
In 2011, the Department of New York State elected Stanley as its Alternate National Executive Committeeman, one of two representatives of the state on the American Legion’s National Executive Committee, the organization’s policy-making board. With a two-year term as the alternate, Stanley once again became the first resident of Yates County to have this role and was in line to serve another two years as National Executive Committeeman.
Stanley’s son Stan also served in the Army and is currently the commander of the Yates County American Legion. From a patriarch who achieved his freedom from slavery, the five generations of the Clark family in Yates County have each made their own contributions to their country and their community.
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weirdesplinder · 4 months
Conoscere più approfonditamente la vita degli autori può cambiare la vostra opinione sui loro libri? Sapere che hanno commesso dei reati anche gravi può impedirvi di godere delle loro opere? Oppure siete in grado di tenere separata l'opera dal suo autore e di goderne a prescindere?
Fin da quando sono venuta a conoscenza di fatti gravi riguardanti due autrici che apprezzavo queste domande mi ronzano in testa. E volevo sentire anche la vostra opinione in merito.
Le due autrici in questione sono ANNE PERRY e MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY
Anne Perry è autrice pricipalmente di romanzi gialli storici ambientati in Inghilterra nel periodo vittoriano o negli anni della Prima Guerra Mondiale. La sua serie che ho letto ed amato è la Thomas Pitt series, formata da ben 26 libri, pubblicati (quasi tutti) anche in italiano alcuni anni fa:
01. Il boia di Cater Street (The Cater Street Hangman)
Link: https://amzn.to/4akmymp
02. I peccati di Callander Square (Callander Square) 03. I misteri di Paragon Walk (Paragon Walk) 04. I bassifondi di Resurrection Row (Resurrection Row) 05. Delitti a Rutland Place (Rutland Place) 06. Tragedia a Bluegate Fields (Bluegate Fields) 07. Incubo a Devil’s Acre (Death in Devil’s Acre) 08. Scandalo a Cardington Crescent (Cardington Crescent) 09. Silenzio in Hanover Close (Silence in Hanover Close) 10. Intrighi a Bethlehem Road (Bethlehem Road) 11. Incendio a Highgate Rise (Highgate Rise) 12. Ombre su Belgrave Square (Belgrave Square) 13. Veleni a Farrier’s Lane (Farrier’s Lane) 14. Il parco delle teste tagliate (The Hyde Park Headsman) 15. L’arco dei traditori (Traitors Gate) 16. Il battesimo (Pentecost Alley) 17. Il maniero (Ashworth Hall) 18. Brunswick Gardens (non tradotto in italiano) 19. Bedford Square (Bedford Square) 20. I segreti di Half Moon Street (Half Moon Street) 21. Il complotto di White Chapel (The Whitechapel Conspiracy) 22. La medium di Southampton Row (Southampton Row) 23. L’amante egiziana (Seven Dials) 24. In un vicolo cieco (Long Spoon Lane)
Questa serie, ambientata appunto nell’Inghilterra vittoriana racconta le indagini dell’investigatore della polizia Thomas Pitt, uomo molto intelligente e colto, pur essendo di classe sociale inferiore, ha infatti studiato con i figli del padrone di suo padre. Indagando in Cater street, nel primo romanzo della serie, incontra Charlotte. Figlia di un finanziere, cioè di ceto sociale medio, è ricca, ma non titolata. La barriera sociale tra i due dovrebbe essere insormontabile, ma Charlotte è piuttosto anticonformista, non riesce a non dire ciò che pensa e ciò la rende un disastro sociale. Ama la storia, vorrebbe leggere i giornali ed è innamorata di suo cognato. I terribili delitti che inizieranno ad accadere nella sua strada le faranno conoscere Pitt e le aprirano gli occhi, facendole capire come poco in realtà conosca gli uomini della sua famiglia e quanto nascondano, credendo che il fatto di essere uomini gliene dia il diritto. Ad esempio è normale che un uomo si sollazzi con la serva, ma guiai se una donna tradisce. Oppure un marito si allontana dalla moglie che ama, ma a cui non lo dice e non ci va più a letto convinto che lei non voglia, mentre lei vorrebbe poichè vuole un figlio, ma non lo dice al marito, va a letto con un altro per rimanere incinta…..Insomma tanti silenzi ed incomprensioni che con un pò di sincerità potrebbero venire risolti. Piano piano Charlotte si innamorerà di Pitt, ricambiata e per lui rinuncerà ai suoi privilegi e lo sposerà. Dal secondo libro in poi, perciò, la vedremo coinvolta nelle indagini, in veste non ufficiale naturalmente. Il lato romantico non ha ampio spazio, ma resta di sottofondo al delitto da risolvere in ogni libro, a sua volta in secondo piano ripetto alla ricostruzione dell’epoca, della società e dei personaggi.
Anne Perry è famosa anche per altre due serie gialle The William Monk serie e la serie World War One, ma fino a pochi anni fa nessuno sapeva che Anne Pery era in realtà un'identità fittizia creata per nascondere il passato dell'autrice e permeterle di vivere una vita normale dopo la scarcerazione. Infatti a soli 15 anni era stata condannata per omicidio e aveva sconatto cinque anni di detenzione per l'uccisione, perpetrata insiema alla sua migliore amica della madre di quest'ultima.Un delitto avvenuto nel 1954 che all'epoca creò molto scalpore mediatico tanto che da questo fatto fatto di cronaca furono tratti persino due film.
Credo di non dover spiegare a nessuno chi sia invece MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY, una delle scrittrici fantasy più amate e conosciute di tutti i tempi. Autrice di saghe fantastiche come Il ciclo di Avalon, legato al mito di Re Artù e al mondo celtico, o il ciclo di Darkover, una saga fantascientifica e fantasy al tempo stesso. Io sono una delle tante fan di questa autrice, e delle sue saghe, e devo dire che Il ciclo di Darkover è una delle saghe più lunghe che abbia mai letto quasi al completo. Veramente avvincente e con tematiche molto moderne. Ma Marion Zimmer Bradley è autrice anche dimolti altri libri famosi come ad esempio La torcia, ambientato durante la Guerra di Troia.
Vi lascio i link di alcuni dei suoi libri più famosi qui sotto:
Le nebbie di Avalon
Link: https://amzn.to/4bI4Yda
Naufragio sulla Terra di Darkover
Link: https://amzn.to/44HLAL3
La torcia
Link: https://amzn.to/4boMZsk
E' veramente un'autrice che ha vinto moltissimi premi e ha milioni di fan, inoltre è stata anche considerata un precursore dei tempi poichè ha portato avanti tematiche lesbiche o omosessuali nei suoi libri in epoche dove questo era più unico che raro.
Ma la sua fama è stata macchiata dal fatto che il suo secondo marito fu condannato per molestie su minori e che sua figlia, quindici anni dopo la morte della Bradley, la accusò di averla molestata pera nni durante l'infazia.
Entrambe queste autrici sia la Perry che la Bradley sono ormai morte, ma i loro libri restano, e io li ho sempre amati prima di venire a conoscenza di quetsi fatti e li amo ancora a dire il vero. avolte riesco a rileggerli senza pensare ai loro autori a volte però no.
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simsagalegends · 6 months
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Hey guys, I'm back! Finally decided to let go of the mistakes I cannot undo and focus on the things I can still enjoy...
So the thing is the couple you see in the picture is actually from my second generation. When I started this challenge It never crossed my mind to put it on social media and I guess I was so excited to play that I didn't even consider taking pictures. But then the sims started to die one after the other, as this appears to be the hole point of this challenge, and I'm left with no memories of my beloved sims!
I'm still debating on opening a new save file just to take portraits from the copies I have of the main households in my gallery, but again It's a bit too much work, so I don't know when or if I'll ever do that.
But well, I'm afraid this is everything I have to start with...
Everyone, meet William, son of Cassian and Louise Farrier, our first heir to this legacy, and his second wife Joan. They got married in 1323 not out of love, but as a matter of convenience for both of them. Joan needed to escape a childhood of violence and William needed help taking care of his children.
More to catch up in the following posts...
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chqads · 1 year
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PERCIVAL REIS is looking for BAR PATRONS. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP and you can reach out to andante–andante to find out more!
PERCIVAL REIS is looking for COWORKERS AT THE BAR HE WORKS AT. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP, and you can reach out to andante–andante to find out more! taken by erin williams
ZANE NEPTUNE is looking for THEIR BOSS AT NIGHT AND DINE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of LISA ANN WALTER, CARLA GUGINO, MARISA TOMEI, ANTHONY MACKIE, JASON SUDEKIS, DON LEE, ANY FC 40+, but you must reach out to DADIISM to find out more! (this person is zane’s boss at the diner, he started out as a busboy and worked his way up to being a line cook. he’s worked at the diner for quite some time and the boss has kind of taken him under their wing and is like a parental figure to him!) 
PERCIVAL REIS is looking for THE OWNER OF THE BAR HE WORKS AT: HELL & HIGH WATER. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (strong preference to FCOC), but you must reach out to andante–andante to find out more! (the only necessity is that this owner misheard the phrase the phrase “come hell or high water” as “hell and high water” and that’s why the bar incorrectly references the idiom)
LEILA ATTAR is looking for HER FREQUENT PATRON. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP (35+), but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ A well known face at Ambrosia Lounge, they come to see Leila dance on a nearly weekly basis. They’ve got a comfortable sort of working relationship - they check in on her, and always leave a big tip. Leila is fond of them.!) 
ZEKE LOOMIS is looking for SMOKE JUMPER PARTNER/COWORKER. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP preferably FCOC, but you must reach out to xallmywolvesx to find out more! (+ they can be best buds or chronically annoyed with eachother, that’s entirely up for plotting, but when they step onto that plane to go out to fire they are family, they have eachother’s back and make sure they both get home.)
ALEXANDRIA FORTIER is looking for EMPLOYEES OF TIBOULEN. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP preferably FCOC , but you must reach out to xallmywolvesx to find out more! (+ Alex owns a Stable and Rehabilitation center, so this is open to anyone who would work there: stablehands, vet, farrier, horse trainers, rehabilitation specialists ect. Some may have been staff of the previous owner who she kept on, others could have joined the staff in the past year!)
LEILA ATTAR is looking for THEIR COWORKERS (DANCERS & BOUNCERS)  AT AMBROSIA LOUNGE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of UTP, but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ Ambrosia is a gentleman’s club. So, there’s space for bartenders, dancers, waitstaff, security, etc. I imagine that the staff is relatively close since they work together frequently, but as with any job, there may be tensions and/or rivalries there. Maybe even secret romances. It’s really all up for plotting!)
AYANNA SUNCHILD is looking for THEIR BOSS/BUSINESS PARTNER/FRIEND AT GREEN THUMB CAFE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ANY FCOC, but you must reach out to NATURIISMS to find out more! (this will be the person that took a chance on her after moving to denver when she was living literally in the parking lot of green thumb and will be someone they’ve grown v close to) 
CLARISSA REYES is looking for HER GODBROTHER/BUSINESS PARTNER. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ANY FC 32+ (suggestions include Alp Navruz, Jai Courtney, Michael Trevino, Charles Michael Davis, etc), but you must reach out to OFWISHFULTHINKING to find out more! (+ Clarissa has always viewed this muse as an older brother of sorts. Growing up, Clary was like his shadow. Ten years ago, she and her father moved to Denver. Clarissa didn’t know at the time that the move brought them closer to her older half sister. When her father died two years ago, Clarissa not only did she find out about this sister, but she also inherited the Ignition Kingdom. I imagine that this muse was working here before as something of a right hand man for her father. Clarissa is now discovering that the shop doubled as a chop shop and that her godbrother was well aware of the illegal things going on, but was instructed to keep this information away from Clary. Now that she’s found out, though, she’s determined to use her business acumen to grow the business!)  
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timeforabathblog · 1 year
8. The Blacksmith
Last year I was invited by the poet Grace Linden to take part in a creative research project about a traditional English folk song called 'The Blacksmith.' With Grace and four others (Rey Conquer, George Meadows, Edwina Attlee and Lilí Ní Dhomhnaill) I've since been delving into the cultural history of blacksmiths and coming up with creative responses to the song, with a view to producing an event and a book.
The song was first noted down by Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1909, from Mrs Ellen Powell of Westhope near Weobley, Herefordshire. There are several versions of 'The Blacksmith', and it's been recorded many times by different singers / bands, including Shirley Collins and (in a favourite rendition of the group) Planxty.
For my contribution to the project, I started out by reading up on Wayland's Smithy, a Neolithic long barrow near the Uffington White Horse and the Ridgeway, associated from Anglo-Saxon period onwards with the Norse smith god Wayland. Wayland will, according to tradition, re-shoe a horse left up there over night.
Here's the Smithy photographed by Henry Taunt, around the same time that Vaughan Williams collected 'The Blacksmith'. Picnic at Hanging Rock eat your heart out.
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This image is courtesy of Historic England Print Archives, from whom the photograph can be ordered as a 400 piece jigsaw puzzle.
I also fed the verses of the song into a generative AI that was being used a lot at the time (I think it was Dall-E Mini – hard to keep track of them)...
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Other avenues included visiting a scale model of a blacksmith's studio at the Science Museum...
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'Until about 1900,' says the Museum website,
a blacksmith's shop could be found in almost every community in Britain. George Bissell, a blacksmith with a shop in Myrdle Street, Stepney, made these exquisite tools of the blacksmith's trade between 1870 and 1886.
And I felt the project was a good excuse to re-watch Philip Trevelyan's beautiful 1971 documentary The Moon and Sledgehammer.
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Another line of research was into picture postcards relating to Blacksmiths (mostly found on eBay). Photographic picture postcards of this kind were first popularised around the turn of the 20th century.
Typically they depict romantic, picturesque or humorous scenes.
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Several refer to a poem by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, called ‘The Village Blacksmith’ (1840) – which is supposedly inspired by Longfellow’s visit to the village of Figheldean on Salisbury Plain.
In 'The Village Blacksmith,' the blacksmith is a pillar of the community, physically and morally sturdy, hard-working and patient, doing the same thing in the same place every day – apart from Sundays when he goes to church and is more emotionally expressive.
The moral of the poem is that the simple honesty of the blacksmith's artisanal life is something to aspire to for urban readers (and postcard senders/receivers) living in a time of rapid technological and social change.
Under a spreading chestnut-tree     ⁠   The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he,       With large and sinewy hands, And the muscles of his brawny arms       Are strong as iron bands...
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The printing process for these cards seems to have involved dividing up colour layers and printing them separately. Sometimes this was used to mimic realistic colour images. Sometimes it was pushed a little further to create other visual effects. A few of the cards resemble risograph prints in this way.
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The wider blacksmith trade was marginalised by mass production of metal objects during the “first” industrial revolution (1760-1840), and farriers were then generally sidelined by the rise of the motorcar from 1900 onwards. Thus there was probably an element of nostalgia to the idea of the blacksmith in the UK around the time these first picture postcards were being made, and when 'The Blacksmith' was first written down.
Some of the postcards nonetheless give an insight into the trade and working environment farriers that has the feel of social realism to it.
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A recurring motif is the presence of a horseshoe on the door of the forge / smithy – a familiar “good luck” symbol (the ‘u’ like shape of the shoe being said to act like a bowl or vessel for luck). There are many theories about the origins of this symbol: it's an "apotropaic" symbol to ward off the evil eye at the threshold of a building; it's a fertility symbol; and so on. In this instance, it's possibly just an emblem for what the building is / the occupant’s trade.
Another thing that came up looking at blacksmith-related cards was these French cards dedicated to St Eloi, patron saint of metal workers, horses and other craftsmen and technicians. I found these funny and also thought they fitted strangely well with the lyrics of 'The Blacksmith'.
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Many of these postcards seem to relate specifically to blacksmith/farrier work, but there are others that include cars and trains in the background, and I even spotted one with a woman as the main figure – she’s maybe clocking in or out..?
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St Eloi (aka St Eligius) is the subject of a popular children’s song in France, as well as being the focus of a legend, where St Eloi cuts off the foreleg of a horse that doesn’t want to be re-shoed, before re-shoeing the severed leg, and then miraculously reversing the amputation.
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Numerous areas of France have their own Fêtes de la Saint Eloi where processions featuring decorated horses move through the streets and people dress in traditional rustic clothing. Possibly these cards were made to celebrate those days (a St Valentine’s day for workers..?)
There’s also another possible association with these St Eloi cards, which also links us back to the folk song.
In France, farriers (and other craftspeople) who have completed their apprenticeship become compagnons for a certain amount of time, travelling the country and working for several masters, before finally becoming a master themselves. When they’ve finished the journey, they produce a chef d’oeuvre (a masterpiece) in the form of a bouquet de saint Eloi, which they usually then hang above or close to the entrance of their own atelier.
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The same rite occurred in and between other European countries. In Germany, it was prominent in the middle ages until the Second World War and then revived in the 1980s. There the journey is called the Wanderjahre. For people like Albrecht Dürer and the Christian mystic and shoemaker Jacob Böhme, the wanderjahre was an important phase of creative and personal development. More broadly, it was a way for techniques and ideas to spread across the continent, and for intergenerational and intercultural connections to be made and maintained. In English the compagnons were called “journeymen” and this phase of travel “journeyman years”. The term remains in use in relation to boxing.
These young, single men travelling around and sowing their wild oats became a part of cultural imagination. One reading of the folk song, I suggest, is that the blacksmith is a journeyman. This would explain him staying for a limited time, going to another town, writing a letter, walking off through the fields… And more allusively it chimes with the association between the blacksmith and flowers, in the song, in the French cartes postales, in the bouquets de saint Eloi. Flowers, unlike a blacksmith's mature works, spring on an ephemeral basis. They act as fickle, fleeting love tokens.
In the case of these pictures and texts, you can imagine the blacksmith of the folk song becoming the blacksmith of Longfellow’s poem, becoming a pillar of the community – even while the subversive feminine perspective of the folk song lingers on.
I'll hopefully post about this project again in due course. The above is a tiny fragment of the things that have emerged / been created already and I'm really excited about what everyone is making. (My main contribution is going to be a series of picture postcards).
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If you'd like to support the project, we are raising money through the sale of a poster, designed by Grace Linden, George Meadows and myself, and featuring a drawing by George M – buy here to help bring the Blacksmith to fruition! The poster was beautifully printed by Earthbound Press.
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endlessly-cursed · 3 years
𝑯𝑷𝑯𝑳 𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝟑— 𝑭𝒂𝒗 𝑴𝑪𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑨𝒓𝒆 𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆 pt.1
Today's a busy day and I haven't got much time, but I decided to make an appreciation.
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Genevieve Davenport: I just love her! She's so amazing and I love her kind of character– so interesting!! Kinda have a gay crush on her 🤧 @gaygryffindorgal
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Carolyn Nyberg: love her as well! She's such a badass and so amazing you can kinda forget she's a snob, but eh!! I love that snob 😤 @lifeofkaze
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Ethel Hexley: Lovable and relatable!! I just love how amazing she is!! @the-al-chemist
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Josephine Edwards: Her story and development is just amazing and I love her growth and her as a character 💕 @slytherindisaster
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Stella Farrier Seabright– Her!! She's def a fave of mine. I love how amazing she is!! @cursebreakerfarrier
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Nadia Erbland– Nadia my beloved!! What can I say about this iconic woman... She's just the best girl, loyal and amazing to the bone!! @gcldensnitch
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Siobhan Llewellyn– Shiv my beloved <3 one of the baddest women of the whole Legacyverse and one of the strongest women ♡ @kc-and-co
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Adelia Selwyn– One of the best women ever!! ♡ I just love her and she's been a long favourite @thatravenpuffwitch
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Arthur 'Teddy' Ellison– He's just amazing!! He's been a long favourite and my goal for 2022 is for any of my OCs to interact with him <33 @cursebreakerfarrier
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William Berkeley– Ahh, one of my girl's found brother!! He's an amazing man, period. I love him very much and he's become one of my fave men of the Legacyverse 💕💕 @beloved-bucky
See part two because i'm not done!!
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
The sun always rises again (Farrier x fem!oc) Part III - FINAL.
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Masterlist || Part I - Part II
Summary: Maggie hears the news from Collins || Farrier is now a prisoner of war but he's not ready to give up yet. He promised to return home and that's what he is determined to do no matter what it costs. || Farrier meets a new friend.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort. Happy ending. I did research on the second world war, but probably some events written here are inaccurate. I invented Farrier's fate (the real "Farrier" was never captured, so...)
Words: 2.5k.
Thanks to those who reblogged and commented this story. Love you, girls. I enjoyed this new journey.
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Collins felt the chill wind in his face when he was arriving at the Farrier's house. In his mind he had the right words to tell her, but not to the kids.
How do you tell them that his father wasn't coming? They were really young and like Daisy, that pretty girl said, they needed to have hope, too. Even him.
It wasn't sure that William was indeed dead, but Collins calculated the distance and assumed that he landed in enemy territory. So almost probably he was captured. He needed to speak to his superiors but the Farriers were priority to him in that moment.
The Geneva convention offered his friend protection, in theory. That, if the Germans respected what they signed, which Collins wasn't sure but it was best that to think the worst. If so, they could set free with the condition that he wasn't going to attack them again. Or probably Farrier, if he survived, was going to wait till the end of the war. Farrier had a combative spirit but also he wasn't so reckless like he was years ago before meeting Maggie. He loved his profession, but the love he had for his wife and kids couldn't be compared to anything.
Collins was a strong man, but the idea of being in a concentration camp was so awful that he didn't want to think about it.
And he didn't know that the war was barely beginning.
Both kids, but especially Edward, were happy to see his father's best friend there. The boy loved his godfather and for him it was always nice to see him there.
Collins lied to them, he had to.
"Your dad is coming in few days," Jack said while he was ruffling the boy's hair and had Clara in his arms. "I'm here just to say hello and to see how big you two are. He speaks about you the whole time!"
"How the battle went?" Edward asked.
"Everything ended well," he responded smiling to them. "Where's your mom?"
"In the kitchen! She's baking us a pie!" exclaimed the girl.
"She's the best, isn't she?" Edward looked at his godfather and Collins could see his friend's eyes in that boy. He nodded.
"She is, Ed."
Maggie has seen him already and she knew that all her anguish inside her the last few days had an explanation now. Collins entered the kitchen with his hat in his hands and avoiding her gaze. He asked the kids to wait outside so inside that warm place were just the two of them.
"Maggie, hi."
"Jack, it's good to see you. After all these years… I-" her voice was trembling but she managed to talk "I'm really happy to know that you're fine. I prayed for you, too."
"You're very kind, Maggie. I.. he asked me," Collins wasn't going to pretend that his friend didn't know why he was there and not her husband, so playing dumb wasn't in his plans. "William told me to come here and take care of you and the kids. To help you. Temporary. Maggie, he's not dead." Collins said, looking at the ginger woman who was crying silently in front of him. But apparently, his last words took her by surprise.
"He's not dead."
Jack explained to her what happened after he was forced to water landing and was rescued. Her brown eyes looked at him like asking Jack the real events. But Collins wasn't lying.
"The convention protects Will. Him and thousands of soldiers and other prisoners of war. Because the Germans and Italians, want the same as us. The other side of the coin, of course, but they don't want their men being harmed because they need them. And we need ours."
"Will is alive then? Is it not a joke?"
"Of course it's not, Maggie."
The woman hugged him and sobbed against his shoulder. Being a prisoner of war was an awful destiny for everyone, but it was better than being dead in a distant land with no one near you to left you a flower. Or being under the sea, being one with the ocean for the eternity.
Collins didn't tell her about his own fears. Hitler was doing everything in his power to conquer the world and apparently he was succeeding. And if he had to shit on the Geneva convention, then Collins was sure that he will.
William Farrier was cold despite the season of the year. He was afraid that his feet were already frostbitten, but it didn't seem the case, maybe just the sensation. He massaged them to activate the blood circulation again.
That was the second week there. With France invaded by the Nazis and already surrendered to Hitler, Great Britain was the only country that was facing Germany. For now, at least.
He was still in the France that weeks ago wasn't enemy territory but now it was. Around him, Farrier saw other soldiers all of them sharing a small space, sleeping in the ground or not sleeping at all.
Farrier never talked a lot and it wasn't the exception now. The conditions were they where were bad, but it could be worse. The news arriving from Germany were disgusting and incredibly cruel.
If something good the leaders of different countries did, was to sign that convention. Without that one, he could be dead by now. Especially considering the damage that Farrier alone caused to the enemy.
Yet, despite the cold and hunger he kept in mind that it wasn't bad. Although it was.
The convention stipulated that officers of his ranks weren't obligated to work for the Germans, but he was. And hundred of other men, too.
William still had Maggie's picture in his pocket and was probably he most valuable treasure along with the watch she gifted him. If anything, Farrier trusted Collins with his whole soul and knew he was helping his family but he missed them a lot.
"Who's she?"
A bearded man with a thick Scottish accent approached Farrier and asked when he saw him with Maggie's photo in his hands. William noticed a scar on his nose that reached almost his left ear.
"My wife."
"Very pretty."
"Yes, she is. And a good woman as well."
"Any little beans?"
"Two. Ed and Clara."
"Family can cause problems sometimes but is in this days that we miss 'em, innit? I'm Charles."
"I know," Charles said. "The pilot. Yer a fuckin' hero, mate. We saw ya, phew phew. And them fuckin' boom! Ya sent 'em to hell in thousand pieces."
Farrier smiled "I guess, yes."
"Ya don't deserve this shit."
"You either, Charles. No one deserves this."
The beach was a good place to be. Two weeks passed since Collins returned and even when he was in his house now, after Maggie promised him that they were going to be okay, the pilot called them almost every day to see if they needed something.
"They're negotiating," Collins said to her once. "They went to make an arrangement with the Nazis to free the prisoners of war."
And apparently it was true. But until now they had no news.
Her kids were playing at the seashore while she was sitting in the sand watching the waves. She could see herself in Edward and Clara. The innocence of believing Collins words. There was a time when she believed her mother's words and the promise of being a family again. It didn't last long, but while it last her words sounded well for her.
She remembered the first time in that pub when she saw him. Just eight years ago, and yet it seemed to be an eternity. If someone promised her that they have the power to change the past and never meeting him and in consequence, avoid this sadness in her heart now, she'd rejected the offer. Not even in those dark days she could accept that kind of thing. She loved William. He was the best thing she had and together they built a nice family. Those kids existed because they were together and loved each other and that was invaluable.
"Come home, Will."
She didn't realise she was crying again until she felt two pairs of arms hugging her. She hugged both children and the three of them remained in silence until the sun started to hide.
Those days, Farrier hurt himself and sent him to the temporary hospital that was built there. A nurse was bandaging his arm when he looked at her.
"May I ask you something, miss?"
"Mrs," she corrected him "Mrs. Thompson."
"Mrs. Thompson, I need to know what are the chances to send a letter to England now."
Mrs. Thompson saw him like he was asking her to kill Hitler herself. "Very low, Mr. Farrier."
"But not impossible."
The woman looked at him for a moment before closing the curtain around his stretcher giving them some privacy.
"What do you want?"
"Just send a letter to my wife. My kids."
The nurse low her voice and whispered to him "You're asking something almost impossible. They confiscated a lot of letters. This an occupied zone now. But it can be done anyway, illegally."
"How much?"
"You have nothing, soldier."
"I have this watch. It has to have some value. You can sell it, I need to communicate with them."
Farrier took off Maggie's gift the one he had with him from the beginning of the war and gave it to her and the nurse examined it. She nodded. "I will bring you a pen and paper. But be brief, the thinner the envelope is, the better."
Two days later the letter was going to England inside the box of medicine that a fisherman had. They allowed the old Frenchman go after checking he wasn't a menace.
Maggie received it five days later. It was the first sign that she had in a lot of time that he was still alive and she couldn't help but cry. It was brief as a poem, but clear. According to his words, it was true that he was hold as prisoner but was fine. Maggie asked herself if he was lying to make her feel better, but just the news were enough for her.
"I'm waiting for the moment to be with you again. I love you, my beautiful wife. Forever. Remember my promise, I'm coming home even if it takes me a bit while to do it. I love you, W.F."
Collins heard about the letter as well because Maggie called him almost immediately. The next weeks to add hopes to that letter, he knew that finally the negotiations were having some good effect.
July was almost beginning when finally Collins received the call he was waiting for, he almost jumped from his bed. And the news reached the media as well. Radio and newspapers were announcing it:
"… The immediate liberation of French and British men held as prisoners in France."
Paris was the price that France paid for it.
A dog with only three legs started to follow him as soon as he arrived there. Farrier looked around to see if that maybe his owner was near but it didn't seem to be the case.
He stopped for a moment to pet his head and the dog started to jump around him. Too precious to be a street dog, but Farrier was convinced he was.
An old woman approached him.
"Welcome back, sir. You're one of those soldiers that Churchill brought back, aren't you?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"God bless, Winston. You're lucky, sir. Very lucky," then she looked at the animal who was now sat down next to his leg. "The dog likes you, it has no home. Just a fleabag. He's lways eating what he finds."
"I'm taking him with me, then."
"Good decision, sir. And thanks for your services."
Both Farrier and now his dog, walked the familiar streets. It seemed to be a lifetime since he was there. Some people stepped outside just to see him go. Some clapped, others cheered him. Kids asked him questions that he didn't want or know how to answer.
He asked himself if in every city and town it was the same towards the men returning home.
Home. Four letters that have a meaning that he could explain.
He didn't call his family, he wanted to surprise them.
He finally could see the white walls, the green grass, and his kids' toys outside the house. Ed's bike was next to the tree and the door was open. Farrier looked at his dog and nodded. The animal was the first one to approach the house.
"Mommy! Mommy! A dog!"
Clara saw him and petted him but it was Edward's voice who alterted the girl that someone else was just in the door.
"Dad! Dad!"
Edward ran towards the man and hugged him. Clara, took some seconds to recognise him, but when she did, she did the same as her older brother.
Maggie standing under the door frame with a plate in her hands, was crying not believing her eyes. There je was again, as he promised.
"The dog needs a name," he said to his kids once they let him go. "He's yours now."
"Of course. He needs a bath and food, I'm sure you can do that."
"We can, dad!" Edward took his sister's hand and both of them ran outside followed by the happy dog that soon was going to be named Pi.
Finally the matrimony was alone.
"Just in time for the lunch," Maggie joked, but still crying.
"I'd never miss it, my love."
"Oh, Will…"
Maggie put the plate she had in her hands aside and touched his face. He had beard now and his hair was longer. But that was his caring husband, it was him.
William and Marguerite finally kissed eachother. His hands found her waist and he brought him closer to him. How much he missed her.
"I love you," he said touching his forehead with his.
"I love you, too, Will. You fulfilled your promise."
"I did it. And I'm not going anywhere now."
He kissed her again. And Maggie lost herself in his touch. Later that day, they were going to rejoin in ways that now in the kitchen and with their kids around they couldn't do.
Or with Collins watching.
His friend knew he was going home because his superiors alerted him, even if Farrier didn't say anything to his family, all the rest obviously knew he was back in England. So Jack drove there to finally see his friend again.
Men shouldn't show affection those days and yet, the moment he stepped in and both men saw each other again, they hugged for a long time.
"Thanks, Collins," William said.
"No need, Farrier." Then, Jack saw at Maggie was again hugging her husband and smiled.
Sometimes family is a matrimony, their two kids, the husband's best friend and a three legged dog.
The lunch there was shared with all of them together. Even Pi.
The afternoon, Collins stayed in the house with the kids giving the couple the opportunity to be alone in the beach.
Maggie spent almost a year and a half alone sitting on the sand contemplating the sea and now was doing the same only that this time, William was again with her.
He was kissing her neck. Their fingers interwined, resting on her stomach, while she was sat between his legs.
No one said anything. The sound of the waves accompanied their reunion. Silent as Farrier was, but was that kind of silence that if you listened carefully you could hear a lot.
The kind of silence that screamed "I love you."
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clovermunson · 3 years
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𝒯𝒽ℯ ℬℯ𝓇𝓀ℯ𝓁ℯ𝓎 ℱ𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 ℋℴ𝓁𝒾𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈
oops, my hand slipped and i made a holiday aesthetic for stelliam too👀😂
@cursebreakerfarrier i cannot be convinced that Stella wouldn’t decorate their home in the most beautiful way for the holidays (of course William would help where it’s needed), and really though, how could i not make an aesthetic for our absolute fave?🥺 happy holidays!!💕
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Masterpost: POTC/HPHM AU (starring Carewyn Cromwell and Orion Amari)
Summary: In an alternate universe inspired by a very popular collection of pirate films and the historical Golden Age of Piracy, we follow British Naval hero Carewyn Cromwell (A.K.A. “Carey Weasley”), pirate captain Orion Amari, and other MC’s and characters from the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery in a tale of adventure, intrigue, ancient magic, found family, and star-crossed romance on the high seas.
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Act I
A Tale of Two Captains
A Maid in Bedlam
The Ruse
Caught in Port Royal
A Commodore Kidnapped, A Pirate Freed
Cursed Pirates and Merfolk
Making a Break for It
Battle at Isle de Muerta
Black Jack Roberts
A Wedding Aboard the Artemis
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Act II
Patricia Rakepick
The Dead Man’s Chest
The Sacking of Tortuga
Dealing with Davy Jones
Charlie and Carey
The Brethren Court
Meeting at Sundown
Behemoth Ben Copper
Uranus and Saturn Collide
Cutler Beckett Meets His Fate
'Til Death Do Us Part
Additional Materials
Background on the Weasley Family
Background on Jacob and Duncan Ashe
Jacob and Ashe’s Singing Voices
Additional Information about Duncan Ashe and merfolk
Carewyn is Tiny
"This is the day you will always remember as the day you met...Captain...Jack...MEOW!”
Fanfiction: Carewyn Meets “Smithy”
Art: Little Carewyn Sings “Smithy” to Sleep
Art: A Maid in Bedlam Redux
Art: Commodore Weasley and the Governor’s Daughter
Art: Ashe Challenges Orion
Art: Ashe Saves Jack
Fanfiction: Ashe Bandages Jack
Art: Jack and Ashe Jump Overboard
Art: Ashe and Jack on the Shore
Art (Crack!): Cuttlefish
Art: Jack and Ashe Say Goodbye
Art: Reunited Redux
Other People’s Content
Aesthetic Moodboard 1 (Ellie Hopper) @that-ravenpuff-witch​
Aesthetic Moodboard 2 (Ellie Hopper) @that-ravenpuff-witch
Aesthetic Moodboard (Jules Farrier) @cursebreakerfarrier
Aesthetic Moodboard (Jules Farrier/Bill Weasley) @cursebreakerfarrier
Aesthetic Moodboard (Ryan Seacrest) @hphm-brooke​
Aesthetic Moodboard (Kai Williams and Keira Jones) @hphm-brooke​
Aesthetic Moodboard (Brooke Atkinson) @hphm-brooke​
Fanfiction (Ryan Seacrest) @hphm-brooke​
Fanfiction (Brooke Atkinson) @hphm-brooke​
Art (Ryan Seacrest, Kai Williams, Keira Jones, and Brooke Atkinson) @hphm-brooke​
Aesthetic Moodboard (Marti Venturi) @smarti-at-smogwarts
Art (Samantha O’Connell) @samshogwarts
Fanfiction (Samantha O’Connell) @samshogwarts​
Art (Carewyn Cromwell) @samshogwarts​
Art (Finn McGarry) @theguythatdraws
Art (Chiara Dalma) @theguythatdraws
Post (Aishwarya Mehra and Arjun Singh) @hogwarts9
Art (Vixen McMahon) @rosievixen
Aesthetic Moodboard (Vixen McMahon) @rosievixen
Post / Aesthetic (Gracie Chiva) @danceworshipper​
Aesthetic Moodboard (Ben Copper/Wendy Gordon) @drinkyoursoupbitch​
Fanfiction part 1(Ben Copper/Wendy Gordon) @drinkyoursoupbitch​
Fanfiction part 2 (Ben Copper/Wendy Gordon) @drinkyoursoupbitch​
Fanfiction part 3 (Ben Copper/Wendy Gordon) @drinkyoursoupbitch​
Art (Sarahi Silvers) @dat-silvers-girl​
Aesthetic Moodboard (Orion Amari and Carewyn Cromwell) @helenadurazzo​
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interstellarflare · 4 years
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1917 (2019) // Dunkirk (2017)
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Hello Folks !
Here is some William (The Edge of Love) / Farrier (Dunkirk) aesthetic for @miserablejuvenile ! Because who doesn't love war angst and feelings ?!
We hope you like it !
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