#win for feminism!!
starswallowingsea · 1 year
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Saori Hidaka and Rika Seto icons for me! But they are free to use with credit
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
i hate u female rage i hate u divine feminine i hate u female gaze i hate u feminine energy i hate u gender essentialism poorly repackaged as progressive or revolutionary or in any way subversive....
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
Of course, the burkini ban is messed up on grounds of religious freedom and racial discrimination. But also
Under any other circumstances, people would be HORRIFIED at a government mandate that women have to show a certain amount of skin. Like. That’s fucking dystopian, and the absolute opposite of feminism. If a government tried to pass a law that all women had to wear tube tops and miniskirts to go outside, people would rightfully be up in arms demanding blood
But because it’s targeting a marginalized religious group, many folks are lauding the blatant forced sexualization of women. Appalling
(apparently the ban also outlaws things like sun – protecting bathing suits if they cover too much skin. Which like. Yes, let’s give everyone skin cancer just so we can spite a religion we’ve decided to hate. Sounds like a good plan </s>)
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shriika · 7 months
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yet how wonderful the lie!
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i don't know if you guys have been keeping up with the women's world cup but this past sunday spain won against england. and you would think this would be the best moment of their careers and their lives but you wanna know what happened?
the spanish football federation's president non-consensually kissed one of the players, jenni hermoso, on the mouth when they were celebrating. this grown ass man took it upon himself to ruin the celebration for ALL the women who just achieved the thing they have been preparing for all their lives, literally the peak of a football player's career, they did it and he by himself ruined it.
and i say all the women because the other players, along 58 currently inactive and ex-players, stood up for jenni hermoso and have refused to play for the team until luis rubiales publicly apologizes and renounces his spot. now the rfef says they'll take legal action against the players and jenni for lying and because they have an obligation to play for the team.
do you remember how the men's world cup celebrations went? i do, im from argentina. no one said anything to any of the players, they were treated like kings for months and they are worshipped to this day. and rightfully so! they earned it i guess. but we do see the discrepancy?
how is it that we allow as a society for one man to sexually assault a woman right after achieving the thing another group of men got ceaselessly venerated for not even a year later? what do women have to do to earn respect? win the world cup? become the pride and joy of their country?
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seasononesam · 4 months
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Stackednatural- 175/327
Various & Sundry Villains (13x12) February 1st, 2018
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arieswritez · 6 months
cupid | dirtbag!mark x lovesick f!reader
cw; DARK CONTENT!!! manipulation, cheating (srry eve 🫶🏾), coercion, dubcon/noncon, unprotected sex, breeding kink, corruption kink, virgin reader, misogyny (?), no actually no question mark he's a seedy misogynist, reader wears a skirt, victim blaming, mind break
about; mark is a red flag & a liar but he's cute so it makes up for it.
a/n; thinking about mark 'just the tip' grayson who dotes on cute little virgins and swipes their cherries 🫶🏾
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mark is your best friend.
he has been for very a long time. in fact, the two of you have been friends far before he knew it.
the two of you basically grew up together: lived in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools. you knew him. but he didn't know you. and it wasn't until high school when the two of you officially became friends.
and you'll admit, it was a little awkward when william - the only friend the both of you had in common - introduced the two of you.
mark had said his name. and you'd said, "i know."
you wondered if the look mark gave you was one of amusement or concern.
nonetheless, he was everything you thought he'd be. you were glad he didn't seem weirded out by your overt clinginess or how much you seemed to latch onto his opinion. you'd do almost anything for his approval: often discarding interests he'd make off-handed comments about, convincing yourself you didn't really like it all that much, anyway. you knew you wanted to be around him all the time. . but you didn't know what to do about the butterflies you'd get whenever the two of you made eye contact.
cupid was funny.
cupid had a way of coming into your life when you least expected it. when it was least convenient. and you found yourself embarrassed by your own emotions. it's just a crush, you'd told yourself, it'll go away. because, how deep could your feelings for mark really go?
surely, it was innocent. mark was the first boy who'd flashed a smile in your direction and your heart immediately started doing summersaults. it was the raging hormones. . kid stuff.
you were sure of it.
but years passed and cupid wouldn't leave you alone.
finally, you'd worked up the courage to tell him how you felt. made up an excuse about needing help with a couple of classes and mark - always so sweet - told you he'd be glad to help. you'd stuttered through your confession. but mark never made a face. in fact, he'd let you down so nicely it was hard to be upset. he'd given you a warm smile, told you you were sweet. . but he wasn't looking for a romantic relationship.
cupid was cruel, you decided.
you tried convincing yourself: that's fine. that's okay.
mark viewed you as nothing more than a friend and you understood that. you weren't angry. just. . stung. and when he'd started dating amber, then eve, you thought to yourself: so much for not being ready for a romantic relationship.
it wasn't long until you realized that actually meant, i'm not ready for a romantic relationship with you.
you couldn't blame him. not really. amber and eve were gorgeous, there was no denying it. and eve had something you didn't. eve related to mark in a way neither amber or you could. and you understood that. but that didn't mean you particularly liked it.
you'd sit with william at the lunch table and try not to tune out his talking, but you'd end up doing it, anyway. you'd zone out and look across the table as mark and his girlfriend laughed to whatever joke he'd most likely said. mark would walk his fingers across the table and gently hold his partner's hand, caressing the top of it with his thumb and they'd smile and giggle. and you'd think to yourself, how i'd like to have a love like that.
not just with anyone, but with mark.
you felt mark was the only one who'd give you that type of love. that type of feeling in your chest. the thump, thump, thump necessary to have your lips splitting into a grin and your world smelling like saccharine and hibiscus. you wanted a love like his.
you wanted him.
and you ignored william aiming fries at your head and trying to call you back down to earth - "hello, anyone home?" - as you dreamily stared across the table.
you'd play the game. you'd wait. for as long as the relationship would last and hopefully, mark would turn his sights on you, next.
the two of you remained friends, of course you did. mark was nice. he was genuine and sweet and he'd never push you away because of some innocent crush. he'd always make sure not to leave you out of his plans. but he was weary, because many of those plans, involved having eve around, too. and he'd pulled you aside once and told you,
"i don't want it to be weird. you're still my friend, y'know?"
and you'd joked, "it won't be! i'm over you, anyway~"
and the two of you laughed and that was that. you excused yourself to the bathroom and splashed water in your face to fight back tears. that was that.
you knew boundaries would have to be set so you wouldn't step on her toes. eve was good for mark, you'd never do anything to hurt her. and you didn't want her to think you disliked her by not going to an event just because she was going to be there.
so, despite everything in you screaming at you not to - you agree to go to that party. even when you knew eve would be there, too.
mark wouldn't have had it any other way.
you had fun. and you convinced yourself it was fine to dance with william while mark and eve cuddled close. it was fine.
you convinced yourself you were drinking to let loose, not to forget about that ugly feeling brewing in your chest. one drink turned into two.
two and then. . you'd lost count.
liquor goes down easy when it's sweet and you've always liked the things you're not supposed to have.
so, it was only a matter of time when they dragged you into the middle of a game of truth or dare. william - bless his heart - had tried to sober you up before you made a mistake. but liquor made you brave. it made you fun. and in your drunken stupor: you'd admitted you were a touchless, kiss-less virgin.
you wish you'd been sober enough to see mark's face.
in hindsight, you should've been.
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a few months later and mark couldn't keep his hands off of you.
"no, she won't find out. she won't care.
no, we do this all the time.
it's an arrangement we have, me and her, we. . it's complicated. she's done this before. it happens. it's not that big a deal~"
it was college, he'd said, things change. it's good, healthy even, for a couple to experiment with others. that's what college is all about: exploring. figuring out what you like and what you don't. says eve is doing the same.
but for someone who claims to have an open relationship, mark does his best to keep the two of you a secret. he won't let you near eve for the life of you. and you watch his face screw up with indignation whenever you mention her. you ask what's wrong, and he changes the subject, says he just wants to focus on you. but you're not dumb. you know what he's playing at. and you know you should be mad. you should be furious he's playing you like this but you're not and that's the problem.
you don't care what attention he's giving you as long as it's attention.
so you let him.
you let him when your parents aren't home and when eve is preoccupied with something else. you let him into your room even though he's not supposed to be there. you let him smother you in kisses and slip his hands beneath your shirt, his warm hands smoothing up your waist, blunt nails dragging across your ribs. and before you know it, you're raising your arms to help him take your shirt off.
you let him hook his hands around your thighs and pull you towards him, slotting himself closer between your thighs as his hands slide beneath your skirt, sliding off your panties without taking the skirt off, just bunching it up and flipping it over on your belly to expose your embarrassingly wet cunt.
the way he can work you up from just making out is almost pathetic. he's barely touched you and you're already leaking for him. the two of you are inexperienced. . more so you than mark.
he's shown you how to kiss, how to touch him, hell, even how to touch yourself. but he hasn't shown you how to cum ;( you don't get to do that without his permission.
he says that, despite this, he's still never had sex. the furthest he's gone has been outercourse stuff. says eve isn't ready. says he understands, but he likes you. he really does. and if it were ever to amount to more. . he wishes it was you.
mark 'just the tip' grayson who holds open your thighs in a bruising grip when you try to close them. asks you to keep them open, pretty please, and proceeds to tongue at your clit like he's trying to make you sing. (he is).
coaxes slick out of your cunt while he nurses on your puffy little clit and stuffs his fingers inside you while his hips rut against the bed. the way he's tasting you has you on edge and the two of you promised there'd be no funny business until the two of you are actually ready. . but your fingers are tangled in his hair and his cock is slicking up your sheets because he's shoved his pants down beneath his ass ;( its like the two of you are in heat and when you pull mark up to kiss him you taste yourself on his tongue and the way you're moaning into each others mouths somehow makes the room's temperature sky-rocket.
mark 'just the tip' grayson who says the magic words with glossy eyes and a blush high on his face. he looks so needy and debauched, all messy hair and swollen lips. begs you, "baby please" just the tip. he promises. no more, he just wants to feel you.
and then he'll pull out and make you cum so hard you'll see stars.
mark 'just the tip' grayson who fucks his cock between your pussy lips, his eyes locked between your legs as he watches his cock slide against your swollen cunt. he's drunk on you, the way you smell, the way you look, the little sounds you make and how your hips flinch whenever the head of his cock pushes against your clit. who hisses, "i'm gonna breed that little cunt." and ignores the look you give him.
it's just dirty talk, a little voice in your head says.
but another tells you you can't bring yourself to care what it is as long as he keeps his hands on you.
you watch with nervous excitement as he takes his cock in hand and redirects it towards your opening. looks you in the eyes and slowly pushes against resistance until the head of his cock pops in.
the two of you tense and you squeak so loud mark doesn't know how he doesn't immediately cum. you squeeze immediately and you feel and look so damn good. your skin is hot to the touch and you're partly dressed, a pretty little 'o' to your lips as your toes curl with the fullness you feel. the head of his cock is so fat it's borderline uncomfortable but he's hot inside you and the pressure feels different and good, nothing like his fingers and you're so, so dizzy. your head swimming with thoughts of only him. the way his hair was mussed by your hands, his bite swollen lips, and the way his eyes fluttered shut when he first slid into you are memories you're sure you'll never forget.
but it doesn't stop your heart from racing when he inches just a bit deeper. you've only had fingers inside you before and he's too much. . too soon.
you tell him you cant take it but he knows you can.
mark 'just the tip' grayson who folds you in half and feeds his cock into your cunt despite your protests. despite you trying to push his hips away with shaking hands, crying out as you find you have no leverage. your legs uselessly kicking out against his shoulders.
mark 'just the tip' grayson who mounts you and stays on top of you, his knees against the back of your thighs and his ball sack snug against your perineum while his cock throbs deep down inside your pussy. who has to blink stars out of his eyes because, jesus, he's inside of you. and you're tighter than anyone he's ever had.
he's taken amber's cherry.
and he's taken eve's.
but yours might be his favorite <3
mark 'just the tip' grayson who stuffs your panties in your mouth when your parents come back home and he doesn't want to stop fucking you. if you weren't ready, if you didn't want it, then why is your slick stretching, sticky and viscous, threading and snapping with each of his thrusts, making lewd wet sounds that resonate in the room whenever his balls smack against your ass and his pubic bone grinds against your swollen little clit?
if you weren't ready why is your cream collecting at the base of his cock, frothing around him and hypnotizing him. if you weren't ready, why are your hands holding a pillow over your face to cover your whimpers as he drills into you in a mating press, why aren't you pushing him away? why are your hips bucking against his, chasing him, why is your pussy clenching around him and why are your moans getting louder?
why do you squeak out in ecstasy when he sloppily grinds into you and cums at the very back of your pussy? why do you tense and cry when he rubs your needy clit and pinches the gummy flesh between thumb and forefinger, when he spreads your lips open and spits on your clit, smudging the saliva there even if it isn't necessary? If you weren't ready, why do your legs lock around his waist for round two?
he said he's never done this before but as he wrings a second orgasm out of you. . forcing your back into an arch as you cry into the pillow, you're not so sure that's true.
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yamat0 · 11 days
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transgender/feminism win! the teenage personification of war is going to give denji bottom surgery
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post-futurism · 7 months
"The myth that female reproductive capabilities somehow render them incapable of gathering any food products beyond those that cannot run away does more than just underestimate Paleolithic women. It feeds into narratives that the contemporary social roles of women and men are inherent and define our evolution. Our Paleolithic ancestors lived in a world where everyone in the band pulled their own weight, performing multiple tasks. It was not a utopia, but it was not a patriarchy."
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surrenderhate · 2 months
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squircatlies · 23 days
Ah, yes, lady Mowbray, such a brilliant twist on the classic Magnus antagonist formula™:
a horrible rich old woman.
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carlyraejepsans · 6 days
What’s the funniest ship Toby could possibly confirm and why is it Sansgore?
WRONG. alphoriel💥
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stozkpile · 5 months
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Apologies in advance
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marcsnuffy · 4 months
I know many people talked about Ego going to jail for the rest of his life (to which I only have this to add: who's getting locked off now, cunt) but I have to ask. Would Anri also be going to jail since she's like complicit in everything and also the one who set the project up in the first place
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speakercrab · 1 year
funniest aa villains
1. kristoph gavin
-took him seven years and two attempts to poison ONE little girl. she doesnt even die
-one of the first sentences out of his mouth is what gets him convicted in turnabout trump bc he wanted to look smart
-dog called clam
2. manfred von karma
-announces his pin number to the courtroom
-retrained a parrot the night before a trial
-tases people in a police evidence room where there are definitely cameras. even funnier that he doesn't get caught but that ones mostly on phoenix for never mentioning it
-this isn't canon but I love how in the press buttons and talk playthrough his objection just devolves into a grunt
3. shelly de killer
-offers phoenix a job (as an assassin. in court.)
-gets excited to say classic kidnapping lines
-just all of the walkie talkie sprites i love them
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year
"A strong queen is just what this country needs!"
The Irish who know the queen in question as the famine queen:
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