wincestious · 6 years
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sams a happy boy
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wincestious · 6 years
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classic dean in sams shirt stuff huehue
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wincestious · 6 years
Staph posting stuff and deleting!! You're driving me crazy!!! I miss your gey Winchester bros!!!!!!
haha woops i kept posting stuff here when i meant for it to go to my meme blog;;  here have a sammy on the house and expect more wincest when my muse returns from the ded ;;;
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wincestious · 6 years
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ugly and old but this is a scene from a druggie!sam and hopeless dean rp me and @catharticsam be doing - sam may or may not recently tried to end himself
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wincestious · 6 years
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me and @catharticsam were talking bout antichrist!au and how dean would probably attempt to kill sam 28947593% of the time - but sams impervious to everything at that point and takes it as signs of love
his advisers keep telling him dean hates him but.... sams in denial at this point
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wincestious · 7 years
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we interrupt your regularly scheduled wincest for some harry potter art i was commissioned to do recently (it was from an rp the commissioner was doing, a lil tom riddle/harry potter dramatic time travel shinding thingy) - i rlly liked how it turned out and since this the only place i currently post my art wELP
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wincestious · 7 years
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so guess who just watched the beauty and the beast live action remake and decided that i need to make this into a wincest au lmaosdfghgfds kill me
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and a lil extra doodle:
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sams a blushy bashful giant puppy
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wincestious · 7 years
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quick doodle before i pass out
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wincestious · 7 years
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doodle of idiot bois and their idiotic loving smiles for eachother
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wincestious · 7 years
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“Hey stranger, couldn’t help but notice how ya’ took out those vampires earlier.  You’re pretty handy with that machete.”  Dean said, grinning up at Sam and pulling him close by the arm.
Sam grinned down at him, amusement dancing in his eyes.  “Could say the same about yourself.  Two heads chopped in one go?  What’s a hunter to do with someone like you in town?”
“I don’t know, maybe we should team up for a little - see what the supernatural freaks of the world have to say against some combined awesomeness.”
“Hm...”  Sam looked off for a second, considering, and Dean stepped closer, until they were pressed chest to chest and enjoyed the fact he had to look up to meet Sammy’s eyes.  “S’not so bad an idea, why not?”
They both snickered at each other, Sam leaning down to gift a soft kiss to Dean’s cheek and Dean blushed, leaning his head against Sam’s chest and closing his eyes into the comfort.
“Good hunt.”  Dean murmured, and Sam shrugged his agreement, linking an arm around Dean’s shoulder and giving a firm squeeze.
lil doodle canoodle
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wincestious · 7 years
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theyre self aware
i take commissions
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wincestious · 7 years
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loosely based bird sam n dean from the precious art myukur just did
not parrots but u know i love drawing birbs so cLOSE ENOUGH
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wincestious · 7 years
have you also ever considered not killing us and finally doin some cute pony kisses?
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wincestious · 7 years
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“Thought you liked being carried?”  Sam chimed, grinning at his panicking brother.
Dean glared flustered at the ground, feeling entirely too weightless hefted up from the comfort of a solid flooring, “In theory, damn it - put me down!”  he hissed through grit teeth, because yeah, he might’ve said he’s turned on by the idea that Sam could maybe lift him - but he didn’t mean for the stupid little fuck of a brother to actually do it.
“Aw, Dean, you’re hurting my feelings,” Sam paused to pull puppy face number what the fuck ever, “You don’t trust me to keep you up?’  He ended with, and Dean clung tighter to Sam’s broad chest.
“I’m willing to admit that I trust no one to keep me up you over sized dick.”  Dean bit out, turning to glare at Sam and having his anger flush out to be replaced with pity because god damn was Sam good at the whole kicked puppy look.
“Dean...”  Sam said, soft, brow creased and his grip slackened, causing Dean to slip down a little and he glued himself to Sam’s body.
“Look, fine, I trust you al-fucking-right?”  Dean said, tone panicked and rushed and Sam’s grin brightened anew at that, his hold on Dean tightening and Dean blew a little sigh of relief.
After a moments pause, Dean stopped to stare at his bare feet, wiggling his toes with a terse look and realized that being picked up wasn’t so bad a thing, it was actually - well, freeing.  Especially for someone of his height.
Sam must have noticed some change on his face, because he leaned down a fraction and pressed a chaste kiss to Dean’s cheek, “Not so bad, right?”  Sam said, smile soft.
“Yeah,” Dean breathed, managing a half shrug from where he was posed, “Once I get over the whole fear factor, it’s kinda’ cool.”  And he was only half lying, because it was cool, but also really hot, and he wondered how long Sam could keep him suspended.
“Hey, Sam,” Dean began, looking to Sam who just now started to look a little tired from the effort of holding Dean up.
“Do ya’ think maybe you could,” Dean paused, bit his lip, continued, “carry me to the kitchen?  And the laundry room?  And the bedroom?  Actually - since you’re so cocky, carrying me all over shouldn’t be so hard, right?”  Dean asked, coy and grinning, and he could feel the tension running through Sam’s arms - big little brother was getting tired.
Sam looked taken back, a nervous look crossing his face before returning to the carefree grin, albeit accompanied by a small bead of sweat, “Well, yeah, uhm - of course.”  Sam answered.
“Cool,” Dean said, giving Sam an odd hug around the neck before leaning back, grinning when Sam grunted with the effort to keep him up and pat Sam’s tense shoulder, “Alright, lil’ bro, to the kitchen for some delicious in air action breakfast.”
Sam just chuffed a laugh in reply, before making the sure to be not-so-fun trek to the kitchen.
idk, some domestic!au fluff where dean let slip during the kanoodling that he gets off on the idea sam could carry him, so one morning when dean makes a prince charming joke bc of sams hair sam legit sweeps him off his feet, leaving dean to panic bc hey hes toll hold on his feet are meant to stay on solid ground kthnx
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wincestious · 7 years
Okay I swear your artwork is amazing like literally, you are now one of my top five favorite artists on Tumblr. Also, I saw that you sometimes answer requests? If you do, could you please (like I'm begging on my knees please) draw Demon!Sam and Angel!Dean just going out for a really cheesy date? (The more bad puns the better). Thanks for reading this! Have a nice day!
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Dean frowned.
Because, Sam - although being taken on a perfectly cheesy, romantic, share-a-fucking-milkshake date - was frowning, glaring down at his hand and staring solemnly at the ketchup as if it was the one to fling him from heaven.  Dean found the whole brooding thing quite offensive, and propped one naked foot onto the booth seats and leaned further into his brother.
“Hey, uh, Mister Tall, Dark, and Handsome, what’s with the long face?”  He asked, laying his head on Sam’s shoulder and Sam gave him a passive side glance.  The demon proceeded to then have the audacity to look around the mostly empty diner, as if Dean could have possibly been speaking to someone else.
“Yeah, you - the only ‘Tall, Dark, and Handsome’ around,” when assured he had Sam’s attention, he continued, although the demon looked to still only be half listening, “I have you here on this awesomely romantic, classic milk shake date, and you’re still all this.”  And with that word he gestured to his face, to the faux grim frown, and Sam’s eyebrow quirked.
“What ever do you mean?”  Sam drawled, resting his cheek on one fist and Dean found that better than Broody-Mc-Pouty-face.
“Oh, I’m sorry, were you not here for the last thirty minutes of me babbling about how weird human toes were?  Because I was legit doing that.  Hell - you agreed to paint my nails, and to let me braid your hair you were so distracted.”  Dean said, threw one hand out in exasperation, and Sam chuckled.  Improvement, at least.
“I was just thinking on how to rid myself of one certain destroyer of my ‘bad assery’.”  Sam quoted Dean’s previous words, and Dean gave him an amused glance.
“Oh, yeah?”  Dean asked, looking up into Sam’s black eyes - he noted how Sam stopped hiding them now, and that was something that made Dean’s heart flip more times than necessary - and Sam shot him a small smirk.
“Yeah, I figured if I’m to go all out, I need to really perfect my image.”
“Dye your hair black, that’ll help.”
Sam seemed to ponder that a moment, looking up to the ceiling and Dean near giggled at the serious look of contemplation.  “There’s a thought.”  Sam finally said, stroking his chin and Dean turned onto his knees, leaning over into Dean’s lap and hands resting on Sam’s knees.
“Oh, maybe file your teeth too, get them pointy - also, why not we get you some tear drop tattoos?”
“Black lipstick?”  Sam shot back, and Dean nodded with a hissed laugh.
“Oh, yeah, absolutely.  You’ll be on everyone’s fuck list.”
“Hm…”  Sam stroked his chin again, “well if I’m going all out then shouldn’t you do so as well?”  Sam eyed him, and Dean quirked a brow.
“Aren’t I already?  I mean, look at this face - totally innocuous and trustworthy.”
“Yes, but..”  Sam leaned forward, tracing Dean’s lips and cheeks.  “Why not a little bit of pink lipstick, maybe some rosy red blush for your nose and cheeks - become a pretty princess to stand for the ‘truly good’.”  Sam quoted that, scoffing, and Dean personally felt that one.  
Seemed these days the ‘good guys’ were all sorts of assholes.
“Okay, but - then you hafta’ buy yourself a nice leather outfit, complete with chains and choker.”  Dean said, eyeing Sam and trying - and failing miserably - to picture Sam in a gaudy trench coat littered with chains and upside down crosses.
“Then you’ll have to put on a nice, frilly pink dress.”
“Fuck you, I’d look fabulous.  You’d look like a giant poser dork.”
Sam pulled a face, thought a moment, then nodded, agreeing.  “You have a point, there.”
“Course’ I do, I’m always sorta right, in case you haven’t noticed.”  Dean said, tossing an old, soggy fry at Sam’s face and laughing when the demon threw a projectile of his own - a fry that had sat out even longer than Dean’s, resting so elegantly in the liquid that steadily perspired from their milkshake.
“Oh - yes, you’ve never been wrong before - that’s why your garrison almost caught you with me when you decided going to a fucking church to have your weird fantasies play out was a good idea.”  Sam hissed through his teeth, playfully glaring down at Dean and Dean couldn’t rebuttal that one as well as he would’ve liked to.  His face flared red, ears burning and he looked to the side, glaring a moment at the lovely family seated some tables away from them.
They all looked to be having such a nice time, perfect wife, perfect husband, perfect two kids and whatever amount on the way, and Dean childishly stuck his tongue out at the youngest child when it stopped smashing it’s pancakes with grubby fingers to look at them with wide eyes.
“Hey, Dean, you know I’m messing with you, right?”  Sam said, face worried and Dean turned to look back at him with a reddened face and mix of playful hurt.
“B-but, Sammy, you know I don’t kink shame you, a-and the thought that you -” he broke off there, pitching his tone high and stuttering for effect only to have the demon give him an unimpressed curve of brow.
“You’ll have to do better than that.”  Sam deadpanned and Dean’s face instantly turned sour, puckering his lips in a pout.
“What if I cry?”
“I’ll salt your wounds.”  Sam gestured dangerously to the salt sitting all innocent like on the table and Dean gulped, flopping onto Sam’s lap fully now and finding comfort in the dark trap between table and Sam’s jean clad thighs.
“Spoil sport.”
“Kinky fucker.”
“You’re kinkier.”  Dean shot back, all childlike-eloquence, and Sam could only shrug a shoulder at that.
“You got me there.”
“Yeah, and you got me here right now, so let’s go back to discussing how exactly I’m going to braid your pretty hair.”
“I didn’t agree to that-”
“Oh, but you did, now, do you want the dutch braid, or the french braid?”
Dean just grinned devilishly, because Sam had to rest his eyes sometimes - humans had some things down correctly, and sleep was pretty bad ass when you needed a break from heaven-hell politics.
And the second Sam deemed it time to take a break?  Dean would so be ready with the perfect tutorials to have Sam waking the prettiest demon of the bunch.
also hehehehe glad u like my stuff, makes my cold ded artist heart all fuzzy on the inside :’)
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wincestious · 7 years
Ohmygoooood! Your ponies are so cuuuute! And now I'm so curious about what bb pony Sam looks like. Fluffy? Smol? Dude. Love your art, bai!
baby pony sam was a fluffy hero worshipping fuck ->
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older sam –>
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he then grew up and became a ‘whispers kinky af shit into ur ear in public’ suave fuck      
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