#window over desk
tvwade · 9 months
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Built-In Home Office in Chicago Image of a study room with a small, elegant built-in desk, a brown floor, and blue walls.
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chinxe · 10 months
Jackson Built-In
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Study room - rustic built-in desk medium tone wood floor study room idea with no fireplace
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maretriarch · 2 months
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Just in time for 4/13 here's the second line of my r63 dolls, this time CREEPover themed with bonus accessories! in an ideal world they would come in adorable recuperacoon shaped packaging. and probably a sopor slime making kit because kids love slime. which one are YOU picking up from your local Goreget today?
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millenniummmbop · 1 year
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feluka · 8 months
on today's episode of 'what on earth is wrong with that guy?' my father saw my graded sheet and my TA had written 'thank you :)' with a smiley face on it and my father asked me who wrote that. and i said my TA. and then he said 'is the TA a boy or a girl??' and looked deeply concerned when i said it's a man and then he kept prodding me to translate for him all the notes and corrections on my sheet 💀
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antisocialxconstruct · 5 months
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okay. committing to this shit once and for all
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meownotgood · 1 year
I got this pretty stained glass aki today, thank you @akidazai for showing it to me
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paddington-two · 2 months
luna just had an old man 'get the fuck off my lawn' moment
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Alhaitham has a tendency to accidentally squish his partner's face into lil ducklips in gently grabbing their face and trying to steal a kiss, but will always get so distracted by how cute he thinks his partner looks like that, he'd forget why he even did that in the first place.
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solradguy · 2 years
I love that there are at least two other people in the gg community doing single character focused Drawtobers this year lol Someone on here's doing a Baiken one and then over on Twitter someone's doing 31 Jack-O's. Makes me feel slightly less brain rotted haha
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toasteaa · 2 years
why are people such weirdos about OCs???? like wth? if you dont like it, scroll on by babe - you're not an art critic so what are you doing here?? ❤
also your streluno doodles are so cute! ❤
People get weird about ocs and self ship stuff. It's not all the time, but there's this weirdly puritanical idea that you shouldn't make ocs to ship with characters (or self ship with characters) that's growing in the fandom a lot more and it's...concerning.
I've always found it really odd when people that like x reader content and/or canon x canon content are really hard on oc x canon writers because it "messes up the flow" of the story but like...so does x reader and canon x canon content when the characters were never in a relationship.
Fandom spaces are supposed to be fun and fuel creative energy. Like, that's the whole point and has always been the point of fandoms. But you get these elitist figures that say they know everything about the media you enjoy and hate anything and everything that they wouldn't personally do. It's exhausting.
I just do what I've always done: curate my online experience. There are some people and some things that I don't feel comfortable with and I make sure that they're on my blacklist, but I don't go out of my way to enforce that on other people. I love going into story and character metas and I also love creating a story where things were different. I can do both and that's perfectly okay.
It's the fact that other people know they can curate their online experience and refuse to do it to try to enforce some kind of moral and fandom centric high ground of "at least *I* don't pretend this character is in love with me". Like, good for you I guess?
Anyway enough rambling, have a wife
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ninelo74 · 4 months
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Drawed up a little image again 😛
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green-meanies · 2 years
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I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am lmao
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peapod20001 · 1 year
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How y’all feel about this setup
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dbphantom · 11 months
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I am so fucking glad this actually returned what I was trying to say while writing tags about Law's kickass outfits because the unhelpful instamash mix I disrespectfully call a brain was supplementing all the wrong words and I didn't feel like finding that one writing thesaurus site on mobile
#My brain does this ALL THE TIME ITS SO ANNOYING#Like no buddy!!! Those are the wrong words stop it!!!#Today I forgot the word for syllable. My brain would not stop saying 'consonant' when that's not what I wanted and I knew that wasn't it#It's so frustrating#Because like. I *know* the words. I*know* I know the words. So Why. Why. Why. Can't you just remember them correctly. Ever.#It makes writing so difficult because once I'm knocked out of that flow state by searching stuff I'm never getting back#It's the same with like CS stuff. I *KNOW* these things. So Why can my brain just decide to conveniently forget the instant#I actually NEED to remember the information. Like 'whoops teehee'#'yeah those documents u wanted that were taking up space on my desk forever and ever? I JUST shredded them'#So I spend 48 hours stomping around rewriting all the paperwork and then when the task is done and over with#THEN ITS LIKE 'oh so I found a copy on one drive because it made an automatic backup but nobody uses or likes onedrive so I didn't see it'#WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS BRAIN#Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-#Anyway. I thought this was mildly humorous I'm not actually That Frustrated about what just happened#It's more of just a general frustration with how my brain functions bc like. Come on#I put so much work in to learn and memorize all this stuff and it just takes it throws it out the window#It's very much a 'why should I even bother trying at this point' scenario for me#Cruddy rambles#Obviously apathy will get me nowhere. But it's extremely hard to stay positive when I legit just forget I need to do that :/
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
I just want to kiss Travis, okay? It can't be that too much a deed to ask for. Grab his ears like handles and mush against his face until he tries to peel me off like an overgrown facehugger. I'll suck out what little life source that's left in his veins from either up or down. Either way he'll be burying his hands in my hair in death grip, that's for sure. Because I won't give him a chance to fucking breathe.
We could die together from asphyxiation.
What can I say. He's breathtaking.
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