#winter fes
pogphotoarchives · 10 months
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Snow on the New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Photographer: Sydney Brink
Date: 1984
Negative Number: HP.2014.14.1333
The Santa Fe New Mexican collection
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gzeidraws · 9 months
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Comm for Luke featuring the Harmonized Heroes Winter Yunaka and Gaius! 🍬
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tropicalcryptid · 10 months
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I missed Chrobin week sorry guys have a "winter" prompt anyway!
This was fun and hard and stupid I shouldn't have decided I was going to force myself to learn shading in a dang FIRELIT SCENE why do I torture myself
I love Chrobin very much, even though I can now confirm that yes Chrom's outfit is an absolute nightmare to draw. Why does Frederick let you out of the palace dressed like that? Why do you have so many random cuffs, onesie-boy? Also I stole some design elements from Legendary Chrom's outfit in FEH--I absolutely love the fur cloak and it seemed appropriately wintery for this scene.
Also also my endless war to force as much texture as possible into my photoshop work continues. I know I can get more crunchiness out of this program! Just absolutely trying to figuratively mash/smear a dry paintbrush into the crevices of my digital artwork. Blah.
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hakuramen · 9 months
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"Thrasir, with your body so bright.
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
206 notes · View notes
cradle-of-darkness · 8 months
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my piece for @winter-sekai-gift-exchange ! this is for @xenonsense :) hope u enjoy 🩷💜
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Out Of Depth (But We’ll Be Okay)
Summary: Clint Barton x Fe!Reader -> You and Clint have been having an intimate relationship and it’s been hidden from the rest of the team. But, what happens when Fate throws you both a curve ball and it can no longer remain a secret?
Disclaimer: Fluff, swearing, feelings of being completely terrified of life, Sam and Bucky being idiots. Ignoring Endgame and CW. Clint has never been married or has kids in this fic. Friends/Co-workers to lovers. FwB SMUT (description is brief in the beginning, so feel free to skip), mentions of unprotected sex (be safe, wrap it up) MDNI. IF YOU CONTINUE READING THIS, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO READING 18+ THEMES. THIS IS YOUR WARNING.
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Clint was good at his job. 
He had to be. He had no other choice. If he wasn’t good, that meant he was bad and that could result in one of two things. Either, he’d get fired. Or, he’d die. If he was bad at his job, he’d prefer his exit to be the former of the two options, but when it came down to it, he wouldn’t really have a choice. 
But, he was good at his job. So, it didn’t matter. 
What he wasn’t good at, however, was being a dad. Or, at least, being told he was about to become one and not freak out about it. 
You had told him three days after you had found out yourself. 
You could remember it. Being stood in your bathroom until you saw the very pink double lines appear on the centre of the stick, which made you back up until you sat on the toilet seat and placed a hand to your mouth. 
At first, you didn’t know how to react. 
You and Clint weren’t exactly…together. 
It had started just over a year ago when, after some strange happenings on missions, you found comfort in one another. It was just simple and casual. No strings. Just sex. But you were friends. And co-workers. So, you were both incredibly careful. 
But then you remembered the night in the hospital. Well, medical bay. 
10 weeks prior, you’d both been on a mission that left you more than worse for wear. Stage 4 concussion, three broken ribs, the rest severely bruised, cuts and scrapes to the rest of your body and loss of memory for the first 24 hours. 
But, on your final check-up, you were left by the doctors, alone, in your room. 
During your stay, Clint had come almost every night to sit with you. Even helped you get to and from the bathroom when the lights were too bright and your entire body felt like it had just been hit by a 1000 tonne truck. 
Other nights, when he wasn’t helping you to and from the bathroom, he’d lie with you and you’d both sit and watch some crappy old movies that Clint had managed to find. Some were better than others, but even then, you’d both fall asleep half way through. 
But, after 10 weeks, you had your final check up and Clint came to see you. 
You both talked for a while, about what was to come. What missions would be given, when you were going to be put back into the field, what he had done to Natasha to make her so mad that she came to you to ask for help in getting back at him. 
And then he sat beside you and asked how you were feeling. 
“Like I want to get out of here.” you had answered honestly. “I just want to get back to normal.”
“And your head? You took quite the hit.” Clint pushed a strand of hair from your face so he could see you more clearly. 
“The concussion has gone but I still have a small headache.”
“You know, there are ways to get rid of that.”
You smirked, already having an idea on where Clint was going with this. “So, I’ve heard.”
“Maybe I could help you out?”
“Really? How so?”
Slowly, Clint moved closer to you before you continued to lie back until he was flush against you and the mattress where he slowly kissed your neck. 
“Well, there is the usual. Yoga,” a kiss, “Sleep,” another, “some weird tea that probably tastes like nail polish remover,” another kiss. “And then there's my idea. And, it technically hits two of the three.”
“Oh, really?” you laughed as he continued to press his lips against your skin. “And what is that?”
“I think you already know, baby.”
You smiled before his lips met yours. From there, your bodies took over. Your hands came up his side before pushing their way through his hair. His knee pressed between your thighs, teasing you ever so slightly. Meanwhile, his hands gripped at your hips pulling you closer as a moan emptied itself into his mouth. 
“Let me take care of you,” you heard him tell you before his lips moved back down your neck, leaving a trail of, come by morning, love bites in their wake. 
Usually, you were both so careful. But that night…that night you just wanted each other. Needed each other, even. You let him take care of you; his fingers pressing into your skin just hard enough to make you want more, his lips and tongue leaving marks across your body that only made it yearn for more, his knee pressing against you before he replaced it with his hand, his fingers curling up inside of you. All the while, he watched you curse underneath him, swear to God, swear to anyone who would hear your cries of pleasure. He felt your hands roam his body until he finally moved himself to your core where he felt your fingers and nails run themselves down the back of his head and neck, begging him for more. 
You climaxed twice before he entered you, and even then, you came again. 
He was the only man who had done this to you. Others, they had come close, but it was never like this. Clint took his time, teasing your body in ways you didn’t know would have you begging for him to the point where you felt as if it was going to last forever. 
And afterwards, he’d take care of you then, too. He’d wipe away any wetness from you before handing you a glass of water and helping you stand despite wanting to fall asleep in his arms there and then. By the time you’d get back from the bathroom, he’d hand you a t-shirt of his that just covered you - but still, if you weren’t both so relaxed, he’d take you there and then…again. 
And you’d let him. 
But that night, rather than using any safe measurements, it all remained unprotected. Something that would only come to your mind after being sat in the bathroom for an hour and half, staring at the two very pink lines on the white stick. 
It took you three days to initially come to terms with what was about to happen. Even then, you hadn’t fully accepted it. You were pregnant with Clint’s baby. And in 9 to 10 months, that baby will be born, hopefully healthy, and soon enough would be an exact share of your and Clint’s DNA.
On the fourth day, you went in search of Clint. And, you found him in his bedroom at the compound. 
After giving your knock, he called for you to come in. 
“It’s unlocked!”
The moment you entered, you locked the door behind you. 
“In here.”
Tony had created a connecting room for him to practise against targets so when you entered he had his arrow drawn and released it on bullseye. 
“We need to talk.”
“I’m all ears.” 
You nodded. Mostly, his focus was on the targets so at least that made it easier not having to look him in the eye. 
“Okay, I’ll just get to it,” you took a breath, clasping your hands together. “I’m pregnant.”
The arrow that Clint had drawn and intended to go through bullseye once more…landed in the wall. 
“Pregnant,” you nodded. “9 weeks, I think, at least.”
“When did…”
“Three days ago. I know, I’m freaking out, too.”
Clint looked back to the targets, not knowing where else to look. 
“I just thought you should know.”
Clint nodded before backing up and sitting down on one of the chairs beside the wall. 
“You’re pregnant?”
You nodded. “Yep.”
“And I’m gonna be…”
You moved to sit beside him. “I know. Believe me, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing.”
“Does anyone else know?”
You shook your head. “No.”
“You’re really pregnant?”
Sighing, you lifted your hips from the chair to pull the fresh pregnancy test from your back pocket. “Pretty positive.”
You handed him the test where he let out a small gasp, covering his mouth as he looked down at the two pink lines. 
“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing.” you said. “And…if you don’t want to be involved, I’ll figure it out. But, I want you. I want you to be involved.”
“No, no, no,” Clint cut you off. Despite the fact he was in complete shock, something he was certain of was…”I wanna…I wanna be involved. If we’re in this, we’re in this together.”
You nodded after a moment. It was nice to have some support and know you’re not alone in your fear. 
Clint soon looked back to the stick before reaching over and taking your hand in his. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
You could see a small smile growing on his face, which mirrored itself on yours. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
A small laugh came from Clint’s lips before he pulled you closer into a hug, the pair of you looking at the double lines before he turned and looked to your stomach. You weren’t showing yet, but you would be soon. 
Gently, Clint lay his hand over your stomach before you placed both of your hands over his. 
“We can do this, right?”
“We’ll figure it out.”
You smiled. “Okay.”
It took a while to figure out how to tell people since they didn’t know you and Clint were together in the first place. But, one morning when Sam had woken up and found you in the kitchen, reading, whilst Clint cooked breakfast, he offered you a cup of coffee. 
Usually, you’d never turn one down. And always had it at full strength. 
Only, for the last couple of weeks, Sam hadn’t seen you with a coffee or even a beer on a Friday night. He also hadn’t seen you in the sparring ring for a while. Typically, you’d usually be against him or Clint and within seconds, you had them on the ground. That was a tactic neither of them could figure out. 
“Are you on a cleanse or something?”
Clint looked over his shoulder to you, only to see your eyes focused on Sam. 
“Because you haven’t been drinking coffee or any kind of alcohol or caffeine.” Sam said before letting out a chuckle to himself as he poured himself a coffee. “Either that or you’re pregnant.”
Silence settled over the room and the moment you and Clint locked eyes, having a telepathic 
conversation between one another…Sam noticed. 
Confusion was the first thing he felt. Why on earth would you and Clint look at one another like you had a secret? 
“What? What is it?”
Clint tilted his head quickly. It was up to you. 
You nodded and turned back to Sam. 
Sam put his coffee down and stepped back. “Wait, you’re…?”
“Holy- Oh my - Holy shit.” Sam broke out in a smile before rounding the kitchen island and hugging you. “Holy shit, you’re actually- wow. Wait, who’s the-”
Then when Clint came behind you, laying a plate of food in front of you, and you looked at him, Sam took another step back. “Oh my God.”
“No-one else knows so, please, can you keep this to yourself for now?” You asked. “We’re still trying to figure out how to tell people.”
“I didn’t even know you two were, like, a thing.”
“Technically, we weren’t.”
“But you’re having a kid together?”
You nodded. “But, please, Sam, keep this to yourself for now.”
“Keep what to himself?” Bucky entered the kitchen. 
“Nothing.” Sam answered walking back to his coffee. 
Bucky, with narrowed eyes, made his way around the kitchen. His eyes barely left Sam. “Oh, come on, you can’t keep a secret to save your life.”
“I can.”
“Not with me. Took you all of five minutes to tell me that Jessica from accounting is having twins.” Bucky said before he saw a bead of sweat drip down the back of Sam’s neck as his eyes widened for a split second before looking at you. “Oh, my God. You’re pregnant.”
“How did you-”
“Told you. He can’t keep a secret from me. Also, you haven’t drunk a single ounce of coffee in, like, four weeks. So, it’s either that or you’re on a cleanse. And you would never give up coffee voluntarily.”
“Well, if you know everything, Einstein,” Sam turned to Bucky. “Who’s the dad?”
You dropped your fork, finishing your mouthful before looking to Bucky with the expression of Oh, for God’s sake. How? Meanwhile, Sam seemed slightly offended and confused at the fact Bucky seemed to have the whole thing figured out. 
“What? She’s wearing his shirt.” 
You looked down and realised it was true. How had you not even noticed?
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. But, you should tell people soon or else they’re gonna figure it out. Also, you might want to add more ginger to your meals.” Bucky added. “It’ll help with the morning sickness.”
“How the hell do you know all of this?” 
Bucky shrugged, sipping his own coffee. “I had to help a woman give birth in a small town in Germany. When I came back, I figured it was more likely to happen so I read a couple books. I can lend them to you, if you want.”
It was safe to say you, Clint and Sam were more confused over Bucky’s hidden history as a midwife than your and Clint’s relationship and baby. 
“So, when’s your first scan?”
“Okay, this conversation’s too weird for me. Can we please change the subject?”
“Can we see the pictures when you do?” Sam asked. “I wanna see a picture of my nephew or niece. I call ‘favourite uncle’.”
“Who says you get it?” 
“I do.” Sam told Bucky. “We all know Nat’s gonna have first dibs at Aunt. I call Uncle.”
“What about me? Or Steve?”
“Steve’s everyone’s Grandpa. He gets that title.”
Whilst the two idiots in front of you argued over the title of ‘favourite uncle’ before eventually coming to the decision that the kid will decide, Clint had come behind you, taking your empty plate from you. 
“What do you say we make a run for it? Someone will find them and ask them what they’re arguing about. Let them tell the rest of the team.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Slipping yourself from the stand, you felt Clint take your hand in his before you both made a run for it out of the kitchen, down the hall and into Clint’s bedroom. 
Miraculously, you both managed to shower and get dressed, packing a small bag before making a run for it and not being stopped or called by anyone. 
Clint drove you both out of town for a couple of hours to a small town clinic. They were small enough to know that they were away from Shield’s radar as well as the Avengers. And, with barely any people in the waiting room, there were no people trying to report news over why you and Hawkeye were in a maternity ward. 
The doctor called your name and you and Clint headed inside where you lay on the bed and began asking questions about your health and when you think you got pregnant before covering the lower half of your stomach in cold gel and began the ultrasound. 
“One thing I will say is that you have to be careful. I understand the professions you two are in, but where you can, rest. Try not to lift anything heavy over your head as it can strain your lower back,” the doctor gave you both some more advice before they moved to find the baby’s heartbeat. 
“See this, right here?” you and Clint looked at the monitor. “That’s your baby and this…” a small galloping sound from the speakers. “is your baby’s heartbeat.”
As one hand lay below your head, your other was in Clint’s hand. Swiftly, he brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckle as you both watched the monitor and listened to the sound of your baby’s heartbeat. 
“Oh, my God.” It brought tears to both of your eyes. 
“I’ll get you some pictures printed off.”
“Thank you, Doc.”
“Clint,” his eyes didn’t leave the monitor until you looked at him. “That’s our baby.”
“That’s our baby.” Clint smiled back before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to your lips before laying his arm around you, both of you looking at the monitor. 
The doctor handed you some paper towels to wipe the gel from your stomach before leaving the room for a moment to grab a couple of information pamphlets and other small things that would help you and Clint on your journey. 
By the time you got back into the car, you and Clint simply looked at the photos you had been given. From the pile, Clint tore one away and placed it in his sun visor.
The rest of the day, you and Clint drove around the small town, taking in a couple of the sights, eating at their ‘Number One Diner’ before hitting a couple of smaller stores, buying a couple of baby things. Thankfully, anyone that you ran into didn’t seem to have a clue who you or Clint were. Either that, or they simply didn’t care. That made it a lot easier to buy baby clothes and books. 
And, by the time the sun was setting over the horizon, you and Clint sat on the hood of his car, your laps covered by a checked blanket and a soda in your lap, Clint’s phone rang. 
“Who is it?”
The moment Clint answered, Natasha was already speaking. 
“You’re having a baby and you left the members of Sesame Street to tell me?”
Clint turned to you, “They’ve blabbed.”
“Wow. Took longer than I thought.” You said, looking at your watch. 
“Is she with you?” Natasha asked. 
“Good, tell her I’m mad at her, too.” 
“Nat said she’s mad at you.”
“She’s mad at you, too.”
“Guess we’re gonna have to find someone else to be this kid’s favourite Aunt.”
“Whoa, hey-”
“Guess we could ask Wanda?” you suggested. “Or maybe your Rookie?”
“Kate? Really?” Clint asked. “She is the closest in age to the kid. What about-”
“Hey, hey! Do not give my title away! I did not fight to save your life to have my title of favourite Aunt thrown to some Rookie.”
“You like Kate.”
“Besides the point.” Natasha brushed off. “That title stays with me.”
“What do you think? Should we let her?”
“Is she still mad at us?”
“I don’t think she can be if we give her the title.”
“Okay then,” you smiled before taking a sip of your soda. “You only get the title if you’re not mad at us.”
“Fine, hold on a sec,” in the background you heard Nat shout for Steve. “Rogers, be mad at Barton for me.”
“He threatened to take away your title?” you and Clint heard Steve laugh before the phone was passed to him. 
“Hey Clint.” Steve said. “Congrats, man. We’re all really happy for the two of you.”
“Thanks. That means a lot.”
“Just a word of warning, though.” Steve began. “Tony’s already started clearing a space out in the compound for a nursery so if you two thought you’d be moving out, I don’t think Tony will let you leave.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
“What is it?” you asked Clint. 
“You know how we talked about finding a house?” you nodded. “That’s not gonna happen.”
You smiled with a small chuckle. “Figures.”
Steve hung up soon after that, leaving you and Clint in your own little world for a while to watch the stars and moon settle over the land.
Over the next couple of weeks, time was spent between telling Shield and HR about what was going on and getting ready for what was to come. Hill gave you both a grilling but, off the record, she was happy for the both of you. Fury had done the same thing, fully expecting an invite to the baby shower. You had also been assigned to desk duty and advising from over Skype. 
Clint could see you were getting agitated so he pulled a couple strings to get you into teaching the new recruits. It wouldn’t be a job that would put you into danger and it would keep you busy just enough for you not to be completely bored. 
The nights you spent by Clint’s side. Each night you’d both ready a couple of the parenting books you’d bought from the small town outside the city or what Bucky had gifted. 
Neither of you had really talked about what your status was together. The nurses at the hospital had referred to Clint as your husband, something neither of you had corrected. Not that you had noticed initially. 
Even the team had questioned it at certain points, but never when you were together. 
So, as you sat beside one another, reading over the books that spoke about ‘mom’ and ‘dad’, Clint turned to you. 
“What are we?”
“I don’t know.”
“Me either.”
“Are we even meant to be something?”
“Well, we’re co-parents, right?���
A silence settled over you both for a moment before you placed a hand on your belly and spoke before looking at Clint. “We can do this, right? Be parents together?”
“Of course we can.”
“Then why do I feel so out of my depth?” you asked. 
Clint sat up, pulling you with him. “Hey, look at me. We can do this.”
“What if we screw up, Clint?”
Wiping away the small tears from your eyes, Clint gave you a smile. “Then it means we’re parents. They all screw up, right? But, if we can’t do something, we’ll just send the kid to one of their aunts or uncles. This kid has got a big family. At least we can give the jobs of Birds and the Bees to someone else.”
You laughed. “Like Nat?”
“I love her, but probably not.”
You laughed again, wiping away the tears from your eyes, your emotions coming back into check. “Yeah, probably not. We should keep Bucky off that list, too.”
“Agreed.” Clint nodded. “What about Pepper?”
“We should probably tag team her with someone. She’s a strong woman but this kid is half you, half me. If it’s not awkward to begin with, it will be eventually.”
“That’s true.”
You and Clint shared a laugh as he took your hands in his, keeping his eyes on you before he moved closer and kissed your lips. He brushed the hair from your face, your hand coming to his wrist. For a moment, he thought you were about to push him away, but instead you brought him closer. 
The months passed with pain and pleasure. 
The further you got into your pregnancy, the more the nights became restless and the pain spread across your body. However, the only thing that seemed to remain pleasurable was being able to make a start on the nursery and the fact that your morning sickness had worn off. But also, having Clint by your side, knowing you weren’t alone in your fear or excitement…that made it all a little easier. 
Natasha, with the aid of Bucky and Sam - who she sent on errands to keep them out of her way - planned the baby shower where you and Clint found out the gender of your baby and learned that Fury, Clint, Sam (by default as he and Bucky flipped a coin for which gender they guessed), Wanda and Yelena were the only ones to guess correctly. 
A baby girl. 
The moment the pink powder released from the target as Clint shot a single arrow to its centre, everyone erupted in cheers and shouts of enjoyment. 
Yelena and Sam rubbed their success in Kate and Bucky’s face, respectfully, whilst Hill handed Fury 20 bucks and Clint came to find you, hugging you tightly from behind and you looked with joy to the pink powder. 
“We’re having a girl.”
“We’re having a girl,” you confirmed with a smile. 
Eventually, your due date came…and passed. 
You were already on maternity leave, so your days passed slower than usual. Clint would come in and check on you at lunch and on his breaks. 
Your days were spent in uncomfortable pain, watching crappy movies and tv shows. Sometimes, someone from the team would come and sit with you and Sam and Bucky had taken a liking to Bake Off - it led to them sitting in the kitchen, baking sweet treats for you to try until you declared a winner. 
But, one afternoon, sitting outside with a book resting on your pregnant belly, watching the trainees run their drills on the ground, Steve came and joined you outside. 
“How are you doing, Momma?” 
You smiled as Steve stepped from the sliding door and sat at the end of where your feet were propped up on the sofa. 
“That bad?”
You sighed, sitting up a little higher. “I love this kid, but I just want her out already. Come out, please.”
Steve chuckled as you held your belly and yelled in the hopes she’d hear you. 
She just kicked back. 
“As stubborn as her dad.”
“She’ll be here soon,” Steve smiled. “And you and Clint will have your hands full.”
“Can’t wait.” you said. “I like being busy. This,” you motioned around you, “I don’t like it.”
You and Steve sat and chatted for a while longer, mostly about the missions coming up and the books you had been reading. He’d leant you a couple which you had managed to finish in four days. 
But then…
You hissed in pain, holding your belly. 
“Whoa, you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, just uncomfortable.”
Then the pain came again. “Ow, okay, no. That hurt. Ow!”
Steve sat up quickly, helping you as carefully as he could. “Come on, you need to get to the hospital.”
“I guess she heard me.” 
Steve laughed, and so did you - which only brought some more pain. 
“Clint, I need to call him.”
“I’ll call him on the way to the hospital.”
“He’s on the other side of town-”
Steve helped you inside, “He’ll get there. I promise.”
Then Bucky and Sam came around the corner. “Hey, are you okay?”
“She’s going into labour. Do you know where Clint put your hospital bag?”
“Bedroom, under the bed.” you told Steve who then gave the instructions to Sam and Bucky. 
“I’ll get the bag,” Sam shouted, running right before Bucky ran left. 
“I’ll bring the car around.”
“Steve, I’m scared.”
“I know, but you’re gonna be okay.”
Steve gave you a kind smile that reassured you of his promise. 
By the time you got downstairs, Sam and Bucky were rushing around like two headless chickens. Bucky hopped out of the driver’s seat and ran to the otherside, pulling the door open. Steve helped you inside before taking the keys from Bucky. 
“One of you needs to go and pick Clint up. Buck, take the bike.”
“On it.”
“Sam, go and find Natasha.” Steve commanded. “Let her and the others know what’s happening.”
“Okay, go.”
Steve jumped into the driver's seat before pulling out of the driveway and towards the hospital. On the way, he pressed a couple of buttons on the monitor inside the car, calling Clint. 
“Clint, listen to me, Bucky’s on his way to you.” Steve explained. 
“Is everything okay?”
“I’m going into labour! Ow, crap.”
“Oh, shit.”
“We’re on our way to the hospital now, just meet us there.”
In the background, you heard the roaring of Bucky’s motorbike. He had to have driven through multiple red lights. 
“He’s here now. Honey? It’s gonna be okay.”
“Just get here, please. I’m not doing this without you. Argh, fuck.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Clint!” Bucky shouted. 
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” you replied. “Just get here.”
“Clint we’re pulling in now,”
“Okay, I’m on my way.”
As you were rolled into the labour suite, Steve kept watch for Clint before he came barrelling around the corner, not fully aware of where he was going. 
Clint followed Steve’s voice in a circle until he finally spotted him and ran down the hall to your room. 
“How is she? Is she okay? Is the baby okay? What did the nurses say? Is everything-”
Steve took Clint by his shoulders. “Everything’s okay. They’ve just broken her waters so she’ll be giving birth soon enough. I’ll keep the others out here.”
“Thanks, and thank you, Steve.”
“No need,” Steve smiled. “Now go to her.”
Clint gave a final smile before entering the room and rushing over to you. And you couldn’t have held him tighter. 
“I’m scared, Clint.” you told him as the midwife came in and told you you were ready to give birth. 
“I know, baby. So am I, but you’ve got this, okay? Hey, look at me.” you looked at him as he held onto your hand. “You’ve got this. I love you,”
“I love you, too.”
It was only now that you realised today, of all days, was the first time you’d both told one another the truth of your feelings towards each other. 
Clint pressed a kiss to your lips. “Stay with me?”
He nodded. “Always.”
“Okay, dad, help her up.” the midwife called your name. “When I tell you to push, give me all the strength you can muster, okay?”
You hummed nervously. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe you wanted her to stay inside, for a little while longer. 
Clint held your hand the whole way through, pushing the stray hairs from your face and holding his arm across your back for support as you pushed and pushed and pushed until finally a cry rang out throughout the room. 
“You did it, mom. A beautiful baby girl.”
“You hear that?” Clint looked at you, smiling as he pushed the last couple of hairs from your face. “You did it, momma. She’s here.”
“She’s here? Is she okay?”
Clint looked over to the nurses and midwives measuring, cleaning and weighing your baby girl. “Yeah, yeah. They’re just cleaning her off.”
Clint had tears in his eyes as he looked back at you, pressing a kiss to your head and your lips. “You did it.”
Moments later, you were handed your baby girl wrapped in the blanket you and Clint had bought her all the way back when you had your first scan. 
Feeling her skin against yours, you felt your heart explode. 
Clint didn’t leave either of your sides once, looking down to his baby girl and the love of his life. 
“I love you, and I love her.”
“She’s so small.” 
A few hours later, you and Clint were sitting in a clean hospital bed, your baby girl in his arms as she slept. 
Wanda was the first to enter, Sam and Kate quickly followed behind before Bucky, Natasha and Steve followed suit. 
“Hey, can we come in?”
“Yeah, come on in, guys.”
“Hey, honey, how you feeling?” Wanda asked you, walking over. 
“Can I see her?”
Clint carefully handed your daughter over to Wanda where Sam and Bucky stood around her. “She’s beautiful.” was the main repeated comment between the three of them. “And strong, too.”
“She gets that from her mom,” Clint smiled at you before looking towards Kate. 
“I brought you a couple things,” Kate told both you and Clint. “Figured everyone will be thinking about the baby, they’ll forget about you - and you’d probably forget about yourselves. So, your usual from Benny’s.” You praised Kate as a saint as she handed you the familiar paper bag. “Plus, a bag filled with every post-birth thing you could possibly need. Wendy has a Nurse-friend who has had, like, a gazillion kids, so she knows all the tricks of the trade.”
You smiled, hugging Kate. “Thank you.”
“Oh, and, Clint,” Kate handed him. “This is more for the baby, but I figured you could hold onto it for her until she grows up.”
Inside was a kid’s bow and arrow with an old, small carving in the top. 
And then underneath it, 
“Figured it should be passed down to the next generation of Hawkeyes,” 
Clint tried his best to keep his emotions in check as he smiled at the meaning of this gift. 
The bow and arrow that had once belonged to Kate now belonged to his daughter and when she was old enough, she could learn to shoot just like her dad. 
“Thank you, Kate. Really. This means…a lot.”
You rubbed your hand over his forearm before taking his hand in yours. 
After an hour, and lots of pictures, everyone else headed home and you and Clint were left with you baby girl, fast asleep in the hospital cot. 
“Our very own baby Hawkeye.” you smiled, leaning on Clint’s chest as his hand rested on the side of the cot, his eyes only leaving his daughter to look at you. 
“I never thought I could be this scared and happy at the same time.”
“We can do this, right?” Clint asked you. 
“She’s here now, we don’t have much of a choice.”
Clint chuckled and looked back at his daughter. “True. God, I can’t believe she’s here.”
“I know,” you smiled. 
Clint kissed the top of your head, holding you closer before looking at you. “I love you.”
You looked up to him and nodded. “I love you, too.”
Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips before leaning his head against yours. 
“I know this is nearly 2 years, too late, but…do you want to get dinner with me tomorrow?”
You chuckled, smiling. “I’d love to.”
“Great, I’ll meet you here, 6 o’clock, Benny’s included? I’ll be the one sitting beside you.” 
Laying your arm over his stomach and leaning in closer, still smiling, you replied; “I can’t wait.”
Smiling, you could hear the thrill come from Clint’s heart inside his chest before he placed another kiss on your head and you both kept your eyes on your daughter. 
Your baby Hawkeye, Evelyn Natasha Barton.
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bowbowis · 10 months
The Face of... Pure Evil?
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honeydots · 9 months
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if you're festive, they're festive. hang them on your tree
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femuirdris · 10 months
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Chrobin Week, Day 3: Winter!
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housecow · 1 month
Do you still play Feh?
yesss, add me !!! 6676794949
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fetranshub · 9 months
FE Trans Winter Exchange - Signups Open!
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Exchange signups for this year are (a little belatedly) now open! This year, we're running January-March. This is our first year running the exchange on Tumblr - if you're unfamiliar, this is a Fire Emblem series fic and art exchange for any works featuring trans characters.
Signups are open until the 15th, and you can sign up below! https://forms.gle/9G2NMMBJTREcyHbFA
We also have an info doc for the exchange, which you can find here. Don't hesitate to message the account if you have any questions!
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pogphotoarchives · 9 months
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"Snow Scene - Boyle's Bridge", Santa Fe River, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Photographer Jesse Nusbaum
Date: 1912
Negative Number: 010613
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calleesia · 7 months
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rosechata · 7 months
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santa fe, new mexico
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ademella · 7 months
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Los Alamos, New Mexico
February 2024
Alysa DeMella
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lucdrawsthings · 7 months
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Two sorta disconnected comic pages for trans exchange day!! for Genoscissors1 on twitter! The realisation, and a bit of Colm being a good pal.
Prompt was "Colm and Neimi, platonic, both realising they’re trans and wondering what they should do about it."
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