#winx club radius
floral-butterfly · 1 year
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lonelybiscuits · 3 months
So Stella’s parents radius, and Luna are divorced/in the process of divorcing. in season five we don’t get much detail, but Luna insist that it is because of radiuses prideful nature that they can’t get along. Does anyone else think that one of them cheated (probably radius )? For Royals, people who have taken etiquette classes, and have to act a certain way have to behave in a very specific strict, rigid manner to behave in such a explosive way a lot of times in front of servants and their own daughter towards each other, I just can’t imagine that animosity came out of the blue. either radius in my opinion, had an affair and blamed Luna for it or he was planning an affair or something. Luna would not agree with to an extreme level and that is what triggered her just my thoughts.
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
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Winx club aesthetic
Luna and radius
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doodlegraveyard · 1 year
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Solarian court vibes
[image description: designs for winx club characters. Stella’s father King Radius has dark skin and flowing gold hair, dressed in a gold sun crown and golden armor beneath a brilliant gold and orange over gown in Tudor style. Queen Luna is small and incredibly pale, with porcelain skin and white hair. She is covered neck to ankle in a deep navy dress covered in large pearls like stars in a dark sky. On her head a large peineta with phases of the moon, covered by a translucent veil that reaches all the way to the floor. Cassandra is a curvy woman with very white skin and pale blonde head. She wears a dress in silver and gold, tight fitting like a 40s gown but with an Elizabethan ruff dyed golden like sunbeams. She has a necklace in the shape of a moon eclipsing the sun. End description]
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shiningclown69 · 3 months
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☀️Glorious King of Solaria ☀️
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bitchatcloudtower · 23 days
The reason reboot Stella is so pale is because this version of Stella is just the fairy of the moon and never saw any sunlight.
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 month
All that glitters is not gold
Chapter 11 - The war, the aftermath, the present
The war is over. And love ... is it over too?
Helloooooo, winxers! <3 <3 <3
I am back! Here to hand you the last (</3) chapter of this prequel fic I've loved so much. Fear not, there will be more Radius & Luna or DivorcedLovers in the future. I a deeply sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, but work has been and still is incredibly challenging this year, and I've only now found the right time, headspace and inspiration to run my fingers on the keyboard and type the last chapter. I thank you all for reading and following me on this journey.
Soon I'll start working on Enchanted moments season 3 (my favorite season!!!) and I hope I'll see you there too.
As always, asks are always open)<3 Leave a comment if you can, receiving that little notification does wonders for my self-esteem and makes me smile as Stella does, a full smile that can light up the sky <3
Love you all, see you on the next adventure <3
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winxwannabe · 6 months
Including Erendor in the Father’s Day post on Winx Club’s instagram is certainly a choice…
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beezonia · 9 months
My brain wants me to write a fic where it’s all the winx parents in their college years
Would you guys wanna see that?
Like How Oritel and Marion fell in love same with Luna and Radius but with the addition of how they sort of fell out of love
I just wanna explore the adult characters a bit more
Especially Griselda, Griffin and Faragonda! They’d be fun to write about!
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stellasolaris · 2 years
@supraobsessed replied to your poll:
When Stella said that she was raised like a perfect stranger that always gave me the vibe that they were too busy hating each other to love her. She also mentions that her parents will only care if she gets bad grades •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ I definitely imagine they became much better parents to her once they divorced because they actually started paying attention to her again instead of what the other one did this time
I absolutely agree. I think her emotional needs were heavily neglected when she was young, especially in her early teen years when she used to sneak out of the palace and go to parties. Her parents definitely are the root reason for her abandonment issues and her arguably excessive need to be validated and liked by others.
To me, her parents (well, mostly her father because we barely know anything about her mother) weren't always neglectful because she speaks fondly of her memories with her father; she mentions them going for long walks and holding hands, and if the flashbacks are anything to go by, she seemed very happy and carefree as a kid. I'm leaning toward thinking she had at least a partially happy childhood.
In my headcanon, she tries so hard to bring her parents back together because she is convinced they can all one day go back to the good old days when they were happy and her parents were showing her attention instead of being busy arguing with each other. However, her parents obviously aren't on the same page as her, and it's very unfortunate how they seem to have forgotten about her amid their differences.
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
Can you please explain the yandere king Radius? I'm just curious.
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I think you want me to write more yandere for King Radius. I will write as the reader's first and only wife of Radius. But it's okay to write as his second wife. I hope you will like it. If you want me to write King Radius for more yandere feel free to let me know.
You and Radius met when you were young. You meet in a tournament where many kingdoms participate. You are unaware that the prince fell in love with you at first sight. Shortly after the tournament, emissaries of Solarian arrive in your Kingdom. Your parents explain that an alliance marriage was proposed by Prince Radius. Even if you and your family don't want it, Prince Radius will find a way to get what he wants. In fact, engagement and wedding are organized in a short time. But it will be the most ostentatious and expensive of all. Prince Radius gives you the most expensive and precious gifts. It does not allow you to go far from the palace and especially from Solaria. Radius is very insistent on varicose veins. He thinks that they are both proofs of your love and those that will prevent you from escaping. He is an overprotective husband towards you. He will be a good father to your children. The punishments he will give you will be isolation and emotional guilt. No one can disrespect or insult you.
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calissarowan · 4 months
I was just thinking about when the wizards are sent to the Solaria dungeons in the comics. Did they get an official trial that time? Because they just dropped them in Omega without a trial, unless they had one after the wizards had been frozen, and the verdict was just to leave them there.
I feel like there must have been some kind of legal proceedings; Radius presumably can’t just throw people in his dungeons without due process of law. (Unless he can, because he’s the king, so he can just do whatever. That seems to be how it works for Solarian royalty in season six.) Did he even have any idea some random wizards from Earth were trying to extinguish the source of all light and warmth? Now I imagine he was in some kind of boring meeting, and a guard pokes his head in to mention that Stella’s come for a visit with three random strangers in face-hiding robes, and he thinks ‘Hm, that’s a little strange…’ and ten minutes later another guard comes bursting in, totally interrupting the meeting, yelling that the Winx are fighting some evil wizards in the Sun Spire, and he comes running to find his daughter and her friends just hanging out in there, the wizards already defeated and trapped in Bloom fire cage, and Stella’s just like, ‘Oh, hey, Dad. We just caught these guys; can we count on you to just pop them in the dungeons? Thanks, you’re the best!’ And then she and the Winx head back to Earth, because they never handle the post-mission bureaucracy, and Radius is left in his tower, at a total loss as to what the heck is going on, and he’s just suddenly got three wizards to officially condemn to the dungeons. God, now I want to know how that interaction between Radius and the wizards goes.
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welcome-to-alfea · 5 months
Planets: Solaria!
Current Ruler: King Radius Sonizige of the Sol and Queen Selene Liamane of the moon
Heirs: Princess Stella Liamane-Sonizige of the Sun and Prince Atlas Liamane of the Moon
Climate: Desert
Political System: Dual Monarchy
Solaria is known as the planet where the sun never sets. A popular tourist destination, the planet is mostly desert, with almost all of the towns existing alongside rivers and on the coasts. Its biggest exports are sand, glassware, and cosmetics.
Solarians are made up of two distinct groups: Heliar-Solarians and Lunar-Solarians. Heliars are known for having darker skin, a resistance to heat, and are traditionally diurnal. Lunars are known for having paler skin, a resistance to cold, eyes that glow in the dark, and are traditionally nocturnal.
Solaria is ruled under a dual monarchy, with both Heliars and Lunars having their own respected rulers. Each monarchy has its own ruler and a council that guides them. Both sets of rulers and councils meet 2 a year to discuss planetary laws. Cities that are mostly one group tend to be run by that respective group, while larger cities with an even mix of both are run by mini councils, constiting of an equal amount of both members.
The Heliar capital is Angotas. A beautiful city on the coast made of marble and a popular tourist destination. It is the home of the Heliar ruler, King Radius Sonizige. He's known as a stern but fair ruler and an absolute softie when it comes to his daughter Stella.
Further North is Krolis, the Lunar capital. The city quite literally lights up at night: both from its inhabitants who are nocturnal and from the buildings, which are made of luminous stones that glow in the dark. It is the home of the Lunar Ruler, Queen Selene Liamane, Fairy of the Full Moon. In her hayday, Selene was a force to be reckoned with. But now she is ill, and her son Prince Atlas, Fairy of Twilight, has taken over as Prince Regent with the help of his Aunt Luna.
Much of Solarian culture revolves around the Second Sun of Solaria, a magical source that is used to keep the planet habitable. Without its magic, Solaria would grow far too hot, and disaster would strike. There's multiple holidays dedicated to it.
Solarian cuisine is dictated by its climate. Kitchens are outdoors as it is too hot to cook indoors. Meals typically consist of a cold soup made of stock and leftover vegetables, a main dish, a large platter of fruit, and a citrus sorbet.
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charmixpower · 1 year
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Everyone standing around for Stella's fashion show is so funny.
Roy standing behind the actual specialists like Cotradora and the rest of the side characters to the point where I didn't even notice his ass at first. I cannot believe they're trying to make him a love interest, you spent NO time on him. Please cut some of the bullshit and develop your plot lines that are actually going to affect future events.
Roxy is also there but only for a second, at least she isn't in the background and Artu was remembered.
Timmy and Brandon are holding hands which is EXTREMELY funny to me and I will forever use it as evidence that everyone loves Brandon. I think Brandon was just super excited and wanted to shake someone around.
Riven is XD. No, listen he's happy for Stella but he's not happier for her than he was for Musa in s2. He's standing off to the side of his friends who are whooping loudly clapping more subdued like. Still extremely happy for his friend but not expressing it like that. Like he's showing more excitement than Sky, which simply isn't going to happen. He gets embarrassed when expressing himself, objectively wrong.
The way he puts his arm behind Sky and gently leans into point, is adorable. Wrong, but adorable. I'm so obsessed with it because no he wouldn't on all accounts. Even if he and Sky are getting along better, Riven wouldn't pick him to do this, like their strongly contrasting personalities....well I guess this is perfectly fine for s5 Sky and Riven who do not feel strongly about anything outside of their girlfriends, so who cares.
Why the fuck did Radius and Luna decide to stand next to each other??? It would have been so much funnier for them to put Brandon or something in between them, and it would have made more sense for them to stand on opposite sides of the venue.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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the spirit of the 2000′s possessed me and forced me to do an ancient ritual, aka genderbending
or I guess, if the Winx were masc-presenting lol?
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Stella witch fairy hybrid
Stella who's the fairy of the sun and the witch of the moon.
Though for many reasons she keeps her witch heritage a secret.
Including with her father.
He loves his daughter, his shining star Stella.
But from the first time she ran to him as a child, her mother walking behind her with a soft smile.
Stella, eager to show her father her powers creating a small moon beam that danced around her hands
She had been so excited to show him, but looking at his face and seeing the horror on it.
The moon beam vanished.
Radius gave his daughter a smile but even to her she knew it was fake.
Radius asked a guard to escort Stella to her room but she heard the ensuing argument.
"I told you not to encourage this."
"Encourage?! You cannot hide her heritage, it is her right as a witch."
"Keep your voice down! Do you want the whole of Solaria to know!"
"And what does it matter if they know! You cannot hide this, I won't allow it!"
"As your king, you'll find I can! No one will know of... That."
"As your Queen, how dare you!"
The guard gently squeezed Stella's hand.
Stella hadn't noticed the tears falling till a handkerchief gently wiped them away.
The guard kneeling before and wiping them away.
Even behind her mask Stella knew was this guard was Thea.
Stella had made a point of knowing all the kingdoms guards names, it was just good manners.
Even with their masks Stella could tell them apart, be it from their stances and how they held themselves to their preferred weapons.
Stella had always had an eye for details.
Thea was a stoic woman who said little and preferred combat to depolmancy but she was kind.
"Thank you, Miss Thea" said Stella, trying to keep her voice steady and failing.
Thea nodded, standing up with her hand outstretched.
"Do you... Do you think I'm scary, Miss Thea?"
Thea shook her head "never" she said with such definity that Stella almost cried again.
But she didn't.
She was a princess, princesses didn't cry and mope they were strong.
Like her mother.
Like Thea.
It didn't stop the hurt in her heart that her father would disagree with Thea.
He found her scary.
His little shining star.
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