#wise Kylan
randominktm · 2 months
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That one scene in episode 4
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teunip · 10 months
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The Bellbird Firca
I was highly inspired by J.M. Lee's Song of the Dark Crystal, which I loved a lot. Kylan is the best boy :) I tried to make this nice and balanced, but not too symmetrical to keep the flow and shapes interesting.
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ink-crumble · 2 years
Having one of the worst colds since years, but I wanted to feel a lil productive so heres some Dark Crystal doodles! Ft Kylan, Deet, my sona and a mini Hup. I had fun with it though! And I think I like how they turned out :]
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Also thank you so much for the love on my last post, I truly mean when I say it made me so happy and gave me a lot of motivation<3
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oz-the-sorcerer · 1 year
HEY YOU!!! 👋
Before you go on with your journey, take your pocket-sized companion with you!!
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And WHY exactly you need him, you ask??
•He will give you random fun-facts that will be helpful later.
•He will tell you if you may or may not die (he needs to check with his book first, he's not sure) from eating something off the ground.
•He will play his lil firca.
•He will be by your side no matter what happens.
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tdc-incorrect-quotes · 11 months
Gurjin: I have a plan. Kylan: I have the hospital and Naia on speed dial.
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rian0006 · 1 year
Blend In
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I keep making several headcanon about these two and minus well make more of it...
This is about Rian wanted to meet his parents but too eagerly cuz he was dating Kylan at the time. So instead, he made Kylan dress up as a Stonewood so no one else know. I hope nobody finds out he's is dating a Spriton right?...
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wisekylan · 1 year
Kind of a fruity way to describe a guy, Kylan... 🤔
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Holding a Princess hostage
(We see the Castle of the Crystal for a moment, we then cut to the back of skekOk) skekOk: So, Princess Brea...I have you in my clutches, to have my way with you...the way I want to! (The camera pans to show a helpless Brea before him) Brea: No, no please, leave me alone! skekOk: No, you are mine! (Out of the blue, Kylan, accompanied by Naia and Amri, enters the scene, holding a sword) Kylan: Not so fast, Scroll-Keeper! skekOk: The son of Mera! Kylan: That’s right, I’m here to save my girlfriend! (Turns to the captured Brea) Hi, honey! skekOk: Now, you are going to die. (skekOk claws Kylan, causing him to faint) Naia: Hey, what’d you do to my friend? skekOk: The same thing I’m about to do to you, Drenchen! (He knocks her out before turning to Amri) And you too! (As the Skeksis managed to defeat the invading Gelfling, he turns back to Brea) skekOk: So, Princess Brea...at last we are alone. Brea: (Pants desperately) I hate you, I hate you, leave me alone! Yet...I find you strangely attractive. skekOk: Of course you do! Vapran Princesses are often attracted to knowledge and power, and I have both and you know it!  Brea: Oh leave me alone. skekOk: No, kiss me! Brea: No, no! skekOk: Yes! Brea: No! (He rushes to Brea and the two struggle for a brief moment before the Princess calms down) Brea: Your glasses are so big... (The two embrace and kiss....the scene then fades to the Castle library where we see skekOk playing with a figure of himself and Brea) skekEkt: (Suddenly bursting through the door) Scroll-Keeper! skekOk: (Quickly grabbing all his toys and hiding them in his claws) WHAT?! skekEkt: We gotta attend to the Crystal Chamber! skekOk: Knock on my door, knock next time! skekEkt: Alright, Scroll-Keeper! skekOk:...Did you see anything? skekEkt: No, Scroll-Keeper, I didn’t see you playing with your dolls again! skekOk: Good!
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punk-calf-art · 2 years
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Souper duper
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ejga-ostja · 3 months
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Was talking to @cawcawbeech yesterday and accidentally came up w a Kylan parents AU so I wanted to draw the kid hehe More info abt this guy below the cut
He was an accidental and very unexpected pregnancy, the fact he was such an impossible odd is the main reason Kaz decided to keep him even though he was very uncertain about if he should be a dad at the time. He spent the second half of the pregnancy at Colm's farm in Novyi Zem where he also gave birth.
Johannus lives with Wylan and Jesper at the mansion. Wylan's staff believe that he was adopted from Novyi Zem and that Wylan is being a single father with Jesper's help.
Kaz visits as often as he can, which is usually once a day, to spend some time with him. He tries his best to be there for him, he's a bit distant and awkward at times, but Johannus can see that he is really trying his best and appreciates that.
Wylan is very excited to be a dad, especially given that he never thought he could be, but he's also very nervous of hurting his son the same way he'd been hurt. Initially he's a bit too gentle with his parenting, but over the years he learns how to be both kind and assertive. He's a very dedicated parent so he and Johannus are very close.
Jesper helped a great deal with helping raise him, Johannus sees him as a bit of a third parent and the two of them are very close.
Kaz, Wylan and Johannus often go on vacations together which is the only times they're really together as a family.
Johannus is probably the only person who got to know the real Kaz first and Dirtyhands second. As he grew up and slowly learned about Kaz's reputation he mostly just found it very strange because the Kaz Ketterdam seemed to know was nothing like the Kaz he knew.
Given that Kaz carried Johannus and took care of him as a newborn, Kaz finds physical affection with Johannus easier than with anybody else. He struggles to be emotionally open with his son so he finds it easier to show love through kissing and cuddling. But mostly he likes spending quality time with him, playing, reading books, etc.
Johannus and Kaz have a bit of a distant relationship at first. But when Johannus turns 13, Kaz lets him hang out with him in the Barrel (assuring his safety every step of the way ofc) and after finally seeing what his father's life is like and what he gets up to, Johannus finally feels closer to him and the two of them get along great after that (also bc the two of them are very similar personality-wise).
He has dyslexia just like Wylan, but his is less severe (he can still read, he just struggles with it). Initially Wylan has a hard time accepting it, terrified of his son suffering the same way as he had. But as he sees everyone accepting Johannus with ease and him never feeling ashamed of himself, he learns that his dyslexia was never the problem, his father was.
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hh-and-hb-fan · 2 years
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randominktm · 1 year
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teunip · 1 year
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Kylan to brighten up your day ☀️
Ngl he turned out so cute I'm not sure can I ever top this ; v ;
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“Welcome Clever Brea, [...] Proud All-Maudra, Fierce Naia, Wise Kylan, and Gurjin.”
“...that’s it?  just - Gurjin?”
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oz-the-sorcerer · 2 years
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quick sketch of my boys since i got another new brush and had to try it out
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tdc-incorrect-quotes · 5 months
Kylan: Naia, have you ever heard of a... catboy? Naia: Do you mean those young men who wear skirts on the internet? Kylan, chuckling: No, Naia, I'm talking about... [throws down folder labelled CLASSIFIED]... the real thing.
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