#wish my asshole wasn't bleeding!!! die!!!!!
karmaphone · 2 years
I think if you have to shit more than four times a day you deserve financial compensation + free rich people butthole treatments
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
This will be our third robbery. Getting to be routine at this point.
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Remember, everyone: We are here for the workshop tools. Do not break the workshop tools.
Feel free to smash anything else, though. This all Aephorul's shit. If something gets wrecked because it was in the way or you just felt like it, that's no skin off my back. I am entirely comfortable turning this place upside-down out of spite.
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Oh cool, we can jump him while we're at it. It will be refreshing. I don't know if you know but the area outside your dome is nothing but blue sand and derelict robots for miles; I am itching for a change of pace.
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It's already smashed. Did you break out of it?
I think I can see silhouettes of little wispy poofs like you at the bottom of the ones that are still active. Are those still... alive... or did they not make it?
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Friend of yours? Felt. Don't worry, we'll help you carry out some retributive violence. Sometimes that helps. Closure can come in many forms and, one way or another, is a vital part of healing.
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OH HEY, what a coincidence! You look just like an asshole we're going to kill. What are the odds? Man, small world.
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If it were dead, Zale, then B'st wouldn't have made a fuss about it. Obviously, it's taking a nap. But I'm about to start hitting it if it doesn't wake up because sleeping through its murder is extremely rude. I will not be disrespected like that.
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Credit where it's due, your jawline is amazing. And I'm digging the mechanical snakes for hair pulling double duty as hands. It's a solid aesthetic, capturing just enough humanity to breach the uncanny valley while providing avenues for your work. Gold star.
I'm going to break your nose now.
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...okay, when I said that, I wasn't expecting it to actually fracture so easily....
Can you, uh? Can you put your face back on? This is a lot grosser and...
You know what, never mind. I'll take care of it.
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And that is how therapy works. Do you feel better, B'st?
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Fortunately, we've been assured by prophecy that that's you so CHOP CHOP, let's get this mythical feat of alchemy going! I'm eager to see the results.
You know what, standing here in this place makes me feel very self-conscious about what I just said so I'm going to go away now. You guys... go... do what you need to do and ignore me.
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Oh my god, I know I said I was going to go away and leave you guys to it but you've been at it for so long. Zale is poking a stasis tube with a stick for lack of adequate stimulation. How long does it take to cram a soul into a jar?
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That sounds ominous. Resh'an, I am literally on the other side of a tattered curtain from you. You know I can hear everything you're saying, right?
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You look amazing.
I have concerns. Concern #1: How fragile are you? Can you take a hit without shattering your case and bleeding soul fog everywhere?
...come to think of it, addendum to concern #1: Would it hurt you to bleed soul fog? Because I can think of some tactical uses for that otherwise.
Concern #2: Are those things on the end of your arms maces or do they have digits on them? It'd be a dick move to not give you hands.
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THAT IS SO COOL. Do me next!
...I mean, not right now, obviously. Just. If I die, I want this to be my backup plan. Trust me, my will is strong. I've been told that I can be downright pigheaded. if necessary, I can probably get Moraine to write a letter of recommendation about how stubborn I am.
Oh, but make mine prettier. No offense, B'st; Your body is fine. For a prototype.
In any case, welcome aboard! Now that we've got you, next order of business is the speedballs.
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Cultists? Huh. Wonder if it's the Acolytes.
Probably not. Aephorul said he was going to merge them with Strife. Which. Gross. But I hope so anyway because I miss my favorite punching bags.
I wish I'd known before that their bones were a thicket. There are so many cracks about "pruning" or "weeding" them that I never got to make.
Whatever the case, it's time to pay a visit to Esa... Esoteric... Estrid. It's time to pay a visit to Estrid.
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showmethesneer · 1 year
Since i finished reading Daisy Jones and The Six in 2 days and am still feeling completely feral about it, these are all the quotes that i absolutely had to stop and write down:
-not a quote but she tried to bake a cake for the mailman 🥺😭
-"we love broken beautiful people and it doesn't get more obviously broken or more classically beautiful than daisy jones."
-"i was drawn to him mainly because he was drawn to me. I wanted someone to single me out as something special. I was just so desperate to hold someone's interest."
-"i wanted to be around these men because it was the only way to be important."
-daisy and simone listening to tapestry together
-"i was just supposed to be the inspiration for some man's great idea. well, fuck that. That's why i started writing my own stuff."
-"Men often think they deserve a sticker for treating women like people."
-"Why would I play to people who don't care about good guitar?"
-"That's the glory of being a man. An ugly face isn't the end of you."
-"You have to learn to reconcile those two things: having it and not deserving it."
-"Let me put it this way: I've seen a lot of marriages where everyone is faithful and no one is happy."
-"It didn't seem right to me that his weakest self got to decide how my life was going to turn out."
-"Someone who insists on the perfect conditions to make art isn't an artist, they're an asshole."
-"i sounded like a cool new pair of jeans and billy sounded like the pair you've had for years."
-"when someone's presence gives you energy, when it riles up something in you— the way Daisy did for me—you can turn that energy into love or lust or hate. i felt most comfortable hating her. it was my only choice."
-"Billy would sometimes make these grand proclamations. And they sounded good because he's an artist. He knows how to paint a picture. But he was almost always on some flight of fancy."
-"She's going to be the girl bleeding in a beautiful dress until it kills her."
-"Confidence is being okay being bad, not being okay being good."
-"It's so strange how someone's silence— someone's insistence that something isn't happening— can be so suffocating."
-"Art doesn't owe anything to anyone. Songs are about how it felt, not the facts. Self-expression is about how it feels to live, not whether you had the right to claim any emotion at any time."
-"I wish someone had told me that love isn't torture because i thought love was this thing that was supposed to tear you in two and leave you heartbroken and make your heart race in the worst way."
-"I thought love was war. I didn't know it was supposed to be peace."
-"Talent like Daisy's is wasted on people like Daisy."
-"That wasn't my rock bottom, but it was the first time I looked around and thought 'oh wow, i'm falling.'"
-"I knew I needed to get away from this person. I had to take care of myself. Because if I didn't, he wasn't going to kill me, but he would let me die."
-"Passion is... it's fire. And fire is great, man. But we're made of water. Water is how we keep living. Water is what we need to survive. My family was my water. I picked water. I'll pick water every time. And I wanted Daisy to find her water. Because I couldn't be it."
-"I used to rehearse speeches and interventions and consider flying to where she was and dragging her off that stage as if if I could just get the words right I could convince her to get sober. You drive yourself crazy trying to put words into some magical order that will unlock their sanity. And when it doesn't work you think I didn't try hard enough."
-"People say it's hard to be away from the people you love but it was so hard to be right next to him."
-"The two of you think you're lost souls but you're what everyone is looking for."
-"If you get to my age and you can't look back at your life and wonder about some of your choices, well, you have no imagination."
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heartrendcrs · 1 year
tim @ cassian: "you asshole! you want to leave me alone? you want to run off and die and make me stay here for god knows how long thinking about you? you go and i follow right after, that's the fucking deal."
My muse just did something stupid that almost got them killed. Yell at them.
Who heals the healer?
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The question rattles around in his brain the way same way the metallic tastes coats his tongue. From his lip streams a small flowing river of red. So much fucking red. He knew hunters, he knew what they could do. Whatever the fuck that was: it wasn't a hunter but it sure hated them like one. Deadly fast and almost human but not. He wished he'd gotten a better look at it before it slashed into his side. Was it a new species of enhanced lupine? He'd need to- Leaning away from Tim, Cass spit out of a chip of his back molar. The pain shooting through him like all consuming wave. He heard the other man's words and it's the last line that struck him like a punch to his currently bleeding gut. Looking at him with a blaze in his eyes, his hand shot up to grip the other man's collar for only a moment in total protest. "Do not say that. Ever." Before the tension in his hand went slack as it found his cheek. "Are they okay? Are you okay?"
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trinity-mia · 8 months
a story as endless as the ocean
the sea of monsters
1.4 somebody gets the fleece
warnings : lost of injuries, cussing, allie has an empathetic heart
word count : 2.6k
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1.4 Somebody, Not to Be Confused With the Ever-Infamous Nobody, Gets the Fleece
"I got Nobody!" Polyphemus gloated loudly.
We crept to the cave entrance and saw the Cyclops, grinning wickedly, holding Luke by his ankle. Luke was hanging upside down by his legs, and he had an awful looking cut on his forehead. One of his shoes' wings was torn off and lying limply on the ground at Polyphemus' feet.
"Hah!" the Cyclops said. "Nasty flying boy! Gonna grill you with mango chutney!"
Luke struggled, but he looked dazed. His eyes were glassy. A concussion was the best-case scenario. I hoped it was only a concussion, and I suddenly wished that Will was here. He'd know at a glance what was wrong with Luke.
"I'll rush him," I whispered to Clarisse. "Our ship is around the back of the island. You and Grover—"
"No way," they said at the same time. Clarisse had armed herself with a highly collectible rams-horn spear from the Cyclops' cave. Grover had found a sheep's thigh bone, which he didn't look too happy about, but he was gripping it like a club, ready to attack.
"We'll take him together," Clarisse growled.
"Yeah," Grover said. Then he blinked, like he couldn't believe he'd just agreed with Clarisse about something. I could hardly believe either. Grover was a pacifist. He didn't tend to get along with the bloodthirsty Ares children.
"All right," I agreed, as there was no time to argue. "Attack plan Macedonia."
They nodded. We'd all taken the same training courses at Camp Half-Blood. They knew what I was talking about. They would sneak around either side and attack the Cyclops from the flanks while I held his attention in the front. What this meant was that we'd all probably die instead of just me, but I was grateful for the help.
I hefted my sword and shouted, "Hey, Asshole!"
The giant whirled toward me. "Another one? Who are you?"
"Put down my friend. I'm the one who insulted you."
"You are Nobody?"
"That's right, you blind old sot! I'm Nobody! Now, put him down and get over here. I want to stab your eye out again."
"RAAAR!" he bellowed.
The good news: he dropped Luke. The bad news: he dropped him head first onto the rocks, where he lay as motionless as a rag doll, blood pooling around his head in a horrific crimson halo.
The other bad news: Polyphemus barrelled toward me, a thousand smelly pounds of Cyclops that I would have to fight with what suddenly seemed to be a very small sword.
"For Pan!" Grover rushed in from the right. He threw his sheep bone, which bounced harmlessly off the monster's forehead. Clarisse ran in from the left and set her spear against the ground just in time for the Cyclops to step on it. He wailed in pain, and Clarisse dove out of the way to avoid getting trampled. But the Cyclops just plucked out the shaft like a large splinter and kept advancing on me.
I moved in with Riptide and Shaker, feeling myself slip into that zone where my instincts took over and I was focused almost entirely on the fight. Various maneuvers played themselves out rapidly in my mind as I fought.
The monster made a grab for me. I jumped aside and stabbed him in the thigh.
I was hoping to see him disintegrate, but of course, I wasn't that lucky. This particular monster was much too big and powerful.
"Get Luke!" I yelled at Grover, deflecting an attempt to grab my throat. I was pleased to see a line of golden ichor begin leaking from my swipe, though it was only a small amount, and didn't deter him at all. I liked knowing that I had made my enemies bleed before I died.
Grover rushed over and picked him up with effort while Clarisse and I worked together to try and keep Polyphemus distracted.
Clarisse was brave. Unarmed save for her semi-useless spear, she charged the Cyclops again and again. He pounded the ground, stomped at her, grabbed at her, but she was too quick. And as soon as she made an attack, I followed up by stabbing the monster in the toe or the ankle or the hand.
But we couldn't keep this up forever. Eventually, we would tire or the monster would get in a lucky shot. It would only take one hit to kill us.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grover carrying Luke in a fireman's hold across the rope bridge. It wouldn't have been my first choice, given the man-eating sheep on the other side, but at the moment that looked better than this side of the chasm, and it gave me an idea.
"Fall back!" I told Clarisse.
She rolled away as the Cyclops's fist smashed the olive tree beside her.
We ran for the bridge, Polyphemus right behind us. He was cut up and hobbling from so many wounds, but all we'd done was slow him down and make him mad.
"Grind you into sheep chow!" he promised. "A thousand curses on Nobody!"
"Faster!" I urged Clarisse.
We tore down the hill. The bridge was our only chance. Grover had just made it to the other side and was setting Luke down. We had to make it across, too, before the giant caught us.
"Grover!" I yelled. "Get Luke's sword!"
His eyes widened when he saw the Cyclops behind us, but he nodded like he understood. And, to my relief, I saw that he did.
As Clarisse and I scrambled across the bridge, Grover began sawing at the ropes.
The first strand went snap!
Polyphemus bounded after us, making the bridge sway wildly.
The ropes were now half cut. Clarisse and I dove for solid ground, landing beside Grover. I made a wild slash with my sword and cut the remaining ropes.
The bridge fell away into the chasm, and the Cyclops howled... with delight, because he was standing right next to us.
"Failed!" he yelled gleefully. "Nobody failed!"
Clarisse and Grover tried to charge him again, but the monster swatted them aside like they were flies. I suppose to someone his size, we were all flies.
My anger swelled. I couldn't believe I'd come this far, lost Tyson, my baby brother, suffered through so much, only to fail— stopped by a big stupid monster in a baby-blue tuxedo kilt. Nobody was going to swat down my friends like that! I mean... nobody, not Nobody. Whatever, you know what I mean.
Strength and anger coursed through my body. I raised my sword and attacked, completely forgetting that I was hopelessly outmatched. I jabbed the Cyclops in the belly. When he doubled over I smacked him in the nose with the hilt of my other sword. I slashed and kicked and bashed in a haze of battle-fury until the next thing I knew, Polyphemus was sprawled on his back, dazed and groaning, and I was standing above him, breathing deeply, the tip of Riptide hovering over his eye and Shaker held out horizontally beside me.
"Uhhhhhhhh," Polyphemus moaned.
"Allie!" Grover gasped. "How did you—"
"Please, noooo!" the Cyclops moaned, pitifully staring up at me. His nose was bleeding. A tear welled in the corner of his half-blind eye. "M-m-my sheepies need me. Only trying to protect my sheep!" He began to sob.
I had won. All I had to do was stab— one quick strike. One strike, our enemy would be gone, and we would be free to grab the Fleece and save the camp. Still, I hesitated, listening to Polyphemus' cries.
"Kill him!" Clarisse yelled. "What are you waiting for?"
The Cyclops sounded so heartbroken, just like... like Tyson.
"He's a Cyclops!" Grover warned. "Don't trust him!"
I knew he was right. I knew Luke would've said the same thing. I remembered the Cyclops the girls and I had fought last winter in an alleyway in Times Square.
But Polyphemus sobbed... and for the first time, it sank in that he was a child of Poseidon, too. Like Tyson. Like me. How could I just kill him in cold blood?
"We only want the Fleece," I told the monster. "Will you agree to let us take it?"
"No!" Clarisse shouted. "Kill him!" I knew that she was right, but I still ignored her. Tyson was stuck in my head.
The monster sniffed. "My beautiful Fleece. Prize of my collection. Take it, cruel human. Take it and go in peace."
"I'm going to step back slowly," I told the monster. "One false move..."
Polyphemus nodded, like he understood.
I stepped back... and as fast as a cobra, Polyphemus smacked me to the edge of the cliff. I flew back, landing hard and swearing in Greek. I could hear Clarisse and Grover crying out from behind the cackling Cyclops.
"Foolish mortal!" he bellowed, rising to his feet. "Want to take my Fleece? Haha! I eat you first."
He opened his enormous mouth, and I knew that his rotten molars were the last things I would ever see. I set my jaw and raised my chin defiantly, determined not to show any fear. As a last-second attempt to save my own life, I heaved a kick to the side of his face.
At the same time, something went whoosh over my head and thump!
A rock the size of a basketball sailed into Polyphemus's throat—a perfect bullseye, even with my kick. The Cyclops choked, trying to swallow the unexpected pill. He staggered backward, but there was no place to stagger. His heel slipped, the edge of the cliff crumbled, and the great Polyphemus made frantic flapping motions with his arms that did nothing to help him fly as he tumbled head-over-heels into the chasm.
I turned.
Halfway down the path to the beach, standing completely unharmed in the midst of a flock of killer sheep, was one of the best sights I had ever seen.
"Bad Polyphemus," Tyson said scoldingly. "Not all Cyclopes as nice as we look."
Tyson gave us the short version: Rainbow the hippocampus— who'd apparently been following us ever since the Long Island Sound, waiting for Tyson to play with him again— had found Tyson sinking beneath the wreckage of the CSS Birmingham and pulled him to safety. He and Tyson had been searching the Sea of Monsters ever since, trying to find us, until Tyson had caught the scent of sheep and found this island.
I desperately wanted to hug him and reassure myself that this was real, except he was standing in the middle of the pack of killer sheep. "Tyson, thank the gods." I took in a gasping breath. "Luke's hurt!"
"You thank the gods that he is hurt?" he asked, puzzled.
"No!" I knelt beside Luke and was horrified by what I saw. The gash on his forehead was worse than I'd realized. His hairline was sticky with blood. His skin was pale and clammy.
Grover and I exchanged nervous looks, and I was conscious of the fact that we had no ambrosia or nectar with us. 
Then an idea came to me. "Tyson, the Fleece. Can you get it for me?"
"Which one?" Tyson said, looking around at the hundreds of sheep.
"In the tree!" I replied, pointing at him urgently. "The gold one! Hurry!"
"Oh. Pretty. Yes."
Tyson lumbered over, careful not to step on the sheep. If any of us had tried to approach the Fleece, we would've been eaten alive, but I guess Tyson smelled like Polyphemus, because the flock didn't bother him at all. They just cuddled up to him and bleated affectionately, as though they expected to get sheep treats from the big wicker basket. Tyson reached up and lifted the Fleece off its branch. Immediately the leaves on the oak tree turned yellow. Tyson started wading back toward me, but I yelled, "There's no time! Just throw it!"
The gold ram skin sailed through the air like a glittering shag Frisbee. I caught it with a grunt.
It was heavier than I'd expected— sixty or seventy pounds of precious gold wool.
I spread it over Luke, covering everything but his face, and prayed silently to all the gods I could think of, even the ones I didn't like.
Please. Please.
The color returned to his face. His eyelids fluttered open. The cut on his forehead began to close, though his hair was still dark with crimson blood. 
He saw Grover and grinned weakly. "You're not... married?"
Grover grinned. "No. My friends objected. Said they wouldn't give me any presents if I said I do." 
Luke let out a weak laugh at that, and a smile played on my lips as I continued to adjust the Fleece. Luke started trying to push himself up.
"Luke," I said, trying to press him back down. "Just stay still."
But despite our protests he sat up, and I noticed that the cut on his face was almost completely healed now. He looked a lot better, thank the gods. He almost seemed to shimmer with health, as if someone had injected him with glitter.
Meanwhile, Tyson was starting to have trouble with the sheep. "Down!" he told them as they tried to climb him, looking for food. A few were sniffing in our direction. "No, sheepies. This way! Come here!"
They heeded him, but it was obvious they were hungry, and they were starting to realize Tyson didn't have any treats for them. They wouldn't hold out forever with so much fresh meat nearby.
"We have to go," I said, beginning to feel anxious again. "Our ship is..." The Queen Anne's Revenge was a very long way away. The shortest route was across the chasm, and we'd just destroyed the only bridge. The only other possibility was through the sheep. Shit.
"Tyson," I called, "can you lead the flock as far away as possible?"
"The sheep want food."
"I know! They want to have people for food! Just lead them away from the path. Give us time to get to the beach. Then join us there."
Tyson looked doubtful, but he whistled. "Come, sheepies! Um, people for food this way!"
He jogged off into the meadow, the sheep in pursuit.
"Keep the Fleece around you," I told Luke firmly. "Just in case you're not fully healed yet. Can you stand?"
He tried, but his face turned pale again. "Urrgghh. Definitely not fully healed."
Clarisse dropped next to him and felt his chest, making him gasp.
"His ribs are broken," Clarisse diagnosed grimly. "They're mending, but they're definitely broken."
"Fuck," I replied promptly.
"I'll have to carry him," Clarisse declared, as she picked up Luke like a sack of flour and began to lug him down to the beach. Grover and I followed, me holding my sword at the ready, just in case.
As soon as we got to the edge of the water, I concentrated on the Queen Anne's Revenge. I willed it to raise anchor and come to me. After a few anxious minutes, I saw the ship rounding the tip of the island.
"Incoming!" Tyson yelled. He was bounding down the path to join us, the sheep about fifty yards behind, bleating in frustration as their Cyclops friend ran away without feeding them.
"They probably won't follow us into the water," I told the others. "All we have to do is swim for the ship."
"With Luke like this?" Clarisse protested.
"We can do it," I insisted. I was starting to feel confident again. I was back in my home turf— the sea. I could beat anything once I was in the water, I knew it. "Once we get to the ship, we're home free."
We almost made it, too.
We were just wading past the entrance to the ravine, when we heard a tremendous roar and saw Polyphemus, scraped up and bruised but still very much alive, his baby-blue wedding outfit in tatters, splashing toward us with a boulder in each hand.
"You have got to be kidding me," Luke groaned, glaring at the Cyclops as Clarisse and I worked together to pull him through the water.
*    *    *
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inlovewithcharmers · 1 year
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TW: Abuse, Self Harm, Y/Ns kind of a brat
Note: I don't own criminal minds
Y/N works for a lousy criminal that pretends to go in retirement just to set up a new plan to destroy the bau since Y/N has been working for him by force. Y/N has to go undercover while secretly destroying everything in her way but will a certain boy genius change that?
Y/N pov:
It was a normal cloudy thursday morning- forceful may I add.
I just got done being dragged around by my asshole of a boss to the point where my hands were numb and had slight cuts from every sharp fucking thing that bastard didn't even clean up.
And you thought sidekicks got the best out of everything? I wasn't even supposed to be here. It's either work for a bitch or die and do nothing. The man I'm working for doesn't even go by a name. It's just master. What kinda fucked up crack daddy shit is this?
He says I need to act Normal like I'm interested in everything at the Bau and just go along with their program and don't get caught well fuck. Atleast I get a new name because I really wish I actually had a new name right now.
I walk to the front of the bau acting a little nervous i was playing with my hair before I went inside. I was expecting it to look this way but eEEeeeeEeK-
a dark fit looking man gave me a confused yet amused look. Ummmm he laughed a little bit first time here? He paused for a second Im SSA Luke Alvez He asked. I didn't know if I should make an awkward noise or yell? Nice to meet you im....Rowen. Nice to meet you too? Where you heading off to?
I lied by saying I was here to write about what happens inside the bau on a daily basis for some other job. I got scared if the lie wasn't going to work because for a moment Luke gave me the stink eye until he said hope you don't get too annoyed with the same cases he joked. Yeah hahaha I faked laughed. Hope is a strong word.
While the rest of the bau welcomed me and left me in peace to continue literally writing nothing all damn day I decided to sneak around.
As soon as I was about to get up I saw a tall man with fluffy long hair that was extremely attractive looking at me. Wondering to himself while holding two cups of coffee.
Hi? I said confusingly. The man realized what he was about to say and blinked a few times oh sorry- he laughed nervously I don't know what happened to me there. I'm spencer want a coffee? Spencer said as he held out the cup. Rowan and thanks.
So spencer went on..... do you have a certain topic you want to start on about all of this? As I was thinking about the jail. I thought of something. There's no such thing as attracting to get the goal until I thought.
What if you knew if I was already here way before this and just wanted to stare just like the rest of the girls? What if I just wanted to get a lick out of Dr. Spencer Reid?
After all of the disturbing conversations about things I wasn't even interested in I began to move after saying thanks to the Greek god. I decided to sneak in a file room and text my boss, send a picture, and move on again.
but every God forsaken fucking time I do that Spencer shows up. Before He could even grab my wrist I had a terrible flashback about the man I was working for watching me bleed, and bleed and laughing. I took a step back all out of breathe. As Spencer looked at me with concern.
Rowan- don't I said cutting him off as I pulled my waist from him and walking off. Wait- I cut him off again what is there to wait for Spencer? Well Spencer began considering you keep on crossing your arms you're not only secretly in a bitchy mood but you're cold and since It looks like your clothes are a tad worn out giving a bit of an 80s look it looks like you need somewhere else to stay.
How did you?- I said I was a profiler earlier weren't you listening? I was for a bit not going to lie I laughed spencer rolled his eyes. Come on I'm letting you stay at my place. No's aren't allowed and no further questions asked about my job
because I'm hungry and exhausted and I know you would be fine with that and us both can use a nap.
Does Indian food sound good to you? Usually Indian places arent that filled up, we don't have to it's just a- Spencer I giggled a little it's fine I'm okay with Indian. Spencer smiled a bit and was like
well we better get going unless you want to see what it's like working in the dark he joked dramatically. Yeah let's go I said ignoring him and walking out to his car. Hey you gotta admit you weren't expecting that one. Uh huh I said sure pretty boy.
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tryst-art-archive · 2 years
"Emo Shit" from June 2009
This one is very upsetting. It wasn't meant to be seen by people other than me, so it's not really art, either.
It looks like I started to write to vent, but it clearly just became a written record of a breakdown. Specifically, a suicidal breakdown.
I don't really remember this at all, honestly, but it's such a perfect encapsulation of what was happening when I was 18, undiagnosed with anything, didn't know I was trans, was in denial about being queer, was in my first formal, public romantic relationship... I don't know. It's a mess, but I feel like capturing the mess is important.
There is... a lot of factual inaccuracy in this. It's very clear that the depression was warping my perception.
Also, if you happen to be my bestie: I don't recommend reading this one. Your call, dude, but idk, man. This is definitely one of the "depressed!Tryst was a real jerk" cases. It's stream of consciousness and there's not a single person I was fair to in it, including me.
Emo Shit  
           “I’ve been out in the rain all day.”
              She shrugged. “Probably trying to kill myself.”
              Once upon a time, there was a little princess who had everything but remained malcontent. She was a real pain in the ass.
              They do not love me as much as I love them. They are capable of happiness without me. I am incapable of happiness without them and sometimes with them. What is wrong with me?
              I need to go to the bank and Walgreens tomorrow, and it’s going to rain, and I want to wear my new skirt, but it’s going to be cold, and I don’t have proper footwear.
              I also want to sit in the rain for hours on end until M[...] and P[...] get home or until I die of hypothermia; whichever happens first.
              As much as being emo is lame, I don’t want this feeling to go. I suppose I never do.
              Possible reasons for getting angry with M[...] when she wants to talk about shit:
                             I don’t want to fucking talk about it.
                             I don’t want to tell the truth.
                             It really doesn’t bother me that M[...] and I have little time to ourselves even though it bothers me that P[...] and I have little time to ourselves, and it makes me feel like an asshole, and I wish she’d fucking pretend things aren’t this way like I do so I can feel better about being human/alive.
Possible reasons that P[...] said “I’ll be here” and then proceeded to not be here:
              He forgot about me.
              ....He forgot about me.
              He fucking FORGOT about me.
              He got fucking DISTRACTED by something fucking else a-fucking-gain and fucking FORGOT about me.
              I’m not as important to him as he is to me.
              He doesn’t actually care.
              He’s actually just using me for sex (unlikely).
Rebound relationships aren’t real.
Everything (especially the cake) is a lie.
He fucking FORGOT…
……………………………………………….I am a worthless piece of shit who can’t even make her suicidal, depressed, ADHD, self-hating boyfriend happy. FML.
Theory pertaining to what would occur if P[...] was not reminded to talk to me:
              He would not talk to me ever.
              He would occasionally remember to sign on and talk to me.
              He would only talk to me when I called him after three days (by which point I am bleeding from the wrists and crying on everything).
              He gets bored with me and fucks L[...].
              He gets bored with me and fucks one of his numerous female friends (or all of them).
              He doesn’t actually love me.
              I want to die.
              Paul loves people too easily whereas it is difficult for me to actually care about people meaning that his love for me relative to my love for him is not as great because he falls for people easy whereas I’ve only really fallen for anybody twice ever. Everything else was lust.
              I am a whore. But I am a loyal whore.
              I haven’t written at all in ages and the first thing I write is this fucking drivel?
I’m such a fucking emo, I deserve to be shot, someone fucking shoot me.
Why don’t those bastards take me seriously? How upset do I have to get before they care?
Why am I so upset?
Is P[...] actually good for me? Converse: Is P[...] bad for me?
Should I really be going “I love him, I love him” or should I be going “I love him, but he’s dragging me down, and I should wait until I fall in love with someone who can care for me”?
Is that thought even legitimate?
Do I ask P[...] to change to accommodate my needs or do I change to suit him? Or both? Or neither? Do I get out while I still can? Do I wait and see?
What is the best solution to the problem of this depression? When did I become depressed? January.
Why did I rush things? Was I so infatuated with the idea of a boyfriend?
How do I really feel?
I love him. I love them.
Why doesn’t that stop me from letting them go?
Probably, I am doing whatever strikes me as easiest. BUT what is easier? Letting them go or keeping them? Either one means some form of inaction but also some form of action….
I’m not taking any actions. What does that mean? What am I doing? Is the end result loss and unhappiness? Why am I so shitty at being happy?
I should be happy. There’s nothing wrong. So why aren’t I?
And why have I been reduced to this? Typing in a word document for ages?
Maybe  I should call. I know the cell phones don’t work, but maybe I should call P[...]’s anyway and ramble on it for a while. He’d get it tomorrow…
Is that wise? Emoing at them all the time?
I don’t know.
I want to die I want to cry
There’s no one here to save me from me. There’s no one here to cry on.
I’m lonely.
I’m always lonely.
Even when they’re here I’m lonely.
God, I want to die.
Is it really necessary to do this every day?
I can’t possibly ask them to give up their lives for me, but I want to.
I want to be happy.
I was. I remember being happier than I ever was before in my life. For a while. Why aren’t I now?
0 notes
babu-haitani · 3 years
No One Can Fix Me (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Angst
Pairings: Ran Haitani x G/N S/O ft. Rindou Haitani
TW: Mentions of Character Death, Might contain spoilers?
A/N: I prefer that you should listen to the song while reading :> you know fo more experience :>
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You clenched your hands into a fist, your nails digging on your skin until it bleeds. Ran slowly raised his hand as he tried to reach for your bleeding hand.
"You look ugly while you try not to cry, you know that right?..." Ran teased you as he gave you a soft smile. You glared at your boyfriend, to which he just chuckled.
"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY HAITANI?! YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!" You screamed as you knelt down to hold his hand, Rindou's screams of desperation can be heard in the background as he hurried the other person in the call to send an ambulance as soon as possible.
Ran stared at you in admiration as he slowly moved your hands towards his mouth and placed a kiss on them.
"Eww, it tastes like fucking blood" Ran complained, you glared at him even more.
"Stop joking around...please...this isn't funny, Ran!" You yelled at him as you held on tightly to his hand. Rindou quickly sat beside you as he held his brother's head.
"Y/N...don't worry, they said help is on the way..." Rindou sternly said, he wasn't crying but just from listening to his voice; you can tell that Rindou was on the verge of wanting to yell.
"You two look really ugly right now" Ran teased once more, your tears started streaming down along with your loud yells. Ran's smile disappeared as he looked at you painfully, he cupped your cheeks and made you looked at him.
"Hey...Stop crying Y/N, Rindou will make sure to take care of you...right, brother?" Ran smiled at his brother, this time Rindou started crying along with you. Everyone around you just looked at the three of you in pity.
"YOU'RE NOT GONNA DIE, RAN!!" You yelled at him with gritted teeth, Ran gave you a sad smile.
"Y/N...My visions slowly turning black and it kinda hurts..." Ran spoke, your eyes widened.
"Rindou! get your bike!!! I'll drive---" Ran stopped you as he pulled you by your collar and gave you a longing kiss, It was more passionate than the other kisses he has given you. You can feel all his emotions with that one simple kiss he gave you and it hurts even more.
You grabbed Ran by his cheeks as you kiss him back, this time you felt Ran's tears stream does his face. You both slowly pulled away from each other's kiss and stared at each other lovingly.
"Rindou..." Ran called out to his little brother as he averted his eyes from you to look at his brother. Rindou stared at his brother with hurt in his eyes, despite Ran feeling bad about how his brother stared at him; he needs to keep a straight face and be brave.
"Leave...take Y/N and never look back..." Both you and Rindou's eyes widened.
"NO! WE AREN'T GONNA LEAVE YOU HERE RAN!" Rindou yelled at his brother, Ran glared at his brother.
"Please, Rindou...that's my final wish...I can't keep my eyes open anymore...please..." Ran begged.
Rindou stared at his brother but then stood up and tried to pull you away, your eyes widened as you struggled to be freed from Rindou's grasp.
"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING RAN! LET ME GO, RINDOU!!" You screamed as you thrash around, Ran looked at you with a soft smile with tears streaming down his face as Rindou pulled you away.
'I love you both...' Ran mouthed at you before he closes his eyes with a smile, you felt your heartbreak.
Tuning around to Rindou, you bit his arm; making him let go of you. You quickly ran towards your boyfriend and started giving him CPR.
"WAKE UP RAN!! PLEASE! WAKE THE FUCK UP!! WAKE UP!!!" You yelled as you slapped him but to no avail, his eyes remained shut. This reminded you of how Ran would playfully pretend to sleep, this time...It was real...he wasn't waking anytime soon...
"Y/N...that's enough..." Rindou begged as he kneeled in front of you, you looked at him; he was biting his lower lip as he tried his best not to cry.
"Rindou, we need to go! the cops are here!" Kakucho yelled as he grabbed Rindou by his shoulders. Rindou quickly stood up and carefully placed you on his shoulders, you punched him in his back; making him wince in pain.
"ENOUGH Y/N!!..." Rindou yelled as he carefully placed you on the sit of his bike and stared at you with pain in his eyes.
"He said we should leave...that was his final wish...so we need to respect that..." He explained, you just cried as you fixed your sitting on his bike. Rindou hopped on his bike and quickly drove away, with one final look; you turned your head around and saw police cars and an ambulance surround your boyfriend's lifeless body. It was painful to watch.
The man who saved you from your darkest days, the man who sneaked you out of your room every time you had an argument with your parents, the man who would piss you off because of his annoying nature...The man who fixed you by giving you love and making sure you are at home and safe whenever you're with him and his brother.
"No one can fix me like he did..." You said as you clenched on the hem of your shirt, Rindou heard what you said and he couldn't help but agree.
'They say that cigarettes can kill. They say to stay away from pills. That too much liquor makes you ill, But no one warned me about you.'
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Sweetheart Part 2
Pairings: Armin x fem! reader
Part One
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2000+
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“Fix your postures!” you commanded, your hands are on your back as you walk in front of the Cadets. Levi stood behind you with a smirk on his face, he's been a little gentle with the Cadets these days but now that you're back to kick ass with him this would be so fun.
“Kirstein! Straighten up your back!”
Jean immediately obeyed while Connie was staring at you with wide eyes, this was not how they remembered you few days ago, you were soft spoken then, all sweet and all smiles but now they are seeing the tigress that Levi was talking about.
Levi was even more gentle in handling them because Levi rarely shouts yet his words carries heavy emotions but you, you can do both.
“She's the sister of the commander that's why she has the guts but I bet she's all cry and whine if she faced a Titan.”
You have a good sense of hearing and you heard what the Cadet has said about you, it wasn't the first time that someone underestimated you because of your gender and because you're Erwin's sister, it's one of the stereotypes, you don't actually mind but what you heard next took every single strand of patience inside you.
“Bet she's a good screamer in bed.”
Levi balled his hand into a fist, he may call you brat and have endless argumentd with you but he treats you like a sister and hearing the Cadets say those filthy words to you makes his blood boil but then when he saw how you tilted your head in both sides and how your eyes went blank he already knew that you can handle it yourself, you're not a simple girl after all so he let you do what you want.
Your eyes wandered around the Cadets, you were hurt by those comments, you hated being looked down just because they think you had it easy because of your brother when in fact you almost die a lot of times in the past and those wounds from Titan attacks heals in time but those words that serves as daggers stabbing your heart won't.
After a minute of searching you found the pair that you heard, the two men were standing beside Armin Arlert, it would've been a great view if the assholes weren't standing beside him, Armin Arlert's face screams peace, those blue eyes are calming.
“I bet she's been sleeping with the Captain.”
That was the last straw, Armin immediately threw hard punches towards the two guys who are both taller, and probably a couple of years older than him, he had enough of their dirty mouths, he knew that he's not suppose to do that but he couldn't stand them talking shits about you like that, his knuckles got red because of the impact and when he looked down at the two fellow Cadets, both their nose were broken as they lay flat on the ground.
Levi was shocked to see Armin straight up punch his fellow Cadets but he secretly smiled, he knew that the kid is promising. Everybody just need a little push to unleash their demons, seems like Armin Arlert has been unleashed just now.
Eren and Mikasa immediately went beside Armin to put a hand on his shoulders trying to calm him down silently, the blonde teen was heavily breathing, “I was taught by my grandfather to treat women right, you don't talk dirty shits about them like that, respect a woman the way you respect your Mother.” Armin growled through gritted teeth, he's surprised of the damage that he had done to the two men, those broken and bleeding nose gives him some sort of satisfaction but as he tore his blue eyes away from the two, he met your eyes.
You were frozen on your position, you were planning to do punch them first but Armin's action made you stop, you see the blonde guy as a soft one, the type of person who wouldn't even dare hurt a fly but here he is proving that he knows how to throw a good punch, when your gaze met, the anger on his eyes vanished, his face softened as his cheeks turned bright red including both of his ears.
With a small smile you made your way towards them, Connie, Jean and Sasha were standing behind Armin now too, checking up on him, you've deduced that he's like the baby in the group, suits him, he does look like a baby.
You looked down at the Cadets lying on the floor and grabbed their collars so you could lift them off the ground.
Everybody gasped at your action but no one dared to interfere. “I would love to have you two on our squad next expedition but we're the one leading the whole team which means...we're the first one to encounter titans and if we're unfortunate we'll be the first ones to get eaten too. I'll show you how I cry in front of the Titans then.” you let go both of their collars and let them land butt first on the ground.
You turned to Armin and smiled at him genuinely, “I appreciate your efforts for breaking their nose for me, Cadet. Thank you.” you smiled as you pat his head, Armin looked up at you with a smile, his cheeks flaming red, “It's natural human decency, M-Ma'am. No need to thank me.” you smiled at him and pursed your lips before walking away so you could go back to the center of the scouts.
“Captain Levi would take over now.”
Levi stood beside you and the Scouts saluted at him, “Take care of some written reports for me, brat.” he ordered and you nodded as a response as you walked away from the training grounds but before you could even went further, you heard grunts and gasps behind you.
You saw how the sole of Levi's boots collided with the face of the Cadets, you winced and bit your lower lip as you see how Levi kicked them hard.
“I'll make sure you two would learn how to respect your superiors now and women in general.”
You started to feel bad because you're damn sure their jaws would be dislocated because of Levi's signature kick but you remembered that they're assholes and they deserved it so you proceeded to go on and take care of the written reports instead of watching their ass get beaten.
It was already dark when you've decided to take a walk to try and breathe some fresh air, you looked up at the dark sky, the moon was shining brightly.
Your eyes settled on the mysterious moon, you've always been fascinated of the moon, when you were a kid you often cry to tell Erwin that the moon is a creep because it keeps on following you, your brother would always hold back his laughter and would assure you that he'll protect you from the moon.
A part of you wishes that you two should've stayed as kids then, your brother has been seeking to find out the truth and as he gets closer to that truth, you're slowly losing him. You immediately wiped a tear away, you should just be happy for your brother and make sure he'll be safe, that would be enough.
You lifted your arms towards the sky as if reaching the moon, it is beautiful yet awfully frightening but the stars cast out those fears, as the stars shine brightly in the night sky you felt at ease and you smiled to yourself before putting your hands back to your pocket. It's getting colder now.
The cold wind embraced your whole and you shivered strands of your hair escaped from your messy hair bun. When the cold was too much for you to handle, wearing thin clothes is not a wise decision so you've decided to go back inside just to hear a hissing nearby, if you're right the hissing comes from the tree nearby.
Out of curiosity you slowly made your way towards the tree, you just silently prayed that it's not Cadets that are making out outside because you've witness a pair making out behind trees before and you wouldn't want it to happen again.
But as you got closer to the tree you confirmed that it wasn't a couple doing something nasty outside, it is an angel silently sitting down.
“Aren't you suppose to be sleeping by this time now?”
Armin's eyes widened as his head snapped on your direction, his mouth gaped open as while his brows raised in surprise. "I c-can't sleep Ma'am.” he stammered and looked away from you, not that he doesn't want to see you, it's just that the thin material that you're wearing is revealing your cleavage. He had to gulp and remind himself that it's not appropriate to look at women like that.
“Mind if I sit down beside you? I couldn't sleep either.”
“I-I don't really mind.”
When your arms accidentally brushed, Armin wanted to flinch but he didn't because he wouldn't want to offend you and when you looked at him you can still see how red his cheeks were even if it's dark. “Thank you for what you did, earlier. I don't really mind such comments anymore, it wasn't the first time and it probably wouldn't be my last either.” you chuckled bitterly, you've worked hard to be a skilled fighter so you could prove to everyone that you're not a woman living as your brother's shadows.
But sometimes life is fucked up, actually most of the time it is fucked up.
“You should inform Commander Erwin about it. I mean they're crossing the line, they're talking as if they know you.”
“How about you, do you know me?”
“It feels like...I do.” he silently whispered as he looked down on his hands, you followed his gaze and your mout gaped open when you saw that there's a bandage covering his knuckles. “By the walls, Armin...w-what happened? You shouldn't have done it, I could've taken care of them myself.” you grabbed his hand and examined it, not that you can see through those bandages but you just feel like doing so.
Armin could've taken away his hands from you but he didn't, feeling your soft skin against his is comforting, he's forgotten that he shed a tear when Mikasa put those bandages around his knuckles, he didn't break any bone but it's red and sore, he's not really cut out for scenarios like that but it was worth it because he was able to defend you at some way, in the little way that he could.
“It's just sore. I'm not really good at punching, you know. I used to get beaten up as a kid, they'll steal my food and Eren and Mikasa would come to rescue me but now, I finally...I finally get to do something for someone.”
“Why didn't you fight back before?”
“Because I can't and I'm not as brave. You know, when I came face to face with a Titan, I—I was frozen. Eren got eaten and it was fortunate that he's alive.”
You didn't notice that you stared caressing his knuckles as you listened but it seems ljke he doesn't notice too so you let it be, “But look at you now, I've heard from Erwin that you're a smart one. You've figured out who is the female titan right?” Armin looked at you and his blue eyes widened in shock as he saw how close you two were.
He knew that in one wrong move he can finally know how would it feel to have your lips press against his, if he'll move his head forward maybe he can feel how soft those lips are.
But he stayed back, he respects you. He's attracted to you but he knows his boundaries, his grandfather told him to grow up as a gentleman and all that and he thinks of Mikasa, if Mikasa would be treated so inappropriate by a man he wouldn't like that, he wouldn't like that to happen to his sister.
That's why he would behave himself around you and he'll choose to be contented of just staring at you, it's more than enough.
“W-Well it was a gamble and I was already late...it was—”
You kissed his cheek to shut him up. The poor guy looked at you as his whole face reddened, both his ears flaming up.
“W-Why d-did you do that?” he whispered as he looked away.
“I just want to. Can you promise me one thing?” you asked as you leaned away, Armin looked at you with curiosity before he opened his mouth to respond, “It depends, make me promise something that I can fulfill.” he told you. When he promised someone, he'll always make sure that he can fulfill because he hates it when promises are broken and he wouldn't want to break any promise to anyone, especially to you.
“Each one of us has our own expertise, I want you to focus on yours and if you find yourself in a fucked up situation, don't hesitate to go to me, call out my name or somethin', I have your back now, Armin.”
“Then call out my name too if you need me.” Armin told you bravely, he doesn't have any idea why he felt this way but the moment he saw you after bumping into you, he already know that he's attracted, he told Eren about it, Eren teased him and he's not amused, not that he hates it but he's afraid that you'll hear.
He often watch you from afar, most of the times you are found with the Captain, probably why some thinks the two of you are in a relationship but as you sat beside him under the moonlight, his heart was filled of hope.
“Good night then, sweetheart.” you whispered as you gently press your lips on his cheeks again, as usual, he was frozen and you stood up to walk away so you could go back inside already.
Armin followed you with his gaze as a sweet smile made its way across his lips, his eyes sparking with glee.
“Good night, sweetheart.” he whispered.
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bananasquash · 3 years
Ok... So... I don't necessarily do character x character... But.... SOUKOKU ANGST☺️☺️☺️
WARNING⚠️: Angst, Character Death, Suicide(???), Fight Scenes etc
Apologies if someone's done this, this wasn't copied. I don't read character x characters. I got this from a hc and made it more Angsty.
Dazai was forced to fight and not stand by the side lines. Guess wits can only outshine strength for so long. Although Dazai won, he was injured in the process.
'What happened? Is it over?' Dazai thought. He sat up from his position on the ground. Or, at least tried to. He winced when he felt a wave of pain all throughout his body and gave up. He looked down and saw a hole in his stomach, bleeding out at a fast pace. "shit." He muttered. Right after that, he heard a very loud yet familiar voice calling his name.
"DAZAI!" A very beat up redhead screamed. He slid on his knees in front of Dazai. Never once had the alcoholic ever been as distressed as he was now.
"Heyyyy Chuuya~ Guess it's finally working, huh?" Dazai weakly smiled, coughing out blood.
"Stop talking asshole!!! It's not working and it never will! Now stop acting weak or I'll beat your sorry ass!" He glared, putting on an angry front to hide from the glistening tears threatening to spill over.
Dazai chuckled lightly. "Still as lively as usual, even during my time of death." He said in Chuuya's arms. Oh how he longed for these moments to be his last. Not for the longing need to die, but because he may never be able to meet his doom while laying in his beloveds, dare I say for about 6-7 years, arms.
"Tch you stupid suicidal maniac. The Dazai can't die. He's invincible. You're just delusional." Chuuya denied. Or, denied as much as he could. Deep down, he understood what was going on. But, he didn't want that. Both the two loved one another, and they knew it. But that doesn't mean it was ever said. And that's all Chuuya wanted.
"Everyone is invincible until they are defeated. All those times that were close, wasn't the time. But now, *cough*, now is the time that was punched in for me." He explained weakly.
"Save your breathe for some other day! Now is not the time to talk about stupid shit! God damn I hate your ability right now. Can't you just figure out how to turn it off?!" He yelled, stopping when he saw Dazai wince.
"Sadly, that's not the case. Chuuya, it'll be alright. After all, I asked for this. The gods just gave me what I wished for. Guess even to them I was far too annoying for them to deal with." He smiled a close-eyed toothy grin.
"You are unbelievable. Come on, I'll get you to the hospital." He made a move to pick up the man before him, but wasn't able to when more blood came bled through the cloth. "God damnit!!!"
"Chuuya." Dazai said, hand on the others cheek, and Chuuya could hear the slowing breathes Dazai emitted from his chest, heaving as little as possible as to not frighten Chuuya. He had already heard though. The breathes were rigid, scratchy. "You... Made me feel human." And with that, Dazai's arm went lip and slowly fell from Chuuya's cheek, only for said man to grab onto the hand that fell. But, he broke. The dam Chuuya built had finally crumbled. He let out a loud scream, very painful for anyone to have heard. Especially if they knew personally who it came from. The other PM and ADA members heard from afar, and right then and there, they all collectively understood what happened.
"Ha... So he finally disappeared from the earth, huh?" Mori chuckled bitterly.
Everyone felt something. Grief being the most common. But for Chuuya, grief was a heavy understatement. And the words Dazai muttered only broke him apart even more.
After that day, Mori, surprisingly, gave Chuuya a break. Missions were still a thing, they were just less common. Though the next one was inevitable for Chuuya to avoid. But... It was his chance.
"You'll die out there." Mori said alongside Kouyou. The matured female nodded along, worry hinted in her eyes.
"He's saved me before. This time, it'll prove if he's truly dead or not." Chuuya replied with a hint of... nostalgia was it? The death had taken a huge toll on the poor man.
"Thank you, Chuuya. You're a wonderful student." Kouyou smiled lightly, glassy eyes awaiting the males death.
Chuuya nodded, speaking his last words before corrupting. "You made me feel less like a monster, you irritable waste of bandages."
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luvrgirlfanfics · 3 years
1: " Give me a chance.
2: " Not you again..
3: " Leave me alone.
4: " I don't love you anymore.
5: "Why do you hate me? "
6: "I lost the baby.
7: " I thought you loved me.
8: " I don't need you anymore.
9:" I can't believe you!
10: " We cant keep this up forever.
11: " You're a monster.
12: " I hate you.
13: " Don't leave me...
14: " You're a disappointment.
15: " Don't die on me- Please.
16: " I never meant to hurt you.
17: " Are you upset with me?
18: " I wish id never met you.
19: " I'm going to kill you! "
20: " Please don't hurt me like this.
21: " Thanks for nothing.
22: " Dont call this number again. "
23: " Why did you spare me?
24: " You need to leave."
25: " I'm sick.
26: " I'm dying.
27: " I wish i'd never met you.
28: " I thought we were family!"
29: " There was never an us."
30: " So that's it? It's over?"
31: " I fucked up.
32: " I came to say goodbye.
33:" He's dead because of you."
34: " I don't deserve to be loved.
35: " About the baby. Its yours."
36: " I'm so in love with you."
37: " Dance with me!"
38: " Isn't this amazing?"
39: " I wish we could stay like this forever."
40: " Will you marry me?
41: " I'm pregnant.
42: " I need a hug.
43: " You're special to me. "
44: " I'm going to keep you safe.
45: " Do you trust me?
46: " Can I kiss you right now?
47: " You're cute when you're angry.
48: " I've liked you for awhile now.
49: " Lets have a baby.
50: " We'd make such a cute couple. "
51: " I want to take care of you.
52: " Can we cuddle? "
53: " It's lonely here without you.
54: " I can't stand the thought of loosing you.
55: " Shut up and kiss me already.
56: " Are you flirting with me?"
57: " Is that my shirt?
58: " How did we get here? "
59: " You own my heart.
60: " You'd be a great dad.
61: " You'd be a great mom.
62: "I want to protect vou.
63:" Whats the matter?
64: " You're so beautiful.
65: " Did you do something different with your
hair? "
66: " Is that a new perfume?"
67: " Stop being so cute.
68: " You're making me blush! "
69: " You're teasing me again.
70:" This is why I fell in love with you."
71: " You're the best!"
72: " They're going to love you, don't worry!
73: " Oh, Are you ticklish?
74: " Of course I remembered! "
75: " You're one hell of a girl.
76: " You're one hell of a guy.
77: " Are you jealous?
78: " Hold me and never let me go.
79: " Stop hogging all the blankets!"
80: " Lets run away together.
90: " Catch me if you can!"
91: " I'm fine.
92: " Are you drunk? "
93: " Are you high?"
94: " We cant go in there…..
95: " Give it back! "
96: " Well this is just great.
97: " Don't touch me.
98: " Not sure if you could tell, but I'm not
exactly a people person. "
99: " This was fun- Lets do it again
100: " I didn't do it!"
101: " I did it...
102: " I don't remember that!"
103: " Well that's pretty rude of you to say."
104: " Get that thing away from me!"
105: " You owe me.
106: " Do you believe in aliens?"
107: " Do you believe in ghosts? "
108: " Are you hitting on me? "
109: " Why are you naked?"
110: " You did what?!"
111: " You have... Superpowers?"
112: " Why are you bleeding?"
113: " Where did all these puppies come from?"
114: " Don't make me come over there myself!'
115: " That wasn't funny.'
116: " This tastes horrible.
117: " This is delicious!"
118: " Are you mad at me?"
119: " Stop ignoring me.
120: " I love that show too!"
121: " Can I borrow that book of yours?"
122: " Lets blow this joint."
123: " Let me help you with that.
124: " Take that back! "
125: " Wanna go see a movie with me?"
126: " No way, that's so lame.
127: " What are you listening to?"
128: "I brought you your coffee.
129: " Don't fuck this up.
130: " Run!"
131: " Lets run away together.'
132: " I haven't slept in four days..
133: " Your turn to do the dishes.
134: " Was I really that drunk?'
135: " Was I really that stoned?"
136: "Give me back my phone! "
137: " You're an asshole.
138: " Are you cold?"
139: " This place gives me the creeps.
140: " I swear my house is haunted. "
141: " Did you hear that? "
142: " It's just your imagination.
143: " Just how stupid do you think I am? "
144: " Stop being such a baby.
145: " Go back to bed. "
146: " Are you okay?"
147: " I can take care of myself just fine."
148: " Thanks for helping me back there.
149: " Since when have we ever been friends? "
150: " What on earth are you wearing?"
151: " I can't feel my legs!"
152: " Stop texting me weird stuff so late at
153: " Put me down! "
154: " There's only one bed...
155: " It isn't what it looks like! Okay. Maybe it is
156: " How did I loose it? "
157: " I read your diary.
158: " This is awkward.
159: " Didn't you read the sign?
161: " Bite me.
162: " Make me.
163: " Fuck me.
164: " Stop teasing me so much...
165: " Do you like it when I touch you like that?"
166: " Okay.. This is new.
167: " Want to head back to my place and have
a little fun?
168: " You're in trouble now. "
169:" What a pretty sight.
170: " Bend over.
171: " On your knees.
172: " The food looks great but.. There's
something much more delicious i'd like to eat
right now.
173: " Lay back.
174: " Take off your clothes.
175: " Well, fine; just this once."
176: " I'm waiting.
177: " You're so beautiful.
178:" As you wish.
179: " First one to make a noise looses."
180: " You have no idea what you do to me. "
181: " If you're bored; Wanna have sex? "
182: " Ive wanted this for so long.
183: " Car sex looks so much more easier in the
184: " Can I touch you? "
185: " Open up.
186: " No strings attached.
187: " Already? Do I really have that much of an
effect on you? "
188: " Mine.
189:" The nights still young.
190: " We cant do that here!
191: " Behave.
192:" What did you just say?"
193: "Good girl"
194: "Good Boy"
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iricathel · 3 years
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This text is the continuation of this part. TW: It contains quite graphic descriptions, mental & emotional abuse, strong language and gore, so read carefully if you are sensitive to this type of content.
"It seems that weeds never die"
"Irina, she's just a friend and I had decided to accompany her home"
"Irina, don't get paranoid again! That woman just needed my help"
"Irina, damn it ... I already told you she's just one of the employees"
"Irina, stop being so stupid, you make me sick. You get jealous with any woman just because she breathes next to me"
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Salty tears slid down the blonde's cold cheeks, as she flicked through the newspaper articles mentioning the scandal of the past year with trembling hands: Lewis Dupont is seen having several chance encounters with different women, seeking the comfort that his fiancée cannot give him. Her sadness and anger was not so much for the attractive title that some shameless journalist had put or without fear of her father, but rather seeing the photos of all those women that she had once suspected caused anger to be born in her being.
She wasn't stupid, she never had been and deep down she always knew it, despite the fact that every time she protested she was branded as crazy, paranoid and jealous.
There was no way to deny an infidelity with the evidence in hand, seeing tight hugs, passionate kisses or too close approaches that wasn't appropriate in a man who was soon to be married.
Irina grabbed her coat, buttoning it up and then leaving her house in search of her unfortunate fiancé to confront him in front of everyone in his company, that scoundrel was not going to get away with it. But when she set foot in the factory and inquired about his whereabouts, the workers had revealed that it had been a week since he had visited the factory to supervise the movement of his company.
"Damn bastard" "I wish you rot in hell" "Liar" "Cheater" "Human scum" She was thinking as she aggressively stomped through the dry snow into the village forest, looking for the cabin that one of the women revealed to her that Lewis had secretly. She was angry, furious, no, her blood boiling on the hot fire for having to suffer and give herself completely to a man who was not going to give her the same treatment.
No, she was rather furious with herself for allowing all that happen.
She tracked down her fiancé's so familiar essence that she could easily trace at any time, but as she got closer to the place she could notice another accompanied scent, and this was more feminine. Clenching her hands into fists full of rage, she opened the front door abruptly trying to maintain her composure so as not to freak out. - Lewis. Can you tell what the hell are you doing? - She asked coldly and demandingly, pretending to be the one who doesn't understand what was happening.
The strong smell of alcohol hit her nostrils brutally, watching the young man with silver strands lying on top of a young maiden lying half-naked on the sofa like the unfaithful boy. - Oh--! Irina! What a surprise to see you here! - He said standing up showing his naked torso and before Irina could utter another word, she bit her tongue when she heard the young man speaking again - Doudou, I understand that you may be shocked and angry with me right now since I am with another woman outside of our commitment, but look on the bright side! We can experience all three together, this woman is beautiful and you both could teach each other new techniques! And think about-- - And without letting him finish, a strong impact was heard followed by another.
Lewis's body lay on the wooden floor, in shock for having received a strong slap from Irina that not only left his skin red and burning, but also split his lip causing it to bleed.
- You fucking asshole ... Did you really think that I could accept such a stupid suggestion? You disgust me... - She spoke in an even colder and deeper voice, looking down at Lewis with a look of superiority. A gaze of a bright but deadpan neon green where not a hint of compassion could be seen. - What the hell Irina?! What is wrong with you?! - He screamed altered getting up from the ground in an attempt to grab his revolver to aim at Irina threatening his life for daring to hit him, but before even the tips of his digits could even touch the weapon, a clean cut separated the fingers of the hand leaving them to fall on the wooden table, beginning to be painted with red blood. - Ah ... You really are mindless, Dupont. Did you think you could be faster than me? Don't make me laugh - She clicked her tongue annoyed as she listened to the boy's agonizing scream, seeing his fingers thrown across the wood surrounded by a red puddle accompanied by a kitchen ax stuck in the board, the cause of his mutilation.
Irina's attention shifted to another scream, this time terrified and by the time she turned to see the woman trying to flee, a hollow explosive sound was heard in the room. The lifeless body fainted on the ground due to the bullet that went through its head.
Irina sighed tiredly, she didn't want to kill the girl but she couldn't risk leaving a witness alive, but by the time she turned to see Lewis, he was gone. Irina glanced at the barrel of the revolver in her hands in search of any bullets, but the firearm no longer had any loaded bullets. She clicked her tongue once and put the gun away to dispose of later, for now she planned to follow the trail of blood that Lewis had left.
- God damn it...! This cannot be happening...! - The amethyst-eyed man mused, holding his bleeding hand as he ran through the forest in search of a hiding place and help. - Help--! - He screamed hopefully someone might hear him, but in return he received an unexpected strong blow as he crossed a tree on his chest that took his breath away and knocked him into the cold snow.
- Oh ... I have never imagined how satisfying this would be ... It's impressive - Irina commented, leaving behind the tree where she teleported while seeing her knuckles, which she had used to hit the man's chest, breaking his rib cage. - It's fun to watch you agonize ... You make a part of me tingle every time your screams sing in my ears - She stepped on the chest of the silver-haired man, nailing the heel of her boot to hear how his ribs cracked with greater force, smiling at such a sound widely, letting her fangs protrude from her lips. - Look at you, you crunch like a useless and insignificant cockroach! - She hummed in wonder, stomping on him, cutting off the boy's breath as her own split ribs dig into his lungs.
She crouched down, grabbing the boy by the cheeks, her pupils sharpening like a feline's as they looked him straight in the eye, seeing as the purples ones were dull of pain. - You're right where I wanted you ... Looking like the piece of shit you are, but you know what? The best part of all this is that you alone are the cause of this suffering - The blonde patted Lewis's red cheek, grinning sideways. - It is quite a compliment to think that all this time you were afraid of dying at the hands of my father, but look at you! The one who is throwing you to hell is me. Greet the devil on my part - And with that said, using her vampiric strength she made the boy's head spin like an old top to separate it from his body.
❀.•° ✿.•° ❀.•° ✿.•° 🌸 °•.✿ °•.❀ °•.✿ °•.❀
- Irina? Irina! - A female voice made the aforementioned react immediately coming out of her thoughts as if she had fallen from the Moon. - You have been very thoughtful all day, what has you so distracted? You've been uncomfortably quiet all through dinner and the car ride, and I'd be afraid to say you've barely blinked - The younger sister reproached, Camille reproaching the dissociative attitude that her older sister had chosen, but that in truth it was not something out of the ordinary.
- Oh ... Have I been zoning out again? Sorry, I didn't realize - The firstborn of the Avenel family apologized closing her locker after having taken her belongings that she needed for the following classes. - Mhm... I already realized that you hadn't noticed. Even father did, and that he doesn't even notice when flies sneak into the house! - Camille sighed, turning to separate her walk from her sister to go to her class, but a boy caught her eye that made her stop short, swallowing hard. - I-Irina ... I think I'm hallucinating from exhaustion ... But I think I'm seeing Lewis - With a trembling voice, she discreetly pointed at the boy.
- What kind of nonsense are you saying? That scum is more than dead-- - Irina replied annoyed that her sister joked with a topic like that, but by the time she turned around, her gaze fixed on the indicated boy, her eyes widened slightly from shock.
Same fluffy curly silver hair, same freckles, soft pale skin, and even the same purple eyes and height ... and that ... - That damn sassy smile ... He looks too much like him, but I doubt he is - Irina denied, praying that it was just a terrible coincidence.
Hearing the bell of the academy ring signaling that it was time to go to recess, Irina closed her notebook to put her things in her school bag, so that after the strap on her shoulder was adjusted, she was ready to get up to leave the classroom, but an oar of palms stamping in front of her desk stopped her, raising her green gaze to meet the amethyst. - Irina, honey! How good to be able to be in the same academy with you, now we can continue to be a beautiful couple together! - Said the new student.
Irina frowned when she noticed that the gazes of several students were placed on them and whispers began to be born, being able to hear assumptions that it was her boyfriend. And as if they were blown away by the wind, they disappeared from the classroom to spread the news that the new boy is the boyfriend of the renowned idol. - Sorry? Who do you think you are and can deign to call me that way, also lie that we are lovers? - The blonde demanded, getting up abruptly from her place.
- Oh, I was just remarking my territory and property. I've heard about ... those disgusting rumors that you've been having fun with a man ... I didn't know that you would lie to me, you promised me loyal and eternal love until your death - Said the boy smiling sideways and interrupted the vampiress - Now I'm Alvar Lunde, but I'm sure you remember me as Lewis Dupont ~ - He crooned, opening his arms happily.
- .... W-What? But-- HOW? - Irina's eyes widened in surprise and a lump formed in her throat, preventing her from saying a word. - Heh.... It seems that weeds never die~
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mhafanfics19 · 5 years
Ch.4 Devil’s Trap
"She was my little wicked with chaos in her eyes." ~Atticus
You were regretting leaving the bar, the unforgiving wind biting at your reddened cheeks, the bitter cold sending shivers down your spine. You had arrived back at your apartment only to remember, and see that the whole apartment building burned down.
The sight makes your heart sink into your stomach, little kids lived there and so did elderly people, and now they don't have a home. Overwhelming guilt, and disgust makes your stomach churn, people always seem to lose everything when they are around you.
Tears begin to form in your eyes, all of this was your fault, if you never went out that day none of this would have happened. The cops and heroes would still think you just disappeared, but no that's not how things ever played out for you.
Now here you were, no place to go, half freezing to death in the unforgiving cold. With no other options, you decide to make your way to one of the bars at the end of the street. Being two in the morning, you didn't have to worry about anyone trying to turn you in to the cops, most of the people out at this time are unsavory characters themselves.
Arriving at the run down bar you push the door open with an ear piercing shriek, naturally all eyes turn to you, anyone else would have shrunk beneath the men's predatory gazes. Straightening your posture, you slide into an empty seat at the corner of the bar, silently praying to whatever entity exists that no one would screw with you tonight.
Of course, your prayers fall upon deaf ears, as a large muscular man with wild light brown hair and yellow eyes sits next to you. Your heart feels like it's beating in your throat, this monster of a man has to be at least seven feet tall, his physique and ripped white shirt and black pants adds to his ferocity.
You've always prided yourself with the fact that not many things scare you, until you laid eyes on this man, shakily you light a cigarette in hopes of calming your nerves. His deep, gravely voice adds to his intimidation factor, "Those things could kill ya, ya know?" Your breath hitches as you frantically search for words, not wanting to get killed by a sucker punch.
"So could my quirk but I still use it, doesn't matter much to me anyways." Your response comes out way more snarky than you intended, this is how I die, squeezing your eyes tightly you wait for a devastating blow. Much to your contentment, the leviathan of a man laughs, "You got an attitude I like that, the name's Rappa. What's yours, tiny?"
If anybody else called you tiny you would've blown a fuse, that was not the case at this moment, you are way too relieved he hasn't decided to snap you in half. "Y/n, you might know me as Inazuma, I've unfortunately made quite a reputation for myself." Your words are filled with resentment that doesn't go unnoticed by Rappa.
"Oh shit! You're that lightning chick! C'mon fight me!" Rappa knocks over the chair he had been sitting on in excitement, your eyes turn into saucers at his demand. "Uh yeah that's me, and I'm not normally the fighting type. I don't use my quirk unless I have too."
The tank of a man doesn't like that answer and pushes further, "Oh c'mon! You don't need to use your quirk! I'm a hand to hand fighter!" Just as you're about to protest again, an arm snakes around your waist, an all too familiar voice speaks for you.
"She said no, I suggest you go bother someone else before I have to incinerate you." Rappa looks between you and Dabi, without another word he simply wanders away leaving you alone with the flaming douchebag, you shove him away his arm detaching from your waist.
"I didn't need your help, I had it handled." Dabi takes over the seat next to you, snickering as he snatches a cigarette from your pack, and lights it with his finger. "Oh yeah, you really had it handled doll. You looked like you were going to shit yourself, me being a nice guy I had to save the damsel in distress."
A sneer presents itself across you visage, Dabi's arrogance is almost funny to you, almost. "You're one cocky son of a bitch, and I absolutely cannot stand you. You're aware of that right?" His famous smirk tugs at his lips, blue orbs trail up your body, eliciting a disgusted scoff from you.
"Is that why you're so interested in me? I see the way you look at me, I gotta say I never pinned you for the bad boy type. A lot of girls wish they were in your position, dollface."
You dramatically gag at his words, trying to hide the fact that he's not necessarily wrong, but you were not about to let him know that. "My position? You mean being harassed by the most arrogant, infuriating, asshole-ish man named Dabi? They can have it all they want, sorry to shit on your parade but I'm not interested."
The confidence you have wavers when you see the look on his face, half lidded cerulean eyes filled with amusement, and that stupid half smirk playing on his lips. He really is an attractive man the burns covering his skin adds to his charm, of course you'd never admit it, especially not to him.
Dabi leans closer to you, noses only inches apart, he smells like campfire with a hint of cigarette smoke it makes him even more intoxicating. "That hurts me doll, it really is too bad, here I was thinking I had a chance with the hottest member of the league."
You bite the inside of your cheek so hard it bleeds, gathering whatever self control you have left, you lean away from him keeping up your uninterested facade.
"Huh, I wonder how many girls have fallen for that, and I'm not apart of the league anymore. Unfortunately for you, I'm not that easy and I don't date people that burn down my apartment, sorry Scarface." A low chuckle rumbles in his chest, as rests his chin on his hand.
"I didn't say you were easy, I just call things the way I see them, and you are absolutely stunning. That's another thing, Jin is super upset about you leaving, he was practically begging me to make sure you're safe. It's a good thing I came when I did, that big guy would have pummeled you."
"You are so full of yourself it's almost laughable, I have never in my twenty five years on this earth met someone as unbelievably narcissistic as you." Your words come out equivalent to a hiss.
Irritation takes over your emotions, hopping off the bar stool you walk out of the bar, thinking Dabi was still there. You were wrong, he is now following you around like a lost puppy, "Wait a second, I wasn't trying to be an ass or anything."
You spin around to face him, your guilt finally gets the best of you. "You are an ass! I have no where to live because you just had to show up at my house, what have I even done to you? What warrants you burning my shit down? Do you even care that you could have killed innocent people all because you're so goddamn arrogant you thought you deserved an apology?"
For once Dabi is stunned into silence, he hadn't cared that he could have killed someone, but the cracking of your voice told him you had something weighing on you. For a reason unknown to him, he didn't like it at all, and he wanted find out what was hurting you.
"Look, come back to the hideout with me, we can talk about everything. I know I've been a dick but we can start over, I wasn't trying to upset you."
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you sigh in defeat, you might as well at least the hideout is warm and you wouldn't be on the streets. "Fine, just lead the way."
That was all Dabi needed to hear, he had managed to weasel his way into your head, and he was going to use that to his advantage.
You had no idea you had fallen into the Devil's trap.
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A Sacrifice For Love
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Prompt: Sam has to choose between killing you or Dean Song Recommendation: Silhouette by Aquilo TW: Reader Death, Pain and Sadness Word Count: 1,205 Pairing: Sam W. x Reader, Friend!Dean W. x Reader
Ania's POV:
Here's the thing about being a hunter- you're going to die. It doesn't matter how careful you are, how you hunt, who you know, it will happen. You never know if it will be by a werewolf, a vampire, a demon or angel, or even witch. It could even be a freak accident, you just never know. There are worse ways to go- bleeding out, burning alive, and so on, but to die by your biggest fear... That's the worst possible way.
My name is Ania Mendez. I'm a hunter and I travel with Sam and Dean Winchester. We've been partners for many years and we love each other like family. Today started out like any other day, we started hunting what we thought was a low-level demon. We iced his ass, along with a few others, only to find out it wasn't so simple.
"Nia, you go around the back, Sam you take the side, and I'll take the front," Dean whispered as we crouched in front of the house.
"Got it," I pulled out my demon knife and started towards the back when Sam gently grabbed my arm.
"Hey, we don't know how many are there, so be careful." The darkness covered us both, but I still heard the concern in his voice.
"I know Sammy, I'll call out if I need help. I'll be fine," I kissed his cheek and continued on.
Getting inside was easy enough, the door was unlocked. I came in through the kitchen, killing two demons straight away with the knife. I moved slowly towards the right, through the dining room, and killed another demon. By the time I got downstairs to the boys, I knew something was wrong. I hadn't heard a single gunshot, nor any talking. Walking into the dark room sent chills down my spine. I raised my gun and flashlight, only to feel a hard pressure against my neck and everything going dark.
When I came to it was much more light. My head was pounding and my legs were numb. I tried to move my arms, but they were tied to armrests, as well as my legs to the legs of the chair. I looked around at my surroundings, squinting at the bright lights. Sam sat in a chair across from me and Dean was to my left. I tried to move the chair towards them but it was nailed to the ground.
"Well well well, look who's finally awake," A gruff voice came from behind me. My whole body stiffened as someone walked around to my right, "I was starting to get worried they'd killed you." The tall man said, his eyes flashing dark red.
"Nah, can't get rid of me that easily," I smirked at his annoyance.
He looked behind me and nodded his head. Two more demons walked around, one going to each of the boys. They each were punched in the stomach, forcing them awake.
"Sam? Dean!" I struggled against the ropes, aching to be free.
"Ania? What the fuck is going on?" Dean looked around, his eyes glazed over. He and Sam shared a look, both turning to me.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me, worry about these assholes." I jerked my head to the red-eyed demon, "they're the ones who have a death wish."
"Okay, enough out of you!" He slammed a knife into my arm, eliciting a scream from me.
"What the fuck!?" Sam yelled. My head lulled back, teeth grinding from the burning in my arm, "Ania? Ania!"
"Shut up or she gets another one!" The demon yelled, pulling the knife from my arm.
"What do you want?" I groaned out, looking over at Sam and Dean's pained expressions.
"Me? Nothing. I just want to see you suffer. The big, bad Winchesters, and their pet, Ania Mendez? Killing you would make me very, very powerful downstairs." He grinned, slicing my arm a few times.
"You son of a bitch!" Dean glared daggers at the red-eyed demon, tears welling in his eyes.
"Then get it over with, asshole, I haven't got all day," I sent what I hoped was a glare his way, trying to ignore the burning in my arm and increasing numbness in my lower body.
"Tsk tsk, no darling, killing you would be too easy. First, I'm going to torture you. Make these boys watch the life slowly drain from you, then I'll move on to little Sammy, until poor little Dean is all alone." He walked over to Sam, cutting his arm and cheek a little, doing the same to Dean until he came back to me, "actually, I've just thought of something to make this way more fun. One of you, take him, the other, untie him," he pointed to the demons and then Sam, "we're going to play a little game."
One of the demons tried to possess Sam but couldn't. Idiots must not know about our tattoos.
"Dumbass! The anti-possession tattoo! Burn. It. OFF!" Sam squirmed, trying to get away from the lighter. Me and Dean screamed at them to stop, but soon Sam's cries were all we could hear. The demon tried again, taking control of Sam's body. The other demon untied him, and Sam stood between me and Dean. Red-eyes pulled out a gun and handed it to Sam, who then cocked it and raised it. "Pick one, Samuel, your precious brother, or your girlfriend." The demon let Sam back into control, but it looked like he couldn't move.
"No- I won't..." He struggled out, hand shaking and tears in his eyes. He looked over at me, mouthing 'i'm sorry', then Dean, presumably the same thing.
"DO IT! Or I'll do it for you..." Red-eyes pulled out another gun, pointing it at Deans head from behind.
"Me, Sam. Pick me." I gathered what little strength I had left to smile at him, tears threatening to leave my eyes, "I'm done for anyway."
"What? What are you talking about? No! Choose me, Sammy. You can survive without me. Spare her!" Dean growled, shaking in fear. Sam looked between us repeatedly, the sound of the safety being disarmed came from behind Dean.
"My time is limited Sam. I... I can't feel anything below my chest," His head snapped towards me, "It's okay baby, you need Dean more than me. I don't hold that against you. I'm going to die either way, at least this way I won't suffer." I smiled sadly, the fear and guilt settling in.
"I can't- I can't do this. Nia, please-" His eyes flashed black, the demon taking control, "Boss, I'm getting tired of their whining. Can we please get this over with?"
Red-eyes nodded, pressing his gun against the back of Dean's head, "Choose now, Winchester."
Sam came back, a whimper escaping his lips, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, please..." He closed his eyes, the gun slowly pointing towards me.
"I forgive you, Sam, just forgive yourself. There's nothing you could've done, nothing would've changed this outcome... I love you guys." I glanced over at Dean, his dark green eyes almost black, the pain evident in his features. He smiled gently and nodded. A gunshot rang out and everything went black.
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