#wish so bad i knew what brush this was.. i miss her..
caiabresebun · 2 years
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reigens from years ago i never wanted to post bc i wanted to clean them up but... you know how it is _(:_」∠)_
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
Scars Part One
Pairing: Azriel x Tamlin’s daughter!Reader
Plot: you are Tamlin’s only daughter who he has locked away in his estate in fear that something bad is going to happen to you. What happens when Mor decides to take you with her when she was sent to bring Feyre back to the Night Court. In a twist of fate, you discover that Azriel is your mate and while your stand off-ish at first (due to past abuse by your father), Azriel slowly gains your trust and falls in love.
A/n believe it or not this was just a quarter of the story I’m currently writing. I’m sorry the majority is just Feyre and the reader but I wanted to set everything up for the later parts.
Warning: ANGST ! ! ! Mention of abuse. Azriel just wants to be around his mate.
Word count: 2.7k
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Growing up, your father had you ordered to stay in the manor at all times. Only being able to leave the manor if you were accompanied by one of your father’s employees. Even then, you weren’t allowed to your backyard.
He became worse when Amarantha entered the picture and prohibited you from leaving your room when she would send Rhysand to check on him. Of course, Rhysand knew of your existence but kept it to himself. He knew you were innocent in all of this, and while he was still angry about what happened to his mother and sister, he wouldn’t stoop to Tamlin’s level.
Things suddenly changed for you when Tamlin brought Feyre to the manor. Yes, your father had brought other females to your home in the past, but there was something different about Feyre. You knew she was different the instant you met her, and quickly became friends. 
Since you knew how stubborn your father was, you spoke to her when your father wasn’t around. You would tell her to give him time and that you could tell your father really liked her.
Feyre would be grateful after every chat you would have and started asking Tamlin if you could accompany her on walks beyond the mansion. Tamlin wanted to refuse, but the second Feyre threatened to leave, he finally let you go with her. But just as things were looking up for you and Feyre, everything came crashing down.
Because Feyre didn’t tell Tamlin that she loved him to break the curse, Amarantha sent for your father. Luckily, he was able to hide you just in time so they wouldn’t take you with him. Even though he treated you horribly, you were sad your father was taken away and wished that there was something you could do to bring him back.
That’s when Feyre showed up at the manor a few weeks later. After telling her what happened while she was away, she promised to free your father from the curse. “Don’t worry y/n, I’ll bring him back. I promise,” Feyre swore and gave you a hug before leaving.
Feyre kept her promise and was able to break the curse Amarantha placed. Sadly, you noticed there was something off with her after she arrived from under the mountain. You tried to ask her what was wrong so you could help her process her emotions. She would try to brush it off and say she was fine, but you knew she was lying.
It didn’t help that your father became even more protective over you and Feyre. After he proposed to Feyre, he prohibited both of you from leaving the manor unless it was necessary. He also threatened to fire anyone who let you outside. While you were used to this side of your father, Feyre wasn’t, and you started worrying about her mental state.
There were several moments leading up to the wedding where you would ask Feyre if she was sure she wanted to marry your father. Even though she would say she was, you could tell she did not want to marry him. That’s why you were relieved when Rhysand popped up just as Feyre was walking down the aisle and called in the bargain he made with Feyre.
Feyre felt guilty enjoying her time away from the spring court because she missed your company. She also feared for your well-being as well and was scared Tamlin was going to hurt you while she was away. There were times when she wanted to tell Rhysand about your situation but didn’t out of fear that Tamlin would retaliate for helping you.
While she was away, your father trashed the entire mansion and became more violent towards you. He had convinced himself that you had something to do with Rhysand showing up and calling in the bargain he made with Feyre.
He only mellowed out once Feyre was back home. While you were happy to see her, especially seeing how healthy she looked, you couldn’t help but feel sad for her. You knew deep down she didn’t want to be here anymore, and you tried to hint to her that she should have stayed at the night court.
Time after time, Feyre told you that she was ok and that she was happy staying in the spring court. You almost started to believe her until your father prohibited both of you from leaving the manor. Since Feyre’s arrival, you’ve learned to ignore that rule and sneak out. Unfortunately, this time, when you tried to sneak out, you were met with a magic shield around the manor. Something inside Feyre snaps that moment and wraps herself in a cocoon of darkness.
You were genuinely terrified something bad was going to happen to Feyre and rushed over to her to break whatever trance she was in. It was then that Mor stormed into the house and was able to bring her back to reality. “Let’s go Feyre. I’m taking you away from here,” Mor told Feyre and tried to get her up.
“No,” Feyre whispered and looked over in your direction, “I can’t leave y/n behind.”
Your heart broke for Feyre at that moment because even though she was struggling, she was still looking out for you. “It’s ok Feyre. Please go, be happy outside of this prison,” you told Feyre, but she just shook her head. “Please, do it for me.”
“No, I’m not leaving you behind,” Feyre cried, and back at Mor, “she has to come with us. Tamlin is abusing her as well.”
You were ready to decline Feyre’s offer again when Mor came up to you and asked, “Do you feel safe here?” You shook your head no, “does your father abuse you?” You nodded yes, “Would you like to seek refuge in our court?” You didn’t say a word for several minutes before Mor added, “I need an answer before your father returns.”
“Yes,” you replied without a second thought, and before you knew it, you were taken away from the chaos in your home.
You passed out the moment you arrived at the night court and didn’t wake up until three days later. You were scared when you first woke up and wandered through the home until you spotted Feyre speaking with a group. Almost as if she sensed your presence, Feyre looked over at you and smiled before walking over to you, “Y/n, you’re awake.”
At that moment, Azriel felt the mating bond snap for him, and he felt his knees go weak at the sight of you. He wanted to walk up to you, and comfort you because you looked terrified, but he watched you hide behind Feyre. “It’s ok. They’re not going to hurt you. You’re safe now,” Feyre turned and hugged you before turning towards Rhysand, “Can you guys give us a moment? I need to speak with y/n in private.”
Rhysand nodded and got everyone to leave so Feyre could speak to you privately. “You have nothing to worry about. They are kind,” Feyre reassured you as she watched you fidget with your gloves.
“I know,” you replied while you studied the room you were currently in, “I already feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest, but I’m just not comfortable being around new faces.”
“You’ll get used to them, I promise,” Feyre reassured you before giving you a tight hug, “In the meantime, why don’t I give you a tour of our new home?”
Azrie, in the meantime, was pacing back and forth as he realized that not only did he find his mate, but you were also Tamlin’s daughter. Azriel let his friends know about you being his mate the second they were alone, and they remained silent because they didn’t know what to tell him. That only caused Azriel to get more nervous, which caused his shadows to go wild. Rhysand noticed his brother's nervous state and placed a hand on Azriel’s shoulder. “Can I give you a piece of advice?” Rhysand asked and snapped Azriel out of his thoughts, “Don’t tell her your mates yet. Tamlin did a real number on her, and the last thing she needs is for you to come in and claim her as your mate.” Azriel wanted to argue with Rhysand about his advice. He thought maybe if you knew you were mates, you wouldn’t be so scared, especially around him. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized his brother was right.
So he watched as you grew close with Amren and Mor while he hoped you would come around and want to spend time with him. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to wait long. While you were standoffish at first because you still didn’t fully trust males, you slowly found yourself becoming more comfortable around Rhysand, Cassian, and especially Azriel. Azriel was happy when he realized you were more comfortable being around him. He found himself seeking you out more and started inviting you out to either dinner or dancing.
You would accept every time, and soon, you realized that you had developed feelings towards him. Azriel noticed and decided to let it slip that you two were mates while having lunch on the balcony of the House of Wind. “Really?” you smiled at Azriel, “my father said I didn’t have a mate. That mates are rare, and I shouldn’t get my hopes up.”
“Your father was wrong,” Azriel replied before tugging on the bond and causing you to look at him in shock, “you are my mate, and I’ll do everything in my power to protect you from anything and anyone. That includes your father.”
Your body tensed at Azriel's words, which caused Azriel to reach over and place his hands over your covered ones. “Was he always so cruel to you?”
“Yes, he’s always been cruel,” you said softly, but Azriel was still able to hear what you said. “Ever since my mother passed away when I was an infant, my father had an obsession with keeping me safe. He would punish me if I disobeyed him,” you added before you finally decided to remove the gloves you’d been wearing since you arrived at the night court.
Azriel’s eyes landed on your arms and felt himself becoming enraged. Scars littered your hands and forearms, “How did you get these?”
“The ones on my hands were from him grabbing me too tight when I would, in his words, ‘disobey him’. These-” you motioned to the claw marks that still look fresh on your forearms, “Happened the day after Feyre returned to the spring court the first time. He was about to attack her because she looked disappointed that she was back in the spring court.” Azriel stared at you in shock. He knew Tamlin was a piece of shit, but he never imagined that he would hurt his own flesh and blood. “He told me that I had no right to get in between their arguments and ordered our staff to not treat my wounds.”
You remembered that night lividly. All of the staff stared at Tamlin in disbelief at his request. Some of them also saw you as their daughter, and it pained the staff to see you hurt and not being allowed to help you.
The only one who actually disobeyed your father's orders was Alis. She ignored Tamlin’s order, and snuck into your room at night and treated your wounds. “You shouldn’t be here. My father will punish you for helping me,” you told her as she cleaned your wounds and bandaged you up.
“I do not care,” Alis replied, “you are hurt, and I won’t let your father's pigheadedness stop me from treating these very serious wounds.”
“Thank you for being more of a parent to me than my own father.” you cried into Alis’ shoulder. Alis tried not to cry at your words and held you in her arms until you eventually fell asleep.
“I’m sorry I’m not perfect. I know these scares are ugly. and there are a lot of females who are way more gorgeous and perfect.” You rambled without looking Azriel in the eye.
“I am the last one to judge someone based on how they look.” Azriel placed his scared hands on top of yours, “You are the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen. Just like you think my scars are beautiful, I think yours are as well.” 
You smiled at Azriel’s words because you remembered the day you told Azriel you thought his hands were beautiful. He thought you were mocking him and was about to storm out of the room until you placed a kiss on top of them. While Azriel already knew he loved you, but that day, he felt like you loved him as well, even if you didn’t outright say it. 
“C-can you kiss me, please?” You asked timidly.
Azriel felt himself grinning at your request because he’d been dying to kiss you since Mor brought you to the night court. “Of course I will, my love,” Azriel replied before leaning in and kissing you.
Since this was your first kiss, you had no idea what you were supposed to do, so you let Azriel take control. “Thank you,” you managed to say when you finally pulled away but still held onto Azriel.
“There’s no need to thank me. You are my mate, and I’ll do anything for you,” Azriel caressed your cheek before leaning in and kissing you again. Unlike the first kiss, this one was more passionate, and he managed to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Azriel was about to pull you onto his lap when Rhysand let out a cough, and caused you to pull away. “I’m sorry to interrupt this intimate moment, but we have located the cauldron. We need you two inside so we can go over the plan to nullify it.” Azriel cursed his brother's name for interrupting your special moment before you both went inside.
After spending hours running the plan to nullify the cauldron, you arrived at the Hybern castle with Feyre ready to do her part. Unfortunately, you were too late. The next thing you guys knew, Jurian appeared. “No ! ! !” You cried, watching your mate get severely injured by the ash bolt that Jurian shot through his chest.
You were going to go towards him, but Mor stopped you. “Don’t,” Mor warned before the king of Hybern announced that they needed to do as he said, or else he was going to kill Azriel.
Not wanting your mate to die, you all did as the king of Hybern said and followed him into his throne room. That’s when you saw your father and Lucian in the room. Lucien gave you a sympathetic look while your father glared at you. That glare turned into concern when he spotted Feyre.
While Feyre and your father argued about her being manipulated by Rhysand, you were trying to soothe Azriel through the bond. It wasn’t until they brought out Feyre’s sisters that you realized what was happening around you. In horror, you watched as Feyre’s sisters were forced into the cauldron and turned into faes. “No,” you whispered to yourself and locked eyes with your father, who was just as surprised by the king of Hybern's actions.
Your heart broke for Feyre’s sisters, and was stunned when you heard Lucien whisper that Elain was his mate. You had the primal urge to go towards her sisters and protect them from your father and Lucien. 
Feyre stopped you and suddenly announced that they were right, and she was under Rhysand’s spell. She turned to the king and begged him to break the bond. You look at her wide-eyed until the king breaks their bond, and Feyre passes out for a few minutes. 
When she awakens, Lucien walks over to help her while Tamlin looks at you. “Break my daughter's mating bond as well. I don’t wish for her to be mated to that brute.” Tamlin demanded, which caused Feyre to panic internally.
To her relief, the king of Hybern replied with a, “No. I’ve done what you ask. You may go now.”
Tamlin was furious that the king denied his request, so he took matters into his own hands. He marched over to you and threw you over his shoulder, “he might be your mate, but I’m still your father, and I’m taking you back home.”
“Azriel !” you shouted at your injured mate. That’s when Azriel let out an agonizing cry as he watched Tamlin carry you away from him.
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chaengluva · 4 months
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Regina George x Fem!Reader: 2.6k words
You were so excited to show your girlfriend, Regina, your amazing artwork, but when you see it it’s completely ruined and when you find out who ruined it, your heart breaks. Regina finds the perfect way to cheer you up.
Warnings: Bullying, betrayal, slight angst, smut, Dom!Regina, Sub!Reader, Strap on, Eating out, Fingering, Mommy kink, don't mind Regina calling the strap her cock
I don’t usually write smut so sorry if its bad
In the beginning, Janis and Damien started to ignore you because you were dating Regina. It made you feel very lonely and Regina hated seeing you this way. You were sitting alone in art class, usually Janis and Damien would sit with you, but when they heard the news their heart broke with betrayal.
You pretended that it didn't bother you at all but it really did, they were whispering and giving you dirty looks throughout the whole class, you brushed it off and continued to paint, you were painting a mountain sight with the focus point being a waterfall. "That looks amazing Y/n!" The teacher says walking past, you smile, feeling proud of yourself, "Thanks miss."
You look over at Janis and Damien, seeing that they look at each other and roll their eyes, you sigh deeply and put your focus back on your artwork and add some final touches to the piece. The bell rang, you packed up all your stuff and left the artwork up so it could dry, you grabbed your bag and headed to the cafeteria.
You smiled when you saw Regina and quickly sat down next to her, she could feel the sadness in your body just by the way you sat down and how your smile wasn't genuine, she pulled you closer by your waist and leaned down slightly to whisper in your ear, "What's wrong baby?"
You look up at her with sad eyes, "I just don't get it, Janis and Damien will never let this grudge go." Regina sighs, pushing hair behind your ear, "Yeah It's going to take them a while to come to their senses, Let's talk about something that makes you happy?" You smile, "Well The teacher said she liked my artwork today, I really liked what I did!"
Regina smiled at you, "Well come on then, show me what you did." Regina said getting up, you smile brightly, dragging her to art class, you don't notice but Janis and Damien Smirk as you go to the art class.
You made it to the class and opened the door, confused why it's not locked. You brush it off and walk straight in and turn the lights off, you walk to where your artwork was drying, you look at it and gasp at what you see, Regina is standing behind you and gaps. "Y/n?"
Someone had poured black paint over the whole canvas, the painting was not dry yet so there was no saving the artwork, "My painting!" You gasp, this was the art work you had for an assessment that was 50% of your final grade and It was due in two days, you start to panic and the tears come to your eyes.
"It was good! Someone ruined it." You defended, she pulled you in for a hug, giving you comfort, "Don't worry baby..We will find out who did this." You nod, she wipes your tears and takes you to the principal's office.
You tell them what happened, the principle says that she'll check the footage, you ask if you allowed an extension on the assessment but she doesn't give you one, you start to panic again, Regina pulls you close to her and comforts you, "Baby it's okay, we will go to the shops after school and get whatever you need, I'll stay up with you and I'l willing to pay all the money in the world."
You smile at her words, they make you calm down and panic a little less. You wished you could get an extension but Regina knew you could do it, she knew you were talented and you could do anything if you put your mind to it.
After school the two of you rushed outside and when in her car, she drove to the art shop and you got everything that you needed, new brushes, a canvas, a canvas stand, paints, and all the other things that would make your artwork stand out from everyone else in the class.
The total ended up being over $300, Regina didn't seem to mind paying that much but you weren't going to let it go to waste. When you go to her house you set up everything straight away and began putting your full focus on that, Regina didn't want to disturb you so she went up to your room while you painted, a few hours passed and you still haven't moved from your spot, Regina came down and started to make you some dinner.
She saw that your artwork was coming along, you still had a while to go but you were doing really well for the time limited amount of time you had, she pulled you away and made you have a break while you ate your dinner, you didn't want to waste any time so you ate your food quickly and went back to painting your picture, This time Regina stayed with you, making sure that you didn't stay up too late.
It was 12am, you were staring to yawn and the artwork was almost finished, Regina came up behind you, "Babe, It's time for bed." You shook your head, determined to finish the artwork, "No.." you yawned, "I have to finish this.." Regina pulled you away and you didn't pull back this time, you still had another day and you were nearly finished so you didn't seem to mind.
The next morning, you get up early, way before Regina gets up. You start finalising your artwork, making sure that everything is done. "How long have you been up for?" A voice says, breaking the long silence. "Since 5am." Regina sighs, she sees that your artwork is finally done and it looks amazing!
You let it dry for the whole day, feeling confident about bringing it into class and showing whoever did this to your other artwork that you can get a better mark than them even though they tried to set you up. You walked into class and as soon as you sat down the principal walked in and asked you to come to the office. The whole class turned to look at you, saying "ooooo"
You rolled your eyes and got up and walked to the office with her, when you got there, you saw Janis and Damien sitting there, looking guilty, you walked in looking confused. "We found out that these are the people who ruined your artwork."
You looked at them and all the years you spent together had all gone to waste, you didn't even let them say a thing, you ran out and headed to the oval, you ran into someone, you looked up and thankfully it's your girlfriend. "Baby? What's wrong?" She asks, pulling you in for a hug. "J-Janis and Damien were the ones who ruined my artwork."
"Oh baby." She hugged you tighter as she thought of payback, but then she looked back at you and realised that she doesn't need to get those pathetic losers back. You redid your artwork and she knows that Janis and Damien will get the punishment they deserve. (She will definitely be getting them back)
Regina took you back to her place straight after, you were really hurt with what the the people you called your friends did to you, Regina knew how sad you were and how hurt you were, she comforted you, cuddling you close on her big bed, she would whisper sweet words into your ear, playing with your hair.
You had stopped crying after a while, Regina noticed your body to feel lighter and more relaxed, she looked at your face and smiled brightly to see that you were fast asleep, she quickly got up and set up a movie night for the two of you, downstairs, she made her mom cook dinner because she doesn't know how to cook.
While her mom was cooking she sat down on the bench and looked up pranks, but not one of them was good enough revenge for what Janis and Damien did.
"Mom.." She mumbled, getting her attention, her mom looked up, "Yes honey." Her mom said, Regina took a deep sigh before asking, "If someone who you love friends did something really bad to them, would you want to get revenge?" She looks at her daughter, rolling her eyes, "No."
Regina rolls her eyes back, "We think the opposite, are you sure I wasn't switched at birth?" Her mum giggles, continuing to scroll through her phone, still not being able to find anything that seems worth wasting her time on.
She hears light feet walk down the stairs, she smiles brightly, running up to you rubbing your eyes, you're still slightly tired but you feel much better then when you did before. "Baby, change into this shirt and tracksuit pants! We can be matching and post cute Instagram pictures." You smile brightly and jump up, wrapping your legs around her waist, she can't help but smile at your cuteness.
She carries you into the living room, the both of you change into the matching outfits, she takes a few photos of you and you take a few photos of her, and a few selfies together, she smiles as she choses her favourite ones to post to Instagram, putting a cute caption, she gets so many likes as soon as she clicks post, it's still shocking to you. The two of you sat on the couch, you were sitting between her legs, back against her front, arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
Minutes later, Regina's mom comes out with dinner, the two of you eat while picking a movie, deciding on a cheesy rom-com. "Regina! Your dad and I are going out, I can trust you to not burn the house down?" Regina nods, rolling her eyes.
As soon as the door closes, Regina starts kissing your neck, leaving dark spots all over, her arms go inside your shirt and grab your breasts, giving them a tight squeeze making you let out a loud moan, she smirks, giving you small kisses on the back of your neck, she hears your whimpers and whines and she knows that you want her, which only makes her want you more, she flips the two of you around, so you lying down on the couch and she's hovering over you. "Are we doing this?"
You nod smiling, taking your shirt off, allowing her to kiss your breasts, leaving more dark spots, she sticks her tongue  out and licks in between your breast, all the way back up to your lips, repositioning herself so now she's stranding your hips, she kisses you again, this time more slow and sloppy, when you pull away, strings of saliva fall down slowly after.
Regina's hands slowly go down and inside your tracksuit pants, she tickles your inner thighs, making you squirm, she looks down and see's that you're hating the teasing she's doing. "You want this?" She asks, kissing your forehead. You nod, not being able to even think of words at this point in time. She shakes her head, unsatisfied with your answer, "Words baby." You glared into her eyes, "Yes. I want it."
She pulled her hand out of your tracksuit pants, leaving you a little confused, she repositioned herself again so she was sat up right on the couch, leaning back, arm resting on the arm rest beside her, "Then earn it." She said, clicking her fingers, pointing to the floor in front of her, you were still confused, Regina laughed at how clueless  you were- she found it so cute. "Get on your knees."
You nodded and quickly rushed to get on your knees in front of her, she spread her legs and took her tracksuits pants off, carelessly throwing them somewhere. You stared up at the breath taking goddess, not wanting to do anything without her permission. She took her panties off and you were surprised by how wet she already was, the scene only made you more wet and you had to rub your thighs to allow some friction in between your legs. "Come on, don't make mommy wait." She said, gripping your hair, shoving you into her pussy.
You liked her clit, making Regina let out a loud moan, she gripped your hair tighter, shoving you further in, you shoved her tongue inside her, she let out another loud moan, gripping your hair up so you can look into your eyes, she stared down into your eyes, smirking at how submissive your eyes looked. You moved your tongue around, making Regina moan louder, she knew she was close, "Fuck baby, I'm gonna come."
You don't stop, you continue to give your girlfriend pleasure, she moans loudly and started grinding on your face, seconds later, she releases all over your face, your still on your knees and Regina is breathing heavily from the pleasure, once she catches her breath, she leans down, holding her finger under your chin to make you look up at her. "You did so good." she pats the couch next to her, telling you to lie down. You do as you told and lie down next to her.
She pulls your pants off, "Wait here." She says in a firm voice, going somewhere, she comes back with a blindfold and something behind her back, she puts the blindfold on your, you can't see anything but the little bit of light that was coming in the room. You heard clicking you were a little confused, a few seconds later you felt more weight added to the couch and a firm grip on your legs.
"I'm going to put your legs over my shoulders." She said, she wasn't asking, she pulled them over your shoulders and you felt the tip of her strap touch your entrance, you moaned slightly, you covered your mouth, she groaned and leaned forward, taking off the hand and your blindfold, staring into your eyes, you stared down and saw how big the strap was. "Regina.. It's to big."
Regina just laughs, kissing your lips, "I'll make it fit," She says, sitting back up, "And it's mommy." She corrects, she a lines the tip up with your entrance and with one forceful thrust she shoves it in, hitting your g-spot right away, you moaned loudly, she kept on thrusting inside you, kissing your lips to block out your loud moans, the room filled with kisses and wet sounds, you gasp at how good she makes you feel, "M-mommy. I'm gonna cum."
She hums in satisfaction, "Cum baby, Cum on my cock." She whispers in your ear, sucking on the area around it. You finally release, all over the strap, she pulls it out and takes it off, laying down next to you, pulling you in for a hug, she played with your hair and calmed you down from your heavy breathing.
"Baby, do you want to take a bath." Regina asks, kissing Your forehead. You nodded your head and she picked you up, taking care of you.
When you feel asleep she got out of bed and thought of the perfect plan on how to get Janis and Damien back.
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leilanihours · 2 months
🎥37 with kate!!
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pairing: kate martin x reader
word count: 616
warnings: smut (MDNI), phone sex, mutual masturbation
prompt: "fuck, i love the sounds you make."
⭑ from lani: kate being needy 😩 ts is also very filthy so. be prepared for lots of...dialogue.
celly masterlist !
main masterlist !
"I NEED YOU," was all kate said after you answered her phone call. as soon as you heard those words come out of her mouth, you knew exactly what she wanted.
"you miss me that badly?" you tease, hand already toying with the hem of your pajama shorts.
"so badly, y/n, you don't even know," she sighs.
"want me to help you?"
"well, since you asked so nicely," you smile, even though she can't see you, "touch yourself for me, baby."
on the other side of the line, kate has slipped her hand underneath her sweatpants and boxers, lightly running two fingers through her already-wet folds.
"tell me how much you miss me, kate," you say slowly, reaching a hand up your own shirt to brush over your nipples.
"i miss you so fucking bad," she breathes out, "miss the way you kiss me, the way you fuck me. god, i'm so wet just thinking about you."
"yeah? you dripping already?" you hear her hum in confirmation, "want you to fuck yourself, baby, pretend your fingers are mine. you remember how i do it right?"
"mmm, tell me," she moans with her eyes closed, just wanting to hear you talk.
"slowly push your fingers in your tight cunt, okay? think you can do two for me?"
by now you're soaking wet, too, the thought of your hot girlfriend touching herself turning you on immensely.
"yes, fuck," kate sighs, "feels so good, wish it was you."
"i know, baby, i know," you agree, beginning to play with your clit under your underwear, "wanna speed up for me?"
she obliges, heavenly yet sinful moans leaving her pink lips as she begins to fuck herself faster. her hips buck up against her own fingers, desperately searching for release.
"you make me feel so good, kate, even over the phone," you groan as you also begin shamelessly fucking yourself with your fingers.
"yeah? you playing with that pretty pussy?"
"yes, shit-" you gasp as your fingers brush against your g-spot.
"good girl, let me hear you," her fingers work faster, ramming into her cunt.
the only sounds heard on the call are moans and the distant sounds of each of your pussies soaking your fingers.
"fuck, kate, i need you so bad," you whine.
"i'm almost there, baby, keep talking," she practically begs.
"want you to fuck me so hard when i get there, want you to make me feel so good, oh fuck-" your hips stutter against your fingers, chasing your incoming high.
you can't hold back your pornographic moans as you fuck up into your hand, picturing your girlfriend's instead of your own.
"fuck, i love the sounds you make," kate moans, "gonna make me come."
"yeah? gonna come all over your fingers?"
"yes, baby, shit-" she pants, "want you to come with me."
"i'm almost there."
"i'm gonna fuck you so hard when i see you, better than your fingers can."
"fuck yes," kate sighs, feeling the knot in her stomach tighten, "i'm gonna come- oh shit-"
as soon as you hear her say those words, you feel yourself release all over your hand and your underwear.
kate continues grinding as she hears you yelp at your climax, the buzz she feels throughout her bidy adding to the pleasure.
"shit, kate," you sigh with a smile.
"remind me - when do you fly in?" she asks lowly as she gets up to wash her hands and put her clothes back on.
"in two days."
"too damn long," she shakes her head.
"but it'll make seeing me that much better," you point out.
"you mean it'll make fucking you that much better?"
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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dumbseee · 1 year
united in grief.
f1 au/fic: in which, you’re jules bianchi’s little sister. you’re the same age as charles and grew up with him, when jules passed away your world completely fell apart, and you left monaco for paris. eight years after jules’s death you finally decide to comeback to monaco to visit your old friend.
charles leclerc x bianchi!reader.
fc: madison beer.
warnings: mention of jules bianchi, grief, angst, fluff.
note: happy eighth heavenly birthday, jules, we will always love and remember you, champion 🤍
y/n just posted a story!
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caption: missed you monaco 🤍
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you really thought about going back for a while, you missed you life in monaco so much. all your friends were here, your family was here, even after jules’s death they stayed, but you couldn’t. every step you took in the luxurious city reminded you of your brother. his presence was everywhere. you were seventeen when you lost jules, he was your whole world, you always wished you were the one in that car. you left monaco for paris because you needed a fresh start in a new city where you could walk without feeling the people’s eyes on you. but a small part of your heart wondered if leaving monaco meant that you were abandoning jules too. he was buried there after all, his soul was now forever in monaco and you were leaving to run away from him.
but your parents reassured you, and told you to fly with your own wings, to find your way, that no matter what jules would be proud of you, and would follow you because he was now your guardian angel. that reassured you a lot since your worst fear was to disappoint him. but your parents were right, jules was an angel when he was still here, and he’s still one up there. so whenever you felt bad, defeated, sad, you knew jules was around you, that gave you the strength to stand up and stay strong. you had to, for your brother. to make him proud.
that’s why you decided to attend today’s race. the monaco grand prix, your brother’s home race. he loved that circuit so much because he knew his friends and family were watching him and cheering for him. you came back without telling anyone, but of course your mother had to tell pascale, so the elderly woman immediately called you to invite you to have lunch with her and lorenzo, her oldest son. you couldn’t say no, because you missed the leclerc, but also because you knew how much you leaving hurt them. you left without saying goodbye, it was too hard for you, so once jules’s funeral was over, you packed your bag and left.
pascale and lorenzo welcomed you with open arms and big smiles, the mother apologised for charles and arthur’s absence but they were busy. charles… you were glad he wasn’t here because you didn’t know how you’d be able to look him in the eye. "you should go to the grand prix with us." lorenzo had told you, with his usual warm smile. at first you refused, but after thinking it over you realised that you owned it to charles, you left him behind when he was also mourning. of course it was harder for you since he was your brother, but jules was everything to charles. his second older brother, he was also lorenzo’s best friend. you hated yourself for being such a selfish coward. guilt was eating you alive and lorenzo noticed it. "don’t be too hard on yourself y/n, jules isn’t going to be happy." he smiled and you had to fight back your tears.
so you came with the leclerc to charles’ home race, you knew that your presence would be the only talk in town and on the internet. "oh my god, y/n!" someone yelled from behind you and you smiled when you saw ‘little arthur’ like you called him back then. he ran to you and made you spin in his arms. you laughed and brushed his hair when he finally put you down. "look at you! where is my little boy?" you asked, still laughing. he flexed his muscles and flashed you a cocky smile before pascale came to hit him in the head. "where is charles?" she asked. "getting ready in the garage, he’s really nervous, i think you should go say hi." he told you. you immediately took a step back, you were nervous as hell too, but for different reasons than charles. what if he didn’t want to see you? what if seeing you ruin his race? what if-… "he still talks about you y/n, he misses you so much you have no idea." pascale chimes in, patting your shoulder.
you were in front of charles’ driver room, you knew that he was just behind it. you could hear voices inside which had to be charles and his teammate. you closed you eyes and knocked three times before waiting. a tall and tan man opened the door for you, he smiled at you and you recognised him as carlos sainz. "isa is waiting for me, see you on track charles." he told charles. "it’s nice seeing you here, y/n." you smiled and watched him go. you took a deep breath before walking into the room. your hands were sweaty and you didn’t know where to look. "y/n?" you haven’t heard his voice in nearly a decade, so him calling your name startled you. "h-…" you couldn’t even finish that charles had closed the gap between you, pulling you in his arms. his face was buried in your neck and his arms were hugging you tightly. you were completely frozen, you didn’t expect him to be that affectionate after what you did to him. "charles, i’m so sorry for leaving." tears were now rolling down your cheeks. he broke the hug and immediately wiped your tears.
"sorry for what?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. his hands rested on your shoulders, his touch soothing you. "i’m not mad at you for leaving, y/n. i just wished i was here with you to help you through the grieving process." he smiled and you looked at the ground. he was too good to you, you didn’t deserve it. "you lost jules too, i acted like i was the only one grieving, i didn’t realise the impact my brother had on people’s lives." charles gently kissed your forehead and stroked your cheek. "let’s talk about that later, let me enjoy your presence, you don’t know how much i missed you." he hugged you once again, and this time you wrapped your arms around him, savouring the moment. "my lucky charm is back in town." you couldn’t refrain your laugh at his cheesy comment.
"and charles leclerc wins the monaco grand prix for the first time in his career!" the whole stadium cheered for the monegasque meanwhile you couldn’t stop crying. he won. he won in monaco. it was his goal and he did it. pascale hugged you while cheering for her son, lorenzo and arthur ran to their brother. but you stayed in your seat, looking at him jumping everywhere and celebrating with his brothers and carlos. then, when he turned around to face your direction he did something that sent shivers all over your body. he pointed at you, then at his heart, and then at the sky. this was jules’s celebration every time he’d win something and you were there to support him. he honoured jules even when he finally fulfilled his dream. "jules, you are so loved." you muttered to yourself, looking up at the bright sky.
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, philippe_bianchi17 and 2 682 789 others.
y/n: coming back in monaco was hard, but i wanted to be here for charlie, i was scared at first because i knew that i handled my brother’s death terribly but in eight years i forgot how kind you were. i finally understood why jules loved you so much. congratulations on winning your first grand prix in monaco! i’m so proud of the man you became charles, i know that my brother is proud of you and will always look after you. je t’aime charlie ♥️
charles_leclerc: this one was for you, and of course jules, i’m so happy to have you back, je t’aime aussi ♥️
fan1: i can’t stop crying wtf
fan2: jules’ death affected everyone, even the people who never even met him, like me, he was such an angel
fan3: your brother is proud of you y/n! don’t be too hard on yourself!
fan4: we love you!
fan5: so happy to see you healthy!
fan6: man, this family suffered too much, i hope they’re happy now
fan7: charles and y/n relationship is so cute omg
fan8: the way he dedicated his win to the bianchi siblings 🥺
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goldsainz · 1 year
HIS LUCKY CHARM — one shot.
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pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: lando is disappointed you can’t make it to his home race, only to be surprised at the end.
request: “Hi! Could you write something about Lando and reader when she surprise him on race day. Lando is sad when she told can't do this on his home race bc something important with her work but after all she appears on Sunday on track. He is more than happy with that and archive good resolut be she is his lucky charm”
warnings: teeny tiny bit of angst, a probably not accurate depiction of the garage
NOTE: WHAT A RACE!! loved the lando+lewis podium, also oscar was great 🫶 anyway, to celebrate have this little thing, thank you sm for requesting bc this inspired me a lot (you kinda manifested the good result???) i added a shameless cameo in there, i just couldnt help myself! (the ending is rushed, ignore it😁)
[ word count: 2,2k ]
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“I’m so sorry, Lando.” Is what you say to your boyfriend when you have to break the bad news to him.
“It’s okay.” His face breaks into a broken smile, with glossy eyes he holds your hands and brushes his thumbs up and down your palms.
“I’ll still tune in.” 
“I know.”
“I’ll be rooting for you.” 
“I know.”
You take your hands from his hold, and place them around his neck. You watch as his right posture lightly relaxes at your touch. 
“I don’t wanna miss it. You know I don’t.” 
You wish your job wasn’t as demanding as it was, that it didn’t make you fly to another country in the middle of your boyfriend’s home Grand Prix. But it does. And you’re not sure how to handle the emotional stress it inflicts on you both, and you sure hope it doesn’t affect him in a way that will mess up his race.
“And if I could make it, I would.” 
“It’s alright. It’s your job, I know it’s not your fault.” Even though Lando’s words seem reassuring, and he means them with his whole heart; you still feel guilty. 
With that, he stands up and makes his way to the kitchen of your shared apartment. You watch him leave, and with a heavy heart start to pack whatever stuff you need for your trip. It destroys you to see him sad so close to his home race, a time where he should be joyous, only worried about the car and nothing more. 
You’re not sure how you’re going to make it up to him, but you will.
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You were being a little secretive, and you were sure Lando definitely noticed. 
Your boss and you had managed to come to an arrangement which allowed you to be present for the race. It would all be very tight in timing, but nothing that couldn’t be accomplished. It involved a lot of overworking the days before, but it was very much worth it.
You could already imagine the face Lando would make when he finally saw you. Whether he got a good result or not, there was no doubt you wanted to be there with him. 
It took a lot of care for you to arrive at the paddock almost incognito, with fans already speculating why you weren't at his home race. Thankfully no break-up rumours had surfaced, but there were a couple hurtful ones that made you want to be present even more. 
But you knew that no matter how much Lando acted like he was oblivious to what happened around him, his silly act was simply that; an act. You didn't like keeping secrets from him, it felt wrong to have to blatantly lie to him whilst everyone around him knew something he didn't. Still, it would all work out in the end.
Lando’s family had been so happy to see you in the paddock. His grandma (who adored you) hugged you as tightly as she could, quickly bidding you goodbye when you told her you had to go to the garage quickly to get prepared for the race. 
There was no doubt that the tingly feeling of nerves creeped up on you the moment you spotted all the engineers and people moving around, getting everything that needed to be set up wrapped up so the race could go smoothly. Zak was already at the pit wall, and Lando was sitting in his car ready for the formation lap to begin. 
At the garage you spotted Florence Pugh, who had a McLaren headset on. You had seen her on the paddock, but wasn't aware of the fact that she had come to the race invited by McLaren. You tried not to freak out, you saw celebrities almost everywhere when you came to races or went out with Lando. Still, the actress had a special place in your heart.
It took a little of hyping yourself up, and confidence to walk up to her, but you did. You would be sharing the garage for an hour and a half, the least you could do is socialise a little. 
“Hi! I’m Y/N.” You said to Florence watching her turn around with a smile on her face.
“Hello!” She says, greeting you like you were an old friend. “I’m Florence”
“You’re a McLaren fan?” 
“Honestly, I’m more of a Lewis fan.” She said with a laugh, keeping ehr voice just loud enough so you could hear her.
“I get that. I mean, who isn’t?” 
The conversation flowed for a little more until the race was about to start. You excused yourself and moved to an area closer to the screen, where you could watch Lando close-up. You loved being in the garage because of the different screens and the attention to their drivers, that allowed you to experience the race in different ways.
Your headset was adjusted and you were awaiting the moment where David Croft would say it’s lights out. Your knee was slightly bouncing, but you tried your best to contain the nerves. 
“It lights out and away we go!” Exclaims David Croft, his voice echoing through the garage.
You watch as Lando has a great start, and it takes about a second for him to take the lead. You hear the roar of the crowd before you can even react.
“Yes! Go Lando!” You scream, your voice doesn't make anyone flinch because everyone around you has the same reaction. It is a sight to behold, a moment you are more than grateful to see live. 
“I can’t believe it.” Someone next to you says, and you can't help but smile. 
It is no secret how badly the season started for McLaaren. You watched Lando’s smile waver more than once, his faith in the team never wavering, but still. He was rightfully let down by the performance of the adr,a dn you had to reassure him multiple times that it wasn't his fault. Because he was doing the best that he could with what he had. 
So now, seeing him get to this moment, is absolutely deserved.
A couple of laps go by and Max takes the lead for your boyfriend. There is disappointment in the atmosphere, but everyone knows that P2 is a miracle and that Lando is doing absolutely great work out there. They all know how great it would be to have him finish in that position, especially since Oscar is P3. 
Getting a podium in Silverstone would mean the world to Lando, Which is why you're worried about what will happen when they pit. Whatever strategy they choose will determine if Lando gets podium or not, and you will not pretend to really know what happens or how they come up with strategies, but you hope that they dont mess up his race because of wrong timing or choose the wrong tyres. 
As you watch his car race, you suddenly see on the screen that one of the Haas cars has come to a halt. A safety car is deployed, which means a couple of cars will choose to change tyres. The whole garage groans when Lewis’s car comes out in front of Oscar’s after he pits, now challenging Lando’s position.
It’s like you can’t breathe between those laps that Lando and Lewis battle for P2. Everyone is at the edge of their seats watching them race against the other, and you hope that this doesn't end up running both their races. The last thing anyone wants is for them to crash, because going from that position to a DNF would result in disappointment for everyone involved.
“Come on, Lando! Come on!” You scream, your palms intertwined in front of you as you watch him fight for his position. 
Thankfully, Lando manages to maintain his standing and leaves Lewis behind him for good. The hard compound tyres he was pitted for are giving him a tough time, you know that it is not ideal. Not when he could've lost his position, but with just 10 laps to go your faith in him is over the roof. 
You’re on twitter, refreshing your timeline to see if there is anything you missed. The fans are so enthusiastic, their comments make you smile. Even if there are people out there who don't like Lando, there are even more who love him and want nothing but the best for him. 
You watch as Florence is escorted out of the garage since she will be waving the flag. You watch her face light up in excitement, and in all her excitement she still waves at you. You don't waste a second in waving right back at her, turning your head right after to the screens.
The moment Lando crosses the finish line the McLaren garage erupts in cheers. You hug whoever is next to you, a teary smile pulling at your lips. You cannot help the tears that fall down your face, you usually don't get that emotional during a race, but this is his home race and he is on the podium. If there is any time to cry, this is it. 
You are almost running to the barriers, waiting for the moment that Lando steps out of his car and goes to celebrate with the team. You are wearing his merch, something that will surely stand out to him, enough that in his podium haze he will spot you. 
He goes up to the team, his helmet now long gone, and that is when he sees you.
You who told him you couldn't make it, are suddenly there. 
In a flash he moves in front of you. You cannot tell him anything because in an instant he is grabbing you, squeezing you so tight he lifts you up from the ground in excitement, you giggle right in his ear and he is sure that that is the most beautiful sound he will ever hear. He is careful not to take the barrier with him, not wanting a warning from the stewards.
After a couple seconds you pull back slightly enough to see his face. Your hands waste no time in grabbing his face and placing his lips right over  yours. Lando reacts almost immediately, melting right into the kiss, the adrenaline from the race still pumping through his veins. You can hear some cameras click, and the cheer from some people, but you ignore it.
You have to pull back eventually, not because you want to, but because there is so much to say and not enough time, not to forget the fact that he has yet to go to the podium.
“I cannot believe you’re here.” He whispers right over your lips, his sticky forehead pressed against yours.
“I couldn’t miss this.” You say, watching as his lips pull into a grin.
“I was pretty cool out there, wasn't I?” You snort at his words, separating from him but his hands never leave your waist.
“Oscar was really cool.” His grip on your waist tightens, “I haven’t properly congratulated him yet, actually.”
Someone from the team says something to him, you're sure they're telling him to wrap your conversation up because he has to go up to the podium. 
“You were great out there.” You tell him, your eyes holding all the sincerity in the world. You watch his gaze soften at your words, and he places a quick peck as he finally lets you out of his hold.
“Of course I was,” You shake your head at his smugness, “My lucky charm was here.”
You cannot help the tears that well up in your eyes at the softness of his words. You know that the celebrations and compliments are not over, but for now they are. You step back a little from the barrier, seeing as he is rushed to the podium and joins his fellow drivers on the steps. 
You smile up at him, watching as he grabs the champagne. He moves it around a little and then hits it against the ground, effectively bringing back the iconic champagne spike he does whenever he is on the podium. 
Lando sprays it everywhere, and you're almost sure a little hits you. Your theory is confirmed when he is smiling widely at you, like a kid caught doing something he should but isn't the least bit sorry. You laugh at his antics, which in turn makes him smile even wider (which you're not sure how it's even possible). 
When the champagne runs out, his gaze catches yours once more. You mouth an “I love you” to him, watching from afar as he blushes. A second after he returns the sentiment, mouthing it back and blowing you a kiss.
You thank your boss in your head for letting you be here with him, because if you hadn't been here with him you would've sure felt horrible for it. 
After all, Lando needs his lucky charm with him and you're more than happy to oblige to his wishes.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
The Carrot (The Surprise, Part 11)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, absolute smut, oral, idk just sex, pregnancy times, established relationship, explicit language (I'm bad at these but let me know if I'm missing anything) Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Emily surprises you with breakfast in bed for your first Mother's Day. But you've got a Mother's Day surprise of your own up your sleeve...
Week 21: The Carrot
“Rise and shine, honey.”
You stretched and opened your eyes, smiling as you took in Emily standing above you holding a breakfast tray. You pulled yourself into a sitting position.
“What’s all this for?” you asked as she placed the tray over your lap. Coffee (decaf), a warm croissant, and a tiny little sprig of baby’s breath–your favorite flowers–in a miniature jar. You grabbed Emily’s hand as she stood, pulling her back down so you could kiss her.
She smiled into you. “It’s Mother’s Day.”
Your heart soared. So cute. So kind and thoughtful, your wife.
“This is so sweet of you, Em. But, uh…” You nibbled on your croissant. “Mother’s Day was last weekend.”
“I know that,” she insisted, climbing into bed to sit next to you. “But I wasn’t here last weekend.” She took a sip of your coffee and you swatted at her arm.
“Hey!” you protested. “You can’t give me Mother’s Day breakfast and then eat the breakfast.”
“I can. I’m also a mother.” She took a bite of your croissant and grinned mischievously at you.
You felt a little guilty. You hadn’t even thought about Mother’s Day, except to call your own mom and wish her a happy one. Maybe you should have done something for Emily. You’d have to think about what to get her.
“What do you want her to call you?” you asked, taking your coffee back and sipping on it. You hadn’t discussed it yet–what the baby would call you both. “I want to be Mama, I think. If it’s okay with you.”
Emily looked at you lovingly, brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. She nodded. “You can be Mama. You’ll be a perfect Mama.”
You blushed and smiled softly.
“What are you gonna be?”
“I haven’t really thought about it,” she admitted, leaning her head against your shoulder. “Maybe Maman. Like in France.”
“That’s pretty.” You laced your fingers with hers, smiling as her eyebrows furrowed and she bit her lip. You loved her thinking face. In fact, you couldn’t stop looking at her thinking face. She smelled like an almond croissant and her lips were so full and so kissable, and her skin was soft against your fingers and wow your sex drive was through the roof during this trimester. “You’re pretty,” you added, more to yourself than anything.
“What?” she said, looking at you, eyes twinkling.
Suddenly, you knew exactly what to get Emily for Mother’s Day. You lifted up the tray and set it on the nightstand, turning to face her, sinking your fingertips into the skin that peeked out from under her shirt and moving your face so close to hers that you could feel her breath on your lips.
“She could call you Mommy.”
Emily blinked, flustered. “W-what?”
“Or, even better,” you added, placing a sensual kiss on her neck. “I could call you Mommy.”
“Oh my god,” Emily groaned, placing her hands on your waist, already breathing heavily.
“You like that?”
She nodded, moaning as you ran your tongue up her neck and landed at her mouth, kissing her deeply.
You made out with her there on the bed, high on the knowledge that you were getting her so riled up, your mouth roaming her neck, her shoulders, her collarbone, and always, always her lips. You couldn’t get enough of her lips.
When you had her so desperate that her hips were pushing into you, you pulled away and leaned in to press your lips to her ear. “I need you, Mommy,” you whispered.
“Holy fucking shit,” Emily said breathily. “Anything, I’ll do anything.”
You sat back and she shot forward, desperate to touch you. “I want you…” you started, smirking, laying back on the bed beside her as her chest heaved. She hung on your every word. It was intoxicating. “To ride my face.”
Emily looked like she might pass out, eyes glazed, breath heavy and desperate. “Are you serious?” she asked, panting.
You leaned up to tug down on the waistband of her sweats. “Please, Mommy,” you said, licking your lips.
Emily had never undressed faster. She crashed her lips into yours, chest pressed against you, your hands searching out her nipples to drive her even crazier. You were drunk on the power you had right now.
“You’re sure?” she confirmed again, sitting up as she straddled your waist.
You ran your thumb lightly over her clit and she shuddered. “I want to taste you.”
Emily shakily moved herself up to straddle your face and your stomach did flips. She was nearly dripping and, yet still, she held herself back from lowering onto you, as if she was scared she’d hurt you. Impatient to bury your face in her, you wrapped your arms around her thighs and pulled her down, moaning as her taste hit your tongue.
You were in heaven. It was rare for Emily to let herself go like this, to let you be in charge, to do what you told her to. But if the sounds she was making were any indication of how you were doing, you’d say you were doing very well.
She started slow, fighting against the urge to grind herself into you as hard as she could. She didn’t want to hurt you. She was afraid of herself, of her own strength, but more than that, of the strength of her desire.
But you used your nose to encourage her, dragging it back and forth along her clit as your tongue explored her entrance, lapping up every bit of her that she could give you. You felt lightheaded. Would you faint? Maybe. Would it be worth it? God, yes.
Her soft little grunts and groans came faster and faster as she thrust against your face, using the headboard to pull for even more friction. You reached a hand up to squeeze one of her breasts and she moaned.
You knew Emily. You knew what she felt like, what she sounded like. You knew the way her walls fluttered when she was about to go over the edge, and you could feel her getting close.
You hummed into her and she gasped. “Come on, Mommy,” you teased her, your voice vibrating into her. “Let it go. Come for me. Come on my face.”
And Emily lost it. She was usually quiet when she came, but not today. She whimpered and whined as she rode out her high, soaking your face and you drank up every last bit of her, lapping and lapping until she squirmed away. She collapsed at your side, heaving and flushed beet red from her face to her chest.
She giggled, grinning, as she tried to catch her breath. You kissed her cheek, feeling unreasonably proud of yourself. She turned to look at you and brushed your sticky hair out of your face.
“Jesus,” Emily chuckled. “You’re a mess.”
“Good?” you asked, raising your eyebrows and smirking. 
“Amazing,” she gushed. “Fuck.”
You kissed her again, letting her taste herself on your tongue. She curled around you, resting her head on your chest.
“Happy Not Mother’s Day, honey,” you said, kissing the top of her head.
“Happy Not Mother’s Day,” she whispered into your chest, placing a gentle hand on your baby bump.
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monst · 1 month
Locked in
Dick Grayson x Gn. Reader
Extra: Fluff, And very mild taco sauce angst
     You were content with watching him from your spot on the couch, Haley’s head on your lap while you gave her scritches. You hadn’t seen him in a while. An off-planet Titan’s mission that kept him from your grasp for longer than both of you expected. And to no one's surprise, he’s returned to more work. You admired his work ethic but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t wish he’d take it easy. 
     “I hope you’re thinking of me over there~” You heard him chime from his seat at the kitchen table. 
     “Kinda.” you sniff “I’m thinking of how peacefully quiet it was when you were gone.” 
     “Ouch,” He laughs. “And here I was, thinking of you~” You know that tone, and you know he’s baiting you into feeling bad. And it’s working. You try your luck and peek up from petting Haley. You breathe out through your nose at the look he’s giving you. Big blue eyes fraught with faux sadness, His pretty lips pursed in a tempting pout. You crack when he furrows his brows looking utterly pitiful. With an exaggerated huff, you relent. 
      But you aren’t going to make it easy for him. You bite your lip looking between the doggo’s ears and fluttering your lashes at him shyly. “I missed you.” You don’t quite manage the coy tone you were aiming for, you're too earnest, as it’s the truth. You did miss him. A lot. His act drops instantly. The lines around his mouth pinch and he averts his gaze. 
     “But not that much.” You add. “I really enjoyed being able to use a blanket.” You lay the breadcrumbs and the Robin pecks. 
     “You’re saying I hog the sheets?!” He scoffs mock offense dripping from each syllable. You don’t waste time quickly narrowing your eyes, the memories of shivering in the night as he steals them away aren’t that far away! He’s raising his arms in defense “Okay so maybe I do… sometimes.” 
     “Sometimes?” You press. 
     “Well, I haven’t recently.” He grins, but there’s a tightness to the corners of his eyes as the joke slips past. 
     “Well, you're here to steal them now…” 
      You can tell that it’s still eating at him. Always feeling guilty that man, you roll your eyes fondly. His bad habits have grown on you too much for you to resent them. However, knowing him he’ll try to make it up to you even if you’re not bothered. You knew what you were getting into when you cast your lot with him. And you know you’ll let him play out his ‘atonement.’
      “Can I make it up to you?” And there it was. 
      “Yeah, you can start by finishing up over there so that you can come cuddle us.” You can see the tension melt from his shoulders at your words. And the sounds of his fingers against the keyboard resume. You yawn into your hand after a few minutes, your eyelids heavy. 
       “Or..” You look over to see his eyes already on you. “You can come here and cuddle me while I work?” He’s batting those pretty eyes at you as if you're not already unfolding your legs and standing. You leave the puppy to sleep as you leave the living room. Your hands slide across his back and over his broad shoulders. You kiss his cheek, laughing when he grumbles about you missing. 
      “As nice as this is, this isn’t what I meant.” He hums. His calloused palms grasp your forearm and you allow him to position you in front of him. He uses his legs to push the chair from under the wooden table. 
      “Dick.” You begin. 
      “I missed you too.” he cut in, patting his lap to drive his point home. “And it’s late, what if you fall asleep and we can’t cuddle?” He’s giving you that look again. All innocent and boy Scout blue and you're instantly suspicious. 
      “Fine. But I don’t see how you're going to get anything done like this.” You climb onto his lap and his arms wrap around your waist to pull you closer. “And no funny business” you add trying not to brush against his fresh wounds. He lets out a sulky ‘Aw man’ before he shuffles you both forward until you feel the wood resting against your back. His head is over your shoulder as he continues to type. Slower than he would have before, due to the awkward angle. You almost fall asleep that way, the soft rise and fall of his chest against yours, the rhythmic tapping of the keys. That is until you feel his lips against your head. 
   “‘m sorry.” 
   “Nothing to be sorry for.” You yawn, your fingers playing with his hair. 
   “You deserve a present partner.” He mumbles. 
   “And you, a patient one, Pumpkin I do miss you when you're gone but I Swear that I don't mind waiting” Your lips press against his scratchy stubble. “Not when I know you always come back.” You both ignore the blaring siren of what his not returning would mean. “‘Told you I'm locked in, are you?”
      He smiled, kissing your temple. “Always angel.” You'd have this conversation again. When he comes back to you from yet another mission all banged up and guilty. Absolutely no doubt about it. But you're here to stay, for as long as you have together, you’re locked in. 
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Mothers Daughter🕊️
Summary: Being the youngest of the winchesters had its ups and downs, but being the only girl made you miss out on a female figure, so the only thing you can do is ask the men around you about your mother
Pairing: Dean Winchester x lil sister, Sam Winchester x lil sister, John Winchester x daughter
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You never got to meet you mother she died 6 months after you were born, well when you and Sam were born, he was older than you by 5 minutes and still treated you like his little sister but you couldn’t ask for 2 better bigger brothers, they were always there for you and made sure you were okay
Being the youngest and only girl in the family it got hard sometimes, when you were little it wasn’t as big of a deal, John treated you like his little girl and loved you dearly always reminding you that you looked like Mary, your brothers treating you like a princess and let you play with dolls, but as you got older and you got more woman problems it was hard to handle since there was no motherly figure to turn too
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You woke up in the motel you were currently staying at with John, Sam and Dean, late at night you got up feeling groggy and your stomach aching so bad, nothing like you’ve ever felt before, you got to the bathroom looking in the mirror seeing how pale you had gotten, thinking maybe it was just something you ate you went to use the washroom but when you pulled down your pants all you see is blood and you panic
You pull your pants back up dropping to the ground when another wave of pain hits your lower stomach
“DADDY!” You scream out scared you might be serious sick
He runs in frantic looking around for danger, probably thinking something supernatural was out to get you, he kneeled infront of you brushing your hair back
“Baby what’s wrong?”
“Somethings wrong, I’m bleeding a lot and….and it hurts so bad” you say breathing heavy just wishing for him to take you pain away
“Oh princess, it’s your period every woman goes through it, I’ll run out and get you some pads and pain killers, drink some water I’ll be right back”
When he left Sam and Dean came and sat with you on the bathroom floor, doing everything they could to comfort you, but you were still confused on what was happening
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That happened when you were 14 and after John explained to you what a period was you felt so different from your brothers, every month you had to go through pain while they carried on with hunting, having to go through bouts of random emotions was irritating but what was worse was having your body change and not knowing what to do
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“Damn sis your legs are just about as hairy as mine” Dean laughed as we were all sat around in another motel, you felt so embarrassed covering your legs under the blankets
“Dean enough” John said as he saw your bottom lip tremble
“Daddy I don’t understand why do I have to change like this my legs are hairy and my boobs are getting bigger and I don’t feel comfortable”
“Come on princess I’ll take you shopping”
He took you to a drug store find a training bra that fit comfortably and some razors, the drive home was a little quiet
“I’m sorry daddy, I don’t mean to inconvenience you I know you have a lot on your plate right now with this werewolf case”
“It’s not your fault, and you’re not an inconvenience, just wish your mother was here to help guide you on this”
Your mother was a sore topic for the family which is all the more reason you wish you knew her, they barely talk about her
You got back to the motel room and Sam was already asleep but Dean was up watching tv still, John got ready for bed while you sat at the little table working on some homework Dean coming to sit with you, he was 19 so he didn’t have to do any schooling anymore
“Dean can I ask you something?” You sighed putting your pencil down
“Sure kid, what’s got your little head worrying?”
“Do you….i mean I never knew her but…..do you like mom would have liked me?”
He looked surprised not expecting that question, you saw John come out of the washroom seeing Dean expression and your nervous state
“What’s going on?”
“She…..she asked if mom would have liked her”
You were scared that he was going to yell at you, but you were just so desperate to have a mom or even a older strong woman figure to look up to
“Daddy I’m sorry I just…..I feel so different and you always say I remind you of mom, I just miss someone I never knew and it hurts”
“I’m not made princess, I’m sorry you and the boys don’t have your mother but I’m trying my best, and your mother would have loved you, I remember when she found out she was having twins she was so excited and when you were born and we saw you were a little girl she always said she felt this connection with you, how she’d cradle you and you’d immediately relax against her, she had so much planned for you Angel, she told me to wait till your 16th birthday to give you this but it’s close enough” he got up rummaging through his bag pulling out a little box
You opened it to see a silver necklace with a protection charm, just like the one John had tattooed
“I love it, thank you, I hope where ever she is she’s proud of me”
“Hey kid, we’re all proud of you” Dean smiled helping you put the necklace on
“She couldn’t have left me with better protectors, I love all three of you”
“Love you too princess, forever”
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You were 22 now and on a run with all three Winchester boys, you had just finished getting the colt back from some vampires and trying to make a game plan so that John would accept you help, Sammy was driving and you and Dean were in the back
“Daddy please just take a break for a second, let us help I…….i miss you” bright lights burned you eyes before everything crashed and everything went black
You opened your eyes to see you were in a field full of flowers, not a worry in the world just the calming feeling of wind in your hair, bees buzzing by, no vampires or demons or anything just peace, then a woman in white appeared next to you
“You’re so beautiful” she smiled brushing your hair back
“Who are you?”
“I’m your mother dear, don’t tell me those boys haven’t showed you a picture of me” you shook your head but then you realized what she said, your mother was sitting next to you
“Mom…..it’s you!” You wrapped your arms around her feeling her warmth that you craved for
“But if it’s really you then…..am I dead?” You asked scared
“You got in a crash, the boys are waiting for you back there but if you want you can stay with me, we can be happy just mother and daughter, you can stay with me”
“But I haven’t lived yet, I don’t wanna leave Sammy or Dean and I can’t leave dad like that, I just got him back”
“It’s your choice baby, but either way I’m always with you” she said pointing at my necklace
A bright light above stung your eyes slowly coming into focus, seeing everyone surrounding you bed
“There she is, god sis you terrified us” Sam said wrapping his arms around you
“Princess why are you crying?” John asked worried your in pain
“I saw her” you whispered still in shock
“I think she still got drugs in her system” Dean laughed
“No I saw her, it was mom” everyone went still
“She said I could stay with her, wherever I was it was peaceful and free of evil but….i had to come back I just got you back dad and I can’t just leave my brothers you’ll tear eachother apart without me here” you smile
“I ain’t leaving anytime soon baby girl”
You went to sit up but pain shot through your body
“Good driving Sam, how is it you all look like you got in a little bar fight and I’m the one in this hospital bed…….any serious damage?”
“Doc said you got a concussion, broken rib and some nasty cuts on your face”
“But I’ll be okay?”
“We won’t let anything happen to you, never again”
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Requests are open for supernatural or the walking dead:)🩶
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 2 months
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𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡: 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈 | 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐕
Pairing: demon!chan x reader x demon!minho Genre: Smut (and a ton of plot for once) Word count: 8.5k Warnings: almost dying, manipulative felix, whole ton of plot, p in v sex, unprotected sex, harassment (not by the boys), minor character death, suicide, very brief dry humping, degrading, fingering, lazy depictions of blood, marking again >.>, etc... (i think i got them all sorry if i missed something. not proofread... i got lazy im sorry
A/N: I'm really trying to work on how i write scary things and describe situations sooo bear with me if the parts that would be "scary" are varying in intensity. i'm gonna cry cus my power went out and the desktop shut off so i lost my SMAU.... i'll post it tomorrow i guess.
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Shadows of forgotten reap. They hound and haunt the weak. Those who wish to wield the devil's wrath forget not all the patient are safe from the aftermath...
You woke up late. Again. Walking into the office you saw your coworkers giving you sideways looks. Yeah, you were screwed. You sat at your desk and were about to start working when your boss, Mr. Cho, walked past your desk.
Everyone greeted him but as he passed he tapped your desk and motioned for you to follow him.
Jaehwa gave you a wide eyed look. Soojin crossed her fingers. As you trailed behind the man to his office your shoulder brushed Juwon's. He looked at you for. a moment before he kept walking.
Mr. Cho opened the door and motioned for you to enter, you took a deep breath and walked in. He closed the door and motioned for you to sit in the chair across from his desk before he finally... FINALLY spoke.
"Ms. L/n..." he hummed softly, looking at some papers on his desk as he sat down. "You're very good at what you do."
"Thank you sir." You nodded slightly.
"Being good at something doesn't warrant your recent performance though..."
"I'm not done." He looked at you with a very irritated expression. "The rumors going around are also a major workplace disturbance, I will be having a similar conversation with Mr. Yu."
You bristled Juwon had taken the rejection and gone what rumors could there possibly be, "Mr. Yu has nothing to-" You started.
He raised a brow at you.
You went quiet.
"I don't think you understand what I'm trying to convey." Mr. Cho, leaned forward, clasping his hands on the desk. "I'm going to fire you."
Your eyes went wide. "Mr. Cho I-"
"You've done a great deal for our company and our news but your terrible performance now far outweighs what you've done here n the past." He shrugged. "There's nothing I can do."
"Mr. Cho, I- You don't understand how badly I need this job! I can take more hou-"
"Ms. L/n." He smiled slightly. It was an unsettling smile that made you feel icky. "You're a beautiful young woman. You don't really need this job based on the rumors your boyfriend is incredibly well off."
"Mr. Cho I'm not going to rely on a man to take care of me." You clenched your fists under the desk.
"Then I can't help you."
You bit your lip and sucked in a frustrated breath.
You looked up.
"As I said before Ms. L/n you're a very beautiful young woman with such... potential." He stood and walked around the desk, resting his hands on your shoulders. "I can help you keep this job.. at a cost."
You stiffened. "Excuse me?" You stood, turning to face the man.
"I know you're not stupid, Y/n." He leaned in close, " You know exactly what I'm talking about."
You stared at him. This man...
"Choice is yours." He breathed, hot breath against your face.
This man was a depraved fuck. You moved from between him and the desk, trying to go to the door.
He grabbed your forearm. "Y/n I'm offering you the bet thing I can at the moment."
You let out a dry laugh. "If you think I'm doing that you're crazy."
"How bad would it look if the board knew you jumped into Juwon's bed after one drink?" He pulled you back to him. "You need this job Y/n. How long do you think that boyfriend of yours is going to be there?"
You wrenched your hand away. "You can't say a thing about-"
"This is your only chance at having a job." He grabbed at your waist.
You shoved him. "Mr. Cho. Don't hurry in firing me. I'll submit my resignation." You turned and walked out of the office.
Soojin was waiting for you outside. "What happened?"
You didn't say a word as you grabbed your things and went to the elevator.
"Y/n!" Jaehwa ran to you from his desk.
"Girl-" Soojin started.
"I'll see you guys around okay?" You snapped as you slammed the button on the elevator to go down.
"What happened in there?" Jaehwa pressed gently.
"It doesn't matter." You felt the tears welling in your eyes.
You looked up at the sound of Juwon's voice. He looked guilty..
"I'm sorry- why are you cryi-" He started.
"Leave me alone damn it!" You shouted. "Are you happy?!"
"Come on I didn't want this to happen!" He reached for you.
You pulled back. "Stay the fuck away from me Juwon!"
The elevator doors finally opened and as you were about to storm in and close them you were staring right at a dark suit, straining against hard muscle. You looked up at Chan.
He looked right past you at Juwon.
Jaehwa's mouth fell open as did many passersby as they saw Chan.
"Chan-" You started but he grabbed your hand and pushed past Juwon, walking straight through the cubicles and to your boss's office.
Your boss looked up from his work as Chan threw the door open. The man's eyes widened for a brief moment as he saw you being dragged by Chan. "Can I help you?" He asked.
Chan stared at Mr. Cho before closing the door.
You tensed, "Cha-" You tried to grab the enraged demon but before you could he was looming over your boss.
He muttered something in the man's ear and you watched as Mr. Cho froze in fear. Chan turned around and grabbed your hand again, dragging you out of the office and to the elevator. "You don't need this." He grabbed your work ID card and tossed it on the floor.
He jammed the button for the elevator to go down and pulled you in.
Juwon sprinted to the elevator and Chan smiled as the doors closed. He looked at you. "You don't ned this job. You'll live with me."
"With you?" You looked up at him. "In that hell house??!"
"Hey!" Chan huffed. "I built that house with my own mind."
"You're a psycho." You muttered, hugging yourself.
Chan frowned at you. "I'm a maniac, there's a difference."
You laughed slightly and Chan smiled at you.
You were sitting in your apartment, staring into space the next day when the bell rang. You stood expecting it to be Chan telling you start packing but as you approached the door, hand outstretched to the doorknob, your tattoo burned.
Don't open it...
You bit your lip and stared at the door, you relaxed after a moment and turned to go sit back down. But the bell rang again.
You didn't move and held your breath for a moment. Then you heard the banging on the door.
"Police. Open up."
You froze. Why? You were about to open the door when the tattoo sent a burning pain up your neck and down your arm and back. You couldn't make a sound and held onto the wall.
Do NOT open that door.
You slid to the floor in pain, trying to stop the pain. It was excruciating, like your skin was being burned off. You half walked, half dragged yourself to the bathroom and tried to reach the sink.
You crumbled at the bathroom door and almost, almost screamed, you felt like you were on fire. Your vision darkened and when you opened your eyes again you saw a room you hadn't before.
A hallway on fire. At the end of the hallway stood an angel, wings spread wide, his back was to you, all you could see was his blonde hair.
You walked towards him, the walls were going up in flames but there he stood. As the flames began to lick at the beautiful feathers of his right wing. You shouted at him, urging him to run, flee the flames of hell fire, but no sound out.
The flames completely enveloped his right wing, devouring the soft feathers and scorching the limb to the bone.
He crumbled clutching his right shoulder as the skin singed. And the wing.. fell to ashes..
He squeezed his shoulder, the burnt skin raw jagged bone where his wing once was remaining, jutting out of the burned flesh. And then he whipped his head around to face you.
The angel was him. The man in the flower field, freckled face, blonde hair and all.. but his eyes. One beautiful, vibrant blue eye and one black as the void between your world and that of Chan.
You reached for the angel, but arms wrapped around you followed by four big black feathered wings and you were drawn back.
Your head was pounding. And someone was screaming crying.
"Y/N!" a woman's voice, you knew this voice all too well.
"Y/N! WAKE UP!" A man.
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?!" And the deepest voice you'd ever heard.
Your eyes flew open and you sat up.
Soojin grabbed your hands. "Y/N! Calm down!"
You stared around frantically. Soojin, Jaehwa, that freckled face...
The doctor came up to you and started looking you over.
"Y/n." He kneeled beside your hospital bed. "Are you okay? What happened?" he reached for your hand.
The door to your room opened. Chan stood there, eyes wide, he looked scared. But his expression went from panic to anger. His eyes drifting from you to the freckled man.
He stood and looked at Chan. Soojin looked between the two men.
Jaehwa cleared his throat. "How is she doc?"
"She's fine." The doctor put her stethoscope away. "Who's in charge of her?"
The freckled man opened his mouth but Chan quickly interjected. "Me. I'm her boyfriend." He moved past the freckled man to your side and took your hand.
"I see, I can't identify exactly why she passed out but just make sure she's taking enough fluids and isn't overworking herself. If she feels dizzy, bring her back in, alright?"
Chan nodded. "Thank you doctor."
"My pleasure." The doctor nodded and left the room.
Chan looked at the freckled man.
The freckled man looked from Chan to you and back at Chan.
Chan's eyes narrowed.
"I'll take my leave." the freckled man looked at you.
"Soojin. Jaehwa." You smiled at your friends. "I'm fine. You guys can go."
Soojin walked to the other side of your bed and hugged you. "If you say so.."
Jaehwa smiled. "Take care of yourself."
You nodded and smiled.
Chan looked at you as Jaehwa closed the door behind him. "You've seen him."
You looked into Chan's eyes. "What is he?"
Chan bit his lip. "The only one of us who didn't fall all the way. Stay away from him."
You were in your apartment packing a week later, when Soojin came knocking on your door. She took you back to your old office to collect your things. You were siting through what was important to you and what wasn't when Soojin sighed.
"What is it?" You looked at her.
"You didn't hear the news?" She raised a brow before shrugging. "Then again you were fired-"
"Quit. I quit." You corrected her.
"Yeah sorry." She laughed. "But... Mr. Cho killed himself..."
Your eyes widened. "What...?"
"He hung himself in his house apparently, his mistress found him dead and called his wife." Soojin shook her head. "It's sad though, he wasn't a good guy but he was good at managing this place."
"He..." You sat on the floor, staring at the box of your things. You remembered how Chan whispered in Mr. Cho's ear, how Chan scared the man who was harassing you with one stare, how Chan made the freckled man leave.. He didn't... right? He wouldn't....
"Look... whatever made him do that... it must have been a lot.." Soojin closed a box and slid it to you. "We can't be happy he's dead, you can't wish that on anyone..."
You stared at the box of your things and sighed before putting on the lid. "He should rest in peace."
Soojin helped you carry a box down while you carried the other, putting them in her car before driving you back home. You smiled at your fried as you got out of the car and walked back to your apartment. You got in the elevator to go up to your floor ad as you got in a man with baseball cap pulled lower over his face entered.
You didn't think much of it, staring at the number going up on the little screen above the elevator door instead. 2... 3... 4... 5... 6....
The bell dinged at floor 14 and you got off, walking to your door and entering your apartment before locking the door behind you.
You looked at a package on the floor and picked it up, the address read, Lee Sungjin, Staaa St, Apt 153, Seoul, Korea.
You sighed, they always sent the neighbors packages to your apartment, what would Ms Lee downstairs do without you. You set the package on your counter and decided to give it to her the following day. You took a shower to relax before going to wipe the steam from the mirror.
As your palm pressed to the damp glass and you swept it across your eyes widened. The man with the baseball cap was in your mirror behind you. You whipped around only to be greeted by the wall.
"I'm paranoid." You muttered, deciding to brush your teeth and get some sleep. As you got into bed you heard a tapping on your window and glanced at it.
Probably a bird. You shrugged and got into bed.
Another tapping, louder now, and faster, as if whatever was tapping was trying to get your attention. You were about to get up when the tattoo burned. You grabbed it.
Don't go to that window.
The freckled man flashed through your mind for a minute. No... it's something else...
For a brief moment you debated forcing yourself to sleep and running until you found Chan, but then you immediately decided against it. You tilted your head slightly to see what was behind the glass, what could possibly be on the fourteenth floor tapping on your window if not a bird.
You stayed back from the window, easing your body to the end of your bed to see out of the window to your right.
As the full view of the window came into view you relaxed, there was nothing there.
You jumped and shrieked, at the mutilated face in your window, skin charred and body shriveled. It slammed its hand on your window, no longer interested in luring you with its tapping.
You fell back off the bed and scrambled into the corner as it banged on the window desperately trying to get in.
You covered your ears and closed your eyes before arms wrapped around you.
"Sssshhhhh..." That lazy, tired voice said softly. Your eyes grew heavy and before you fell asleep you looked up at the man, he had a pretty face, chubby cheeks and eyes like a starry night.
You glanced at the window as you heard it shatter.
"Sleep... I can only help if you sleep.." he breathed.
And you buried your face into his chest and shut the world out before your mind gave into sleep.
You blinked the sleep from your eyes as you heard piano music. You sat up straight, looking around, you saw Chan at the piano, his hair dark unlike all the other times you'd seen him in your dreams.
"Can you play?" He asked, back turned to you.
"No.." You said softly.
"Come." he motioned for you to sit with him.
You walked to him and sat, he took your right hand in his left and set it on the keys. You turned to him. "I can't play.."
"Doesn't matter. Hit the keys like a mad woman if you want.." He smiled gently.
You blinked several times before pressing a random key. You moved your hands along the keys tapping black and white keys just smiling at how the notes melded together in a chaotic sound.
Chan watched you for a moment before finally saying, "You know I want to protect you right..."
Your hands froze.
"There's so many things I want to show you.."
There was a pause, in which you wanted to ask him. But he couldn't have. Not aft-
"I know what you're thinking and what you want to ask." He whispered.
You looked at him. "Did you?"
"No." He sighed. "I don't kill people pointlessly. Even if I wanted to.."
"I knew you couldn't have..." You relaxed.
He tilted his head. "Then why were you wondering?"
"You and your brothers are unpredictable is all." You laughed at the look on his face.
"Maybe I should be more predictable so you aren't always on your toes." He smiled, not a prideful smirk or a small shy smile but a real teasing smile and your heart fluttered. He took your hand in his and whispered, "I know it seems like we don't care but trust that we do.." He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it gently before muttering. "And I will protect you myself. No matter what.."
You stared at demon in front of you. He looked so human to you, so natural and real as you reached your hand out and caressed his cheek.
He leaned into your touch and opened his mouth to speak but you kissed him before he could get a word out. He relaxed and kissed you back, pulling you against him.
You gasped softly as he fell against your bed, you straddling him, he looked up at you, his pretty dark eyes locked on yours. He laid there beneath you only in a pair of sweatpants, his hands were set on your thighs, thumbs gently tracing circles. You touched his chest hand moving lower to his chiseled abdomen.
"Are you just going to admire me?" He laughed slightly.
You rolled your eyes and leaned down, your lips meeting in a tender kiss that he quickly turned hot and passionate, tongue forcing it's way into your mouth. You moaned softly and felt the smirk growing on his lips before he flipped you over, smiling down at you. He pulled your shirt off your body, lips going to assault your neck. For a moment you stared at the window but Chan grabbed you face and made you look at him.
"it's gone." He muttered, "It's just us." He looked into your eyes. "They know not to touch what's mine when I'm here." He moved lower kissing your abdomen and down to your thighs nipping at the skin.
You let out a soft sigh grabbing his hair. Chan pulled off your pajama pants and kissed your clothed heat before dragging the panties off your legs. His lips wrapped around your clit, as he eased two of his fingers into you. You let out a soft cry squirmed, his free hand came up to hold your hip.
You whined and bucked but he held you firmly, the hand moving to press down on your center. "No.." He said lowly.
The vibrations drew a moan from you and Chan hummed, fingers moving slowly, aggravatingly so. You whined and bucked slightly.
He looked up at you, "Say please."
"Your ego is so huge." You muttered.
"I'll take that as a compliment." He smiled.
You rolled your eyes. "Please.."
"Good girl." He pulled out his fingers and kissed your stomach, climbing on top of you.
You tugged at his sweats and he smiled removing them with your assistance before kicking them off his legs and to the floor. He kissed you gently as he sank into you.
You whimpered at the stretch and he smirked slightly. "Too big?"
You bucked your hips up to his. The demon gasped and glared at you.
You smiled innocently. Chan smirked and muttered. "I'll take that as a no.." He gripped your hips and pulled out before slamming into you again, your body jerked up the mattress as he set a brutal rhythm, fucking into you hard. You moaned and gripped the sheets.
Chan's hand found yours and pressed it into the mattress, the sound of skin smacking skin filling the room as his cock bullied into you. "Look at me when I'm making you cum." He muttered, leaning down, his lips hovering over yours.
You looked up into his eyes and your pussy clenched. He groaned and let go of your hand in favor of holding your face gently. "So tight.. so perfect..." He grunted against your lips before kissing you hard. His tongue clashing with yours, swallowing your cries as he moved faster, spiking your g-spot again and again.
His hand moved to grip your throat gently. "So pretty.." he pulled back, "Are you going to cum for me? Show me how much you love taking my dick?"
You nodded, mewling as his grip tightened slightly on your throat, not to hurt you just to keep you in place, yet your hands still flew up to grip his wrist and forearm, for something to ground you as he plowed into you.
"Cum for me." He moaned o low it came out in almost a growl.
Another buck of his hips sent you toppling over the edge and he let himself fall over you, grinding into you as he reached his peak with you. Groaning and muttering, "You did so good for me..." he kissed your cheek gently and pulled himself off you, rolling onto his side and hugging you to his chest.
"Thank you.." You muttered softly.
He looked down at you, "What for?"
"For always saving me." You kissed his pec and watched in the moonlight pouring in from your window as his ears turned red.
You giggled.
"There's really so much I want to tell you." he said quietly.
"Why not tell me now?" You poked him.
"Because I don't think you're ready yet." He said simply.
"Oh but fuck me why don't you." You rolled your eyes slightly.
"Should I?" He smirked at you.
"Not literally-" You started but he kissed you, effectively shutting you up.
You woke up the next morning and found Chan next to you, hair a mess, peacefully sleeping. You took him in, you caressed his face gently, and took a moment to just admire him.
His eyes opened slightly and he said softly, "I can feel you staring, y'know."
Your face got hot. "That's not fair! You can't jus-"
Chan kissed you gently and smacked you with a pillow before sprinting to your bathroom. He poked his head out and stuck his tongue out at you before closing the door.
You stared in shock for a moment, pulling the blanket over your chest. When did he become so playful...
You crumbled to your knees outside the apartment. You saw the blood plastered on the wall, in an ugly horrendous smelling, splat. Your hands immediately flew to your face and you dropped the package, one of the police walked out and grabbed you. "You shouldn't be here ma'am-" He started.
Your eyes widened, silencing the man as one of his fellow officers said "We found her.."
You felt sick to your stomach at the sight of her, eyes gone, the jaw slack open like the bones connecting her jaw were broken, you were about to pass out at the sight of her body from the breasts down burned.. shriveled like- a memory of the thing at your window a few days before flashed in your mind as you fell and Chan caught you.
"Y/n..." He shook you slightly.
You remembered the man in the elevator, how he hid his face. The thing in the window, the way you felt the hands round your throat. You trembled. And whoever killed Mr. Cho..
Chan shook you again and you looked at him. He took in your face for a moment before he looked up, eyes widening, he held you a little tighter, his eyes emitting a violet glow. You heard his voice in your head before you reached for him.
Something was here.
You didn't move a muscle. You had never seen Chan like this. Even with the whole Juwon situation. He looked genuinely concerned and the aura of possessiveness you felt radiating from him was almost overbearing.
It's not safe here...
You looked up at him as he lifted you in his arms. Why wasn't it safe? What happened to Ms. Lee? Why was Chan acting like this?
We'll come back for your stuff another day.
Soemthing told you to pick up the package and as you moved to do so Chan swept it up and moved to carry you away when a police officer stopped him.
"May I ask you two a few questions?"
Chan looked at him for a moment. "She's in shock. Try again later." He tried to move past the policeman.
"Sir, this woman came here as if knowing something happened."
You stiffened and Chan lowered you to your feet, stepping between you and the officer.
"Chan-" You started but you felt it again, the overbearing possessive aura radiating off him.
"She doesn't know anything." Chan said lowly.
The policeman's eyes widened slightly before he relaxed. "Whatever you say.." He moved aside.
Chan pulled you behind him briskly. You looked back at the policeman but he was gone. You blinked in confusion for a moment and turned to look at the demon dragging you. "Wha-"
"There's no time." Chan said before pressing the down button on the elevator. "It's not safe here anymore."
You were about to ask why but he pushed you into the elevator and pushed the button to your floor. As the elevator when down one floor Chan ushered you into the hall and you grabbed your keys about to start looking but then you saw him. The man with the baseball cap, only now you could see his eyes from under the hat, completely black with thin red slits. He turned to you completely but Chan put you behind him and stared daggers at the man in front of your door.
Chan backed up to the elevator and pushed the button to go down.
You looked at him as the elevator descended to the ground floor. "What-"
Chan looked at you. "You... are a very valuable human."
You leaned against the railing of the balcony of your hotel room. Chan had left you here while he got everything else ready for your move to his house. You stared at the city lights below, it was a very expensive hotel, and despite your protests that a less lavish place would be better Chan refused stating the security knew you and would defend you very well.
You hugged yourself for a moment, thinking about everything. Mr. Cho's suicide, how brutally Ms. Lee was murdered, the thing you saw outside your window that night, the man with the baseball hat standing outside your apartment. You looked at the package in your hands.
"I've been looking for a minute to catch you alone." a deep voice said behind you. That deep voice.
You turned to look at the freckled man, the angel. He took a step towards you and you took a step back, holding the package tightly
"Are you afraid of me?" He reached for you but hesitated, eyes flicking to the mark on your neck.
You didn't answer, debating if you could sprint past him back into your hotel room.
"I wouldn't do that." He smiled sweetly. "Let's just talk okay?"
You dodged as he reached to touch you again. "I'll scream..."
"What has Chan told you..." He walked towards you.
You took a step back and then you were pressed against the railing. "What's important."
"Has he?" The man took another step and you tensed. "You have no where left to go but down. So, let's talk. So neither of us fall."
"What do you want?"
"Don't you want to know why those things are looking for you?" He lifted his hand and a leather book appeared in a cloud of black. He held it out to you. "Don't you want to know what Chan did to you?"
The mark on your neck burned. You looked at the book and then back at the... what was he? He wasn't an angel, you didn't think anymore...
"Well?" He shook it in front of you temptingly.
You bit your lip. "What's in it?"
"What you're looking for."
The mark on your neck throbbed but you almost couldn't feel the pain as you reached for the book.
Someone's here...
A smile spread across his face as your finger tips met the aged leather of the book.
You moved to the railing and started to open the book's first page.
"Go ahead." He pushed the book fully into your hand.
You flipped it back at his face. He stumbled catching the book before you threw yourself back off the side of the balcony.
"What are you-" he bellowed, running to the edge as you fell back. His face hardened as you landed securely in Changbin's arms.
The demon spread huge bat wings, bracing his impact against the side of the hotel. "Chan sent me." He pulled his wings in close before pushing away from the building.
You looked at the... angel? still on your balcony. He watched you go for a moment.
"Why isn't he following..." You asked quietly.
Changbin pulled up and slowed down, stopping the air whooshing past your ears. "Even if he could throw himself with enough momentum, he can't fly. Not anymore."
You remembered how one of his wings fell from his back in ash. "Oh.."
You stayed quiet most of the way to Chan's home, you blinked a few times, trying not to fall asleep.
Changbin smiled. "You can sleep, I won't drop you. But what's that package..?"
You looked at Ms. Lee's parcel for a moment. "Something for a friend." You said softly.
He kept flying without pushing anymore. You yawned after a while and did fall asleep. It was the first time you'd slept well in so long, even though it was a short nap (Changbin's landing wasn't the best).
You jolted awake as he stumbled wings flailing backwards to halt his stumbling. He smiled sheepishly, apologizing for waking you as he set you down, motioning to the large house behind you. "Tada!" He smiled. "Awesome right?"
You nodded, looking at the white bmw outside the house. You had never seen that car before.
"Oh," Changbin motioned to it. "Minho's."
You nodded.
He led you into the house and Chan was waiting with Hyunjin in the foyer. The latter ran to you the moment his rose colored eyes set on you. He grabbed your shoulders, inspecting you from head to toe for a moment before Chan pulled him back. He searched your face for a moment and turned to Changbin, "He followed?"
Changbin shook his head and sighed. "I flew pretty fast."
Chan nodded and smiled at you, looking at Hyunjin, "Take her, I have to deal with something."
Hyunjin smiled and motioned for you to follow. As you were going to follow him, he put his arm in front of you, you looked towards the spiral stairs where Hyunjin's gaze was locked.
Minho came down the steps and he stared at you before looking at Chan. "Really?"
"Listen-" Chan started.
"Nope." Minho turned on his heel and went back up the stairs.
"Don't mind him." Hyunjin took your hand and led you up the stairs and around the corner motioning to a door. "Changbin is there. He pointed to the room across the hall from it, "Jisung," He motioned to the door next to it and stopped. He sucked in a breath and motioned to the last five, "Jeongin, mine, Seungmin, Minho, and all the way at the end of the hall is Chan."
"Where am I-" you started.
"In Chan's room."
You turned to look at him. "Huh-"
Hyunjin blinked. "Or would you prefer mine...? Jeongin and Changbin sleep pretty uncomfortably, and I think Minho might actually feed you to his pets. Seungmin would do something stupid. and.. Jisung doesn't exactly have a bed."
You pursed your lips. "It's fine.."
"Chan barely sleeps anyway, that's why he wanted you to take his bed." Hyunjin smiled and motioned to his bedroom door. "I'm right there if you need anything."
"Thanks..." You blinked.
"Of course." He kissed your cheek gently and smiled. "Sleep well."
You opened the door to Chan's room and entered slowly, looking around, it was different from the room you'd see in your dreams, there was still a desk in the corner, his big bed, with soft dark sheets but there was a TV, a door to his bathroom and another to his closet.
You opened it and looked at his clothes, most of the things were dark, dark blues and greys and so much black. You stared at the few white shirts he had and huffed softly. "No pjs."
You looked at the other side at his more casual wear and smiled slightly as you were greeted by a dark hoodie. You changed out of your clothes from that day into the hoodie and your underwear and tossed around the pillows a bit on the bed before deeming it comfortable enough and getting under the covers. You looked around for the remote a bit before you found it on the nightstand on the other side of the bed. You reached and turned on the TV, flipping aimlessly through the channels.
You found some random horror movie to watch and stared at it for a moment. After a few seconds the killer came around and stabbed one of the characters multiple times before stomping on them. You cringed, the camera panned down to the person laying lifeless, jaw slack as if broken. Your stomach flipped and your turned off the TV.
You kept replaying it in your head. We found her.
The sight of Ms. Lee's mutilated corpse.
"You seem upset..."
You jumped as Chan slid into the bed next to you.
"It's just me." he laughed and looked at you, eyes locked on yours before he whispered. "Don't watch movies like that."
"Sorry." You muttered, leaning against him.
"Don't apologize." he hugged you to him.
You didn't say anything to that as his hand rubbed your shoulder gently.
"What did he tell you?" he finally said, you wouldn;t have heard if the room wasn't so quiet.
"He had a book.." You replied.
Chan didn't respond but he tensed and you looked up at him.
"He said he could tell me what you couldn't."
"Do you believe him?" Chan asked, gaze on the blank TV screen.
"Good." He whispered, kissing your head gently. "Go to sleep, 'kay?"
You nodded and tried to relax.
You honestly didn't know when you fell asleep, but you woke up in the field of flowers and stood.
You turned a couple of times, confused.
The man stood there, his eyes a vibrant blue. His lips started moving but you couldn't hear him. Why couldn't you hear him...
He noticed your confused expression and his face fell, he bent over, grabbing a bunch of flowers and grass, using them to write out, "You can't hear me?"
You nodded.
He kicked the flowers and looked very angry for a moment before he grabbed them and started spelling something out but he stopped, standing to his full height he looked at you.
You blinked and took a step back. He shook his head frantically before tapping his wrist.
"We don't have time...?"
He nodded, pointing to his neck then at you, then his ears before crossing his arms.
"I can't hear you because of my neck... oh? the tattoo?"
He nodded fervently and bit his lip, brows furrowing, he pointed to his neck again.
"The tattoo?"
He raked his thumb across his throat in a slit motion.
"The tattoo is going to kill me?"
He smiled and nodded.
You looked down for a moment. "How? Why? Chan wouldn't- he-"
He held his hand out and the leather bound book flew past the flowers and into his grasp.
He used his free hand to make a drinking motion.
He shook his head, you noticed the sun was darkening, the man's movements becoming more desperate. His eyes widened and he mimicked rubbing them before yawning and doing the drinking motion.
"Coffee?" You guessed.
He nodded and tapped his wrist before lifting both hands into the air, straight up in a point.
"At noon..." You tilted your head, "Where-"
He shrugged and pointed to you.
You were about to guess again but the ground shook and split open beneath you. You grabbed around in the dark before closing your eyes tightly. And you fell back into your body, you opened your eyes slowly and looked around the room.. You were alone.
The next morning you saw someone in the kitcen, recognizing Minho you turned on your heel and tried to run somewhere else but you were stopped by a "You're not that sneaky."
"Oh come o-" You started.
Minho stabbed the knife he was using to cut the fruit into the cutting board and looked over his shoulder at you. "Are you so scared of me?"
"You came at me with a power drill-"
"You're human."
"Wow thanks for noticing." You rolled your eyes and walked into the kitchen, muttering to yourself as you fiddled with the coffee maker.
Once you got the coffee going, it was quiet all except for the soft trickle of the coffee into the pot.
Minho went to the stove and started making eggs. "Hand me that." he motioned to the pepper.
You handed it to him and he kept shook a little onto the eggs.
"Can you cut that?" he motioned to an onion. "Rough chop."
You did as he told you and he hummed softly when he took them from you. When majority of the things were done you smiled, turning to get a mug from the cabinet, coffee, finally...
You paused as Minho pressed behind you, breathing in your ear. "Is something wrong?"
You held your breath half expecting him to snap your head off, but he rested a hand on your hip.
"So easily scared but such big talk." He huffed a small laugh. "Stupid human."
Your face burned as he handed you a mug, "I'm not stupid..."
"You sure?" He tilted your head so you looked up at him.
Your heart stopped, when he didn't look like he wanted to kill you, he was really attractive.
"You humans faces really give away so much stuff about you." he mumbled, you could feel his breath on your lips. "No wonder Chan likes you. Such a slut." he pulled your hair and you gasped. He pressed harder against you, crotch rubbing against your ass as he breathed, "Lucky me I didn't mark you." He pulled away leaving you feeling hot and bothered.
"Hey!" You huffed, rubbing the back of your head.
He grabbed mug from the cabinet and walked over the coffee maker as if he hadn't just disrespected you like that.
"Asshole." You muttered.
He turned back to whatever he was doing, sipping his coffee, and for a brief moment you swore you saw a small smile on his face.
You somehow made it out of the house without Chan or the others suspicion, it was one meet up.. nothing could go wrong.
Or so you thought.
You went to a coffee shop near the house in case you needed to book it, you weren't afraid of him (you were), what could he possibly do? He couldn't even fly (but neither could you).
"The tattoo makes you more attractive to demons. Chan claimed you." He huffed softly. "It's also why you can't hear me."
"What does the tattoo have to do with the things I've seen?" You pursed your lips.
"Those things.. are demons ." He looked at his cocoa, "Think about how many demons want a part of the strongest's power? To crawl up to his level of strength?" He huffed a laugh. "The Sin of Pride isn't something to be tossed around uselessly." He leaned forward, and for a brief moment his eyes looked manic. "So, why would he choose a human like you..."
You squeezed your mug and exhaled.
He slid the book across the table. "This has more answers."
You looked at it. "What is it...?"
"A gift."
You took the book cautiously and opened it. The pages were blank... all of them. You flipped from left to right brow furrowing. "Why-"
"Read it in a church. The words only appear in the lord's house." He stood and stretched.
"Wait!" You stood as well.
"Who are you? Why don't the others trust yo-"
"Call me your guardian angel." He smiled. "I'm going to save you from them all." He smiled and walked away.
You looked at the book before looking back at your "guardian angel", he had vanished, completely gone in the crowd.
You had a bit of time to yourself so you ended up going to the church. The pastor was doing something at the sanctuary, you entered silently and closed the door behind you. It had been a long time since you'd been in such a place. You dipped your fingers in the water at the front and performed the sign of the cross.
You walked further into the church and moved to sit on a pew, you grabbed the book from your bag and were about to open it when the pastor greeted you.
"It's not often young people like you walk into the house of god." The pastor tilted his head at you.
"I'm just... thinking a lot." You said dismissively.
"About?" He asked clearly trying to get something out of you. "I see you're very devoted." He motioned to the tattoo.
"Oh-" You almost laughed. "Yeah... Very..."
"So what's on your mind child?"
You pursed your lips. Could you really tell him about the book..? "Well... I've been interacting with certain people recently." You reached into your bag. "Things have been happening recently."
"Because of those people?" the pastor sat beside you.
"So I've been told." You pulled out the book. "And this... has the answers."
He blinked a few times. "What is it..?"
You shrugged. "I can't read it anywhere but a church so.."
The pastor took the book from you and opened the first page. You looked over his shoulder, hoping to see words.. and there was nothing.
You grabbed the book and slammed it shut, opening it again.
Nothing. nothing but aging yellow blank paper.
"I don't- he said..." You opened and closed the book a few more times.
"Now," the pastor took th book from you and rested on the seat. "There's only so much that God can do perhaps first, you should direct yourself to a mental health prof-"
"Are you calling me crazy?!" You looked at the man.
"No- just-"
"I know it sounds crazy but this tattoo the book- the things I've been seeing-"
"I don't really think-
"You don't understa-"
Thunder clapped outside and you turned to the window as it started raining.
"That wasn't in the forecast.." The pastor stood up and sighed. "I'll get you an umbrella so you don't get wet when you go out there."
You shoved the book into your bag. "It's fine."
"I really insist. I could not help you and-" The pastor froze, gaze locked on the church doors.
"And nothing." You stood and turned but the pastor grabbed you and held out his bible.
You finally looked at the doors. the man with the cap stood there. His eyes completely black, gaze locked on you and the pastor.
"In the name of Jesus..." The pastor moved slowly from between the pews, backing you up behind him. "I cast thee from this holy house."
The man with the baseball cap took a step forward and for the first time you felt something heavy weighing down on you.
"In the name of the lord, our savior, you shall not walk upon this hallowed ground."
The tattoo burned and you clutched your neck. The pastor grabbed his cross and held it out.
The man stopped, staring at you from under the rim of his hat.
"Child what's wrong-"
You gasped in pain as you felt your tattoo being undone and redone over and over. The pastors eyes widened and he stumbled back away from you in shock.
"You bear the mark of a demon! You see things! You- In the nam of Jesus Christ I remove this evil from you!"
You collapses and held your neck, it felt like the skin on your neck was being torn off your muscle. Your hand instinctively held on to the tattoo.
"I cast out this wicked being from this daughter of the lord!"
And then you felt the burning. Like your whole body was fire. A brief image of the freckled angel burning in the hallway flashed through your mind and you let out an ear piercing shriek.
"I beg of you lord free this chi-"
You hugged yourself, it burned. You remembered how Chan had smiled at you, how Changbin had offered to share his food, the sight of Jeongin counting his money, Hyunjin sitting there painting anything and everything. This couldn't be it.
You saw the blood before you realized what happened. Your eyes went wide, the burning stopped.
And the pastor's head was gone.
When Minho saw his older brother writhing in bed and clawing at the frame as if he were in pain he thought three things. The first was that judgement day had finally arrived and he and all his brothers were about to burn in holy fire and DIE. The second was that he was going into heat and resisting the urge not to find you his precious human and fuck the daylights out of you. And the third... he didn't want to think about the third.
Because why on earth would you ever try to get rid of his brother?
"Minho!" Chan jerked up and looked at him. "What is she doing..."
Both men stared at each other before Minho turned and went straight out the door.
Chan tried to stop him. "Minho- Don't" He got up but collapsed, "JEONGIN!"
"Hyung-" the younder demon stared at his brother in shock. "Why are you on the ground-"
"Minho's going to kill her-"
"Hyung I can't stop him-"
"MINHO!" Chan shouted.
MInho tore through your old apartment and found nothing. He considered paying that man who wouldn't leave you alone a visit but decided against it, then he remembered. Changbin mentioned you had a run in with... that thing.. at your hotel.
So when Minho realized you were breaking the pact without realizing he went straight to all the nearest churches. After scaring the living daylights out of several nuns, interrupting a baptism and a small wedding he found you in a church near a coffee shop.
He braced himself to enter, the storm outside whipping his hair into his eyes. Why the hell were you here in the first place? He threw the doors open just in time to see the man with the baseball cap pouncing on you, no not a man. That devil..
Minho threw himself at him with such force, both of them flew and hit the floor of the sanctuary, skidding across the floor as Minho wrapped his hands around the thing's neck.
You sat up and scrambled back, your hand touched blood and you looked at the pastor's body. You started hyperventilating, you needed to leave. You needed to run. You looked at Minho who was still slamming the man's head against the steps of the sanctuary.
You got up and took off running, stumbling over yourself as you tried to get to the church doors, you crashed against them fumbling to pull them open when a hand slammed beside your head. The wood of the door cracking as it slammed shut.
You didn't dare move. You couldn't even breath, watching as the blood seemed to waft off his hand in ash.
"Explain." he said lowly.
You didn't speak. You didn't turn around, eyes still glued on the door in front of you. Minho grabbed you shoulder and turned you around pushing you against the door, his red eyes narrowed.
"Were you trying to kill Chan.."
"What?" You were confused, "Kill him?"
"You really want to act stupid?!" He snapped.
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND! He told me the damn book would show the words in a church so I came here and-"
"Who?!" Minho glared down at you.
"The guy with the freckles.." You muttered.
Minho stared at your tear filled eyes and pulled away releasing a heavy sigh. "What book?"
You stood and walked between the pews grabbing your bag and pulling out the book.
Minho took it from you, flipping through the pages, "It's blank."
"He said it wouldn't be if I read it in a church." You whispered.
"He said that to kill you and Chan." Minho gripped the book tightly in his hands and the it went up in flames in his grasp. "Do you know what that tattoo means?"
You nodded. "Chan said because I'm hi-"
"Because you're his." Minho rolled his eyes. "Without sugaring it over. Chan made a pact with you. Even if that pact is broken and the mark is removed, remnants of Chan's power are still in you. To have the power of one of us, and no one to save you it makes you an easy target."
"He said he was helping me-" You thought about how innocent his smile was then how Chan had said not to trust him. Tears filled your eyes, you were an idiot, you were so stupid, you- you-
"He lied to you."
And you believed it. You sat on the floor beside the pew and stared at a sheet of paper burning on the ground from the book.
"I don't know if it works like this." Minho muttered to himself.
"What?" You looked up.
He turned away for a moment, staring.
"Do you trust me?"
"Do you?" he got on his knees in front of you.
You stared at the demon. Who attacked you with a power drill. Who scared the living shit out of you every time you saw him. Who just saved your life. You nodded.
Minho grabbed your wrist and pulled it to his mouth, you jerked but his grip tightened and you pulled back he fell over you as his fangs sank into your wrist.
You gasp as you felt your wrist throb and your neck burned. Just as the church doors flew of the hinges and your head turned seeing Chan standing at the door.
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
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xoxochb · 1 month
⋆·˚ ༘ * and they said ‘speak now’
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warnings: this chapters kinda short, idk how weddings work so work with me here
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of hades and persephone
a/n: anddd we’re back
series master list
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your wedding day. the dreaded day for over a week. you were woken up early this morning to begin getting ready and set up so everything could be perfect. you wonder as to why you couldn’t get ready yourself, eighteen, old enough to do so yourself.
regardless of your opinion (what’s new?) your father instructed aphrodite, the very goddess of love and beauty to help you get ready for the big day. you sat in her palace, her vanity as she helped touch up your makeup for you (because at least someone was aware you were capable of doing something yourself)
as much as you tried to calm yourself down your mind keep sticking to the memory of troy visiting the palace, the vision of yourself getting married to that awful man. maybe you could stage your suicide then you surely wouldn’t have to get married!
“yes, child?”
“could I ask you a question? maybe personal?”
“of course you can”
you take in a deep breath before continuing, “how were you able to marry hephaestus when you knew you didn’t love him?”
“I didn’t really have a choice. are you having doubts about this marriage?”
your eyes widen dramatically. “many”
she sets the brush down on the vanity. “do you not love him?”
“no. my father forced me into this marriage. I love someone else”
“yes” you nod “but the problem with my boyfriend is that him and my father hate each other”
“let’s hope your husband doesn’t know how to craft nets”
you laugh at the implication of her broken marriage. “do you think everything’s going to end up okay?”
“darling, I think if it’s true love you and your boyfriend will be quite fine”
you think for a moment before responding, “thank you aphrodite”
“of course, angel. now let’s get finish getting you ready”
she finishes up your makeup, just a few last touches before allowing you to get into your dress- the one percy had picked for you. It was unfortunate that he wasn’t the one you were marrying. you stand in front of the mirror, admiring your dress once more before you begin to leave. you hurried out of the palace to find your brother- although the odds of finding him outside were low, he had invited will for the wedding. In the midst of your hurried steps you failed to see a figure walking towards you until crashing, causing you both to fall at the impact
“you really should watch where you walk”
you look in front of you, your eyes meet a pair of sea green ones
“perseus, what are you doing here? I thought you wouldn’t be back until after the wedding”
he laughs and stands up, holding his hand out for you to take, which you do. percy then wraps an arm around your waist, the other reaching up to place a stray hair behind your ear before placing a kiss to your forehead. your arms find home around his neck
“I came to wish my girlfriend bad luck on her ceremony”
you roll your eyes, yet still grinning like a child. “you, percy jackson, are an idiot”
“yet you put up with me”
“you have your moments”
he smirks and you know that no wise words will be used. “yeah like when I’m-”
“be very careful with your next words”
you glare at percy but he doesn’t seem to care because his smile widens and he places a kiss now to your lips. “I’ve missed you”
“you’ve been gone for what- five days?”
“five days too long!” your eyes roll again, percy takes notice of this “if you keep rolling your eyes they’ll get stuck like that”
you groan and say, “just shut up and kiss me, idiot. I missed you too”
percy doesn’t waste another moment before claiming your lips. if you thought the wedding was going to be difficult to go through before, you were positively sure it would be impossible now, with the way percy was kissing you passionately. you stayed like that for gods know how long before your dear brother interrupted (of course he shows up now!) and the ceremony was to begin
the wedding, the dreaded ceremony. you stand just outside the door with nico, who would be walking you down the aisle. your nerves must’ve reached him because he started shaking himself, that poor boy
“can I just walk away?” you ask
nico shakes his head. “dad will kill you”
“thanks for that captain obvious”
there’s silence again for a moment before nico speaks again. “I won’t make you do this. If you want to walk away I’ll cover for you”
you sigh. “I think I can handle this”
“are you sure? because I’ve got about five different excuses right now, all throughly thought out”
“I’ll be fine. I think this wedding is going to go wonderfully”
nico’s brows furrow. “what do you mean?”
“percy is here”
“he won’t let me get married to another man”
your brothers eyes widen. “oh my gods, you think he’s going to object?”
“he’s percy jackson. his favorite thing to do is anger the gods and I know for a fact he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to piss off dad and save me from marrying this idiot”
“you’ve got a point”
you nod and smile pridefully. “I know”
the hall resorts back to silence and you can hear the faint sound of piano playing, aka your queue to walk down the aisle. you take a last look at your brother before looping arms, opening the doors met with bright light and a shit ton of white
“this is your last chance to run” nico whispers to you as you begin walking
“trust my judgment”
in your opinion, the walk down the aisle was more nerve wracking than actually being up in front of everyone. you scowl at your soon-to-be husband and he smirks. oh how you wished you could strangle him. on the brighter side hera was officiating the marriage, you were fond of the goddess and although she could be intense she was always sweet to you
hera gave you an apologetic smile before beginning her speeches. all the ‘do you promise to stand by this person blah blah blah’ bullshit. you weren’t listening. not until your name was called, asking if you would take troy to be your husband, unfortunately you said yes because your father was watching. the end was near, your heart raced. there was no way you would kiss this disgusting dumbass
hera asked for any objections with a ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ and as if timed, the son of poseidon waltzes in, much to your assumptions
“I object!”
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@lara20aral @itzmeme @leathesimp @pevenxie @mp-littlebit @puresin10101
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alicentofhightower · 2 months
the dragon and the crab
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pairing: aegon targaryen x fem!celtigar!reader
synopsis: boys seem to catch your eye more, as of late. you wonder if that’s the reason why you’re helping this drunken fool of a prince.
includes: drunk aegon, he’s actually not that bad here. so sorry if this is ooc this is my first time writing a oneshot for him!
WC: 1.5k
a/n: this was written with ty tennant’s aegon in mind because it’s set during laena velaryon’s funeral, but you can envision tgc’s aegon too i don’t really care. i did not proofread this so im sorry for any mistakes, i literally just wrote this on my phone in bed because i miss aegon and im bored. i might write a part 2 idk
The first time Aegon sees you, he cannot help but wonder why you take such a liking to Helaena.
Laena Velaryon’s funeral had been an uneventful one. A bore, to be honest, but his mother would smack him if he’d ever voiced that thought aloud. He’d never known the noblewoman well. Honestly, his mind was more preoccupied with the looming thought of his upcoming wedding.
It was tradition for Targaryens to be married to relative. They’d practiced it for hundreds of years, long before the doom of Old Valyria. His mother had always seemed so intent on practicing the customs of her Andal forbears, and Aegon wished she’d been the same for his marriage.
Deep down, he knew why Helaena would be his wife. It was to keep her close to Alicent. If she’d been wed to some fat lord in the Riverlands, or a foolish one from the Reach, it would make no difference; there was no real confirmation that she’d ever be kept safe. His mother would not have another Aemma be made of her only daughter.
“We have nothing in common,” Aegon complained, constantly having to brush his silver waves away from his face. The wind from the beach was relentless.
He stood off to the side next to Aemond, away from where you yourself sat next to the Princess. She seemed to speak in riddles, with the way she mumbled of ‘spools of green and black’, but you did not mind. You could tell she was of a sweet nature.
Helaena handed you another shell to hold, her fingertips tracing the texture of it. “She’s our sister,” interjected Aemond.
Everything about Aegon was improper. The way he could not seem to let go of his cup of wine for even a minute, the way his eyes wandered towards the skittish maids, even down to his posture; hunched and lazy. “You marry her, then,” The elder prince said, his fingers loose around his chalice. If he wasn’t careful, he’d probably drop it, make a fool of himself as he always had.
“I would perform my duty. If mother had only betrothed us.” Aemond did not speak out of genuine desire for his sister, only his yearning to be the firstborn son. To be given the duties of his unwilling brother.
“If only,” He scoffed.
His blue eyes traveled to where you were, listening closely to every word of his weird soon-to-be wife. Aegon did not pay much attention to his Old Valyrian lessons, much less his history, but even he could recognize which house you were from by the dress you wore; ivory and scarlet, the colors of House Celtigar.
Your house was a Valyrian one itself, though far less proud than the one of his own or the Velaryons. You wore a veil of mourning to honor the late Lady Laena, but he could see the earrings you adorned beneath it; crabs, closely resembling your sigil.
You could not hear what the young princes spoke of, but your eyes had averted over to them occasionally, though most of your attention was paid to Aegon. His face was scrunched together as he studied you, trying to figure out why you’d ever willingly be in the company of Helaena. Mayhaps you were just as off-putting as she was.
Blooming into womanhood, you could not help but take notice of boys your age; Aegon himself was quite handsome, though lustful and foolish, and your mother had personally warned you to stay away from him on the way to Driftmark. It only made you want to talk to him more.
Soon enough, Aegon made his way over to another servant, grabbing the pitcher on the platter she held and pouring himself more Arbor gold… away from where you were. You wondered if that’d be the last you saw of him.
It wasn’t.
Sleep had escaped you. Taking a stroll outside was far more appealing than tossing and turning in your bed, so you’d wrapped your robe around your nightgown and snuck out of your chambers.
You almost gasped when you saw him. There he was, at the end of the stairs, drunk and hiccuping with his eyes closed. He sat against the stone of the railing, head drooping and hands still grasping his goblet tightly.
“My Prince?”
No response.
Descending down the steps, you poked his hunched shoulder. He did not even start. It took a harsh shake of his forearm to wake him, and Aegon threw his head back when he did, smacking it against the marble behind him.
Aegon’s pale hand flew to cradle the back of his skull. He hissed, features squeezing together as he let out a sharp breath. It reeked of wine, and he appeared to be startled that he hadn’t been smacked yet. “Grandsire?” He asked, eyes still scrunched shut.
“No,” You said softly. “It’s just me, my Prince.”
His eyelids shot open. It took a moment for him to recognize you. “Why are you out here? Shouldn’t you be abed?”
Gods, maybe your lady mother was right about avoiding him. He’d already begun to irritate you, and you’d been speaking to him for less than a minute. “Shouldn’t you?”
His head lolled to the side, falling to rest on his shoulder. “What will you do? Tattle on me to my mother? I’ve already been scolded today,” He grumbled, his words slightly slurred.
Really, you should just leave this fool of a prince alone, act like this never happened, and climb back into bed. You won’t. It’s normal for men of his age to indulge in their vices, but some part of you tells you that this is wrong; that he shouldn’t be out here in the cold night, slumped into a mess of his own limbs. You feel bad.
Boldly, you reach forward again, grasping his wrist. “Come on,” You say to Aegon, your tone softer. “I’ll help you back to your chambers.”
“I’m too tired.”
He yelps when you yank him up, stumbling forward, his hands scrambling to grab your shoulders to keep him upright. “You should not treat a Prince so roughly.” Despite his words, Aegon allows you to wrap an arm about his shoulders, guiding him forward.
His eyes are wide as he looks down at you, seemingly trying to figure out why you’d pour this much time into someone you don’t even know. There’s a flush becoming all the more apparent on his face, and unbeknownst to you, it’s not because of the wine.
You’re sure there will be a scandal made out of this. An unmarried young noble-lady taking King Viserys’s firstborn son, drunk, back to his chambers during the hour of the owl? Certainly the maids will begin to whisper false tales of your relationship with the Prince, and your father will reprimand you on the ship back to Claw Isle. He might have you married even sooner to dispel them. You cannot find it in yourself to care.
“This way,” You whisper, walking towards where the innermost hall is, where the royal chambers are. Aegon’s steps are uneven and irregular. If you’d not been holding him, he’d probably have fallen twice already.
He’s even more beautiful under the torchlight. Soft cheekbones and plush lips, he’s the very image of his mother, though he certainly does not act like it. Your lips almost part at the feeling of his nose nudging against your cheek, though you attempt to ignore it.
He’s drunk, you tell yourself. Pay no mind to him.
The knights on patrol raise their brows at the sight of you when you make your way past them. An awkward position you’re in. Both his and your arm are wrapped around the other’s shoulders, and his knees are bent so he can be at the level of your face. He’s not even looking forward to where you’re trying to go, his eyes analyzing the look on your face.
He was so talkative when you woke him. You wonder why he’s gone quiet, but reason it to be that he’s exhausted. “What’s your name, again?” He sputters.
He nods rapidly when you tell him it, as if he’ll remember it on the morrow.
Finally, you make it to his room; even the doors to it are grand and tall, befitting one of his status. Yours are farther away from his, in the corridors practically across the keep. It’ll be a long walk back.
You find you don’t know what to say. “…Well, good night, my Prince,” You say softly, letting go of him to let him stand by himself. He wobbles.
Aegon turns to leave, but whips his head around before his pale hand can grasp the handle of the door, his eyes darting around the features of your face. He wants to remember you, it seems.
“You won’t stay?” He can barely pronounce the words correctly, let alone stand up, choosing to lean on the door behind him to keep his balance. Somehow, it’s both endearing and pathetic.
Your cheeks flush at the mere idea of following him into his bedchamber. What was he thinking?
“No, my Prince. It’s best I leave you be.”
Aegon nods solemnly at that, tongue running over his slightly chapped lips. He bows his head in thought, then raises it again, a peculiar glint in his eye that you cannot decipher.
“….’s Aegon. Just Aegon,” He says, quiet, like it’s a secret only the two of you know.
“Good night, Aegon.”
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luveline · 6 months
jadeee!! how are you?? I was rereading everything asf universe and I thought, as a belated weasley twin bd treat, perhaps a drabble of r and Fred at Angelina and George’s wedding and Fred realised how much he wants that for him and r?? i wanna see them get hitched soo bad!
that whole universe is sooo special to me, endless thank yous to you and your amazing brain for writing it❤️
I love you!! It’s so special to me too!!!! And I’m so grateful to you for reading!!!!! fem, 1.2k
cw mental health issues
Fred gets you in his lap, but it takes all day, and only after the speeches. 
“You were very brave,” he says. 
“Don’t patronise me.” 
“I’m not,” he says, his arms folded around you, your side to his front so as to keep his gaze on your face. You’ve genuinely never looked so beautiful, not ever. It’s the most gorgeous dress you’ve ever worn, and you’ve smiled all day. He can’t believe it. 
“Was it an okay speech?” 
Fred finds your hand to hold. 
I didn’t know what it was like to have a friend before I met George and Fred, you’d said, staring hard at Molly rather than the crowd, your nerves apparent in every word. I’ve never known someone to love as hard or as generously as he does. I… wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. And so it makes me so happy to see him loved like that in return. I know he’ll be a good husband, because he is a great friend, and I think that’s half the battle, and– and he tries so hard. I wish you both a happy marriage and… a great honeymoon. 
George didn’t beg you to say something, but he’d begged Fred to convince you, and everyone could see how much it meant to him that you’d managed to do it in front of so many people. George had no trouble proclaiming that you were his best friend in the entire world and that he would kill anybody who ever crossed you, including his twin, if it were to come to that. 
It will never come to that. Fred will never break your heart. 
“I didn’t know you were going to say that much,” Fred says. 
“Too much?” you ask, looking down at his chest. 
“No, sweetheart, no. It was lovely. I just knew it was gonna be hard for you.” 
“You talked for half an hour,” you say. 
It’s an exaggeration, but not by much. “I had to embarrass him fully. That’s what getting married is for.” 
You press your cheek to his shoulder. The lights in the hall are low, your seats at the main table shaded from the lights and the music. George and Angelina’s family mingle, dance, and sing quite drunkenly. It’s very normal, but you’ve had a long day. Fred’s not sure you’re up for dancing. He doesn’t mind. 
“It was a lovely speech,” Fred affirms. He’d murmur if he weren’t worried you’d miss it with all the noise. “He knows public speaking isn’t for you, and it was probably a better gift for him than the DFS voucher.” 
“Better than a new sofa?” you ask. “You’re joking.” 
He laughs at your joking and presses a heap of kiss all over the side and top of your face. You melt under his touching, slouching into him, the curl of your smile palpable on his shoulder. He can feel it.  “My mum’s coming. She’s trying to be subtle. Shall I send her away?” 
“I like your mum,” you say. 
She’s in a dress with huge draped sleeves, her hair piled away from her face, her lips a pale pink to suit her red hair. When she talks, Fred can see the happy tear tracks that mark her powder. “Hello, you two.” 
You sit up to a slightly more respectable position, but it isn’t as though she hasn’t seen you and Fred touching. “Hi.” 
“Hi, mum.”
“How are you both? There’s more champagne around the side, dearie, your father can get you another bottle if you like.” She beams at you both. “You look exhausted.” 
“It’s a long day, mum,” Fred says, mildly apologetic. 
“I know. Imagine how much worse it is when it’s your own.” She brushes a strand of hair from Fred’s face. “Well, alright, I’ll go bother someone else.” 
“You’re not bothering us,” you say quickly. 
“I know, sweetheart.” She gives you a motherly shoulder squeeze. “I just wanted to make sure you were both okay. I’ll make sure they play a few slow songs for you to dance to. I need good photos for my wall.” 
Fred laughs against the back of your head. “Thanks, mum.” 
She leaves you quickly, attention snatched by Percy where he’s calling for her to come and dance, and leaves Fred in particular with an idea he’s been trying and failing to ignore all day. He knows it’s cliche, but his brother's wedding has made him think of his own, and how it will go and when it will be. If he asked you to marry him, would you say yes? 
“You really do look so pretty,” he says. 
“You’ve told me a couple of times,” you say shyly. 
“I can’t believe it. I’m coming to terms with it.” 
“Do you think we’ll get married?” you ask. 
“Of course I do,” he says immediately, startled, and wondering for the thousandth time if you can really read his mind. “I suppose you’ll have to let me ask you first, but of course I do.” 
You nod distractedly. It’s not the reaction he’d hoped for. 
“What are you thinking?” he asks. 
Loving you is learning when to manage a crisis. Not that you’re always in crisis, but it’s an essential skill he’s obtained nonetheless. He waits for you to answer his question patiently, his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up gently to his eye level. 
“Do you remember the first Christmas I came to stay with you?” you ask. “Before we were together.” 
“I remember.” 
“I told you that I didn’t think anyone would ever marry me. That I’m not that… sort of person.”
Fred shifts his legs under your weight. You aren’t heavy, the chairs are uncomfortable, and he plans to have you here for hours upon hours if he can swing it. “Yeah.” 
“But you said you’d prove me wrong. We hadn’t even kissed.” 
“And you still didn’t think I had a crush on you,” he teases. 
You gather your arms to wrap behind his head, sitting taller, cwtching his face to your neck. “I know it doesn’t make any sense.” 
“Ghost, I know everything about you. It makes total sense to me, believe it or not. And I will prove you wrong, I promise. If that’s what you want– it’s what I want, I just haven’t figured out how to ask you yet. Can you give me a little more time?” 
You suck in a strange breath. He’d like to say it was delighted, but it’s better labelled as shocked. “Okay.” 
“Thank you. We’ll have much better music.” 
You turn your heads to the dance floor, where Arthur has unearthed those extra bottles of champagne Molly promised, and the Weasley troupe are dancing like an especially ginger entourage of fools to something abrasive by the Weird Sisters. 
“Should we go dance?” you ask. 
“In a minute. After my dads discovered that champagne isn’t regular champagne, I think.” 
You shed the panic you’d been fostering to kiss his warm cheek. “Idiot, what did you do?” 
“It’s his wedding, Ghost, what did you expect?” 
You kiss his cheek again. A third time and he’s blushing. “Love you, Fred. Do you think George will forgive me for bending the truth?” 
“Don’t you dare.” 
“‘Cos I was lying, you know, when I said he’s the most loving person I’ve ever met. That’s you.” 
Ugh, he thinks, dipping you backwards for a kiss. What a girl. 
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melobin · 6 months
behind the screen 𐙚 sungchan smau. #6
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✧ camgirl reader x roommate sungchan
✧ synopsis. in which sungchan discovers his favorite camgirl also happens to be his roommate
✧ wc. 2.2k
✧ chapter warnings. written chapter. smut, female and male masturbation, live streaming masturbation, use of sex toy (dildo), overstimulation, sungchan is a perv wreck.
✧ a/n. i tried something a little different !! this chapter is half writing in third person for plot reasons as sungchan doesn’t know merci’s identity !!
behind the screen masterlist
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“hello!” your voice was soft as it rang out around your bedroom, the mic you had set up next to your laptop picking up your tone “i’ve missed you all so much” flattery, it always makes them feel important. you watched as the viewer count of the stream slowly rose, more people joining as you settled on your bed, your mask already covering your face.
you sat on your knees, your leverage popped out of your chest because of the tight bra you had picked and your panties were basically not existent, your viewers knew they were in for a treat tonight. one viewer in particular, sungchan, was already losing his mind.
he moved so quickly when he checked the time and saw merci were about to start streaming, instantly closing whatever game he had open on his pc and typing up her web address immediately. sungchan hated missing merci’s streams, everything about her was so perfect that sungchan wanted to savour every second he got looking at merci.
if only he knew merci was only a wall away from him, how she was actually you, his sweet, innocent roommate who never seemed to bother him during this time. any other night you’d be in and out of eachothers room, talking about your day, eating together, yet tuesdays seemed to be explicitly off limits for both of you, an unspoken agreement formed as neither of you asked the other why you were so busy.
sungchan struggled to say no to any of your wishes, so he was grateful that your schedules somehow collided and you always left each other be during merci’s streams. despite the inner war he would have with himself if you needed something from him during one of her streams, he’d stop watching in order to help you.
a giggle brought sungchan back to earth as he admired the sight of merci, his cock already straining in his sweats, his shirt being pulled over his head due to the heat he was already feeling. his headphones sat on his head, he always had them on and turned onto the max volume, never wanting to miss a single sound that left her sweet lips. sure, sungchan didn’t know what she looked like but he knew she was gorgeous, there was no way she wasn’t.
“i don’t want to tease too much tonight, i’ve been stressed at work and” merci let her fingers trail down her stomach, the tips of them brushing over her covered clit, she gasped softly “i need a release so bad”
sungchan felt his cock throb at the sight of her playing with the thin material of her panties, it only took him a few seconds before he caved and pushed his sweatpants down slightly, his cock already leaking slightly as the cool air hit it. he was embarrassed at how easily worked up he got when it came to merci, his cock throbbed in his hand just at the thought of having her near him.
he loved merci’s streams, he always came before she did so he always ended up overstimulating himself, not being able to stop himself from fucking his hand as he watched her. she were like a drug to him, an addiction that he couldn’t shift and he didn’t even know her. sungchan was pretty sure he was insane because of that.
sungchans hand held the base of his cock as he watched her, merci’s fingers gently pushed aside her panties and he had to stop himself from groaning just at the sight of her glistening cunt. his mouth watered, his hand began to move on his cock slowly. his lack of self control almost astounded him.
on the other side of the wall you sat there, your legs spread in front of your laptop and your fingers pushing into your sickened slit. you loved nights like this, nights where your need took over and you let your desperation take control. you knew your viewers would love it too, the donation number already increasing rapidly. yet you knew where the majority of that money was coming from.
“i’ve taken a toy out tonight” you reached for the clear dildo that was next to you, fingers lightly toying with your clit as you showed it to the camera “i wanted to really enjoy myself tonight, i think i deserve it, don’t you?” a whine fell from you as you spoke, your fingers moving with ease against your slick clit.
sungchan wanted to scream at his computer that merci deserved to feel good and even more, he wanted to give her the world one orgasm at a time. lord if eunseok could hear his thoughts he’d never hear the end of it. instead of screaming he done something he hadn’t done before, he let go of his cock so he could type in the chat, all whilst making a mental note to clean his keyboard later.
he knew the stream chat was always on slow mode, merci liked seeing what people had to say to her instead of it being just a spam that went by too quickly. sungchan knew she’d probably see his comment, he hoped deep down she’d recognise his name and remember who he was, even if he was going to be known as the loser from twitter to her.
channie: you do.
his eyes scanned the other comments that sandwiched his.
hani: i’d give you everything and more.
sungchan wanted to reply to him and tell him to fuck off and get his own line before realising he had only said that in his head. his eyes flicked from the chat to merci, the dildo she had in her hand was now being pressed against her clit as she spoke.
“you’re all so sweet” her voice echoed through sungchan’s headphones, a sultry tone filled his ears “turns me on even more” she sighed at the end of her words, the dildo in her hand being dragged down her slit before she left the tip pressing against her entrance. sungchan’s mouth watered as he watched her, his hand dragging along his slick cock as his precum smeared itself over it. he waited in suspense for her to push the toy inside of herself, waited impatiently to hear the broken moan she always lets out when she issues something like that. it was a moan that ruined sungchan inside and out, he knew his cock could make her moan louder, the toy on her hand barely compared to the size of his cock.
sungchan almost jumped when he heard a whimper fall from merci, his hand squeezed his cock as he watched her cunt swallow the toy whole and heard her moan as she took it. the scene was beautiful, she had a hand behind her pressed against the bed holding her weight up, her legs spread and her other hand dragging the toy in and out of herself. sure, maybe some of her moans were slightly over dramatic but that didn’t matter to sungchan, she still sounded like an angel reincarnated.
he would’ve given anything to be with her in that moment, thrusting her toy in and out of her teasingly, making sure every ridge of it pressed against her tight walls. sungchan never was one to beg but he would’ve begged for her to sit on his face just so he could get a taste of what she was made of.
the sight of her made him weak, the way the toy seemed to slide in and out of her with ease, nothing blocked it as her slick cunt swallowed it with each thrust forward, her speed increasing over time due to her neediness. squelching could be heard from her as she moaned. sungchan knew the chat would be going crazy over her, of course they would be, he wished he could be too but he didn’t have the self control to take his hand off of his cock, the pleasure from him jerking off made him dizzy as he watched her. sungchan just knows he could fuck her so well.
sungchan groaned as he watched he withdraw the toy from her cunt, the slick that coated it glistened under the light of her room. he found himself invested, cock throbbing in his hand as he watched her. despite not seeing her face, he could see the way she dragged her finger along the side of the toy and put it in her mouth, she whimpered as she did and sungchan was sure in that moment he had never felt so jealous in his life. he knew she tasted sweet, something along the lines of strawberries mixed with soemthing utterly sinful.
“tastes so sweet” she whimpered and sungchan almost came at the sound, he wanted her bad. he wanted to stop jerking off whilst she had stopped, but he physically couldn’t, just watching her body shake and her pussy glisten made him desperate to cum. it was only a matter of seconds before he was spilling all over his hand, biting his lip as he felt his cum leak down his abs. it didn’t stop him though, his hand still worked his cock as he watched her.
he focused as she picked up something from beside her, placing it flat on the bed before she stuck the suctioned part of the dildo onto the reflective surface and turned around. his cock felt sore in his hand as he continued to pump it, his whole body twitching as he watched so easily she sank down onto the toy before she leaned forward, her ass was on display as he pussy began to swallow the toy again, she moved so well on it, it was all so disgustingly arousing. he was sure he could see the way she gripped the toy with her cunt, the tight squeeze the toy must have been feeling made him squeeze his cock in order to try and replicate the feeling, he groaned when he realised it wouldn’t feel even half as good as she would.
he watched as he bent herself forward, he could barely see the way she gripped the sheets and whined into them, her hips not moving as he bounced herself onto her toy. it all got overwhelming for sungchan the moment she reached back to part the lips of her pussy and hold her underwear further to the side, giving the camera a clear view of just how easily she took the toy. sungchan was sure he was going to cum again, the overstimulation he was giving himself had his toes curling and his body squirming slightly, it took everything in him to not whimper and alarm you who he assumed was just laying in bed in the next room to him.
he thought about how embarrassing it would be to have you catch him jerking off messily to some camgirl he found online, he also thought about what would happen if you liked her too, maybe you also secretly watched her and touched yourself to her streams, he was quick to shake the thought out of his head, cum beginning to spill over his hand once again as he focused back on merci. her hands dropped from her skin and instead her fingers reached under her so she could rub at her clit, she was getting close and sungchan was glad. he needed to watch her cum but he wasn’t sure how many more orgasms he could get out of himself, two was far from his limit but his body felt weak, drained, he felt dirty as his cum stained his abs but he loved it.
“i’m so close” he heard her whine, fingers not stopping on her clit as she fucked herself onto her toy, her mattress creaked lightly under her and for a moment he wondered if her roommate knew about what she done, were they okay with it? were they a man? did they secretly watch her? did they even know? all of the questions were cleared from his head when he squeezed his cock, his cum barely seeping out of the tip as he watched her cum around her toy. her thighs shook, fingers of her free hand dug into her bed sheets, toy having white forming on it as her cum coated it. he wasn’t sure how fucked up he was over merci but he would’ve happily taken the toy into his mouth just to suck her cum off of it.
sungchan sighed as his hand released his sore cock, it fell against his wet stomach as he leaned back in his chair. merci lifted herself from her toy with a whimper before she turned around, her demeanour softer and weaker than before as he began to say her goodbyes to the camera, giggling and thanking everyone for joining before turning off her steam.
sungchan laid his headphones on his desk as he took time to recover, only being brought out of his trance when his phone dinged. when he checked it he saw it was a message from you. he panicked slightly, seeing you ask him if he wanted to join you to watch a movie. he promised he would, telling you he had to shower quickly and then he’d be in only for you to tell him you had to as well. it was just antoher tuesday night where sungchan was glad you never asked any questions.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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iheartyouyou · 1 year
SWEETHEART | Jeremiah Fisher
Summary: After your parents file for a divorce, you’re forced to move in with your mom’s friend until the divorce is finalized. You wished you could stay with your dad and your friends, but when you meet Jeremiah Fisher, that changes. And now you’re wanting to stay in the Cousins. Too bad things don’t last forever.
Word Count:
Part: 6
previous part series masterlist next part
Authors Note: I’m like actually so sorry for not updating. I’ve just been really unmotivated but since season 2 is out I’ve gotten more motivation and energy to continue the series! Not proofread (like always) but please let me know if you want to be on the taglist or if I missed you! (it wouldn’t let me tag some ppl for some odd reason.)
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“Y/N, wake up!” You hear someone whisper.
You mumble something you don’t even remember, shoving your face deeper into a pillow. You think whoever was trying to wake you left, and so just as you were about to fall back asleep a pillow hit your back.
You look up to see Jeremiah with a pillow in his hand… and he was shirtless. You lazily stared at his abs before he smacked your face with pillow.
Fuck, did he notice?
“C’mon! It’s Belly’s birthday, we gotta go get up before her.” He says.
“Wha—“ You start, cut off with another pillow to face. You reach your arm out to snatch the pillow away, but he pulls it out of your reach.
“What time is it?” You ask, rubbing your eyes.
“What the hell—“
“It’s Belly’s birthday, we gotta decorate the kitchen before she wakes up.” He explains, throwing the pillow back onto your bed.
It was her birthday? Shoot, why didn’t anybody tell you? You would’ve gotten her a gift, you know you just met her and all but still.
“I’ll be down in a bit.” You mumble, shoving your face back into your pillow.
Maybe you could get her a gift later? What does she even like?
“Okay, make sure to brush your teeth… I can smell your breath all the way from over here.” He exaggerates, jokingly grimacing as he plugs his nose.
“Shut up!”
And before you knew it, you were back asleep. You were exhausted from the night before. After Belly joined in on your guys’ movie marathon, she shortly fell asleep and whenever you would close your eyes for longer than 5 seconds, Jeremiah would be the one to poke you, waking you up. It wasn’t until after the movies were over, Jeremiah woke Belly up and the two didn’t even have a chance to leave before you were passed out.
You rubbed your eyes hastily, jumping out of bed after you heard the multiple “heys” coming from downstairs.
Grabbing the first shirt and shorts you saw, you sped walk downstairs, following the voices.
“….Conrad, uh, do you wanna give Belly your present?” You hear Susannah ask.
It’s quiet for a few moments, before Conrad responds, “Sorry… I forgot.”
Nobody noticed you yet as you watch the side of Belly’s face fall, a small frown on her lips.
An awkward pause of silence washes over before Belly quickly recovers, “Oh. That’s cool— I wasn’t really expecting anything anyways.”
Another awkward pause happens until your mom spots you. “Ah, there’s Y/N!”
You watch as all eyes fall on you, your mom getting up from her spot on the couch and making her way to you. She pulls out a small box from her front pocket, giving it to you. She mouths the words; “We’ll talk later”
You give her a tight lipped smile, before she makes her way back to her spot. You follow quickly, giving the box to Belly as you say “Happy Birthday.”
Belly sends you an appreciative smile, “Aw, Y/N. You really didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Pfttt, of course I did.” You say, watching as she opened the box. It was a pair of earrings along with a necklace. Her smile widens, “Thank you!”
Conrad makes an excuse, before exiting the room as Belly smiles once falls again.
“Hey, why don’t we practice driving before we have to go pick up Taylor from the bus station?” You hear Jeremiah say.
Who the hell is Taylor?
“I can’t believe you would sleep in like that!” Your mom lectures you after pretty much everybody left the house. Jeremiah invited you to go witness “Belly’s terrible driving skills” but you mom quickly shot him down.
“I didn’t know—“ You start, uncomfortably sitting at the edge of her bed.
“Really? Because didn’t Jeremiah wake you up?”
“Well, yeah—“
“Jesus, Y/N. Why are you acting like this? I didn’t raise you—
“Oh, I don’t know! Maybe because you’re forcing me to stay here when I can stay with Dad!” You interrupt.
Before your mom could even get a chance to go off at you, a knock on the door stops her. She exhales before opening the door.
Susannah stands there with a smile on her face, “Hey, I was wondering if I can take Y/N out for shopping? I need to get some stuff for tonights dinner, It would be a great time to get to know her better.”
Your mom stays quiet for a moment before nodding, “Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
You follow Susannah outside to her car, silent as you sat in the front seat. You put your seatbelt on before you realize that Susannah wasn’t making any move to put hers on.
“Y/N, look, I know how it must feel to be staying at some random strangers house. But, I’ve known your mom for a while. And she has her reasons, okay?” She tries to explain, staring at you with a look of empathy on her face.
You bite your tongue, trying to stop yourself from saying anything rude. You appreciated Susannah letting you stay here, she was nice, had amazing sons, well one of them at least, and she was an overall sweet person. It was just… you missed home. You missed your friends, you missed your dad, and it feels weird being here. You feel out of place, like an intruder. Everybody knows everybody but you.
“I just wanna go home.” You mumble, leaning your head against the car door.
She stays silent for a moment. “… Okay, how bout we make a deal?”
This perks your interest as you lift your head to look at her.
“If you still wanna go home by the end of this week, I’ll talk to your mom and see about flying you home.”
Your eyes widen, “Wait really? You’d do that?”
“Yes, but only if your mom is on board. Just try to stay on your mom’s good side until then?” She suggests, sending you a wink causing you to laugh.
“Okay, okay, deal.” You say, trying your hardest not to smile from ear to ear.
She starts the car, “I actually need stuff for Belly’s birthday dinner tonight but we can stop for some pies and eat them in the car. Just don’t tell anybody.”
By the time you’re back at the house, you notice Jeremiah’s red jeep back in the driveway. You felt fat and full after splitting a pecan pie with Susannah and just wanted to sleep it off.
You helped get the groceries out of the car, setting them inside on the counter. Your mom was nowhere to be found, thank god so you didn’t have to continue the lecture from earlier… at least for now.
As you were about to grab the last bag, you spot Conrad and his girlfriend, whatever her name is, walking to the backyard.
Oh god were they about to make out in the pool or what? Why’d he even bring her? It’s Belly’s birthday and he just brought his girlfriend over like they weren’t arguing a few days ago? Pathetic.
“Do you need help with putting these away?” You offer Susannah once your back inside, she shoos you away, claiming you should go hang out with the rest of the kids.
You shoot her a appreciative smile, your arms sore from carrying all those bags as you went from store to store.
Opening the sliding door, the first people you notice are Conrad and his girlfriend sitting on the edge, and the next thing is a net with a volleyball flying over it.
“Hey, Y/N! You’re back!” You hear Belly shout, Conrad and his girlfriend both turn to look at you but you ignore them as you make your way closer to the pool.
“Hey.” You say. You finally notice the new face next to her, a dirty blonde in a teal bikini. And you definitely don't miss the dirty look she sends you.
She waits a few moments, hoping her friend in the bikini would introduce herself but she doesn’t make any effort, still looking at you like you were gum on the bottom of her shoe.
Belly nervously laughs, “Y/N, this is my best friend Taylor. Taylor, this is Y/N. You know the one I was telling you about on the phone?”
“Oh yeah.” Taylor says, forcing a smile your way.
What the hell was her problem?
“Join us! Steven can sit out—“ Jeremiah starts, throwing the ball up in the air but catching it.
“No, no, I never agreed to that!” Steven argues, Jeremiah spins around and guessing by the look on his face or something he said that you couldn’t hear Steven groans before giving in.
“Actually we were about to go to the beach, right Belly?” Taylor speaks.
“Uh, yeah.. Y/N do you want to come?” Belly asks, looking away from her friend to look at you.
Telling by the annoyed look on Taylors face and the way she’s been looking at you, you can tell she doesn’t want you there. Or anywhere around her for that matter.
“No thanks, I’m pretty tired from shopping.” You tried to joke, chuckling to yourself.
“How could you be tired if you slept in this morning?” Taylor quips, shooting you a glare. Belly turns around to shoot her one, causing Taylor to shrug.
“Haha, yeah…” You mumble, scratching your arm. Oh god, the end of the week couldn’t come any faster.
Belly gives you an empathic look, or you think she did, you were too busy staring at your feet.
You didn’t want to go back inside because you didn’t want to seem like coward but you also didn’t want to stay if you weren’t wanted.
Jeremiah was quick to notice your awkwardness, telling you that you could dip your legs into the water on his side and so that’s what you did. Sitting on the edge of the pool, dangling your legs in the water and most important of all, sitting far far away from Taylor.
Instead of Belly and Taylor going to the beach like Taylor said they would, they play a few more rounds of volleyball until Taylor hit Conrad’s girlfriend in the face causing her and Conrad to go inside.
And soon Steven left because his girlfriend called him, causing him to almost drop his phone in the water, and because it was just Jeremiah vs. Belly and Taylor they finally decided to go to the beach.
“Hey, y’know Belly doesn’t care you slept in right?” Jeremiah says, splashing water at you. He swims closer to you, pulling himself out of the pool to sit on the edge next to you.
You roll your eyes, “Her friend does.”
“Taylor? Yeah, she’s a little cray cray.” He says, motioning it with his finger.
You laugh, shaking your head. “How long is she staying?”
“Just a few days, then we’ll be Taylor free for the rest of summer.”
The rest of summer.
“You should get in.” He says, elbowing your side.
“I don’t have a bathing suit.”
He stays silent for a moment, “So?” He pushes you into the water, your body submerging into the cold water as you shoot up coughing.
You can hear him laughing, while you’re basically choking on the chlorine filled water. “You jerk! I didn’t want to get my clothes wet!”
“You can still take them off.” He suggests, watching as you slicked your hair back.
You shoot him a playful glare, “In your dreams.”
“Every dream since I’ve met you.”
You splash him with water, “You’re stupid.”
He stares at you for a moment before tackling you under water, pulling you back up with his arm around your waist. “What’d you say?”
You wipe your eyes, trying to shove him off you but no budge. Your guys’ faces were even closer, your breath hitched. What was gonna happen?
He made eye contact with you a few times, and the times he wasn’t doing that he was staring at your lips. He started leaning in, closer and closer to the point where your noses were almost touching.
You felt like you couldn’t even breathe.
Did you even want this?
And just as he was about to move closer you shoved him away, taking him by surprise.
He backs away quickly, eyes widening.
“S-sorry.. I just… I just don’t really know you.” You say, scratching the back of your neck.
“No, yeah, yeah I shouldn’t have done that. You don’t have to apologize.” He says, eyes still as round as saucers.
“Uhrm… yeah…” You mumble, crossing your arms around yourself as you suddenly felt cold even though you were used to the water.
What a way to kill a mood. Why’d you even do that, damnit.
He nods, placing his lips into a tight line. “I’m gonna…” He closes his mouth, pointing to the house while backing up.
“Okay.” You say, nodding.
You watch him turn around, pull himself out of the water and grab a towel before he quickly goes inside
Leaving you in the pool alone as you stared at the spot he was just at.
Taglist: @mindflay3r @lexi-2004 @buckys2thicc @agoodmansaid @jeremiahfisherslover @yourfavoritefangirl @leslienjazzy @natsgaygf @justkayleighhere @puptails @simp4jackharlow @yobabygirlally @whenmypartysover @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @medusaslilsister @maexxc @siriuslysmoking @nowimyurdaisy @totallynotkaibiased @eevee0722 @theyallhaveluv4lyricb @wh0reforstefansalvatore @pariahsparadise
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radiant-reid · 2 years
sweetness! i’ve got the episode “derek” & i got to thinking when the figment of his father says “there’s a moment when you realize you love a woman & the moment you realize you’re gonna marry her” & was curious, what do you think those moments are for spencer? & bonus (if you’d be down to write it obviously) the same concept but vice versa? like when the “i <3 spencer” switch flipped & knew they’d be life partners? 🫶🏻
aw this makes me sad but in a good way. also i only did spencer's because i feel like they vary by person, hope that's okay
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When he knows he loves you
"What do you mean you've never had frozen yogurt!?" You ask Spencer in total shock.
You've been playing what's become a regular back-and-forth game of confessions on those increasingly frequent occasions when you can't sleep. The BAU, or more specifically, the east-west time zone difference, wreaks havoc with your sleep schedules. Tonight, the sleepover is at his place.
Spencer's not complaining. Not being able to sleep isn't as bad when he has someone to talk to and doesn't have to stare at the walls and think about the case.
"Never." He laughs a little at your shocked reaction. "The germs on the little spoons put me off."
"You're missing out." You inform him, getting up from where you've been laying in bed and holding hands.
He frowns, sitting up and watching you walk around his bedroom like you know where everything is. You practically do. "What are you doing?" He inquires.
"It's what we're doing." You say, turning to look back at him after you open his bedroom door. He's still frowning. "Going to get frozen yogurt."
He stands up and follows you, still unsure. "You're serious?"
"Completely." You assure him, grabbing your keys and slipping your shoes on. "And I'll make yours for you."
You hover by the door on your phone, figuring out where the nearest shop is, he presumes while he slips his shoes on. "Should we at least get changed?" He asks, looking in the mirror by the door at his messy hair and pajamas.
"There's no time." You announce. "You cannot go an extra ten minutes not having had frozen yogurt."
Spencer holds the door open for you, reaching for your hand before turning back to lock it. "You're crazy, you know?"
You nod. "That's why you like me."
He smiles the entire car ride, head against the leather headrest as he asks you what toppings are best, and you tell him about all the good memories of getting frozen yogurt with your friends and family.
The looks you get are odd. Being the only customers in the store, your loud giggling doesn't go unnoticed by the bored cashier who's probably wishing they were somewhere else.
"Okay, what do you think?" You ask once you're back in the car, parked on the side of the road.
He hears the excitement in your voice, how you anxiously hold your cup and anticipate his reaction. Dramatically, he tries it, scooping ice cream, toppings, and sauce at the same time, and taste tests it like he's a judge on Masterchef.
"Good." His judgment comes.
You scoff. Your face shows pure joy, a wide grin, and the sparkling eyes he adores. "Spencer, just good? Come on, don't you know a million words?"
"Marvelous, delectable, exquisite." He offers, returning your smirk.
"Much better." You approve, sticking your spoon out to try some of his. He gasps, pulling it away. "You have to share. That's the rules of frozen yogurt."
He relents, holding it out for you to take some, and taking some of yours in exchange. "Wow, I'm so thankful I didn't let you pick for me." He teases you once he's tried what you like.
You roll your eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully. "You're so mean."
"Sorry, sorry." He apologizes, leaning forward to kiss you to make up for it. You kiss him back, making out with him like you're fifteen again, but he pulls back before it can get too heavy. "You've got to brush your teeth first."
You giggle at him. "Alright, we have to get home then because that's the plan for the rest of the night." You say, winking at him.
Spencer avoids choking on his ice cream at the proposition. "I mean, you're in charge, so I have to do whatever you say."
You grin at him, turning the car on. "I like this color on you." You say, and you're not just talking about the underlying sexual remarks. It's the way he's almost carefree with you, a side of him only you get to see.
You squeeze in conversation on the drive, but it's more eating than joking. He looks over at you while you drive back through the city, the warm summer wind in your hair, some frozen yogurt on your upper lip while you laugh at him. You're the first person to do that genuinely and so much.
It's how you inspire him to be who he wants to be. After being stuck in a box of seriousness for so long, he can just have fun and be a young adult for once. That's what he loves about you. And it hits him just like that, all at once, but in a way that's not overwhelming.
"Just take a picture." You joke, noticing his eyes transfixed on you. "Or you'll get more on your shirt."
He hadn't realized he'd missed his mouth until you point it out. "Just keep your eyes on the road." He quips.
"Can't help it." You tell him. "You're too perfect and really pretty."
He's even cuter when he blushes, and that's what you achieve with your compliment. "I think you're perfect." He replies quietly.
When he knows he wants to marry you
He's a little bit nervous about introducing you to his mom, wanting to make sure she's having a good day before he takes a very important step in your relationship.
He knows it has to go well. He needs his mom's approval, and it will kill him if he doesn't get it because of how much he loves you.
It seems like fate is working in his favor because you're in Las Vegas for a case, and Hotch agrees the team can have the night to blow off some steam.
For you, that means going to meet his mom. You can tell Spencer's freaking out about it on the way, gripping the steering wheel too tightly.
"Baby, it'll be okay." You assure him, squeezing his hand.
He's not sure why you're doing the comforting, but he's glad one of you is calm. That's the way it's often been with his overthinking nature.
"I know." He agrees. "I just hope she's having a good day."
You know about his past by how after one nightmare he had about it. "Either way, we'll be fine."
You distract him with a different conversation after that, playing with his hair between the headrest. When you get to his mom's facility, his phone rings almost as soon as you walk in the door hand-in-hand.
"It's Hotch." He announces, reading the caller ID. He knows your boss wouldn't be calling without a reason, and that means he has to pick up. "Just wait here and I'll be back in a minute." He instructs you, nodding to a bench in the reception area.
You don't, he realizes, when he comes back in after answering Hotch's questions about the case, and he anxiously walks through the facility to find you and his mom talking like you've known each other for years.
"Hey." You notice him, shuffling over so he can sit next to you.
He hugs his mom first, whispering about how much he's missed her. She shoots him a look that he knows means she approves, that she's impressed even before sitting next to you.
You run your hand over his back comfortingly. "Your mom was just telling me about baby Spencer." You fill him in.
That's enough to do it for him, knowing that in the five minutes he's been away, you've managed to make a connection with his mom without him being there. He's talked about how important she is, but he really can't believe you care so much that you put that over any anxiety you had about meeting his mom. It hits him then that it shouldn't be such a surprise: you would put his worries in front of him a million times. He sees you going extra steps for him all the time, and he's still wowed by how big your heart is.
But he has to play those big feelings off quickly. "Oh no." He groans playfully. "That means the photo albums are about to come out."
"Come on." You encourage him. "I bet you were so cute."
"He was." Diana agrees.
You hold his chin, grinning at him. "He still is."
It's a while after sharing childhood stories and memories that you excuse yourself to use the restroom, and he's left with his mom for the first time on that visit.
He doesn't bother asking her what she thinks. That answer is clear from her persistent smile. "You have to talk me down." He says. "Because I'm about to run off to a wedding chapel and marry her right now."
"While I think she deserves more than a tacky strip wedding, I'm going to be there." She assures him. "And this is everything I've ever wanted for you."
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