#wished kunigami was treated better
he-cate · 8 months
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
the kind of contestants they’d be on shitty romance reality tv
gender neutral reader
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the shy boy everyone ends up rooting for!
It’s hard to not fall in love with Isagi! Sure, he’s not the one that immediately takes the crowd by storm at his first appearance, and it might take him a little bit before people can actually tell him apart from the show’s other contestants. But Isagi proves himself to be a genuine, hard-working boy, and his bright smile and innocent eyes cements him as the “sweet boy next door” archetype. His love is quiet, strong, and fulfilling—even if he gets terribly embarrassed and flushes a bright red every time the show’s hosts tease him about how he has a little crush on you! 
DATES: Casual dates! He loves taking you out for coffee or snacks. He’s less occupied with what the two of you are doing than he is at getting to know you better. While he might look like nothing short of the perfect gentleman, his heart is threatening to beat out of his ribcage the entire time. Maybe if he’s feeling courageous, Isagi will take your hand in his hand when your fingertips brush against his.
life of the party!
Not afraid to ever speak his mind, Bachira knows how to make an impression on the audience. He’s bright, bubbly, and fun! He’s exactly the kind of contestant that everyone’s dying to partner up with, and once he finds someone he likes, he refuses to let anybody else tempt him. Bachira loves showering you with affection, regardless of whether or not there are cameras on him. He can get pretty handsy too, so he’s sure to keep an arm slung around your waist or pull you onto his lap whenever he gets the opportunity. Still, much like his name, his attraction towards you is as sweet as honey!
DATES: Bachira usually doesn’t have a preference as long as you’re with him. But he loves getting a little active, be it a casual game of beach volleyball or even chasing you around the show’s dorms. If you get him to open up enough, he’ll gladly take you out on a date to his mom’s art gallery, where you can share a heartfelt moment with him. If you want to try your hand at painting, he’ll eagerly join you too!
Kunigami takes everyone’s breath away at his first appearance, thanks to his absolutely sculpted body and smoldering eyes, but he’s quick to break down his seemingly aloof character due to how noble he is. He’s always treating you to nice things, making sure you’re doing alright, and speaking up for you whenever any of the other contestants try to start unprompted fights. He’s a refreshing change to all the petty catfights and squabbles that usually entail shitty reality TV, and him taking care of you is his way of proving to both you and everyone watching that his heart belongs to you and you only. 
DATES: Nothing can beat a good spa day with Kunigami! He’ll wow you with all the cosmetic skills he’s picked up from his sister, and it’s hard to not feel flattered when he wraps an arm around your torso and pulls you in for a secret cuddle while the two of you unwind. He probably gets a little shy when you yank your robe down to reveal skin, mumbling under his breath about how he wishes the cameras weren’t there so he can have you all to himself.
one of the girls!
Chigiri can take a bit of time to warm up to. Blunt, moody, but horribly irresistible, he’s the pretty boy contestant that everyone ends up coveting. But once he knows that you’re genuinely interested in him, he’ll reward your perseverance by opening up bit-by-bit. He has such an ambitious but polite personality that time flies by like nothing around him, and other couples are practically seething at how the two of you magically attract the spotlight wherever you go. He’s sure to become a contestant that’ll influence social media and the show’s seasons to follow through the sheer power of his ice cold beauty.
DATES: Chigiri really hates having people all up in his personal business despite being on a reality TV show, so he prefers dates where he can slip away with you. Late night walks are the perfect way for him to unwind with you at his side, and the wind is a perfect excuse to get you to touch his hair. He loves aimlessly wandering around talking about whatever he wants with you, and he’s sure to send you off with a goodnight kiss.
teddy bear!
It’s honestly a mystery as to how someone as unmotivated as Nagi ended up as a contestant, but once you get past his listless moods, he’s adorable boyfriend material. He might not be the best dressed or the most energetic, but there’s something so awfully intimate about the way he constantly has you scooped up in his arms or how he gets all grumpy when another contestant takes an interest in you. He’s also bound to make jaws DROP when the inevitable shirtless episode happens, and everyone finds out that he’s packing a body of straight muscle underneath all of his sweaters and baggy pants.
DATES: Nagi wants to stay in 100% of the time. His idea of a good time is curling up in his bed with a movie or a game on and not giving a shit about what everyone else is doing. If you’re feeling peckish, you can usually get him to cave into going outside for a bit by tickling. Although be careful—getting all handsy under the covers goes both ways, and the cameras are eager to pick up on any lovin’ happening!
hey, emo boy! hey, hey, hey, emo boy!
Rin makes waves as an almost antagonistic contestant throughout the show. He’s not here to play nice, and if people have an issue with his personality, then they’re clearly not meant to be his partner. He only wants someone that’s worthy of his attention, and when you win his heart over, Rin is nothing but an absolutely lovestruck puppy. It gives the audience a little whiplash to see him snarling at someone and then get all sappy with you at the drop of a hat, but it only adds to his moe-like charm. Being so young, he’s awfully new to love, so it doesn’t take much to make him an endearing love interest once his walls come down.
DATES: He’s fine with anything as long as you drag him around. Window shopping downtown and chowing down on any snacks that catch your fancy is all he really wants. He’ll pay for anything that catches your eye and carry all your bags. He swears he’s having a good time, even though he’s walking around with his lips pressed into the thin line the entire date. And you know he is, given how he trails after you like you’re his lifeline.
prince charming!
Yukimiya is the picture perfect man. Not only is he attentive, attractive, and alluring, he’s also mild-mannered but still firm. He’ll open doors for you and shower you with compliments, and his attention to detail easily earns him a place as the audience’s favorite. Yukimiya does have a bit of a competitive streak though, which means it’s a bad idea for any of the other contestants to take him lightly. He’s not afraid to throw his weight around if it means impressing you, and he’ll take down his rivals with that beaming model smile on his face. He’s romantic and an all-around good guy, even if his jealous streak does lead to some steamy behind-the-scenes moments.
DATES: If the weather allows it, Yukimiya would love to take you ice skating! Nothing screams romantic to him more than skating with you hand-in-hand. It’s alright if you’re a complete beginner; he’ll firmly plant his hands around your hips and teach you the techniques. If you prefer to hang off of his arm and sneak kisses to warm up his cold cheeks, he’s down for that too. It also goes without saying that a generous cup of hot chocolate is guaranteed to follow, with him poking fun at your whipped cream mustache after your first sip.
dream come true!
Kurona’s striking appearance does him some favors in the beginning, but his strong points are his loyalty. He’s someone who stays true to his decisions, which includes his choice in a partner, and his fierce loyalty could turn anyone green with envy. Definitely the kind of contestant that everyone drools over through the duration of the show, and his 100% boyfriend material personality ensures that he wiggles his way into your heart without any difficulties. No worries though, because he’s had his eye on you since day one!
DATES: Kurona’s always wanted to take you out on a picnic date, where he can escape the spotlight and really get to spend some quality time with you. He’ll wake up early to make sandwiches and all of your favorite snacks, and he gets a little shy when you compliment him so highly for his efforts. Really, he’s willing to do whatever it takes if it means you’ll be happy, so you can expect for him to go all out on you again.
no bitches?
Sendou is a lot to take in. He’s very eager to find someone, to say the least, and his pathetic nature does hold its charms. But if you want your personal cheerleader who has eyes for no one but you, Sendou’s the contestant for you! His jaw drops every time you have a costume change, and he gets all awfully pouty if he thinks you haven’t been giving him the attention he’s due. He’ll also try to flirt with you often, even if it’s only his effort that’s being appreciated by the audience, only to become completely gobsmacked when you turn around and flirt right back at him. He’s completely wrapped around your finger, and the crowd never fails to gobble it up!
DATES: Sendou’s never dated anyone before, so any first date-esque date is perfect for him! He likes amusement parks because he always talks bravely but ends up needing to hold your hand for every scary roller coaster he comes across. But you’ll make it up to him by sharing some treats with him, and once he gets in the groove, Sendou will even win you a cute stuffed animal from one of the rigged carnival games! Just… don’t ask how many tries it actually took him.
nice guys finish last!
Oh, it would be so easy to lie and say that someone like Aiku isn’t worth your time, but there’s more to him than meets the eye. He’s definitely a flirt and a playboy, soaking up the attention that everyone douses him in, but as much as you hate him, you have to admit that he’s irritatingly handsome. But past all the flirting and sultry gazes is someone who wants to find a true partner, and if you give him a chance, Aiku knows better than to squander it. Besides, he’s a team player and dependable when things really boil down, and his inclination towards whoredom is just a little added spice to your relationship! 
DATES: Aiku always insists on a beach date (totally not because he wants to see you in a skimpy swimsuit or anything…), but he’s also totally chill with a homey ramen shop date too! He’ll goad you into trying some of his spicy ramen, and he’ll buy you ice cream afterwards because he feels bad for pressuring you. There’s no better end to the date than a few hours at karaoke and a late night drive back, where there’s bound to be some making out before he drops you off.
king queen bee!
Kaiser is hot stuff, and he knows it. He’s easily the most irritating contestant in the history of contestants, yet… you can’t help but be attracted to his horrible swagger and stunning looks. Kaiser’s bound to tease the hell out of you once he knows you like him, but he really isn’t one to talk. His crush on you is as obvious as daylight, and he spends the entirety of the show doing the most to impress you. Whether it’s lounging around shirtless or somehow always catching you alone, it’s like the two of you were meant to be. Well, duh, Kaiser won’t accept anyone but the best as his lover, and he’s determined to have you!
DATES: An expensive dinner at a nice restaurant where he can pamper the living hell out of you with that wallet of his followed by a few drinks at a fancy bar is his bread and butter. He also buys you your outfit, and he knows the producers of the show will let him because, c’mon, who doesn’t love a little bit of money spending? Kaiser loves it when you play hard to get, and winning you over with pricey gifts is only the start of his courtship.
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undonerhapsodize · 2 years
kunigami, before he even knows he likes you, considers you precious
kunigami, who resonates with you on a different level than anyone else, in the best way possible
kunigami, who gravitates towards you while in a group. whether it be on purpose or not, he always finds himself by your side
kunigami, who treats you so tenderly, friends would think he’s your boyfriend
kunigami, who looks at you longingly, unabashedly from across the room
kunigami, who always asks how your day is going, and actually listening to your answer
kunigami , who always listens to you speak with a small smile on his face, attentive as he is delighted
kunigami, who says softly, “you were saying?”, prompting you to continue what you were talking about before you were overshadowed
kunigami, whose body fully turns to face you, giving his full undivided attention every time
kunigami, who never EVER wants you to feel threatened by him
kunigami, knowing the impression he usually gives off to most people, takes care to speak with the upmost respect when talking to you or about you
kunigami, who, without fail, always gets flustered whenever you say something nice about him. either to him or to someone else
kunigami, who, when praised by you, even for doing the bare minimum, instantly turns away, desperately not making eye contact with you as he rationalizes with himself to calm down
kunigami, who revels in your words for days. they can’t leave his mind no matter how hard he tries to clear his head
kunigami, who won’t admit the fact that sometimes he buries his face into his pillow at the thought of you: your face, your look, the tone of your voice
kunigami, who encourages you earnestly and honestly, whether it be in the things you pursue or haven’t even attempted to
kunigami, who’s always appalled whenever you disregard your own feelings and goals
kunigami, who’s SO adamant on helping you see yourself in the way he does
kunigami, who offers to teach you a little soccer despite your numerous protests
kunigami, who says “what? no, no of course not” whenever you claim it would be a waste of time and that surely he had better things to do
kunigami, who never makes fun of you once as you stumble and trip all over yourself
kunigami, who admittedly laughed a little when you started cursing at the ball
kunigami, who only held concern when you fell, who ran to you immediately and asked with a rushed and alarmed tone, “you alright??”
kunigami, who, once he saw the wince despite the nod you gave, grew impossibly more concerned
kunigami, who helped you up gently, urging you to grab onto his arm with a “hold onto me” as he guided the both of you off the field
kunigami, who you have to assure you’re okay or he’ll be stuck on the incident forever
kunigami, who has a heart attack when you ask him out kunigami, who, for a full minute, cannot believe the words that had come from your mouth kunigami, who takes too long to answer, leaving you to attempt to take back your question with an ashamed expression kunigami, who stumbles over himself to say yes, to reassure you that yes, of course he would be yours kunigami, who only wishes to help you feel the emotion that he does by being with you kunigami, who wants you to be his just as much as he wants to be yours kuniagmi, after he knows he loves you, considers you precious beyond measure
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kingkunigami · 2 years
Kunigami angrily fisting his cock after he not only lost a championship game but watching you wrap your arms tightly around your boyfriend Raichi.
Kitten if this results in a fic of Kunigami jerking off in the locker rooms while he listens to Raichi bend us over in the showers it’s gonna be all your fault… again.
Losing a game on extra time is never easy, especially when the 90 minutes has been spent on a 1-1 draw and it’s now his fault his entire team is going home deflated— poor Kunigami’s just trying to get all his frustration out.
It doesn’t help that Raichi has a wet, warm cunt to sink into when he’s frustrated. The fact that Kunigami wishes you were his instead just fuels his frustrations even more, irritated that he hadn’t managed to get there first. He didn’t even know what you saw in his teammate, he could treat you better. He would treat you better.
The lewd slaps of skin against skin fills the air as Kunigami spits down on his veiny cock, rolling his fist around the tip to smooth the wetness along his length. Groaning beneath his breath as he gets a glimpse of your bouncing tits every time Raichi thrusts forward, your cheek pressed against the shower wall. He’d make you feel better, you’d be cumming on his tongue right now if he had his way. But for now, this would have to do. Kunigami was a man of morals, but how could he look away right now? Not when you looked so ethereal. Those thick lashes fluttering and your lips parted in a pretty, constant moan. The sound of you begging only fuelled him, sending pleasurable jolts directly to his hardness as he imagined how much tighter your slick walls would feel wrapped around him compared to his fist.
“Tch, so fuckin’ noisy. You want everyone to come in and see what a naughty slut you are?”
“No,” You whined, your lips curling into a pout that had Kunigami grunting.
“Liar,” Raichi scoffed, spanking your ass as the sound of wet skin against skin filled the quiet locker rooms, “Even when I put my hand over your mouth to keep you quiet, your pussy’s still fuckin’ noisy.”
Raichi placed his palm against your mouth to muffle your moans as they vibrated against his skin, the crude sound of him fucking into your sloppy pussy now more evident as he increased his pace.
“You don’t wanna get caught?” Raichi continued, using his grip on you to pull your back against his chest to change the angle of his thrusts. The shift in position had Kunigami cursing beneath his breath as it ruined his sweet view of you, now all he could see was your silhouette through the plain white curtain, “Well, your pussy’s doin’ that for you, sloppy little cunt.”
Kunigami deliberately lingers in the locker rooms, making a scene of slamming his locker shut as he grabs a towel to shower. Pretending that he doesn’t hear Raichi in the next cubicle over trying to shush you as the water shuts off. He’ll probably fist himself in the shower again, even though you’ve left with your boyfriend and the water begins to run cold.
It’s not much, but it’s all he’s got.
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ishouldnotbhere · 3 years
the build-up of barou’s king moment 😩 i know it’s just around the corner aaaaaa and how amazing of aiku’s flow to be activated by everyone’s individual plays and (almost) flow moments?? captain ought to show off before blue lock ends them (?) CANT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK
AAAAAAH IKR omg I love how Barou just does not give a flying fuck what people think! Somehow I wish we could see the midfielders’ and strikers’ (Sae’s and Shidou’s) reactions to Blue Lock’s offenses??!
It’s weird because you would think Barou and Shidou would be similar in terms of their unpredictability and spontaneity, but Barou’s behavior actually seems to somehow contrast Shidou’s. Compared to how blatantly Barou barrels through others, dismisses their presences, and ignores their contributions to the team play, Shidou, weirdly enough, is much more… cooperative. It’s incomprehensible to even conceive of Shidou as a collaborative dude, but there’s evidence to demonstrate it. He butts heads with Rin, who is unwilling to acknowledge Isagi’s quick thinking on the field, because unlike Rin, Shidou truly enjoys good soccer. Unlike the others, who all have their own motives unrelated to soccer (Reo’s attachment to Nagi, Rin’s desire to outmatch his brother, even Kunigami’s goal to be a “hero”, etc.), Shidou’s interest is decidedly pure. Untainted. It’s just fundamentally, unabashedly, soccer. He loves the game fiercely. That’s all the reason he needs to play it.
Shidou just expresses his passion in a crude way (the whole “seed” and “womb” and “breeding” analogy). And yeah, it’s fucking weird, but it just goes to show Shidou basks in soccer at its core—a team-based sport in which the greater the individual talent, the more vibrant the outcome. And Shidou loves that. He acknowledges teammates who bring that dynamism to the game, who invigorate it, and it excites him even more to integrate it. His sexuality is soccer basically, lmao. I see him as the kind of person who’s willing to date anyone of any gender as long they’re good (as per his standards) at the sport. It’s why he’s more than happy to give Isagi the spotlight, back when he was in Blue Lock. It’s why he plays synergistically with Sae, and lets Sae take the lead, because he greatly admires Sae’s strategy and ability. Shidou really is quite animalistic and childlike in nature, but not in a bad way. His basest instincts are grounded in soccer. All someone needs to do is ignite or peak his curiosity, and he’ll be all over them.
I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched Hunter x Hunter, but Shidou sort of reminds me of Gon. Gon gets a lot of bad rep from the fandom, but what people forget is that Gon was literally just a child raised in isolation from the rest of the world. So his overtly extreme, violent reactions to traumatic events stems from the fact that his undeveloped, childhood insecurities, which had yet to mature, were now buttressed by incredible power that no child could understand, manage, or even ought to have. In the same way, Gon’s immediate attachment to new friends who match his level of talent arises from an essential lack of familial support throughout his growing years. While I’m not saying that Shidou actually had that sort of upbringing, his instantaneous bonds with players of similar capability, as well as his erratic mood swings between things which pique his interest and things which don’t, mirror that sort of childlike immaturity. But they’re not irrational. They can be explained (if not justified); they’re amoral, rather than immoral. It’s kind of sad, then, the way everyone treats Shidou as some sort of demon, when in fact his passion for soccer is the clearest out of everyone else’s.
Man, do I want Shidou’s backstory already.
Barou, on the other hand, is a beast of his own caliber. This guy is, weirdly enough, worse than Shidou because there’s no fucking possibility he’s going to play nice with anyone else on his team. I feel he truly embodies the spirit of “ego” Ego was trying to instill in Blue Lock. Barou’s connection to soccer is the precise opposite of Shidou’s; the other end of the spectrum: if Shidou’s is unadulterated (“soccer for soccer’s sake”), Barou’s is wholly selfish (“soccer for my sake”). Unlike Reo, Nagi, Kunigami, Isagi, Bachira, Rin, or literally anybody else, there was no sense of human attachment or feeling of personal insecurity that sparked Barou’s passion for soccer. His backstory proves that the literal reason Barou likes soccer was, well, he was just better than everybody else. I’m the King. I’m the only one who belongs, and all of you will bow. Which, of course, is not how soccer, or any team-based sport for that matter, works, and that’s why he’s going to come in clutch for Blue Lock. He’s a singularity, and he’s single-handedly going to rock the game off its course. The thing about experts going head-to-head is that experts know what the other might play. What is truly fearsome is the beginner, and the person who either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about the rules. I, for one, am so excited to see this match unfold!
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