#wistful desires
askathewierdo · 2 years
How hard is it to understand that i just want wings? I'm not taking romantically 'flying'. I want feathered flight givers from my back. I don't just want to fly i want to sleep on the fluffy dreamboats that are clouds. Why can't people understand that when i say i want to fly it ain't in an airplane. I don't mean sky diving either. I don't wanna fall i wanna fly. I don't mean metaphorically or mentally. I want w i n g s. I don't mean gliding or parachuting. I want massive muscled appendages growing out of me that can lift me off the ground and gift me every other moments of weightlessness.
I wanna FLY.
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particulae · 1 year
"I understand how you feel."
"You do?"
"Yeah, in fact, we're very similar to each other in some ways. I mean, before everything, you were just living an ordinary life. But it's not like you wanted to. I may not know everything that has happened between you and your brother, but I know you were looking for that spark. Something to light up the fire that gradually dwindled as you got older."
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aashiquidreams · 3 months
It has been so many months since November when I last gazed into his beautiful big green eyes. I still remember every detail of his handsome face, his beautiful messy hair, and his disarming smile that could melt the coldest heart. His intelligence, his kindness toward others, the way he spoke about the people and things he loved—all these qualities made a lasting impression on me.
Until I met him a few years ago, I didn’t think I’d ever have a huge crush again. There was an undeniable attraction. He could hold my gaze with such intensity, his face so captivating at times. He made me feel seen and good about myself, noticing things about me and expressing them without hesitation. He occasionally made me blush. Even in my most discouraged and bad moods, he managed to make me smile. I always looked forward to seeing him again, even on my worst days.
We first met in 2022, and exactly a year later, I found myself back in the same place where our paths initially crossed. Our connection deepened over time as we spent more time together, and he became an important part of my life for several months.
There were also things about him that occasionally bothered me. He could be moody and somewhat distant or even aloof at times (typical of his Aquarius moon). He noticeably got irritated when other men flirted with me, but I have to admit that it somehow made him more attractive. I appreciate a hint of jealousy and possessiveness in a man, but of course, not in a harmful way. On another note, he shared my tendency to be very energetic and somewhat restless at times—traits typical of a fire sign (him with Aries Sun and me with Leo Sun). Despite these occasional issues, I could easily overlook them because of how charming and handsome he is.
Parting ways in November was, in hindsight, a good thing because I could see myself falling in love with him. The timing wasn’t right, and certain boundaries made it impossible for us to be together. Perhaps this was all it was supposed to be. Maybe he played his part in my journey, but I am glad and thankful he was part of it and helped me reach the next stage. I think of him from time to time—of what he would say, how he used to look at me and sometimes stare at me as if he was studying my face, how we used to joke and laugh, and how he encouraged me and showed me that I was capable of things I never imagined.
He made me enjoy and love something I never thought possible. He was the right person at the right place at the right time in my life. Sometimes, like tonight, I long to see him again, to lose myself in his eyes, and to feel the warmth of his smile once more. Who knows, maybe one day we will meet again. For now, I will cherish his memory and the profound impact he had on my journey.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Poly!Dale Acton and Wayne Jackson x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: A random drunk guy decides to bait equally drunk Dale and Wayne, and its everything you and Norman can do to keep those two from killing this man.
Warnings: Violence & misogynistic shit talking. I wrote this in the middle of the night during a burst of inspiration... from... the... weasley twins??.. so yeah. It might not be the best 😂😅XD SEVERELY unedited.
Tagging: @slxsherwriter
This guy wants to get his ass kicked so damn bad. It was all Norman could do to keep Dale in his seat and not leap over the booth and lunge at him, and it was all you could do to stay in front of Wayne (directly between him and this jerk, since he managed to slip out of your booth before you could stop him)- but this guy would not stop talking!
It started with just a few odd looks here and there from the bar. Dale noticed it and put a bad taste in his mouth, but you managed to calm him down again with a kiss on the cheek- you all just got off a long job! Can you all just have fun tonight?? Please.
Then he started to talk shit. Saying some very unflattering things about you, bar side picking at the guys' egos (You couldnt do shit if I came over there and started kicking your lame little asses, could you? How much are you paying for the slut? Etc etc), and you couldn't stop Wayne from talking back, and then well naturally it just got NASTY.
"-hey, old man, you lookin' kinda pent-up there now. Nothing else to say?? 'S not my fault if ya don't like the truth. How about you come over here and prove me wrong, huh?? Y'think your old back could take it?"
Wayne's voice is little more then a growl, and you're shocked; eyes wide, head snapping up to look at him. Oh, shit- "Come here, you little shit, I'll show you a broken back- "
"Well come on, then!" The guy laughs, and when you turn your head see the loser- you regret it immediately. He zeroes in on you. An obnoxious, simpering grin slips across his annoying mug. "... or, is your bitch the boss around here?"
Norman has to actually push Dale back down into his seat, then.
You flash the guy a glare, but ignore him, turning to look up pleading at Wayne; Try to talk over the guy and get through to him. "-hey, don't listen to him, he's drunk. You're drunk. He's just trying to bait you. Calm down, take a deep breath- "
"... just trynna bait me? heh... doin a real good job of it."
"I know, but- "
"Y/N." Normans voice. You turn your head, a hint of annoyance in your gaze. What?? He nods meaningfully towards Wayne's waistband, a note of worry in his face, and your eyes go insanely wide. Oh, shoot- right-
By the time you've had the time to look down and try to grab the gun before he can, Wayne's already got in hand. Luckily you're able to snatch it away before he can do anything; flashing him a ferociously stern glare. "No." You're not in any mood to spend the night in jail. And neither is Norman, who you hear give a half-relieved sigh.
"Aw, she is the boss!" The guy continues again, patronising and dumb-drunk. Poor, dumb, asshole. He doesn't know what poor decisions he's making fucking with these two. He's only lucky Norman's not easily picked on, otherwise there's nothing you could've on your own to save him. Or them. Or any innocent bystanders. "Cute. Omega men, right babe?"
He is SO. LUCKY.
Even you wanna kick his ass.
"Don't call her babe." Dale seethes, the first thing he's said during this entire encounter. Dale's not a talker- opposite to Wayne. Dale's a beater; hence the iron-grip Norman has on him.
The guy sneers at Dale. "Why not? She is." His eyes find you again, or your back, because you're not looking at him. You're tracking Wayne, hoping he doesn't try something crazy. "Huh, babe? Babes? Sweet tits?"
You give a wince, you cant help it; grossed out and uncomfortable, it does not fly over Dale's head. He tries to jump up but Norman's grip forces him hard back down in his seat. "Stay the fuck down. We don't want trouble."
"Speak for yourself, I wanna kill this mother- "
" -Dale, come on," You take your attention off of Wayne for a second; turning your pleading gaze onto Dale. "Please."
... He looks at you like he cant believe what you're asking of him, like its so unfair he cant beat the shit out of this guy, but thank god- he listens. He grips the table so hard his knuckles go white and he's scowling so hard his blue eyes are almost black, but he listens. Halfway through relief, your ears prick up at that fucking guy, talking again. Still. When will he shut. up!?? "Oh, you guys are so whipped. I mean, she's cute don't get me wrong. And pussy's good- but not that good. Show her who's fucken boss already. ... Show me."
... You don't remember when you let go of Wayne. But you know you did. Because the next thing you know you're whipping around, discarding the gun, marching up to this drunk asshole and punching him directly in the jaw.
Then Wayne's fingers dig into the guy's hair and he's on the ground. Wayne's boot on his throat. The sound of Norman cursing behind you, and he must let go of Dale because he's going to have really painfully bruised, split knuckles tomorrow. Then all 3 of you sitting handcuffed in the back of police car side-by-side.
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dragoncharming · 2 years
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tfw you join a second sect
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bellaroles · 8 months
Reading the Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire and I did not expect to be hit by the most tragic backstory of Su You and Yu Zhao Luo. 😭 The main couple's romance is cute and reasonably healthy(?!) but that past tragedy is so memorable (in a fucked up kind of way) I just can't let it go lol.
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kerorowhump · 1 year
depressing lack of keroro dororo dynamics in my vicinity when i am so fascinated by them in every way
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divinekangaroo · 11 months
dreams that never come true - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
At some point during the S6-E1 four year timeskip, a small slice of life.
Ada Thorne Presents: the Suppressed Desire Ball.
(Tommy might've preferred to be abroad, too. In the absence of drink, the thought of navigating the far-reaching territories of those taffeta skirts might get him through.)
Tommy Shelby/Lizzie Stark, Ruby Shelby, Charles Shelby, Various Shelby Household Maids | Fluff (or the Appearance of Fluff), Fancy Dress Party, Family Dynamics, Family Bonding, Domesticity, Foreshadowing, Gendered Dynamics, Class Issues, References to Sigmund Freud, Bittersweet, 1500 Word Flash Fiction
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tropicalscream · 10 months
fun times ahead
turns out when ur family mocks u as a kid, are angry at u for not being like ur brothers, breaks ur possessions as punishment, hits you, allows your brothers to steal from you, get called the failure of the family, and utterly despises you when your performing the role they want unto preform
and then every freind acquaintance and lover u make perpetuate it, you dont understand whays happening but everyone hates you and tells you ur a burden and your a creep and drops u at the slightest convenience
ignores ur suffering, gladly makes u homeless bc they find u annoying,
have partners that hit you, that scream at you for things that didnt even happen, that treat you like a dirty secret, a hole, that know you love them and decide its never worth putting up with you
that you find out our trans and joy at experiencing solidarity at experiencing a community that finally will accept you only to be insulted, harassed, belittled abused and humiliated for the crime of not being skinny, of not beinf hot kf not being their type
turns out u may just fuckin want to die bc no hell that may await you will.be anyworse then the life you lived
the life where the second you were born everyone despised your for the crime of being you nd drawing breath
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anipgarden · 1 year
You know what just hit me?
Between my bare root plants, the one I got a few weeks back, and the one I got today? That’s 5 swamp milkweeds. And if I’m lucky they’ll all flower this year.
That’s, like. Genetically diverse seed harvesting range. That’s ‘collect my own seeds to give away’ territory. Fuck, if I’m real ambitious, that could even be ‘collect seeds, grow seedlings, sell online’ kinda seed harvest. Or at least ‘give away eagerly to anyone else I manage to peer pressure into gardening’ territory. Might even be ‘don’t worry about fucking up guerrilla gardening in those ditches, we have more at home’ territory.
Holy shit.
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aworldforastage · 2 years
side character appreciation: [spoiler] in 魔尊他念念不忘/The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire
something of a walking spoiler ahead: not exactly related to the main plotline but still part of an important reveal in a flashback
禹朝落/Yu Zhaoluo completely steals the show in the novel in which he is already long dead
Yu Zhaoluo loses his cultivation partner in a cruel betrayal, and has the poor luck of running into (actually evil) chaos agent Su You, who makes it a personal mission to try to break him by humiliating him further. But in the end it's the sect that raises him that breaks his will to live, and Su You becomes obsessed with a man he remembers for being good and goes on a ruthless rampage to revive him.
The irony in stories like these is goodness becomes its own tragedy. Yu Zhaoluo's story wouldn't have meant nearly as much if he isn't good until the very end, but he is also doomed to die with that principle carrying him.
Su You is the only one who loves him with the intensity and totality that he deserves. He dies in the middle of failing to resurrect Yu Zhaoluo, begging his spirit not to hate him.
Yu Zhaoluo needs and deserves (and already loves) someone better than him, but he holds onto Su You's body after he dies, never quite loving Su You back, but not completely indifferent either.
Su You doesn't believe in Yu Zhaoluo's principles and isn't what he needs, but his love and obsession kept Yu Zhaoluo's story alive long enough to be passed on. The bell he made for Yu Zhaoluo's spirit ends up in the possession of Yu Yanshu, who does rebuild their sect, which as Chi Muyao says, maybe one day will become the kind of place where Yu Zhaoluo would want to rest in peace.
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theajaheira · 2 years
been listening to crj’s “bad thing twice” and thinking very specifically about jenny in what you make
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charonte-simi · 2 years
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sophia-sol · 6 months
The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire, by Mo Xi Ke, translated by SilverRain
Yes a third book review in one day, all of books I read ages ago. Can't believe I didn't post about any of them when I read them! In fact I'd actually managed to forget about this one entirely in the interim. Good thing I wrote this up back then.
This is a fun, silly danmei webnovel with a translation that seems stalled out at chapter 79 of 112.
The main character Chi Muyao is a transmigrator but honestly it never really feels like he is one, it's just like for plot reasons or whatever. A bit of a baffling choice to me, since it never seems to actually make much difference! But oh well.
I like Chi Muyao's friendship with his shijie and with the second male lead, and I really enjoy how much his poorly-regarded sect just genuinely loves spirit animals and doesn't care about anything else. He's not as interested in spirit animals as them but he dedicates himself to what his sect needs nonetheless, and they appreciate what he does. it's all very wholesome.
And I do genuinely enjoy the romance arc as well, as silly as it is.
The book is overall very full of details about spiritual roots, and the stages of cultivation, and the various pills and objects and techniques and places that can bolster or hinder one's growth. Feels a bit silly to me also tbh but not a big deal to read past it!
At the point the extant English translation ends, we're in a plot arc about getting backstory on the main villain. Prior to this I was like, why does this story even need a villain, Chi Muyao and Xi Huai are doing great at thwarting their happy ending on their own. But I found myself enjoying this backstory too!
It would be nice to get the end of this story sometime, but I think I started reading this one because it felt low pressure for me to have opinions on it, because it's not done yet. So like. I enjoyed myself in the reading of it, but I'm also not feeling heartbroken about being denied the ending tbh!
If you're interested you can read it yourself here: https://peachblossomcodex.com/novel/tdvswd/
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inkb0n3s · 7 months
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dragoncharming · 8 months
Chi Muyao: Yi Qianxi's temper can sometimes get the best of her, but she's a reliable shijie when push comes to shove.
Xi Huai: here's a bag of the good kibble.
Yi Qianxi:
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