#witchy pines au
kingofbodyrolls · 4 years
BTS fic recs: 2019
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fics post 💜
BTS fic rec index 💜
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
⭐Inside my Mind 💯 by @jimlingss
// knj x f.reader // high school!au // 🥰🥵😂
📝 You’re safe in the confines of your mind. Free to think whatever, free to fantasize to your heart’s content. And your imagination tends to quite a wild turn when you’re dying from sheer boredom. But when some GUY IN YOUR CLASS CAN FUCKING READ MINDS - YOU’RE NOT SAFE ANYMORE! WHAT THE FUCKSKDKASDFGHJKL—
⭐Sugar, Spice, and everything Nice 💯 by @dovechim
// pjm x f.reader // established relationship, witch!reader, pregnancy!au // 🥵😂
📝 You and jimin have been trying for a baby for the past six months, to no avail, but then you realize one crucial mistake: you’ve been neglecting your witchy heritage. What ensues is a month of trial and tribulation… for Jimin at least. 
⭐Locked in Love 💯 by @parkmuse
// pjm x f.reader // brothers best friend!jimin, Christmas!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Getting locked in the mall on Christmas eve isn’t ideal, but getting locked in the mall with your brothers best friend that you haven’t seen in a while? Well, it might have been alright if you didn’t have feelings for him.
🗨️ This is one of my absolute favorites, and I re-read this around every Christmas 🥰
⭐Snow, Don’t Tell 💯 by @stutterfly
// pjm x f.reader // neighbors!au, f2l // 🥵🥰😂
📝 Jimin is the sweetest boy around, no comparison. Always ready to listen to my stories, visits me regularly and tells me all sorts of tales about those friends of his. Might as well adopt them all, I know so much about them! Jiminie’s the best grandson anyone could ask for, really, a little angel, and his little gang of friends is quite the hoot. He’s been a little quiet about himself lately, though. Kept going on and on about that neighbor of his, how cute she always looks and how he likes to help her with her groceries, but I think maybe I teased him just a little too much about that crush of his. Maybe he’ll figure out a way to get closer to her this holiday season, because who knows how much longer he’ll pine over the girl if he doesn’t. 
🗨️ This is one of my absolute favorites, and I re-read this around every Christmas 🥰
⭐What you Deserve by @jiminniethemarshmallow
// pjm x f.reader // bf2l // 🥵
📝 (no summary, sorry).
⭐About Last Night by @sehunpeachy
// pjm x f.reader // e2l // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 You had promised yourself; if you were to ever hook up with that asshole park jimin, it would be just a one night stand.
⭐Upstream Colour by @honeymoonjin
// kth x f.reader // s2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 Escaping to Venice for a break from your strenuous job was meant to be simple. Go there, decompress for two weeks, and return feeling invigorated. But the soulful gondolier you meet on the docks in Saint Mark’s Square has you wanting to never leave at all.
⭐Bulls Eye by @gguksgalaxy
// jjk x f.reader // f2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 A summer weekend isn’t complete without Jungkook coming to seek you out at your job at the beach club to bless you wish his smile. A smile that quickly fades to anger one night, when he catches your ex trying to get your attention.
⭐In the Dark 💯 by @jksangelic
// pjm x jjk x f.reader // threesome, f2l, mxm  // 🥵😂
📝 “I can’t get a signal on my phone, the car is dead, and I’m fairly certain we are out of matches.”
⭐The CEO’s Son by @honiboyyoon
// jjk x f.reader // office!au  // 🥵
📝 Your relationship with your boss’ son was never one HR would approve of…
AN: I am posting this in august 2023, but dating the post back to some time in 2019 😆
Borahae 💜
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spacecowboyhotch · 9 months
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summary: a witch hunter is injured in the woods and is nursed back to health by none other than his target. she’s nothing like he imagined— full of compassion, infused with sweet magic and more beautiful than any woman he’s ever seen before.
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, witch hunter!au, enemies to lovers, violence/blood/wounds, weapons, witchy shit, angst, resistance, longing, pining, eventual smut, love confessions
I. My Dear Nemesis
The Rigid Hunter
The Eclectic Witch
II. Their Burning Flames
The Oathbound
Beyond Chaos*
Boundless Aesthetic
Boundless Playlist
a ways away but let me know if you’d like to be tagged <3
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
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Serious Moonlight Tour 1771 words, meet cute You’re going to be a music journalist, even if there’s no music scene in Hawkins.
Our Patron Saint of the Arts 6705 words, idiots in love When you find a Motorhead patch in the hallway of Hawkins High, you know who it belongs to. Eddie in a dress. Reader is a crafty artist. Wayne Munson. No Vecna; everything is peachy.
Siouxsie and the Soulmates 12,968 words, witch!reader When you roll into Forest Hills Trailer Park, a white cat and daisy lines following you, Eddie Munson is just a little bit obsessed. A soulmate story featuring Eddie back from the Upside Down, a lot of witchy magic, and even more soft love.
The Cabin in the Woods 11,339 words, fix-it fic Something is very wrong in Hawkins and Eddie isn’t answering the phone. A story featuring heavy metal concerts, medical attention, mutual pining, and a cabin in the woods.
To Break a Covenant 8,877 words, a horror story Eddie came back from the Upside Down, but it’s not through with him yet. A short horror story that will hurt. It will bleed and feed and rip you apart.
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Vintage Reeboks [complete] 26,949 words total The gate at the bottom of Lover’s Lake was meant to spit the quartet out in the Upside Down. Steve, Nancy, and Robin were meant to be there. He wasn’t meant to be alone. But when Eddie comes to on the shoreline, you’re there. It’s not the Upside Down. It’s not Lover’s Lake. It’s not 1986.
Angel of the First Degree [complete] 80,833 words total When Eddie Munson finds you (chubby!reader) in the midst of a panic attack, it is the beginning of something. A fic featuring body and sex positivity, Eddie in a dress, soft small moments, scary big truths, and all the usual special feelings you'd expect from one of my stories.
Bones and All [complete] 44,570 words total What do you hunger for? Bones and All AU.
Burning Yarrow [in progress; taglist open] No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?,
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Eddie headcanons
Eddie x Reader drabbles
'Shit Eddie Says' shitposting
A masterlist of Eddie ref posts
🖤 All my work is Fem!Reader. Other characteristics are left as vague as possible, unless stated in the synopsis. 🖤
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gothdaddyissues · 8 months
The Devil Came to a Small Town
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Catch up here: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
A Ghost AU Fanfic - Cardinal Copia/Female OC
The Satanic Church of Emeritus moves into an old Abbey on the outskirts of a bougie small town. Sister Imperator and the shy Cardinal Copia strike up a business relationship with Isabelle, the local witchy shop owner. This sets in motion a series of events that uncovers long-hidden secrets, solves mysteries, and unites the town and Church against a common enemy. And also: two lonely people fall in love...
TAGS: Glacially-slow slow burn. Lots of OCs. Romantic fluff. Mutual pining. Sex. Violence. Humor and melancholy in equal measure. Ghoul hijinx. All the Papas are alive and well, and very silly. Small-town weirdness. Drug and alcohol use. Bad language. Marginally accurate witchcraft. Very-likely-inaccurate religious imagery and practices. Magic, psychic abilities, and prophetic visions. Intolerance and discrimination. A happy ending will happen...
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Chapter 7 is now up!
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Read on Ao3 or below the cut... (~5100 words)
October 7
She ran, her feet pounding the frozen ground. The light dusting of snow on the forest floor was illuminated by the moon above, bathing everything in an iridescent blue glow. The trees soared high into the clear night sky, cradling the stars in their bare, spindly branches. It had been a night of celebration and reverence - a night of worship under the full moon - quickly transformed into a night of terror when they came looking for her.
So she ran, deep as she could into the woods, hoping they would not follow, hoping they would never find her. She could barely catch her breath, her heart slamming in her chest, but she dared not stop. She was running for her life.
The chill air bit at her cheeks, her ears, her fingers. She was so, so cold. She was further into the forest than she had ever been. Nothing familiar here, no bearings. And still, she ran. It was her only option.
It was his voice. Whispered, drifting through the trees on the wind, meant only for her to hear.
"Bella!" More urgent this time.
He was close. She slowed herself as she came to a small clearing. Gasping, frigid air searing her lungs, she leaned against a tree trunk to hold herself up. She couldn't see him, but she sensed his presence, surrounding her like an embrace. Calm. Safe.
"How did you find me?" she asked, breathless.
"We are connected, you and I," he replied from the emptiness, "I'm with you always."
"Copia, help me."
He stepped out of the darkness — majestic in his long, black and gold military jacket, his skull paint crisp and pristine. Gloved hands reached for her, pulling her close. She melted into his strength, his warmth... his love. He wrapped her in his arms, resting his chin upon the top of her head, stroking his fingers through her tousled, wind-blown hair. The steady thrum of his heartbeat soothed her as she lay her cheek against his chest.
"Mia ragazza coraggiosa," he whispered, "Mia bella principessa. We cannot stay long. They are coming."
She could see the congregation far off through the trees. Their white robes shone in the moonlight, the orange flames from their torches shimmering pinpricks of light in the distance. They were chanting, their combined voices a dull, incomprehensible drone that grew louder and louder the closer they came. Like a poorly edited film, they were suddenly closer. Glitching again, closer still.
"Slut. Witch. Whore. Slut. Witch. Whore."
Copia took her hand tightly. "Come, my love. We must go. Rapidamente."
Together, they sprinted through the trees, but no matter how fast they ran, their pursuers were always right behind. Their voices were amplified by the wind, filling her with panic: "SLUT. WITCH. WHORE. BURN!"
She sensed another presence in the woods. Something animalistic. Demonic. A dozen shadowy figures paced in the darkness just beyond her vision, claws scraping against trees and frozen earth. Gurgling and growling. Angry. But they were not her enemies - they were guardians. They were at Copia's command, and he was leading their pursuers right to them.
Copia let go of her hand and pushed her ahead. "Go!" he ordered as he came to a stop. "Keep running. I will find you."
She turned back, reaching for him. The men in the white robes were almost on him, their faces covered with Venetian Bauta masks, their torches held high. "Copia, please!" she cried.
The demons emerged from the shadows around her, ready to protect their master and his lover. A pack of horned beasts with fangs and talons and long pointed tails. Their eyes and skin glowed incandescent in the pale light, various shades of purple, blue, orange, and green. They flew past her, tearing into the flesh of the white-robed men, snarling and vicious. There was blood. There were screams. She heard Copia again telling her to run, and this time, she obeyed.
She ran for what seemed like forever, but the screams still rang in her ears, the demon guardians chasing down every last villain who took after her. The forest grew dense as she sped blindly through the underbrush, branches scratching at her skin. Even without leaves, the trees blocked out most of the sky, with only thin slivers of moonlight cutting through here and there. She could barely see her hand in front of her face, lost in the darkness. She had to trust in Copia's promise that he would find her and return her to safety.
Finally, the screaming stopped. She slowed her pace somewhat, taking the opportunity to look back behind her. Nothing but pitch black night. 
A sudden thump sent her flying backward, hard onto the ground with the wind knocked out of her. She had run headlong into something solid concealed in the dark. Dazed, she pulled herself onto her hands and knees, and reached out her hand; it brushed against hard stone. She slid her hand up to feel more stones, bricked together and covered with fuzzy moss. A solid mass in front of her. A wall? She had no idea how high it rose or how wide it spanned. She’d reached a dead end. 
Her entire body ached and she was shivering in the cold. All around her was silence, save for her shuddering breaths. Terrified, disoriented, she wanted to cry out for Copia but thought better than to draw attention to herself. Instead, she wrapped her shaky arms around her torso in a feeble attempt to keep warm.
Then she heard the footsteps. The soft crunch of boots on the snow behind her. Copia? She scrambled to her feet and spun around. Her stomach dropped. A lone man, clad in a hooded white cassock, his face hidden behind a masquerade mask, had found her. "Slut. Witch. Whore." She tried to scream, but the man was on her, his hands around her throat. "Slut. Witch. Whore."
She clawed futilely at his wrists as she gasped for breath, and when that didn't work, went for his face with fists. She punched at him hard, dislodging the mask and sending it to the ground. The hood of his cassock obscured his eyes, but she could just make out his dark skin and white beard. "Slut! Witch! Whore!" he roared.
She was dizzy, losing consciousness, going limp under the man's grip. But his chokehold suddenly loosened, distracted by the sound of branches breaking, pounding footfalls, and beastly growling getting closer fast. The burliest demon yet, its skin pearly grey, burst through the brush and tackled the robed man, dragging him to the ground and tearing into him with its razor-sharp claws. Screams filled her ears again, and she was falling, faint, spatters of blood wetting her face from the carnage beside her.
Before she hit the ground, Copia caught her, lifting her into his arms. He cradled her against him, his hand on her cheek. "Bella? Wake up. Wake up!"
Isabelle's eyes shot open to see Poe sitting on her chest, licking and pawing at her face. The cell phone on her bedside table was ringing and vibrating, the 'old phone' ringtone blaring at full volume. The cat meowed angrily, annoyed by the shrill sound.
"Okay, okay," she grumbled, fumbling for the device in her half-awake state, the dream still clinging to her. She was bleary-eyed, couldn't make out the number on the call display, wasn't quite sure what time or even what day it was. But she managed to answer, her voice hoarse and barely working. "Hello?"
"Uh, Izzy?" There was a man's voice on the other end, "Hi, it's Alex, across the street. I woke you up, didn't I? I'm so sorry. I tried calling you a little while ago but there was no answer."
As he spoke, she nudged Poe off of her, struggling to sit up and look at the clock. The sun was up - it was morning. Her first thought was that maybe she overslept. But Ari would have called her if that was the case, not the man who owned the antique shop opposite her. She blinked a few times to clear her vision and saw it was just after 8 a.m. "Oh... uh, hi Alex. Yeah, it's okay, no worries. I'd be getting up soon anyways." She rubbed at her face, willing herself to wake up faster. "What's up?"
"I guess that means you haven't been outside yet?"
His words broke sleep's spell hard and fast, hitting her like a bucket of cold water. Something was wrong. 'Good news sleeps 'til noon,' her mom always said. "No. Oh no... what happened?" She shuffled out of bed and to the window. It faced Main Street and Alex's shop. All seemed normal outside from her vantage point; she could see Alex standing outside his door, his cell phone pressed to his ear as he looked across the street.
"You got hit with some vandalism overnight," he said, his voice soft and apologetic.
"Shit," Izzy muttered, "Again? Is it bad?" She raked her fingers through her hair to tame the bedhead and grabbed a zip-up hoodie off of the chair nearby. She needed to see the damage. At least her pajama pants were somewhat respectable.
"Well," Alex began, "You've had worse, but it's definitely not good."
In the living room now, she stuffed her feet into the closest pair of shoes and took her keys off the hook by the door. "I'm on my way down. I'll see you in a sec," she told him, ending the call.
It was a chilly morning, and thankfully the streets were mostly quiet. She hoped that not too many people had gone by and seen the aftermath; she'd already suffered enough public embarrassment at the coffee shop the week prior. By the time she got down the stairs and around the front of the building, Alex was on her side of the street, giving her a sympathetic look as she took it all in.
An entire carton of eggs had been thrown at the storefront. The metal gate did its job of protecting the windows - nothing broken that she could see. Eggshells and gooey debris splayed across the glass, in the crevices of the gate, and all over the sidewalk. But more distressing were the slurs spraypainted over the gate itself, in giant letters: slut, witch, whore.
Slut. Witch. Whore.
"Oh..." Izzy whispered, her voice trembling, "Oh my god..." Panic, confusion, and anger all welled up inside her, and she put a shaky hand over her mouth. A nasty mess. Plus the words from her dream plastered on her storefront, distressing her more than anything else. What the fuck…? But it wasn't like she could tell this to the nice man across the street without making herself sound completely unhinged.
She felt Alex’s hand on her shoulder. "This is awful Izzy, I know. I'm so sorry. I just got to the shop and saw it. Not a great way to start your day. But I thought it better to let you know as soon as possible. I hate having to be the one to tell you about it."
"No, hey, don't apologize. Thank you for letting me know, I do appreciate it. Really."
"I can help you clean up if you need a hand," he offered, "I know you don't open for a couple of hours yet."
She was grateful for his invitation but was reluctant to accept it. Alex was a kind soul, a bow-tie-wearing, nerdy, goody-two-shoes type, always ready with a dad joke or some historical trivia. The string of expletives she wanted to unleash over this situation would likely shock him to his very core. Probably best for their acquaintance if she saved him from witnessing it.
"Alex, you're so sweet," she began, "But I know you open soon and I don't want to keep you. Let me call Ari and get him over here... if we need any extra help, I'll let you know."
"You sure? I don't mind, really!"
"Yes, I'm sure. I really do appreciate the offer though. If I get stuck, I'll call you." She didn't want to sound rude... but fuck, she needed some time to scream into the void before she could even begin thinking about cleaning up. "And I should probably call and make a police report first too, in case there’s anything they can do." It would be a futile, useless endeavor - chances are they wouldn't even show up when they found out it was her shop - but it did buy her a little more time to calm down.
"Oh yeah, good idea," he agreed, before giving her a nudge with his elbow, "Good luck with that, eh?" He knew as well as she did how the entire police force was bought and paid for by a certain group of people in this town. "I'm right across the street if you need anything - anything at all - okay?"
"Okay. Thank you again." She managed a wave and a feeble smile as he returned to his shop. With a sigh, she turned back to the disaster on her doorstep. "Fuck," she muttered under her breath, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." I bet it was those fucking punks that harassed the Sisters yesterday, thinking they were getting me back for giving them shit.
She scanned the area, looking for signs of anything she could use to prove who did this - footprints or something left behind. Nothing. She took out her phone and snapped a few pictures up close, then backed onto the street to capture the whole storefront at once. From there, she could see Poe sitting in the bedroom window upstairs, looking down at her with the disdain of a cat whose breakfast was late. It unsettled her to realize this happened right underneath her while she slept - with the windows open, even - and she didn't hear a damn thing...
Before she stepped back onto the sidewalk, she noticed the security camera on the nearby light post. The previous year, the town council had convinced residents that installing cameras all along Main Street was needed to discourage petty crimes and keep businesses safe. She’d been skeptical, considering the ineffectual Police were the ones doing the monitoring, and also because the company hired to do the installation was a subcontractor of Andrew Francis' land development company. And Andrew Francis was best buddies with the town's mayor - it was all blatant cronyism.
Regardless of her feelings on the matter, there was a camera every 15 feet or so on both sides of the street, and the one closest to her was aimed right at the corner of Main and Richmond, directly in front of her shop. That was the best chance to prove who had vandalized her property. But it was going to mean getting the police involved.
She made her way back upstairs and dialed the non-emergency number. An extremely disinterested woman answered the phone: "Police."
"Yes, hi," Izzy began, "I'm calling to report some vandalism that occurred at my shop overnight. There were slurs spray painted onto my storefront."
"Okay." Izzy heard her begin typing. "Address?"
"The corner of Main and Richmond. Shadow and Light Metaphysical Boutique."
The typing stopped. "I see," the woman replied. "Were any other businesses affected?"
"No, just mine."
"Hmm.... so you were targeted. Sounds like something personal," the dispatcher said, the hint of a sneer in her voice.
Izzy figured the call would go this way, but she persisted as calmly as possible. "Be that as it may, it was still an act of vandalism. Will you be sending someone out to investigate?"
"All of our officers are currently dealing with other matters. I can pass your information along when someone becomes available."
"Any idea when that might be?" Izzy asked through gritted teeth.
"It will be when someone becomes available," the dispatcher repeated.
Izzy squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping to quell a rapidly blossoming headache. "What about the cameras?" she asked, "One of the town's security cameras is aimed right at the front of my shop. Would you be able to pull the footage off that and see if we can identify who did this?"
"That would be up to the officer who investigates the incident. Who is yet to be determined. I will pass the information along..."
"...when someone becomes available, yeah, I got that part." Izzy interrupted. "I've taken pictures of the damage. Can I start cleaning it up, or do I have to wait for Officer Yet-To-Be-Determined to come?" Oh, she was so close to losing it.
"Suit yourself," the woman replied, "And mind your tone, ma'am."
Mind MY tone?? "Oh, I do apologize," Izzy said sarcastically. "Thank you ever so much for your help. Your assistance has been invaluable, ma'am." She stabbed the phone with her finger to hang up the call and flung it down on the couch beside her with an exasperated growl. She instantly regretted being so snarky. But being nice wouldn't have mattered  - the dispatcher’s attitude was set the moment she heard the shop name. FUCK. 
The stress had her head throbbing. She reached for the joint she’d left in the coffee table ashtray the night before, a calming blend she enjoyed when she needed to settle her mind after a long day. She lit it, closed her eyes, and took a few small hits; not enough to get high, but just enough to take the edge off. Would it help? Maybe. Definitely wouldn’t hurt.
She heard the pitter-pat of paws, Poe jumping up on the coffee table and plopping himself down, blinking his big green eyes at her. Then a soft 'tap-tap' on her knee, the cat trying to get her attention. When she opened her eyes, she was met with an inquisitive "Mmrrrow?"
"Yes, yes baby, I know. Let's get your breakfast," she sighed, scratching his head. For now, she could focus on something else: getting the cat fed, brushing her teeth, putting her hair in a ponytail, and finding some clothes. An old pair of paint-stained jeans and a worse-for-wear Metallica t-shirt was her standard uniform for grunt work like this. And she needed to call Ari and start the cleanup before the whole town saw the debacle.
Izzy dialed his number and it rang at least five times before he finally answered. "Hrgrarlo?" he croaked sleepily.
She was pacing her living room, back and forth in front of her altar space. His awakening was about to be as rude as hers. "Ari?"
He groaned. "Iz? What time is it?"
"8:30-ish. I need..."
"Too early," he slurred, "Call later."
"Aristotle! Wake up!" she snapped. "The store got vandalized last night. I need your help to clean up."
"Wha...?" He cleared his throat, finally rousing now, "What happened? You ok?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. But it's a fucking mess. We got egged, and the gate got spray painted."
Slut. Witch. Whore. It echoed in her brain, filling her with dread.
"Shit, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Give me 20 minutes.”
"Okay, I'll meet you out front. Thanks."
She hung up the phone and continued to pace, images from the dream consuming her. The white-robed men chasing her down with torches, wanting to burn her. Demons protecting her, killing for her. And Copia in his skull paint, right in the middle of it all, infiltrating her dreams again.
Slut. Witch. Whore.
"Why is this happening?" she asked out loud. "I still don't understand." She looked at the statue of Lilith on her altar as she paced, rolling the anxious thoughts around and around in her head. Things were going so well. Things were calm, people were finally leaving us be. Then I met Sister Imperator and everything's been fucked up since then! The weird dreams. The coffee shop last week, the Sisters yesterday, now this… I'm trying to be kind. Friendly. The people from the Church seem like good people. I want to help them. And Copia. I want… Ugh! How much shit will I have to eat? Is it worth it? Why am I putting myself through this?
As she passed the altar again, Izzy saw movement out of the corner of her eye, something falling from the top of it to the floor. A piece of paper. She stopped, bending down to pick it up. 
It was the Cardinal's business card. 
She’d placed it under Lilith's statue the week before - completely underneath the statue, she was sure of it. His familiar energy danced around her as she held the card, the same frisson of pleasure she felt when in his presence. That feeling of calm and safety she’d felt in her dream when he embraced her…
Or maybe it was the weed kicking in.
"I'm with you always.”
 She wanted a reason why this was happening, and Lilith answered: Copia.
“Okay then,” she mumbled, sliding the card back underneath the statue’s base. If her goddess was conspiring to bring her and Copia together, she wasn’t about to argue. But she hoped it was worth it… “Message received,” she kissed the tips of her fingers and touched them to Lilith’s feet, “Thank you.”
With a resigned sigh, Isabelle put on her work boots and made her way downstairs to begin dealing with the mess. She unlocked the shop’s back door, turned off the alarm system, and went to the storage closet for cleaning supplies: gloves, rags, scrub brushes, garbage bags, and spray paint remover. She also needed a bucket full of hot, soapy water to wash away all the dried-up egg gunk. The buckets were under the sink in the tiny kitchenette, and as she crossed the length of the back of the shop, she glanced through the doorway that led to the shop floor. People were outside the front windows, on the other side of the gate. She did a double take, thinking it was a crowd of gawkers. 
But no. Six Ghouls in their shiny silver masks were there, scrubbing and scraping, hard at work cleaning on her behalf. The Church of Emeritus had come to her rescue.
Incredulous, Isabelle went out the back door and made her way around to the front of the shop. They turned to her when she came around the corner. “Uh, hi,” she said tentatively.
She recognized Aether right away. He put down the rag he was using and greeted her with a happy wave. The five others joined in. They’d brought their own cleaning supplies, including a heavy-duty paint remover far superior to the kind she used. 
“What the heck are you guys doing here? I mean… I appreciate you coming to help, but how did you even know this happened?” she asked.
Aether pulled his phone out of his pocket, typing quickly before turning the screen to her.
“One of us saw the mess this morning,” it said, “And so we came to help clean up. We’ve had to deal with this sort of thing before too, unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately,” Izzy sighed. They had already made great progress, doing a faster and more thorough job than she and Ari could have done on their own. After all the stress and anxiety of the morning, this simple act of kindness brought all her emotions to the surface. “You guys,” she said, her voice breaking, “You didn’t have to… this is so wonderful of you. I don’t know what to say.”
Aether typed again: “You don’t have to say anything, Miss Izzy. It’s our pleasure to help! You’ve already done SO MUCH for us, we’re just paying it back. Like you told the Cardinal, we take care of each other.”
She blinked back tears. “Yes, I did say that, didn’t I? And I meant it.” Aether gave her a gentle touch on the shoulder and she felt relief for the first time today. “Thank you so much, Aether, and all of you, for the help.”
“Let me introduce you to everyone,” Aether typed. He went down the line of Ghouls, giving her the names of each: “Rain, Mountain, Sunshine, Cirrus, and Dewdrop. But you can call him Dew.”
“Hello,” Izzy greeted. ���I think I recognize you, Dew. And Cirrus too. I met you both in the coffee shop last week, didn’t I?”
The mention of the word “coffee” made Dew hang his head and cover his face with his hands. Aether gave him a playful nudge on the shoulder. “We don’t talk about coffee around Dew anymore,” he typed, “It doesn’t agree with him.” 
Izzy nodded, sympathetic. “Honestly, I understand… Since that day, coffee hasn’t agreed with me either. But I still want to thank you for your kindness.”
Dew placed his hands over his heart and bowed, the same gesture that Aether often used, acknowledging her thanks.
“I had no idea there were so many of you,” Izzy remarked. 
“There are 15 of us all together, for now at least,” Aether told her, “More wanted to come and help but Sister Imperator needed some of us to stay behind this morning.”
“I hope the Cardinal is managing alright without you,” she teased. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him, wondering if maybe he had encouraged Aether to go as a way of checking up on her…
The sound of hurried footsteps approached from around the side of the building, and Izzy saw each of the Ghouls perk up, on alert. Aether stepped in front of her, shielding her from whomever it was, while the others surrounded her protectively. She felt the tension radiating off them as they stood guard, and the faint rumble of… growling?
Ari burst around the corner, still disheveled from sleep, and skidded to a stop, face-to-face with Aether. “Jesus fucking…” he gasped, startled, “What the fuck?”
The Ghouls closed in around her. None of them, save for Aether, knew who Ari was or that he was her friend. She saw Aether touch Ari’s arm to steady him before he waved off the other Ghouls, showing them there was no threat. Aether pointed to Ari, made motions with his hands like he was drawing in the air, and then mimed pinning something up on a wall. He then pointed back and forth between Ari and Izzy and brought his hands together to make the shape of a heart. The others nodded, backing off as their wariness eased. 
“I ask again: what the fuck?” Ari looked at Izzy, confused.
“It’s okay, Ari, it’s okay. They came here to help clean up. They’re just being extra protective because of what happened and because they don’t know you. Aether told them you’re the artist that made the poster we gave him, and that you’re my friend. Right?” Aether nodded, happy that Izzy interpreted him correctly.
Ari was in disbelief. “You understood all that?” 
“Yes, of course,” Izzy said, unsure as to why he didn’t. “You just have to pay attention.” She grabbed Ari’s wrist and pulled him closer as she turned back to the Ghouls. “So this is Ari, he’s my best friend and he works here with me. He’s cool, okay? No need to worry. Ari, this is Rain, Mountain, Sunshine, Cirrus, and Dew. And you already know Aether.” She nudged him in the side and whispered, “Say hi.”
“Uh, hello,” Ari said with an awkward wave. “Nice to meet you.”
Aether typed quickly and showed his phone to Ari: “They like your art!”
“Oh… well, thank you!” he replied, “And thank you for coming to help, we appreciate it.”
“Listen,” Izzy began, “I’m going to go inside and get some soap and water to help clean all this off. We’ll be right back, alright?” 
Aether and the Ghouls all gave her an enthusiastic thumbs-up and returned to their work as she ushered Ari to the back of the building. Before she could say anything to him, he pulled her into a tight hug.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” he swore as he embraced her, “You’re okay, right? I can’t believe this happened *again* Iz.”
“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” she replied, hugging him back just as hard, “I’m pretty sure it was those rotten teenagers that messed with the Sisters yesterday, trying to get back at me. But I’ll never be able to prove it, though.”
“Did you call the cops?”
Izzy pulled away then and gave him a telling look before opening the back door for him. “It went about as well as you’d think. They’re doing jack shit. Even though there’s a camera right outside the shop. I may as well not’ve bothered. But, at least we’ve got some help cleaning up…” She motioned to the front window where the Ghouls were working away. “If I had known they were coming, I would’ve let you keep sleeping. Sorry…”
Ari seemed as stunned as she had been. “So they just showed up on their own?”
“Yep, and they’re doing an awesome job.” She squirted some soap into the bottom of a bucket and turned on the hot water, watching them through the doorway while waiting for it to fill. 
“Getting by with a little help from our friends, huh?” Ari observed.
Isabelle nodded. She was so grateful for their kindness. But now she had to worry about what sort of repercussions this would bring. If word got around town that the Satanic Church was at her service, would her haters be less inclined to hassle her, or would they double down on their hostility? How was she going to play this?
A fleeting recognition, familiarity, prickled down her spine as she observed the Ghouls. The protectiveness they’d had over her? She recognized it, felt it before. Images from her dream - those demon things saving her from the torch-wielding mob - flashed through her mind, her brain attempting to connect the dots while ignoring the rapidly filling bucket. Ari reaching around her to shut off the kitchen faucet jolted her back into reality.
“I’ll take this outside,” he said, not noticing she had spaced out, “You bring the sponges and stuff, okay?”
Oh, uh… yeah, okay,” she stammered, “I’ll be right there.”
Isabelle took a moment to collect herself. It was almost nine o’clock. The town was coming to life. People would see her and Ari outside with the Ghouls. People would talk. Her association with the Church of Emeritus would be indisputable. This was the tipping point; she’d have to choose her allegiance…  
She recalled the feelings of safety and calm that enveloped her in Copia’s presence. The Ghouls had gone out of their way to come to her aid. Even her Goddess had given her a definitive sign. It all felt decided on her behalf.
I guess I’m on Team Dark Side. I wonder if they like cookies?
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lfklhp · 2 years
Jungkook 🐰 Fic Rec (2)
💜 = personal favorites | ✓ = completed | ✐ = ongoing | ✗ = discontinued, on hiatus | strike through = deactivated, deleted
f = fluff | s = smut | a = angst
Supernatural / Fantasy / Magic/ Superhero AU
Bad Omega, Sweet Omega (10k) s, a, f | werewolf au, omega jungkook
Part of the Bad And Sweet Trilogy
Caught Inbetween (2k) s | hybrid au (*on ao3)
Bunny Adventures (13.6k) s | hybrid au
Courage (2k) f | hybrid au, pining (*on ao3)
Depend on Me (13.1k) s | hybrid au, childhood friends to lovers
Not a Creature was Stirring (10k) horror, s | hybrid au, fantasy au
Explorer (17.8k) f, s | alien au, strangers to friends to lovers + Drabble
Chronicles of My Witchy GF 💜 (31.8k) f, s, crack | witch au, established relationship
Suck It Up! (9.7k) f, s | vampire au, college au, friends-to-lovers
Lucifer (13.5K) s | demon au
Graceful Gods (26k) a, s, f, slight crack | greek god au, strangers to lovers, college au
Worshipers of the Sea (16.3k) f, a | god au
Part of The Worshiper Series
Roommate / Neighbor AU
Pencil Strokes & Paint Splatters (20.2k) f, s | best friends to lovers, roommate au
Part of the And They Were Roommates series
Piss Off Your Parents (16.4k) a, s | fake dating au, roommate au, bad boy au
Helping Hand (23.4k) s, f, a | roommate au, best friends to lovers
Red Carnations f | roommate au
In the Pool with the Neighbour 💜 s | neighbor au
Friends / FWB / Sibling’s Friend (vice versa) / Step-Sibling AU
Show Me Something 💜 (51.7k) heavy a, s | road trip, friends to enemies to lovers, first love
The Present (22.3k) a, s | friends to lovers
I Know I Kissed You Before, but I Didn’t Do It Right (28k) f, light a | fake dating au, best friends to lovers
The Favor ® (5.5k) s, f | idol au, actress reader, best friends to lovers
Holidating (12.8k) f, s, baby a, crack | best friends to lovers
Strictly Platonic (19.4k) f, a, s | best friends to lovers, college au, fake dating au
At the End of the Day (13.3k) f, s, little a | high school friends to lovers, ex-baseball player jungkook, beach/vacation au
Southpaw (30k) a, s | childhood friends to lovers, boxer jungkook, college/frat au
Gotcha f, a, s | childhood friends to lovers
Sister Story: The Days Without You a, f | (yoongi x reader)
Calla Lilies (6.2k) a | hanahaki au, friends to lovers
Part of the Flora & Fauna Series
My Dear Friend s, light a | friends to lovers, fuckboy, college au
Opposable (7.5k) crack, f, s, a | zookeeper, best friends to lovers
Part of the Zookeeper Bangtan Series
A Thousand Reasons Why 💜 (43.1k) f, a, s, crack | friends to lovers
A Night at the Mall (8.6k) s, f | friends to lovers
Can’t Be Without You (30.2k) a, f, s | best friends au, underground fighter au
Willow (23.7k) a, f, s | college au, best friends to lovers
Not Like You (28k) f, a | dilf au, boxer au, childhood enemies/friends
Golden 💜 (4k) s | brother's best friend (*on ao3)
Backseat Bickers (1.7k) f, crack | brother's best friend, enemies
College / High School AU
La Douleur Exquise (9.4k) a f | college au, unrequited love
The Spins (10.3k) s | college au, frat au
Falling (31.4k) a, f, s | soulmate/destiny au, college au, photographer jungkook
10 Things I Hate About You a, f | college au, enemies to lovers
You’ve Got Mail (12.9k) a, f | college au, exes to lovers
Calling You Mine (8.5k+) f | college au, strangers to friends to lovers
Heart Taping (3.3k) f, smidge of a | high school au, soccer player, enemies to lovers
Addiction (9k) s | high school au, yandere au
Artist / Idol / Band AU
A Date with Destiny (11k) f, s, comedy | idol au, strangers to lovers
Inked (5.3k) s | tattoo artist
Co-workers / Work / CEO AU
To All The Men I’ve Fucked Before (30.7k) s, f, a | fake dating au, co-workers to lovers
Bonus (4.7k) crack, f, s | co-workers to lovers, office au + Drabble
Other AUs
Anything for You (1k) f | established relationship
Exile (20.5k) f, a, s | established relationship (*on ao3)
Lover (2.1k) f, crack | established relationship
Mercy (1.3k) slight crack, f, s | established relationship
Good Girl (1.9k) f, s | established relationship
Ancient History (12.8k) a s f | exes to lovers, actor au
After I Left You (38.9k) a, f | exes au, fake dating au, enemies to lovers, unrequited feelings
We Belong Together (5.8k) a, s | soft yandere, toxic relationship
Take a Sip (9.4k) s, f | countryclub au (waiter jungkook x rich reader)
Spring Blooms 💜 (20k) f | florist au
Officially Yours (4k) f, s | arranged marriage, friends to lovers
Mugs & Kisses (6k) f | barista au, strangers to lovers
In the Night (2.3k) s, thriller | yandere au, stalking
Covert Affairs (4.3k) s, a | spy au, enemies to lovers
Go to Town (1.4k) s | pwp
Of Honey and Cinnamon (14k) f | slice of life, enemies to lovers
We Are All Dreamers (16.5k) s, a | soulmate au, enemies to lovers
Epilogue: A Touch of Fate (9.2k) s, a
(Road)tripping for You (31k) f, a bit a | roadtrip au, strangers to lovers, only-one-bed au, summer au
Jeon Jungkook Must Die (14.1k) s
Completed Series
Supernatural / Fantasy / Magic/ Superhero AU
Law of the Nature a f | hybrid au, shifter au, enemies to lovers (2 ch ✓)
With Glass Between Us 💜 a, f | merman au (3 ch + Drabble ✓)
Roommate / Neighbor AU
Caught f | roommate au, slice of life (11 ch ✓)
With a Sense of Innocence f, s | college au, neighbor au, friends to lovers, mutual pining (4 ch ✓)
Friends / FWB / Sibling’s Friend (vice versa) / Step-Sibling AU
Day by Day a, eventual f & s | dilf, best friends to lovers, unrequited love (12 ch ✓)
The Wishlist s, f, a | best friends to lovers, one sided love (6 ch ✓)
Our Little Private Love Affair f, a, crack/humor | (secret) established relationship, friends to lovers (series of drabbles)
Puzzle s, comedy, a | best friends to lovers, fwb au, college au (8 ch ✓)
Bad Boy Good Thing a, s | fwb au, college au, friends to lovers (18 ch ✓)
College / High School AU
Hands on Me f, mild a, s | college au, established relationship (2 ch ✓)
Take My Hands Now drama, a | college au, fuckboy (12 ch ✓)
Popular-ish f, s, a | college au, friends to lovers (14 ch ✓)
Salvage a, f | college au (ft. taehyung) (6 ch ✓)
Sugar and Coffee f, a | pâtisserie school au, enemies to friends to lovers (23 ch ✓)
Part of The Slice of Life Series
Co-workers / Work / CEO AU
Cardiovascular Palpitations f, a, s | fwb, doctor au, co-workers to lovers (2 ch ✓)
Spin-off: Cut Me Open a, s | married couple, doctor au, co-workers to lovers (2 ch ✓) (yoongi x reader)
From Home 💜 f, a, s | fake dating, co-workers to lovers, enemies to lovers, ceo au (12 ch ✓)
In Love with Love (with You) 💜 f | office au, frenemies/childhood friends to lovers (10 ch ✓)
Other AUs
Live Through This a, s | exes to frenemies to lovers, band au, punk au (2 ch ✓)
Red 💜 f, s, a | pregnancy au, exes to lovers (3 ch ✓)
Over The Odds s, a, f | ceo au, sugar daddy (14 ch ✓ + Drabbles)
On My Mind f, s | established relationship (2 ch ✓)
4-7-8 💜 semi-heavy a | established relationship (5 ch ✓)
Gone 💜 eventual s | best friends to enemies to lovers, high school au (10 ch ✓)
Incompleted Series
Always You f, a, possible s | second chances au (1 ch ✐ - Jan 27, 2022)
An Ode to a Broken Heart heavy a, future s | unrequited love, best friends (20 ch ✐ - Mar 13, 2024)
All I Want f, s | best friends to lovers, fuckboy au (5 ch ✐ - Oct 21, 2022)
Netflix & Chill s, f, a | (11 ch ✐ - Aug 23, 2021)
Dilf JK s f | (6 ch ✐ - Jan 8, 2023)
Colour Me In f, a, s | fake dating au (18 ch ✐ - Jan 7, 2024)
Against the Odds s, a, f | established relationship, love triangle au (8 ch + Drabbles ✐ - Nov 11, 2022)
Sequel to Over The Odds s, a, f | ceo au, sugar daddy (14 ch ✓ + Drabbles)
Most Undesirable a, eventual s | bridgerton au, regency era (1 ch ✐ - Jul 25, 2022)
Darknets a | yandere au (3 ch ✐ - June 27, 2022)
Vixen s | hybrid au (9 ch ✗ - Jul 4, 2022)
Like the Wind | hybrid au, strangers to lovers (3 ch ✗ - Jul 17, 2022)
*I'll try to update the list regularly, considering these recs also as my reading library ;) update: some of my fav authors are deactivated on tumblr but i'll try to update link to their ao3/wattpad etc. instead or simply just keep the list just in case they decide to reactivate again :D
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LPS: Blog (Re)Intro
Little Peril Stories | Kate | adult | she/her
The Queen of Lies (ongoing): AU for The Prince of Thieves—sheltered, rich sad girl meets snarky criminal; chaos ensues; whumpy, Victorian forbidden love vibes with a side helping of angst and girl power
The Court of Rogues (work in progress): sequel to The Prince of Thieves; details to come 2024.
The Prince of Thieves (complete): guy and gal get arrested and tormented by super cool, totally normal constable while pals on the outside freak out and make bad decisions; fun 1800s prison vibes with a side helping of angst and chosen family
Blood Garnet (side WIP, low priority): girl gets lost in magic woods and gets chased by her hapless cousin and a grump hunter; awkward magic man tries to help; supernatural(ish) romantasy vibes with a side helping of angst and betrayal
Man of Letters (UNRESOLVED; part of Whumptober 2023): awkward scholar boi tries to save the girl he falls in love with and gets way more than he bargained for; light romantasy paired with heavy emo vibes, with a side of helping of angst and torture
Fen and Freddie (complete): gal gets kidnapped, dopey cinnamon roll with hopeless crush tries to rescue her and fails; vague superhero sci-fi vibes with a side helping of angst and pining
The Curiosity Collector (complete): sweet non-confrontational magic boy gets kidnapped and needs rescuing by bf and sis; witchy, autumnal vibes with a side helping of angst and falling in love
✨ Check out: OC & WIP extras (mood boards, lyrics inspo, tag game creations, and more!)
This is a whumpblr/writeblr space! Sometimes I’ll post/reblog writerly posts, memes, etc., but a lot of the posts/RBs will be about whump. I post original writing and reblog the work of others that I enjoy, gifs, tropes, prompts, and other such things.
I’m down with asks and tag games but may not respond right away. If I seem to ignore you, it’s not personal, it just means real life is taking priority at that moment.
I love comments and feedback on my writing and welcome them with open arms.
A note on age: I know I can’t actually stop you from accessing this blog, but I do not wish to interact with people under 18. It’s not personal, I’m sure you’re great, but it has everything to do with my job IRL. Please respect this boundary and come back on your 18th birthday.
Check out: My Most Common Tropes
My favourite elements of whump have to do with power dynamics, intimidation, dread, and angst. I love captivity-with-a-cause: kidnapping for ransom or as leverage over someone else, prison (in fantasy or historical settings, less so for modern settings though it’s not a hard rule), and the like. Fantasy presents so many creative versions of this trope, so I do love me some fantasy whump! It also gives lots of opportunity for dungeons, shackles, and other fun implements like that. Gratuitous tying or chaining up is always delightful to see. Pining, desperately trying to protect a loved one (…and failing), and self-sacrifice are other big tropes I love, so expect to see lots of those!
As for characters, I love it when they are as far as you can get from perfect, pure, and innocent—when they’re good enough people, but whose flawed or maybe even problematic decisions lead them into trouble. Always, always, I want my characters to have a hand in their own fates. Pure-hearted victims of the narrative who simply fall into a whumpy situation are cute and fun, but not what I tend to write.
A few odds and ends I’m such a sucker for, so you’ll probably find them in my writing:
Sibling relationships
Allusions to songs, books, folklore, and musicals
Nature and weather helping to set the scene (oh my goodness, how many times can I work snow into one story?)
If romance, either slow burn or instant attraction
…with a sprinkling of “huh, I don’t understand what I’m feeling, wtf is going on??”
‘In the nick of time’ rescues
Painfully awkward moments
Fluff and comfort, but only once they’ve really earned it
Almost kisses
Hard choices
Happy endings
You probably won’t find much gore or explicit noncon here, but there might be some elements of those in my stories or in reblogs. I don’t write BBU or pet whump.
My original “whumpy things I like” post can be found here.
Anyway, thanks for reading! 💕 Happy whumping!
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soupernatural · 1 year
✩ my destiel aus: a masterlist✩
brought to you by ao3 user dirtybackroad
squatter’s rights (T, 8.1k) : weirdo angel artist drifter cas meets solo-hunter dean in an abandoned house. dean flirts via references to movies that cas hasn’t seen, cas flirts via mind reading. confirmation (T, 1.8k) : dean and lisa are set to be married. big irish catholic wedding and all. only problem, dean isn’t confirmed. enter priest cas. under covers (E, 6.5k) : get your fake dating here! even more than fake dating, get your faked sex scene ( that’s a little more than fake ) here, too! inspired by and titled after an episode of ncis. it started with a photograph (T, 3.8k) : bare the musical au ? boarding school. jock dean, shy cas. including : overuse of stained glass imagery and a first kiss. you & i (T, 1.5k) : part two of the above bare the musical au. takes place during the song you and i (obviously. jesus, zo) angsty and closety and secret relationshippy. but kinda cuddly too. changing my major (T, 1.3k) : college au, morning after cuddles unanticipated consequences (E, 13.8k) : hunter dean, veterinarian cas. dean breaks into the clinic for some emergency medical care, finds a bit more than that, actually. light my candle (E, 7.8k) : roommates to accidental kink discussion to confession of mutual pining for the last 12 years to hookup. part two is in the works (just an excuse to write the waxplay that i didn’t put in the wax play fic.) they frot. candle in the mirror (T, 6.6k) : a young dean and cas gather in the woods of their small village and do some christmastide fortune telling. witchy boy cas anyone? wall lovin’ (E, 2.7K) : dean falls for his neighbor, wholly due to the thin wall separating their bedrooms and his neighbor’s tendency to have really really loud sexual experiences. a bit dub-con as dean’s being voyeuristic but. i promise that cas doesn’t mind.
canonverse fics | sapphicnatural fics | misc. spn fics
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Harringrove seasons AU
August is running out. It is the time when nights have already started getting perceptibly colder, but days are still so heartbreakingly warm, you don't wanna let go.
Like Steve, who doesn't want to let go of Billy.
Or Billy, who wants to hold on to Steve.
Who desperately wishes to add just a couple of more days to August. Make it thirty-three. Or thirty-five.
At least.
One evening Steve sets off to look for Billy, because he hasn't seen him in the last three days. When he asks the magpies if they know where the summer is, they tell him he's wandering around the woods with a big basket searching for something and talking to himself like a madman.
"The summer's gone cuckoo!" - they burst out into chatter and laughter, but Steve isn't up for having fun.
Only close to midnight does he finally find Billy.
The warm simmering light and the sweet smell of burning pine wood have led him on the right path.
Steve sees Billy in the thick of the forest, on a small clearing, surrounded by tall mighty oak trees, so tall that their tops get lost in the dark starry sky above. Stars in August are witchy, it is common knowledge. They are so distant, so sparkly and cold, and they are watching you.
August stars are enchanted just like everything else around. The night is cool and damp, and there is dense fog laying heavy in milky swirls above and around the swamp nearby. Under every leaf there lives a mystery, a story, a creature. Behind one single cloud hides the silver moon, waiting to flood all with its crisp eerie shine.
The stars are twinkling bright, so magically bright, and the chilly, hocus scented air fills the head of a midnight wanderer with clarity and vigor, and anticipation of a miracle.
Steve is trying to be as quiet as possible, not to disturb.
Everything around is immersed in sleepy calm, and only the frogs' drowsy ribbit-ribbitting and distant hooting of a night bird fill the deep silence. The usual night orchestra.
As he is making his way towards Billy, there's a falling star, shooting right above the clearing, and Steve makes a wish - to always find summer.
Billy is busy.
Steve sees a big fire, sparks flying up towards the invisible tree crowns, and Billy's focused face lightened by the glow.
He is constantly stirring something gurgling and boiling in a huge cauldron, muttering under his breath
"Seven red fly agarics, nine orange ones .. three yellow .. thirteen russules, each a different colour .. eight orange chanterelle mushrooms of different sizes .."
With one hand he stirs whatever is brewing in the cauldron, and in the other he holds a thread with dry and semi-dry mushrooms strung on it. From time to time, he stops stirring and plucks the mushrooms from the thread, counting.
"Eleven brown hay mushrooms, one birch chaga, the size of a palm .. where the hell is this chaga .. ??" - he stops stirring and pokes around in the basket standing nearby. - "Alright. Found it. Come here, don't fight it .. seventeen honey fungi .. three aspen mushrooms .. ugh, you are such beauties .. All of you."
Billy looks like a witch. Too bad he's not wearing a spiked black hat and a black cloak
Stirring, mixing that magic
"Wait a second, did I put twelve ink mushrooms .. ? Yes, yes, I did. Ten violet webcaps .. and one whole circle of fairy-ring mushrooms."
"Oh, I forgot you buddy .. one grey spotted amantia, here you go .."
"Okay now for the more serious stuff."
Billy grunts and goes digging in the basket again.
"One satan's bolete .. A set of devil's fingers .. spooky .. And, finally, one pale grebe."
Steve steps out into the clearing
"Oh, do you mean a death angel?"
Billy stops mixing whatever there is in the cauldron and looks up.
"You startled me, pretty boy. And yes, it's the same one, different names."
Steve is still watching Billy in bewilderment
"What on earth are you doing?"
"I'm making a potion. Can't you see?" He answers seriously.
"A potion?" Steve is amused.
"An old owl told me. Who lives in the hollow of a hundred-year-old elm tree, down by the river."
"What is the potion for?"
"For .. making it last a little longer. Stalling the time. See, I don't want to go yet. I want to stay, just a bit more .. It's going to give me the power to do that."
"Oh. But .. Billy, this old owl is so old, she has dementia. I wouldn't trust her on anything she says."
"Well, I've got no other choice."
Steve is amused but he also knows that he has to soothe Billy's unnecessary wilful wanting, once again.
"When will it be ready?"
"In the morning. I should drink it when the first sun ray breaks the sky."
Steve sits near the fire and Billy joins him after some time. The fire is getting duller, the potion stops gurgling and is beginning to settle.
Billy is the first to slide into sleep near the dying flames, and Steve is gazing at the bright live coals, listening to night sounds and Billy's even breath, until his own eyelids become heavy and eventually fall.
In the morning, Steve is woken up by Billy's upset voice:
"No, no! I'm two hours late! .. The sun is already high in the sky."
He is pacing around the grey ashes, looking at the sky and fiddling with his necklace
"No, oh no ..! That's all your fault, autumn. I always sleep longer when I'm with you. I can't drink it now. Do you know how long I've searched for these?? How many woods I have wandered through?"
In a swift fit of anger Billy kicks the cauldron. It falls and tips over. Steve's still on the ground, watching the thick substance pour out of it on a patch of green moss.
"I am sorry, Billy, truly. But .. I am of the opinion that you shouldn't have drunk it anyways."
Billy's looking at the spilled potion.
"Baby. You are such a baby sometimes, Billy."
"I'm just sad. So much work for nothing." - Billy sighs and pouts a little.
"It is only .. really, it is only less than half a year. We will meet so soon, in the northern hemisphere. Aren't you excited?"
Billy is shaking his head, slowly and gloomily.
"I don't wanna leave."
Steve gets up, comes close and gently traces his fingers down Billy's arm.
"You are not leaving just yet. We still have time. We have all the time in the world. But when you do go, think of the moment we will meet again. Because it will happen, it is the way the world works."
They are standing amidst the ever-living nature.
"I need to bring back the pot and the basket. I borrowed them from a barn in the village."
"I will help you."
A couple of days later, on the very last August day, Steve takes Billy to the same clearing and shows him the prettiest gemstone of the most amazing colour, sparkling under the rays of soft morning sunshine, crystallized in the shape of a heart. There's moss and some beautiful exotic flowers growing around it.
"It is so pretty, but I am glad you didn't drink the potion."
"I wonder if it's going to stay here till next season."
"Let's hide it."
Steve takes the gemstone, it's rather big and heavy, and carries it to a hollowed out log near the swamp.
"We can come back next year and see if it is still here. It will be our secret."
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August and September are my absolute favourite months, and I'm also stuck on the idea of summer and autumn not wanting to part. Billy especially is having a hard time.
Thank you @akioukun ✨💖 for the 💫 magical au
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demonmary · 1 year
my destiel aus: a masterlist
brought to you by ao3 user dirtybackroad squatter’s rights (T, 8.1k) : weirdo angel artist drifter cas meets solo-hunter dean in an abandoned house. dean flirts via references to movies that cas hasn’t seen, cas flirts via mind reading. confirmation (T, 1.8k) : dean and lisa are set to be married. big irish catholic wedding and all. only problem, dean isn’t confirmed. enter priest cas. under covers (E, 6.5k) : get your fake dating here! even more than fake dating, get your faked sex scene ( that’s a little more than fake ) here, too! inspired by and titled after an episode of ncis. it started with a photograph (T, 3.8k) : bare the musical au ? boarding school. jock dean, shy cas. including : overuse of stained glass imagery and a first kiss. you & i (T, 1.5k) : part two of the above bare the musical au. takes place during the song you and i (obviously. jesus, zo) angsty and closety and secret relationshippy. but kinda cuddly too. changing my major (T, 1.3k) : college au, morning after cuddles unanticipated consequences (E, 13.8k) : hunter dean, veterinarian cas. dean breaks into the clinic for some emergency medical care, finds a bit more than that, actually. light my candle (E, 7.8k) : roommates to accidental kink discussion to confession of mutual pining for the last 12 years to hookup. part two is in the works (just an excuse to write the waxplay that i didn’t put in the wax play fic.) they frot. candle in the mirror (T, 6.6k) : a young dean and cas gather in the woods of their small village and do some christmastide fortune telling. witchy boy cas anyone? wall lovin’ (E, 2.7K) : dean falls for his neighbor, wholly due to the thin wall separating their bedrooms and his neighbor’s tendency to have really really loud sexual experiences. a bit dub-con as dean’s being voyeuristic but. i promise that cas doesn’t mind.
aaaaand here's the canon version of this post
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spnfanficpond · 7 months
New Member Spotlight - September/October 2023
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@inenochian -
Other SM names? - InEnochian on AO3 and Discord
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Merlin
Looking for in the Pond? - Prompts, connections, advice, collaboration, also fic recs and to let more people know about things I've posted.
Pairings you read? - Destiel
Genres you read? - I like canon fics but LOVE historical AUs. Happy endings are a must but angst fluff and pining are wonderful. Omegaverse is great! Smut is good as long as there is plot.
Favorite writer(s)? - This is hard. IntotheSilentLand & UnicornPoe for the way they paint soft angsty pictures with words, Anryrei and Queerwerewolf for hot smut and great plot, sometimeswelose for amazing Dean Winchester angst, there are others - I can't decide!
What do you like to write? - Historical AUs, fixits, AUs in general
Most underappreciated fic? - the light paints kisses on his skin.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Omegaverse - I'm just nervous about it. Also present tense writing - I like to read it but it's hard to write. Not sure how anyone can help but when I'm ready I'll def reach out!
@dragonardhill -
Other SM names? - dragonardhill on AO3
OTP? - Wincest
Looking for in the Pond? - Just interested in the community and positivity of interacting with others who enjoy fanfic.
Pairings you read? - Dean/Sam, J2, Dean/Sam/Jack
Genres you read? - All of the above. I read 4-5 fics, sometimes more every day lol
Favorite writer(s)? - too many to choose one!
What do you like to write? - I write very little to be honest but would like to get back into it. I got on a sam/dean/jack PWP kick during later SPN seasons - mostly due to prompts and relationships with a couple other fans. That’s most of what is on my AO3 works but Sam/Dean is my OTP.
Most underappreciated fic? - Again, there’s not much to choose from and I only write PWP! This isn’t really underappreciated but it’s super short and my fave. Warning for underage weecest. These Tornadoes Are For You
@pizzagirlxnsfwx - This new member is cool and mysterious like Rowena, but without the witchy spells. We think. No guarantees.
@thepromiscuousduck -
Other SM names? - Promiscuous_Duck (AO3)
OTP? - Destiel
Looking for in the Pond? - I want to meet like-minded people, maybe make some friends, and get more readership for the series that's kicking my ass. lol
Pairings you read? - Any combination of Team Freewill 2.0, along with original characters or side cannon characters, so long as Dean, Sam, Cas, and/or Jack are involved. This includes Wincest.
Genres you read? - I'll read just about anything, but angst needs to have a happy ending for me. It's my escape, I don't want to be left crying lol. I have a weak spot for the coffee shop trope. It can't be overdone!
What do you like to write? - Happy, fluffy AU with some drama. Right now, that with a lot of smut and incest.
@annahmiraculousmillenium -
Other SM names? - A-nah on AO3, mimiaou on Discord
OTP? - Wincestiel
Other fandoms? - Miraculous and Yu-Gi-Oh!
Looking for in the Pond? - I just wanted to read about how people in fandom help each other make art.
Pairings you read? - Oc insert and the oc have to be really interesting. Ship: Wincestiel!!!! Poly fic : Hell yeah!
Genres you read? - Angst, smut, crack,fluff,hurt/comfort, happy ending, open ending(hopeful ending) Tropes: time travel, time travel fix it, bodyswap, sharing a body (mouah! One of my favorites), slow burn (it's Soo worth it), identity crisis, identity reveal, reverse-verse AU
Favorite writer(s)? - Not yet!
What do you like to write? - Dialogue heavy fics, whenever I get to writing them.
@lunaroserites -
Other SM names? - @gattinachyann (Twitter) and Lunaroserites (AO3)
Other fandoms? - Marvel, The Boys, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Gotham Knights (CW Show), and many more.
Looking for in the Pond? - Friends, other authors, more things to read
Pairings you read? - Reader Insert mostly, some OFC. I’ve been into Castiel and Dean fics but I’ll read just about anything from Supernatural!
Genres you read? - All the above? Fav tropes are only one bed, sweetheart (derogatory) to sweetheart (affectionate) or enemies to lovers, touch and you die, grumpy character/sunshine character. I also adore Soulmate AUs and most other AUs!
What do you like to write? - Fluff. I’ve been in a real Castiel kick lately lol. I like to write happy stuff, very little angst. I enjoy tooth-rotting fluff.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I love AU but can’t seem to write them well, so world-building tips would be helpful!
@the-family-business67 -
Other fandoms? - Marvel
Looking for in the Pond? - To grow my audience
Pairings you read? - I read reader inserts, mostly Dean or Jensen x reader, but also Sam and Jared
Genres you read? - pretty much all, love abo and soulmate stories
Favorite writer(s)? - @luci-in-trenchcoats who has so many amazing stories and encourages me to share my own work and @jawritter who brought me to Tumblr in the first place.
What do you like to write? - What ever inspiration strikes. Mostly Dean or Jensen x reader with a few Sam or Jared x Reader.
Most underappreciated fic? - Love Again
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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supernovadragoncat · 2 years
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SDC's Tales from the SanSan Crypt
Looking for some spooky SanSan reads this Halloween?
Below are some selections from my crypt of SanSan delights sure to get your blood pumping and send those goosebumps prickling across your skin.
Happy Halloween! 🖤
Badlands Howl (Complete)
On a gray Halloween day, Sansa travels alone across South Dakota and finds herself inexplicably drawn to the Badlands for what was supposed to be a brief stop. A park ranger tells her a tale befitting All Hallows’ Eve about the Badlands rider—a restless spirit who haunts the land astride his black horse, his face half-burned from hellfire and his unearthly howl famed for the misfortune it brings.
Despite the frightening tale, Sansa finds herself enchanted and, amongst the Badlands’s haunting austerity and bewitching wonder, she encounters the Badlands rider and far more than she ever could have bargained for.
Spooky, sexy, sad, sweet, and spiritual. 
Ride (Complete)
Sansa and Sandor each have their reason for buying a one-way ticket out of town. As an early autumn storm brews, they find themselves alone together on an abandoned train platform with more in common than one might think.
But there's something strange about the train that rolls into the station and their journey comes with a dire warning--if they get on the train, they won't be getting off, at least not in this life. Then again, sometimes you have to get on to get off...
Midnight (Complete)
Into every generation a slayer is born, a chosen one.
That’s what the legend said. Sansa had heard it all before. What did the legend say about watchers then? Not much because it didn’t have to be spoken. Everyone just knew.
A slayer should never get involved with her watcher and certainly never fall for him.
A SanSan/Buffy The Vampire Slayer AU.
Origins (Complete)
No one asks to be chosen. No one seeks it out.
Home from war, Sandor Clegane wants nothing to do with the horrors he faced, least of all the black-eyed monsters that nearly took his life. He calls them demons. Others call them vampires. It doesn’t matter because he’s haunted by dreams he just can’t shake. In them, a red-haired girl fights the fiends alone.
Now letters are showing up at his door from a mysterious entity called the Watchers Council. They have a message for him—he has a calling and so does the girl in his dreams. Neither knows it, but they’ll soon find out…
…the origins of a slayer and her watcher.
A continuation of Slay—a Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU SanSan series.
Spellbound (Ongoing)
Brooklyn born and bred, NYPD homicide detective Sandor Clegane often joked that the only way he’d ever leave New York was in a body bag. His chief calls his bluff and details Sandor to some no-name town in Vermont. They need his no-bullshit approach to detective work. The real reason? He’s burnt-out, jaded, and surly.
His chief said the change of pace would do him good, but forgot to mention this sleepy town has a strange vibe. It also has Sansa Stark—hometown sweetheart and psychic who owns the metaphysical shop. Sandor doesn’t believe in that shit. What he does believe in—she has legs for days and an ass to match.
Only problem? She’s enlisted to help on a cold case. His cold case. Sandor doesn’t work well with others, least of all psychics and certainly not the most gorgeous girl in town who surely bewitched him because why else is it suddenly so hard to focus?
Opposites attract with a heavy dose of sexual tension, small town shenanigans, dirty-talking Sandor, witchy woman Sansa, sassy but well-meaning Arya, and mystical matriarch Catelyn who really thinks Sansa should go easy on the new guy in town.
Sexy. Funny. Sweet. Smutty. Hot-and-bothered SanSan pine away.
Devil Inside (Ongoing)
Orphaned at a young age, Sansa has lived a quiet life as the High Priestess in her northern village, but peace is shattered when legions of marauders led by warlord Sandor Clegane raid her village. Sandor’s brutal reputation precedes him—a warrior who some say is the devil himself—but Sansa is known to him too. Lore has spread through the Seven Kingdoms about the beautiful High Priestess of the North, a maiden ripe for the taking. Sandor’s plan is simple—kidnap Sansa and offer her to the highest bidder—but he didn’t account for how wickedly he wants her for himself. While the best laid plans of men often go awry, Sandor is no ordinary man. He may not even be mortal at all and Sansa is about to learn the cost of making a deal with the devil isn’t just her soul but her heart too. A dark Faustian romance.
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magfairycircles · 4 months
My fics :)
Atlesian Malamutes:
Always, Always: Canon compliant fic where Winter and Marrow have some unresolved tension. Mutual pining is a killer.. this is a oneshot that’s about 4000 words:)
Qrowin Stuff:
Hold My Head Underwater (wash away these rusted binds): Music AU, Save a Horse trope, 21,000 words and counting! 13/? Chapters
Promise is a Pendulum: Post-Canon, New Years Eve, one-shot. New Years kiss trope. 700 words, easy read:) 
Qrowin Week 2023: Post-Canon, completed Holiday fic. 3/3 chapters, 5000 words. Fluff, unplanned pregnancy.
Natural: Canon Divergent, smut. Married Qrowin, and a bit of healthy angst..Body Worship as a tag. 3000 words, oneshot.
Visions: Canon Divergent, sort of a ‘What If’ scenario. Takes place in Volume 2. Slowburn Qrowin, background and past ships. 14,400 words so far, 10/11 Chapters.
A Stranger’s Light series:
Little Black Submarines: Supernatural AU, Witchy Road-trip, Schnee-Sibling bonding, “let’s kidnap Whitley.” (10,000 words, 11/11 chapters)
Blacklisted: Supernatural AU, Witchy Road Trip continues WITH Whitley, queer siblings bonding over religious trauma. (11/11 chapters, 9000 words)
Middle Cyclone: Road Trip Ends, Killing your parents is ok sometimes, Supernatural AU. References to classic literature and 60s music. (7000 words, 6/6 chapters.)
Prologue from a Lighthouse: atmospheric mourning. Supernatural AU (1000 words, 1/1)
Fifty Five Falls: big reveal, canon divergence in a funky fun way, indoctrination into Jaune/Pyrrha/Weiss. Mourning. (451 words, 1/1 .)
the keroscene: Gravity Falls, Mabifica main. Road-tripping. Ghost hunting. Existentialism. 6/8 planned chapters, 3000 words.
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gothdaddyissues · 9 months
The Devil Came To A Small Town
A Ghost AU Fanfic ~ Cardinal Copia/Female OC
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Available on Ao3 HERE
The Satanic Church of Emeritus moves into an old Abbey on the outskirts of a bougie small town. Sister Imperator and the shy Cardinal Copia strike up a business relationship with Isabelle, the local witchy shop owner. This sets in motion a series of events that uncovers long-hidden secrets, solves mysteries, and unites the town and Church against a common enemy. And also: two lonely people fall in love...
TAGS: Glacially-slow slow burn. Lots of OCs. Romantic fluff. Mutual pining. Sex. Violence. Humor and melancholy in equal measure. Ghoul hijinx. All the Papas are alive and well, and very silly. Small-town weirdness. Drug and alcohol use. Bad language. Marginally accurate witchcraft. Very-likely-inaccurate religious imagery and practices. Magic, psychic abilities, and prophetic visions. Intolerance and discrimination. A happy ending will happen...
Chapter 1 - The Introduction
Chapter 2 - The Meeting
Chapter 3 - The Surprise Visit
Chapter 4 - The Dream
Chapter 5 - Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Chapter 6 - Bloodroot & Black Nightshade (Coming Soon!)
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finalgirlagatha · 1 year
oh yes btw! i did orphan my old ao3 account, but not to worry, my works are still published. all of them are attached below in the form of a masterpost :)
the oldies and not goldies
i have been talked down from deleting these for four goddamn years. 'they're funny' well not to me. bon appetit, the group chat fics. the og squad sends outdated memes and death threats. they are out of realm of control now.
heathens galore: the myth, the legend. my first sge fic. its funny or smth idk. modern texting au
chat for boolies and short kings: it's definitely... there.
transitioning phase
the summer seemed to last forever: significantly less cringe than the aforementioned, but also unfinished. it's a fun fic, with the Boys being dumb and tedros pining. 80s au.
am i still dreaming?: angst, callis and agatha with a mitski title. nuff said.
pale october twlight: this was written for 2020 sgetober. there are some goodies in there, and theres a lot, so some of it has to appeal to someone! various aus, ships, concepts and characters.
before the winds of mistrust: nicphie oneshot, angsty. i'm so proud of this one, listen. "Cool, unflappable Nicola who never lets anyone or anything under her skin and who’s been under Sophie’s since the day they exchanged words." god i miss them. this was the stepping off pad for my oneshots, aka
the only bitches in this place i respect
aka the rare ships. these, despite being of varying quality, they usually have comprehensive character studies and some funny bits. you're bound to like something here.
glowing dim as an ember: such a cool au. agaster forbidden romance, dancing, childhood friends.
witchy chicken soup for the soul: a gamechanger. this au (modern magic) is a blast and i still love reading this one. beatrix is really fun to write for, and this was the best way to discover their dynamic. anadil/beatrix changed lives guys i'm so serious. i haven't been the same.
the spirit of exploration: chaddick/ravan, set during AWWP. have you noticed that these are all ever/never. well now you have. as i said in my notes "it is quite possible the everboys had 'college girl phases' during awwp and thats the basis of the whole fic". yeah.
white heart (made it red): THE FIRST ANADIL/AGATHA FIC, written for meg <3 an au, anadil character study, and anadil and agatha exploration. these two are actually so very very interesting and writing them was very fun. give me that anadil character baby
chivalry is on fire: post tlea, chaddick ravan beatrix and reena focused. gives the students a bit more depth, they play pranks and reminsce and make promises. good stuff, i love all four of them.
good stuff.
just good stuff. some of the last things i wrote before the movie came out.
an acknowledgment of the pain: tagatha, set during tlea. a reconciliation between tedros and guinevere through the lenses of a biracial tedros. it means a lot to me and helps their dynamic out a bit.
the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams: a princess mononoke au. unfinished,but still a worthwhile read imo. i DO plan on finishing it someday, promise 😔
Rhodonite and Obsidian: I legitimately still think to this day this is one of the best things I've ever written. keian multi-chapter fic, in which I dive into Kei, his family, his relationship with Rhian, and his fate. you guys miss kate pumpkinpaperweight has this bookmarked. If that's not an assurance of quality, i don't know what is.
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emmy-everafter · 10 months
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
4 that I'm actively working on:
Stroopwafels (just the epilogue left!!)
Grishaverse big bang fic (a witchy, modern, roommates Crows AU)
Crows time travel longfic
Julie and the Phantoms longfic (which I hope to start posting soon!)
Plus 4 others that are sort of percolating in the back of my head (3 different AUs that mashup the Crows with the premise of other TV shows, 1 arranged marriage AU) and several eventual spin-offs of my big bang fic (what I'm calling my "Coven of Crows" cinematic universe lol)
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Does self-indulgent smut with (lots of) feelings count? 🤣
I think mutual pining is a fave for me, and I love writing getting together/confessing feelings/first kiss types of moments. Also found family! And so, so much angst.
p.s. I adore your work! It has been a bit of a rough summer for me and your Wesper fics have brightened my whole day on more than one occasion. 🥰
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✨This or That✨
Tagged by @nostalgic90s 
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // reincarnation or character death // canon compliant or fix-it // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
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For a few of these the box I’d actually check ✅ is neither (ex: body swap or gender bend, fantasy au or modern au, sci-fi au or magic au. Literally never read these type of fics, just not my taste *shrugs*).
I’ll tag @vashti-refused, @livepoultryfreshkilled, @cannibalgh0st, @jervis-tetch-my-beloved, @lllillithh, @blatheringabout, @hbdttg, @toothpasteisrabiesfoam, @toxicorum, @missmarsmadness, @biriddler, @tampire, @witchy--mama, @nsfwitchy, @viceandmature
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